#indy and short round
debbipete · 2 years
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themooncakebox · 2 years
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I'm convinced that we are stoked to see OTPs reuniting because most of us have divorced parents and none of us a very small percentage of us have seen our folks that happy to see each other.
It's the same reason that we're happy to see cast reuniting because we wish we have friends from way way back and that they still like us no matter how we turned out.
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guillotineman · 2 years
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ave09 · 1 year
wake up
indiana jones x wife!reader
note: the chokehold this man has on me. i watched all of the movies recently for the first time and i’m obsessed. and i’m also going through lots of personal issues and what better way to escape then to write about my new comfort character? and i will most likely write a whole heck of a lot more about my main man indy, also; this is set during temple of doom.
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anxiety clawed at you.
this couldn’t be happening. it just couldn’t. 
the thugees had stripped you of everything. they’d taken away your freedom, the boy who was like a son to you, and your husband. 
your indy. 
this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. you, indiana, and short round were to go on this adventure, retrieve the sankara stone, and return to shang hai. 
and yet here you were, about to be sacrificed to a god who went by the name of kali. 
clad in a white gown, you were wheeled off, where your untimely death would await.
imagine your surprise when you spotted your husband, standing tall alongside the thugees. your eyes widened at the sight. 
indiana’s shirt had been removed, his back littered with wounds, no doubt from a lashing. but instead of his normal self, where he always seemed to have something up his sleeve, he seemed calm.
too calm.
what had they done to him?
“indy!” you shouted. at any sign of his wife’s distress, he’d have leapt into action immediately, taking out anyone who got in his way. 
but he did nothing. absolutely nothing. 
“indiana!” you were silenced by a deadly glare sent by mola ram. he was quite the scary man, and you wished to delay your death for as long as possible. the evil
man then gestured to indiana, a grin upon his face.
you froze, panic taking over.
you watched in horror as your husband obeyed, moving towards you, almost lifelessly. “indiana..” he didn’t acknowledge you, but he now stood before you, mindlessly chanting as he made sure the chains wrapped around your wrists were secure.
“indiana, wake up. wake up!” you begged, trying to keep the tears from spilling. you felt so helpless, you should be trying to save him, not be tied up. 
“look at me, i am your wife. your wife! i need you to wake up now!” 
and yet there was no emotion, absolutely nothing. 
“indiana! please! indy! henry! junior!” you tried everything, anything to get him to respond but to no avail.
you couldn’t help the tears that slid down your cheeks. “please.. wake up.” the man before you lifted a large hand, placing it upon the side of your face. you felt a calloused thumb caress the tears away, and for a moment you wondered if he was somehow still there. 
his hand became slack, falling to his side. he then moved away and rejoined the thugees. 
panic seized you as you felt the care you were trapped in began to rise. “no! no no, please!” but it was too late.
it had begun.
you were suspended in the air, facing the floor as it opened, revealing a pit of lava. this was it. you were really going to die. you’d had so many close calls in the past, but never had you thought of this being the way you went out. 
“oh God, please forgive me.” you muttered, the heat of the lava burning your skin the lower you sank. “watch over shorty, let him live.” you pleaded, squeezing your eyes shut.
but then suddenly, you stopped. you only assumed that something had happened up top. the only sound you could hear was the loud crackling of the fire below. 
you could only hope that something good was happening up there.
it felt like ages had passed before you started to rise. a wave of relief washed over you. it wasn’t long before you were out, never feeling more relieved in your life. you glanced at indiana, who was waiting, short round beside him. 
“indy? is it really you?” you asked as the man quickly unchained you, not hesitating to pull you into a tight embrace, “it’s me.” he whispered breathlessly, pecking your cheek lightly before placing a kiss to your lips, “don’t ever call me junior again.” he scolded before turning to shorty, “thanks for everything kid.” 
of course it was shorty who had saved indiana. “your welcome dr. jones. i had to save you or the missus would be very upset.” 
“damn right, shorty.” you replied with a grin. “now, as much i love reunions, we gotta get out of here, all of us.” indiana said. you nodded in agreement as your husband placed shorty’s hat upon his head, “let’s go dr. jones and missus!”
and off you all went, determined to escape this temple of doom. 
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pedroam-bang · 2 months
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Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom (1984)
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“Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” review:
Short review
“Uncharted 4” hit the same story beats, but better. I’ll give the movie a 6/10.
Long review
As the final chapter in Indiana Jones’ life, I have mixed thoughts. Is it because of the time travel? No, I was actually fine with that. Indiana Jones has always had some element of weirdness, ranging from the supernatural to literal aliens. My issue with this movie is that, as the final chapter in the series, it felt…underwhelming.
It’s strange because the movie was sorta hitting all the points it needed to hit. They had the emphasis on Indy being old, the passing of the torch to Wombat, the return of other classic characters like Sallah and Marion, bringing the Nazis back as the villains, and so on. James Mangold was hitting the points he needed to hit, which makes sense since this is the guy who gave us “Logan”.
But the problem is, Indiana Jones isn’t Wolverine. I think Indiana Jones, as a character, is unsuitable for the type of somber, deep character study that the movie was trying to do. This is a character who was made to represent light-hearted escapism, and you could see that by how the first three movies never went too deep or too serious with Indy. Even “Crystal Skull”, with all its flaws, didn’t do that. So now we have “Dial of Destiny” trying to shift gears into darker, more dramatic territory and it just doesn’t hit.
For example, the reveal that Mutt Williams got killed in the Vietnam War. It’s a reveal that’s too dark and sudden to really leave a lasting impact, especially since the next scene afterwards is a thrilling dive to a shipwreck. You just want the movie to slow down and let these moments sink in. But the problem is, if the movie slows down, it stops being a fun Indiana Jones movie.
So, we got a problem here. Was there ever a way that the writers could’ve solved this clash of conflicting tones?
Now I will say, I think there’s a version of this story that COULD HAVE worked. Like I wrote, James Mangold was hitting all the story beats he needed to hit. It’s just that the story needed:
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Yup. I’m gonna say this with full sincerity; “Dial of Destiny” would’ve worked if it was centered on Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood going on one last adventure. You can keep Mutt Williams dying, because that would mean the story would be about Indy and Marion reconciling with each other. Going back to my short review, the more I thought about it, the more that “Dial of Destiny” felt like James Mangold’s attempt at making an “Uncharted 4” movie.
Just like “Dial”, the fourth “Uncharted” game centered on an aging Nathan Drake getting pulled out of retirement for one last adventure. That game managed to actually be BOTH somber and lighthearted. You’d have scenes where Nathan is riding around a motorcycle and spewing one-liners, followed up by Nathan having a deep conversation with Elena.
But here’s why I feel “Uncharted 4” worked while “Dial” didn’t. Naughty Dog knew that in order to bring Nathan’s story to a proper close, they needed to center it on the main cast. In fact, one of the best sequences in the entire game is literally just Nathan and Elena driving around the jungle talking about their lives.
“Dial” doesn’t work because the story is centered on Indy, his goddaughter who we’ve never seen before (and whose father is a new character), and this random kid who was pretty much Short Round 2.0. And it’s frustrating because the BIGGEST dramatic reveal of the movie was Indy talking about his dead son and his divorce. Sorry to Phoebe Waller-Bridge but that scene should’ve had Marion as the focus. In fact, it gets even more frustrating since Mutt’s death means little to Wombat as a character. She didn’t know the guy, the most she could’ve felt in that scene was, “Sorry for your loss, goddad”.
Even the presence of Wombat and Teddy are frustrating. Wombat could’ve easily been rewritten as Marcus Brody’s daughter (or if you wanna be spicy, she was Willie Scott’s daughter with Indy, making her Mutt Williams’ half-sister). Teddy could’ve been Sallah’s son. These may seem like small changes, but at least there’d be a stronger connection to the past. Since it’s Indiana Jones’ last journey, this movie should’ve been more rooted in Indy’s past adventures, even if the connections are more with legacy characters.
So, yeah, it’s a mixed bag. “Dial” is a movie that is supposed to be closing the door on Indiana Jones as a character, but doesn’t really accomplish that due to its detachment from the past movies. It’s a movie that’s too somber to be a lighthearted adventure, but too lighthearted to be a somber character study. And what does that mean for the end result? A movie that’s just okay, but doesn’t really justify its existence. Could’ve been worse, but you wish it was better.
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vertigoartgore · 4 months
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1984's Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom turns 40 today. Feel old yet ?
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bisexualbuckleyy · 2 years
who’s the best character in indiana jones and why is it short round
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thehumantrampoline · 1 year
haven't seen dial of destiny yet but we watched all the other Indiana Jones movies this week and I determined that Short Round is thirteen years older than Mutt and Ke Huy Quan is fifteen years older than Shia Lebeouf. This near consistency pleases me and while I don't NEED another Indiana Jones movie with Short Round in it just Because They Can, like. they could.
Also I do kind of wanna see a ficlet where Shorty and Mutt meet and Mutt says oh yeah and who is this, and Short Round sizes him up contemptuously and says "His ELDEST."
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unknown-limes · 1 year
It's so weird that Temple of Doom is arguably the worst Indiana Jones film bc the writers didn't give a crap and also were hella racist, but it's also got the best female lead (mostly by being the only one without an ick factor to her) and the only one which allows the artifact to remain in the culture it originated from.
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geonij31 · 1 year
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I live in the “Indy adopted Short Round and was an awkward single dad for a while” extended multiverse so here’s som drawings. Li is 16 in this drawing so three years after Temple of Doom. :)
Ft. Bonus Indy + Hat 🤠
I’m not overly happy with Marion but it took FOREVER for me to draw her and I spent so long trying to make it look good and I just couldn’t get it so I gave up.
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I have come bearing canon-divergent Indy/Marion fanfiction that I wrote instead of making a PowerPoint presentation that I am supposed to have done in an hour 🙃 @oh-caro here I wrote one 😂
Addition to the Family
“Well,” Marion sighed, setting her breakfast plate on the table a bit roughly.
What did I do now? Indy wondered, glancing at the clock on the wall. What could I have done at 8:15 on a Saturday morning? “Well?” He asked without looking up from the paper he was grading, deciding to take the bait. He heard her rummaging through the contents of the fridge, likely searching for the orange juice he’d finished a few minutes before she’d entered the kitchen.
“Well,” she shut the refrigerator door with another sigh, “you’re a father, Indy.”
He chuckled and glanced at the adoption papers lying on the table that stated that Wan Li, or as Indy and Marion called him, Short Round was now legally their son. “Yeah, I’ve been a father for three days. I think he’s in the living room listening to The Burns and Allen Show,” he said casually, grinning and turning his attention back to the second of many papers he needed to grade before Monday.
After hearing nothing else for a few seconds, not even Marion’s footsteps, he stopped reading and furrowed his brow. That was it? No complaints or accusations? Is there something I missed? Indy replayed the interaction in his head a couple of times as he turned around to look at his wife.
She had her back against the refrigerator, her eyes closed and the base of her thumb pressing the arch of her eyebrow upwards, something she did when she was trying to clear her head. “You’re a father, Indy.” What is she—
A lightbulb switched on in his head as she opened her eyes and her tearful, blue eyes met his incredulous, hazel ones. She didn’t mean— He nearly knocked over his chair in bolting up from the table and gripping her arms. “Marion!” He yelled in surprise, evoking a small crooked smile from her. That was the reaction she’d been waiting for. “You’re pregnant?!” He asked just a little quieter, beginning to shake.
She nodded and softly replied, “I- I think so,” searching his eyes for the security that she was currently lacking. They hadn’t discussed having a baby, and she was entirely confident that neither of them had envisioned, or, if she were completely honest, wanted another addition to the family so soon after Short Round’s adoption had been made official.
Indy took both of her hands in his, gently rubbing the backs of hers with his thumbs. “Did the doctor tell you? How do you know?”
“I- said I think, Indy, it’s not- not for sure,” she stammered, only relaxing slightly under his touch.
He paused. “Marion,” his volume was significantly lower than before. “honey, what symptoms have you had?”
“I threw up this morning,” she told him simply, offering no further explanation or reasoning.
“Yeah, go on,” he prompted, now stroking her face with one hand and continuing to hold one of her hands in his other.
“Go on?”
“Well, there’s more, isn’t there?”
Marion furrowed her brow and stared at him.
Indy stopped his caresses. “You think you’re pregnant because you threw up once?!” He was growing irritated that she had nearly given him a heart attack over a claim she had practically no basis for. Sure, it was a possibility, but it had been for over a year now, and she hadn’t blamed anything like a headache or an upset stomach on that possibility before.
Marion ripped her hand out of his and shoved him away from her. “It’s more than that, I just know, Indy! You’re making me sound ridiculous!” She shouted, then whirled around and opened the refrigerator to find something to drink.
“Come on, maybe you just had too much to drink last night,” he offered, having had no intentions to belittle her. Marion crossed her arms and glared at him, and he realized how stupid of a comment that was since she could drink nearly anyone under the table. “Well, maybe not that,” he laughed in an attempt to lighten the mood. He was still irritated, but he didn’t want Short Round’s first Saturday as their son to be riddled with tension and frustration.
She closed the refrigerator with a prolonged, exasperated sigh and said nothing more. Indy eyed her as she retrieved her favorite whiskey from a cabinet, and she proceeded to remove the top with the intention of drinking directly from the bottle. “You know,” Indy said gently, bracing himself for the explosion that would most certainly follow his next statement, “if you’re so sure about this, why don’t you hold off on the drinking for some time?”
Glass shattered. “NO MORE DRINKS?!?!”
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
me: I should draw Hunter in different outfits and hairstyles!
also me: *only ever draws Hunter shirtless or in his blacks* 🤪
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guillotineman · 2 years
Behind the Scenes
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
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ave09 · 1 year
i do
indiana jones x reader
note: i haven’t been to a wedding since i was seven, which was almost ten years ago so i honestly don’t remember how everything goes but i tried my best! 
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“me? nervous, please.” 
indiana jones was extremely anxious. he’d felt perfectly fine until the moment he arrived at the altar. he couldn’t help but think about you.
he was an extremely spontaneous guy, always leaving at the possibility of a new artifact needing to be found. what if you got cold feet? what if you decided that being with him
was too much of a hassle? 
he shook his head lightly, pushing the thoughts away. you wouldn’t do this to him… would you?
“indiana, you’re sweating.” marcus pointed out. his hazel eyes fell upon the man beside him, narrowing, “maybe i am a little nervous.” he muttered. the older man let out a laugh, “don’t worry, indy, i was just as nervous on my wedding day.” 
the tall man licked his lips, his throat becoming dry. “i don’t know why, marcus.” 
“it is wedding day jitters, i assure you.” indiana scratched at his chin, a habit he’d picked up when anxiety struck, “it’s not just that…”
marcus’ eyes widened, his voice lowering to a hushed whisper, “don’t tell me you’re having cold feet.” 
indiana shook his head rapidly, “oh no! hell no! i’m worried that she’s having cold feet.” and from there, the man began rambling, “i mean, i’m a spontaneous guy. i’m gone a lot, i’m cocky, too proud for my own good, and sometimes really annoying, what if she-“
his friend placed his hands upon indiana’s shoulders, causing the man’s rambling to be cut short, “indy. listen to me. are you listening?”
he nodded.
“that woman has been through hell and high water with you. she goes with you on your endeavors, and even when she cannot, she is always supportive. and about all those other excuses you told me-everyone has their flaws. and she loves you regardless. i have never seen a woman, not even my wife, care and love someone like she loves you. so get that in your thick skull, indy, that woman would do anything for you. and i’ll tell you this right now, in a few minutes, she’s going to walk down that aisle, and you will forget all your worries.” 
indiana’s lips quirked slightly, “remind me to come to you next time i need a pep talk.” 
“i’m always here, indiana, don’t ever forget it.” 
overwhelmed with a newfound happiness, indiana’s worries began to slip away just as the wedding began to start. the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way down the aisle, smiling all the while. 
then came shorty, who was dressed all nice and spiffy, with his yankees cap topping off the look. he’d originally been asked to be the ring bearer, but has proceeded to ask if he could be ‘the flower boy’ and how could you say no to his adorable face?
the boy sent indiana a wide grin as he threw pink rose petals  down the aisle. he took his place in the front pew on the groom side. then the wedding march began. 
and the nerves kicked in. 
indiana had yet to see you, he’d tried to convince you do to a first look, but you were a stickler for the old rule “it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.”
he was sure you looked absolutely gorgeous. you always looked gorgeous. 
but when those doors opened, indiana jones was fairly certain he’d fallen in love all over again.
you were stunning, a goddess, clad in a beautiful white gown. never in those moment had you looked more beautiful. 
and then you smiled, and the stoic man felt tears sting his eyes. something about this finally happening struck a cord, and the man who was usually in check of his emotions wanted nothing more then to weep tears of joy. 
he expected your walk down the aisle to take forever, he wished it could so he could admire you more in this moment. but you quickly stood before him, your father pecking your cheek lightly before shaking indiana’s hand. he retreated to his seat as you passed your bouquet to your maid of honor.
you then turned to face indiana, “hi.” you whispered, beaming with joy. “hi.” he replied, wanting nothing more than to kiss you right then and there, “you look beautiful.” 
“you don’t look to bad yourself.” 
“ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today..”
— — —
the vows came quicker then expected, and indiana’s palms began to sweat. you and him had agreed to write your own vows.
and despite him working as a professor, when it came to putting his feelings into words, the man struggled. hell, it had taken him months to even realize that he truly did have feelings for you, and it took him dad to long to actually ask you to go out to dinner with him.
indiana cleared his throat, reaching into his breast pocket, retrieving a folded up piece of paper. exhaling deeply, he retrieved his round spectacles, but then paused, glancing at the paper in front of him. he pursed his lips, before placing them both into his pocket again. 
“uh-i’m not the best with words, but,” he glanced at you, smiling softly, “i remember the exact moment i first met you. it was pouring rain, and you were walking from the parking lot to marshall college for your first day as a english professor. you had forgotten your umbrella that day, you were new to the weather in connecticut, and i remember-“ he paused, chuckling lightly, “you practically sprinted towards me, in heels nonetheless, and asked me if you could walk with me under my umbrella. and from there, a beautiful friendship formed.” 
he paused, gazing at you. there is so much he wanted to say about you, and was trying his best to keep it short and sweet. 
“late night talks turned into dates at your favorite diner, and we then turned that friendship into a relationship… and… i can wholeheartedly say that i can’t remember when i realized i was in love with you, because i believe i had loved you since the moment i met you in that parking lot.” 
“you have been with me through thick and thin, through all my crazy adventures. and i love you, more then anything.  you are everything a man could ever want in a wife and i am so honored that i am here marrying you now.” 
you choked back a sob. this was all you ever wanted. to marry indiana, to live a long amazing life with him. and now you would. 
it was then your turn, and you had been unable to write anything down when you’d sat down all those months ago trying to come up with the exact words to say.
but now, you knew precisely what needed to be said.
“indy. you are everything to me. since the moment you let me use that umbrella, i knew you would become a huge part of my life, and i think it’s safe to say you have.”
“you are an amazing man, and you inspire me everyday. you’ve saved me multiple times, from physical dangers and the torments of my own mind, you are always there no matter what. you bring me so much joy, and i would be lost without you.” 
the man smiled, and you noticed how glossy his hazel eyes were. 
continuing on, you said, “i truly am the luckiest woman alive, for i have found someone who treats me like i am the most precious treasure in the world, indiana jones, you make me a better person everyday, i love you so much, and i cannot wait to spend the rest of my life.”
a single tear slipped down his cheek, you lifted your hand, brushing it away, smiling at him. 
the wedding continued on. 
“do you, henry walton jones jr, take (f/n) (l/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?” 
indiana nodded, “i do.” he stated, slipping the silver diamond ring onto your ring finger. 
“and do you, (f/n) (l/n), take henry walton  jones jr to be your lawfully wedded husband?” you glanced down at shorty who held the other ring, taking notice of his tear-streaked face. you patted his shoulder comfortingly, taking the other ring. “i do.” carefully, you slid the band onto indiana’s ring finger.
“now, by the power vested in me, i now pronounce you, husband and wife. you may kiss the bride.” 
indiana took a step forward, his large hands cupping your face, the cool metal of the wedding ring sending chills down your spines, your hands rested upon his shoulders as he brought his lips to yours, sealing the deal.
you were now officially mrs. indiana jones. and you couldn’t be happier. 
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Insomnia ramblings:
Indiana Jones is one of my favorite movie series and I just want to share my perfected version of it 'cause great as it is they made a lot of mistakes that made the overall story suffer, as a lifelong fan here's how it should've gone
First of all I understand they were going for a specific stereotype with Indy but the ladies' man thing kinda doesn't work for him because we can all just tell that he and Marian should be together and that they want to be. So they never should've been broken up and Willie and Elsa shouldn't be there
To add onto this, Temple of Doom should take place after Raiders instead of before so that Indy and Marian can be together in it and adopt Shorty at the end because that is simply correct
This leaves Last Crusade with possibly THE BEST CHARACTER LINEUP EVER
Can you imagine if Last Crusade had been Indy, his dad, Sallah, Marcus, Marian and Shorty?! Now THAT would've been a GREAT movie
And then I kinda try to forget that Crystal Skull exists but it definitely wouldn't end with Indy and Marian getting married 'cause they got married a long time ago in the way things should've gone (them having a son is fine though but shorty is his older brother and he doesn't have daddy issues)
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