#indiana jones fanfic
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 22 hours ago
Love for Sale [Part 3]
The three navigate through the Demetriou estate and end up finding a peculiar document regarding where the chariot could be.
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I don’t know why the little thumbnail isn’t working, so take the embed :D
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myveryownfanfiction ¡ 8 months ago
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @cassieuncaged
warnings: none
AN: Happy 82nd birthday Harrison ford! ❤️
I leaned against the doorframe to Indianas classroom. He glanced over at me and smiled before turning back to his students taking a test. I slowly entered the room and leaned against the wall. He shook his head and ducked his head as I blew him a kiss. The bell rang and he tried to talk over the noise as the students walked past his desk, papers spilling over it. I walked over and started to shuffle them together as the last student left the room.
“Midterm?” I asked. Indy nodded. “They seems to be working down to the wire. You don’t go easy on them do you?” Indiana laughed and took the papers from me.
“I’m also not too hard on them. They were given an option of writing an essay for extra credit. That’s what they were working on. Not that any of them really need it.” He shrugged as he shoved the papers into his briefcase.
“so now that that’s done, anything special planned for your birthday professor?” I asked, batting my eyes at him. Indiana rolled his eyes and threw his arm over my shoulders. We walked out of his classroom and down the hall, saying hello to a few students that walked past us.
“I have plans to go out with my wonderful partner tonight. They apparently have something planned and won’t tell me what it is.” He teased. I squeezed his waist and laughed.
“yeah. And there’s a good reason for that. It’s called a surprise for a reason.” I shot back. Indiana laughed before pushing the doors open and heading out onto the grounds. We made our way to his car and headed to my house. “Remember, I’ll meet you at your house at 5 for dinner and then we’ll come back to mine.” I said, leaning in the drivers window. Indiana nodded.
“You keep reminding me.” He said, smiling at me as I ran my hand over his stubble. “I love you.” He whispered, letting me pull him in for a sweet kiss.
“I love you too.” I whispered back, moving to stand on the curb. “I’ll see you soon!” I called as he pulled away. Turning back around, I hurried into my house and smiled as I saw Marcus and sallah decorating the house. “Oh good!” Sallah came over to hug me as he let go of the last balloon. “You’re nearly done!”
“for a second I thought he might come into the house.” Marcus sighed. I laughed.
“nah.” I waved him off. “It’s Indy. He’s gonna be a gentleman through and through.” Marcus rolled his eyes and went to hang some streamers.
“so how are you going to keep this a surprise from him?” Sallah asked. I winked at him and tapped the side of my nose, making sallah laugh.
“you underestimate me sallah.” I said before heading into my room to change. I entered the living room and smiled. “You two knocked it out of the park!” I exclaimed, clapping my hands together. Sallah bowed and Marcus blushed.
“guests will be arriving just after you leave. So give or take ten minutes.” Marcus said. “And it’s going to take you about that long to get to his house.”
“thanks for all your help.” I said as I hugged both of them before heading out. It was a quiet walk to indianas house. He kissed me when he opened his door, ushering me over to his car and heading over to the restaurant. “So what do you really want for your birthday Indiana?” I asked as we sat across from each other.
“just a quiet night with you.” He sighed. “With everything going the way it had lately, just being home with you is enough this year.” I smiled sympathetically at him.
“you still getting those calls from the government?” I asked. Indiana shook his head.
“not for the last couple weeks.” He admitted. I nodded and watched as the waiter brought over the check. “I know. I know.” He chuckled, holding his hands up. “I don’t like it but fine. You pay for my birthday dinner.” I nodded with a smirk and put down the money with a big tip. We headed out to the car, Indiana draping his jacket over my shoulders when he noticed me shiver. Indiana kissed my hand as we neared my street.
“I think you’re going to enjoy tonight.” I said. He smiled at me and raised his eyebrows.
“really?” He asked. I nodded. Indiana looped my arm through his as we neared my door. I opened it and tried to bite back my smile as I turned on the lights.
“surprise!” Everyone yelled as they popped out of their hiding places. Indianas eyes went wide before he looked over at me with a smile.
“happy birthday baby.” I said, leaning over to kiss his cheek before pushing into the waiting crowd.
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cinderellayourlocalmaid ¡ 9 months ago
Just posted the first chapter of my Indiana Jones fanfic!
Title- Sterling and Leather
Paring- Indiana Jones/Fem! OC
Genre- Romance, Action/Adventure
Rating- Teen and Up
Henry “Indiana” Jones, a famous archaeologist, is sent to keep the Ark of the Covenant out of Nazi hands.
Charlotte “Sterling” Anders, an FBI agent, is sent to protect Indiana Jones.
Set during the Raiders of the Lost Ark Film.
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fanficsforfun ¡ 2 years ago
This new Indy movie is so inspiring and I'm currently writing a fic based on the first scene where we see old Indy but I struggle quite a bit 'cause while I can relate to his feelings and use them, I don't really know what he would say and more importantly, how he'd say it...
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lightofleia ¡ 2 years ago
“Hold on tight,” She whispered as she wrapped her son's small fingers over the glass figure. “One day it’ll be your child putting the angel atop the tree, and we’ll all laugh at how foolish your father was to ever think you’d break it.”
5 Christmases with Indiana Jones
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fanfic-shiz ¡ 8 years ago
Fight or Flight (Indiana Jones)
Pairing: Indiana Jones/OC
A/N: This was so much fun haha I effing love Indiana Jones. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: Nothing crazy or wild in this one!
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“It’s incredible.”
Sweat trickled down the back of my neck as I stood with my hands on my hips, gazing up at the vine covered temple. Nature had reclaimed most of the structure, roots twisting up and covering the doorways while moss clung to the faded, time-worn walls. My pulse was thrumming beneath my skin, my entire body prickling with the anticipation of what I might find waiting inside. There was something about stepping foot in a place no one else had for centuries. It was bit of a sacrilegious experience, a moment I kept stored in the back of my memory for safe keeping…Aztec civilizations in Mexico, pyramids rising from the sands in Egypt, ancient tunnels twisting and turning beneath all of Europe. Each stood out in my mind, the memories serving as my own personal treasure.
I took a step toward the crumbling staircase but didn’t get far before a strong hand wrapped around my wrist.
“Not so fast, doc.” Indiana’s gruff voice came from next to me.
I let out a groan and tugged my hand from his grip, swiveling toward him. He was gazing past me, up at the ancient temple. His hat was pulled low over his eyes, casting a shadow over the top half of his face. My eyes traveled down past the straight bridge of his nose and the scruff that covered his jaw, to his chest. Shirt wide open— as per usual. I felt my face turn hot and mentally shook myself. Why did he have this effect on me? A week in the jungle and I was looking at him like I’d never seen a man before.
I took a step back, just out of precaution. Being that close to him would most likely only lead to danger.
“What? You wanna check for booby traps first?” I asked, smirking.
He let out a noise that was somewhere between a snort and a laugh. He tugged his hat off, revealing the sweaty, untidy hair beneath it, and looked at me. “Sweetheart, we can joke about booby traps after you’ve been nearly skewered to death by a wall of spears or almost flattened by a run away boulder. Now come on, were losing the light and you’re not playing explorer in the dark.”
My eyebrows furrowed together and my lips parted to ask where the hell the runaway boulder came from, but he was already walking away. Leaving me to stare at his broad shoulders. A man of few words, Indiana Jones. I scowled a little at him. He was a pain in the ass, cocky and grumpy. But he and his crew (whom he’d insisted on handpicking himself) had gotten us this far. I cast one last longing look at the ancient structure. One more day of waiting couldn’t hurt.
I trailed reluctantly after my brooding guide, wondering if he knew this wasn’t my first rodeo. “You know,” I began as I caught up to him, falling into step. “I’ve been in the field plenty. Just because I have a phD doesn’t make me useless.”
It was his turn to raise his eyebrows. My stomach fluttered without my permission as he turned his eyes on me. Hazel, with flecks of green. Something I’d noticed on the plane ride out of the U.S. as he’d lectured me on all the ways we could die out in the jungle if I didn't do exactly as he said.
“I have a phD and I’m not useless either. You ever been this far in the jungle, though?” He asked.
I turned away from him, shrugging and trying to feign indifference even though I knew I had nowhere near the experience Indiana had. “No…but—“ He suddenly grabbed me around the waist, pulling me into his side before I could take another step. “Hey!” I protested, hands going to his chest in an attempt to push myself away from him.
“Quicksand. I just saved your ass.” He interrupted me, nodding toward the ground. I followed his gaze, feeling the sinking realization wash over me. Leave it to me to make myself out to be a total hypocrite…clearly I could talk the talk but not walk the walk. At least not this far out of my element.
I deflated a little, leaning into him. “Oh.”
It took another half a second for me to realize how close we were, his arm still wrapped tightly around my waist. I was pressed flush against him, hands on his chest. Our eyes locked and there was a heated kind of curiosity in his gaze that made me want to get closer and further away all at once. I was suddenly all too aware of the pressure of his palm against my lower back, and the muscles beneath his thin shirt. 
I hurriedly pushed myself away, careful to steer clear of the quicksand. I pretended to be preoccupied smoothing the wrinkles from my shirt, but really I was trying to still my pulse and waiting for my cheeks to go back to their normal color. I did not need to get involved with a man like Indiana Jones, who was as unreliable as the Ohio weather from where I came from.
Indiana let out a sigh, and I saw him shaking his head as he walked away. “Stay close, alright?” He grunted.
I held back sigh, but made my feet move so I wouldn’t get left behind. I had no problem staying close to him…I just wasn’t sure how close I was willing to let myself get.
Sleep was impossible that night. Instead, I laid in my sleeping bag staring up at the towering tree tops. It was bizarre, to be so engulfed by nature. I would’ve loved more than anything to get a glimpse of what the night sky looked like where we were, so far removed from civilization. But listening to the sounds of the chirping of frogs, the nighttime cooing of birds, was enough to remind that I was lucky. Some people never even had the chance to leave the city.
I heard the sound of something rustling behind me and rolled over, propping myself up on my elbows to see Indy dropping down onto a log in front of the smoking fire. I had a perfect few of his side profile as he rolled his shirt sleeves up to reveal his tanned forearms and began poking at the fire with a stick in an attempt to get it going again.
I pulled my lower lip in between my teeth, knowing I should stay put. But he was like a magnet, drawing me in. I’d never met anyone like him, he was both whip smart and admiringly brave. I wondered if there was anything he was afraid of. Then again, he was also as stubborn as the day was long. I had a feeling getting him to change his mind about anything was like trying to change the direction of a river’s current.
I wriggled my way out of my sleeping bag, and stood, shoving my feet into my hiking boots before picking my way across the sleeping camp. I dropped down onto the log next to Indy, our shoulders brushing. If he was surprised to see me, he didn’t show it. Merely raised an eyebrow and offered me a flask. I took it without asking what it was, pressing the opening to my lips and tilting my head back. Whatever it was, whiskey maybe, burned all the way down the back of my throat. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and passed it back to him.
He grinned. “A girl who can handle her liquor. I like that.”
“I’m full of surprises,” The words came out much more flirty than I had intended. Maybe it was the dark, or the swig of liquid courage that made me suddenly so bold.
The hot embers in front of us began to catch on the dried wood, the fire slowly restarting as smoke curled into the air. Indy took another swig from the flask. “Oh yeah? What else?”
I thought for a moment, liking this game. “I’m a licensed pilot and I know how to scuba dive. I can also speak five languages, including two dead ones.”
“A pilot, huh?” Indy repeated, angling his body so he faced me. His hair was unkempt, like he’d been running his hand through it. Shirt still wide open, revealing the dark, curly chest hair underneath. I curled my fingers into a fist to resist from reaching out and pressing my palm to his bare chest.
“Mhm…” I beckoned for the flask by crooking my finger and he chuckled, a low, deep sound that warmed my blood almost as much as the whiskey. “Now tell me something about you, Indiana Jones?”
“I’m an open book, sweetheart.”
I already had my question in mind, but I doubted he would answer. Truthfully, or at all. “You’ve been all across the globe, and you’ve fought nazis, soldiers, possessed barbarians…so what is the infamous Indiana Jones really afraid of?”
He raised his eyebrows slowly, placing a hand on his thigh. I watched the shadows from the flames flicker across his face as he slowly licked his lips. “Would you believe me if I said nothing?”
I laughed. “Not even you are that inhuman.”
“I could be.” He murmured, a smirk toying with one side of his mouth and sending my heart into a frenzied rhythm. I snatched the flask from his hand again, hoping another swig would steady my runaway nerves.
“Oh come on, it’s just me. Who am I gonna tell?” I bumped his shoulder with mine and he rolled his eyes. “What is it, huh? Heights? Spiders? Sharks?”
He was silent for a long moment, but I knew I’d won when he finally let out a defeated sigh. “You breathe a word of this to anyone and I swear I’ll leave you stranded out here, with only the monkeys and wildebeests as company.”
I leaned toward him in anticipation. “Not a soul.” I mimed zipping my lips shut.
He looked amused before finally answering. “It’s another ’s’ word.”
I frowned, racking my brain. Spiders, sharks…I hit me and I sat up straight, glowing with victory. ”Snakes!”
“Why dontcha say it a little louder, doll! I don’t think the whole jungle heard you.” He said gruffly, looking almost bashful. It made him sweet. And slightly less intimidating to finally know there was something out there that made the great Dr. Jones a little weak-kneed. “And what about you, huh? What’re you afraid of?”
I shrugged. “Lots of things.” I gave him an elusive answer and shot a grin in his direction.
“Am I one of them?”
My eyes snapped to him in surprise, and that irritating smirk was back in place on his lips. My heart thudded a little too loudly. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m not.” He shrugged. “Maybe I’m just calling it like I see it…maybe you’re not afraid of me, but of how attracted you are to me.”
I gaped at him for a moment, his expression amused but eyes smoldering in my direction. “What…what are you on about, Jones?”
“Just making an observation, doc.” He began, his tone innocent and playful all at once. I found myself suddenly hypnotized, unable to move as he scooted closer to me. He picked up my hand in one of his much larger ones, and I could feel the calluses on his fingertips as he trailed his fingers up my arm to my shoulder and back down. “Goosebumps.” He said, and sure enough I felt the skin of my arms and back of my neck begin to tingle. Indy dropped my hand and moved his hands to cup my face, his thumb tracing the line of my cheekbone as his other hand slid down the column of my throat stopping to rest over my chest. “Increased heart rate.” His voice was mellowing into a husky whisper, and it was a wonder he couldn’t hear my pounding heart as well as feel it.
“Indy,” I whispered, my cheeks blazing.
“I’m not done yet.” He murmured. “But we can add flushed skin to the list.”
Still feeling very much like a deer frozen in the headlights, my breath caught in my throat as he leaned in. My eyes fluttered shut as I felt Indiana’s warm breath against my lips, and I wanted so badly to taste the whiskey I smelled on his breath. “Erratic breathing…and I’m willing to bet your stomach’s full of butterflies.”
He had no idea.
“Even if you refuse to admit it, your body’s telling me everything. Fight or flight. You’re either terrified of me, or you want me. Which one is it?” He spoke each word barely a breath away from my lips.
“Screw you, Indiana Jones. Smartass.” I found my voice again only to then close the distance between us, and crush my mouth against his own. Indy didn’t seem at all surprised by my response, which both irritated me and made me want him more. He cradled the back of my head, fingers tangled in my hair, his other hand moving to cup my cheek. I curled my own fingers around his shirt collar, drawing him closer. Desperate for more, for all of him.
His kiss was somehow both rough and soft at the same time, which seemed just right for the type of man he was. Rugged adventurer, intellectual scholar, all rolled up into one strong, tall drink of water. His tongue pushed its way into my mouth, reminding me who was still in control. He tasted bittersweet, just like that whiskey.
Not to be outdone, I maneuvered myself into his lap. He let out a grunt of surprise, but didn’t stop me as I straddled his waist, one leg on either side of his hips. He wrapped his arms around my waist, securing me there. I could feel the heat of the fire against my back, but it was nothing compared to the way Indy’s fingers seemed to burn me everywhere he touched.
It couldn’t have lasted long, though maybe it’d been minutes, or hours. I didn’t know. But when we finally parted, we were both out of breath and staring at the other in amazed curiosity. I waited for Indy to say something smart-alecky or sarcastic, but was surprised when nothing came. I pressed my palms flat against his chest and felt the erratic rhythm of his heart. I bit back a smile.
“Looks like I’m not the only one with an increased heart rate.”
At that he did smile, tightening his hold on my waist and pressing a kiss to my chin. “Maybe I’m scared of you too.”
I rolled my eyes, toying with the hem of his shirt. I could feel his eyes on me, watching me in that appraising way he sometimes looked at a rare artifact. “What are we doing? I told myself I wouldn’t do this you know.”
“What? Get involved with another archeologist?” He asked. And there it was, that sarcasm.
“No, dummy. With you.” I said, grinning despite myself.
Indy grinned back, eyes glinting like he was about to embark on some sort of new, wild adventure. Which I supposed, maybe starting something with Indiana Jones, could be labeled as. “Too late, doc.”
And with that, he kissed me again.
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 19 days ago
I had a read through all of the little chapters and I think they’re really good! I think you wrote Belloq Sallah’s wife super well!
Out of all of them, I like the third one. :))
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 19 days ago
Would you be interested in reading my short stories of Indy fanfic? Granted they're all in first person with a nameless and descriptionless narrator (besides being a woman and a professor at the same college as Indy)
YEAH!!! Of course.
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 21 days ago
Love for Sale [Part 1] [Chapter 20]
Loretta and Indiana hangout at a local diner before getting interrupted by an old friend of Indy’s.
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 22 days ago
Little snippet of this week’s chapter
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It will be late, sorry. I’ll probably post it either tonight or after school tomorrow :))
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 25 days ago
I feel a bit bad that I’m not posting as much, I’ve been addicted to silly abandonware games. But I wanted to talk about this week’s chapter.
Because Valentine’s Day is coming soon, I figured theme this arc around love and relic/ historical artefact is Aphrodite’s Chariot.
Indy’s husband MAYBE be a plus one alongside Loretta and Indy but I’m just winging it as I go. But it’ll probably consist of Loretta third wheeling Indy and Luis.
Another thing, whenever I get the chance. I will make a little character page of Luis, explain my inspiration behind him and the dynamics him and Indy have.
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 1 month ago
A part of me wants to scrap the current arc that I have going on, I haven’t written anything cause for once I don’t know where to take the story.
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 1 month ago
Moonlight Cocktail [Part 2]
Indiana goes out on his own in order to find more information about the necklace, meanwhile Loretta has her own little adventure by going behind Indy’s back.
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 1 month ago
Moonlight Cocktail
On their trip to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the duo witness a robbery happen in front of their very own eyes.
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 2 months ago
In A Sentimental Mood [One-Off]
Loretta comes by the Jones’ house during a particularly harsh summer, but she stays longer than expected.
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schizo-toddhoward ¡ 2 months ago
This current chapter is definitely gonna be a little filler one. I was debating on just making little one offs, things that establish Loretta more as a character and showing off her day-to-day life. Like, what people at school does she despise? What about when her and Indy do stuff together?
Nah, the reason why I say all of this is because I recently saw these photos or Edith Fellows and Bing Crosby and went “Holy shit, Loretta and Indy!”
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