#anna jones
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 1 year ago
In your fic God of the Machine (the original, non spin-off one) things end horrifyingly of course (existentialist dread, woo) even post Anna's first death they uh go downhill (cheers to the sanity lost along the way!) but it was very interesting how it got to that point and easy to read. Anna's main successful change of the timeline I gather was what directly lead to her own death (... congratulations on proving how significant an impact it was) and that of most of the task force's it seems, but does Light survive it since I think it was orchestrated by Misa? My other question is if Light was aware that Misa would kill Anna that way, as in was it his plan or at least a plan he agreed was worth the sacrifice?
My other question is what on earth Non-Amnesiac Light would have thought of Amnesiac-Light's actions in the fic (both times around) if/when he'd regained the notebook?
If they're questions you're willing to answer I'd be delighted to know what your thoughts are on them, they've lingered in my brain in any case post-reading the fic.
I thoroughly believe Anna deserved better even in the alternate L's room lifetime but the tone was consistent so at least didn't expect it. Some of the alternate Light and Anna timelines were almost cheery at least (which was fun to read, they're both very well-written characters).
God of the Machine
I mean, that timeline no longer exists anymore, that's the thing. No one survives in it because it's scrapped, kaput, done. But yes, Light was going to survive there as Misa had orchestrated it. As for Light, even for "everything goes according to plan" no, he didn't foresee it going that sideways as he envisioned more or less the Yotsuba Arc where he'd have an opportunity to regain the Death Note and Misa would wait for him to make a move. He hadn't realized Amnesiac Light would be fucking useless and not remember why he was doing the things he was doing.
Light would have been quite frustrated at himself for not balancing Misa, L, and Anna the way he needed to. He hadn't realized he'd forget that much, or that his amnesiac self would have to rationalize what he'd been doing with such large gaps in his memory that his relationships became completely convoluted. He didn't see himself becoming the weak link which was the whole problem.
As for Anna deserving better... Well, yes, but that's what the fic is about really, terrible things happening and being in this horrible situation where you try to get out and more terrible things happen. Just when you deal with Light being able to discretely kill you for nothing at all, L comes around and you're imprisoned and might be left to die if Light doesn't save your bacon.
But glad you liked the fic so much!
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 1 year ago
A Lovely Day for a Funeral pt. 1
(takes place during the funeral of Henry and Martha Ravenswood, so have some angst, also yes, Jasper x Henry is implied in this story because at this point this ship is my life :P also this is part one because it a long writing and tumblr won’t let me post all of it in one post)
The sun struggled to shine through the thick gray clouds that covered Thunder Mesa. Tragedy had just struck. A terrible Earthquake had just happened and boot hill had never been this full ever. Families and friends grieved next to their loved ones' graves. Including the last of the Ravenswoods. Henry and Martha Ravenswood were sadly taken from this world due to the Earthquake, although Martha just died a couple days ago due to the loss of her husband. Many suspect that Henry is responsible for what just happened and many remember the natives nearby warning him of a giant thunderbird spirit that calls the mountain home, and will destroy whoever comes close to it. Henry never listened and still instructed the miners to mine deeper into the mountain and now the curse had struck. He had dug too deep into the mountain, and now it has cost him his life and his wife. Outside the manor on boot hill, two graves have been dug near the manor. They have not been fully covered and the marble lids for the couple have not been placed yet for Melanie wanted to say goodbye one last time to her parents before burying them. Next to her, his hands rested on her shoulders in a comforting manner, was her lover Jake Lockheart, and behind the couple was the butler and maid of the household Jasper and Anna Jones. Anna, Jasper and Jake all had umbrella’s, Jake holding his over both him and Melanie as a small store began over Thunder Mesa. Jasper and Anna gave Jake a dirty glare but both knew better than to start a fight right now, so they stayed silent, knowing Melanie is already devastated as is. After a while Jake whispered something to Melanie, neither of the Jones heard him. Melanie nodded her head and quietly sobbed into his chest as they made their way back to the manor. Ann and Jasper knew Henry wouldn’t want them to leave her alone with him, but they decided to stay to say goodbye to not only their master, but to their dear friend who saved their lives in the very beginning. Anna and Jasper didn’t say a word as they stood over the couple's graves before Jasper looked up to J. Nutterville and nodded his head, Jasper then pulled something, a small box wrapped in a bow, and threw it down onto Henry’s grave before following it with a small rose. Anna looked at her brother and gave him a small smile before grabbing his hand and giving it a comforting squeeze. “We should probably head back. Henry wouldn’t want us to be here mourning all day, besides the house needs to be fixed up.” Jasper remained silent before quietly speaking, “I’ll be there soon, just give me five more minutes.” Anna’s smile disappeared, but she didn’t fight him and went back to the manor. Jasper watched as Ravenswood’s couple were buried and as the marble lids that were made for them were placed on them. As J. Nutterville left, Jasper then started to silently break down. Now that he was alone he finally felt free to let all of his emotions out. He wanted to scream, but remained quiet as he silently sob into his hands. He got down slowly, for his knees started to feel weak, and leaned against Henry’s grave. He continued to sob into Henry’s grave before finally calming down, “I still can’t believe you're gone. After everything. If only you had just listened to us when we tried to stop you…then none of this would have happened.” He quietly said to himself as he laid on Henry’s grave. “If only…”
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elderjourney · 1 year ago
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redhatmeg · 10 months ago
Miss Seymour, I'm disappointed in you. You noticed Mrs. Jones is harrassed by a man and you make excuses for her to be alone with him? Where is your Girl Code?! Where is your British sense of good manners to not leave a married woman with a man alone?
Do you really think it's romantic or something?
And now you see them out together and act all shooketh they seem so affectionate with each other?
I don't understand you, girl. I don't know what the writers were going for with your motivations in this episode.
Edit 2:
Seven minutes before the end and you're getting to the bottom of this and saying what needs to be said: Puccini thinks only with his dick, he expects Anna to uproot her whole life just because and it's not Anna's responsibility to help him with his fucking operas.
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ithisatanytime · 1 year ago
(italo disco forever and more)
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rosemariecawkwell · 1 year ago
Review: Divide - The Relationship Crisis Between Town & Country, by Anna Jones
Publication date Thursday,September 14, 2023Price £10.99EAN\ISBN-13 9780857839732 Description This book is a call to action. It warns that unless we learn to accept and respect our social, cultural and political differences as town and country people, we are never going to solve the chronic problems in our food system and environment. As we stare down the barrel of climate change, only farmers…
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amazingyoungwomen · 2 months ago
Our Top Ten Posts of 2024
10. Leni Klum
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9. Megan Fox
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8. McKayla Maroney
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7. Anna Kendrick
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6. Jordyn Jones
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5. Elle Fanning
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4. Jordyn Jones
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3. Bella Thorne
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2. Anna Kendrick
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Kiernan Shipka
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Suffocating Love
Kiss Me By Melanie Joyce Illustrated by Anna Jones Igloo Books, 2019 Kisses, apparently, are the best thing ever. They can be big, small and performed anywhere at all. In Kiss Me, the mummy bear kisses the cub all the time, from when she wakes to when the cub goes to sleep. It doesn’t matter when, where or why. She kisses it when it makes a lot of noise. She kisses when it makes a mess. She…
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wlwgif · 5 months ago
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HEARTSTOPPER (2022-) | S03E07 'Together'
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bloodofakashainme · 3 months ago
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yvain · 4 months ago
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Pink in Horror (3/?) Carrie (1976) Fresh (2022) Jennifer's Body (2009) What Have You Done to Solange? (1972) The Love Witch (2016)
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 1 year ago
A Lovely Day for a Funeral pt. 2
A couple hours had passed and Anna was starting to worry. It was dark out and Jasper had still not come inside. Melanie walked up to troubled maid to try and calm her down. “Relax, maybe he is in the garden. You know gardening calms him down.” “But he would never do it this late, he would be inside by now.” She said as she paced around in the dining room. Dinner time had arrived and Jasper had still not come inside. She waited a little longer however for him. It was around time to go to bed and once again, Jasper had still not come inside. She grabbed a blanket and a lantern and decided to go out to look for him. She walked out and wandered the gardens, no sight of him. She started to panic. She went to Henry and Martha’s grave next and she let out a small gasp at what she saw. Jasper laid there, fast asleep on Henry’s grave, tear stains on his cheek and small little snores could be heard. Anna pushed his hair back behind his ears to get his attention and to not startle him. He opened his eyes sleepily, still not fully awake. Even through the small sliver, she could see his eyes were red from crying himself to sleep. She smiled softly as she tried to hold back tears. She placed the lantern next to him and placed the blanket over him, for she knew he would budge. She left and came back a little later with some food, hoping he would eat something. Before she could place the tray, he stopped her and just took the bread and some butter from the tray. She nodded and kissed him on the forehead before leaving him, she looked back sadden. Yes Melanie was devastated by the loss of her parents, but deep down she felt like Jasper was more devastated than she was. The next morning she walked out to see Jasper still there. The bread crumbs on the grave and the butter tray empty. She was happy he at least ate. She shook him awake and helped him back inside into a couch by a small fire. He fell asleep again. Anna decided to not tell Melanie the truth about Jasper and lied that she was right that she found him asleep in the garden, for she was afraid it would embarras him, and he was already in enough pain as it was, so she kept her mouth shut and stayed by his side as he recovered from the loss of Henry, his bestest friend, and a man he loved dearly, and way more than a normal friend would.
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urfavouriteg1rl · 1 year ago
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redhatmeg · 10 months ago
So far Puccini gives off a creeper vibe, and Anna Jones seems uncomfortable by the attention she gets from him.
Back when I've seen glimpses of this episode, I hated this guy's guts. Especially because I'm not fond of affair subplots.
Now, I will see how it went really.
Why am I not surprised that real Puccini was romancing married women too?
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mcqicons · 4 months ago
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rosemariecawkwell · 1 year ago
Blog tour calendar: Divide, by Anna Jones
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