#industrial parts cleaning machine
ecocleanindia · 28 days
The Power of Precision: How Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines Revolutionize Cleaning
Discover the remarkable capabilities of Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines and how they can transform your cleaning process. Explore the science behind the technology and its diverse applications across industries.Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine | Ecoclean India
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The Science of Squeaky Clean: Unveiling the Power of Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines
Imagine a cleaning method that reaches every nook and cranny, effortlessly removing even the most stubborn dirt and grime. This is the reality of ultrasonic cleaning, a revolutionary technology that utilizes high-frequency sound waves to achieve unparalleled cleaning results.
How Do Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines Work?
At the heart of an Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine lies a fascinating phenomenon called cavitation. Piezoelectric transducers, strategically placed within the cleaning tank, generate high-frequency sound waves that create microscopic bubbles within the cleaning solution. These bubbles rapidly expand and collapse, releasing immense energy that dislodges and removes even the most tightly bonded contaminants.
Benefits of Ultrasonic Cleaning:
Effortless Cleaning: Ultrasonic cleaning requires minimal manual effort, making it ideal for delicate or intricate objects.
Superior Results: The cavitation process reaches even the most inaccessible areas, ensuring thorough and effective cleaning.
Wide Range of Applications: From jewelry and medical instruments to industrial parts and automotive components, ultrasonic cleaning finds application in various industries.
Gentle on Surfaces: Unlike traditional cleaning methods, ultrasonic cleaning is gentle on delicate surfaces, minimizing the risk of damage.
Exploring the Diverse Applications of Ultrasonic Cleaning:
Jewelry and Watch Cleaning: Restore the sparkle to your precious gems and watches with ultrasonic cleaning, removing dirt, tarnish, and even polishing residue.
Medical Instrument Cleaning: Ensure the highest level of hygiene and sterility for medical instruments with ultrasonic cleaning, reaching even the most intricate crevices.
Industrial Parts Cleaning: Achieve superior cleaning results for industrial components, removing oil, grease, and other contaminants that can impact performance.
Automotive Parts Cleaning: Restore functionality and extend the lifespan of automotive parts by removing dirt, grime, and even stubborn carbon deposits.
Choosing the Right Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine:
With a variety of sizes, features, and functionalities available, selecting the right ultrasonic cleaning machine is crucial. Consider the size and type of objects you’ll be cleaning, the desired cleaning power, and any additional features like heating or degassing capabilities.
Ecoclean India: Your Trusted Partner for Ultrasonic Cleaning Solutions
Ecoclean India offers a comprehensive range of high-quality ultrasonic cleaning machines, designed to cater to diverse cleaning needs. We provide expert guidance and support to ensure you choose the perfect machine for your specific requirements.
Visit our website today to explore our selection of ultrasonic cleaning machines and discover the power of precision cleaning: https://ecoclean-india.com/ultrasonic-cleaning-machine/
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#the bhiohazard in question? a couple of nastyass turnouts!!!! a jacket and some pants!!!!!#yeah theyre sitting abt three feet away from me but dw!!! theyre in a big garbage bag so its ok ^-^#basically the EMT program (that im almost done with. as a side note but woot woot) is selling their old student ambulances#since theyre a bitch to maintain and we have a newer indoors simulator (its like. the back of an ambulace built into a room)#(like the back and one of the sides are open and it doesnt have a drivers compartment (duh) and no tires but is otherwise a Real Ambulance#which we use for practicing)#anyways so these old student ambulances gotta get cleaned out before they can be sold yeah?#and as it HAPPENS!! theyve been storing a SHIT TON of nasty filthy smelly turnouts in there for the past While#like probably 12-16 Large garbage bags full#(for those who dont know: turnouts are what those fucking. firefighter uniforms are called. like the ones they wear In Fires)#and they dont know what to do with them so theyre gonna get thrown away next week#so my TEACHER!!! was like 'yall if anyone Wants any of that shit you can literally just help urself'#so i went down today and poked thru some bags and GOT STUFFS!!!#anyways i am excited not only bc Turnouts Cool but ALSO bc theyre Super Fucking Insulated#bc theyre meant to be worn inside Massive and Super Hot fires#which yeah protects u from extreme heat but my GENUOS BRAIN also realized this: they would be STUPID COZY in cold weather#and i happen to be moving to a rather cold part of the states in a few months!!!!#so now i have free winter gear and its EXTRA SEXY STYLE#however u CANNOT clean turnouts at home bc#a) they gotta be washed with Extra Strong Industrial Fucking Machines#(called 'extractors' not 'washing machines')#and b)#they can and WILL leech nasty fucking toxins from structural fires into your machine and contaminate everything forever <3#so ive reached out to some 'send away' turnout laundry services#idk if theyre gonna do it tho cuz um. im Not associated with a fire department <3#so if that fails ill just do the best i can at home!!! <- research mode Engaged#either way theyre sexy and Yes i can still smell them despite them being bagged in a Super Rugged Industrial Manly Garbage Bag#(i didnt tie it super tight)#btu thats ok whats life without Danger <3#whatever the fuck
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glaivegirl · 8 months
and again from a different computer, again im almost always on the app, so this is kind of a novelty that i find less fun to use bc of the fucking clicking my account button just to look at my likes, like wtf? are you crazy? that's so stupid...
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oh gosh, looks like we went for the oldest photo on the computer this time, and its a reeaally old computer, this is me from abt 2017 and god willing as deep as the closet gets for transfemme andi
also like jesus christ but i actually think i really fucking cant stand this photo so im going back in for a double dip, a redo honestly,,,,........
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ahhhh, there she is :D aint she a beaut. my all time favorite meme from 2015, god this isnt even a meme to me anymore, it's like a memory of a feeling, but i still feel it, only it's cold now, like some large plastic bags full of mud i used to carry with my shirt off back when i loved to garden every day... ahhh shit... another feeling... mon dieu,,,, i dont have emoji's on my desktop, so i just godda say it i gues
ay caramba!
#i actually love remembering this apartment#im very clean and fastidious when i mean to be#very industrious and thrifty#tooo!#look at that coat towel ring fashioned out of coat hanger#she's just too resourceful and beautiful and fastidious and pretty#im like an adorable little inventor in this photograph#i am choosing to love her as i found the path when i bend over to pick up a strange bit of harshly torn metal#forever bent and stricken with what tore it apart and into jagged unfriendly pieces of unforgiving metal cold and solid#but with that graceful bending she forever bears the scars of#she was separated from whatever machine or hardware she belonged to intrinsically and only then was she free#before she could scarcely be called herself this jagged piece of broken metal left in the mud#but it's not true entirely#she is herself and can go on and be changed by the world as an individual#see before she was a beautiful part of a larger whole girl but now she is free to be a little trinket in the mud or some clattering junk in#the landfill or scrapped and smelted and her material reincorporated into her world's fiber#maybe i make her into something cute though#oh look an all-too easily missed path mostly obscured by the mud and taller plants#and youll find her here#the twisted piece of long discarded metal that lived three lives by the time you found her there living in the mud#who knows what life it lived#all that matters when you find a cute piece of twisted metal on the side of the road or in the woods or anywhere dirty and secluded#and i fuckin mean ALL that matters in your dumb little idiot brain is how can i make a cool necklace out of that? a belt buckle? an earring#shit i have several hanging from my ceiling and i love them#and ill have more and theyll be beautiful because of what they were and i had the utmost honor and pleasure to draw something out of her#something i saw in her that i bet she knew was there but maybe she didnt#who knows?#who knows whatll come out when i peer inside you and reach my arms around you. something in you that's beautiful like an animal is beautifu#i want to bring something new out of you#something i think i saw in you but couldnt be sure until i reached deep and focused on you and really looked at you and tried to see
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paltoosstore · 7 months
Guardians of Electronics: Unveiling the Power of PCB Conformal Coating Spray
In the ever-evolving landscape of electronics, the need to protect printed circuit boards (PCBs) from environmental stressors is paramount. Whether it's moisture, dust, chemicals, or extreme temperatures, these factors can jeopardize the performance and longevity of electronic components. One effective solution to fortify PCBs against these challenges is the application of PCB Conformal Coating Spray.
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Understanding Conformal Coating
Conformal coatings are thin protective layers applied to PCBs to shield them from a range of environmental threats. These coatings come in various formulations, including acrylics, urethanes, silicones, and epoxies, each offering unique properties to suit diverse applications.
Why Conformal Coating?
1. Moisture Resistance:
Conformal coatings act as a barrier against moisture, preventing it from seeping into the PCB and causing corrosion. This is especially crucial in applications where exposure to humidity is common.
2. Dust and Contaminant Protection:
The spray forms a protective shield, safeguarding the delicate electronic components from dust, dirt, and other contaminants. This is particularly beneficial in environments with high levels of airborne particles.
3. Chemical Defence:
PCBs in industrial settings often encounter a variety of chemicals. Conformal coatings provide a chemical-resistant layer that shields the components, preventing degradation and malfunction.
4. Temperature Extremes:
Electronic devices can experience temperature fluctuations. Conformal coatings offer thermal protection, ensuring that the PCB operates reliably even in extreme temperature conditions.
Application Process
1. Preparation:
Before applying the PCB conformal coating spray, ensure that the PCB is clean and free of contaminants. Mask off areas that should not be coated, such as connectors or sensitive components.
2. Material Selection:
Choose the right conformal coating material based on the specific requirements of your application. Consider factors such as flexibility, ease of rework, and compatibility with other materials.
3. Ventilation and Safety:
Work in a well-ventilated area, or use appropriate ventilation equipment, as the fumes from the spray can be harmful. Wear protective gear, including gloves and safety goggles.
4. Application Technique:
Hold the spray can at a consistent distance from the PCB and apply a thin, even coat. Ensure uniform coverage across the entire board.
5. Drying and Inspection:
Allow the conformal coating to dry thoroughly according to the manufacturer's recommendations. After drying, inspect the PCB for defects and ensure complete coverage.
Additional Considerations
Temperature and Humidity:
Consider the environmental conditions during application, as they can impact the coating's curing time and performance.
Curing Processes:
Some coatings may require additional curing steps, such as exposure to UV light or heat. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the specific coating used.
Re-Work and Repair:
Familiarize yourself with the removal and re-application procedures for the chosen conformal coating, especially if rework or repair becomes necessary.
In the realm of electronics, reliability is non-negotiable. PCB conformal coating spray emerges as a frontline defence, fortifying electronic components against the challenges posed by the environment. By understanding the application process and considering key factors, engineers and hobbyists alike can enhance the durability and performance of their electronic creations, ensuring they stand the test of time.
reference url: https://blogsubmissionsite.com/blog/details/guardians-of-electronics-unveiling-the-power-of-pcb-conformal-coating-spray
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peachesofteal · 3 months
ghoap x reader / 18+ mdni / dark themes / prev here / masterlist
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Six thirty in the morning might be your favorite time of day. 
It’s the before.
Before anyone else comes in, before the morning rush, before the chime of the front door’s bell, before the shop is filled with lines of people, before it all upends you.
At six thirty in the morning, you sit in the back, perched on the prep table, with a fresh cup of coffee. You leave the side door open, screen separating you from the world, fresh air mixing with the smell of strawberry basil scones, cinnamon coffee cake and mini kolaches, fruited with whatever jam you’ve managed to throw together. Steam rises, semolina spills, the sun dawns, and the world wakes… all well after you’ve had your breakfast.
This corner of the city is busy, and the shop always hums like a well-oiled machine in the dregs of a rush, the front counter team churning out specialty coffees and teas effortlessly. It’s cyclical, similar faces every day, morning commuters rushing in and out, locals settling in a nook with their laptops and lattes, people swinging in for a quick bite. You hide in the back, usually, elbow deep in sudsy warm water with your mountain of dishes, answering the occasional shout of 'do we have more of-' and 'just sold the last-'
This morning in particular, cranberry orange scones, pumpkin muffins and mini quiches are the only things left cooling on the speed racks, waiting patiently for their turn to be placed in the display case, an endless cycle of replenishment lasting until the rush dies down, morning fading into afternoon, triple shot monstrosities turning into decaf coffees. 
It’s laborious, this routine. Five, six, sometimes seven days a week, going to bed with the sun, rising before it. Your wrists ache from rolling dough, cutting dough, scraping dough. Your back weeps when you lift the bowl from the mixer stand every morning, and your joints fare no better. You need new boots, and new insoles for your new boots, and probably a new standing mat, though you know your boss will never go for it. 
You’re tired.
The exhaustion settles into your bones easily today, wearing you down until you’re allowing your eyes to close, wilting atop the butcher’s block- 
The shop phone rings. 
You heave yourself down and swing through the double doors to the front, scrambling for the classic corded receiver, nearly fumbling it in your hands. 
“Hello?” Shit. You always forget to answer with the shop’s name. You’re not exactly the customer facing part of the operation. “Galaxy’s.” You correct and… wait. 
There’s no response. 
You think you can hear someone breathing, something rustling, but it’s too faint and difficult to make out. 
“’Lo?” You try again, but still, there’s silence. It’s an unending moment, you on one end… who knows what on the other, and you hold your breath, straining to hear, to listen. 
The line clicks dead in the next second. 
The shop girl is chewing gum. 
You’ve told her a million times not to chew gum when she’s working the counter, but clearly, she’s never heard of norovirus, and you’re not the boss, or the owner, so being the broken record only gets you so far. 
“There’s someone out front to see you.” She snaps it between her front teeth, and your molars grind together like stone. 
“Who?” You toss a clean towel on the stainless steel table in the middle of the kitchen with a frown. You don’t really get visitors here, most of your friends are in the same industry, and either work the line too late to be up in time to even get coffee somewhere, or are already at work, buried beneath a bain-marie and the never-ending sound of a ticket printer. 
There’s dried, caulked dough caked to your fingers, shoved up underneath your nails, and you brush them self-consciously against the ratty old apron stretched across your waist. 
The surprise lingers on your tongue, and then explodes when you spot the massive dusky blonde from the other day, the one who was with the guy who split the coffee all over your favorite dress. He’s too tall, and too broad, and too imposing, everything in your sense of self-preservation screaming at you to run when he notices you approaching, gleam of a predator sparkling in his eyes.  
Still, somewhere, tucked away, it thrills you, the idea of them, the balancing act, two halves of a whole. He’s etched from stone, strong and steady, while his partner is saporous, vibrant, and riotous, crystal blue eyes sparkling in the mid-day sun. 
You wonder what they're like. What they talk about. What they do.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Your skin prickles once you fall into his orbit, immobilized by the molten toffee pooling around his irises. You float for a second, tracing his knife’s edged jaw, the fullness of his lips, imperfect pieces puzzled together to make a masterpiece, and then crash back to earth quickly, realizing you’re standing in front of him… staring. 
“Uh. Hi.” What is he doing here? How did he know where to find you?
“Sorry to barge in on you at work.” He starts immediately, wallet appearing from his back pocket like a magic trick. “Wanted to make sure we settled up.” Thick fingers hold a folded nest of notes, and you stare down at them, slowly processing what he means.
“Oh, I… I have… venmo. Or we could use apple pay, you didn’t have to come all the-“ 
“Don’t have venmo.” His mouth tilts, and you go with it, head listing to the side like a wayward buoy. “This is easier.” He pushes it into your hand, peeling your fingers back to enclose the money in your palm, heat sparking up your spine. 
“How did you know where I worked?” You blurt, unable to keep it at bay any longer. The question singes, settles uncomfortably in the sparks between you. 
“Saw you in the back yesterday, when we were in for a cuppa.” Oh. Suspicion sheds, snakeskin left behind on a cold, dusty trail, suspension of disbelief settling in the back of your mind. Sure. After all, this is where you ran into them last week, on your day off. They do come here. 
“Well. Thanks.” 
“It’s our pleasure. Hope the stain came out okay.” 
“Oh, yeah. It’s… still at the cleaners.” This is absolutely false, but he doesn’t need to know that. The spare bills will probably go towards your energy bill, and the ruined dress will go in the trash. 
It is what it is. 
“Couldn’t help but notice when I was comin’ through the parking lot that the back door is open.” His voice swoops low, dropping into a rumble, and you blink, lips parting. 
“Oh, um y-yeah. I like the breeze.” He shakes his head, a simple rejection, leaving you spinning. 
“City’s not the safest right now, yeah?” Oh, yeah. Of course, you knew. Rival factions of organized crime were leaving a red sea of bodies in their wake all over town, a new murder popping up in the headlines nearly every week. 
But you were safe. You were fine. Galaxy’s had never been stained with the bloody touch of any of them, and you took it as fact. Permanence. 
You agree reluctantly, watching the storm clouds roil on across his expression before evaporating. You shrug, hands clutched in your apron, doubt and skepticism clear on your face.
His expression shutters. His eyes turn cold.   
His thumb and forefinger dart through the air, latching onto your chin. 
You freeze. You should tug away, jerk backwards, yell and scream and hiss, but all you can do is stand there, caught in a trap and trembling as he leans forward to murmur in your ear. 
“Lock the door, little doe.” 
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marketing2011 · 2 years
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erika-xero · 2 days
Thoughts on ai and Art
What has Ai really changed for me is the perception of my own art. Years back, I was extremely concerned of my work being imperfect: everything had to look "right", the anatomy had to be flawless, the lines - clean and refined. The pipe-line had to be flawless too: minimal amount of layers, one - for lines, one - for colors, and a few for lighting/shading.
Meanwhile I was yearning for chaos and the standard pipe-line felt too strict, too limiting. I finished the drawing and cried over the imperfections, but I could not let myself create a new layer and just paint it all over as I wanted to - that would "mess up my perfect psd". This was even harder because I started as a traditional artist and traditional art is basically the same as drawing on one layer or stacking the layers on top of each other whenever you wish to change anything. I was so obsessed with the anatomy/perspective looking right that my works started looking boring and stiff. If I was not sure that I would be able to draw a certain body part at a certain angle ANATOMICALLY PERFECT - I just refused to draw it at all. Drawing back then was HARD. I forced too much limitations upon myself, I was so scared of making any mistakes and thus did everything I could to avoid the risk to fail. It felts like an entire world would see me failing and everyone - literally everyone - will disapprove. And don't get me wrong - the art community in my country has always been astonishingly toxic. We had, like, a group of 20 THOUSANDS individuals hunting down children online and bullying them into oblivion for drawing anime and furry characters in their school textbooks. And pretty much everyone except a small group of people (which I was a part of) thought that it's absolutely fine and this is how the things should be. Even the industry professionals were absolutely sure that young artists have to suffer and be ashamed of everything they do unless it is absolutely flawless at an any aspect. I was ashamed of everything I did back then. I was ashamed of drawing and posting sketches because I felt like they are not good enough to be shown to anyone. And then the Ai-boom started. And I had mixed feelings because I was not THAT scared, but I was somewhat disappointed of people? General public praised the generated slop ignoring the mistakes far worse than what real artists got bullied for for DECADES. The synthetic artworks are shiny. They are overrendered. They are liveless, boring, they lack fundamentals and yet somehow people viewed them as some kind of a miracle. I decided to learn how does those little machines generated their slop out of morbid curiosity, just to make sure that I got it right and it is spitting out cadavers created from mutilated, dismembered works of real artists. Used by people who did not care enough to pick up a bloody pencils. And I thought: why would I care enough to look at something that no one bothered to create? And then I started seeing everything I do completely different. I suddenly stopped caring of being perfect. Every piece I have ever done, every work I was crying over for it being ugly, every messy sketch and unfinished doodle suddenly started to matter a lot. Not that I stopped caring of doing my best, no. I stopped wishing to disown my own mistakes. They are my own. I cared enough to try and fail and to try again, and fail so badly that I wanted to cry, scream and throw up. And I repeated the cycle for long enough that I started to enjoy my silly doodles and started loving every tiny imperfection because this is what made my art so human. I still suck at drawing hands and feet. My line-art is messy and I started doing it right on top of my colored sketch. My pipe-line is in chaos and my PSDs look like a total mess of three hundreds of layers. I draw sketches with huge-ass round brush only adding the details that really matters. My works are better than they could ever be because they feel alive and chaotic as we human had always been. This is a love letter to my art and write it while flipping off my middle finger to the cadavers generated by the machine. I will not be stopped by glorified autocomplete and I refuse to be outdone by people who confuse googling an image with the act of creation.
My worst drawing is better than any of the generative imagery out there, because I cared drawing it.
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charseraph · 1 year
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The River Jordan and Sweetpea are electric engines on the first railway on Mars.
River Jordan was the first one built, being the product of a collaboration between the nations who established the colony.
Sweetpea was donated by a coronal aerospace guild and assembled onsite. Her parts were imported and her blueprints were crownmade, so her visage is coronal.
Visage and the nature of living transport
Engines take the image of their creators. Their faces are not organic, and are more like a vessel for helpful senses and communication tools.
They come alive soon after they are built, once out of eyeshot for any moment. Attempts to stare at a new engine to see it stir are foiled somehow (blinks, saccades, CCTV malfunction, momentary lapse in attention). Not all engines come alive, as their animacy is often (but not always) decided by the intent of the builder.
Living engines can assess their circumstances and make judgements based on them. They are useful in volatile situations as an expert second opinion on conduct and design, and are capable of sensing external and internal problems quickly.
In calmer periods, they may not get adequate stimulation, and their personalities may interfere with their efficiency. For this reason, railways have their preferences when they build and purchase engines.
The facial material ends at the surface of the machine and is inscrutable in composition—the material appears to be made of itself, and is unusable for any other purpose besides as an engine’s interface with the world. If damaged, the material heals. If removed, it disappears. The conceptual self-referentiality of engines’ faces, souls, and senses deter scrutiny.
Living machines exist as a fact of the universe. Their animacy is cloaked in an analysis-averting antimeme.
Human Engines
Engines designed and built by humans possess dual-pinhole pupils that dilate into an elliptical shape, granting them a broad field of view and tolerance of rapid changes in light levels (such as in going in and out of tunnels). Deep set zygomata allow them to look directly to their sides, and with the dual-pinhole setup, they maintain some depth perception in monocular sight. Their pupil shapes are hidden by their black irises, which absorb glare. They can see clearly to their front and sides, but can’t see up or down very well. A tapetum lucidum retroreflects incoming light back through their retinas, granting them vision in darkness. The nictitating membranes and long eyelashes protect the eyes from dust.
The chemicals engines are capable of detecting are relevant to their purpose, e.g. distinguishing coal, gasoline, diesel, and wood fires from their smoke but not being able to distinguish or detect food smells. Similar to how cats, obligate carnivores, have lost their ability to taste sugar due to its absence in their diet, but can taste ATP for its presence in meat—engines can parse environmental and industrial scents, but will have wildly varied responses to food and fragrant compounds, often being unable to notice them.
To investigate an aroma, they slightly lower their bottom lip to take air into their vomeronasal organ located behind the upper incisors.
Engines do not require oxygen, but if debris enters the nasal passage, human engines will sneeze to:
Ensure their voice resonates properly,
Keep their olfactory facilities clean, and
Indicate to engineers that particle buildup may have occurred in other places, such as the boiler tubes for steam engines.
Crown Engines
Just as the tongue is the only colored object on a human engine’s face for distinguishability, so are the teeth on coronal engines. The positions of the upper and lower jaw indicate tone, functioning in communication similarly to eyebrows.
Coronal engine eyes consist of an armored cornea surrounded by a cuticle and muscular eyelid. The cornea moves with the help of the embedded eyestalk supporting it. The cuticle is lubricated with an oil-based film and is less susceptible to irritation than the aqueous solution on human engine eyes. The undersides of the eyelids and surface of the cornea are covered in setae, preventing chafing and reducing airflow on the cornea. The hairs catch debris and are combed out by the lids with a puckering motion.
To make up for unenhanced vision by human engine standards, coronal engine hearing is advanced, allowing the listener to pinpoint sound sources through triangulation of the four inner ears. Coronal engines, too, channel sound through their incisors and into their internal ears via the acoustic windows at the hinge of each jaw.
Coronal engines achieve their sense of industrial smell through the gustatory papillae that line their choana and pharynx. They supplement their olfaction by introducing cool air behind the heat pits inside their nares.
Coronal engines’ thermoception is more efficient than living crowns, as coronal engines’ faces do not produce heat nearly proportional to their mass.
Conversely, the tines heat up significantly hotter than the crown average for unambiguity in temperature tones. The origin of the tine thermal energy appears to be redirected from excess produced by the machinery, or from the face’s temperature directly.
Extramodal senses
Engines are capable of listening from within their cabs with greater acuity than mere conduction of sound through the body would suggest. Other unsubstantiated sensory abilities include:
Discernment of water/fuel quality within the framework of taste though intake alone
Somatosensory awareness in the entire body, not just the face
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shayyprasad · 6 months
didn't see you there | peter parker
late christmas fic cuz why not
summary: what's a little cafe meet-cute?
the walls were coated with green, red, and white. christmas decor hung from corner to corner, draped against the walls.
there was a small christmas tree in the back, wrapped with tinsel and ribbon. small, shiny ornaments perched themselves upon the prickly branches.
holiday music rang from the speakers, and you twirled around, broom in hand. it was closing time and you were cleaning up before heading out.
"last christmas, i gave you my heart... and the very next day...
"you gave it away... this year..."
brushing pieces of trash and clumps of dirt into pile, you sang loudly, not concerned since you were the only one there.
the music was turned all they way up, and you weren't conscious of what was going on around you.
that's probably why you didn't here the chime of the doorbell, indicating that someone had entered.
at this point, you were doing less working and more... whatever was that you were doing.
"um— miss? i was just— i was popping in for a drink?"
you yelped, hopping backwards and jabbing the broom towards him. once you realized that he was not in fact a potential robber or bad guy, you lowered the weapon. weapon?
there wasn't much to work with in a cafe.
your cheeks were flaming hot, and you were just about ready to die.
the worst part?
he was 100% the cutest guy you'd ever seen. i mean, that had to make everything worse.
because now you couldn't even hit on him. poor guy probably thought you were crazy.
"...we're closed."
"oh, sorry. i didn't think you closed until 10:00. that— that's what the sign said outside, anyways."
"uh, yeah it's..."
"oh. oh, i'm so sorry. i g-guess i lost track of time. i can take you right now, if you'd like."
strike two.
"yes, please."
you cleared your throat, face still flushed. "what can i get you... at 9:52, good sir?"
the boy (man?) cracked a grin, and your insides squeezed. he was just so damn pretty.
"one large black coffee. um, extra caffeine."
you raised an eyebrow, and he took it upon himself to further elaborate, "college student," he chucked, and that was enough for you to understand.
"well, that'll do it."
he laughed, "yep!"
"can i have a name for the order?" you didn't need it, but it was a good excuse to get his name.
"yes, yeah," then he paused, like he was trying to remember said name. "parker peter. wait, no— that's not what i meant. i-i don't know why it came out like that. peter. it's peter. parker, that's my last name... if you're wondering where that came from."
"okay... peter. cute."
you didn't ignore the blush that made it's way onto his face. maybe he didn't get flirted with often, you thought.
but then again, how could he not? peter was literally a greek god... like, what?
"so..." you started, wanting to break the silence, "what're you majoring in?"
"ooh, you're a science guy, huh?"
"yeah." peter was blushing again, you noted. why, though? did he think that was weird? or nerdy? well, it was nerdy, but in the best way possible.
"that's really cool!"
"you think?"
"of course!"
"um, yeah, i intern for mr. stark."
"mr. stark?" you racked your brain, trying to figure out whether or not you were supposed to know him. "...wait. oh my god, tony stark? like- like- stark industries? that tony stark?"
you were speechless. you knew that he had to be smart, considering he was in biotech. but this level? wow.
and, man, he seemed so modest about it.
"jeez, pete. that's insane!"
"thanks..." he glanced at your name tag, "y/n. that's a pretty name. what about you?"
"me? what about me?" you asked, banging on the side of the coffee machine. "damnit. this stupid piece of— ah-ha!" smiling as it started to work, you started filling up the large cup.
"major. wha-what are you majoring in?"
"huh— oh! i'm still in high school. i turn eighteen in a couple weeks. i'm a senior. y'know, at midtown."
peter's eyebrows shot up, "midtown?"
"hmm," you clipped on the top. glancing at the sharpie, you inhaled. you picked it up and scribbled down his name. and then, after a moment, you number.
"i used to go there. i knew you looked familiar. i'm a sophomore at college. you were... what, like freshman when i was there?"
"uh... yeah. something like that. that's so weird. i've never seen you around before."
peter winced, "um, yeah, i wasn't the most well known..."
you bit your lip, not wanting the conversation to drop.  "well, here's your disgustingly bland coffee, parker. sure you don't want any sugar or anything? a cookie, maybe?"
"no, i'm okay," he laughed, taking the cup from you. peter took out his wallet and handed you his card, which you took.
"sorry, again. for... you know."
"nothing to apologize for. you're good." pete furrowed his brows. "are- are you closing up yourself?"
you shrugged. "yeah. why?"
"no... it's just, it's really late."
"meh. i live, like, 5 minutes away from here."
"then i can drop you off? just so— just to make sure you get home safe."
"it's okay. besides, i still haven't finished," you gestured vaguely, "all this."
"i can wait. it's okay."
"it'd make me feel a lot better knowing you get home." he tilted his head at you.
everything about him felt so safe; you didn't even know him, but you already trusted him. he had that feeling that resonated off him.
"i—" you blushed, your insides squirming at the fact that he cared about your well-being. he was a stranger, and yet he still wanted to do this, so who were you to refuse? besides, it would be nice you stay and talk to him longer. "okay."
peter grinned, "cool!"
"just give me a minute." you cleaned up, wiping down the tables and pushing in chairs. "you know what'd be crazy?"
peter looked at you.
actually, you weren't sure if he'd ever looked away, because when you glanced up, his eyes were locked on you. "huh?"
"if you were, like, some kidnapper. and i just wouldn't know, because you'd be trying to seem nice, and then bam, you're dragging me to the trunk of your car. kinda like reverse psychology, but not."
he laughed, shaking his head. "how'd you know? man, you just blew my cover."
"don't even try it. i got a fancy red panic button on the underside of this counter."
"do you really?"
"yep... no. we don't. well, technically, we do. but it doesn't work."
"huh. okay."
the two of you went back and forth with little quips, making each other laugh, until finally, you were done. taking of your apron, you tossed it in the bin and hung up the cap. peter held the door open for you as you flipped over the "open" sign to "closed".
"you know, i normally don't let pretty boys walk me back home from work."
"well, i don't normally walk pretty girls home from work. so you should be flattered."
"i'll have you know that i am."
"how come you work so late anyways?"
you sighed, "we don't have... the greatest supply of money. my mom tries her best, but i like to put in the hours whenever i can to help. i do a bunch of extracurriculars because it looks good on resumes, and i only have time for anything else later in the day."
"i see. it's cool of you to help out like that. i'm sure your mom really appreciates that."
wincing, "she doesn't know i work this late. my mom doesn't get back from the office until 1 or 2am. it's nice i have a full scholarship. at least i don't have to pay for college. that crap is crazy expensive. or at least too expensive for us."?
"scholarship? that's awesome. where to?"
you shrugged, "midtown college. not as prestigious as their high school, but it's still something. majoring in graphic design."
"so you, like, draw?" his eyes lit up, "oh, is all that chalk art or the windows and board yours?"
"yep. you like?"
"yeah! are you kidding? that stuff's crazy. i could never."
you laughed, "thanks, pete. oh— well, this is my place. don't leak my address."
"no promises."
"and thanks, again. this was really sweet of you. it's nice knowing that there are still good people out there." and with a sudden burst of confidence, you kissed his cheek. "good night," you murmured.
you were too giddy and happy to look back at him, and you barely caught the farewell that rolled off his lips.
well, at least he had your number.
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racefortheironthrone · 4 months
If management finds a way to automate jobs during a strike, is that scabbing?
The automation itself is more part of the general category of management strategies to restructure workflow and production methods in order to reduce the need for, and thus the power of, labor. This dates back to the origins of Taylorism itself in the 1890s as an effort to “steal the brains from underneath the cap of labor” and through to the emergence of Human Relations and Industrial Psychology in the early 20th century as a means to better control workers. So I think you could see in as essentially equivalent to classic speed-up and stretch-out efforts to maintain production at as low a cost as possible during a strike, and thus break the union.
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However, the dirty truth of automation is that there is no clean way to fully substitute machinery for labor. Due to the inherent limitations of technology at any stage of development, you need labor to repair and maintain and monitor automated systems, you need labor to install and operate the machines, you need labor to design and program and manufacture the machines. (This is one reason why the job-killing predictions around automation often fall flat, because the supposedly superior new technology often requires a significant increase in human labor to service the new technology when it breaks. For example, this is why automation in fast food has proven to be so difficult and partial than expected: it turns out that self-checkout machines are actually very expensive to operate in terms of skilled manpower.) And to the extent that a given automation contract or project is being undertaken during a strike in order to break that strike, that’s absolutely scabbing.
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jmdbjk · 2 months
I can't leave to enjoy a few days vacation without the world falling apart?
Hybe vs. Min HeeJin. Not on anyone's bingo card this year. I have not caught up on everything but who tipped off Hybe about her dastardly plans? The timing of it all... and her little extemporaneous skit she did for a press conference was perhaps part of her plan to turn public opinion in her favor? She claims to have invented kpop or at least made it what it is today but out the other side of her mouth says she hates idol culture?
Hybe's not here to play, they will not be nice. I see no benefit to her for showing us the not so pretty side of the idol industry. Maybe that's her problem, she can't see what she's doing because she's too far into it. Thirty years in the business will make you lose your objectivity. She has no idea she is coming across as a greedy, spoiled, entitled, manipulative, narcissistic, emotional female in a male dominated industry. Basically a nut case.
The lady had a tremendous opportunity to perhaps take ownership of her company in due time, become a great example for female leadership in a country where corporate culture is steeped in chaebolism. Instead she squandered that and thinks she will come out on top. Did she miss the Hybe vs. SM Entertainment episode from last year?
RM's new album! RPWP!
The Monochrome pop up store is doing well!
Jin will be back after 6 Fridays!
In other news. I went to Las Vegas. This is what I saw:
The Bellagio Fountains. They're huge. The Bellagio is SWANK. I looked for Jimin in Dior and Tiffany, Hobi in the Louis Vuitton store, Namjoon in the Bottega Veneta store, but none of them were in there. There was no Calvin Klein store.
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When Hobi, JK and Tae were there watching the fountains dance to Dynamite, they were standing here:
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Passed by Allegiant Stadium a few times. It's huge.
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Drove out to Seven Magic Mountains. I am happy to report the lowest boulders had no writing or graffiti. They were amazingly huge as you can see.
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Joon's pic of the above rocks:
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Went to AREA 15 and it was HUGE and amazing! It's impossible to show everything that its about, there are multiple buildings and installations and activities, gift shops, bars, etc. We went into the Omega Mart (mega art) experience which led to a maze of fantastically created chambers, each different from the last one, all pulsing with animated lights, texture walls, ceilings and floors.
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And ate at Hobak Korean BBQ. We couldn't find out which tables the members of BTS sat at but I got a pic of the Butter album they all signed. There were other autographs from other famous Korean celebs but the BTS signatures were displayed in a more prominent place on the wall.
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We also scoped out The Sphere. Also HUGE. The concert space is arena sized. I don't know who was playing there that night but the parking lot was filling up.
We also walked the Strip.
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The Fremont Street Experience. That's an animated video screen overhead with ziplines running through the length of it. It's two blocks of casinos, restaurants and gift shops. People are also doing busking and shows at street level.
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Hoover Dam, view of the dam from the highway bridge and view of the highway bridge from the dam. Spent a few minutes on the Arizona side.
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Hiked in the desert. Saw cactus and wildlife. Drank a lot of water.
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Drove to the Mojave Desert Preserve in California just to say we did.
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We hated leaving. It was a fun trip. But damn, I have so much stuff to catch up on now. Hiatus my ass.
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If Vegas is on the BTS comeback tour I promise I will be there this time.
We gambled at the airport on our way out. The slot machines were next to our gate. And in the baggage claim area. But as you can see, its not just about gambling there.
In case you didn't get it, everything in Vegas is HUUUGGE and FARRRR. Walk a lot, spend a lot of money.
Overall, Las Vegas was clean, the people were extremely friendly and welcoming of course, they might be teaching hospitality as a school subject there, I don't know.
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ecocleanindia · 2 months
The Future of Technical Cleaning: Why You Need an Ultrasonic Machine in Your Indian Manufacturing Facility
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In today’s competitive Indian manufacturing landscape, efficiency and precision are paramount. Traditional cleaning methods often fall short, leaving behind contaminants that can compromise product quality and lead to costly downtime. However, there’s a revolutionary technology that’s transforming the way manufacturers clean critical components: Ultrasonic Cleaning.
What is Ultrasonic Cleaning?
Ultrasonic Cleaning utilizes high-frequency sound waves to create microscopic cavitation bubbles within a cleaning solution. These bubbles rapidly collapse, generating a powerful cleaning action that dislodges even the most stubborn contaminants from intricate surfaces. Unlike traditional methods that rely on manual scrubbing or harsh chemicals, ultrasonic cleaning is gentle yet incredibly effective, reaching even the most inaccessible areas of a component.
Why You Need Ultrasonic Cleaning in Your Indian Manufacturing Facility
Enhanced Cleaning Performance: Ultrasonic Cleaning removes contaminants like grease, oil, polishing compounds, flux residues, and more, ensuring a pristine surface finish essential for optimal product performance and reliability.
Improved Quality Control: By removing microscopic contaminants that can cause defects, Ultrasonic Cleaning significantly improves quality control standards, leading to fewer rejects and higher production yields.
Reduced Downtime: Ultrasonic cleaning’s rapid and efficient cleaning process minimizes downtime associated with Traditional Cleaning Methods, allowing for increased production capacity.
Environmentally Friendly: Ultrasonic Cleaning utilizes water-based cleaning solutions, minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing environmental impact.
Versatility: Ultrasonic cleaning systems are incredibly versatile, suitable for cleaning a wide range of components across various industries, including automotive, electronics, medical devices, and more.
Why Ecoclean India’s Ultrasonic Machines are the Superior Choice
At Ecoclean India, we understand the critical role ultrasonic cleaning plays in modern manufacturing. We offer a comprehensive range of state-of-the-art Ultrasonic Cleaning machines designed to meet the specific needs of Indian manufacturers.
Here’s what sets Ecoclean India apart:
Advanced Technology: Our machines are equipped with cutting-edge Ultrasonic Technology, delivering exceptional cleaning performance and unmatched efficiency.
Durability and Reliability: Built with the highest quality materials and components, our ultrasonic machines are designed for long-lasting performance and minimal maintenance.
Expert Support: Our team of experienced engineers provides comprehensive support, from initial consultation to installation and ongoing maintenance.
Competitive Pricing: We offer competitive pricing on our entire range of Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
Investing in the Future
By incorporating Ultrasonic Cleaning into your manufacturing process, you’re investing in the future of your business. You’ll experience enhanced cleaning performance, improved quality control, reduced downtime, and a more environmentally friendly operation.
Ready to Experience the Power of Ultrasonic Cleaning?
Visit Ecoclean India’s website today at: https://ecoclean-india.com/products-solutions/ to explore our comprehensive range of ultrasonic cleaning machines and discover how we can help you achieve superior cleaning results in your Indian manufacturing facility.
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"Hubble Deep Field" (1996 - Hubble Space Telescope) / "Can’t Help Myself" (2016 - Sun Yuan & Peng Yu)
HUBBLE DEEP FIELD: This photo is kind of only incidentally art, but it is one of my favorite photographs ever. It is the visual byproduct of scientific and technological advancement. Honestly, its not even the most visually impressive Hubble (or other deep space telescope) photo. But I don't think there is anything else in the entire world which can so clearly and deeply impart the existential, incomprehensible vastness of the universe. * This photo represents a section of the night sky with "nothing" in it. There are no stars and it is outside of the plane of the Milky Way. From our view on Earth, it is less than a square inch across. Before this image, we knew of other galaxies, and their abundance was absolutely hypothesized, but no one really knew what to expect when examining such a small, seemingly empty part of the night sky. This is what they found. A tiny fraction of the night sky revealed to be teeming with thousands of galaxies, light reaching us from billions of lightyears away. To extrapolate and imagine that the entirety of the night sky is full of this, a vast blanket hidden behind our local stars. At the time, hundreds of billions of galaxies were estimated to exist. Today that estimation has risen to 2 trillion. 2 trillion potential Milky Ways. 2 trillion of the 100 billion stars that exist in our galaxy, there ever growing and evolving and expanding. I look at this image and just feel so utterly and completely small. How can you look at this and not feel atomic. There is so much of everything, and even still there is darkness, space, filled with so much light and possibilities. It represents both our loneliness as a planet, our isolation, and our connection to the universe, that there is no way we are alone, that we keep reaching out and trying to learn and understand our existence. (if you are interested in some more of the science of this, I'd recommend this Forbes article. I think its a good summary of the history and science, and provides a lot of jumping off points for further research) *disclaimer - there are and continue to be images taken with the same and improved techniques to explore space outside of the galaxy. This was, to the best of my knowledge, the first long exposure of dark space. (travelingsmithy)
CAN'T HELP MYSELF: easily one of the installment pieces of all fucking time. the way that the robot originally began as a smooth, precise sort of machine, efficient and quick, but slowly decomposed into jerkier and messier movements because of its own inability to "help itself" since it needs to clean all of its spill or it can't stop is so so visceral and kind of makes me want to tear my hair out. the way the artists capture human movement and desperation in the robot is incredible. to me it kind of appeals to a sick human desire to watch something outside of ourselves suffer, but also the human ability to connect with anything, even a machine. it's so easy to see ourselves in something mechanical!! we are looking for ourselves in everything!!! that's so fucked up and cool!!! (fromjannah)
(The Hubble Space Telescope took this photo in 1996, and it was the first picture ever taken of deep space. "Hubble Deep Field" was originally imaged by the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, a camera initially installed upon the Hubble Telescope
"Can't Help Myself" is a Kuka industrial robot made of stainless steel and rubber mopping up cellulose ether in coloured water made by two Chinese artists, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu. This installation was displayed in Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York but was removed from display.)
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Life drawing
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Nude model!reader x art student!Zoro.
Modern AU. Sequel to The art model.
This fic is dedicated to @star-yawnznn.
Zoro grins when, opening the house door, he finds himself face to face with a bag of delicious chocolate cookies, courtesy of your mother's bakery, that you're offering him with your arms raised, like a celebrant sacrificing to the Gods.
"You know, there's no need for you to bring something every time you come; you're already doing me a favour."
You shrug as you walk inside, letting him close the door behind you. "Even though he doesn't put on weight, eating so much can't be good for Luffy's health." you point out "And I know you like them."
"Well, they are good..."
You share a smile as you follow him towards the kitchen (like the rest of the house a spacious room, perfectly clean and tidy) where, without even bothering to ask, Zoro uses the enormous coffee machine on the counter to prepare a drink like he knows you like it.
Six months have passed since your first meeting with Zoro at the East Blue Art School, six months since you accepted his request to pose for him privately at home as well as in Shanks' class - your home, at first, since he needed to keep his interest in drawing and art, not to mention the fact he hasn't stopped attending the school years ago, a secret from his father. Unfortunately, last month your landlord has decided to host his niece in the flat's spare room, while she searches for a more stable accommodation. Even more regrettably, your new, temporary flatmate is an aspiring metal guitarist, who told you she needs to practice at least six hours a day if she wants to join one of the best bands in town, which means the place has not known a moment of silence ever since she put down her luggage, as well as her guitar, in the hallway.
Which is why in the last four weeks you have been the one going to Zoro's, instead of the other way around. It's a temporary solution, you have assured him, feeling guilty for the nuisance even though nothing of it was your fault, and hoping you will soon have the whole flat to yourself once more, even though your landlord's niece has not been as industrious in looking for a new place to stay as she has been in preparing for her musical career. You know how important his drawing classes are to Zoro, but he assured you it wouldn't be a problem: his father, a business broker who also manages a fencing school, has recently landed an important client that keeps him at work every day until late.
And so, your already familiar arrangement has changed, the location of your private modelling session shifting from your flat to Zoro's home. You don't mind - you actually like it, and not just because it allows you to get away from your flatmate's guitar for a while. You like going to Zoro's; you like Zoro himself, you have come to realize, and while you do not yet feel ready to confess your feelings, you enjoy spending time with him, and helping him to improve as an artist.
"How was your day? You had a double shift today, if I'm not mistaken." you point out as you accept the coffee Zoro is offering you, and listen as he tells you about his day at work, at the bookstore owned by his friend Kuina's father "You know, I'd be curious to see the shop one day, after you've told me so much about it..."
"You can come whenever you want; I can give you a discount, if Koushirou is not there." he offers, and winks at you; he's wearing a black shirt that makes the green of his hair stand out even more than usual, his three earrings dangling gently when he moves.
"Well, there was a book I was thinking about buying..."
Chocolate cookies, you both agree, go splendidly with coffee. You enjoy your break in silence, at ease next to each other in the kitchen lit up by the soft sunset glow; according to Luffy, Zoro doesn't make friends easily, and you are pretty proud you are now part of that narrow group - or at least, that he doesn't appear to mind you coming to his house.
"Shall we?" you propose in the end; as much as you enjoy his company, the time at your disposal is limited, since you still have work to do for your classes tomorrow "You want to continue with what we were doing last time? I was lying on one side with a book in my hands..."
Suddenly tense, Zoro rubs the back of his head, hesitating for a moment as if not knowing how to broach a delicate subject. "I was wondering if this time we could do something a bit different."
Your sessions with Zoro, whether at his place or yours, usually follow the same pattern. Every two times, he asks you to assume a new pose: standing, sitting (on a kitchen chair, on a stool, on the floor...) or lying on the sofa, sometimes with an object in your hands but usually in a way that allows you to read or review your notes. Once you are comfortable, Zoro makes sure the room is well-lit, places a comfortable chair in front of you, retrieves his sketchbook and pencils from the suitcase he keeps them hidden in together with his art school books to make sure his father doesn't find them, and gets to work, drawing diligently for an hour and a half.
It is, in the end, more or less what happens during your classes at the art school; after all Zoro's drawing sessions are the reason you meet, the reason why he asked you to pose for him. You expected to do the same today as well, just like the many times you have met before; you didn't expect him to propose a change... and, you will reflect later on, you have no idea what this day has in store for you.
"What d'you mean?"
Zoro has turned his back to you, focused on the cups you used for your coffee and that he is now washing in the sink "Well... I was thinking today you could pose like you do in class."
"As in...?"
"Naked, yes. Unless, that... bothers you..."
It shouldn't, of course. After all, you have been an art model for six months, and by now you like to think you are quite good at it, since Shanks no longer needs to correct your posture and you can keep the most uncomfortable pose for a long time without complaining, even though the job is more tiring than it looks and in the end your muscles beg for mercy. Besides the fact that it helps you pay rent (you expected your landlord to lower it until his niece found another place to stay, since your apartment is not fully yours anymore, but the thought must have slipped his mind) and your bills, posing is probably the best job you have ever had.
You enjoy it, a lot, in a way you can't properly explain to someone who has never been in your place, and by now you are completely accustomed to pose naked, like you have done from the very first day. Shanks was right, there is nothing sexual, or inappropriate, in being an art model, nothing you should feel guilt or embarrassment for; if the students look at your breast, it is simply to make sure they are correctly drawing it, which is not always easy, and when a couple of months ago, Nami asked you whether you had put on a little weight (you had, no doubt, because of all the treats your mother brings you back from the bakery!) she assured you she only wanted to know because the shape of your belly and thighs had changed marginally and she really wanted to portray you as faithfully as she could. In the end, for the students it wouldn't make much difference if on the stool at the center of their semicircle Shanks had placed a potted plant or a teddy-bear, instead of asking you to sit there, apart from the fact that the human form has been the most popular art subject since time immemorial, and any artist must be capable to competently reproduce it.
You expected your sessions with Zoro to go the same way, which would have been even easier for you, since you would have been in your own home. Instead, the first time he came to your place he said you could keep your clothes on, because the naked body was harder to draw and he, unfortunately, still had to learn to correctly portray clothed people. He had no preference regarding the clothes you wore, and didn't mind to choose poses that allowed you to read or revise your notes during the sessions.
And now this. You should have imagined he would ask you sooner or later, you relect; Zoro's figure drawings have improved since you started posing for him privately, and by now he must feel capable of moving to something more challenging, which means that it is time for you to take your panties off for him - so to speak.
"Of course, if that makes you... uncomfortable, or if you'd rather have someone present..."
"Of course not; it's... all right." you hurry to answer after a moment of uncertainty; after six months of private sessions you had gotten used to posing with your clothes on, but after all it is nothing you haven't done a hundred times already "I didn't bring my night-gown, though."
Zoro gives you this ("It is clean, I swear.") and invites you to leave your clothes in the bathroom near the living room, while he prepares his things.
"I will be just a minute."
"Take your time. Just..." he hesitates, once more as if unsure of what to say, which strikes you as odd - Zoro is not a blabbermouth, but in six months since you met him you never had the impression he was too shy, or afraid, to say what is on his mind. By now you are, if not exactly friends, at least good acquaintances, and you never had troubles finding something to talk about; why does he seem so awkward all of a sudden? What delicate matter is he afraid to broach...? "Listen, you know I'm Luffy friend, do you?"
Considering that your friend's crew has practically adopted you ever since you started posing for their class, so much that you are routinely invited to hang out with them and they all came to your birthday party two months ago, the question sounds unexpected, and weird, at your ears.
"Of course. Why is that relevant now?"
"Nothing. Just... I'll wait for you here, ok?"
Still a little perplexed, you move to the bathroom, where you leave your clothes in a neat pile and refresh yourself; there is nothing more unpleasant than body odour when one is posing, naked or otherwise. Zoro's night-gown is, predictably, not exactly the right fit for you, which shouldn't be a problem, since you are going to take it off in less than a minute, but wearing it feels strange all the same... intimate, in a way. You had never worn a man's clothes before, or rather, no man had ever given you his clothes to wear, and having Zoro do it, even just to avoid having you walk buck naked around his house...
You chide yourself for those naive, childish thoughts, especially towards a man on whom you can no longer deny having a crush, and whose company you genuinely enjoy; you don't want Zoro to think he made you uncomfortable. You are here to pose for him, and pose for him you will, like the professional model you are; everything else doesn't matter... even though you have to admit, you like being alone with Zoro, having his attention focused on you. A secret, innocent joy you allow yourself to indulge in.
You wash away what is left of the make-up you had applied earlier, before heading to work, remain for a moment still, staring at your reflection and reminding yourself you are an adult and ought to behave accordingly, and then leave the bathroom.
Zoro is preparing your station in the living room, with a lamp near the sofa, on which you have already posed lying many times... after taking off your shoes, and nothing else. His sketchbook and pencils are placed on a little table near his favourite chair, retrieved from their hiding spot in the suitcase; propped against the chair's armrest are Zoro's three swords. He doesn't carry them around when he is at home, but, he told you, he always keeps them close, as if expecting to be attacked at any moment, even in the safety of his own home: it is a not uncommon habit among swordsmen, that his master (and father) accustomed him to since he was a child.
He turns, startled a little, when he hears you approach, and when he sees you wearing his night-gown he seems to have troubles swallowing for a moment. "So, uhm, everything ok?"
You wonder whether he expected you to have troubles taking your clothes off. "Sure. So... how do you want me?" you ask back; then, suddenly realizing how that question, that you must have posed a hundred times before, might sound differently from how you had intended it, you hurry to rephrase: "What pose do you want me to assume?"
Zoro asks you to lie in profile, propped on one elbow, with one leg stretched and the other partially bent towards your belly; the pose is similar to one Shanks asked you to assume for a class at the Art School last month, which leads you to suspect Zoro was not satisfied of his work of that day. He looks away, seemingly embarrassed, when he sees you take off his night-gown, even though he saw you do the same at the school a hundred times already.
You don't find it weird. In fact, it might be because you're doing it in a new place for the first time, but for a moment you feel awkward as well, almost as if that gesture had a different meaning, almost as if it mattered...
The night-gown passes from your hand to his; while your gazes don't meet, your hands brush against each other.
"Thank you."
"Yeah, no problem."
A moment later you are lying on the sofa, easily settling in the same position as a few weeks ago.
"Are you comfortable?" Zoro asks you, and you nod, by now used to the slight inconvenience of an unnatural pose, since no one, especially not at your age, has ever died from a stiff arm or a sore leg, and by now Shanks' class has drawn you in positions that wouldn't be out of place in the experts' section of a yoga manual.
"Yeah, don't worry. Can you take my book from my bag, please? I have an exam next week..."
A minute later Zoro is already sitting at his place, the sketchbook balanced on his knee, the by now familiar whisper of the pencil rubbing on the paper filling the room. As usual you remain still as a statue, face lowered on the pages of your book... even though your eyes keep rising to the young man in front of you; at times your gazes meet, and you could swear Zoro's eyes are smiling even though his expression remains serious.
You like this, you have realized for a while, this weird menage you have built together, the chaste intimacy of posing for a single artist and the innocent flattery of having his full attention focused on you - if only because Zoro wants to makes sure he draws the angle of your shoulder as faithfully as he can. You have no idea how long he will need your help for, or if he will ever decide he can do without your private sessions, but you are determined to enjoy it as long as it lasts, and to pose for him every time he asks you to, even if it means sacrificing the little free time school and work leave you; it is a very unexpected sort of relationship, perhaps an anomalous one, intimate and at the same time strictly professional, but you treasure it all the same. Zoro is not a particularly personable man, you have come to suspect, but you know he is fond of you, and appreciates you as a model and a person.
You can't help wanting more. But at the same time you are happy with what you have, and you hope it lasts.
Zoro draws in complete silence for a while, while you revise two chapters of your book, trying to make sense of your own notes.
"You are not cold?" he asks after a while, and you assure him you are all right; you have already noticed Zoro has turned the heating on, no doubt more for your benefit than his, since you are the one who can't simply put a sweater on if she gets chilly. You'll have to thank him.
"My father knows about you, you know." he adds, almost absentmindedly, and your are immediately alarmed.
"What?! He knows...?"
"Not that you pose for me, and I still attend the East Blue; he... he knows I had a girl over, that's it." Zoro explains, face momentarily hidden behind his sketchbook "Last time... I forgot to wash the coffee cups, and he noticed there was a trace of lipstick on the border of one."
"Oh, God, Zoro, I'm sorry..."
"That's ok." he assures you, while a sudden grin blossoms on his lips "He didn't mind, and I doubt he could ever imagine what we do. He just thought... you know..."
You force yourself not to smile. "... that you have a girlfriend?" you finish for him "And that you had taken advantage of his absence to invite her over?"
"Something like that, yes. I... I didn't correct him, I hope you don't mind."
You don't. "I don't." At all. Another small, innocent pleasure, part of a little fantasy you're probably too old for but that in the end doesn't hurt anyone; and truth to be told, you are happy to help Zoro, since you know how much attending the drawing school means to him. You return your attention to your book, but try as you might you really can't focus, let alone memorize the notions on the page in front of you, your eyes simply skimming the text without retaing any information.
And the fault is his. Well, it is yours, to be honest, since you are by now an expert model, not to mention a veteran student and an adult woman, and you should be able to ignore the presence of a man, no matter how handsome, and concentrate on something as important as an imminent exam. For God's sake, Zoro has never skipped a class at the art school, which means that you have taken off your clothes in front of him two times a week for six months! By now he knows your naked body so well he could draw it by heart, and he does need a model, even though his life drawings have improved, it isn't simply a ruse to... meet you in a more private setting and... and... and why are you fantasizing about that, now?!
Oh, God. You do like him, you realize suddenly, much more than you had imagined or allowed yourself to think until today. He is handsome, and athletic, and he has a beautiful smile, but in six months since you first met you have learnt to know Zoro, and to appreciate and respect him as a man and as a friend as well; you like how protective he is of his friends (and of you, given that time that a drunk man approached you as he was walking you back at the bus stop after a drawing session; Zoro drew the Wado Ichimonji and threatened to amputate any part of his body the man would touch you with) and steadfast in the pursuit of his dream, and kind-hearted towards those who suffer or endure injustice, even though those who know him less well wrongly consider him cold and selfish. You are attracted to him, and while you already enjoy being his model and friend, you do wish your relationship would develop beyond that... you wish to be important for him, to feel his gaze brush against your skin and know he is not simply wondering whether he drew your arm faithfully enough or he should start over.
"Shanks is very pleased with your progress." you mention after a while; unlike what happens during class at the art school, where silence is religiously kept from the beginning to the end of the class, Zoro told you he doesn't mind chatting a bit while he draws, and he is exactly the sort of conversationalist you prefer: no interest in small talk, and has always something interesting to say "I heard him saying that at the end of your last class."
Zoro is pleased, even smug, as he smiles and tilts his head to one side, as if to observe you from a marginally different perspective. "He did say I got better at life drawing, even though I shouldn't focus on that and neglect my other classes."
"I'm sure that won't happen."
"I hope not... and in any case, if I improved I also owe it to you. I haven't forgotten how much you're doing for me, (name)."
"I'm doing nothing, just staying still."
"You know what I mean. I know you'd have many better things to do with your time, and you're not even letting me pay you..."
"Zoro... we are friends." you point out, completely serious; you are now looking straight at him, so engrossed in your conversation to notice you have broken the first, cardinal rule for all art models: never change pose mid-session "You know I could never ask you money. I am happy to help you, since I know how much this matters to you."
Zoro looks at you; he has stopped drawing, even through you couldn't say exactly when. "We weren't friends when you accepted to pose for free."
"No, but you were Luffy's friend, which is equally important. Would you have accepted to be paid, if you were in my place?"
"Maybe I would have."
"No, you wouldn't have."
"No, I wouldn't have." he admits, and smiles at you, and you have never wanted to kiss anyone so much in your life "Anyway, I owe you, truly. Thank you."
You assure him you are happy to be his model, and you really are, so much that you hope your sessions will continue even now that his life drawings have improved; truth to be told, you'll happily spend the evenings of the rest of your life posing for Zoro... unless, of course, one of the two decides, or in your case finds the courage, to ask the other out.
"I think you changed position."
"Yeah, sorry." you admit as you lower your gaze once more.
"No, it's your arm."
"My arm?" you repeat, perplexed, since you hadn't noticed you had moved it "Are you sure?"
"Yes, you moved it when you used your hand to turn the page. Wait..."
Zoro stands, crossing the living room floor in a quick stride until he's keeling in front of the sofa; not looking at you (accurately not looking at you) he lifts your wrist with his fingers and moves your arm a few inches to the left. It's a completely innocent gesture, but you choose that very moment to unthinkingly move on the cushion, searching for a more comfortable position... and inadvertently pressing your chest against Zoro's hand.
His fingers are warm against the skin of your breast, the sensation clear, almost painfully so, despite the contact lasting less than a second. You gasp, more out of surprise than alarm, but that is nothing compared to Zoro's reaction: he jumps, retracting his hand as if he had burned himself, and his face has burst into flames as well, his usually tan complexion turning a bright red.
"Oh my God...!!"
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Zoro almost shouts; he moves back so quickly he almost trips on his own feet "I didn't do it on purpose, I swear..."
"It's ok; I'm sorry, it was my fault, I moved... in the least appropriate moment." you admit, feeling yourself blush as well; you have never felt so embarrassed, and so naked, in your life, not even during your first session with Shanks' class "Zoro, forgive me, I made you... uncomfortable..."
He sighs, unable to look you in the eyes, his face still bright red as he covers it with his hand, standing five paces from you. "No, the fault is mine. Shanks always says an artist should never approach a model without asking for permission, let alone touch them... especially if they are naked."
He lowers his hand, gazing at it as if he could read his future in the lines of the palm; that is the hand he touched you with.
"I shouldn't have asked you to pose nude; I'm sorry."
"I'm perfectly used to it, as you very well know." you insist, desperately trying to ease the tension.
"Yes, at the school; I thought... it would be different now that you're here..."
Silence falls on the room, and between the two of you, for the first time since you met an uncomfortable, somewhat charged silence that you don't quite know how to interpret... as if you were standing over the edge of a precipice.
"I thought... you wanted to practice drawing clothed people, because it was easier..."
"I did." Zoro admits, as he retreats to his chair; he picks up the scabbard of the Wado Ichimonji, his fingers idly fiddling with the strap "At first. To be honest, I have felt ready to shift to nude drawing for a while, but I didn't want..."
"You didn't want...?"
"Oh, hell!" Zoro exclaims, finally turning to look at you; he seems angry, even though not necessarily at you "I didn't want you to think I wanted to look at you naked! I know you trust me because I'm Luffy's friend, and that posing naked is the rule, but I was afraid you would think that I had... designs on you and would take advantage of our drawing sessions to... to..."
He stops mid-sentence, but he doesn't need to continue; he has said enough, more than enough, to make your heart skip a beat - or four.
"... listen, let's just forget it, all right? You can get dresses, I can start over..."
"And you do?"
"... sorry?"
"You have designs on me?" you quietly ask as you slowly change position once more, sit on the sofa and then stand, only partially using your arm to cover your chest "Not that you would take advantage of me, or try to hurt me in any way; I know you are not that sort of man. But... did you ever consider having me naked in your house, while we are alone, could change things between us?"
"I... I..."
"That something might... develop?"
Zoro's face is still burning; he is stuttering, something almost unimaginable for a usually collected, self-assured man, but it is sweet seeing him like this... and you would lie if you said discovering you can have this effect on him is not exciting.
"I would not blame you for it; the heart has rules of its own, like my mother always says, and it's not like I'm the woman of your best friend or your step-sister. Also, I must confess... I would be flattered. And very happy."
A few more moments of silence follow, as you let Zoro fully grasp the meaning of your words, and he seemingly gives you time to recant them or elaborate with limits and conditions - something you have no intention of doing. You have known Zoro for six months; too little to speak of love, perhaps, or to make plans for the future, but more than enough to know that you like and care for him, sincerely and well beyond his undeniable physical beauty. You want to be more than a model for him... and you want him to do more than simply look at you, studing the shape of your hipbone or the position of your elbow.
Much more.
You are so engrossed in each other neither hears the sound of the house door opening. Zoro turns towards you, delicately placing his sword back against his chair's armrest; he is in full control of himself once more, not smiling and still five paces away, but the intensity of his gaze, the barely controlled desire in his brown eyes, makes you feel as if you could already feel his hands (warm, elegant, used to both wield a sword and hold a pencil, capable of being both gentle and strong) brushing against your skin, caressing it, worshipping...
"Are you sure?" he asks in the end, taking a single step towards you "Because I'd really like to..."
"Zoro, are you home?"
The voice coming from the corridor outside the living room is masculine, refined and more mature than that of the young man in front of you; it expressed a simple question, the tone relaxed and devoid of tension, but both of you react as if a known criminal had just threatened to make the house blow up.
"My father." Zoro whispers, suddenly panicking; he looks back at the chair on which his sketchbook and pencils are still placed, close enough to the door anyone coming into the room would see them for sure. And if that someone is Zoro's father, the man who has no idea he is still attending the art school, years after demanding he withdraw, you don't even want to know what could happen... "Oh, God... cover yourself, quick!"
Zoro quickly grabs his night-gown, that he had left on the back of the sofa, and passes it to you; you take it, look at him, need just half a second to assess your priorities, and throw the night-gown on his chair, where it neatly falls covering his drawing tools.
A moment later the door opens. "Zoro, are you here? I just need... oh."
Until today you had only seen Zoro's father in pictures, like the one of the two of them at the fencing school hanging from the living room's wall, and you doubt Zoro had even told him about you, even just as a friend, at least until his father had noticed a trace of your lipstick on a coffee cup; therefore, this is your first meeting and God, you couldn't imagine a worst possible situation... nor, it must be acknowledged, a more memorable one.
Dracule Mihawk is a tall, very attractive man in his forties, with dark hair, a neatly trimmed bear, and beautiful bird-like eyes that earned him the sobriquet he is mostly known under. Zoro, who deeply respects him even though he still sees the older man more like a mentor and a future adversary than a father, told you he is gifted with an almost preternatural self-control, never letting himself be carried away by his emotions and very rarely reacting with joy, surprise or sadness when something unexpected happens.
You should perhaps be proud of yourself, then, since your presence in his house, and especially your state of undress, leaves the strongest swordsman in the world completely speechless.
"Zoro... what is happening?" he asks in the end, turning to look at his son "Who is this girl? Why is she... oh." he adds after a moment, averting his eyes "I see I'm interrupting."
Zoro quickly steps in front of you, who are staring at your feet as you desperately try to cover your most intimate parts with your hands. "She... she is my friend (name)."
"I see. I'll leave the you alone, I just needed to take some papers. I... apologize for disturbing you."
He nods at Zoro and then at you (who force yourself to reciprocate, fully aware that you must be red as a beetroot), turns, not noticing or perhaps not pay attention to the night-gown on the chair, and leaves, closing the door behind him.
For a whole minute both you and Zoro remain still as statues - or as models posing. "Do you think he suspected something?" you finally ask in a whisper, fearing your quick thinking was not enough to keep Mihawk in the dark. On the other hand, findinga naked girl in his home is technically not something the tutor of a young man should feel suspicious about...
"I... don't think so." Zoro answers slowly as he turns towards you; he is close enough you can feel the warmth of his body on yours, so close you could kiss him without having to move... "You... covered my drawing things instead of yourself."
"I did. Believe me, that was the most embarrassing moment of my life, but... I know how important it is for you to keep attending the art school, and that you don't want to disappoint your father, so I thought..."
Zoro grins as he takes your head in his hands; the purest affection shines in his brown eyes. He kisses you on the forehead and "I just want to make sure everything's all right." he quickly explains "He wouldn't take it out on you, he's not that sort of man, just... give me a minute, ok?"
"Of course. Can I take your night-gown if I hide...?"
You smile. "All right." you answer, and Zoro winks at you before following Mihawk out of the room. A couple of minutes, and pressing your ear against the door allows you to listen to the conversation between father and son.
"If you wanted to have the house to yourself for an evening you could have told me, Zoro. You're an adult, I would have had nothing against it."
"I know, just... I didn't really expect it to happen. And you're usually not at home at this hour."
"As I said, I had forgotten a few documents I had to look over with my new client. She's the girl you told me about, the one of the lipstick? Is she your girlfriend or...?"
A few moments pass before Zoro's answer; suddenly, you wonder whether he suspects you are listening. "Not yet; but I was planning on asking her tonight."
"Good. I don't mind if she stays the night, but if she doesn't, make sure your friend gets home safely."
Zoro promises he will. A minute later, the house door opens and closes, and soon after, Zoro returns to you, looking relieved but somewhat gloomy.
"Is everything all right?"
"Yeah, just..." Zoro smiles as he takes you in, still completely naked, clearly appreciating the view way beyond simply as a good subject for a portrait, but a moment later he sighs "I... don't like lying to him. I know he never wanted children, but he took good care of me for years; he deserves better."
"You're old enough to decide how to live your life, Zoro. I know your father is a swordsman, and I don't doubt he only wants what's best for you, but what's so wrong with liking to draw?"
Zoro tells you that for people like him and Mihawk, the sword is much more than a hobby or an interest, no matter how passionately one practices it - it is a call, a way of life, a purpose one has to focus all their energies and willpower on, and that leaves no space for anything else. "Truth to be told, the sword is my real passion; as much as I like drawing, that's what I have decided to dedicate my life to, the thing I would choose if I had to pick one. It's just..."
"My parents could draw. They were illustrators, for books and advertising and other things; they taught me, and then since I liked it, they sent me to the school. I know I'm not as good an artist as I am a swordsman, probably not good enough to earn my living with that, but I do like it, and... and drawing makes me feel close to them. You know, as if they were still with me."
Zoro looks at you, vaguely apologetic as if he felt guilty for ruining the intimate moment you were about to share with his sad musings. You don't mind; if anything, you have discovered a new part of him, the insecure, uncertain heart of a young man torn between his dreams and obligations, between the devotion to his birth parents and the loyalty to the man who has taken care of him. A part of him Zoro probably does his best to keep hidden, because he is that sort of man, but that you have discovered, and you can't help loving it.
"What are you smiling about?" Zoro wonders as he rests his hands on your naked hips, his touch relatively chaste but possessive enough to make you shiver pleasantly.
"I was just thinking how happy I am Luffy convinced me to come pose at the school." you muse "I found a new job I really enjoy, some great new friends, and..."
"... and you met me? Is this what you were going to say?"
"Hmm, perhaps..."
You laugh; Zoro laughs with you. "I'd really like to kiss you now." he murmurs in the end; in the well-lit room, you can see he has blushed, just a little "If that's all right for you, that is."
"Of course it is."
Zoro's lips are hot against yours. You waste no time before kissing him back, messy and awkward at first, but soon your mouths learn to know each other, they find a rhythm to follow and pursue together, a wild, unrestrained dance that you feel already addicted to a minute later, and soon your tongue finds Zoro's in his mouth, and his moan of pleasure reverberates through your body.
"(name)... fuck..."
His hands are still grasping at your hips, his whole body tense; he's still restraining himself, not wanting to take more than you are willing to give, but the time for qualms is over, and you want Zoro to know that while this is not how you expected your relationship to begin, you don't regret it, far from it, and you have never desired anything and anyone like him, and his hands on your skin.
"Touch me, Zoro." you whisper, your lips still pressed against his "Please, I need you to touch me..."
He moans again, fierce and avid and hungry, as he takes your face in his hands and then lets an arm snake around your waist, pressing your body flush against his; Zoro is still clothed, but you can feel the effect your nudity has had on him through the fabric of his jeans. You roll your hips against his erection, just as his free hand descends to squeeze your ass, and you both whimper.
"Let's go to my room." he proposes in a whisper, and you eagerly nod. Zoro quickly retrieves his swords, while you hold his sketchbook and pencils against your chest, then offers you his free hand, and you let him guide you towards the corridor.
"In here."
The room is large but sparsely furnished, which you expected; the bed is the sort with the mattress, covered by a duvet, directly placed on the floor. "Nice." you comment as Zoro, whose hands are shaking slightly, retrieves the suitcase, to hide his drawing tools, from the closet. He turns, and grins - no, he smiles at you.
"I changed the bedding this morning."
"Which has nothing to do with the fact you wanted to ask me to pose naked, I'm sure..."
He doesn't deny it, but he laughs - an unexpected, happy sound that fills your heart with tenderness, and the desire to hear it again. Zoro places his swords next to the bed, to be grabbed at a moment's notice; you want to ask him whether he expects an assault during the night, but a moment later Zoro has started undressing, and it would be physically impossible for you to focus on anything else.
As you expected, he has the body of an athlete, without an ounce of fat, well-muscled shoulders and arms, a flat stomach... and a large scar marring his chest, clearly old but still evident enough to make you pause.
"Oh, God... who did this to you?" you murmur, your fingers brushing against the edge of the wound as you try to imagine how painful it must have been "Was it... during a competition...?"
"Not exactly. It was my father."
"What?! Zoro, he could have killed you!" you cry, appalled; he doesn't deny it, but looks distinctly blasé about it, as he explains he had officially challenged Mihawk, foolishly thinking he had even just a single chance of winning, and his teacher had to show him how tremendously wrong he had been.
"That seems... cruel... I mean, towards any students, and especially his own son..."
Zoro shrugs, as if he really didn't care, or perhaps challenges and duels between swordsmen followed rules you cannot understand. "I'm not saying it was pleasant; but it taught me a lot, and from that day, I have promised myself I would never be defeated again."
"Well, if you're happy..."
Zoro takes your hands in his. For a moment all you can do is look at each other, and while you are the one who had never seen the other naked before, you can see awe, and desire, in the brown eyes of the man who has seen you unclothed a hundred times already. He kisses you once more before accompanying you down on the bed, and from there your hands start moving, hungrily searching, caressing, stimulating, and a sensual symphony of moans fills the air. His lips close around your nipple, and you instantly forget how to breathe; your heart is pounding, a fire burning down in your belly, and you have no words to describe how much you want him, which means that you'll have to show him...
Zoro's erection is beautiful, heavy and proudly erect, soft green hair descending from his navel in a thin strip and surrounding the base; you look at him in the eyes as you play with it, your hand moving up and down around the thick column. Zoro sighs, a lazy and happy smile on his lips, as he bucks his hips. "Oh, God, (name)..."
"You like this?"
"I love this... oh, this is even better than I had imagined..."
He has to ask you to stop after a few minutes, and takes your hand in his. "I don't have anything to put on." he confesses, which startles you a bit.
"I'm sorry, I... never really needed them." he admits, as he rubs the back of his head, like you have already seen him do when embarrassed "I can... go buy some; there's a pharmacy across the street."
You reflect on it for a moment. "No; if you don't mind, I'd like you to stay." you answer in the end as you turn on one side, scooting even closer to him "We can... cuddle, that'd be nice as well."
Your idea is approved. In the next two hours you do much more than simply cuddle, exploring each other's body and exchanging your pleasure; you talk a lot, play, joke, and simply enjoy that intimacy and closeness you both want to experience together. Part of you is deeply disappointed you didn't get to have sex with Zoro, especially given you are almost embarrassingly wet and the touch of his hands is addictive, especially when you see his fingers disappear between your legs, but the evening is lovely all the same, your body and Zoro's locked in an embrace. You didn't revise for your imminent exam like you had planned, but given what you have spent the last two hours doing, you feel physically unable to care.
"I really like you, you know." he whispers in the end; he has found a pizza in the kitchen's freezer and now you're eating together on the bed, still naked like the day you were born, and it may be the company, but you feel as if you had never had a better meal. After all, you did tell him he could buy you a pizza as payment for your posing sessions... "Not just because I think you are beautiful."
There is a spot of tomato sauce on his lip; you smile as you clean it with your thumb. "You do?"
"Of course. And I think you're kind, and generous, and you care about your friends, and... what I'm trying to say..." he sighs, and then mumbles something unintelligible, but you don't mind, because you are confident you know already what he wants, because you heard him talk about it with his father, and you want it as well.
"I'd like that." you answer as you place the empty pizza plate on the floor next to the table and then lay next to him once more; it's not exactly the grand declaration of love you had hoped to receive sooner or later, but it is very Zoro, and because of this it is perfect "I'd like that very much."
"Are you sure?"
"Zoro, I don't know what else I could do to show you I like you as well. Now, I can't stay the night because I have class early tomorrow. What about we cuddle some more before I have to go back?"
Zoro happily takes you in his arms, smiling as you rest your cheek against his shoulder. "You know, a lot of artists are jealous of their models." he mentions, his fingers delicately playing with your hair "So I hope you won't let anyone else draw you, at least like this... and that you'll pose for me again."
"You don't have to worry." you whisper back as you turn in his arms; his hips press against yours, making you shiver pleasantly "I'll be your model, and only yours, as long as you want me to."
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paltoosstore · 8 months
Unveiling the Wonders of PCB Conformal Coating Spray: A Shield for Electronics
In the intricate world of electronics, where precision and reliability are paramount, the role of PCB (Printed Circuit Board) conformal coating spray cannot be overstated. This unassuming yet powerful solution acts as a shield, protecting electronic components from a myriad of environmental threats. In this blog, we'll explore the significance of PCB conformal coating spray, its applications, and the benefits it brings to the realm of electronic devices.
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Understanding PCB Conformal Coating:
What is PCB Conformal Coating?
PCB conformal coating is a thin protective layer applied to the surface of printed circuit boards. This coating is formulated to cover and protect electronic components, solder joints, and the overall PCB from environmental factors such as moisture, dust, chemicals, and temperature extremes. The primary goal is to enhance the reliability and longevity of electronic devices.
The Applications:
1. Moisture Protection:
Moisture is a common nemesis for electronic components. PCB conformal coating spray forms a barrier that prevents water and humidity from infiltrating the circuitry, reducing the risk of short circuits and corrosion.
2. Chemical Resistance:
In industrial settings, electronic devices often encounter harsh chemicals. Conformal coating provides a shield against corrosive substances, ensuring that the functionality of the PCB remains intact.
3. Dust and Debris Repellent:
Dust and debris can compromise the performance of electronic devices. Conformal coating acts as a barrier, preventing these particles from settling on the PCB and causing malfunctions.
4. Temperature Stability:
Electronic components are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. PCB Conformal coating spray helps in maintaining stable operating temperatures by acting as a thermal insulator.
5. Vibration and Mechanical Stress Protection:
In applications where electronic devices are subject to vibration or mechanical stress, conformal coating provides a protective layer that reduces the risk of damage to solder joints and other sensitive components.
Types of Conformal Coating:
1. Acrylic:
Known for its versatility and ease of application, acrylic conformal coatings offer good protection against moisture and chemical exposure.
2. Silicone:
Silicone coatings provide excellent flexibility and high-temperature resistance, making them suitable for applications with extreme conditions.
3. Urethane:
Urethane conformal coatings offer a balance of chemical resistance and flexibility, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.
4. Praline:
Praline coating is a unique, ultra-thin, and transparent coating that provides comprehensive protection without adding bulk to the PCB.
The Benefits:
1. Enhanced Reliability:
By protecting against environmental threats, conformal coating contributes to the overall reliability of electronic devices, reducing the likelihood of premature failures.
2. Extended Lifespan:
The protective layer provided by conformal coating helps extend the lifespan of electronic components, making it an essential element in the design of durable devices.
3. Increased Durability:
Electronic devices in demanding environments, such as automotive and aerospace applications, benefit from the increased durability imparted by conformal coatings.
4. Cost Savings:
Investing in conformal coating can result in long-term cost savings by reducing the need for repairs and replacements due to environmental damage.
In the ever-evolving landscape of electronics, where miniaturization and performance are key, the role of PCB conformal coating spray is nothing short of indispensable. As we continue to push the boundaries of technological innovation, the reliability and longevity of electronic devices become critical, and conformal coating stands as a silent guardian, ensuring that our electronic creations withstand the tests of time and environmental challenges.
reference url: https://pal-tools-stores.blogspot.com/2023/10/unveiling-wonders-of-pcb-conformal.html
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pareidoliaonthemove · 4 months
Unexpected Delivery
There had been many changes when their father returned home. Some were new, some were the old status quo reasserting itself.
As Jeff had taken over the daily running of Tracy Industries and the paperwork associated with International Rescue, Scott had managed to take back some of his old duties on the Island.
One of those was unpacking the supplies Virgil regularly brought back from the mainland.
First was the perishables: foods, some of Brains’ more exotic experimental materials, whatever-the-hell it was that Gordon was ordering in to assist in rehabilitating their surrounding sea-scape. Personal deliveries came second, portioning out the mail orders; of which a not-insignificant portion was personal food stocks – Grandma still couldn’t be dissuaded from cooking, even though everyone now had more time to contribute to kitchen duties. Third was domestic consumables: toilet paper, light bulbs, cleaning supplies, and personal grooming and hygiene products – including so much deodorant. And then maintenance supplies; raw materials for production of the custom parts necessary for the maintenance of the Thunderbirds, parts for maintenance for the Villa and auxiliary buildings.
It was a comfortable routine, and one that Scott enjoyed, especially dealing with the maintenance supplies. Checking the packing slip against their internal register of projected deliveries, using the pallet-bot to deposit the large crates and bins at the appropriate areas, before unpacking the individual crates, confirming the itemised stock within, and storing them in the appropriate locations, as he updated the warehousing inventory.
It was a simple – and satisfying – job.
Today there was an extra crate. A large roughly square crate, one and one half to two metres in every dimension and solidly built. Scott frowned at it. There was no sender’s ident, and the anonymous holographic label implanted in the rough-hewn, tightly-spaced wooden slats simply read ‘International Rescue’.
Nothing was unaccounted for on the projected deliveries. There was nothing left over from previous runs, nothing on back order.
Scott checked Virgil’s collection register. This package had been collected from their mail facility at Tracy Industries Headquarters, the security assessment on this crate was attached. Nothing untoward. No radiation, no explosive compounds, no biological matter …
Thunderbird Two’s pod sensors hadn’t detected a threat, either.
“What is it?”
Scott started, jumping as the Mechanic materialised beside him, looking between Scott and the crate curiously.
A slight hesitation – he still hadn’t fully overcome his distrust of the other man, nor had the Mechanic suddenly taken a liking to him – and he explained the situation.
“Only one way to find out. If all the scans are clear.”
Scott waved his tablet at the man, who, after a second, took it, and considered the record trail. He handed the tablet back, and summoned two of his ‘scorpion’ mechas to the crate.
“Better blow them up, than us, if your scans are wrong,” was the response to Scott’s raised eyebrow.
Scott agreed without hesitation. The crate was in a secure section of the hangars, there was no danger to any of their equipment – they had learnt that the hard way, soon after Jeff had … gone on sabbatical. The two men backed off a respectful distance, and watched as the two machines surged forward, powerful pinchers forcing themselves under the lid and prising it up, before skittering around the crate to settle either side of it, like guardians.
The back of the lid was hinged, and a holographic sign projected against the rough and splintery wood. ‘A gift. From a friend.’
The two men approached cautiously. And stared in shock at what lay on the straw at the bottom of the crate.
The Hood, bound hand and foot – hands behind his back – lay half curled with in the space. His naked body bruised and bloody, the slight rise and fall of his chest the only sign the man was alive.
Scott Tracy – Commander of International Rescue, First Responder, Qualified Paramedic, and Survivor of a POW Camp – swallowed his bile as he took in the sight of the bloody and weeping bandage around the man’s head that ineffectively protected what he knew would be the bloody and empty socket where the cybernetic eye had been.
Mutely Scott and the Mechanic stared at each other, both searching for answers the other didn’t have.
How were they ever going to explain this?
Febuwhump Day 21 “Unresponsive”.
Whoops. I totally missed posting this one on the date. Other important dates I have missed include my mothers, and my niece's birthdays. Oh well, off to the dog house!
The standard disclaimers, I do not own Thunderbirds, either the Original Series, the Movies (both Supermarionation and Live Action), or the Thunderbirds Are Go Series. (Although I do own copies on DVD.)
I do not do this for money, but for my own (in)sanity and entertainment.
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