#solvent cleaning system
ecocleanindia · 3 months
The Future of Solvent Cleaning Systems: Efficiency, Sustainability, and the Minio 85C
The world of industrial cleaning is constantly evolving, and Solvent Cleaning Systems are no exception. While traditional methods have served their purpose well, the future demands a focus on efficiency, sustainability, and user-friendliness. This blog post will delve into the exciting advancements shaping the solvent cleaning industry and how the innovative Minio 85C from Ecoclean India positions itself at the forefront of this evolution.
Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Solvent Cleaning
Regulatory Pressures and Environmental Concerns:
Environmental regulations are becoming increasingly stringent, driving the development of eco-friendly solvent cleaning solutions. Traditional solvents often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to air pollution. Manufacturers are seeking alternatives with lower VOC content and improved waste management practices.
Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness:
In today’s competitive landscape, maximizing production efficiency is crucial. Solvent cleaning systems need to be faster, more precise, and consume less solvent to minimize operational costs. Additionally, advancements in automation and process optimization are streamlining cleaning workflows.
Operator Safety and User Experience:
The safety and well-being of workers are paramount. Modern solvent cleaning systems prioritize operator safety by incorporating features like advanced ventilation systems, leak detection, and user-friendly controls. Additionally, intuitive interfaces and simplified maintenance procedures enhance the overall user experience.
Emerging Trends and Innovations in Solvent Cleaning Technology
1. Bio-Solvents and Sustainable Formulations:
Bio-derived solvents are gaining traction due to their lower environmental impact. These solvents are often made from renewable resources like plant-based oils and offer comparable cleaning performance to traditional options. Additionally, advancements in Solvent Formulations are leading to the creation of high-performance, low-VOC cleaning solutions.
2. Precision Cleaning and Automation:
The future of solvent cleaning lies in precise cleaning techniques. Technologies like Ultrasonic Cleaning and micro-degreasing offer targeted cleaning power, minimizing solvent usage and ensuring critical components are spotless. Furthermore, automation is playing a significant role in streamlining cleaning processes. Robotic systems can handle repetitive tasks, improving consistency and worker safety.
3. Closed-Loop Systems and Solvent Recovery:
Minimizing solvent waste is a key focus. Closed-loop systems allow for the recovery and distillation of used solvent, reducing environmental impact and lowering operational costs. Additionally, advancements in filtration technologies are improving the efficiency of solvent cleaning processes.
4. Data-Driven Cleaning and Predictive Maintenance:
The integration of sensors and data analytics into solvent cleaning systems is fostering a data-driven approach to cleaning. Real-time monitoring of solvent levels, temperature, and cleaning cycles allows for process optimization and predictive maintenance. This can help prevent downtime and ensure consistent Cleaning Performance.
How the Minio 85C Addresses the Future of Solvent Cleaning
The Minio 85C, a revolutionary solvent cleaning system from Ecoclean India, exemplifies the future of solvent cleaning. Here’s how it addresses the key trends we’ve discussed:
Sustainable Cleaning: The Minio 85C is compatible with a wide range of cleaning solvents, including bio-solvents and low-VOC formulations. This allows manufacturers to choose eco-friendly options without compromising cleaning performance.
Efficiency and Automation: The system boasts a compact design with an integrated ultrasonic cleaning stage, ensuring a fast and thorough cleaning process. The user-friendly control panel allows for programmable cleaning cycles, optimizing solvent usage and reducing labor costs.
Operator Safety and User Experience: The Minio 85C prioritizes operator safety with a closed-loop distillation system that minimizes solvent exposure. Additionally, the intuitive interface and easy-to-maintain design enhance the overall user experience.
Data-Driven Cleaning: The Minio 85C can be equipped with optional sensors to monitor solvent levels, temperature, and cleaning cycles. This data can be used to optimize cleaning processes and identify potential maintenance needs.
Conclusion: A Clean Future with the Minio 85C
The future of solvent cleaning is bright, driven by a commitment to efficiency, sustainability, and user safety. The Minio 85C from Ecoclean India embodies these values, offering a versatile, eco-friendly, and user-centric solution for a wide range of cleaning applications. By embracing these advancements, manufacturers can achieve a clean future while maintaining optimal production efficiency.
Visit our website page to learn more about the Minio 85C and how it can revolutionize your solvent cleaning processes: https://ecoclean-india.com/products/minio-85c/
Ecoclean Indiais committed to providing innovative and sustainable solutions for the cleaning industry. Contact us today to discuss your specific cleaning requirements.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Recently, a child asked me why an old Toyota was making a horrible noise. It was part of my community service, cleaning up after a group of disadvantaged children. Originally, I thought it was just that they were poor, but after this interaction I realized that they (the kids) were also stupid. That sound? An exhaust backfire from poorly clocked ignition timing.
I mean, sure, there were obviously lots of other problems too. Vacuum leaks, a clogged-up throttle body, and what I suspected was just a hint of worn-out, rattling heat shield. It all came together in an incredibly loud melange of 1980s car adversity. This poor, late-80s Tercel was suffering, ready to be lowered into the grave but still fighting on past all odds, a testament to the survival instinct shared solely by high-mileage import automobiles.
You’re probably out there going, I bet this asshole is going to try and fix up a total stranger’s car just to demonstrate to the children the importance of doing basic maintenance. Nothing doing, bud: the directions on my court order were incredibly narrow and specifically indicated that I shouldn’t teach the kids about any sort of internal combustion engine, much less old two-door economy cars. Of course, that didn’t mean I couldn’t bring in consultants. Guest speakers, if you will. Enter Shaky Tim, my painter “friend” from a few years back.
Tim had ingested virtually every solvent known to man during the course of his long career, and as a result had developed what the medical journals called “a superhuman ability” to sense the specific concentration of gases in an area. He was basically a human mass spectrometer, except that he didn’t cost thousands of dollars, and he’d piss his pants if there was too much ethanol in the mix. Shaky Tim went over to the driver, who was letting the thing idle while he checked his smartphone (presumably with some kind of hookup app meant for poorly-maintained engines to find a sexy mechanic in their area,) and Shaky Tim helped him adjust his distributor.
Before we go any further, I think it is important to note two more facts about my friend Tim. One: he can no longer speak the Queen’s English, as it was taken from him by what his whiteboard scrawls indicate may have been some kind of Varsol-sponsored leprechaun. Two: his customer-service skills leave much to be desired. As the terrified children watched on, Tim pried the hood-release cable out through the fender liner, popped the hood, and loosened the distributor cap tie-down bolt with his bare hands. Then he pinched off a vacuum line while sniffing around the exhaust header leak, and, using his unearthly sense of smell, slowly wiggled the thing into perfect running condition, the ignition system now humming in the mathematical ideal.
I like to think the kids learned a lot from Shaky Tim, and maybe they accidentally learned something else from me. It’s better to have your burned-out druggie friend get into a fight with a random Tercel owner than to get into that very same fight yourself. I hear Tim’s gonna have that thing painted any day now, as soon as he remembers where his paint shop is.
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Researchers uncover a rapid, efficient and environmentally friendly method for selective lithium recovery using microwave radiation and a readily biodegradable solvent. A microwave-based process boasts 50% recovery rate in 30 seconds. The "white gold" of clean energy, lithium is a key ingredient in batteries large and small, from those powering phones and laptops to grid-scale energy storage systems. Though relatively abundant, the silvery-white metal could soon be in short supply due to a complex sourcing landscape impacted by the electric vehicle (EV) boom, net-zero goals and geopolitical factors. Valued at over $65 billion in 2023, the lithium-ion battery (LIB) global market is expected to grow by over 23% in the next eight years, likely heightening existing challenges in lithium supply.
Read more.
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nobodys-hekatonchires · 4 months
So, in relation to this post, here is a little snippet :)
“Ratchet, we need you! Wheeljack is down!” “What had he done now?” “I think– Twitch used the Cyber Slayer on him…” That had been almost twenty joors earlier, and Ratchet still hadn’t had the time to clean the energon and oil from his servos. He had seen a lot of death and horror in the eons of war, but Wheeljack collapsed on the floor, Ranger Malto distraught beside him, had caused the medic to pause. Luckily, emergency protocols had overridden the deep and powerful dread in his systems. Had he wasted any more time, they might have lost Wheeljack for good. With First Aid at his side, they had slaved away for groons to get Wheeljack’s spark burning again. It had been touch and go, the spear had made direct contact to his chassis, scorch marks right over his spark chamber… The spear made Ratchet shudder, he never wanted it near him again. He never wanted to see Wheeljack so sparkless either. Had they been bonded, Ratchet might have shattered. Instead, he was having a minor breakdown in the medical waiting room with Wheeljack just next door on spark-support.  “-ow is he?” The medic nearly jumped out of his alloys, helm snapping up. Ironhide was looming over him, shadowed slightly as he blocked out the lights above. He hadn’t heard the bulky, red warrior approach at all. “Sorry?” Ratchet used the back of his arm to wipe away the fluid leaking from his optics. Thankfully, Ironhide didn’t comment on it. “How’s Wheeljack?” Ironhide repeated for him, optical ridged pulling together in concern - for Wheeljack or for himself, Ratchet wasn’t sure. His optics then flicked down to the stains on Ratchet’s servos, and the medic grimaced to himself. He shouldn’t have left the medical bay covered in Wheeljack’s energon, it was unsanitary and an ominous sight. Clearing his voicaliser of static, Ratchet lifted his aching frame up from the slouched position he had been sat in for too long. In his haze, he had completely ignored the chairs, choosing to shove himself into a corner instead. His frame was not appreciative of it, though, joints cracking and clicking. Ironhide followed him as they moved back into the medical bay, Ratchet heading straight to the solvent sink. As he began to scrub his servos, it gave Ratchet something to focus on while he spoke. “He’s functioning, but his spark is still weak…” Ratchet explained heavily, the ache in his chassis not from old age. “First Aid is keeping an optic on him. The surgery was…” “Long? Tiring?” Ironhide suggested when Ratchet trailed off, perching on the corner of the sink beside him. Difficult was another glyph Ratchet might have used, but he just nodded stiffly while scraping the flaking energon from his digit joints.
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mychlapci · 2 months
okay so i did quite a few cleaning/grooming headcanons during the last celibacy week so i figured i’d start it off with some more!
one thing i’ve been debating is how cybertronians clean their plating when my continuity has a completely mechanical cybertron. think about it, most human supplies used to clean cars and/or other machinery is quite soft to avoid scratching or otherwise damaging the exterior plating. 
so i have two solutions to this!
number one! the high pressure washer. this is basically just a normal car wash but more widely available to the public and utilised by more than just mecha with transportation altmodes. these showers would provide high powered jets of water that could blast either out of the floors, walls, or ceilings depending on the type of stall. they would probably look similar to gym showers in our world, very utilitarian in design. these would also be outfitted with vents that blast warm air over the plating in order to quickly dry off the user. i imagine these would be common among the labour classes and there would likely be many that are pay to use throughout the city. perhaps expensive ones have oil and solvent bathes that are meant for soaking rather than cleaning. 
my secondary solution is metallic fibres. i’m not entirely sure if it would work particularly well but the way i think of it is metal sheets flattened and then cut into extremely fine and flexible wires which can then be woven into something that might be a reasonable approximation of cloth. again i’m not entirely sure if it would work well because with cloth there isn’t the possibility that it could scratch the plating but i think with enough stretching and flattening, one could get a “softer” thread that could be used to make blankets and washcloths. these would likely be kept only for touch ups and smaller jobs since washing the entire frame would take a lot of time doing it by hand, hence the popularity of the above option. 
now onto the actual ideas revolving around grooming/cleaning habits. 
i think that manual classes are far more likely to develop communal grooming habits than scientific or racing classes. this is very several reasons. for one it’s far easier to get clean faster when there is more than one individual involved and in an industry such as mining or transportation, time is everything. additionally many of these jobs foster a strong sense of community between workers and in a work place where the wash racks are public, trust is crucial in regards to exposing oneself in front of others. 
army mecha, like seekers, tanks, and other such warframes also tend to display these communal grooming habits, with seekers in particular displaying intricate and complex rituals of grooming in regards to their wings. of course this varies from individual to individual and just as many mecha prefer to handle cleaning their frames on their own rather than seeking assistance or parting in community activities. 
in regards to actual cleaning products i think the manual classes would be supplied with the basics of a wash rack and if their employers are feeling particularly generous, cheap waxes and oils to relax the cables and touch up any plating that may have gotten scuffed or damaged. though many companies do not provide such things due to the prevalence of workers being replaced and/or becoming dirty from their jobs. it’s simply not worth the cost. 
those ranked higher in the caste system and who actually receive a paying wage would likely purchase waxes, buffers, and the above mentioned cloths to polish and wax their plating to a shine. even wealthier mecha who have shanix to burn might even buy scented oils, waxes, and extra paint in the event that they want to switch up their scents or paint colours. these bots would most likely include high ranking members of the government, like senators or elected officials, as well as the primes, diplomats, and entertainers.
oOooh inch resting... I do like it when big robots groom and preen each other I think they should do it more often. It makes sense. There's some bits you just can't reach with your own hands, and no one wants grime in the plating seams of their back, or on the back of their wings...
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inanimatefan1 · 1 year
Did not go as planned (Collage roommate Sneaker TF Story) PART 3 (a new Beginning)
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Years have passed, and the pile of worn sneakers in the corner has grown considerably. One day, Tyler stands in front of his wardrobe, contemplating the mountain of shoes. "This is getting out of hand," he mutters to himself. He retrieves his football bag from the floor, still carrying the scent of countless practices, games, and locker rooms. He starts to fill it with the worn sneakers, and as I find myself being lifted and placed into the bag, a wave of nostalgia washes over me. I sense the presence of all the other sneakers, each with their own history, their own scent, their own connection to Tyler. Tyler zips up the bag and hoists it over his shoulder. "Time to give them a second life," he says, almost as if he's talking to us. For a moment, I wonder where we're going. A thrift store? A recycling center? Somewhere else? Either way, I find myself excited about this next chapter. The bag sways as Tyler walks, each step he takes a reminder of all the steps he's taken in each of us. Finally, Tyler stops walking. He unzips the bag and starts to pull us out one by one. It turns out he's at a local charity where worn but usable items are refurbished and given to those in need. As I get lifted out of the bag and placed into a new pile, I can't help but feel a sense of rebirth. I may no longer serve Tyler, but I can serve someone else, carry someone else's dreams and steps.
As I adjust to the new surroundings, Tyler turns to leave. "Take care of them. They've been good to me," he tells the volunteer, smiling. And just like that, he's gone, leaving me and the others behind for our second life. Yet even as he walks away, a part of him remains with each of us—memories woven into fabric, history imprinted onto soles. Even as I prepare for my new journey, I know I'll always be a part of Tyler's story, just as he will always be a part of mine.
As I'm placed on a workbench along with the other sneakers, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The charity staff really take their mission to heart, giving each of us worn-out sneakers a new lease on life. First comes the cleaning process. I've never experienced anything like it. Powerful yet gentle solvents wash away the accumulated grime, and brushes scrub into crevices I'd forgotten existed. I start to feel lighter, refreshed. The next stage is the polishing, and as I'm buffed and shined, I can see a transformation taking place. What were once signs of wear and age are now marks of character; I've gone from worn-out to vintage. Special equipment reinforces my weakened soles, patches up my frayed fabric, and revitalizes my faded colors. The smell of Tyler still lingers faintly within me, but it's now mixed with a clean, almost new aroma. One by one, each of us gets tagged and entered into the charity system, marked for a new chapter. And as I consider the future, I can't help but feel optimistic. We, all 20 pairs that once belonged to Tyler, will soon be gracing the feet of teenagers and young adults who turn to the charity for support. Each of us will become a part of new stories, new lives. As I'm placed on a shelf with other revitalized sneakers, waiting for someone to choose me, I find myself thinking about what comes next. Whose life will I be a part of? What new adventures await? While I'll always cherish my time with Tyler, I can't help but feel eager for what lies ahead.
Did not go as planned (Collage roommate Sneaker TF Story) PART 4 (Alex)
As Alex slips his foot into me, I immediately sense the difference between him and Tyler. Alex's socks are clearly worn, much more so than Tyler's ever were, and I can tell his family has had to prioritize other needs over new clothing. But as he laces me up, there's an unmistakable feeling of joy and satisfaction emanating from him. His mother watches, clearly relieved to find good-quality sneakers for her son at such a symbolic price. The staff at the charity store, seeing the family's genuine need, go the extra mile to make sure they have everything they need, from clothing to household items. All sold at minimal cost, giving the family a sense of ownership while still helping them in their time of need. "Mom, look, they fit perfectly!" Alex exclaims, taking a few steps to test me out. His mother smiles, her eyes shining with a mix of relief and gratitude.
"Looks like we've found your new sneakers," she says, confirming what I already sensed: I've found my new owner. As we leave the charity store, I can't help but feel a sense of purpose rejuvenated within me. While Tyler's college journey had its own excitement, the path ahead with Alex feels just as significant, albeit in a different way. Alex and his family head home, and the moment we step through their front door, he eagerly puts me on again. This time, I'm paired with another one of his worn socks, but I don't mind. I know that in no time, I'll grow to love the unique scent and feel of being Alex's sneakers just as much as I loved being Tyler's.
From the moment I became Alex's go-to pair of sneakers, I notice the meticulous care with which both he and his mother treat their belongings. For them, every item holds value because they don't know when they'll be able to replace it. Unlike Tyler, who had the luxury of multiple options and frequent replacements, Alex wears me every day—to school, to play, to run errands with his mom. I become well-acquainted with every type of terrain, from asphalt to dirt paths to linoleum floors. The wear and tear is inevitable, of course, but Alex and his mother do their best to mitigate it. They clean me regularly, wiping away the day's grime and occasionally applying a little polish to keep me looking presentable. I can tell that they're trying to extend my lifespan as much as possible. Over time, I adapt to the unique demands of being Alex's only pair of sneakers. I find myself not just becoming a part of his life but a necessity, a constant in a world that doesn't offer him many. The soles of my fabric may wear thin, and my laces may fray, but the sense of purpose I feel only grows stronger.
As Alex's everyday sneakers, I quickly become attuned to the rhythm of his life—a life much more demanding than Tyler's. Each day after school, Alex heads to the small grocery store where he works, and I can sense the fatigue setting in as he stands for hours, stocking shelves and managing inventory. I do my best to offer support, cushioning his steps and absorbing the strain of long hours on his feet. He hardly has any free time; what little he does have is often spent taking care of his siblings or helping his mother with chores. And yet, despite the challenges and worries that fill his days, Alex never complains. His resilience impresses upon me a deep sense of admiration and respect.The wear and tear on me becomes more apparent as the weeks roll by. The soles start to thin, the fabric bears the marks of long days and hard work, and my inner padding becomes increasingly compressed. Yet, Alex and his mother continue their regimen of care, cleaning and polishing me regularly, doing their best to keep me functional for as long as possible. Every step Alex takes in me feels weighted with responsibility and tinged with hope. I find a new form of honor in being the support system for someone who has to be strong not just for himself, but for his family as well. While I can't change the circumstances of Alex's life, I can offer him the small comfort and reliability that comes with a good pair of sneakers. In this way, I do my best to help him, to absorb the shocks and stresses of his busy, challenging life. Though I'm just a pair of shoes, I feel like I'm contributing something meaningful to Alex's world, even if he doesn't know it. As I feel myself adapting to the unique demands of being his one and only pair, I find that the value and importance of my role have never been clearer. In Alex's world, where each day brings new challenges, being a reliable pair of sneakers is more than just a function—it's a privilege.
Part 3/4 of 7
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solarpunkbusiness · 4 months
Electrochemistry helps clean up electronic waste recycling, precious metal mining
A new method safely extracts valuable metals locked up in discarded electronics and low-grade ore using dramatically less energy and fewer chemical materials than current methods, report University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researchers in the journal Nature Chemical Engineering. 
Gold and platinum group metals such as palladium, platinum and iridium are in high demand for use in electronics. However, sourcing these metals from mining and current electronics recycling techniques is not sustainable and comes with a high carbon footprint. Gold used in electronics accounts for 8% of the metal’s overall demand, and 90% of the gold used in electronics ends up in U.S. landfills yearly, the study reports. 
The study, led by chemical and biomolecular engineering professor Xiao Su, describes the first precious metal extraction and separation process fully powered by the inherent energy of electrochemical liquid-liquid extraction, or e-LLE. The method uses a reduction-oxidation reaction to selectively extract gold and platinum group metal ions from a liquid containing dissolved electronic waste. 
In the lab, the team dissolved catalytic converters, electronic waste such as old circuit boards, and simulated mining ores containing gold and platinum group metals using an organic solvent. The system then streams the dissolved electronics or ores over specialized electrodes in three consecutive extraction columns: one for oxidation, one for leaching and one for reduction. 
“The metals are then converted to solids using electroplating, and the leftover liquid can be treated to capture the remaining metals and recycle the organic solvent,” Su said. “The stream containing the organic extractant is then pumped back to the first extraction column, closing the loop, which greatly minimizes waste.”
An economic analysis of the new approach showed that the new method runs at a cost of two orders of magnitude lower than current industrial processes.
“The social value of this work is really its ability to produce green gold quickly in a single step, greatly improving transparency and trust in conflict free recycled precious metals,”
said postdoctoral researcher Stephen Cotty, the first author of the study. 
Su said one of the many advantages of this new method is that it can run continuously in a green fashion and is highly selective in terms of how it extracts precious metals. “We can pull gold and platinum group metals out of the stream, but we can also separate them from other metals like silver, nickel, copper and other less valuable metals to increase purity greatly – something other methods struggle with.”
The team said that they are working to perfect this method by improving the engineering design and the solvent selection.
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crazycobaltman · 1 year
Do you ever just feel a machine in your hands, feel the *motion* as you manually run it through its paces, the cool metal burning against your hands as you tenderly handle it, feel the mechanisms slide against each other in perfect harmony as you make sure it’s working- until it isn’t, a tiny imperfection in your perfect system, so you take it- take *her* apart to find the bug on your sculpture of steel and machined iron, and then destroy it, destroy what dares ruin your perfect set, and then return her to perfection? Bathing it in lubricant and solvent, then feeling as you not only cleaned and bathed her, but improved her, waiting- itching for you to use her again…
Or are you normal
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thinkeco-friendly · 1 year
The 3 R's of Waste Management
Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
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The 3 R's are the necessary foundations of conservation and waste management techniques for a more sustainable lifestyle.
Sustainability, in its environmental definition, is the ability to maintain conditions supporting biological life on Earth by preserving natural resources. The continued prevalence of diminished natural resources due to the rise in greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide and methane, from human activity over the past decades has impacted our course of sustainability on planet Earth. However, reducing, reusing, and recycling materials will lessen energy consumption instead of mining, extracting, and producing new goods with raw materials. These forms of waste management will allow trees to be planted in areas to lessen the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that would otherwise be used as landfills for trash.
Overconsumption of products that yield mass amounts of trash can contribute to the problem that waste management is trying to fix. Being aware of the issue at its roots and diminishing the need to throw away items can better sustain and handle the waste output that one is producing. Reducing the amount of discarded waste can also lessen the need to reuse or recycle items constantly.
Some ways to reduce and use preventative measures are to:
use reusable forms of everyday daily items such as reusable beeswax food wraps, washable utensils, electric lighters, metal razors, and recycled grocery bags
compost compostable foods at compost centers in your state
shop at zero-waste grocery stores in your state
avoid throwaway items such as single-use cutlery and dishes
replace paper items with fabric or cloth options such as fabric napkins, dishcloths, and cotton paper towels
buy products in bulk as opposed to small, single-use containers
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Often, it can be easy to discard packaging or items that no longer work or have a use for them. Instead, one should put creativity into practice when thinking of ways to reuse an object instead of throwing it out entirely and increasing waste output.
Some ways to reuse common thrown-away items are to:
turn used milk, coffee, juice, and water cartons into birdhouses
grow seedlings in empty egg cartons
use empty plastic milk jugs for your garden in creative ways
clean out glass jars or containers and repurpose them as a storage component
sell or donate old clothes, furniture, appliances, etc., to those who can use it
reuse grocery bags to cover small trashcans or on your next trip to the store
utilize newspaper as a way to cushion fragile items for storage
use leftover wood as fuel for bonfires
donate old notebooks and books for children who are in need of them
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Recycle ♻️
At times, it can be easier to throw away used goods rather than recycle them and allow them to redirect potential waste from landfills, conserve energy, and reduce the need to extract new materials for new products. According to the EPA, "recycling one ton of paper would save enough energy to power the average American home for six months, save 7,000 gallons of water, save 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one metric ton of carbon equivalent (MTCE)."
Some ways to get started with recycling items can be to:
buy items that are made with recycled materials so that once it is used up, you can recycle them and restart the process
educate yourself on the plastic recycling symbols and learn what they mean and if they can be recycled
be aware of the fact that not all plastics can be recycled at certain facilities
clean out hazardous/unrecyclable contents before recycling items
choose to buy things that are made with water-soluble solutions instead of chemical-based solvents
look out for materials that local recycling facilities are accepting, and start collecting recyclable items
use public blue bins that indicate if they accept paper, glass, or plastic for an easy-access recycling system
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Efforts to start being sustainable might seem to make a slight difference amongst the tons of trash thrown away daily, but having one person reuse, reduce, and recycle, can make a big difference in a healthier Earth.
“3rs - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.” SustainableSA.Com, 2 Aug. 2016, www.sustainablesanantonio.com/practices-technology/reduce-reuse-recycle/. 
“Basic Information Details | Paper Recycling.” United States Environmental Protection Agency, 21 Feb. 2016, archive.epa.gov/wastes/conserve/materials/paper/web/html/index-2.html. 
“Climate Change Indicators.” United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1 Aug. 2022, www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/greenhouse-gases. 
“Climate Change, Recycling, and Waste Prevention.” Climate Change, Recycling and Waste Prevention from King County’s Solid Waste Division - King County, kingcounty.gov/depts/dnrp/solid-waste/programs/climate/climate-change-recycling.aspx. Accessed 1 July 2023. 
Fahad. “3 R’s of Environment - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” Earth Reminder, 4 Jan. 2020, www.earthreminder.com/3rs-of-environment-reduce-reuse-recycle/. 
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aboutdryice · 11 months
The Future of Auto Engine Cleaning: Innovations in Dry Ice Blasting
In the ever-evolving world of automotive technology, innovation is the driving force behind improvements in engine performance, environmental sustainability, and overall driving experience. As engines become more advanced, so do the methods used to clean and maintain them. One of the most promising innovations on the horizon is "dry ice blasting in automobile" engine cleaning, a revolutionary approach that is set to reshape the future of auto maintenance. In this blog post, we will explore the latest developments and the potential of Dry Ice Blasting in the Automotive Industry.
Dry Ice Blasting in Car Engine
The Importance of Engine Cleaning
A clean engine is not just a matter of aesthetics; it's crucial for optimal performance and efficiency. Over time, engines accumulate dirt, grime, carbon deposits, and other contaminants that can negatively impact their function. Regular engine cleaning is essential to maintain fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, prevent damage, and extend the life of the engine. In this context, the emerging technology of dry ice blasting promises to be a game-changer.
Traditional Engine Cleaning Methods
Before diving into the innovative aspects of dry ice blasting, let's take a quick look at the traditional methods for engine cleaning:
Chemical Cleaning: Chemical solvents and degreasers are commonly used to dissolve and remove dirt and grime. However, these chemicals can be harmful to the environment and pose health risks to those handling them.
Abrasive Cleaning: Sandblasting or other abrasive methods involve blasting particles at the engine surface to remove contaminants. These methods can be effective but also risk damaging engine components.
Water-Based Cleaning: High-pressure water jet cleaning is used to remove dirt, but it can result in water waste and may not be suitable for certain engine parts.
The Rise of Dry Ice Blasting
Dry ice blasting is a cutting-edge cleaning method that leverages solid carbon dioxide (CO2) pellets. When these pellets are propelled at high speeds and impact the surface to be cleaned, they undergo a process known as sublimation, transitioning directly from a solid to a gas. This sublimation process creates mini-explosions on the surface, effectively dislodging and removing contaminants.
What Sets Dry Ice Blasting Apart?
The adoption of dry ice blasting in the automotive industry is driven by several key advantages:
Non-Arasive: Unlike traditional abrasive methods, dry ice blasting is non-abrasive and gentle on engine components. This non-destructive approach ensures that the engine parts remain undamaged.
Eco-Friendly: Dry ice is a byproduct of industrial processes, making it an environmentally friendly choice. It produces no secondary waste, chemical residue, or harm to the environment.
Efficient: Dry ice blasting is a highly efficient cleaning method, reducing labor hours and downtime for the vehicle, which can lead to cost savings.
Versatile: It can be applied to a wide range of engine components, from the engine block to exhaust systems, making it a versatile solution for engine cleaning.
Safety: Dry ice blasting eliminates the need for toxic chemicals, enhancing the safety of those involved in the cleaning process.
Long-Term Benefits: Regular use of dry ice blasting can help prevent future contamination, extending the life and efficiency of engine parts.
Current Innovations in Dry Ice Blasting
Dry ice blasting in the automotive industry is continually evolving, with several noteworthy innovations taking place:
Precision Cleaning: Advanced nozzle designs and control systems allow for more precise cleaning, ensuring that contaminants are removed without affecting the underlying surface.
Integration with Robotics: The use of robots for dry ice blasting is gaining traction. This automation allows for consistent and efficient cleaning processes in manufacturing plants and repair shops.
Ergonomic Design: Improved ergonomic designs of dry ice blasting equipment enhance the comfort and safety of operators during the cleaning process.
Smart Monitoring: Real-time monitoring and data analysis during the cleaning process are becoming more prevalent. This data can help optimize the cleaning process and predict maintenance needs.
Enhanced Portability: Smaller, more portable dry ice blasting units are being developed, making it easier to access and clean hard-to-reach areas in engines.
The Future of Auto Engine Cleaning
So, what does the future hold for dry ice blasting in the automotive industry?
Increased Adoption: As awareness of the benefits of dry ice blasting spreads, it is expected that more automobile manufacturers, repair shops, and enthusiasts will adopt this innovative cleaning method.
Wider Range of Applications: Dry ice blasting is likely to be used for various automotive applications, such as paint removal, decarbonization, and the removal of other contaminants beyond dirt and grime.
Collaboration with Automation: The integration of dry ice blasting with automation, including robotics, will become more commonplace in manufacturing plants and maintenance facilities.
Enhanced Efficiency: Continuous advancements in nozzle design and automation will make dry ice blasting even more efficient and reliable.
Environmental Responsibility: As environmental regulations become more stringent, the automotive industry's commitment to sustainability will drive the adoption of eco-friendly cleaning methods like dry ice blasting.
Case Studies: Success Stories
Let's explore a couple of success stories that highlight the transformational impact of Dry Ice Blasting in Automotive Industry:
Case Study 1: An automobile manufacturing plant introduced dry ice blasting in their engine cleaning process. The result was a significant reduction in emissions, thanks to the elimination of toxic chemicals. This not only aligned with their environmental goals but also improved worker safety.
Case Study 2: A classic car restoration workshop integrated dry ice blasting into their restoration projects. This approach allowed them to restore vintage engines to their original glory without compromising their authenticity. It attracted environmentally conscious customers seeking sustainable restoration methods.
The future of auto engine cleaning is poised for transformation, and dry ice blasting is at the forefront of this change. As the automotive industry continues to embrace environmentally responsible practices, innovations in dry ice blasting will play a pivotal role. This technology is not only an effective cleaning method but also a sustainable and eco-friendly solution that promises to shape the future of engine maintenance in the automotive world. The road ahead looks cleaner, more efficient, and in harmony with our environment, thanks to dry ice blasting.
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market-insider · 9 months
Zero Friction Coatings Market: Charting the Course for Enhanced Performance and Sustainable Solutions
The global zero friction coatings market size is estimated to reach USD 1,346.00 million by 2030 according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2022 to 2030. Growth can be attributed to the fact that these coatings reduce friction and wear resulting in low fuel consumption and less heat generation. According to the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association, 79.1 million motor vehicles were produced across the globe in 2021 which was up by 1.3% as compared to 2020. Zero friction coatings can extend the time between component maintenance and replacement, especially for machine parts that are expensive to manufacture.
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Zero Friction Coatings Market Report Highlights
In 2021, molybdenum disulfide emerged as the dominant type segment by contributing around 50% of the revenue share. This is attributed to its properties such as low coefficient of friction at high loads, electrical insulation, and wide temperature range
The automobile & transportation was the dominating end-use segment accounting for a revenue share of more than 35% in 2021 due to the rapid growth of the automotive industry across the globe
The energy end-use segment is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% in terms of revenue by 2030, owing to the excessive wear on the drill stem assembly and the well casing during the drilling operations in the oil and gas sector
In Asia Pacific, the market is projected to witness the highest CAGR of 5.8% over the predicted years owing to the presence of car manufacturing industries in the countries such as Japan, South Korea, and China
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Zero Friction Coatings Market Report
Several applications in the automobile industry use wear-resistant plastic seals that require zero tolerance for failure and lifetime service confidence. Increasing demand for the product from the automotive industry across the globe for various applications including fuel pumps, automatic transmissions, oil pumps, braking systems, and others is expected to drive its demand over the forecast period.
Low friction coatings can be used in extreme environments comprising high pressure, temperatures, and vacuums. These coatings can provide improved service life and performance thereby eliminating the need for wet lubricants in environments that require chemicals, heat, or clean room conditions. The product containing molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) are suitable for reinforced plastics while those free from MoS2 are suitable for non-reinforced plastics.
Zero friction coatings are paint-like products containing submicron-sized particles of solid lubricants dispersed through resin blends and solvents. The product can be applied using conventional painting techniques such as dipping, spraying, or brushing. The thickness of the film has a considerable influence on the anti-corrosion properties, coefficient of friction, and service life of the product. Its thickness should be greater than the surface roughness of the mating surfaces.
ZeroFrictionCoatingsMarket #FrictionlessTechnology #CoatingInnovations #IndustrialEfficiency #ZeroFrictionSolutions #AdvancedMaterials #SurfaceCoatings #ManufacturingAdvancements #GlobalIndustryTrends #InnovativeCoatings #PerformanceOptimization #MechanicalSystems #SustainableTechnology #IndustrialApplications #FutureTech #InnovationInMaterials #EfficiencySolutions #ZeroFrictionMarket #TechnologyInnovation #EngineeringMaterials
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ecocleanindia · 3 months
The Benefits of Using a Solvent Cleaning System for Industrial Applications
In the industrial world, maintaining clean equipment is critical for ensuring efficient operation, minimizing downtime, and producing high-quality products. Traditional cleaning methods, like water-based solutions, can be ineffective for removing stubborn contaminants like grease, oil, and machining fluids. This is where Solvent Cleaning Systems come into play.
Why Choose Solvent Cleaning Systems?
Solvent Cleaning Systems offer a multitude of benefits for industrial applications, making them a superior choice over traditional methods. Here’s a closer look at some of the key advantages:
Superior Cleaning Performance: Solvents are highly effective at dissolving and removing a wide range of industrial contaminants, including grease, oil, fluxes, adhesives, and more. They can reach into tight spaces and intricate components, ensuring a thorough and consistent clean.
Reduced Costs: While the initial investment in a solvent cleaning system might be higher, it can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. Solvent recovery systems, a feature of many modern units, allow for the reuse of solvents, minimizing waste and reducing the need for frequent solvent purchases.
Increased Efficiency:Solvent cleaning systems are known for their fast cleaning cycles. Parts can be quickly cleaned and dried, minimizing downtime and allowing for a more efficient production process.
Versatility: Solvent cleaning systems can be used on a variety of materials, including metals, plastics, and glass, making them a suitable solution for a wide range of industrial applications.
Environmentally Friendly Options: Modern solvent cleaning systems are designed with features that minimize solvent emissions and promote responsible waste disposal. When used properly, they can be an environmentally friendly cleaning solution.
Introducing the Minio 85C: A Powerful Solution for Your Industrial Cleaning Needs
If you’re looking for a high-performance solvent cleaning system for your industrial applications, then look no further than the Minio 85C, available atEcoclean India.
The Minio 85C boasts several features that make it a perfect choice for industrial environments:
Compact Design: This space-saving unit is ideal for workshops and production lines where floor space is limited.
Ultrasonic Cleaning Option: The Minio 85C can be equipped with ultrasonic technology, which provides an extra level of cleaning power for heavily soiled components.
Distillation System: The built-in distillation system allows for the continuous recycling of solvent, minimizing waste and reducing solvent costs.
User-Friendly Controls: The easy-to-use control panel simplifies operation and ensures consistent cleaning results.
Safety Features: The Minio 85C prioritizes safety with features like level controls, leak sensors, and fire protection systems.
Invest in a Cleaner, More Efficient Future
By incorporating a solvent cleaning system like the Minio 85C into your operation, you can experience a multitude of benefits, including improved cleaning quality, reduced costs, and increased production efficiency.
Ecoclean India is a leading provider of industrial cleaning solutions, and we are here to help you choose the right system for your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about the Minio 85C and how it can revolutionize your industrial cleaning process.
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1, 2, 5
1 - What does their bedroom look like?
It's very... layered. You'd think three individuals sharing a singular sleeping space would either leave it a complete disaster zone or organized with extreme precision along the boundaries, but there's an odd sort of harmony at work instead.
There's various platforms around the walls, where Dial can sit and Rustpaw can lounge, with a heap of pillows in one corner, the wide bed in another, and an L-shaped worktable beside the door. Sun lamps light up several small nooks where organic plants and iridescent crystals grow alongside one another, while the unadorned sections of wall are decorated with posters and paintings of various subject matter. A long cabinet over the table contains paint, polish, and other required self-care items, and the drawers are full of reading material and small project supplies. Dial's knick-knacks can be found pretty much everywhere, along with the fuzzy blankets Rusty likes to lay down on, and Volume's left his mark with the speaker system painstakingly installed to play music from all corners.
Not quite chaos, not quite order, but a blend that perfectly suits their small family.
2 - Do they have any daily rituals?
Volume always does a quick check of his subspace compartments upon awakening and before going to sleep, just to double-check nothing important is missing or damaged.
Dial checks activity feeds from their home universe before moving on to work each shift, even knowing she'd have gotten a ping from anything or anyone important.
Rustpaw, each day and each night without fail, performs a full security sweep of the ship. Front to back, top to bottom, entire sensory suite activated to detect even the slightest stir of damage or intrusion.
They each stay sane in their own ways.
5 - Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Volume's creator was very dedicated to shine and polish, presenting one's best self at all times. While most of those lessons have fallen to the wayside, especially when it's just him and his cassettes aboard the RVD, he does try to at least keep himself clean and in decent shape. Maintenance for the ship is a given, of course, but any tidying beyond what's necessary for continued functioning tends to only happen under the heading of "Dial left a mess again and it's turned into a tripping hazard".
Speaking of Dial - if she falls into a mudpit or gets attacked by an ooze monster, the cassette will take a shower to get the gunk off, and maybe spiffy herself up at the same time. Otherwise? Her cohort members need to threaten, bribe, or just outright toss her into a river to get Dial to clean up. Her workspaces are not significantly better, though at least that tends to just be clutter rather than grime thanks to the ship's automated filter system.
Rustpaw likes warm solvent baths, soothing to old joints, but doesn't partake very often. Most of the time, self-grooming suffices, with the odd wipe-down with a shammy cloth from Volume. And minimal personal belongings means minimal items to tidy, though Rusty does try to keep things in a specific order when possible.
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Researchers develop novel method to photosynthesize hydrogen peroxide using water and air
Researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a microporous covalent organic framework with dense donor–acceptor lattices and engineered linkages for the efficient and clean production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) through the photosynthesis process with water and air. Traditional industrial production of H2O2 via the anthraquinone process using hydrogen and oxygen is highly energy-intensive. This approach employs toxic solvents and expensive noble-metal catalysts and generates substantial waste from side reactions. In contrast, photocatalytic production of H2O2 from oxygen and water offers an energy-efficient, mild, and clean route. Most importantly, it addresses the common drawbacks of existing photocatalytic systems, such as low activity, heavy use of additional alcohol sacrificial donors, and the necessity for pure oxygen gas input.
Read more.
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epdmhot-waterhose · 11 months
EPDM Hoses: The Heat-Resistant Tubing for Hot Water Applications
EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) hoses have become a popular choice for hot water applications in recent years. As a versatile synthetic rubber material, EPDM offers superior heat resistance, flexibility, and durability compared to traditional rubber hoses.
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In this article, we’ll explore the key benefits of using EPDM hot water hoses, their typical applications, what to look for when selecting one, and proper care and maintenance tips. Whether you need a hose for a dishwasher, washing machine, or just to conveniently transport hot water, read on to learn why EPDM is an ideal tubing material.
For More Information Please visit, epdm hot water hose
Key Benefits of EPDM Hot Water Hoses
Temperature resistance – EPDM rubber maintains its strength and flexibility in continuous temperatures up to 150°C and is safe for intermittent use up to 230°C. This makes it well-suited for hot water lines.
Chemical resistance – EPDM stands up well to water, detergents, oil, and other common chemicals. It won’t degrade or leach contaminants into the water flow.
Durability – Properly maintained EPDM hoses can last for many years. The material is ozone, weather, and abrasion resistant. It also has excellent tensile strength.
Flexibility – EPDM tubing remains pliable and kink-resistant even when subjected to repeated bending. This allows it to move freely without restricting water flow.
Cost-effective – EPDM is an affordable hose material that provides exceptional performance per dollar compared to other rubber, plastic, or metal options.
Typical Applications
Dishwasher supply lines – EPDM is perfect for the high heat sanitizing cycles dishwashers run. Flexible EPDM tubing won’t crack under the strain of repeated movements either.
Washing machine hoses – For hot water inlet lines that must withstand high pressures and temperatures over years of use.
Hot water transport – Durable EPDM hoses allow safe, convenient transport of hot water for cleaning, outside showers, etc.
Radiant heating systems – Flexible EPDM tubing can be bent around tight spaces to run in-floor home heating systems.
Solar water systems – High heat resistance makes EPDM ideal for solar water heating system transport lines.
Hose Selection Considerations
When selecting an EPDM hot water hose, key factors to consider include:
Temperature rating – Hoses rated for 190°F+ are best for typical residential hot water heating systems. Industrial applications may require 500°F+ rated EPDM.
Hose diameter – Standard sizes include 1⁄2”, 5⁄8”, and 3⁄4” for home use. Larger diameters provide increased water volume.
Pressure rating – Look for at least 100 PSI working pressure and a high burst pressure. industrial uses may require 500+ PSI rated hoses. 
End fittings – Brass and stainless steel fittings offer maximum durability and temperature resistance. Plastic fittings can degrade over time.
Approvals – Look for EPDM hoses certified lead-free and drinking water safe by NSF, WRAS, or other standards organizations.
Proper Care and Maintenance
With proper care, EPDM hot water hoses can last 5-10 years or longer:
Inspect regularly – Check for damage, leaks, kinks, or corrosion. Replace suspect hoses.
Avoid overheating – Don’t exceed the hose’s rated working temperature.
Protect from UV light – Sunlight can degrade EPDM over time. Use UV-resistant covers outdoors.
Clean as needed – Flush out mineral deposits with vinegar. Don’t use solvents on EPDM.
Avoid kinks – EPDM is flexible but kinking can restrict water flow. Install with gentle bends.
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Thanks to its durable, flexible, heat-resistant design, EPDM is the ideal tubing material for hot water applications ranging from dishwashers to radiant floor heating. Following the selection and care tips above will help ensure you choose the right EPDM hose and get the most service life out of it. Investing in a quality EPDM hot water hose will provide reliable performance for years to come.
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A little thing for Father's day.
Tw: child death
Ratchet found him giving first aid to a bot that was already dead.
Little tiny fingers grabbed Ratchet's hand. The battlefield stunk of the chemical warfare the Decepticons used to melt the plating off the Autobots. He had barely been able to coax the little yellow sparkling away from the worst of the contamination before it was too late. His little eyes barely peaked above the filtering system in the gas mask Ratchet had slipped over his head.
The sparkling tugged Ratchet through bombed out alleys and precariously leaning buildings, to a shack built out of bits of metal from a roof.
Inside, whoever the sparkling wanted to see was already dead.
"Awww. Papa Hornet's already gray." The sparkling chirped. "He kept telling me that gray can't be saved, and if he turned gray, to find someone with the grouchy red button. You're even better! Grouchy red button, and medic markings. That's OK, I will find a new papa. That's what I do. I will stay with each Papa until the Papa goes away."
Ratchet was speechless. This kid just admitted to being passed around like a bottle of engex in order to survive.
The kid picked up a few toys and a datapad and stuffed them into his subspace. He then waddled back to Ratchet and took his hand again.
"Hey, kid, can I pick you up?" Ratchet asked.
"Ya huh!" The kid said. "Uppies!"
Ratchet picked the sparkling up, wincing at his creaking joints. He was a lot heavier than he looked, which was better than the alternative.
"What's your name, kid?" Ratchet asked, walking away from the shack. The little one needed a decontamination bath and some energon, and he only had a medical grade on him and enough solvent to clean a wound.
"Papa called me Bee, but my name is Bumblebee." He fluttered his door wings and popped his round little antennas up. He really did look like a bug.
They made it back to base without incident, though there were many stops to have Bumblebee talk and babble at everyone that passed him.
It was a little different when he got to base and the rest of the war frames. He was a bit quieter around the bots that were bigger than Ratchet. All except one.
"Hi!" Bumblebee giggled. "You're so big!" He pointed at Optimus.
Optimus crouched down where he stood, letting himself be eye level with the little yellow sparkling. "Yes, I am big. Is Ratchet going to help you?"
Bumblebee reached for Optimus's auto brand, grabbing on the side of the badge and tugging on it. "Grouchy face!" He giggled, and Optimus offered his hand. Bumblebee took it, and Optimus smiled.
"What's your name, little one?"
"Bumblebee, but you can call me Bee!"
"Well Bee, I have to go to a meeting, but I bet Ratchet has got some energon for you in the medbay."
"Yep, I got First Aid on babysitting duty."
Ratchet brought Bee to the medbay. He was fine, just underfed and in need of a nap.
Optimus was broken.
Bee had just barely celebrated coming into a youngling frame when their current base was attacked.
Megatron ripped off Bee's head with a ferocity he usually reserved for Optimus. He then beat Optimus within an inch of his life and left morale as shattered as the door to the bunker he ripped through as if it was paper.
Optimus refused all but the most necessary medical care, leaving his plating dented and badly scratched.
He started to get paranoid, refusing to see anyone after Bumblebee was taken from him. He had a piece of his plating in his subspace, along with three backup pieces given to people he trusted the most.
It got to the point where even after battles, he couldn't even look at Ratchet, refusing to even be in the same room as him. Engex started to go missing, and empty bottles started popping up in places where the Prime went to get away from the other bots.
Ratchet got desperate and tried something incredibly underhanded.
He still had a few recordings of Bee's voice, mostly of him laughing and saying cute things. Usually swear words he learned from Wheeljack.
Sadly, it worked. With the careful planting of a small bottle of nightmare fuel, Optimus stumbled after the sounds of the sparkling he had claimed as his own as if Bumblebee was playing a long game of hide and seek, not in a component donor box in a back room of the medbay.
It worked until Jazz tried to "help" him by snapping him back to reality and taking the bottle away from him.
He didn't take that well, yanking the bottle back from Jazz and running down the hallway.
He ducked into a mostly empty storage room, backing himself against the wall.
He could hear Jazz and Ratchet talking, but was too drunk to really focus on what they were saying.
Ratchet crouched a ways in front of him and smiled sadly, and Optimus lost it.
"I- I know he's gone but… oh, little Bee… why did you have to leave me?" Optimus sobbed, the almost empty bottle of engex still in his hand. Ratchet made the mistake of coming closer.
Optimus downed the rest of the bottle in a single gulp and threw it at Ratchet's head.
Ratchet ducked, well practiced in dealing with drunk war frames.
He grabbed Optimus's hands, and Jazz snuck behind him and got him with a sedative.
He woke up in the medbay, a cup of plain energon on his bedside table, a few monitors hooked to his plating.
Ratchet walked in a little while later.
"Ratchet? What happened?"
"You weren't doing well. Jazz brought you here so you could be around friends for the night."
"You won't let me leave, will you?" Optimus said, remembering all the times he had said that to other bots.
"No, I can't in good conscience let you leave. I'm sorry, but you need to get a grip on yourself. We are gonna get you sober, then go from there." Ratchet said.
"It's only fair that I help you with this. You did the same with me and my demons. Haven't touched a blade outside of work in a while." Jazz said, helping Optimus sit up.
"Fine. I just want to get back to work."
"Just as long as you aren't replacing a bottle with work or a blade. I made that mistake. I just want to make sure it doesn't become one of yours. Besides, I have something for you."
Jazz took out a locket, and opened it. On one side, two photos, one of him and Elita-1, and one with him and Bumblebee. On the other side, a half circle of each of the deceased bots came together to one whole. Optimus cried. Both of some of the most important people he had lost, all together in one place.
He ran his finger over Bee's plating, and tucked the pocket carefully into his subspace. "Thank you, Jazz." Optimus said.
"It was Ratchet's idea." Jazz admitted.
"Ratchet?" Optimus said. He looked up at his oldest friend with tears in his eyes.
"I couldn't just let you have nothing of them but memories, could I? I had a spare photo of me, you and Elita, so I had Wheeljack scan and alter it so it's just you two. I still have the original, I keep it with me."
"Thank you, Ratchet." Optimus said, pulling Ratchet into a hug.
Ratchet returned it. "Of course, Orion."
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