#industrial fishing
agentfascinateur · 2 months
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Japan's low consumption of whale meat doesn't warrant its industrial whale fishing as a matter of national food security. 🙄
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st4rbwrry · 8 months
nicki is the prime example of an older bitter woman. she need serious help fr. like to hear her on live stuttering and going on and on about megan and her deceased mother is sickening. she stooped low af fr. all over one line. megan ain’t even say that girls name and it got her yapping out her mouth like somebody grandma. and she’s only proving everyone’s point about her nasty ass husband. now if megan say sum bout her father or brother???? don’t go crying to kenneth or papa about how everyone’s against you cs you’re the queen of rap blah blah.
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hellsitegenetics · 2 months
I have a request: the first paragraph of Industrial Society and its Future, courtesy of https://besser.tsoa.nyu.edu/howard/Anarchism/Unabom/manifesto.html
"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the Iffe-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries."
String identified: T ta t a t cc a a at t a ac. T a gat ca t -ctac t "aac" ct, t t a ta ct, a a g, a ct a g t gt, a t a cgca g ( t T t ca g a ) a a ct aag t ata . T ct t tcg t tat. t cta ct a g t gat gt a ct gat aag t ata , t a a t gat ca t a cgca g, a t a a t ca ca g "aac" ct.
Closest match: Euplexia lucipara genome assembly, chromosome: 11 Common name: Small angle shades
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(image source)
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kittyit · 6 months
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post-entertainment society
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plethoraworldatlas · 5 months
Oregon’s gray wolf population did not increase last year due in part to a large number of wolves killed by people, causing concern among conservationists and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife officials.
The latest Annual Wolf Report found the population remained steady at 178 wolves, marking the first time in eight years that their numbers didn’t increase. Typically, the population has grown by 6% a year. Among the 36 wolf deaths in 2023, 33 were caused by people. The state sanctioned the killing of 16 wolves following livestock deaths and 12 were killed illegally, the report said. 
“The amount of poaching and other suspicious deaths is alarming, impacts our conservation goals and could affect our ability to manage wolves in Oregon,” Bernadette Graham-Hudson, the agency’s wildlife division administrator, said in a news release.
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crazysodomite · 7 days
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a delicacy
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Goofy and erratic villian with an exasperated and somewhat uptight hero who has a crush on the villain? Maybe the villain says something vaguely flirty on accident and the hero has to pretend they don’t like it (and fails miserably)
“Come on.” The villain grabbed the hero’s hands and pulled them towards the dance floor. Eyes glinting, excitement filled up the villain. “Fight me.”
Utterly unimpressed, the hero just rolled their eyes.
“No interest.”
“That’s not very diplomatic of you. Refusing the enemy’s suggestion to resolve our issues? Come on, it’ll be fun. Just a little bit of combat.” They pulled the hero close, grip tight around them as they led the hero through the song. “Or are you scared?”
“We’re calling combat ‘resolving issues’ now?” Their eyes went through the crowd, concentrating. Professional. Obviously, the hero didn’t have time for their nemesis but the villain didn’t care.
At this point, they took whatever fell into their hands. The hero was a master at hiding, at avoiding people and the villain was not going to let them slip through their fingers that easily.
“It’s like couples therapy for crazy people, don’t you think?” the villain asked. They tried to redirect the hero every time they spotted the supervillain among the many millionaires.
Admittedly, the villain had been on their hands and knees when they’d discovered that the hero was going to be here. They’d begged the supervillain to take them with them and thank god, the villain had been assigned to distract the hero.
It was their favourite activity.
“I can’t argue with that, I suppose.” The hero shrugged. “I am not interested in making a scene, though.”
“But it’s so much fun...” Again, the villain pulled them closer, staring through half-lidded eyes at that heroic face.
One time, the hero’s hard shell had cracked in front of the villain. Ever since, the villain tried to crack it again, not because they wanted to torment the hero but because they needed the hero to know that being imperfect and vulnerable was normal.
The hero forgot that they were human sometimes.
“You’re aware that I am going to crush you like a beetle, right?”
And the villain had seen other people lose their mind to that.
“Oh, I’d love that, baby,” the villain answered. The hero’s face remained emotionless.
“If you think that you can distract me with your cheap tricks, then you’re blithely unaware of the fact that I am the best in this business.”
The hero tried to get out of the villain’s grip but the villain knew the supervillain wasn’t done with their investigation yet. So, the villain had to get creative.
“I know you’re the best, that’s why I want to fight you again. Gives me a kick.” The villain brushed the hero’s ear with their lips. “It feels good.”
“Ugh, you’re annoying.” The hero grabbed the villain’s jaw and turned their head away from them. The villain had to giggle at that.
However. The villain also caught a glimpse of their red ears.
The hero was embarrassed.
“Come on, grumpy…you love me.” They couldn’t help but smirk. Annoying the hero was a hobby the villain would never be able to let go of. Sometimes, they committed a crime just for the hero to show up.
“I’m wasting my time with you.”
Unfortunately, the villain spotted their superior. Giving them a sign to go back to the lair.
“You mean you’re having fun,” they mumbled.
The hero was quiet and looked (as usual) quite dissatisfied as they let the villain guide them. They didn’t seem to be passionate about dancing at all. They didn’t seem to loathe it, either.
“Let me invite you on a date, then. You. Me. Tomorrow. Bring your best weapon,” the villain said. They squeezed the hero’s hip, making the other’s eyes widen and somehow, the hero seemed much more human with their red face and their avoidant gaze.
Almost as if they did like the villain after all.
The villain could live with that, though.
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thererisesaredstar · 7 days
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Maidens of the Sea by Moon Hyeok (Juche 107/2018)
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ruegarding · 9 months
so you mean to tell me percy was on a boat on the ocean for part of hoo and never once did we get him going on little adventures to help out sea creatures????? never once do we see him sitting on the edge of the ship scraping barnacles off of shells??? what was the point if not
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pannaginip · 3 months
PAMALAKAYA on Facebook:
Denounce the series of harassment against elderly fisherfolk leader Ka Romy Antazo.
Antazo, 80 years old, is former Secretary General of PAMALAKAYA and now a retired fisherman in Laguna de Bay.
During his active years in PAMALAKAYA, he was at the forefront of the fisherfolk’s campaign for the conservation of Laguna de Bay against profit-driven and destructive projects, including coastal conversion, reclamation, and proliferation of corporate-owned fish pens.
The veteran fisherfolk leader has been repeatedly approached by state agents and offered him livelihood support and assistance in exchange for his “cooperation”.
It has been presumed that the said “cooperation” equates that Antazo will be presented by the authorities as a “rebel returnee” to turn against and establish the red-tagging of progressive and mass-based organizations.
We are extremely alarmed over these incidents, as these could subject Antazo to further and worse kinds of attacks because of his firm stand against the authorities’ demands.
Moreover, the consistent effort to coerce Antazo to cooperate with the authorities is part of the Marcos Jr. administration’s tactics in counterinsurgency campaign, which blatantly violates the rights of civilians to freedom of expression and association.
We call on the human rights and environmental defenders, fisherfolk advocates, and champions of democracy, to denounce the government’s anti-democratic schemes that put our leaders and members at risk of exploitation and injustice.
2024 Jun. 11
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acti-veg · 3 months
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Vaquita, Photograph by National Geographic
Bycatch from the fishing industry has led to the almost certain demise of the world’s smallest porpoise, the vaquita in the Gulf of California, and several more species are likely to follow.
Entanglement in fishing gear is the leading threat for whales and dolphins around the globe – estimated to cause at least 300,000 deaths per year.
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tootditoot · 4 months
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Requested by @tuvinn ! Love to see fish with "cats" in their name, definitely need more of that in my life
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kply-industries · 6 months
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The KPLY fishprinter. Now alive!
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bogkeep · 1 day
out of curiosity more than anything is there any specificity in the fish Norway wants you to eat, freshwater fish, seafood fish, is it an industry thing, or is it just a Norwegians are all heading towards rickets thing
the norwegian fish industry is largely sea based, which makes sense considering this country is 90% coast, and salmon is one of our big exports (and also the reason salmon sushi is a thing! salmon on sushi is not traditionally japanese). the fish youre encouraged to eat are fish with healthy fats and omega 3, and i think salmon and cod are like. the two main fish you can get. fish has always been a Big Thing in norway culturally, seeing as it's probably one of the most reliable local food sources in a place that's this much coast this far north. one of the traditional christmas meals in norway is halibut.
my impression that it's always been a Health thing because norwegians are chronically low on vitamin D and other consequences of living this far north haha. we're also encouraged to drink fish oil (tran) or take omega 3 supplements. i'm actually not sure if there's vitamin D in fish? (i know they add vitamin D to low fat milk - norwegians also drink So Much Milk. there's not a lot of milk propaganda though. you don't need to propagandize milk here. edit: there's milk propaganda too)
i also want to say that the most entitled and unpleasant people i've met have been fish industry people. when i worked at the hotel i had so many unpleasant interactions - drunk fisherman on the phone telling me he was super rich and trying to bribe me for sex workers, fisherman telling the receptionists he's serving his country and working a real job unlike us (and then leaving a box of fish in the reception, demanding that we put it in the breakfast fridge even though it would go against health and safety regulations), and of course the dreaded Annual Fishery Convention or whatever it is when all the hotels in town are full of chauvinists getting drunk every night. what the fuck is going on on those boats
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y4zurulvr · 3 months
Life if Mappa had better work practices
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fisherrprince · 7 months
table :)
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