#indra x oc
madarasminx · 4 months
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NSFW art: Indra x OC Sofia
By: me
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
The Strength of Love: Chapter 4: Visits and a New Face
-It had been almost a week since their first visit to Usagi’s house, and since that day, she’s had multiple visitors, if she was home.
-When she’s out training, Usagi will put one of two signs on her front door, one that says ‘dojo’ and one that says ‘mountain’, which tells anyone who comes to her house where she is.
-Usagi wasn’t sure what to make of these ten gods who were constantly seeking her out, meeting her at the dojo, at her home, and even catching her while she was walking from one place to the next; the only place they haven’t sought her out at was her mountain training grounds.
-Their insistence to come around made Usagi uneasy, she was unsure as to why, not understanding why, it wasn’t for Raiden, it was for her, because they always asked for her at the dojo, ‘What’s so special about me that keeps making them come back?’
-It was also the way they were approaching her that was confusing her, she had no issue sparring, as Shiva, Indra, and Rudra had all asked her for a match, wanting a challenge.
-It was when they approached her just to hang out, to ask her questions, that threw her for a loop.
-When Kali, Durga, and Parvati showed up to her home with a bag of self-care items, Kali smiling brightly, “Let’s do facial treatment and our nails, Usagi~”
-Usagi sat patiently, letting Parvati put the cream on her face while Durga was looking at her hands, “Wow! Your nails are really healthy looking!”
-Usagi gave them a small grin, flexing her hand a bit, “I try hard to take care of them, since they’re my weapons. It’s like taking care of a sword, if you don’t polish it and tend to it, it will break!” they were quick to understand the reasoning behind this.
-Kali was painting her nails while Parvati did Durga’s nails, “Your fingers are a bit thick; did you break them?” Kali didn’t mean it in a cruel way, but Usagi’s cheek did turn pink, looking away, “Yeah- if you break your bones when you’re young, they heal stronger.”
-The three women were instantly in Usagi’s face, all yelling at her in concern, “You willingly broke your fingers?!” “Are you okay? Any lasting damage?!” “What were you thinking, doing something so reckless?!”
-Usagi never had someone treat her like this, to most martial artist it was common knowledge, and most karate masters did the same thing. She had broken all of her fingers multiple times when she first started in karate, strengthening her bones.
-She felt a bit uneasy by their concern, looking away a bit embarrassed, “I… thank you for your concern. I’ve never had anyone… nobody’s ever reacted like this before.”
-They all froze, processing her words before they leaned back, looking a bit solemn now which made Usagi a bit frantic, worrying as she hadn’t meant to upset them, showing her kind heart.
-When Usagi washed off the facial cream, she was in awe, holding her cheeks, “It’s so smooth!” the other three woman giggled at her reaction, finding it amusing as they had all gone to her large bathroom to wash their faces.
-Parvati looked around, a bit confused, “Do you not have a bathtub?” Usagi, patting her face with a towel, nodded towards the other door in the room, “That leads to the onsen.” She opened the door, and their eyes went wide, seeing a mini private onsen, their eyes turning into sparkles as they turned back to Usagi.
-The taller woman giggled, “Most bathtubs don’t fit people my height, easily at least, so I invested in this quite a few years ago. It’s the best when it’s snowing, and I’ve got a jug of hot sake!”
-The three women shivered, having been victims to one too many of Raiden’s drinking parties, which made Usagi laugh warmly, and they couldn’t help but stare, seeing her joy.
-Agni was the next to visit her, catching Usagi on her way home from the mountain, her hair down and wet, calling out to her.
-She greeted him warmly, giving a polite smile as he caught up with her, “May I walk you home?” she was surprised by his question, but agreed.
-On the way Agni asked her simple questions, like her favorite food or favorite fruit, which surprised her, a bit curious as to why he wanted to know these things about her.
-She did answer each question, in turn asking them in return, to be polite, which made him smile warmly. He wasn’t really scary looking, to her anyway, as she had overheard some of the other rikishi saying he did look a bit alarming because he didn’t look human like many of the others.
-When they arrived at her home, Usagi invited him in for tea, as thanks for walking her home and he agreed, beaming brightly, before he forgot to duck, and his head smacked her doorframe.
-Agni did feel a bit embarrassed as he sat cross-legged, letting Usagi smooth a bandage over his forehead, as he had busted himself open, but did enjoy being doted on.
-Usagi did like seeing someone who was taller than her, besides her grandpa, as not many, at least in the Shinto pantheon, were as tall as her, as most Japanese men were usually on the shorter side, the same with women.
-Later that same day, Usagi was outside in her backyard, tending to her vegetable garden, when she heard someone call out her name and she turned, finding Brahma coming over.
-He was stoic looking, having a permanent resting bitch face, but Usagi wasn’t really bothered as he approached, seeing the basket of vegetables in her arms as she stood, greeting him with a polite bow.
-He looked at her garden behind her, “You’ve worked hard on this.” she smiled at his compliment, thanking him and he felt happy to see her smile as he came a bit closer, “I don’t recognize some of these vegetables, will you teach me.”
-Usagi knew Brahma as the creator god in Hindu religion, so his curiosity about something new was understandable, as he wanted to learn more.
-Usagi taught him about the vegetables and herbs she had growing in her garden, pointing out each one, kneeling down next to him while he was squatting.
-He surprised her by taking the basket when she stood, “I’ll carry this for you inside.” Her eyes were wide before she thanked him, offering to make him some tea as thanks which he agreed to. He was quiet compared to the other members of the Hindu pantheon, except for Vishnu and maybe Indra, but she didn’t mind, despite being quiet, he was good company.
-Rudra met Usagi the next morning at the dojo, greeting her warmly, “Would you like to spar with me?” and she agreed with a grin.
-They went to the outside sparring area, it was a little cool but pleasant, both were comfortable to be outside for the match.
-The two fighters started off a bit light, asking each other questions while exchanging blows and kicks, not taking each other too seriously, warming up.
-Rudra threw a harder punch, which Usagi caught easily, “Answer me this Usagi, did you find Shiva difficult to fight?”
-She surprised him by moving rapidly, leg sweeping him, but he backflipped, catching himself and springing back onto his feet, “I don’t know if difficult is the word I would use. He was fun to fight since I didn’t have to hold back.”
-Rudra caught one of her arms, grabbing it with two of his arms and tried to flip her but he cried out in shock as she easily picked him up, hauling him off the ground by the arm he was holding before throwing him in a judo throw, slamming him into the ground.
-He stared up at her in awe as she put her hands on her hips, grinning down at him before she offered him a hand, easily hauling him back up to his feet.
-He rubbed his upper left shoulder lightly, “Was that you holding back?” she grinned over at him, stunning him with her smile, “It was. If I wasn’t you’d probably be unconscious.” He laughed warmly, thinking she was joking, before realizing she was not.
-Loud laughter filled the air and the two turned, seeing Shiva walking over, punching his lower fists together, “Usagi~ can I have a turn now?” he was beaming up at her, little flowers appearing around him in glee.
-His enthusiasm to fight did throw Usagi off a bit, while Rudra was rolling his eyes, seeing Shiva not even trying to hide his affections for her.
-Just like before, Shiva didn’t start off too seriously, hopping around easily, dancing around Usagi, who was shocked when her strikes missed, hitting an after image.
-Shiva managed to get Usagi down to her knees, but she was quick to grab him by his neck, pinning him below her, but his legs wrapped around one of her arms and three of his arms grabbed her other arm, trying to flip her.
-Usagi breathed in deeply before standing up, holding Shiva up with ease, shocking both him and Rudra, their jaws both dropping as his arms let her one arm go, waving around to keep his balance before two of his hands grabbed her gi, holding himself up.
-She smiled up at him as he gawked down at her, shocked that she easily picked him up, “Do I even weigh anything to you?” she laughed warmly, stunning him before she grinned, “Like a sack a rice!” he pouted lightly, even more so when Rudra referred to him as Rice for the rest of the day.
-The following day was Usagi’s day off and she slept pretty late, well past nine and as she sat down to enjoy some hot tea to get going, “Usagi~ you home?”
-She wasn’t irritated with Varuna, who beamed up at her as she opened her front door for him, inviting him in, but she was beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed, if she had to use a word, with all the random visits.
-Varuna handed her a basket of persimmons, “Here this is for you! Raiden said they were in season and told me to share some with you.”
-Her eyes softened at the gift, “I think I have some dried ones too; I’ll make some tea and we can share these.” She missed the way his eyes sparkled, thinking he was just excited to have a snack.
-He ate a fresh one first then a dried one, his eyes turning into stars, “It’s the same fruit but it tastes totally different! It’s so much sweeter!!”
-Usagi smiled lightly at his reaction, thinking it was rather cute, “I made those ones last year, I prefer the ones that have been preserved more than the fresh ones. The hard work that goes into preparing them makes them much tastier!”
-Varuna gazed at her smile, entranced before he spoke, completely serious, “You look good when you smile, Usagi.” She started a bit, shocked at his words before her cheeks turned just a bit pink, looking away a bit bashfully, but saying nothing.
-Indra found Usagi the following day, holding a bag of groceries, some wrapped fish and vegetables she didn’t have growing in her garden.
-She was still wearing her gi, as she had finished training for the day and decided to shop on her way home, but Indra waved her down, calling out her name.
-She greeted him warmly, with a soft smile and he gave a small grin back, nodding towards the dojo, “You up for a match?” she glanced down to her groceries before she smiled, “If it’s a quick one, sure.”
-They went to the outdoor arena and Indra put out his cigarette and almost immediately charged at Usagi, who easily caught him, stunning him as she slammed him into the ground, “Fighting dirty I see~” he heard her tone, teasing him as they went back and forth for a while.
-A cawing bird then caught their attention after about ten minutes and Usagi’s eyes went wide, “My groceries!!” as a large crow flew off with her bag.
-Instantly she fell to her hands and knees, gloom surrounding her in anguish.
-Indra felt bad, scratching his cheek as he inadvertently caused this mess to happen, “C’mon Usagi, I’ll buy you new ones.” She was going to protest, but he heard nothing of it, having her take him to the places where she bought her groceries.
-She thanked him, once they were done shopping, giving him a warm, sincere smile, which made him stare from behind his bangs, before he gave her a soft nod and walked her home.
-Vishnu arrived home right as Usagi was finishing her dinner that same night, having prepared grilled salmon, rice, and tomato miso soup, something she had been craving.
-He was holding a bottle of nice plum wine, handing it to her, “This is for you, Raiden recommended it to me.” she thanked him before inviting him in, “I apologize but I don’t have enough fish for the both of us, but I have extra rice and soup, if you would like to join me.”
-He put his hand over his heart, bowing his head lightly, “Thank you for your hospitality.” Usagi wanted to ask him why they had all been visiting her so often, honestly feeling a bit drained as she set the food down before him as well as a mug of tea which he thanked her for.
-He watched her thank for the food and he spoke, “Why do you say thanks before each meal?” she smiled, swallowing her rice, “It’s to thank the hard work of everyone, the earth for growing the ingredients, the rivers and ocean for the fish, the farmers, fishermen, and butchers. We thank everyone and everything that goes into preparing our meals.”
-His eyes were wide at her explanation, not realizing how deep the meaning behind it actually was, before his eyes softened and he nodded, thanking her for the explanation.
-His hands moved to the back of his head and removed his mask, setting it on the table and Usagi’s eyes went a bit wide as his handsome face was revealed.
-She kept composed, as he wasn’t the first handsome man she had seen, her recent guests were all handsome in their own way, and beautiful in the case of Shiva’s wives.
-Usagi’s gaze fell just a bit, her eyes focusing on her rice, ‘They’re all so attractive… so why are they bothering with someone like me? Why are they all coming around so much?’
-After seeing Vishnu off, wishing him well after sharing some of the wine with him, she sighed softly, shoulders sagging before she lifted one of her hands to her opposite shoulder, rubbing gently as she dealt with the dishes before going to soak in her onsen.
-The following day, Usagi was surprised but also relieved when none of her guests sought her out, letting her have an alone day for once.
-She was enjoying her time at her mountain training grounds, where new boulders appear almost daily, due to magic, so she can punch them to rubble as she wishes, training her body.
-Usagi was lifting a large boulder above her head, throwing it into a pile to clear out her area when a voice spoke up, “Whoa- are you Usagi?!” she turned and was surprised to see a child with the head of an elephant.
-Despite having not met this child before, Usagi knew who this was, Ganesha, Parvati and Shiva’s son, as Parvati had shown the martial artist pictures of him during their self-care day.
-She turned with a smile as the child approached, “I am, and you’re Ganesha, right?”
-He beamed up at her, his hands on his hips, “That’s me! Papa was right- you are strong!!” she scratched her cheek, feeling a bit embarrassed by his words, but at the same time, his praise made her feel a little fluffy.
-The praise of children always made her feel happier compared to her peers, as she knows kids are brutally honest, but Usagi appreciates that honesty, “Did you come all the way up here on your own?” He beamed, proud of himself, “Mr. Raiden told me how to get here after I asked where you were.”
-Ganesha stayed to the side while Usagi trained, rattling off tons of questions, asking her about her fighting style, what it was like fighting his papa and his uncles, Rudra and Indra, and about the food she had prepared.
-Usagi took it all in stride, answering each of them, making Ganesha laugh when she easily picked him up to move him to another rock, picking him up easily, which made her grin.
-Once she was done she rinsed off under the waterfall and Ganesha laughed, splashing in the river, “It’s so cold!!” which made her giggle lightly.
-She offered him a hand, “Wanna head back to the dojo now?” he beamed, taking her hand, “Let’s go! Mama and papa should be wondering where I am.” She froze, turning white before she spoke, having to ask, “Did you come here without telling anyone?”
-He looked surprised by her question, like he didn’t understand it, “No I told Mr. Raiden when I told him I was going to come and find you!”
-Usagi paled, knowing her grandpa had the attention span of a fly if it had to do something other than fighting, eating, drinking, or Thrud, sighing softly, “Well let’s get back soon so they don’t worry.”
-As she expected, the dojo was in an uproar, everyone tearing the place apart looking for Ganesha, panicking.
-Usagi looked down at Ganesha with a smile, “I’m gonna yell, so cover your ears for a second, okay?” he beamed, nodding and did as she asked before she pulled her arms in tightly at her side, almost like she was going to punch something, tensing her abs before, “KNOCK IT OFF!!!!”
-Her voice carried through the dojo, stunning it into silence as the door to the main dojo slid open, revealing Usagi and Ganesha, safe and sound to everyone in attendance.
-While Parvati and Shiva checked over their son, Usagi was pouting up to her grandpa, “Ganesha said he told you where he was going! Why did you let the dojo get so worked up?!”
-Shiva turned, “WHAT?! YOU KNEW?! RAIDEN YOU BASTARD!!” before he charged at your grandfather, the two of them locked up in a fight while Usagi rolled her eyes at them.
-Parvati instantly relaxed, “If you were with Usagi, then I know you were safe.” Ganesha beamed as the three of them went to the wrap around patio as the other gods and the rikishi came out to watch the fight, “Usagi’s super strong mama! She picked me up so easily and broke boulders with her bare hands! Then we played under the waterfall! It was really cold!!”
-She giggled as Kali sat on the other side of Ganesha, with Parvati on his other side, Usagi next to her and Durga next to Usagi as his mother giggled, “I wondered why you were damp when I hugged you.”
-Ganesha then looked over at Usagi, “Hey-hey Usagi, so when are you gonna marry papa and the others?” the four women froze, turning to Ganesha, the three co-wives instantly flushing as they had been discussing it, the ten gods, about all of them marrying Usagi and he wanted to know too.
-Usagi was stunned, her eyes wide before she grinned, “I don’t know about marriage Ganesha. Marriage has never been a big thing in my life to fuss over.” The four looked at her, worried as her tone was a bit softer, sadder, before Durga spoke, “What do you mean Usagi?”
-The taller woman rubbed the back of her head, scratching lightly, “I’ve never been approached by a man before, unless if it was to fight. So, when it came to romance and relationships, I was the one that was always alone. Nobody I’ve ever met wants a woman twice their size who can break boulders with her bare hands and break log with her thighs.”
-Their eyes were sparkly, Kali beaming up, “You can do that with your thighs?!” Usagi blushed a bit, her cheeks turning a bit pink before she grinned, leaning her forearms on her knees, hunching over, “Yeah, was able to do it back on earth. But it’s stuff like that, that turns men away from pursuing me romantically. I’ve only had it happen once here in Valhalla, but it turned out to be a cruel prank.”
-Their eyes widened, Parvati’s eyes narrowing, “What did you just say?” Usagi looked a bit worried, as she hadn’t meant to upset her friends, but explained, looking out at the fight, “There was a man who approached me, asking me out on a date, even giving me flowers, saying he was attracted to me. I showed up to the date, dressed up with Thrud’s and Hlokk’s help, and he was there with his friends… they laughed so much at me so much that-that I… he said nobody would want a woman like me, nobody but a beast or a bear would- would want me...”
-They could only stare in horror at what they heard, listening without judging, hearing her voice crack a few times, breaking their hearts, hearing the torment she went through.
-Usagi was quick to hide her pain behind a bright smile, “It all ended well however, I was crying too much to be able to walk home without hurting myself or others, so I came to grandpa, and he said he would take care of it. I found out the next day he beat all of them up and broke the bastard’s spine who tricked me, putting him in the hospital and threatening to do worse if he ever treated me or any other woman like that again.”
-They gawked, a bit in shock before Kali smiled, “Raiden’s a good grandfather.” Usagi nodded, giving her a grin in agreement.
-Once the fight was over, everyone said their goodbyes and headed home; along the way to their home, Kali, Parvati, and Durga told the other seven gods, what happened to Usagi, which immediately infuriated most of them, hearing of the cruel treatment.
-Shiva punched his right hands into his left hands, “Sounds like an ass beating to me!” but his wives were able to keep him by their sides.
-Varuna then spoke, “That’s probably why she reacted in such a way when I flirted with her the other day, almost like she was uneasy with it.” Vishnu nodded in agreement, “Agreed, seems like all her past trauma and the incident with that lowlife did a number on her, she hasn’t really reacted to any of us in a romantic way, right?”
-Agreements went around, the Hindu gods quickly realizing that Usagi didn’t realize they had been flirting with her, courting her, she just thought they were being friendly since they were Raiden’s friends.
-With each moment spent with her, either as a group or on their own, they were quickly falling with this warrior woman, all of them wanting to know more and more about her, wanting to get closer to her.
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sweatshirt-ninja · 11 months
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It’s my boy! My baby boy!
(Burr sketch dump)
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amphitriteswife · 1 month
Masterlist (ror/snv)
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‘Would you still love me if i was a worm?’ [all]
Ror/ Snv characters as Students (pt1) [poseidon, loki, qin shi huang]
Ror/ Snv character as Students pt2 [hades, shiva, buddha]
Ror/snv characters as teachers/ subjects pt1 [poseidon, hades, hermes, beel, buddha]
Ror/ Snv characters as teachers/ subjects pt2 [qin shi huang, Loki, Brunhilde]
Ror/ snv characters and their manhwa kid (imo) [poseidon, apollo, hades, hermes, thor]
Ror/ snv characters going to a state fair [poseidon, hades, loki]
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How would Poseidon handle a baby?
Poseidon x Amphitrite! Reader (angst)
Until we reach the surface (poseidon x amphy reader based on mythology)
Poseidon x daughter! Reader
Poseidon x baby reader (old)
Love casino (unserious and one can see it as amphy or not)
Poseidon gamer HC (unserious)
Poseidon onlyfans HC pt2
Poseidon onlyfans HC pt1
Kiss me don’t leave me (amphy reader relevant, academia AU!)
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Too far in to turn away (angst)
Sound of broken memories (angst)
Marry me! (Loki x sigyn reader?)
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Rejection (apollo x male! Reader)
Apollo x Nymph! reader coming soon
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Benzaiten x moon goddess reader!
Hindu pantheon
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Into the light (Indra x fem! Reader) request!
My own Oc’s
Oceanus (greek)
Seth (egyptian)
Tethys (greek)
Fucked up triton( greek)
Persephone (greek)
My requests:
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the-madara-squad · 1 year
17th July - 23rd of July
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A week to celebrate all members of the Uchiha clan! Share & reblog the event to your favourite artists.
Day 1 - 17th July 2023
Uchiha kunoichi/ Brotherhood Shine a light on the women of the Uchiha clan, art, stories, headcanons // the meaning of brotherhood/sisterhood for an Uchiha
Day 2 - 18th July 2023
The clan of love/ Uchiha Hokage  "When an Uchiha comes to know a strong feeling, it's as if a torrent is unleashed". Any and all things related to love, romance and passion // Any Uchiha as Hokage. 
Day 3 - 19th July 2023
Modern Uchiha/ Timeswap AU What would the Uchihas be like as a modern family in 2023 and how would they interact with the world around them // What would happen if the Uchihas from different generations got swapped around in the Naruto timeline?
Day 4 - 20th July 2023
Uchiha traditions/ Uchihas Online  Headcanons, art, or stories about the Uchiha Clan's traditions and customs, jutsu’s origin (including your original creation) // Imagine how the Uchihas would interact in the online world of social media.
Day 5 - 21st July 2023
Uchiha x shonens / Chat with Madara AI An Uchiha comes across an other shonen or an other shonen character meets an Uchiha *suggestion : demon slayer, one piece, FMA, bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen, dragon ball ect… // Use our exclusive homemade AI bot in this link and chat with the man himself, Madara. Share with us the convo you had with him.
Day 6 - 22nd July 2023
What if...?/ Uchiha x OCs Scenarios canon divergence ( *suggestions : What if the clan aligned with Madara? What if Fugaku had led the coup? What if they stopped the 9 Tails? What if Izuna survived? What if Itachi lived? What if Shisui succeeded? What if Obito never met Madara? What if Sarada was raised among her clan? ect ect…) // Introduce us to your OCs and/or self inserts who are paired with an Uchiha! use a picrew and our blank OC sheet to create your perfect pairing ! - Solo Picrew for OC : LINK 1 || LINK 2 - Couples Picrew : LINK 1 || LINK 2 - Solo OC sheet + UchihaxOC sheet :
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Day 7 - 23rd July 2023
Sasuke's birthday ! All about Sasuke! You have to organise the perfect birthday for Sasuke, what would you do? Who would you invite? 
!! RULES !!
1. Use the hashtag #uchihaweek2023 or #uchihaweek
2. At least one Uchiha-born needs to be the focus of your art : Main Uchihas : Sasuke, Madara, Itachi, Obito, Fugaku, Mikoto, Izuna, Tajima, Izumi, Shisui, Naori, Kagami, Sarada, Indra (yeah… technically not an Uchiha but he fathered them all!) Minor Uchihas : Inabi, Tekka, Uruchi, Teyaki, Yashiro, three unknown Madara’s brothers
3. Loose interpretation, and/or NSFW version of each prompt is allowed except inc*st and paedo***.
NB: incest concerns family relationship : parent/children, grandparent/grandchildren, sibling/sibling, first cousin/first cousin. A clan is different, by definition it's a mix of different family lineages which see themselves as descending from the same distant ancestor (in this case Indra).
4. If you need help to brainstorm your ideas, join our Uchiha Week channel in our Madara Squad discord HERE
5. Send us comments/asks/DMs or contact directly our mods @al-hekima-madara-blog and @margretesonigiri for more informations !
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rphunter · 20 days
Hello! I am 20 and I am looking for 18+ people interested in writing something The 100 related (very dead fandom, I know). I’m happy to do ccxoc (preferably doubling up but I might be open to just writing a canon for your oc) or ccxcc.
I write about 200-400+ words per reply but I’m happy to go below or above those numbers. I’m not super picky when it comes to reply length, as long as I get a paragraph or two and things move forward. I am pretty slow with replies, generally speaking. 
I am mainly interested in writing Murphy, but I’m also very happy to write Monty, Kane, Echo, Emori, Anya or Indra. Or, maybe, Raven, Octavia, Lexa, Bellamy or Jasper. Might be open to trying someone else, too, depending on. Fair warning that it’s my first time writing within the fandom, so it might take me a moment to get the characterisation correct.
I’ve watched everything but season 7 and I’m happy to do something within canon-verse (preferably pre-season 5, either divergent or canon-compliant. I’m flexible) or some sort of AU. I’m pretty open to darker themes, and I love a bit of hurt/comfort and trauma recovery (and found family, and most other things). I’m open to NSFW but it is not 100% necessary. I’m weak for most ships and I’m open to any pairing (including anything poly). I have a slight preference for anything queer (queer headcanons are more than invited), but I’m happy to do mxf too (I am especially weak for Murphy x Emori). For mxf I prefer writing m. 
Like this and I’ll reach out! I write on discord but I’m potentially open to gmail or documents, instead
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prpfz · 20 days
🐌  Hello! I am 20 and I am looking for 18+ people interested in writing something The 100 related (very dead fandom, I know). I’m happy to do ccxoc (preferably doubling up but I might be open to just writing a canon for your oc) or ccxcc.
I write about 200-400+ words per reply but I’m happy to go below or above those numbers. I’m not super picky when it comes to reply length, as long as I get a paragraph or two and things move forward. I am pretty slow with replies, generally speaking. 
I am mainly interested in writing Murphy, but I’m also very happy to write Monty, Kane, Echo, Emori, Anya or Indra. Or, maybe, Raven, Octavia, Lexa, Bellamy or Jasper. Might be open to trying someone else, too, depending on. Fair warning that it’s my first time writing within the fandom, so it might take me a moment to get the characterisation correct.
I’ve watched everything but season 7 and I’m happy to do something within canon-verse (preferably pre-season 5, either divergent or canon-compliant. I’m flexible) or some sort of AU. I’m pretty open to darker themes, and I love a bit of hurt/comfort and trauma recovery (and found family, and most other things). I’m open to NSFW but it is not 100% necessary. I’m weak for most ships and I’m open to any pairing (including anything poly). I have a slight preference for anything queer (queer headcanons are more than invited), but I’m happy to do mxf too (I am especially weak for Murphy x Emori). For mxf I prefer writing m. 
Like this and I’ll reach out! I write on discord but I’m potentially open to gmail or documents, instead
give a like and anon will get back to you
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darkrpfinders · 20 days
🐌  Hello! I am 20 and I am looking for 18+ people interested in writing something The 100 related (very dead fandom, I know). I’m happy to do ccxoc (preferably doubling up but I might be open to just writing a canon for your oc) or ccxcc.
I write about 200-400+ words per reply but I’m happy to go below or above those numbers. I’m not super picky when it comes to reply length, as long as I get a paragraph or two and things move forward. I am pretty slow with replies, generally speaking. 
I am mainly interested in writing Murphy, but I’m also very happy to write Monty, Kane, Echo, Emori, Anya or Indra. Or, maybe, Raven, Octavia, Lexa, Bellamy or Jasper. Might be open to trying someone else, too, depending on. Fair warning that it’s my first time writing within the fandom, so it might take me a moment to get the characterisation correct.
I’ve watched everything but season 7 and I’m happy to do something within canon-verse (preferably pre-season 5, either divergent or canon-compliant. I’m flexible) or some sort of AU. I’m pretty open to darker themes, and I love a bit of hurt/comfort and trauma recovery (and found family, and most other things). I’m open to NSFW but it is not 100% necessary. I’m weak for most ships and I’m open to any pairing (including anything poly). I have a slight preference for anything queer (queer headcanons are more than invited), but I’m happy to do mxf too (I am especially weak for Murphy x Emori). For mxf I prefer writing m. 
Like this and I’ll reach out! I write on discord but I’m potentially open to gmail or documents, instead
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hardcore-lonewolf · 1 year
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I love the Naruto World so much that I wish I was in it, I want to be a female Senju princess who's a god child to Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.
I'll love to be the last child of Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya Ogata, be the Sixth Hokage after saving the Leaf with Naruto Uzumaki, and is the main romantic interest of Sasuke Uchiha, a former student of Orochimaru Yashagoro.
I want Naruto to have a sibling, so I chose Deidara cause Uchiha Clan heirs tend to be rivals with Uzumaki Clan members and I don't to replace Hanabi for somebody else, so Hinata got a big sister now...how about Yume for the name...yes.
My name should be Misako, have a big sister named Akira who's the main romantic interest of Itachi Uchiha, and is the Chosen One with elemental bending powers as the Light Avatar who must destroy the Dark Persona.
I shipped myself with Sasuke, NaruHina for life, NejiTen, ShikaTema, SaiIno, KibaTama, ShiShi, ChoKaru, LeeAma, KankuAka, SoraKae, GaaMatsu, AsuKure, KakaHana, JiraTsuna, MinaKushi, Orochimaru X OFC, Itachi X OC, MY AU!Deidara X OFC!Hinata's Big Sister, ToneShion, IruAya, SuiKari, Sakura X OMC, GaiKao, KoteAnko, KabuGure, HayaYuga, IzuShizu, YamaYuki, ObiRin, Rin and Obito will be still alive, my dad's not gonna die too, Asuma deserves to live for his daughter, Neji stays living, etc.
There's ten tailed beasts from zero to nine; Satori the Reibi, Shukaku the Ichibi, Matatabi the Nibi, Isobu the Sanbi, Son Goku the Yonbi, Kokuo the Gobi, Saiken the Rokubi, Chomei the Nanabi, Gyuki the Hachibi, and Kurama the Kyuubi.
I want Team 02 [Yoruha - Hikaru, Nayumi, Migaku & Sakura], 03 [Gai - Neji, Tenten, Lee & Kaede], 07 [Kakashi - Naruto, Misako, Sasuke & Hinata], 08 [Kurenai - Kiba, Tamaki, Shino & Shiho], and 10 [Asuma - Choji, Ino, Shikamaru & Akane].
Sakura need to be shipped with somebody else rather than Sasuke, she was falling for him and broke her friendship with Ino for his heart.
If I was her, I'll choose my friend over my crush and keep my bond.
Misako got three childhood friends; Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke...it's that clear and simple.
Misa doesn't like fan boys at all like Sasuke don't like fan girls, they're from enemy clans and are best friends who's secretly betrothed to each other as a way to form peace to both family trees.
Watching all episodes and movies, I've learned many shocking plots and twists throughout my childhood.
Itachi's an amazing big brother, I wish Naruto has a brother and I gave him one...named Deidara rather than Menma cause I see that alternative future son of our ramen lover if he was married to Sasuke.
I want Naruto to have his first kiss with Hinata, which leads to this scenario...what if Misako was between both him and Sasuke during the episode where they were finding out their teams.
Misako will kiss Sasuke...again, here's the catch, they shared their first kiss at a young age cause they liked each other and can see their futures as a badass power couple.
Itachi had already predicted that his little brother was in love with Misako...like he was with Akira, Akira will prevent Itachi's death and tell Sasuke the real truth herself with her baby sister by her side.
I've read a fanfiction on Wattpad that has an original female character portraying as Nezuko Kamado, her name was Misa, I loved it and saw the major changes they've done...it was glorious...shout-out to the author.
I know one way to make Sasuke feel overprotective to Misako like she's understanding with him, I've made three characters we know as original characters named Hikaru, Nayumi, and Migaku.
Hikaru will portray from Toneri or Seimei, Nayumi will depict from Shion or Sawaii, and Migaku...I got something for him...Yoichi or Ren.
Misako and Akira, two sisters with their father's white hair, their mother's brown eyes, their father's red markings, and their mother's beautiful looks and gorgeous figure...I got their character portrayals...Heinrich Prinz (Akira) & Eugen Prinz (Misako).
Indra & Asura was in love with the Kishimoto Sisters named...Luna & Kira...
Kira will be the light that guides Asura to the Sun and into the Spirit World for a bright star.
Luna will be the shadow that escorts Indra to the Moon and get him away from the Phantom Zone for a dark cloud.
The sacred ancestry continues to Madara Uchiha's lover and Hashirama Senju's wife...Mito Uzumaki & Himiko Hyuga.
Years have passed, I want Misa to become the Light Avatar since the Dark Persona was her complete polar opposite...they're destined lovers.
I honestly want Misa to have two sons and daughters; Daisuke (OMC: Haruto Uchiha), Mikoto (OFC: Amara Senju), Yuta (OMC: Isamu Senju), and Sayuri (OFC: Kiyomi Uchiha).
I'm giving Naruto another son and daughter; Menma (OMC: Soha Uzumaki) & China (OFC: Naruko Uzumaki).
If you're confused with the names of the following OCs I've planted, search for their names on Google to get some clarification...it took me a few tries and I've finished.
Comment down below, reblog, anything you wanna do...go for it.
Do not report me, this is just my ideas...something I wanna do for my fanfics in the future.
Sayonara guys...believe it!
Also...who will win between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso?
If nobody wins and unexpected twists happen, who will return?
What if Damian Priest changes his mind and cash in on Roman, if not...on whoever wins between Seth and Finn?
Who will beat Dominik's ass and strip him from his title?
Will Santos dethrone Theory?
Can Ricochet take down a jackass?
Will Gunther stay undisputed?
Who will be Rhea's opponent?
Who will walk out as Women's Undisputed Champion?
Will Iyo win or lose her chance?
Will Shotzi get revenge on Bayley?
Can LA Knight conquer the Battle Royal?
Will Shayna kick this transphobic bitch's ass out of wrestling for good?
Will Solo join his brother?
Will Cody end Lesnar?
All these questions and more will be confirmed tomorrow night at Detroit...watch Peacock now, get your tickets, and get ready cause it's ride or die this year on 2023.
Let this tribal combat...commence.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
The Strength of Love: Chapter 5: Honesty and Fears
-Three days later, Usagi was asked a question, outside the dojo after she came down from the mountain, finding the eleven Hindu gods, including Ganesha, waiting for her.
-It had been several days since she had seen these gods, and while she had been a bit uneasy, unsure, of why they had all been coming around, she had to admit that she did miss them.
-She approached with a smile, relaxing as many smiled back, greeting her warmly and she returned it.
-Shiva then approached, looking focused and determined, “Usagi I need to ask you something important! Will you allow the ten of us to court you to be our bride?”
-She froze, her eyes wide, looking down at him in complete shock, while she wasn’t good at realizing when she was being flirted with, they realized that they needed to be direct with their affections and intentions with Usagi.
-Her eyes filled with confusion, one eyebrow lifting, like she didn’t believe him, “Why?”
-They were stunned by her words, as they hadn’t been expecting that answer, before Rudra approached, “We like you Usagi, we all do and all wish to marry you!”
-She looked around at the ten gods, many who were smiling at her, all of them looking dead serious, but she didn’t believe them, her eyes narrowing only slightly, thinking they were playing a prank on her, “All ten of you?”
-Each of them answered her, including the three wives who were smiling up at her after they had approached, telling her that they were indeed serious about their affections.
-Vishnu, Parvati, Shiva, Rudra, and Brahma were easily able to see that she was upset, almost angry, not believing them, seeing the pain in her eyes as her mouth tensed lightly, her lips drawing in just a bit in anger.
-Shiva took one of her hands, holding with two of his own, “Usagi, I swear upon the one thousand one hundred and sixteen gods in the Hindu pantheon, our feelings for you are genuine! We want to marry you!”
-She stared down at him, her eyes wide, almost like she was fearful, looking down at his hands gripping her own. His hands were trembling, only just slightly, but his grip was firm, her eyes fell to it, and she saw how her hands were almost twice the size of his own, covered in scars.
-She bit her lip as she felt her eyes starting to sting, “Why…why would you want me of all people?” her self-esteem, with relationships, was struggling at the moment, panicking, which they could see, she just couldn’t believe that they wanted to marry her.
-Varuna spoke first, “Because you’re nice! You treat everyone you come across with so much respect, even if they’re rude to you in return!”
-Indra nodded, holding an unlit cigarette between his lips, “You’re also strong, but that strength has gentleness to it, you took care of Ganesha a couple of days ago!” Parvati spoke next, “He’s right, and Ganesha hasn’t stopped talking about how kind you were to him!”
-Each one of them took turns, saying nice things to her, making the tears well as she felt a warmth in her chest, hearing their praise, hearing their words.
-Shiva then spoke, getting her attention back on him, “You’ve captivated us, Usagi! Everything about you has caught all of our attention and we want to know more- see more, we want to be with you. But I- we won’t force you to decide right now, we’re willing to be patient.”
-His words made her throat clench as her lips wobbled lightly, trying not to cry before he squeezed her hand softly, smiling so softly up at her, before releasing her and Ganesha hugged her around her knees before they took their leave, giving Usagi space, but she saw the smiles on each one of them as they left here in the dojo yard.
-The following day, after not being able to sleep, her mind running a million miles per hour but she couldn’t seem to string together a single thought, she went to her grandpa and Thrud, wanting their advice.
-Thrud was overjoyed, hearing about the proposal, as was Raiden, happy for his granddaughter, but Thrud was quick to see the look on Usagi’s face was one not of joy, but worry and confusion, and when she calmed, so did Raiden.
-Thrud knew what Usagi was going through well, as she towered over even Raiden, more than a head taller than him, men were always afraid of her, seeing her as someone too strong, more like a beast than a woman, until she met the man who captured her heart with his pure love for her.
-Unaware of the Hindu gods, who just arrived and while not good manners on their part, eavesdropped on their conversation as Usagi spoke first, “I’ve never dealt with anything like this before, except for that bastard that you broke in half, grandpa. I-I don’t know what to do?!”
-Thrud shushed her softly, trying to calm her down, “Do you believe the words of Lord Shiva and the other gods?” Usagi was silent for a long few moments before she answered, “I don’t know. They looked so serious but… I’ve never had anyone come after me in this way before, I don’t know if they’re just pranking me or if they’re really serious or not!”
-Shiva’s eyes widened slightly, shocked that Usagi didn’t believe them, she didn’t believe their affection for her was genuine!
-Raiden then spoke, asking a question, “Why don’t you believe them? Did something happen that made you not trust them?” Usagi shook her head, “No- but… I’ve never gotten attention like this before, even while I was alive, and all of the sudden ten gods want to marry me. It’s hard to… hard to believe.”
-Thrud was a bit surprised, inquiring further, “Nobody’s every approached you?” Usagi shook her head, laughing humorlessly, “Even when I served under the Emperor, who offered to give a large dowry on my behalf, nobody stepped forward. Nobody wanted to be married to a woman like me.”
-Raiden glared hard, putting his hand on her head, trying to comfort her, “What do you mean a woman like you? You’re strong, beautiful, you know how to cook and sew, you’d be a great wife!!”
-Usagi sighed softly, looking down at her hands on her lap as she was sitting on her knees before Thrud spoke gently to her lover, “Not everyone see big women like Usagi and I as women.”
-Raiden laughed warmly, not seeing the seriousness of the situation, trying to laugh it off, “What’s wrong with being a big woman? I love-” Usagi snapped at him, cutting him off, shocking everyone as she never did anything like that, “Not all men are like you, grandpa! Not every man likes bigger women! Men want pretty, petite women like Parvati! Not women like…not like me.” her voice trailed off, getting softer as she spoke, as tears pooled over, slipping down her cheeks as she began to cry.
-Raiden, now realizing that he shouldn’t have laughed, looked solemnly at Usagi, offering her a soft apology, taking her hand on his own, giving it a small squeeze as Thrud tried to dab her tears away.
-Parvati was trying to control her own tears, hearing Usagi’s words, her fears, while the others wanted to storm in and hug Usagi and shower her with affection and give her all the love she deserved and more.
-Shiva stood suddenly and slammed the sliding door open, actually knocking it off the track, shocking the three warriors, and instantly his blood was hot, seeing Usagi in tears as Raiden shouted, “Hey Shiva! What-” he was cut off by Shiva immediately embracing Usagi, hugging her tightly, wrapping all four arms around her as far as they would go.
-His wives and Ganesha were quick to join, as Thrud smiled, leaning back as the gods, some a bit more enthusiastically than others, were quick to join in the massive hug, with Agni’s arms wrapping around the whole group.
-Usagi was stunned and embarrassed all at the same time, realizing that they had heard the conversation between her, Thrud, and Raiden, but she was stunned that they were hugging her now, hugging her as if she would disappear if they were to let her go.
-Shiva’s eyes were closed as he spoke, “You may not believe us now, but we’ll prove it to you! We’ll court you and take you on dates and anything you would ever need to see that we’re all serious, Usagi!”
-Tears welled in her eyes again, a mixture of happiness and relief and they fell as she closed her eyes, leaning into the embrace, willing to take the chance again, as Thrud and Raiden joined in on the hug, making her smile softly.
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deitiesofduat · 2 years
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[18] -- YAMM
✦ TITLE: Lord Yamm -- The Foreign God of the Sea and Storms
✦ SACRED ANIMAL: The Octopus ✦ DIVINE WEAPON: Trident ✦ NOTABLE EPITHETS: "The Great Sea; The Judge of the River; Lord of the Tempest; Lord of the Rivers" ✦ PROFILE: https://deitiesproject.com/portfolio/yamm/
Lord Yamm is a Semitic/Canaanite deity who serves as an adversary to the Egyptian pantheon.
A tyrannical sea god who originated from a realm beyond Duat. Hedonistic and possessive, Yamm has an insatiable desire for collecting various rare 'treasures' -- both material, and otherwise. He is also known for having a ruthless temper that can cause destructive storms.
DEITIES x OC_TOBER -- Deity Profiles [Full Character Lineup]
Ah yes, the designated octoprick that I inexplicably fixated on for a while 😂
Though he doesn't hold a solid role in the main story, Yamm serves as something of a secondary antagonist in DEITIES -- with different motivations and a bit more depth to work with than the big-bad, Apep. His current character exists thanks to very indulgent headcanons with friends and their OCs, where he acts as a recurring villain we hate-to-love and love-to-hate.
Along the way, Yamm branched out into an OG and AU version of his character. I'm not sure how confusing this is for those following the ​​blog, but just to reiterate from the Relationships section in his profile page:
"OG!Yamm" refers to the original canon that closely follows the mythology in Ancient Egypt, where his character is portrayed as an adversarial and tyrannical god. "AU!Yamm" refers to alternate canons, where the worst traits from his OG character are nixed and he forms healthier relationships — explored for fun and particularly in AUs and events.
Meanwhile, I will say it was funny to draw Yamm on his 'land legs' for this line up, I'm so used to drawing his canon design with the tentacles. In either case, Yamm's actual height on human legs is 6' 9" (lmao--), but because he often uses his hybrid features for his lower half, he can increase his height by supporting himself on his tentacles. Thus, he's usually towering over everyone else \o/
For other fun facts, there are actually quite a bit that are scattered all over his tag, and others I'm still sitting on after developing his character over the past couple years. For those curious, the askbox is open for a few more days ✨
(( Also, for anyone who doesn't know the poor character who OG!Yamm is always tormenting, it's Lord Indra, Jinkz's leviathan deity OC. My sincere thanks and apologies to her for letting me borrow her handsome sea serpent whenever I draw Yamm, but Yamm gets his comeuppance + they get along better in AUs to make up for it. ))
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
The Omega of the Commander and Whanheda
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iVp5ZLh
by EvilWomenAreHot
A genius, an Omega, with the strongest alphas alive for mates. Leah Frost meets her two mates, the famous Wanheda and the Heda herself. Leah being very independent, would she able to handle her alphas controlling her? Would they be able to keep Leah under control?
A/B/O universe
Alpha! Lexa Kom Trikru x Omega! OC x Alpha! Clarke Griffin
Kinda crossovers between the 100 and the MCU
Words: 1641, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Abby Griffin, Raven Reyes (The 100), Luna (The 100)
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa/Original Female Character(s), Luna/Raven Reyes (The 100)
Additional Tags: Alpha/Omega, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Clarke Griffin, Alpha Lexa (The 100), Omega Verse, Alpha Abby Griffin, Alpha Anya (The 100), Alpha Indra (The 100), Omega Raven Reyes, Alpha Luna (The 100), Beta John, Possessive Behavior, Anya Lives (The 100), Lincoln Lives (The 100)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iVp5ZLh
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uchihashisuii · 3 years
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Indra & Seira Ōtsutsuki
I commissioned the wonderful @konohas-uchiha for art of my oc and Indra, and I couldn’t be more thrilled by the result ✨
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belit0 · 4 years
heyyyy girlie i’m back can you do madara, izuna and indra with a daughter that is very flirty ? basically likes to flirt with anyone doenst matter their gender or status (or ranking) whatever they do for power standards
Writer: I will not add Izuna because I literally cannot imagine him with children xd
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In this blog, Indra has only one daughter, the youngest of his 6 children. Her name is Ame, and she is really very similar to him, so Daddy Ōtsutsuki is very proud, therefore we can imagine how he would feel if suddenly when she grows up, she starts flirting with everyone...
Omg, he wishes he had never taken her out into the world, at what point did his little baby turn into someone like that? He is horrified, to say the least.
He will literally follow her everywhere, hiding in trees and buildings so that she does not detect him, making sure that no one manages to get their hands on his princess. Internally he curses himself for having taught her to use her chakra so well, for she finds him every time.
Frustrated by his inability to keep an eye on her, he sends his older children, any of the five of them. Someone must watch over Ame and her bad taste in... all the people on the planet, basically.
When the boys come back with black eyes, he knows that the task is harder than it seems.
He keeps fighting her in an attempt to change her way of thinking. He considers that she should be an honest woman, unreachable and that people should be afraid to look. He tried to intimidate her with his harsh words, but he received an equally harsh response in return and was mystified.
Eventually he learned to trust her and to realize that she only likes to play with her attributes and her remarkable beauty. When he understood that Ame was not acting recklessly with anyone, he relaxed and gave her space to act as she wished, as long as she did not disgrace her family name.
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And of course, when Madara is told by his trusted men about his daughter's questionable behavior with people who don't even belong to the clan, his chest almost explodes with rage.
If they thought that Daddy Uchiha showed all his anger only when fighting Hashirama, it is because they never saw him shouting at the person with whom one of his triplets were flirting so animatedly.
Even Izuna ran to where his brother was to see who he was threatening to kill, and when he saw the situation he would have liked the earth to swallow him up.
Idai is punished at that very moment, in front of the whole crowd of people who gathered around to watch Madara promise to cut off the head and drink the blood of that person.
His daughter was just as angry or even more upset than he was, screaming in the same way and scaring people on the same level. Usually, it is Pawa who is described as the little Madara, but on this occasion, the whole audience thought that the earth would explode between them.
Unlike Indra, the Uchiha cannot bear to see his queens interacting with potential suitors. That means they are growing up, they are leaving the nest, they are moving away from Dad. That hurts. He wants all three to stay with him, and it takes him too much work to see them progress.
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topazy · 3 years
The Fierce And Broken
You stepped back and stared at Raven speechless, even in the darkness you could tell she was blushing. Did she regret kissing you? You hoped not.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I shouldn’t have done that. Now I’ve made things weird between us-”
Now it was your turn to cut her off. You pressed your lips against hers, she kissed you back and you remained like that until you pulled away to catch your breath.
“Um...I suppose we should go to bed,” Raven said in a soft chuckle.
“Yeah it’s late, and I imagine you need to rest that brain of yours.”
Raven flopped down onto the bed, “you have no idea.”
Tracking a person down in a small camp was surprisingly hard. You were about to give up when you heard Abby’s voice. “And where's Marcus now? Imprisoned still? You're just going to leave him there? Like the kids in Mount Weather? If we run, who's going to rescue them?”
“You weren’t there, Abby. I saw them. Warriors trained since childhood to fight and die for their cause. As we speak, they are marching on this camp. And trust me when I tell you, the right choice is to live, so that we can come back and fight another day.”
“Inspirational words from a man who sent children to their deaths,” you ignored the look on Jaha’s face and looked directly at Abby. “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to tell you I’m accepting your offer. I’ll train with you.”
A smile spread across the doctors face, “good. I’m so glad you are taking this opportunity, your father would be so proud.”
You frowned at her comment and left the room not interested in the deceit of it all. None of the adults who came from the ark cared about anybody else expect from themselves or their children, you could understand that but not the acting like one happy family.
“Hey,” you whispered entering the tent.
Raven let out a groan before sitting up, “what time is it?”
“Early, very early.” You crawled onto the bed and laid down face first. “Nothing new has happened since last night.”
“Can I ask you something?” Raven sounded nervous. You turned to face her and nodded. “Last night...that kiss... I didn’t weird you out did I?”
“No, that’s why I kissed you back.”
She smiled at your comment. You knew it must be hard for Raven to try and avoid any awkwardness around the situation. “Good, because I was afraid you wouldn’t have kissed me back.” Her confession took you by surprise. “I think you are amazing Alba, I really do-” she paused for a moment trying to find the right words. “Me and Finn are over, but a part of me is still hurting and I don’t want to use you as a rebound. I’ve already made that mistake with Bellamy and you are to import for me to risk it.”
“I’m happy being friends if you are?” Truthfully you were a little disappointed, but you admired her honesty.
The brunette let out a frustrated sigh, “I do want to be more with you Al but-I’m scared to rush things in case I get hurt again, or even worse I hurt you.”
“Did you just ask me to go steady with you Reyes?”
“I did,” she laughed before leaning back next you on the bed. “So what do you say?”
You linked your fingers with hers, “I suppose so.”
Raven shoved you playfully. You filled her in on the conversation you overheard between Abby and Jaha. She still couldn’t believe that you confronted Abby on behalf of her. Your unusual moment of calmness was interrupted by Clarke barging into the tent, the blonde was in her usual frustrated state and was oblivious to you and Raven holding hands. “Y/N we have a meeting with the commander right now.”
You sat up fast, “we?”
“The commander won’t listen to me on my own, you still have the bruising from what the mountain men did.”
Rolling your eyes you stood up with a groan. “Yeah, I can show them it as proof I get it. Can you give me a minute?” Clarke stared at you blankly. “Jesus Griffin, I’m wanting to change okay.”
“Fine, but we need to leave in a couple of minutes.”
Quickly you changed your top into a more appropriate one. Running in a thin vest top wasn’t a good idea. Once your jacket was on you made sure to have Anya’s hair in your pocket. “You don’t need to go, If you don't want to.”
You gave Raven a sad smile before making sure not to forget anything important. “If there’s a chance to get our people back I need to try,” you squeezed her hand. “Stay safe Reyes, I’ll be back soon.”
“If you so much as look at her the wrong way, I will slit your throat.”
You gulped down at Gustus’s threat. You fully believed he would kill you and Clarke without a second thought. Another grounder stepped forward and introduced the commander.
“You're the one who burned three hundred of my warriors alive,” the commander's words were laced with venom as she spoke.
Clarke stepped forward, “you're the one who sent them there to kill us.”
“Do you have an answer for me, Clarke of the sky people?”
Answer? You frowned at the blonde standing next you. She has failed to mention any kind of deal, or questions had been discussed prior to this meeting. Clarke had an answer for her, “I’ve come to make you and offer.”
The commander's expression remained the same and emotionless, Clarke had really pissed her off. “This is not a negotiation.”
Another grounder spoke to the commander in trig. You didn’t know many words but you did pick up on ‘kill her’, You looked at Clarke confused. Was she trying to get you both killed?
“I can help you beat the mountain men.”
“Go on.”
As the commander spoke you noticed the other grounder eyeing you suspiciously. “Hundreds of your people are trapped inside mount weather, kept in cages. Their blood is used as medicine.”
“How do you know this?” The commander wasn’t believing her story.
“Because I saw them,” she stepped closer again. “My people are prisoners, too. I was one of them. We both were.”
“Lies!” The angry grounder stepped forward. “No one escapes the mountain.”
“We did. With Anya. We fought our way out together.”
“Another lie. Anya died in the fire. You killed her!”
“She’s not lying,” you said. “The mountain men are taking blood and bone marrow from both our people.”
The commander still looked unconvinced. Sighing you pulled your jeans down low enough to reveal your large bruise that has still yet to heal. “They took my bone marrow. I found Clarke inside mount weather, and while trying to escape we found Anya. We only had time to save her, but I intend on keeping my promise to return and free the others.” You reached into your pocket and pulled out the braid of hair. “Anya told me you were her second, I’m sure she’d want you to have this.”
“We don’t even know it’s hers”
“Anya was my mentor before I was called to lead my people,” the commander turned to face you and Clarke. “Did she die well?”
“Yes. By my side, trying to get a message to you.”
You couldn’t decide if Clarke’s memory of what happened was fuzzy, or if she was a really good liar. The commander held her hand up to Indra, “what message?”
“The only way to save both our people is if we join together.”
“Those who are about to die will say anything,” Indra spat. “The one you call Alba doesn’t seem conceived by Clarke of the sky people.”
Oh shit. Suddenly all eyes were on you. “Anya called me Heda gon bàsmhorachd, and heda gon mathanas and said one is a gift and the other is a weakness. “
The commander glanced from you to Clarke, “I’m still waiting for an offer.”
“The mountain men are turning your people into reapers. I can turn them back.”
Indra began ranting and yelling in trig.
“I’ve done it with Lincoln.”
You glared at Clarke as she said his name. Lincoln had always been good to your people. He’d saved Octavia, you, and Finn multiple times. Last time he tried to make peace it cost him his own people and Clarke had just given his location away.
Soon as you arrived back at camp Jackson said he needed your help. You excused yourself much to the dismay of Indra but the commander didn’t seem to care. After countless attempts of bringing the patient's temperature down Jackson eventually managed. He explained with such little resources it was becoming harder to help people.
“Hey doctor.” Turning to face the doorway you smiled seeing Raven gave you a confused look. “What are you doing?”
“We are short of blood so I’m doing what I can to help,” you shrugged. It was also a good reason to avoid any grounders that where still in camp. The interaction from before had left a sour taste in your mouth, although a part of that was because of Clarke.
“We should start calling you saint Alba,” Raven leaned against an empty table. “How did it go?”
“Truthfully I have no idea, Clarke told them she can turn reapers back into normal people.”
“Can she?”
“I’ve no idea you,” you pouted. “She’s not one for sharing what’s going on. I was completely blind sighted by some things that were said. I guess we can’t do anything but wait and see.”
“Do you trust them?”
You thought about it before answering, the grounders had no reason to trust the ‘sky people’ so they probably didn’t. “I think they will still have a ace up their sleeves. How did your day go?”
Raven shrugged, “still no change.”
Jackson entered the room just as the bag had filled with enough blood. He thanked you and removed the needle from your arm. Technically it wasn’t a good idea for you to be given blood after everything your body had been through recently but it was desperate times. You stumbled slightly when you stood up but Raven caught hold of you. “Al? You should sit back down.”
You gave her a lopsided grin, before gently kissing her. Raven smiled into the kiss before leaning back, “if you need anymore blood I can always donate.”
“Glad to hear, I’ll be back in a moment.”
You shared a look with Raven, “is he everywhere?”
Shaking your head you got out of the chair and let Raven sit in it. “I’m going to get changed, do you want anything from the tent?” Raven shook her head. “I’ll see you soon Reyes.”
Lifting up a cleanish top you changed into, and threw the previous one that was now covered in your blood to the side along with the rest of your dirty clothes. You had accidentally pulled the needle out when Jackson first put it in resulting a good top being stained.
You stepped out of the tent and saw Clarke walking back from the gates, she noticed you and walked over. “We saved Lincoln.”
“That’s great,” you were glad to hear Lincoln hadn’t died. He deserved better than to die as a reaper.
“Commander Lexa-”
“I need to stop you there Clarke,” you pointed towards the gates the grounders had just left though. “I’m not interested in any of that.”
“Your not interested in saving our people?”
The accusation that you didn’t care about your people after everything you’d been through together stung. “No, I want to save our people and the grounders who have been taken. But I don’t trust Lexa.”
“She is our best chance of helping.”
“Is she?” You saw the furious look on her face. “I’m just saying we don’t know enough about them, and she’s not going to just give us a alliance we will need to work for it.” Clarke’s silence confirmed your fear. “What has the commander offered you?”
“She will fight with us to get all of our people back.”
“What does she want in return?”
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justinalovee · 4 years
Now we live
Previous chapter
Chapter: 0.07
Nova stood watching as Kane tried to blend his people with her own. It was a disaster waiting to happen. She was surprised her commander had agreed to it.
“Monin.” Kane said cheerily. “I thought we'd start with a reception then move on to training. We have a lot to learn from each other. Weapons there, please. Only Ark guards are here.” Indra along with other grounders threw their weapons into a box. “Thank you for agreeing to this, Indra.”
Indra looked him up and down, before replying with a snarky comment. “We're here on the commander's orders. I agreed to nothing.”
The council meeting room quickly became full of grounders. Kane looked uncomfortable as he spoke to Jaha in a low voice. Nova tried not to smirk as she heard Octavia telling a guard to stick his tongue up his ass. She sighed listening to Kane deliver a speech about their common enemy, the mountain men.
Nova’s eyes landed on Murphy as one of the other grounders started to square up to him. She bit down on her bottom lip as she decided what to do. With eyes on them Murphy had suggested they kept a low profile with the aftermath of Finn’s death still being raw, and a part of that was not jumping in to defend each other unless it was necessary. Nova did as Lexa said and stayed away from the ceremony, but now Nova wasn’t sure if she could go back as whispers about her involvement had started to spread. Thankfully it hadn’t reached the ears of the sky clan yet.
Murphy glared at the person in front of him, “you got a problem?”
“Yu stood der watching while Ai village was massacred.” ‘You stood there watching while my village was massacred.’
Nova couldn’t hold her tongue. “Penn hod op. Yu get in em wasn’t em.” ‘Penn stop. You know it wasn’t him.’
Murphy shrugged, “sorry man. I don’t speak grounder.
Penn stepped even closer to Murphy, causing him to push the grounder back. Kane stormed over to them. “Mr. Murphy, apologize to that man.”
“For what?” Murphy asked. “He started it!”
Kane shook his head. “Two days' work detail.”
“Work detail? I just told you I didn't do it-” Murphy challenged him.
“Care to make it three?”
Penn glared at Murphy, “you can burn just like your friend.” Murphy clenched his fist but ignored the comment. He was trying his best not to take the bait.
Penn smirked, “Hei nova? ha does Ai feel bilaik a skaikru slut nau? everybody get in Yu turned bilaik bakon ona bilaik gada in kru gon Disha. cockroach. Ai wonder chit bilaik sister would fig raun taim she could-”
Penn was cut off by Murphy punching him in the face. As a riot broke out between sky people and grounders, Murphy ignored Kane who was yelling at him, and grabbed Nova’s hand and dragged her out of the room with him.
Murphy closed the door behind him and spun to face Nova. Who looked bewildered by what just happened. “Are you okay?”
She nodded, “I’m fine.” Her fingers trailed over the bruise appearing on his knuckles. “I can’t believe you punched Penn in the face.”
“He had it coming,” Murphy’s eyes were glued on Nova’s fingers. He wasn’t used to somebody worrying about him, she gently pressed a kiss to the back of his hand before rubbing her thumb over his swollen skin. “What did he do to you anyway?”
‘Hey Nova? How does It feel to be a Skaikru slut now? Everybody knows you turned your back on your own people for this...cockroach. I wonder what your sister would think if she could-‘
Nova shrugged, pretending the comment didn’t hurt her. “Nothing important, just that I’m a slut, a traitor, and he was starting to talk about my sister when you punched him.”
Murphy gritted his teeth. He would have done more than punch Penn in the face if he had known what he was saying. “How do you say I’m sorry in grounder?”
Nova chuckled. “I’m fiya, why? Are you thinking of apologising for causing a riot?”
Smiling Murphy shook his head. “Hell no. I just wanted to say...I’m fiya Nova.” He brushed a loose strand of hair behind ear, “you could have gotten hurt in there.”
She closed her eyes. “I’ve been through much worse, and so have you.”
Murphy gulped down, his eyes had trailed from her fingers to her pink lips. His feelings towards the grounder confused him. From the moment he let her escape the drop-ship something changed. He had never put his neck on the line for anyone before, let alone a stranger. The grounder girl who helped him live quickly became his only friend. But now? Murphy wasn’t sure if friendship was the only thing he wanted.
Nova opened her eyes to see Murphy gazing down at her. The look made her stomach tighten, her lips parted slightly as he leaned towards her.
The door to the room swung open, as Clay, a young grounder stood sheepishly rubbing his neck. “Kane en indra are lufa au Yu both. Ai heard chit happened fou, Skai boy punched penn gon defend Yu?” ‘Kane and Indra are looking for you both. I heard what happened before, Sky boy punched penn to defend you? Causing a massive fight to break out? ’
A wide smile spread across Nova’s face as she nodded, “he don dula.”
Murphy frowned as the grounder raised his eyebrows and left, “what was that about it?”
“He was asking if it was true if you punched Penn, and caused riot.” She laughed, “Kane and Indra are looking for us.”
Great, just great.
“Good, Fio. Who's next?”
“I am.” Octavia stepped forward, “We're supposed to train together right?”
A few grounders tutted as the sky girl argued with Indra that she should train with them. Kane stood beside Nova who was leaning against the wall. “Aren’t you going to train?”
She shook her head, “I’ve never been much of a fighter.”
“What is your skill?” He asked curiously. Kane wasn’t dumb, every grounder he had came across had a specialsed skill.
“Archer...” memories of the promise she made to Treyton came flooding back. “Let gyon au kom foutaim.” Kane raised his eyebrow at the grounders mumble. Nova cleared her throat, “We should all try our best to let go of the past. I can teach your people how to use a bow and arrow if they are interested. And Indra says it’s okay.”
He smiled, “thank you.”
“I take it you don't approve.” Murphy did his best to Ignore Jaha. “I asked you a question.”
Murphy stopped mopping and turned to face Jaha. “Who cares what I think.”
“I do. That’s why I asked.” Jaha looked back at his people and grounders training together. “So what do you think?”
“I think the grounders can go to hell.” The moments the words passed his lips he regretted saying them. Murphy didn’t hate all grounders, he was pissed at them getting special treatment. “Most of them anyway.”
The chancellor waited until the hallway was clear before following John further into the camp. “I got you off work detail.” He watched as the teenager screwed his face up. “You knew my son and I'd like you to take me to his grave. Now that there's a truce, it's safe for me to go see the body.”
“Then get somebody else to take you,” Murphy spat.
“I'm told the graves are unmarked. You can show me which is his.” Jaha offered Murphy a gun, which he accepted. “You can hold a mop, you can hold and gun.”
Murphy scoffed as he watched Jaha kneeling at Wells grave. He had no sympathy for the man who killed his father. “Are we about done? We got to be heading back.”
Jaha didn’t take his off Well’s grave, “How well did you know him?”
“Well enough to be hung for his murder.” Murphy paused, “Clarke sugarcoated it for you didn't she?”
“What happened to my son?
Murphy sighed, he didn’t want to relive one of the worst days of his life. “Twelve-year-old girl stabbed him in the neck with a knife she took from me”
Jaha shot his head up. “Why would she do that?”
“She couldn't kill you,” he shrugged. “Yeah, so you got a lot of blood on your hands, Chancellor. Every single one of them including your son would still be alive if you hadn't sent us down here.”
Jaha stood up and clasped his hands behind his back. “ If I didn't send you, they would've died on the Ark with the rest of us and we would've never known that Earth was survivable. Their sacrifice is why we are here. Good can come out of even the darkest acts, John.”
Murph groaned as Jaha started to walk the wrong way, “Camp you is that way.”
“We'll rest at the dropship for a while.”
“Suit yourself.”
Murphy shook his head as Jaha continued to offer him food. “You sure? You must be hungry?”
“No one gives anything without expecting anything in return.”
Jaha looked at him with a blank expression on his face. “That's a cynical way to go through life, John.”
“You pull me off work detail, you offer me food. Why are you being so nice to me.”
The chancellor cleared his throat, as if was getting ready to deliver a speech. “Everyone deserves a second chance. That's why we sent the hundred to the Earth in the first place.”
“What a load of crap. You didn't give a damn about us. You still don't, that's why you're not fighting for those kids in Mount Weather.”
Jaha gave him a disapproving look. “I have to think of everyone. I know you don't want to hear this but sometimes you have to sacrifice the few to save the many. Like I said, good can come out of even the darkest acts.”
Murphy shook his head. The only person who treated him like a human was Nova, she showed him kindness when nobody else did. “Then you can take it from me, I was pardoned, slate wiped clean I'm still treated like dirt.”
“You made mistakes, so have I.”
Murphy glared at him, “I'm nothing like you, Chancellor.”
“No, we both should have died several times over. We both suffered at the hands of the grounders. We both have been betrayed and imprisoned by our own people.”
“So there's no place for us,” Murphy said sarcastically. “Great thought you were supposed to be inspiring.”
“There is a place for all of us. When I first landed on Earth I met a woman who spoke of a place beyond the dead zone, a place where everyone is accepted, a city of light.”
“Sounds like a fairytale.” Murphy continued to listen to Jaha’s rambles about a better life, while trying not to think about what could be happening back at camp.
Murphy awoke in the drop-ship to the sounds of others talking. What the fuck? He jumped to his feet, “Hey what the hell is this?”
Jaha stepped to the side to reveal a small group of people standing outside. “We're going to the City of Light.”
“You're going now? There's a million ways to die out there.”
“If it's not your time, nothing can kill you. If it is your time it only takes one.” Murphy opened his mouth to reply when Nova came into view. What the hell was she doing here? Jaha smiled at the young man’s expression. “I thought you might want some company Mr. Murphy.”
Nova quickly hugged her friend before turning to face the strange man who had asked her to join them. “Do you even have a map?”
Murphy wrapped his arm around Nova’s shoulder. “Then how do you know where you're going?”
“I don't, but I won't be moved by fear. You want to stop being treated like a criminal. You gotta stop thinking that's what you are. Take this leap of faith with me, John Murphy and let me show you there is so much more for you than this.”
Jaha started to lead his ‘people’ away. Murphy and Nova watched as the group started to fo further into the forest. “Why did you come?”
“Jaha...your leader said he knows what I’ve done...he apparently knows how to make the pain stop.” She blinked away tears, “I feel so guilty. Every time I see your people...I see his face everywhere I look.”
“So you want to go?”
Nova bit down on her bottom lip. “I-I don’t know. I’m not going anywhere without you, if you stay I stay.”
For the first time in hours a smile pulled at the corners of Murphy’s mouth. He weighed up their options, they could return to camp Jaha and risk others finding out what Nova had done, or take a chance. “What the hell,” he shrugged. “My people hate me, and Lexa has practically banished you. Let’s see what this place has to offer.”
Nova leaned up and kissed him on the check. Murphy locked his own fingers with hers, as they started to catch up with the group searching for the city of lights.
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