#indigo powder for skin
theorganicproducts · 11 months
Indigo powder is a natural plant-based dye made from the dried and powdered leaves of the indigo plant. This plant has been used for centuries to create vibrant blue and black dyes. Indigo powder is known for its impressive colouring abilities and the rich, dark shades it imparts to the hair. It is a popular choice for those who want to achieve shades of blue, black, or brown without resorting to chemical hair dyes.
Indigo powder for hair can create intense shades of blue and black, depending on the method and proportions used. You can also mix it with other natural ingredients like henna to create a wide range of shades, from deep browns to cool blues.
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swathikrishna123 · 3 months
Unlocking the Magic: The Natural Wonders of Indigo Powder for Hair
Looking for a natural solution to hair dyeing that's both effective and gentle? Enter indigo powder for hair, a hidden gem in the world of natural hair care. Made from the leaves of the indigo plant, this powder boasts vibrant color and environmental benefits.
Indigo powder isn't just about changing hair color; it's about nurturing your hair from root to tip. Unlike synthetic dyes that can damage hair over time, indigo powder works to strengthen hair follicles, reduce hair fall, and even combat dandruff. Plus, it's a natural conditioner, leaving your locks soft, smooth, and shiny.
But the benefits don't stop there. Indigo powder is also versatile. By mixing it with henna, you can create a range of shades to suit your style. From auburn to dark brown, the possibilities are endless.
Using indigo powder is simple too. Just prepare the powder into a paste, apply it to your hair, and let it work its magic for a couple of hours. Then, rinse it out and admire your luscious locks.
Of course, like any hair product, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects. While indigo powder is generally safe, some people may experience allergic reactions or dryness. Doing a patch test before use is always a good idea.
So why choose chemical-based synthetic dyes when you can opt for the natural goodness of indigo powder? Embrace the power of nature and treat your hair to the care it deserves. Say hello to healthier, more vibrant hair with bhumika indigo powder for hair.
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handweavers · 5 months
my mother has asked me to ask “that weaver friend of yours” lol — do you have experience dyeing linen? what does the process look like for natural vs synthetic dyes?
happy to be that weaver friend of yours 🥰❤️ dyeing linen is basically the same as dyeing cotton or any other cellulose fiber, so any synthetic dye that works for cotton will also work for linen. a professional grade fiber reactive dye like procion mx or dharma's procion (here) dyes cellulose fiber without heat, and the process is quick and painless. it just involves a large bucket, water, the dye powder and the cloth you wish to dye. i have little experience with rit dye so i'm not sure if you'd need heat for that, but procion dye is higher quality, comes in a lot more colours than rit, and a 2oz container is like $2 usd and goes a long way
the natural dye process for linen takes a lot longer than the procion dye process and requires several steps. cellulose fibers really don't like to take dyes so you basically have to do a bunch of alchemy to convince it to do what you want (compared to protein fibers like wool and silk which love dyes and only need some gentle nudges)
naturally dyeing linen depends on the dye you'd wish to use, but the process is essentially: scouring, mordanting, and dyeing. it's really important that you scour linen especially because it contains a lot of pectins that prevent dye from penetrating the fiber, so a harsh scouring is best (ie. washing it with hot water and ph neutral soap, even to the point of boiling the cloth. linen can take a lot of heat and is better for it, cotton is more sensitive) you'll probably have to do this before dyeing it with the synthetic dye too for best results
most natural dyes require that you mordant the cloth before dyeing. some dyes don't require a mordant (indigo is the big one, but if you're working with onion skins or other materials that contain tannins this is also true. however mordanting the cloth before dyeing with tannins or even mordanting with tannins is still recommended for better colour performance long-term unless you're working with indigo in which case using a mordant can actually cause problems) but if you're unsure, assume that you need to apply a mordant. you essentially have to simmer the cloth in a hot pot with either a material that contains tannins (tannic acid), a natural bio-accumulator of aluminum (symplocos), or use a metal salt (alum acetate is best for cellulose, but iron and copper salts can also be used. the metal salts route requires more safety precautions esp if you use copper salt, you can't dump that down the drain) your choice of mordant impacts the final colour with different mordants shifting the chemical reaction that happens in the cloth when you dye it
with cotton and linen, after you use the mordant you need to use either a chalk or wheat bran bath to remove excess mordant from the cloth, esp if you use alum acetate, otherwise it can leave a whitish cast over the cloth and also impede dyeing lol. wheat bran baths tend to cause a warmer tone to the final dyed cloth, chalk baths cause a cooler tone. i only use wheat bran baths bc i prefer the warmth and i get the bran cheaply at my local punjabi grocer
only then can you dye the cloth, again unless you're working with a dye like coffee or tea or onion skins OR indigo. linen really doesn't like to take natural dyes unless you do all the above steps, it's stubborn. the dye process itself depends on what dye you use and you can do stuff like solar dyeing if you don't want to simmer it in a pot on a stove. if you plan to go the natural dye route lmk and i can send you some scans of a book i have that contains precise instructions for preparing linen for dyeing
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resplendentoutfit · 5 months
Deathly Pale
The desire of women for ultra-pale skin didn't end with the Elizabethan era. In Victorian times, women still coveted the look of translucent white skin and applied the same causic, poisonous substances to their face, neck, arms and hands. Turbuculosis was a common cause of death in the era. The look of death was considered romantic for its tragic and poetic beauty. Even if a Victorian woman wasn't charmed by death due to turbuculosis, she still coveted pale, translucent skin. Tanned faces were the result of long hours of work out-of- doors, belonging to the lower classes.
“The death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world.” - Edgar Allan Poe
The two predominant beauty standards were the painted beauty and the natural beauty. The later was the preferred ideal of the average fashionable woman. The methods she employed to achieve good skin and complexion were all in an effort to look natural. The overly painted look was seen as racy - the province of prostitutes and "loose" women.
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Upon a well-off Victorian woman's dressing table were arsenic, ammonia, and opium, among other toxic substances. The Ugly-girl Papers, Or, Hints for the Toilet was a book published in 1874 that contained a series of beauty articles for Harper's Bazaar. The author recommends coating the face with opium before bed and a brisk wash with ammonia in the morning. How refreshing.
Lotions containing lead were popular for whitening the skin as well as erasing freckles and other blemishes. Complexion wafers containing arsenic were widely advertised. These products were peddled to women as being harmless when, in fact, they caused headaches, nausea, and even paralysis.
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To achieve eyes with a seductive gaze, Victorian women used Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade in the form of eye drops, which diluted the pupils. Eye irritation and even blindness were reported symptoms of this practice.
A little color over that deathly white facial palor was usually achieved with beet juice and sometimes, animal blood. It's intriguing to wonder how women came into possession of animal blood, though the answer may be as simple as a purchase from a local vendor. Vermillion, also known as red mercury, was used to tint the lips and was known to be poisonous.
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Virginie Gautreau, the subject of the famous John Singer Sargent painting known as Madama X, was not only known to use products to whiten her skin, but was also purported to use indigo dye to paint veins over the ultra-pale veneer of her skin. I haven't found any sound evidence of this, however. What I did read in both The Collector and in an article at minsooki, was that over her arsenic pale skin, Virginie used a lavender powder to counteract the warmth of candlelight.
What's most troubling is that in the face of ample evidence of the health consequences of many of these products, women continued to value the look they provided, over their own health and safety.
• Molly Brown House Museum: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: How Victorians Used Common Poisons to Become Drop Dead Gorgeous
• Awful Forever
• Atlas Obscura
• minsooki.com
• The Collector
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Have I ever explained the Pearlification AU? Where the earth is being taken over by gems, humans were dying out, and the gems take in the ones they consider worthy, and make them into a gem... And that Pearls are not servants, but are considered treasures by the gem society, gems who are pure and unique and are to be adored and protected, kept safe in the Reef, a safe place, almost a temple, for Pearls, and their loyal guards and caretakers...
Reader and some of the teens are humans, who the gems took in/force adopted, and are slowly brought about the Reef after they were taken from Earth. Yet the gems plan to turn them into gems, Pearls, to be exact, to take care of and teach and love on... Reader tries to run away after the others are taken, but ends up in the room where humans are converted to Pearls... They end up being taken to a special room, where they're asked questions, such as favorite colors, what shape they prefer, oval or circle, how they want to look, their preferred hair style, the clothes they like, what they want to be called, if they can drink some water they brought for them... Reader answers, albeit shakingly and scared out of their wits, until they're told they've finished. Reader is taken to a room with warm pools, and bathes off any dirt or salt. Once they're clean, they're taken to another room, a waiting room of sorts... Reader is given a glass of odd liquid and told to drink all of it. When they ask if they have to, they're told it is important they do so. Reader drinks it, and ends up drugged, and is taken to the conversion room...
They're tested a bit after being laid down, their eyes are checked, their nose, their ears, their heartbeat, their breathing... Then they're lightly strapped down, and given an injection that makes them sleepy. They slowly drift off, to the sound of water and quiet chatter...
When Reader wakes up, they feel tired, yet a bit... lighter. Cleaner. They look around, finding themself in a large room full of soft pillows and blankets, in a carved bed? that looks like a shell. They can see a few sleeping figures, but they're... In different colors of the rainbow. From indigo blue to powder pink to scarlet red to ivory white and olive green and cream yellow, and many more... Reader rubs their eyes, then freezes. Their hands... they aren't any human skin tone they've seen. They're... colorful... Reader scrambles, feeling their body, noting that there's a gem on them, amd feels panicked. But they eventually calm fown enough to decide decide need to watch and observe, they need to act like nothing is wrong, at least not right now...
A few of the gems (the adults and older teens) come in, and Reader pretends to be asleep. What they hear is a small discussion between the gems about how after the conversion, they should all be pearls, and should not remember being human. They might remember friends and a few small things, but they shouldn't be anything besides freshly made pearls who are being taken care of and loved by the gem society...
So Reader, when someone goes to wake them up, acts lightly dazed and a little confused, but watches how the other tee- pearls, react. And see that they are mostly calm, bubbly, or asking what their purpose is. They end up lined up and taken to a room, where they each stand on a shell and are told to state their name (the color pearl they are), their flaw, and their perfections... Reader just hopes they can hold up against all of this, and can hide that they remember. Maybe they can snap some of the others out of it...
(Ask any questions you want about this AU! If you have an idea for Reader's Pearl color or what their flaw or perfections could be, I'm open to discussing it! I don't know why, but I like pearls, and the idea of the platonic yans loving the Pearl kids, who are like newborn gemlings now, is kinda sweet and creepy fluff... What do y'all think?)
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ROY G BIV tag game
Thank you @thewriteflame for the tag!
Rules: Search your WIP for the colours of the rainbow and post the excerpt
I will be taking my excerpts from my original fic Renegade Heiresses WIPs.
Red (Prodigal Heiress)
The fairness of her skin in her face, however, was marred by a visible scar on the left cheek and barely visible under face powder. Her lips had been dark red, full and begging for a kiss— Justin shook his head. What was he thinking? Was he contemplating kissing her lips and licking the lipstick off her lips? His mysterious savior? How absurd!
Yellow Gold (Prodigal Heiress)
Though it had been a week since they first met (or was it?), she remembered the invitation sent to her office above Francisca’s bookshop. It was an ecru card with black and gold gilded frames interlocked at the border, and the letter prints elegant yet powerful.
Green (Prologue)
Once out of sight, she removed her beaded green slippers and walked down the volada where she encountered a woman in a less elegant version of the terno and whose face registered shock at seeing her. It might have been her forest green terno with bronze-hued pañuelo, tapis, and cola or that Francisca stared at her dead in the eye. She might have scared the woman either by her presence or stare, making her back out and disappear into the dark. Strange woman, Francisca thought as she resumed trying to find where the Señorita had run off to.
Blue (Prodigal Heiress)
Then the blue-attired performer—she recognized to be Luisa Confesor—snapped her head up and stepped forward in a dramatic fashion, approaching to the microphone. She commanded the attention of the patrons, though Clarisse could not make much of everyone’s reactions.
Tagging @winterandwords, @avoidingcertaindoom, @laplumedemaureen, but this is also an open tag to those who want to join in the party.
Happy writing!
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sketchyelvenasss · 11 months
Divulge Under the Stars
Gale x Tav
Act1 - no spoilers - 1000w
Under the stars is the perfect place to tell your crush you tragic backstory, right?
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It was a cool night at camp and the breeze felt pleasant against Aerika’s ashen skin. The fire crackled below the blanket of stars that twinkled against the dark indigo night sky. No matter how much time he spent above ground it was still a sight that filled him with wonder.
Most of the camp had gone off to sleep aside from himself. He preferred to take first watch and observe how different everything was from his home. Even the darkness was comparatively bright to what he was used to. There were many luminous mushrooms and lichen in the Underdark, but none could compare to the stars.
Then there was his company, which at present was much more wonderful than the air above. Gale sat on the ground beside him gazing above and happily pointing to each constellation. His deep brown eyes bright with excitement at the opportunity to share, and boast, his knowledge. While his other hand was entwined in Aerika’s behind them, as if it were a secret.
Not that it was. But it was one of the only things they could delight in without worry of meeting an explosive end.
“It brings me joy to see your smile.” Aerika said when there was a pause in Gale’s lecture. Usually he would listen with rapt attention, but it had been a rough few nights for the mage. After learning the means he had been using to keep the Netherese orb at bay was rapidly losing its effectiveness, Gale looked incredibly sad when he thought the others weren’t paying him attention.
“You are too kind.” He chuckled after a brief pause.
“I disagree. I am only telling you the truth.”
Gale pulled his hand away and a disquiet silence fell between them. How cruel fate was sometimes. To light a spark of romance, only to smother it with impending doom. But Aerika wasn’t so easily disheartened. Especially not in odd circumstances that they and the other infectees had found themselves in. Anything could happen.
Spurred by the desire to comfort him, Aerika shifted closer next to Gale, closing what little space there had been until they were hip to hip. Explosion be damned. But thankfully they both remained in one piece, even when Aerika wrapped his arm across Gale’s back and rested his head on the other’s shoulder. Loose strands of blond and powder blue hair fell together with warm brown waves. There was no breeze anymore, as if to perpetuate their stillness as they found equanimity through the soft intimate touch.
“Do you remember when you pulled me out of that portal?” Gale asked, his voice low.
“I do. It was not that long ago actually. I was drawn to the intriguing, but voracious, magic and instead of an illithid relic or cursed artifact I found a hand calling for help. It still baffles me how a wizard of your skill ended up like that, irrespective of that Netherese blight of yours.”
“I’m certain you’ve heard this innumerable times before, but you are unlike any drow I’ve ever met. You revere the weave. Wield it with both passion and skill that would humble many a mage. I can tell it runs deeper than mere devotion to accrue divine power. It is inspiring.”
Aerika smiled fondly in recollection. The memory was more than a century old, but clear as crystal. “Magic saved my life. That is the long and short of it. In my earliest memories I was avidly consuming any material pertaining to magic. I practiced cantrips and invocations I had memorized from books whenever I could. I desired nothing more than to become a famous adventuring wizard. My parents labored to support my passion, but…” he paused. This was the part of the story that still hurt. No matter how much time had passed. It did them no honor to fight the tears that looked in his white eyes. He let them fall freely down his face into the soft fabric of Gale’s shirt. Gale was quiet but gave Aerika a comforting squeeze on the shoulder.
It’s okay, if you need to stop. The touch soothed. But Aerika wanted to share this. Not many people allowed him to get close enough, because they only saw a drow and assumed he was everything they feared. Unlike Gale, who had been cordial and given him the benefit of the doubt.
“My parents were murdered by Loth-sworn raiders, and I was captured. It was a cleric of Mystra that came to my rescue. Her name was Amillia. A middle-aged woman with grey eyes and choppy pink hair. She spotted me bound and bloody, tied to a cart and forced to either keep pace with the rothé or be dragged on the ground behind them. If not for her I would be dead or a slave. We escaped the Underdark, and she brought me to her clergy. A small temple in a port city along the Shining Sea. She’s buried there now. If we both survive this misadventure, I would like to bring you there.”
“It would be an honor to pay my respects to her. Something to look forward to.” Gale said.
After a short moment of quiet, Aerika cleaned his face on his shirt and Gale began to show off small tricks in his palms to lighten the mood. The night ended too soon— they both need some rest to continue the quest of finding a survivable tadpole extraction method— but it concluded with warm smiles, light hearts, and a dream of a future together.
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usersiren · 8 months
tidbit tuesday 💛
i was tagged by the always talented and beautiful @bigfootsmom and i finally have something to post! this is from an ed/stede fuck or die fic i just started today :)
cw: nsfw, trans ed (terms used are clit/cunt), fuck or die
“Well, I’ve been looking for an excuse to use this,” Ned sighs, standing back up and rooting around in his jacket pocket. “None of my physical torture will be good enough for you. That I knew when I got here. But the combined effects of this… well, it should do the trick just fine.” Ned pulls out a small vial, the contents inside a rich blue-purple color, reminding Ed of the indigo chest that Stede told him about from when they met Zheng. The pigment almost glowed under the lantern lights, and Ed has never seen a drug that looks like this, wracks his brain for something and comes up blank. “I can’t wait to have a front-row seat to this show,” Ned mutters, uncorking the vial and sneering before tossing the contents out into the air, immediately taking several steps back. “What the fuck—” The powder hovers in the air for a moment, glittering and catching the light of the lanterns, and then all at once dives and sticks itself to Ed’s exposed skin, spreads up under his leathers and into his nose and mouth, what the fuck, what the fuck— Ed thrashes against the cuffs, kicks out at Ned���s legs even though he’s too far away now, laughing as Ed coughs and struggles to breathe. Ed’s skin is on fire, a burning ache throughout his entire body like when he uses those pepper salves on his knee, and his eyes water and his—oh, what the—his clit throbs, warmth flooding between his legs as he cramps and clenches around nothing, yanking his legs shut. “What did you do to me?”
tagging anybody who wants to do this! i'm p sure all my other writing friends have been tagged but i'm always down to make new ones!! 🫶🏻
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Letters: From: Me ; To: You
(And Some of What Happened In-Between)
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Clavis Lelouch & OC (OC Chart: Laura) Summary: A letter sent out in desperation, and how -- or whether -- it manages to rescue Laura from an arranged marriage. Word Count Estimate: 1k Other chapters: Masterlist
Content Warnings: none
Clavis smiled, golden eyes shimmering in the light cast by the crystal chandelier watching over the ballroom. There were few things in the space more dazzling than his smile, both impeccable and impenetrable, marble walls paling in comparison to his canines-fangs. He dimmed his presence, however, binding any wicked intention he might have held to the corners of his mouth. A hand resting over Esther’s shoulder, Clavis leaned forward, eyes trained on the prey before them.
Clavis smiled, golden eyes shimmering in the light cast by the crystal chandelier watching over the ballroom. There were few things in the space more dazzling than his smile, both impeccable and impenetrable, marble walls paling in comparison to his canines-fangs. He dimmed his presence, however, binding any wicked intention he might have held to the corners of his mouth. A hand resting over Esther’s shoulder, Clavis leaned forward, eyes trained on the prey before them.
“May the show begin,” he whisper-laughed.
Lord Dönhoff’s private retreat was one of the few mansions of its kind, beasts from faraway lands lurking in the shadows of sparse ancient statues, furs shining and sharp teeth glistening. Were it not for their ever-still glass eyes, and the vividly constrained expressions unimpressed by the passing of time, one would make little error to think they still were alive. Ivory tusks, deer-like spotted abnormalities with necks as long as a man is tall, indigo birds with tails of hundreds eyes, all locked within a frail border of fine art, empty limestone pupils leering at smooth muscle flexing within granite. All perfect in their stagnation, the living could not possibly compare – not the guests, and not even the host himself. Only one breathing seemed to belong to this collection of sorts, elevated in her powdered down glory and jewels she wore.
Laura Sonne lifted her gaze, pale blue eyes growing wide as gloved fingers brushed against hers. She watched, careful as not to miss the moment he’d steal a glance at her, hot breath spilling over her alabaster skin. Clavis kissed the back of her hand.
“I am most honoured by your presence, Your Highness,” Lord Dönhoff beamed, brown spots sliding over his skull as he wrinkled himself to smile. “Allow me. Laura, Clavis Lelouch, the Third Prince of Rhodolite. Your Highness, Laura Sonne, my soon-to-be-wife… Although, if I may ask, who may be that curious thing at your side?”
Laura shivered, her shoulder blades drawing near each other as her body stiffened in alarm.
“Why, of course, Esther Materna, my lover,” Clavis spoke immediately, jovial as ever as he sneaked his arm around Esther’s waist. The attention, however, drifted away from his grin, and to her furiously red face, freckles peaking from below make up giving her an appearance of a ripe strawberry.
“Prince Clavis… no…” she squeaked meekly.
“My darling is adorably shy, you see.”
“I am not your darling,” she opposed, each word coming out as a somewhat deformed hiss, the sounds barely combining in the vat of thick, although closely undefined, accent.
“Please, forgive us. My sweetheart is yet to become fluent in Obsidianite,” Clavis explained, an even deeper blush begging to disagree with his claims. Seemingly concerned for Esther, he put his hand on her shoulder, and drew her closer.
Laura held back her breath, Clavis turning his face towards her for but a moment… But it was merely a moment, the Third Prince of Rhodolite she had begged for help directing any further inquiries at her betrothed. Laura froze, her teeth gnawing at the inside of her cheek as she thought the situation over.
The music sounded off eventually, fortepiano eagerly conversing with violins and what other instruments felt entitled to share their voice. Laura let herself be led, ecru organza with weaved-in golden thread shimmering with each of her steps. She could have floated, she could have been in fact somewhere else – whatever it was that she did, it seemed no realer than a dream in which a white-haired porcelain doll came to think and live for herself. Her partner switched. Again.
“My, I can see that you can barely contain yourself. But, I must warn you, now would not be the best time to rush into my arms,” Clavis sighed, his frame locked as he held her hand. Laura held onto his arm, their feet being of the same mind. She followed, chased after him, both hurt and unsure, and —
“Your Highness… How am I to understand your presence here?” she asked, fighting against herself as not to frown.
“However you’d like.”
Laura gritted her teeth. “Am I then to think that you have chosen to betray my trust?”
“Hmm… If merely conversing with your husband-to-be qualifies as that, then I suppose I did betray you, indeed. But is that how you understand betrayal?” Clavis laughed, each word a serpent, a venomous snake ready to bite.
The dance continued, not a word spilling out of her lungs. Laura thought, and she thought hard, the music beginning to spin its notes fast, faster than it had ever had. “No,” she replied, the word an antidote in its own right. “Why did you want to see me then? Do you… Do you happen to have a plan ready?”
“Of course. A gentleman never goes back on the offer he’s made, after all… Although I may not have enough time to explain it now.”
Her lips parted in protest, but the look he gave her silenced her, a warning lingering below the pools of his eyes that suddenly seemed so close to her. His mouth twitched, devilish and devilishly amused.
“Esther is not too fond of dancing. You should be able to find her at the balcony,” Clavis whispered, his voice sinking deep into her mind, travelling through her body as if it was her own and thus could deliver commands. She was hypnotised, put in a trance by something greater, more convincing than any of her unspoken fears, something ready to pounce — “Your Rhodolitian seems fairly good. It’ll make things easier for us, Klara.”
The music ceased – and so he was gone, just as the last note died, leading her to question whether he was a devil, a ghost, a poltergeist of some kind, or perhaps truly a man. Klara let another hand take his place, another set of feet, another face, welcomed another pair of eyes surprised by the fact that she was flesh, and not porcelain.
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titleleaf · 2 years
ficsmells of 2023
(a sequel to the long-bygone ficsmells of 2017)
pete campbell in "santa, buddy": pomade, laundry soap
mozart in "divertimento": wig powder, orange-flower water, sweat, ink
billy hargrove in "somebody's sins but not mine": cigarettes, Drakkar Noir
eddie munson in "we like it louder": sweat, woodsmoke, Old Spice, grime
eddie munson in "give you what you need": sweat, weed, Old Spice, body odor (look at him and tell me i'm wrong)
al shaw in "all the things you boys lie about": sweat, specifically Marlboro cigarettes
vecna tentacle monster in "alive after death": chlorine, semen, rotting meat
daimler in "no language but a cry": rosemary and clove pomatum
julian fromme in "the days of september that rise": swimming pool chlorine, skin/sweat
orson krennic in "the dose makes the poison": sweat, uniform wool, "light and woody" cologne
phil burbank in "coffin tack": this man STINKS + wet wool/leather
bob benson in "(the first time ever) i saw your face": 'Binaca and fine cologne'
henry drax in "the heidelburgh tun": sweat, body odor, wet wool, blood
cirk baufort in "false taste of paradise": sweat, clean cotton tee shirt, semen
father paul hill in "and all the senses rise against": semen, soap, salt, skin, trace cologne
noemí taboada in "lactarius indigo": typewriter ribbons, dusty card catalogs
boris lermontov in "adoration of the earth": carnation, glove leather, hair tonic (spice/herbal notes)
g. joubert in "til every taste is on the tongue": leather, carnation, rosewood, cedar
primo nizzuto in "sticky fingers": bergamot, orange oil
cornelius hickey in "the men will be good, but when?": picked rope, tar
brother matteo in "horologion": wool, wax
dr. stanley in "a progressive vice": camphor
cleopatra in "sykon": myrrh, balsam
james noel holland in "a pathless comet, and a curse": vetiver, neroli
julius caesar in "leopard" and "intempesta nox": calamus, sweet clover, marjoram
stewy hosseini in "the gatecrasher": rosemary, hinoki (I think I had a real cologne or combination of products in mind when I wrote this description but idk which)
stewy hosseini in "buy more stock in roses": cedarwood
marc antony in "nonae" and in "this battalion of lovers": olive oil, herbal water
henry iv in "much ado with red and white": clove-pinks, blood
prince hal in "surfeited with honey": rose, civet
shiv roy in "in the sanatorium": hair serum, expensive shampoo
kendall roy in "in the sanatorium": Tom Ford cologne
henry viii in "serpentello": civet, lavender, bay
samuel masham in "a trick of state": sandalwood, civet
hugo barrett and tony theservant1963 in "close my mouth": Russian birch, leather -- super common fragrance notes for men's fragrance of the era, I might have been thinking Creed Cuir de Russie, for reasons that have everything to do with the comedy value of Creed's pretentious branding
evelyn mulwray in "speak low": 'wet earth and salt water and magnolia flower, like a cloud of perfume staining the wrist of a pair of white leather glove'
colonel ives in "and the burden and the lesson": pomade, bay leaf, clove
noho hank in "yes, and": 'expensive stores at the mall' which 100% means he's wearing a cologne barry doesn't recognize
sal romano in "at last, something beautiful": this dude smells NICE in ways ginsberg cannot articulate
marcus isaacson in "something unreck'd": rose and petitgrain
jay gatsby in "a ruby in the vine": BLOOD AND MONEY
debbie mitford in "soft targets": jasmine, cigarette smoke
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Icy Kisses
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I wrote so much today, holy shit. I think that's the most words I've ever written in less than ten hours. I feel great, might write a lot tomorrow too cause I'm on fire and still have a lot of motivation and inspiration. Anyways, going back to my roots with some Sapphire and Raven angst (with fluff at the end, because I'm nice). i used the prompt "i thought I lost you kiss" one of my favorite tropes ever, from this prompt list. *evil cackle* enjoy, suckers. Also this takes place during book 8 in the series.
Wordcount: 1668
Warnings: angst galore but there’s fluff at the end, panic, the dangers of thousands of tons of snow up in the mountains
FSF Taglist: @rose-bookblood @chalcid @evethenovicewriter @writing-is-a-martial-art @thatprolificauthor @mjjune @wip-nook @fiercely-raging-writer
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @/thatprolificauthor
Tiny snowflakes whipped through the air like little knives, slicing at any and all exposed skin. There were barely even any trees this high on the peak, just blinding white snow and jagged black rocks. 
The cold was almost unbearable, and the wind wasn’t helping a bit. Raven would’ve frozen solid if not for the fur coat secured around his shoulders. The mountain trolls and enormous snow cats with the large saber teeth protruding out of their jaws were clearly faring much better, unbothered by the cold.
He’d forgotten how much he hated wind. It was loud, scratched and clawed at his exposed skin- and the worst part was no matter how much he tied his hair back, the wind kept ripping it out and whipping it right in his face. The wind was so loud and grating on his senses he wanted to tear the wind right out of the sky and chop it into little pieces.
Another snow cat lunged at him, and he swiftly swung his sword in a bloody arc of death- chopping the mountain cat’s head clean off.
On her horse behind him, Snow was firing well aimed arrows at the trolls’ eyes and noses, where they were most sensitive. Lady- along with the other horses- was able to walk on the snow without much of a struggle thanks to Triveya’s spell that kept her hooves mostly on top of the soft white powder, only sinking through about halfway up the hoof. However the spell was due to wear off soon, so they had to finish the fight as soon as possible.
Snow shouted something to him, but even without the wind it sounded like gibberish. He asked her to repeat, and she moved her horse closer. “If you’re done with the cats I could use your help with these trolls!”
Finally understanding, Raven heaved himself up into Dante’s saddle, sword out. That was when he realized Sapphire wasn’t next to him, she usually hopped up right behind him or in front since she was terrible with horses.
He looked over his shoulder, steering Dante around, scanning the area for her. With the red hair, bright pink coat, and loud yelling that always accompanied her fighting, she couldn’t be that hard to spot in the blinding white.
Finally, a little farther down the mountain behind him, he spotted her throwing rocks at the trolls with enough accuracy to nail them in the face and daze them. She was angrily screaming something about how it was not nice to throw people, which made a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. Little Stripe was scampering across her shoulders, shrieking and chattering unintelligibly. Tris and Cass were in front of her, using their swords while Lan and Max backed them up from behind.
Raven tried not to worry too much about her. She could clearly handle this and keep herself relatively out of danger for now. Though he couldn’t help risking a glance over his shoulder to check that the trolls and mountain cats weren’t getting too close for comfort.
While Hestia and Monty were keeping the cats busy, he went to help Snow with the trolls.
Things were going fine. Snow was taking down trolls while he, Kaye, and Indigo got up close to distract them, most of the mountain cats were dead or had run off by now, and there were little to no injuries in their little group so far. Every time he risked a glance down the mountain, Sapphire was doing fine and as out of danger as she could be in these conditions.
Then it went horribly wrong.
One of the trolls had the unfortunately smart idea to chuck a giant boulder up at the slope above them- causing the snow to come crashing down with a thundering rumble.
Snow grabbed all of the group that was up there with her to the side, behind the safety of a large ledge overhead. Raven thought he could beat the snow down the mountain, but Snow stopped him.
“I have to get down there,” he said, hoping to the gods he didn’t sound as scared as he was.
“It’s too dangerous,” Snow told him, “You’ll be buried alive before you can scream.”
“I don’t care!”
Snow kept a firm grip on his arm, keeping him under the ledge. “We’ll get down there the second that the avalanche stops moving, alright?”
He started to protest again, but Snow kept a firm grip on his arm. “Lan is with them and he knows about avalanches like I do. He probably pulled them to safety just like I did with you and the others.”
Reluctantly, Raven took a step back, and leaned heavily against Dante. The horse wasn’t doing so great, as he was used to much warmer temperatures down in Greyvenhill, even with two horse blankets secured on his back. Raven would have to make sure that his horse got plenty of time to warm up by the fire tonight.
The loud roar of the snow and blinding white was making it hard to think on top of the panicked whirlwind of thoughts in his head. He started braiding Dante’s hair, which helped him a little bit to at least not freak out and go barrelling down the mountain. Next to his neat and straight braids in his horse’s mane were messy and uneven ones- but Raven didn’t even think about touching those, she’d worked hard on them. She was getting better, and it seemed to help when there wasn’t much options to move around and she was restless.
After what felt like an infinite amount of time, the mountainside finally stopped moving.
Raven barely gave Snow a second to give the go ahead before he hopped on Dante and started down the mountainside as fast as Dante would go. Indigo was right behind him, and quickly passed him and went ahead. Because the fresh power was quickly settling and becoming almost as hard and heavy as stone, Dante couldn’t move very quickly in the deep snow, especially with Raven riding him- the horse was built for speed, not strength.
The pace made his heart pound faster and harder as it felt like his throat was closing. Most of what he remembered about Snow, Lan, Tris, and Kayes’ advice on avalanches was what to do if you or someone else got buried in the snow- if they were buried more than a foot under, the victim had minutes to live before dying from lack of air.
When he finally arrived at the flatter, much wider slope where the others had been, he couldn’t wait anymore and hopped off.
The area was filled with huge clumps and ridges of settling snow. He’d already spotted some of the others leaving the ridge of jagged black rocks they’d hidden behind.
There was one person missing now.
Raven looked around frantically, scanning the area for anything red, orange, or pink. He was pretty sure he’d stopped breathing minutes ago as his mind continued to race faster and faster.
Snow and the others came over.
“Hey, hey,” Tris held out her hands, “Relax alright? We’ll find her, it’ll take just a minute to search the area-”
“We don’t have minutes!” Raven cried. One hand was gripping the hilt of his sword at his side so tight the knuckles turned white.
Little Stripe came skittering across the top of the snow, and screeched to a halt at his feet. “It’s S-s-s-sapphire.”
Raven immediately snatched up the tiny chipmunk and demanded. “What? Where?”
“She’s- she’s- sh-sh-she’s trapped under- trapped under the snow! I managed- I managed- to d-d-dig a hole for air and sssslip out but the sssnow is crushing th-th-the air out- the air out- offfff her lungs-”
The cold mountain air froze in his chest. “Take me there,” He choked out, “Now.”
Little Stripe leaped out of his hand and dashed across the white expanse, kicking up snow in her wake. Everyone rushed after her, Raven at the front.
Snow and Tris pulled ahead. At the spot where the chipmunk stopped, they started to dig, and soon red hair and a pink sleeve appeared. Once deep enough, both girls grabbed one of Sapphire’s arms, and yanked her out.
She collapsed to the snow clutching a snowy mitten to her chest as she gasped for air. Ice crystals clung to her cloak, dress, and hair, and her nose and cheeks were bright red from the cold.
Darting across the deep snow as fast as his boots would allow, Raven sprinted over to Sapphire and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. She hugged him back just as tight as he buried his face in her hair.
He finally opened his eyes, and their chapped and cold lips locked and he kissed her like there was no tomorrow. She kissed him back just as hard, cupping his face with mittens covered in ice crystals that stung his face with cold- he could barely find it in himself to notice much less care.
Another avalanche could’ve happened right there and buried them- and neither would’ve noticed, nor cared.
When the need for air beat them both, they finally broke the kiss, but didn’t loosen the embrace. He gently cupped her face and said in a shaky voice, “Don’t you ever, ever scare me like that again.” He pressed his forehead against hers, tears leaking out and immediately hardening in the freezing air. “I thought I was going to lose you again…” He whispered, his voice cracking at the last word. 
He added, attempting to be stern. “One of these days you’re going to scare me so bad it’ll be the death of me. Don’t do that!”
She nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. “I don’t plan on it.”
And then they and the others found a stable and sheltered ridge farther down the mountain with enough room for the giant tent, and set up camp for the night.
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neoninky · 2 years
TWST Fanfic 'Her Ivory Crown': Chapter 2
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Reminder for any/all AO3 writer/readers: you can read this and more on my page @ 'neoninky'
Shares, likes, and comments are always appreciated and welcome!
Ch. 2 - Open the Gates!
Riddle and the other dorm leaders agreed to meet the Headmaster on Main Street at exactly 12:00 on the dot. So naturally, the most eager or prompt of the bunch were there early. That included Riddle himself, Azul, Vil, and Kalim. Idia, in the form of a floating tablet, arrived right at 12. Leona had to be practically dragged there by Ruggie and arrived by 12:01 right as they saw some carriages approaching the front gates and poor Malleus was nowhere in sight, making the other boys wonder if anyone told him about time arrangement. Ruggie gave Leona an exasperated look as the lion managed to straighten himself up enough to be deemed presentable. The look was doubled when he was shooed away to go check on how the stages were coming together.
Crowley stepped forward as two white and gold carriages came to a halt at the school's gates that were now opened. He politely extended his hand to the elegant woman in powder blue that exited first, "Ladies, welcome to Night Raven College! We are honored by your presence!" he said with a flourish.
The godmother smiled gently to the headmaster and the dorm leaders lined up behind him, "Thank you for your kind words, Headmaster Crowley. We of Sacred Crown Hall are most pleased to make your acquaintance-"
The elegant headmistress continued to address them and their headmaster with a polished tone but it fell on deaf ears as the boys were distracted by the seven figures approaching behind her. The girls each wore a velvet cape in different colors, their faces and statures were each observed closely by the NRC dorm leaders as they removed their hoods and quietly chatted amongst themselves. Riddle did not recognize any of them until the final girl in white exited the carriage last with the help of her much taller, more fit senior in the indigo cape. He felt a jolt of electric nerves run through him as she came into view. There she was...Her Highness. Long platinum-blonde hair adorned with small white roses and porcelain doll-like features, it was clear that she was in fact a daughter of the White Queen's court. The photographs and the interviews Riddle had seen in the news did not do her beauty justice, he realized. He also realized that the darker-skinned girl standing next to the princess had caught him staring and was now giving him a mischievous look as she whispered something into the princess' ear. Riddle quickly straightened up and silently scolded himself for such inappropriate behavior, trying to ignore the quiet giggles coming from the girls across from them as the boys began to introduce themselves to their visitors.
"Of course, we have our own esteemed dorm leaders," the female dorm leaders quickly stood at attention as their Headmistress turned on them, "Girls, properly introduce yourselves if you please."
The first to step forward was a very tall, dark golden blonde in a royal blue cape with a beautiful face that held an imperious sapphire-blue gaze that made each of the boys feel a tad nervous. Not that they would show it, of course. 
"Adela de Beau," a slight french accent caressed her voice, "Third year, D'orcorenne Dorm Leader and Literature Club President."
Next, the raven-haired girl in a cerulean cape stepped forward with a bright smile, "Princess Elise Coralette. Third year, Cerulamare Dorm Leader and Wayfairing and Sailing Club President." Riddle noticed the intrigued look in Azul's eyes when Elise mentioned her title and sighed. No doubt the octopus already had done extensive research on each of the girls beforehand but she, in particular, sparked his capital loving interest. 
"Manari Ali!" the girl that had noticed Riddle before skipped forward in a plum-colored cape and waved, "Second year, Almascaber Dorm Leader and Dance Team Captain!" Her energy was infectious. Especially to Kalim who smiled just as big and waved back to her like an excited kid at a parade. 
The next girl stepped forward and playfully nudged Manari as she walked by. She walked with a tall posture even if she wasn't the tallest one there. Her deep brown eyes shined with confidence and even her green cape couldn't properly hide her slender yet athletic build, "Petra Revie. Second year, Gladoverti Dorm leader, Fencing Club President, and Magift Team Captain...oh yeah, and I'm a princess too." She didn't sound nearly as excited about that last detail nor did she bother trying to hide it. Though Petra was obviously the sporty kind of girl, her physique still paled in comparison to the next dorm leader who was clearly some sort of pro. The boys had a lot more trouble not showing their surprise when the very toned, amazon-esqe leader stepped forward with a friendly expression in her crystal blue eyes.
"Hello! I'm Hebe Musa. Third year, Kolossiviri Dorm Leader and Track&Field Team Leader."
Despite her friendly demeanor, the boys swear they heard some error alerts and nervous mumbling sporadically sound from Idia's tablet. The next girl was a stark comparison to Hebe; a petite little thing with bright green eyes and auburn hair worn in a wavy ponytail tied with a pastel yellow ribbon, nervously clutching the hem of her apple red cape. 
"Ch-Charlaine Regalis. Second year, Oscenellus Dorm Leader, and Music Club President, and PR Manager! Um, thankyouverymuch." She quickly turned and rejoined the line, pink in the face as she stared at her feet. The ivory princess gave her a soft smile as she gracefully stepped forward. 
"Princess Reine Castilene," she gave a polite curtsy to the boys and their headmaster, " Second year, Rosabyrine Dorm Leader, Botanical and High Tea Club President. A pleasure to meet you." Her soft voice was as flawless as her manners. Riddle instinctually bowed to her in return without hesitation and the other boys followed suit, some more awkwardly than others. After which the two school administrators quickly got down to business.
"Fine young men indeed," the Headmistress approved pleasantly, "I understand that you are finishing up the final details for the opening day tomorrow. I do hope we aren't troubling you with our early visit. Perhaps you could spare us some time for a tour around the grounds before we meet with Headmaster Ambrose and his students?"
Crowley was more than happy to show off to the leaders of Sacred Crown before those Royal Sword brats showed up to steal their attention away. Especially when there was potential for future collaborations, investments even, and more exposure from the media to be had...not that anyone had to know about that, ahem-hem. 
"Of course! No trouble at all! We at Night Raven College would be absolutely delighted to give you and your charming girls a first glance at our prestigious school's hallowed grounds! Our contributions to this festival are guaranteed to captivate you and your students' senses as well, I have no doubt!"
The boys were almost embarrassed at just how hard Crowley was trying. Well not all of them. Azul's professionally trained smile never faltered as he turned up the charm as well, "As Octavinelle's leader, I personally would like to invite our lovely guests to sample the fine dishes we'll be catering this week first hand at Monstro Lounge. We've already prepared the VIP room just for your visit."  
The girls cooed their interest amongst themselves which caused Kalim to pipe up as well, "Scarabia will be hosting a party after opening day tomorrow! I'm inviting each of you and the other girls in your dorms as well! There's will be music, dancing, and the most delicious food you'll ever taste!" Kalim beamed, not noticing the pointed look Azul shot into the back of the joyful Asim heir's head. Crowley silently huffed to himself as the competitive tension amongst the boys rose more and more. Honestly, the girls haven't even been there more than a few minutes and already these boys were getting all riled up. Typical Teenagers..."AHEM yes yes well no time to waste! Shall we?" Crowley offered the Headmistress his arm in a gentlemanly fashion, keeping up his game face to the max. Typical, indeed.
The girls followed behind the two headmasters alongside the boys, taking the opportunity to chat a bit while the fairy godmother was distracted by Crowley's ramblings. The curious eyes inspected each of the statues as they passed. Manari pointed out the Queen of Hearts to Reine, "Hey look, Reine, it's you in a few years!" she laughed along with Petra, "seriously though isn't she like your great great great great auntie or something?"
Reine paused to look into the Queen's proud face, "Indeed she is. Though I'm a direct descendent of the other side of the family, The White Queen. Or the Queen of Diamonds as she was called in the old days." She continued to walk with the group into the main campus as her fellow dorm leaders stole more precious time to talk freely.
"So given you're pretty deep into the family legacy," Manari gestured to the white roses in Reine's hair and her mostly white attire, "They probably expect you to follow in the White Queen's footsteps huh?"
It was true that the Rose Queendom had been a country divided for many generations between the two houses; Red and White, Hearts and Diamonds. In fact, Reine was not born into her role as heir to the throne, she had won it through demanding trials. The White Queen court was of course ecstatic as it meant another heir from Her Majesty would rule over their land and keep it out of the controlling, chaotic hands of the Red Queen court for another few years. Riddle knew somewhat of how the system worked within his home's vast royal family but not everything. He remembered the polarized responses the citizens had when Reine had been publically announced as their future queen. He and his own family admired the Queen of Hearts, of course, but who were they to speak ill of their princess? Especially now, seeing her in person, Riddle felt at ease just a bit more...though that didn't stop him from quietly eavesdropping on the princess' conversation. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't help but be curiously drawn in by Reine's gentle voice.
"It is tradition for past heirs to honor their Queen's legacies by continuing them in their own reign, yes...I, however, would like to honor both my grandmother and my aunt when I become queen. Hopefully then I, along with every future queen, can be something more than just 'The Red' or 'The White' queens. I wish to be The Rose Queen and unite the Rose Queendom permanently."
She spoke so serenely and yet her passion and conviction were undeniable to those around her. Manari and Petra stood on either side of the princess, making a show just how inspirational her words were.
"How glorious! Such beauty and grace! Our majestic Queen-to-be! Ah!"
"Such fierce determination! Such a noble heart! Your Highness, Your Brilliance!" 
The two girls playfully bowed before her, applauding with sarcastic glee, making her face flush with embarrassment. Adela shooed them and shushed the other giggling girls as they continued walking. Riddle's brain was on fire at this sickeningly casual behavior between the girls and the crown princess. He could not comprehend what he was seeing! But it was short-lived before an even greater panic spread through his mind. Reine had suddenly turned to him and spoke. Wh-what? Why is she looking at me? Wait what did she say?! "F-Forgive me, Your Highness. I didn't quite hear you."
"Riddle Rosehearts, was it?" 
"Yes, Your Highness." 
She smiled softly, "Your dorm fashions itself after The Queen of Hearts' old queendom, doesn't it? I have been looking forward to meeting you and your dormmates since I learned of Heartsabyul. I am unable to enjoy the best qualities of my aunt's legacy very often." Riddle felt a rush of pride but held his composure.
"You are very kind, Your Highness. Heartsabyul would be honored to entertain your company. In fact, I would like to invite you and your dorm to our gardens for a proper tea party during your visit. If...If it would please you, of course."
Riddle's legs nearly gave out as he saw Reine's deep violet eyes sparkle, "Oh yes. That would be wonderful. I'm sure the girls of Rosabyrine will be delighted." 
The Headmistress seemed fully satisfied with the festival grounds...just not with the level of distraction that had quickly spread through her dorm leaders. She sighed as observed the girls excitedly flit about, either distracted by the various booths or by the boys in their company.
"You have a flying carpet?! That's amazing!" Manari and Kalim both beamed so brightly, a thousand suns couldn't touch them. 
"Oooh, and which one is this one??" Elise was very curious about the mushroom terrariums that Jade so proudly displayed at his club's booth area. Azul wasn't too far behind, scolding Floyd for his usual forwardness that was now aimed at the visiting princess. Hebe met a very friendly Ortho and was currently talking about her favorite VR training modules on one side of the avenue while Adela and Leona seemed to barely tolerate the presence of the other nearby. Even with her statuesque senior close by, poor Charlaine couldn't be shielded from Rook's onslaught of poetic praise of Charlaine's singing Magicame account, to which he had already been following for some time, naturally.
"Such a sweet voice! Your singing outshines the very song of the skylark, my dear! I am deeply humbled to be in the presence of such beauty at last!" each syllable practically sparkled off of the passionate hunter. Charlaine's face matched her cape as she mumbled out a flustered word of thanks. Vil found it amusing that someone so shy in person could sing with such grace and confidence online. Granted that did not make him hesitate to spare her by reeling Rook in.
Only Petra and Reine stayed in their original formation by the Headmasters along with Riddle. "Sorry. We don't really get off the island very much," Petra laughed lightly to Riddle who just sighed at his own schoolmates' behavior.  The madness was promptly interrupted by the tap of the Headmistress' wand on her hand to get the girls' attention.
"Now, now girls. Come. Our time here has ended and we must be on our way to meet with our brothers at Royal Sword Academy to finalize our schedules for the following days." The Headmistress ignored the audible moans of disappointment that came from this announcement as she herded the girls back together, "Headmaster Crowley, thank you for your generous time. We shall see you tomorrow for Opening Day." 
"A pleasure, Madam! I have some last minute affairs to attend to before tomorrow but my dorm leaders will see you safely to the gates, of course!"
Reine turned to Riddle to offer a smile as she fell into line beside him, "Your schoolmates are quite interesting. I look forward to the coming days, Riddle Rosehearts." 
He bowed, always the perfect gentlemen, "As do I, Your Highness. You may call me just Riddle though."
"I see. Alright, on one condition...call me Reine," she responded almost impishly. Her grin only grew at the shock on Riddle's face.
"O-oh yes...of course...Rei...Miss Reine." 
He inwardly smacked his own forehead at his stammering as she giggled sweetly. 
"That will do, for now, I suppose."
The boys saw the girls and their Headmistress safely back to the front gates but they instinctively tensed up when they saw a stranger wearing a Royal Sword uniform waiting for them there. He was a tall upperclassman with silvery blue hair and calm golden eyes that smiled as soon as the girls came into view. Riddle recognized the black diamond mark by his eye and immediately felt himself bristle a bit. While he didn't know this boy personally, his parents were famous enough to have paid the royal court visits a time or two when he was younger. He remembered the diamond-marked youth who the Queen favored and whose skill the other members of the court couldn't help but praise: Zehn Cavalier.
"Ah Mr. Cavalier, what a lovely surprise," the Headmistress mused as the third year took and kissed her hand with an almost arrogant level of charm. 
"Headmistress, ladies, always a pleasure to see your beautiful faces." 
Not only was he tall, handsome, and famous for his magical skills, but he was impeccably charming. The NRC dorm leaders were disgusted. Riddle fought back an obvious frown with great determination himself as Zehn approached Reine and kissing her hand as well. 
"Your Highness," he said almost reverently before turning to Riddle and the other boys, "Thank you for looking after our dear Sacred Crown sisters, gentlemen. I will escort them from here." 
And with that, their lively visitors said their goodbyes and departed the same way they came with Zehn in tow. Riddle exhaled for what felt like the first time all day and turned to leave for Heartslabyul. Hard as he might try, however, he couldn't get the sweet perfume of white roses to leave his senses.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
The Protogé (Part 3): Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
wc: 1k
tw: fluff (like a tony bit)
previous part 👺 masterlist 👺 next part
"You will lose your sense of time on the mountain," Toji shouts ahead of you, his black hair whipping in the wind while you trudge through the freezing snow. "Days and nights are the same. You can forget who you are up here, especially in a snowstorm."
"Is that what you did?" you toss back, but Toji refuses to answer. His silence drowns out the biting cold, tainting uncovered skin in light red and indigo hues.
You clutch the knife at your side, holding onto the only source of protection available to you in the bleak midwinter. It's like a lifeline, one that you'll need should danger present itself.
And on the mountain, you know the possibilities are high.
When you look up from your weapon, Toji is gone. Snow powders down on the fresh footfalls.
"T-Toji?" Silence echoes back to you. "You can't just leave me up here by myself!" You half expect the man to reappear and laugh at your frustration, but nothing happens.
The path ahead is purely white. You continue onward, holding your dagger even tighter. The whole ordeal feels unfair, but you don't add to your misery by moping. Instead, you pick up your feet and crunch through the packed frost, cursing Toji in your mind.
Once the trees begin to thin out, the air feels less dense, and you lose your train of thought.
You can forget who you are up here.
Your eyes scan the horizon, the flat grey and white glaring back without mercy. It's empty. No sign of anything except the faint roar of the wind and the crackling of sticks underfoot.
"I'm going to turn around," you announce to no one. You make your way back toward the tree line, gritting your teeth. But before you can re-enter the forest, you stop dead in your tracks.
Fear courses down your spine before settling into the pit of your stomach. Two black eyes stare back at you, holding your gaze for what seems like eons. The bear sniffs the air, takes a few steps toward you, then pauses. Brown fur bristles; you're frozen for a moment. You consider calling out for Toji to save you, but there would be no point. If you cried out, you'd alert the bear to your fear. Should you play dead? Walk backward?
A caw calls your attention, and the bear also looks toward the sound of the bird. An opportunity to escape.
You sidestep out of the sight of the bear and give it wide berth, taking your time climbing down the mountain. Meanwhile, you keep your eye on the massive shape of flesh, praying to whatever is above you that it wouldn't catch your scent again and attempt to attack you.
Toji's absence begins to bother you again, causing you more irritation than anything else. "When I get back," you grunt. "I'm going to make you wish you'd never--"
"'Make me wish I'd never' what?" You nearly crawl out of your skin. The voice that drifts from high up in the trees filters down to you with wood shavings, each piece catching the wind and tumbling into the snow.
"You bastard!" You point a finger at the man lounging on a high branch, his demeanor unaffected and uninfluenced by your rage. "You left me alone to face a bear!"
"I'd never leave you alone. Didn't you hear Kokoro?"
"No," you grit out, shivering. "I didn't see anything! Except for a bear!"
"Oh," Toji muses, dropping the sharpened stick into the snow. "It must've been Kioku, then."
"Where did you go?" You scream, throwing your arms out. "You seem so unaffected by all of this. My life was in danger."
"It wasn't."
"It was!"
"Just because you encountered a bear doesn't mean you were in any real danger. You did the right thing by sidestepping it."
"I--" You pause, clenching your fists at your side. "I want to go home."
"It's about time for dinner, anyways." Toji leaps down from his wooden seat and lands in front of you. "Lead the way, y/n."
The trek feels even longer as you return to the house, and night begins to fall as you enter the home. "Are you hungry?" Your stomach doesn't growl, but the deep feeling of exhaustion settles into your bones as you take a seat by the dead fire.
"Not really," you sigh, closing your eyes. "Why did you have me go up the mountain?" Toji doesn't glance at you while he chucks wood into the hearth.
"Time is different on the mountain," he murmurs. "You need to become comfortable with losing your sense of time while you're on your journey. If you feel like you've wasted it," he grunts with the effort of striking a match. "Then you've lost it. Time is never wasted. Every second you use looking for someone to make use of your time is another second you give away." Toji chuckles, staring into the blooming flames. "But the bear was entirely coincidental."
Another bowl of soup is produced, and Toji sits beside you, warming his bare fingers in the heat. "Eat as much as you'd like. I'm going back out briefly to retrieve the deer I trapped. Stay here." When he leaves, you set the warm bowl aside, staring into the flickering fire with little on your mind except for a reprieve from the grueling day.
You're not sure when you fell asleep nor when Toji returned with the smell of venison and blood on him. But you awaken in his arms, feeling the sinews of his muscles holding you close. Green eyes stare dutifully ahead, and the mask... is gone.
You shut your eyes to avoid looking, but curiosity gets the better of you. You only catch a sliver of a scar on Toji's lips before your skin meets the sheets, and you close your eyes to feign sleep.
Toji mutters something to himself as he covers your frame with a blanket, his voice addled by drowsiness or perhaps his own deep exhaustion. You don't catch the words, but you do feel a hand press to your forehead, smoothing away the hair stuck to your face. He pats your skin once, twice, then lifts his hand and begins to retreat.
You want to call out to the man to ask him to stay for a little while, to tell you a story, even. But before you can muster the courage to reveal your wakefulness, the door shuts, leaving you alone in the darkness.
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hhhemberhhh · 1 year
The Whispers in the Wind (Chapter Four)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Warnings: sexism; child abuse; light gore
“He said I was too vulnerable,” she said, looking at herself in the mirror, the reflection of her handmaiden behind her, working on the strings of her dress. “Do you think that?” 
“I think that such matters are not my business to discuss,” Aphrah said, pulling harder on the strings, making Alana inhale sharply. 
“I am asking for your opinion,” she rasped. 
“And I am not authorized to give it.” 
“Aphrah.” She turned around to face the woman. “When I say ‘I am asking for your opinion,’ I mean I want your honest input. I do not care if you think you cannot talk to me about your honest feelings, I want you to say anything that is on your mind.” 
“Very well,” Aphrah nodded. 
“Now, do you think I am too vulnerable?” 
The woman was silent for a moment. “Yes, I do.” 
“See, now was that so hard?” 
“I apologize. I just did not want to offend you, princess.” 
“You do not have to worry about offending me. So, what gives it away that I am too vulnerable?” 
“Literally everything,” Aphrah said. 
“… elaborate.” 
“When someone gets hurt, you cry yourself to sleep. When someone dies, you cry yourself to sleep. When someone leaves, you cry yourself to sleep. When—“ 
“Okay, okay, I get your point.” Alana interrupted. Gods, when this woman was given the chance to speak, she really didn’t waste a breath staying silent. 
“Very well.” Aphrah said. 
“You may leave me now, Aphrah.” 
The handmaiden nodded and silently walked out of the room, the door closing behind her. Alana sat down on the stool, looking at herself in the mirror. Her dark hair nestled calmly around her shoulders, reaching to her waist. The dress she wore was maroon, with golden trimming, the neckline plunging lower than she would’ve preferred, exposing her pale skin. 
She sighed, her hand finding the thin stick on the table. She took the brush tip and swirled it around in the pad of charcoal, before lifting it up to her eye, lightly sweeping it across the lid. She did the same to her other eye, and set the brush down. 
She got a separate brush and dipped it in red powder, gliding it over her lips, pressing them together, allowing the moisture to evenly distribute the powder. 
She walked over to her window, sitting in the frame, staring out into the sky. The sun was starting to set, its scarlet hues overlapping with the indigo color of the sky. She opened the window, the harsh winter winds biting down on her skin. Her hair swayed softly against the wind as she stared at the Amiyugian capital. 
In the distance, the torches of Rutherglen were fading out, one by one. She heard the music from the city die down. She sighed in relief, embracing the eternal quietness. 
Then, she jumped at the sudden sound. The music played again, louder than before. The torches blared brighter than ever. 
Ah yes, of course, they just needed to refresh the lights and have the musicians take a quick break, she thought. How could I have been so foolish? It wasn’t as if she hadn’t been to Rutherglen. Sure, she walked around in the streets if her family travelled there, but she would never stay long enough to learn its habits. 
“You’re supposed to be eating supper with your family.” Someone said. Alana turned around to find Anther, and she huffed at his presence. 
She scoffed. “I know that, Brother. I was just heading down.”
“Of course, of course,” he said, leaning in the doorway, crossing his arms. “Doll yourself up so you look pretty. We can’t rush looks, can we?” 
She resisted the urge to stomp over there and smack him in his cocky face. Instead, she chose to brush through her curls, keeping her eyes on the mirror. “I have a question for you, Brother.” 
“I’m listening.” 
“Have you ever heard of the concept of knocking?” 
“Your servant girl just walked out of your quarters. I figured that she was done with anything important, so there was no need for privacy.” 
“Sometimes I don’t understand how your brain works.” 
“Well, how about instead of insulting me, finish making yourself pretty so we can leave. Not a bad idea, hm?” 
Alana rolled her eyes. Don’t you try to rush me, she thought. You didn’t even have to come here in the first place. “You didn’t have to come here in the first place. You do know that, right?” 
“Father sent me to get you.” 
“Why? I can walk to the room our family is in just fine on my own. Or is that another thing he thinks I can’t do, along with independently running a whole kingdom?” 
“You seriously still can’t be mad about that, can you?” he questioned, groaning. 
“He called me weak in front of everyone,” she spat. 
“He didn’t necessarily say it.” 
“He implied it, Anther. That’s even worse than saying it. It just proves that you can’t say something directly to someone else.” 
“He just didn’t want to hurt your feelings.” 
“Oh, my gods! Does everyone not want to hurt my feelings?!”
“Look, when you cried after that guy was executed, we figured we should no longer say things that could hurt you to your face.” 
“I cried because he was falsely accused of his crime and Father knew that. You all knew that, but still chose to let him die!” 
She’d never forget that day. It was dawn, and the man she was talking about stood on a platform, his hands bound to his back, rope tied around his neck. Even after he repeatedly stated he wasn’t guilty of the crime he was accused of, which was the attempted murder of the king, even after he had good evidence to defend himself, she remembered all too vividly of her father pulling a lever, moving the platform from under the man’s feet. 
She watched him beg for his life, his body swinging violently in the air, fighting his fate. She heard the guttural sounds that came from his throat, as he turned to look at her before the last bit of life left him. His look left her traumatized, so traumatized that she couldn’t sleep that night. Or the next few nights. And, when she finally did sleep, she had nightmares about him. 
“I was ten,” she said in the silence. “Of course I would cry if I saw an innocent man murdered for something he didn’t do. But that was five years ago! Surely, I’ve grown since I was a child.” 
“You’re still a child.” 
“No more than you are.” 
“I’m like…” He stopped, tapping his chin, staring off into the distance. “Three years older than you.” 
She rolled her eyes, walking out of the room. “Okay, let’s just ignore the fact that you had to think about your age. Now, let’s go before you rush me again.” 
Anther followed behind her as she navigated the halls of the castle, her feet only swiftly touching the ground. She lifted the skirts of her dress to keep herself from tripping, gripping the fabric roughly in her palms. 
She made it into the room that held the meetings concerning the kingdom. Pushing the door open, she slowly walked in, her head held high, as the eyes of her family turned to her. Then, people she didn’t know turned to her as well. She groaned. There was food on the table, thankfully, and goblets of wine. 
“Really?” she asked, turning her gaze to her father. “Another meeting?” She sat down in her seat, trying to hide her irritation, taking a deep breath. We just had one a week ago.  
“This meeting is important, Daughter,” her father said. “However, let us eat before we discuss such serious topics.” 
Everyone ate in silence. Alana enjoyed the food, as the meal that was prepared was her favorite. A type of soup made from a variety of herbs and broth that was spicy, yet sweet. The wine was also not strong, the way she liked it, and had a pleasant taste to it. 
“Alana,” Lady Cora said, taking her hand. “This is Lord Vaenon of House Arka. The son of Lord Ondite.” She directed her attention to the young man across from her. He stared down at the table, refusing to meet her gaze. His skin was dark, his hair super short, and he fidgeted with his hands, his shoulders tense. 
“I…” Alana began. “It is, uh… nice to meet you, my lord.” She tried her best to muster a friendly and welcoming tone. 
“Forgive my son,” Lord Ondite said, giving her a sheepish smile. “He is not a very social person.” He pressed a hand on Vaenon’s shoulder, whispering something to him. He nodded in response. 
Lord Vaenon looked up at Alana, his green eyes meeting her blue ones. He gave her a soft smile, before saying, “Forgive me for my rudeness, Princess. I sure hope I have not offended you.” She thought he was at least a decade older than her; not that his looks gave it away. However, something old lurked in his eyes, and his voice was deep; deep enough to indicate that he was a full grown man. Yet, it wasn’t harsh. It was rather… kind, and a bit comforting. 
She smiled back. “Of course, not.” She looked at her father. “So… tell me, why have you called this meeting?” 
“I simply wanted you to meet my son, Princess,” Lord Ondite answered instead. 
“Why now?” Livius asked, leaning back against his chair as he crossed his arms over his chest, turning to Lord Ondite. “Do not get me wrong, my lord. I am sure your son is a great man, but why would my sister need to meet him now? Why did she not meet him sooner?” 
“I… I am afraid the idea never crossed my mind until recently, my prince.” Lord Ondite said, looking at the king. He nodded. 
“It has recently been in our best desire to allow you to meet Lord Vaenon,” he said. 
“Hm, very well,” Alana said, shrugging her shoulders, turning back to Lord Ondite’s son. “Do you mind if I ask you some questions?” 
Lord Vaenon nodded. “Of course not, Princess. Do as you please.”
“How old are you, exactly?” Alana asked. 
“My birthday has just passed. I am now four and twenty years old.” 
Okay, so not exactly a decade, but still too old, she thought. Fine, Father, I’ll play along with this game of yours.  
“Wow, so you experienced the big rebellion that happened two years before I was born,” she said. “What were you, six or seven?” 
“I was seven, Princess,” Lord Vaenon said. “I remember people being burned alive, butchered in the streets, begging for mercy.” 
“Must have been troubling.” 
“Very much so. My mother died in front of my own eyes.” 
Dread filled her. “Gods, that sounds awful.” 
Vaenon laughed. “Oh, do not worry, Princess. I have no need for your pity.” 
“Uh… okay, my apologies. What was that whole rebellion about, anyway, Father?” Alana asked, turning to the king. “Please remind me.” 
“People thought that I was not the rightful king. I was crowned the Amiyugian ruler days before the riot broke out, and while a number of people supported me, a handful did not,” he responded. “They thought they could take me down and leave Amiyugia in anarchy. But, how ignorant they were.” He laughed. “We are getting off topic, please, continue with this little interrogation, Daughter.” 
“I—very well,” Alana turned back to Lord Vaenon. “What do you do in your free time?”
“I sword fight very often,” he said. 
“Vaenon has trained under the finest mentors in Amiyugia,” Lord Ondite added. “He has skill like no other. I assure you, he could protect you very well, princess.” 
“Why would I need him to protect me?” Alana asked innocently. 
Everyone was silent. 
“Well,” Lady Cora said. “Why would you not need him to protect you? It is always good to have an extra defense, is it not?” 
“Then perhaps, he should be protecting the whole kingdom? Why just me?” 
“You do not know what people are capable of beyond the castle walls,” her mother said— the first words she had heard from her at all during the meeting. “How would they react when they see an innocent girl pondering the streets, alone at night?” 
“I would think they ought to leave me alone, considering I’m their princess.” Alana mumbled. 
Lady Cora laughed. “Oh, please. You really are as naïve as everyone says. They have no respect for women beyond the castle. It doesn’t matter if you are a tavern waitress or the damn Amiyugian princess. You are a woman. As far as they care, you are just someone who is… well-built that can be used as their personal plaything.” 
She looked at the older woman, her mouth agape. “H-how can you say that?!” 
“What? The truth?” She shrugged. 
The king cleared his throat. “While Lady Cora does provide a valuable point, she could have spoken in a different way. But, what she said is most definitely true. Before I became king, I grew up in the vile cities of Amiyugia, and I saw women being taken in the streets by men, or pulled into their homes by the roots of their hair. Whether they knew them or not did not matter.” 
“So why do you not do something to fix it?” Alana asked. “Since you experienced it firsthand, instead of hearing the rumors that may or may not have been true.”
“Alana, I may be the king, but I cannot fix everything that is wrong with Amiyugia. Even I have my limits to my power.”  
“So, what you are saying,” Alana began, trying to shield her growing rage and aggravation. “Is that you are okay with these vile things happening to a woman in your kingdom under your reign?” She tapped her chin. “Come to think of it, now I see why the death rates of women and children are so high in Amiyugia.” 
“Daughter, everyone knows that the death rates of women and children are high, everywhere. Every kingdom. Every city. Every town. Every village. It is all the same, no matter the circumstances.” 
“… and you seriously plan on doing nothing about it?” 
“I think we are getting off topic.” 
She sighed, knowing that every time her father changed the subject, the argument was over. “Okay. That shall be all from me, my lord.” She looked at Lord Vaenon from the corner of her vision. “Now, Father, let us continue this discussion about women and children. Lord Ondite and Lord Vaenon, I believe that you are free to go.” 
“I dismiss them when I think they should leave,” her father said. “And I think that you and Lord Vaenon still have lots to discuss.” 
“No, we do not,” she countered. 
“Yes, you do. If Lord Vaenon is set to be your king consort, you must know him very well.” 
“I am not getting married to some stranger you just had me meet less than an hour ago!” 
“I am not forcing you to marry him!” 
“You are practically selling me off like livestock to the man with the most power in the kingdom!” 
“Alana,” Livius began. “If Father were selling you off to the most powerful man in the kingdom, he would make you marry himself. The one who comes second best would be Lord Ondite, as his Hand. So, really, Lord Vaenon is not even the most powerful man in Amiyugia, not until his father drops dead. Come to think of it, why are you forcing her to get married now, Father?” 
“So that when she becomes queen, she will have a king consort,” the king answered. 
“You do realize that I am the heir to the Amiyugian throne, right?” 
“Considering the way that you act right now, I do not plan on you being reliable enough to entrust you to rule over a whole kingdom.” 
He said nothing, flexing his jaw. “And… what do you mean by that?” 
“What I mean,” the king began. “Is that with your drinking and whoring around, you will find yourself into an early grave.” 
“Are you saying that it is my fault that you are forcing Alana to marry some stranger? Because of my actions? That have nothing to do with my sister?” 
“I am saying that your behavior is unacceptable, and I will no longer tolerate it if you keep up this act.” 
“What are you going to do? Disclaim me as heir? And then crown Alana, instead?” 
“Of course, not. I will crown Anther.” 
Alana watched her brother almost choke on his wine, his hand covering up his mouth as he looked at the king. “Me?!” 
“Yes. Do you see any other son of the king named Anther?” Her father shot him an irritated look. 
“I—uh—well,” Anther sputtered. “Livius is clearly the better choice of an heir. And, we all know that Alana would be the better choice than Livius. Why not crown her?” 
“You really think I would let a woman ascend the Amiyugian throne?” The king laughed. “Over my dead body, perhaps.” 
“Anther is the most self obsessed, selfish person we know!” Alana snapped, turning to her father. “You would seriously let someone who does not have a clue on how to do anything except commit infidelity for every second of every day rule over this kingdom?!” 
“Alana, sit down,” Livius harshly whispered. 
“Brother, you know I am right.” She turned to him, trying to find any support that he would offer her. Please, I need you to back me up on this. “Anther is not fit to be a ruler.” 
“Anther is just like Livius, but less tolerable,” Cora said, twirling her wine goblet in her hand. 
“I am not letting you sit on the Amiyugian throne, Alana, end of discussion. If Livius cannot keep his ignorance controlled, then there will be serious consequences.” The king said. 
“Okay, Father,” Livius said, palming his face. “To save you the trouble of putting a less appealing version of me on the throne in my place, I will improve myself. Now, if you will excuse me, I would like to head back to my chambers.” 
“Very well, Livius.” The king said, nodding. Livius got up from his seat and walked out of the room. 
The space was filled with awkward silence, the tension rising high. Lady Cora played with her cup, the queen sat silently, staring out the window, and her father and Lord Ondite whispered to one another. Alana shared a look with Lord Vaenon, an exchange that silently said goodbye. 
“Princess,” he began. “It was very nice to meet you. However, I must be on my way.” He nodded to her, and walked towards the door. 
“Oh, yes,” she said. “Safe travels.” She gave him a small wave. 
Lord Ondite stood up, nodding at the king, saying, “Forgive me, Your Grace, for I must be on my way, as well.” Her father said nothing as his Hand left the room. 
He sighed. “You can leave now.” 
Alana watched her mother and Lady Cora stand up and walk away from the table, and she followed. 
“Not you, Daughter. You stay.” 
She was just a few feet from the door when he said the command. She slowly turned around, raising her brow in question. 
“Your behavior tonight was unacceptable,” he said harshly. “Downright insulting to the Kaiser name.” 
“How?!” she shouted, gesturing with her arms. 
“Thinking you could ascend the Amiyugian throne? I did not raise you with such stupidity!” 
“You are right,” she said as she crossed her arms. “You did not raise me with such stupidity. You hardly raised me at all! My brothers and mother raised me while you and Lady Cora were dining together, prioritizing your work over your family for every second of the day.” 
He slapped her. She winced as she felt the sting in her cheek, bringing her hand up to the spot, red on her pale skin. She looked back at him, and saw the anger on his face. 
He grabbed her wrist, his grip guaranteed to leave marks on her arm from how tight and rough he was holding it. 
“Never will I let a woman overpower me,” he said through gritted teeth. “Never will I let a woman think she is better than me. Never will I let a woman try to change the traditions of this kingdom that have lasted for centuries. And, never will I let a woman ascend the throne of Amiyugia over my living presence.” 
He shoved her into the wall, the rough stone sliding against her other cheek, one of its jagged points cutting into her flesh. He walked past her, opening the wooden door, and slamming it, the loud sound echoing through her ears. 
She pressed her back to the wall, lifting her hand to the pounding side of her face. She felt warm liquid seep into her palm, and when she pulled it away, she tried her best to stifle her horror at the sight of the blood on her milky skin. Her hand shook, tears on the brink of spilling out of her eyes. 
She fell to her knees, wrapping her arms around herself, the blood on her face staining the sleeve of her arm. Though, it wouldn’t be very noticeable, considering her dress was almost blood red, itself, the color of Amiyugian royalty. 
That’s what you are, she thought. Royalty. Royalty from the coldest kingdom on the Ancient Isle. Royalty with no power.  
She buried her head into the skirts of her dress, the tears running down her cheeks, onto her dress, mixing with her blood. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you enjoyed!! Don’t worry, things are fixing to get interesting *rubs hands together mischievously*
ALSO: this is the last chapter I am posting to my blog. The main purpose of posting chapters to tumblr was to give readers a sort of preface of the actual book itself, meaning that starting next weekend, all future parts will be posted to AO3 exclusively.
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godblooded · 1 year
sometimes the highest paid child star in tv history can’t quite cling to the wreckage enough to stay afloat. the only place she finds solace is being viciously bounced from one place to another — it’s another line of white powder and another five little pills and the way her body won’t loosen and won’t tighten but it wants to do both. sometimes the combination gets bad — sometimes it’s terrifying. sometimes the paranoia creeps in, in, in.
there is a necklace of pale indigo bruises around her throat imperceptible to any eye not scrutinizing her completely. the same marks make bracelets round her wrists, dusty ovals like deep fingerprints just under her thighs. she peers at @babydxhl with eyes shimmering jade, tears perpetually screening them, always want to fall but they just won’t.
she can’t summon the nerve suddenly. a flush of hot anxiety overcomes bony shoulders, tucks her chin into her collarbone to take a deep breath. it only serves to blow more unwelcome heat across her skin. she swallows nervously.
“nothing. nothing i’m being fucking stupid.”
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mayfairtoast · 2 years
FASHION  /  APPEARANCE STATS. bold what applies to your character,  italics for sometimes.  *
*    bold :  always applies or canon era, italics :  modern au.
BODY,         long legs   /     short legs     /   average legs   /   slender thighs    /     thick thighs    /   muscular thighs   /     skinny arms    /   soft arms   /   muscular arms   /   uses prosthetic limb(s)   /   facial scars   /    bodily scars   /    moderately scarred   /   heavily scarred   /   toned stomach   /     flat stomach   /    flabby stomach    /   soft stomach  /     six pack    /     beer belly     /   lean frame    /    muscular frame   /     voluptuous frame     /     petite frame    /     lanky frame     /   short nails   /    long nails    /    manicured nails    /     dirty nails    /     flat ass    /  toned ass   /     bubble butt     /   thick ass   /   small waist   /   thick waist    /    narrow hips    /   average hips  /  wide hips  /     big feet   /   average feet  /  small feet   /    soft feet    /   slender feet  /   calloused hands   /  soft hands    /    big hands    /    average hands   /    small hands     /    long fingers   /     short fingers    /     average fingers    /     broad shouldered   /   underweight    /    average weight    /     overweight.
HEIGHT,          shorter than 140 cm     /     141 cm-150 cm     /     151 cm to 160 cm     /     161 cm to 170 cm   /  171 cm to 180cm   /     181 cm to 190 cm    /     191 cm to 2m   /     taller than 2 m.
SKIN,         pale    /    rosy    /     olive    /     dark    /     tanned    /     blotchy     /    smooth    /     acne   /     dry     /    greasy    /    freckled    /   stubble   /  beard.
EYES,          small     /     large  /     average     /     grey    /    brown   /     blue  ( indigo ) /    green     /   gold    /     hazel     /     red    /    doe - eyed   /     almond    /     close - set    /     wide - set     /    squinty     /     monolid     /    heavy eyelids    /   upturned    /     downturned.
HAIR,          thin     /     thick     /     fine   /     normal     /     greasy     /     dry    /   soft   /    shiny     /   curly   /    frizzy     /     wild     /    unruly    /   straight    /     smooth   /   wavy    /     floppy     /   cropped    /     pixie - cut     /   shoulder length   /   back length   /    waist length   /     buzz cut     /     bald     /     jaw length     /    white     /    platinum blonde     /     golden blonde     /    dirty blonde   /     strawberry blonde     /     blonde     /     ombre     /     light brown     /    mouse brown     /     chestnut  brown    /     golden brown     /     chocolate brown  /     dark brown   /    jet black     /     ginger     /     auburn     /     dyed red     /     dyed an unnatural color     /     thin eyebrows    /   average eyebrows /   thick eyebrows   /   greying hair.
TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS,         no tattoos  /   one tattoo    /     a few here and there   /     multiple    /     full sleeves    /     thigh tattoo    /     neck tattoo   /     chest tattoo     /    no piercings    /   ear piercings  /     nose piercing     /     lip piercing     /     tongue piercing     /     eyebrow piercing     /     navel piercing     /     cheek piercing     /     nipple piercing   /     genital piercing.
COSMETICS,         eyeliner /     light eyeliner    /     heavy eyeliner     /     cat eyes    /   mascara   /    fake eyelashes    /     matte lipstick   /    regular lipstick    /    lipgloss  /    red lips  /    pink lips     /     dark lips    /     bronzer     /    highlighter    /     eyeshadow     /     neutral eyeshadow     /    smoky eyes    /     colorful eyeshadow     /   blush   /    lipliner     /     light countouring     /     heavy contouring     /    powder    /     matte foundation     /     shiny foundation     /   concealer   /     wears regularly    /   occasionally wears   /   rarely wears  /   never wears   /   wears nail polish.
SCENT,          floral   /     fruity    /   perfumes  /     aftershave     /     cocoa     /   moisturizer   /   shampoo  /   scented laundry detergent   /  cigarettes   /     leather     /    sweat   /     food     /    incense    /   marijuana    /     cologne     /    whiskey   /   wine     /     fried food     /   blood    /     fire    /   metal   /    ice   /   sulfur   /  sugary.
CLOTHES,          jeans    /   tight pants /     over knee socks     /     tights     /     leggings    /    yoga pants     /     pencil skirt     /     tight skirt    /    loose skirt   /     formfitting dress     /     cardigans    /   blouse  /     button up shirt    /     band t - shirt    /     sweatpants     /    tank top    /   cutoff t - shirt     /   designer  /     high street     /     online stores     /   thrift   /    lingerie    /   long skirt  /     miniskirt    /    maxidress     /   sundress   /    overalls     /   tie     /   tuxedo    /     cocktail dress     /    highslit dress/skirt    /    t - shirt    /   loose clothing   /    tight clothing   /   jean shorts    /     sweater    /     sweater vest    /     khaki pants     /    suit   /    hoodie   /     harem pants     /     leather jacket   /   leather trousers   /    basketball shorts   /     boxers   /    briefs    /     thong     /     hotpants     /     cargo pants   /   hipster pants    /     bra   /     sportsbra    /   crop top     /     corset    /    ballerina skirt     /     leotard     /     polka dot     /     pin stripes   /     glitter   /   gold    /   silver    /  silk    /     lace    /     faux leather    /   velvet    /     chemise     /   patterns    /   florals   /     neon colors     /     pastels   /   white   /    black   /   dark colors    /     fur  /    faux fur   /  feathers  / gloves   /   mask.
SHOES,          sneakers  /  high top converse  /     slip - ons     /   flats    /     slippers     /   sandals    /   high heels    /     kitten heels     /    ankle boots    /     combat boots    /     knee - high    /     platforms     /     stripper heels     /     bare feet    /     loafers    /     oxfords     /     gladiator shoes    /   boots.
TAGGED BY:    the love of my actual life @vasilievna TAGGING:    everyone who reads this k
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