#indian saffron rice recipes
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fattributes · 6 months
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Thalassery Chicken Dum Biryani
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chaskka · 24 days
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Chicken Biriyani Indian at Chaskka Oslo
Chicken Biryani is a classic Indian dish known for its rich flavors, aromatic spices, and layers of perfectly cooked rice and marinated chicken. Here’s a detailed and easy-to-follow recipe for making delicious Chicken Biryani at home.
Chicken Biryani Recipe
For the Chicken Marinade:
500g (1 lb) Boneless Chicken Thighs or Breasts, cut into medium pieces
1 cup Plain Greek Yogurt
2 tbsp Lemon Juice
1 tbsp Ginger-Garlic Paste (equal parts minced ginger and garlic)
1 tbsp Biryani Masala or Garam Masala
1/2 tsp Ground Turmeric
1 tsp Red Chili Powder (adjust to taste)
1 tsp Salt
For the Rice:
2 cups Basmati Rice
4 cups Water
2 Bay Leaves
4 Cloves
4 Green Cardamom Pods
1 Cinnamon Stick
1 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Ghee or Butter
For the Biryani:
3 tbsp Ghee or Vegetable Oil
2 Large Onions, thinly sliced
2 Green Chilies, slit (optional)
2 Tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup Fresh Cilantro, chopped
1/4 cup Fresh Mint Leaves, chopped
1/4 cup Warm Milk (optional)
A pinch of Saffron threads (optional)
1/2 tsp Biryani Masala or Garam Masala
1/4 cup Fried Onions (for garnish, optional)
1. Marinate the Chicken:
In a large bowl, combine the yogurt, lemon juice, ginger-garlic paste, biryani masala, turmeric, red chili powder, and salt.
Add the chicken pieces and mix well, ensuring they are thoroughly coated.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or preferably overnight for deeper flavors.
2. Prepare the Rice:
Rinse the basmati rice under cold water until the water runs clear to remove excess starch.
In a large pot, bring the 4 cups of water to a boil. Add the bay leaves, cloves, cardamom pods, cinnamon stick, salt, and ghee or butter.
Add the rinsed rice and cook until it's about 70-80% done (parboiled), which usually takes about 5-7 minutes. The rice should still have a bite to it.
Drain the rice and set aside.
3. Cook the Chicken:
Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven over medium heat.
Add the sliced onions and cook until golden brown and caramelized, stirring frequently (about 10-15 minutes).
Add the green chilies (if using) and the chopped tomatoes. Cook until the tomatoes soften and the oil starts to separate (about 5 minutes).
Add the marinated chicken pieces along with the marinade to the pot. Cook on medium-high heat for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is browned and cooked through.
4. Layering the Biryani:
Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) if you plan to bake the biryani. Alternatively, you can cook it on the stovetop.
In the same pot with the cooked chicken, sprinkle half of the chopped cilantro and mint.
Spread half of the partially cooked rice over the chicken evenly.
Layer the remaining chicken pieces and marinade, followed by the rest of the rice.
Sprinkle the remaining cilantro and mint on top.
5. Adding Saffron (optional):
Soak the saffron threads in the warm milk for a few minutes.
Drizzle the saffron milk over the top layer of rice for added flavor and color.
6. Cook the Biryani:
If using the oven, cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid or aluminum foil and bake for 25-30 minutes until the rice is fully cooked and the flavors meld together.
If cooking on the stovetop, cover the pot and cook on low heat for about 25-30 minutes, ensuring the bottom doesn’t burn (use a heat diffuser if necessary).
7. Serve:
Once cooked, gently fluff the rice with a fork to mix the layers without breaking the rice grains.
Garnish with fried onions if desired.
Serve hot with raita (yogurt sauce) or a side salad.
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spoonsomebiriyani · 29 days
 The Flavorful Journey of SpoonSome
Biryani: A Culinary Tale
SpoonSome Biryani, a culinary delight that transcends borders and unites taste buds, has a journey as rich and diverse as its aromatic flavors. From humble beginnings to becoming a symbol of culinary excellence, the story of SpoonSome Biryani is a testament to the passion and dedication of its creators.
Biryani, a fragrant and flavorful one-pot dish, has captured the hearts and palates of millions across India. Whether it’s a festive occasion, a family gathering, or a simple weeknight dinner, biryani graces the table with its aromatic presence. In this article, we’ll explore the rich history, diverse variations, and the magic behind this beloved culinary masterpiece.
Origin of Biriyani
Biryani’s origins are shrouded in mystery, with various theories tracing it back to Persia, the Mughal courts, or even ancient India. Regardless of its beginnings, biryani has evolved over centuries, blending local ingredients, spices, and cooking techniques.
The Mughals, known for their opulent feasts, elevated biryani to an art form. They combined Persian pilaf techniques with Indian flavors, creating a harmonious symphony of rice, meat, and spices.
Regional Variations
Hyderabadi Biryani: The Nizams of Hyderabad perfected this style. It’s a marriage of Mughlai and local Telugu flavors. The raw biryani involves layering marinated meat and partially cooked rice, sealing the pot, and slow-cooking it.
Lucknowi Biryani: Awadhi biryani is fragrant and delicate. It uses saffron-infused rice and slow-cooked meat, often garnished with fried onions and raisins.
Malabar Biryani: Kerala’s Malabar coast offers a spicy version with coconut milk, curry leaves, and a hint of sweetness.
Sindhi Biryani: Influenced by Pakistani cuisine, Sindhi biryani features marinated meat, potatoes, and aromatic spices.
Origin Story:
The tale of SpoonSome Biryani begins in the bustling streets of Trivandrum, where a young man named Vysakh honed their craft in the art of biryani-making. Inspired by the rich culinary heritage of the region, a group of young entrepreneurs set out to create a biryani experience like no other. Thus, SpoonSome Biryani was born, blending traditional recipes with modern innovation.
On streets in India, where flavors collide and cultures intertwine, there exists a biryani that defies convention. Spoonsome Biryani, born from the creative mind of entrepreneur Vysakh, is more than just a dish – it’s an experience.
Spoonsome, a maverick in the culinary world, envisioned a biryani that would transcend boundaries. Our journey began with a simple question: “What if we reimagine the classic biryani?”
Spoonsome Biryani emerged as the answer – a fusion of tradition and innovation, where every grain of rice tells a story.
Early Beginnings
Recipe Perfection:
At the heart of SpoonSome Biryani's success lies its signature recipe, carefully crafted over years of experimentation and refinement. The secret blend of aromatic spices, tender meat, and fragrant basmati rice creates a symphony of flavors that dance on the palate with every bite.
Each ingredient is meticulously selected to ensure the perfect balance of taste and texture, making SpoonSome Biryani a true culinary masterpiece.
Magic of Biriyani
Basmati Rice The canvas for Spoonsome Biryani, aged basmati rice, forms the foundation. Each grain absorbs the essence of spices and marinated meat.
Marinated Meat Whether succulent chicken, tender lamb, or fragrant fish, the choice of meat defines the biryani. Spoonsome secret lies in the marinade – yogurt, spices, and love.
Spices of Cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and star anise dance together, creating a symphony of flavors. Spoonsome spice blend is a guarded treasure.
Herbs Fresh mint, cilantro, and curry leaves add brightness and balance. Their whispers infuse every layer.
Making Delicious Dums
Biryani’s magic lies in the “dum” method. The pot is sealed with dough or cloth, trapping steam and flavors. The slow, gentle heat ensures that every grain of rice absorbs the essence of the spices and meat.
The unveiling of a biryani pot is akin to opening a treasure chest – the aroma escapes, and anticipation reaches its peak.
The Lightness Within
Spoonsome challenges the notion that biryani must be heavy. His creation is a delicate balance – rich in flavor yet light on the palate.
No excessive oil or ghee here. Instead, he achieves depth through spices and technique.
The Aroma
As you approach spoonsome, the air changes. It becomes a canvas, painted with the fragrant strokes of cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves. The spices, carefully measured, release their essence – a promise of what’s to come. The aroma dances around you, teasing your senses.
Spoonsome Biryani: A Culinary Symphony of Flavor
In the heart of bustling markets, where the air is thick with spice and anticipation, lies a biryani that defies convention. Spoonsome Biryani, born from the creative genius of entrepreneur Vysakh, transcends mere sustenance. It’s an orchestra of taste, a symphony of fragrance, and a celebration of culinary artistry.
A Flavorful Feast with Hidden Health Benefits
Biryani, including the innovative Spoonsome Biryani, isn’t just a delightful dish; it also offers several health benefits. Let’s explore how this aromatic creation can positively impact your well-being:
Anti-Inflammatory Properties:
The spices used in biryani masala, such as cumin, turmeric, and coriander, possess anti-inflammatory properties.
These spices aid digestion, soothe the gut, and may even boost immunity.
Digestive Aid:
Cumin and cloves, present in biryani masala, have carminative qualities.
They help prevent bloating, neutralize acidity, and promote healthy digestion.
Metabolism Boost:
Indian spices in biryani masala are rich in phytonutrients.
These compounds accelerate metabolism, potentially aiding weight management.
Protein and Fiber Content:
Spoonsome Biryani, especially if it includes chicken or other meats, provides a good amount of protein.
Additionally, the rice contributes fiber, promoting satiety and supporting overall health.
Antioxidant-Rich Spices:
Biryani contains spices like ginger, cumin, and curcumin (from turmeric).
These spices have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and even antiviral properties, making them cleansing powerhouses.
Remember, enjoying biryani in moderation allows you to savor its flavors while reaping these hidden health benefits. So, the next time you indulge in a plate of Spoonsome Biryani, relish not only the taste but also the well-being it brings!
Expansion and Recognition:
As word of SpoonSome Biryani's delectable offerings spread, the brand quickly gained a loyal following, both locally and internationally. With a commitment to quality and authenticity, SpoonSome Biryani expanded its reach, opening outlets in major cities across India and beyond. The brand's dedication to excellence earned it numerous accolades and awards, solidifying its position as a leader in the world of biryani.
Beyond Borders
Spoonsome Biryani transcends regional boundaries. It’s not just Hyderabadi or Lucknowi; it’s a canvas where Spoonsome paints with flavors from Iran, Kerala, and beyond. Each bite is a passport to distant lands – a culinary wanderlust.
The Legacy Unveiled
Spoonsome Biryani isn’t just a dish; it’s a legacy. our passion infuses every grain, every spice, and every smile of a satisfied diner.
As the sun sets over our kitchen, we dream of a world where biryani knows no boundaries – where spoonsome becomes synonymous with joy.
In this culinary saga, Spoonsome has rewritten the biryani narrative. So, the next time you savor Spoonsome Biryani, remember that you’re tasting more than a meal – you’re tasting a dream realized.
Some Hidden Gems
Certainly! While Hyderabadi and Awadhi biryani are well-known and beloved, several lesser-known biryani varieties across India deserve attention. Let’s explore these hidden gems
Bangalore Dum Biryani
Originating from Bangalore, this biryani is usually made with lamb, fish, or chicken. It leans toward the milder side in terms of spice but promises delightful flavors in every spoonful. Often served at Muslim weddings, it’s a favorite among Bangaloreans.
Meen Biryani (Kerala Coastal Flavors)
Hailing from the coastal regions of Kerala, Meen Biryani celebrates the bounty of the sea. “Meen” means fish, and this biryani layers spiced fish with rice, fried cashews, caramelized onions, and aromatic spices. It’s a scrumptious ode to Kerala’s culinary heritage.
Thalassery Biryani (Kozhikode Biryani)
With its Arab origins, Thalassery Biryani is popular along the Malabar coast. It uses a distinct rice variety called Jeerakasala or Khyma, which is fragrant, short, and thin. The biryani is cooked with mouthwatering aromatics, and ghee, and topped with fried raisins and cashews, creating a royal touch.
Beary Biryani (Mangalorean Delicacy)
Contrary to the usual spicy biryanis, Beary Biryani is mildly spiced. Originating from the coastal areas of Dakshina Kannada, it’s a Mangalorean delight. The subtle aroma of fennel seeds sets it apart, and it tastes even better the next day.
Ulavacharu Biryani (Andhra Pradesh Specialty)
A household recipe from Andhra Pradesh, Ulavacharu Biryani is spicy and aromatic. It features fennel, cloves, star anise, and the unique biryani flower. A tip: Cook the rice in the same water where the chicken is boiled to enhance the flavors.
These lesser-known biryanis offer a delightful twist to the classic dish, each reflecting the rich culinary diversity of India. Next time you’re craving biryani, consider exploring these hidden treasures! 
Cultural Impact:
Beyond its culinary prowess, SpoonSome Biryani holds a special place in the hearts of food enthusiasts worldwide. Its ability to bring people together, regardless of background or beliefs, is a testament to the unifying power of good food. Whether enjoyed at a family gathering or a festive celebration, SpoonSome Biryani has become a symbol of shared joy and camaraderie.
Future Prospects:
As SpoonSome Biryani continues to captivate taste buds and inspire food lovers, the future holds endless possibilities for this beloved brand. With a commitment to innovation and a dedication to quality, SpoonSome Biryani is poised to embark on new culinary
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Rice Pudding Day
All  we can think of is a bowl of some good old rice pudding this National  Rice Pudding Day taking place on August 9. For many of us, starting from  our childhood to our adulthood, rice pudding has been a staple in our  diets. Made with a base of rice cooked in milk and sweetened with sugar,  syrup, or honey, rice pudding can be found in many cultures and  cuisines all over the world. Of course, each region has its own unique  take on the dish. Some add nuts and spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, or  cardamom to it, while others throw in a dash of wine to give it that wow  factor. For a more fragrant look and feel, many people in the Middle  East also add pistachio slivers and rose petals before serving it. You  can have it hot or cold, and as a breakfast dish or a dessert after  dinner. So, how are you having your rice pudding on August 9?
History of National Rice Pudding Day
National  Rice Pudding Day celebrates the ancient rice pudding dish in all its  glory and greatness. While we may know the sweet version of the dish  today, did you know that it actually started out as a savory treat? It  is difficult to pinpoint the exact location and time of the creation of  rice pudding, but many scholars believe it may have originated in either  ancient China or in ancient India. Both these countries have a long  history of including rice as well as sugar in their religious and  cultural activities, so it only makes sense that the combination of the  two may have been included in their cuisines as well. ‘Kheer,’ which is  Hindi for rice pudding, was first recorded in ancient India in 6000  B.C., and it was included as a staple in a prescribed Ayurvedic diet  regime. It is also interesting to note that the early versions of the  Indian rice pudding did not actually include rice or sugar. In place of  rice, Indians made use of the cereal grain known as sorghum.
Elsewhere  in the world, rice pudding was being made with rice. The grain had  reached Europe through exports delivered by water or the Silk Road in  the 1300s. Because it was being exported from Asia and was not being  grown in Europe, rice automatically became extremely expensive. Thus,  rice pudding could only be enjoyed by the elite and royalty of European  countries. Before the 1500s, rice pudding was savory in nature. It was  made with rice being boiled in a broth with saffron and almond milk.  Chefs started including sugar into the dish to make it sweet, and soon a  sweetened rice pudding started gaining popularity. It was in the  eighteenth century that rice pudding became more commonplace and less  expensive, all thanks to globalization. The lowered rice prices meant  the grain was in easier reach of the masses, and in today’s world, it is  considered to be a cheap, but filling meal.
National Rice Pudding Day timeline
6000 B.C. Indian Rice Pudding for Healthy Living
Ancient India includes rice pudding in the Ayurvedic diet in order to ensure healthy living.
14th Century Forme of Cury in England
Rice pudding, known as Forme of Cury or rice pottage, is made with rice, almond milk, and saffron in English Royal kitchens.
17th Century Sweetened Rice Pudding Recipes
Some of the modern-age rice pudding recipes come from the Tudor time period, and are called ‘whitepot.’
18th – 19th Century Rice Becomes Cheaper
Rice grains become cheaper, allowing access to the public who can now enjoy rice pudding treats, unlike their predecessors.
How To Celebrate National Rice Pudding Day
Make rice pudding
Have a rice pudding contest
Try a new rice pudding recipe
Take  a trip down memory lane and make your favorite rice pudding recipe.  Because of its versatility, you can choose to have it hot or cold, and  for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Rice pudding is one of the  highest-rated comfort foods out there because of its gooey, yet grainy  texture that leaves one filled with love and warmth.
Participating  in a rice pudding competition is one of the best ways to celebrate the  day. There are two ways you can go about doing this. You can either hold  a rice pudding cooking competition or you can have an eating  competition. Whether you choose one, two, or have both, it’s going to be  a fun-filled day.
Going  back to what is tried and tested can be comforting, but seeking out the  new can reward you with invaluable experiences. Give new rice pudding  recipes a try. It could be a sweet or a savory recipe, the choice is  yours.
5 Facts About Rice That Will Blow Your Mind
Sticky rice for strong cement
White rice is brown rice
Rice is grown everywhere but Antarctica
The shelf-life is decades long
Good for health
The Great Wall of China is held together with sticky rice that has been mixed with calcium carbonate.
All white rice comes from brown rice, and this is because the white rice has the brown coating of bran removed.
Rice is grown everywhere except Antarctica because of the continent’s extremely cold temperatures.
Rice, when stored in a cool and dry environment, will be good to consume for the next 10 to 30 years.
Because rice contains several minerals and antioxidants, it is great for your health, particularly for your skin.
Why We Love National Rice Pudding Day
It’s a celebration of rice pudding
It’s a celebration of ancient times
It’s a celebration of a staple food item
Rice  pudding has come a long way in terms of development. It has been  enjoyed by millions for centuries. With easy-to-make recipes and simple  yet enjoyable taste, rice pudding is loved by many all over the globe.
A  look into ancient history will reveal a lot of information on how  people led their lives in order to ensure healthy and peaceful living.  One historical overview of rice pudding allows us just that benefit of  looking into how human civilizations utilized a single rice pudding dish  in their daily lives.
Rice  is a staple food item for many countries in the world. In fact, 50% of  the world’s population consumes rice on a daily basis. Apart from  helping our skin stay smooth and supple, rice also aids in healthy hair,  is good for our overall health, and keeps our tummies filled and happy.
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cookingupcommunity · 1 year
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Dairy Free Kheer by Sheniz
We are days away from the book launch of "Cooking Up Feminism" and right in the midst of welcoming Spring with Nowruz (Persian New Year) and Ramzan | Ramadan, 2023. Let's celebrate with a beautiful bowl of Kheer. I invited Nature Artist and Poet, Sheniz Janmohamed - who has guest-facilitated for "Cooking Up Feminism" - to submit her dairy-free recipe of this beloved sweet dish, enjoyed in a variety of unique ways in countries across South Asia.
When I was growing up, kheer (Indian rice pudding) was my favourite dessert. While it wasn’t a dessert we made at home, it was one I always ordered when we went out for special meals or occasions. There was something about the first spoonful of rich, creamy kheer that enlivened all my senses and awakened the nostalgia of my ancestral homeland— India. When I switched over to non-dairy alternatives, I missed the familiarity and decadence of kheer. It was during one of the silent retreats with my Teacher that I was introduced to a healthier, vegan version of rice pudding, singing with notes of cinnamon.
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Dairy Free Kheer by Sheniz
During the pandemic, I’d make myself warm bowls of kheer, sit by the window and watch chickadees flit about the trees. It was a small comfort on long, dark days of uncertainty. It brought me back home, and hugged me in the reminder that even though I felt alone, I wasn’t. I had the recipes of my ancestors and teachers at my very fingertips. ~ Sheniz
1 cup of basmati rice 1 cup of unsweetened oat milk 2-3 tbs of honey or agave syrup 1 tsp of vanilla extract 3-5 stems of saffron 1 tbs of cardamom powder 1 tbs of rosewater A sprinkle of cinnamon A sprinkle of nutmeg
2 tsps of slivered almonds or pistachios 1 tsp of edible rose petals
Soak a cup of basmati rice for about 10 minutes. Rinse it of stones and husks.
Boil rice and strain, setting aside for later.
Heat a cup of oat milk in a pot on medium heat until it begins to simmer.
Swirl in 2 tablespoons of honey or agave syrup. Add according to your sweet tooth :)
Scatter in 3 - 5 stems of saffron and stir until the mixture turns a pale golden hue.
Add in 1 tablespoon of cardamom powder.
Sprinkle in cinnamon and nutmeg.
Swirl in a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
Add rice and lower temperature to medium.
Stir gently until it achieves the consistency and taste you like— you can add in more milk or hot water if you want it runnier.
Gently stir in one tablespoon of rosewater before garnishing— rosewater tends to get lost in cooking, so it’s best to add at the last stage before serving.
Garnish with crushed edible rose petals and nuts, then serve.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful, sweet recipe with our community, Sheniz! Stay tuned as we launch "Cooking Up Feminism" in book form on March 25th, 2023.
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foodwithrecipes · 1 year
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Murgh Musallam 
We teach you in Food Recipes. Recipes for making Murgh Musallam. One of the royal dishes of the Mughals, the taste of Murgh Musallam is very good. If you are a non-veg lover, then you must taste the taste of Murgh Musallam. Murgh Musallam is a Mughlai dish originating from the Indian subcontinent. It consists of whole chicken marinated in ginger-garlic paste, stuffed with boiled eggs and cooked with spices like saffron, cinnamon, cloves, poppy seeds, cardamom and chillies. Murgh Musallam is served on a platter In which gravy is poured over the chicken. It is advisable to garnish the dish with chopped almonds and serve rice with it. Read more
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travelroute · 2 years
The 5 Best Traditional Persian foods with Spilling the Beans
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Are you an adventurer in the culinary field? Are you hungry for new delicious flavors? Are you thirsty for an exciting exploration into the world of traditional Iranian cuisine? Whatever your case, Iran’s culinary culture is very rich and the number of traditional Persian (Iranian) dishes is so large that you No appetite is left unsatisfied, so let’s test take a unique tasty experience of Persian cuisine if you are or will be in Iran or let's look at the best of Iranian cuisine by this article. To give you a clue, I am going to introduce you five traditional Persian foods which are easily found on the menu of most restaurants. So, let’s start without further ado:
Ghormeh Sabzi
Our number one hit is called Khoresh-e Ghormeh Sabzi or Persian Herb Stew and it’s an unforgettable taste. A blend of herbs such as meat, beans, parsley, coriander, chives and fenugreek his leeks with a hint of dried Persian lime. Don’t forget to serve this succulent stew with white rice, or cello as the Iranians call it.
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Tah-Chin is a wonderful dish that can be found nowhere else in the world. Also known as Persian saffron cake, Tah-Chin contains yogurt, saffron, rice and eggs. However, there are more elaborate forms of Tah-Chin that include chicken fillet, eggplant, red meat, or fish. Tah-Chin with chicken fillet or lean meat is most common in restaurants. Whatever you do during your trip to Iran, don’t miss TAH-CHIN.
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Dolmeh refers to a variety of vegetable-stuffed dishes and is popular not only among Persians, but also Armenians, Turks, Arabs and Indians. There are different types: eggplant Dolmeh, kotab Dolmeh (stuffed), Dolmeh beh (stuffed quince) and Iran’s most famous Dolme bagh or stuffed vine leaves. The famous Dolmeh Bhaji is made by stuffing grape leaves with a mixture of rice, minced meat, onions, saffron, pepper and parsley. This combination may sound a bit far-fetched, but believe me it would be a sad event not to try.
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Kuku Sabzi
Just a few bites of crispy Kuk Sabzi (or Persian frittata) and you won’t be able to stop eating every piece put in front of you. Nevertheless, delicious Kuku Sabzi has a very easy recipe that you can try yourself. Beat the eggs until fluffy and light. Add onions, flour, chopped vegetables (fresh coriander or parsley, chives, leek tips, romaine leaves, dill) and season with spices such as pepper, salt and saffron. The mixture is then pan-fried until well browned and well puffed on top. Now you are ready to serve your delicious Persian Frittata.
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Eshkeneh is a traditional Persian soup that is popular throughout Iran. Highly nutritious and easy to prepare by mixing fried onions, tomato and pomegranate fritters, eggs, walnuts, water and spices. After 15 minutes they are well cooked and served as a really delicious appetizer, dinner or light lunch.
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They are delicious foods, aren't they? If you ever pass through Iran or the information about these foods caused you are interested to visit Iran, you can book a tasty experience of Persian cuisine or read more information about Iran Route, Tour or Things to do via Iran Routes FB channels or International and local OTA.
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indianyoghurt · 3 days
Desi Delights: Desserts with Indian Dahi in Australia
Australian dessert lovers, rejoice! There's a new ingredient waiting to tantalize your taste buds—Indian dahi (yogurt)! This creamy, tangy yogurt adds a unique twist to classic treats, offering a delightful fusion of traditional Indian flavors and modern Australian sensibilities. Not only is it delicious, but Indian dahi in Australia boasts potential health benefits, too!
5 Ways to Wow with Dahi Desserts:
Mango Lassi Cheesecake: Imagine the tropical sweetness of mangoes swirling with the smooth texture of Indian Dahi in a luxurious cheesecake. The creamy yogurt cuts through the richness, creating a refreshing summer dessert perfect for the Australian climate.
Cardamom & Rose Yoghurt Popsicles: Beat the heat with these exotic popsicles! Infuse Dahi in Australia with the aromatic flavors of cardamom and rose for a cooling treat. It's a fun way to introduce a touch of Indian spice to your dessert repertoire.
Dahi Ki Kheer (Yoghurt Rice Pudding): Revamp the classic rice pudding by swapping traditional milk for Indian Dahi. This twist delivers a creamy texture with a subtle tartness, further enhanced by fragrant Indian spices like cardamom and saffron. It's a comforting dessert for any occasion.
Dahi Malpua: Experience the richness of Indian cuisine with Dahi Malpua. These traditional pancakes, soaked in sugar syrup and topped with cool, tangy Indian Dahi, offer a harmonious balance of warm and cool, crispy and creamy.
Dahi Chocolate Mousse: Calling all chocolate lovers! Indulge in a guilt-free mousse by incorporating Indian Dahi. The yogurt adds a creamy texture and a slight tang, cutting through the richness of the chocolate and offering a lighter, healthier alternative.
The Dahi Difference:
Indian yogurt in Australia offers a unique opportunity to explore new flavor profiles and reinvent classic desserts. Dahi adds a refreshing twist that enhances both taste and potential health benefits.
Embrace the Fusion:
Elevate your dessert experience with these innovative recipes and indulge in the rich cultural heritage that Indian cuisine brings to Australian kitchens. So, explore the versatility of Indian Dahi and discover a world of delicious possibilities!
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fattributes · 2 years
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Goat Dum Biryani
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kbmfoods · 13 days
KBM Masala Blends
The allure of Indian cuisine lies in its vibrant tapestry of flavours, a symphony orchestrated by the magic of spices. From the fiery heat of chillies to the earthy warmth of turmeric, each spice adds a unique note, creating a symphony on the palate. 
Roots of Indian Cuisine
The story of Indian spices is as fascinating as it is flavorful. As early as 3000 BC, the Indus Valley civilization cultivated and exported spices like pepper and cardamom. These spices weren’t just prized for their taste, but also for their perceived medicinal properties. Over the centuries, India became a central hub in the spice trade, with a network of land and maritime routes connecting it to the world. European explorers, captivated by the promise of these exotic treasures, embarked on voyages of discovery, forever altering the global spice trade landscape.
A World of Flavour
India boasts an incredible diversity of spices, each with its own story and flavour profile. These spices form the foundation of KBM Masala blends, adding complexity and depth to any dish. Here’s a glimpse into some of the most iconic spices that weave their magic in our blends:
Black Pepper: The “King of Spices,” black pepper adds a pungent kick and depth of flavour to everything from curries to dals.
Cardamom: This aromatic pod, with its sweet and slightly minty notes, features prominently in both sweet and savoury dishes.
Cumin: Earthy and slightly bitter, cumin is a key element in tadka, a hot oil infusion technique that adds a burst of flavour to many Indian dishes.
Turmeric: Revered for its medicinal properties as well as its vibrant colour, turmeric adds a warm, earthy flavour to curries and lentil dishes.
Cloves: The pungent and slightly sweet aroma of cloves is unmistakable. They are used sparingly but add a touch of warmth and complexity to curries and rice dishes.
KBM Masala Blends
At KBM, we understand the importance of quality spices and the desire for effortless cooking in today’s fast-paced world. That’s why we’ve meticulously crafted a range of spice blends, each capturing the essence of traditional Indian recipes. Our blends are made with the finest, hand-picked ingredients, ensuring consistent flavour and aroma in every pack.
Here are some of our most popular blends that will become your kitchen companions in creating authentic Indian dishes: 
KBM Kitchen King Masala: This versatile blend is a must-have in every pantry. It’s a symphony of aromatic spices like coriander, cumin, turmeric, and chillies, perfectly balanced to add warmth and depth to a variety of dishes, from curries and dals to vegetables and meat preparations.
KBM Meat Masala: As the name suggests, this blend is specially formulated for meat curries. It features a robust combination of spices like black pepper, cloves, cardamom, and bay leaves, creating a rich and flavorful gravy that elevates any meat dish.
KBM Dal Makhani Masala: This unique blend is your secret weapon for achieving restaurant-quality Dal Makhani, a creamy and flavorful black lentil dish. It combines the perfect balance of spices like fenugreek, kasuri methi (dried fenugreek leaves), and red chillies, resulting in a dish that’s both comforting and delicious.
KBM Biryani Masala: This fragrant blend captures the essence of the iconic rice dish, biryani. It features a harmonious mix of aromatic spices like saffron, star anise, cardamom, and bay leaves, along with a touch of rose petals for a truly regal aroma. Use this blend to create fragrant vegetarian or meat biryanis that will impress your guests.
Source : https://www.kbmfoods.com/kbm-masala-blends/
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sharmakitchen · 1 month
The Traditional Indian pudding Embraced by Australians
Indian cuisine lovers are not limited to India or even Asia. This flavorsome cuisine has managed to win the hearts of people across the planet, including Australia. The country's NRIs and Australian residents of various origins have a great fondness for Indian cuisine. While Indian curries have been cherished in the country for several years, Indian sweets in Australia are becoming popular in Australia. After all, everyone enjoys a sinful yet delightful dessert.
Indian desserts, with their rich cultural heritage, are not just sweet treats but a gateway to the heart of India. They offer Australian residents a delightful change from their local sweet dishes, inviting them to explore the diverse flavors of India in a single bite.  Here are some of the most prominent Indian desserts:
Rasgulla: This iconic sweet dish has its roots in West Bengal. Rasgullas are sweet dumplings made of cottage cheese and semolina dough and subsequently dipped in light sugar syrup. As they are completely drenched in sugar syrup, Rasgulla is perfect for anyone with a great sweet tooth.
Gajar ka halwa: Gajar ka halwa is arguably the most popular Indian dessert. Owing to the increasing prominence of khoya in Australia, finding gajar halwa has also become easy. This halwa is made with grated carrots simmered in milk and cardamom. The whole mixture is typically fried in ghee, which gives it an incredible taste and aroma.
Gulab jamun: Although gulab jamun originated in erstwhile Persia (Iran), it has become one of India's staple desserts over the decades. It is made with khoya, a form of dried whole milk. Khoya is made into small balls that are deep-fried and dipped in sugary syrup, which is sometimes flavored with rose water and saffron.
Kheer: Kheer is a type of milk-based pudding. There are many types of kheer found across India, as distinctive states have their own recipe for this delicious dessert. However, most commonly, kheer is prepared by boiling rice with sugar and milk and subsequently garnishing it with dry fruits, nuts, saffron, and cardamom.
Shrikhand: This is a simple yet extremely delicious sweet dish made with strained dahi or yogurt. Indian shrikhand in Australia can also be found easily today.
Fortunately, there are numerous stores across Australia that cater to the growing demand for Indian sweet treats. These stores offer a wide range of Indian desserts and the necessary ingredients, making it easier than ever for Australian residents to indulge in the sweet delights of India. 
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Rice Pudding Day
All we can think of is a bowl of some good old rice pudding this National Rice Pudding Day taking place on August 9. For many of us, starting from our childhood to our adulthood, rice pudding has been a staple in our diets. Made with a base of rice cooked in milk and sweetened with sugar, syrup, or honey, rice pudding can be found in many cultures and cuisines all over the world. Of course, each region has its own unique take on the dish. Some add nuts and spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, or cardamom to it, while others throw in a dash of wine to give it that wow factor. For a more fragrant look and feel, many people in the Middle East also add pistachio slivers and rose petals before serving it. You can have it hot or cold, and as a breakfast dish or a dessert after dinner. So, how are you having your rice pudding on August 9?
History of National Rice Pudding Day
National Rice Pudding Day celebrates the ancient rice pudding dish in all its glory and greatness. While we may know the sweet version of the dish today, did you know that it actually started out as a savory treat? It is difficult to pinpoint the exact location and time of the creation of rice pudding, but many scholars believe it may have originated in either ancient China or in ancient India. Both these countries have a long history of including rice as well as sugar in their religious and cultural activities, so it only makes sense that the combination of the two may have been included in their cuisines as well. ‘Kheer,’ which is Hindi for rice pudding, was first recorded in ancient India in 6000 B.C., and it was included as a staple in a prescribed Ayurvedic diet regime. It is also interesting to note that the early versions of the Indian rice pudding did not actually include rice or sugar. In place of rice, Indians made use of the cereal grain known as sorghum.
Elsewhere in the world, rice pudding was being made with rice. The grain had reached Europe through exports delivered by water or the Silk Road in the 1300s. Because it was being exported from Asia and was not being grown in Europe, rice automatically became extremely expensive. Thus, rice pudding could only be enjoyed by the elite and royalty of European countries. Before the 1500s, rice pudding was savory in nature. It was made with rice being boiled in a broth with saffron and almond milk. Chefs started including sugar into the dish to make it sweet, and soon a sweetened rice pudding started gaining popularity. It was in the eighteenth century that rice pudding became more commonplace and less expensive, all thanks to globalization. The lowered rice prices meant the grain was in easier reach of the masses, and in today’s world, it is considered to be a cheap, but filling meal.
National Rice Pudding Day timeline
6000 B.C. Indian Rice Pudding for Healthy Living
Ancient India includes rice pudding in the Ayurvedic diet in order to ensure healthy living.
14th Century Forme of Cury in England
Rice pudding, known as Forme of Cury or rice pottage, is made with rice, almond milk, and saffron in English Royal kitchens.
17th Century Sweetened Rice Pudding Recipes
Some of the modern-age rice pudding recipes come from the Tudor time period, and are called ‘whitepot.’
18th – 19th Century Rice Becomes Cheaper
Rice grains become cheaper, allowing access to the public who can now enjoy rice pudding treats, unlike their predecessors.
How To Celebrate National Rice Pudding Day
Make rice pudding
Have a rice pudding contest
Try a new rice pudding recipe
Take a trip down memory lane and make your favorite rice pudding recipe. Because of its versatility, you can choose to have it hot or cold, and for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Rice pudding is one of the highest-rated comfort foods out there because of its gooey, yet grainy texture that leaves one filled with love and warmth.
Participating in a rice pudding competition is one of the best ways to celebrate the day. There are two ways you can go about doing this. You can either hold a rice pudding cooking competition or you can have an eating competition. Whether you choose one, two, or have both, it’s going to be a fun-filled day.
Going back to what is tried and tested can be comforting, but seeking out the new can reward you with invaluable experiences. Give new rice pudding recipes a try. It could be a sweet or a savory recipe, the choice is yours.
5 Facts About Rice That Will Blow Your Mind
Sticky rice for strong cement
White rice is brown rice
Rice is grown everywhere but Antarctica
The shelf-life is decades long
Good for health
The Great Wall of China is held together with sticky rice that has been mixed with calcium carbonate.
All white rice comes from brown rice, and this is because the white rice has the brown coating of bran removed.
Rice is grown everywhere except Antarctica because of the continent’s extremely cold temperatures.
Rice, when stored in a cool and dry environment, will be good to consume for the next 10 to 30 years.
Because rice contains several minerals and antioxidants, it is great for your health, particularly for your skin.
Why We Love National Rice Pudding Day
It’s a celebration of rice pudding
It’s a celebration of ancient times
It’s a celebration of a staple food item
Rice pudding has come a long way in terms of development. It has been enjoyed by millions for centuries. With easy-to-make recipes and simple yet enjoyable taste, rice pudding is loved by many all over the globe.
A look into ancient history will reveal a lot of information on how people led their lives in order to ensure healthy and peaceful living. One historical overview of rice pudding allows us just that benefit of looking into how human civilizations utilized a single rice pudding dish in their daily lives.
Rice is a staple food item for many countries in the world. In fact, 50% of the world’s population consumes rice on a daily basis. Apart from helping our skin stay smooth and supple, rice also aids in healthy hair, is good for our overall health, and keeps our tummies filled and happy.
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houseofkabila · 1 month
Best Indian Food in Dubai: House of Kabila Restaurant
Dubai, a melting pot of cultures, offers a myriad of culinary delights from around the world. Among the diverse gastronomic experiences, Indian cuisine stands out for its rich flavors and aromatic spices. For those seeking the best Indian food in Dubai, the House of Kabila Restaurant is an unmissable destination.
A Culinary Journey at House of Kabila
Located in the heart of Dubai, House of Kabila Restaurant is renowned for its authentic Indian cuisine. The restaurant’s ambiance reflects the vibrant culture of India, creating a perfect setting for a memorable dining experience. Whether you’re craving classic North Indian dishes or exploring the diverse flavors from the South, House of Kabila has something for every palate.
Menu Highlights
The menu at House of Kabila Restaurant boasts a wide range of traditional Indian dishes prepared with the finest ingredients. Here are some of the highlights:
Butter Chicken: A signature dish that combines tender chicken pieces in a creamy tomato-based sauce, offering a perfect balance of sweetness and spice.
Biryani: House of Kabila’s biryani is a fragrant rice dish cooked with aromatic spices, saffron, and your choice of chicken, lamb, or vegetables, served with a side of cooling raita.
Paneer Tikka: This vegetarian delight features chunks of paneer marinated in a blend of spices and grilled to perfection, offering a smoky flavor with every bite.
Dal Makhani: A staple in Indian households, this dish is made with black lentils and kidney beans, slow-cooked with butter and cream for a rich, velvety texture.
Naan and Rotis: Complement your meal with a variety of Indian breads, from butter naan to garlic roti, freshly baked in a traditional tandoor oven.
Unique Offerings
House of Kabila Restaurant goes beyond just serving delicious food. They provide an immersive dining experience with several unique offerings:
Live Cooking Stations: Watch as expert chefs prepare your favorite dishes right in front of you, adding a theatrical element to your meal.
Thali Specials: For those who want to sample a bit of everything, the thali specials offer a platter with a variety of dishes, perfect for a complete Indian meal.
Festive Menus: During Indian festivals, House of Kabila curates special menus that celebrate traditional dishes, bringing the festive spirit to Dubai.
Exceptional Service
The restaurant prides itself on its warm hospitality and exceptional service. The staff at House of Kabila are knowledgeable about the menu and are always ready to recommend dishes based on your preferences. Their attentive service ensures that every guest feels welcomed and leaves with a smile.
Convenient Location
Situated in a prime location, House of Kabila is easily accessible from various parts of the city. Whether you’re a local resident or a tourist exploring Dubai, finding this culinary gem is convenient.
Why Choose House of Kabila?
Authenticity: The restaurant stays true to the traditional recipes and cooking methods of India, offering an authentic culinary experience.
Quality: Only the finest ingredients are used, ensuring each dish is flavorful and fresh.
Variety: With an extensive menu, there’s something for everyone, from spicy curries to mild and creamy dishes.
Ambiance: The decor and atmosphere transport you to India, enhancing your dining experience.
Value for Money: Despite offering premium quality food, the prices are reasonable, making it an excellent choice for dining out.
When it comes to finding the best Indian food in Dubai, House of Kabila Restaurant stands out as a top choice. With its authentic flavors, diverse menu, exceptional service, and inviting ambiance, it promises a dining experience that will leave you coming back for more. Whether you’re a connoisseur of Indian cuisine or a first-time explorer, House of Kabila is a must-visit destination in Dubai.
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hangseneliquids468 · 2 months
The Global Flavor Quest: Exploring E-Liquid Varieties from Around the World
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In the world of vaping, the quest for unique and exciting flavors knows no bounds. As the popularity of e-liquids continues to soar, vapers are on a global flavor expedition, seeking new taste experiences from different corners of the world. In this article, we embark on a journey to explore e-liquid varieties inspired by cultures worldwide, celebrating the rich diversity of flavors that add a global twist to the vaping experience.
Exotic Asian Delights: A Panorama of Oriental Flavors
Asian-inspired e-liquid flavors offer a captivating range of tastes that reflect the diverse culinary traditions of the continent. From the delicate floral notes of jasmine and green tea to the sweet and tangy profiles of lychee and dragon fruit, Asian e-liquids provide a unique vaping experience. Discover the richness of flavors inspired by Japanese sakura, Thai mango sticky rice, or Indian masala chai, transporting your taste buds to the vibrant streets of Asia.
Mediterranean Refreshments: An Odyssey of Mediterranean Flavors
The Mediterranean, renowned for its wholesome and flavorful cuisine, has inspired a variety of e-liquid flavors. Taste the sun-kissed harmony of citrus fruits from Sicily or the aromatic blend of Mediterranean herbs like thyme, rosemary, and basil. Indulge in the creamy sweetness of Greek yogurt or savor the essence of Turkish coffee. Mediterranean-inspired e-liquids offer a delightful fusion of fresh and complex flavors that capture the essence of the Mediterranean region.
Latin American Fiesta: A Symphony of Latin Flavors
Latin American e-liquid flavors samba their way into the vaping world, offering a fiesta of tastes that reflect the vibrant and diverse culture of the region. Experience the tropical bliss of Brazilian açaí berries or the alluring spiciness of Mexican chili chocolate. Delight in the refreshing tang of Argentinean mate tea or the luscious sweetness of Cuban guava pastries. Latin American-inspired e-liquids evoke the passion and excitement of this palpable and dynamic region.
European Elegance: Captivating E-liquid Traditions
Europe, steeped in rich culinary traditions, has inspired e-liquid flavors that exemplify elegance and sophistication. Transport yourself to the fragrant lavender fields of Provence with a floral-infused e-liquid or evoke the cozy ambiance of an Italian café with an authentic espresso flavor. Delve into the delectable allure of English custards and French pastries, or relish the refreshing zest of Mediterranean citrus groves. European e-liquids offer a taste of family recipes and time-honored flavors that embody the continent's culinary legacy.
Middle Eastern Treasures: Supremely Satisfying E-liquids
The Middle East presents a treasure trove of flavors that add depth and richness to the world of e-liquids. Explore the sweet indulgence of Arabic desserts like baklava or delight in the floral notes of rosewater-infused e-liquids. Savor the smooth undertones of Middle Eastern spices like cardamom and saffron or immerse yourself in the energizing warmth of Turkish black tea. Middle Eastern-inspired e-liquids bring a touch of exotic elegance to the vaping experience.
From Asia to Europe and Latin America to the Middle East, the global flavor quest in the world of e-liquids offers vapers an opportunity to experience diverse cultures and cuisines. These flavors capture the essence of different regions, transporting vapers on a gustatory journey around the world. So, embark on your own flavor adventure at hangseneliquids.co.uk, exploring e-liquids inspired by global traditions and satisfying your taste buds with the exciting tastes that know no boundaries.
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