#indian men are trash
feministfang · 30 days
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South Asian men and their usual obsession with using racism-card to play victim. Good that nobody likes you disgusting men anymore. You are worldwide known as rapists now. Deal with it! It’s your fault! And btw, india is actually a rape capital. India is in the top five countries with the highest rape rates. Thanks to Indian girls for not staying silent and defaming south asian men everywhere in the world.
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killallxys · 1 day
I don’t care what anyone says, Indian moids are the worst and I’m saying this as an Indian. I’ve heard the most horrific rape cases from here, like raping a pregnant goat, raping and eating a Komodo dragon etc. They’ve also enhanced our reputation in other countries by assaulting women and committing federal crimes
For real. Every time you open up news, there is some awful type of rape perpetrated. They are pedophilic as hell.
This is so true. Indian moid's are so obsessed with violating women and even animals. Yikes. Who they hell can tolerate these moid's? All moid's here are rapists. I mean c'mon just do a a Google search about rapes and gang rapes. India will be on top list most of the time. Sexual violence was so bad even police perpetrated it.
Fun fact : There is a reason why women are not called by police in night time. Because once a tribal girl who was minor was raped by a cop without much repercussions. The male wardens do it too.
Why are not all desi women killing off men in masses? I wish everyone did. They deserve to be tortured and killed.
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rosedpetal · 1 month
It's Nice to Have a Friend
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Summary: How you and Wade became best friends.
Pairing: Wade Wilson x slightly Depressed!Reader
Word count: 1.5k
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It smells like sweat, tobacco and cheap alcohol inside the bar. You immediately regret leaving your cozy apartment, wearing those faux leather pants, a black crop top that makes you feel like you're gonna explode out of it and putting makeup on just to end up in a smelly place that has a bathroom that'll probably give you an UTI if you use it.
But it's your best friend's pleading eyes that soften you up, and you know you have been unavailable lately. Always cancelling on her last minute and isolating in your place after your work hours, wallowing in your misery and wondering if that's all life's gonna be now that you're an adult: paying bills and working in a vicious cycle.
"You're not depressed, you're suffering from late capitalism," Maya begins, as she moves flawlessly on her high heels, her tiny little dress fitting perfectly on her. "You just need a drink or ten to forget for a little while."
"Becoming an alcoholic sounds like a nice solution." You roll your eyes, dodging a broken bottle in your sneakers, kicking another aside as you move between all that trash. Maya was such a princess, why she was in love with someone who worked in such a nasty place was very confusing to you.
"You're so funny." Maya said, kissing your cheek, her manicured thumb grazing on the spot her lipstick left a stain, smudging it a little. "He's very important to me, Y/N. And your approval means a lot."
Your heart made that little flip it always does whenever she says something like this. Maybe it's the guilt gnawing at your mind.
"If he makes you happy, you don't really need my approval, Maya." You mumble, following her inside.
The interior is even worse than outside. The bar is full: of big, chunky men. Some are playing pool, others playing poker, others are drinking alone, sulking.
You keep your face straight, wondering which one of those are Maya's new boyfriend. You sigh in relief when she runs to the one who's sweeping the floor, an Indian skinny guy who - thanks to the gods above - doesn't look old enough to be her father this time.
She lets out a girlish squeal as she hugs him, giving him a tight hug. You approach them, alleviated that he seems normal.
"Y/N, this is Dopinder. Dopinder, this is my bestest of the best friends in the whole world." Maya grins, and you force a smile to Dopinder.
"Hello, Miss Y/N, I'm a mercenary apprentice." The young man shakes your hand and your eyes widen in disbelief.
Of fucking course. Jesus Christ, Maya.
"Now, now, my little brown friend. What did I say about introducing yourself like this? Tsk." A voice coming right behind makes you stiff.
You turn to face whoever is invading your personal space, a mean scowl on your face, when your eyes widen just a little bit. The guy behind you stands at least 6'2". It's not his impressive height that has your attention, though.
It's his skin. Scarred all over, as if he had some rare skin disease. You wondered if it was an accident, and how he was before it happened. His grin spreads a little.
"Disgusted, doll face?" He tilts his head to the side, as if challenging you to admit it.
The bitter undertone in his voice doesn't escape you. You are mortified by your own reaction. Maya senses your unease and jumps in:
"Wade, excuse my friend, she never leaves home."
Your cheeks and neck turn pink. Wade thinks it's the cutest thing in the world.
Before you can bite Maya's head off, she hops away with Dopinder, leaving you alone with this guy you don't know. You bite the inside of your cheek, contemplating going back home, but it'll be just another thing for Maya to whine about later.
"Seems like you've been ditched." He smirks, sensing the way you're shying away.
"So it seems." You say bitterly.
"Can I entertain you with my company?" He raises his hairless eyebrow.
You're tempted to just dismiss this guy, but you're already out of the safety of your home. Might as well get drunk now.
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Wade talks at an impressive speed and you almost can't catch up to him. He cracks so many jokes that by the end of your second beer, your face is flushed with laughter.
"So... You don't look like someone who usually goes out to have fun, doll face." He pries.
"No, I don't." You say quietly, a sigh escaping your lips.
"Why, then? Why put the effort in dolling yourself up when we both know you'd rather be watching Gilmore Girls in the comfort of your home?"
"I haven't been a good friend lately." You admit, almost meekly, biting the inside of your cheek - another nasty habit that came with the anxiety.
"What's eating you up alive, doll face?"
His question almost makes you choke. How could you tell him that what has been eating you alive is yourself? Your own thoughts? Your low self esteem and your self depreciation? How do you tell him you don't know what the fuck happened between your high school years and college, why your mind is playing tricks on you?
"Please." Your eyes are blinking with unshed tears.
His gaze softens, and he leans in closer, the soft fabric of his hoodie brushing against your forearm.
"Maya is a sweetheart, but we both know she's not that good of a friend. Not if the only way she can gets you to leave your house is by guilt tripping you into it." He speaks in a hushed tone. "Specially if she drops you the moment she sees her boyfriend."
You look up, your gaze finding his.
"You have such gentle eyes." You blurt out.
He wheezes. Wheezes.
"Wow, let's cut your alcohol, okay? Goddamnit, doll face, I'm the ugliest thing to ever exist since Wes Craven created Freddy Krueger." He mumbles the last part, grabbing a water bottle and twisting the cap for you. "Here. Drink it up. Yes, girl!"
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"Are you sure this won't upset my stomach?" You raise your eyebrow, eating your second chimichanga.
Wade rolls his eyes, chewing on his.
You two are sitting on the curb, eating deep fried burritos and drinking soda. Not how you pictured how your night would turn out to be, but much better than what you expected.
"Listen, doll face, did I ever let you down?"
"I literally met you two hours ago."
"So... Why entertain me?" You can't help but ask.
Wade pauses. He thought you were the cutest thing in the world when he saw you, all wide eyed and brooding, a little scowl on your gorgeous face.
"You seemed like you needed saving." He decides on telling a half-truth instead.
"Is this your thing? Saving damsels in distress?"
He contemplates it. There was nothing heroic about how he acted, or his job, or his personality, for all that mattered. Did he have an ulterior motive to invite you to drink with him? Maybe. But who didn't have ulterior motives?
"No, doll face. Being a hero is not how I operate."
"Are you a mercenary, too?"
His grin widens. Of course.
"It's a long story, doll face. Maybe I'll tell you someday."
"Hmm, is there gonna be a next time, then?"
"It depends. Do you wanna hang out with my ugly ass mug in the foreseeable future?"
This time, you roll your eyes.
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Wade Wilson got under your skin in a way that no one else did.
It started with the way he cracked jokes at everything.
Then, his unexpected late night visits, where he brought some take out and you'd both eat it together sitting by your balcony.
Then, he came to you wounded, with more tears and bullet holes you were comfortable with – now that you knew about his healing factor and what triggered it, you thought you'd get used to seeing his guts by now.
Spoiler alert: you didn't.
It wasn't until you cried and sobbed on his chest, wondering if you were a failure, externalizing all your insecurities and doubts and fears, that you realized you actually made a friend.
Wade trotting in your place with his ridiculous crocs, a popcorn bowl and a beer on his hand should've give it away.
"I love you." You blurted out, so unexpectedly that he snapped his head to you, a shocked look on his face.
"You... What?"
"You're like my best friend now. And I love you. Deal with it." You repeat, this time more confidently, crossing your arms over your chest, as if daring him to state otherwise.
"Wow, you're in love with me!" Wade squeals like a school girl.
"Wade, that's not-"
"I mean, why wouldn't you? When I'm all that." He points to himself with a chuckle. "So, when did it happen? Did you get lost in my gentle eyes?" He blinks in an affected way.
You sighed. "I take it back. I hate you."
"Just press play on the fucking movie." You mumble, plopping next to him on the couch.
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s2 episode 24 thoughts
this episode was quite spooky. because cannibalism is real. but something about scully about to get her head chopped off and boiled seemed more outlandish than all the aliens and the guy that kills people with his shadow or even lizard man eugene tooms!
which is strange. because those things are pretty outlandish! maybe its because it was so much scarier than even evil lizard men.
let’s jump in:
so this is an episode involving more meat. did we need more meat, after the earlier meat processing content in s2 episode 10? many are saying no. but not chris carter!
we begin at a dirt road at night. in the state of arkansas. we have an older man and a younger woman named paula in a car, which is not suspicious at all! /s
oh and now the old man choking? is this natural or did she induce it with some poison. i mean maybe he deserved it, if she did. he takes some pills, so I’m guessing it is due to natural causes. now she beckons him out to the woods. 
into the woods. she says he has to catch her. is she luring him into a Bigfoot trap? we have yet to really see Bigfoot, and maybe he’s hungry. although Bigfoot is more Pacific Northwest than Arkansas, i think.
author's note: we tested negative for bigfoot in this episode :(
oh! this man tripped and is now surrounded by people with flashlights and very cool masks. get axe murdered, fucker.
back in DC! aforementioned fucker has been gone for 10 weeks and scully thinks the higher ups are sending them on a wild goose chase. “i’m not questioning the legitimacy of the case, just their motives in assigning it to us” <- damn, very well spoken by a rightfully suspicious woman
oh, but at the scene, someone saw a fire. and mulder says the fire is “supposed to be the spirits of massacred Indians” OH...
(mentally i was like, please do not be another scary Indigenous story episode. and we did in fact get that. sighs deeply. we can make things scary without making Indigenous people the scary ones! or using the trauma of genocide as a setting for spooky time! well, i'm sure you, dear reader, know that, so i shall not preach to the choir, but i will point out that these thoughts were going through my mind)
“these are only legends, mulder”, says a dismissive scully. and why is her hair looking excellent today. I mean not that it isn’t usually but damn. shoutout to the hair and makeup team.
the place on the side of the road where he went missing had a big fire! could be a bonfire, both parties thought. until mulder remembered a documentary he saw in college...
(hehehehe mulder spent college watching documentaries <3)
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! wow it's been a while since i've gotten to format some text like that. he watched a documentary about an insane asylum in college and it gave him nightmares.
(and this may not be super relevant to his character, but to ME, it is, so i shall note it <3)
he's got the VHS from the doc all loaded up, and presses play on a guy rambling about a fire demon!! who was found in the same spot as the fire mark!!! dun dun dunnn 
(love the implication that he either purchased his own copy of the documentary that gave him nightmares in college, or had to go rent it from the video store. both are wonderful possibilities)
cut to arkansas. mulder is on the scene holding a plastic fork from the ground. wearing his silly sunglasses. lmaooo idk why they make me laugh. what a serious gentleman.
sheriff arrives at the scene. he says the witch’s peg to ward off spirits is normal there and also that the fire mark comes from illegal trash burning. and, as an American i am aware of how Americans love an illegal trash burn. but still. suspicious.
sheriff says the missing man george was chasing women out of town. lovely sounding fellow /s
wife questioning time!! he left her years ago. oh, but tea: the day before he went missing he was going to cite major health violations in the chicken plant! hmm... a cause for murder?
mulder gives the wife his phone number. also mulder is also looking very good today. but that is an evil voice in my head that ought to be silenced.
noooo, it's chicken plant time. no thank you ma’am, i would be out in the car <3
paula from the woods at work in the plant!!! taking mystery pills. seemingly in pain??
chicken cutting cam. oh, this is not for me! 
the agents chat with the manager, who says george was trying to shut them down. and while clocked in, paula is sweating. she just gasped in front of a whole bunch of chickens and some guy with very blue eyes. she sees a human head on the chicken stand and picks it up and throws it off. shoutout to this fake decapitated head and my best friends in the prop department for making such a funny creation.
(but of course, it was a hallucination, and she really just threw a poor chicken on the floor!!! his sacrifice was in vain... gone but not forgotten)
mulder is inspecting the chicken gutting operation and i've said it before and i'll say it again: he is braver than me. 
ohh, more chicken drama: george was filing a lawsuit about “line hypnosis” and it was dismissed before he vanished! he deserved to win. is there a meat processing union? there ought to be. but he was the only one citing bad health practices, the other 3 workers said it was fine... sooo what’s the truth…
“what’s that” asks mulder, who then gets shown the feed processor, and asks “chickens feed on chickens?” <- heartbreaking realization. many of us remember where we were when learning this information. i'm sure it will stick with him forever. and i'm frankly surprised he didn't know already.
OH plot twist: paula is holding the manager with a knife to his throat… scully telling everyone to calm down. personally i would be not calm. she said “don’t get excited” but me? experiencing an active hostage situation at my place of work? i would be excited
NOOO the sheriff shot her and she fell into the feed conveyor belt processing… thing. sheriff i KNOW you are covering something up. you will not hide from me.
SHE GETS GULPED INTO THE FEED BELT THINGY GAGGG it’s giving the jungle by upton sinclair that caused many american 8th graders to confront the corruption of the meat industry
paula had gone to the doctor about headaches… like george!!! doctor had assumed the condition was stress induced. and they did have similar symptoms. 
treated them both with codine… ain’t that a bit strong?? this man doesn't seem to be a very good doctor, tbh. i mean i don't think the guy that works at the chicken plant to sew back on fingers needs to be an expert in everything but like. codine for headaches? umm girl.
mr. chaco of chaco’s chicken was paula’s grandfather… if i was a grandfather rich off of chicken money, my grandkids would not be working the processing line, let me tell u that much!
back to the agents: these two should not be looking as good as they do in a chicken processing plant. they had to really step it up today to compensate for the horrors of the set.
chicken man lives in a mansion. further evidence of corruption. paula, i would not have had you working in such conditions if i was your grandfather. there has been a deep wrong here, i can see already.
and he’s got a big hat and is feeding his chicken corn. not other chickens, like the feed he makes in his plant... seems he is aware of the ethical issues implied in his business. also, mulder with those weird ass glasses. 
cacho is going on about the subject of chickens. and how he built this town. he sure is taking an awful lot of credit for creating a town, pretty sure that's a team effort mr. chaco. he's also going on about how he thought george was trying to tear him down. 
AUTOPSY TIME!! rare degenerative disorder in da brain of paula. and scully has only seen it one other time back in med school because you can only really find it in an autopsy. nice work, doctor! <- i just typed “nice worm 🪱” so we'll let that stay for the added sense of whimsy it provides
but despite looking like a young girl fresh out of high school, paula was born in '48?! she was 47 years old. allegedly. this is not adding up. so they go on a quest to find her birth certificate and see what the truth is.
debrief in the car. so: odds are not great that she and george had the same very rare disease
during this discussion, our duo are run off the road by a chicken truck!!!! no! oh... he drove them into a river. mulder has shifted into rescue mode as the river is red with chicken gore. i feel someone might be distracting them and trying to get the body… (this was actually not the case i was just overly suspicious)
but more chicken drama: the driver had the same symptoms as george and paula! how can this be?!
“i just came up with a sick theory, mulder” (grabs her shoulder) “ooh, I’m listening” LMAOOOO this is sososo funny to me. yeah tell me ur sick theories scully you have my full attention.
GAG!! because it is both gross and shocking. her theory: what if someone put george’s body in the feed grinder, and then since it’s a prion disease, a chicken ate it, and someone ate a chicken, and it spread to the humans!!!! AHHHH! well that would be an epidemic, because they ship chickens out across the country… she glances knowingly, implying things could be very bad 
the river is filled with bird gore from the plant BLECH... who allows this??!! please say there are some modern regulations in place to prevent this being done irl.
mulder says he wants it dragged, thinking that maybe george is in there. and the sheriff is hesitant to do this. once again, i’m onto you, sheriff. i mean, a river full of chicken gore: it would be a good place to put a dead body.
and bam! a body is found. or rather. many many many bones. many bodies. and they are still going. damn.
so, we have a ton of bones. scully can put them into 9 distinct skeletons, one of which is in fact george. i love that she can do that, put the bones into distinct skeletons. she knows it's geroge from a pin in his femur!
“all of them share one, strange detail though” “well, they seem to have lost their heads” “… well, besides that” <- LMAOOOO idk why this was so funny to me... he really thought he picked up on something but he did Not.
here's the linking detail: all the bones are smooth and buffed like they have been polished. ??? who is polishing bones? it sure isn't me, i'll tell you that much. 
george’s wife is at the scene, learning her husband's body has been found, and she is sobbing. and the sheriff says “we’ll take care of you” now what does THAT mean? because it's not really sounding like the welcoming words of a man who is going to guide his neighbor through tragedy, and instead like there is something bigger at play here...
back at the plant, the doctor is mentioning another guy coming down “with the symptoms”…. omg. so this IS a known thing from the inside. mr. chaco knows but he isn’t doing anything about it!!!!! chicken dramaaaa goes crazy 
scully at the scene of all the bones, carrying a bucket of chicken. lmao. she is braver than me, for i would have gone vegan the first moment i set foot in chicken processing land.
mulder does some digging: 87 people have disappeared in the area in 50 years! that seems... a lot? and he thinks the same person or persons were responsible. he thinks they were EATEN!! boiled in a pot.
“they used similar evidence to prove cannibalism among on the Anasazi tribe of New Mexico” okay: 1. why do you know that 2. need to look into these allegations for myself and 3. Anasazi… that is the title of the next episode!!! what could this mean!! another cannibalism episode?!
scully is very sad to say that paula could have gotten sick from eating george :( girl I’m not convinced the chicken is clean put it down NOW 
cannibalism = eternal life? follow for more crazy mulder theories!
she puts aside the chicken……. good!
mr. chaco says “he’ll handle it” and george's wife doris arrives, saying she “can’t keep lying”… she says “she did it” (!!)
OH????? she... killed her husband? that is a bold thing to admit to.
“we’re gonna take good care of you”, says mr. chaco, which raises the question: are they a cannibal cult???? is that what he means when he mentions that he “built this town”???
now what the hell is going on. <- an interjection i stand by
mulder and scully are going to the courthouse to look at the papers and all the birth records are burnt!! doris calls mulder and says he’s afraid mr. chaco will kill her… they split up…. nooooo i hate splitting up!!! i watched so much scooby doo as a kid!
GASP! a guy in a mask like we saw at the very beginning of the episode is in doris' home!!! drumbeat playing while she screams…. overall, this is very not good, i wrote, referring to the use of Indigenous imagery for this murder, and also doris being murdered in the first place
scully at the scene of the murder ft. big ass flashlight. she gets in through the side door. gun: out. trench coat: open. looks: served. diagnosis: baby girl that could kill me, and i am respectful of the fact that she has this power yet refrains from using it on me.
mulder at mr. chaco’s house. mr. chaco has some… stuff in his home. including photos with Indigenous people and also bones. having human bones in your house, and especially on display, is not a good sign of ethics in play. and a skull. Oh! it says the skull is from a tribe in New Guinea... why tf does he have that. put it back???
at the back of chaco's parlor, we see a mysterious door. mulder is busting it open.
so that must be where all of the heads that mulder noticed were missing have gone. they're sewn up sort of like shrunken heads. very spooky. once again, pour one out for the props department for such a creation.
noooo chaco is in the house with scully, who was investigating the call of doris. NOOOO HE KNOCKED HER OUT!!! this seriously needs to stop happening like i'm worried about the brain damage she is experiencing.
back to mulder cam. goodness. all of these heads. 
in a field now. doctor is serving some soup. to a bunch of people. who are eating around a big bonfire. do NOT tell me scully is in that meal....
she is not. YET! but he is bringing her over to be roasted. and they ate doris! chaco is yelling about turning on each other and how they were only supposed to eat outsiders. girl you shouldn't be eating anybody last time i checked. 
man in the mask shows up with an axe. and chaco is decapitated in front of scully. who is put into the decapitation thingy next. GIRL THIS IS FUCKED UP!!!
mulder on the scene, just in time. he shoots the dude in the mask.
“you alright?” he asks, brushing her hair back after lifting her out of the decapitation machine. my good friend, i would venture to guess that she is not quite alright at the moment!!! this will take an awful lot of unpacking!!!
sigh. but the tenderness of the near death experience. coming back to life in someone's arms. yeah i'll romanticize that.
TEA!!! the sheriff was the one under the mask!!!!!! i knew he was up to no good.
wrap up: chicken place shut down. unclear how many citizens of the town ate people. 27 have become ill with prion disease. chaco’s plane was shot down in 1947, and he spent 7 months with a cannibalistic tribe, and also he was born in 1902, so he was 93 at his death- so the cannibalism really WAS extending life. and we see some more feed being scooped to the chickens as scully says his remains have yet to be found. end scene.
HUH???? what in da hell. so what are we thinking kids…?
well, i'll tell you something: turns out i am afraid of cannibal cults, no matter how outlandish they seem! i guess when you get a villain or evil situation of the week show like this, you WILL learn exactly what kind of fear pushes your buttons. i can imagine almost nothing scarier than being led to the slaughter like scully was. seems a purposeful commentary on the meat industry, especially when taken in with the other meat episode this season.
so, if i were scully, i do think i would need to take a week or so off. but she is just built different than i am.
some things bugged me here. first of all, like i mentioned, you don't need to throw in Indigenous people to make a scary story. like is the thought of a bunch of arkansas cannibals not horrific enough? the scary was there!
second, i have not been doing a kidnapping count, but i feel that scully is getting the rough of the deal here. i believe in gender equality when it comes to characters being kidnapped. like, an even 1:1 ratio. why are we denying mulder his damsel in distress arc? does anyone think about how he would feel? how nice it would be to see scully burst in with a gun and shoot the fellow that was about to cannibalize him?
still, it is rare an episode actually spooks me, so i must give credit where it is due. even if it felt a little outlandish, your girl was frightened! scully needs a vacation now. i also thoroughly laughed at the sick theories line and his funny sunglasses.
it's funny to note, but i like the episodes that are either very silly and light hearted, or incredibly angsty the best. and that may seem contradictory, but you cannot tell me that one breath and humbug may be on opposite ends of the tone spectrum, but they are both objectively Perfect. i'll have to think more on why they are the best in my opinion, but i think honestly i would watch these two read the dictionary.
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nerdyrevelries · 5 months
Jo March: The Pragmatist
One of the most common complaints I hear about Little Women is the way it ends. Many people think that Jo stifles her creativity and gives up on her writing in order to marry Professor Bhaer, which isn't true. Jo writes a very successful book in one of the sequels, Jo’s Boys, but let's set that to the side because what I really want to discuss is what Jo actually thinks of the writing she’s doing in the latter half of Little Women. 
In Part I of Little Women, we see the type of writing that Jo does prior to selling her work. In “A Merry Christmas,” the family puts on The Witch’s Curse, an Operatic Tragedy, which seems to be a Shakespearean melodrama. In “Jo Meets Apollyon,” the book Amy burns in anger is “half a dozen little fairy tales.” In “The P.C. and P.O.,” Jo writes a comedic poem and a lament for one of Beth’s cats. Finally, in “Secrets,” Jo submits a tragic romance to The Spread Eagle (one assumes that this name was less funny when Little Women was originally published in 1868.) The Spread Eagle doesn’t pay beginners, so we can assume that everything written up until this point is the type of writing Jo does for herself when there’s no pressure to make changes to please an editor in order to get a paycheck. 
Part II begins with the chapter “Gossip,” which catches us up on what’s been happening over the past three years. Jo is now a regular contributor to The Spread Eagle who receives a dollar for each story. She refers to them as “rubbish,” so she doesn’t seem particularly proud of the writing she’s doing, but she’s in the process of writing a novel she hopes will win her fame and prestige. 
In “Literary Lessons,” Jo observes a boy reading a newspaper story illustrated with a dramatic scene of “an Indian in full war costume, tumbling over a precipice with a wolf at his throat” and two men stabbing each other while a terrified woman flees the scene. When the boy offers to share, Jo agrees more because she likes the boy than because of an interest in the story. The story is sensation fiction, which Jo privately thinks is trash anyone could have written. However, when she learns the author is making a good living from her stories, Jo decides to try her hand at this new style of writing. She submits the story to a contest the newspaper is running and wins $100. Jo uses the money to send Beth and Marmee to the seashore. She’s proud of her ability to earn money to help her family, so she continues to write these kinds of stories since they are lucrative. 
She later finishes her novel and sends it to multiple publishers, only one of whom is interested, and only if there are major cuts and revisions. After conflicting advice from her family, she decides to make the requested changes, which earns her $300 and some very mixed reviews that lead Jo to respond, “Some make fun of it, some over-praise, and nearly all insist that I had a deep theory to expound, when I only wrote it for the pleasure and the money. I wish I’d printed it whole or not at all, for I do hate to be so misjudged.” 
In “Calls,” Jo reluctantly joins Amy to return calls to their neighbors with generally disastrous results. One incident involves Jo receiving a compliment on her writing. 
Any mention of her “works” always had a bad effect upon Jo, who either grew rigid and looked offended, or changed the subject with a brusque remark, as now. “Sorry you could find nothing better to read. I write that rubbish because it sells, and ordinary people like it.”
This passage makes it very clear that Jo isn’t proud or fond of what she is writing. The reception to her novel combined with the money she can make from sensation fiction has changed Jo’s primary motivation for writing. She is no longer doing it for the love of writing or because she’s pursuing her dreams. She’s trying to make money to help out her family.
I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing. We all have periods in our life when we take a job that we aren’t extremely excited about because it will allow us to achieve something that is more important to us. However, it’s a different narrative than is usually spun about Jo who is frequently depicted as continually working towards her dream. There is a role in Castles in the Air that fits that narrative. It’s called the Striver, but I don’t think that’s the role that Jo has. Instead, Jo is the Pragmatist, which is a role about setting aside your dreams for the moment because you have other responsibilities. Both are interesting conflicts, but they lead to very different conclusions when it comes to Jo’s story! 
With that in mind, let’s take a look at “Friend,” which follows Jo in New York. She’s now writing for a newspaper called the Weekly Volcano, which has required Jo to make so many changes to her stories that she decides to have her work published anonymously. That certainly wouldn’t be a good career move if she was truly trying for fame! She’s also come to greatly respect a man staying at her boarding house named Professor Bhaer. One day, he makes a comment about a newspaper that publishes sensation stories like the ones Jo is writing. Her response is telling:
Jo glanced at the sheet, and saw a pleasing illustration composed of a lunatic, a corpse, a villain, and a viper. She did not like it; but the impulse that made her turn it over was not one of displeasure, but fear, because, for a minute, she fancied the paper was the “Volcano.” 
Professor Bhaer notices her look and guesses the truth, but instead of letting her know this, he decides to gently explain his reasoning. After this, Jo goes back to reread the stories she has been writing and decides to burn them. Far from stifling her creativity, Professor Bhaer is the one who sees that Jo is ashamed of her writing and reminds her that she is capable of more.
This is part of a series on the literary inspirations behind game elements for my upcoming tabletop RPG based on the novels of Louisa May Alcott and L.M. Montgomery, Castles in the Air. To see a complete list of the posts I’ve written thus far, check out the master post. If you would like more information, visit the game’s website!
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youremyheaven · 4 months
this might be a kinda niche observation but i have noticed women who are venusian plus saturnian are Not very nice 😭 i know two women who's entire chart is basically 50/50 venusian naks and saturn naks and one thing i've noticed they both do is try to remix traditional gender roles into some sort of female empowerment thing
for example, one of them is constantly going on dates with older rich men which by itself is like fine whatever but she tries to act like she's this genius feminist for doing it. like no babe.... you're still conforming to gender roles by essentially selling yourself to rich men to eventually become their spoiled housewife, if anything she's putting a capitalistic spin on it. i think this is because of the saturnian urge to conform to traditions meshing with the venusian urge to date lots and surround yourself with money and beauty
the second girl is obsessed with traditional beauty standards for im assuming the same reason. she literally often says things like "i love entering a room and knowing i'm the prettiest one there" and "walking down the street watching people gawk because i'm the most beautiful one here". it's so cringe and low vibrational, not to mention misogynistic yet just like the other girl she tries to put a feminist spin on it. she has a whole twitter account dedicated to unlocking your "divine feminine", which is a real thing but she does it in such an incorrect way like telling people what plastic surgery they need to be "perfect" and of course, how to attract a rich man. it's a combo of venusian vanity and saturnian rule following (the beauty standards being the rules)
also, they both HATE eachother 😭
that sounds about right ngl
I feel like Venusian women who are not drawn to the arts and are somehow unable to channel their creativity make it their sole purpose in life to pursue romance and 😬it kind of messes them up?? My grandma is Purvaphalguni Moon and she was a very talented singer back in the day and wanted to study Music in college but her family was against it and made her study to be a teacher and then she ended up marrying my grandad and also cheating on him and ngl it ruined her life,,, anywayyss I feel like Venusians were meant to pursue all of the themes of Venus, ESPECIALLY its creativity because art will fulfil you in ways no man or relationship can and in the absence of it, all this excessive materialistic pursuit of relationships brings out the corrosiveness of Venus.
Venus is capable of immense devotional spirituality, its not a shallow planet or influence by any means but to get to the spirituality (of any planet tbh) one has to transcend its more superficial material manifestations. I think Venusian fixation on romance, relationships etc can be very damning. I know a Purvaphalguni Moon girl who cannot be single for even a second and she said she can't get married because she will cheat on him 😭
I know several Venusians who are like you mentioned but damn that Venus and Saturn combination you talked about is lethal,, they can lead themselves to such a shallow hollow and empty life. Ngl I feel like all those "dating coaches" online who talk about "10 ways to marry a rich man" are all Venusian/Saturnian women and sorry to break it but I promise it never works out. If a man knows that you're with him for his money, I promise you no amount of money he throws at you will be worth the mind games and psychological abuse that will ensue.
I have a friend, Bharani stellium who is from a well to do family but she dreams of marrying someone filthy rich and being a housewife. She's also Saturnian lmao but I feel like her idealized visions of being someone's trophy wife will lead to some bitter experiences. Bc first of all Indian men are trash, second of all, rich people are trash and a rich Indian man and his family are probably capable of god knows what insanity. I think about that video of Shah Rukh Khan, aka the biggest actor the country has ever seen at Isha Ambani's (billionaire's daughter) twins birthday party where they'd brought out snakes??? (rich ppl things bc who tf would bring snakes to a toddler's bday party??) and Isha's brother picks up a snake and puts it on SRK's shoulder from behind, catching him off guard. Like ik its obviously not poisonous but like ??? thats so rude??? imagine just putting a snake on someone without their consent??? its that asshole's entitlement that makes him believe he can get away with anything. any video of the Ambani kids is a testament to them being rich assholes but anyways point is, rich people are fucked up and its insane to me that women want to sign away their autonomy by marrying into these families??? like are they dumb??? how naive do you have to be to believe that they'll be rich AND nice to you?? lol?? and you cannot raise a finger against them bc money will silence everyone, even the courts. look at what happened to amber heard and what's happening to angelina jolie. these are powerful, influential women, not housewives to rich douchebags but even then, they suffer. now what would happen to a regular woman???
anybody who dreams of being a trophy wife feels absolutely delusional to me. its so important to maintain your independence. like by all means i want to marry rich but i dont ever want to be in a position where im financially dependent on a man. THATS DANGEROUS. quite literally.
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blubushie · 22 days
Why the fuck am I getting racist shit on my dash
Tumblr media
Specifically the tags? "South Asian men are trash" "Indian men are trash" What the fuck is wrong with you?
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borgeslabyrinth · 4 months
Honestly every tumblr greek mythology girl from back in the day and now every tiktok greek mythology girlie needs to apologize to Demeter. Everyone was and is soooo into Hades/Persephone and like all the shitty retellings we get now are about how Persephone is a girl boss, not about the fact that she had a mother who was so distraught over her kidnap and death that she tore the world apart. Starved the world and starved the gods so she could get her daughter back from the powerful man that stole her. And yet people treat her like she's the villian (*cough cough Lore Olympus cough cough cough*).
Recently I've seen two different videos about girls in their late teens, early 20s asking their grandmother how they met their grandfather. In one of them is American and the other is Indian and both of the stories cumulated in "I was 12, your grandfather was 30, and then your grandfather kidnapped me. But it's okay, because married and we had your mom!" And the girls are horrified, like we need to call the police. And their grandmother's are like "no, that was normal then!"
The story of Demeter and Persephone is a story that has been happening since time immemorial. For centuries young girls were married off to much older men against their will, all across the world. It's only recently that our American western society has been lucky enough where that isn't a concern. And so it's crazy to me that brain rotted teenagers really glamorous Hades and Persephone and vilified Demeter. Don't get me wrong! I also like some Hades/Persephone of it's done well. I'm not above the trash! I just think it's really crazy that all these quote unquote "feminist retellings" demonize the grieving mother instead of the man who kidnapped her daughter??? Like what
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balkanradfem · 8 months
(I just realised how long this is after typing it out. my bad, i have a habit of yapping too much 😭. Feel free to ignore this if you want. I love your posts btw i learn a lot thanks to you)
radfems seem to be more successful in korea compared to other regions. they are good at organising and have done public protests where they absolutely don’t hold back, Here’s some footage from a korean feminist protest: https://youtu.be/O4vWycy0sDI?si=2KmBUQ7Jpp9prt_q
The way they don’t care about what people think and just start all out screaming at men is refreshing. They have many radfem forums and groups and the discussions in these websites is so much more practical than what I’ve seen here.
They are very focused on self improvement and achieving economic, political and social success compared to radblr which is more communist and promotes living in a little wooden cabin in the woods with some other women to be more eco friendly. Nothing against communism i just think while we’re already living in a capitalist society promoting communism in female spaces will just lead to women becoming poorer and oppressed further by rich men. And nothing wrong with being eco friendly either but I don’t think women living in a hut will do anything when men still at large continue to destroy the world. 
the main website korean women use to organise is called womad. It’s so much better than any feminist forum I’ve ever seen. It’s anonymous and usernames are automatically generated and change every hour or so so that no one can be recognized anywhere. The police have been trying to crackdown on them because of extreme misandry for a long time but all attempts have failed. 
From reading their posts it seems almost all of them have a good understanding of politics and economics. Their discussions are productive and they don’t have any infighting like radblr and they don’t let any other social issue distract them from the real enemy which is men. What do you think could be the reason behind this? Are korean women just intellectually superior? I personally feel like korean women have the highest iq of all women. I look up to them a lot and womad has taught me a lot.
They even have a women’s party in korea and they won around 200,000 votes which isn’t a lot but it’s still a huge achievement. Check out womensparty.kr 
I wish indian women would catch up. I’m sick of indian moids taking up every inch of space in this country. Every street in india is filled with moids, it’s so dystopian there are no women in sight. One would think only men live here. This is also the reason there’s so much fucking trash in the streets. These overgrown manchildren who have their mommys clean up after them go out and throw trash wherever they see fit and do not bother cleaning because that’s a woman’s job. Women can’t go out to exercise because every public space is occupied by men. I’m so so sick of them. 
Power to the korean women! I'm glad you're finding guidance and inspiration in the feminism they lead and that they're so successful, I admire it as well!
I'm standing by indian women and hope they manage to gain freedom! And until they do, we need to prop them up and also be on their side. Only males are our enemies :)
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feministfang · 1 month
All the indian m@les expressing their fake@ss grief over Dr. Moumita Debnath’s brutal death, please keep your crocodile tears to yourselves i have a better idea for you. Go kill yourselves! Nobody wants your sympathy, nobody is reading all that shitty poetries you keep writing to show solidarity with women in your country, nobody wants your help and nobody cares if you think you’re the "protectors". South Asian women’s only concern is their safety. We are not here getting emotional over "oh look how mEn are feeling bad for us they’re so gOOd"!! No! We want you to die; that too in brutal ways i swear! So please die!! 🙏🏽
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f1nalboys · 9 months
url tag game 🎶
Rules: Spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
thank you for tagging me @ventiswampwater I LOVE YOU :D love these games not kidding!! also did a i instead of a 1 bc none of the songs i like start w that my bad
f - feathered indians by tyler childers (one of my fave songs not kidding)
i - it will come back OR in a week by hozier
n - never had no one ever by the smiths
a - as the sun beat down by the taxpayers
l - little talks by of monsters and men
b - brand new city by mitski
o - optimistic by radiohead
y - you and i by jeff buckley
s - sullen girl by fiona apple
tagging but for fun, no pressure: @castieltrash1 @lucifers-trash-stash @bisexual-horror-fan @darklylucid @rottent33th and anyone else!!! sorry if u guys we’re already tagged 😋
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♡✰ the kitty hell system
》 it/xe collectively (ask for alters pronouns) (BLACK EDIT, ART, AND STIMBOARD REQUESTS R OPEN!!) ♫ hii we are the kitty hell system! we are a c-did system. we are intersex and trans/nonbinary, along with being an arospec enbian lesbian we are bodily an adult, 18+, and are indigneous arab-blasian but are an italian immigrant! (on my black side i am nubian egyptian and maasai tribe. on my asian side i am chinese and indian.) we are sensorily, mentally/intelluctually, and physically disabled! please do note : our caregiver helps us type/talk EVERYTHING. we also use our aac device to help. she helps us understand things, if she isnt there for whatever reason, we may talk in ways people may not understand because on our own our communication is EXTREMELY bad due to our intelluctual disability and autism. we use a screenreader so we'd prefer if you put image ids. also PLEASE put a flash warning or bright color warning on shit. we have epilepsy. we r a furry and a lion therian with several fictionkins. ☾ we are a jazz studies major in university! on this blog we talk about yugioh, bendy and the ink machine/dark revival, amanda the adventurer, cookie run, disability, the lgbtq community, psychology, music/bands i like, poc/culture, team fortress 2, the lion king, coco by disney, inu yasha, five nights at freddies, art, undertale, welcome home, sanrio, webkinz, lps, animals, the muppets, sesame street, dolls/dollhouses, toys, puppets, hades, sparklecare hospital, aesthetics, etc. we are critical of our interests as well. we are emo and apart of cripplepunk. 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾 dni if... radqueer, radinclus, radexclus, support bi/pan/omni/lesbians/gays (lesbians who say they like men or gays who say they like women), support endogenic systems, pro-contact, support male lesbians or female gays, against nonbinary lesbians, against butch lesbians, against he/him or they/them lesbians, believe able bodied people can be in cripplepunk, believe in narc abuse/cluster b abuse, demonize any conditions, baby any conditions, below 15 years old, fetishize any conditions/races/sexualities/genders, misogynistic, ableist, homophobic, anti-semitic, racist, terfs, proshippers/pro-fic, south park fans, any mihoyo fans, toilet bound hanako kun fans, vivzie pop/helluva boss/hazbin hotel fans, killing stalking fans, idv fans, dsmp fans, ranfren fans, okegom fans, danganronpa fans, harry potter fans, yarichin bitch club fans, homestuck fans, transphobic, shtwt/edtwt, hetalia fans, fakeclaim people, fake disorders in general, transid, anti-neopronouns, anti-xenogenders, anti-kin/therian, thinks blackwashing is real/against black edits, whitewasher, uses slurs they cannot reclaim, intersexist, trump supporter, conserative, bigot, anti-furry, anti-educated self diagnosis, basic dni whateva, etc (srry for the long ass dni list, i keep seeing ppl break it despite its basic ass shit) i reclaim slurs, i will not tag the word queer, i also dont want able bodied people calling me a cripple or non-deformed ppl calling me deformed. thankyou. otherkin side blog : @lesbianvampiriclion stimboard side blog @deerstims banner by inky-trash. icon by me header + icon image IDS below!!
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everything-is-crab · 1 year
Indian men are shit.
They will cry about how racist white people are. But a racist white guy will ask these idiots about how "easy Indian girls" are and "our prices" and ways to "convince us" to have sex.
And they will come up with the shittiest answers that our "genes are messed up" and how these Indian guys themselves want a white girls instead but at the same time they will give the "prices" with locations with no shame.
But we're the betrayers of our race, sure.
And they will congratulate each other on scoring a white girl.
But the moment they see an Indian girl with a white dude they lose their shit. Only money and power seeking women go after white men for the "green card". And dare a white guy flirt or compliment a desi girl, these degenerates must display their narcissism by saying how Indian guys are also attractive and everyone digs them (lol).
Brown moids are fucking trash. No wonder I haven't had a crush on one of them for such a long time now (and that it made me question if I was really bisexual or lesbian).
And white liberals still put moc of all kinds on a fucking pedestal. An moc in a relationship with a woman not from his race due to pure vitriol for women of his race is a symbol of beautiful interracial relationships. But a woc interested in men outside her race due to personal trauma has "internalized racism" that she needs to work on.
Incel shit. No one is obligated to date anyone no matter how biased you may think the reasons are.
If you're an Indian woman or girl who is going to come running in defense of these subhumans then I have got one thing to tell you- You will most likely be forced to marry a guy without your permission, probably be forced to offer dowry or he will rape you or force you have to kids or do most of the domestic work and maybe even quit your job.
If not for you that's the reality for most Indian women and girls (the fact that I have to mention girls is sickening but child marriage is a fucking endemic).
While their wives and mothers do everything from making their food to washing their underwear, they cry about "gold digger" and "abusive" women (and yet they share each other our "prices").
I said it on another post and I will say it again, the chances of you meeting the guy of your dreams is slim to none.
Either raise your bar or choose to be a febfem if you're bisexual.
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youremyheaven · 4 months
(same ketu rising anon who sent you the ask just now)
ALSOOOOO I WOULD LIKE TO ADD MY 2 CENTS TO THE VENUS CONVO (i related to some parts of the venus and jupiter posts you had but my memory is not refreshed rn)
Bc first of all Indian men are trash, second of all, rich people are trash and a rich Indian man and his family are probably capable of god knows what insanity.
i laughed a lot at this but fucking hell dude you're so right.
also i adore art (well, writing, in my case). i think you're right it's really important to stay connected with art. i treat my art (writing) to an obsession's extent sometimes (might this be… ketu influence? 🤩 SORRYYYY forgive this amateur) and without it i get very restless.
and i have so many issues after the two relationships i mentioned and right now i am too busy to date????? BUT I STILL KEEP THINKING OF THE FUTURE AND DREADING SHIT? i keep thinking "oh i'll get married to some man who's going to use me. use my status. use my money." {not that i have much of either rn lmfao} and just generally worrying about shit that i dont need to think of?
100% agree with you about financial independence. i have no trust for people with money or power. who tf decided im the special person who'll make them good? 😂 real life isn't that kind. if someone DOES turn out to be nice, that's lovely. but it's an exception.
(on a more general note, i feel like my time on the internet has ruined me because real men will never treat me as gently as the silly fictional men and that just sucks sometimes LMAOOOO like i fantasise about having a husband in the future who doesnt hate the kids and doesnt hate me but idk man. idk if it's ever real. you lose faith in reality sometimes after caring about the ideal for so long. or something. sorry im just rambling now aghfhjghjda sorry you had to deal with this)
"also i adore art (well, writing, in my case). i think you're right it's really important to stay connected with art. i treat my art (writing) to an obsession's extent sometimes (might this be… ketu influence? 🤩 SORRYYYY forgive this amateur) and without it i get very restless."
being very art oriented = Venus and being obsessed with it is also Venusian, Ketu does add to it in your case, I think but Ketu's nature is just a perpetual state of detachment and obsession, so its kind of on and off
"BUT I STILL KEEP THINKING OF THE FUTURE AND DREADING SHIT? i keep thinking "oh i'll get married to some man who's going to use me. use my status. use my money." {not that i have much of either rn lmfao} and just generally worrying about shit that i dont need to think of?"
this is literally THE most Venusian thing everrr lmao,, Venusian women know that others see them as a status symbol lmao and they only get along with and get romantically involved with other Venusians bc they're afraid of how non-Venusians would use them for clout/money/looks etc
100% agree with you about financial independence. i have no trust for people with money or power. who tf decided im the special person who'll make them good? 😂 real life isn't that kind. if someone DOES turn out to be nice, that's lovely. but it's an exception.
marrying for anything other than love is simply not worth it. men are going to be shitty regardless,, imagine marrying for money and not getting any AND you can't stand him AND have horrible sex??? like do women think rich men are stupid??? you wont get a penny out of him if things end,, they're sooo good at hiding away their assets and not paying alimony or fucking your life up just for fun. marry someone in your income bracket so that they do not have the power to ruin you forever and you have nothing to fight back with.
bestieee you just have to be delusional enough to believe that you will find a good man. most men are lowkey garbage but there ARE good people out there and you have to have faith that you will meet the right person who adores you, loves you (and the kids) and will do anything to make life easier for you. HE EXISTS.
8 billion people exist, so purely statistically speaking, he has to exist as well 😌
its okiee dw about rambling 🥺😘i find it cute how you guys tell me whats on your mind, makes me feel like im your mom 🤰🏻👩🏻‍🍼i hope my future kids also love talking to me and telling me whatever's on their mind 🥰
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aajjks · 9 months
I lived in India for 4 months, and I NEVER felt safe, I was much younger and the way men treat women is disgusting, Indians want first world infrastructure but they don't act like it, they steal lights, cameras, pee in the streets, they throw trash on the ground and hide behind their religion using it as a free pass to mock women who often suffer domestic violence, rape or are just feminists… it's insane I was so happy when I could return to my country I never set foot there again
I’m sorry that your experience was like this and I haven’t been to India so I don’t know what it’s like there… but I’ve heard that some Indians are very nice!
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initiumseries · 2 years
why didn't you like the sex lives of college girls? what were your issues with it?
Uh, the short answer is, it's an absolutely horrific show that moves me to violence while watching it.
The longer answer is: the actresses don't have chemistry with each other of the people they're with. The show is remarkably unfunny, I could hear the "delivery' of every "witty" line. And it felt like...a show? It didn't feel like I was watching the actual sex lives of college girls. I felt like I was watching a bad sitcom on the sex lives of college girls. I'm pretty exhausted with Mindy's portrayal of the North American born Indian girl who hates her SO INDIAN parents and always does the "voice" to mock them. Like work your self hatred out with your therapist, not on screen. And it just felt...so ridiculous to watch. I didn't believe any of it, I couldn't get immersed in it, the acting was poor...there was just not a single redeeming thing I found about the show at all. And that's not even getting into the SLs and the CONSTANT white love interests. I'm personally completely disinterested in watching WOC salivate and debase themselves for the most BASIC, most boring white men. But these guys also just...are trash? Whitney and the coach with a family? The guy from SOAC, who basically fucks the frumpy one on the low and she's SO sprung she is flunking out of school?? Only to find out he has a hot gf? Lol. There's just...so much to dislike about this show. I didn't laugh once, I fell asleep as a coping mechanism. To me it's one of the worst shows to come out in the last couple years.
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