#index ; wip
evandorkin · 10 days
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Just posted Experiment #125 to the my Patreon.
These are four older experiments. Someday they may connect, in some way, to make a story.
All 125 Experiment drawings are unlocked at every backing tier, starting at $1 a month. Only four quarters. There's hundreds of other posts up as well, comics, essays, reviews, process, rare and unseen art, scripts, pitches, animation material, etc.
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theokusgallery · 11 months
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Something something homosexuals
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hannie-dul-set · 6 months
quick little update on the word counts of my major wips atm!!
karma: 6k shoot your shot: 1k the breakup soup: 9k peach tree act two: 30k star studded baggage ch.3: 4k do you want me (dead)?: 2k three's a crowd: 9k sunwater: 15k
outlined/outlining: home for the bitchless ch.9 ceo park
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nephriteknight · 4 months
sometimes writing Sad Fanfic™ is all wallowing in my own feelings, either vomiting everything real onto the page in a burst of bad feelings or deliberately pulling myself under a wave of Imagined Sadness to get in the zone
and sometimes its eating corn chips with two fingers so i can type with the rest, looping red wine supernova, and slowly realizing im crushing on the villain i made up
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serenanymph · 9 months
last line tag
Tagged by @sidhewrites over here, and gently tagging @e-klair, @digitalsatyr23 and @writingamongther0ses!
Madge is the one to find it when they’re midway through spring cleaning, up in the attic and knee-deep in old junk. Zephyr had gone downstairs to help baba with the laundry voluntarily – something so out of character for him Kas had nearly dropped a crate of silverware on his feet out of shock, until Zephyr had added that he simply wanted to avoid all the dust – so only mama and Kas are around to hear her gasp as she opens the faded lid of the jewelry box. The hairpin is a worn, tarnished thing, just about the length of her index finger, crusted with black – but she can still make out the wind motifs engraved on it in the sunlight seeping through the attic window, and she can tell it used to be something really pretty.
taglist (lmk if you want to be +/-): @deer-in-headlights-stare, @allianaavelinjackson, @arctic-oceans, @space-writes, @reneesbooks
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orbmanson7 · 6 months
Let's just say I'll have a lot more time to work on these animatics that no one will even want to watch, haha 🙃
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hehe-hoho-ohno · 1 year
Cut scenes from Misfits under the cut. Fair warning: most of this isn't up to my usual standards of writing.
I know that in the poll I said these were cut from chapter three, and that wasn't technically a lie. But this first scene was meant to be for chapter 2. It wasn't working, so I moved it to chapter three where it got cut again. I actually rewrote this one several times and hated all of them. I'm only showing you the two least cringe versions, so the sake of my own sanity.
-- ver 1 --
Emmet has only had Ingo for a week, but if anything happened to him he would burn down this entire palace with himself inside.
Ingo walked beside him on patrol, face set in a neutral frown. Emmet was fairly sure that was just his normal resting face but he was still working on learning the nuances of Ingo's expressions.
It was all in the small details, especially around his eyes. He smiled with his lower eyelids, a happy little upwards scrunch, which was different from his puzzled squint. For that one his brow would furrow, usually accompanied by a head tilt, as he narrowed his eyes. Emmet was proud of himself for figuring out the differences, especially because Ingo often combined them in a pleased-but-confused look. An expression which was similar but distinct from his amused-but-concerned look, which involved a softer curve to his eyebrows.
Ingo did the eye smile a lot, actually. It was strange that Emmet had ever thought him dour or angry, when he was so relentlessly joyful and optimistic.
Maybe it’s a little preemptive to think - he’s only had Ingo for a week - but Emmet loves him. Emmet loves him so much already.
So, all in all, Emmet is being verrry normal and well adjusted about having his first and only friend.
-- ver 2 --
Even now, on patrol, Emmet was staring at him.
Unable to bear the pressure any longer, Ingo turned to him. "Do you need something?"
"Nope!" Emmet chirped, picking up a burst of speed and marching away from Ingo.
Ingo soon pulled level with him. Emmet resolutely did not look at him.
"Do you want me to leave?"
Emmet stopped. “What?”
Ingo looked down and fiddled with his fingers. “…It’s understandable if you want some space, since you’re used to being on your own. We can split up for the rest of the patrol, if that’s what you would prefer.”
“We should stay together. Unless you want to leave?”
Ingo looked away. “I don’t have a preference,” he lied.
Emmet scrutinised him.
-- Author's notes --
I never got past the intro, but this was going to lead into a scene that was similar to the scenario in chapter 1, where Emmet is weird and Ingo copies him, but this time Emmet is genuinely being playful. There's some miscommunication at the start, where Ingo thinks Emmet is trying to annoy him into leaving again but they get it cleared up and have a grand old time.
The point of the scene was to show them having fun and getting along. This got replaced by the entirety of chapter 2, which I think is for the best. Part of the reason I struggled so much with this one was because there was a lot of telling and not much showing. I was trying to condense all the progress they had made in their relationship and it wasn't working because those were the fun bits. By taking place immediately after chapter 1, chapter 2 avoids this problem completely.
The next one is actually from chapter 3.
The moment Ingo stepped through the doorway to the archives he was immediately stopped by two marble cat-like figures blocking his way.
“Halt!” The bookend on the left shouted and the one on the right quietly repeated her words.
Ingo hastily bowed to both of them. The archivists were far older than him and should be given their due respect. It was also essential to stay in their good graces if he wanted access to the archives or the library. “Miss Espeon, Miss Umbreon. It’s good to see you both again.”
“Little Matchstick,” they greeted him in return, still towering over him and blocking the way like a pair of sphinxes.
If Ingo could be honest, he would have to admit he’s not terribly fond of the nickname. He tried not to take it too personally. “May I pass?”
“May he pass!” Espeon scoffed.
“(May he pass?)” Umbreon crooned, her tail swishing behind her.
Willing to continue the circle, Ingo opened his mouth to ask again when Espeon cut him off. “No! Of course not! You’re still banned! Banned for a hundred years!”
Ingo’s eyes went wide. “A hundred years?! You said it I was banned for a week!”
Espeon haughtily lifted her head. “I changed my mind.”
“(A hundred years,)” Umbreon agreed. “(Shouting in the archives is strictly prohibited.)"
Ingo winced. “Yes, I understand. I’m truly sorry about that, it won’t happen again.”
Umbreon rolled her eyes. “(It won’t happen again.)”
“A likely story!”
Ingo lowered his head. “Please, I promise I will not be a disturbance. I’ve been sent to fix an error in the archives, and it is a time sensitive issue. Would it not be possible for you to make a brief exception?”
Espeon narrowed her eyes. “An error? In our archives?”
“(Sent to fix an error?)”
“Yes, sent by whom?” Espeon prowled towards Ingo, tail lashing. “On who’s behalf are you doing this?”
Ingo hesitated and had to remind himself that wasn’t really a lie. “Emmet’s.”
She straightened up and exchanged a confused glanced with the other bookend. “I don’t know that name.”
“Yes, that’s rather the issue.” He folded his arms behind his back. “His name is Emmet, but it’s been recorded as Null instead.”
They exchanged another, more calculating, stare.
“(A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet,)” Umbreon cautioned.
“I am aware.” He swallowed. “Please, this isn’t for me.”
Espeon sighed. “Well, I suppose we could make an exception. I wouldn’t want any mistakes in our archive.”
Umbreon’s mouth tugged up into a little cat smile. “(And he looks very polite.)”
“Oh, thank you! Thank you very much-“
“But first!” Espeon puffed her chest out proudly. “You must answer these riddles three!”
Umbreon slowly turned to stare at her counterpart, slack jawed.
“Understood!” Ingo stood up straight. “I accept your challenge!”
“(Et tu, Brute?)” she whispered, even quieter than normal.
[AN: There was going to be a section here where Espeon asks Ingo three riddles, at least one of which is a pun. I never got around to writing it.
Ingo answers all of riddles correctly and Umbreon offers to walk him to there]
Umbreon paused. “(One more thing.)”
More?! How many more hoops were they going to make him jump through? Hadn’t he done enough?
Ingo took a deep breath and folded up his frustration into a neat and tiny square and then threw it away. He was doing this for Emmet. Having to complete a few more tasks was nothing in the grand scheme of things. He didn’t mind.
“What is it?” he asked, his voice containing nothing but curiosity.
“(Are you familiar with the story of the Little Match Girl?)”
“I’m afraid not…”
“(Would you like to hear it?)”
“Certainly!” It was a little odd that she was asking for his opinion, he was fairly certain that she would tell him regardless of his response. Still, it was nice to be asked.
“(It’s Christmas Eve and a little girl stands barefoot in the snow. She is selling matchsticks but no one is buying. She doesn’t have a penny for her efforts and she has no home to return to.
Nobody helps her. She may as well be invisible.
Shivering, she retreats to an alleyway and lights a match to stay warm. Inside the flame she sees visions, a shooting star, a tree full of lights… a loving family exchanging presents. Comforting images that vanish into smoke when the match blows out.
She lights another match and sees her late grandmother, the only person who ever loved her. In a desperate bid to keep her family with her she lights all her remaining matches. The fire burns brightly and her grandmother seems more real than any of the visions before her. So real that she could reach out and feel her warm embrace.
But a hallucination could not keep her warm. No dream, no matter how lovely, can shield you from reality.
The little match girl freezes to death with a smile on her face, with burnt out matches scattered by her frostbitten feet.)”
That was quite possibly the most upsetting story Ingo had ever heard.
“(Did you like it?)”
No, he hated it. It was immensely distressing and he wished the girl had gotten a kinder ending. “Yes, it was… poignant. Thank you for telling me.”
“(You have learned nothing,)” she hissed and her ears folded back. “(It’s a wonder Cassandra ever speaks.)”
She didn’t respond and they walked in silence for the reminder of the journey.
There were a lot of reasons this one got cut.
Too much time with unimportant OCs
OCs act way too much like Ingo's friends. Ingo isn't allowed to have friends yet. Him having 0 friends until meeting Emmet is extremely important to the core of Misfits so they had to go
Scene is mostly filler
And... that's everything. I might still reuse some of these ideas in the future but idk, probably not.
The final nail in the coffin was that I couldn't get the Little Match Girl parallels to align as perfectly as I wanted. (If you've read Two Car Train, it was supposed to be similar to That Scene.) Since that idea was low-key the entire point behind all of this, it was extremely disheartening that I wasn't able to articulate what I had wanted to. [matchstick, burn out, cold isolation.]
Anyway, the rest of the chapter worked just fine - if not better - with it gone.
Since the Little Match Girl wasn't working out, I did briefly consider swapping in The Steadfast Tin Soldier for... obvious reasons. But honestly that one is so much weirder and even less thematically relevant, could you imagine?
Umbreon: (and then he gets eaten by a fish)
Ingo: this is the strangest threat I have ever received.
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yaki-iimo · 7 months
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Unlike on the once used to be called Bird App, i did not forget to put the image with my post.
Yes i did. I forget to post the image- Anyway recently as I'm very bored and still without a tablet to draw, i'm trying to draw on my phone with my finger.
And let me tell you, it's hard, very hard and my index hurt so much-
But now we got a cute little chibi of Veritas Ratio from Honkai Star Rail ! ✨
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epsilonsim · 1 year
ok last wip i'm showing. hurghh
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thunderboltfire · 10 months
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Back on my OC bullshit (this background will be a pain, but I hope it'll be worth it)
I've decided that Argo wears a quiver on his hip instead of on his back.
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mybodyisaflowerbed · 1 year
thiom intros ; wynni venus
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Wynni Stelle Venus (she/her). Human. 23 years old. Born and raised in Deniata, Solace. Currently living in Marilo, Vallera, where she shares a cottage with her haunted doll companions and her roommate, Aiko Hibiki.
Wynni was born with the Gift of minemne and has learned to utilize it under the guiding hand of her mentor, Sanja Ikh - who she now works for at the Ikh Memory Archives.
Though an observer most days, and more on the quiet, unassuming side, Wynni has a fire inside that may catch others off-guard. A naturally curious and inquisitive person, she bursts into life when faced with any question that she has no answer for, conducting an avid search until she finds clarity. But she could find no answers for her mother's murder, and it haunts her.
In appearance, Wynni stands at 5 feet and 6 inches tall. She has fair white skin and brown eyes. Her straight hair, currently dyed a vibrant blue, reaches just past her shoulders; she prefers to wear it loose.
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vetteldixon · 2 years
tag index wip pt. 1
#casual seb
#karting seb
#junior series seb
#bmw sauber seb
#toro rosso seb
#red bull seb
#blonde seb
#ferrari seb
#2017 seb my [redacted]
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ask-de-writer · 2 years
I would like to thank
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@wanderingpie for READING and LIKING
SEE STORY (Parts 3 to 4 of 5)
A tale from the World of Sea
And, from my Master Story Index,
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lupizora · 2 years
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Honestly, this fic was inspired by several dark academia playlists. But this one, in particular, was the first spark. Mostly because I was reading the comments under the video and everyone was making the villain character a guy or male-presenting. It got me wondering which character could be a female villain with this trope and then it hit me LMAO
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starzct · 3 months
☆ . 𝘁𝗮𝗴 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘅 !
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pinkshaus · 3 months
୨♡୧ . 𝘁𝗮𝗴 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘅 !
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❛❛ blackpink in the revolution! ❜❜
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#⌕ . pinkshaus ― tag index#⌕ . pinkshaus ― disclaimer#⌕ . pinkshaus ― resources#⌕ . pinkshaus ― ooc#⌕ . pinkshaus ― pinned#⌕ . pinkshaus ― says#⌕ . pinkshaus ― wip#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― square one ꒱#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― square two ꒱#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― as if it's your last ꒱#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― so hot ꒱#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― square up ꒱#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― kiss and makeup ꒱#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― kill this love ꒱#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― sour candy ꒱#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― the album꒱#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― born pink ꒱#꒰ i'm sour candy ―୨♡୧― the girls ꒱#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · articles ১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · asks ১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · birthdays১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · connections১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · discography ১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · development ১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · edits ১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · extras ১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · lovers ১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · profile ১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · promotions১#໒ so sweet i get a little angry · · ♡ · · sns ১
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