objcgn-blog · 11 years
Objective-Cologne is a conference entirely focussed on Objective-C and Cocoa. Both Mac & iOS, all sessions in English, and with Speakers from around the world.
It’s time to grab your ticket — Also remember we offer 10% discount for 2 tickets and 15% for 3 tickets.
If you didn’t get it, we just announced that John Fox will be speaking this year. We’re bringing him all the way from San Francisco!
Also, we are still open for sponsoring, even though we already have 3 amazing Sponsors: Elgato, GitHub, Nexmo.
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objcgn-blog · 11 years
9 € for all the videos, and 399 € for the conference — grab it!
If you've made it until here, you'll be happy to know we have a little surprise for you ;-) 
If you follow this link you'll get back the early bird price for the conference, and if you didn't know yet, the whole video pack from 2012 is available for only 9 € (that's 10 videos which normally costs 9 €!). The single videos are now available for only 2 €.
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
★★★ ALL the #ObjCGN Sessions: 69 € ★★★ that's 23% discount and almost 3 videos for free! http://ObjCGN.com 
The video on top is from the second Panel – But I just added all the 10 (!) videos for the amazing 69 € Price! Go grab it!
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
Enjoy this hour-long panel discussion between all the speakers of the first day at Objective-Cologne.
All the sessions from those speakers are available on ObjCGN.com to buy for 9 €. Check out the list on the Website. You can as well download this debate over here for free, although you are allowed to tip.
Panel Subjects:
- Sandboxing / App Store
- Competition with Apple
- What do you like about Objective-C?
- Apple: From underdog to great evil?
- The Dot notation + BMF going crazy nutso! :-) ;-)
- Why do you work with this platform (and not with Windows or Android, or the web, or...)?
- Conference dinner Instructions! (Video soon...)
The base for this panel is Evening At Adler, a 2.5 hour long panel from 2005 which you can google. I can only dream this panel would be as historic as the one At Adler was ;-)
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
Soon you'll be able to buy (or get for the attendees) the Keynote (Mike Lee - WWSJD) and later the other sessions. Stay tuned...
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
Look for the flag when arriving at "Marktstr." -- also in this video the Evening location!
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
Short video filmed at the Alte-Versteigerungshalle, the location where the 2 days happens.
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
Why you should come to Objective-Cologne
Objective-Cologne is the first fully Obj-C & Cocoa community organized conference in mainland Europe. Sure, there's plenty of "iOS Developer" conferences in Europe (and actually plenty in Germany), but they are:
Very often not in English. If you're serious about this business, I'm gonna hope you're at least fluent in English.
Very often only "national". So yeah, plenty for only german-speaking*, some for only french-speaking, some for only spanish-speaking...
Objective-Cologne is about bringing all European Cocoa Developers together, as one big nation!
A lot of those conferences (not Macoun!*) are put together by "Conference Companies". Those guys do a conference about iOS one week, the next one about PHP, the next one about Java, and maybe the next one about GW-Basic... You know what it means right? They're only about making money and they don't "get" it. I'm totally fully *also* about money, but this isn't what drives me. By far, the "community" is what drives me... As far as money goes, as expected, don't expect to be a millionaire but running your conference :) At least they way I do it :)
Sure, there's an amazing conference in "Europe" already since 2009: NSConference! This is - by far - StuFF mc's biggest inspiration for putting ObjCGN together. The problem with NSConf is its location. It's only convenient for people living in England. Any other European is faster reaching New York than NSConference ;-) As much as we love this amazing conference.
I'm also very proud to be able to say I didn't have to "call for paper", since I "called for my friends" and even though some may see it as a negative point, I see it as a good one. I've known most of those guys for years, I've seen many of those guys holding talks. I can tell they are awesome, and they will make -- together with the attendees -- the awesomeness of the conference much more than the guy putting it together. Don't feel bad if you are someone I know who didn't speak this year. I'm not gonna "recycle" every single speaker every year, which means I'll ping some of you in 2013 and ask if you'd like to be a speaker.
Finally, I want this to be a "Crème de la crème" event. This is why I've worked like crazy on this for the last 6 months or so, checking every single detail, from the awesome food to the flat-rate drinks (including beer & wine at the evening dinner) to the exclusive Satin Lanyards. I know some of those "details" would be seen as "useless" for some people, but think about this conference as a Cocoa application: every detail needs to be there. There's a reason why I don't do an Android Conference ;)
If you aren't subscribed yet, here's your last chance to grab a ticket. It's coming, in just 4 weeks now!
* I love Macoun in Frankfurt, I'll be there as an attendee again. Still, I'm more keen to share things as well with my friends from France, Belgium, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Australia, UK, New Zealand, ...
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
Interview (in French) on Mac4Ever with Stuff about the conference
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
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Lanyards are about to be produced. We've worked very hard to make those the best looking Lanyards on earth! Classy as the conf. will be!
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
[Listen] without flash as well ;-)
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
Glen Aspeslagh (@pimpinglen), the other half of Ecamm talks with me about his experience as an Indie Developer, and we discuss among other things the Retina version of Call Recorder for Skype. Warning: If you have the impression you've seen him, you're wrong. It was Ken. I'm still sometime confused after all those years knowing both of them :)
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
The Wordcrafts.de folks (Felix Lotze & Oliver Gurtschmann) speak to me about the problem of (good) localization of a Cocoa App (iOS or Mac), which is their daily business.  They also go into what they'll speak about during their talk in Cologne and why the attendees are very important when speaking about networking with each other during such a Conference.
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
[ Listen ] without flash as well ;-)
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
Drew McCormack (Audio)
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
Mike Lee (Audio)
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objcgn-blog · 12 years
Ken Aspeslagh (Audio)
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