#inanimate insanity cast
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numberonetacostan · 2 months ago
Hello everyone!!!!!^^ For a little holiday season special, I’ve typed out a little headcanon for every character!!! By character I mean contestants + host + assistants!!!!! Sorry to all the Nick Le fans out there, he is not included. Since everyone is here, there are characters I may not know as well as my main roster, so if I get anything like, objectively wrong, feel free to let me know!!!^^ Please enjoy!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Apple- Her favorite song is Pink Pony Club by Chappell Roan. She doesn’t really understand the lyrics but she really likes ponies!!!! I also think she’d start misspelling her name as “Appell” pretty often after she finds the song. 
Balloon- The first thing Suitcase does with her prize money is buy him a poetry book. He is so very moved by this and writes her dozens of poems with various styles he sees in the book within a few days. He’d read from the book and his own works to Suitcase every night before they go to bed. Some others could join in for a nice bedtime story :). 
Baseball- Once, while the hotel was under construction, Baseball fell down the stairs. And then kept rolling. And rolling. And bouncing. And rolling some more. Overall it set construction back two weeks and Paintbrush broke their leg trying to help stop him. Baseball was banned from the hotel until the elevators were finished. 
Bomb- He can’t eat spicy food. As in he’s banned from eating spicy food. If he gets too hot, he can accidentally set himself off, so despite his claim that he has a great spice tolerance, he is not allowed anywhere near the hot sauce. He doesn’t complain about the ban anymore post-canon, too risky, yeah? 
Bow- She watches so very many makeup tutorials, but being a ghost, can’t practice any of it on herself. That is, unless she possesses someone, like Marsh who would be very easy to put makeup on relative to other objects!!! She’d probably get pretty good at it, after some time, and Marsh would have some lovely new eyeshadow looks every day! 
Knife- He has a longer ghost tail than Dough and Bow do, so I propose him wrapping said tail around people and things he likes!!! Wraps around Pickle when they’re standing next to each other, wraps around Suitcase’s handle when they’re together, etc.!!! He’d get rather flustered if anyone called him out on it. 
Lightbulb- Gives incredible hugs. Incredible. How does an object made of glass and metal give such cuddly, warm hugs? Nobody knows. Sometimes she’ll turn herself on during the hug to make it extra warm!! As long as the person she’s hugging closes their eyes, it really elevates the already sacred experience of a Lightbulb hug. Luckily for everyone else, she is always happy to give one!^^
Marshmallow- She’s still pyrophobic after having been burnt all those years ago. As a very flammable marshmallow, fire would be scary to her anyways, but after having been roasted it’s a whole other story. She’d rather freeze than get close to a fire, but that’s not a problem since there’s a certain fruit always willing to warm her up with a hug <3!!
Nickel- He became very, very, very nervous to give his apology to Suitcase after she blew up Cobs and ate his corpse. He was planning to apologize either way, but clearly Suitcase could absolutely obliterate him if she wanted to do so, which means this apology has to be quite good or else. He has a serious amount of respect for her now. An upgrade, I’d say. 
OJ- His favorite Pokémon is Charizard. It’s orange, it’s very popular, OJ loves it. I know Justin has made a list of the contestant’s favorite Pokemon, but I have not read it in a while so Charizard it is!!!
Paintbrush- Experiments a lot with their image after season 3, mostly by dyeing their bristles with paint!!! Lightbulb helps :3!!! And by helps I mean makes it silly and very fun. Maybe she puts a little dot between Painty’s eyes to give them a “nose”. I think they’d try a solid color first, then maybe a fade, and eventually dye the nonbinary flag into their hair!!! They slay it of course. 
Paper- Pickle once wrote “Property of OJ” on Paper’s back and he didn’t notice for three days. No one told him it was there. When he asked everyone why in the world they would not inform him they said it was because they all thought OJ had written it and he was keeping it because he liked it. OJ did not know why Paper avoided eye contact with him for a week that one time but he did not like it. 
Pepper- Hotel OJ head chef. Yeah you heard me. Let me cook by letting her cook!! Salt wouldn’t like cooking, too much work, so this is something Pepper could enjoy on her own!! And it would be the sole reason that OJ has not yet kicked Salt out of the hotel- if he does than Pepper might be too sad to cook, and with the depressingly low amount of hotel residents that can make food, and the even smaller amount who are willing to make enough food for everyone, they need her. And, if Payjay help out, they can spend more time with her and get to know and enjoy her presence without Salt ruining it!
Pickle- With some help from Tea Kettle and Pepper, he makes Knife a new Dora doll post-finale, since it vanished with the rest of the stuff made by MeLife. He lets Knife possess him if he wants to hug the doll, but it also gets possessed by Knife so he can hug Pickle. Ah shit sorry my Knickle got all over the headcanon dang it. 
Salt- I headcanon her as the only cisgender, straight, alloromantic (I think that’s the right term?) member of the cast. Basically the only one who isn’t queer at all. But uh an actual headcanon for the ~60 or so Salt fans out there, both she and Pepper sleep with those little hair bonnets on to keep their salt and pepper from falling out of their heads in their sleep. 
Taco- This one is fitting for the winter season!! Taco is afraid of snow. Like, straight up terrified. I think she would grab a bunch of blankets and hide in the vents of the mansion whenever it snows, so she can be inside of the inside, as far and safe from the snow as she can be!! Having been homeless for years, she’s had some miserable experiences with hypothermia after it snows, and now that she has a home to live in, she’ll be staying inside until all the snow has melted. 
Mephone- I think he should have a pet bug post-canon. A little beetle or something that just chills on his head and feasts on the many crumbs he gets on himself while he eats. An intelligent one, like Baxter!!! Since we know Mephone will be stepping up into the more ��big brother’ sort of role for 3GS, I think the bug would be a good outlet for Mephone to talk about his more intense feelings, specifically revolving around Mepad and the contestants. I also think, following his very creative naming of the contestants, the bug would be named Buggy. 
Box- I think she would be an insomniac. After years and years of living in an empty, timeless void-space thing, she’d have a lot of trouble getting to sleep!! She’d definitely need the whole works, warm milk, cheese, lullabies, etc., etc., just to get to sleep, and even then she probably wouldn’t sleep for very long. A lot of nightmares on this one, yeah? 
Cheesy- I think he’d actually quite enjoy eating cheese, as long as it’s not a chunk like he is. He’ll eat nachos, pizza, mozzarella sticks, grilled cheese, etc., etc., but he will not eat cheese cubes. He’d make approximately 5 cannibal jokes every time he does this, and this average goes up to 8 if Pickle is around. 
Cherries- They give Toilet their old Mepad mask post-canon, to try and make him feel better. Toilet might hang out with them a bit more after this- they can do some drawing together!! The more prank-buddies, the merrier, yeah? 
Dough- He eventually did get the recording of Bow saying that he was her brother!! Was it a cut-off version of her denying it yet again (though this time more playfully than anything)? Yes. Does that make him any less happy about having it? No. 
Fan- Out of everyone, he’s the most upset about II ending, and wants to find a new special interest!! He’d try a whole bunch of things, games, music, movies, TV shows, art, and I think it would be funny if he settled on the ii-universe equivalent of Survivor, since it was such a big inspiration for II!! He’d also occupy himself with being very interested in whatever Test Tube is doing and cheering her on!!! Also being a good Dad to Bot!!^^
Microphone- Has, on occasion, accidentally had her volume button pressed in her sleep and woke not only herself but everyone in the vicinity up with her snoring. The first time it happens post-canon it takes her a half-hour to get a very startled and scared but very sleepy and confused Taco to come out from her hiding spot under the bed. 
Soap- Her soap is french vanilla and rose scented!!! She’d find her own scent rather pleasant, yeah? I think being empty for her would have a similar effect on her as it does on objects like OJ and Test Tube, though if she’s in a real pinch she will use her own soap to get clean!! Letting someone use her soap would be a sweet gesture of love/appreciation from her!!!
Suitcase- Balloon would write her a lot of poems once they’re back together post-canon, and she’d keep them all inside of her!! She’d keep a lot of special little gifts from important people inside of her. The stone that Knife set beside her the first time they spoke on the docks, a dried flower bracelet from Box, whatever suits her fancy! (Get it? Ge- ‘cause she’s a suitcase? okay ill leave).
Test Tube- I think she would make phones for everyone post-canon!!!^^ It’s a big island, yeah? And they really need to be able to contact each other in case of emergency, with them being able to truly die now. She could make a functioning rocket out of a vending machine, I fully believe she could make however-many functioning phones out of what she can find on the island. (Or even better, Mepple HQ. I think they all should loot it.)
Tissues- He likes coding :) I personally hate coding, because I sucked at it in school and never want to look at one of those evil “easy kids coding” websites ever again. HOWEVER coding is something he could still do while he’s feeling sick, most of the time!! And we have quite a few gamers living in the hotel, so it would be a great way for him to connect with others!!!
Trophy- He always enjoyed photography as a hobby, but very much threw himself into it after being freed from the elimination closet. After months of seeing nothing but the snotty closet walls, he had a lot more appreciation for scenic and natural photographs. He’d hang a lot of them on the wall of his room to look at as he sleeps, since the rooms don’t have windows. 
Yin-Yang- This one is from my partner @galacticrain!! Because I consider them my resident yin-yang expert^^ Yang isn’t actually gluten free, like he says in season 2 episode 5, he just knew that Yin would confess to the eating of Dough if he put any ounce of pressure on him to tell the truth. 
Mepad- Another cold weather hc! As a Mepple device, he doesn’t really get cold! However, during their first winter together, Toilet worries that Mepad has no winter clothing!!! He buys Mepad one of those super fluffy, pink cases. Mepad does not take it off for months, until his systems start to overheat because of it. 
Toilet- I think he would be rather curious about what having limbs is like. He wouldn’t be particularly upset about his own lack of limbs, just curious!^^ He would ask Mepad about his legs, (try to) ask Mephone about his arms, and maybe make a little doodle of himself with a lot of limbs. A biblically accurate Toilet, if you will.
Blueberry- I like to think his white eyes glow a bit. He functions best in pitch-black darkness, yeah? So imagine you’re walking in the dark and two white eyes are staring at you from the depths. He would love scaring people with it, I think. 
Bot- Hanging out with everyone post-season 3 finale and even more so post-canon, they discover that they really do love videogames, similar to what they told Cabby!! They would absolutely dominate in fighting games, and would main R.O.B. in Super Smash Bros.!!! A fellow robot with a 3 letter name? Sign them UP. 
Cabby- She is endlessly fascinated by how Taco’s arms work. They just…go back in? How? Could she pull them out backwards? Both on the same side? Could she reverse them? Taco does not know either, and the two of them spend a full day together just trying to figure out how they work. Cabby gets a lot of new info about them, and Taco in general, after that :). I’m projecting but I think Cabby would be curious too.^^
Candle- Her meditation training post-canon is what keeps like half the cast from losing their minds after everything that happens. She is very very much needed after… all that. Meditation would help her too, of course, in the way that it usually does, but being so helpful would probably make her feel better than that. 
Clover- She was once blown across the entire island because someone dropped a penny on the ground. It was a particularly shiny penny, though, and the year was one her many, many lucky numbers!!
Goo- My little fella!!! Uh obviously he and Bot would make comics together. They like to draw, he likes to write, it’s perfect!!!! They could help him condense his writing down into a comic format as well!!! They could also make fanart and fanfics together!!! Goo would be a shipper I think he already ships Silver and Painty if you sit that little guy down in front of Steven Universe he will explode. 
Lifering- With everyone losing their immortality post-canon, he quickly becomes one of the most popular among the contestants. Twisted your ankle? Go see Lifering. Migraine? Go see Lifering. Ate the mushrooms that Taco very clearly told you were poisonous? Hurry to Lifering!! He’s happy to be of so much help, but gives some long and rather informative lectures on proper safety checks. 
Silver Spoon- Fills his room with candles. Particularly purple ones. And ones scented with lavender and chamomile. He’ll go on and on about how much he loves candles. Particularly purple ones scented with lavender and chamomile. No one can tell if Candle is trying to politely turn him down or really hasn’t noticed. He progressively gets more and more obvious with his candle collection and nearly sets a building on fire. 
Tea Kettle- #1 Nickloon shipper. I’m serious. Whether they get together or not, she ships it. I don’t think she’d be pushy about it, insistent that they get together if they’re interested in other people, but… we know silly Nickel, always chasing a Balloon. And if he needs a little help catching it, TK will be there in a flash!!!! She’d make them a little romantic picnic complete with hors d’oeuvres! 
The Floor- My guy The Floor still visits Mephone almost daily post-canon. I really don’t see the guy being super upset or holding a grudge over Mephone having made him. He’s pretty cool, if he does say so himself!!^^ And they’re buddies, anyways, so Floory would want to check in on him after his abusive father killed everyone and then was exploded!!!! He might even befriend 3GS while he’s at it :).
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mephoj · 6 months ago
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you didn't think this was just a pen, did you?
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crystalleoi · 2 months ago
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Mecha MePhones... mecha-phones?
Robots :)
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catboygraveunboxing · 3 months ago
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im still obsessed with yinyang so heres another very long doodle dump. and expect another cuz of this god forsaken image limit
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the yinyangs have breached the second dimension oh good god theyve become physical fuck what do i do
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s1lv3rp4w3dc4t · 4 months ago
shout out object shows with canon queer ships. I'm talking on screen kiss or even just verbal confirmation. all things considered it's a bit strange you don't really see them that much when you think about how gay everyone here is. I love you ii but c2bc did what you didn't and I think that's actually really nice.
#girl makes claims when there's 1 more ep for ii and many more for c2bc. police arrest her.#inanimate insanity#ii#osc#silver's mental breakdown#c2bc#c2bc spoilers#do we do that here or what#fireball c2bc#pound c2bc#i always misread his tag as pound cake. i am but a fool#also is firepound mildly fanbrush coded ir am i kind of losing it. it's someone and pb. because fireball is very pb coded. inspired? somethi#ng. also c2bc totally takes influences from ii and we all noticed that right. it's not a bad thing. ii is my favorite show. but like. “im nb#.“ ik there was like no other way to say it but that's exactly what pb says in s3. ”he wants to make a boys club!“ ”im nb.“ ”i mean... a no#girls club!!!!“ i think i lile c2bc but im bot 100% sure? i saw someone comment that all the chars are likeable but like. speaker isn't!! st#op bullying my girl corky!! she's literally not that bad! don't get me started on beerkeg. i dont feel bad that he was manipped bcus like. d#ude she said no. leave ger alone#!!#i dont feel bad for him at all snd even cheered when princess hat (?) started using him even though it was not the greatest move and not sup#er healthy. s2's cast is still mych better though. justice for portal though!!!!!!! gone too soon. i kinda shipped. princess hat (?) and tap#e measure in s1 btw i never told anyone that but I did think it. service bell is like a taco i like mych less. and shout out firepound and m#mirror book. pretty crazy how gay objects can just live in my head and i let them do that. anyways sorry for writing a whole nother post in#the tags i just haven't shared my thoughts yet and wanted to lol.#i like it i think#firepound#<- oh hey look gay people
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carl77fx · 2 months ago
Just for you, anon. 🫵[:)]
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Feast. May these suffice.
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charmallows · 23 days ago
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six years out and i've never gotten over her adorable hardhat
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thebogiscoming · 3 days ago
Urgh. If ii s4 isn't slice of life I'm going to turn evil. Give them a break from the show....
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kounn · 2 years ago
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numberonetacostan · 2 months ago
Episode 1 (Stranded in Paradise): Okay!! So the episode here starts as normal, favorites (not Taco!!) are all on the boat, that line about Box that’s really dark in retrospect, they crash onto Paradise, fans are introduced!!! Before the teams are made though, Mephone says they have ooooooone more favorite to bring in, who couldn’t come on the boat since she wasn’t in the hotel. Balloon and Painty offer their own guesses (“Is it Suitcase?!” “Or Lightbulb?!”) and Mephone gives a pleasant little “Nope!!” Before snapping open a portal that Taco falls out of!! She lands face down on the ground with a little “oof!” [sidenote: her little oof in episode 13 is so damn cute if you don’t remember it go listen to it its adorable]. Anyways, the s1 favorites are all VERY surprised to see her again, as it’s already been years since any of them have seen her at this point. Mephone welcomes her to season 3 as she’s getting up, and Taco is NOT having it. She does NOT want to be part of ANOTHER season of Inanimate Insanity. Inanimate Insanity sucks and she wants the entire show to end actually, she’s tired of it! Mephone just gives her a similar response about swimming as he does to OJ when he wants to leave, and jumps to dividing up the teams! Paintballs explode, Taco is on the yellow team. Aaaand Mephone introduces the cast to his quirky new assistant who strapped the paintballs to them, The Floor!!!! :3!!! He is Mephone’s assistant the entire time in this AU to make room for Taco in the cast.^^ If you’re wondering where she would go in the intro, she would still take Floory’s place because she is refusing to participate. This will become a common sight in the early episodes of this AU. Speaking of Taco not doing these bloody challenges, cliff jump time!!!! Remember how Yin-Yang kicks OJ and Painty off the cliff? Yeah he just grabs Taco’s head while she’s busy being sad and shocked about getting portal’d into another season of ii. Episode 14 happened so recently for her, she has so much to think about, and now she’s not only been forcibly taken out of hiding, but placed into another season of II against her will!!!! She is at the height of her mental health being bad. That Taco can fit so very much self-loathing in her. And having OJ of all people on her team doesn’t make that better. Anyways, Blue still loses, Blueberry is still eliminated, the season’s a-go!
Episode 2 (The Shame of the Name): Okie dokie uh I do not think Taco would show up to Boaty’s funeral she is avoiding everyone else as much as possible. She would not be interested in the challenge nor the team names either. However!!! Without The Floor, the yellow team would not know about the Sinkers’ team name,,, although to be honest I do believe that they could end up with the name ‘Thinkers’ even without that knowledge. Also I am bad at naming teams. So. Thinkers it is!! The team name isn’t that important anyways. [But if anyone has any other ideas, I’d be happy to hear them out!!] Taco does not link minds with everyone else. I do not believe she is even present for the contest. She does not want to be a part of this season. If she can’t leave, she will minimize her own involvement as much as she can. She has walked off, and is probably working on making herself a little hut to live in away from where everyone else is staying. 
Episode 3 (Snapshot Showdown): Here’s another one in which Taco doesn’t really participate… I promise this is going to get more interesting. No pansexual camera for her :(. I’m being so real here guys Taco is just hanging out in her hut this entire challenge. She is the only one who has a calm evening. Honestly if no one goes and gets her, which I doubt they would at this point, I don’t think she’d even know a challenge was happening. Until The Floor tells her!! He knows everything about the terrain, because he is the terrain, so he’d know where Taco’s hut is!!! He would probably inform her that they’ve started a challenge :). She would not care though she is too busy thinking about how she fumbles every relationship she forms and how she’s trapped in another season of Inanimate Insanity. If you are here for Taco to be having a good time I am so sorry this is not that au. 
Episode 4 (The Overthinkers): They’re up for elimination because Taco continues to not participate. She is not even at the challenge, which means she doesn’t reach the top of the volcano nor press the button, so Thinkers lose! NOW you might think that this makes the episode very short. Because they would all agree to vote Taco out. But this is not the case!!! Because Silver has access to the viewer vote stats, and a certain british foodstuff has been consistently getting the most votes. So the episode would continue mostly normally!! Meetings, anti-girl club, inner flame, press the button!!! I love Overthinkers :3 such a funny episode!!!!! So, elimination time!! The Floor lets Taco know that an elimination is going to happen and she shows right up!! She’s confident that she’s going to be eliminated and will finally get to leave this awful island and this horrid game and go back to. Huh. She doesn’t really have anything to go back to, really. Mepad’s comatose body? Another scheme? :(. But!!!! At least she’ll be out of the game. So anyways yeah Taco gets the immunity votes. Taco does not count :). Yin-Yang’s self confidence is spared!! Taco’s emotional state is not, not that it really could be at this point. OJ is still eliminated, but Taco is still too shocked and upset and in despair to feel anything about that. Silver does direct part of his speech towards her, though!! He admires her!!!! He wants to be in an alliance with her, and proposes it to her!! He would have approached her earlier, but since she’s been walking off and not participating he does in here in his grand triumphant speech. He got rid of her biggest competition, they could go far together!! Taco is not receptive at all, she doesn’t want to be in an alliance and “go far”, she wants to leave!!!!! The cracks on her shell get worse here!! She cracks more due to the emotional distress, poor thing. This is going to keep happening btw, it gets worse and worse because I like to hurt my favorite characters. Also because her mental state gets worse and worse the longer she’s forced to be in the game. She got the most votes, but still wasn’t allowed to leave. She’s still trapped.
Episode 5 (Tragedy at 60 Feet): Floory shows the Thinkers where Taco’s hut is at their request, and they drag her along to the challenge!! They do not want to risk her lack of presence making them lose another challenge. She’s still not participating tho lol, their egg-box-thingy is even worse than before, not even a lid this time, and their egg still breaks. Womp-womp!! The Thinkers can still have their leadership crisis, Silver can still tell everyone off about it, although his ice is noticeably thinner with Painty due to him adding his attempt to ally himself with Taco into his victory speech from last episode. Candle tries to reach out to Taco a bit during this ep, she can tell that Taco is messed up and doing TERRIBLE mentally, but Taco is very unreceptive and tries to get Candle to leave her alone. Candle does, but only after giving some of her sage advice, maybe about new chances and connections and apologies and such, yeah? Taco isn’t interested, though. I don’t think Silver would try again with Taco after this, he doesn't like being told no, especially with how annoyed she was at him and how public it was, yeah?
Episode 6 (Try Not to Laugh Challenge): Taco is the nuisance just like Floory was! Which is not good for the Thinkers because she is once again not doing anything. The only person the Floor gets out on their own is Goo, who is trying to cheer up Clover with Bot. Maybe he can end up making himself laugh while he tries to cheer up Clover? Oh my god the sour cream line. And if Taco is taking the floor's place then she's on the stage for that. Everyone goes quiet. Looks from Bot to Taco. Her shell cracks more and more as the season goes on; This would be one of those moments. She already wasn't really trying to do anything but she's just silent for the rest of the challenge if not the rest of the day. Pulls her arms in for self soothing and just walks off. Not far, though, she just curls up behind the stage. I’d say she’d cry a bit but I think she just dissociates altogether :(. Bot still goes after Balloon on their own instead of teaming up with the floor/Taco but it's bc they'd feel bad about getting Taco's team out after that. Candle would go to help Taco once she’s released from jail. She was not supposed to be as involved in this au as she’s becoming whoops. But!!! She can tell that Taco isn’t with them at the moment, so she’d go and help ground her. Grab something frozen from the Pick-Nix table for her to hold, run through her 5 sentences, etc. Gah!!! Here we have some of what Taco needs!! Kindness and understanding to help her emotionally recover to a point in which she can start to better herself and AAAAAAA!!!! I love Taco so much. Okay that’s it for this episode onto the next one!!! I change up the disarranged teams because of some character interaction that I want. These teams are only for like 2 episodes anyways, so. 
Episode 7 (Best Served Cold): Okay! So for the two new teams- I am significantly less creative than the show. The Thinkers and Pinkers stay the same, just with Balloon added to the Thinkers and Nickel added to the Pinkers. Testy still gets Cabby voted out in this episode Taco isn’t present for the aura scene, she is continuing to avoid everyone, but please know that her aura is full of regret, stress, and suffering <3. Something like a deep navy blue or black sort of color, yeah? So kind of vaguely not very new teams make the mile high pies! I think Balloon and Taco could also start to connect in this ep! Well, at least Balloon tries. I mean, he doesn’t really know Yin-Yang, Candle, or Silver that well, and even Painty isn’t one of the fellow s1 contestants we see him interact with very often. And Balloon would see she's doing so very bad and try to help!!!! He’s been there before, yeah? Candle would probably mention she’s still rather upset after the sour cream incident from the last challenge at some point, and could tell Balloon where her little hideout is. And a Balloon and Taco friendship could actually contribute towards conflict between Balloon and Nickel if Nickel sees Balloon hanging out with someone else he distrusts even if (according to Brian!) he low-key respects Taco. But this isn’t about Nickloon!!! And that’s not to say that Taco is at all receptive to his attempts!!! She would probably just try to ignore him, and does the same thing with Candle. She is doing so very awful!!!!!!! Mental health is in the negatives here, people!!!!!!! Oh right uhh the pinkers lose because. Uh. Idk Nickel stacks two half mile high pies and Mephone deems that worse than flower instead of flour in the crust? It doesn’t really matter why they lose I think, this au is focused on Taco anyways, but Cabby is still voted out just like in canon. 
Episode 8 (Out of Body Experience): I am killing Nickel. That’s the only note I previously had prepared for this episode lmao. But yeah, Taco can’t die yet because she still doesn’t believe she can be revived :3, and I fully intend for her to suffer with that as long as I can make her. So I suppose Nickel and Paintbrush swap instead of The Floor and Paintbrush. Taco comes over after the bridge crushes everyone because the loud noise gets her attention. And everyone is dead. Yikers. Taco would be a bit meaner about Mephone accidentally killing and incorrectly reviving everyone, though. Like when he tells BP that “We’re all very close here”, Taco would immediately and firmly refute that. And she is not quite as freaked as Nickel when Bot talks about them never dying, because Taco fucking hates Bow after she made her lose the s1 finale. Taco does not give one shit. Also, Taco would warm up to Candle a bit more here!! Sort of. After she lies to BP about why they’re all acting different!! I mean, Taco wouldn’t like Mephone getting out of trouble, but seeing Candle lie would make her more… down to Earth? To Taco, I suppose. Not enough to make significant progress, but Taco wouldn’t hate her as much. Might actually have a good think about her advice, yeah? Nickel would still be the one to realize that Clover’s luck had caused the incident, and she would still be voted out. 
Episode 9 (Title TBD): Last episode before the merge!!! Almost time for things to start ramping up!!^^ Taco would point out in front of everyone that Mephone was fudging the review score, because she’s a little hater <3. With the Thinkers, roles would change a bit!! Taco, who is known for adamantly not participating in challenges, would be made the director. Painty, with Bot on the other team, would be the artist. Yin-Yang still produces chaos every day, so they’re producer, Silver makes sure he gets to write, so Balloon is craft services. Candle is here too!! I’m kidding. She’d be co-artists with Painty, but end up helping out Yin-Yang like in canon. I think Yin might ask her for help here though, since Taco would be adamantly not participating, and thus wouldn’t really care if Yin-Yang wasn’t getting money. Candle would also have another little talk with Taco, pushing her a bit more towards new connections! There are people who will give her a chance, she doesn’t have to be alone, she just needs to open herself up to those connections. Things can get better for her!!! Taco acts quite unreceptive, even if what Candle said is making her feel emotions she usually pushes deep down. A certain salmon contestant also overhears what Candle says… I wonder if that will be super important for the rest of the au, yeah? Goo still writes his appreciation, uh, soliloquy for Bot, and between that and the fact that the Pinkers are currently a team of four versus the Thinkers 6, they lose again. Goo is voted out, unfortunately for me, because I love him. He really is the happiest little guy of all time! 
Episode 10 (I Am Chocolate!): Well, the participating cast members don’t get all that much screen time in this ep, yeah? Cabby still rejoins, good for her, and Test Tube is still eliminated, bad for her. Taco isn’t with everyone, so she doesn’t join in the tasty treat tasting time at the pick-nix table. However!!! Balloon does generate a few tea biscuits, and brings them to Taco’s hideout!!!!!!!!!!! It’s finally time for Tacloon friendship to begin!!!!! Yeah yeah yeah!!!!! He brings her the plate of biscuits because they’ve all seen her drinking tea, and?? Offers her connection!!!!! He’s been where she is right now, he gets how hopeless it can feel, but someone very important reached out to him, and if she’s willing, he wants to do the same for her!!!! He believes she can change and be better and happier!!!!!^^ Taco is more or less speechless, but does give a little thank you as he’s leaving. 
Episode 11 (Pesty Besties): Even if he was designed based on The Floor, I think he still works really well as Taco’s Inani-mate!!! I mean his whole thing is being against the competition and trying to get his fellow inani-mates to quit and well... that lines up pretty perfectly with Taco. She wouldn’t be forcing him to fight, but he would do it in a last ditch attempt to get his fellow Inani-mates to stop the madness!!!! They didn’t do any training though, they just chatted for a while. Oh but btw Taco would not name him Tootsy Wootsy. I have a name in mind though!!! "So... do you have a name?" "I am a cosmic being, beyond your comprehension." "..." "...Cosmo for short." Uh yeah he still dies. Taco loses him to the game just like she has lost everyone she cares about because of it :). Her shell cracks some more :). Balloon gives her a few pats on the shell though, to try and help, so that’s nice!!!!!!!!!!!! Silver is gonna get eliminated instead of Taco/The Floor anyways so I have some shuffling to do!!!! Okay so The Floor gets out when Silver and Candle switch alliances, so I guess in this uh. So Candle doesn't confront Silver about switching, instead reports that he's doing so to the rest of the Thinkers alliance, the vote ends up in a tie since Taco always votes for herself (despite getting immunity every time) and Candle beats Silver in the tie breaker. That's what I'm thinking!!! I’m sorry Silvercandle fans. 
Episode 12 (Not Home is Where the Heart is Nope Actually): Tacloon bond more in this ep with the new challenge!!!! Getting rid of The Floor can’t exactly be the challenge when he’s been an assistant the entire time, yeah? The new challenge… the.. new…challenge… uh… Toboggan races? Sure. That’s the first thing I thought of but I guess it works okay. Contestants split into pairs and must build a toboggan to race across the track that Mephone made. Fastest time wins! Yeah!! They can have their talk in this ep while they’re building their toboggan!!!! Balloon is going to be having a heartfelt talk about changing and becoming better and Taco is going to lash out at him. But Balloon is still going to help her!!!^^ He's talking about changing and Taco gets upset because he was never actually a mean person. More shell cracking here!! He was pretending and she's actually just awful. His actual first thoughts aren’t to be violent or try to manipulate others like hers are!!! He hasn’t ruined every single relationship he has!!!! He can apologize better than sending letter and useless letter that all get burnt anyways!!! Her whole slate has fallen apart and all that!!! She sees it as Balloon not having really been a mean person, he was acting, so he could change, but she really is a mean person so it's not possible for her!!! Well that's what SHE thinks. She believes herself to be incapable of starting over in more ways than one, people!!!! And he could be the Mepad (rip my prince) in this situation. You're no menace Taco etc etc. And!!! They connect!!!!! Relationship formed!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!!^^ Anyways I want to keep the elimination order as close as possible so it still has to be Painty that gets voted out, but bot wouldn't vote for them, so I guess Taco will finally have to actually vote for someone!! Maybe since by this point Balloon and her have a bit of a friendship going, even with how hesitant she is, when he asks her to vote Painty she does, yeah? Since she and Balloon are buddies now, Taco would get (re)introduced to the Looney Balloonies!! Nickel is… himself, but he is so close to starting to change and also wants more numbers so keeps his yap mostly shut, and Bot is friendly!!! <3 To be clear though, Taco is not part of the alliance!! She still wants to be eliminated asap, since Mephone won’t let her quit, and by now she has had enough of alliances, yeah? Even if problems with her previous ones were primarily on her. OH BTW IMMUNITY VOTE STICKS AROUND IN THIS AU. Taco would be trying to get everyone to vote her out still if she wasn’t invincible every dang time so. Mephone doesn’t want the game to be predictable? Why would he let the contestant that he literally made to be unpredictable leave?
Episode 13 (Friend or Froze): Anniversary episode!!! Silver isn’t here, so Candle is scheming with Yin-Yang. With Taco hanging out with the looney balloonies, the new old thinkers are worrying about their numbers disadvantage!! They’d be scheming to try and get lucky lil Nickel on their side, with the help of Cabby who offers her file willingly to her alliance members. Taco would also be annoyed that the cliff jump was back lol. So Taco crosses to the pipe along with the looney balloonies and makes it to the iceberg!!! Candle has to be there, and I’d say Yin-Yang makes it too, this time!! So does Cabby, actually, but wheels + ice = slippy, so she slides off right away. Poor Cabby. Candle and Yin-Yang get Bot and Balloon out as they do in canon, and Taco doesn’t even want immunity so she just walks off. They manipulate Nickel, Nickel is still angry about his luck and gets crushed to death by Floory because of it! But!!! Balloon isn’t made to give away his immunity in this episode, since there’s no milk drama, so the looney balloonies don’t fall apart quite yet!!! …quite yet. Taco does notice Balloon seems upset after the challenge though, and trying to be a good friend, I think she’d ask him about it!!! In her own awkward way, but regardless!! He talks about it a bit, yeah? He would be really upset about what Nickel said, even without the cookie thing tipping him over the edge. As per canon, Candle is eliminated in this episode. Not a big Taco episode, but she’s so miserable in the next one she’d definitely need this reprieve. 
Episode 14 (Spring on the Breakfast): TACO MISERY EPISODE WOOOOOO!!!!!! I LOVE IT WHEN MY BLORBOS ARE MISERABLE!!! She’s paired with Yin-Yang in this episode, both having been on the Thinkers, so the other pairs are the same. Nickel and Balloon start their little divorce here rather than in the last ep. Suitcase wouldn’t have wanted Balloon pushing it aside when Nickel hurts him, yeah? Anyways. Unfortunately for me and @galacticrain they do not have a fun time together. Yang still gets them attacked by a bear. Taco having the worst time in the s1 loser room. Oh my god. Memories and regrets are flooding back!!! Yang has her do the room since she would know the elimination order, and she does, but she stops when she gets to Pickle and just… stares. Reflects. Misses. Regrets. Hurts. Cracks. For quite a while, until Yang gets tired of waiting and presses it himself, making it disappear. He finishes the room, and heads through the opened doorway. And now that there’s nothing left there, Taco leaves too, after another moment. I'm not 100% sure what to do with the fake person because it's supposed to be someone who means a lot to both the competitors and I don't think Yin Yang and Taco have a person like that that they share. Candle interacted with both of them, but she herself never really connected with Taco. And she never betrayed Yin Yang, so Yang would just be happy to see her. So. Uh. Well this AU is about TACO!!!!! So I’m putting Mic there :) Taco’s shell cracks once more upon seeing Mic. She'd probably back away from said Mic and fall down the pit trap thingy. So yeah. Misery for Taco!!!!!!!! B). She is very quiet and sad after this challenge!! And Nickloon just had their fight, so she and Balloon get to be sad, together!!! How lovely. Anyways!! Elimination time- and I’m changing things up!! Instead of Bot being eliminated in this ep, it’s Yin-Yang. With Taco added, the tiebreaker doesn’t happen, so. They don’t have the immunity vote nor milk, so there’s nothing to save them here, unfortunate as it is for them to be out. But!!! They’re still doing well without Candle’s betrayal upsetting their balance, so that’s a personal victory for them at least. 
Episode 15 (Blue Buried): GOOCO PROPAGANDA MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! THEY WILL BE FRIENDS IT IS INEVITABLE!!! So. You know how Taco was made to be manipulative. Taco is the manipulation queen, for better or for worse, yeah? She can absolutely tell that Blueberry is faking it. She doesn’t care enough to call him out on it when he first starts playing dead, but she’d call him out on it in the end when no one else gets it. She’s paired with Goo, so he gets to rejoin!! Yay!!! Their investigation is like that one spiderman meme in which the older spiderman is thinking and the younger spiderman is watching him think. I do not know much about Spiderman. Goo is very thankful that Taco figured it out and he could rejoin thanks to her!! Hooray!!!!!!^^ Taco gets the immunity cookie, which she does not want, and she offers it to Balloon!! But Balloon is pretty safe anyways, yeah? So he hints that maybe Taco could use the cookie to make some new connections, just like he was able to with Suitcase. Someone so friendly is a great place to start!! So she, awkwardly, since it’s Taco trying to socialize normally, gives him the immunity cookie!! And it’s Goo, so he’s happy and thankful and baby!!! And considers Taco a new friend!!!! Yippee!!!!!!! Sorry guys, I really love Goo. But this is my au so I’m not sorry actually. If you want a taco-in-iii au in which she isn’t friends with goo then make your own. Anyways, yeah, Goo rejoins, but Bot is eliminated in this episode. Same reasoning as Yin-Yang is eliminated in canon, they would destroy everyone else in the jury vote. 
Episode 16 (The Great Bluish Bake Off): This episode is quite different, yeah? No Blueberry to… drive the plot. Ah. Well, okay, the challenge is the same, travel through the dessert desert to the dessert island, bake something, Mephone’ll rate it, highest score wins! Taco would think of the hot air balloon idea, because she’s my smart lil’ cookie, and would even bring Goo and Balloon with her!! She’d initially want to just bring them, but Goo would want to invite everyone!!! And they’re buddies, so Taco lets Cabby and even Nickel in too. So they get to the desert much faster!! And they still have their ingredients, so they can actually bake!!! Except they actually need their ovens this time. Which are going to take a while to turn on. So they have some time to chill!! And Talk!!!! Mostly Talk. Nickloon are talking through their issues!!! Nickel gives his apology!!! They make up!! And Taco overhears it and thinks about apologizing to the people she’s wronged!!!  And how Nickle mentions that Balloon doesn’t have to forgive him but he still wanted to apologize regardless!!! Yay!!!!! And she and Goo get to chat for a while!! Even Cabby can join in! Speaking of Cabby, she wins immunity!! She had Mephone’s favorite cookie recipe on file, so it was pretty easy for her :]. As for the eliminated contestant? I’m killing Nickel again. Not literally, but he does get eliminated. Cabby is out of contention for voting, and Taco, much to her chagrin, still has her voted immunity. So it’s between Goo, Nickel, and Balloon. Taco, Nickel, and Balloon wouldn’t vote for Balloon, and Goo, Cabby, and Taco wouldn’t vote for Goo. That just leaves Nickel. Only Balloon and himself would be unwilling to vote for him. So in a 3-2 vote, Nickel is eliminated. But it’s okay, because he made up with his buddy and they still hug <3. 
Episode 17 (The Show Must Go On): Last episode before the finale!! Goo would love this challenge actually he gets to pitch all of his silly little ideas!!!!^^ And then he would hate it with all the burnout and all the ai “art” undertones, yeah? But uh yeah silly pitch episode my beloved, Goo makes it extra silly as he does. They still walk out at Cabby’s prompting, but since Silver isn’t here to… Silver all over the place, everyone walks out, so Mephone feels even worse about the automated episode thing! I don’t actually have too much to say about this episode, not a lot changes, it’s still a fun and silly episode full of fun and silly fake scenarios. Goo is voted out by Cabby and Balloon, unfortunately. He is another that would do quite well in the jury vote, I think. He is just too charming and cute for realsies. Taco wouldn’t take this well!! But not in the way you might think!! She isn’t angry with Balloon and Cabby, she’s angry at the game!! I mean, she has been the entire time, but Goo leaving sparks her flame up!!!! It’s not Cabby and Balloon’s fault that Goo had to leave, it’s the game!!! That she, and everyone for that matter, is forced to compete in over and over again!!! And she’s still tired of it!! She’s tired of all the grief the game causes!!! Losing friends, arguments that could be solved with just a talk if it wasn’t for the game making everything difficult, dealing with Mephone offloading his problems onto them, and refusing to let her leave!! She is pissed at him going into the finale fr. Her shell cracks more here!!!! She is so breaking literally and metaphorically I’m serious.
Episode 18 (A Jury of Your Fears): FINALE TIME!!!! They discuss season 1’s finale right at the beginning of the finale… yikers!! Taco was already having a bad day, and it just got worse. You see that that’s a theme of this finale. Taco feeling worse. Her opening statement is something simple. She does not want to be here. Do not vote for her. She is a tad grumpy, understandably so, even before her full speech. Augh and her final 3 speech is similar to her speech in Truth or Flare but like. Even more upset. Because with her getting to the finale in both s1 and s3 and having been watching for all of season 2? She's seen everything the game has done!!! Is one of the contestants who has suffered the most!!! OUCH she's carrying it all the whole time!! I mean, she’s talked to Balloon about the Pickle stuff somewhat, but he doesn’t know about Mic beyond Taco mentioning that she was meddling in season 2 And her having been homeless for years!!!! Because no one there besides Balloon knows she was watching season 2 so when she starts talking about it they're like "You were still around?? If you hate the game so much, why didn't you just leave??" And there are very much themes of her feeling trapped in the game, in her past, in her guilt, in her solitude, etc etc and with her being literally trapped in s3!!!!!! All she has wanted was to leave this entire time she just?? "It's an island! Where did you expect me to go?!" Or something!!! She has never been able to leave. Her entire life has been the game and she has lost everything because of it. She’d also bring up how they still don’t even know what this season’s prize is!!! They’re all competing and for what?? They don’t even know!!! No one unexpected needs to come. She's been cracking the entire season and finally breaks here. She is having the worst time!! Uh, oh, by the way, Candle doesn’t get upset about what Silver does with the flame here, because he doesn’t do anything, so she heads into the cage with everyone else. So no epic fight scene here. Womp womp for Candle. So yeah uh Mephone also doesn’t recover Taco. He is so very in his issues about the show ending, and just like in Truth or Flare, he isn’t eager to recover someone who just monologued about how the game sucks and how it should be ended forever, yeah? So she stays dead for a bit. Doesn’t find out about the lack of prize when Balloon and Cabby do. And then the Unvitationals jump in!! They may want the game to continue forever, but they also hate Mephone, yeah, so they recover Taco when they get control over Mephone!!! She’s not cracked anymore, having been recovered, but she’s still pretty pissed and agrees with quite a few of the Unvitationals’ points. Other than wanting the show to go on forever. She would rather it died a violent fiery death actually <3. Remember like two sentences ago when I said she’d be pretty pissed? Well she would be UNBELIEVABLY PISSED when she finds out about the plans for a fourth season. That included her. Honestly Taco would high-key want him melted. But again, she’s a smart cookie, she knows that would mean no more recovery system and she is buddies with Balloon now. Even if she would want Mephone to be dead in her heart, she wouldn’t want it in her brain, yeah? But that all brings us into the last episode of the season!!!
Episode 19 (You Can’t Do This Forever): So Taco is pretty unhappy. I don’t think she’d be big in on the Mephone’s defense. She’s angry at him, she does not have anything nice to say, so she will say nothing. She could be convinced to help by Cabby and Balloon to save everyone I think!!! Not for Mephone’s sake, but because it’s the right thing to do!!! Yeah, I don’t believe that either lol. She does it because Balloon asks her to help, and because he is at most risk of dying forever without a recovery system, especially with Walkie having just tried to kill him. She’s not losing another friend because of this stupid game. Votes are the same, not-melt still wins out, Walkie takes matters into her own lack-of-hands, lava time. So she’d go with Cabby and Balloon to the volcano!!! Unlike Silver, Taco doesn’t have an inner flame power to pretend to use to threaten Walkie-Talkie. But you know what she does have? HER GAY-ASS PINK LASER GUN THAT SHE LOOTED FROM HER OWN CORPSE!!!! Screw the inner flame, she just straight up holds Walkie at gunpoint. That’s my queen <3. Annual finale 4S appearance, Springy is revived, they go on with the voting as was the plan!! But before that? Mephone finally lets Taco quit. He offers the option if she still wants it, with an apology, and she takes it. She isn't interested in any prize, she’s only wanted to be out of the game, and Mephone finally lets her. 3rd place for Taco <3!!!! She joins as the final member of the jury. And in a close 7-9 vote, Cabby wins III!!! Good for her. Taco chills out in the library with everyone <3. She does return to Inanimate Island with the others though!! To apologize to Mic and Pickle, and also to retrieve Mepad from the forest. Oops. She’d apologize to him too. 
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steeltwigz · 3 months ago
Marshple makeout fic WIP hope you guys. H. Hope you uh. [Runs away into a hole in the ground never to be seen again]
Fic Background Lore:
[Marsh and Apple get into a fight, Apple has reverted a bit to being overwhelmingly clingy due to jealousy cough and her serious unacknowledged abandonment issues & trauma cough and Marsh is already stressed and getting madder than usual. Apple like Marsh-naps her while she's doing dishes or smth idk I didn't think that far]
Marsh wiggled, struggling against Apple, who only seemed to tighten her grip.
“Marsh, wait- don't go!” Apple shouted into her ear. Marsh pushed Apple's arms as hard as she could, shaking with effort.
“Apple-!” Marsh said, grunting, “this is ridiculous, put me down!”
Apple buried her face into Marsh, hugging her tighter. Marsh choked and spluttered as Apple spoke into her fluff. “I can't!” She sobbed pathetically, “If I let go you'll- you'll-!” Her voice was cut off with a sudden grunt and her body shuddered, arms falling slack. Marsh scrambled out of her grasp, sitting just out of Apple's reach. She brushed herself off as Apple stared unblinkingly into the distance. There was a familiar pink glow in Apple's dark eyes and her lips moved slightly, silently arguing with her possessor. Marsh could see Apple's fingers twitch as she fought against Bow for control of her body and crossed her arms, sinking back into the cushions as she waited for them to get control of themselves. A few moments passed, silence filling the room as Apple argued under her breath imperceptibly. If Marsh strained enough, she could hear Bow's echoing replies, but she knew better than to eavesdrop and she didn't want to sit close enough to get suddenly grabbed again anyway. She worked to reshape herself back to normal as they argued, tapping her foot and chewing her lip, nervous tics she couldn't control even in her anger.
Suddenly, Apple took a gasping breath and sat forward. She blinked, shaking her head. Her hand twitched, but didn't move and she glared at it, opting to lean back against the couch like Marsh and glaring at the wall. Marsh watched Apple lick her teeth, sharper now thanks to Bow's possession, and pout, but she didn't seem to want to talk. Bow cleared their throat but Apple just turned away even more, though Bow moved her back with some struggle.
“Nooo!” Apple whined, Bow grumbling underneath her voice. “I don't want to-!”
“You two need to talk it out, come on!” Bow replied using Apple's voice, though with a slight echo. Marsh had been around a possessed Apple enough to be able to notice the difference now. She watched them fight each other.
Apple tried her best to keep her face turned away, screwing her eyes shut. “I'm not talking to her right now! She's being mean!”
Bow sighed and Marsh gasped, offended. She sat up straighter, hand on her chest. “You literally scooped me up and ran away from everyone! And how have I been mean? You're the one who-”
Bow cut her off, raising Apple's hand and holding a finger up to Marsh's mouth. “Not the time, Marsh!” She said. The arm shook then fell slack as Apple fought to regain control again. Bow exhaled sharply, frustrated, muttered ‘fine, gimme a sec’ then with a start she took control of Apple's body entirely. It fell back into the cushions before Bow sat up, crossing her arms. She looked up, exasperated. “There. Look, you want the problem to go away, right?”
After a moment, Apple nodded to herself. Bow hummed. “Mhm, that's what I thought. I'm gonna step out now. You gonna talk it out?” Apple glanced to the side and mumbled something under her breath. Bow sighed, and used Apple's hand to rub her shoulder reassuringly. “I know,” she said, voice soft, “but you gotta do it or else it'll never get solved, right?” Apple's expression became fearful for a moment, before she nodded again. “Good,” Bow said. She paused for a moment then turned to Marsh awkwardly, waving Apple's fingers at her sheepishly. “Oh and uh- Hi, Marsh.”
Marshmallow sighed, then smiled softly, raising her own hand. Bow smiled back, then flew out of Apple's body, reforming into her normal shape in the middle of the room. Marshmallow watched her, then turned back to Apple, who had been staring at her sadly, though she turned away and glared at the floor when their gazes met. Apple glanced up at Bow who cleared her throat impatiently and Apple blinked then sighed, the same apprehensive expression returning to her face as she turned back to Marsh.
“I-” she started, then swallowed, choking on her voice. Marsh anger dulled significantly at the pathetic display, replaced suddenly with worry. Apple fidgeted with her hands to avoid looking at Marsh. “I'm scared…” she admitted softly. She looked up at Marsh suddenly, unable to stop herself once she had gotten the first confession out. “I'm scared! Marsh, I'm really really scared. And I miss you! And we never hang out anymore, and everything is different now and all these people are here, and they're getting between us ‘cuz we're so busy now! I just want it all to go back to how it was, Marsh, I miss how it was when everything was good. You don't even kiss me in the hallway or hold my hand and we sleep together but you're always awake before me and in bed after I've already fallen asleep so it barely counts. You don't even sit at the window to watch me chop firewood anymore, I thought you loved doing that!”
Marsh suddenly blushed. “You knew about that?!”
“Just tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it already and we can go back to normal! Don't you like me anymore?” Her voice cracked, and she sniffled loudly, hiccuping as years flowed down her face. Marsh mentally kicked herself, then surged forward, caressing Apple's cheek and wiping her tears with her thumb. Unsure of what to really do, Marsh kissed Apple on her forehead, hard. Apple hiccuped again, but it was enough of a surprise that her tears slowed a bit. Marsh pulled back and gazed at Apple fondly, who couldn't help but blush.
“I'm sorry,” Marshmallow said, sincerely. Apple just gulped. “You're right. I haven't given you enough time, I've been so stupid-”
Apple nodded. “Yeah, and a real jerk!” she interrupted.
Marsh narrowed her eyes and Apple averted her gaze innocently. Marsh sighed, rubbing her neck. “Guess I deserved that. But Apple, if this has been bothering you, why didn't you tell me sooner?” It was Apple's turn to narrow her eyes.
“I tried! You keep avoiding me…”
Marsh tilted her head. “What? No, I don't!”
“M-hm! You spend all your time with Paintbrush and when you aren't with them you're with OJ and when you aren't with him, you're with Knife, who I thought you hated! And today, I wake up and you're missing, and I find out you ditched me in the middle of the night to go sleep with Suitcase? We don't even know her!” Apple started sniffling again and her voice was heavy, “I- I don't even care if you don't like me anymore, but I just want you to tell me!”
Marsh rushed to grab Apple's hands, shaking her head. “I do! Apple, I love you more than anyone in the whole world-” Bow interrupted to clear her throat but Marsh continued, “I didn't mean to avoid you! I've just been so busy with renovations and making up for lost time with others… I'm sorry I made you feel this way. I didn't mean to. I would never mean to do that to you, Apple. I want to make it up to you.” She raised her hand to Apple's cheek, turning her face so they could gaze at each other. “Can you tell me what'll make it better? Please?”
Apple sniffled again, then rubbed her face with her arm to dry her tears. After thoroughly rearranging herself, she glanced back at Marsh shyly. “Well…” she started. She bit her lip, glancing away then at Marsh again with wide, pleading eyes. Marsh got the sneaking suspicion something bad was coming. “You could kick everyone out.” Apple finished, blinking sweetly. Marsh snorted and rolled her eyes, squeezing Apple's hands playfully.
“Alright smart guy, nice try.” Apple giggled, kicking her feet slightly. Her face fell though as she thought over the question seriously. She looked away again, bashfully.
“I just…” she started, voice soft, “I just want to be how we used to. Spend more time together and hug and kiss and stuff.” She looked up at Marshmallow shyly, and Marsh felt her heart leap into her throat. She blushed profusely, swallowing to get control of herself, and smiled softly at Apple.
“Yeah,” she agreed, “I'd like that, too.”
Apple sat up straighter, a grin spreading slowly on her face. Spurred on by a sudden impulsive bravery, she grabbed Marsh's hand, kissing her palm loudly, as Marsh burst out laughing at the surprise. Apple worked her way down the heel of Marsh's hand, the inside of her wrist, all the way to her shoulder then her cheek as Marsh's blush deepened. “Apple!” She said, “I didn't think you meant right- mmph!” She was interrupted by Apple finally making her way to Marsh's mouth. She held Marsh tightly, tight enough to squish her significantly, Marsh figured, but she closed her eyes blissfully anyway. Her heart fluttered and her stomach did flips and she pushed against Apple just as much as Apple did to her. Something in her clicked, and the stress of the months spent drifting away from each other mended and she gripped Apple tighter, throwing her hands around Apple as far as she could reach to try to get even closer somehow. God, how could she have ever let it get so bad?
Apple pulled away suddenly with a gasp, though she didn't go far. Marshmallow licked her lips and tasted the leftover waxy feeling of Apple's skin and sighed.
“I love you,” she said softly. Apple's breath stuttered above Marsh and she smiled down at her. Never the best at words, Apple dove back down to kiss Marsh again, desperate and clingy, but Marsh could always read between the lines and the not-so-hidden meaning sent her head spinning. She broke apart for air then dove back just as Marsh gasped, repeating once, twice, and now Marsh's head spun for two reasons. There were worse ways to die, and Marsh had experienced most of them, so she wasn't as worried as she maybe should have been. Apple's hands held Marsh tightly, just as Marsh held Apple, and they kept clumsily knocking their teeth together in an effort to get even closer. Apple accidentally bit her lip and Marsh squeaked, and Apple suddenly moved back enough that they could breathe again.
“Sorry-!” Apple said in a rush of breath, panting. Marsh wiped her mouth on her wrist, and attempt to hide her giddy, shy smile.
“It's ok, Apple, you just surprised me. Bow is rubbing off on you, huh?”
At the mention of her name, Bow squeaked, too. Marsh's blush grew when she realized Bow had been in the room the whole time, watching the whole thing, and she covered her cheeks with her hands, still laying helplessly on her back below Apple. Bow's tail was lashing through the air erratically, kicking up static energy. She flew over, landing on Apple, holding her hands out and making her eyes wide and pleading.
“You know, I missed you too, Marshie, why don't you let me have a turn?” Her voice dripped with fake innocence and a flirtatious undertone that had Marshmallow at her wits end. Deciding that was as much as she could handle, Marshmallow rolled off the couch and onto her feet shakily. She was still blushing profusely but she raced to the door anyway.
“Oh, look at the time, I better go make dinner now!” She said, struggling with the doorknob. “See ya, girls!” She pulled the door open and meant to make a quick getaway, but something stopped it when she went to slam the door behind her. Apple had followed her and was smiling at her innocently.
“I'll help!” She said, seemingly completely recovered from the impromptu make out session that still had Marshmallow’s knees weak. She grabbed Marsh's hand and looked into her eyes, and Marsh valiantly fought the urge to fall over. “I missed cooking together.” She said simply. Marsh swallowed and nodded.
“Y-yeah! Okay.” She blinked to clear her head, then rubbed her thumb over Apple's knuckles. “I missed cooking with you, too.”
Bow flew over, laying on Apple's head and breaking their loving gaze by throwing her hands over Apple's eyes ‘accidentally’. “Me too, I wanna come! I miss my Marshie time.”
Marshmallow rolled her eyes. “Okay, okay, come on.” She held Apple's hand tightly, and tugged her girlfriends out of the room.
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pencilgutz · 6 months ago
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Drops this and runs
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dailygooii · 4 months ago
Nice blog i see
Draw Goo with a wizard hat
Cuz i am a goo, but with a wizard hat :D
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Daily Goo Day 13: Wizard
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xinnamonbun · 6 months ago
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microknifeyuri · 1 year ago
i think that the major misinterpretation that people have with taco is that she didn't get attached to mic because of her sad face in the end wanted to show regret because "she hurted her friend". like. no, she wasn't sad because she regretted what she did. she was sad because she's alone again, but she knows very well at the end that she had it coming. the reason as to why taco was so desperate of wanting mic to tell her that she did gain something is because. she SAW pickle in mic, but of course their situation is very different. "Oh but Taco couldn't have done what she did to Mic to Pickle, Mic was fully aware" but she did do that. Mic herself says it. That is pretty much what II is telling you. Taco isn't a good friend, and is not exactly a good person either. Mic was aware that Taco was/is a bad person, but Mic's nature makes her believe in whoever acknowledges her. Taco made Mic feel like she needed her, just the way she made Pickle feel back in s1.
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she didn't really change thanks to mic. her faces of "regret" aren't her actually lamenting all of the stuff she did to microphone, but rather just her realizing that she proved what everyone said about her as a result. i will give it to that she might've tried to change, but not because of mic. she wanted to win the prize so she could prove others wrong on her being a loser and a coward, by being a loser and a coward. if anything, mic made her realize that she hasn't changed. she pretty much just ruined everything for everyone who saw her as a friend, and for herself.
taco's whole arc is constantly just downgraded to questionable takes and listen. i do agree that she is heavily flawed as a character. she is morally gray, but ii doesn't portray her as a good person with good intentions, nor she should be really be treated as if she was. neither she had those good intentions with mic at all, i mean, their "friendship" pretty much started because of taco wanting the prize money, taking a part of microphone's prize if she made mic won, you know, an offer. she would get the prize and mic would get recognition. but everyone seems to forget that probably, the main reason as to why she's doing all of this, is because she does regret how she acted on s1. she doesn't exactly regret doing all of that to microphone, and even if she does, it's for the wrong reasons. (that's because she did the exact same thing to you know, pickle, her once best friend, the only person she truly ever cared about)
people do tend to forget that taco keeps sending letters to pickle, and that's often just used for pickle angst and making it his only character trait, but. it's not that. it's the fact that taco keeps on writing those letters, despite fully knowing that she did hurt pickle because of her actions. taco's biggest flaw is that she can't accept that she has ruined everything and wants so desperately to be back on pickle's life because she ended up caring about him deeply as a person. as a friend. but she was never there at all, either.
taco can't seem to understand that she has hurted people badly. sure, she seemed like a "friend" to microphone, and you can argue whatever you want but a fact is that taco IS smart, and she knew that the only way to possibly keep mic by her side is pretending to want to be better, you know, the same way she pretended to be just a odd fella so pickle and her could remain together and have an advance at the game. she played with both of them. because both pickle and mic believed in her but were just used by her for the game.
however, taco does seem to regret the way everything went during-post s1. you can see how she yearns for another chance and is saddened about not getting it, but that's not only for comedic purposes, but that's because the writing is telling you that she won't get a second chance. at least not here.
what i want people to understand is that, yes, taco is a complex character, however trying to sugarcoat what she did is pretty much missing the point of her writing as a whole. she isn't a good person neither was she a good friend. she hasn't grown because she was never able to let go of something that she thinks that she can fix with some words and a prize. she thinks that she can still fix her friendship with pickle, she thinks that she can clear her name (even if she was the one who tainted it), but she only ended up proving knife right. she proved everyone right. she hasn't changed. a morally gray character is that. they're not exactly fully bad or fully good, but it's taco's actions that speak a lot. words are cheap, and taco's title is "The Liar", and that says a lot, because she kept on lying to microphone and to pickle on both of their games. she won't heal unless she lets go.
and i want to be clear here: i do think that taco can go through redemption. i do think that taco can become a better person, but not in the way people portray her to do so. because it just pretty much goes against what her arc has settled in for us, and the other arcs that were involved in hers as well.
taco's arc is meant to be somewhat a parallel with nickel's in a way. hell, even with knife's arc if anything. she treats knife as a simple bully, but when she saw that he became smarter and way more emotionally aware than what she had expected, she felt attacked by that, because he was stable. he became a better person and he was rubbing that on her, and it made her feelings of anger way worse regarding him, but it is true. knife is pretty much everything that taco wants to be, but here's the thing that made them so different:
knife stayed. taco didn't stay.
knife is accepted by everyone in the hotel because meanwhile he hasn't explicitly said that he had a change of heart, he has shown it through actions and a big difference too is that he was there for pickle, even if they weren't close in s1, and taco is on the woods because deep down she is aware that she can't go back. not if she doesn't have something to offer as an direct apology, but here's the problem. whether or not she got the prize, she still wouldn't get forgiven by anyone due to what she said that day.
again. her problem is not being able to let go and to accept when she has messed up badly. she has been lying to everyone but she has also been lying to herself as a whole. she can't keep on doing this because it's just hurting everyone and herself. keeping grudges and holding onto past friendships that were doomed to fall is just hurting her. she is not on the state to keep on trying, she wasn't at all ever.
taco's arc most likely will have closure on a way that fits her character, and i feel like that would be with her letting go of inanimate insanity as a whole and of what she can't fix anymore. her trying to find herself after years of lying to everyone and to herself. she's not a good person. but she can become one. only if she knows what she did was wrong and that her second chance isn't there, and never will be, and if she recognizes that meanwhile she did that damage, she can still become a better person. just not there.
pickle and mic don't owe her anything, especially pickle. taco does owe them an apology, but they won't accept that. the least she could do is to accept their wishes, understand that she needs to leave them and grow to be a better person. maybe, if she does that, she would actually heal.
she doesn't need anyone to fix her. she needs to fix herself.
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fishoffontaine · 5 months ago
comfort ship gone I'm in distress
Not writing this on bird app cuz irl oomfs will find it and question my sanity. Can we just talk about how lightbulb and paintbrush are NOT just best friends. her death scene was the closest thing we could get to a confession because homosexuals can't just say "i love you" for some reason.
On the stars and everything beyond them she wanted to hold paintbrush so closely in all their wooden beauty, count ever single bristle on their head, and analyze how the sun shines on their every curve before she died.
But stupid knockoff twitter licorish and period flavored mephoneX had to get in her way 🤬
So she did what she could and comforted them, the bells of a funeral rung in her ears while death lingered right before her. She wanted them to not freak out and stay calm. She was fighting the urge to cry just for them and only them. Paintbrush stayed quiet until she fell to the floor and only then started crying over her body just to reassure her, she did well.
I'm going to find a rope now . edge you laterrr :333
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