#I hate that I used these many oh golly
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a-hazbin-reader · 1 year ago
Oh my golly I just thought of this neow hear me out. So it’s obvious that Alastor doesn’t care about others personally space but he cares about his own, so what if reader hates hates HATES being touched and they keep to their own space well what if Alastor always gets to close to them literally face touching face. Reader tries to lick his face yes at first he is disgusted but then later on it’s becomes a game between the two. Now one day Alastor is yet again in readers personal bubble and reader as a warning tries to lick/bite him again but what is Alastor just grabs their face, turns it to the side, an licks a long strip across their face… reader sits there then is fuming!!!! Then it turns into a casing game. (For the sake of the story let’s say reader also has shadow powers somehow) ANYWAYS I thought is was a little funny but if you find it totally weird please ignore LOVE YOUR WORK BY THE WAY💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️
It's so DISGUSTING I LOVE IT ❤️ Like nasty little kids so fucking hilarious
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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Description: 👆⬆️
Alastor may have started this but you're going to finish it
From the moment you guys wake up then you both are on edge, knowing it's gonna be 👅 on sight when you see each other
Alastor hates losing so he's ready to put up one hell of a fight, using every dirty trick he can think of
But he's pushed your personal boundaries too many times for you to let it go now, you're in it to win it
You both are so equally disgusted but childishly stubborn about it, neither willing to submit
Sometimes someone will enter a room just to see two racing shadows and hear wet licking noises
"You BASTARD that's DISGUSTING!! Your mouth smells like blood!"
"Really dear, you should see someone about your excess saliva problem. I'm surprised you haven't drowned."
Okay I'm just gonna close this door-
It's to the point where the others in the hotel are scrambling to get away from you guys in fear of getting drawn into your weird little game
Except Niffty of course
She lets herself in on the game
But she doesn't get that it's just between you and Alastor and ends up terrorizing the others
Charlie and Angel just put up with it, Niffty is too cute to stay mad at~ Yes she is~
Vaggie and Husk have had ENOUGH
Not everyone banding together to finally put an end to the licking war between you and Alastor
You and Alastor refusing to look each other in the eyes after picking all that fur out of your teeth and him coughing up a hairball
Fucking Husk and Angel Dust
Honestly this probably lasts a full month before it's out of your systems and you two have come to an understanding
He'll be more mindful of your personal space and you'll NEVER put your tongue on him again
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I hope this makes you laugh!! I thought it was a pretty funny idea
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themildestofwriters · 4 months ago
Alternatives to Six Hundred Strike (ported from reddit)
There's been a lot of controversy about the first half of Six Hundred Strike. I'll admit, I'm not a particular fan of how it went down, but this is no shade at the animator -- they did a really good job and I did like it as an animation. I just didn't like the narrative of Six Hundred Strike, the jet-pack, and the like. So, this post is probably one of many talking about alternative interpretations for how Six Hundred Strike could've gone.
Godly Assistance. This is the most common headcanon: Odysseus was aided by the gods in defeating Poseidon. Top pick is usually Ares, though I've heard that Hermes could've helped out, or Hades, or even most if not all of the gods during God Games.
Anyone could come up with a motivation to explain any number of gods helping Odysseus.
Ares, because he was promised bloodshed and he will have it, or... because he respected Athena's sacrifice.
Hermes, because he is always helping Odysseus out.
Zeus, because he felt bad about what he did to Athena and decided to make it up to her.
The other gods in God Games, because, golly, Athena got them invested.
Yada, yada. Honestly, depending on what other sources of aid anyone ascribes to Odysseus, he probably only needs one god on hand to help, especially if we're going with the more "human" interpretation of the gods.
Poseidon's Trident. This one I feel like is under-considered. Poseidon's trident is a symbol of power, and I'm not just talking about in Percy Jackson. It is a weapon forged by the cyclopes which he uses as a catalyst for many of his godly feats.
It wouldn't take much to have Poseidon's trident be an object of power in and of itself. And, if it is, that means if Odysseus gets that trident out of Poseidon's hand, he's taking away a source of Poseidon's power. Furthermore, you could even have Odysseus himself empowered upon wielding the trident, which, if he takes it *during* the battle itself, would better justify how he was able to defeat Poseidon.
This can be alluded to without being stated in the animation. All we need is a look of "oh shit" panic on Poseidon's face when he's disarmed. It would give us enough information to know that losing his trident is a big deal -- and it can be foreshadowed in the Circe Saga if Odysseus disarms Circe's wand / staff in Done For.
Spirit of the Dead. Someone mentioned that Odysseus has his choir back up during Six Hundred Strike, and it wouldn't be that hard to assume that Poseidon summoned the spirits of the dead to torment and drown Odysseus.
"But the dead are Hades' domain!" Yeah, but they're also the dead who died at sea -- or at the hands Poseidon's own son. Polites and the six others who died at the hands of the Polyphemus. The five hundred and fifty who died at sea. Though it was Zeus' lightning bolt, you could argue that Eurylochus and the rest of Odysseus' crew still died at sea. And I'm sure we all know that Odysseus' mother drowned herself at sea, too.
About the only person who didn't die at sea was Elpenor, but, considering Odysseus' mother is there, he was easily replaced. Honestly, just makes the tragedy of Elpenor even funnier. Bloke didn't even get to invited to the fight.
Anyway, how does this help Odysseus? Well, what if whatever spell Poseidon was using to conjure and enthrall those who died at sea was, in part, broken by Odysseus opening the wind bag? Or, following my discussion of the trident, what if Odysseus disarming Poseidon broke the spell? Or, what if Odysseus wielding the trident himself broke the spell? As much as some might hate Odysseus, everyone would hate Poseidon more. It would take no convincing for them all to turn their wrath upon Poseidon.
The Wind Bag. Who knows? Maybe there was something more to the Wind Bag than just holding the storms of Poseidon inside. Regardless, opening the Wind Bag could've served Odysseus more than just serving as a jet pack (which, by the by, could still be a thing, just... maybe he's clutching onto it, instead of wearing it upon his back?). If the opening of the Wind Bag was surprising enough, and Ruthlessness showed that it could be, it very well could've distracted or even discombobulated Poseidon enough for Odysseus to act.
In Conclusion. In my platonic ideal of Six Hundred Strike, it would be all these elements that came in clutch, one after the other, that ultimately helped Odysseus defeat Poseidon. Ares would give him his second wind, which lets Odysseus get the second wind bag, and using the second wind bag (and the strength Ares gave him) he would've disarmed Poseidon. Then, wielding the power of the trident, he and the six hundred spirits at his command would've just beaten the shit out of Poseidon. And all of this segues nicely into Odysseus stabbing the shit out of Poseidon.
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redstrawbluestraw · 2 months ago
I woke up in the middle of the night and now its your problem
Is the cel city suppoust to be a refrence to animation cels?
seeing felix is back to his og annoying self (we love you toxic king welcome back) I wanna ask if he's still a journalist/writer or if he's the unemployed friend at wendsday in the last call?
Oswald doesnt seem as depressed in your ver (thank you thank you thank you thank you i would not take well a total whiplash of his character randomly) so I gotta ask AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWEAR if ortensias still dead in here or if oswalds just single as in he and her didnt ever/seriously get together?
Also I wanted to ask if mickey has any dynamic with either felix or sheba bc bc funny bc you get it? can and a mouse yea
Have a good one o/ love ur stuff 🫶
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1. YES ABSOLUTELY IT IS!!!! I’m hoping to have other puns for future cities and places heehee, but I’m so happy somebody noticed it!!!! <333 Cel City is essentially where “every” toon lives, so anywhere from bg toons, to toons that were drawn once or twice, or toons that aren’t relevant, hence Cel City!
2. As much as him being the unemployed friend on a Wednesday would be funny as fuck (reread this so many times it made my day fr) unfortunately I did make him employed. He’s still a writer, and still an archaeologist! Just bc Anthro is a huge passion of mine, and my favorite parts in the og babqftim were always whenever Felix locked in and used his knowledge. Wish there was more of that instead of ykno
Anyways, It’ll be explained more why he went down that path, but ultimately he’s still an annoying ass friend lol
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Exhibit A (this doodle was done forever ago hence why it’s so ugly SORRY 😭😭)
3. I’ll leave this one kinda vague cause I don’t wanna spoil too much but first of all, totally agree, it pissed me off hella how he acted 😭😭
Ortensia and Oswald were married, madly in love but she did pass due to reasons. Oswald in turn processed his feelings a lot more aggressively than the og babqftim. While he is depressed, it’s definitely not going to be portrayed in the ways that we saw. Less nonverbal, more defensive and overly paranoid. He’s protective towards those he cares about and his walls are too high up for anybody to break them (doesn’t stop Felix from trying tho)
4. Mickey and Felix go waaaaay back!!!! They get along almost too well for a cat and a mouse!!
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They get into all sorts of trouble, Mickey hates to admit it but he doesn’t get the hate Oswald has towards the guy. They both are their biggest fans, Felix has a soft spot for Mickey
For Sheba I like to think she teases him a lot, and Mickey is too nice and polite to tell her something. She’ll say something about eating him alive and Mickey would go “Oh! Well… golly, I can’t imagine I’d taste good!”
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shadowmaat · 4 months ago
To save a padawan
I'm wildly curious to know what would have happened if Barriss hadn't come forward and confessed and Ahsoka was convicted of treason.
The Jedi angle would be interesting all on its own. I can think of a couple of them, at least, who'd try and find a way to save her. And a couple more who might turn a blind eye to those efforts.
Mostly, though, I want to know what would happen with Anakin and Palpatine. Would Anakin go full Murder Mode to save her? I can see him killing or seriously injuring anyone who got in his way. He'd grab Ahsoka and run, and damn the consequences. Which, y'know, would land solidly on the Jedi.
Palps would play so many opportunities in this. First, the woeful apologies to Anakin about how there's "nothing he can do" and golly gee, if only he had more power maybe he could have prevented this senseless tragedy, etc. And follow it up by pointing out that the Jedi could have stopped this at any time, but didn't. Feed all the fuel onto the inferno that is Anakin.
If Anakin did go rogue, would he use it to cement his plan of the Jedi being full of traitors? Would he enact Order 66 right then? Or would he play it up as Anakin being a poor little victim of Jedi mindwashing and propaganda? Anakin isn't the problem, oh no. It's the Jedi! Our Beloved Hero has taken drastic steps that only a Jedi would consider! He must be rescued! I will personally see to his rehabilitation!
Meanwhile, the Jedi are fucked. Even if they aren't instantly gunned down by the Coruscant Guard/whatever troopers are there, they still have to deal with the fallout of a political shrapnel bomb exploding in their midst. The public hates them more than ever. The Senate is howling for blood. Tarkin and his ilk want the Jedi declared enemies of the state and/or outright executed.
Obi-Wan is interrogated by the Council to try and figure out where Anakin would go and how to get him to surrender himself. He's sure that if he could just talk to Anakin he could get him to see sense! (lol, he's been trying that since he came to the Temple and it hasn't worked.)
Meanwhile, Ahsoka is probably shell-shocked. I dunno how she'd feel about whatever Anakin did to save her, but I'm sure the bitterness in her heart over the Jedi failing to act to save her would be well-fed by Anakin's anti-Jedi ranting. (She wouldn't know that there HAD been a plan to scoop her away at the last minute, but Anakin went and bulled his way through every inch of the china shop.)
Interesting food for thought. I'm not sure the Jedi would be able to salvage that one (assuming they aren't Purged right then). Among other things it would require Anakin to make a public apology, and that's as good as admitting he was wrong, and he wasn't!
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up-the-anti · 13 days ago
How do you pick out colors? if you don’t mind me asking! I rlly love ur art, and ik i say this a lot, but gyatt damn it’s so jaw dropping 💕 U fr the goat
oh golly what a question :3
first, let me drop my color history for each piece to show you how chaotic and different each process is + how the initial color choices don't often make the final product:
piece 1 (everyone sleeping) & 2 (jonatello)
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piece 3 (april) & 4 (leo)
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piece 5 (raph & mikey)
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so what you can conclude from above is that:
1) color choices are literally pulled out of my ass. the only SOMETIMES recognizable pattern i have is alternating warm tones with cool tones across the piece to keep it interesting, maintain flow, and prevent an area from being too flat for example:
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and more subtly, here
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there is no one way to implement this and the oversimplified map i drew above does not completely capture how i use this esp for poor leo and that damn flower field but like u get the gist im sure. for the april one however i planned on this when i started coloring-- the berry bush was initially all middle ground colors, the ivy below it was cool toned to the point where it was looking completely blue, and the grass was all warm toned but that kind of fell apart in the process and became something better so trust the process is also a big part tbh
2) i use SO MANY blending modes (multiply, overlay, soft light, add glow, and glow dodge are my forever go-tos). its always different depending on what i want the mood of the piece to be and whether i knew what i wanted it to look like by the end.
for example, the first piece where they're all sleeping, i had no idea what it would look like by the end and relied solely on one blue multiply layer to bring everything together and make it look like nighttime. i also did this for the jonatello kitchen one and kept on slapping orange/brown multiply layers on the foreground to make sure it was completely distinguished from and didnt fade into the background.
by contrast, for the april piece (i talk about this one a lot damn) i knew i wanted to take inspiration from 2000s digital cameras and as a result made everything more saturated and the lighting more purple (?) from the very beginning to give that effect.
3) curves, contrast, and brightness CARRY my pieces . im never 100% satisfied with the way the colors look until i play with those settings. for more cinematic drawings like this, i always increase the contrast. thats my cheat code especially for the last mikey & raph piece, omg they would have actually faded into the background without that last step. and sometimes when i lowkey hate a "finished" drawing i slap a singular color overlay on the whole thing to make it look more cohesive as a cheat code :P
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last example encompassing tips 2 & 3;; this is what it looks like without the orange overlay, backlighting, and multiply layer over the foreground. jumpscare :((
thats all i can think of for now but i hope these somewhat made sense. also by no means am i a professional so take everything i just said lightly, ive never had any formal lessons and am completely self taught so this is what ive come to learn on my own in the past 5 years
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star-fandoms · 8 days ago
I don't have too much lads stuff to post this time BUT i'll still share what i have :)
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This was done a while ago but I didn't really like it LOL
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^This is the reference picture!!
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this was also done a while ago but I'm not that proud of it either LOLOLOL Eyris please stop being reckless, Zayne's and Caleb's lifespans have been shortened a significant amount because you lack self preservation...
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needed to draw Eyris using Zayne as a chair at LEAST once like c'mon we do it multiple times in game and Eyris would be such a lap sitter, and then try to get Zayne to sit on her lap to bring him the joy she feels when she sits on his lap <3 anyways she's like 100% rambled and gone into depth about the FNAF lore, and really just any lore of anything she's interested in. You let her talk and she WILL. I like to imagine that Dr. Greyson and Yvonne have walked in on Eyris sitting on Zayne lap and just rambling about anything and everything multiple times.
SUGGESTIVE COMIC BELOW!! also mentions of suicide!!
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Realistically, Eyris wouldn't do what I do on the homescreen and touch Zayne's peanits, BUT for this comic she does. I got this voice line today and instantly thought of Eyris' reaction to it LOLOL
Zayne: Remember, curiosity killed the cat
Eyris: Good golly gracious...
Eyris: I like the sound of dying~
Zayne: Uh...what?
Eyris: That wasn't sexy?
Zayne: No...
Eyris: Oh...
Zayne: In what world-
GORE BELOW!!! also nudity?(There's boob, but there's no nipple)
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I've been listening to FUKUONA GIRL by STOMACH BOOK a lot recently, not really the best thing to be listening to when my mental state is already pretty bad rn LOLOL(I think the comic above is another sign my mental state is low cause what do you mean he was trying to flirt but said killed and my first thought was "YES PLEASE KILL ME!!") but i still really like the song! Anyways this piece was inspired by FUKUONA GIRL its really funny cause I've been absolutely hating every single thing I've drawn recently, but I really REALLY like this piece. I think the anatomy turned out really good and idk I feel like i got my feelings across kinda well with this piece, which I get is pretty disturbing to say but eh. Anyways this isn't supposed to be goro porn or fetishizing so please don't see it like that, she's just happy to finally be dying(real Eyris, real) and I wasn't really sure how to not obscure the intestines unless she just went shirtless. Anyways I'd like to redraw this piece on clip studio and like fully line, color and shade it. I also want to draw this with a few more of my ocs, there's so many it'd fit
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sincerely-sofie · 9 months ago
Sofie's Belated Reactions to Today's Nintendo Direct:
Mario & Luigi: Brothership
Wasn't sure about the visuals for the new Mario & Luigi game but they very swiftly grew on me!
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I already love the Extension Corps mini boss squad
"Brothership" is the best title for a Mario & Luigi game oh my word.
(More below the cut!)
Nintendo World Championship: NES Edition
Neato! Nintendo-sanctioned online speedrunning competitions is not something I expected in this Direct, or at all, but I'm happy to see it!
This is reminding me of my goal to speedrun the first Luigi's Mansion game and see what my personal best is... I gotta do that sometime.
Fairy Tale 2
I don't go here but I'm happy for all you Fairy Tale enthusiasts out there!
FANTASIAN: Neo Dimension
WHOA WHOA WHOA did the announcer just say the creator of Final Fantasy created this game??????
I don't go here either but it looks fun!
Nintendo Switch Sports (free update)
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MIO: Memories in Orbit
I'm digging the visuals for this!!! Not sure what I'm looking at, but I like it!
I absolutely adore this player character design oh my word
Disney Illusion Island (free update)
Not many thoughts here other than I absolutely LOVE the pin connecting mini game idea.
Hello Kitty Island Adventure
There's a Sanrio game with character customization????? EXCUSE ME??????? MY SANRIO-SONA IS PENDING YOU GUYS.
WHERE is Tuxedo Sam. WHERE is My Melody. WHERE are my children.
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THERE THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nintendo this can't launch next year, I need it NOW
Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports
Oh they had to get people's attention for this with Lola Bunny, huh
The lineart effect being blurred and pixelated in places even in the trailer does not bode well in my eyes (they are the eyes of someone playing Pokemon Scarlet)
It's a fun cartoony idea for a party game though! I like it!
Among Us (free update)
No comment beyond I still have never played a game of Among Us. I don't know if I could survive a public lobby.
Digimon / Pokemon / Harvest Moon / Stardew Valley / Ooblets combo punch of a game I LOVE YOU
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Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
I'm sorry everyone but I hate monkeys and apes and I don't like Donkey Kong or anything to do with him ;w;
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
In a perfect world, all HD remakes of 2D games would look like this photo-bashing beauty instead of uncute 3D adaptations (side-eyes the Diamond and Pearl remakes)
I think I might enter the series with this game, or maybe 1 or 2 when they launch. I LOVE THE VISUALS.
Funko Fusion
Exclaiming that I hate this game and then listening in shock and horror as my boyfriend tells me there's two or three other Funko Pop games on Switch
Bonding over our shared distaste for Funk Pops with my boyfriend right now. This is true romance.
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
Seeing the tagline "Spooky, Silly, and Strategic" and PRAYING it's the Luigi's Mansion 2 HD's launch trailer
The New Denpa Men
Got jumpscared by the Denpa Men character and immediately fell in love.
Unironically adore the character design of Denpa Men. I gotta get this thing.
Metal Slug Attack Reloaded
I'd rather play Battle Cats. Sorry guys.
Darkest Dungeon II
I have no words, only polite applause as I wait for the next drop to enthrall me.
Switch Online Expansion Pack
I miss the Four Swords companion manga!!!!! I loved that thing!!!!!!
"AND" says the announcer, followed by a black screen and dead silence, causing me to burst into laughter.
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero
*gets yeeted offscreen* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---
I like the eye designs in this! Very fun!
Marvel VS. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
My dreams of learning a fighting game and getting really good at it... they are returning........ I gotta main Peach on Smash Bros...........
Learning about fighting games and the concept of infinites from my boyfriend and feeling myself wither at the realization it's just a matter of reaching your infinite before your opponent in order to win.
Super Mario Party Jamboree
Boyfriend exclaimed in utter glee when this little guy came on screen and I got to hear about how much he likes them!!!!! My man is adorable!!!!!!!
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I gotta get this...... I've never played Mario Party before and I need to main Goomba or Shy Guy.............
Learning about the legacy of Mario Party 4 from Boyfriend and I'm utterly enraptured
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
I finally can play Zelda for the first time since Spirit Tracks!!!! And it'll be for realsies this time!!!!!
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I'm playing this game for Tri oh my word. The gameplay mechanics are amazing but Tri is the number one reason I'm gonna play and fall in love with this game
I love how this game is so much more strategic than straight-up combat focused!!!! We're playing Zelda mode lads!!!!
Putting September 26 on my calendar POST-HASTE
Just Dance 2025
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Lego Horizon Adventures
Lego adaptation of Playstation and Window exclusive video game supremacy!!!!!
I've already played this but I'm so happy it's getting an adaptation for Switch!
Tales of the Shire
I still need to read Tolkien's works so bad ;w;
Not going to play this most likely, but I enjoy the idea of a cozy LotR game regardless!
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection
The Hundred Line - Last Defense Academy
Squinting during the whole trailer while trying to figure out if it's made by the team who made Danganronpa
Romancing SaGa 2: Revenging of the Seven
Boyfriend and I just share a Look because we're bored
Metroid Prime 4 Beyond
Boyfriend and I are weeping and wailing at how this game looks compared to Scarlet and Violet
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marharheehee · 2 months ago
Hii!! :D I’m sorry, this isn’t a request.
But it’s a question!! :)
What’s something or someone that helped you improve your art?
And how long does your art / drawings usually take?
(( you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want too!! :D ))
(((I’ve just been trying to improve my art for a while now and I wanted to see how others improved there art!)))
Oh well golly not what I expected today! I’m honored I think that’s the right word haha, apologies I’m dyslexic and a tad bit nervous honestly but I’ll try to answer the best way I can
Gonna be honest with you, it really depends on your definition of improved but if you mean the traditional definition of improve like upgrading your art style in a sense, I HIGHLY recommend looking at art that inspires you, use different brushes especially in the program(s) you’re most comfortable drawing in, most drawing apps have so many different options for you to choose from don’t be afraid to doodle with new brushes you might not be afraid to try, ask artists what brushes they use! I have been using the 6B pencil brush on procreate because I was curious and asked somebody what kind of brush they used and I have been having fun using it a lot lately compared to my usual brush (a slightlyy modified flat brush, which I still love to use)
Don’t trace obviously but definitely try to find art you look up to and go “Man I want my art to look like that!” That’s helped me a LOT with motivation
Which is a good Segway to my most important feedback I can probably give: DONT LOOSE PUSH YOURSELF!! DON’T LOOSE THAT MOTIVATION FOR WHAT YOU LOVE!! Art is meant to have fun and improve and although there’s sometimes hard times when doodling don’t be afraid of working in a drawing for so long and it not tiring out right, HAVE FUN!! I couldn’t tell you how many times I’d push myself to draw every day just so I can improve and then I’d never improve because I was just pushing myself instead of having fun with it, don’t burn yourself out!! Art block is normal but hating yourself for your art should not be the overall end result!
Progress takes TIME, practice hard and please for the love of god USE REFERENCE PHOTOS (I don’t and I hate that I don’t) if you can’t find a specific pose, MAKE YOUR OWN REF PHOTO PLEASE, I know it might seem silly but it helps SO MUCH genuinely!!
Overall draw what you love, and don’t draw for likes or views or anything, draw for yourself and do what art is meant to be: FUN AND THERAPEUTIC FOR YOURSELF TO LOVE AND ENJOY!!
Sharing it with others is a bonus but your art should always be for you! ❤️
Anyways sorry for the essay jdjdjdjd I hope something in here might have helped ❤️🌹
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panelshowsource · 1 year ago
hey frends!
just a lil update to say that i'll be moving soon, so over the next 2–3 weeks i'll be quite busy and won't be able to post a lot a lot (not that i usually post that much but i do try!)
now that many panel shows are wrapping up their seasons, it's not too much to keep up with the masterpost or anything, so i'll definitely keep that chugging, but gifs might be a little slow :') i have a few requests i'll work on, and it's fine to send those in; plus, i said i'd be making BIG gifsets for the recent taskmaster contestants and i'm definitely working on those! i wanna do a good job so taking my time :)
wanna remind everyone about some of the newer additions to the googledrive!
ed gamble — glutton (audiobook) (i'll be listening to this today while i'm packing! if anyone else listened pls lmk what you think!! i'm also wrapping up david's book and gonna post my thoughts soon hehe)
added the most recent alex horne/tim key celebrity pointless to the alex horne collection folder
a couple seasons of duck quacks don't echo upgraded to 1080p
bbc radio 4's hard to tell from 2011, with jonny sweet, charlotte ritchie, katy wix, etc.
complete british as folk, with fern brady, ivo graham, and darren harriott (any other homo reading this grow up absolutely and painfully obsessed with queer as folk? either version? oh man... this programme gets a 10/10 for the name alone, iconic)
live at the moth club
lots of fun new episode of growing pains, hignfy, taskmaster, outsiders :)
as well, there are a couple of new podcasts out: russell howard's wonderbox and james acaster's springleaf :)
i have a bunch of asks and i'll post them later! you guys are being so cute about taskmaster it's been so fun
hope everyone is having a great weekend!
btw... please don't feel obligated to anon me rude messages... i'm a little stressed with everything going on in Life, so maybe save those for the new year? i'll try to come up w witty retorts after i've had some sleep
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it's funny, i've been hearing a lot about blog competition and fighting for notes and monopolising panel show content blah blah in my inbox recently. (i only included one here but there's genuinely been quite a few just in the last couple of weeks.) i don't know what might be going on on other blogs or discords or whatever, and i honestly didn't even know these were still convos people are having; i kinda thought we all agreed that this site isn't as big as it used to be, notes aren't as plentiful as they used to be, but by golly we'll just keep on posting anyways. i don't know if there are edit tags for any panel shows but i don't use them; i just post content here for my current followers and if you guys like it then that's all i wanted to do. i don't care if there are other panel show blogs with more followers or posts that get more notes or better gifs or better blogs or whatever. it's all fine. i don't care. i don't think about it. so you don't have to ask me that stuff — how to grow your blog or get more followers or more engagement, or how i feel about other blogs that post the same content as i do — i won't answer it. just post it because you want to; don't race to be the first one to get stuff at (especially at the expense of making content you're proud of!); don't put other people down; don't send anonymous hate. just be cool and worry about you. if you can't have fun here without validation in the notes then you're gonna be miserable. flopping is integral to being active.
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wishitwascopacetic · 2 months ago
I've started taking notes on movies so I don't have to rewatch to remember details! This is that
Welcome to my first-ever viewing of Jaws 😌
-The teenagers are all smoking!! And also making out. By golly that is an ugly haircut
-By virtue of knowing that this movie is about sharks, I know that this random girl going for a nighttime swim is about to get sooo got
-Her drunk not-boyfriend was zero help. Bro was zonked
-Are these her parents? That's sad
-The way that the little boy got cut and then asked to go swimming. Wild subtle foreshadowing considering they don't know their teenage daughter is dead
-Okay actually maybe those aren't the parents, just some unrelated far whose job is to find bodies on the beach or something. Oh I think he's the chief of police
-Did not show us the body, just showed us the living people’s distress
-Typewriter “SHARK ATTACK” on police report. Neat little shot
-It's such a nice day
-Everybody wants this cop guy's attention
-The boy scouts are in danger!!
-Why are these rich suits surrounding him. These idiots are gonna lose lives cuz of capitalism
-“You're not born here, you're not an islander” and the cop guy is from New York. He's an outsider
-Their kids are in the water I’d be stressed too. Geez wife lady
-Oh no the shark music!!
-Whoa that's a lot of blood
-Hey they did the zoom thing where they change the focal length while moving in so the background rushes past while the face stays the same size. Showed the guy’s alarm
-The government people are still trying to say there's no shark but a lady lost her kid and she's telling everybody to catch that shark
-Chief wants to close the beaches, government guy says 24 hours, chief says wtf, town is upset just bc they're closing it at all
-Nails on a chalkboard ugh. Is this guy supposed to be like a rough and tumble bounty hunter??
-Michael is in a boat and he is in trouble!! Or at least his parents think so
-Two random guys boating for some reason? Think they're being sneaky?? I guess they're trying to catch the shark but they're probly gonna die
-Horrifying pictures from shark attacks mingled between clips of the guys tryna catch the shark
-The shark broke the dock and dragged the guy away that's wild. I didn't think Charlie was gonna make it they were showing the shot of his legs that they imply is from the sharks perspective
-So many boats. Chief had to stop somebody from bringing dynamite out on the boat
-Hi oceanographic pro I like that they had them meet before really introducing the guy
-Why would you bring your dog out with you on a shark hunt
-Bro was freaked by that body. And pissed by the guys who said the first death was a boat accident
-That shark body is really gross
-Aw man science guy says it's a different type of shark. “It probably is the right shark” This wouldn't have even gotten brought up if there wasn't gonna be another shark
-“You knew it was dangerous but you let all those people go swimming anyways” everyone was so mad at him for trying to close the beach ugh
-Got all quiet while she talked. For the drama. In real life her slap probly wouldn't have drawn all the attention like that
-Bonding with his own son cuz he's sad about the other kid dying
-“Martin hates boats. Martin hates water. Martin sits in his car when we go on the ferry to the mainland. I guess it's a childhood thing. There's a clinical name for it, isn't there?” “Drowning.”
-Science guy convinced Martin to go cut open that shark
-Why is the shark leaking milk??
-Do tiger sharks really eat garbage that’s wild
-They took a boat out to go looking for the killer shark
-Science guy stop don't dive into the shark water!!
-Freaky dead body. Science guy is way too squeamish for allat
-Great whites are man-eaters. Sucks that this beach had to have one of those
-He dropped the sharks tooth when he saw the body and now the mayor doesn't believe them
-“Nobody's going in. Please, get in the water”
-They genuinely have a huge crowd of people on the beach but no one was going in until the first brave group went in
-Aw man more leg shots. Theres a shark for sure
-They cannot shoot the shark there's too many people
-A couple people got trampled yikes
-It was a shark prank!!
-Nooo the real shark is in the pond that's where the chief sent his kids!
-That guy got so got OH BLOODY LEG
-Wife wants to move to New York?
-Larry the gov guy mayor finally admits there's a shark problem but he still doesn't wanna pay the Quint bounty guy. But he does
-Science guy wants to go down in a shark cage and quint thinks he's gonna die el oh el
-Martin and science guy fought a little. Nobody really likes quint. Guess it's a high stress situation
-Quint is teaching Martin sailing stuff
-Time is passing and you can tell bc the people are in different positions. Playing that waiting game.
-Focus on quint and his actions, we know the shark is there but he hasn't told Martin and science guy
-It feels like they're on a fishing trip and I'm calmly waiting for some action
-Is he making fun of them or what. Why does hooper not believe him. Idk the girls are fightingggg
-They're building up this conflict a lot. Something's gotta resolve. Maybe one will save the other’s/others’ lives
-Chief sees the shark and all he says is “you're gonna need a bigger boat”
-I have to admit grabbing the gun/harpoon seems much smarter than climbing to the front of the boat for some pictures, mr hooper
-Amusing fade off right at the end of chief’s line, cutting him off when he's trying to convince quint they should get a bigger boat
-I think they are drunk. They are comparing scars all silly like
-Quint has shark trauma. I wonder if this is based in truth? He was on a boat carrying the Hiroshima bomb and a thousand soldiers were stranded in the water and most didn't survive
-Dramatic irony showed the shark’s barrel outside while they were inside singing
-Why is there a fire AND a flood that is just too much
-Now the boat is damaged and they are trapped out there with that shark
-Shark jumpscare
-Chief called a mayday to the Coast guard and quint pulled a bat and I thought he was gonna knock out the chief (shadowy silhouette through smoke, drama, etc) but he just broke the communicator lol
-They show the barrels instead of the shark a lot. Allows them to do less shark mechanic stuff and also has an air of mystery. But the characters are always telling us what the shark is doing
-Oh so those oxygen takes are definitely gonna explode. Chief knocked em over earlier and got yelled at and just now they clanked against the ladder and got zoomed in on
-Whoa silence. Shark wasn't even supposed to be able to go underwater with three barrels on it. This is foreboding
-Quint pushed the boat until the engine exploded I don't know why he would do that
-Water in the boat, huh? Would be cool if the shark was inside the boat
-Eyyo his lifejacket trauma. Quint doesn't wanna wear a lifejacket but he gave them to the other two
-They are all going to die. That's the vibe they're giving when they all stare silently into the distance
-He wants to be in the cage and then stab a needle into the sharks mouth/eyes?? That's insane
-Admittedly the cage is great for the metaphors. Bro is in danger and also imprisoned. But it's protecting him. Fascinating
-I like that the music is louder when the shark is closer. Feels like seeing the shark approach
-Aw man he dropped his harpoon needle thing. By golly please don't tell me he's going to leave the cage to get it
-Get him out of there!!!!!
-Lots of zoomed in shots for intensity
-At least the cage distracted the shark enough for science guy to swim down and get his needle
-From their perspective science guy is totally dead but I'm pretty sure he isn't
-The boat is half submerged now. The shark jumped up on top of it
-Oh quint is doomed for real. Slid down and. Oh we are watching him get ate. Blood out his mouth. That was brutal.
-There is human flesh on the sharks tooth I feel ill
-Huh maybe science guy IS dead. Chief has that last man standing thing going on
-Shark has the last gas tank in his mouth and chief is shooting so it blows up! I knew it would blow up but I didn't know it would be beneficial! Nice job
-Oh phew science guy is alive. Somehow managed to stay hidden that whole time ig
-They're laughing. They've lost it (I’d be laughing too)
-Yikes they are kicking their way to shore. Imagine if they just got ate by a different shark
-“I used to hate the water” YOU DON’T STILL?? “I can't imagine why”
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
I have been tagged by @timetravelbypen, yayyyy!! :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?:
2. What's your total AO3 word count?:
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sailor Moon, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Prodigy, And one Harry Potter story, the xover.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Parent Trap (301)
Sailor Moon H: Order of the Phoenix (283)
Sailor Moon H: Half-Blood Prince (217)
Out of Reach (currently taken down) (150)
Eden's Deception (149)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to respond to comments. I especially love when people have questions or want hints about what comes next.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
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HAHAHAHAHA oh boy. Um... you... you want me to choose just one? hmmm... Alright so honestly I think while Afterimage and What Even is Three Minutes did numbers on the J/C crowd, nothing tops the cliffhangers at the end of Sailor Moon H: Half-Blood Prince in terms of how much angst they induced in readers. The double whammy: (1) the youngest senshi getting turned into a horcrux and taken hostage by Bellatrix Lestrange and (2) Morgana Avery, the OC whom I had carefully crafted to be a character you loved burning up her boyfriend's shop with dark magic and then casting the Dark Mark in order to infiltrate the death eaters as an undercover spy... My betas and I were taking bets on whether I'd get readers coming after me with pitch forks for that one.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
There's a few contenders but I don't think any happiness quite compares to Captain Kathryn Janeway in The Captain's Secret Santa, getting a puppy for Christmas.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A smattering of memorable flames which I try to save to reflect back on when I need a good laugh.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*opens trench coat* Smut you say? Well gosh golly gee. What in the blazes could that be? SMUT. Funny word. Hmmm. I'm not sure I know anything about that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have written exactly two. Sailor Delta is on hold for the moment because the other one Sailor Moon H has one story to go. And i think if there were an award for craziest crossover I would submit that one and have a good chance to be in the running. It would win on craziest word count and probably on shenanigans too. And then it had the nerve to give itself a real plot. I started that as a crack fic and it got a mind of its own. And I am still writing it 8 years later XD.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I had all of my unlocked works on AO3 gobbled up by the initial crawl that Open AI used to build Chat GPT and that SUCKED. Not because it's been reproduced wholesale but because they'll use my hard work to make millions of dollars and all of the writers who were included in that dataset are both uncredited and uncompensated. I don't think I've ever had a fic stolen by another human. But if you do see what looks like my fic anywhere fishy, kindly let me know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No one has but I would be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've co-written a few!
One for a challenge with @magdalenejaneway,
one with Dawn47 when I was there as a Shakespeare assist.
memorable live-writing adventures with @trekflower. (one of my favorite people to write sexy fic with.)
And the longest one, which I am still so impressed we finished (and still one of my favorite things to reread) was the big Threshold AU Season 7 with @jellybeansarecool
I've talked about cowriting with @theredheadedcaptain but we both agreed that given our penchant for massively long fics that combining both of those tendencies was a very dangerously large project to contemplate XD
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
J/C is very near and dear to my heart but so is the Outer Senshi OT3 and I could never choose between them.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I am determined to finish all of my WIPs. Yes even SMH. Yes I know its been going on for 8 years. I am SLOW, okay. SLOW. Not lost. I know precisely how I want that thing to go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't like tooting my own horn but okay... I feel confident in my ability to plot a long fic and see it through. In my ability to write something that brings you to your knees with emotion. And I do a damn good villain speech.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Time management. Word Count management. Oneshots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Depends if it's there to be understood in context or there to stand out as not understood. I'd write dialogue in another language if it was there to be understood. I'd gloss over it if the intention was that the character and reader shouldnt understand it. I also wouldnt do it for whole lines of dialogue unless it was for a very good reason. Would prefer to throw in only the untranslateable words or to use greetings/honorifics and other smaller phrasal cues to indicate which language is being spoken.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H. in 2009-2010
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I fell in love with writing The Universe to Mend this year and I've already re-read it once since finishing it in October. It brought me so much joy. It was such a fun challenge. and I think it was some of the best character work I've ever done.
While I wince when I re-read some of the typos, Pax Lunae was still the first ever story that I felt proud of and that remains true today. It was a challenge to dive into the lore of Sailor Moon and create something that could be canon. It was also the first fic I could hold up and say "Hey! I wrote something the length of a novel. I could write a novel" And I like to reread it to remember that feeling. Someday I'll have a chance to clean up some of the spelling too..
Alrighty let's see. I want to tag @theredheadedcaptain @divinemissem13 @jellybeansarecool and @curator-on-ao3 if they'd like to take a crack at it. and anyone else who follows me and wants to - go for it!.
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soft-girl-musings · 1 year ago
20 Fanfic Questions
ty for the tag @virtie333, sorry for the delay!
How many works do you have on AO3?
7, so far!
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
17,707 (that number makes me unreasonably happy)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently: Moon Knight (2022) previously: The Arcana (dating sim, pre-Dorian butchering), The Hobbit franchise (I'd like to continue this one tbh!!) potentially: the Lokiverse (mans has been in too much), Spiderverse
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
An Unexpected Proposition (Kili x Fem!Reader - 43 kudos) Strawberry Cordial (Muriel x Apprentice OC - 37 kudos) Last Night (Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader - 26 kudos) Perks of Being a Wallflower (Jake Lockley x Plus Sized Fem!Reader - 17 kudos) Unfamiliar Territory (Muriel x Apprentice OC - 15 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
ABSOLUTELY, it makes me happy to do so. I love telling writers how I feel about their works (all good things i promise). and i love when folks take the leap and share their feedback.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh golly, technically Frankincense & Myrrh (The Arcana, Muriel x Apprentice OC). bc it's 1) unfinished and 2) will deal with a lot of the post-resurrection trauma Tamar (my Apprentice) will go through. it'll still be fluffy and more comfort than hurt if i ever get back into it, but man i really miss seeing her go through it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i'd have to say Perks of Being a Wallflower! no angst, just insecurity leading up to the ending lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'm not popular enough to attract the haters
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
i don't <3
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i feel like the closest thing to a crossover i'd attempt is something in the mcu, since every major event affects everything else in some way
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
great heavens i hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
not in the strictest sense of the word. but in the future, i plan on crediting the folks i share hcs and thots with, they've had a huge hand in shaping the world of my stories.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
the only thing that comes to mind is Matt Murdock x Claire Temple but i 1) have not finished Daredevil and 2) fully respect her for distancing herself from that disaster boy
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Frankincense & Myrrh - the Arcana fandom was spiraling when i entered in 2020, and while i love all the research and outlining i did for that story, it would take a lot for me to dive back into the game/lore to flesh out that story. Tamar Ufam you will always be famous to me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'd have to say dialogue and my attempts to make the stakes believable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
(actually writing lol) in all seriousness, taking the time to string together the little story pearls i come up with. i burn myself out sometimes and end up not writing anything.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i enjoy seeing it! what i don't like is people going "lol no hate on my google translate spanish/whatever language" (mostly when the language is poorly applied) bc we not only have the technology/better websites to use, but real people online willing to assist with translating/contextualizing. if you're going to do it, give it its due diligence. fingers crossed i can follow my own directive on that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Cats the Musical. I don't want to talk about it.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
published: tie between Last Night and Perks of Being A Wallflower. the first 2 fics i've published for my new fave Jake, and i see a lot of myself in Reader. these two will always be near and dear to my heart. unpublished: Relic to Relic (Loki x Fem!OC), outlining that story got me through my junior year of high school. while i'd need to rework some aspects of my OC's arc/abilities, i wouldn't mind writing for these two again.
tagging @cchickki @hon3yboy @mrs-lockley if you'd like to brag on yourselves!!
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necromancy-enthusiast · 1 year ago
Golly gee I hate that post with that RAADS-R test score poll going around, like yeah they do say in the discussion section right before the test that it's flawed and a lot of the wording is straight up insulting, but with this sort of thing a lot of people skip the nitty gritty details at the beginning and go straight to the test like how a lot of people don't read the terms and conditions before hitting the 'agree' button, so I'm betting a lot of people missed that.
They even have a big 'TAKE THE TEST HERE' button that takes you right to the test and skips all the details at the beginning, so they're basically encouraging you to skip it, although I imagine that wasn't their intention. I admittedly did at first, I only went back to read it after I finished the test, so this isn't me pointing the finger at anyone who also did that.
The wording on so many of the questions is incredibly unclear. There's no option to say how true an answer is to who you are or were in the past, just 'I've always been like this', 'I've never been like this' 'I was like this before age 16' and 'I'm like this now but wasn't as a child'. The nuance! Amazing!!!
The first statement is literally 'I am a sympathetic person' which is... What does that have to do with being autistic? (jk I know what people think it has to do with being autistic, they conflate sympathy with empathy and assume all autistic people have low empathy).
Moreover there are flaws that are only very lightly touched upon in the discussion section, like how the test seems to assume low empathy= autism. I'm not throwing low empathy people under the bus, I'm just stating that some autistic people have high empathy. I don't mean that as 'oh yeah you know some of us just happen to be high empathy but it's not correlated', having high empathy can also be directly linked to autism (I REALLY don't like how the first paragraph in that article also conflates empathy with compassion and sympathy, but it's otherwise the best description of hyper empathy in autism that I've found), so it's not that autism= low empathy but that autism is likely to affect a person's relation to empathy in a way that's not typical to, well, neurotypicals.
This assumption that all autistic people are low empathy keeps a lot of people from being diagnosed or even really considering that they might be autistic. I am one of those high empathy people and yet because of it I've been basically told it makes me less autistic before. I got a pretty low score for an autistic individual at 75, and 65 is, according to the test, 'the minimum score at which autism is considered' *cough* although some people diagnosed with autism got scores as low as 44 *cough*. 39 out of the 80 questions on the test are about 'social relatedness' so you know, empathy, or at the least aspects that are closely linked with empathy.
And there's another test on the website about masking called the CAT-Q that's used partially to explain why autistic people may get 'low scores' such as myself (at 133 I had a score higher than even by the average for autistic women, who scored highest overall at 124) but it's not linked in the post. It's linked at the bottom of the web page. A lot of people will also probably miss that, and it helps even out some of the biases in the RAADS-R test, but honestly it feels more like putting a bandage over a gaping wound that needs stitches instead of fixing all the problems with the RAADS-R test. No test is perfect but I think this one is kinda shit and needs to be majorly revised if not totally abandoned.
I don't blame anyone for taking the test and reblogging the post uncritically, this isn't me trying to make anyone feel bad or stupid, I just want to say that the test itself is deeply flawed even if it tends to be very accurate in scoring whether or not someone is autistic. Please keep all that in mind if you do take that test or share the post.
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threadsun · 2 years ago
Oh golly, here's the first batch
Jean was adopted at an early age by rich owners who used him to play hybrid parts in shows or movies. After he became an adult they decided they didn't want him anymore and threw him out, but they did give him a fair amount of cash for his troubles, not nearly enough to live of off during a mental collapse but ya know. Jean put himself up for adoption again after his money ran out but managed to get into a pet store because of his charm
Berry only put into adoption very recently after being busted. See, hybrids aren't allowed to work most places but the uniform for a froyo shop, with modifications, could hide his wings if he binded them, which he did. He worked his way up to general manager before being caught and sent to the pound for his "crime"
Joseph put himself into a pound after many years of roaming around after he ran away from home. He hated the person he was and sees putting himself in the pound as the only way to start a new life
Bo has been with the same pet store on and off for several years now. After turning eighteen he put himself up for adoption and has had every owner of his return him within a month or two due to being "too much to handle"
Oooooh those are all very interesting!! ngl I don't blame Barry for trying to hide it, for once he's valid
Also poor Bo 🥺
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dear-ao3 · 3 years ago
the saga of saphs terrible, horrible internet
so my friends and fellow romans, as some of you may know, i am currently at home while i wait to go galavant off to the other side of the globe for my study abroad. being at home presents a great many challenges that i will not get into at this time, but the top one is the internet connection.
now i am the proud owner of a 2017 macbook and an iphone se. the macbook was bought refurbished 3.5 years ago and the phone was bought new last august when my iphone 6s finally crapped out 2 weeks into junior year of college. i take....decent care of my electronics. and, this is an important detail here, the phone has an unlimited data plan.
i have never had a problem with this phone. it works great, occasionally it buffers in certain spots on campus that are kind of dead zones due to the buildings being massive blocks of concrete, but it always works, even despite the shitty school wifi i have because i can turn the wifi off and use data. the computer hates the wifi a little more, but i can still usually get it to work with minimal issues.
until now *cue dramatic music*
i have to be at home (my parents house) for a grand total of 18 days. which is not very long. and while at home i had some stuff to do, all of which required me to have an internet connection (fighting the financial aid office, talking to brad, researching grad school, purchasing textbooks, buying the last couple things i need for my trip, etc). i have also had to be in quarantine (long story) so essentially i have been confined to my room.
the internet has always been a little bit meh in my room, with certain spots not working the best (due to the fact that i am furthest from the router) but this is the same room that i took zoom classes from for 2.5 semesters, plus a summer class and a j term class with 0 issues, so i was confident i could make it work.
well. i was wrong.
the first two days went fairly normally. but then, a steady and rapid decrease in internet quality began.
and yes, i am aware that me complaining about internet quality is a very first world problem, but i am stuck in a house with my parents and it is miserable and i just want to facetime brad.
on day three i became unable to send a text message unless i was connected to wifi.
on day 4 i could only connect to wifi if i was standing in one specific spot in my bedroom and even then it didnt always work and would usually drop off by the time i walked back across the room
on day 5 facetime stopped working
on day 6 even standing directly next to the router didnt do anything and plugging into our sole ethernet cable only provided me with mediocre internet
on day 7 i had a mental breakdown and watched youtube all day at 144p complete with buffering that added a good 10-20 minutes to any video.
on day 8 i told my dad that in my deeply unprofessional opinion something is deeply wrong with our router and he said well its just cause your room is far away from it
on day 9 (today) i walked downstairs to get my up of tea in my big christmas tree mug and my dad said "our internet is being very slow, i am going to have to look into it"
you mean
to tell me
that the internet
isnt working?
golly goodness gosh
i didnt know
its not like it took 3 minutes for the blank post im writing right now to load and 30 minutes for a 10 minute youtube video to load and that i get kicked off the wifi if i so much as tilt my phone slightly to the left
its a miracle i havent gone insane yet i swear
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A lot of people say Gojo is a narcissist, faking being annoying, or incapable of feeling emotions/pretending he has emotions- it's really an incredible misinterpretation of his character to call him a sociopath/psychopath when he's actually just an ENTP. He's the most ENTP ENTP any ENTP has ever seen.
Just a little info: people with the ENTP personality type are extremely charismatic. They are often the center of attention with their quick wit and on point humour. You can see this with Gojo's antics and in your face behavior. However, ENTPs lack emotional sensitivity and are not afraid of expressing their disdain for topics such as tradition, which they discard quickly and easily, or any loose ideas they decide to debate on, which can leave people feeling offended or offput. They are Thinkers, with an underdeveloped feeling function (they are enTp not enFp) and are more likely to use logical reasoning when facing circumstances rather than their intuition or senses.
When it comes to friendships, ENTPs often enjoy people who can match their quick-witted nature. They need someone who can hold their ground during arguments and debates against him for mental stimulation. This makes ENTPs effective communicators, but many would find them to be extremely annoying or tiring to be around, especially because they are often unself-aware of how their words affect others. It's their natural tendency to argue and rebel against set ideas, whether it be for attention or to cure their own boredom that they express such so openly. They are confident even while speaking of their natural inclination to discard existing systems in society, leaving many infatuated with an ENTP's way with words. ENTP's just can't stand willful ignorance and tradition. However, many see this as pretentious of them. However, ENTPs don't argue for pleasure- it's simply the truth and they only ever debate ideas based on facts. Many people misunderstand this as egotism. We can see this when Gojo is constantly verbalizing his distate for the higher ups- he may act high and mighty, but his goal is always to prove his point and send a message across, which is that he cannot stand their archaic, inefficient way of handling things and if pushed, he will fight back. It's not him acting superior, he's simply stating fact, even if it offends the other person. As an ENTP, he simply has an undeveloped feeling function that prevents him from understanding his and others' emotions. Therefore, even if others are annoyed at what he has said, it's fine because it's only the truth, right? That explains why when Gojo had to ask his students if they would continue the exchange event even tho people had died, he was so nonchalant. See how him and ENTPs are so similar?
That said, when it comes to emotions, ENTPs are inclined to suppress their feelings. They're not known for their sensitivity no matter how much they understand the other person's position. When put in an emotional situation, despite being able to argue both sides of a topic, they are remarkably bad at putting themselves in other people's shoes. They also often misjudge others' feelings and push situations way past others' tolerance levels. We can tell Gojo is someone that most people cannot understand and vice versa- he was raised as the strongest, with many fearing his very existence. Therefore, he is even less inclined to be able to understand the emotional needs of other people. That is why he doesn't even realize Utahime hates him. He only thinks her bad attitude towards him is a joke (as said in Gege's fanbook. Shiro on Twitter has the translation). Most ENTPs don't even realize they're annoying to other people. They're just being themselves. Most people just struggle to handle such a person. This doesn't make Gojo an emotionless person- rather, he has feelings, but his natural tendency to suppress them in order to find a logical solution rather than put himself in another's shoes- something he's inherently bad at- infringes in his ability to understand other people.
Therefore, Gojo Satoru is not some emotionless psychopath or sociopath who's manipulative and narcissistic. He simply falls under a commonly misunderstood personality type called the ENTP, an mbti personality type. ENTPs only make up 3% of the population, making them one of the rarer personalities, which is why so many people can easily create misconceptions on his character. His enthusiasm and confidence in expressing his beliefs and attitude even if it annoys people is something many people can't stand, yes. He has a hard time understanding other people's emotions because he's more rational than intuitive, sure. But that doesn't make him a bad person. He's just one of a small group people on the planet who are dominated by logical thinking and debate, along with personalities like the INTP (Albert Enstein, for example) and the INTJ (Isaac Newton).
Gojo Satoru is a regular human being just like the rest of us, and he's not some philanderer who manipulates women and would cheat on them. ENTPs definitely struggle with commitment, but that's only because most people can't keep up with their constant need for intellectual stimulation rather than emotional. While they may find people who are incredibly emotionally sensitive to be intriguing at first, those relationships usually end with the ENTP realizing they would rather have an intellectual equal, like the INTP. They want to feel understood. However, the INTP's personality type only makes up for 3-5% of the population, which makes them, like the ENTP, misunderstood and commonly left feeling alone in the world. Similarly, Geto, the person who got the closest to Gojo, has the INTJ personality type, a thinking type that gets along most with the ENTP and only makes up 2% of the population, even less than the ENTP or INTP's rarity. Just from that, the person that would match Gojo's personality type is rare even statistically. Even so, Gojo himself doesn't even have time for sleeping around. The man hardly even sleeps much himself, he's so busy.
Source: a bunch of ENTP articles, threads, experiences, and other people's experiences.
Just wanted to clear that up, got tired of this Gojo slander lol 😖 Thanks for reading! Would love to hear any thoughts on this 💙 - 🤔 anon
OH MY GOLLY MOLLY 🤔 anon you are out educating the people YES YES I ABSOLUTELY AGREE wow reading this was such a learning experience yeet the people who think gojo is a psychopath. Gojo is just a really complex character and its understandable that some people don't understand trust me even I have my moments when writing when I struggle to keep him in character. I want to explore more sides to him yes the happy bubbly gojo but also the more emotionally oppressed gojo and other sides to him. I definitely agree he drives on logical thinking the dude literally wanted to have a debate on the separation of the state for fun. I am absolutely loving this and yes I am so tired of the gojo slander people don't judge a book by its cover 😤 that goes for other characters as well ☝️ really sorry for the late reply I LOVE YOU 🤔 ANON thank you so much for taking the time to explain 💙💙💙 virtual hugs 💗
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