In Aeternum
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Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Lloyd Hansen
Summary: your life with Lloyd is a lot of work. Or rather, he is.
This is one of my birthday drabbles. Thanks again for your input :) Enjoy.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
A birthday drabble for Carpe Noctem 
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You stare at the small screen of the smart device. The smell of cinnamon fills the kitchen as you stand in wait of the baking desserts. You lean in to get a better view of the news segment. Your ears tweak at the reporter’s words. 
‘The sole survivor remains in the ICU with severe burns but healthcare personnel see a full recovery. As for those who passed, the survivor’s parents, they have been interred in the local cemetery and the service brought out hundred.’ 
They show images of the funeral; flowers, solemn faces, the front of a church.  
“Why are you watching that shit?” Lloyd, as always, knows when to barge in. 
“Alexa, stop playing,” you command the device and the screen returns to rest, showing the time and weather. “Just the news.” 
“I told you not to worry about that idiot.” He grunts as you face him. He tries to cross his arms then puts them straight, shaking out his left. He’s slick with sweat and his workout gear clings to his muscles. “I fucked up. Thought I killed him but the damn cockroach managed to drag himself out. What a pussy. Can’t even save his own parents.” 
“Lloyd. You--” 
“Yeah, yeah. Oh, mimi, your soft heart.” He leers at you and winks. “Softer body.” He sticks his tongue out and wince. He bends his elbow and rubs it. 
“What wrong with your arm?” You sigh. 
“Nothing. Old college injury. You know I was varsity, right? Coulda gone national but I made more money... doing something else.” 
“Right,” you sniff and go to the oven. You peer through the lit window at the spiral cookies. 
“What’s the point of me putting in all this work in the gym when you’re just fattening me up?” He scoffs. 
“You don’t have to eat the cookies.” You glance at the time on the small screen above the stove. 
“I have a nose and a stomach. I can’t resist.” He shuffles around the kitchen and surprises you as he comes up behind you. “Just like I can’t resist you.” 
“The cookies are for the shelter.” You stiffen as he wraps his arms around you and pulls your ass against him. “I told you several times not to touch.” 
“Mimi, you’re spending all my money.” 
You huff and look around at the spacious kitchen; stacked ovens, a hug marble island, a fridge with a glass door, a whole other fridge for just wine, and every single appliance you might need but have yet to use. You grab his wrists as he squeezes your hips. 
“I think you have more than enough. What else am I supposed to do?” 
“Have some wine, put on a thong, hop on my dick,” he purrs and rocks you with him, locking his hold on you. “You got your choice. The hot tub, the pool, sauna, hell, sit out in the sun and read one of your Austen joints. Want me to dress up like Darcy? Bit of role play?” 
“Stop,” you push on his arms and writhe. 
“What’s a matter, mimi? You weren’t so shy last night. Or yesterday afternoon. Or after lunch. Or in the morning.” 
You sneer and tear his hands away from your hips. You turn to him and poke his shoulder. He groans and rubs it. 
“Ow, you know that’s still healing.” 
“I told you to go to a real doctor,” you snip. 
“Mimi, they don’t touch me like you do.” He furls his fingers and his throat bobs. He runs his thumbs along his shorts and tugs. “Damn, just the thought—how about a cool down? I just chugged a protein shake, I gotta get it out.” 
“No?” He tilts his head. “Mommy, please.” 
“No, especially if you’re going to pull that.”  
You spin as the timer dings and you grab the oven mitts. You shut off the buzzer and take out the cookies. You put the pan on the counter to cool and hang the mitts again. 
“Mimi...” Lloyd drawls out as he closes in. 
You evade him. Keeping a step ahead as you scurry along the island. He pursues and you turn to face him as you round the corner. 
“I said no. I’m not in the mood.” 
“Why? Because that limp dick is in the hospital--” 
“Stop.” You whine and backpedal away from him as his advance continues. “Lloyd, I’m telling you to stop. I have to make a trip downtown to deliver the cookies--” 
“Really? You do? Because you don’t leave without me. Remember? Those are the rules.” He gets closer and closer.  
You peer around as you feel blindly and walk back on your heels. You pass through the doorway into the front room. You barely dodge the sofa and the little round table next to it. 
“Leave me alone. I’m telling you.” 
“Keep telling me. It's making me hard.” He snickers. 
You veer through the next doorway and stumble as he lunges. He pulls back and laughs again. He’s taunting you. 
“Oh, I like this game, Mimi.” 
“I’m not playing,” you reach to grab the banister as you step towards the stairs. 
He takes a deep breath and stops. “Neither am I.” 
His smirk sends a chill through you. You freeze at the bottom step and gulp. You look up then back at him. In an instant, you’re barreling up, desperate to get to the top. As your feet slap on the stairs, his treads trail you up calmly. 
Shit. This is the last thing you need. No matter what or when, you always manage to provoke him. Every breath, every blink, every word only entices him. It’s tiring. Without a job, without your friends, it feels like your nothing more than toy. Any search for a different purpose just amuses him. 
You race down the hall. You have to make a quick decision. You burst into the bathroom and spin to swing the door shut. It bounces back as Lloyd shoves his sneaker between it and the frame. He shoves in after you with a taunting grin. 
You stagger back and search for any form of defence. You know it’s pointless. There’s no escape, no fight to be had, but you just want him to let you think for two minutes without mentioning his dick. You grab the bottle of hair spray and aim it at him. You push down and he coughs, waving his hand through the cloud of stickiness. 
He swats the aerosol from your hand and grabs your other arm. You whimper as he wrenches you toward him. He turns and pens you in against the floating counter. He tuts down at you as you push on his stomach. 
“Oh, mimi,” his eyes flick above you. “That’s a great fucking idea.” He grips your shoulder and twists you around to face the counter. “I’d love to watch.” 
He keeps you trapped as you slap a hand on the marble and try to shove him away with the other. He stretches the elastic of his shorts and they fall to his feet. You wriggle as he wraps his arm around you and leans you against the counter. 
His other hand snakes under your skirt. One of the many pieces stocked in your closet. None of them fit right. They all flutter a bit too high on your thigh. 
“Lloyd,” you beg. “Later. Not—now.” 
“Too fucking late. My dick hurts.” 
“Stop!” You throw and elbow back into his ribs. He grunts and nuzzles your hair. 
“Don’t mess around.” He warns. 
He kicks your feet apart and peels your panties down your thighs. The strip of lace strains around your legs. He bends you further as he feels around. He brings his tip down to your cunt and prods you, tapping, and rubbing. 
“Mm, I feel you shaking for me, Mommy.” 
“Please--” you gasp. 
“You don’t gotta beg,” he boats. 
“Urgh, get—off!” You bend your arm awkwardly and once more poke at his shoulder. He exclaims but persists.  
He lines up as he bares his teeth, hooking his jaw over your shoulder. The anger pulses in his forehead as he glares at your reflection. He snaps his hips and impales you with a growl. You cry out and brace the counter as your legs buckle. 
“Ow!” You plead with him in the mirror. Eyes misty, eyes pouting. 
His lips curve deeper as he thrusts, jerking your hip bones into the marble. His hand crawls up to your chest and he squeezes your chest with a snarl. He tilts his head and sinks his teeth into your shoulder. He ruts as his eyes blaze back at you from the glass. 
His hand snakes down your stomach and delves beneath your skirt. You hide beneath your eyelids as he finds your clit. He flicks over your hood and you spasm. You mewl as he does it again and again. Worse than his strength is his talent at toying with you. Even as you resist, he finds your weak spot and needles away at it. 
“Mmm,” he purrs as he unlatches his teeth and kisses up your neck. 
His mustache tickles as he pounds against your ass, fingers sliding around your slickness, breath fogging around your chest. Your thighs quiver and your feet arch. You bend forward a little more and he hits just the right spot. 
You cum in a ripple of pathetic moans. You’re breathless and weak. You slump onto your elbow and he growls as you open to him completely.  
He frames your hips and pumps into you until his motion turns erratic. He groans and grunts, digging his nails through the fabric as he pulls out. He cums down your thigh as you hang off the counter.
He lets out a gurgle and snaps his knuckles against your ass. He moves rigidly as he turns and leans his bare ass on the marble beside you. He rubs your back as you gulp and catch your breath.
You stand up but he stops you from grabbing a tissue to wipe up. He’s shameless as his shorts still cling around one ankle. 
“Hey, baby cakes, get my shorts for me? Think I pulled something.” 
You scowl at him as he emphatically clutches his side. You sniff and wave him off. You grab a washcloth and wet it under the faucet. You wipe yourself off and toss the balled fabric into the sink. 
“Pull your own shorts up,” you sneer. 
“I mean it, Mimi, my back’s all sorts of locked up. You got me all bound up.” He gives a pathetic whimper. “Please, take care of me like you always do.” 
You shake your head and squat down to grab the shimmering puddle of shorts. This is ridiculous. He lifts his feet to hook it through and as you tug them up his legs, an odd weight hangs in the flimsy fabric. His dick twitches just as you cover it up and let the elastic snap him meanly. 
“You feel that, Mimi,” he catches your hand and pulls it back to him. You try to shake him off but can’t. “Am I happy to see you or is that a ring in my pocket?” He brushes your palm over his dick and to his pocket. The shape you felt is sharper than you expect. You look up at him in confusion. 
“You didn’t even give me a chance to get on one knee.” 
He guides your hand to the top of his pocket and lets go. Your heart thumps as you reach inside and pull out the heart-shaped box. The lid opens like wings from the middle. You reveal the sapphire trimmed diamond inside. Each stone bigger than the next. 
You gape at the sparkling cluster. Lloyd chuckles and strokes your cheek. He cups your chin and raises it. As you look at him, he smirks again. 
“You take care of me, I take care of you,” he traces his thumb along your lip. “Speaking of, I’m fucking serious about my back. Can I get some help?” 
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craftingcreatures · 1 year
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Some sketchy concept stuff that I'm posting because I liked it but couldn't be bothered to refine it into an actual artwork.
These submarine behemoths are the Mermares (Clade Euhippocampiformes), secondarily aquatic descendants of the domestic donkey. The group first appeared around 29 million years post-cataclysm, in the late Nerian stage of the Diluvian period. They evolved from an animal called the Seabra, a descendant of the Donkey which adapted to exploit a niche with, thus far, zero competition - that of a large marine herbivore.
On earth, marine ecosystems are notable for the distinct lack of vascular plant life, a condition caused by a number of factors - most notably the osmotic stress caused by the saltwater. Most photosynthesis is carried out by algae. On Spero, however, things are different. Because Spero's oceans were generated relatively recently, from extraterrestrial ice particles, there just hasn't been enough time for erosion and the water cycle to deposit dissolved minerals in the water. As a result, Spero's seas are made of freshwater - a much more tolerable condition for most plants, and thus the diversity of marine vascular plants is much, much higher than on earth. Also, due to the flatness of the flooded landscape and lack of any real tectonic features, enormous swathes of the seabed lie within the photic zone, less than 200 meters from the surface. Thus, endless expanses of marine grasslands - the "seagrass prairies" - extend from the shore, often for hundreds of miles before the water finally gets too deep for photosynthesis to occur.
All of this plant life is an extremely attractive prospect for herbivores, and it was likely what drew the ancestral Seabra to forage in shallow coastal meadows in the first place. But as the oceans got deeper and life adapted, the Seabra had to adapt in kind - their hind legs rotated backwards to act as a pair of propulsive flukes, their forelimbs developed into steering flippers, and their nostrils retreated to sit on their foreheads.
One notable feature of the Mermares is hyperphalangy, a condition where the fingers have too many bones. It's very common in large marine tetrapods in Earth's history - whales and dolphins, Ichthyosaurs, Plesiosaurs, and Mosasaurs all exhibited hypoerphalangy to some degree - and seems to be associated with the specialization of the limbs into flippers. We would expect to see similar patterns in marine lineages on Spero. What's unique about the Mermares, however, is the sheer number of extra phalanges in the finger; at least fifteen in the shorter-finned species, and more than thirty in the longest-finned forms. And because Mermares - being equids - only possess one digit per limb, the result is a single long chain of flat, squarish bones which, in some cases, can reach over forty feet long - the longest arms ever to exist.
These ridiculous appendages produce a lot of drag and are merely adequate for steering and stabilization. So why do the Mermares have them?
The answer is that they're weapons. And particularly devastating ones, at that.
Mermares use their flagellating flippers as bludgeons, against both predators and conspecifics. The flippers are connected to powerful neck muscles and can be swung forward with impressive force; combined with a well-timed twisting of the giant horse's torso, the huge flippers can impact hard enough to shatter bone and pulverize flesh. The flippers themselves do not escape unscathed, and older individuals often have scarred or mangled flipper-tips from numerous battles over the years; but it's a small price to pay for survival.
When not being used against their enemies, the flippers may be folded back against the sides of the animal to reduce drag, or used as props to keep the animal's belly up off the seabed when feeding. Mermares spend up to 18 hours per day grazing, using their long neck to crop aquatic grasses and other vegetation in a wide arc without moving their bodies and occasionally dipping up to the surface to breathe. Mermares are keystone species in the seagrass prairies; as hindgut fermenters, they are not as efficient at processing plant matter as ruminants like goats, and produce large amounts of nutrient-rich dung which acts as fertilizer for the meadows and helps keep the environment productive. The dung also acts as food for a variety of fish and invertebrates.
Let's look at some of the Mermare's diversity, shall we?
Drepanarion (center right) One of the smaller Mermares, Drepanarion nonetheless grows to nearly 12 meters (39 feet) long. It is immediately recognizable by the bold black-and-yellow striping on the heads and necks of the stallions, and by the tall, narrow nuchal crest which extends from the withers and makes the stocky body look even more powerful. Unlike most other Mermares, which live in small groups of less than ten individuals, Drepanarion can be found in herds of over a hundred in the seagrass prairies of the Savanian (41 - 50 million years post-cataclysm). These nomadic throngs graze patches of seagrass nearly to the roots before moving on, giving the ecosystem time to regrow before returning in a few years' time. Drepanarion exhibits the most extreme sexual dimorphism of any Mermare, with stallions being both larger and more brightly coloured than mares; during the annual rut, males will fight each other in brutal bludgeoning matches to establish dominance and secure mates. To this end, they have some of the most extreme flipper anatomy of any Mermare; though not especially long (indeed, they have the shortest flippers of any derived genera), each phalanx bone has a protruding bony tubercle on the anterior edge which extends into a keratinous knob. These knobs both protect the flipper during combat and focus the force of the blow into a smaller area, dealing more damage.
Hipposeidon (bottom left) First appearing in the early Imberian (50 million years post-cataclysm), Hipposeidon is the largest of all Mermares and, indeed, the largest animal ever to exist on Spero, with stallions regularly reaching over 24 meters (80 feet) long (mares are slightly smaller). Extremely large specimens may even reach 30 meters (100 feet), although this is rare. This ludicrous size - nearly rivaling even the mighty Blue Whale of Earth - is possible only due to the sheer abundance of its food. Hipposeidon appears at the height of the seagrass prairie's extent, and can pack away almost 900 kilograms (1900 pounds) of seagrass per day. This superlative food requirement has important consequences for Hipposeidon's behaviour; this animal is migratory. Seagrass prairies are extremely productive ecosystems, but nonetheless Spero is a seasonal world; as the summer growth gives way to the winter die-back, the greatest of the Mermares must migrate across the equator to seek out a continuous food source to fuel its immense bulk. In this way Hipposeidon experiences a perpetual summer, interrupted only by the biannual migration from north to south and back again. Female Hipposeidon are pregnant for about one year, timing the birth of the single large foal with arrival to the feeding grounds; the six-meter-long foal enjoys a long childhood nursing and playing in shallow summer waters, gathering strength before making the long swim across the barren tropical zone to pastures new.
Bathypegasus (top left) The last and possibly the weirdest of the great Mermares, Bathypegasus is the only member of the clade which is not a grazer. Instead, it is a specialist feeder on pelagic, free-floating ferns. These ferns are a seasonal bounty, growing in huge numbers in the tropical summers of the late Imberian (60 million years post-cataclysm), where the planetary ring system shades out large portions of the planet for half the year. A close relative of Hipposeidon, Bathypegasus has left its ties to the seabed behind, becoming a fast, powerful swimmer which spends most of its life far above the sea floor. Its flippers have adapted to be even more ludicrously long - the longest forearms of any animal, ever, with each one measuring nearly 14 meters (45 feet) in length and each containing at least 35 individual bones. No longer used to prop the animal up off the seabed, these whiplike flippers are narrow and streamlined and can be whipped through the water at speeds of nearly 20 meters per second (that's over 40 mph) - the most extreme weaponry of any Mermare, and used to great effect against predators. Bathypegasus, like Hipposeidon, is migratory, following the blooms of pelagic ferns across Spero's oceans. Thanks to this midwater diet it is the only genus of Mermare to survive past the mid-Imberian extinction, when rising sea levels and steepening coastal slopes caused the seagrass prairies to disappear. Bathypegasus finally died out in the Ultimoxerian stage, around 75 million years post-cataclysm, the last and weirdest of the giant marine horses.
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embrifyr · 4 months
there's something about the godly devotion that tim has that only bernard gets, the type that no one could truly get behind. imagine the love he has for him, the kind that no one could replicate. the love bernard gives him, he wants to give ten fold, but no one can top bernard's love unless it's his boyfriend's adoring one and his almost worship-like loyalty that leaves him exasperated yet so much more in love with him.
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demifiendrsa · 2 months
Secret Level - Teaser Trailer
Secret Level will premiere on Prime Video on December 10, 2024.
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Each episode of Secret Level taps into worlds from beloved gaming classics and new titles. Here is a list of games who inspired the 15 stories in Season 1: ● Armored Core ● Concord ● Crossfire ● Dungeons & Dragons ● Exodus ● Honor of Kings ● Mega Man ● New World: Aeternum ● PAC-MAN ● PlayStation (Highlighting various PlayStation Studios beloved entities) ● Sifu ● Spelunky ● The Outer Worlds ● Unreal Tournament ● Warhammer 40,000
Secret Level, produced by Amazon MGM Studios and Blur Studio, is created by and executive produced by Tim Miller. Dave Wilson serves as executive producer and supervising director.
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fortunaestalta · 6 months
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ampleappleamble · 2 months
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these relationship webs in the style of ryōko kui's for her dunmeshi characters seem to have become somewhat popular, so i was inspired to do a few for Axa and her companions in PoE and Deadfire (with bonus Vela web)! unfortunately i am irrepressibly verbose so mine aren't quite as succint as the others i've seen but c'mon you knew what you were getting into when you married me
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gardenofskeletonss · 3 months
"Do you get what it's like? To know that I was this close to winning? To getting the happy ending I always dreamed of?"
"Do you understand how INFURIATING it is to know I could have gotten help had I simply WAITED??!!??"
[Stage 2 START.]
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Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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supernovaa-remnant · 11 months
Ad Aeternum
Ad Aeternum: To Eternity "Like humanity finding life on Europa, he muses. Just as life is an inevitability wherever there is liquid water and heat, perhaps there's an inevitability about him and Dream, too."
Rating: Teen Fandom: Dream SMP Relationships: Dream/Wilbur Soot, Dream & Wilbur Soot, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Wilbur Soot, Dream, JSchlatt, Karl Jacobs, George Not Found, Background & Cameo Characters
here she is!! my pride and joy, and the labor of my love: Ad Aeternum <3
(it's a locked fic, so if you'll need to be logged into an ao3 account to view it)
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bullybeast · 1 year
Ref sheet for Gaur's pact weapon: Aeternum
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The weapon of choice of His Emperor. They say that the demon prince pulled his soul from his chest, and it took the form of this savage blade. The monsters call it their strongest weapon. The humans call it death.
While we're still on the subject of ref sheets, wanted to post this up really quickly. This was done by Taoren, while deciding what pact weapon we wanted to create, I took inspiration from the Castlevania series (Dracula's second in command), Vindictus (Scythe evie anybody?) and enormous inspiration from GW2's legendary weapons Twilight and Sunrise, which were some of my favorite designs. I really loved the paint-brush effect when the weapons are swung, and I took it a bit further by making it a weapon that can cut rifts into the fabric of reality for traversal and movement that gives Gaur the ability to be death itself~
Past all the porn, I try my best to associate a lot of death motifs with Gaur. Why else does he have a raven familiar, right?
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maitter-of-creepfell · 2 months
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I tried, ok? I tried 😭😂 beginner drawing AF for Leo Inter Serpentes: Third Year, chapter 11 by @aeternumregina, where Harry and Draco get to troll Hermione and Pansy by being okay. My love for Leo Inter Serpentes is infinite, I will be re-reading it for the umpteenth time in a thousand years, and I will have learnt to draw better by then, thank you.
Honestly, if we overwrite JKR's work with aeternum's, that would be nice. Or, well, not the WORK, not HARRY POTTER, but the anxiety JK wound around it like a bizarre bigoted bipedal spider.
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pedroam-bang · 2 months
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Secret Level (2024)
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craftingcreatures · 1 year
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Behold, a creetchur
Meet Stecoteuthops stictis, the "spotted standing squid-face". It's one of the most important creatures for my in-the-works Spec project. Basically the premise is that many years in the future, humanity colonized a distant desert planet (Spero) with the intent on terraforming it to become a new colony. However, something went horribly wrong, and humanity was wiped out, leaving behind only the livestock and crops they brought with them. This transitional form lives about 60 million years post-cataclysm and is a descendant of the Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius).
Stecoteuthops is part of a particularly successful radiation of camels which possess subcutaneous osteoderms for defense against predators. In this genus, the osteoderms along the midline of the back have formed tall struts which support a decorative sail of skin. This sail is used for display and also to break up its outline in its woodland home, helping the animal to hide from predators; males have much taller sails than females.
This animal is most similar in form and function to the ancient stem-camel Anoplotherium, possessing a muscular, elongated tail which is used to support the body while browsing. Their pincer-like forelimbs can be used to grasp branches and pull them down to access fresh fruits and tender new leaves. They are obligate herbivores, and fruit forms over 70% of their diet - their dextrous, almost tentacular lips are used to grasp and manipulate ripe fruit, and are lined with cornified papillae to ensure a firm grip. Their fur is greenish-blue, the result of a novel pigment derived from Biliverdin which evolved near the very base of the camel radiation, shortly after colonization.
Stecoteuthops is important to this world because it represents a transitional form between large, ground-dwelling camels and smaller, arboreal forms. Although Stecoteuthops itself does not climb, its grasping feet, small size, and muscular tail are all preadaptations for arboreality, and its descendants will clamber about the canopy in search of fresh fruit. It is this lifestyle which will enable the camels to survive the coming mass extinction, priming them to diversify into one of the dominant clades on the planet Spero.
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embrifyr · 4 months
the love that odysseus has for penelope, and the love that penelope has for odysseus, is indescribable.
they waited years for one another. they have become unstoppable at the mere idea of one another. it's so indescribable that odysseus talks about his wife in his sleep. penelope still dreams and hopes of her husband's return. odysseus' only reason to become a monster was for penelope. he had thrown circe off of him because of his own wife, and went on to ramble about his long journey without her. he had immediately rejected calypso's advances and, again, talked of his wife in his own sleep.
odysseus' pure rage at the very idea of penelope even having another man near her, when the prophet had told him so. not only that, but a man who had harmed unstoppably, and has what seems to be hundreds of bodies trailing him. a man who is haunting all. a man who could endanger penelope.
and penelope? she evaded the suitors for ten long years, no simple woman could ever evade hungry and disgusting men, waiting to usurp the throne to Ithaca and take penelope as their trophy wife. no normal woman could hope for their husbands return for so long. this woman did not need odysseus, but she wanted him, and he wanted her.
not only that, but try to imagine the unfiltered and unadulterated rage that seeped through to odysseus when he saw his palace filled with disgusting and prideful men, waiting to literally gang rape his wife and plan to keep his loving and most powerful wife as a trophy and object? to murder his son, telemachus in their vain attempt to usurp his place and the men who dared abuse the law of xenia?
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geekcavepodcast · 2 months
Secret Level Teaser Trailer
Secret Level is a 15-episode adult animated anthology series that will feature original stories set in various video games. Games that inspired the series include Armored Core, Concord, Crossfire, Dungeons & Dragons, Exodus, Honor of Kings, Mega Man, New World: Aeternum, PAC-MAN, PlayStation Studios games, Sifu, Spelunky, The Outer Worlds, Unreal Tournament, and Warhammer 40,000.
Secret Level lands on Prime Video on December 10, 2024.
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naysaltysalmon · 1 month
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My moodboard while writing my RuoYao fic Adolesco aeternum. Not nearly as extensive as the moodboard for The ocean's face, but I wanted to keep all these in one place~
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