#in which case why would I want to read you
rayroseu · 2 days
Some sad thing I realized today, but I read again that faes can always drain magic from nature, so they technically have endless supply of magical power, that's why Overblot Malleus is undefeatable right now.
But if this was the case for all powerful faes, why didn't Meleanor utilize that endless magic supply to strengthen herself during her overblot against Knight of Dawn?
It would've made sense and she would've become stronger instead of weaker as the battle goes on (in game, notice that her character never heals, unlike Overblot Malleus who heals 60k HP bcs he has endless magic supply so you can't exhaust him unlike Overblot Meleanor)
So, my theory is this, like Malleus, she overblotted in purpose, but she didn't extract her strength from nature because the environment around her, mainly Land of Briar, is extremely damaged already because of human excavations and using that nature for magical strength would hurt that land even further. (Bcs remember that bcs Malleus is also draining magic from nature, some of the habitat in Sage Island "are devoid of life" like how Ortho described even the fishes are asleep)(This might even be just bcs of Malleus' sleeping magic)
So even if she has access to it, she never used that power because she didn't want to harm her own land as well and just extracted magical strength out of her own magic even if that's going to hurt her in the long term (she can never heals because she couldn't exactly heal the magic she extracted much like how Lilia can never get back the magic he exhausted to hatching Malleus even if its theirs)😭✨
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which really ties into my interpretation that her choosing to battle alone wasn't her overestimating herself but that it was her sacrifice 😭✨💔
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 days
Please do more of of the super Robin!! Only if you want to, of course, but I really want to see more of everyone at the dinner, losing their minds while Tim, Kon, and Danny just bask in it. I especially want to see more of Alfred being sassy because that is the funniest part for me.
Somehow, Danny is not only half Kryptonian but also a meta-human. Tim may not have developed the gene; it was somewhere in his family tree- Tim personally thinks it's on his mother's side- that skipped the super genius and implanted itself into his son.
Tim detected the meta-gene while running basic tests on the clone when he was first created. He was still determining which of Danny's abilities were the meta part of himself since so many previous powers he has shown were Kryptonian.
Everyone was on high alert, waiting with barely held breath for Danny's powers to unlock. It made Kon a bit angsty, always watching his son with tight-rung tension whenever he tripped or stumbled.
Not that he was upset Danny was a meta, but he's seen plenty of meta's while in the field that usually caused such destruction because none were prepared for their powers. Especially since most meta's powers are unlocked under severe tension and life-threatening moments.
He wanted what was best for his boy. Tim, on the other hand, handled fatherhood in a more relaxed and snarky but loving point of view. Danny would randomly start flying through their house, with Kon walking underneath him in case he fell and shout, "To the stars, my spaceman!" while sipping coffee, finding it hilarious how his usually smug husband was reduced to a mother-hen.
Danny responded by making rocket ship sounds and soaring a little faster, and Kon fretted a bit more. Tim could spend the rest of his life watching them.
That didn't mean he would, seeing as life needed to move forward, and being a father didn't mean he stopped being Tim. They needed some time for being a couple as well.
This is why they contacted Tim's siblings to ask for a favor one weekend in late spring.
Dick had agreed to watch his nephew and littlest brother- Jarro- while Tim and Kon went on a romantic getaway weekend. It was a test run for the two men's honeymoon that was set to be in about six months, while also a chance for Danny to bond with his family.
Their elopement had been rather rushed, and Danny running around made it hard for them to actually have time as a couple after their marriage. Tim had created their child in a grief induce craze after all.
Kon insisted that Tim included every possible test result and likely meta-gene sighting in the binder they left that held everything Dick needed to know about Danny. It was a sizeable three-inch binder, organized by several tabs and sheets, which took Dick a whooping hour and a half to get through, but he will read every single sentence because he loves his nephew.
He's currently mid-way on "Passtime and approved hobbies." Kon had written five times that crime fighting and sneaking out to take photos was not child age-appropriate, but Tim added, "If he has an uncle or aunt with him, it's fine" in Parathas.
"Watch this!" Jarro crowed, springing in place before flinging himself across Dick's living room in a rapid side-ways spin. "Ninja-Star!
Danny cheered from the floor, jumping up and down. "Ninja-Star! Ninja-Jarro!"
Dick grins, taking a quick video to send to Damian with the words They want to be like you."
He gets back a rapid Naturaly
Despite being a one-word reply, he knows that his brother is beaming somewhere on Gotham Acadmey's open field.
"Ice-mage!" Danny yells suddenly. Dick snaps his head up from his phone at once. Usually, when kids scream nonsense like that, it's make-believe, but with these two, it was best to be safe than sorry.
Yup, ice is now covering every inch of his living room floor. He winces, and there goes his safety deposit. "Danny, where did the ice come from"
"Duh Uncle Dick, it's my ice magic!" Danny calls back, sliding across the floor with a giggle. Jarro rides on his head, one little limb stretched out as he war cries.
Dick fights the urge to sigh. "I know that, darling. I meant did you make it with your freeze breath or?"
"I made it like this." Danny does a strnge twirling of his fingers over eacother before a ice slide appears at the end of the couch. Danny climbs over the arm rest to reach it and slide down, with a burst of more giggles.
Dick nods, humming in the back of his throat as he flips the binder to the back page and pens in "Ice-based meta gene."
He pauses at the sight of Alfred's neat and perfect penmenship with the words "Density shifting- Young Master Danny flouted down into the cave to help me clean. He's very well-mannered, likely from his Kent side. Heaven knows he didn't inherent it from this family."
Dick winces even more. He can practically hear Alfred's accented No one helps me in this damn house. He should go over tonight to redo the Batcave's invintory and maybe shine up the Batcars.
"Uncle Dick, can we watch Frozen!?"
After an excellent movie with his baby brother and little nephew.
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thevoidstaredback · 17 hours
Tales of Conquest, Warnings of Fools:
Letters Between Brothers
Damian Wayne, Dec. 24, 2011
Your forgiveness is more than I ever could’ve asked for. I still don’t think I deserve it, but I will take what you have given me, ahki.
You writing back was unexpected, but I’m so glad you did! Though, I guess this isn’t very secure, huh. Oh, well! As long as nothing incriminating is written down, we should be fine.
How’s father? And your siblings? I understand there are three kids father’s adopted. Also, what about your extracurriculars? Anything exciting going on that you can tell me about? It’s boring, crime wise, where I’m at. No murder mysteries or sex scandals or huge break-ins. Not that I want any of those to happen, but it’d be really fun to get to follow a case that isn’t twelve years old or four states over.
How are you adjusting at all, actually? It was a big culture shock for me for a while, especially because no one here speaks Arabic. Can you believe that? Some of the others still think I made up an entire language just to mess with them! I haven’t been able to speak with someone in our mother tongue in a while, but I’ve been trying not to forget any of it! Even if there’s an accent coming through.
Tell me about your life. Not what the media says. I want to know the real you. Do you have friends? Any pets? What about hobbies? Do you still have that dagger I made you that one time?
Anyway, I gotta go now. I hope to hear from you soon!
I don’t know what holiday(s) father and your siblings celebrate, so I’ll wish you a happy all of them!
سأسامحك دائماً يا أخي لقد وُضعت في أسوأ الاحتمالات وبذلت قصارى جهدك بما كان لديك من معرفة. كنت ستعرض نفسك للخطر فقط إذا عدت.
Danny Fenton
Danny had wasted no time in writing a response. Was he going to come off as eager? Probably, but he didn’t really care. His brother had responded to him! Granted, he thinks this is a trick, but there’s some part of Damian that believes Danny’s alive! He forgives him for not going home! It’s more than Danny could’ve ever allowed himself to hope for.
But, gods was he awkward! He hadn’t let Jazz read the letter at all. She didn’t know what he said the first time, she didn’t know what the response said, and she wasn’t ever going to read any of them if he had any say in the matter. Yes, they’re siblings and he loves her just as much as he loves Damian, but this was something she didn’t have any business poking her nose into. He liked to think that Damian would likewise keep this from his own siblings, though he’d totally understand if Dami shared purely because of the suspicious circumstances.
Anyway, Danny had read and re-read Damian’s letter for hours, trying to come up with the best response, only stopping when Jazz called him down for dinner. Sleep hadn’t come easily, either, because of the adrenaline from actually getting a response. He’d hoped he’d get one, but he was also sure that he wouldn’t get one.
But why did he have to be so awkward writing back? Damian’s his brother, not a total stranger! Damian probably wouldn’t care. Danny’s always been like that, awkward at all the wrong times. He’s just gotten used to not hiding it since he left, though it had taken a while.
He has to wonder, though, if Damian is with father, does this mean he’s left the Shadows? How had he done it? Obviously, he hadn’t faked his death. Father is a very public figure, so anything short of Damian leaving a massacre behind him as he left the Shadows would be unlikely. Unless he is still with the Shadows? In which case, Danny’s just doomed himself. Sure, the PO box was set up in the town over, and maybe he struck up a deal to have the letters sent from there to his house, but that wasn’t going to stop ninja assassins. Nothing short of death would stop ninja assassins!
No! Bad Danny! No use having second thoughts now; It’s too late. He just has to hope for the best. Gods, was he hoping, wishing on stars and everything! He wanted this to work out. He wanted to have a relationship with his older brother-
Damn, he’s still the younger sibling. He hadn’t thought much of it before, but both Jazz and Damian are older than him! If he counts father’s children, which he does only to prove his point this one time, then he’s the youngest of six kids! That’s not fair. Who decided that was a fair trade? Could be worse, he supposed. He could be stuck as a middle sibling. Shutter the thought.
“Danny?” Jazz opened the door with a knock, “You ready to send that letter?”
He groaned into his pillow. “I already did.”
“Really?” she wondered, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“Yeah,” he rolled over to face her, “Finished it this morning and shipped it off.”
Jazz hummed. “I still don’t get why you won’t let me read them. I could totally help you with spelling and stuff!”
Danny sat up and stared at her with a dead look. “Jazz, I was taught by people who were the best of the best in their fields. There isn’t a single thing you could do to help me write or read those letters.”
“Why not?”
“Because they aren’t in English.”
“I’m not lying!”
“Yes you are! I saw the one you got! It was in English!” She paused. “Except for that last bit. That just looked like a bunch of squiggles.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “That wasn’t a bunch of squiggles, Jazz. It was Arabic, my mother tongue.”
“First,” she adjusted to sit criss-cross on the foot of his bed, “Never say ‘mother tongue’ again; it sounds weird. Second, the simple solution is to teach me Arabic.”
Danny had to pause for a second to let the words register in his head. “You-you want to learn Arabic?”
She shrugged. “Sure. I mean, it can’t be that hard, right?”
“Yes it can,” he sighed, “You’d have to learn a whole new alphabet of letters and sounds. It’s not a Latin based language like English or Spanish.”
“I can do it!”
“I don’t doubt that, but I think an easier language would be better.”
She huffed. “You just don’t wanna share.”
True, but, “I could teach you Romanian? It’s a Latin derived language, like English, so it’s got the same alphabet.”
“Fine,” she agreed after a moment, “Where do we start?”
“Kids!” their dad called from the kitchen, “We have something for you!”
Danny and Jazz shared a grimace. “Down stairs, apparently,” he said. Quickly, they left the room and made their way down the stairs and to the kitchen. Their parents probably didn’t have any actual gifts for them, so they weren’t going to get their hopes up.
They were right, of course. Jack and Maddie Fenton were creatures of habit and obsession; workaholics, in simpler terms.
The two kids joined their parents at the table. “Mom,” Jazz greeted, “Dad.”
“Jazzypants!” Jack smiled, his voice booming, “Dann-o!”
“What’s up?” Danny asked. He wanted to go back to his room and stew over what he’d just sent to his brother. Seriously? ‘I’ll wish you a happy all of them?’ That’s so stupid! Beyond stupid, actually! He wanted to curl up and die. Can people die of embarrassment?
Maddie smiled kindly at her children, somehow matching her husband’s energy but not his volume. “We had another breakthrough in our research.”
“Oh?” Danny had been intrigued by the [now] Drs. Fenton’s research. It was all theoretical, of course, but they claimed to have proof of base for their research. He’d never seen it before, and they’d never offered to show him or Jazz, but they mentioned it in all of their papers. He’d never deemed it worth anything, so it had been pushed behind relevant information like literally anything else.
He still didn’t know how they’d gotten those papers published. They were the laughing stocks of the scientific and occult communities! An accomplishment in and of itself, really.
“Yes,” his mother nodded, “But that’s not what we called you two down to discuss.”
“It’s not? Jazz tilted her head to the side.
“Nope!” Jack’s smile somehow got bigger. “We’ve decided that the both of you are old enough-”
“-and responsible enough.” Maddie added.
“-do go down and see the lab!”
Jazz and Danny had two very different reactions to this statement. Danny was a bit excited to get to see whatever held his parents’ attention at all hours of the day. Jazz, on the other hand, was furious.
“What!” she demanded.
Jack and Maddie didn’t seem to even register her anger. “You two have both proven yourselves responsible in your school and house work, so we figured it was time to let you two in on the family business.”
“But, I don’t want to do lab work!” Jazz objected, now standing with her hands on the table and her chair pushed back aggressively.
“Nonsense,” Maddie waved her off easily, “You’ll love it. Besides, you’ve always wanted to help us in the lab, ever since you were a child.”
Jazz just screamed in outrage. “I’ve never said that!”
She was ignored. “Of course, we’ll have to go over the proper safety measures so that neither of you gets hurt.” Jack stated.
Throwing her hands up, Jazz stormed away from the table and stomped up to her room, the door slamming behind her. Danny has no doubts that she’s locked herself in.
“She must be tired,” Jack smiled fondly, “We’ve got some work to finish up down stairs, Dann-o, but we’ll be back up for dinner, alright?”
Danny nodded and the two left. Quietly, he whispered, “Liar.” to the empty main floor.
Danyal Fenton Dec. 27, 2011
Your definition of ‘incriminating’ must be wrong. You reaching out in the first place would’ve put us both in danger had your letter been intercepted. The same remains true for every letter we exchange, though I will not be the one to put a stop to the communication. It is nice to have physical evidence of your conversations, no matter how much time passes between each response.
I am still skeptical that you are my brother, but, as I said in my last letter, I will continue on with a shade pulled over my eyes, ahki.
I have done some research while living with father. My own experiences prove at least some of what they say is true. I never truly believed you had died. I always had a feeling that you were alive somewhere, safe, out of reach of Grandfather and Mother.
Father is well. In public, he is outgoing, drunk, clumsy, able to start a conversation from nothing and let it trail off into a slightly more useful nothing. In truth, he is standoffish, strong, able to talk circles around anyone. He is always ready for a fight and always prepared for the worst. He does not like surprises.
We have four siblings, and one honorary sibling. Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake, Cassandra Cain, and Stephanie Brown. Grayson is more outgoing than the others, though he has been with Father the longest, so he is just as skilled as him. Todd was dead and refuses to communicate with Father. Drake is smart, but that is all he has going for him. Cain was raised in the League like us, though not at any of the bases we ever visited. Brown was dating Drake, but has since become more of a sister to the Manor.
Alfred Pennyworth is the family butler. He raised Father and continues to stand by his side. He is a formidable foe, though I have yet to see him in actual combat. He, aside from Father and myself, is the most competent resident of Wayne Manor.
Again, you need to reassess your definition of ‘incriminating’. There is nothing I can share, without consequence, that hasn’t already been made public by the GCPD. I will say, however, that my position as the superior child remains unchallenged. Not that any of those bastards Father has taken in would ever pose any kind of challenge to me or you.
I must ask, you know where I am, so is it not fair that you tell me where you are? The return address you have used leads to a PO box in Elmerton, Illinois, but I doubt that’s where you really are. Your description of ‘boring’ in regards to the crime rate is fully expected of anywhere when compared to Gotham, though that goes nearly doubly so for the midwest.
It was a shock to me as well, though I have been handling it. None of the others have noticed any unease, so I will take it. It will not do to show weakness in the face of enemies. I can agree, however, that the lack of use of Arabic is disappointing. I do not fear that I will ever forget the language or our home, but I do regret to say that I have encountered similar problems you have.
Father insists that I go to school with others my age to ‘socialize’, though I do not see the point. It’s all thinly veiled insults from the adults we are placed in the charge of. I am much smarter than my peers, so I have not been able to have a single intelligent conversation with any of them. The exception, however, being Jon Kent. He is adequate company. Our Father and his father are friends.
I have a cat named Alfred, after the butler. I would like to get a dog, but Father has denied my request. I have, however, managed to hide Goliath in the cave. Father knows he is there, but the others remain oblivious.
As for hobbies, art is the only one worth mentioning. I have several sets of paints and colors and pencils, though I remain partial to charcoal. Paper is the easiest to use, but I prefer canvas.
Of course I still have that dagger, Danyal. I have many weapons, but that is the only one that has never left my person.
Father is Jewish, though he was raised Catholic, and is an atheist; Grayson is Christian; Todd was raised Catholic, but is atheist; Drake was born to a Christian mother, but he follows after his father as an atheist; Neither Cain nor Brown were born into religious families, so they don’t follow any religion, as far as I’m aware.
Pennyworth has decorated the Manor for all of the holidays, though the only tradition I’ve actually seen practiced is the gift exchange from Christmas.
Honestly, you must work on your formatting. You give almost no information in exchange for your questions getting answers. It makes your letters very short. So, I will turn all of your questions back on you. I expect them to be answered sufficiently.
أفضل ما لدي لم يكن جيداً بما فيه الكفاية كنت أعلم أنك لا تزال على قيد الحياة، ومع ذلك لم أفعل شيئًا سوى نشر كذبة وفاتك.
Damian Wayne
The letter was a surprise, especially considering it’s a page and a half, though he should’ve expected it. He found it hilarious that the first thing Dami had done this time was to insult him. At least he’d waited a few lines in the last letter! It hurt a bit that Damian still thought this was a trick, but Danny couldn’t find it in himself to blame him. He’d’ve acted the same way if their roles were reversed.
He liked hearing about Damian’s family. They’re so different compared to what the media says. Then again, he expected that. Most people are hardly ever exactly how they’re portrayed to bigger audiences. The Drs. Fenton being an exception.
And, yeah, he knew Dami was going to search the address, but did he really have to come out and say it like that? At least he knew the Shadows (League?) hadn’t gotten in the middle, otherwise he’d’ve been cut down by now. Small blessings.
Ah, Goliath the dragon bat. Danny remembers when they got Goliath. Hiding him was hard, but they managed. Though, he’s fairly certain that Mother knew they had him hidden in the caves of Nanda Parbat. That does beg the question, though, of how the hell Damian managed to get a - by now - fully grown dragon bat across continents and into a cave in New Jersey without being spotted? Did he even really want to know? Probably not.
Danny could remember the expression on Damian’s face when he realized that Goliath was getting bigger. They’d found him on their first mission for Grandfather after leaving the group that had been sent with them. They’d kept him moving between their rooms when they got back, never keeping him in one for more than a night before moving him to the other. Then suddenly, the creature they’d found that was no bigger than their forearms was as long as their arms from shoulder to fingertip! They had only been able to keep Goliath between their rooms for another month before having to hide him in the caves under Nanda Parbat.
And the food! Goliath, even as a baby dragon bat, could eat triple his body weight. It was a wonder no one found him! How does Damian keep him fed? And how have his siblings not noticed the dragon under their house? Thoughts for another time.
Danny closed his book as he finished it. It was the astrology one, clearly written for people new to the topic, but he wasn’t complaining. It was easy to understand and he found himself actually enjoying it more than he originally anticipated. He could see why the girls in his class liked it, too. He could see himself falling deeper into this rabbit hole, but he wasn’t upset about that.
He moved on to read the second book he’d gotten, the one about witchcraft. Briefly, he chuckled at the image that he was slowly coming to see as his future. “A witch,” he hummed with a smile, “Mother would be so disappointed.”
The book opened up with a brief history about the topic before going into a deep dive about different practices and how things had changed and improved throughout history. It also gave names to famous witches and witch hunters, one that he recognized.
Jack Fenton, about three years after Danny had been taken in by the family, had given Danny a full rundown of his and Maddie’s family histories. Fentonightingale had been the family name until Jack’s great-grandfather had changed it to Fenton when he married. John Fentonightingale was a well known witch hunter in Salem, Massachustes in 1600. He was best known for eating a slow acting poison in the form of - now extinct - flowers as evidence against an unnamed witch on trial. He died shortly thereafter, leaving his grieving wife and children.
The humor was not lost to Danny. “Looks like dad’ll be disappointed, too.”
“Knock, knock?” Jazz asked from the hallway, knocking her knuckle on his bedroom door.
“Yeah?” he called back, closing his book and putting it down.
Jazz opened the door. “Well, I couldn’t help but notice that you’ve been hiding out here all day. No plans with Sam or Tucker?”
Danny shook his head. “Nah. Tuck’s spending the break with his family and Sam’s been forced to go to a rich person party somewhere in Washington.”
“She’s not too far.”
“Too far for an emergency extraction.”
“You sound like she’s gonna get killed or something.”
Danny snorted. “Don’t jinx it, Jazzercise.”
“I’m not gonna jinx it, Danimal.” She leaned against the door frame. “Besides, even if she did die, she’d come back as a ghost just to haunt you.”
He groaned and flopped over onto his side. “Don’t even joke about that!”
“Why, ‘cause I’m right?” He groaned again. She laughed. “Alright, Dannibal Lector, since you’re obviously bored out of your mind, you wanna come watch a movie with me?”
“And risk mom and dad dragging us down into the lab?” He sat up, “No thanks.”
“Come on,” she goaded, “It’ll be fun! I’ll even let you pick the movie!”
“Hmmmm. A documentary on ghost hunting or a mockumentary on ghost hunting? Such a hard decision.”
Her arms dropped to her sides. “Come on, D! You can’t stay locked in here forever.”
“Actually, J, I think I can. I’ve got food, water, and entertainment. I’ll be fine.”
“What about when you have to pee or shower?”
“I’ll put a bucket in the corner and dump it out the window.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“And rainwater is clean enough.”
“It’s literally not, though.”
“Well, I won’t know unless I try.”
“You’re not gonna live in here by yourself!”
“Why? You wanna join me? Sorry, but there’s only enough pillows for a one person fort.”
She snorted and shook her head. “You’re unbelievable.”
“What’s hard to believe? Unless you’ve got pillows hidden up your-” He cut himself off with an exaggerated and mocking gasp. “Jazz! Do you have pillows hidden up your ass?”
“Danny!” she scolded, but her tone was fond, “Watch your language, brat!”
“What?” he giggled, “It’s a genuine question.”
Jazz rolled her eyes, “No, I do not have pillows shoved up my ass.”
“Language!” he mocked.
“Are you gonna come watch a movie with me or not?”
“Sure, sure,” he stood, “But if we get dragged down to the lab, I’m blaming you.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Danny was right. He was right and he was never listening to Jazz ever again. He could live in his room until he turned eighteen! That was totally something he could do. It wasn’t like he’d been raised to survive off of less in less space.
Instead of watching a movie they’d seen a million times before, the siblings had decided to watch YouTube on the TV. Halfway into Episode 4 of Buzzfeed Unsolved, their parents came up and dragged them down to the lab to show them their breakthrough from the previous night.
Looking at it, it was much less a breakthrough and more of ‘getting closer to the final picture’. The Ghost Portal had been a project that Jack and Maddie had been working on since college. A friend of theirs had gotten sent to the hospital for this project and had yet to be released. What had given them the idea that this was safe to build in their basement, let alone show their children? Regardless, it was too late now, so Danny and Jazz were forced to roll with it.
“We’re almost done with it!” Jack looked like a proud parent when he was looking at the thing.
The Ghost Portal, as it was now, was built directly into the furthermost wall of the basement. It wasn’t load bearing, thank the gods. The portal was ten feet deep, seven and a half feet tall, octagonal in shape. The paneling that covered the walls and ceiling was black with electric blue circuitry cutting through them. The blank spots where the paneling was not put up were gray, matching the cement floor of the lab. There were some work lights inside, white LED strips that lined the bottom seams where the floor met the walls. The floor itself was made of black tile and nearly completely covered in loose cables and unfinished paneling. There was a red button in place of one of the missing side panels that screamed ‘accident waiting to happen’.
“What is it?” Jazz asked, not daring to go closer than the stair doorway. Danny didn’t blame her.
“It’s the Ghost Portal, Jazzy!” Maddie’s grin was huge, taking up nearly her whole face. “We’ve nearly got it finished.”
“Yep!” Jack nodded excitedly, “All we’ve got left to do is finish the inside paneling, build the outer frame, and turn her on!”
“What about powering it?” Danny wondered just as Jazz said, “‘Her’?”
Jack still hadn’t taken his eyes off of the thing. “She’s already connected to the power grid; That’s why the circuitry in the paneling is glowing, see?”
Danny picked his way through the papers cluttering the table next to him, finding the portal’s blueprints on the very bottom. The handwriting in the margins was messy, obviously from two people and taking up almost every inch of the paper. The schematics of the portal itself was done in white and much neater than the black ink from his parents’ handwriting. A third person, probably their college friend, had been the one to draw the thing with the first basic formuli. Overall, it was messy and a hazard to look at.
“Are, uh, you guys sure that this won’t blow up our house?” Danny asked, unable to keep from scrunching his nose up at the sight of the blueprints.
“Positive.” Maddie sounded so serious, like it was the absolute truth.
“You wanna check out the inside?” Jack asked, practically bouncing like an excited puppy.
Jazz was quick to shake her head, going so far as to take a step back into the landing at the bottom of the stairs. Before Danny could follow her lead, though, Jack grabbed Danny and pulled him forwards.
“Go on,” the giant man urged.
Gulping, Danny complied. He was so going to lock himself in his room now. He didn’t plan on leaving until Sam and Tucker were both back in town! “Alright.” He hoped his hesitation was obvious enough for his parents to get the cue that he did not want to be doing this. Unfortunately, neither picked up on it. Jazz did, but she wasn’t about to risk moving closer in case Jack or Maddie got the idea of shoving her towards the thing, too.
Danny had a bad feeling about this.
Stepping into the tunnel that was the portal was like walking into a different world. Somehow, even though he was only half a foot in and there was light on all sides, it was dark in there. The blue from the paneling was nearly nonexistent, and the white LEDs lining the floor were so dim that they were useless. Was this a purposeful thing? How was this possible?
The cables and cords that had been visible from the outside were almost invisible in the somehow lower lighting of the portal tunnel, same with the unfinished wall panels on the floor. And, as a result of the hazardous mess on the floor and the near pitch dark, Danny tripped halfway through. His training didn’t let him fall, but his inability to keep up the rigorous schedule he’d been raised on made him reach out to steady himself on the wall.
Millimeters before his fingers so much as grazed the button he’d not been able to see after crossing the threshold, Danny heard the barely there whisper of “Time Out.” followed almost immediately by “Time in.” at the same volume.
Catching himself on the cold, softly glowing paneling of the wall, Danny was quick to straighten out and turn around. That thing gave him the creeps and he would much rather go back to reading his book, thank you.
“So, Dann-o?” Jack clapped his shoulder when he got back to them, “What’d ya think?”
Unable to disappoint the people he’d come to see as his parents, Danny plastered a smile on his face and said, “It’s pretty cool. I can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s finished!”
Maddie cheered. “Right? As soon as it’s done, those assholes at Harvard will have to take us seriously!”
Danny seriously doubted they would. In fact, he doubted the portal would even work at all. It’s a hypothetical experiment that had the potential and huge likelihood of going catastrophically wrong. How much power would it take to even turn the thing on? Several city blocks at least, right? If that blows up, it'll take out not only their house, but probably half the city and everyone within the blast radius.
Danny should report this to somebody.
“That’s not even the best part!” Jack exclaimed, hurting over to what looked like an electrical box that had been set into the unfinished walls of the basement lab. Opening the small metal door revealed a hand scanner that Jack quickly placed his hand on. After five seconds, a small compartment just above the scanner opened up. Inside was a small glass phial of thick, glowing green liquid. Liquid that Danny recognised.
“This is what’s gonna power the portal after the initial launch,” Jack explained, his voice reverent as he cradled the phial in his large hands, “Ectoplasm.”
Ecto-what? Danny knew that glowing liquid. He’d only seen it once, but he knew what it was. He could say, with full confidence and  a puffed chest, that what his dad was currently holding was a phial of Lazarus Water. The color and consistency were the same as the Pits. The stuff even glowed like the Pit Water! It was terrifying that Danny had encountered any of the stuff this far from the Shadows, and he found himself taking several steps back toward Jazz.
“That’s, um, that’s-”
“Awesome, dad!” Jazz said for him, placing a hand on his shoulder and gently pulling him back. He was so glad she had because he was sure he was seconds away from freezing in place. “Danny’s getting tired, though, and I’m a bit hungry, so we’re gonna head back upstairs now. Is that alright?”
“Sounds great, sweetie,” Maddie waved the two off in a clear dismissal, “We’ll be up in a few minutes.”
Danny rushed up the stairs, waiting for Jazz in the kitchen. When she joined him she muttered, “Liar.” under her breath before closing the door. “So,” she said to Danny.
“So.” he repeated.
“What made you so freak out down there?” she asked, “Not that I blame you. That portal thing freaked me out, too.”
Danny shrugged. “Don’t wanna talk about it.”
“It’s not healthy to bottle things up, Danny.”
“I know, I just don’t want to talk about it right now,” Or ever. “Bad memories.”
Jazz’s expression softened. “Alright,” she nodded, “Do you want some chips?”
He shook his head. “No. I’m gonna go to my room.”
“You can’t hide in there forever!”
He was halfway up the stairs. “I can try!”
Translation 1 - Arabic :: I will always forgive you, brother. You were put in the worst possible situation and you did the best you could with the knowledge you had. You would have only jeopardized yourself if you went back.
Translation 2 - Arabic :: My best wasn't good enough. I knew you were still alive, yet I did nothing but spread the lie of your death.
Part 1 Part 3
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honeygrahambitch · 1 day
Will hesitantly looked at the cashmere sweater which Hannibal had more or less purposefully forgotten at his place. He would have to bring it back to him in Baltimore.
He picked it up with the intention to fold it but froze as soon as his fingers touched the fabric. Soft. Cozy. Underwhelming.
A decision was made.
He took off what he was wearing and put on Hannibal's sweater. He was sure that he had never put something more comforting on his skin.
It felt as if someone had taken a blanket from the drier and wrapped it around his body in the most soothing way.
Or was it because it carried Hannibal's faded scent?
The thought of Hannibal seeing him wearing this sweater mortified him. At the same time he was so fond of it that he decided he could go to work like that. After all, Hannibal was not supposed to help with the case that day.
"Nice sweater." Beverly commented. "Dr. Lecter's taste is rubbing off on you."
"It's not his." Will said quickly before even thinking. Beverly was not even implying that.
"If you hadn't said that, I wouldn't have even considered it." She said, a playful smile on her face. "It will stay between us."
"I appreciate that."
Even working on the case felt less stressful when that perfect fabric was constantly touching his skin. Not even Jack's complaints reached him.
"Dr. Lecter should be here in any moment."
"Hannibal? Why?" Will asked, panic starting to creep in, even through the softness of the sweater.
"He could help. The victims had all some sort of psychiatric disorder based on the medications found in their blood tests-"
"Fantastic." Will said and instinctively turned to Beverly who shrugged amused.
Before he could think further, Hannibal entered the lab. Their eyes met. Hannibal checked him from head to toes. His poker face remained on but Will could swear his lips subtly curled up.
"You have put me in the best possible mood, my beloved." Hannibal whispered while reading the case file.
"Can we pretend this didn't happen? For my own mental health."
"You don't like the sweater?"
"I adore it, in fact."
"Then it's yours."
"Hannibal, no."
"Yes. I am more than happy to see you wearing something that belonged to me."
"It's awfully cheesy."
"What's wrong with that? You told me you hardly find fabrics that feel good."
"You left it at my place on purpose."
"I had no control over the fact that you would put it on or not. You did and we are both happy, aren't we?"
"Horrendous." Will commented. "I will accept it. But only if you take something from me as well."
"Your beige woolen socks. I want them."
"You can have them."
"I'm already wearing them anyway."
"Sick. We are both sick."
"I hope the two of you are discussing the case." Jack suddenly spoke, the popping vein on his temple indicating that he had been in fact following their conversation.
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paiges-1vur · 16 hours
could you do something with paige and mental health or anxiety??
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nobody gets me, like you… as always enjoy loves <3
your shaking. it had been almost a year since your last panic attack. you didnt expect to end up like this on such a happy day, but it wasnt your fault. paige had just made it into the final four and was out celebrating her win with her team. while you were invited, you opted out and politely declined. you decided to stay home and bake a cake to surprise paige with when she got home. you always loved to surprise her and congratulate her accomplishments with little treats and surprises. everything was going well until you checked your socials. the cake was in the oven, and you started to mindlessly scroll on twitter. you were basically on the women’s basketball side of twitter… courtesy of dating paige. you had just happened to scroll upon a video posted just 30 minutes prior to you finding it. you read the post before nervously and suspiciously clicking the video. apparently, a fan had filmed a video of somone who looked like paige making out with a girl at the bar. you couldn’t tell from the blurry video if it really was her, but you did know paige was going to be drinking tonight.
after sending her ten texts all within ten minutes, and getting no response you started to panic. maybe she was cheating on you, and someone had caught it on video. you started to overthink every single possibility and run the worst case scenario through your head on a repeat loop. over and over. you couldn’t help it. tears started to form in your eyes, that soon turned to sobs as paige didn’t answer your calls, or texts. you had trust issues from dating and getting cheated on in the past, and thats part of the reason why you struggled so hard mentally with commitment and trust. paige knew this. at this point the cakes had burnt, and you had thrown them out, slumping yourself on the ground, leaning against the wall in the kitchen silently sobbing.
“baby?- baby what are you saying i- i cant hear you its so loud in here let me just- ill call you back.. okay.. bye” after another fifteen minutes of missed calls and texts paige had finally answered. it didnt help very much though. wherever she was, it was very loud and busy. you could barely breathe, worked up over the growing possibility that paige was hiding something from you, when she knew you trusted her. she called you back five minutes later. “hi baby.. im outside and holy shittt its so loud inside” she said giggling slightly. okay so she was drunk.. that only made you worry more. when you didn’t respond quick enough paige spoke again, “baby.. are you crying? whats wrong love- do you want me to come home?” you broke down. you simply weren’t able to answer her. when she heard your sobs as a response she spoke quickly this time. “im leaving now im getting in an uber ill be there in five.. please text me that your safe.. im so sorry baby whatever is making you upset.. im coming home right now. love you”
you put your phone down and for the next ten minutes just stared at the wall. you looked up through teary eyes to see the door opening and a worried paige coming down to the ground beside you. she knew you were to overstimulated to talk right now so she tried to calm you down pulling you into a deep hug. you immediately melted into her, sobbing silently. “i know baby, i know, im sorry.. i love you” she said, lifting you up and carrying you into your bedroom lying you down on your bed before getting in with you. she stroked you hair silently while you tried to slow your breathing and tears. you took a shakey deep breath before speaking. “paige.. i saw a video tonight of a girl who looked like you at a bar.. making out with another girl. a fan posted it and claimed it was you, and i trust you but.. it looked like you and i just- its dumb i know.” your words came out so fast, worried paige would get mad or say you were overreacting, which some people normally told you when you had panic attacks like this. she immediately softened her expression and pulled you close to her chest, playing with your hair. “oh my god- baby.. that was not me. i promise, i would never do that to you.” she sighed before talking again, “these crazy fans, sometimes they try to make me seem like someone who im not. i promise you baby i was with the team all night, just celebrating. thinking about you the whole time.” you nodded slowly, “okay- i trust you paige.. i just got worried.” you sniffled, “can we just lay here.. for a little” you said hiccuping slightly. “of course baby, we can cuddle for as long as you want.” she said placing a kiss on the crown of your head. “i love you sweet girl, and im sorry the media did this.. if i could stop it all i would.” she held your body as you slowly stopped shaking, moving to a calmer state. after some time of just laying there with each other silently, you began to drift off, her warm body holding you and her soft hands stroking your hair as you fell asleep calmly in her arms.
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kinky murder - james march
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Alive!reader x james patrick march
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SUMMARY: when y/n becomes infatuated with james and asks to be with him forever, he is delighted to share his ‘hobby’ with them
A/N: i’d like to begin this by saying that james has canonly committed necrophilia in case anyone has forgotten that fact. i’m not adding it in just to make my fic seem edgy or anything, it is canon. it has happened. i will not shy away from that fact
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“such a beauty you are, even when you seem so fearful of me. might i remind you that you asked for this, dearest” james coos as he circles you, a knife grasped in his dominant hand. his eyes roamed your clothed body, taking in your tense stature and the way you seemed so scared of something you so badly wanted to happen
he drags his knife down your spine, cutting your clothes like they were made of butter and watching the fabric fall for the floor around you. goosebumps instantly came over you, but it was unaware whether the sudden exposure to the cold or whether your fear had caused it.
“such perfection hidden under so many layers, not even the most beautiful of women could hold a candle to the beauty you display” james murmurs whilst his eyes rake over you, reaching a hand out and gently brushing it down the column of your neck.
he dragged the knife from the base of your spine around your hips, and up your navel towards your breasts; the cool steel of his knife glided along your skin, making you shudder from the strangely enjoyable sensation.
he stood behind you as he traced the knife up your torso, letting the point rest where your heart would lie. “your heart sounds akin to a hummingbird, but i cant say that it isn’t enjoyable or id simply be lying” he muttered softly into your ear, circling the tip of his knife around one of your nipples
he made a quick swipe of his knife which made a horizontal cut on the edge of your areola, the wound instantly filling with blood. james watched with twisted satisfaction, he dragged his thumb across the wound and spread the blood over your nipples. the sight of your blood sent a throbbing ache to his hardening cock, only urging him to continue
“it’s exhilarating, is it not? seeing your own blood drip down your body like paint to a canvas. why, it’s exactly like that: you are my canvas, and i am the artist. though i cant make you any more of a beauty than you already are”
he made a few more slashes across both of your breasts before setting his knife down and squeezing your breasts between his hands, smearing your blood all over your skin and his own hands. he then proceeded to lean his head down and lick across your boobs to taste the blood. “you taste like fine wine, my love” he says with his face buried into your tit, kissing and sucking your flesh to use pleasure to distract you from the stinging sensations of the cuts
you felt his knife slide against your skin once more, however this time it was at your thigh. the cold steel left a sharp stinging sensation against you. you felt the blood pool at the surface, before the wound filled and the blood began to trickle down in a thick stream. the viscous crimson left a trail down your thigh, sticky to the touch as it coagulated.
his head lifted from your boob, and he crashed his lips onto yours. he greedily kissed you like a starved man, as if trying to take all he could get from you. the metallic taste of your blood on his tongue invaded your senses, but it also distracted you from the blood oozing out of you in multiple spots
“lay down, darling, on the bed” james instructed gently but with an air of dominance shrouding him. whilst you layed back onto the bed, he began to remove his clothes. his suit dropped to the floor, and he put on his radium mask. looking down at your sprawled out, bloodied, and naked body made his cock twitch, eager to bury himself inside of you
he crawled on top of you, looking down at you whilst he lined his member up with your hole. “don’t worry dearest, the pain is only temporary. then we have all eternity to enjoy one another” james said in a surprisingly soothing tone, his brahmin accent smoother than velvet and bringing you a small sense of comfort in what would be your final moments
he slowly pushed into you, giving you a few seconds to adjust before beginning to thrust inside of you. you felt his tip nudge against your cervix with every thrust, the sensation eliciting sweet moans from deep within you and leaving you seeing stars.
“ready, darling?” he grunts as he fucked you missionary, looking at you through the lens of the radium mask. after you gave a small nod of confirmation, he moved one of his hands to your throat. Grasping your neck tightly, he blocked all oxygen flow which instantly made your chest tighten.
you felt your vision begin to go blurry, little black dots appearing in your peripheral whilst you looked up at james. he released your throat though, a sick smirk beginning to line his face.
he didn’t say anything, and grabbed his knife. he plunged it down into your chest, straight into your heart. your eyes widened in pain, but the euphoric feeling of his thrusts were distracting you from the feeling. your blood was practically bursting out your chest, soaking the pristine white sheets with the thick carmine liquid
“see you soon,” james murmured before planting a gentle kiss to your lips, not caring that you were gasping your final breaths. the last sensation you ever felt was james pounding your pussy like he’d never get too again.
he kissed you until your inevitable death, carefully manoeuvring your heavy and limp legs so they were over his shoulders. he couldn’t resist taking advantage of the situation, he had a little while until rigor-mortis began to set in. and he’d use that time as ‘best’ as he can
he kept thrusting into your body, knowing you’d return as a ghost soon and that it would all be okay. he could feel your eyes on him, but it didn’t stop him. you were still warm, you still felt alive to him; the glazed over look in your eyes and your unmoving bloodied chest confirmed this fact to him.
he couldn’t resist burying his face between your bloodied boobs for a final time as he emptied himself inside of you, painting your insides with his seed. he twitched inside you as he softened, panting with exhaustion as he lay between your boobs
“having fun?” you called out, now as a ghost leaning against the wall behind him. you couldn’t help but smirk with amusement at how excited james seemed to be.
“more than you can imagine, dearest” he panted as he lifted his head to look up at you, an expression of euphoria on his face
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A/N: i’ve never written gore before. i’m so sorry if this is beyond fucked up, but if you read this far despite my warnings then it’s your fault. for those sick fucks (positive way) of the world that enjoyed it, i’m glad you did <3
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fasolabean · 2 days
warninggg this is a long one ,,,
(Okay so I started writing this uhhh vent before more posts on the n//fts appeared later so plz keep that in mind hah)
So I haven’t been too active on here for the past month – a bit personal start, but I’ve moved to a different country whooo!!!! (its terrifying) (my brains been involved in fandom stuff as usual but physically I wasn’t lmao).
But I wanted to talk ab the n//ft (censoring bc idk ab bots here) thing bc while some people on here provided some great context and threads, most of the talk has happened on twitter. So like. Since it was first confirmed what the raffle thing was I was veryyyy disappointed, especially bc K has made fun of this very thing on stage previously. And like yea, the nature of what hes doing is different than the n//ft crypt0 scams, since the cost of the paywalled content is set and not fluid and the raffle thing was free to enter, and I know there have been threads about the website not being the worst on twitter (link) (edit: now here on tumblr too). But still man. Both of these could’ve been done on either an independent website or through stuff like youtube members or patreon. Or hell, even just on the merch store? Like buy a promo code that buys you access to the material?
Also like I get that this was probably a contract that would be rly hard if not impossible to terminate. STILL though, I wish we just got an even short thing like “hi sorry I wasn’t aware this is gonna be a one time thing we’re not doing it again”. I don’t mind extra content being paywalled personally, I know some people do, but I just really wish it wasn’t don’t with that technology. And yes, I also now know it’s a safer way to handle shit like that but I just cant see this excuse being used for commercial use? Like maybe I can see why I could be made to use it for like idk an important document, but a raffle ticket? Nah
I also, ugh. Felt weird about mikke in the team since the winter. This whole thing seems to be – at least to a large extent – either done or influenced by him, judging by even the fact that the europass thingy webpage has oy photomikke marked (no im not buying it but i did look around curiosity was stronger). Also the previous thing that had made me go hmmm about käärijä as a brand was the bnb, which now seems to be ran entirely by mikke and his wife. Like stick to your photos man? That being said tho, Jere IS an adult and he IS the face of this brand. If he doesn’t think hes qualified to make business decisions all by himself (which I get, this shit is hard), nothing is stopping him really from getting a professional to help him with those things. And if there IS something stopping him then hey man I think you should go to the press with that lol. From any interviews ive seen or read, you can feel he feels this responsibility to keep his friends and family that initially helped him afloat. But I wish he understood that not letting people who in the end are not professional about business and PR and having them stick to their own thing does not have to mean cutting them off.
But now I just wanna share a thought that to some might seem like me defending him – which, in case you didn’t get I am very much not lmao. The thing is, im really glad the fandom is able to call him out on a shitty thing – like a bad baaad business decision. You can like somebody’s art, hell you can even like the public person they are, while not agreeing with everything what they do. What annoys me though, is that apart of the kä fandom, he is also often talked about (usually negatively) in the wider esc fandom. Over the past week I’ve seen multiple threads on twitter from people that rarely ever mention him about this. That would’ve been like, not that much of a deal (though sometimes it really got… engagement bait-y) but the amount of bodyshaming and shaming of his fans that comes up with every valid criticism is making me wanna pull my hair out.
Especially cause he’s neither the first finnish esc-related artist to do that (Robin and Cyan Kicks are mentioned on the kollekt website) nor is he the first esc artist of his influence to do it either. Last year Loreen and Alessandra have released n//fts last year, and Loreen did a very similar raffle a couple months ago. Now I wanna be very clear: I don’t want this to be like. Cancelling these people, that would be so hypocritical of me. I also don’t want this to be like a fandom war like oh youre mad he did xyz?? Well THIS and THIS person did THAT!!1! I’m just merely annoyed that these people doing essentially the same thing went with no echo at all, but now I’ve seen us (the fandom) be literally called the r slur and the most vile things being said about jere and, for some reason, his appearance???
Idk man. I really try to  make it clear im not trying to excuse his decisions and I think being angry and/or disappointed at him is absolutely understandable. Im just angry that every single time he fucks up, every single time he makes a mistake, my timeline is filled with a wave of people rejoicing in it. I know he’s a controversial figure, he’s been one since day one, but I just wish he’s gotten the same amount of shit his peers do for the same actions? And this happens every time, and each time im like “well ig I can see why hes so bad when it comes to criticism”. Because imagine doing a thing that your peers have done with no/minimal criticism and then the moment you try it out you get people calling your fans slurs and commenting how stupid you are. Like ngl id also think any criticism was hate lmao.
Again I wanna be very VERY clear im very critical ab what he chose to do. I wish he took some responsibility – and hope he maybe does, at some point in the future. This year has been a whole lot of bad business decisions for the käärijä brand in my eyes, and I hope he can actually see where its gone wrong and do something about it, both for his and our sake. I am also happy to see fellow fans who are able to call out their fave. But man I am TIRED of him just getting all the shit (from people who very visibly fans are not)?? And now I have the proof that it is comparably more than other people and not just my bias towards him because wdym there’s been at least 4 esc artists, 2 of which more famous than him, and 2 umk artists doing exactly the same thing with almost no echo??
TLDR (thishasover1kwordsfuckshit); I wish he did better, simply. I kinda cling to some hope that maybe hey finally this time he will see that criticism can be constructive. I think this is still a level of fucking up that you can like, come back from. Pity it’s connected to the eurotour since kinda souring my excitement ab my first concert in a new country a bit :(
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eleventeeny · 2 days
Joker: Folie à Deux -- A Misunderstood Movie About a Misunderstood Man
What is Folie à Deux?
Folie à Deux, also known as shared psychosis, is a disorder in which delusions are shared between people. The term is French for "madness of two" but can involve more than two people. In this movies case, the delusions are shared by Arthur and Lee.
This movie brought something new to the story, a musical. The Joker sees himself as a star and believes that he is a spectacle, kind of like he has Truman Syndrome. In this movie, I believe the musical aspects play a part in the shared delusion of the two characters.
Before I get into the music and its role in the delusions, I want to talk about when we first see Arthur at the start of the movie.
After the animated introduction, we see the asylum that plays as a main setting for the movie. When Arthur is walking around, his surroundings reminded me a lot of the 1967 documentary, Titicut Follies, which shows the treatment of patients in Bridgewater State Hospital. The patients running around naked or in their underwear, being taunted by the guards, and just the atmosphere feels very reminiscent of the footage in Titicut Follies.
(This may be a little off topic, but while I was researching Todd Phillips projects other than the Joker films, I discovered he also directed a documentary on GG Allin in 1993. Just thought it'd be cool to share.)
So, when the story begins, Arthur is very quiet. He doesn't talk and even the guards of the asylum point out his uncharacteristic behavior. I think it would be safe to assume his life behind bars was getting the best of him.
But when Arthur sees Lee for the first time, he's suddenly back in shape and willing to be his normal, everyday self again. When they meet officially at the singing group, that's when the musical portion of the movie starts. That's part of the reason why I believe the music represents their delusions, after they first talk, the delusions are passing through them both and then they begin to sing with each other. Arthur also seems hesitant to join her, which I'll get into my interpretation of the reason later.
I've seen all the poor reviews for this film, seemingly only because of the fact the movie is a musical. I think the musical theme fits well with the story, but maybe the fans just weren't ready for it. I think the people who disliked the movie for the musical aspects just think musicals are goofy or childish and don't fit in such a mature movie.
I found all the songs to fit perfectly with the scenes they were placed in, and it made the movie so much more interesting to me, it was a unique change from what you would usually see.
Whenever Lee and/or Arthur sing, it's always when they're with each other or when one of them is mentioned.
Toward the end of the movie, after Arthur tells the court that there is no Joker, he sees Lee again and when he tries to talk to her, she starts singing. He tells her to stop singing and just talk to him. This is another reason why I believe the music represents their delusions. After he breaks his delusions and comes back to reality, he doesn't want to sing anymore. He's not telling her to stop singing, he's telling her to stop believing the delusions.
When Arthur was committed, he finally began to stop believing in himself as the Joker, that's why he stopped making jokes and being all Joker-ish. But when he met Lee, she convinced him to enter that delusion once again because it's what she wanted of him. She didn't want Arthur, she wanted Joker. And when he stopped giving into it and told the world the Joker doesn't exist, she left him.
I think this movie is amazing and I enjoyed it despite my lack of knowledge on the DC universe. I hope whoever may read this can use my writing to find better understanding of the thought process behind the choice to make it a musical.
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misasimagines · 1 day
graveyard shift / reader x Jiro (Tokyo Debunker)
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included characters: Jiro!
rating: NSFW!
warnings: if you are morally opposed to receiving oral sex in a cemetery, then this is not for you. FEM BODIED READER, NOT GN!! Smut beginning is marked with (***) in case you want to read up to that point and stop for whatever reason.
um....anyway [peace sign and i kick my leg up]
“This is where you take me on a date?” You questioned, watching with apprehension as Jiro pushed open the wrought iron gates to the cemetery. The same cemetery you had recently been nearly murdered in by a giant arachne and her ghost cult. It wasn’t ideal and you weren’t feeling the romance, but you would have followed this man into an active volcano you were so whipped so your presence tracked.
He stepped through and turned to look at you. He didn’t look confused, he looked like he always did, but you could read the vibes around him and he was slightly puzzled. “Romeo said it was a popular date site.”
You nodded slowly, “Mhm… And you want to look around for more of those creepy spider eggs, don’t you?”
He nodded politely.
With a sigh, you hopped past the threshold and linked your arm around his, “Fine. But next time, we’re getting boba or something, okay?”
Jiro led you down the path, deeper into the graveyard, “I can’t drink boba.”
You sighed and poked his arm, “I’ll get you a lovely room temperature water.” 
“That would be fine,” he agreed. 
You two strolled around under the watchful eye of the full moon. He searched around graves and trees and came up empty handed each time. In typical Jiro fashion, he didn’t look disappointed, but you could tell his list of “where to find spider anomaly eggs” was growing shorter by the minute. Even if you couldn’t, and didn’t particularly want to, help on that front, you could at least make the rest of the night marginally more enjoyable.
“Do you want to play hide and seek?” You tugged on his arm.
He slowed in his steps and glanced down at you, glasses sliding down his nose, “Why?”
“Could be fun,” you gave him your sweetest smile, even though you knew puppy dog eyes and pouts never worked on him. Whether he agreed to your requests or not depended solely on a list of criteria you had no way of knowing until after the event had occurred. Let's go on a date- okay, but he’s pairing it with his spider egg hunt. Let’s go enjoy the nice weather together- okay, but he’s picking a bunch of weird flowers in Obscuary for one of his experiments. Let’s get boba- okay, well, you weren’t sure yet why he agreed to that one, but you could guess he had something in mind to make it an efficient and productive trip.
How pragmatic he was bothered many people but it didn’t bother you. Truly, it was comforting. He wasn’t easy to read but he was straightforward and reliable. If you ever didn’t know why he had done something, you could just ask and he would tell you. There weren’t several layers of lies and misdirections with him. It was a relief. He was so easy to be around, you thought everyone who felt different was insane.
He considered your offer, looking around the empty cemetery, back towards the gate, and then down at you. “Okay. You can hide first, just don’t go too far,” he finally agreed.
You grinned and gave his arm one last squeeze before shoving him lightly to turn around, “Okay, close your eyes, count to 100, and don’t peak!” You waited until he started counting at 1 and then ran off in the opposite direction of him.
The grass was thick under the soles of your shoes and the cool night air had left every other blade tipped with dew. It splashed up on your bare shins like little sharp pricks of ice. You stopped at a large tombstone and turned to make sure Jiro wasn’t cheating. 
He was, of course, not cheating. He probably felt confident he’d find you easily which is why you ran off as loudly as you could in the direction you did. You felt so mischievous, so evil, as you started off, more quietly, at a hard right angle to your position. He might still see through your ruse, but a ruse it was and you were going to make him work for it. You ran through the grass, around headstones and flower pots and benches and paths, until you came across a section of mausoleums. 
You pushed on the gates of few, all locked, and then eventually found one that was almost temple-like in size. There were not closed doors or gates, just a straight through entrance that you used to creep inside. It was a grand mausoleum by all accounts, but quite old. You gently dusted off an epitaph on the wall and read that it was from the 1700’s. 
Creeping further, you were sure the 100 seconds were up for you, so you found a quiet corner and crouched down, balancing on the balls of your feet. The floor was incredibly dusty, so thick it looked and felt almost like a fuzzy carpet. It muffled your footsteps at least…
Looking around while you waited, you read what you could on the epitaphs, seeing dates all throughout the 1700’s. There were two large rooms placed across from each other, each housing a large stone coffin overlooked by a stained glass window. You couldn’t see these from your current position, but you could see the moonlight, colored in jewel tones, displayed on the ground around the corner.
You wrapped your arms around yourself and it began to dawn on you that you were in a cemetery, currently completely alone. Jiro didn’t know your location and you had, not that long ago, nearly been killed by a ghost cult in this very place. 
God, were you the stupid character who died first in a horror movie?
Something shrieked- no, something scraped the window or something. A tree, probably. The ghosts were all gone and Romeo had headshot the arachne. You were fine.
But why was there a crack in the wall there? It loomed down at you, an empty space where a casket or a body was supposed to be. If it were old, there would have been cobwebs crossing over it, right? So why did it give you a clear look into the pitch black recess? And why, as far as you could tell, was it empty? 
Something scraped again but this time you were sure it was a low, hissing moan. Something from the crypt had crawled out and was lurking, footsteps muffled by the same dust that muffled your own. It was only a matter of time before it came upon you.
Something howled.
You lost your balance, your back hit the wall behind you, and you felt something cold drip down the back of your shirt. 
Immediately, you threw yourself forward and slapped your hand over your neck, rubbing frantically at the chill and uncomfortable sensation. Drip. You watched a bit of water fall from the ceiling, right where you had just been crouching.
Drip. It was just water, right? 
You backed up into the hallway, into the moonlight, and looked at your hand.
Why was it red?
You screamed.
And someone laughed at you.
You spun around on your knees, heart pounding, only to see Jiro standing in the middle of the mausoleum. He was laughing at you, hand raised to cover his mouth as he did so. It was a relief to see him, but you couldn't bite down the embarrassment that filled you at the sight of him.
“Did you try to scare me on purpose?!” You demanded to know.
He offered you a hand to help you up, “I didn't do anything. You chose to run off on your own.” He kept laughing quietly as he pulled you to your feet.
You brushed off your hands on your skirt. There it was. He agreed to hide and seek because you were going to work yourself up, get scared, and then he'd get to laugh at you. You frowned and felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment. “But you knew this would happen…” 
He was looking at you with a small smile, clearly very entertained, but there was also something more behind it. It made your heart race. Something about how inscrutable he was, how you could never tell with any certainty what was going on in his head, was intoxicating. 
“You brought me to a graveyard because you wanted to see me scared?” You suggested, crossing your arms and leaning against the stone coffin behind you. You still didn't completely trust your knees to not buckle. The air was thick with dust and the scent of mildew and it made your breaths weaker than you'd have liked.
“It's fascinating when you are,” he admitted. “I didn't want to upset you, though. I should apologize.” He took a step closer and your eyes widened when he dropped down to his knees in front of you, hands sliding down from your waist to your hips as he did.
You grasped the edge of the stone sarcophagus. “Jiro! Are you- in a cemetery?” You stammered.
He looked up at you, unaffected, fingers brushing against your thighs, “It's a popular date spot,” he repeated from earlier.
Did he plan this too?
His hands inched up under your skirt, the tips of his fingers at the bottom of your underwear. “Does it bother you?”
Your stomach did flip at the idea. In public and in a cemetery no less… it was still closed by Darkwick so, theoretically, you shouldn't be caught…and he was very persuasive. To you, at least.
He looked so pretty, the stained glass casting colors across his face, illuminating him like he was the one depicted in the window’s scene. His eyes seemed to almost glow in the moonlight, and you would have been lying to say you didn't love to see him on his knees.
“Not enough to say no to you,” you brushed your fingers lightly through his hair in admiration and gently took off his glasses, setting them on the coffin behind you. Your heart thrummed in your chest and you already felt a heat growing between your legs.
“Then please accept my apology,” he said, hooking a finger under the elastic of your underwear and pulling it down. You stepped out of it and he didn't waste much time letting his head disappear under your skirt.
You felt his breath against your thighs and then his tongue against your slit. He was straight to the point; It was one of the many things you loved about him. He licked up, letting the tip of his tongue drag against your clit. He circled it a few times and you grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling him closer to you.
Jiro lifted one of your legs over his shoulder and pressed his tongue to your entrance. His fingers lightly separated your folds and he sunk his tongue into you while you gripped his hair and tried to keep from collapsing. He ate you out with the same meticulous dedication he had for experiments. You often wondered if you weren't just another one of those and if it would be so bad to let him strap you down to an operating table and just let him do whatever he wanted. The thought made your head spin more than it already was.
You moaned uselessly, trying to keep your mouth closed as if you could hide the depravity you were engaging in. The way his tongue felt inside you and his fingers rubbing your clit took you past any sense and you let out a whine when he curled his tongue against your walls. You leaned back on the cold stone of the tomb and let out a silent apology to those intombed there. Just in case.
He tightened his grip on the leg you had over his shoulder, leaning in closer to you, thrusting his tongue in as deep as it could go. His thumb pressed against your clit, sometimes unmoving until you rolled your hips desperately against him, and then he'd roll it gently until you were shaking.
He kept going until you couldn't even see straight and you let out a warning without much preamble, “Jiro-I-” Your fingers tightened in his hair, grinding his face against you while you came.
He didn't let up until you were weakly trying to shove him away, his touch providing too much stimulation while you were so sensitive. He ran his tongue up your cunt, licking away your juices and letting his tongue flick your clit once more. You squeaked at the feeling.
You relinquished his hair and he stood up, watching you try to control your breathing. There was something so self satisfied in his non-expression, something about how his eyes stayed trained on your parted lips. You ran a hand up his chest, grasping his shirt and tugging him towards you. 
He acquiesced and leaned down to kiss you. It was a slow kiss, slow and tempered. You started parting your lips, your tongue eager to feel his own, but he pulled away when you tried to further it.
You whined instinctively and immediately flushed at your own desperation, “Why?”
“It'll be inconvenient if you can't walk after. I'll take you home first,” he responded bluntly, picking up his glasses and putting them back on.
If your own embarrassing whines and squeaks didn't send a blush across your cheeks, that certainly did. You pulled your underwear back on, now with an uncomfortable, cold, wetness in them and returned to your place hugging his arm. “What a gentleman,” you teased sarcastically.
Jiro agreed with a short hum, beginning to walk with you out of the mausoleum. “Also, there might be someone outside.”
As if on queue, that same scraping/moaning/hissing sound rang out and you shriveled, blood turning cold as you clung to Jiro and ducked your head down. “What?!” You freaked.
He started laughing, “Sorry, there's no one out there. That's just a tree.” If his laugh wasn't so soft and rare to hear and his smile wasn't the cutest thing you could ever hope to imagine, you would have been more upset. As it stood, you gave him a lot of leniency with his teasing. If your scared reactions gave him that much joy, you'd just deal with it until he inevitably gave you a heart attack. At least he'd probably be able to bring you back.
You slapped his arm without force, “Now you're going to have to apologize again,” you pouted at him. 
He directed his smile down at you while you made your way back out to the grass of the graveyard, “I’ll apologize as many times as you want.”
Your heart fluttered and you wondered if needing to walk was so necessary. You leaned your head against his arm and strolled with him back towards the gates to leave. He was so not getting away with just one apology tonight, even if you had already forgiven him.
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I blogged before about this company, Orange, that is an AI-powered manga translation company. Essentially, their pitch is that most manga is still (officially) untranslated, a ton of manga gets made after all but few become mainstream enough to get ported overseas. They posit the barrier to that is the cost of translation; if they could automate that process, then they can make viable for release what previously was not. That concept rests on two questions - does the tech pan out, and does the economics add up?
Recently they went live, under the name Emaqi, so we can better explore those questions. What I notice on first glance is the pitch seems to have shifted a little bit in post:
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You are not the translators of Vinland Saga, Witch Hat Atelier, or Magic Knight Rayearth, very obviously so. They have Sailor Moon in here lol. These are just the official translations being cross-listed into their "manga platform", where you buy it there and it lives, DRM-locked, in their app. Which is fair enough as a model, that is just Kindle, it works. Though Kindle and a dozen others already exist, so their value-add has to be the AI translation stuff right? That is why I would choose this over another app.
Which they do have, though it is kind of buried:
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"Only on emaqi" - there is no mention of the translation approach, poor guys! Can't fault the branding decision I guess given the state of the discourse. When it comes to the products themselves, I went through ~6 or so of the sample chapters of different manga, did a few spot checks with the original Japanese, and read the reviews of some others who looked into it. They seem fine! I am cautiously impressed, I think there proofers did a good job smoothing out some edges, it has a "manga tone", and while small issues like the hyphenation the reviewer above mentioned do exist and are legit noticeable, they aren't common and not a huge deal. It has flow issues? Some dialogue should link together in how it is written, but doesn't. But it isn't crazy off or anything. You will not be wowed by these, but certainly if you are someone who reads bootleg scanlations you are gonna have no problems. A lot of manga uses pretty simple vocab and isn't breaking new ground on plot, I can see how a purpose-built tool could handle it well enough.
The economics though...here is where I don't think this case was ever going to pencil out and isn't now. Because I am pretty sure no one here has heard of any of the manga listed above as exclusives. (I saw 90's manga Geobreeders in there, but that was already partially translated in the 2000's, not sure if they did a new one? Setting it aside) Which, of course you haven't, if you had it probably would have been translated! Books are a 90:10 market, most books never get read and some books get read a ton. Anything big enough can justify a professional translation, and the other can't really sell to begin with.
On top of that, their model is mass translation; which means these obscure manga are presented to you with no context, no hype, no build-up. Wtf is The Blood Blooms In the Barrens?? See, if you were like a boutique publisher, selecting "the best of the best" in untranslated manga, you would promote your specific product. Interviews, social media, the value of the brand-itself as a quality seal. Publishing less is more, actually, your value as a publisher is as a quality selector. Or you could be say the porn market, where you max quantity so people can search "foot fetish breeding kink oshi no ko" and get results; they know what they want. But they aren't doing either! And to be blunt a lot of these are not gonna sell on their art alone:
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I'm not mocking The Delayed Highschool Life of a Laborer here, that is better than I could do; but if you want to me spend money on a whim the bar is high and these don't reach it. Which of course they don't, they would be professionally translated if they did.
And finally, the price - $5 dollars, for volume 1's, like a 100-200 pages. The cross-listed manga typically sells for ~$10? That isn't much cheaper! If "translation" was this big cost barrier, and all you got is cutting the price of ebooks in half, I don't know if the analysis was so solid. This is a new product, I doubt they are overcharging to make a quick buck right now - this is the "sell at cost to scale" era.
In all of their lead up press they would say things like this:
Orange's process uses AI to read the manga through image analysis and character recognition, then to translate the words into English, Chinese and other languages. The technology is specialized for manga, meaning it is able to handle wordplay and other difficult-to-translate phrases. A human translator then makes corrections and adjustments. The process can deliver a manga translation in as little as two days. Orange will work with multiple Japanese publishers. The company looks initially to complete 500 translations monthly.
But this is missing a lot of context. For one, these manga are simple high school or battle manga that are ~200 pages long, many of those pages have only a few lines of dialogue, etc. Imagine you are a professional translator, and you are given that manga to translate, all the set-up done for you, all you gotta do is write. How long do you think that would take? Not that long! It could probably take like a week if it's actually all you did (calc'd from a 10k word count manga volume, 2k is a typical "good translator" per day count - many manga are shorter than that). And note how they said "as little as two days" - not median two days! Just, you know, aspirationally.
Translation is just not a big bottleneck. You gotta do layouts, lettering, proofs, etc, these can all take just as much time - and are being done by people, they still need wage workers doing all this. But that is small fry in comparison to publishing contracts, author approvals, distribution, all of that. And most importantly, product acquisition - you have to get authors to sign with you! That can be months of work. I am sure they are trying to get bulk agreements with publishers and such, but authors will push back on that, this is not an easy endeavor.
Which is why, in above, they say they hope to have "500 translations monthly". And after a year+ of work, on launch, they have...
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...18. As best I can tell at least, their site deliberately obfuscates what they actually translated versus are just hosting for resale after all.
So yeah, as mentioned I don't think the economics pencil out. These aren't worth $5 dollars, they can't actually generate volume that makes "massive economies of scale" actually valuable, and their approach is currently antithetical to the idea of generating traction for any of their individual works. Niche publishing just doesn't work this way.
But it is early days, and hey I respect the experiment! I do think the tech is pretty good, and it is nice to see a company showcase it. It isn't quite good enough yet for prime time, but it could get there. I do want more manga to get exposure and audience; I will give a fair shake to any who try.
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cartoonguy08 · 1 day
I recently was looking at the TF2 sketches by someone who officially worked on a comic, and remembered that Medic has a wife lol
I got some headcannons, if anybody wants to read em 👍
- I think I interpret Medic and Makani (his wife) as like almost an open relationship? I consider it that because of this:
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And this:
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And that:
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Need I say more?
- I think they love each other. They obviously do, there’s multiple sketches of them just being together and also are quite happy around each other (one of them has Makani kissing Medic’s cheek). But it also makes me wonder if it’s just platonic? (Stick with me 🙌) They could be married but not really like each other romantically (you know how some people marry cuz they’re closeted? I don’t wanna go there but that could be a possibility). But for now I’m just gonna go with that they do love each other. Besides these are really sweet:
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That was me just thinking tho, I don’t think I’m gonna believe they only love each other platonically but there is always the case. 🤷‍♂️
- Um, Medic may or may not be bisexual (he is)
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And if I COULD FIND THAT ONE PHOTO OF HEAVY AND MEDIC IN THE SHOWER ROOM TOGETHER I WOULD BUT I CANT FIND IT FOR THE LIFE OF ME- I would put it in here to prove my point but my ass can’t find it. If someone knows the photo I’m talking about please send it to me 💀🙏
- Oh and Makani is a doctor too! Or nurse, which ever, but man this is cool
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My guess is that she COULD have worked with Medic if she wanted to, but since Valve hasn’t really said much about her I guess not? Not too sure, but I think it’s cool to headcannon that she visits Medic’s work sometimes. Just to say hi maybe.
- They live together, but Medic’s probably at work all the time so she can’t really see him much (which is why she sometimes visits).
Okay, I think to tie this all up on gonna actually tell my ships cuz I have a few:
BLU Soldier X RED Demoman
Scout X Miss Pauling (drawing this lovely woman soon 😌)
RED Soldier X Zahnna
Spy x Scout’s mom (RIP Scout’s dignity 😔🙏)
Heavy X Medic
And because Medic has a wife, Medic X Makani. The way I’m going to interpret it though is Medic is married, but it’s an open relationship, and both agree on it. Does that make sense? Hope it does
This entire post was just me yapping about how Medic is married but is very open with the fact he’s gay for Heavy lol, sorry if people get mad about this. 🙏
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Vis's Tickle-Fic Recommendations
Do you sometimes find yourself on this site, scrolling and searching for fics, thinking you have probably read everything your favorite fandom has to offer when it comes to tickle fanfics? Well, you might be right, that could be the case. But there's also the possibility that you missed something. Sometimes, even the most impressive works don't show up, thanks to many factors that we don't always have an influence over. This list contains several writers and their works that have left a great impression on me and which I would recommend to others. If you are searching for tickle fanfics that are very well written, fluffy, sometimes silly (in the best way possible), detailed, or put a smile on your face, maybe you should check out this list. You might find something you haven't read before or find a beloved favorite to re-read.
Disclaimer; As mentioned, this list is purely based on fanfics I have read, of fandoms I am into, and that I (personally) enjoyed. It might not be to everyone's taste.
I have not listed the fics or writers in any particular order. I selected some works of each writer but most of them have written so much more so please check out their other works too.
Links are provided to help you find the blog, fanfics or the corresponding Ao3/Fanfic.net account.
The List will be updated with time (if I have found more stuff to recommend).
Check out the writers and their works under the cut!
Her works are the first contact I had with tickle fanfics and the reason why I write tickle fanfics myself. Reading her fanfics, you can feel the amount of work she puts into every sentence. You'll find long, high-quality fics containing detailed reactions and much adoration for all the characters. She has posted works of many different fandoms and has much to offer. You should definitely check her Fanfic.net Account and Tumblr out.
Have a very Happy New Year (Eddie and Venom)
The Bet (Eddie and Venom)
A strange weakness (Eddie and Venom)
Just relax Eddie (Eddie and Venom)
New Year's resolutions (Eddie and Venom)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain teaches a lesson ( Peter and Yondu)
Scared of Aliens, boy? (Peter and Yondu)
That is what friends are there for (Peter, Gamora and Mantis)
No more bible talk Cas (Castiel and Dean)
The Happy Button (Adam, Lucifer and Michael)
Wrestling with an Angel (Castiel and Dean)
Even Angel are Ticklish (Castiel, Sam and Dean)
Sensitive Knees (Sam, Castiel and Dean)
I'll show you how to have fun (Sam and Gabriel)
Also writes for/ has written for: Hazbin Hotel, Iron Man, The Legends of Zelda, Grey's Anatomy, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Lucifer and many more!
Here we are with another writer who goes all in at every fanfic they work on. If you're into long fanfics with not only tickles, fluff, and friendship but also want some well-thought-through plot, detailed reactions, and descriptive writing that pulls you into the story, you're at the right place. You do not only find them on Tumblr, but they also own an Ao3 Account you should check out too.
Spider-Man / The Avengers
A Sinister Situation (Peter and the Sinister Six)
Dailed to Eleven (Peter and Tony)
Interrogation (Peter, Scott, Steve, and Bucky)
Tickle Monsters (Peter, Sam and Bucky)
ATLA (Avatar the last Airbender)
The Competition (Zuko, Aang, Toph, Katara and Sokka)
Mending (Zuko, Aang, Toph, Katara and Sokka)
Legacy (Zuko and Iroh)
Also writes non-tickle fanfics like their SpideyTorch Fanfic "Meeting the Real You". If you are into SpideyTorch and love long fanfics you should check it out.
The following two fics left a great impression on me, I absolutely adore them. Sadly I'm not into any of the other fandoms, but you should defenitely check this blog if the fandoms mentioned below are what you are into. This blog has a lot of fics, drabbles and prompts to over and is very active, there is a lot of content (not only t-fics) to check out!
Spider-Man / The Avengers
Avenger Hazing (Peter, Bucky and Sam)
Swatting More Than Flies (Peter, Bucky and Sam)
Also writes/wrote for: New Girl, Spies are Forever, Umbrella Academy, Marvel, Stranger Things and more!
If you're looking for fanfics with the topics of friendship, banter, playfulness and of course the tickles, Crow's blog might offer you the perfect deal with all of that. You can read his works on his Ao3 Account too!
Marvel (Daredevil, Avengers, Spidey etc)
Good Vibrations (Matt and Foggy)
Blind Man's Bluff (Matt and Foggy)
Shenanigans (Tony, Steve and Bucky)
Show Me What You Got! (Peter and Quentin)
Don't Stop Believing (Steve, Bucky and Thor)
This is a prompt I really like so no title (Peter and Bucky)
Every Hero Has An Achilles Heel (Steve, Bucky and Peter)
Also writes /wrote for: Heartstopper, DC, Merlin, Moon Knight. Doctor Who and many more!
You might have caught onto my obsession with Marvel tickle fanfics... But how can I stop when there are writers like @lovemybluebully, who create one masterpiece after another? They know how to catch the essence of every character. They are also active on Fanfic.net, so check that out.
Apologize!! (Eddie and Venom)
Is This a Joke? (Eddie and Venom)
Let's Be Lazy (Eddie and Venom)
Share Or Die (Eddie and Venom)
Deadpool & Wolverine
It's for Science (Logan and Wade)
Over My Dead Body (Logan and Wade)
How To Pet A Wolverine (Logan and Wade)
A Small Lapse of Judgement (Wade and Logan)
Also writes/wrote for: X-Men, Overwatch and Punisher!
A new writer who knows how to write fluff and playfullness very well. The following two fics never fail to make me smile. Does also likes to create OCs and also writes non-tickle fics.
Break time, webbing and play time (Peter and Tony)
Run (Peter and Loki)
Also writes/wrote for: All Saints Street, Eighty Six 86, Genshin Impact and more!
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happylandvn · 19 hours
Hi there
I just read a question in which you answered that Exe would reconsider attacking MC in the future in case he did it unintentionally by attacking others out of jealousy... why would he consider doing it and what would be the reason for this consideration?
Oh, I meant that they'd try to avoid attacking people recklessly while you're around. Exe doesn't want to hurt you. Whenever he attacks you directly, he only does it knowing that you'll parry or dodge and if you don't, they intentionally miss you.
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angelfrombeneth · 2 hours
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Mature Content Ahead
Nicholas Chavez x F!Actress Reader
Warnings: SMUT
Summary: You and Nicholas are costars in a new show - Grotesqueire. When it is time to film a sex scene, you aren't ready; awkward tension takes over, but you know what they say; Practice makes perfect.
Note: I just want to say thank you so much for 1k followers and I hope you enjoy this one - and if you are new here, check out my other works. I have new stuff coming, feel free to request in my inbox for a specific character.
The filming for Grotesqueire has been underway for a few weeks now, this is your first big role in any media which you are extremely excited for. The show has an extremely interesting script, which is one of the reasons you wanted to put your all into your audition - which got you here.
"Y/N, I need you on set B in 5 minutes" Someone shouted from outside the trailer.
You sat up, taking your glasses off as you put them aside as you grabbed your contact case, quickly putting your contacts. You grab your veil, before exiting your trailer and walking towards the set. Crew preparing sets around you as you pass through different hallways, so much going on in one place but somehow you still felt at home.
"I was wondering where you were" You heard Nicholas laugh behind you as you turned to face him.
You laughed, turning to him as you smiled. Nicholas was your co-star playing a weirdly odd but kinky priest - and well, he was definitely lovely to look at.
"Nicholas, what are you doing?" The costume leader came scrambling over. "That isn't your costume for this scene- come!" She grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the set.
You laughed at Nicholas getting dragged away before walking upon the director and listening to your scene directions.
You sat upon your position on the set, the hairstylist coming to fit the veil upon your head properly, fixing your hair under it as you noticed Nicholas enter the set from the side of your view. You turn to look at him, your eye quirking up at his costume- well lack of costume.
"Nicholas why are you wearing just a towel?" You laughed.
"I have no idea- This is what Marissa gave me-" He spoke but was quickly cut off by the director on the megaphone.
"Alright! So can we get Talia on set please!"
You watched a girl walk up to you and Nicholas, smiling as she held a clipboard. "Y/N! Nicholas! I am very grateful to meet you, I am Talia your intimacy coordinator"
You blinked. You read the script you knew it was coming but you didnt realise it would be so early on. Nicholas shared a similar face to you.
"Now, don't worry, we will go over the main aspects and go over any boundaries the pair of you have" She smiled.
The next twenty minutes were spent with you, Nicholas and the intimacy coordinator. You were still shocked. It wasn't that you couldn't do it - Nicholas was attractive, and all, and the attraction for the scene was definitely there; it was just the awkwardness of it.
The tension loomed in the air as you stared at Nicholas from the doorway, reciting your lines.
After talking Talia deemed you guys to be okay to proceed, the horn sounded round the studio as the pair of you prepared for your scene.
"Can you dry my back sister... please" He hummed, passing a folded white towel over to you. You took it, walking behind him as he kneeled infront of the bed. You took the towel, slowly sliding it over his back full of gashes, cleaning the blood from his back as your finger ran over the bumps. You let your hand reset to his shoulder, softly gripping it as he hummed, it was what was scripted but it felt.. awkward.
"CUT!-" Shot through the studio as alarms sounded once more. Talia and the director came over, looking at you and Nicholas.
"Maybe lets take a break, you two talk through the scene and try and coordinate something. It feels.." The direction tapped his chin as he spoke.
"Awkward. It was very tense and not good tense" Talia sighed.
Nicholas sat on the couch looking up at you snickering as you groaned, sitting beside him, tossing your legs over his as you leaned back on the couch.
The pair of you nodded, walking out of the studio and towards the trailer as you groaned, flinging open the door as you tore the veil off your head yet again.
"I had no clue we were filming.. that today. It's just.. awkward" You looked at him, watching his body face yours completely as he held your full attention. The way his eyes stared into yours as you spoke.
"I mean if it makes you feel any better, I was pretty nervous. I didnt really know what to do and its just unfamilar i guess, its not a regular sex scene its gotta be.. kinky" He chuckled.
He made you feel comfortable. No pressure at all, the awkwardness was lifting bit by bit, showing the light under the fog.
"I mean what if we just.. you know" You blurted.
"If we just what?" Nicholas looked at you confused. "Fucked?"
"I mean you said it not me.." You looked around the room, trying to break the obvious tension as he laughed at your reaction. "I mean, for the scene right?" You smirked.
"Yeah for the scene." You sat up and looked at him as he spoke, crawling towards him slightly. You paused just before him. One of your hands gripping his thigh as the other held his shoulder.
The pair of you looked at each other for a brief moment, the balance of friends and coworkers about to be broken. As much as you wanted to chant in your head, 'it's for work, for work,' it wasn't, was it.
Your lips softly connected with his, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulled you in, sitting upon his lap, your legs wrapping and encasing him between. His lips mimicked your movement, slowly moving against yours, matching your pace and rhythm.
You pulled away briefly for a moment, looking at him. "This is work right..?" You chuckled.
"Definitely work" He smirked, pushing himself up, sending you up as he pulled apart your dress, the top clasps undoing as you kissed him forcefully. Your arms flew around his neck as he tugged the dress down slightly.
Your lips interlocked as you kissed each other hungrily, your hands combing through his locks as he slid all over your torso, pinching and grabbing at the flesh.
You both wouldn't admit it, but this was a long time coming. With the subtle flirting on and off set, you both were excited for the sex scene to finally be able to 'get a taste' as Nicholas said - but you didn't expect this.
You pulled away, gripping the waist of the dress as you dragged it up your body, pulling it up over your head as you dropped it to the floor, allowing yourself to fall back against the couch, your arms around his neck as you guided him ontop of you.
"Fuck-" Nicholas groaned, towering above you as he stared down as you adored in your black lace set as you stared up at him. "Is lingere supposed to be apart of the costume.. I mean stockings? Really? The dress covers it" His hand slid down your thigh to your calf, feeling the silky sheer material covering your bare skin.
"Personal touch" You smirked at him, your hands holding his shoulders as he licked his lips.
Nicholas's head turned to the side, kissing the wrist of your hand as it held his shoulder, taking the hand as he kissed up your arm slowly, gaining closer and closer.
You pulled him down towards you, rubbing his neck softly as you pecked his lips softly. "Nick- This is mad" You laughed out.
A smile covered his lips as he kissed your cheek, to your jaw and slowly down your neck, nipping occasionally. "Its practice... for work of course"
"The for work excuse has been.. overused~" You melted into his touch, your hands resting softly upon his hips above the towel that fixed upon his body. You tugged his hips closer, noticing his lips depart from your collarbone as he peered up at you.
He licked his lips, sitting back upon his knees as he stared down at you, that cheeky grin on his face. "Now, got to act suprised in the scene, I'll give you a little preview" He snickered.
You reached forward for his towel, tugging it as it puddled at his knees. You gawked for a moment, you didnt expect him to actually be pare naked under the towel - acting and all, you'd think he'd have some sort of cover.
"The director thought it would be more authentic to be completely naked under the towel.... For gravity purposes" He winked, his hands sliding down your waist, hooking his fingers through the sides of your underwear, slowly pulling them down your body.
"That's a terrible excuse" You laughed as you lifted your feet out of your underwear as he dropped them on the floor. You sat up, pushing his chest as he sat back on the couch.
"Calm down, cowgirl", He snickered, leaning back as he stared at you; one of his heads reached to rest upon your hip, the other clasped around himself as he gradually began to pump.
You reached back, unclasping your bra and sliding it off slowly as you threw it at him, the pair of you laughing. The sight of him leant back against the couch, hot and bothered as he stared at you while touching himself was all too much, it was making you hot and bothered.
"Fuck me, you are so hot Nicholas" you brought your hands to your face, covering your eyes as you let out a loud drawn out sigh.
"Genes.. what can I tell you" He smiled, as you leaned forward pecking his lips softly a few times. His grin seeping into the kiss as you stared at him, your noses touching eachother slightly.
You leaned in, capturing him in a soft kiss, instantly reciprocated as both his hands gripped your waist. You sat in his lap, softly grinding down against him - humming softly within the kiss at the friction.
You noticed his eagerness as his hips would occasionally buckle up against yours, one of his heads to your neck, gripping it softly as he pulled you closer - the pair of you intensely making out.
Your hands raked through his hair, tugging and stroking it as his hand tested with pressure around your neck as you hummed softly, lightly moaning within the kiss.
You pulled away abruptly, looking down as you took him into your hand as you slowly guided him into you as you let out a light and soft moan, which was sounded out by his own moan.
"Fuckkkk-" His head fell backwards as his hands fell upon your waist, guiding you slowly.
You looked down at him, your hands holding his shoulders as you slowly rutted your hips against his, grinding down against him. Watching his face twitch in pleasure as his breathing stuttered at each movement.
"You are so vocal" You laughed, pecking his lips softly as you rested your forehead against his, continuing to grind down against him, watching his body for every single twitched movement.
"Cant help it- Does it bother y-you.." He stared up at you, slightly breathless as he grinned, his eyes half lidded.
"Absolutely not.. turns me on if anything" You chuckled, kissing his cheek softly as you leaned down to nibble on his ear lobe as you continued to ride him.
Nicholas continued to groan in your ear, making you smirk as you speed up your movements, dropping your body weight down against him harshly as you bucked your hips back and forth. Cusses spewed from his lips as you continued to do so. 'Fuck' 'Shit' 'Holy Fuuuck-', continued to fall from his lips as you hummed softly, soft moans leaving yours.
You watched him intently as his eyes rolled back, his eyes staying hooded as he tried to steady his breathing. Smirking as you noticed the effect you had over him, especially how cocky he is normally.
Your movements slowed down as you panted softly, leaning against him for balance and he noticed. Nicholas picked you up, causing you to yelp momentarily as you pushed you up against a desk.
"Getting tired?" He smirked, pressing his hands against the wall behind you, as he thrusted harshly forward - causing you to gulp back a moan. Your fists clenching as you stared up at him.
"I thought-" You groaned, at each thrust he made, pressing your hands against his chest as you steadied your breathing.
"Mhm.. You thought wrong; I was definitely enjoying before, though.." He pecked your lips softly, leaning to your ear. "My turn now" He whispered.
His hands hooked under your thighs, lifting your lower body up slightly as he continued to thrust into you. You yelped out, shutting your eyes as you tried to control yourself from the overwhelming feeling of pleasure, trying hard to not let go so soon. His lips harshly locked against your neck, as he sucked and bit down against the flesh.
"Nicholas-" You gasped out, moaning softly as your fingernails clawed down his back harshly.
"Shhhh" He cooed, as he licked up your neck, his hips continuing to slam against yours as the desk rocked below the pair of you.
"So fucking good- holy-" You gasped, staring at him as you laughed out slightly, his lips curling up into a smile as he continued to thrust, his hands holding your hips up just above the desk as you locked your legs around his waist tightly.
He dropped you harshly against the wood, placing a hand on your neck, kissing you roughly as you raced to reciprocate. His tongue halfway down your throat as your hands slid down his chest, your fingers feeling between the crevises of his sculpted chest. His free hand, cupping your breast as he squeezed it occasionally.
You hummed needingly into the kiss as his thumb pressed pressure against the front of your throat, causing you to tighten - which he felt. You could feel the smirk on his face as he kissed you, his tongue exploring your mouth as you helplessly allowed it.
You felt his whole hand clamp down on your neck with pressure. Your breath hitched for a moment at the sheer shock as he pulled away, your foreheads resting against one another, beads of sweat falling and mixing within each other as you gasped, staring into his eyes as he thrust deeply, holding himself within you.
"...Nick.." you croaked out as he stared at you, his eyes blown out with lust as he leaned in, biting your lip between his teeth as he held his eye contact with you, his thumb still pressed hard against the front of your throat.
He took his free hand, sliding his middle finger and index finger past your lips and into your mouth as you stared at him. You gave him no indication against it which caused his dick to twitch. He began to thrust against yet this time harder but slower. Your body rebounded each time, pushing yourself into the wall that you could've meshed into it. You sucked on his fingers, tugging his hair as you run your hand down his face, caressing it as you let out a guttural moan as he trusted once more.
"Good girl.. cum for me" He whispered, withdrawing his fingers from your mouth and removing his hand from your neck as his face flew to yours, your lips instantly crashing upon one another as he gripped your hips, pulling you forward and roughly thrusting into you.
You moaned into his mouth, panting heavily as you drew closer and closer to your high. Your leg twitching as you threw your head back as his lips sucked and nipped at your neck as you screamed out loudly. Your hands clawing down his back as you came undone.
You were too dazed in your high, groaning and panting as Nicholas pulled out, groaning as he pumped himself watching as your whole body twitched.
Your legs flung closed as you stared at him, exhausted as he whined before he came on your thigh, whimpering and panting as he did so, his arm leant against the wall behind you as it supported his weight - his face mere centermeters away.
"Holy fuck-" You chuckled, out of breath as you stared at him.
His chest rose and fell as he stared up at you with hooded eyes. His finger swiping his cum off your thigh as he held it up to you.
You smirked, leaning forward and sucking it off his finger as you looked at him. He smiled at you before pushing himself off the wall as he stumbled back to the couch, laying back on it as he sighed - catching his breath.
"That was more of a workout than my actual workout sessions.. jesus Christ", Nicholas groaned, his arm resting up above him.
You pulled yourself off the desk, your legs slightly wobbly as you slowly approached him. You sat beside his head, lifting it and resting it against your thigh as you sighed.
"I think we've got the sex scene down, don't you.." You laughed, running your fingers through his hair.
"Oh, definitely" He smirked up at you.
It was safe to say, when the pair of you finally caught your breath you showered and got rechanged into your costumes. You had to cover up all the marks on your neck but for Nicholas it was fine, he was already marked by makeup so hopefully no one could tell the difference.
When the pair of you got to set, you definitely delivered the sex scene, going beyond the script. Hair pulling, finger sucking, tit grabbing, ass grabbing - the lot. Safe to say everyone was impressed.
"CUT! That was exactly what we needed, guys!" The director clapped as you and Nicholas stared at each other, panting slightly. You smirked, looking down at the tent under the towel Nicholas was wearing.
"Please don't move- it'll be so fucking embarrassing", Nicholas begged. You chuckled, patting his chest.
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anonzentimes · 5 hours
zen am i just projecting or am i cooking when i say komahina are both soooo incredibly anxiety disorder coded
like i’ll start with nagito bc to me that one’s more obvious. this guy has ocd. holy SHIT nagito has ocd. and it’s completely reasonable for him to have developed it! his luck means that things go wrong for very little reason all the time, he knows the luck has Rules to it, of course he’d develop little “rituals” (read: compulsions) to try to minimize bad luck. plus, frontotemporal dementia often causes symptoms of ocd as well (though i’d argue he very well could have developed the disorder before his diagnosis). nagito is always so convinced that Something Bad is going to happen Because Of Him even if he has nothing to do with the situation. “xyz thing happened earlier so something awful will happen now” that is obsessive-compulsive thinking!!! i just know he counts every step and Has to close doors 8 Times “just in case.” he probably has some form of moral ocd as well considering how convinced he is that he’s a terrible person who isn’t worth anything. oh and of course he doomspirals like no fucking other
as for hajime. i might really be projecting with this one but also i’m Right. generalized anxiety disorder. his primary fear response is fight. hajime is so stressed out about everything all the time and this is why he’s kind of bitchy. he’s Anxious. you see this a lot in the prologue where even before monokuma shows up hajime Is Not Trusting Of This Situation bc what the fuck!!! where is he!! what do you MEAN just enjoy it how did he get here!!! he’s surrounded by strange people on a strange island with a fucking stuffed rabbit and you expect him to NOT freak out??? hello??? he passed out for sure bc his adrenaline response got so intense that his blood pressure got weird and oh down he goes. but it also shows in subtler ways. his thought patterns and constant questioning of things— he overthinks a LOT, from monokuma’s plans to why his classmates are Like That to I Must Be So Normal to his mystery talent to What Is Nagito’s Deal Actually. in the prologue and chapter one, nagito gets hajime to calm down by distracting him— specifically, he teases hajime and riles him up. this gives him a healthy outlet to put that fight response energy into, and thus the anxiety recedes. hajime calls himself a “coward” in nagito’s 5th (? maybe 4th) fte— before i got my gad diagnosis, i thought of myself as being overly sensitive and nervous— hajime, who isn’t very good at deciphering emotions in general (likely due to not being able to talk about them at home but that’s a different story), would probably see his anxiety and identify it as cowardice. he also just… worries. constantly. about everything. whenever a classmate goes missing, whenever nagito goes missing (he proceeds to question WHY he’s worrying with nagito a lot which ties back to the overthinking), whenever anything new happens on the island, etc. mainly though i think hajime’s gad shows in his insecurities. he is deeply afraid of mediocrity, of his best not being enough. i think a lot of his fears stem from the idea of being forgettable or unremarkable— he wants to make an impact on the world, and the thought of dying before he can, whether it be in the killing game or just the rat race of life, horrifies him. but he doesn’t know who he is, he doesn’t know how to make that impact. he’s terrified that he, hajime hinata, is not enough. that he’s boring, unremarkable, destined to be just another salaryman, part of the mob. that’s why he worries about his talent so much, that’s why it hurts so much when nagito starts treating him worse in chapter 4 (someone who was once his biggest source of comfort is now affirming his worst fears), and that’s why he was such a good target for the kamukura project. hpa saw his insecurity and fear and preyed on it. most people wouldn’t sacrifice themselves for some experimental project. but when you’ve fought to get to a place that you pray will be able to make you special, and they tell you “we can make you special, but it will change who you are,” and you Don’t Like who you are because you feel deep down that who you are will never be enough, well. why wouldn’t you take the offer? you get to Be Something. you get to make an impact. who cares if you lose yourself? that guy was boring.
ANYWAYS that got away from me a little bit. i could keep going (like abt hajime’s fight response and nagito’s fawn response) but this ask is long enough lmao. point it they both have undiagnosed anxiety disorders i know it i Know It please tell me you see what i see
Hii!!! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get around to answering this! I was waiting for a good moment to type up a response since I think such a long ask, especially from an oomf, deserves a thought out reply. To be straightforward and simple: yes, absolutely yes! I think the interpretations that Hajime has anxiety disorder and Nagito has ocd is very fitting. I don’t know as much about ocd as I do about anxiety, so I don’t really talk about it in fear that I may be rude or inaccurate, but I definitely so heavily agree every time I see it. As for the anxiety disorder I’m not sure if I really have it but my anxiety is a pain and I am taking supplements and have started taking meds for it recently (fingers crossed those actually do anything helpful), but this is to say that I relate to Hajime a lot in those sort of moments and when you phrase it like that I realize it is probably because of the anxiety he experiences alongside his character beats. For Nagito I can say, “Yeah! Everybody makes such great points about him having Ocd! I really like that interpretation even if I don’t know about it as much,” and then with Hajime it’s like “Yes! This is canon to me I know about this and I say so and relate to him and it fits incredibly well!” :D
also lowkey I’ve been having that weird feeling where I miss them,,, and reading this has made me miss them less so thank you very much hehe I love Hajime and Nagito very much and agree with your points heavily, appreciate you sending this!
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chidorrrita · 1 day
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・❥・I'm your puppet
You bring up the idea of L using you to distress. He agrees. Absolute filth follows.
: ̗̀➛ l lawliet x gn!reader
: ̗̀➛ cw: smut (pretty obvious), heavy degradation, slight praise, breeding, slapping, slight cum eating, being called pretty little thing and slut, reader is a freak for L
: ̗̀➛ wc: 1000+
: ̗̀➛ a/n: two posts in a week, who would have guessed. anyways please enjoy the degenerate activities here. 
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L positions you in the way he wants, pulls you up by your throat, long fingers curling around constricting your breaths, until your body is pressed against his, as his hips snap against the fat of your ass causing a “pap pap” sound to echo throughout your room. 
He’s relentless in his search for pleasure, paying you no mind, as his hand begins to squeeze your throat, the other snakes its way to seize your hip in a bruising grip, and hot pants and low grunts escape his chapped lips as they brush against your ear. Your mind turns to mush, no longer able to distinguish pain and pleasure as it creates a sinful mix tricking you into begging for more. All that comes out is a series of babbles, drool dripping down onto your chest, and L smugly laughs at your pathetic self. Too drunk off this moment to say or do anything as he bends you over, forcing your head into a pillow, to hit that sweet spongy spot inside. You let out a scream of delight as if he understood your pleads, and in return clench around his cock deliciously. He lets out another grunt, deep from within his chest, and smacks your ass letting the sting linger before smacking it again with just as much force. It sends your body jolting forward, too much for your broken mind to handle, and you try to squirm from his grasp, but he drags you back to where you belong. Taking his cock like you were made for this, made to be ruined by him. 
Muffled mewls and a feeble excuse of thrusting yourself back on his dick makes his mind lose focus. Normally crippled by the weight of his cases, L kneels taller now, filled with thoughts of fucking you full. He pulls out, just kissing your hole with his flushed tip, until ramming himself back in, setting a brutal pace on your body. You couldn’t be more delighted. 
It was your idea to help him distress. A method, other than eating a concerning amount of sweets, to relax him. 
You picked at the threads on your sweater as you watched him reach for another stack of macarons after downing two boxes. His fingers danced across his keyboard, quickly typing out a report in some language you can’t discern, before he spots you shyly inching over. 
L stuffs a strawberry macaron in his mouth before asking “woul’ ‘o’ ‘ike o’e” offering you a vanilla one. 
“No it’s okay” you say trying to hide a chuckle bubbling its way out. “I was actually wondering how your job is going.”
He continues to violently chew, “ ‘qui’e ‘ell,” he swallows thickly, “why do you ask?”
“Well,” you peer down to your socks, rubbing your toes against the carpet, “I was just worried if you were stressed. You’ve eaten almost three boxes of those.”
“Sugar keeps the brain awake,” he states matter-of-factly as he goes to grab another one.
Your hand stops his, holding it in place, and he looks up to you slightly confused with his bottom lip tucked in between his teeth. He’s trying to read you.
“Maybe you should rest a while. Let your brain reset, you know?” His gaze shifts to his laptop. The report is nearly finished, and it has been weeks since he could sleep for more than an hour. He can never fully rest on a job like he can when he’s with you. His mind is plagued by images of known friends and nameless faces calling him, but you keep them at bay. Perhaps resting will do him some good. 
His voice softens to barely a whisper, “that would be good,” until he corrects himself “then I can continue working.”
“I’ll help you distress.”
L starts to get ready for bed, gingerly changing into his pj’s which really only consists of taking off his pants, and begins to slip into bed until he notices your apprehensive self still standing at the doorway. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh. Nothing, nothing,” but you still remain at the door.
His eyes squint in suspicion, letting silence question you instead of him. You quickly relent. “I mean… Well I feel bad now.”
More silence.
You sigh, frustrated at the fact your will power breaks so easily for him. “I was going to ask if you wanted to have sex to distress, but then you were actually going to sleep and now-”
“I would very much like to have sex with you.” 
“-I feel like an asshole- wait what?”
“I said I would like to have sex.”
The air in the room turns thick with the smell of sweat and sex cut by your pornagraphic moans, and L’s harsh pants, and the sound of his heavy balls hitting your ass. 
The position he has you in makes him hit even deeper than you could imagine, leaving you incapable of moving let alone thinking, but no need to think. A pretty little thing like you doesn’t need to think when you have L as your lover. He knows what you need is to be a good little slut and take his cum.
Your hoarse voice says “‘is too much. Can’t take it.” between moans, legs shaking underneath L’s thighs.
He accentuates each word with a thrust. “Yes.” “You.” “Can.” forcing the bed frame to hit the wall. 
He bends over your hunched frame, lips leaving sloppy wet kisses against your neck until he reaches your neck and he whispers “be good for me,” and you cum.
Stars dance around the corner of your vision as a soundless scream escapes you, and your hole tightens around L’s cock making him hiss. He drops to his elbows, succumbing to only shallow thrusts until it’s all too much and he cums filling your hole and pushing it back in with his cock. He stays until he softens and falls out, and his eyes fall on your thighs. His cum is smeared across your inner thighs, dripping down between your ass and on to the bed. He scoops it back up and pushes it in, not wanting to waste a single drop, and you moan at the intrusion. 
He takes his cum covered fingers to your parted lips, already familiar with routine, and you wrap them around his fingers, tongue swirling to get every last bit. You release them with a ‘pop,’ eyes waiting patiently for your reward, and he obliges, kissing you deeply, tasting himself on your tongue. 
He gets up to get a towel and begins to get you cleaned up, kissing each bruise he left, and massaging your sore limbs. 
“You did so well for me.”
“Would you say you’re sufficiently relaxed?”
“Yes, very relaxed. Thank you.”
He kisses your head, and tucks you into bed smiling to himself. How he ever got you to be his lover, he will never know, but he is forever grateful you are.
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