#in ways that i could see being tiring or lame or played out if theres more movies
moondove330 · 2 years
Just finished watching Glass Onion. It fucks, go watch it
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orbitswriter · 5 years
PAIRING: male!reader x jacksepticeye
RATING: 18+ smut
KINKS; phone sex,
dirty talk, masturbation,
age gape (19×30), 'daddy'
mentioned a few times.
{ Seans Pov }
The ringing of my phone waked me from my peaceful sleep, I groaned to myself and slid the green answer button quickly hitting the speaker icon so I didn't have to try, giving a tired 'hmm?'
"Sean?" a voice I knew all to well came from the phone. Y/n, a friend I have back in the states, almost twelve years younger then me, but really fun to be around, and talk to.
"Y/n, do you have any clue what time it is?" I ask.
Y/n hummed in thought "- Nope can't say I do" he giggled quietly.
I peered at the dark screen of my phone as if he could see me, those giggles only meant one thing; he was probably high, he only giggle like that when he just got done smoking with his other boneheaded friends - whatever, as long as he didn't hurt himself.
"Do you have to call me when you're like this? its..." I glanced at my digital alarm clock and wanted to strangle y/n "4:05 am" he groaned burrying his face into the pillow.
"I needed to call you though!" the boy whined a bit.
"I highly doubt that" I huffed.
"I did" the voice got a bit pouty "I need you"
I paused a moment, not quite catching up with what y/n wanted me to "What do you need me for?"
Y/n huffed in annoyance "Isn't it obvious?" he asked with another soft giggle, I heard him shifting from the other side "I'm hard for you" the boy purred.
I froze, what? no way did y/n call me to have phone sex with him. I don't answer, my mouth feels dry and I don't know how to feel about what he just said to me. If he was being serious I'd probably take him up on the offer, even I couldn't deny the boy was cute, a bit young maybe to be in a full time relationship with but... cute.
My silence must of frustrated him more before he groaned "Common old man, lossen up, I don't want to just fantasize about you tonight" he said.
"Y/n I-"
"I wished you would of fucked me when you came down last year, I was waiting for you to do anything but you didn't... don't make me beg" he says, I hear him shift on what I assume is his bed again.
I've had phone sex before, but I knew I wasn't very good at it, my dirty talk could be better, but maybe y/n would forgive me for that.
"What are you wearing?" I ask already feeling lame.
A breathy giggle comes through the phone "just my boxers at the moment" he humors me.
"shit... you sleep naked?"
"Most of the time, LA's to hot for clothing" he says "you can tell me what to do" he attempts.
I turn on my back and place the phone on my chest. I reach down messaging my semi-hard cock, swallowing down a groan of pleasure.
"Why don't you get me fully hard first?" I ask, curious if his dirty talks any better then mind.
"I got home just a little bit ago, on the urber ride back to my house I was scrolling through instagram and I saw the picture you posted at the gym..." he paused a moment "the only thing I could think about was you man handling me in the locker room of a gym, making me your little play thing-" he paused "do you want me to lead?" he asks "is jack'o-boy a sub?"
I feel my cheeks heat up at his tease "ma...maybe" I say.
Theres a quiet aftet that makes me nervous "are you touching yourself?" he askes, his voice switches to a more domineering tone that makes my cock twitch.
"Yes" I say almost breathlessly.
"M' palming myself" I let put a breathy moan.
"take your pants and boxers off" he says "and stop holding back, I want to hear you lose control for me"
I slip off my sweats and boxers waiting for more instructions, giving confirmation I did what he said.
"Good... I want you to stroke yourself, slowly" he says, i do so giving a soft whimper "do you like praise or being degraded?"
"both" i say "I like being talked down to more" I admit.
"do you like me controlling you?"
"'course you do little slut" my cock twitch at his voice.
There's still a small part of my brain that's wondering, it seems to be shut up as soon as y/n moans from the other side of the phone. fuck that's actually hot.
"Do you like younger men controlling you? are you that much of a perv Sean?" he asks I can only whimper "I want words"
"Y...yes" I croak out.
This earns a dark chuckle from y/n before he hums a bit "Didn't think you would admit to it" he said "You're to easy, don't know if I like that, maybe I want you all to myself as my slutty little baby"
I want to stroke myself faster but I wait for the instructions to do so, I keep up the slow steady pace.
"What do you like better, daddy or sir? or maybe you're more of a master type?" he questions.
"D...daddy" I whine my whole body feels hot at this point, so I can't tell if I'm blushing or not.
"'course" he said "what do you want baby?"
"Can I go faster?"
There's a pause and I have to hold back a whine by biting my lip.
"sure baby" y/n grunts out.
I automatically speed my hand up letting out a moan, I close my eyes imagining y/n watching over me as he makes me please myself.
"God, you sound so fucking beautiful" he says as he lets out a moan.
"Daddy" I whine finally just letting myself fully submit to my younger friend, there was something that felt so exciting about letting a younger guy dom over me.
"That's right doll, moan for me" he huffed "moan like the little slut you are"
I squirmed in my bed, usually I had no issue lasting awhile but I already felt myself getting close, I blamed it on new experiences, but maybe it was just that y/n had me so turned on. I groaned a bit squeezing my eyes shut.
"Daddy I-"
"Me too, hold it till I say" y/n cut me off ragged breaths coming from his side as he neared his end.
I whimpered as I forced myself to hold back blowing my load as hard as it was I did manage.
"Fuck Sean, Cum with me" he ordered.
It was easy to follow his command, automatically letting myself go, moaning his name as I did so. My orgasm shook through me making my body tremble a few seconds after it was done. I panted closing my eyes, I felt tired. Of course I feel tired its 5:30 now. I grabbed my phone wondering if y/n was still on the line, the call was still going, counting up the time under his icon. I sighed a bit wondering if he fell asleep.
"So..." he said finally, I heard the shifting of blankets for what felt like probably the hundredth time that night "when you coming back to visit?" he asks.
I find myself chuckling "A lot sooner then I had planned"
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coffeecrusadeclub · 5 years
Familiar Faces -Tyrus fic
Cyrus's POV:
"I know! I swear I want-" I cut my sentence off short and stared past my friend, Buffy, causing her to turn around and see what had rendered me speechless.
"What the-Is that TJ?" Buffy asked, a little too loud. His head turned towards us and I quickly ducked down to avoid being seen.
"Cyrus what are you-"
"Buffy Shh!" I cut her off, but it was too late. We were noticed and TJ had started over to our table.
"Buffy did we pay already"
"Yeah wh-"
Before she could finish her response I had grabbed her hand and rushed her out of the spoon. I was glad I had given up trying to sit at the counter and let Buffy choose a seat by the exit.
"Cyrus what the heck is going on" Buffy asked after a couple minutes, finally pulling me to a stop.
"I dont- I dont want to see him. Why is he back"
"Cyrus he probably is visiting family. When he left Amber said their mom sent him to some bootcamp program or something, that hed be gone for a couple years, it's been 3 years he might just be back"
"No! No no no! He cant be back I cant- I cant have him around after-" I stopped myself from completing the thought.
"Alright Cyrus come on we are going to your place and you're telling me what the heck is going on. You two were so close up until a week before he left"
Despite my protests Buffy dragged me to my house and upon heading down to the entertainment room in my basement, demanded I tell her what happened. I was hesitant at first, not wanting to relive the memories but the therapist in me thought it might be good for me to talk about so I told her.
**** 3 years ago ****
"TJ, you've had too much to drink. Where did you even get all this you're only 17"
"Ugh mind your business Goodman I get it's in your name but why cant you loosen up? You're being a lame"
I tried to shake off his words, I didnt know why he was acting this way but I tried to convince myself it was the alcohol talking not him.
"Baby you don't mean that, come on let's go wash up and go to bed okay? Come on" I gently took hold of his arm and tried to lead him up the stairs but he quickly yanked away from me.
"Stop calling me that I'm not fucking gay Cyrus. Whatever this is has to stop now it's getting old"
"TJ, I-"
"No dont look at me like that. I'm not gay I never was. Sure you're my friend but I figured I could win you and mess around some"
"I was wh- Is that all I was? Some prize to be won? A toy to be played with? You know what TJ no screw you!" I felt tears well up in my eyes and tried to stop them from falling but still they rolled down my cheeks.
"Don't cry. Cyrus dont cry please I'm sorry" TJ's tone and attitude changed and I didnt know what to believe. He was drunk and unstable.
"Just- just stop talking let's get you to bed"
"Cy I love you baby" he smiled softly at me, it was like he didnt remember the things he had said just a moment before
"Mhm come on into bed you go" I replied setting a trashcan down next to him. I decided not to sleep in his bed and took some blankets and pillows down stairs to the couch. I was woken up to the sound of TJ's voice the next morning.
"H-hey Cy goodmorning baby, how come you slept down here?"
"Do you not remember what happened last night?"
"No not really, but based on the massive headache I have right now and the fact that I reek of liquor, I assume I got drunk"
"That you did. As well as say some pretty nasty stuff"
"Oh no Cy I-"
"Dont. Just- Don't okay? Dont say sorry because itd be nothing more than empty air you dont even remember." I cut him off, a sense of bitterness in my tone.
"Cy what did i- what did I say?"
"I was you're prize, just a toy to be won.. You're not gay."
"Cyrus Im s-"
"Dont. Dont say it. Dont tell me you're sorry you dont mean it"
"I didnt mean for that to come out then I didn't-"
"So it was true?"
"No I-"
"Just- stop already TJ you're not helping. You were right about one thing last night. This needs to stop. I'm tired of being pushed around- pushed away when other people are around. The truth came out TJ, hopefully you can too" with tears running down my face I took my chance to leave at that. I never wanted to see him again.
****current time****
I looked up at Buffy who had a a soft expression on her face. I wiped tears away from my own as she pulled me into a hug
"Oh Cyrus you didnt deserve that. Not at all, nobody can treat my best friend like that. I'm gona go find him" she stated, getting up from the couch.
"Buffy no. That was 3 years ago, I should be over it by now"
"But you're not"
"I know I'm not Buffy but he probably doesn't even remember"
Buffy sighed but agreed to let things be and I heard a familiar knock pattern on my door.
"TJ's here..." I said a slight panic rising in me
"How do you know"
"That's his knock. Everytime he used to visit he would knock a bunch of times in a heartbeat rhythm"
"I'll kick him out-"
"No no just- you go home I'll call you later. Okay?"
"Fine okay"
We walked upstairs to the front door together and I opened it, sure enough it was TJ
"Hey Buffy.. Cyrus" TJ greeted us shly
"Kippen" Buffy responded coldly before walking out the door to leave "Bye Cyrus see you later" I waved for a moment before turning back to the blue eyed boy standing on my front porch.
"Can I come in? Please we really should talk"
"About what? Theres nothing to talk about"
"About what happened before I left"
"I dont know what you mean" I responded playing dumb.
"Cyrus we both know that's not true or you wouldnt have run away at the spoon like you did." He looked at me with pleading eyes and I sighed stepping out of the doorway and letting him in. We sat down in the kitchen and I made him a cup of coffee.
"Cyrus I never meant to hurt you. The things I said- they weren't meant to be taken like that. I just I was drunk and I guess the delivery wasnt great"
"Yeah no kidding" I responded coldly, scoffing at him.
"I did love you Cyrus- I do. I just was scared. The day before.. my mom found out. She started screaming at me because she had seen us kissing. I- I panicked she had seen us on a nanny cam she told me to breakup with you. I never meant to but I knew the camera was there and I guess I just couldnt convey that I was acting.. she sent me away anyway"
"TJ.. I didn't- I didnt know.. I'm sorry"
"How were you supposed to?"
"I could have let you talk that morning... tell me..."
"It wasnt you're fault Cyrus"
I felt tears well up in my eyes, "yes it was! All these years I spent mad at you and it was my fault. I should have just let you explain and this wouldnt have happened I wouldn't have-" suddenly I felt TJs hands on my wrists as his lips pressed against mine. He started to pull away and then leaned back in, slowly loosening his grip on my wrists. Once he pulled away I took a deep breath
"God I missed that" he whispered softly
"Me too" I replied.
We sat there and talked for hours, we had 3 years of making up to do. And 3 years of anger, pain, and betrayal to deal with. But we had each other and that's what mattered.
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marcellaisnotme · 5 years
to everyone.
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to all the amazing people that light up my 2019, let's continue our journey to 2020. 2019 has been pretty amazing to me than last year and i'm rather excited for what's going to come on 2020. its a bit frightening but at the same time i'm ready to face it.
i'm dedicating each of you who got this page a personal message <3
let me start it with my loving Ren ♡ we met not that long ago but long enough for me to call you a special friend. i love hanging out with you, i love ranting everything to you cause you're a really good listener, advisor and most importantly a really great sidekick. okno. you know what to say to make me feel better and i admire that you can think of so much in a short amount of time. the way you handle everything is very responsible and careful, i look up to you alot. let's be more closer and share more stupid shitposts (RED VELVET PLSSS). i love you!!
Jason ♡ we known each other for a very long time but we always been pretty close to each other, but sometimes we don't talk and we argue that one time. and you went missing too but when you came back i was really excited. you were really funny and entertaining. just what i need, just what i wanted. we have a love hate relationship and we never get tired of each other and buuuu-ing each other everytime. okno. you are special to me and i cant find another jason to replace. thanks for being such a great friend. i love you!!
Juan ♡ my favorite movie partner and cuddle buddy <3 the one that would always tell stupid jokes which myself find it really funny even when it's pretty dumb. the one who never get tired of me punching you in the arm. okno. i wanna spend more time watching movies with you cause i personally hate watching movies cause i'm a book person. but when i watch it with you and hear you explaining to me everything made me love movies. pstt. only when i watch it with you <3 HAHAHA let's do more movie dates next time juan, because movies are not watch worthy without you. okno. i love you!!!
bwi ♡ as much as i find you pretty annoying and such a coward but i really know how it takes courage to do something. i know how does it feel when you feel like doing something. but it's find. i dont judge you for it ok? i was just messing around with you cause your reaction is always funny i dont wanna miss it. OKNO. if you havent moved on completely, it's fine. it takes time to heal and takes time to grow. i hope you have a better life and be happy in 2020. i love you!!
Belle ♡ SINCE YOU'RE A GIRL NOW IMMA CALL YOU BELLE. okno you were a guy when we first met and first dated. okno. i can't believe we made it till today even when we dont talk that much these days. i just want you to know even when i'm very very very annoying and stoopid but i am really thankful that you were always there listening to my probs and teas :(( i'm so dramatic. wipes non existent tears. okno. be less busy so that i can kacau you more :(( i love you!!
Kitty Kou ♡ my wife :(( my husband soulmate boyfriend girlfriend my everything :(( screams i miss you so much we're not talking much this days are you THAT busy gimme attention bich :(( okno. i'm glad that you are fine now (i can see and feel it) also i dont want you to be sad no more cause you dont deserve to be :(( i'll karate anyone that tries to mess with you i swear >:( i love you soooo much you're my fav bestie ever you listen to me and play along with me cause thats what soulmates do :(( dont ever leave my side or i'm gonna tie u to me so that you wont escape HAH take that :(( i love you bb♡
Qhal ♡ you stick up to me since day-1 and thats what i love about you. you grew into a better person, you were so much braver and bolder plus happier these days and i've never been so proud of you. i hope your happiness last till next year and the following and forever. every day is a new day. you dont have to close old books and open new ones. you dont have to be someone you're not and importantly, you dont have to do things for anyone else. yourself is your top priority and always remember that you're just as important. seeing you happy makes me happy. we've been friends for god knows how long and you never left my side, ever. you're always a special friend to me. you're always in my heart. i love you!!
Irwin ♡ not gonna deny you're always there for me when i'm in an existential crisis. okno. you're such a fun and funny person to talk with. i always enjoyed talking to you because you could make and awkward situation lively with your randomness. you radiate great and positive energy that anyone around you feel better. you make me feel better when i'm sad. i hope you and jade last looooooooooong enough just like how long we've known each other. i love you!!
Tian ♡ i love talking to you and randomly being stupid with you and jason. i love how we click with each other that much it's like we're siblings. rough things happened but let's all forget about it. i hope for you happiness as you were always sad about a certain someone. it's fine to think about it. it's fine to hold onto it. cause the longer you hold on, the easier it will go away when it gets old. you should really reveal your cute daughter to everyone. cause i miss her and everyone needs to see her <3 she's amazing just like you. i love you!!
Cosmo ♡ as long as we known each other, you were the brightest person and the easiest to get along with. you always know what to do and put your heart in everything you do. i dont like seeing you being sad or depressed anymore because you weren't like that when we first met. always surround yourself with happy stuff >> me. and do things you wanna do that makes you happy. you will always be my cosmo, and i'll always be your wanda♡. i love you!!
Junguan ♡ hi bestie how u doin. okno. i am glad that you're always happy, always problem free. thanks for listening to my problems, thanks for being a great friend. i have a great laugh and a great time with you always. your reaction to my stupidness and sarcasm was always funny i'm not gonna lie. you're always the one that i believe would keep everything i tell you a secret. you're such an awesome person and a great friend. i love you !!
Xie/ Axel ♡ you're a really interesting person to talk to. aside from our past relationship. you're a really strong and a great person. you're someone that doesn't give up on anything you do and i really adore you for that. you make everything seem so funny to me idk why oKNO. but except for our snapstreak, we dont really talk mUCH. did you moveD or are you just busY cause u krik krik im thinking twice about softblocking you. okno. talk to me bitch. i love you!!
marcell/shaq ♡ you change your name to match mine cause you like me eh?? buuu. okno. you were always someone i trusted because you're responsible of doing your job and you're someone nice to talk to i mean not nice nice because you're mean but nice by i can have a conversation with you and talk about random stuff without letting it die because i'm funny and you're lame okno. let other judge your outer and let yourself know your inner. jangan jadi noob for 2020. okno. i love you!!
Eric ♡ my stupid bun. my ride or die. ew. these two years 18/19 has been pretty rough for the both of us and i think it's just a step and a lesson to grow into a better person. you helped me alot through this year and i'm never less thankful for that. the loving things you do for me, the things you would let it slide when it comes to me. your soft spot for me never goes away huh HAH and i'm taking advantage of that. okno i'm kidding. you are a big help for me and for what i went through. you never said no. you always agree on everything and i really appreciate it. when we broke up last year, you still insisted to talk to me. which i find out really annoying. just kidding. i'll let everything slide since you do that to me too. you're a really great person, amazing let me tell you. thanks for being a great friend to me. thanks for helping me out with almost everything. i owe you big time. i love you!!
harry ♡ first of all,  thank you for being a great bestie, we would always talk to each other everyday but you got busy these days :(( but yey, its almost a decade since ive known you, kyak. we met when we were in kbb. you were d__, kyak, smpipol 💕 i feel so giddy giddy all of a sudden lololol. and then we started exchanging contacts, you were first harry, on fl.  and then we had this, nOOt squad gTG. im nunmul-ing.  why is this suddenly a throwback session.  and and and then theres trisha gosh i love trisha and you too. i adore you for being such an honest person, when it comes to telling your problems to us, which is something i cant really do. if you have problems, dont hesitate to tell us, though i dont really help much eheh. but sometimes there are things that arent meant to be said. its okay, theres nothing wrong feeling sad, feeling all those negative feelings. we are human too, we have feelings. it is okay to sometimes not be okay, it is okay. but other than that, be happy with those you are surrounded with. youre someone that worth a big hug.  i hope you spent your day with those you love 💕 i hope youre having a good day. youre an amazingly talented person. i hope youd achieve your dream soon, i pray for your health, and for you to surrounded by lovely people. you're such a talented person and gosh, your drawings for the fashion week, cries. chef kisses momma!!! you should update me on your life more because i wanna know what you do and support you on everything you do. don't forget me anyways :(( because you're the only realest annoying brutally honest bitch i love :(( i love you!! 
thanks for an amazing 2019, lets get closer in 2020. i love you guys. ♡
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chubsjiminiie · 6 years
Bʀᴇᴀᴋ Mʏ Hᴇᴀʀᴛ 🌙 pt. 6
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~тaeнyυng х reader~ yoongι х reader ~ ~ ties 
~ prev ||  next
a/n: uhhh idk what this is tbh. its a bit of a mess. but ill post n e ways lol
requests are open
Your days seemed to drag on for the rest of the week until Friday came. Usually throughout the day you had Tae either texting or facetiming you with random questions, or even showing up to your place just to be in your presence. But this time it’s like he’s avoiding you or he has better things to do than to update you on his daily adventures. Having too much pride, and lowkey insecure, you don’t reach out, you don’t want to feel annoying or clingy. 
The screen in front of you displays a marvel movie, wishing you had your best friend next to you because he loves superheroes and movie marathons. You were sat on your bed with a bowl of popcorn, candy, and a couple beers pre-gaming for the night. Normally people pregame with friends, but what are those? (lol jk). Yoongi was actually on his way to your place, he said you should show up together to catch everyone’s attention. It wouldn’t be a big deal because you were just friends but now everyone knew about your kiss and they were curious where it was leading to. 
You grabbed your nearly empty beer can and swallow whatever was left in one gulp. As you get up to throw it away theres a knock at your door and you make your way to open it for the one and only Min Yoongi. 
“Oppa!” You say as you open the door, raising your arms up.
He smiles and chuckles at your enthusiasm, “Babe!” 
“Ugh. It’s bad enough I blush through text over this little nickname, you had the audacity to say it in person,” you start walking to the trash can. 
“I like seeing the little pink in your cheeks when I fluster you,” He walks in and grabs one of your beers.
“Hey Hey! You’re driving, no more than 2 beers.”
He nods at you and he sits down, “So are you going in these little hello kitty pjs or.. are you going to change?” He stuffs his face with popcorn, “Personally the hello kitty speaks to me... she’s like family.” 
“Well Min Kitty, I can’t decide what to wear... I want it sexy but comfy.”
“Lets go to your room and see what you have. I’ll judge the sexiness and you can judge the comfiness.” 
You look around your closet trying to find some cute tops but you feel like everything is too boring and you want to catch Tae’s attention tonight. Yoongi sees your frustration and walks up to your closet and starts grabbing random pieces he sees. He lays them down on your bed and looks back at you almost like your mom would do when you were 5. You chuckle at him deciding what’s good and what isn’t. His hands reach up to a satin black dress with lace trim and he holds up to you with a gummy smile. 
“This one. The material makes it all sexy but because it’s not too tight you can still move around freely and have fun,” he winks, “I should be a stylist instead of a producer.”
You laugh and grab the dress and ask him to leave so you can finish getting ready. After adding accessories and makeup you walk out to not keep Yoongi waiting. As soon as he sees you, he gasps and compliments you as much as he can and smiles like an idiot. He grabs a hold of your hand and leads you out to his car. 
You arrive at Tae’s and you feel a slight bubbling in your stomach, you were excited to finally see your best friend and talk to him. Walking into the front door you see the usual scene from every party, couples scattered along the walls making out or dancing, groups taking shots and laughing, and your best friends in the kitchen talking. Holding Yoongi’s hand you walk to them to begin your little game and to have fun. 
“Mom and Dad!” you yell over the music and run to hug the new couple, Namjin.
“Hi sweetie. You look so good!” Jin says and winks. 
“Thank you Oppa,” you smile.
“Hi Bunny and Chims” you reach out to hug them.
“Taehyungiieeee opppa why have you been missing?” You say and try to hug him.
“Y/n-ie, I wasn’t I just got really busy and I forgot to text you,” He returns the hug but quickly going back to his position and scratching is head. 
You pout at him and grab a cup to begin your drinking. These boys always seem to make some sweet concoction of alcohol to get everyone drunk faster. This time it looked like fruit punch and a lot of vodka. Taking a sip you make a face of how bitter it was and Tae giggles.
“I made it this time. Jungkook usually adds more juice to hide the amount of alcohol but I drank the other fruit punch.” 
“Mmm. It’s not bad,” you smile and clink your plastic cup against his. 
You decide to stay by him and try to talk to him and see what comes from it. His lame excuse of being busy not being enough to dismiss his actions. You stood there talking into each others ear updating what has happened during the two days which doesn’t seem like much but you had gotten used to him so it felt like 2 weeks. You start to giggle at him telling you he bought 5 new ties to add to his collection and they’re all the same color but in different shades and different stitching patterns. 
Soon theres an arm wrapping around your wrist and you turn to see who it belongs to... its Yoongi oppa. You smile and go back to your conversation but Tae looks a little put off now and kind of seems to distance himself. 
“I thought you guys were just drinking buddies. Isn’t he being a bit too touchy?”
“Tae, he’s my friend. Anyone of the other guys could do it and it’s not a big deal.” 
“Yeah but he’s kissed you that one time and who knows how many other times that I haven’t seen.” 
“It was only once. It didn’t mean anything...” 
“hey want to go dance for a little. he seems a little jealous if i take you away he’ll get even more jealous,” Yoongi leans in to your ear.
The thought lingers your mind for a second because you’re not sure if it’s worth it. But he grabs your hand and nods over to where the make shift dance floor was and you let him lead you away from the kitchen. Turning your head to Tae’s direction you see him drink what was left off in his cup and start to pour himself more. 
Yoongi’s arm was tightly wrapped around your waist, his hips moved to the way yours did, allowing you to take the lead. You could feel his breath on the back of your ear as he moved your hair away from it and whispered to look to your left. There stood Tae all alone watching you as you danced with Yoongi. Your eyes meet up and you can’t but put on more of a show and get as close as possible to Yoongi. He senses your intentions and gently turns you to face him, his goofy grin on display as he winks letting you know he’s taking the lead now. 
You move your bodies along to the beat and start to move in closer. His eyes move from your eyes to your lips and he mouths “Can I kiss you?” to which you only nod your head in agreement. He leans down connecting your lips and it feels like two soft pillows against yours. It felt like you melted into him as you opened your lips slightly to deepen it. Still grinding up against each other the kiss seemed to get more sexual than you anticipated as you feel something hard near your stomach. He pulls away and looks down to his growing... problem. 
You giggle, “Seems like Oppa got really into it today..” 
“Shut up. I hate you. I’m going to go hide forever and possibly cry,” He pouted. 
“It’s okay Yoongi oppa. I’m getting tired let’s go back to the guys.” 
The little show you put on seemed to drive Tae away as he was no longer in his spot and instead with a really pretty girl. You couldn’t help but feel a little sting on your heart because nothing was working, your little plans didn’t do anything to him. He kept doing his thing and even trying to score his girl for the night. Yoongi held your hand and took you to where your friend group stood playing beer pong with each other and getting drunk off their asses. Hobi oppa was nearly falling on his ass every time his turn came up, Namjoon was too drunk to play and just holding onto Jin to keep his balance. You wanted to pay attention and enjoy the moment but your eyes kept searching for Tae. From a distance you saw the top of his head, the blonde hair very clearly standing out from the rest of the crowd.
He was laughing and had his arm around the girls shoulders, he seemed to be doing his usual flirting. He looks at her and at the stair case nodding his head up. He wants to bring her up already to his room and get it over with. You sigh and look back your friends. 
At this moment you could be a bad friend and cockblock, or you could be a good friend and let him get his dick wet. OOORRR you could eavesdrop until you break your heart hearing them have sex.
I mean I guess you’re down to hurt yourself because you start walking up to them seeing as they start going up the stairs. As they’re halfway up you stop at the bottom of the stair case wanting to give enough time to not get caught. Walking up, you feel your heart pounding. You almost convince yourself to let it be but you want to see it with your own eyes. In the last two years of knowing him, you’ve seen him talk up girls and have his fun with them but never settle for one. At first you didn’t care what he did, you had your fun too and had a couple hookups. But the more you got closer, the more you knew him for him, and not just a fuckboy, you realized he was amazing. Every beginning to a hookup you witnessed tugged at your heart but you ignored it as best as you could. It didn’t help that every single one of his adventures were told back to you in detail because you were his best friend and he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. 
You make your way up to his door to listen in on his conversation. Pressing your ear against the door you make sure not to make any noise. At first it’s all giggles and feet walking around his carpeted room but no sounds of kissing or sex. Weird, you thought. You thought a man like Tae would get right to it as fast as he could to get rid of the girl faster. 
“Oh! Do you wanna see my closet? I have these ties that are so cool,” you can hear his enthusiasm through the door
Oh god. Is this his game? you thought
“Sure. Let’s see them.” 
For a fuckboy he really a baby boy that needs love and attention.
“So this one is actually one of the favorites, I usually wear it when the temperature is just right... I call him 46,″ He says and you know just the tie he’s holding. Its a dark grey one with yellow stitching and a nice stripe pattern with other tones of grey, it’s the one he wears the sun is exactly 46 degrees to the left.
He’s such a dork. Ugh i love him. 
“What about this one Taehyungie...” She says with a bit of lust lingering in her voice. 
“Oh that’s the one I wear when... I’m about to have a lot of... fun.�� 
“I guess you better put it on then..” 
You step away from the door disgusted yet surprised at his lack of game. You make your way back down and look for Yoongi, you’re ready to leave. Almost as if he could read your mind he walks up to you. 
“Someone looks ready to leave.” 
“Oppa, I just heard Tae get a girl by talking about his ties... Is this how men are nowadays. Is this what I should prepare myself for in the future?” 
“If you want to be with him then, yes. But men nowadays are more straightforward; he’s a dork and a dumbass.” 
Yoongi and you get in his car and begin to drive off. Your thoughts run wild at how stupid you are to even listen in on his private moments but you couldn’t help but be an idiot and a bit nosey. 
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youmeanlove · 5 years
all of them for yusuke !!!!!!!!!
SCREAMS thank you SO much im bout to end this mans (my wish to keep answers short) whole career 
update: sorry this took so long i decided to become a novelistKJF LITERALLY its so long thank you soooo much for sending this ask i had a field day
fresh mown grass: what is your f/o’s favorite scent? does it remind them of anything specific?
paint is the obvious answer so ofc that but he rly likes the smell of a smoked out kitchen. probably because thats what happens every time he tries to experiment w food but it still makes him happy to hav fun with it
pastel sunrise: what was your f/o’s first impression of you? yours of them?
hehehe…he thought i dressed really weirdJFJF he was like one part intrigued one part ‘wtf ew’ but either way boy did he stare at me! for like, minutes straight because he has no self awareness. once we started talking he thought i was um..like, inspiring i guess. that sounds conceited but he just thought i was a cool ‘care-free’ model of life! i thought umm..he was very tall and kind of intimidating! i felt bad because the other students shunned him for being involved with his mentor nd thought he could do with like, literally any social interaction. i thought he was really kind, despite being very straightforward w everything! OH and i thought it was admirable how focused on his passions he was
blooming flowers: what is your f/o’s favorite part of nature? do they even have one?
the ocean!!!! we went to the beach once and he went ape over how the moon looked reflecting over the water
four leaf clover: does your f/o have any good luck charms or superstitions? do you? do the two of you share any?
yusukes really superstitious actually! unlucky words/numbers and stuff like that. one time he broke a comb on accident and threw it across the room lmao. we both go absolutely ham and wont sleep w/ our heads to the north bc we dont feel like dying young
ocean breeze: have you and your f/o ever traveled together? what is your dream vacation?
hoyah! we dont travel because we’re both poor ass art students but we do go to the park a lot! theres some really pretty ones near the schools so we’ll go stare at geese and flowers n stuff! we talk a lot about traveling to spain bc sexy
lemonade stand: what is your f/o’s favorite beverage? and yours?
yusuke my mans rly likes lemonade but like when its kinda bitter? he doesnt like really sweet foods but lemonade and tea are 👌👌. i really like cola uwu
fireflies: how do you light up your f/o’s life?
hehHEHE U///U show that boy how to have fun!! let himself go and chill out sometimes!! he’s always so hard on himself and i help him remember that he doesn’t need to be so focused and stressed all the time anymore!! lov that guy
music festival: what is your favorite type of music? your f/o’s? any overlap between your favorite genres?
yusuke likes chill out music like classical and stuff because hes a NERD and it helps him focus on work! i’m a speedcore rat. we both like swing music because we’re gay
pumpkin latte: what is your guilty pleasure as a couple? 
sometimes we drink juice out of the carton and put it back in the fridge because like who has time for cups..nasty nasty. also idk if this counts but we’ll take those stupid buzzfeed quizzes for like an hour and judge our results OH we stan ‘accidetally’ falling asleep in our day clothes bc we were too tired to change
costume shop: do you wear couples’ halloween costumes? what’s your favorite thing the two of you have ever gone as?
HELL YEAH WE DOOOOO yusuke was like dude remember that time i turned into a mouse can i dress up like a mouse and you dress up as a giant block of cheese and i was like (slaps the desk) absolutely babe
cozy sweater: how does your f/o make you feel secure and safe?
ahejegfahjkgehaheehaejh tall. hes vv straightforward to every1 so i know he’ll always have my back if someone does something to upset me! and he’s always like Bro You Are So Beautiful Dont Ever Say You Arent Bro I Love You Bro except he doesnt say bro ofc hes Fancy
bonfire: what’s one thing your f/o has done to warm your heart?
ONE TIM OH one time he told me that i was one of the few ppl that never rly seemed like i judged him for not being very good at social stuff and that it made him want to talk to even more ppl and like get his childhood back and im :”) also one time he let me hide a stray cat in his dormKJF
ski slope: do you and your f/o play any sports or do any athletic activities together?
lol no we both have an iron deficiency we dont do anything about. we do like to play hand clappy games a lot tho he can beat my ass in slide
snowball fight: how do you and your f/o playfully tease each other?
HONESTLYFKJF we dont tease each other that much bc like. yusuke literally doesnt understand teasing most of the time and i cant bring myself to risk hurting his feelings! i jokingly made fun of his emo bang once and he was like What Is My Hair Bad Should I Get It Cut Do You Not Like It and i was like OH NOOOO!! he doesnt rly know how to tease either but its okay we just compliment each other a lot! no room for teasing in this house
gift wrap: what’s the best present your f/o has ever given you? what’s their favorite present they’ve gotten from you?
OH MY GOSH eheh one time he gave me a winter coat and that sounds lame but it was the best thing to ever happen to me bc i had been talking for like 3 weeks abt how gosh darn cold it was and this poor fool bought me a whole coat!!! raaaaaa!! yusukes fave present i bought him would probably be okay this also sounds silly but a dvd player! he kept buying dvds that were interesting and then realizing that he couldnt watch them anywherejkhf
rosy cheeks: tell us about a time your f/o has made you blush!
hehHEHEEJH okay so at lunch we used to trade so that id give him like food and hed draw me something bc his foster dad be like (whips and dabs) financial abuse but anyway his sketches used to be like scenic stuff or still life or random stuff he happened to see outside while we ate but then one time he gave me a sketch of me!! and was like cause u looked rly nice today i had to draw it and BOYYY WHEN I SAY A BITCH WAS RED!!!!!!!
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thekintsukuroikid · 7 years
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November 12th 2017 4:11am
Tofino is never worrying about  running out of battery life, or the gas tank. Or atm service charges.
It’s is an odd place. Living on the mainland you get hit with the same cold and rain and you learn pretty early on how to shelter yourself in the rat race, to keep busy until the clouds roll through. Tofino is this weird anomalous places where people travel here for the express reason of running headlong into the rainy cold. Duh, the waves are better for surfing and storm watching. It’s weird being this close to the ocean. You’re surrounded by it here, you can hear it from the dead middle of town. It’s dark, cold and can swallow you up, and yet here we are grabbing neon coloured boards and wearing goofy rubber suits and paddling away from shore. Standing up, riding it.  There’s a metaphor there somewhere I think. A really lame one.  Suffice to say Tofino is the setting where I’ve always been most comfortable with entertaining feelings of optimism, they linger in my mind a little bit longer here,  there aren’t a lot of things here that can take them away. And yet standing here alone on this beach I still wonder what it would be like to walk into the water and let the water I love so much fill up my lungs. To finally feel the tension unclench and release. 
A girl bought me a drink and told me how happy she was that everything about this place wasn’t like home.
I agreed.
this trip was really about  running away.
The band getting to create beautiful music for people to enjoy on a Saturday night, Thats pretty amazing right?
I remember how hard learning 3 chords was and thinking how weird it must be to be able to do so much more but the peak of your musical ambition is playing for my drunk ass.
I met a girl at the merch table. She was kind and she was pretty and in our conversation about the logistics of fitting a surfboard on a motorcycle I noticed her biting her lip…and looking at mine…and exhibiting every  universal sign I could think of to express a “shut the fuck up and let’s make out already” sentiment–
“All I could do was wonder how much she’d have to know about me, to hate me as much as I do.”
This isn’t me. I’m so tired of this
I’ve been diagnosed with clinical major depression.
atleast I think thats what its called, I kinda zoned out when I hear it.
I’ve known that somethings been wrong forever but I’ve never had it named by someone else before. I’ve never been in a position where I could go out and really do that. I’ve been getting help for months but this  weekend was the first time  I’ve been able to process it all. 2 doctor’s a therapist and a councillor.  4 different opinions.  The same mdi-10 depression index score. How it works is, 20 is dysthemia or mild depression and 25+ is no bueno moderate depression. 30+ is major depression. I figured I’d be around 18-19 with my shiny psych degree and my practicing of mindfullness and understanding of CBT and readings of Dr. Marsha Linehan and Brené Brown.–-
I got a fucking 38.
Of all the fucking tests to ace I sure know how to pick em lol.
Talk therapy’s helped narrowed it down, where In reality I’ve likely been dealing with this for over a decade. I could have and likely should have gotten help when I was in early highschool/late middle school. The fact that I’ve never been on medication pretty deeply concerns my therapist. I still don’t know if I want the pills, I stare at the prescription sometimes and wonder what the sweet fuck I’m going to do. It’s hard to plan things in a pros and con’s type of scenario with brain altering chemicals, like its not like theres a frame of reference or anything.  I’ve always been  getting by with habits and discipline. Reading ahead, doing homework early in case I sleep through my classes again. Never letting anyone get close enough to be in a position to judge you.  Never be vulnerable. You’re not cool enough to have baggage.
It’s not like I’m like this all of the time. I have good days, mostly when I’m around other people, even strangers. It’s when I’m by myself for too long that it starts to creep into my mind, a little voice getting progressively louder and more persuasive. I Have fun by remembering what it’s supposed to feel like and selling it to everyone who can see me. This isn’t the stereotypical 3am negative thoughts, I mean those happen too but its more like 3pm, in the middle of my group of friends laughing, just getting hit with this whole body feeling of dread and trying to crack a joke anyway.  I then follow this with sullen, silent car rides home or 45 minutes sitting on the shower floor wondering if I’ll always feel this numb?
That’s the worst part…the numbness of it all. Losing hours in the day to this thing that I can’t even really describe. I never get mad or sad or happy just attenuated, dulled versions of these emotions.  I’m scared of heights, like really fucking scared of heights but I learned to rock climb because fear hits me in such a meaningless way now. This is such a weirdly strong biological component.  I feel like I can never move forward to create myself because I’m always looking back, trying to get back to how I used to feel. That’s the one thing I know is missing, that sense of self that guides my decision making. I’ve never been able to go with my gut, the kind of spontaneity and passion and creativity that comes with that,  Instead Its always minimize the damage, lower the risk. I feel inadequate in every measurable and measurable way, to the point of it being physically crippling. 
I’ve been really fucking good at hiding this. Its the thing I’m honestly the most proud of, which is a bit counterintuitive.  It’s allowed me to flip something that feels so intrinsically selfish and allowed me to keep focus on the people that are important to me. It’s allowed me to learn some really important lessons about friendships and relationships, coping and empathy, all without the vulnerability of facing those things head on. Depression to me, at least  the way that i’m doing it (which I know is the wrong way to think about it)  is this selfishness I don’t want to indulge.  
There is massive guilt with this. I have so much. I have taken so much time, love, energy, money from the people in my life and I feel like I am and I have so little to show for it. That I am a highlight in every  worst way, of the differences between what is good and what is just nice. but the thing is  I’m starting to realize that this thing, this depression thing it couldn’t give less of a shit about how you rationalize it, its taken better people than me, I’ve seen it first hand.  
For me this thing hits two-fold. Its the physicality of these symptoms I can no longer ignore or fight through.  Messed up eating schedules, sleeping too much or too little,  missing classes, being late to events or appointments and just constantly feeling zoned out, in a daze.
On the mental side of it, its been management. I’ve been in a dark place for a long time and my diminishing ability for me to manage these mental health symptoms means that I feel increasingly less equipped to take on this complete feeling of stagnation. This shit takes work. It’s like im trying to carry a weight with broken arms and no cast. It’s a  feeling that even if I had an opportunity, job or otherwise,  I lack the tools and the self belief to actually be and do what I want. It is such a weird sensation to feel the slide from wondering how to make it by 30…to wondering about making it to 30. 
 I Try to work hard to be grateful and find the joy in things. I spend my days trying to bridge the gap between the humility of recognizing this reality, with the ego of thinking I deserve better.  I mean maybe this is as good as it gets? Maybe some people just spiral. I hope that isn’t me, I don’t want to see how far this rabbit hole goes, I don’t want to become what its trying to make me become, I think thats why I work so hard to keep being extraverted.  I try to be around my friends, especially if I know  that they have it a lot worse or are facing a difficulty. Being empathetic to what they’re dealing with makes you feel like a bit of a daft jerk for dwelling your own bullshit. That used to keep things quiet long enough. Then again you don’t win a fight by closing your eyes.
I went to the bar in Tofino where I bought my first legal drink and I  thought about all the drinks I’ve had since then. I got hit with this really intense feeling of dread. Not that I had wasted all that time in those  5 years, Worse still,  That I’ve never truly had the ability to truly appreciate all the amazing things that have happened since then.
Even if I couldn’t feel it I wanted to do the logical work towards getting out of this. I learned really early on  to  focus not on building a resume but on building a eulogy. To live a life well lived. To do things not for the spoils but for the man I’d become in the pursuit.
In the 5 year since I’ve been back to Tofino, I’ve hated that man.  I still hate him. I am so much of what I told myself I’d never be: alone, weak, and of little consequence.  I’ve tried everything to fix that man and I still can’t explain where that process went wrong.  I’ve tried to surround myself with people who I love. But never letting them get close enough love me because of a combination of never feeling like I deserved it and never wanting to be burned or betrayed for being vulnerable.  
I don’t know if I can really get better I don’t really know what better is. But trying has to be better than this. Thats the funniest bit about this, I don’t even think I can really imagine what better would be like, what the absence of all this would feel like.
I just know that there is more than this…that maybe I can be more than this.
I was always ashamed to take. So I gave. It was not a virtue. It was a disguise.— Anaïs Nin, The Diary Of Anais Nin, 
I  want to make all of  this mean something. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything. I just know that  I could set myself on fire to keep others warm. If I couldn’t feel wanted, or that I deserved to be wanted I could at least make people comfortable.  I never knew there was a difference between  happiness and the distraction from sadness. I would just connect to benevolence. I’d try volunteering, donating time and money partly because I enjoy those things, but deep down in a small way it was also an attempt to try reconciling the diminishing potential I felt.  If I kept doing the right things, things would turn around, that I could out work this thing I was fighting. It was all just heading to nowhere,  I realized I could get hit by a car tomorrow and nobody would know this truth about me, the uphill clawing. I think now  I want to turn this pain into something tangible for myself and others.If this is rock bottom I want to look around,  I want to carve my name in the rock beneath my feet and remember what this feels like. I never want to know it first hand again.  Maybe this is that first step. Who the hell can see forever but maybe I can just win tomorrow.
— This is the most I’ve ever written about myself and it’s a hell of a lot more than I’ve ever wanted to. Hell it’s the most I’ve ever thought of myself and part of me  feels like this sounds really self obsessed. But I think, at least I hope, it’s just a self awareness that comes from no longer seeing the contrasts in life.
If you are reading this it means that 1) you’ve found this randomly, and in which case… “sup?” or 2) you are one of the maybe 4 people I genuinely trust to tell this too without fear of being treated differently after doing it. If it is option 2…Surprise? I’ve worked extremely hard to make sure you couldn’t have seen this coming. It also means that you’ve shown me love  implicitly in such a way that removes so much doubt, I hope you know how powerful and beautiful that is. 
I don’t know man I think this is all really just about wanting to feel that oneness  with myself again, to finally find peace one day. I don’t have to live, I get to, and I want too. The world is abhorrently beautiful  man. daunting, ridiculous, backbreaking and gorgeous. I want to feel all of it,  I want to find my place in it and I can’t do it alone. Not anymore.  
Happy Birthday to me. ayeee.
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beer-and-breakdowns · 7 years
1-117 ;)
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
I guess I’m not too confused at the minute, but a confusing situation I deal with sometimes is falling for someone that I probably shouldnt, and not knowing how to and not being able to deal with it.
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?
Sometimes. Rarely though.
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care?
Yes, and no. I’d be concerned and probably kind of annoyed, but I guess its their life, yano.
4: Do you find it easy to trust others?
Yeah! Sometimes too easy, but I’m a positive dude.
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night?
I was probably listening to music knowing me
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?
Probably my boi, Leo
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
My heart would drop and I would get upset and angry. I would probably confront my partner and take it from there.
8: Are you close with your dad?
Yeah, to an extent. I’m happy with it, we’re not NOT close, I guess we could be closer, but we’re close!
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right?
Hahahahaha, next joke
10: What are you listening to?
Shadows Fall, and I highly recommend them to anyone and anything with ears
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?
Ummmmmmm, this is hard. Probably something lemony, like 7-up or sprite, but my answer would probably be different tomorrow
12: Do you like hickeys?
Kinda, not gonna lie. In small amounts obviously, lets not look battle scarred… unless thats ur thing
13: What time do you go to bed?
Way later than what is healthy
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
I dont think so
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both?
After some highly scientific testing… nope
16: Do you always answer your texts?
I try but I’m horrible at seeing messages and notifications
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?
Odd question, no, quite the opposite actually
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
If prof. pictures count, sure
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I think I was too tired to think, so probably just thoughts about actually sleeping
21: Is anyone else in the room with you?
Nope… unless theres a ghost in here o.o
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around?
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now?
Probably not
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
I guess, but I dont dwell on that stuff
25: In the past week, have you cried?
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing?
Grey. Not black, for once.
27: Do people ever call you by your last name?
Actually, yes sometimes
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now?
29: Do you have a best friend?
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
Heck no
31: Who was your last call/text message from?
I had a text from my dad lmao
32: Are you mad at anyone?
I dont think so
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?
35: How many more days until your birthday?
Woah, ummm, 88 I think
36: Do you have any summer plans yet?
Nope, but I have been on a vacation at the start of summer already so probably nothing, rip
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?
More than my own sex
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?
Maybe, but I’m not sure
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
41: Do you think age matters in relationships?
Depends, if you’re both consenting adults then nope, if you’re happy, you’re happy
42: Are you available?
You know it
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended?
Well, high school actually JUST ended for me, so one
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?
If I HAD to, probably nose I guss maybe?? I’m not a huge piercing guy so idk
45: Do you believe exes can be friends?
Definitely, I’m friends with most of my exes, just dependa why you borke up
46: Do you regret anything?
Kinda, maybe, but again, I tend not to dwell
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?
Good music and a love interest… sounds like the title of something relatively mediocre hahaha
48: Did you ever lose a best friend?
49: Was your last kiss a mistake?
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?
Ummmm, a few reasons
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?
Very very very rarely
53: What was the last thing you ate?
Pizza, lmao, whats health?
54: Did you get any compliments today?
I think, maybe
55: Where are you going on your next vacation?
Very unsure
56: Do you own anything from other countries?
I think so
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls?
58: Where have you lived most of your life?
Wales for 100% of my life
59: When was the last time you took a long drive?
Ages ago, I dont go anywhere hahaha
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
Yeah, but not like THE spin the bottle, just the version everyone plays as kids, so actually, no
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house?
No, thats lame
62: Who do you text the most?
I dont text, sooooo, I guess my dad
63: What was the last movie you saw?
Kong: Skull Island, and it wasn’t great, not gonna lie folks
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?
I dont have one, so literally nothing hahaha
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?
None that I can remember, so if I did have any, they must have been pretty lame, but that was a decent year. MITB 2011, Cena Vs. Punk, Great match ;)
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?
67: Do you curse around your parents?
68: Are you happy with where you live?
Yeah, why not
69: Picture of yourself?
It’ll be on the end, yo
70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?
Monogamous, but if people are happy in oepn ended relationships I got no issues
71: Have you ever been dumped?
72: What do you most like about making out?
Everything. Thats a cheap answer but making out is one of my favourite things on this planet.
73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?
74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?
Mixed bag really, sometimes
75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?
Depends, I like faces obviously. Hair can be really pretty. Um, I dunno if this is weird but hands can be pretty sometimes I guess hahaha. Midriffs are cool too h'okay
76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?
I cant remember tbh, is that bad??
77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?
78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?
79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?
If I really likes them and I was ready for the responsibility yeah. Right now, probably not.
81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?
Not a lot of people
83: Do you miss your last sweetie?
84: Last time you slow danced with someone?
Like, never hahaha
85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?
86: How can I win your heart?
Have a good taste in music, be funny, be as kind and caring as you can be and support me at all times, just love me gosh darn it
87: What is your astrological sign?
88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
Watching YouTube videos
89: Do you cook?
I cant cook a lot of dishes, but yeah I think I can
90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?
Depends what ya mean by “flame”
91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?
92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?
Monogamous, sometimes too quickly
93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?
This is gonna feel petty, but its a petty question. I have a major thing for blonde hair. I like natural looks, nothing fancy or over the top. Small is cute, but then so is tall sometimes, depends on the person.
94: Name four things that you wish you had!
The right relationshipMoneyA custom built guitarA record deal
95: Are you a player?
96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?
97: Are you a tease?
I can be I guess
98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?
99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?
100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?
101: Hugs or Kisses?
Both are AWESOME, depends on the situation, I guess off the top of my head, kisses
102: Are you too shy to ask someone out?
I can be
103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Depends, sometimes its their personality, other times its their appearence, depensa what I’m paying more attention to at the time
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?
Nah, thats bad, it would suck, but I’d do the right thing
106: Do you flirt a lot?
107: Your last kiss?
My ex
108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?
Maybe, but idk
109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month?
110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
The person I like
111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next?
112: Does someone like you currently?
I have no idea
113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
Honestly, serious relationships
115: Ever made out with just a friend?
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?
Depends on how good the relationship is
117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it.
Nice question ;)
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survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 7 "We're Just A Group Of Happy Campers" - Dom
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Is it bad that the reason I love this challenge is because of seeing the suffering its making people go through.......why am i a hero again
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Why is it final 20 but I feel like I've nearly made jury? hmmm? Anyways...I feel good with how I've played up to this point. Being 1 of 3 villains to never receive a vote certainly feels good.....but I still know I have eyes on me since I haven't exactly been SUPER subtle??? Granted, I totally thought they were going to blindside me in the Linus vote given my shady business in the Alex vote (I mean....I can't deny it, I was def shady) but they didn't! Although I would feel much better if I could somehow snag an idol....but I'm not sure how anyone could get one without an idol clue (that was likely received by pure luck...) so for now, I kinda just have to be vulnerable to a successful idol play by someone that hates me (aka Richie) But if Richie were smart, he'd be coming to people besides Tommy/Kage to rally votes against Kage (or maybe Junior?), but he hasn't yet, which makes me believe that either A) There's a group that doesn't have me in it B) Tommy has Richie controlled C) Richie just isn't smart Cuz right now, the only people I'd consider voting are Richie, Kage, and Junior.... here's to hoping I either master Japanese and scam this immunity or survive one last vote before the swap! VL Confessional: I used to think I was pitied upon for my flop of a social game but hey maybe I have one??? or not. i cant tell if these people just tolerate me or like me or are using me. fuck all of 'em. who knew a hero could survive on the villains tribe for so long???
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So it turns out both tribes are going to tribal, which means I actually have to start thinking about who to vote for........... LMAO JK I'VE BEEN PLANNING THE NEXT FOUR PEOPLE TO BE VOTING OUT OF OUR TRIBE SINCE WE FIRST VOTED OUT MIST! Ruthie, it's your turn sweetheart. After ranking all of the people I want out of the game, you're significantly the most dangerous because you play UTR, and you make it super deep every time, and you killed All Stars from what I was told (until you got targeted for being TOO GOOD once it came to merge). You're not someone I can just think about working with because I'm afraid you're going to beat me in so many aspects. It's just a respect thing, no hard feelings hopefully considering you seem like a really stand up girl. I think it's about that time I message you with the "well.... time to go to tribal" message :/
So yea.... Ruthie is starting to spread like wildfire and already I've planted the seed in Drew, Andrew, Pippa and Steffen, and all of them are spreading that around QUICK. Drew and I got added to a bros alliance with Trace, Ashton, Steffen and Dom, which I wanted to happen anyways. Not necessarily with Drew, but Drew being in it is actually perfect because Drew is in my other alliance with Kendall, Alex, Pippa, Isaac, Andrew, which means the ONLY person not in either alliance chat was Ruthie, which made it really easy to rationalize with Drew as to why we needed to take that route. Also, making an easy vote this round, considering there's massive potential for a tribe swap next round, we don't want ANY split votes. We need to show that the heroes are one unit for now. The only downside I can see with this is if I get swapped onto a tribe with minority heroes, and the Villains would want to break up our cohesive team. The only thing I know is that if I go to tribal, I've got at least a second lease on life in this game because I have that idol with Steffen, so after finding the idol, I'm not too worried about swaps anymore because I know there's a very good chance I'll make it out of the swap alive. The swap is going to be where I start making bonds with Villains I've yet to interact and play with; like Junior, Richie, Jonathan, Brian, etc. Players, who I want relationships with, but don't have yet because we're on opposite tribes. This swap is going to be interesting, and I'm really excited to see it play out if we get the chance, and if we don't get the chance, it'll probably be Kendall or Alex C. going home next tribal council because that's what I want to happen, which means it's likely to come true. I honestly don't understand how people don't see that the name I want, I get....... tbh I'm pretty sure Andrew might be onto the fact that I wanted Ruthie gone, when Andrew wanted Kendall or Drew, and all of a sudden people going for Ruthie, it seems that it could easily be traced back to me, but I doubt it. I think i'm good for now, and I hope Andrew knows that he can trust me. Another thing I really need to work on is my long term relationships with Pippa and Isaac because I really haven't had as many conversations with them, but I hope that they both know that it'll be really hard for me to turn on them because they're so nice and also not the STRONGEST of players, which makes for a great goat late game. I'm not sure, but I'm just taking it one step at a time for right now, and if I make it past this one, I'm in the final 18, which actually seems like a big accomplishment just due to the fact that so many fucking people have gone home already, so pat on the back to me, but I'm not even close to my goal yet. 
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uh tommy is fucking hard to deal with because he seems so easily persuaded ...its sad anyways alex and ...linus (rip holy fuck) are gone...i wish richie went when linus did but if i have to sacrifice linus to get to swap then like..so fucking be it. so the tru hunties ( me, crow, jon and tommy) are now in a beautiful spot because the vote is looking to be richie or brian so obv we have majority now tommy wants other things so i just need to give him a lot of attention. TBH I love that boy so much but i can see why andreas says were similar.. because were both crazy and def on the villains for a reason. But im glad hes crazy loyal bc im loyal af to him <3 <3 <3 it seems like either ruthie or someone else is going on the heroes but kendall aka my gf told me shes in a majority alliance with isaac, her, drew, alex, andrew and pippa so i mean like ...GET IT. they will prob save ruthie?!?! because she seems to be like off limits always ANYWAYS BRIAN IS ANNOYING AND IM TIRED OF CROW LOVING HIM BUT IM TRYING NOT TO BE APPARENT ABOUT IT BRIAN IS IN CONSTANT ...annoying mode it seems like..hes such a snake he basically sells anyone out to get further and i mean like theres a difference between doing it to someone who ur not loyal to and who is not loyal to u but crow and i are loyal af to him (at least they think im loyal to them?) jeejejjejeje anyways i want richie gone but if richie has an idol?? then like...i mean idrc because i know i have one so im good hehehehehohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh I GUESS that was my evil laugh dklfhjdskjfh
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hi im secretly fluent in Japanese.
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lol why do i always talk to people before they get voted out just in case they dont ... brian(but pat went instead) ash alex linus and now richie i feel like a bitch but ive been honest with them -but lowkey i feel like this is saving my ass in case they stay so they think im gr8 hehehehohoh plspls swap us soon also kendall is so oblivious about johnny she was like omg keep johnny safe like btich hes talking to all the villains and the boys on my tribes are attention whores so they will love him soon enuf...hes cute and his social game is on fleek so i need to watch out for him heheheoehoh
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So, I just wanna point out that yesterday Drew told me he wanted to get Ruthie out. So of course I was the one to bring it up to the group so that if it comes down to it I can say that I helped push it towards Ruthie. I trust the group but lowkey if I get out I won't be shocked? But once this vote happens, especially if it happens the way I think it will, then I can have a lot more faith in the group I'm with.
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Me: jonathan told me that jr told him he only trusts jonathan LOL 🐦 Crow Jones 🐦: jr is literally such a garden snake 🐦 Crow Jones 🐦: like a real snake would at least do it better crow is so gr8 i love him..he still savage and will prob win over me but i still love him 
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So Linus died last round for no reason other than he was on the outs.  But like challenge strength kiddies !!! And now they're targetting Richie to stay united right before a swap.  Like.. get Kage or Junior or Tommy out thnx.  They're the most toxic to villains unity and WHEN I get fucked by them non-sexually, I will be choking myself.
ALSO, I miss Jaiden so much.  These people are kinda lame-os.  I like them as people, but like 👀
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Phew, I'm glad to have immunity. But beyond that, I'm really realizing that I cannot relate to most of these people. They don't show their true colors and it's annoying af. You wanna know what Crow is thinking? Ask Crow. like caw-caw bitch I'll tell ya! Richie is going cuz he decided to throw my name in the mud. nuh uh. that dont fly with me. since it's been a while, i need to do my weekly tribal roast Junior - Like I told Sarah, he's a garden snake. It's like the one you kinda feel bad for just squirming along in your front yard acting like some mean 'ole cobra. Not subtle or good at playing the snake, next. Tommy - Literally has the same convos with nearly everyone. His social game is that of a robot and it's definitely apparent now that I'm playing with him again. I just hope these other fools don't fall for it too. Kage - I don't know how he's still here cuz everyone he's made an alliance with has gone home (besides Tommy but Tommy's aligned with everyone). That's why I'm keeping my distance. Richie - We went our separate ways. He actually seemed chill until he blew up before the Alex vote. Hopefully his 14 seconds of fame was worth it! Brian - love this boi. I can relate to him a TON but idk how he seems to always do well in ts....if it weren't for people like Sarah and I, he could have easily been 25th this season I think? Maybe he's a mastermind idk, but I haven't figured him out yet as a player.. Jonathan - I love his realness, which is why I stuck by him when his name was thrown out and when I had to pick an alliance. He probably doesn't trust me for shit, but he's been a good asset to my game, particularly this round. Sarah - I wouldn't say she's my ride-or-die per se cuz I know she's werking her social game with a lot of people, but we've been in every alliance together so far, so strategically, I see us going far together until we are separated. But I also know she's a villain. I'm a villain. Villains don't work together loyally 5ever!!
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BRIAN IM SORRY YOU DONT DESERVE THIS!!!! Ugh I hate everything. Last night junior came to me with a plan to save me and I'm like cool and whatever keeps me here idgaf I'm in self preservation mode. Junior says Jonathan is super connected in the tribe and I'm like ya true and goes on this long spiel about it and I just wanted him to get to the point but finally he was like I think Brian would be the easiest vote. And ughhh I really like Brian and he's been the most on my side since the beginning out of the people left. Like literally everyone that I have any game connection with leaves. Ashley Jaiden Alex Linus and now Brian it's enough I'm so over it if he leaves and we don't swap and lose I'm FUCKED. BUT IM ALSO FUCKED RN. So Brian leaving is bad for me moving forward the alternative is that I leave and there is no moving forward so like..... It's not much of a choice there's no way I can flip this game around I spent the last 2 rounds since Alex left trying to shift the target onto Sarah and that didn't work at all I have no traction with these people. So step one was I mention Brian's name to tommy and tommy of course was so ambiguous and like just prying for information and I wasn't trying to throw Brian under the bus but I just wanted to plant the seed that Brian might be the easy vote plus tommy did vote for Brian week 1 so maybe there's some tension there??? So from there junior went and talked to tommy and kage and got them in on the Brian vote so if they're legit we only need one more but that's where it gets tricky because Sarah/crow/Jon are all going to vote together and I literally called Sarah and crow out in front of the tribe and threw them under the bus with receipts and hardcore exposure campaigns to multiple people on this tribe lmao so I'm fucked But I went to Sarah and we had a long talk just small talk and socializing and then moved to game talk where I really played up the emotional aspect where "I've been so alone and I was hurt that I thought I found my people and it all came crashing down and I just feel so isolated and it sucks and I'm sad :(" and I apologized really sincerely and tried to smooth everything over and just like make it so she's not scared of me sticking around because if she's doesn't think I'll come after her then the plan for junior to approach her to vote out Brian is more apt to get rolling because that door has already been opened.   I dont know if I'm going to still be here I can't play the in your face campaign against Brian or try and flip the script outright strategic game rn I have to just be in the background and make the case for why keeping me isn't harmful to anyone's game and let other people take care of numbers and I hate it when other people have any say in my destiny because if this tribe has proven anything it's that they can't be trusted like junior is SUCH a wimp when it comes to making moves he's so afraid of doing anything that if he thinks he's not going to be able to get the votes on Brian I know he'll give up on trying to save me so having him being the leader of the save Richie parade is truly terrifying. Ugh time has passed and junior is heckling out and I'm trying to convince crow now and I'm working my ass off while at dinner with my family and my phones going to die so RIP???????
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http://youtu.be/9ptMGA9SUO0 oooo
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So like nothing has happened on the heroes tribe because we've literally been on this huge winning streak. The streak itself has made things easier and challenging at the same time. We've grown so close that besides Drew or Steffen I don't want to see anyone leave. Had Drew lost immunity I would've tried my hardest to send him home because I have a sneaking suspicion Steffen and Drew have something going on and if we take out Steffen first that'll piss Johnny off, who we need as a number. So Drew has to go before Steffen as lon as they're on the same tribe with Johnny. Because Drew won immunity everyone decided to play it safe and either vote for Ruthie or Kendall and I think everyone decided on Ruthie because Kendall is on the edge of death and Ruthie is a huge social threat. I love her to death like she's the definition of a hero but we can't let her make it far.
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I'm sad, maybe my heart wasn't in it as much this time as it was for me during Arabia? I'm not sure, I really thought I could trust Andrew, Steffen and especially Drew but I should have known better, fought harder and tried to make stronger connections with other people on my tribe.  It was a fun experience and I hate that Richie, Alex and I left so soon and that the three of us didn't get to be on a tribe together but maybe we'll get a chance to play together again one day and the Family will make it to the end for real! Right now I'm not sure who I'm rooting for.  Steffen and Drew seem to be putting out the most effort but I'm bitter that they didn't tell me my name was being thrown around.  We'll see, I'm going to follow the season closely and cheer everyone on though!
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56successful-blog · 7 years
Playboi Carti - Playboi Carti
First off this review is coming from a diehard Carti fan so fuck yall. Only a few come before Playboi, one notable person is Young Thug. This is an album myself and many others have been anticipating for years upon years. For myself, three years, for others, even longer. The Carti fan base was essentially starved , and as an effect of said starvation we became savages. As snippets flooded the virtual Instagram and Twitter streets, a market formed because where theres smoke theres fire. Behind those snippets were random ass niggas who happened to have unreleased songs, such as the Holy Grail "Tats On My Neck", also known as "Location" People would and sell unreleased songs, for inexplicable amounts of money, some down right sad. Carti has created an insatiable fan base who's hunger is undying. As Vince Staples said in Earl Sweatshirt's Burgundy: "What's up, nigga? Why you so depressed and sad all the time like a little bitch? What's the problem, man? Niggas want to hear you rap Don't nobody care about how you feel, we want raps, nigga". This encapsulates the die hard Carti fans, as not even a day after the album dropped, fans were clamoring for more, or wondering why their favorite snippets were left off the album. 1. Location This shit fire. I spent almost two years listening to snippets of this song. The synths take you to a different world, not a utopia, but one where things are okay. Carti rides this beat flawlessly. The combination of lyrics + the beat puts me into a introspective mood. One where I could just go outside and look at the stars, or it can make me reflect on past relationships/ friendships. As you should know, Carti is a man of vibes. In my opinion, this is undoubtedly his Magnum Opus. 2. Magnolia YO PIERRE YOU WANNA COME OUT HERE????? This is the song that will turn Carti skeptics into believers. You gon get bitches listening to this, and its hard as fuck. Catchieness is the name of the game when it comes to this song. The song makes me want to drive real fast, and flex on my ex. This flex music. Simple, once again, Carti is a man of vibes. (Not talking about the singles, I overplayed them hoes  ) All I gotta say is they fire. 5. Let It Go I think the xan tryna tell you this shit fucking fire. Real shit, this a heater. I'm happy he was able to keep the Dro adlibs. Upon first listen, I thought the  Dro adlibs were obnoxious and unnecessary, but this song grew on me like a mf. It just rides, certified banger. (BTW I messed up my hearing listening to this song don't have your headphones up too loud kids) This the mid selling anthem of 2017 6. Half & Half This just wavy. Turn on the song and tell me you didn't start rocking with the beat. Once again Carti rides tf out the beat. Tell me you didn't start yelling out GLOCKYYYYYYYYYY while listening 7. New Choppa This song was eh to me. The beat was off putting initally. I just can't bring myself to enjoy this song, I'm sorry yall. Asap Rocky grumbling in the background didn't help either. He did go hard during his verse so I can give him that. 8. Other Shit This was toooooo fyeeeeeee. The beat is different to begin with. Then there's so many quotables throughout. This nigga was dripping swag throughout the whole song, peep first verse  OOOOOH YUHHHHH. The song itself was simple, just Carti sticking to the formula. Charisma alone carries this song. 9. N0.9 This was Brickaroos. Flutes in 2017>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The flow was fire first of all. I just believe he leaned too much on repeating himself too much. Production carried this song. This one of them songs you could Hit to, expect a Meechie IG video soon lol. 10. Dothatshit! FLUTES IN 2017>>>>>>>>> BITCH! Inspirational Carti outchea! This some real shit, and one of the few songs with legitimate substance on the whole tape. Just do that shit bro, don't talk about it! This song was overall nice, but the added touch of a message is what put it over the top. 11. Lame Niggaz This shit sucked, on my mama the whole thing was ass. If that make me a lame nigga then 12. Yah Mean Probably my favorite song off the tape. The beat was just godly. I feel like his voice fit the beat, if that makes sense. Then from there, he just rode the hell out of it. This another introspective song, that'll make you think as you listen. Not about the lyrics, but about yourself and things happening with life, yourself etc. I think the synths play a big part of that too. 13. Flex I didn't know you had it in you Carti! This one of them fuck these hoes songs imo. Like you just got your feelings hurt, and you wanna simp a little bit (until the beat switch). This is honestly a really nice song. The beat switch tho . This song hopefully gave us a peek of what we can see in the future from Carti. Its a completely different style (for him). The little crooning in the background really added an atmospheric tone, along with the bells and chimes already there. This a solid song. 14. Kelly K (AKA Hoes) This that fresh cut music. This that crispy lining music. This that lemme look in the mirror music. This that I can get any girl in the world music. If you get a fresh cut and bump this, you'll be invincible and that's on everything. Definite anthem for the summer. I can see this and Magnolia being played at house parties and people really vibing to it. Basically listen to this and you'll have Johnny Bravo's confidence 15. Had 2 BOSS UP ON THESE NIGGAS, HE HAD 2! This is an excellent ending to the album. Its like everything has come full circle for him, and he decided to boss up. Simple as that. This ultimate flex music. Overall, this tape is 13/15. I felt like Carti was kinda holding back. The shit clearly came effortlessly though. This music for jiggy niggas and niggas thats friends with jiggy niggas. If you wear bootcut jeans, then I'm sorry this not for you. It kinda sounds like Carti created the song all in one sitting which is a negative. Everything sounds the same (jiggy), but I know Carti is capable of so much more. He must force himself to grow and expand, essentially spread his wings. He is the king of Soundcloud, but it seems his children are beginning to surpass him. The tape had little to no substance, and I knew it would coming into it, yet I enjoyed it, thoroughly. Is this project "technically" good? Hell naw. Am I gonna listen to it till I literally get tired of it? Hell yes! This is what's beautiful about it all. A project years in the making, sounding as if it was created in days, yet we return, willingly. Carti won without even putting his foot all the way down. The mystique of not having a project is now gone for Mr. Carter, so I'm sure many asked themselves, "what now?". That's a question only time has the answer to. To conclude I must say, I'm so proud of him.
0 notes
All the numbers ✨
this was almost mean in a way cause its so late but here you go, i dunno why youd wanna know all that about me but thanks for making me do them all i guess :P 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?- tbh i dont even know, its been too long3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? - my mom, she’s coming to the city sunday. i miss her. 4. Are you easy to get along with? -i would like to think so yes, i try to be easygoing and nice so theres that. 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? -no7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - i mean i think id want to be, i doubt it would happen tho….8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - honestly nobody..9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - sorta, i mean i get that its so mainstream but I’ve never been one to talk about it unless its with someone I’m interested in and have know/had a connection to for a while. 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - someone who i no longer in my life so it doesn’t matter. 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? -“ lol am i supposed to support you eating them or stop you tho” to my cousin12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? -  Stay- Zedd & Alessia Cara, How Not To- Dan + Shay, Lights Down Low- Max Ft Gnash, Happier- Ed Sheeran and still giving it up for Closer- Chainsmokers & Halsey 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? - if i like you yes, if i dont then dont touch.14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - sorta, i believe in luck, and that I’m one of the unlucky ones, but not sold on miracles yet15. What good thing happened this summer? - i moved to Edmonton! YAY16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - fuck i dont recall who that was, but i think it was a friendly weird drunk thing so probably not. 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? -yes to think otherwise is extremely stupid and arrogant to think humans are the only life out there18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - no, well i mean unless we’re in a group setting, 19. Do you like bubble baths? - i love baths in general, I’m sad i only have a shower right now :( 20. Do you like your neighbors? - i dont know them, i dont like where they park their car tho21. What are you bad habits? - uh I’m bad at texting back, sometimes i dont think before i speak/type, 22. Where would you like to travel? - the world, Greece, Ireland, Switzerland, Australia 23. Do you have trust issues? - oh fuck yeah, ill admit to that,24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - sleeping?? 26. What do you do when you wake up? - either check my phone or get something to drink27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - a little darker, my family was making fun of me a couple weekends ago cause i look like a ghost in our family photo28. Who are you most comfortable around? - my family and cousin and our friend group29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? - ha, haha hahaha that would require them to use words to break up and not just ghost away out of my life forever. 30. Do you ever want to get married? - maybe, if i find the right person. 31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? nope not at all32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - tbh idk, I’m more on the demisexual scale here and i dont really think of sleeping with random people including celebrities 33. Spell your name with your chin. no I’m too tired34. Do you play sports? What sports? - soccer and basketball for fun with the fam 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? -tv, i need music to live36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - uh i dont think so37. What do you say during awkward silences? - ramble or ask weird or lame questions 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? - nice and kind with a good sense of humour, has to have some smarts and be a little more mature, but still can fool around. 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? -hollister, their jeans are great, winners, warehouse one, 40. What do you want to do after high school? I’m way past high school, still dont know41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - yes but not on everything. 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - i could just be observing, or I’m a little sad, or maybe I’m uninterested in the topic43. Do you smile at strangers? - i try to44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? oh fuck uh ocean i guess45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? - the need to have money to stay living 46. What are you paranoid about? -nothing really i dont think47. Have you ever been high? -nope48. Have you ever been drunk? - yup, wish i was right now49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - not that i know of51. Ever wished you were someone else? - sorta, wished i was different than i am 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?  - everything53. Favourite makeup brand? -…….. moving on 54. Favourite store? - walmart cause its cheap and I’m poor55. Favourite blog? - oh uh idk56. Favourite colour? -blue or purple57. Favourite food? -pizza58. Last thing you ate? - mcdonalds chicken burger59. First thing you ate this morning? - left over wings, so unhealthy but I’ve had a bad week sue me 60. Ever won a competition? For what? i won the music award for highest mark in school. 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? -nope i was a good little nerd62. Been arrested? For what? -nope 63. Ever been in love? - yup, do not recommend 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? - it was with my best friend we were 15 in my basement, he was to shy so i kissed him first it was nothing special, turns out I’m gay as fuck65. Are you hungry right now? - nope66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - ……..67. Facebook or Twitter? - twitter68. Twitter or Tumblr? -tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? -no70. Names of your bestfriends? - like irl, Sam, Haley, Zach Cassidy, Des71. Craving something? What?- a relationship that lasts 72. What colour are your towels?- blue, and i have a hudsons bay one that is HB colours72. How many pillows do you sleep with? - 4 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - yup gotta have melman with me74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - uh under 20 but thats all I can say 75. Favourite animal? - puppy! 76. What colour is your underwear? -navy blue77. Chocolate or Vanilla? -choco!78. Favourite ice cream flavour? -choco or cotton candy79. What colour shirt are you wearing? -grey and it says hog wars 80. What colour pants? - no pants81. Favourite tv show? -atm survivor 82. Favourite movie? - ghostbusters but then new one obvs 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? - mean girls is that even a question?84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - mean girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? - Glen Coco86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - Dory87. First person you talked to today? - my cousin88. Last person you talked to today? - my cousin, we’re roommates so...89. Name a person you hate? -Trump90. Name a person you love? - my mom91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - eh sorta, i like punching thins when I’m in a bad mood but i dont because that not healthy 92. In a fight with someone? -nope93. How many sweatpants do you have? - uh 4/594. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - uh 10 maybe95. Last movie you watched? - Moana 96. Favourite actress? - oh shit uh atm melissa mcarthy 97. Favourite actor? - ryan reynolds 98. Do you tan a lot? i burn99. Have any pets? no my dad does tho i count them sometimes 101. Do you type fast? - yeah sometimes 102. Do you regret anything from your past?- a lot of shit man, way to much. 103. Can you spell well? - nope this is just a fact 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - you know what no, they dont deserve it 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? - all the time, I’m a country kid at heart106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - i dont think so107. Have you ever been on a horse? -no horses scare me 108. What should you be doing? - sleeping109. Is something irritating you right now? - sorta 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - hahahahah fuck off yes111. Do you have trust issues? - didn’t i answer this already???112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - probably all my fam at my great grandmas funeral 113. What was your childhood nickname? -Cera after the triceratops from land before time 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - yup to Italy, LA, and British Columbia 115. Do you play the Wii? - used to 116. Are you listening to music right now? -nope 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?- yes 118. Do you like Chinese food? - yes119. Favourite book? - i can’t remember its name but its gay as fuck 120. Are you afraid of the dark? -nope121. Are you mean? - i dont think so122. Is cheating ever okay? - no never 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? - for some time yes 124. Do you believe in love at first sight? -no125. Do you believe in true love? - idk it constantly changes, sometimes 126. Are you currently bored? -nah not really127. What makes you happy? - music, my family, food 128. Would you change your name? - no 129. What your zodiac sign? - leo130. Do you like subway? - yes131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - too bad bro I’m gay 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - this was already a question stop repeating 133. Favourite lyrics right now? - Yeah, you're worth the heartbreak and the regret But I don't know how not to Think about you When it's late at night and quiet134. Can you count to one million? - yes135. Dumbest lie you ever told?- a guy asked if i was single while i was working so i said no because fuck if I’m gonna deal with that 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - closed137. How tall are you? - 5'5138. Curly or Straight hair?- its wavy 139. Brunette or Blonde? -im a blonde, tend to like the brunettes tho 140. Summer or Winter?- summer141. Night or Day? - night142. Favourite month? - august 143. Are you a vegetarian?- nope144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? -milk145. Tea or Coffee? - neither 146. Was today a good day? -it was ok 147. Mars or Snickers? - snickers 148. What’s your favourite quote? - its song lyrics but “beauty goes deeper than the surface” aka half of my tattoo 149. Do you believe in ghosts? - oh hell yeah
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