#tyrus meme
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enderparty101 · 2 years ago
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lobstermatriarch · 5 months ago
2, 11, 24 and 63 for the writer meme! Thanks! 😄
No no, thank you! 💖
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
I usually start with an outline that maps things out chapter by chapter, but whether or not I stick to it is anyone's guess. I like to at least have a rough idea of what the full plot is going to be before I get started so I don't write myself into corners, but it happens sometimes anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Ooh this is a hard decision. I'm gonna limit myself to just bg3 otherwise we'll be here all day:
Perfect Slaughter by imagineitdear - m!Tav/Astarion. this is a tough read but if you're into dark fic it's truly exceptional. AU where Tav (Tyrus) is turned into a spawn alongside Astarion, spanning life in the Szarr palace up to Ascension. Mind the tags.
Happiest Place on Earth by partingxshot - tonal whiplash! Wyll/Astarion crack Disneyworld AU lives rent free in my brain forever. Read for a good laugh.
Bloodlines by sayler_antimony - is it cheating to rec friend fics? It would be on my favorites list either way. An outstanding look at Cazador's history with Vellioth, how it's reflected with Astarion, and what it really takes to break the cycle of abuse. Also mind the tags.
Also reading for TLT and Mass Effect but I'd never be able to narrow it down to 3 with them included.
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
Anything that starts with "never" or "always". I think there are exceptions to every rule and writing is such an individualized process that we've just got to run with whatever works for us.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
Weird euphemisms are the big ones, but also losing sight of characterization for the sake of being sexy. "He would not fucking say that" takes me right out of it.
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photog-crafty · 2 years ago
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I apologize for not having dollar rims, chrome paint, and green neons on my Adder. Like any classic car, such an old vehicle should always be outfitted with period-accurate mods. I will do better in the future.
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The Cyclone was my absolute favorite of the electric cars. It looked cool and it was fast enough to be enjoyable, especially when it got up to highway speeds in reverse. Low grip tires only made it even more chaotic and goofy.
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A Penetrator drives into a bar. The bartender asks, "Why the long face?"
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Once it stopped being the poster child of race car power creep, the T20 was a comfortable, if benign, little supercar. It was the first vehicle to have an active spoiler, which is something I wish had been retroactively ported to the game's older cars that would have had one. At least they quickly gained popularity.
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Is it just me, or does the Torero have really tiny rear wheels? I don't remember the Countach looking like a platform cart with a body kit. Still, I was born in the '80s so I was obligated to buy one. It was a decent car that served as another example of the developers' ineptitude, as it was shown in official marketing material with a colorable interior, yet no such feature was available in the game without the use of clever glitches. All you had to do was tick the box to enable it, guys!
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In a humorous parallel to real life, the Toros was an alarmingly quick SUV that was released with a faulty transmission. When driven hard in a particular manner, it was possible for it to get stuck in a high gear until it was manually shifted in and out of reverse. I don't know about you, but I play GTA games to get away from car problems.
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You'd think a McLaren F1 homage would have been a shoo-in for a GTA game, but it took years for the GP1 to make its debut. Sure, there was the Tyrus, but that was a track car and it wasn't the same. I remember the GP1 being quite grippy, as well as for the novelty of having eight exhaust pipes.
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While we never got a true M1, getting an interpretation of its supercar descendant wasn't so bad. The SC1 was a favorite of mine for its futuristic looks and its lovely louvers.
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When the 811 showed up to the party, you knew you were about to have a good time. This curvaceous beauty was derided for its poor track times, but only true believers knew the spirit of the Autobahn dwelled within it. An incredible top speed made it ideal for those long trips to Paleto Bay, and it could even hold its own against "meta" vehicles in stunt races where it had room to stretch its legs. Curb boosting and the low grip speed boost made it even more of an untamable monster that was sure to have its two passengers grinning from ear to ear as they careened into the side of a mountain.
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From a distance, the Tyrant looked like just another supercar. When you got in one and pulled up next to someone at a traffic light, that was when its appeal was made clear: this car was friggin' huge. Seriously, it was like those BMW M8 memes. The Tyrant had almost the same footprint as a Rhino tank. Its performance was nothing special, and it was a pain to customize, but there was something appealing about driving a supercar that was the size of a Super Duty.
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mashirabar · 1 year ago
parejas disparejas que te gustaría ver, tyrus? existentes o no!
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vástago, libérate de los prejuicios, mírame a los ojos y deja que mi sabiduría te empape la mente...
un lasombra con un ventrue: porque el odio puede ser tan fuerte o incluso más que el amor. sí, yo ya sé que hay unos por ahí dando de qué hablar, ¿pero no se te ha ocurrido juntar a milo y mortisse? quién dijo que encontrar la muerte final en manos de tu enemigo no puede ser un evento romántico...
un gangrel con un tremere: si piensas que esta es mi opinión impopular de la noche es porque todavía no has abierto tu tercer ojo, ¡eh! nada más mira lo elegantes y educados que son los tremeres. ahora agrega un gangrel indomable a la ecuación... ajá, ajá, yo sé. te lo veo en la mirada, ¡estamos conectados! ¿un ejemplo? claro que sí, juno con leo, claramente las almas de cualquier fiesta.
un assamita con un toreador: unos que parecen haber perdido su humanidad hace bastante, otros que todavía se aferran a ella. ¿qué podría salir de una mezcla así? los mejores memes, haha. si necesitas un empujoncito creativo, junta a belle y evangeline dentro de tu cabeza. ¡boom! la mezcla picante perfecta.
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uh-velkommen · 7 months ago
Lately I've been reminded of why the WTFock era was so fun despite hating pretty much everything else about it and it was because we were PUMPING OUT MEMES like it was nobody's business. I remember staying up at night with that little group of people who lived in my time zone cracking jokes and then during the day, hanging out with the rest of the world who were confused about what went down while they slept. Also apparently I wrote a fanfic about the kitchen scene??? I'm trying to find it I genuinely don't remember ever doing that I thought my first fanfic was about TYRUS 😭😭
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He really said
MY croissants🙅🏽‍♀️🚫MY boyfriend😡😤Let's go babe🤪😍
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colestis · 5 years ago
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no regrets.
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bambikippen · 6 years ago
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i’m not good at making memes sksk my apologies-
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dancedance-resolution · 6 years ago
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oh dear thelonious
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amberfall · 6 years ago
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This screenshot alone is sending me into a freaking spiral I'm crying these boys are hugging as boyfriends I cant take it I love them. Tyrus is real next week, ya'll
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nedohledno · 6 years ago
Fans: Is Tyrus going to be canon?
Josh and Luke:
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coffeecrusadeclub · 6 years ago
Familiar Faces -Tyrus fic
Cyrus's POV:
"I know! I swear I want-" I cut my sentence off short and stared past my friend, Buffy, causing her to turn around and see what had rendered me speechless.
"What the-Is that TJ?" Buffy asked, a little too loud. His head turned towards us and I quickly ducked down to avoid being seen.
"Cyrus what are you-"
"Buffy Shh!" I cut her off, but it was too late. We were noticed and TJ had started over to our table.
"Buffy did we pay already"
"Yeah wh-"
Before she could finish her response I had grabbed her hand and rushed her out of the spoon. I was glad I had given up trying to sit at the counter and let Buffy choose a seat by the exit.
"Cyrus what the heck is going on" Buffy asked after a couple minutes, finally pulling me to a stop.
"I dont- I dont want to see him. Why is he back"
"Cyrus he probably is visiting family. When he left Amber said their mom sent him to some bootcamp program or something, that hed be gone for a couple years, it's been 3 years he might just be back"
"No! No no no! He cant be back I cant- I cant have him around after-" I stopped myself from completing the thought.
"Alright Cyrus come on we are going to your place and you're telling me what the heck is going on. You two were so close up until a week before he left"
Despite my protests Buffy dragged me to my house and upon heading down to the entertainment room in my basement, demanded I tell her what happened. I was hesitant at first, not wanting to relive the memories but the therapist in me thought it might be good for me to talk about so I told her.
**** 3 years ago ****
"TJ, you've had too much to drink. Where did you even get all this you're only 17"
"Ugh mind your business Goodman I get it's in your name but why cant you loosen up? You're being a lame"
I tried to shake off his words, I didnt know why he was acting this way but I tried to convince myself it was the alcohol talking not him.
"Baby you don't mean that, come on let's go wash up and go to bed okay? Come on" I gently took hold of his arm and tried to lead him up the stairs but he quickly yanked away from me.
"Stop calling me that I'm not fucking gay Cyrus. Whatever this is has to stop now it's getting old"
"TJ, I-"
"No dont look at me like that. I'm not gay I never was. Sure you're my friend but I figured I could win you and mess around some"
"I was wh- Is that all I was? Some prize to be won? A toy to be played with? You know what TJ no screw you!" I felt tears well up in my eyes and tried to stop them from falling but still they rolled down my cheeks.
"Don't cry. Cyrus dont cry please I'm sorry" TJ's tone and attitude changed and I didnt know what to believe. He was drunk and unstable.
"Just- just stop talking let's get you to bed"
"Cy I love you baby" he smiled softly at me, it was like he didnt remember the things he had said just a moment before
"Mhm come on into bed you go" I replied setting a trashcan down next to him. I decided not to sleep in his bed and took some blankets and pillows down stairs to the couch. I was woken up to the sound of TJ's voice the next morning.
"H-hey Cy goodmorning baby, how come you slept down here?"
"Do you not remember what happened last night?"
"No not really, but based on the massive headache I have right now and the fact that I reek of liquor, I assume I got drunk"
"That you did. As well as say some pretty nasty stuff"
"Oh no Cy I-"
"Dont. Just- Don't okay? Dont say sorry because itd be nothing more than empty air you dont even remember." I cut him off, a sense of bitterness in my tone.
"Cy what did i- what did I say?"
"I was you're prize, just a toy to be won.. You're not gay."
"Cyrus Im s-"
"Dont. Dont say it. Dont tell me you're sorry you dont mean it"
"I didnt mean for that to come out then I didn't-"
"So it was true?"
"No I-"
"Just- stop already TJ you're not helping. You were right about one thing last night. This needs to stop. I'm tired of being pushed around- pushed away when other people are around. The truth came out TJ, hopefully you can too" with tears running down my face I took my chance to leave at that. I never wanted to see him again.
****current time****
I looked up at Buffy who had a a soft expression on her face. I wiped tears away from my own as she pulled me into a hug
"Oh Cyrus you didnt deserve that. Not at all, nobody can treat my best friend like that. I'm gona go find him" she stated, getting up from the couch.
"Buffy no. That was 3 years ago, I should be over it by now"
"But you're not"
"I know I'm not Buffy but he probably doesn't even remember"
Buffy sighed but agreed to let things be and I heard a familiar knock pattern on my door.
"TJ's here..." I said a slight panic rising in me
"How do you know"
"That's his knock. Everytime he used to visit he would knock a bunch of times in a heartbeat rhythm"
"I'll kick him out-"
"No no just- you go home I'll call you later. Okay?"
"Fine okay"
We walked upstairs to the front door together and I opened it, sure enough it was TJ
"Hey Buffy.. Cyrus" TJ greeted us shly
"Kippen" Buffy responded coldly before walking out the door to leave "Bye Cyrus see you later" I waved for a moment before turning back to the blue eyed boy standing on my front porch.
"Can I come in? Please we really should talk"
"About what? Theres nothing to talk about"
"About what happened before I left"
"I dont know what you mean" I responded playing dumb.
"Cyrus we both know that's not true or you wouldnt have run away at the spoon like you did." He looked at me with pleading eyes and I sighed stepping out of the doorway and letting him in. We sat down in the kitchen and I made him a cup of coffee.
"Cyrus I never meant to hurt you. The things I said- they weren't meant to be taken like that. I just I was drunk and I guess the delivery wasnt great"
"Yeah no kidding" I responded coldly, scoffing at him.
"I did love you Cyrus- I do. I just was scared. The day before.. my mom found out. She started screaming at me because she had seen us kissing. I- I panicked she had seen us on a nanny cam she told me to breakup with you. I never meant to but I knew the camera was there and I guess I just couldnt convey that I was acting.. she sent me away anyway"
"TJ.. I didn't- I didnt know.. I'm sorry"
"How were you supposed to?"
"I could have let you talk that morning... tell me..."
"It wasnt you're fault Cyrus"
I felt tears well up in my eyes, "yes it was! All these years I spent mad at you and it was my fault. I should have just let you explain and this wouldnt have happened I wouldn't have-" suddenly I felt TJs hands on my wrists as his lips pressed against mine. He started to pull away and then leaned back in, slowly loosening his grip on my wrists. Once he pulled away I took a deep breath
"God I missed that" he whispered softly
"Me too" I replied.
We sat there and talked for hours, we had 3 years of making up to do. And 3 years of anger, pain, and betrayal to deal with. But we had each other and that's what mattered.
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sushiinstant · 6 years ago
Just created a meme, bc it is a thing
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oddcoolbrod · 6 years ago
If you don’t look at tyrus memes you aren’t my friend anymore
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i-miss-tj-kippen · 6 years ago
if tyrus doesn’t sing “i don’t dance” (the literal gay ANTHEM) from high school musical 2 i will SUE
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underscorekris · 6 years ago
Nobody should ever have let me watch Infinity War
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beckerstanstyrus · 6 years ago
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Credit to @tyruscrack
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