#in tubes but just in case
aealzx · 3 days
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Update Post
Prologue | AO3
“So…Let me just summarize to make sure I understand,” Jazz requested, feeling a little overwhelmed by all the new information Bruce, Barry, and Leslie had explained to her, but at least not so overwhelmed to the point of breaking down anymore. She’d just never heard of something like hemoperfusion before, so it had been a lot to take in. “Danny has blood blossom toxin throughout his blood stream, and since blood blossoms don’t exist here there’s no antitoxin to inject him with. And since developing one would take too long and be too risky, you want to try hemoperfusion. Which is like hemodialysis, except it removes toxins instead of fluids. And since hemoperfusion is known to cause a mild decrease in various common blood components, you want to have a blood donation from Danielle to offset that. Because she’s the only one here who also has ectoplasm in her blood, and you don’t want to dilute that in Danny since he’s already low…Did I get all of that?”
“Yes,” Bruce answered simply, giving a small nod. He was ready to go over anything they needed to again, a tablet in his hand ready to be used to open any of the files he’d already shown Jazz a second time. She had reacted to the information about Danny’s condition with anxious fear, but overall she was managing to remain significantly calmer than earlier that day.
Jazz was silent as she ran through everything she could remember just one more time, as well as trying to think of anything that they may have missed. Either because it was an oversight, or they simply just didn’t know. But she couldn’t see any risks other than the ones they had already told her they were aware of. She honestly wasn’t sure she would have caught the risk of diluting the ectoplasm in Danny’s blood herself. Amity always had an abundance of ectoplasm leaking everywhere, so even when Danny has spent a lot he’d always been able to recover some from the ambient. It, and the way they had addressed this situation, was enough for her to finally look to Bruce and nod. “Okay. Go ahead.”
Bruce was admittedly pleasantly surprised at the response, but kept his response in check other than a content smile. Barry’s shoulders sagged with his sigh of relief, and he barely waited for Bruce to give him a nod before he dashed from the room in a blink.
“Barry and Wally will take care of getting the supplies. We’ll test the types of resin with the blood samples we already have to make sure we use the correct one. But it shouldn’t take too long. Is it alright if we inform the rest of your family of what’s going on?” Bruce requested, not wanting Sam, Tucker and Danielle to be left out just because his own children were doing a good job keeping them occupied. Barbara had come over to meet them already, and she and Tim were indulging Tucker’s questions as well as getting some of their own answers. Then Stephanie and Cass had spent some time letting Danielle pick out some different clothes before they had joined Wally in the gym. Danielle had been ecstatic to find out about Wally’s abilities, and all four of them were having fun showing off and messing around together. Which left Sam talking with Duke, Damian, and Alfred about some of Duke’s adventures, Damian’s menagerie of pets, and Alfred’s recipes and food sources. The news would be an interruption to their fun, but Bruce had confidence that his team could help them stay occupied and taken care of instead of relying only on Jazz.
“...Sure,” Jazz agreed once more, giving another nod. They had already told her that they would have Danielle stop by the room to draw her blood, so having the three of them back in the room for a bit wasn’t a bad idea.
It didn’t take long at all for Barry and Wally to return with the equipment, getting it set up in record speed next to the bed before Barry joined Bruce back in the lab to test the different resins. They were simple tests that could all be done at the same time, so they were back upstairs soon after Leslie had finished drawing Danielle’s blood.
“Here’s the lucky winner,” Barry chimed, holding a second canister of the resin that they had found cleared the blood blossom toxin from Danny’s blood while having minimal effect on the important parts that needed to stay.
“Woah… I was expecting something bigger,” Sam admitted, watching Barry from where she was hovering near Danielle.
Barry just chuckled as he headed to the machine and popped the canister in. “It doesn’t need to be that big. We’re only pulling a tiny amount of toxin from him and putting the rest back after all.”
“Fair enough,” Sam accepted, attention shifting slightly as Danielle flexed her arm and moved around to make sure she wasn’t dizzy or anything.
“And you’re sure it’s going to work?” Tucker asked, his nervous nature prompting him to reach for reassurance despite the procedure not being used on him.
“It’s not as common as dialysis, but it’s still something that’s been used thousands of times on thousands of different people. I’m sure it’ll get most, if not all of the toxin,” Barry assured, stepping out of the way so Leslie could proceed to get Danny connected to the device. Unfortunately the IV needle that had been used was too small, so Leslie couldn’t use it for one of the tubes, even if it had been in the right place. So it was simply pinched closed, and disconnected to use again later while the other two tubes were inserted.
The others continued to chatter lightly, but Jazz was more focused on what Leslie was doing. How she was prepping Danny’s arm, where she put the tubes, trying to guess what she was looking for. She didn’t think this would be the last time Danny, or Danielle got poisoned, so she felt she should learn as much as she could while she could. It also helped her feel like she was being useful. Adding to her skillset to maybe use later instead of just sitting and being worried. It certainly helped even though once Leslie finally started the machine nothing seemed to be happening. It was a good thing though. No immediate adverse reactions, no sudden drop in vitals. Nothing but the quiet hum of the machine added to the soft beeps of the heart monitor and puffs from the oxygen tank.
Within an hour the others had gotten bored enough to easily be lured away by the rest of Bruce’s family once again.
Thirty minutes after and Jazz was the only one left, having moved to sit on the floor at the side of the bed. She wanted to be close to Danny, but she felt in the way if she sat on the bed. There were too many tubes now. Before he could have been mistaken for just sleeping. But now he really was looking like a coma patient. It made it hard to watch him, even though she refused to leave.
A short time later Jason was knocking on the doorframe to announce his presence, causing Jazz to look up.
“...Hey,” she greeted, a little confused.
“Hey,” Jason returned, “Just checking in. You need anything?” A half lie. He’d actually volunteered to hang out for a while to make sure the hemoperfusion process was going well. Luckily it looked like Danny’s vitals hadn’t changed much from two hours ago.
Jazz blinked in mild surprise at the offer, but even after thinking for a moment she couldn’t come up with anything. Part of her knew there were probably a multitude of things that she should be at least curious about, but mostly she just felt tired. The near quiet of the room while she knew everyone was okay and having fun was nice. She was content to just relax as well as she could for now. “No, I’m good,” she responded.
Jason didn’t quite believe her, his brow raising. “Says the girl sitting on the floor wearing random spare clothes borrowed from someone else, and doing nothing but stare at the other side of the room,” he commented dryly with a half smirk, stepping into the room and taking a seat on the floor near Jazz.
The comment caught Jazz off guard, but she could only give a small giggle. She probably did look at least a little unwell huh. “...I guess I just haven’t fully realized I’m safe yet,” she admitted. “It’s hard to think about anything.”
“Fair enough,” Jason accepted, being able to understand the feeling. “...Do you mind if I ask you something then?”
Another mild surprise, but Jazz just nodded after a moment. “Sure.”
“You mentioned before…” Jason started, thinking back to something Jazz had said before lunch, “that your parents tried to hurt Danny before they knew….” The reminder was potentially a very unhappy topic, but it was prodding he felt was necessary. Were they safe at home? Were they runaways? Were their parents involved with the ones that had hurt Danny recently? They needed to know if it was a good idea to try and get these kids back to their family or not. And if he was going to keep Jazz company and monitor the hemoperfusion process he didn’t feel like spending the time in silence.
“....Yeah… Our parents used to be ghost hunters,” Jazz admitted, a sorrowful smile as she stared at her hands. It seemed she was in the mood to talk, for she continued unprompted. “We grew up with their crazy antics. Making machines that could track down and destroy ghosts. Always talking about dissecting them, or using them as a power source. They had so many studies supporting the idea that ghosts were just residual emotions from people, given human form, but not actually human. So many things that convinced others that ghosts weren’t people anymore.”
“And yet… all it took was them finding out that Danny was half ghost, half dead, and it made them rethink everything they had developed. He was fourteen when… And I didn’t find out until a few months later. I didn’t even tell him I knew, because I knew if I did he would get scared. Why wouldn’t he, after all? With the idea that his mom and dad might cut into him just to satiate their curiosity looming over his head. It was an accident that they found out, and I was so scared he was going to run away. But mom just tried her best to treat him like Danny, and nothing else. Dropped her gun and told us we should go home and get a snack, because we were probably hungry. It…. it was enough to keep him home, but it wasn’t enough for everything to be okay. It was like everyone was trying to pretend everything was normal, but we all knew it wasn’t. They stopped doing their experiments. Started pretending they were oblivious to anything related to ghosts. It was awful. I felt so… so useless.”
“It was months of this stupid, awkward fake normal family facade before it finally broke. Danny accidentally got burned when mom was cooking, and she had a breakdown. We found out that our dad was okay with everything, but mom was having a hard time because she couldn’t believe that she had hurt Danny before. Even if she didn’t know it was him. But, after she had a really long talk with my brother, things started to look more normal again. Only this time, instead of being ghost hunters my parents dove headfirst into trying to figure out how to help ghosts. We realized we couldn’t take Danny to the doctors anymore, so my parents and I tried to make sure we could fill in that role. Mom would try all sorts of new, ectoplasm rich meals for him, making sure they tasted good to him. She started making smoothies for him every morning once she found ones he liked. On top of helping him study for school every day when there weren’t other ghosts causing trouble. There’s so many nights I found them asleep together on the couch. Danny was always mom’s favorite, and I think dad got jealous about how close they got. Until Danielle came back from her world exploration adventures and Danny convinced her to officially meet my parents. Then Dad and Danielle latched onto each other so quickly, and became inseparable.”
The retelling had seemed a little painful at first, but it was easy to see that Jazz was at least content with the way her family life was now. It wasn’t perfect, but then again families never were. Jason couldn’t help notice the tone of voice she took when talking about her parents favoring her siblings. She didn’t seem too upset, but there definitely wasn’t complete indifference to the facts. “...Does it make you upset? Having your siblings be your parents’ favorites?” he couldn’t help asking.
Jazz could only snicker at the question, falling quiet for a beat before answering. “Sometimes,” she admitted, then looked over with a mildly mischievous grin that made Jason semi think of Danielle. “But then I remember I’m Danny’s favorite, and I’m usually okay.”
The proud declaration made Jason snicker, glad to hear she had at least one thing keeping her from devolving into jealousy. She didn’t seem to want to talk much more though, and Jason wanted to leave the conversation on a happier note and therefore didn’t ask about the ‘Guys in White’ Danielle had mentioned before. So instead, after another stretch of quiet, he just chose to reassure her. “... He’ll be okay.”
Jazz didn’t answer immediately, drawing in a sigh and letting it go. She seemed to be doing much better as the day had stretched on, handling the news that Danny had poison throughout his bloodstream much better than the suggestion of drawing his blood. And being reassured that he would be okay, she gained a smile. “... He better be,” she commented, gaining a glint in her eye that Jason had seen in others he knew. “Otherwise the government back home will have to deal with a new super villain family.”
The comment only caught Jason slightly off guard, eyes widening just for a moment as he looked at Jazz before bursting into a hearty laugh. “Fair enough,” he agreed. The son of a family getting killed by the government was a legit enough back story for super villains in his opinion.
lil bit of home situation dump and hopefully the last bit of the part that was giving me trouble. Nice to get to draw Jason without the suit XD though I almost forgot to draw the bandage on his fingers.
Tag list: @galaxy-sharks-and-bottled-ships, @starscreamlover, @nerdynonnativenarnian, @dragongoblet, @megacharizardx99
@bellathecatastrophe, @cj-ghostemoji-destielpie, @asexual-insomniac, @wolfeyedwitch, @tkiesai, 
@fanaroff, @raven1508, @nebulainajar, @serasvictoria02, @oliocelottafanfics,
@honeysuckletook, @omniithe-deer, @wolf-under-the-stars, @gingernutcalo, @that-random-fangirl,
@op-sys-chaos, @kirasigncomics, @ehobep
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theabigailthorn · 10 months
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Thanks to all my patrons for supporting me!
Turns out when you actually do your own research and writing [AHEM!] it takes time to make good content. These awesome names and plenty of generous people like them help make that happen. Their pledges give me the time to research the show PROPERLY and also go towards paying the crew, who make the show look spectacular.
If you can, and you wanna support what I do, sign up and join them :)
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ot3 · 1 year
i dont like the idea of an entire fionna and cake show for many reasons but i wont lie that a big one is if i have to see gumlee get more popular than bubbline i will literally become a domestic terrorist
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easeforall · 2 years
lab rats being vague about adam bree and chase’s creation is somewhat fair but introducing hundreds of bionic kids without explaining how krane managed to create or obtain all of them is inexcusable
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higgs-the-god · 2 months
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cricket peawee......
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dionysus-complex · 7 months
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
I'm getting a NG tube placed and I'm really scared...do you or any of your followers have any tips for how to deal with it?
Hey anon!
I can totally understand feeling anxiety about getting a feeding tube placed, especially since it's something you might have never experienced before and there isn't always a lot of info out there. It is something that you will get through, and it honestly was really easy for me to adjust after a few days.
For me, getting the tube placed was kind of difficult, but not awful. It wasn't painful at all, but had a lot of sensory discomfort. The nurse had me sip water through a straw while she placed it, and that helped. For the first couple hours after the tube was placed, it felt really noticeable and like my throat was irritable. I had a hard time talking and even though I could absolutely breathe easily, it just felt kind of hard. Having cough drops on hand really helped, as well as drinking water and just taking it easy.
The next three days were kind of an adjustment. It still felt noticeable, but much better than the first couple hours. Definitely still have cough drops and water on hand, and also expect your nose to run a lot.
After three days, I honestly couldn't even notice it anymore and the only annoying part was that sometimes the tape would get itchy. I used duoderm tape as a base and that helped a little bit.
Other things that can be helpful is getting a wedge pillow to sleep with, especially if you have continuous overnight feedings. Learning to sleep slightly upright was hard for me, but pillows helped.
I don't really have any tips for managing the flushes or pump because I wasn't in charge of managing my own, but if any followers want to add on please do.
Know that all your feelings about it are valid, and also that the first three days are the hardest and you can get through it! I don't know how long you'll have an NG tube in, but you totally can still do all the activities you're used to doing. There's some things that will be an adjustment, but overall I started having a ton more energy when my nutrient needs were being met.
Please feel free to ask any other specific questions, anon, and wishing you the best!
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mariniacipher · 2 months
the way you're watching a video of two women talking about interior design, and the way they judge some spaces seems kind of judgemental to you, but it's all in good fun, right?
Only for them to show a picture of the home of one of the women- and she cannot even hang up her pictures on the wall and made midcentury look like High End IKEA via the vice of minimalism and cowardice in regard to colour and décor- which would explain why she couldn't hang up her picture, if she's so afraid to make a fucking statement.
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boyheros · 19 days
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finally tried to sketch out a little of how i've been imagining. the cloning machine. not too crazy or maybe it is i dont know. the base black membrane is not just a floating window i promise, it's attached to the rest of the thing and is supposed to swing down and lower into the feeder reservoir (crucially, with the part facing us right now facing upwards when it's moved parallel to the floor, as opposed to just closing it face-to-face like a laptop or something) but for some reason i'm struggling to imagine what a mechanism that could do that would look like. even though it's not thaaat complicated.
anyways. the membrane is fed the template DNA (blood is most often used) and once it accepts the sample it is swung down into the body tray and sinks into the feeder reservoir, where all the "raw materials" are i guess. i've been envisioning that the membrane frame has some sort of shutter element that can move the membrane around but i haven't figured out if i could design it to make sense mechanically yet? but the reason i want that is because once the membrane accepts the DNA sample it starts. wiggling around on it's own. and it would kinda be nasty as hell if you could see it pulling the shutters open and closed... cool right.
the reservoir is initially filled with just . raw materials that a human could be made of. fullmetal alchemist style like chemicals i guess. but as the machine gets used it eventually all grows into weird amorphous meat mess in there. it's fine for it to stay that way for a while (esp. bc base black needs to be attached to living material in order not to decay) but if you keep it too long the machine will try to self-replicate and make clones willy-nilly. and it gets more likely to be DNA contaminated. so the whole machine has to be gutted every once in a while.
hazmat suits just because yeah lots of weird human clone goo but also base black is a semi-corporeal substance meant for gluing your soul to your body. if you touch it with your skin, other organic materials like cotton fiber, or with only a thin layer covering you like latex gloves, it WILL attach to you and you WILL contaminate the whole thing. employees are even advised not to enter the room if they have open wounds of any kind cuz. the machine loves the flesh.
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thedeafprophet · 10 months
havenin a real bad swallowing night tonight lads 😔 everyone should have a tasty snack in my honour if ur so inclined.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
#making an automatic watering system w arduino#have it flashed to trigger the relays already for a variable amt of time#which at the end of the day is basically all it takes + scheduling#but now ofc its growing its own potential spinoffs...#i wanna add a BLE module to be able to control the scheduling from like a phone#which will then also require some minimal data storage...#then the big question is rly how to power it...#its probably gonna b within an extension cord length from the back door but dont wanna deal w unplugging it for rain etc#so maybe like a weatherproof case w solar & a battery? but then ive gotta figure out the best way of battery-izing it....#lithium seems like an overkill unless its like maybe lifepo#& generally prefer lifepo over cobalt etc for safety#but then ive gotta figure out how to add a charging circuit to it....#anyway then once i have the app controlling scheduling i can also start integrating it into my home organizing/etc app?#& ideally be able to like have a couple nodes like that?#ah fuck also gotta figure out a case#maybe just start w a nice n dirty project box til i eventually make a custom enclosure/PCB backplate for the assemblage#maybe just put it next to our sprinkler box & just make the tubes longer so i dont have to fuck around w batteries for this?#starting to convince myself of that idea tbh#rn the relayboard has 4 guys...might b better to just have this as the master instead of having nodes so just get more relays#centralize & dont have to deal w synching headaches#maybe get like a multiplexer? not like this would necessarily need multiple at a time 1 at a time wouldnt b the end of the world#& i have some cheap moisture sensors but dont rly trust em tbh#esp w plants i intend to eat#eventually tho maybe link some sensors into the system#tho weather alone is probably enough to figure out#oh! huh how would i do that....#dont wanna have a whole ass wifi connection on the arduino#or like parsing web results on there...#& i dont rly wanna only know when connecting to my phone...#so that seems to point towards some client that checks the weather prediction like once a day & sends that/consequences to arduino?
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wheucto · 2 years
hold on. what if they were a family
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tuxxydo · 1 month
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i think what's interesting about thissy's answer to "how did you become.... what you are now?" is you would think his answer would be toward "how did you become [a weird flesh centaur?]" instead of toward "how did you become [a raging alcoholic?]" but his answer is geared towards the latter instead of the former—implying that he very well might of just been born as a flesh centaur creature.
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
feeling better now I spent like 2 hours browsing fragrantica and found samples of a few intriguing ones on lucky scent + it's my payday tomorrow so I'm going to treat myself to that :3
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slippery-minghus · 6 months
grnuinely, how are you supposed to eat when your body won't tell you it's hungry. dafuq
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i-wanna-show-you-off · 4 months
rewatching inanimate insanity season two
spoilers!!! vvv
I love analayzing characters facial expressions and Trophy is in season two so of course while he’s there I’m gonna notice his. I think the one time I saw him smile was when he got that picture of Knife. In every single group shot he is frowning. There are several instances where it’ll cut to the grand slams and all of them have neutral/indifferent (or happy) expressions except for Trophy who looks pissed. They said find me a character that’s more angry than Paintbrush and I said I DID.
Soap I love her. She had so many issues to begin with but I really enjoy how she spent her time trying to fix them. Also ‘Theft and Battery’ had me so mad for her because first she gets thrown out of a hot air balloon, and then she’s targeted by the same guy like 3 or 4 times all in the same day. I love Suitcase but I’m not gonna lie and say that Soap calling her out there wasn’t justified. I’ll miss you my gorgeous little freak
Test Tube’s character development. I watched II3 before going back and (re)watching II2 and it’s like. There used to be light in her eyes. She used to be a silly girl who said golly gee and talked about nerd stuff. (Not saying she can’t still be a silly girl who says golly gee and talks about nerd stuff, but her character is a lot more serious in Season 3 than in Season 2.) I think the turning point for her was in the alternate reality episode, mostly because of her and Lightbulb’s interaction. Also, her furiously scribbling out the word ‘secret’ from her board and eventually just destroying the whole thing. She didn’t have a huge change in character, but she went from making nerdy references and science facts to showing real frustration and envy(?) towards the people around her.
This isn’t a huge thing but Nickel literally constantly stepping on people. Like standing on their heads. He does it with Baseball a lot and he (at least once) has done it to Suitcase as well. It could just be a visual gag but I feel like it’s really representative of the way he stepped on people’s feelings as well. He was a huge jerk to Suitcase, and even though Baseball was his friend he did dismiss him and his concerns at times.
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