#in this one universe most angels are guardian angels btw!!
rogdona · 5 months
can you tell me about ponsis... I am harboring...
The Interest
wasnt planning on drawing anymore today but u hit my weak spot by showing interest in my characters so HERE WE GOOOOOOOO
i dont have much on her bc like most of my characters i only think up to the basic ideas for the story and make up details as i go but anyways!!!
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ponsis is a lil angel who has a lot of this nasty thing called curiosity, which ends up getting her closer to some things that she should maybe not see
however shes very loyal and has been around for a long long time so the higher up has a lil soft spot for her!! however to keep her from getting into trouble it has decided to keep an eye on her. Literally
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YEPPP the third eye isnt hers, her halo has been replaced w it
w being one of the higher ups favorites came a few more responsabilities that also help keeping her from going around asking or finding stuff she shouldnt
so she spends a good bunch of time keeping the rest of the angels in order
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labratboygirl · 8 months
🖊️ren ‼️‼️‼️‼️
YEEEEAAAAAHHHH BABYYYYYYYY ITS RENNIN TIME‼️‼️‼️‼️ seeing all the mutuals rb that one post withthe gore art of him made me realize how many of my mutuals dont know him ……….so now i get 2 explain ren lore 2 all the new enjoyers of him ^_^_^_^ yaaaayyyyy
SO BASICALLY for the first like 16 years of his life he was just Some Guy .tmasc insect lover with a dogshit home life that hed always SOMEHOW manage to survive .very very suicidal and self deprecating ((HEY hey stop that :o( )) but he was able to keep it together for a while because of his Cool And Awesome bf devyn :o)) yaaayyy ((ihavent made a design for him yet .but i will eventually))
BUT HEEERRREEESS THE KICKER .i havent figured out how yet but devyn fuckingdies . and as expected ren finally loses his shit and uhhhhhh does the thing thats shown in that gore art
heres where shit gets Stupid ………a few hundred years in the future after some magic bs happens to the human race he comes back from the grave as that Blue Ghost Thang ((this guy)) and manages to become this fuckin .harbinger of doom because hes just THAT upset at the universe . most of his bullshit involves possessing people and making them do unspeakable things
and devyn actually becomes the opposite of that !!!!!! he becomes this Funky Purple Angel named divvi ((purpleboy in this pic)) who lives inside an amulet and becomes the guardian angel of whoever wears that amulet .swag as hell
and after a toooonnnn of bullshit involving ren possessing abunch of different people and becoming like .the ultimate lifeform at one point ((doesnt last long tho like at all)) one of the people he possessed ((named hiro , this guy)) ends up being like . very forgiving towards him and resurrects him . HOWEVER hiro isnt really that skilled in the field of resurrection so he doesnt come back to life unscathed . he kinda just becomes a goofy zombie boy ((this guy))
ren and devyn/divvi DO end up reuniting btw :o)))) the last person who had the amulet passes it down to ren so they can talk and be cute togehter again ^_^^_^_^ but its a mortal/immortal relationship so theyre still kinda like . doomed by the narrative .but hey
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definitelynotgideon · 5 months
What are 3 things that you love about your oc? I also mentioned you in a post asking you this:3 Btw how are these days?
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Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I don't know how I didn't see the post!
TBH I'm suffering lmao 😆😆 this is one of those high stress times at work and I'm preparing for a very busy week leading up to an event. Once the event is over things will subdue significantly.
Here are three things I love about Gideon though:
1.) He's flawed. Gideon is first and foremost a human being. I don't write him as the best fighter ever, and he has things that deeply affect him. He experiences grief over what has been lost or taken from him, and he allows it to come and go in the wave it is. Things are temporary, he can still pick himself back up and continue to fight for what/who he loves in the world.
2.) The things he symbolizes are healing things for me personally. I feel like when people make OCs, they put a lot of themselves into them. Some people do self inserts (I've done that before) and others make a lot of OCs that may represent different aspects of themselves more subtly. In Gideon's case, he's a representation of the things I need/needed most. He has a lot of calming sanctuary vibes, which is a reminder that I should be kind to myself. He also *adores* children (couldn't be me, I actually don't want kids) but... He's protective of them especially. Gets *pissed* if someone is hurting them because he's endured that type of pain at a young age. In a lot of ways he protects my inner child. Heavier symbolism in Gideon that is always present is an element of Death. I'm inspired (especially for some AUs) by characters like Lore Olympus's Hades, Steven Universe, Ancient Magus Bride's Ruth... There are others. But Gideon has been involved in two of my favorite fandoms and there is a lot of death in both (Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer). The ideas are usually dependent on roleplays, but I have sub theories and alternate endings I love to play with that involve him being either a guardian angel or a reaper for certain characters. I adore *that* sort of comfort, because I lost my mom at a young age. I'd like to think that when she passed away, that someone guided her lovingly into the next stage.
That one got deep lol I'm sorry 😆
3.) He isn't afraid to be himself. It's no secret that Gideon is gay, and in certain universes this is still one of those things that isn't okay in society. How he navigates this may be careful but it's never really relenting. He'd actively fight against homophobia because he was holding is lover's hand in front of the wrong person. Life is too short to not be able to love who he loves *fully.* He's not about to be ashamed of that. In Demon Slayer, his parents abandon him because he states that he doesn't want to go through with an arranged marriage with a woman, and that he'd prefer to marry a man. He was young when he was abandoned, and he had to both grow up quickly and re-parent himself with rare examples of what unconditional love really should be...
Anyway yeah! I adore him, he's such a squishy boy and I've been really happy that I could develop him more lately. He's been an amazing little muse 💕
Thank you for the ask!! 🫶
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sushivisa · 2 years
Oh yeah I also personify Eurovision songs as they come out lol
Like here 
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Did these a while back and decided to post them now
Oh yeah btw Heart of Steel is some sort of god of harvest that has a reputation to appear as a warning of bad luck when it just wants to try to fix the issue itself, while Duje is from a line of warriors, who tries to help around where she can despite her family’s ongoing tension, tearing the whole thing apart.
There’s also a thing in my mind that in whatever universe a personified version of songs this is that Eurovision is some annual battle royale that’s such a huge deal around the continent that there are smaller battle royals/tournaments/contests to determine who is most fit to represent themselves.
And also that in my head Колискова is a goddess of dreams that also acts as a guardian angel of sorts and her and Heart of Steel have a complicated relationship before and after Vidbir.....and I think also I wanna do something with the fact that Evita was the one who WON FIK’61 but Duje was the one to go ESC instead
I keep giving backstories to this kind of shit KJASKJHADSKJ
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taclturn · 2 years
Mobile Info
Hey, so for starters, call me Redacted. I'm a writer by hobby and I thoroughly enjoy plotting and headcanoning about my favourite characters and the like. I have a wide variety of interests, since I can't pick something up without immediately putting it down for something new.
I will write:
All gender relationships. I try to keep things neutral if I can help it, but if it’s necessary (ie. character having a specific sexuality), then I’ll obviously write it as such. However, if a character has an ambiguous sexuality, then all readers are applicable.
Requests (when open)! As long as you’re specific about what you’re looking for in the req, I’ll do my best to write it. If I can’t, I’ll let you know.
Potentially problematic content! For specific things, such as slashers and the like. Please keep that in mind. Anyone can interact and follow me, but it’s up to you to curate your experience. I’ll tag things as best I can to help.
NSFW. Sporadically, mind you, as I have little interest in NSFW stuff myself, and will only write it for characters I am confident in writing. You can request it, but I try not to push out too much NSFW at one time, so it may be spaced out. That being said minors dni with my spicy posts.
I won't write:
Anything that could be seen as discrimination toward minority groups. I feel like this goes without saying.
Canonically gay / lesbian characters with readers they would not be attracted to (ex. Alec Lightwood with a female reader). I ask that people not clown on posts made with LGBT+ pairings in mind. Headcanon =/= canon, btw.
Hyperspecific reader! Most of the time, I try to be as gender, race, sexuality, body, etc as neutral as I can manage. I try not to mention anything specific if I can help it, but obviously the reader has to have some personality, but aside from that, I do try to be neutral all around. You can request specific details if it has something to do with the prompt you’re asking for, but if it’s too hyperspecific, then I probably won’t write it or may end up making it neutral!
Fandoms I write for:
Boku No Hero Academia
Fairy Tail
Jujutsu Kaisen
Soul Eater
Video Games
Assassin’s Creed (anything up to, but not including Origins)
Cyberpunk 2077
Detroit Become Human
Devil May Cry
Fallout (1-4, NV)
Far Cry (1-5)
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Red Dead Redemption
Pokemon (pokephiliacs welcome!)
Stardew Valley
Angel: The Series / Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Being Human (US)
Criminal Minds
Interview With The Vampire
Once Upon A Time
Penny Dreadful
Peaky Blinders (Season 1 only)
Shadow and Bone
Teen Wolf
True Blood
The Vampire Diaries
V Wars
The Witcher
Fast and Furious
Interview With The Vampire
The Lost Boys
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rise of The Guardians
Star Wars
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scaredofmyocs · 1 year
My OCs post
(when i say their relationships with other characters i mean MOSTLY because yk if i ever make it its a comic......... time passes......... relationships with other characters could form or resolve or change)
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Quinn (They/Them) (just teenage like 15-17 i didnt give them a specific age) (Character Design up to date)
blue hair and pronouns/j energetic, impulsive, doesnt do anything they dont think is nice to people (unless they think they deserve it), pretty gullible, a little dumb and forgetful, and doesnt understand pop culture references too well. I might make them say a lot of 20s-40s slang for fun idk
you only get basic details of backstories bc im still semi embarrased. this one has bad dad woah!!!
Very acrobatic, super strength, (i dont know if going over 40mph on rollerblades is a unique ability but here is me mentioning it) Yo Yos!!! with metal wires for string!!! i dont know how they work dont ask!!!
Friends with Wally and Moss
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Moss (She/They) (same age as Quinn) (Character Design is out of date)
Intelligent combat tactician and the only one who knows "proper" combat (like practiced fighting and learned it from someone, i say this so vaguely because im not sure what kind yet lmao). She also is very gullible, and is from a completely different universe/dimension thing so a lot of phrases/pop culture references go over their head. She thinks through things a lot more than quinn would, however just as nice.
She worries shes not doing enough!!!!! and magical depression
Master of whatever combat i decide i like (later), Acrobatic, super strength, just as fast as Quinn but would rather ride a skateboard, her glasses can read out important info and weak points and also look cool
Friends with Wally and Quinn
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Wally (he/him) (same age as quinn) (Character Design up to date)
Hes tough and a nerd, and compared to the other 2 hes kind of quiet. Hes not smart but hes not dumb. He is incredibly cautious, and not easily fooled. He makes references all the time (despite them usually not being gotten but he tries to make ones that can be understood by his friends.) Hes pretty chill.
No parents??? no friends???? no social skills??? isolated in every way???????? (no parents, hasnt had many friends in his life, has a hard time talking to people and making friends, has a hard time keeping up with moss and quinn due to not being superhuman in any way)
Strong and has a paintball gun that turns into his fingerless gloves. yeah hes just a guy.
Friends with Quinn and Moss
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Sarah (She/Her) (young adult 19-25) (Character Design up to date)
Girl himbo (strong and dumb and considered attractive by most) shes laid back and plays bass in her band and despite being kind of dumb it doesnt mean she doesnt have useful advice for Quinn, Moss, and Wally.
average young adult problems like being poor (on top of taking care of quinn and moss might i add) and not being able to get an actual job
her bass can do magic things depending on which pick shes using, for example the only thing ive thought of is make explosions come from the ground
dating and in a band with Jenny and Oz, Legal guardian of Quinn (not moss tho)
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Jenny (she/her) (around the same age as sarah) (Character Design is out of date)
also laid back, not very expressive, kind of quiet. helpful to wally
idk what her problem is tbh maybe something similar to wally or being hunted bc she's an angel
Oh yeah btw she's an angel and that's where wally gets his gloves and Sarah got her bass bc she can just make stuff like that. That's also why her natural hair color is main character syndrome pink but she bleached it bc she wanted to be blonde
dating and in a band with Sarah and Oz
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Oz (he/him) (around the same age as Sarah) (Character Design is out of date)
He's also also laid back. the band is his he's the main guy he sings and manages it or whatever (I has never been in a band sadly) he's nice and helps out Sarah when she can't afford things for Quinn and Moss. He'd probably help Moss with feeling like she's not enough/doing enough
Ex issues!!!!
bends metal but it's cool because he has swords that can change into shields wow I'm so creative and maybe x ray vision??? still thinking about if that would even be relevant ever
Dating and in a band with Jenny and Sarah
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Cyclone (he/him) (older than Quinn but still 15-17) (Character Design is up to date, but some pieces of the outfit were added for this drawing only)
crazy bitch that is the embodiment of energetic, quick to upset (any negative emotion really), sometimes violent, generally not ok but tends to be really goofy and regardless
Abandonment issues AND bad dad!!!
Mfer is fueled by emotion and lightning, and can manipulate moisture, electricity, wind, and has telekinesis. That sounds overpowered bc he is. He initially wants to kill Quinn
Ex friends with Quinn before becoming friends again (also kinda siblings like raised together), and kinda friends with QX-A
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QX-A (He/him) (he's a robot so it doesn't really matter but I guess the same age as Quinn technically but actually is like around 1 year old lmao) (Character Design is out of date)
Idk right now hes just hunting Quinn so I haven't had time to think ab it
He will get kicked out by the person that made Quinn (and cyclone) eventually
Quantum dashing (litterally jumping through space a small amount I think I might change it), nearly indestructible much more so than Quinn, random robot weapons, flying.
He's a robot idk who he's friends with
There's also the main bad guy Sycamore but I will deal with that later, just know he is Quinn and Cyclone and QX-As Dad but not biologically he just made them in a lab and Quinn escaped and cyclone and QX-A have to get them back
I think thats it
ill probably update this from time to time but I'll be sure to reblog it if I do
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lancermylove · 4 years
Teenager MC 5: Little Misfortune (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x Reader, platonic.
Warning: Contains spoilers from Little Misfortune!
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: I am in love with your teenager MC series for obey me. I wanted to ask if you can make one with everybody where MC gets turn into a cute child, however, she acts like the little girl from the game Little Misfortune. I can’t help but wonder their thoughts and reaction to this. Especially if the MC talks about Mr.Voice. 😂 I hope life is treating you well😊❤️🙏😘🤗
A/N: ANON, I love Little Misfortune! This is such a cute request!! TY for sending this in. ❤️ Life is treating me as usual, but I am hoping 2021 is better! 😊 Hope things are going well with you~. 
His immediate reaction when you called out to him: since when did a child start living in the House of Lamentation?
The Avatar of Pride was alarmed to see a mini version of you. His thought after seeing you: someone is trying to play a prank. MAMMOOON
"Luci, Mr. Voice told me I am going to die today and asked me to play a game. He says if I win, I can get eternal happiness." 
Your words didn't sit well with him as he started to question you about this, Mr. Voice. Lucifer assumed that Mr. Voice was a demon attempting to play tricks with your mind. 
Has this happened before in Devildom? No. Do strange unexplained things happen in Devildom? YES.
He didn't want to take a chance, especially considering what the disembodied voice said about your death.
"Why exactly do you wish to find eternal happiness? Are you unhappy here?" 
"No, I want to find eternal happiness and give it to Luci." 
Lucifer found your unexpected response endearing. But, he warned you to ignore Mr. Voice. 
While you ran around his study curiously examining everything, Luci worked to find a way to reverse the spell. 
In no time, you were back to your teen self.
"Thank you for thinking of me," Lucifer touched your cheek and kissed the top of your head, "but if you find eternal happiness, then you should keep it for yourself. You deserve it." 
His immediate reaction: one of his witch "friends" was getting back at him for something. 
"Mammon, Mr. Voice asked me if I want to play a game with him. What should I do?" 
The Avatar of Greed was confused and questioned you about Mr. Voice. Mammon looked around the room and scratched his head. "You didn't eat anything funny, did you?" 
Then, you told him about your death and finding eternal happiness. "I want eternal happiness for Mammon...give him all the money in the world!"
Even though you said the magic word money, all Mammon heard was I am going to die today.
He dropped to his knees and embraced you tightly. "I don't want any money if it means losing you." 
Mammon was upset. He didn't want to lose you, and he wasn't going to spare the person responsible for doing this to you. 
Until he found the person, though, Mammon told you to ignore Mr. Voice. 
He stayed with you 24/7 until you got back to normal, and even after that, Mammon made sure that no demon messed with you, especially not Mr. Voice. 
You entered his room while throwing glitter in the air. "A little sparkle for you, a little sparkle for you, and a little sparkle for me!"
"Sweetie? You look so adorable!" Asmo scooped you in his arms and embraced you close. "But, did someone cast a spell on you?"
Instead of answering his question, you said, "Mr. Voice, don’t say that about Asmo. I like him, his pretty eyes, his hair, his smile, and his clothes." 
Asmo looked around confused and asked you who you were talking to. When you explained to him, Asmo wasn't sure how to react, but something told him that Mr. Voice was most likely a demon trying to mess with you.
"Mr. Voice asked me to play a game with him." 
Asmo shook his head. "Forget about Mr. Voice and play dress up with me instead!" 
While you were busy raid through Asmo's makeup, he contacted Solomon and told him about the situation.
"Btw, Solomon, no need to rush. Sweetie looks so cute, and I want to spend more time with her mini version."
His immediate reaction: how adorable.
Satan thought that you touched a cursed spell book and got turned into a child. 
He doesn't think much of it until you mentioned Mr. Voice and said, "Mr. Voice says I shouldn't trust you. You may get angry and hurt me." 
Satan was upset, but he asked you about Mr. Voice. Not wasting any time, the Avatar of Wrath threatened Mr. Voice and asked him to leave you alone. 
He now thought that a demon was trying to play tricks on you. 
While you read one of his picture books, he tried to find a spell to cure you. 
Once you are back to normal, he asked, "Are you scared of me? You know I won't hurt you, right?" 
After you leave, Satan went on a hunt for Mr. Voice. Let's just say that Morgo is not going to bother anyone again, especially not you.
His immediate reaction: you look cute, but... first we had to take care of a teen, and now we have to take care of a child. Could the universe make things any harder? Yes, of course, it can.
Levi sat you in a spare chair and let you watch him play video games, but then he heard you talking to Mr. Voice. 
"Mr. Voice?" Levi thought that name sounded familiar, and when you told him in detail, he had a déjà vu moment. 
"EH? You can hear a voice that is trying to tell you to play a game for eternal happiness? Don't tell me that he also said you were going to die today!" 
"Levi, how did you know? Can you read my mind? Yikes forever!"
Great, the universe wanted to make things even harder for him. Now he will have to leave his room and be your Benjamin. Maybe he should wear his fox onesie while he's at it. 
So, a fox-onesie-clad Levi ended up rescuing you from Morgo's clutch and found a way to get you back to normal. 
Beel thought you were the cutest being in the universe, and he immediately put you on his shoulders, carrying you around everywhere.
He took you out for food and all sorts of desserts, but then you mentioned Morgo. "Beel, Mr. Voice says that eating this much is bad for me. You are a bad influence." 
He was far from happy hearing this. How could anyone say that eating was bad for you? How dare someone say that eating is bad! 
After getting you back home safely and leaving you under Lucifer’s care, the Avatar of Gluttony went on a hunt to find Mr. Voice. 
And when he did, Beel nearly ate Morgo whole. 
Moral of the story: don’t tell the...THE Avatar of Gluttony that eating is bad. 
Huh? Mr. Voice? Eternal happiness? What is she talking about?
Belphie didn't react as his mind was occupied with something else: small child + needing to sleep + Belphie nap time = cuddle partner. So, instead of working about Mr. Voice, Belphie asked you to take a nap with him.
"Belphie, Mr. Voice won't let me sleep..."
"Ignore him and only pay attention to me." He even hummed you a tune to get you to fall asleep. 
By the time nap time was over, you were back to your original self.
Belphie asked if you could still hear Mr. Voice. If you could, he knew he was going to have to do something. 
"Who is Mr. Voice?"
The Avatar of Sloth chuckled, "You need to sleep more. Sleep makes everything better." 
He has no idea how a human child managed to enter Devildom. Only when he paid close attention to your face did he realize who you were. 
Diavolo found you to be irresistibly adorable. He was all smiles until you suddenly said, "But Mr. Voice, I like Diavolo! He's not a bad guy." 
The King of Demons was baffled until you told him about Mr. Voice's game. 
"How about I join you? We can go on an adventure together." He joined in the hunt for eternal happiness without any worries in the world.
"Mr. Voice, are you curious about him? Diav is my friend! He is also the King of Demons and the ruler of Devildom." 
Diavolo smiled and remained silent. 
"Huh? Mr. Voice? Where did you go? Mr. Voice?"
Diavolo laughed, finding this amusing. Once the two of you returned to the castle, he asked Barbatos to watch over you. 
The King of Demons appeared behind Morgo and chuckled menacingly, "So, you were trying to take her soul, huh?" 
That day Morgo realized the meaning of true fear. 
He was stunned to see you as a child but found your mini version to be cute. 
"Barb, are you making dessert? Can I have some?" 
While the demon butler prepared your dessert, he heard you talking to yourself. Your actions don't alarm him as kids are known to have imaginary friends. 
"Mr. Voice, am I really going to die today?" 
That line was enough to alert Barbatos. After making the dessert and watching you eat it, he found a way to get you back to normal.
He pressed you about Mr. Voice, but you told him that you didn't know anyone by the name of Mr. Voice. 
When Barbatos researched Morgo, he found something very amusing. "A demon posing as the devil? How interesting..."
His immediate reaction: My god, you look precious.
Simeon couldn't get enough of your mini version, but something bothered him. It almost left like there was a dark presence around you. Was someone trying to harm you?
"Oh really? But, Mr. Voice, I like angels, especially Simeon!" 
"Mr. Voice?" Hearing you say that made Simeon feel even more uneasy. When he learned about the disembodied voice, Simeon turned on his guardian angel mode. 
He held your hands and prayed to the heavens, asking the heavenly powers to protect you. 
Before Morgo vanished, he appeared behind you, catching Simeon off guard. 
After asking Solomon to help lift the curse and making sure that you were back to normal, Simeon went to talk to Diavolo and Lucifer.
The King of Demons and Luci were supposed to protect you, especially from demons. Let's just say that both Diav and Luci were speechless after getting lectured by Simeon. 
Luke panicked when he saw you, but at the same time, he was secretly happy that there was someone shorter than him.
He started acting like your big brother and became your personal bodyguard; he took you everywhere he went and made sure to hold onto your hand. 
When you told him about Mr. Voice, the angel immediately informed Simeon about it. 
While the older angel worked with Solomon to figure out the mystery of Morgo while you bonded with Luke.
When Solomon and Simeon returned, they found you and Luke cuddled on the couch fast asleep. You with your head on his shoulder while his head rested on top of yours. 
"Why don't we let her stay this way for a little while longer?" Simeon smiled. 
As soon as you appeared in front of Solomon, he knew he had to find a cure. But the sorcerer was curious about the curse inflicted on you. 
How did you get this curse and who is responsible? Also, why are you shrouded in darkness?
He didn't waste any time and started looking for a way to lift the spell, but he was distracted by your tiny version. Your fun-size self + throwing sparkles everywhere + twirling around = too cute to resist.
Oh, he was going to have fun teasing you about this when you get back to your teen self.
Then, he heard you talking to Mr. Voice and figured that a demon was trying to trick you. 
"A demon that can trick people and lure them? I wonder if the demon would make a pact with me." Cause 72 demons just isn’t enough.
After getting you back to your teen self, Solomon thought his job for the day was done. Then, he looked around his room - his glitter-covered room.
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creatureofmystry · 4 years
MLB x DC Universe Headcannons
I just love the idea of MLB and DC (expecially Batfam cuz Mari is such a Wayne) being in the same universe and crossing over. So one night, I just had an idea overload of different ways the Marinette would know the batfam/be a part of the DC universe. And if any of my shitty ideas somehow inspire or prompt you, then please be my guest. 😊 _
1) “Ladybugs of Past and Present”
Hippolyta, Wonder Woman’s mother, was once a previous holder of the ladybug miraculous. When Fu activated the miraculous and put them in circulation, Hippolyta could feel its magic waking back up. Knowing there must a reason for it to be out, she sent a message to her daughter. Diana searched, finding Marinette and Adrien as the present holders of the ladybug and cat miraculous. She vouched and brought them into the Young Justice program while they also made their own team, Project: Zodiac (or something like that).
[Sometime when Diana takes Marinette to meet Hippolyta]
“Great Hera, Tikki, you have not aged a day” -Hippolyta, cause she does know how to make joke. 
“And I would say the same to you” -Tikki
“Mother, you can make a laugh?” -Wonder Woman, honestly a bit confused cause her mom have never not been serious before.
And Marinette is just speechless cause she’s starstruck meeting Wonder Woman’s mom AND a previous Ladybug holder.
2) “Rockstar Niece”
Jagged Stone is Marinette’s Sweet Uncle J. During the summers, Jagged Stone would take Mari with him on tour. HIs summer tours are throughout America, so Mari gets to sightsee the country. Jagged’s first tour that he gets to take Mari on (5-ish), he’s also booked for the annual (for whatever reason) Wayne Summer Gala. When Marinette meets the Waynes, they are so enamoured (Dick and Tim couldn’t help it) that they tell Jagged he’s always invited as a guest, Mari of course being added to the permanent guest list too. About 6 years later, Mari is practically adopted, spending the first half of her summers with Jagged, going to the Wayne Gala, then spending the rest of her summer with the Waynes. Overtime, she figured out the secrets of the family and was there to welcome Jason back from the dead (when that happens). Anyways, now 11(-ish?) Mari meets Damian and the two become good friends… after an… impressionable first meeting.
“Tch, let me guess, you’re another one of father’s adopted strays” -Dami
“YOU MUST BE DAMIAN!!! DICK TOLD ME ABOUT YOU!!” -Marinette, who just ignores what he said for a hug.
“hiiiiiiiiissssssss” -Dami, touchy with touch
“...” sprays water in his face since he decided to act like a cat.
“I say, Master Bruce, the children are getting along quite well” -Alfred
3) “Pen Pals” 
Jon Kent and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are part of an international pen-pal program, starting when they were very young (maybe like 4 or 5-ish, super super young) where they told each other everything (Jon can’t just say that his older bro is a clone made from Superman and Lex Luthor’s DNA, or that his dad is Superman, or that his best friend is Robin, but yea. Lois and Clark probably proofread his stuff until he’s like 9) with pictures and everything. When they’re old enough to get phones & stuff, they call, text and vid-chat along with their letters (love without blood). When Mari is maybe 9-11 (somewhere around there) she starts flying over during the summers to hangout with Jon (and his friends and big brother). While there, she meets Kon, Bat fam, and Clark (some who she already knew, some who she didn’t) & lightly hints that she knows who all they are once she figures it out (it didn’t take her long to do so). 
Now whenever she visits and is at Wayne Manor (Jon likes to have sleepovers practically every weekend) while they’re on patrol, Mari subtly messes with their minds (super subtle, they’re the world’s best detectives after all) until they finally look through the cams and see Mari giving them one of those smiles (those shit-grinning cause it’s just so hilarious how it’s gone on for so long) & and a playful wink. 
[5 seconds later]
“Mari!” “Pixie-pop!” “Angel!” “Teacup!”
“Seriously, am I the only one with a normal nickname for her?” -Tim
“Ms. Marinette would like to inform you that ‘it took you long enough’” -Alfred (who so knows that the girl has been playing them since the third night she stayed at the Wayne’s)
“Where are my adoption papers?” -Bruce (who is seriously adopting any talented black-haired child)
4) “Mari and Mar’i” 
When Mar’i is young, Dick and Kori take her with them to see Paris (btw, this would be during the winter). They’re strolling along through a park and lose track of Mar’i who finds Marinette (9-10 ish). Marinette comforts and distracts Mar’i while noticing the young(er) girl is Tameranian (her hair is very warm and she’s wearing significantly less layers than should be worn for a human of that age during the winter, plus that sun-kissed skin tone. She’s seen Kori in her fashion magazines (and, from time to time, on the news as an ambassador) so she easily make the connections). Dick and Kori finally spot Mar’i with Mari who introduces herself to them. Mar’i asks if she can see her “Auntinette” again and Marinette just goes “if your parents are okay with it.” Dick and Kori are totally cool with it (not many are willing to watch her and have the time to do it) so they ask Marinette if she can babysit Mar’i whenever (with good pay of course) if she’s up to it (cause she’s still pretty young). Marinette can’t say no to Mar’i’s babydoll eyes (and she’s so much easier compared to Manon, who’s only 2 rn), so of course, she says yes. 
Now Marinette is Mar’is official babysitter and sees Mar’i often whenever her parents drop her off (using zeta tubes to quickly get to Paris and back). Marinette gets treated like an honorary Wayne (cause she’s the most responsible) and gets invited to their family stuff (w/ travel pay taken care of, of course). It doesn’t take her long to realize the fact that she babysits Bruce Wayne’s & BATMAN’S granddaughter, but of course, being the responsible one she is, keeps the secret… while also playing with them via Mar’i.
[One Day]
After Marinette leaves for her plane…
“Uncle Dami!”
“Yes, Spawn?”
“Auntinette said to tell you after she left that Robin’s sut needs a major upgrade & that you look like a traffic light… whatever that’s supposed to mean.”
[Another Day]
“Uncle Jay!”
“What’s up kid?’
“Auntinette said that to let you know that Red Hood doesn’t make any sense ‘cause Red Hood wears a helmet. Not a hood.”
[The next time]
“Uncle Tim!”
Yawn. “yea?”
“Auntie told me to give you this” (pulls out super caffeinated coffee) “and that Red Robin’s cowl is a menace to all things fashion”
“Yes, Starshine?”
“Auntienette said she’s proud of Nightwing’s costume ‘cause it’s one of the only in the batfam that isn’t an astro-city to the fashion society.”
5) “Marinette, the one who’s always getting chosen”
Before Mari became (becomes(?)) LB, she comes across a different powerful piece of jewelry, from a different order of guardians where her will of mind is not only her shield from being akumatized, but it is also what drives her powers. That’s right, Mari walks past a flea market and activates a GL ring. The guardians pick up on this activity and send Hal (it is his sector) to check it out. Hal finds the ring with Mari but it still needs the light of a GL to charge and fully work. 
[During the explanation]
“Look, kid-”
“Look, kid, I just need to know why you have that ring.”
“You think I know? I was just walking through the market and all of a sudden, this possessed ring, if that’s even what this is, started following me, then zipped in front of my face til i held my hand up so it can put itself on my finger.” 
“It’s MARINETTE. Get it wrong one more time and you’ll see why I don’t need a possessed piece of alien jewelry.” -Marinette, making sure you get her name right. “Besides, if I stole it, I would remember. I’m a klepto” -Marinette, probably holding his ring too at this point.
Hal obviously doesn’t want the wrath of the Dupain-Chengs (just the kid Marinette scares him enough), so he tells the guardians that JL will take care of most of Mari’s training (once they get her a lamp for her ring, of course) & has her take part in training at Mt. Justice with the Young Justice team and special training with the Bats. Mari does all this under the guise of an international student exchange program for Mari to stay with the Waynes (not yet knowing that it’s the bat fam) and attends G.A. Mari doesn’t do much, but it takes her 24-36 hours to know who EVERYONE is.
[the next week after settling in]
“Hey, Mars,” -Dick, in his Nightwing gear
“Hey, Di-is the GREATEST SHOW!” -Mari, changing the subject(… not really)
“How long did it take you?”
“Not as long as the Kryptonians…” -Mari, going off into a tangent (still trying to change the subject”
[When Marinette meets Tikki]
Back in Paris:
“Sooo… I’m getting powerful jewelry that gives me powers and a suit, needs to be recharged, and comes from some Order of the Guardians? What’s the difference between you and my ring?” -Marinette, who at this point is very confused as to why she keeps getting picked on for this kind of stuff. 
“One’s alien, one’s magic” -Tikki, hoping Mari will end it there & lowkey hates that the GL Corp. got to her first.
“They’re both non-human made energy sources” -Mari, cause once you’ve seen it once, you’ve seen it all before. 
“You can’t heal the Akuma without the miraculous, and there are more than just rings. Yours are earrings, there are hair clips, bracelets, necklaces and more” -Tikki, after having a minute to think
“Fine, only because you said they’re the only way to heal the, what was it again, akuma?”
6) “Their Unofficial Official Barista”
Part of Tim’s job as Co-CEO, is to make sure all the branches are running smoothly, sometimes that means he has to fly abroad to manually check in. Tim goes to Paris to check on the W.E. Paris branch. He goes to a nearby Patisserie (Tom and Sabine’s) to see a young Marinette (somewhere from 8-11) drawing in her sketchbook at the counter. She explains that her parents are at a catering event, but she’s there to man the little bakery. Tim asks for a super caffeinated coffee and Marinette makes it with ease, claiming it was on the house with how bad he looks (and how much sleep the man clearly needs). Tim begs for her knowledge and asks if she can teach his butler. Mari’s willing to show him the next time he comes, so he gets the whole fam to go (viz tubes so they don’t waste time) maybe a week later. Everyone gets their own drink (plus a free pastries) and Marinette teaches Alfred her coffee, but it’s just not the same so Tim, using the tubes, goes to get coffee from the girl whenever he can. 
Mari is horrible at getting up on time (the life of an insomniac, never getting to sleep even if you want and then barely waking up on time) that she is up super early, makes Tim his coffee (plus a croissant) and tries to go back to sleep (making her inevitably late). Tim would walk up to the pick-up counter where his cup and to-go bag is while Marinette runs out of the house to get to school. Eventually, the rest of the Batfam (as well as the Laegue, TT, and YJ) frequent the place, slowly becoming (Dami too) Mari hides it, but she knew all the batfam the first day they came and she showed Alfred how to make the coffee. When the others start making more regular appearances, she learns the identities of YJ team, WW, GLs, and others. Obviously when LB and CN appear as heroes with HM as their villain, they immediately reach out to help. Because 1. Batfam clearly notices that it’s Mari and they sure as heck won’t let her deal with that by herself, and 2. The JL is worrying too much about their favorite barista (even though she’s not really one), especially with the Gigantitan scare. So, of course LB & CN (can’t make him bad everytime) get inducted into YJ.
[After Ladybug finishes defeating Gigantitan and detransforms] 
“Bean! Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?” -Tim, being an even more protective older brother than Dick, which shouldn’t be possible
“Yes, I promise. I’m fine” -Marinette, who just accepts the fact that she’s adopted an older brother (and his famliy)
“Tube over, we’ll have Alfred make sure” -Dick, already pulling out the medical supplies for Alfred.
“You shouldn’t worry your brothers like that, Marinette. Now come over so Alfred can clear you,” -Bruce, who just happens to overhear the conversation
“I’m sorry, Miss Marinette, they are very adamant that you’re in pitch perfect health before going out again,” -Alfred, who’s not actually sorry
“Fine” -Marinette, accepting her fate of her adopted, protective family. 
7) “Thicker Than the Blood We’ve Shed”
Why is Marinette so freakishly strong? Because she was trained to be. Before she could even talk, Mari was taught to be an assassin. She and Damian were frenemies, both competing for top spot as best in the League (of Assassins). They often spared together and became rivals who pushed each other (which sounds great in that context if you forget about the fact that they’re killing people and turning it into a competition). When Damian’s care is turned over to Batsy, Mari also comes along for the ride. She implements herself into Dami’s classes at G.A. & watches him from afar. (Damian, not being an idiot, of course knows all this and knows that it’s probably for Mari to give a report to Talia.) When he becomes Robin, Mari obviously knows, but waits to see if anything drastic would happen (his care was given to the Batfam, they had already expected this to happen.) She then heard word of the bounty Talia put on Damian’s head. Marinette knew there wouldn’t be much she could do to help, but she ave Dami a warning about the upcoming situation before fleeing the country. 
From there she got to France, changed her name (it wasn’t originally Marinette, it was Shénqí, chinese for miraculous/magical (or something else if you want)), was adopted by Tom & Sabine, and left her time in the League in the past. When she received Tikki, she didn’t want to be a hero because she didn’t think she deserved it after her up-bringing. Eventually, she did become LB (being a trained assassin does help with lucky charms, considering she was taught how to kill with basically every and anything), and life was good for her. Then Rossi came.
[Gotham field trip]
While at Wayne Tower…
“How idiotic are they?” -Damian, who after reuniting with his long-lost sister-from-a-different-mister (yes, Marinette was able to convince him to say it once), can’t understand the stupidity she has to deal with.
“Are you Robin?” -Mari, who is too tired, so just goes straight into the analogy
“Yes.” -Obvious and simply is.
“Exactly” -Mari, who can’t even put a limit to the amount of thought the one brain cell the class shares doesn’t use. I mean please, the so-called “reporter” believed that the first cosplayer she saw was the actual LB when they don’t even have the same hair! And let’s not forget the origins arc, where LB’s first citizen save was Chloe.
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boneandfur · 3 years
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it: @playchoices Fandom
Cursed Hearts
The Royal Academy
Angel's Blood
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Btw, I really love your icon 😘
1. Cursed Hearts
Asleep for a thousand years, they say that the guardian will only be awoken when Cordonia needs him the most. After the untimely death of the Crown Prince by the hands of assassins, the unholy trio(Drake, Maxwell and Olivia) go down to the tombs and conduct a blood ritual to bring their savior to life. They all fall in love with the guardian... and with one another. And therein lies the rub: one must fall to take the guardian's place, and become the legend for the future.
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2. The Royal Academy: crossover with Foreign Affairs and The Elementalists. When the Royal Heir begins to show signs of wind magick, what are MC and Liam to do? Send her away to university, of course! Little Bunny gets an crash course in life when she double majors at both schools. Her only companion from Cordonia is Drake Walker. May-December taboo romance.
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3. Lightbound: All Nia wanted was to save her friends, but when she meets a dark prince in the forest at night, he offers her a choice: a kiss, or death... Vampire!Nia, Bloodbound crossover with BOLAS.
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4: Angel's Blood: (I feel like I'm now writing for Chapters 😂) An Anastasia!AU (seriously I can't believe I haven't seen one of these yet) where MC is Anastasia. TRR. Who would you pick for Dimitri??
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5: A Midsummer Night's Dream: a sweeping epic shoehorned into a one shot, Titanic!AU. OPH MC x Tobias Carrick, x Ethan.
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Thank you for these! I had fun.
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Hello 💛 I was wondering if you could give some Unilock fics. Really appreciate it. (I love your blogs BTW💙)
Hi Nonny! 
AHHH I’m going to be a huge disappointment and really have none to rec for you because *ducks*I-don’t-really-like-uni-au’s..... *peeks out* Sorry I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but it’s just not my thing, just like I don’t like coffee shop au’s either lol.
But anyway, I have a FEW that I do have and can rec, otherwise, check out this post here for a long list of a lot of Alexx’s lists and some past ones that I have from community recs.
And as always, feel free to suggest your own! 
You're On the Air by prettysailorsoldier (M, 20,616 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock, Matchmaking, Radio, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Flirting, Bisexual John) – The Consulting Detective and The Woman dominate the airwaves of their university radio station, doling out advice on everything from meeting the parents to sexual positions. When their ratings start to dip before the holidays, however, manager Mike thinks it's time for some fresh blood, and who better to fill in the gaps than rugby captain--and notorious flirt--John Watson? Part 1 of 25 Days of Johnlock
Love or What You Will by miss_frankenstein (T, 31,987 w., 11 Ch. || College/Uni AU || Professor John, Ph.D Student Sherlock, Pining John, Poetry, Falling in Love / Slow Burn, Light Angst, Happy Ending) – John is an English professor who specializes in War and Post-War Literature and Sherlock is the brilliant yet impossible Ph.D. student assigned to be his TA because no one in the Chemistry Department is willing to put up with him. And - somewhere between Waugh and Plath, e-mails and takeaway, novels and villanelles - they fall in love.
How to Build a Heart out of Ashes by Teumessian (E, 144,931 w. || Changeling AU || Slow Burn, Drug Use, Mentions of Child Abuse / Bullying, Mentions of Student/Teacher Relations, Uni-Age) – In an AU where a small number of the population become Changelings at a young age, at 17 John Watson believes he's destined for Normal life but then the Change takes him and he is sent to the Baker Institute. There he meets Sherlock Holmes.
Free Falling by twistedthicket1 (M, 203,574 w., 38 Ch. || Guardian Angel John, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Kidlock / Teenlock, Mystrade & Johnlock, Passage of Time, Possessive John, Drug Use / Overdose, Victor Trevor, Additional Tags to be Added) – All Guardian angels are born with a Chosen human. When this child is born, the angel comes into being to protect and care for them during their life on Earth. For John Watson, all he cares about in the world revolves around his Chosen, Sherlock Holmes. Watching him grow up though, the angel soon learns that God must have had a sense of humour the day he decided to make Sherlock, as trouble seems to follow him like a magnet wherever he goes. John can't decide what's worse, the idea of losing his Chosen one, or the fact that he may be breaking the most taboo law of heaven as he disguises himself as a human to better protect and befriend the beloved detective he's always watched from afar. He was meant to care for him. But what happens when caring evolves into something more? What happens when an emotion an angel is supposed to be incapable of possessing comes to life suddenly and viciously inside John's chest?
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Ok so some of your content implies immortal Alec and I was wondering how you thought it would happen? I've read a few things where Clary creates a rune/uses the alliance rune to make him immortal (but I don't think you're a real big fan of her) so I wanna hear your thoughts and also maybe Magnus's reaction
hoooooo boy i am GLAD YOU ASKED because i have a whole ass au that i have like. basically all the plot down but my stupid brain can’t turn into a fic so i guess im gonna shove it here and GOODBYE FOREVER 
(also, about the clary thing: it’s complicated diaushduaih because i kind of really hate her in canon but i also accepted fanon clary into my life? mostly because i unfortunately can’t help but ship clizzy, but anyway, i kinda disassociate clary from canon. so i’m not really against the idea that she makes a rune or something, but i do think this idea is more interesting. or maybe it isn’t but then i guess that’s your personal problem because well, you did ask lol im jk btw)
okay so i have one word for you: seelies. hot diggity damn do i fucking love seelies or what
so you know how seelies are the offspring of demons and angels? and there’s this whole thing about demon blood and angel blood not mixing well at all? well, i was thinking, how the fuck does that work. and i came to the conclusion that whatever stronger parent they had’s blood would like, tame the other or whatever, you know? but then what if they had equally strong - or equally weak - parents? like a child of an archangel and a prince of hell, what the fuck happens then? or alternatively the child of some angel janitor and a minor demon, would they even have enough magic?
so i figured if that happens it’s like as if a seelie has an autoimmune disease - their body is fighting itself constantly. for those who have very strong parents, this means that they are decaying quickly, and usually won’t be able to like, survive for long if they don’t do something. for those who have weaker parents, it usually means they’re weak
so these seelies are actually born mortal, and for the ones with stronger parents, pretty much with a lifespan of like, a few days before they end up dying due to the autoimmunity. so what happens for those is, they have this Cool Ritual that makes them immortal and solves all their problems
basically what happens is: seelies are one with nature, correct? but they’re also, like, individuals. so they have their own magic, their own energy, their own life source. right? so what happens to these seelies is, they tie this life/magic source of theirs to that of the universe. they basically become one with the universe fully, instead of just guarding it and being connected to it, they are literally tied to it, so much so that their magic and the world’s magic is one and the same. basically their life is fed by the same source that feeds all life, even mortal ones, and that source is endless, so they become immortal. it’s not a cure per se, since it doesn’t really stop their blood from fighting itself, but it does solve the problem because it has endless energy to keep doing it. and after going through this magical ritual, they become basically the strongest seelies around, because they have access to very strong demonic and angelic magic and the like, natural source of the world. so that’s pretty cool
and this whole thing is like. absolutely top secret, no one but the seelies knows how it works or even that it exists. especially because the seelies used to be basically closed off to outside influences, besides the very few representants they had going to the realms (like meliorn)
meliorn is one of those super powerful seelies, a child of an archangel and a prince of hell, who has gone through this ritual. which is one of the many reasons they’re, you know, a super powerful and respected Seelie Knight, sent to deal directly with shadowhunters and the highest threats they have to deal with, all by themself. no one would be crazy to go against them, because they are extremely powerful. it’s also why they had, to seelie standarts, been given a slap to the wrist for taking clary to twi - i mean, they didn’t even lose their position in a super trusted and highly important job, really? like yes they were tortured and don’t get me wrong, that was fucking awful dude, but i feel like the seelie queen could have been a lot more cruel, could have taken away their job (it would make sense to since they basically committed treason by seelie law) or exiled them, or maybe even killed them. but they got “just” a physical punishment. that’s. weird to say the least
so that’s why, because meliorn actually has a lot of leverage and importance. they have a rare condition, a lot of power that most seelies can’t dream of, and they are extremely smart and have knowledge of the culture of our realm, which most seelies don’t since their realm is closed to outsiders. the seelies can’t afford to lose them. and they know that, too, which is why they went so hard to help clary and take her to twi in the first place - they knew that they would be punished, but that it wouldn’t actually risk their position, or their influence
anyway! with the previous seelie queen gone, i like to think that meliorn becomes the new seelie queen (random hc that no one asked for: since i refuse to believe that seelies have any concept of gender, i think the position is called “seelie queen” because outsiders took a look at the first seelie queen, who’s very cis female-presenting, and were like “ah, is that your queen?” and to seelies that basically translates to just “monarch” in whatever their language is, so they were just like yeah sure. and so the position is called that and they don’t even know that it’s supposed to be gendered and that to outsiders meliorn would probably be called seelie king, they are just like “i am the new seelie queen” and no one of course is going to fucking question why they didn’t gender the position, especially considering how fragile relations with the seelie realm are) or at least is given like, an important position or something. like tbh i don’t stan monarchy so :/ but anyway the point is, meliorn is super powerful, they are super smart, they have knowledge of the mundane, shadowhunter and etc cultures - and after the whole previous fiasco with the jonathan thing and the seelies having been basically kept from the other realms, despite the fact that as parts of nature, seelies should be able to wander between them as they please, i think they would want to start a radically new external policy, and who better than meliorn to help them do it? so yeah i think they would choose meliorn to be their queen. besides, they love the seelies more than anything. they might have disobeyed seelie law, but that was to like, save a whole ass realm lmao, but they’ve always had the seelies best interests at heart, hell, they were willing to be tortured twice for them. so i think they would be well liked, and want this new position, and treasure it not as a display of power, but as an opportunity to lead the people they love into better times
DISCLAIMER: i’m not saying that seelies bad or whatever, okay. tbh i do understand perfectly why they would want to close off their realm with the very real threat that shadowhunters presented, and i wouldn’t be dying to integrate with shadowhunter society either, especially considering that their idea of integration was just genocide and assimilation and the destruction of their culture. okay? but in the process, the seelie law and realm became cruel, first and foremost, towards seelies themselves, and the banishment of them from other realms is. very bad. and after the whole jonathan and valentine thing, the shadow society as a whole is being reconstructed, so what better time to try and create new alliances that won’t implicate into attempts of assimilation, etnocide and so on. it’s a new bet, basically, one that is only possible because shadowhunter society is also in shambles after the near destruction of the world, and this means that seelies have more leverage to try and build something new without yielding to them. and it’s a SLOW process, one that takes years and always has the seelies best interest’s, not the shadowhunter’s or anyone else’s, at heart, okay? and it implicates in shadowhunters giving them many concessions, and the strongest alliances between them are and will always be with the other downworlders - this is also something they are working on, making the different downworlder cultures closer and stronger politically, aiding each other mutually and helping each other reach their political goals. together, the downworlder societies are unbeatable, and the shadowhunters basically have no choice but to accept their demands, especially after so much destruction. plus, at least some of them are slightly more willing to. but it’s mostly a vicious political battle that takes all of them years, not to say decades, to settle
but the fact that the seelies are willing to do it and getting stronger relationships with warlocks and vampires and werewolves (and hoo here i come with my “maia and raphael start a vampires/werewolves alliance” hc because look that rivalry thing is STUPID and i want to see downworlder societies coming closer together and healing after being very obviously pitted against each other due to shadowhunter supremacy) is also what, well, allows the whole thing to happen. they are powerful, and the shadowhunters have no way of taking them on a war, much less now that their forces are well, fragile to say the least
in short! they have leverage now. and that makes it possible for them to try a new external policy that wasn’t in the table before, and their main interest in doing that is helping themselves, because seelies are tired of living in constant fear in a basically military state where they’re confined to the same realm despite them being supposed to be guardians of all of them. like that’s gotta affect their mental health, if they’re one with nature, wouldn’t being kept away from it be like being isolated from your loved ones? isn’t that deprivation? so like. this is about them, not the shadowhunters and how great their society is and how much they want to be a part of them, okay
anyway! so the seelies have designed a plan (because under meliorn’s rule everyone participates in political decisions because hmmm *checks notes* i said so) to make stronger alliances with the other downworlders. the first thing they offer them all is a little token of alliance. to vampires, they offer the possibility of becoming a dayligher - something they can easily do with their angel magic, not to mention, you know, blood -; to werewolves, magical amulets that help them keep their wolf under control, not turning without meaning to and being able to live a relatively normal life if they so choose; and to warlocks, knowledge of seelie magic
and of course magnus in particular eats that shit right UP because he’s a naturally curious person and a genius and a physichist and holy shit i love him so fucking much. seelies have so much more knowledge of physics and magic and their natural workings, so much so that it makes him dizzy because hell, the possibilities, and all the shit he can learn, okay. all this knowledge that was currently being kept away, and the warlocks get to learn about it (or well, part of it. obviously the seelies aren’t going to go around spilling EVERYTHING to them all at once before they even know if their token is accepted and whatnot. but they do teach those who are interested a lot of stuff, maybe create some sort of seelie-warlock magical school/course/programme/look you GET IT to strengthen their relationships as a whole?? boy i eat that shit UP). he’s just losing his mind here
super cute to think about alec coming home to find a very disheveled magnus surrounded by books and notes, hair and clothes rumpled and just a whole mess as he excitedly reads and writes and runs around to get a different book and draw parallels, okay. and alec smiles and has to be like “have you eaten?” and magnus looks up from his books all suddenly like “hm? oh hello alexander, i didn’t see you there”, “have you eaten?” “i don’t remember” “okay, i’ll make you something, you can keep reading” and magnus smiling all like “thank you” and diving right back into the notes in Super Hyperfocus + Hyperfixation Mode as he figures out, like, a thousand new spells (obviously warlocks can’t use seelie magic because they come from different sources they don’t have access to, but like, the knowledge is enough for them to create so much new stuff okay), btw. but anyway, ANYWAY
and to shadowhunters the seelies offer, i dont know, a soggy cheeto or something faiojdsajdasj look it’s not like the seelies owe them so they basically offer a truce and maybe authorization to explore certain parts of the seelie realm in small guarded groups? i dont know, in exchange for them and all other downworlders having a power and a vote in the new shadowhunter laws, and the whole proccess of reconstruction of their society. and the shadowhunters agree, after vicious infighting of course 
so anyway years pass and things are blossoming, downworlder societies are stronger than ever and phucking florishing dude, shadowhunters suck less, seelies finally get to wander around like they’ve been wanting to for centuries, there’s been some neato cultural exchange, magnus is still figuring out spells and shit at an alarming rate to anyone who doesn’t know what a goddamn genius he is. and shadowhunter society is- well, changing, but there’s a kind of cultural war going on, you know, with such a strong shift in paradigm so sudden. the changes in schooling and shit that were brought on by the new accords kind of ensure that the newest generations are getting a very different view and education, but there’s still a lot of infighting from shadowhunters who want to undo all that hard work, which is of course still fragile because it’s only starting
and alec of course takes a primary role in that fight, being the greatest representative of the progressive shadowhunters’ (?) and their downworlder allies’ interests, inside shadowhunter society. like don’t get me wrong it’s not like he’s leading the downworlders, the downworlders are doing all that hard work so they can get their own destiny back into their own hands and not be led by shadowhunters anymore, but within shadowhunter society, alec is a leader and their greatest ally slash eye in the inside, defending the policies that downworlders create and letting them know what is going on inside of the clave. basically preparing a cultural war. you get it
so naturally alec is a threat to conservative shadowhunters and they’re trying to strip him off his runes all the time, and there’s even been a few (quickly failed) assassination attempts, you know, the whole. drama. and he plays an important role for this whole game, and magnus has been studying the whole immortality ritual thing, and yeah, the seelies offer to put him through the ritual
it’s a matter of political leverage (and okay maybe a personal favor to meliorn’s dear friend magnus, but like, mostly political leverage). first of all, making alec immortal gives him a lot of power within shadowhunter society, not unlike meliorn and being the child of super powerful parents. second of all, no need to worry about assassination attempts, they can’t fucking kill him! third of all, clear message - alec has powerful allies, way more powerful than the shadowhunters can dream of, and if shadowhunter society is willing to create real, lasting equality with downworlders, they have a lot to gain. if not, they have a lot to lose, because the seelies have literal power over life and death. also, alec better watch his step, too, because, you know. he owes them that one. they are not stupid, they know alec has been looking for a way of becoming immortal for years now, know how much he desires this. it’s also about keeping his loyalty, and making sure he doesn’t forget, he’s supposed to be their ally too
and there are a lot of like, security things in place. alec will not be able to see or hear anything, he will not be taught how the ritual works (not even warlocks know that yet), he will not be taught about its forces, it will happen in the seelie realm and he will go alone, and no other shadowhunter will be granted that unless the seelies themselves offer at a later time, you know, etc etc. they list off things and precautions he has to agree to for like, half an hour, and honestly they could have added “alec will have to eat a piece of the moon” and alec would be like “okay fine great let’s do this”
magnus is fucking terrified
first, because well, they have never attempted to do that on someone who isn’t a seelie, and while they have figured out a pretty damn good understanding of how it works and are pretty sure it should go smoothly, there’s no way to actually tell. it might not work. alec might regret it. does he really want this? to become immortal? he doesn’t have to say yes, and magnus will not be upset, because he would never, ever demand such a huge sacrifice from him-
and alec’s like “nope i want this let’s go” which only terrifies magnus more because it feels like he’s being impulsive, you know? and he doesn’t know if there’s any turning back from this. but alec is like “magnus, when have i ever been impulsive? i’m not impulsive, i’m just sure of what i want, and there’s no reason to dwell on it because that’s already done.” alec is an expert at dwelling on things, and when he makes a decision, it’s because that part has already been thoroughly done, with every single possible argument being exhausted and taken apart minuciously and careful. there’s no room for doubt anymore, because if there had even a spectre of it, alec would still be ruminating. he doesn’t make a decision until he’s sure, but by god, once he makes it, he is sure, and nothing will stop him
so he reassures magnus of that (“hey, look at me. i’m not doing this on a whim. i have been looking for something like this for years. i’ve given it a lot of thought. besides, the seelies reasoning is good, too; i do want to have the time to dedicate myself to these changes, to building a new society, and with that, i can do it. there’s so much i want to live and see and do, magnus. and i want to do it by your side, yes, always, forever, but it’s not just about that. this is my decision. i’m not doing it for you. you won’t owe me anything because of it. you won’t have to make it up for it. because i’m doing it for myself. okay?”) and magnus kind of chokes up and hugs him and cries because he’s so overwhelmed by everything, the fear and the adoration and the relief of knowing that alec isn’t doing this just because of him, because if he had, magnus would forever feel like he was ruining his life, like he was indebted, like he would have to make up for it. but alec wants this. truly. and he doesn’t have to- worry anymore, this constant weight in his head, that tells him this has an expiration date, you’re gonna lose him. look at how much time you’re wasting with all of this, he’ll be gone before you even notice. there’ll be no turning back, and you’ll regret it forever. and fuck it’s just- so much, okay
so alec hugs him and they repeat to each other, i love you, i love you, i love you, and the next day, alec accepts the seelies’ offer. 
and magnus is- fuck, terrified, because he can’t even go with him, can’t even watch. there’s nothing he can do but wait
but everything goes relatively smoothly and alec emerges from the seelie realm exactly as before, no change to be noted, not even when magnus scanned him with his magic - it’s all still there. still a shadowhunter, still the same runes, the same face, the same hazel eyes, the same smile and voice, and when he hugs and kisses magnus, it feels like just the same
and then i suppose alec can now, like, talk to trees or something, since he’s connected to the whole force of nature and whatnot. i don’t think he would be able to use magic, because like i said, he’s still the same and a shadowhunter so it’s more that his angelic magic is stronger? but he’s fucking immortal dude, and he can like talk to trees, which is at the very least funny as hell (cracky images of alec discussing with some shadowhunter asshole and he’s like, even your SUCCULENT is tired of you!! but i digress)
anyway the point is, it works both in the sense of immortal alec, baby! and the whole political leverage thing, and they basically revolutionize all of shadowhunter society and alec lives to see the results of that besides magnus, and meliorn is the greatest seelie queen ever, and the downworlder societies are all happy and blossoming and getting their best life, and everyone is happy, and the bigoted shadowhunters die and are hated by their own plants. the end
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rest-in-bees · 4 years
Answer 30 questions and tag others~
Tagged by @colorrushed​ thank you dear!!! 💖
1. Name - Alia
2. Gender - Nonbinary
3. Star Sign - Scorpio
4. Height - 5’2
5. Time - starting this at 5:38 pm!
6. Birthday - November 13
7. Favorite Bands/Groups - aside from when i hyperfixate on a particular song, i listen to whatever the spotify gods see fit to bestow upon me and i never know what it is or who’s making it
8. Favorite Solo Artists - see above lmao
9. Last Movie - pixar’s soul!
10. Last Show - last monday i watched manner of death’s new episode and some of 2gether
11. When Did I Create This Blog - pretty sure it was 2014?
12. What I Post - nothing. i don’t make my own posts on this blue hellsite unless i’m tagged in something, this is a reblog only blog
13. Last Thing I Googled - i don’t remember but i’m 100% certain that it was to win an argument against my best friend and i ended up being wrong
14. Other Blogs - this is the only one i got that i’ve ever used
15. Do I Get Asks - no but this is my own fault bc i used to get them and wouldn’t notice, so people stopped sending them 😔
16. Why I Chose My URL - bc i’m incredibly funny and i was dared to
17. Following - 323
18. Followers - 621. absolutely dying to know how that happened when i do literally nothing on here
19. Average Hours Of Sleep - anywhere between 5 and 9, depending on the day and if i have work in the morning
20. Instruments - started learning to play guitar in high school and then never got the chance to continue 😔i’d really like to pick it back up tho, and maybe piano as well!
21. What I Am Wearing - a stolen button down shirt, sweatpants that my mom tried to get rid of but failed, and cat slippers 🐈‍⬛
22. Dream Job - to design and build software in a position that lets me travel frequently and pays really well
23. Dream Trip - anywhere! i like travel of all kinds and i especially love the airport! the trip itself matters way more to me than the destination. that said, one can never go wrong with beaches or botanical gardens
24. Favorite Food - dark chocolate and french fries
25. Nationality - american
26. Favorite Song - unfortunately my fav song changes every time i hear one that i like better than my last fav song. all of the week before last it was that ending song from manner of death which i affectionately refer to as “bun’s song”, then there were two full consecutive days where listening to anything besides guardian’s ending song dealt me psychic damage, and now it’s a bunch of dance-y songs that spotify has blessed me with until i find a new fav
27. Last Book I Read - silent reading by priest! which i very highly recommend btw it’s got one of the few plots i’ve ever been genuinely invested in and the main pairing is v sweet and funny and also gay as heck
28. Fictional Universe I Want To Live In - animal crossing! very calm, can go to the beach whenever i want, the clothes are dope, the bugs don’t scare me, no one tries to date me, the only conflict is when my snooty villagers disagree on who’s the most famous popstar and then immediately make up with apology gifts, isabelle loves me. there’s nothing else i could ever want in life
29. Fictional Universe I Want To Live In Part 2 - winnie the pooh 🍯i could just spend all day helping eeyore find his tail and knitting with kanga and gardening with rabbit and bouncing with tigger and roo and napping with pooh and reading with owl and nodding sophisticatedly with christopher robin and gasping dramatically anytime anything happens ever and i love that for me
30. Fictional Universe I Want To Live In Part 3 - breath of the wild. the world’s over, everyone’s surprisingly chill about me paragliding all around town, i can beat up bokoblins by standing on top of a cliff and throwing things and they’ll never know it was me, i never have to talk and i’m building a house for me and my princess 🥰
Tagging: @carrotcouple @spearbeeknee @jesuslistenstostyles @maddyisenough @dammit-angel @zeno-obsessed @asianmanatea @imacookieslover @rollzerox @lokistabson @sapphiredragonprincess @winter-desu @aangnikeye @thatblucat and anyone else who wants to!
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exowolf-reactions · 6 years
D.O Mafia Boss Headcanon
Always wearing tailored suits, he looks hella good in them
Just one glare of his can make you melt and beg for him
The way he smiles though, there’s nothing purer in this world
Which is weird because he’s the King of the underground world
Nevertheless, he is the most loving lover you ever have and probably the last one. He ain’t letting you go.
“The moment I saw you, I knew you were the one”
He’s an old romantic, okay? Secretly dreaming of being away and happy with his other half. Only a few know this side of him.
Of course, he is well trained and doesn’t even need weapons to defend himself
Owns a Maserati, sorry but that’s just 100% his mafia thing ok?
Lazy mornings in bed with him, where you can just not care about anything at all in the world. If there’s something troubling you, he will fix it.
You met while buying hoodies lol. Apparently, both of you wanted the same black hoodie which happened to be the only one left.
A gentleman, that’s a fact.
Mafia Boss in the day, your lover in the night (omg I’m sorry)
He might be the most feared man alive but he cooks breakfast for you every morning. (It’s delicious btw)
Romantic dates under the starry night, his favourite thing
Nothing like entering into a room and your heart racing as you know that pair of black eyes is not leaving you alone
He’s more like a guardian angel, to be honest, kinda his second job
Has this antique piano in the living room of his apartment, only plays it and sings for you
“I love you in all the lives we live together and in all the parallel universes”
Even if he’s in the middle of a dangerous business he’d be like “Sorry but can you hurry? My love is waiting, thank you”. He has the world under his finger okay?
290 notes · View notes
simkjrs · 7 years
msa asks (chap. 4  & onwards)
masterpost of msa asks that have been piling up, starting from when chapter 4 was published. thanks for your patience everyone...
answered in chronological order (first sent to most recently sent). i might have missed a couple, sorry about that
ah, the halcyon days of innocence, before everyone finished reading the chapter
to date this is still one of the funniest asks i’ve ever gotten and it’s going in my testimonials
Anonymous said: me @ the new msa chapter:👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
thank you, i do my best
it was too good to pass up!! if you want to message me w/ ur name or url so i can credit you for inspo/the prompt, feel free :p
Anonymous said: I actually thought in the middle of the chapter that temple-dog would help Izuku escape so he would get captured by the other side of the coin and now i'm just crying
fjdlfkjsldf im sorry im like this. i do this 
Anonymous said: in just a few hours the comments went from 5 to flipping 23 25
yeah im very lucky to have so many people follow & support my writing!! im grateful to everyone who comments.
Anonymous said: I wonder how being sick works for MSA Izuku. In that odd state of not being as aware as usual and your mind being foggy, would he hear that star song easier or any other odd spirit shenanigans?
he’d just be kind of out of it and more susceptible to... things 
ahh im really glad you enjoyed chapter four that much!! thank you!!!
fjldkfsldf thank you.... 
Anonymous said: When I first commented on Ao3 I felt like looking at the other comments and I noticed all of them (at the time) had a line along the lines of "he needs a break" so I ended up imagining him just sunbathing on some tropical beach (read deserted island) sipping coconut Juice and sighing happily with noone to bother him.
that would be ideal. i think izuku also would not know what to do with himself
Anonymous said: MSA Izuku ch.4 summary: Kirishima: Hey are you ok? Izuku, literally on fire: Why, what's wrong?
Anonymous said: I just finished msa ch4 and im?? Its 0 dark 00 and I have a 7 hour shift later Toda but I had to put it down and gnash my teeth over how GORGEOUS and HEARTBREAKING this chapter was before picking it up and finishing it. God im so stoked that it came out. Alright my pal, I hope you have a good time period of indeterminate length; take care of yourself yo!!
thank you im so glad you enjoyed it!! and i hope things have been good for you!
correct, although in its defense, if izuku had just been another spirit, their connection would not have had that kind of effect 
Anonymous said: Uh, sorry if this bothering you, this has something to do with Msa Izuku, but not the new chapter (love it BTW, poor Izuku got captured by Overhaul. The cat is a new bar.).So, I would like to ask, just for fun, what would Izuku sees if he meets C/astiel face to face and how would the spirits react?
i think my worldbuilding and spn worldbuilding would conflict in so many terrible ways, but... izuku would prob be able to see c/astiel’s wings and true form? only for a bit before his eyes started getting itchy, and then started bleeding... dont think the spirits would like angels very much. spirits are a very prideful and arrogant bunch who don’t like to be intruded upon or interfered with
Anonymous said: who is Senshajou other than an amazing creature which I love already
senshajou is plato’s ideal cat. they are not exactly a spirit. they just are
Anonymous said: I'm suuuper curious about what the One for All spirit looks like in MSA, because my first thought is that it'd have to be this massive chimeric mutant due to the nature of it's creation and the fact it's been bonded to eight separate people.
coming back and reading this is incredibly funny because like. yeah. ofa is a chimera. not quite for the reasons you think, but yeah
Anonymous said: You know what I'm thinking right now? What of kiri and deku met in public after The Arrest™. The sheer chaos it would bring. The Confusion ™. I'm sure deku would just take one look at kiri and just. Book it. Also ch4 helped inspire me in my endavour to write about my etheral starlight dragon god for a original story i've been thinking up. You're really good at describing creatures beyond Imagination, you know.
you have correctly predicted this scenario. 
also im glad ch4 was able to help you in your writing endeavors!! best of luck!!
Anonymous said: whenever i read msa i always picture izuku wearing like, some kind of grey cloak, with the hood always up and shadowing his eyes no matter the context/location/surrounding temperature. It doesn't make any sense given the general fashion in bnha but I can't help it- msa!izuku is a cloak kinda guy imo
you’re right but msa izuku would also hate the attention that would come with wearing a cloak. he is definitely a hood-up kind of guy
Anonymous said: msa au in which Deku escapes the villain alliance, breaks into Kirishima's home, and just, fucking collapses on the couch. Kirishima gets up the next morning to see the fucking cryptid he'd hunted for days just, sleeping on his couch like a giant cat. What the fuck. What the fuck.
hold that thought
Anonymous said: So I'm reading ch 4 and listening to "I appear missing" by queens of the stone age and it works ridiculously well ngl (also like gd this chapter is so good the hype is real👍👍)
thank you!! this is a p cool song
Anonymous said: In MSA does everyone have a spirit? Have people always had spirits? Do you know how quirks started? Do even quirkless people have spirits? Why don't they have quirks? Could Izuku open their channel, or is the quirk canceling bullets different from quirkless people? So many questions!
most everyone has a spirit but not everyone, people have not always had guardian spirits, i do know how quirks started, quirkless people have spirits, they don’t have quirks because their bodies have not adapted to channel their spirit’s energy adequately, and izuku can try something with unlocking quirks, but it depends on what there is to work with already. quirk cancelling bullets rewind the bond between spirit and human but they don’t erase the adaptations to the body. quirkless people dont have that adaptation in the first place... hope that makes sense 
Anonymous said: dunno if this's been mentioned/acknowledged or asked about before, but wheres izuku's guardian spirit?
he ain’t got one. but why... 
this is a joke but actually, yes. actually, this is very applicable to msa izuku himself, and so many characters i write, actually. this is an icnredibly funny ask and i love the phrases you use  and i would not be surprised if i subconsciously absorb this phrase and accidentally use it in the future. thank you for this
Anonymous said: question: if msa izuku and kirishima were in a dangerous situation and izuku almost got hurt very badly/died but he managed to escape. BUT kirishima didnt see him escape and didnt know he was okay. how would kirishima react
in typical kirishima fashion he would be very worried about izuku and would probably try to figure out a way to rescue him
Anonymous said: im ppl have been talkig abt izu's guardian spirit lately, but wht abt allm's? i like to imagine that when shimura died, she became toshi's guardian spirit
shes not allm’s guardian spirit but shes Around
Anonymous said: ok but the part where msa izuku says release it rly reminded me of cardcaptor sakura just sayin
never watched cardcaptor sakura but thats p cool 
Anonymous said: I'd like to think if MSA. Izu/ku got hit with a quirk erasing bullet it wouldn't kill him, just like knock him out for a good day or so until he wakes back up through spite and the universe just hating him and being like "man thanks for the nap gun guys gotta get me one of those"
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Anonymous said: I had a dream that msa!izu/ku was standing in his cell and staring at a nearby guard and the guard is wondering wtf why is he staring like that but actually he was just really tired and fell asleep. Standing up. W/eyes open.
Anonymous said: I'm sorry but I have to tell you “Would you like to sit?” “No.” is the funniest interaction I have ever experienced in my life I woke up my grandmother at 3 am cause I was laughing so hard and she's doesn't even live on the same floor as me
im so glad that izuku being a bullheaded and troubled teenager can bring some amusement and laughter to your day
Anonymous said: i guess you could say that in the lastest chapter, msa izuku is kicking ass... /and taking names/ BA DUM TSHHHHHHH
Anonymous said: In the MSA verse when someone doesn't like their quirk for example like your OC Mitoki and they don't use their quirk how does that affect their spirit?
doesn’t really affect their spirit except like, psychologically or emotionally, because they would Like for their charge to be able to use their powers in order to defend themselves, but their charge Is Not
Anonymous said: What would Mitoki think of MSA Izuku?
msa izuku: says Anything msa izuku: pulls Those Stunts msa izuku: does stuff of gray legality without bothering to explain himself, ever msa izuku: also is grudgingly a good person mitoki: this guy is hilarious and a fucking RIOT, i have to adopt him immediately
Anonymous said: i imagine after hearing the music of the universe msa izuku doesn't like human music anymore, huh?
i think he isn’t very fond of any music that reminds him of that experience, and how he nearly lost sight of his sense of self. normal, mundane music with absolutely nothing out of the ordinary is probably a relief
Anonymous said: Just wanted to drop in and say that I really love MSA!!! It's a super refreshing read, and I LOVE how you write everyone. I'm so hooked, you have no idea. Thank you so much for all the work you put into it!!
thank you for dropping in and letting me know!! i love feedback like this, makes me happy to keep writing and sharing stuff. i hope you enjoy the next chapter!
Anonymous said: someone: *gives izuku positive attention* izuku: you come into MY HOUSE
yeah that’s pretty much exactly it
Anonymous said: This might be a little weird and specific, but how would MSA Izuku react to someone who does similar stuff to him? Meaning, constantly does weird eldritch shit while sassing away any attempts to figure it out. And also assuming that they keep crossing paths no matter how either party feels about it.
probably kind of uncomfortable, but if this person is reacting to said eldritch stuff the way msa izuku reacts to spirit stuff, i think he’d just recognize this person as someone else who’s going through a lot of stuff and just wants to be left alone, and then msa izuku would proceed to leave them alone. maybe quietly give them a coffee if they look like they need it, then leave.
if this person was enjoying eldritch stuff, i think msa izuku would be kind of envious of them, and resentful, because hey, this person gets a way better deal than me in terms of eldritch mysteries, why do i get stuck with all the bad stuff? 
either way i don’t think msa izuku would spend a lot of time with them, he has a lot of his own stuff to deal with.
Anonymous said: Holy hell. Did Izuku, like, frickin ABSORB afo or some shit??
Anonymous said: Did izu/ku discover afo's spirit's name? And then proceed to destroy afo
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Anonymous said: If I was Aizawa, or any other clever member of the hero crew, my assumption would probably be that Izuku is the product of a quirk that makes physical manifestations of other people's quirks. The person with said quirk probably used it on themselves, thus Izuku. It would reasonably explain why he's so dodgy about his identity, can fix/alter quirks, talks strangely to nothing, and is so effected by the eraser quirk. (It's fun manufacturing wrong but reasonable theories!)
oh thats a really interesting theory!! hmm yeah... it could work, but if i was aizawa i would wonder why izuku didn’t just disappear if he was just a temporary manifestation of a quirk. i’ll deffo consider this though and if it proves useful to the story i hope you won’t mind if i use it? 
thank you for writing in!
Anonymous said: Goodness, I love your work. A part of me silently lives for the day when MSA!Izu and All Might spend time together and AM's just?? Immune to all of Izu's snark, while still being such a dad. Like "Deku my boy, where's the hoodie I gave you? It's getting cold out."/"Based on the trajectory of the moon and sun, in a garbage bin somewhere."/"Oh! Well it *was* my old highschool hoodie. It was probably getting too old to wear anyway"/*Cue frustrated-mortified screams of the little cryptid child*
frankly i don’t think msa izuku would be able to handle someone knowing About Him and genuinely looking after him at the same time, he’s only ever had one or the other at a time, if all might did this msa izuku would short circuit and have a minor crisis because he doesn’t know how to accept affection from someone who accepts him for who he is. this thought hurts me and i regret thinking about this. really good ask, thanks for sending it in
Anonymous said: Your fic ‘know what i’ve made by the marks on my hands’ is a power move in of itself.
fndlfksldkf THANKS, im putting this in my testimonials
Anonymous said: Ever since the beggining of MSA I can't get rid of a certain though. Bakugou's Quirk something horibly adorable and comepletely enamored with Izuku. Like, the moment it sees him, it just jumps at him with hugs and kisses, possibly some purrs. Izuku avoiding the duo because he's so done and tired of the vilent love and explosive heatred mixture.
izuku hates it because both of them are giving him some form of attention and he just wants them to forget about him and be done with it
Anonymous said: Idk whether this was asked but how do names come across in the second intonation?? Like if izuku was saying senshajou (?) would the name come out in japanese or does the second intonation have a way of saying names without actually saying them? Basically would listening in on their conversation reveal a bunch of static and then just "carwash" in the middle of the sentence??
intonations aren’t a new language, just a manner of speaking, where the fourth intonation takes the most energy and the first intonation (normal speech) takes the least. effectively, izuku and all the spirits are speaking japanese, but the intonation they speak in will take their words to a different energy level. if that makes sense. so, no, ‘carwash’ would not show up in the middle of a sentence
thank you so much!!! this is very flattering, and makes me very happy as well
Anonymous said: Hey have you ever played OFF?? Idk the first pic you drew for MSA rly reminds me of it
i have not! but i love the art i’ve seen for it
Anonymous said: so are the guardian spirits in msa bound to their humans in a distance sense? like can they just wander off to somewhere far away from their human or would they hit a boundary somewhere?
yes, spirits are basically bound by proximity! they can leave their charges behind and go gallivanting to another continent but it’s Not A Good Idea for a few reasons and becomes very unpractical. they can travel pretty far from their charges if the necessity arises, though.
Anonymous said: there is a lot of things i could say about your my spirit academia art but the first thing that i thought of was "wow izuku looks good with nail polish"
everyone looks great with nail polish!
Anonymous said: msa!izuku's flirting: you're slightly less terrible than everything else happening in this situation right now
izuku says this stiffly and without looking at the other person because expressing emotion and vulnerability is difficult for him
Anonymous said: Honestly msa!izuku is the most relatable au Izuku. I too wish I could just fade from everyone’s collective knowledge and become the local ghost story middle schoolers dare each other to test. *izuku gets ding-dong-ditched but only because local children are too terrified to stay to see the beast that lives in that apartment*
Wait what does Izuku do for halloween anyways?
i accidentally deleted the second half of your question so that’s just a paraphrase sorry!! but yeah, i’ve infused msa izuku with some of my more cryptid-longing tendencies, i find it hilarious that this has carried through. i love the proposed scenario. it’s incredibly funny and absolutely something that would happen to izuku 
i dont think halloween is very widely celebrated in japan? but if it was, izuku would probably just shut himself in his room for the night because he doesn’t want to deal with any aspect of the holiday
Anonymous said: heya!! i just read your msa fic and i absolutely adore it! the whole idea is just awesome in the every sense of the word and ive found myself already completely immersed in it! your writing of izu/ku is very relatable for me and it only makes me love the fic more?? ahh im just head over heels for it!!!!
ahhh im really glad to hear that!!! i hope you continue to enjoy future chapters, as we explore more of izuku’s character, and possibly, his past :^)
Anonymous said: u have probs already gotten this question before, but was msa izuku (or his soul) merged with his guardian spirit at birth? Cause izuku basically says that something went terribly wrong at his birth... so I'm thinking he somehow merged with his spirit????
something like that! there was spirit fuckery involved.
Anonymous said: I cant help but think prototype!izu/ku's hair would match msa izu/ku v well
im laughing because ive actually drawn msa izuku with a hairstyle DISTRESSINGLY similar to prototype izuku’s hair. msa izuku has got that unhappy, emo vibe about him that just naturally attracts the kinds of vibes that prototype izuku’s hair gives off
Anonymous said: is izu/ku's guardian spirit like nessie or bigfoot or something? cause i swear to fuck he's such a cryptid omg
nah, izuku doesn’t have a guardian spirit. only... himself
Anonymous said: Did All Might give Mirio One For All in MSA?
no idea, haven’t thought about it, won’t figure it out until i actually need to address it
Anonymous said: I just wanna say that I love msa and kirishima is trying
kirishima *is* trying and we are all loving and supporting him for the amazing work he does
Anonymous said: Say, would Shinsou’s quirk work on MSA!Izuku?
you will find that out in, sports festival msa au, wherein msa izuku accidentally takes his canon counterpart’s place right after he’s finished the obstacle course event in the sports festival. i need to get through the end of the sports festival before im satisfied with publishing it... but i’ve finished the shinsou fight. so! you’ll see :p
Anonymous said: Hey I sent you an ask a while ago but idk if you saw it or not, but I just wanted to say that I really liked your latest chapter of msa! The music that you described in the chapter was really amazing and it made me think of this song called “the heaven’s flock” sang by the Texas all state choir. Obviously it won’t be anything close to the ethereal other-worldly music that you describe in the chapter, but it’s what came to mind while I was reading it. You can find it on YouTube, hope you like it!
hey im super glad!! i spent a lot of time editing those paragraphs for Maximum Spiritness, it’s always gratifying to know someone enjoyed them. and yes, i checked out the song on youtube, and it’s pretty cool! choral pieces usually don’t interest me a lot but this one was fun. thanks for telling me about it!
Anonymous said: i just found your ff and I love them! Tired(tm) Midoriya is great and I love him.
thank you!! izuku who is tired of this bullshit and calls it out when he sees it is definitely very fun. 
Anonymous said: where is msa!izuku's physique in comparison to the cannon timeline? is he closer to how he was at the very start of series, or while he was training with All Might before he got One for All?
he’s pretty lean and wiry with plenty of stamina, so i’d say he’s about on par with canon izuku after training with all might pre-yuuei. he probably doesn’t have as much raw strength but i think he has more stamina
Anonymous said: Msa izu/ku escapes from the Precepts' clutches and starts booking it around the tunnels and just. Stumbles upon Eri. Stops and takes the time to fuckin wrangle her spirit to stop it from unexisting him and just books it with her "I'm taking her now bye"
this is hilariously close
Anonymous said: you used a lyric from meet me in the woods for the 4th chapter of msa and god thinking about it that song fits the au?? at least as much as i've seen about it.
thank you!! and yeah, i’ve actually got that song on my msa playlist. specifically, my msa kiri/deku playlist, because it fits so well. [sips that heart hurting juice] im happy someone caught the reference!
Anonymous said: just read the quote from Morrison 'she utilised violence in a purely feminine way' by chucking hot pokers at people and all I can think of is msa!izu/ku being so done with everything and being violent 'in a purely deadpan way', chucking his collection of spray paint cans/ art supplies/ occasional chair at the spirits because he's just so done and LET HIM SLEEP OR AT LEAST TURN UP WITH COFFEE GODDAMIT.
you are not, wrong 
thats what his scripts are for!
Anonymous said: Msa! Izu/ku's laugh sounding like a dead rustling/ raspy monotone that is simultaneously eerie and extremely concerning to the point you want to wrap him in marshmallows.
msa izuku’s laugh sounds very, very tired, which is arguably the same thing
@iamlikecain​ said: Hi ! I juste wanted to say that I love your fic My spirit academia and sassy Izuku is what I now live for. Btw, he doesn’t deserve to suffer omg that poor baby and uuugg I hope he’ll be happy ;—-;
haha thank you!! i’m glad you like msa izuku’s shenanigans!! and yeah. he really doesn’t deserve any of this. things will, hopefully, look up for him soon! i am not setting out to write a pessimistic story, eventually things will get better
Anonymous said: Your my hero academia spirit AU is super frigging interesting??? Im dying to read more :DDD
thank you! im super glad you enjoyed it
Anonymous said: What are your favorite msu!izuku headcannons?
just the fact of him existing in this unrestrained, unintentionally chaotic state of being wherein he does what he needs to and may even do what you want him to, but in a way that makes him and you and everyone else involved feel like you’re all just a bunch of clowns. heres a couple more facts about him though
his goal in life is to become a famous reclusive calligrapher who has retired to the isolated countryside to do calligraphy, where no one can bother him
secretly still really passionate about heroics but kind of embarrassed about it so if you find out or bring it up he WILL try to kill you
messy and not very good at cooking, but doing his best
knows some kind of weird trivia that you wouldn’t really expect
Anonymous said: b r u h what would inko's quirk spirit creature look like?? soft and playful and curious about all sorts of smol trinkets/objects??? would they be combative w izuku too??? ;-; or reach some sort of grudging acceptance of their presence??? smol green abomination belongs to my beloved human, so no fighting little abomination
honestly i haven’t given a lot of thought to inko’s guardian spirit, other than that it’s probably pretty small and not one of the most powerful spirits out there. it’s kind of distant from izuku, bc izuku makes it uneasy, but it cares about izuku in its own way. 
127 notes · View notes
end-o-the-line · 7 years
A Captain America: the First Avenger Timeline for Fic Writers
(I’m so sorry I erased the original post I’M SO SORRY! You can read this without the visual aids on AO3.)
March 10, 1917 - James Buchanan Barnes is born, and we were all officially fucked.
July 4, 1918 - Steven Grant Rogers is born, and somewhere in Brooklyn Bucky's mother wept . . .
June, 1924 - Steve's mother is bedridden from illness associated with Tuberculosis.
September, 1930 - 12-year old Steve and 13-year old Bucky meet for the first time in Hell's Kitchen, where Bucky scares off bullies trying to steal Steve's money. What were they doing in Hell's Kitchen? No one knows. Steve tells Bucky he's been living in the orphanage 'on 8th' since his mother's death. Which is odd since Bucky was apparently at her funeral when they're both legal adults in a flashback scene from the Winter Soldier. For the purpose of this timeline, info from the movies will take precedent over info from the various tie-ins. Meaning Sarah Rogers is basically Schrödinger's Ma for the next 6 years.
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1936 - Shrodinger's Ma finally actually dies fo sho of Tuberculosis. Bucky breaks everyone and their mother's heart with his 'til the end of the line' line. (Also, per MCU canon, Bucky's 'folks' are still alive . . . and own a car.)
February ish, 1940 - Colonel Phillips first approaches Howard Stark, in Los Angeles, about working for the SSR. (Stark Industries was formed in 1939, and 'a year later' Howard is at a nightclub in West Hollywood called Ciro's, demonstrating the properties of Vibranium. Ciro's opened in January of 1940. So keeping in line with the MCU canon and with real world history, as you do, January 1940 is the absolute earliest that Howard could have been recruited.) They're pursued and Stark deploys rockets from the ass-end of his car to escape them because Howard Stark.
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Agent Margaret "Peggy" Carter, aka Agent 13 is already in deep cover working for Schmidt as a maid in his personal mansion.
November, 1940 - Peggy rescues Dr. Erskine from Schmidt's mansion two days after Johann Schmidt forces him to inject the experimental serum, proving that we all could have saved a lot of time if Peggy had done that three fucking days earlier, Jesus.
May 25, 1941 - Steve goes to the Dodgers-Phillies game at Ebbets Field. Was Bucky with him? We don't fucking know. It was a Sunday, so maybe. It’s not like Steve knew other people . . .
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December 7, 1941 - Steve and Bucky are in an art class - like . . . how can anyone write these two as dirt poor when they're fucking around on their Sundays at baseball games and art classes? By this point the economy was booming as the work force was being drafted left and right, these two would not have been in need of jobs. And two Irish-Catholics (honestly, Bucky is probably Scottish, lbr) skipping church? tsk tsk - when the class is informed by a runner that Pearl Harbor has been attacked.
Okay real talk here, for a second. The draft officially started in 1940, pulling men 21 years of age and older. In 1940, Bucky was 23. He was single, no kids. He absolutely could not have given conscientious objector status as a way to avoid it because if he had, when he was drafted later on he never would have seen combat. He should have been drafted in '40 or '41. The only reasons he wouldn't have been was if he was a student, or if both his parents and/or his siblings were considered his dependents. Since some sources say both Bucky and Steve were orphans, then it is entirely plausible that both Bucky's parents died close to the time Bucky turned 19 or 20, in which case he could have become the legal guardian of his younger siblings.
PS: Bucky is not an orphan in the MCU (nor is he poor in that suit, jfc):
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So either Bucky was working like a damn dog supporting his family, in which case the fuck are you doing in an art class, kiddo? Or he was actually a student at a college or university.
.....he could also have, during the years the US was gearing up in case they were forced into the conflict, held a job that was considered vital to the coming war effort. This sort of deferment was limited to jobs in war production, and jobs that involved national 'health, safety, or interest'. Literally the only job I can think of without actually like . . . researching it, that Bucky could have been in where he would have been skipped the first few times but taken in '42, is if he had been a police officer. That would fit very well with his ability with a gun, plus explain why he made sergeant so fucking fast, with prior training other inductees would not have had.
Considering what a golden child Bucky was in Brooklyn, all three of those scenarios would be a perfectly valid reason for Bucky to have avoided the first several waves of conscription. Just thought that was interesting.
Anyway! Steve wants to enlist right away, so Bucky (a three-time YMCA welterweight boxing champion, suck it) trains him for two whole weeks because Bucky is apparently of the opinion that Steve is an idiot who won't get in anyway so why fucking bother going hard.
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*at the time, under the regulations of the New York State Athletic Commission, welterweight was a weight class of 147 to >160 pounds. Meaning post-war Bucky gained about 40 pounds of pure muscle after getting the serum....dude.
December 24, 1941 - Bucky is right and Steve's first attempt to enlist fails so hard. Go to Midnight Mass, Steven.
March, 1942 - Red Skull fucks shit up in Tønsberg, Norway and finds the Tesseract.
September 21, 1942 - Bucky receives his draft card, and takes it to an intake facility and enlists in the US Army. The following dates are literally nowhere in canon, but I have research to back up what is essentially pure speculation on my part. His serial number is 32557038. There is a real world counterpart who actually had this particular serial number, and he was enlisted on this date. So, in order for Bucky to have gotten to the number before this guy, Bucky probably woke up early Monday morning to get shit done.
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Desperate Historian's Note: I always assumed that since he was a Sergeant when he first shipped out, Bucky had been in service for at least a year and a half, which is still pushing it within the constraints of the timeline. Most NCO's at the start of US involvement in the War, Corporals and Sergeants, already had years of Army service under their belts. But no. 9 months. So. Bucky basically kicked ass and took names to become a Sergeant in 9 months of non-combat training (which took place at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin btw). That, or every NCO in his regiment came down with a sudden case of the Deads and he got promoted.....Bucky would have needed a special recommendation from the company commander - TWICE in 9 months - to reach that rank. Jesus. It is canon fact that Bucky was indeed an absolutely phenomenal soldier (and leader) . . .
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He would have been sent to basic training and been gone for ten weeks, meaning it would have been over by the 1st of December, 1942, or thereabouts.
December 1, 1942 - Give or take a week or two, maybe, depending on how quickly he was whisked away after enlistment, Bucky would have been given a week's furlough after training at Camp McCoy ended.
December 8, 1942 - Since he is a designated marksman (not a sniper, the US Army didn't have those in WWII. A designated marksman was just a guy in a regiment who was an excellent shot and stuck with their regiment at all times and was used situationally, never went off alone to shoot people in the head and stuff), he absolutely would not have been sent to any sort of sniper training because, again, the US did not have those in WWII. He wouldn't have stayed in NYC, though.
He would have been on an Army base somewhere, with the occasional week-long furlough to return home. There were 114 mobilization camps by 1942, and only three of those in New York state; Madison Barracks, Camp Upton, and Pine Camp, with three more in New Jersey; Fort Dix, Fort Monmouth, and Camp Shanks. 17 were in California, 14 in Texas. Anyway. So, before Bucky leaves for war, he and Steve wouldn't have seen a whole lot of each other for the year before that, either.
June 7, 1943 - Bucky probably arrives in NYC on a final week's furlough before being sent to War. With the way Steve looks at him when he sees the uniform later on, and Bucky's cocky little head tilt, it's probably safe to say Bucky received his sergeant's chevrons not long before this furlough. (Honestly . . . I have never understood this part. Bucky damn well knew he was 107th from the moment he reported, and Steve should have as well. Also, ‘getting his orders’ had nothing to do with his uniform, soldiers were required to wear that shit everywhere they went. Unless Steve knew he’d gotten his orders simply because he was there and shouldn’t have been....whatever, movie exposition, blah blah)
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June 14, 1943 - Steve's fifth attempt to enlist fails spectacularly because he had to claim to be from New Jersey. He then goes to get the shit kicked out of him in an alley behind a movie theater, that's what you get for saying you're from Jersey, Steven. He and Bucky attend the Stark Expo that evening, where Steve ghosts like an asshole - even though for all he knows this is literally the last time he will ever see Bucky alive!! - and is chosen by Dr. Erskine as a candidate for Project: Rebirth.
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June 15, 1943 - Bucky and the 107th ship out for 'England'. Now, the troop transport Queen Mary left NYC on June 1, 1943, heading for Gourock, Scotland and carrying the 1077th Signal Company Service Group. It took 5 days; they arrived on June 6, 1943. On July 16, 1943, the Edmund B. Alexander carried 5,000 replacement troops to Liverpool, England. That journey took ten days; they made land on July 26, 1943. Maybe. The records are full of literal question marks, so I dunno. That's the closest thing I can find to Bucky's stated journey. Most of the troops leaving from NYC at this period were actually heading for Africa, landing in Casablanca, Morocco.
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I know Bucky says he's shipping out for England in the morning, but it makes so much more sense that the 107th would have been sent to Africa and then swept up into Italy in the next four months of fighting, where Steve finds them later. It would be easy to deal with this by either saying Bucky's an idiot, or (my recommendation) that Bucky knew exactly where he was heading and he just wasn't telling Steve that he was being sent into the heart of the brutal African and Italian campaigns rather than a nice balmy Liverpool in the summer. The journey from NYC to Casablanca, Morocco would have been anywhere from 11-15 days.
June 20-25, 1943 - Bucky would have hit Liverpool, England right around this time, if that's the way he was sent.
June 25-30, 1943 - Bucky would have docked in Casablanca, Morocco, if this is the way it went instead. So I guess you could safely say he made landfall in the European Theater on June 25, 1943? Haha right in time for Mussolini to get his ass arrested and the Italian Fascist government to fall.
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June 22, 1943 - Steve is injected with the super-soldier serum, right Steven? (Meaning he only had a week of basic training, at most, and everything else he knows about being a soldier he taught himself with all those books he brought to Camp Lehigh with him.)
September, 1943 - Ugh, okay, history nerds cover your ears, because there is just no way to make the real invasion of Italy match up with the MCU invasion of Italy. Unless the 107th just said fuck those guys and marched right into German territory past the . . . bombs and stuff. On September 9, there were Allied landings at Salerno and Taranto, Italy, and they didn’t enter Naples until October 1. I mean, is it really all that shocking that they got their asses kicked in Azzano? NO. But having a fucking USO show that deep into Italy means the MCU said fuck it, so you too can say fuck it when it comes to the real WW2 timeline in Italy, idfc. This is apparently what the MCU lines looked like at this point in time, and let me just tell you, see that bulge there, right under the Hydra flag? Those fuckers would have been surrounded and cut off so fast, so fast, just like in Bastogne. Assholes....anyway.
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October, 1943 - The Battle of Azzano results in Hydra declaring war on anything that moves, including Nazis, and takes prisoners from various different regiments that historically were either still in training or in the Pacific Theater at this point, but that's fine. Prisoners are taken over 120 km away to a Hydra weapons factory in Kreischberg, Austria, where their Hydra captors separate the men into cages according to their nationality and other factors. The purpose of this is for the bickering hodgepodge of Allied soldiers to keep each other busy with in-fighting so the Hydra guards can forget to train and get beat up by Captain America in a month or so.
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Dum Dum Dugan almost immediately makes a joke while Cage Team Howling Commando is introducing themselves, and a brawl breaks out. As you do.
In Bucky's cage are the following:
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Jacques "Frenchie" Dernier, French Resistance, born January 2, 1911 (32). The fuck was your French ass doing in northwestern Italy, son? To my knowledge the French Resistance kind of worked mainly . . . in France. The Italian Resistance was very active in this period, so they could have been collaborating, but that's not what the Resistance did, mostly. So the only logical conclusion we can come to with Frenchie is that he was captured somewhere in France by Hydra and transported to the factory as labor. He lived in Marseilles before the War, and likely would have stayed close to it.
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Major James Montgomery "Monty" Falsworth, born January 2, 1914 (29), of the British 3rd Independent Parachute Brigade, which historically first saw action in June of 1944, ha. Anyway, Monty was from Birmingham, England and was known in the comics as Union Jack, and the pin on his beret is a nod to that. Teeeechnically? Monty outranks Steve, but since they're not even part of the same Army, that's kind of a moot point. He winds up with the rank of Brigadier, which wtf, that means he outranked Colonel Phillips when the war ended . . . four for you, Monty.
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Private Gabe Jones, born August 14, 1918 (25), was 92nd Infantry Division, a segregated unit that historically first saw action in September of 1944, haha. Gabe was from Macon, Georgia and was fluent in French and German thanks to pre-war studies at Howard University. Just as proficient in hand-to-hand as the others, he was often part of the team’s frontal assaults, as well as handling the radios . . . and he boned Peggy Carter in the comics.
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Corporal Timothy 'Dum Dum' Dugan, born April 11, 1912 (31), was a member of the 69th Infantry Regiment, which is also known as the 165th or Fighting Irish, recruited solely from NYC, who were making landfall in the Pacific right about now. Frustrated historian's note: Had he been a real boy, Bucky Barnes would have been enlisted into the 69th Infantry as well, just like Dugan. Canon-wise it makes sense that Bucky and Dugan were from the same unit, even though canon thinks they weren't because canon made up the WWII-era 107th? Anyway, the fact that both Dugan and Bucky were in the same foxhole when the Hydra tank hits in the cut scene from First Avenger is all fucked up because you don't put your NCOs where they can be blown up together, okay. It's bad strategy. Add to that the fact that Dugan calls him Bucky like they've been buddies for a while, but the tie-in comic is still on 'Jimmy' and also states that Dugan and Barnes were in the same company after all, that cut scene is frustrating. Or I guess the comic is frustrating? Something's frustrating, anyway. I think the best way to deal with this is just to say that the 107th IS the Fighting Irish regiment because fuck it. Dugan will eventually take over leading the team when Steve goes splat, leading the Howling Commandos and being involved with SHIELD, and Nick Fury personally, well into the Cold War.
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Private Jim Morita, born October 20, 1919 (24) - also, Happy Birthday here's a Hydra weapon NOW ASSEMBLE IT - wasn't in the same cage as the others, but he served in the US Army's Nisei Squadron as a Ranger, aka the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Their real fight in the European Theater began in June of 1944, so who the fuck knows how his ass wound up in Austria. And since the whole unit was made up of men of Japanese descent, it's safe to assume there's a 50/50 chance Morita was given the choice back in Fresno between enlisting and an internment camp. A lot of fics write Morita as the team medic, but I'm not entirely sure why. In WWII, medics held a rank of Private, Private First Class, or Technical Sergeant. So, the medic would either have needed to be Morita or Gabe Jones in keeping with this. But there is literally no canon mention of him being any better at triage than any of the others, and he is definitely not a medic by trade. None of them are. The more likely scenario here, because none of them wear the insignia of a combat medic, is that all of the team were equally trained and capable at the most basic of field triage, but the team itself probably flew without a safety net and used the medics from whatever regiment they were shadowing at the time.
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Sergeant James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (26) - who you will notice is literally the fourth James in a team of 7 men - contracted what can only be assumed to be walking pneumonia on the battlefield of Azzano, and as his condition gets progressively worse in captivity, hastened by the hard labor of the weapons facility, he eventually becomes so weak that he drops several components in front of the officer in charge of the Facility, identified only as Colonel Lohmer. Lohmer beats Bucky like a rented mule, and when he's deposited back in his cage, the other four realize that if he's made to work again the next day, he'll die. They devise a plan to kill Lohmer, which would put one of the kinder Nazi assholes in charge who would allow Bucky to remain in the cages until he was able to recover. Their plan works, crushing Lohmer under a ton of machinery and symbolism and signifying the first time the soon-to-be Howling Commandos had worked together successfully. The soldiers return everyone to their cages after the accident to keep order, and Dugan tells Bucky that he's safe from Lohmer now, with the only punishment being a reduction of the POWs food rations for a week since there was no one specific to punish. Bucky is an ungrateful dick and not only asks Dugan to stop calling him "Jimmy", but graces him with the nickname Dum Dum in the process. Bucky is saved from dying on the manufacturing floor only to be singled out by Arnim Zola and taken to the 'examination rooms'. And we all know what happens there.
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August to Early November, 1943 - Steve Rogers sings and dances his way through over 200 shows and makes several badly conceived films while his best friend is slogging his way through Italy.
November 3, 1943 - Steve disappears behind enemy lines to go find his Bucky.
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November 8, 1943 - The Man With A Plan dramatically re-enters the Allied base camp where Colonel Phillips is fixin' to tear Peggy Carter a new one for losing Captain America over enemy territory. If the Battle of Azzano happened on a goddamn Earth map at the real Azzano in the Province of Udine, and assuming the Allied camp was somewhat close to that area, the march from the factory back to the Allied base camp would have been well over 120 kilometers as the crow flies. Those prisoners were metal af.
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I'm getting that date from the assumption that walking over 120 km back to (supposedly because in reality they'd have needed to walk to goddamn Naples) Allied territory with 400 sick and wounded men would take a few fucking days. An American unit in Sicily in WWII (30th Infantry Division) marched 54 miles in 33 hours across country. But it's safe to assume that the company Steve rescues from Kreischberg would not be moving at top speed, but rather a steady pace that would keep them moving, but not fucking kill them.
The closest thing I can get to this incident is in July of 1944, when the German armies began a forced march of POWs across Germany to delay their liberation by the approaching Red Armies. Groups of 250 to 300 men marched over bombed out roads in a meandering route because they were forced to skirt around various battles, kind of like what our POWs would have to do in enemy territory. The groups would march between 20 to 40 kilometers a day, with very little food, clothing, shelter or medical care to speak of. Using 30 km/day as our benchmark, that's at least 4 days that it would have taken to get back to the Allied encampment. If the Hydra factory went boom on the night of November 3rd, and Steve flounced into camp in daylight, November 8th is a very safe bet.
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November 15, 1943 - Steve pinpoints the Hydra facilities on the map in the SSR bunker in London (which was located in the Cabinet War Rooms in Whitehall) and is given permission to form his own elite special ops unit. Sidenote, the Howling Commandos were never called the Howling Commandos until after the War ended, they were merely called the 107th Tactical Team. Another nickname bandied about in 'non-canon because it contradicts the movie ahahahahahah' was The Invaders, which is probably what other soldiers would have known them as when encountering them. Neither Steve nor Bucky would know what the fuck a Howling Commando even is until they read up on history, and even then neither of them would likely ever think of himself as a Howling Commando.
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Now, in trying to find this date, my inner frustrated historian has begun to weep, because I just cannot find a base in Italy that makes sense for any of these damn movements to have been based out of. The Allies hadn't even gotten through the Gustav Line at this point, which ran across the boot and through the town of Cassino, south of Rome. For them to be in Northern Italy close to the Austrian border, dude. WTF were they doing there? And how did they get in and out?? I mean was anyone really surprised when their straying asses got pounded by enemy forces deep in enemy territory??
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I have no idea how to judge how long it would have taken for the future Commandos to get to London and drink in a pub because there is literally no rational logic to pinpoint their starting location, and therefore no way to guess what modes of transport were even available to them so close to enemy territory. The easiest way to find this date would have been to find out what date Captain America was awarded his Medal of Honor, but . . . even I'm not that good, apparently, 'cause I can't dig up shit. The Medal of Honor ceremony that happens at the same time as this scene would have been at least a week and probably more from the action on the night of November 3rd simply because it took that long for the paperwork to travel back to Washington. It was usually months before soldiers received their Purple Hearts, for instance. But let's assume this was fast-tracked because it's Captain goddamn America. Let's also assume they didn't have Howard Stark fly them back to London in his plane and tell the other 400 POWs to go make like a leaf and fuck a tree or something.
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So the trip back to London probably took at least 7-10 days. We also need enough time to have passed that they expected Steve to get from the front lines all the way back to DC for the ceremony. My first instinct is to say up to a month could have passed when this scene comes around, but a month just seems way too long when looking at the context of the scenes, from the celebratory pub crawl of the POWs to the fact that Steve is being debriefed here, which would have been literally the first concern of an agency whose job is gathering intelligence.
TL:DR version, this could be anywhere from a week to a month later, idfk.
It's safe to assume this is also the night of the pub when Bucky reveals how heterosexual he is not by asking if Steve is going to keep his stage suit for no apparent good reason.
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Mostly I'm putting this date here because it is the day the Allied Expeditionary Force for the invasion of Europe is officially formed. Having the SSR gearing up for - or as a result of - that meeting seems to make a lot of sense.
November 15, 1943 to March 4, 1945 - Steve and the Invaders, often along with other military forces, plow through HYDRA factories like an enraged ex with a John Deere tractor and a bottle of Jim Beam, and also join the larger battle against the Axis Powers on the Western Front. Essentially this period is Band of Broooos: Howling Commandos Edition. This period is where you can really have your fic fun, because canon doesn't tell us fuck all about it.
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Well . . . that’s not necessarily true, though. Through the (paltry imo) Howling Commando montage of the movie, we see at least 10 distinct missions, and in clips from TWS there are hints of a few more; as many as 15 total. There are 6 Hydra facilities on the board, labeled 1-6. #4 was never taken during Steve’s time. But we can assume at least 5 of their missions were blowing the rest up. One was ‘in Poland, near the Baltic’, the other was ‘30-40 miles west of the Maginot Line’, thanks Steve. That doesn’t give us shit, son. But I will try.
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1. A Hydra facility raid, #2. This is the one 30-40 miles west of the Maginot Line, labeled #2 on the map. West, in fact, of Liechtenstein, and southeast of Innsbruck, in a town that begins with RES. I think this is Resia, Italy, and the Reschen Pass (Resia Pass in WW2), which would make sense, tactically. I’d like to point out that they show Bucky entering with the team, show the team running out, show Steve riding out on his motorcycle, and then the place blows up. No Bucky. Take better care of your marksman, boys . . .
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2. An approach with additional military forces through a forest, in the snow. Look at those BAMF motherfuckers. I got no clue what this mission could be, though. This has the feeling of a patrol, rather than a directed attack on anything. Bucky doesn’t even have his rifle.
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3. A direct attack through a forest of exploding trees . . . no snow. This is probably a frontal attack intended to push at the enemy lines. With mortars like that coming at them as they advance, there’s no way whoever they were facing wasn’t dug in on a forward line.
4. This is most likely a harassment mission. They’re shown disturbing the lines of supplies to somewhere, and taking care to be covert, which is . . . not usually how Steve rolls, lbr.
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5. Another Hydra base raid, Base #5. This is shown through only film, with Steve planning an approach to somewhere and a whole shitload of troops mobilizing with them. From where they are, he’s pointing south. God help me. Looking at the map he’s pointing to, the best guess I have based on the coastline is that it shows the northern bits of Belgium, and he’s pointing toward Hydra base #5, which is somewhere in the northeast corner of France, right below the border of Luxembourg.
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6. Seek and destroy mission. This was another battle, not a base. Despite the fact that they’re in rubble, but then . . . most of Europe was rubble at this point, lbr. Peggy pulls a ‘Hydra battle lines’ flag from the map after this mission, so this was about pushing the forward line back. And we know this was the Hydra line, not the Nazi line. The scene we see was likely after the battle itself was over, when the search for the wounded and intel begins; that’s when enemy snipers made their last stand, like the one seen stalking Steve’s oblivious star-spangled ass. Bucky almost kills Steve for saluting at him and giving away his carefully chosen position.
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7. A pitched battle in a town, somewhere. Steve is seen kicking ass and stuff.
8. Cool guys don’t look at explosions . . .  The only reason I am separating these three clips is because the middle one is obviously in a forest, where the other two are in towns. We’ll call them three separate skirmishes. I would imagine all three of these are about pushing back that forward line.
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9. The mega huge tank in the middle of town. I can see the team being sent out just to take care of this thing. Historian sidenote; the Nazis did indeed cook up some monster tanks. Hitler had a size kink. The Tiger II, or as the American GIs called it, the King Tiger, was . . . I mean, you were fucked if one of these rolled up into your path. They were damn near indestructible and they carried a big fucking stick. The problem with a heavy tank is that a Europe that has been bombed back to Creation for several years is a muddy Europe . . . if that Hydra tank wasn’t stuck in 5 feet of mud it was made of aluminum or something.
10. A last Hydra base raid, Base #?. This is shown only through the resulting smoking husk of a destroyed base and Red Skull being a diva. I don’t know which one this was, other than knowing it had to be #1, or #6. I hate to tell Steve, but I’m not sure any of the flags on this map are in Poland near the Baltic Sea, my dude. It would have to be #6 that he was talking about, though. #1 is just northeast of Lübben, Germany, in what appears to now be Briesensee nature preserve.
The only other hints we get at their missions are the clips of footage from TWS. 
11. Hydra Facility #3. #3 is in the south of fucking Greece, near the northwestern tip of the body of water called Maliakos Kopos. There’s a marina in that area, Agia Marina, that would make a very convenient Hydra facility if I do say so myself. Now, this looks like a water landing! And it’s not an ocean landing, so that marina at facility #3 might be the ticket.
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12. I’m going to call this a Hydra Facility Raid. Look at him go. There he go. Again, this is either #1, or #6. idfk anymore.
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13. Prisoners. Cap is seen escorting surrendered German soldiers, It’s notable that they’re not Hydra, so that would be one of the ‘regular’ missions they ran with other troops. It could be part of any of the above missions, though.
14. Clearing out a town left by retreat. Those soldiers are not particularly the kind of alert that possible enemy combatants in the weeds will make you, so that town has probably been cleared.
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15. Troop Transport/Advancement. This is notable because it’s a bridge, and not a little stone bridge, either, it’s a big one. In fact, this is the Ludendorff Bridge over the Rhine. (You can learn more about the capture of this bridge by looking up the Battle of Remagen.) Bridges were kind of a big deal at this stage when the German army was pulling out all the stops trying to prevent the Allied advance. Bridges large enough to convey heavy artillery got blown up but quick. This bridge in particular was front page news when it was captured by the Allies. Unfortunately, we can’t place Steve and his team at the Battle of Remagen, or at the Ludendorff Bridge, because this happened just days after Steve nosedived into the Arctic. So. We’ll call it an MCU bridge! This was either coming back from the front and they were deeper in Allied territory, or more likely after a battle, but on the way to the new front lines, as established by the winning of the goddamn bridge. Doubt this was a Hydra mission, either.
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All in all, Bucky and Steve have 16 months of battle side-by-side. Bucky would have had 20 months total of combat service in the War.
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I'm going to list some real events from the War during this time that the team might have been involved with or nearby for that could fill in some of those non-Hydra missions above, and some things they would definitely have at least talked about. You can skip these if you like, just scroll down to the next bolded bit. I am copying and pasting these because I can:
December 2, 1943: The Germans conduct a highly successful Air Raid on Bari, Italy. One of the German bombs hits an Allied cargo ship carrying mustard gas, releasing the chemical which killed 83 Allied soldiers. Over 1000 other soldiers died in the raid.
January 17, 1944: The first Battle of Monte Cassino begins when the British X Corps attacks along the Garigliano river at the western end of the German Gustav Line.
January 20, 1944: The U.S. Army 36th Infantry Division, in Italy, attempts to cross the Gari River but suffers heavy losses.
January 22, 1944: Allies begin Operation Shingle, the landing at Anzio, Italy. The Allies hope to break the stalemate in south Italy, but they are unable to break out of the beachhead and the line holds until late May.
February 15, 1944: The second Battle of Monte Cassino begins with the destruction of the historic Benedictine monastery on Monte Cassino by Allied bombing. The Allies believed the grounds were used as an observation post by the Germans
February 16, 1944: Germans launch a major counter-attack at Anzio, threatening the American beachhead.
March 15, 1944: The third Battle of Monte Cassino begins. The small town of Cassino is destroyed by Allied bombers.
April 27, 1944: The Slapton Sands tragedy: American soldiers are killed in a training exercise in preparation for D-Day at Slapton in Devon.
May 8, 1944: D-Day for Operation Overlord set for June 5.
May 11, 1944: The fourth battle of Monte Cassino begins led by general Anders of the 2nd Polish Corps.
May 18, 1944: The Battle of Monte Cassino ends in Allied victory. Polish troops of the 2nd Polish Corps led by general Władysław Anders capture Monte Cassino. German troops in west Italy have withdrawn to the Hitler Line.
June 4, 1944: Allies enter Rome, one day after the Germans declared it an open city. German troops fall back to the Trasimene Line. Meanwhile, Operation Overlord is postponed 24 hours due to high seas.
June 5, 1944: Operation Overlord commences when more than 1,000 British bombers drop 5,000 tons of bombs on German gun batteries on the Normandy coast in preparation for D-Day. And the first Allied troops land in Normandy; paratroopers are scattered from Caen southward.
June 6, 1944: D-Day begins with the landing of 155,000 Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy in France. The Allied soldiers quickly break through the Atlantic Wall and push inland in the largest amphibious military operation in history.
June 10, 1944: At Oradour-sur-Glane (a town near Limoges), France, 642 men, women, and children are killed in a German response to local Resistance activities.
June 13, 1944: Germany launches a V1 Flying Bomb attack on England, in retaliation for the invasion. The V-1 attacks will continue through June.
July 3, 1944: The Allies find themselves in the "battle of the hedgerows", as they are stymied by the agricultural hedges in Western France which intelligence had not properly evaluated.
July 24, 1944: Operation Cobra is now in full swing: the breakout at St. Lo in Normandy with American troops taking Coutances.
August 15, 1944: Operation Dragoon begins, marked by amphibious Allied landings in southern France. Elsewhere, the Allies reach the "Gothic Line", the last German strategic position in North Italy.
August 19, 1944: The French Resistance begins an uprising in Paris, partly inspired by the Allied approach to the Seine River.
August 25, 1944: Paris is liberated. The German military disobeys Hitler's orders to burn the city.
September 2, 1944: Allied troops enter Belgium.
September 6, 1944: The "blackout" is diminished to a "dim-out" as threat of invasion and further bombing seems an unlikely possibility.
September 9, 1944: The first V-2 rocket lands on London.
September 17, 1944: Operation Market Garden, the attempted liberation of Arnhem and turning of the German flank begins.
October 18, 1944: Hitler orders a call-up of all men from 16 to 60 for Home Guard duties.
November 1, 1944: "Operation Infatuate", an Allied attempt to free the approaches to Antwerp begins; amphibious landings take place on Walcheren Island. It would become a major supply port for the Allies by the end of the month.
November 20, 1944: Hitler leaves his wartime headquarters at Rastenberg, East Prussia, never to return; he goes to Berlin, where he will soon establish himself at the bunker.
December 16, 1944: The Battle of the Bulge begins as German forces attempt a breakthrough in the Ardennes region. The main object of Hitler's plan is the retaking of Antwerp.
January, 1945 - The only mission the MCU gives real details about comes from the Smithsonian Exhibit's interview with Peggy Carter (which you can watch in its entirety btw). The 'difficult winter, 1945' has to be January, and they were outside Stalingrad, Russia. During - or possibly in the aftermath of - a blizzard, Steve (and presumably the Commandos but fuck those guys amirite Agent Carter?) fight their way through a Hydra blockade that had been there 'for months', and saved half a battalion, over 1,000 men, who'd been penned down behind German lines. That's literally all we've got for mission details, and none of that makes any sense. Like any. At all. Why the fuck were they near Stalingrad?? How did they get to the Eastern Front, STEVEN???
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February 1945 - Bucky falls from a goddamn train in the Alps. There is no resource to tell us how much time passes between Bucky's fall and Steve's supposed death in the Valkyrie. So let me get my history on for a second. On February 17, 1945, the British Special Air Service executed Operation Cold Comfort, a parachute drop raid near Verona, Italy with the objective of blocking the main rail lines through the Brenner Pass by landslide. The Brenner Pass is a mountain pass through the Alps which forms the border between Italy and Austria. Sounds familiar, right? (It's also featured on one of the Captain America covers, Captain America No. 33, 1943).
The operation would ultimately be a failure, but since Schmidt wouldn't have known that, hearing rumors of this operation, or even word that it had been attempted and fearing a second try, this could have been the inciting incident behind why he had Zola hauling his evil ass along that railway at a speed described as 'moving like the devil'. So we can safely put Bucky's fall between February 15 and February 25th. You could also stretch and say it was February 14th, if you are the reborn incarnation of Satan.
Now, by the end of February, the Red Army was sweeping through the northern regions of Poland toward the German border, moving north and west. It's a Russian soldier who finds Bucky in the Alps, so either that patrol was way the hell out of their lane, or . . . Bucky laid there for a while, folks. Seriously, the Red Army didn't even sniff the border of Austria until March 31, 1945 with the Upper Silesian Offensive. Which leads one to postulate that, a. the Russians who found Bucky were lost as fuuuuuck, b. the Russians who found Bucky were a rogue group who defected to Hydra after Hydra declared itself a separate entity from the Axis forces (doubt it), or c. neither Steve nor any of the rest of the team ever actually looked for Bucky's body, even after Steve went down in the Valkyrie, and he laid there for weeks. I honestly choose to believe one of the former, since the latter is just . . . I can't.
[No, you know what? Fuckin......frustrated historian meta addition.]
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It's always bothered me that they might never have looked for Bucky's body, y'know?
I always assumed the arm got ripped off when he hit the side of the ravine. Like maybe he grabbed for or hit a ledge and the speed/height of his fall was just too great and it got ripped off. Because it's not crushed like it would be if he'd landed on it, it's a traumatic amputation. It almost had to have happened during the fall. Which could mean he'd have landed close to the edge, or maybe like hit higher up and tumbled until he was at the bottom instead of freefalling the whole way?
In his flashback, you can see he's still bleeding as the soldiers are carrying him. Bleeding a lot. If he'd been in the water or motionless in the snow for any amount of time, the bleeding would have at least become sluggish. He'd be hypothermic; his body would route blood away from his extremities to protect his vital organs, plus the blood vessels in the wound would be constricting due to the cold. But, if he'd been moving under his own power trying to get to help, it would explain why he's still bleeding; his movement kept the blood circulating where it would otherwise have clotted up.
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In this gif, it looks almost like the blood trail starts just a few meters away. If we take a leap and assume that when they started moving him it jogged him awake, then this scene shows where the Russians found him. Those are trees, aren't they? Meaning he moved under his own power after he landed. Meaning he got the fuck up after falling off that train, and walked through that ravine toward help. What a fucking badass, jfc.
Two things I think we can say with certainty; one, the Russians were definitely searching for someone. He's on a stretcher, which wasn't something a normal patrol would've been carrying, especially over rough terrain. They had it with them for a reason. And two, the Russians weren't there because of Zola. Between Bucky falling and Gabe taking the control room, he had very little time to get off a communication with sitrep and location. And even if he was able to, it would have been to Hydra troops, who would have shown up wearing Hydra gear. And Russians are almost certainly not part of Hydra at that stage in the War.
Those Russian soldiers were probably an Allied search party that was sent out to find Bucky. That would tick off a lot of problem boxes, wouldn't it? It would mean someone - the SSR, the Army - did order a rescue/recovery for a damned war hero like a fallen Howling Commando, and Allied Russian troops were closest or something. It would explain why Russian soldiers were in such a remote area, with a stretcher, when they had zero other reason to be there! It would explain why Bucky is listed as KIA instead of MIA even though they obviously never found his body. It would also explain why Bucky didn't struggle as they were carrying him off; he thought they were on his side, rescuing him.
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My theory after writing all this up? He lost the arm in an impact with the side of the ravine, but contacting the ravine walls also slowed his landing and put him on dry ground. He then got up like a BAMF and moved, either until he found shelter under some trees, or he simply collapsed from shock or trauma or exposure or all of the above. An Allied rescue/recovery party found him, but they were Russian, and they reported him KIA and kept him because they knew he must be enhanced to have survived that sort of fall, cold, and blood loss, and they wanted their own Captain Comrade.
March 4, 1945 - The SSR and other forces raid the secret Hydra bunker and Steve Rogers boards the Valkyrie on his way to getting fridged, literally haha, so Peggy Carter can become a hero . . . good job Captain Cannonball.
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March 15-24, 1945 - The Commandos assist in Operation Undertone, which was part of the Allied invasion of Germany by the U.S. Seventh and French 1st Armies of the U.S. Sixth Army Group. It was a very real operation, so info is easy to find about it if your heart is still in your chest after watching both our boys plummet to their supposed deaths.
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Some time in April probably?? 1945 - Dugan and Morita head to the last known HYDRA facility, Facility #4 bitches!, known simply as the Fortress, located some the fuck where in Austria, with Peggy Carter. They capture HYDRA General Werner Reinhardt and take possession of the first known classified 084, the Obelisk. We don't see the Obelisk again until Agents of SHIELD.
May 8th, 1945 - VE-Day. The remaining five members of the team gather in a pub to toast 'the Captain', suggesting that they did indeed just leave 'the Sergeant's' body rotting in the Alps somewhere, fuck that guy. (It is notable that one of the tie-in books for the movie states explicitly that they toast to both 'the Captain' and 'the Sergeant', so it's probable that they gave each man his own, individual farewell. We just didn't see it.)
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(If you want more timeline! Trying to track the Winter Soldier through both canon and history.)
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margarittet · 7 years
Jack’s nursery - the Paradise, rainbows, and a whole lot of LOVE
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My whole thought process for this meta started with the image above and the wonderful discussion that grew over it. 
I wrote not so long ago about the connection between Castiel and Odin, and the importance of symbols carved into a tree trunk as the basis for sacred knowledge one wishes to gain and posses. In that discussion it was pointed out by @rosewhipped22​ that in the above screenshot we also can see symbols carved into a tree trunk (like the runes were in the Odin myth) which makes the picture even more important since here the symbols are carved into THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. You can’t really see that it is the famous tree in Paradise that Eve stole the fruit from until you see the mural in all its glory:
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(interesting enough, this frame from the “2in1” promo did not make it into the final episode. In the episode, the camera is pointedly looking out AWAY from the wall at Kelly and Castiel, not using this perspective of Cas looking at Kelly and the mural, as in the promo.)
We can see a bit of the tree later when Kelly is walking around the house looking for Castiel, but there is maybe one clear, sharp shot in the episode where you can see that name “JACK” is actually written on apples (most of the shots have blurry background).
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So, Jack (just like Odin) is hanging on the tree of the knowledge (of good and evil in this case), with symbols carved into the tree’s trunk (symbols/concepts that he needs to gain knowledge of before he can be all powerful), under the rainbow that in the Bible is the symbol of God, but also of the union of the celestial and the earthly elements:
God’s covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:13 ):
“13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.”
The vision of God’s throne in heaven in the Revelation of John (Revelation 4:1-3):
1 After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” 2 At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. 3 And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne.
(Btw, it just hit me yesterday that the word “apocalypse” = revelation, gaining understanding, having visions - the word is NOT a synonym of “armageddon”. Like, “Apocalypse of John” just means “the revelation of John”. We can have “apocalypse of Jack” or “apocalypse of Castiel” about Paradise. That’s what John’s vision of armageddon was all about after all - the final victory of good over evil, New Heaven, Paradise for all the righteous people.)
Third mention of a rainbow in the Bible is from the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:28) (which accidentally is the alias that Gadreel, the guard of Paradise, took in season 9):
28. As the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the surrounding radiance. Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD.
(In my opiniom, the rainbow on the mural also represents:
Dean and Castiel’s celestial-human union wrapped in the rainbow flag,
Jack, the one being who is both celestial and human at once, and is the materialization of the union of heaven and earth - Jack is like the symbol of convenant on two legs.)
You can also see the alphabet that Kelly put on the rainbow for Jack to help him learn, which can be a reference to the fact that Odin’s knowledge came from the understanding of RUNES (which are basically just a type of alphabet). 
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Also, alphabet symbolises ability to communicate, something both Jack AND his two guardians (one celestial and one earthly, wrapped in the above mentioned rainbow flag) would probably benefit from.
Now, back to that tree and the symbols carved on it. If you looked at the discussion I mentioned earlier, you will know that there are three symbols there: a cross, an anchor and a heart. 
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These are old Christian symbols for FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE, and they refer to St Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, verses 1-13, known as the “Hymn of Love”. It’s a very famous, very beautiful part of the Bible, often read at weddings (I have never attended a church wedding where it wasn’t read, and I have attended MANY), and it is the New Testament’s answer to “Song of Songs”, the part of the Old Testament describing SEXUAL love. 
The “Hymn of Love” talks in turn about EMOTIONAL love, and how it is above all the other virtues - but only if it’s a real, spiritual love, exactly the kind of love the Hymn describes at length. That kind of love is flawless, altruistic, deep, and eternal. It adds meaning to everything, and everything is just empty without it. To be fully experienced, it should be aided by the power of good, in the Bible represented by Christ.  
To me, our three main characters are built in the way that they represent these three virtues: Cas is FAITH; Sam is HOPE; Dean is LOVE.
The first part of the Hymn talks about the Spiritual Gifts (wisdom, knowledge, healing, miracles, prophecy, tongues), and how they all do not mean anything without love:
13 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
Oratorical skill, articulateness and charisma mean nothing unless you back it up with love. Without it, it is just empty words and dull sounds. Also, this hints at the communication between heaven and earth, as people speaking “in the tongues of men and of angels” are the messengers that connect the two realms, or the spiritual guides for the mankind (eg. church),
In our story Cas is the messenger of heavens, and the spiritual guide for Sam and Dean on earth (explaining to them a lot of heaven’s mysteries, and showing the importance of faith). Sam on the other hand is the articulate one (he always speaks eloquently in his own voice while Dean, who struggles with words, often repeats lines somebody else wrote, like movie quotes). However, to take upon themselves their respective future roles - for Cas that of a spiritual role model, and for Sam that of a leader of others - they need to love themselves and those other people in the right way. As everyone in the story struggles with self-worth, they can’t fully reach their potential until they learn self-love, and acceptance of love from the outside.
2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
Faith (even the strongest one, that can do miracles and move mountains) and knowledge do not mean anything without love. Cas, who represents faith, needs to accept love given to him. He already is connected to the gift of prophecy (as he was given the vision of the future by Jack), and right now he is in the process of gaining knowledge (that is the main purpose of his death and resurrection).
Jack, who in my opinion will be the force of good that will tie all of this together (there even is A SUNRISE ON HIS MURAL, COME ON!), also has to gain a lot of knowledge - right now he is literally sitting IN THE DARK UNDER THE TREE THAT BRINGS THE UNDERSTANDING OF GOOD AND EVIL (Sam, please turn on some light!). He will soon start learning, but that knowledge will not bring him his full powers, and will not lead him to the side of light unless he also learns about LOVE (and as @tinkdw says, it will probably has everything to do with Kelly’s video, and all the love the three Winchesters-in-law have for each other. Maybe Mary and the wayward girls, too. Kelly prepared that video in the nursery of love™ after all.) 
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3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
Some versions (the versions I am most familiar with to be honest) say here: “body to the flames”, instead of hardship. To me these two things together mean the highest sacrifice, giving yourself as an offering to people (giving your possesions to the poor) and to the God (your body to the flames, burnt offering). It mirrors how the human bodies are often burnt in the SPN universe, and makes me think that Cas will be burnt after all. One way or another, it just means that even if you fought and sacrificed everything for other people or for the gods, it would not mean anything unless it’s connected with love.
The next part of the text names all the attributes the real spiritual love should possess.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
In the course of season 12 Dean matured enough to fulfill almost all of these requirements in his love for the others, and to take upon himself the role of LOVE in this trinity. From 12x19 (“The Future”) on, we can see that even though Castiel hurt and betrayed him, he is being patient, understanding, worried, that he stands up to Sam on his behalf, he doesn’t hold grudges like he used to, and generally just wants to make everyhting right by TALKING, not FIGHTING - which is a huge contrast with the earlier episodes/seasons. His love for his mom and for Sam also has matured, he is now able to communicate his feelings to them, and he is able to let them go (making his love not self-seeking) to love them better (something he’s been struggling with since the pilot - he didn’t want to be alone/was scared of being alone, and that’s why he clinged to his dependent relationships for so long). He now let go of Sam, and healed his relationship with his mom (understanding she is a person allowed to have made mistakes, and not just a perfect memory), and the only two things left for him to do to love everybody fully is:
to learn to let go of Castiel (that is what Cas’ death and the following mourning period should help with - that is why I really hope for the mourning period),
to love himself fully for what he is.
Castiel’s love for the brothers was always pretty close to the Biblical ideal (although sometimes he is too sassy to let it show), but still not perfect. The fact that his love is not self-seeking comes partly from the fact that he doesn’t love himself either (no one actually loves themselves in this show, but they are learning to). Another things is that needs to move LOVE away from FAITH. I know I just said that faith must be backed up with love, but only if it’s a HEALTHY LOVE - and Castiel’s love/faith combo is as unhealthy as it goes, making him blind, leading him to bad decisions and self-sacrifice (due to the lack of self-worth). As @tinkdw pointed out before, Cas moves his faith from one object to the other, and now there should come understanding that what he TRULY needs is the FAITH IN HIMSELF, not others. He went miles already from being a thoughtless soldier to actually making his own choices, but these choices are still steered by wrong motives, and right now he is being punished for it by being killed - but it should also help him to finally understand the problem. HE NEEDS TO LOVE HIMSELF AND LET OTHERS LOVE HIM TO START USING HIS FAITH WISELY, AS A MANNER OF INSPIRING OTHERS, AND NOT SACRIFICING HIMSELF FOR THE CAUSE. 
Sam, just as the other two, needs to learn to love himself, especially forgive himself for the past, and have trust in his abilities to be his own man (which started in 12x22), to become the HOPE for hunters and humanity - the role model who is the picture of how you can come from the darkness to light, and break yourself from the path that somebody else planned for you. How there is no destiny, that your past choices can be redeemed by your new, better ones. He can also pour hope into other’s hearts with his natural charisma as a leader. There was an emotional threeway going on between the members of TFW, which was based in various versions of toxic codependency until recently - Castiel and Dean, Sam and Dean, even Sam and Castiel. Right now almost all of these ties are broken (which was painful, but necessary) so that we can start season 13 - the season of LOVE - with a clean slate, and reassemble the group into something much more healthy, to tie them together again, because once they are TOGETHER, they will be able to win that final battle that is coming their way.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
Everything can be broken, everything can cease to exist; but LOVE IS ETERNAL. Love is that one last piece that bounds everything and everyone together. Right now we are staring into the weird mirror, the broken glass, we see bits and pieces, but we need to turn around and see the whole picture, the real thing (just like the characters have to). We (and the characters) need to grow up. Soon, we are gonna see the full story, as the characters are learning how to love fully, openly and healthy, and with that we will be handles that last clue, the final chapter of the story, the final puzzle that will give us the revelation, the APOCALYPSE that will uncover the truth (AND LOVE) - Jack will be important in this uncovering, as he is the Messiah figure here, and the real Biblical love has all to do with the saviour. And Lucifer will be important, as he is the very thing that this real love is not - something to compare to, and learn from the differences.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Cor 13:13)
Season 13 will be the SEASON OF LOVE, SATAN AND RAINBOWS and we will be loved with the love that no one in the history of love's been loved with.
(And episode 13x13 will probably also have some unicorns, or gay dragons, or nerdy fairies, because why not? We’re going EPIC.)
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