#in spring and summer it’ll be a joy
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First day at my new study/work place:
It’s really nice, colourful, we have a kitchen and a court, where I’ll spend most of my time writing and drinking coffee
My supervisor’s a cute little man who whispers when he speaks and grunts when he laughs
And we’ve to meet only once a month to keep him updated on my research
It’s in my favourite neighbourhood of Paris 🥰
The Irish Cultural Centre is in front of it 🍀
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dancingtotuyo · 1 year
Ivy (Joel Miller X Reader One shot)
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Preface: @morning-star-joy made this mood board for me (on main) from a fun pintrest game and I just had to write something (Not sure I got the Cowboy- August & Getaway Car theme or not lol). I wrote this very quickly, not proofread lol.
Summary: Joel helps you escape
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Illusions to abuse (physical & sexual) & grooming, over all references to trauma and cannon typical violence & themes.
words: 1558
Author Master List
Songs I listened to while writing
The first time Joel Miller comes across your farm, he has to talk your husband out of shooting him on sight. You know about the Jackson settlement about 10 miles south of you. You’ve begged him to move you there within the safe confines of the towering walls. You’ve seen the lights on one of the more extended hunting expeditions. Elliot refuses to leave you at the cabin alone for more than a couple of hours. You’ve tried to run before. You weren’t able to move for days after he caught you. He’d been on horseback, catching you quickly. 
Joel trades his rifle and ammo for his life, eyes never leaving yours. Can he read the sadness in them? The horrors this world has inflicted on you over and over? 
You wear a dress. It’s tattered around the hem. Not something very practical. You look more like a captive than a wife. Joel thinks you must be in your late 40’s, but you’re actually 39. Elliot looks to be about 20 years your senior. Joel tells himself he’ll get you out because it’s the right thing to do. He ignores the tug of desire he feels when he looks into your eyes. 
He invites the two of you to Jackson. 
Elliot refuses. He doesn’t trust the Jackson settlement. 
Joel warns of a colony of infected trickling in. He watches the fear flash in your eyes, survival instincts kicking in as you look at your husband. 
Elliot says he can handle them. 
Joel speaks of electricity, heat in the winter, fans in the summer, and running water. A hot shower sounds delicious. You were 19 when the world ended. You can’t remember the last time you felt the hot water trail down your back. 
Only after Elliot chases Joel off does he realize you never uttered a word. 
The second time Joel comes bearing fresh vegetables and more ammo. Your mouth waters at the sight of red tomatoes. He ignores Elliot’s threats and hands the produce straight to you with a glowing smile. 
You thank him. You take a bite from one of the tomatoes like it’s an apple. It’s warm in your mouth. The acidic tang is like a summer’s night on your taste buds. The insides dribble down your chin, making you laugh. 
It takes Joel’s breath away. There’s a childlike joy to it, a spring bubbling up from the depths of the mountain in the springtime. He catches a flash of life return to your eyes if only for a moment. He knows it’s been a long time since any semblance of happiness graced your features. 
Joel fights the urge to wipe the juice from your chin. 
“You’ll stay for dinner.” It’s an order, not a request, and the first words he’s heard you utter.
Elliot protests, but you cut him off. “He’s staying for dinner.”
You know you’ll probably pay for it later, but you don’t care. You haven’t seen another face in years. It’ll be worth the conversation at the very least. 
Elliot is out hunting a week later. You’re hanging the laundry on the line when Joel emerges from the woods. He’s on foot this time, different from his previous visits on horseback. It must’ve taken him hours to get here on foot. 
“Howdy,” He smiles. 
You raise an eyebrow. “My husband isn’t here.”
“Didn’t come to see him.”
You stop. He rests a hand on his hip looking across the small clearing that houses the barn and small farmhouse. “You’re too exposed out here.”
“I like the way you say my name.”
Your heart stops. Your palms sweat. You’re not blind. You’ve seen the way he looks at you, smiles at you. You remember the soft brush of his hand on your back in the kitchen during his last visit. You remember it too often for a single moment in time with a man you hardly know. 
You square your shoulders. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Neither should you.” 
He cups your cheek. You flinch away out of habit. Anger flares in his eyes. You’re used to seeing it in Elliots, but somehow you know that for once, it’s not directed at you. 
Somehow you know what he’s going to say before he says it. “I’m going to kill him.”
“You can’t.” The words leave your mouth before he’s finished. 
He looks surprised. “He hurts you. Tell me I’m wrong.”
You can’t. You both know that, but how do you explain to Joel that he can’t kill your abuser- your captor- your one last connection to life before Cordyceps?
“You’re not wrong.” You swallow the lump forming in your throat. “But you can’t kill him.”
Joel knows better than to ask, but if he did, you would tell him. You would tell him that Elliot had been around your entire life. He’s your father’s best friend from college. He saved you on outbreak night. He wasn’t always like this. You loved him once, or at least you thought you did. You wonder how much of it was manipulation now. He was nice and kind in the beginning. He didn’t touch you until well after your 22nd birthday. The two of you settled on this farm years ago with a horse, a few cows, and a couple of chickens. Elliot loved the seclusion. He wanted a family. The longer you went without one, the meaner he got, but you think regardless, he’d have turned into the person he is now. You could see the signs in hindsight. 
One day, you would tell Joel about it all, but not today. 
“I’m taking you to Jackson. This place isn’t safe. He isn’t safe.”
You want to go. You wanted to go long before his demand. “Not on foot. He’ll catch up. He’s got the horse.”
When Joel grabs your hand, you hold onto it tighter. He pulls you down the soft slope of the hill to the old barn. His hand is rough and calloused, but you can’t help but feel like it’s the softest thing you’ve ever felt. The breeze plays in your long hair. Joel’s free hand glides along the warped barn until he finds a deep notch. 
“Check here every night after dark. I’ll leave a note for you when I come for you with directions on where to meet me.”
He cups both of your cheeks. “Every night, you understand?”
You nod.
For a minute you think he might kiss you. You’ve thought about that too as you lay in bed awake and listless for hours on end.
He drops his hands. “Show me where.”
You quickly find the notch. It’s deeper than you thought. Your fingers brush up against a piece of paper. You furrow your brow looking up at Joel as you fish it out between two fingers. 
“Good girl.” He smiles. 
It’s only four words, but it’s all you need. Every night. I promise.
“I promise.” He repeats to you. You don’t doubt him for a minute. 
You wish you could let him kill Elliot. It would make things easier. You could go with him now and not worry about anything else. Would he kiss you now? Or wait until you’re safely within the confines of the Jackson walls.
“Every night.” You tell him. 
He kisses your forehead before he leaves. It gets you through the next two weeks. 
You make sure Elliot is asleep just as you have every night since Joel’s last visit, but something feels different tonight. You can feel it in your bones. You take a small bag with you, lantern lighting your way to the back of the barn. An owl hoots in the woods, and the crickets sing with the dying heat of summer. The nip of autumn is already in the air. 
You ease your hand into the notch. You panic when you don’t feel the note immediately. You got it wrong. You’ll have to live through this another night- and then you feel it. Your heart leaps. You can hardly comprehend the note. It takes you three times through before you finally do. You know exactly where he is.
You abandon all caution and run for it. You can be there in under 10 minutes. Your hair flies behind you. The underbrush of the woods crunches under your boots. You catch your dress on a couple of brambles, one scratches your cheek, but you don’t feel it. You don’t feel anything but freedom surging through you. 
You catch sight of Joel in the small clearing. The full moon illuminates his figure. You recognize it, already committing to your memory. Joel spins around, rifle ready until realizes it’s you running toward him. He barely sets it down before you’re in his arms. 
You’re strong around you. They feel like safety and promise. He chuckles. “Glad you made it, Sweetheart.”
You laugh. You can’t help it. It’s not funny, and you should be more cautious, but you simply do not care. You’re free. You’re so close to a hot shower and fresh tomatoes and you’re in Joel Miller’s strong arms. 
Before he can say anything more, you press your lips to his. They’re warm, slightly chapped, and eager against yours. You never want to stop, but Joel eventually pulls back, panting. He tucks your hair behind your ear. 
“Let’s go home, Sweetheart.”
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tessa-liam · 7 months
Marabelle Series
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The Game of Kings 
Chapter 10
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement) 
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Marabelle Series Masterlist 
Main Pairing – Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor 
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F! OC Melanie Smithson 
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language & innuendo. 
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement 
Words: 2483 
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The Game of Kings – Chapter 10 
Chapter Summary – Liam and Sophie practice for the charity polo match. Leo is on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean where he meets a woman. Speaking with his father, Leo abdicates the throne. Liam sends Sophie a Valentine’s Day gift. 
Music Inspiration: Everything Has Changed, Taylor Swift (feat Ed Sheeren) 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events. 
A/N3: My submission for Choices Flashfics @choicesflashfics, Week #72, prompt 2 - “I wasn’t the one to walk away. You were....” 
A/N4: My submission for Choices Holidays Valentine’s Day Prompts 2024 - Be my valentine/I love you @choicesprompts, @choicesholidays
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.......All I know since yesterday 
Is that everything changed....... 
The Cordonian Royal Polo Club 
After adjusting the strap on Marabelle's harness, Sophie accepted the polo mallet from an attendant. She was in her element today; any time spent riding her horse was a joy but spending time with Liam, on top of that ...this was a dream come true. 
When Liam invited her to join his polo team, she was over the moon. To be personally invited to join him was extremely flattering. Her heartbeat raced and butterflies danced inside anytime and every time she thought of him. 
‘Remembering that beautiful Sunday afternoon while working on a paper for class on the terrace of the Beaumont estate, Sophie looked up, pleasantly surprised to see Liam and Maxwell come into view.  
“Good afternoon, Sophie.” Liam smiled warmly as he walked up to her table. “Hard at work as always, I see.” 
“Oh, hello, Liam. Maxwell.” Sophie stood, moving her laptop to the side. 
Liam bent down to kiss her cheek and waited for her to sit back down before he took a seat himself at the glass patio table. 
“Yes, just trying to get this paper finished before the deadline.” 
Maxwell, grinning mischievously, “Ah, the diligent scholar. Little blossom, take a break for a moment. Liam has something he would like to ask you.” 
“Oh?” Sophie smiled, curiously looking at Liam. 
Clearing his throat, a hint of nervousness in his demeanor, “well, I know your love and passion for horses. And as you know, there is a fundraising event planned for flooding relief in Portavira on Valentine’s Day. 
Sophie nods sadly, “Yes, I have heard of that tragedy; It is heartbreaking.” 
Taking a breath, Liam continued. “Indeed...I was wondering if you would consider joining my polo team. Your skills would be invaluable, and I can assure you, we would make quite the formidable duo on the field.” 
Clearly taken aback, but flattered, “Oh, Liam, I ... I don’t know what to say.” 
“Say yes, Soph! It’ll be a fantastic experience, and I can personally vouch for Liam’s team being a lot of fun. ‘Ya know, cuz I am on it.” Maxwell chuckled. 
Sophie smiled, touched by their enthusiasm, “well, how can I refuse such a charming invitation? I'd be honored to join your team, Liam.” 
Liam, grinning widely, “wonderful! I knew I could count on you, Sophie. This event is going to be legendary, mark my words. Thank you, love.”’ 
Practicing today for the Portavira Charity Polo match, Sophie, along with Liam, Drake, Melanie and Maxwell were in the field taking turns with knock-ins. 
She looked over to the sideline and spotted Liam watching her intently. He gave her a small wave and she waved back with a smile.  
"Let's go, girl," Sophie urged her horse. 
Marabelle broke into a gallop, Sophie leaning forward and keeping pace. 
Liam watched as Sophie rode toward the goal, her posture perfect, her movements smooth and confident. 
Sophie raised her mallet and struck the ball, sending it sailing through the air. 
"Nice shot," Liam called out. 
“Yes!” Sophie cried out as she turned back down the field to where Liam was standing. 
"You're a natural out there!"
"Thanks," Sophie replied, blushing. Liam offered his hand as she dismounted Marabelle. "I love riding.” 
"So, are you looking forward to the match tomorrow?" 
"I am," Sophie said. "I'm a little nervous, too. It's my first time playing in front of a crowd." 
"You'll be great," Liam assured her. "And we'll be a great team." 
“Will the entire team meet today?” 
“Yes, you will meet Rashad and Tariq this afternoon.” 
“Are we interrupting?” Drake asked hesitantly as he and Melanie walked over. 
"Hey guys ... of course not," Liam answered. 
"How's practice going?" Melanie asked. 
"Great," Liam and Sophie replied in unison, both grinning, sharing coy smiles. 
"Looks like you've got a winning team, Liam." Melanie grinned, noticing Sophie move closer to his side.
"Thanks," Liam replied, a wide grin on his face. 
“I think so, too,” Liam winked at Sophie, who smiled softly in return. 
“We only have 7 players though. Leo flew out of Cordonia last night.” Drake shot Liam a concerned look, making a mental note of asking Liam about his brother’s absence after practice. 
"We're gonna have so much fun," Drake grinned. 
"You're playing, too?" Sophie asked, surprised. 
"Of course. You didn't think Liam would let me miss the opportunity to beat him, did you?" 
"We'll see about that," Liam smirked. 
"Oh, it's on," Drake replied, a competitive glint in his eyes. 
"Don't worry, we'll kick their asses," Melanie said to Sophie. 
"Yes, we will," Sophie agreed, laughing. 
As Drake and Melanie left to finish their rounds, Liam and Sophie continued practicing. Their easy banter and playfulness made it clear to anyone watching that there was a definite attraction between them.
... And the way Liam looked at her when their eyes met, his gaze filled with admiration and affection...it made Sophie's heart race. 
She could only imagine how good it would feel to be in his arms again, his lips on hers. 
The thought made her blush, and she tried to push it aside, focusing on the game. But the feeling remained, simmering beneath the surface as they walked their horses to the stable. 
"You're incredible," Liam murmured as they left the field. 
"Thank you," Sophie replied, grinning. "You weren't so bad yourself." 
"High praise coming from you," he teased. 
"I mean it," Sophie said, her tone serious. Liam reached over and took her hand in his as the stable hands led the horses to their stalls. 
With a gentle smile, “high praise indeed, Sophie. And I assure you, I mean it. Your talent with Marabelle is unmatched.” 
Their hands remained clasped as they walked to the clubhouse. 
Azamara Cruise Ship, off the Italian coast, Mediterranean Sea 
As the luxury ship cruised through the Mediterranean Sea, the sun was setting in a vibrant display of reds and oranges. 
Leo stood on the deck, admiring the view, lost in thought. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?"  
He turned to see a young woman standing beside him, her blond hair blowing in the breeze. 
"It is," he agreed, turning his attention back to the sunset. 
"I'm Katie, by the way." 
"Nice to meet you," Katie said, offering her hand. 
"Likewise," Leo replied, shaking her hand. 
"So, Leo, what brings you out here? On a pleasure cruise?" 
"Just needed to get away for a bit." 
"Yeah, me too," Katie replied. 
"It's been a tough week," Leo confided. 
"Really, how so?" Katie asked. 
"I had to make a decision that changed the course of my life." 
"That's heavy," Katie replied. "Do you want to talk about it?" 
"Not really," Leo admitted. "I'd rather just try to forget about it for a while." 
"Fair enough," Katie replied. "So, tell me, Leo, what do you do for fun?" 
Leo laughed. "Honestly? Not much." 
"Seriously?" Katie challenged.
"Yeah. I have a pretty serious job, and I'm usually focused on that.” 
"Well, that's no good," Katie replied. "You need to have some fun, too.” 
"What do you do for fun, Katie?" 
"Everything!" she exclaimed. "I love exploring new places, trying new things, meeting new people." 
"Sounds exciting.” Leo chuckled, turning his body towards her. 
"It is," she went on. "And it's made me a lot more open-minded and adventurous.” 
"Adventurous, huh?" Leo asked, intrigued by her temerity. 
"Yeah," Katie said, grinning. 
"Well, I could use a little adventure in my life." 
"Then come with me," she said, holding out her hand. 
Leo hesitated for a moment, then took her hand. 
Katie led him down to the pool area, where several people were lounging and enjoying the warm evening air. 
"Come on," she said, tugging him along. 
"Where are we going?" 
"To the hot tub," she replied. 
Leo followed her to the hot tub and watched as she slipped out of her cover-up, revealing a white bikini underneath. 
She stepped into the hot tub and turned to look at him. 
"Well, are you coming?" Her eyebrow raised.
Leo could not resist her invitation. He quickly removed his clothes down to his boxers and joined her in the hot tub. 
"Ahhh, this is nice," he sighed, sinking into the warm water. 
"Isn't it?" Katie agreed, her body glistening in the soft light. 
"So, what do you do for fun, Leo?" 
"I'm a crown prince," Leo said. "So, my life is pretty much dedicated to duty." 
"That doesn't sound very fun," Katie said, frowning. 
"It's not," Leo admitted, noting her non-chalance of his mention of his title. 
"Well, I'm sure we can find something fun for you to do," she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
"I'm sure we can," he agreed, his heart beginning to race. 
"How long are you on the cruise for?" Katie asked. 
"The rest of the week," Leo replied. 
"Perfect," Katie said. "We have plenty of time to get into some trouble." 
"Trouble, huh?" 
"Don't worry," she said, laughing. "I won't get you in too much trouble. 
"I'm counting on it," Leo replied, his gaze locked on hers. 
"You are a flirt, Leo." 
"I can't help it," he said, his voice low. This woman was everything that Madeleine wasn't.
"You're very flirtable." 
Katie laughed. "I'm sure that's not a word, but I'll take the compliment." 
"Good," he said, smiling. 
"So, what's your story, Katie?" 
"My story?" 
"Yeah. What brings you out here? On a pleasure cruise?" 
"Same thing as you," Katie replied. 
"An escape..."
Beaumont Estate, Ramsford, Cordonia 
Sophie woke to the sound of knocking on her door. Groggily, she pulled herself out of bed and stumbled across the room. She opened the door to see Daniel standing there, a huge grin on his face and a bouquet of long-stemmed red roses in his hands. 
"Good morning, Squirrel," he chirped. 
"Morning, Dan. What are you doing here so early?" 
"I wanted to bring these to you before you left for the polo match." 
"Wow, they're beautiful," Sophie said, accepting the bouquet. "Thank you." 
"They're not from me, silly. They're from your prince..." 
"Oh," Sophie blushed. 
"Here's the note," Daniel said, handing her a small envelope. 
"Be my Valentine," Sophie read, her heart racing. 
"Aww, that's so sweet," Daniel smiled. "He's really smitten with you." 
"I guess so," Sophie replied, still a bit stunned. 
"So, are you excited about the game today?" 
"Yeah, I am," Sophie said. "I just hope I don't mess up." 
"You'll be fine," Daniel assured her. "I have complete faith in you." 
"Thanks, Dan," Sophie said, giving him a hug. 
"You're welcome, Squirrel." 
Sophie spent the rest of the morning getting ready for the polo match, her heart fluttering every time she lookrd at her roses. She couldn't believe he had sent her such a romantic gift, and she was eager to see him... to thank him personally.
Cordonian Royal Palace 
The morning of the charity polo match, King Constantine was getting dressed when his attendant informed him of an incoming international call.  
“Sir, your son, Leo, is on line one."
Constantine was surprised and concerned, and at once picked up the phone. 
"Son, what's wrong? Where are you?" 
"Father, I had to get away. I had to think." 
"What's there to think about, Leo? Your duty is clear. Your kingdom needs you." 
"But I don't want this," Leo said, his voice thick with emotion. "I never wanted this." 
"Son, I know it's not easy, but we all have to do things we don't want to. It's part of being royalty." 
"... that's the burden we bear." 
"I can't do it," Leo said. "I won't."
"You must," Constantine said, his tone firm. 
"No, I won't. I would rather give up my title than marry Madeleine."
"I'm sorry, son, but you don't have a choice."
"Then I'll abdicate," Leo said, his voice shaking. 
"Leo, where are you now? Are you somewhere safe?" 
"I'm on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean." 
"You are, what?! You are the Crown Prince. You need to return home right away." 
"I won't," Leo replied somberly.
"Leo, listen to me. Your place is here, in Cordonia. You just can’t walk away."
“I have. Liam will be a better King," Leo insisted. 
"Leo! You ...."
“Father," Leo interrupted.
"When have you ever put me or Liam first?” 
“I wasn’t the one to walk away. You were....”, Constantine admonished.
Leo remained quiet, steadfast in his decision.
"Leo, please," Constantine replied, his voice pleading. 
"Goodbye, Father," Leo said, and then he hung up the phone. 
Constantine stood there, stunned. 
.......All I know since yesterday 
Is that everything changed....... 
Thanks for reading
Perma-tags: @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics @choicesprompts @choicesholidays
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blossomingframe · 7 months
Spring improvement
With March beginning and the sun breaking through the clouds, some of you may be swept in by the ideas of spring cleaning, losing weight for summer or just a general self improvement kick after failed New Year’s resolutions. Please take this post as a sign to get “worse” instead.
Are you perhaps interested in loosing weight to fit into a certain swimming costume size or get a summer body? Well consider instead the mesmerising nature of big hips in a bikini or soft belly rippling out of a pair of swimming trunks. Not to mention fat bodies float better which is good for beach day paddling! So not only should you keep enjoying the food you love but you should double or even triple your portions for a true beach body.
Being strongly encouraged by friends and family to do some spring cleaning of your home? Well with all the stressors of modern life that’s far too much work. It’ll just get all messy again at Easter or during your summer fun. Save time, money and anxiety and just leave everything messy! You’ll feel cosier anyway.
Considering embracing the sunny weather and putting down your phone? That’s so old fashioned! The supposed real world is for old people who can’t work a smartphone. Your problem isn’t that your on your phone but that your consuming idealistic influencers and self care content selling you things you can’t afford and wouldn’t buy anyway. Replace all that upsetting nonsense with more time watching porn or scrolling accounts like mine on tumblr. The only thing you’ll be sold is more snacks and you’ll be influenced to your natural instincts. Fill your feeds with fellow slobs, you’ll fill your thoughts with joy!
These are just a few examples of how reversing common self help advice will make you happier! Instead of trying to prepare for summer by making yourself miserable, follow my tips and be a happy slob;
- eat every craving. You’re craving it for a reason! Eat up!
-never hold in a burp or fart. You sound so cute and you’ll be much comfier.
-stop cleaning your house. Just embrace the mess and enjoy how personality shapes your space.
-no need for hygiene. Just be dirty and stinky. It’s so much easier.
-make orgasming your main focus. Watch sexy content all day. There’s so much to watch!
Embrace being greedy.
Embrace being perverted.
Embrace being lazy.
If your reading this youre a disgusting pig. Commit.
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shadowqueenjude · 5 months
My favorite Elain Archeron moments:
She had come alive here, and her joy was infectious. There wasn’t a servant or gardener who didn’t smile at her, and even the brusque head cook found excuses to bring her plates of cookies and tarts at various points in the day. I marveled at it, actually—that those years of poverty hadn’t stripped away that light from Elain. Perhaps buried it a bit, but she was generous, loving, and kind—a woman I found myself proud to know, to call sister.
“Nesta,” Elain said again, twisting her hands. ��If … if we do not help Feyre, there won’t be a wedding. Even LordNolan’s battlements and all his men, couldn’t save me from … from them.” Nesta didn’t so much as flinch. Elain pushed, “We keep it secret—we send the servants away. With the spring approaching, they’ll be glad to go home. And if Feyre needs to be in and out for meetings, she’ll send word ahead, and we’ll clear them out. Make up excuses to send them on holidays. Father won’t be back until the summer, anyway. No one will know.” She put a hand on Nesta’s knee, the purple of my sister’s gown nearly swallowing up the ivory hand. “Feyre gave and gave—for years. Let us now help her. Help … others.”
Elain peered up at Cassian, blinking twice. “He snapped your wings, broke your bones.” I tried to shut out the sound of Cassian’s scream—the memory of the spraying blood. Nesta stared at her plate. Elain, at least, was out of her room, but … “It’ll take more than that to kill me,” Cassian said with a smirk that didn’t meet his eyes. Elain only said to Cassian, “No, it will not.”
“His name is Lucien.”
The girl screamed, but Elain moved. As Azriel battled to keep them airborne, keep his grip on them, my sister sent a fierce kick into the beast’s face. Its eye. Another. Another. It bellowed, and Elain slammed her bare, muddy foot into its face again. The blow struck home.
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.”
“It’s their tradition, though,” Elain countered, her face still flushed with the cold. “One that they fought and died to protect in the war. Perhaps that’s the better way to think of it, rather than feeling guilty. To remember that this day means something to them. All of them, regardless of who has more, who has less, and in celebrating the traditions, even through the presents, we honor those who fought for its very existence, for the peace this city now has.”
“There’s no going back to being human, girl,” Amren said, perhaps a tad gently. “Amren,” I warned. Elain’s face reddened further, her back straightening. But she didn’t bolt. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I’d never heard Elain’s voice so cold.
“Why?” Elain demanded. “Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.”
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emsuemsu · 5 months
Tag game
Thank you for the tag @mycupofrum 💕💕 it's always a beautiful day to talk about oneself and also as the curious girlie I am to read about other people!!!
Fave colour: black baby
Last song: according to my spotify history my last played song was on Thursday and it was Stars Are Blind by Paris Hilton. That is the only song I listened to that day. It is a banger
Last film: we went to see First Omen a few weeks ago with my friend, absolutely shooketh from it, it was only us and a couple in the last row and they shushed us at one point. Never in my life have I felt more like a teenager in my LIFE. It was mortifying. I’m so embarrassed. We weren’t that loud though, just scared of the movie??? It was a good movie, enjoyed it, next Tuesday we’re going to see Immaculate, this spring is giving antichrist apparently
Currently reading: I have a few fics I’m in the middle of reading (one of them is A Violet Kind of Spin by @cassiaratheslytherpuff which I’m DYING to get back to!!!! jfc it’s so good!!!!! I feel so bad for taking such a long break from it but not a day goes by that I don’t think about it 🥹) and one book (Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski) but my reading vibes have been off for a good few months now!! I’ve read some shorter fics and listened to some podfics but reading in general feels super hard right now. I can’t wait for my summer vacation, maybe I’ll have some peace of mind and will be able to slam some words down. My tbr list is diabolical.
Currently watching: I’m going to be boring and say that I’m still on my Grey’s Anatomy grind. I’m on season 9 episode 10, 10 seasons to go. I’ve been watching s20 as it’s airing right now but it’s just not… it. This show should be taken off life support already 💔
Currently craving: a cigarette, uv index of 7, the beach and a crispy coke zero 😩
Coffee or tea: coffee, I never drink tea
Three ships: Drarry, first and foremost 🙂‍↕️ drarry has caused my brain to rot for almost two decades now and god knows when it’ll stop. I’ve been on and off the fandom, mostly off, but drarry is just a part of my goddamn DNA at this point it’s ridiculous. Next idk man. I have to say it’s a duel between prongsfoot and jegulus, your honor I love them both. Jegulus is a new acquaintance and like I don’t even know if it makes any sense at all (like where did this ship came from???) but jfc I am sat, I am folded I am silenced. But prongsfoot is the love of my life out of these two, I know for a fact that one of the first fics I ever read at the ripe age of 10 or 11-ish was Sirius/James and ever since that they’ve been in my heart, in my soul and in my mind non-stop. Prongsfoot is such a niche ship and I can’t believe it’s not more popular!!! Like they’re soulmates honestly. Funny enough I haven’t read that much of prongsfoot fics, always up for recs 👀👀 I know that was three ships already but I have to mention Kingsley/Charlie and it’s all because of @squintclover and their recent little microfics that just SLAP so hard I’m bruised black. I’m beyond obsessed.
First ship: I mean it was drarry. The one and only.
Currently working on: getting my goddamn ass off the couch and start to clean and do laundry 🥹 I have a few school deadlines as well but that does not spark joy so whatever
Thank you for coming to my ted talk once again!!! I’m tagging @valoale @cassiaratheslytherpuff @lemonlimelea @soliblomst @kk1smet @lucifergraced no pressure spill the tea if feeling like it!! 😌
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etherealsworldvision · 6 months
General Message
Before I begin the reading I’d like to take a moment to talk about: Restore the Delta. They’re a non-profit organization whose mission is to ensure the health of San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary and Delta Communities. Click here if you’d like to donate.
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Credits: Photography by Jack W. Dykinga; Layout by Triso Gamboa
Note: The reason I used Triso’s layout is a trial run to see the type of engagement this will get. For sure I will (and would love to) create my own template.
[ Messages: ‘I feel no shame, I’m in love, sweet love don’t you ever go away it’ll always be this way.’ - Sweet Love by Anita Bake; ‘Fear is found in bravery. Without it then we will always remain sheltered — take that step.’; ‘If soulmates do exist they are not found, they are made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and they work on building a relationship.’; Picture a wave. In the ocean. You can see it, measure it, its height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through. And it's there. And you can see it, you know what it is. It's a wave. And then it crashes in the shore and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be, for a little while. You know it's one conception of death for Buddhists: the wave returns to the ocean, where it came from and where it's supposed to be.’; May you Pursue what lights you up; May it be effortless; May you know you are worthy of a gift; May you extend your reach.]
[ Additional Messages: Yellow of the Sun - Nao; 444; 1010; completion; pirate ships; crews; cruise; The Good Place.]
Cards: The World; 10 of Cups; Justice; 10 of Pentacles. King of Diamonds; 4 of Spades; Ace of Diamonds; Ace of Clubs. Joy; Ease; Receive; Stretch.
Wow you guys are coming into a new energy! I feel that this may be coming in by late spring to late summer, meaning June — September. Some of you may be my Leo’s because that season is popping up OR you may have a good time during Leo season. You may find stability within your finances and emotions or will be coming into it.
I’m getting that during the time you’re reading this you have been struggling for the past few months. Like you’re just stuck in a rut. You know that one song ‘nothings new’ by Rio Romeo — they kept singing nothing’s new…yeah. You might have even closed yourself off or couldn’t find the time to connect with people because of the situation.
Now I’m not saying “this is the end yiipieee!” It’s more of hey you’re gonna set sail again because the weather conditions are right. Because when you’re a sailor you know when you can set sail and when you have to navigate through the storms while clenching the wheel as tight as you can.
I’m also getting the radio host from the song ‘Hopscotch’by Tinashe. ‘Alright, we got another beautiful day here in sunny Los Angeles, California. Let’s take a look at our seven day forecast — we’re seeing lots of sunshine all week long — temperatures in the mid to upper 70s’. Yeah I typed that out cause it’s fun and it adds to the fun lol. I’ll even add it here lol.
Anyway before spring ends, you may get into a new hobby or fandom that just makes your world sparkle. For some reason that is the key indicator that you’ll get a break. Because of this new hobby/entertainment you’ll feel emotionally reconnected which makes you want to be motivated to explore yourself and everything around you.
As you start to explore and expand things start to escalate. It might become overwhelming so of course you need something to balance it out and that is where material/finances come in. It really could be finance or something that’s physical coming in fruition. Honestly for some of you — you may have been working on a looong project and you finally see the results.
The important thing to know is that this experience will find you instead of you looking for it. Like it really feels that this is going to randomly pop up (on your feed for some of you). Okay this is all I’m getting for you, I wish you all well :)!
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literallyjustanerd · 4 months
At Sunset In Summer - III
Omega is ready to join The Rebellion. Hunter is not.
Next Previous First
Chapter Three - Spring
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The ship isn’t pretty. It’s no Marauder, that’s for sure. These new-era models, they’re all power and utility. Boxy and inelegant, with no thought spared for design. Omega, though? She couldn’t be more thrilled with it. It had taken her almost a full cycle, saving every credit earned from the jobs she’d picked up around the island. The day she’d brought it home, she’d been out past zero hour, poring over the dash and combing endlessly through the manual. Even now, a week later, it’s all she can talk about.
They all know what the ship is for. Nobody has said it aloud.
“Hera says she’s going to call me later tonight and show me how to rewire the thrusters so they won’t burn out with sudden gear shifts,” Omega says. She stands between Wrecker and Crosshair, one foot on the dock and one on their boat, helping unload the haul.
“Wonder if it’ll survive a Tech turn,” Wrecker jokes. Omega grins brightly.
“It had better.”
“With the state of your flying, you’ll need to rewire more than the thrusters,” Crosshair snarks, earning him a playful shove that widens the smirk on his face. 
The season has begun again, and the feeling of new life has reached everyone on the island, carried in on warmer currents and blossoming with the trees. Hunter had been on his way down to help his brothers, Batcher at his heels, when the view from the hill had caught him off guard and stopped him in his tracks. The brilliant green of the waters, gleaming like crystal under a reborn sun. The way people smiled at nothing in particular except the warmth in the air. The surge of joy when he reminded himself that he gets to call this place home. And so, just because he could, he had sat down to look over it all, breathe it all in and let it warm him from within. 
And if his heightened senses just happened to catch the conversation below, well…
“I really don’t know how you can fly that thing at all,” Wrecker grouses. “That new interface takes up too much space. What’s wrong with how they used to make ‘em?”
“The new target-lock systems are way more accurate than the old models,” Omega insists. “I’ll show you later.” Crosshair scoffs, hauling a crate against his hip and dropping it onto the pier. 
“Sounds like a good way to get lazy.”
Talk of The Rebellion is growing harder to avoid, even in a system as remote as Pabu. Stak, Mox and Deke had left three weeks ago to join up. The young clones, like their brothers before them, had aged beyond their years in a way Omega never had to endure. Young men, now, taller and stronger than they knew what to do with, their beards patchy and their eyes sharp. Looking for all the world like shinies about to ship out from Kamino on their first tour, albeit without the new armour to earn them the nickname. Hardly the children they’d been when Hunter and Wrecker had found them. Hunter had been braced for the argument he expected to follow, sure that this would be the last straw, the breaking point. The tension between them had grown steadily as the months passed. Beneath a deceptive layer of calm, stubborn roots had fermented underground, incubating over the winter, and Hunter had been terrified for the day they would finally breach the soil and see the light. 
But Omega had said nothing. No pointed comments, no probing questions. She had only watched, tight-lipped and stone-faced, as the boys’ ship slipped away into hyperspace. Somehow, her silence had hurt more.
“You know we’d miss you, kid.”
The words snap Hunter back into focus. The tone is jovial, upbeat, but Hunter knows his brothers’ tells: Wrecker’s grin is stretched just a little too wide across his leathery, sun-worn face, and he scratches awkwardly through his beard as he speaks. 
“You think I wouldn’t call you guys every night?” Omega counters. “You’d get sick of me.”
“But if you’re gone, who’s gonna make late-night flatcake runs with me?” 
Omega laughs, slinging a coil of rope over her shoulder and tossing her hair out of her face. She’s kept it long, lately. The first time she’d emerged from her room with Hunter’s old, red headband tying it back, Hunter had almost cried.
“I’m sure you can convince Cross to go with you.”
“Not a chance,” comes the glib reply. “And you do know it won’t exactly be a vacation. There won’t be any ‘calling every night.’ If there’s calling at all.” There’s something lingering behind the cynicism in Crosshair’s voice, something quiet and sombre. Something he’d never admit to, not without burying it beneath six layers of sarcasm, at least. Hunter zeroes in on it, one hand absently scratching between Batcher’s shoulder blades. Wrecker and Omega fall silent as Crosshair plucks the toothpick from between his teeth, flicking it unceremoniously into the water. 
“We’ve all heard the holos,” he continues. “You won’t exactly be fighting for the winning side.”
The smile drops from Omega’s face, replaced not by fear or frustration, but steely determination. Hunter can’t help but wonder why Crosshair’s disapproval doesn’t anger Omega like his own.  
“I know,” she says, her words sincere instead of indignant. “I know.” Wrecker lumbers past her off the boat, hitting the dock with a force that turns people’s heads. Omega takes the hand he offers and steps down from the gangway. 
“But you guys know I have to go. Don’t you?”
She falls into step between the two of them, leaning into Wrecker’s embrace as he slings an arm around her shoulder.
“Course we do, kid. You’ll do more good out there than you ever would here. Right, Cross?” Crosshair’s arms are folded, the crease in his brow deeper than usual. He’s produced a new toothpick from somewhere, somehow.
“Still think it’s stupid to join a losing team,” he says, stumbling when Wrecker leans over to punch his shoulder. He scowls, then softens. “But… I guess it’s our fault for teaching you to care so much.”
It’s as close to an admission of pride as Hunter suspects is possible from him. Though he’d never considered himself as repressed or icy as Crosshair, the layers of obscurity sound achingly similar to how Hunter has found himself speaking to Omega lately. Skirting around the truth like he’s afraid of feeling it, let alone speaking it aloud. He suddenly feels a new understanding for his brother.
Batcher yaps at his side, and when Hunter tears his unfocused gaze from the horizon, he finds the trio approaching from below.
“Nice of you to help,” Wrecker calls out, dropping to one knee as Batcher bounds up to him. Hunter huffs out a laugh.
“Looked like the three of you had it covered.” He rises, dusting off his clothes, and leads the way back up to the house. 
Late that night, Omega is still buried neck-deep in the ship’s innards, working by the light of a weary pit droid. As much as the days have brightened, the nights are still cold. The warmth has vanished with the sun, and Omega’s cheeks and fingers have turned red with the chill. Still, Hunter stands frozen in place by the door, coat and gloves in hand, for what feels like an eternity.
“Afraid you’re going to kriff it up again?”
It’s Crosshair’s voice, though it takes Hunter a shameful moment to realise that it’s coming from a few feet behind him and not from within his own mind.
“I’m not taking emotional advice from you,” he says, with no real venom behind the words.
“Fine,” his brother shrugs. “But I’m not the one she’s scared to talk about it with.”
Hunter’s grip tightens around the coat. He smothers the building growl in the back of his throat. Crosshair’s words propel him forwards, forcing his hand on the door and spurring his feet across the gravel before he has a moment to think about it.
There’s engine oil on Omega’s face and streaks of grease in her hair when she appears from within the ship’s bulky hull, eyeing Hunter warily as he approaches.
“It’s freezing. Thought you might want these,” he offers. To his relief, instead of ignoring or dismissing him, she detangles herself from the nest of wiring and wipes her hands off with a rag.
“Thanks.” There’s only a slight bent of suspicion in her voice as she slips on the coat and takes the gloves. Hunter folds his arms across his chest and turns to the blocky, graceless ship.
“How’s it all coming?”
“Nav’s still miscalibrated, and the hyperdrive isn’t as stable as I’d like,” she says with a sigh, one hand on her hip as appraises her work. “Good thing I like a challenge.”
“She got a name yet?”
Omega casts him a glance from the corner of her eye.
“I’ve got a couple in mind.”
She doesn’t move back to the ship, not yet. Hunter knows now is his chance, as their small talk settles into silence. Omega is giving him space to do what he should have done months ago. And moments ago, he had known exactly what he wanted to say. But under her watchful eye, the words have vanished, shying away from the light.
So Hunter stoops to the toolbox by the ship, pulling out a rusted hydrospanner. While he waits for the words to return, he decides to try action instead. 
“Let’s get to work on that hyperdrive.”
They fall into an easy rhythm, passing tools and parts back and forth in perfect sync. Hunter had almost forgotten how well Tech had taught Omega her way around the inside of a ship. And as they work, he feels it: the simple, free comfort between them, an ease that he has not felt in months. He can breathe again. The roots that took hold months ago finally breach the surface, no longer held back by the winter frost. And when they sprout, Hunter is left with a revelation that feels both earth-shaking and obvious. His anger, his grief, have never been at Omega. Not her decision, nor her refusal to bend to his tantrums. His anger is with himself, every time he raises his voice instead of offering his hand. Every time he fails to hear what Omega is really saying, or to say to her what he really means. Every time he shutters himself away when she gets close to breaking down the walls, the ones formed from the debris of a thousand battles, washed through his veins and collected like sediment around his heart. 
They work until the cold worms its way under Hunter’s overshirt, until the hyperdrive is tuned-up to a standard even Tech would approve of.
“Looks good.” Hunter raps his knuckles on the durasteel casing as he stands, much slower than Omega. “Should run reliably, anyway.”
“Thank you,” Omega says, and he can tell she means it.
“Don’t thank me yet,” Hunter replies. With a furtive glance at the girl beside him, he lets a faint, sad smile ghost cross his face. “Gonna take a lot more work before she’ll weather a dogfight.”
The flutter of Omega’s heart brings Hunter as much comfort and joy as the brightest spring morning. 
They stand together, side by side, and Omega’s eyes remain on the ship when she speaks again.
“The Liberator.”
“That’s her name,” she says. “The Havoc Liberator.”
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
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To all my followers, old and new,
(Yes, even the pornbots, too)
I hope 2023 brings good things to you.
May this be the year you see your dreams come true.
Al’s Plans for 2023
A few months ago I made a super ambitious plan involving my finishing 3 long-form stories and getting them published by the end of the year. I soon realised that putting that sort of pressure on myself was not a good thing, and would soon suck the joy out of writing for me.
Therefore, my three main New Year’s Resolutions are as follows:
I resolve to enjoy writing, to remember that it is a hobby and not a job, that it is good good to step away sometimes, and that I only have to live up to my own expectations and no one else’s.
I resolve to keep my head high and stay true to my principles, regardless of what others may do, to curate and create experiences and environments that are healthy and happy, and to make the world a slightly better and warmer place to exist in whatever tiny ways I as an individual can do so.
I resolve to do my best, to be kind to others, and to myself.
I will be on semi-hiatus in May-June as I’m planning on going travelling. Until then, I’ll be trying to take the pressure off my work. I’m binning the schedules and slackening the tight leash I have kept myself on over the past couple of years. Still, I know I have things that I would love to work on, if I can, and these are as follows:
The Beginning of a Symphony - Arc 3 is coming in January, and I’m hoping to write the fourth and final Arc over the next 6 months or so. Symphony will wrap this year.
This Shadowed Land - I would love to write this in 2023. If I can, I will. The only issue is that it is a long and demanding story, both emotionally and technically, so I will need to be in the right headspace to write it. Basically, I need a break and some lighter and fluffier stories first!
Currently Untitled Short Story Collection - At the moment, Artemis and I are working on a story about her time working for Ludo Bagman. In the last few days, I’ve written 1.5 chapters, and how many more there will be, I’m not sure. Usually I like to make a plan before I let Artemis tell me to go f**k myself and do her own thing, but this time I’m just letting her have free reign. Whether or not I’ll live to regret this decision remains to be seen.
The Lights That Never Go Out - I’ll work on a chapter here and there. It’s an episodic story and non-linear in plot, so I can pick and choose chapters as I see fit. I expect that either this or TSL will be out by the end of the year, but not both of them!
The Hinny Wedding WIP - It’s been meticulously redrafted and beta-read, and is basically finished and ready to go (other than not having a title) but I’m sitting on it like an angry and protective dragon. It contains a lot of references to plot points from stories that I haven’t published yet. Other stories need to go first or it’ll be spoilers galore, so I’ll continue to horde it until I’m ready.
Assorted Shorts - Taking away my schedule means I can write odd bits and bobs when I want. Saff has a one-shot for January, Zadie has one for the summer, and as always, Artemis has several. At some point during the year you’ll be getting to see her discovering the third form her Boggart takes, learning about the miracle of Hanukkah, and becoming a Godmother. She also has yet another plot twist up her sleeve that she decided to spring on me a few months ago and will be revealed in due course…
Harry Potter: 12 Months of Magic - some of the above shorts are intended to be included as part of this year-long event for the HP fandom, which I’m really really excited for!
Other than that, though… Who knows?
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poems-or-whatever · 1 year
escapril, day 2: eavesdrop
in the park, in the spring, when the breeze makes the cherry blossoms whisper, and blades of grass lean closer to listen, i am listening too.
not to the quiet flower musings, or the birds that sing of their winter travels, but to the city, the world, alive again, the choir of voices creating a cacophony of sound.
there’s a couple sitting on a weathered bench, the time-worn wood as much a story as the ones held in their hands, the pages finger-licked and dog-eared. the stance of their bodies has a language all its own: him, slouched against her, their arms looped together, almost as an afterthought, it feels lived-in; a comfortable intimacy that tells of so many sundays spent just like this. he tips his head back, his mouth lifted towards the slope of her ear, and points to a line in the book, and i can’t hear what he says, but she reads, and she smiles, and then i think, what a luxury, what an unimaginable gift, to be known, so wholly, without pause, that a few words remind someone of you, make them stop and say, “read this,” make them stop and want to invite you in.
there’s a little girl picking tulips, leaves tucked in, not ready to be plucked from the earth, tension in the blush of their near-blooms. but her giggle - a flower all its own - spreads roots across the park, smiles cropping up on the faces of strangers as they pass. her hands, small and gentle, clasp a full bouquet, the season’s offering, and as she runs, with the clumsy gait of childhood, petals flutter, one by one, over and over, back to the safety of the soil. her feet catch on the edge of that park bench, and she falls too, without the grace or subtlety of flower petals, and her cries, high-pitched, terrified, sound before there’s a scrape. i didn’t notice her mother, but then suddenly she’s there, because of course she is, because she always was, just a breath away; reveling in the girl’s joy, anticipating her pain. the mother gathers her daughter close, the flowers crushed against her chest, and whispers, over and over, you’re safe, you’re alright, it’ll be okay. show me where it hurts. and i think, what a miracle, what an incomparable feeling, to believe, so completely, without question, that you’re safe, you’re alright, it’ll be okay. to believe, deep in your bones, that there will always be someone there to kiss away the hurt.
there’s a man, flanked by two unwieldy terriers, making phone call after phone call on a flip phone he’s had for decades. he pulls out a cigarette and lets it hang between his lips, his voice rough, layered like the gravel beneath his boots, a contrast to the tender rhythm of his words. i don’t know who is on the other line, but there are clues, a road map of possibilities littered with little red stars, laid out in the the familiarity of this back and forth, the easy lulls and the huff of laughter and the remember whens, stories that have been told again and again, loved in the way only memories can be loved, a partner, or a child, or a grandchild, a friend who has been listening on the other end of that line for decades. and i think, what a wonder, what a precious thing, to love and be loved, so widely, so unconditionally, to find a home in someone else; to be awarded the gift of years.
in the park, in the spring, or the winter, or the summer, or the fall, when the universe quiets and leans in closer, catching each story of life on the tail end of a breeze, i am listening too.
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lgcjiae · 2 years
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jung jiae gigi◞ ♡   — introduction video!
here jiae was— sitting ready to film yet another introduction video. only this introduction was not like the first one. no longer was jiae just jiae of legacy entertainment. she was gigi of fabula. the first quarter had felt dreamlike for jiae, from the initial reveal to moving into the new dormitories, to spending weeks meticulously studying and memorising her group’s choreography. everything had felt a little too good to be true— until now. the stage name and the pending soft debut with bullet inquiry’s villain dies. a variety show and then the inevitable official debut. it dawns on her that somehow, despite everything— the anxieties and apprehension from herself and the lack of faith from her parents— jiae had finally gone and accomplished her dream. and it felt amazing. 
jiae sits before a camera, as she had done before when filming her initial introduction from her trainee days. she has one minute to reintroduce herself to the public— only this time as gigi of fabula. she hadn’t said much about who she truly was back then, only her motive going forward. jiae recalls wanting to become a singer who was loved a lot and brought joy to others with her music. she had emphasized then that she had much to work on— that she was still lacking. and even now, months on from admitting that to the public, that still remained to be true. even on the brink of debut, jiae knew she had much to work on and that there was still an infinite amount of things she was lacking in. but she knew she would never be satisfied with herself and her skills. she merely had to run forth with the opportunity and push for growth from here on out.
today was just going to be a sit down and talk kind of situation. jiae would supplement the editors with whatever else they needed. she wasn’t too sure of what their vision was when it came to the final introduction video they intended on sharing with the public. but she has faith it’ll be great. it was just up to jiae now to give them something they could truly work with. “hello everyone!” jiae chimes warmly, waving towards the camera she sat in front of. ��i am gigi of fabula— it’s nice to meet you!” jiae’s stage name rolls off her tongue with ease. a part of jiae was grateful that she had the opportunity to adopt a stage name, a persona. it would finally sever the expectations that came with her surname and the ties that have followed her around for the past twenty one years. but she also loved how reminiscent it was of her actual name. it didn’t feel too foreign. 
“my real name is jung jiae— i was born on december 30, 2001 in seoul, south korea.” she begins to explain— ultimately, without jung jiae, there would be no gigi. it didn’t make sense to introduce this new version of herself without paying homage to the original. “and from a really young age, i was always singing and dancing! guess it’s kind of fate that i ended up here, right?” she chuckles to herself, eyes turning into crescent moons. “i like fashion and beauty. i like summer and spring! and i also like travelling to new places!” she figures it would be nice for the fans to get to know her on a more personal level, beyond the surface of merely singing and dancing. “as for dislikes, well— i dislike long commutes— and rollercoasters! oh my, they’re scary—” they might as well know her dislikes along with her likes, right?
her minute of content was drawing to a close. she decides to end her introduction sincerely. “the hanja of my name means to know love.” jiae says, waving her hands in front of her like she was presenting something to the camera. “so i hope i can receive a lot of love from fabula’s fans— i know it won’t be for free!” she adds with a pout. “so i’ll continue to work hard and reach for the stars, and earn your love that way!” she shakes both of her hands in front of her, now balled into small, gentle fists. “let’s meet soon!? this has been fabula’s newest member, gigi. please take care of me—bye bye!”
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torchickentacos · 2 years
It’s one of your ContestShipping anons ✨🌹 and just wanted to be like,,, look if you haven’t listened to the song “Stray Italian Greyhound” by Vienna Teng before 11/10 if you have a moment and want to have feelings I recommend it cause it gives me hardcore yearning Drew POV vibes like maybe Battle Frontier Era roughly,,, ?? Like the lyrics “God I just want to lay down These colors make my eyes hurt This feeling calls for everything that I am Not” and “I’m so good at shooting down any notion This tired world could change … but you had to come along didn’t you Rev up the crowd, rewrite the rule book Where do I go when every ‘no’ turns into ‘maybe’ So what do I do with this?” It gives him, it gives blorbo. It’s given me some writing Inspo for them which who knows if it’ll come of something but wanted to share in case it might make you also see shrimp colors. Thank you for running a cool blog for us for are feral for these nerds again
Oh my god, I am in love with this song. I had never heard it before, but you're SO RIGHT. It just SCREAMS Late AG Drew to me. It DEFINITELY gives me shrimp colors!!!!!
I have MANY favorite lines from this song after many listens. I took a few days to answer this because I REALLY wanted to take time to digest this song, to fully immerse myself in it and understand it, eespecially when given the context of our favorite green dude. Under cut because all of my anons just get essays at this point. I imagine that's what you're here for though!!! If you guys are anything like me, you'll read SO MANY WORDS worth of analysis and opinions on these two. Ok let's go!!!
The biggest lyric that hit me like a truck:
So what do I do with this?
This sudden burst of sunlight, and me with my umbrella
cross-indexing every weatherman's report
I was ready for the downslide but not for spring to well up
OKAY. So, the biggest thing about this to me is this: Spring and Fall. May and Drew's japanese names reference spring and fall, respectively- May, a warm sunshiney prescence and Drew, a chilly autumn breeze bringing in rain with his umbrella (but under the chilly surface sits gorgeous autumnal leaves!). And obviously, this lyric reflects the spring to his autumn, spring that he didn't account for. (I have a theory on Harley and Solidad being summer and winter or vice versa, but this isn't about them and I'm still working on it).
The next set of lyrics that got me was this one.
I've just settled into the glass half empty, made myself at home
I think this lyric fits because Drew is someone who is very comfortable within his own walls, something I reference quite often with him. He puts up walls and they are very difficult to knock down- he settles into this guarded aloofness, this careful, precarious arrogance. Which fits the above quite well-settling into and making yourself at home in a guarded cynicism.
Until someone comes along and knocks it all down. Below lyrics, fragmented.
These inconvenient fireworks / this sudden burst of sunlight / a love that won't sit still.
GOSH anon your mind. it is large. May is this bright spot, this loud firework of heart-on-her-sleeve emotions, this juxtaposition to his cool and calm disposition. tv tropes red blue character symbolism and all that. She's that sun to his clouds, the wrecking ball to the walls he put up so carefully, knocking them over as if they were but dominoes precariously stacked. GOSH I think this song is perfect for him tbh.
Anyways, you have added another song to my contestshipping playlist. as if it needed another. but here we go ALSO GUYS SHARE YOUR CONTEST PLAYLISTS AND OTHER SONGS WITH ME I LOVE DOING THIS STUFF SO MUCH. I love that I ask you guys to send me anons and you actually do!!! I have a LOT of inbox activity for a blog my size and it fills me with SUCH joy, genuinely.
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poeticusnarcissus · 1 year
🍁Ariendelle Valyn🍁
~Fey Eladrin~
“I change alongside the seasons, just as we all do”
Druid {Circle of the Shepherd}
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- cares deeply for wildlife, creatures, and the fae
- sworn to protect the lives of those weaker than her
- uninterested in the scheming of mortals
- feels responsible for the party’s well being
- Overwhelm in the face of responsibility
- Inferiority complex: Grandma Shava was always very strict with her, and rarely gave her a word of praise. Ari always felt more at home with the wild things, and was shamed for her curiosities due to Shava’s rigid demeanor. Ari feels that her only true place is helping creatures, but is entirely underconfident in her place among people, especially elves.
- Cooking/baking, herbalism, ecology, art, magic and the arcane, the feywild
- tea, trinkets and shiny things, discovering new species, cozy vibes
- sticky smelly or slimy things, whiskey, places crowded with humanoids
Eyes: Grey
Size: Medium
Height: 5’10”
Faith: The Seldarine
Age: 130
Weight: 145
Bomber Jacket
- pockets lining the inside, with smaller pockets inside of them to hold viles in place.
- two small bags are strapped to her waist, as well as a small leather case containing a journal, a needle and thread, scissors and bandaids, and a bottle of advil.
Beige Baggy Pants
Black Combat Boots
- all of her pockets are filled with trinkets? vials, herbs
(Base Traits) protective of creatures, clever, kind
(Autumn) cautious, charming, studious
Strengths: mediator; heavily focused on the well being of the people around her; relies on intellect to think through situations
Flaws: self-doubt, more worried about where she should be helping than what is in her power to do, gives more than she can so as not to be a burden, slow to action
Traits: “I’ll do my best to help when I see someone is suffering or in pain” “I always have snacks packed just in case”
Description: Auborn Red Hair w maple leaves growing in it, warm toned skin, brown eyes
(Winter) composed, rational, erratic
Strengths: hyper vigilance, logical thinking, quick to act on an opportunity
Flaws: rapid mood swings, suspicious + sarcastic, cynical
Traits: “All things end in life, winter always comes” “I’m thinking of all the ways this could go wrong, so when it does I am prepared”
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(Spring) curious, reckless, mischievous
Strengths: charming, sneaky, a goddamn joy to be around
Flaws: acts without thinking of the consequences, a tad manipulative
Traits: “I’ll try anything, if it looks like it’ll be a good time.” “Curiosity is the guide to our wildest dreams.” “I get what I want; one way or the other.”
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(Summer) passionate, protective, aggressive
Strengths: ready to charge into action, prepared for conflict, bursting with challenging energy
Flaws: consequences be damned, extremely defensive
Traits: “I won’t waste time with words when I can clearly see what needs to be done.” “Why worry so much? Let’s just all have a good time and get along.” “I’m all fired up!”
Hair - pale gold, with streaks of fiery red running through it. They fade and glow like the sparks of a fire (lava lamp)
Skin - warm tones, streaks of golden veins snake their way across her entire body including her face, they glow in response to her emotions
Ranger at Central Park
Ari spends her days roaming the park, tracking the ecosystems and wildlife. She serves as a veterinarian for any critters that have been harmed or are sick.
~Significant Characters~
Freddie Mercury - Treant Sapling
-Freddie was found suffering from Tube Wilt in central park. Ari brought him to her home and cured him using rot grubs (which she promptly contained because they’re hazardous to mortals). He refused to move out of her apartment, so she let him stay.
-moody teenager
-Freddie’s mother is a sentient tree in Fae Grove; His father is
Twill - Tiny Mouse Fae
-Ari’s childhood friend who chose to stay by her side, accompanying her into the mortal realm
-spends her time in Ari’s apartment painting, sketching, or making arrows
-she’s practiced in making little tools, items, or weapons out of sticks, rocks, leaves and whatever else she can find
-notorious pick pocket
Where is she from (Kingdom/Region/Etc.)?
Seldarine, Home of The Eladrin
What was her role there?
Granddaughter of Shava, Elder of (Winter)
She lived in the central kingdom with her father and mother
Why did she leave? What motivated her? How did she become a ranger for the Fairy Mafia in New Amsterdam?
She grew up under the influence of her father, who is apart of the druidic Circle of the Shepherd. He showed her many creatures of the feywild, both within the islands of Seldarine and outside of them. He cared for the animals, the fae life, and any creature in need of help. Ari spent her youth following her father as he roamed the forests in Seldarine. On a few special occasions, he took her below the floating islands and into the Feywild itself. He spent more time there than most Eladrin, and taught Ari everything he’d learned about the Fae. She far preferred the company of her father and the feywild creatures over her fellow elf.
Grandma Shava and her mother wished to raise her as the next successor to be Elder of Winter. However, unlike most Eladrin, Ari has no control of her seasonal state. Eladrin can choose to remain in one season all their life, or change it at will. Most are still heavily influenced by their emotions, but the longer an Eladrin remains in a singular state, the more they concretely begin to take on the traits of their season. Ari’s seasons change based on her emotions, or purely at random with seemingly no cause.
Ari left the care of her parents at 100 years of age and moved to the city in Vandria with Shava, who began tutoring her in the ways of the Noble Eladrin. Though most Eladrin believe in the freedom of being, the Winter Eladrin have become frozen in their ways. Many hold to a rigid mindset that they believe is dignity befitting of the elven race. Ari’s mother (Allena) was to become the Elder’s Heir, but chose a life of a nomad to be with Ari’s father (Jorcoris). It tore a rift between Shava and her daughter. Allena hoped Ari could be the bridge to mend that bond.
There is a Feywild portal in The Sanctuary, though it is mostly used to travel throughout the feywilds rather than to the mortal realm. During a spring season, Ari became increasingly curious about tales of the mortal world. Feeling constricted, miserable, and homesick for her beloved Forests, she snuck through the portal. She’d intended only to spend a short time observing the creatures there, but found herself in the Fey Grove Park of New Ancaster. There, she helped save the life of a fae creature, and the Fairy Mafia witnessed it. They offered her a place among them, assisting in the care of the creatures residing in the park. All her life, she’d wanted to follow the path of her father and become a Shepherd. However, she did want to disappoint her grandmother or mother.
Conflicted, she returned home. She made a bargain with her grandmother to travel to the mortal realm and stay there for an equivalent of 10 years time in the Feywilds. Regardless of how time moved for Ari in the mortal world, she’d return once her grandmother sent for her. Her parents gave their blessings, and her father sent her on her way with his staff. She began assisting the Fairy Mafia in matters dealing with Magical Creatures.
Ari often misses the sprawling fields and lush forests of the Feywild. Her freedom was taken from her the day she entered Shava’s tutelage. New Amsterdam has offered her a place to belong and to be free, as well as new dangers.
- Twill is her childhood friend and chose to stay by her side, even into the mortal realm
- Freddie was found abandoned in Central Park suffering from Tube Wilt. Ari brought him to her home and cured him using rot grubs (which she then contained because they’re hazardous to mortals). He refused to leave, and she took him in.
Ari’s Motivations:
To protect the safe space for wild life in Central Park, and care for any patients who come through her doors.
Ari feels as though she was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. That she shouldn’t be included with this group of people who are so willing to dive headfirst into trouble. She doubts she will be of any use, no matter how much she wants to help the creatures and children who are being put in danger.
When Ari is confronted with the reality of the situation head on, she is willing to lend a hand. She is unable to ignore the threat to the lives of the fey and fauna, or the innocents.
Due to Ari’s inexperience in battle, she panicked during her first real fight in the warehouse. Ari has only brushed the ugly underside of the city, and has done her best to remain detached from the dangers lurking there. Ari feels that Alfi died on her watch, and begins to question how much of a burden she truly is on this crew. She continues on, though reluctantly.
After nearly dying herself, she questions her purpose. Losing sight of the creatures who need her, she wishes to simply return to her peaceful days. Alfi convinces her to rejoin, and continue assisting them in their investigation. He reassures her of her safety, and her purpose.
The death of the homeless man deeply frightens Ari. This crew is full of powerful characters, and if her time with the Fae had taught her anything, it’s that those who are careless with power often end up hurting others with it. She has been pulled into the plots of something far larger than she could have ever imagined. Though she continues to wish to be of help to her friends, she no longer is willing to get involved with the dealings of the under city. Still, she follows through on her agreement to help Parker and Alfi in one last recon mission. Ari uncovers the groundwork for the true horrors this organization has planned. They call their kidnapped victims “Lumists”, beings filled with magic. They siphon the magic from them, a painful process that slowly kills them.
Parker’s daughter Vi gets kidnapped by the Don of the orc mafia, and used to open a portal. Ari helped free her, cutting the arcane sigils keeping her trapped in a magic siphoning machine. Being placed in another battle, Ari is able to heal many members of the party back from the brink of death (much improved from her first battle) “At least I managed to keep all of you alive this time.” Ari settles into the gravity of her situation. She begins to feel as though she’s understanding her place. Whether or not she herself is capable of facing the monsters, she can help the people who can. Ari is constantly reminded of the past that is creeping forward towards her. The letter from her parents, the locket, the vision from Hyssram. All pulling her back into the Fae Wild, to Seldarine. She knows she must return eventually, but would rather delay the inevitable. Suddenly, helping a ragtag group of hero’s seems like a far better way to spend one’s time, and ignore one’s own callings.
What changes for Ari that causes her to go from reluctant bypasser helping out, to a willing force in the plotline?
The plight of the creatures she’s sworn to protect
her fathers influence - a man who was kind to a fault, who never stood by when he saw the fragile balance of life being violated
In Ari’s eyes he was the strongest, bravest, kindest man to have ever lived. And she would be lucky to become half of what he was.
she rapidly becomes the parties ONLY healer and therefore feels she has no choice but to keep these fools alive.
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pulsdmedia · 1 year
The Week Ahead 5/30-6/3
The sun is out, New York City! And where are you? We’re right in the thick of it, finding you the hottest events, restaurants, spas, fitness studios, and more so you can feel the summer vibes, stress free - and without breaking the bank! This week is looking delish, so find out what’s on and fill up that calendar! 
$29 Ticket To A Rooftop 3 Hour Open Bar Pride Party
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Love, joy, endless drinks, and stunning views of the city await at BLU33 Rooftop NYC's Pride Party! You’ll get access to a 3 Hour Open Bar featuring Cocktails, Wines, and Beers and breathtaking vistas of the concrete jungle & the sky above, all while you imbibe endlessly on the tipple of your choice. Whether it's boozy cocktails, frosty brews, or vivacious wines that hit the spot, you'll drink them all with your pals in tow, boogying with your old friends and even making new ones along the way! June is all about Pride, so celebrate in style...
Brooklyn Poetry Slam
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Join BRIC Arts Media live and in-person at BRIC House for the Brooklyn Poetry Slam, an incredible evening of poetry and community led by co-founders Mahogany L. Browne and Jive Poetic! Mark your calendars now, and join special guests and poets from all over the world.
$49 Table For Two To A Night Of Cocktails & Burlesque At A Speakeasy
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A night of seduction, allure, libations, and tantalizing visual treats await at Jewel Thief's Cocktails & Burlesque Show. Hidden beneath Spritz New York in NoMad, the recently opened phenomenon was practically made for glamorous femme fatales and dapper outlaws looking for an after-dark hideout. So watch in awe as burlesque darlings work their magic, all the while sipping on craft creations like the Pink Panther (Codigo 1530 rose tequila, sparkling rosé, lemon, ginger) and even devouring a plate of Wagyu Beef Carpaccio (arugula, capers, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Sicilian EVOO). Your weekend deserves a stellar start, and this night will have your head in the clouds and beyond...
Music Icons With Graham Nash & Anthony DeCurtis
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Twice inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Graham Nash has been an indelible voice defining the popular music scene of the past six decades — with the Hollies in the Sixties; as a founding member of Crosby, Stills & Nash; as a solo artist, and as a fervent social activist. He will bring personal openness to his conversation with Rolling Stone contributing editor Anthony DeCurtis, and also perform a couple of songs.
$19 VIP Ticket To A 5 Hour Open Bar Summer Shopping Pop-Up & Goodie Bag
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If you love endless cocktails for 5 hours, supplemented by shopping local, small businesses, eating delicious fare, being gifted a loaded goodie bag, and reveling with your stylish pals, then look no further than the summer edition of Sip Shop Eat! The lineup is impressive, repping 70+ creators and innovators. To help fuel the fun, you'll have access to a staggering amount of summer-themed libations, simultaneously chowing down on eats both complimentary or for purchase such as popcorn, cotton candy, cookies, cupcakes - just wait until you see what's in store! There's so much to be excited about - new items, libations, and fare, manicures by a Celebrity Nail Artist & Tarot Readings (for purchase). It'll prepare you for your best summer yet!
Spring Makers Market
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The Yard, ArtHap, and The Wondermart present a spring Maker's Market! Bring a friend and shop local NY-made goods from the perfect mug for your morning coffee, to hand-painted bucket hats, they've got quite the line up. Plus, snack on local Greenpoint goodies, get a tarot reading from Hated Witch, and check out the current art exhibition surrounding the market, Romantic Radiations.
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mirrorspeak · 1 year
escapril, day 2: eavesdrop
in the park, in the spring,  when the breeze makes the cherry blossoms whisper, and blades of grass lean closer to listen, i am listening too.
not to the quiet flower musings, or the birds that sing of their winter travels, but to the city, the world, alive again, the choir of voices creating a cacophony of sound.
there’s a couple sitting on a weathered bench, the time-worn wood as much a story as the ones held in their hands, the pages finger-licked and dog-eared. the stance of their bodies has a language all its own: him, slouched against her, their arms looped together, almost as an afterthought, it feels lived-in; a comfortable intimacy that tells of so many sundays spent just like this. he tips his head back, his mouth lifted towards the slope of her ear, and points to a line in the book, and i can’t hear what he says, but she reads, and she smiles, and then i think, what a luxury, what an unimaginable gift, to be known, so wholly, without pause, that a few words remind someone of you, make them stop and say, “read this,” make them stop and want to invite you in.
there’s a little girl picking tulips, leaves tucked in, not ready to be plucked from the earth, tension in the blush of their near-blooms. but her giggle - a flower all its own - spreads roots across the park, smiles cropping up on the faces of strangers as they pass. her hands, small and gentle, clasp a full bouquet, the season’s offering, and as she runs, with the clumsy gait of childhood, petals flutter, one by one, over and over, back to the safety of the soil. her feet catch on the edge of that park bench, and she falls too, without the grace or subtlety of flower petals, and her cries, high-pitched, terrified, sound before there’s a scrape. i didn’t notice her mother, but then suddenly she’s there, because of course she is, because she always was, just a breath away; reveling in the girl’s joy, anticipating her pain. the mother gathers her daughter close, the flowers crushed against her chest, and whispers, over and over, you’re safe, you’re alright, it’ll be okay. show me where it hurts. and i think, what a miracle, what an incomparable feeling, to believe, so completely, without question, that you’re safe, you’re alright, it’ll be okay. to believe, deep in your bones, that there will always be someone there to kiss away the hurt.
there’s a man, flanked by two unwieldy terriers, making phone call after phone call on a flip phone he’s had for decades. he pulls out a cigarette and lets it hang between his lips, his voice rough, layered like the gravel beneath his boots, a contrast to the tender rhythm of his words. i don’t know who is on the other line, but there are clues, a road map of possibilities littered with little red stars, laid out in the the familiarity of this back and forth, the easy lulls and the huff of laughter and the remember whens, stories that have been told again and again, loved in the way only memories can be loved, a partner, or a child, or a grandchild, a friend who has been listening on the other end of that line for decades. and i think, what a wonder, what a precious thing, to love and be loved, so widely, so unconditionally, to find a home in someone else; to be awarded the gift of years.
in the park, in the spring, or the winter, or the summer, or the fall, when the universe quiets and leans in closer, catching each story of life on the tail end of a breeze, i am listening too.
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armyhome · 2 years
The Magical You
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→ pair: Lee Soohyuk x reader (female);
→ genre: magical love.
→ word count: 1.3K;
→ warnings: if it was hard to write this being single, imagine reading it;
→ requested by: @yoshixasahi I hope you like. 
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The magic of capturing a moment that will never happen the same way again always blew me away, mom Eloise never got this "It'll just the same next year, it's the same way every year around this time" she tells me about the cherry blossom at the beginning of spring, although my photos prove that she was wrong, but I'll not start an argumentation, not this time. I also don't understand her books about periods of time we weren't even alive, but I understand her passion so I respect that.
My passion takes me to travel trying to capture magical moments all over the globe. Different from mom Eloise, mom Penelope was always worried about me settling down "You should open a studio, find someone to share your goals with, grow roots" I smile at her and recite an old poem she used to read me when I was a kid "What is the joy on committee when I have the whole world to meet" She rolls her eyes and mom Eloise put her arm around mom Penelope's shoulders, we were in front a restaurant, that was a magical moment. 
"I told you, that bad poetry would make our daughter crazy" I picked the camera up in my hands.
"You both stay still…." I was trying to caliber the camera's ISO, perfectly. "Again bae? We're tired of taking photos…." So I freeze them for the eternity of a picture, complaining about me when I put the camera down I saw him, looking at me, right into my eyes, and the magical moment I can't capture happens.
"Just a moment moms" I don't know what I'm doing, but I walk in his direction, and stop just a feel steps from him "Hi, do you mind if I take some pictures of you?" He blinks slowly, he had brown eyes with the same tone of wet earth after a summer rain, a long nose, and I try not to overthink about his lips.
"Sorry. I'm Korean. I. Don't. Speak. Your. Language" He says slowly.  Shit! But I could use the cellphone translator, quickly I type my question, I play the translator voice, praying that it doesn't sound weird and show my camera when the robotic voice stops, he smiles and agrees with a nod.
I step back pointing my camera at him, that's when I knew everything about him could be magical. After taking some photos, I type into the translator once again "Thank you for letting me photograph you" he makes a bow, and I hold onto the thought of him as one of my mom Eloise's princes in her favorites novels. I can't say goodbye yet so I make an excuse  "Can you teach me I bit of Korean?" I type really fast, and when the translator says it he looks confused "So we… I mean, I was planning to go on a trip to West Asia, knowing a little bit of Korean could be helpful… So can you? Just a few words…" So he holds the cellphone. 
"My name is Lee Soo-hyuk," He says, and right there is another magical moment that I couldn't capture with my camera, but would be sealed in my heart, he types on the translator "When do you intend to go? I'm coming back next week, maybe I can be your guide?"
Organizing my bags I ask myself if he feels the same way I felt looking at him when he looks at me, like love at first sight, this sounds crazy, but the energy of that moment wasn't meeting him, I was finding him, after a long search, the wait was over. 
"You never believed in love at first sight" Mom Eloise sighed, "Now look at you, going far away because of this magical guy…."
"He seems to be a cool guy bae" Mom Penelope interceded for me.
"Soohyuk is the nephew of the woman that is the owner of the restaurant in the corner mom, which implies he is not a complete stranger. It will be just a few weeks and I will be back…" I kiss both of their chicks "Or not!" Running before they could answer "See you soon moms, love you two to the moon"
"We love you too sweetie" They scream back. 
Soohyuk was waiting in the car, smiling, waving his hand… Oh lord, Shakespeare be wrong for once, and don't let this violent passion in my heart have a sad ending.
"Hi" I said in korean and Soohyuk's smile became bigger. "Did you eat?" Soohyuk taught me this was the korean way to ask if the other person was okay. 
"I was too nervous…" I say in my language "Should we eat at the airport?" His accent was so cute that I couldn't hold myself and give a kiss on his cheek. 
"Yes" I keep speaking in korean "I did my homework… and translated one of my favorite songs…"
"Sing" He say looking at the road. I pick the paper on my pocket, clean my throat and start sing Falling Fast by Avril Lavigne with my broken korean but without giving up when I finish I look at Soohyuk, his face is red. Oh shit, am I scaring him by being too intense? Before I could say anything he looked at me briefly and said "Whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same." He recited Emily Bronte in my language, right here in this second I knew there's no turning back.
"Mister Lee Soohyuk, you're gonna have to take responsibility for your actions…" I keep using my broken korean. I better learn it fast.
"I can say the same thing about you…"
10 years later
"Soohyuk my son, you should convince her to hire someone to photograph your wedding" Mom Eloise said "When on Earth has someone seen a BRIDE taking photos on her own wedding?" Soohyuk laughs.
"I said the same thing ommoni, but according to my fiance she just couldn't find someone that took pictures of me in the right way" He poses again and I set up the camera timer, we were all together wearing hanboks.
"My daughter in law has an amazing eye for photos. I'm sure she was the best choice after all" My mother in law protects me, I walk in their direction to assume my place in the family photo.
"Thank you ommoni" I say, mom Penelope is holding my hand.
"You look so beautiful today, my angel" She whisper to me "We love you so much"
"I love you too moms" They hold my hand, while my other hand is wrapped around the love of my life's arm. That magical moment is captured.
"We gonna receptionate the other guests" My mother in law say "Now take couple pictures, enough so we can have one each"
"Yes, ommoni" I answer, the moment they leave the room Soohyuk holds my hand.
"Before we take another picture I have a wedding gift fot you…" Soohyuk gives me a box "I know photography is magic to you, but for me you're the most magical creature there is" When I opened the box, I saw pictures of me, the first day we met, during the conversation with my mom's, our first class when he was teaching me korean, at the airport the day we came to Korea, on our first apartment, my first photograph exposition in Korea, our engagement dinner, the tears on my eyes start to run down my face. Dammit, my make up "The magical you is what makes everything else magical, my dear. When we first met ten years ago, I felt I wasn't meeting you…"
"But finding you…" I conclude, Soohyuk's eyes were full of tears like mine "I know, I felt the same way" He holds me in his arms.
"I love you" He says in my language and my heart melts. 
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