#in space with markiplier fic
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fictionalsownme · 2 months ago
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smash???????? who said that?????????
engineer doesn't get enough love on this blog considering how much I cannot express my devotion to him, so I’m working to fix that :) this is similar to what I did for damien but it took foreverr!! iswm lighting is so so pretty which makes it impossible to get right ;;u;; the saturation is really high and there's multiple light sources so in terms of rendering it, its like it was personally designed to leave me dead on the floor :))))) either way,, I'm happy with how it turned out!! he’s very prettie :))
also bonus:
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99sin · 4 months ago
u ruined my life author
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And It Starts Again — Echo_in_a_Sky
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 2 months ago
hi I'm back with the malk
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last one is based on a scene from 'every move you make is apocalypse' by @buc-eebarnes!
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captain-nat-cat · 8 months ago
Sometimes I think the Captain should’ve been way more angry at Peepaw Mark at the diner in part 2.
I mean sure there’s the obvious reasons, the whole trying to kill you, destroying the universe so badly it needed to reboot, sabotaging the ship in the first place-
But doesn’t that mean he staged for the glass in the front of the ship to break when the Captain was awakened from their cryo pod?? Wasn’t he the one that killed YOUR Mark- your universe, your Mark that will never ever be the same Mark again no matter what new universe you’re spawned into?
Sitting in that diner in the booth across from the man that killed my original universe’s Mark…idk I’m just saying the Captain should’ve lunged with their own knife hand for that one
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desastre-fag · 7 months ago
it pisses me off when i see ppl write fanfic about who killed markiplier, a heist with markiplier, a date with markiplier and in space with markiplier and use explicitly she/her or he/him pronouns…. mark literally went to the lengths of making the viewer genderless so that ANYONE can feel like theyre involved and im like why are u taking away from that…… why are u actively changing what is intended !!!!!!! like u r never gendered and all compliments are like damn ur gorgeous,,, look at them grey eyes,,, i could go on and on about how good mark was at degendering the viewer so everyone could feel part of it but im just always so upset when i go to look for fics and its like wowie SHE !!!! everyone die actually this is a threat
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clemblog · 1 year ago
wawawa captaineer short fic writing
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You Can’t Catch Him Now
There’s blood on the side of the ship.
The Captain stood in shock, having watched Mark. Their best friend. Go flying out the window of the ship. There was no time for mourning. The ship was crumbling. They couldn’t save him. They needed to save everyone else.
There’s scratches all over the floor.
They brushed past the markings on the floor where he’d tried to hold on but had ultimately failed. Fixing lift support went off with a breeze.
Shadows of us are still dancing.
They ignored his name on their tablet as they paged the other crew leads. This needed everyone’s assistance.
In every room and every hall,
They promised they’d tell the group what had happened to Mark once the ship was safe. It was hard to focus when they saw him everywhere. Let alone recount what had happened too..
There’s tears falling over the ship,
They explained what had happened, tears rolling down their face under their helmet. Gunther looked like he was going to cry. So did Burt. And Celci. And Tyler. This was hell. This was a nightmare.
You thought that it would wash away.
The group had worked in a sad silence as they got the ship prepared to dock at the nearby habitable planet. Working didn’t make anyone feel better about what had happened.
The bitter taste of his fury,
The Captain laid awake in bed. Tomorrow the rest of the crew would be awakened and they’d have to explain what had transpired on the ship. And who they’d lost. They feared the level of grief that’d run through the ship and any anger that may be directed towards them. They hadn’t saved him…
And all of the messes he made,
They felt guilty for stepping into his quarters. It was an organised mess that was so Mark. They just needed something.. something of his that’d get them through this day.
Yeah, we think that he got away,
It was an emotional docking day onto the planet. The engineering team was a wreck. None of the other crews were much better. They’d only just managed to pull it together to get a camp together on the planet.
But he’s in the trees, he’s in the breeze
The Captain stared fondly at the night sky, the trees covering them mostly from the breeze that played with their hair. They liked this spot. The plantation was a dark red here. Mark’s favourite colour.
His footsteps on the ground,
They found their heart beating a little faster at the sound of heavy footsteps approaching them. Reminding them of Mark. But it was never him. Always just an animal. Or a passing crew member. But more often than not, it was Chica. Their newly adopted doggy daughter.
You’ll see his face in every place,
People with dark hair. Soft brown eyes. Overarching enthusiasm. It was so Mark. They missed him so much. And seeing said individuals made them hurt so much more. But you can’t charge a person for looking like the man you loved. Yeah… The man they loved..
But you can’t catch him now,
They sighed fondly at Chica charging around a field. The Captain held a bag on their hip full of her dog toys. Ever since Mark had… passed… She’d much rather chase the breeze out in the fields and bark at the wind. She never seemed able to catch what she was wanting however. She’d pad back over to them a little downtrodden but with a new determination each time they went back out to play.
Through wading grass, the months will pass,
Chica would slowly start to play with her toys with the Captain, the two wading through the long bladed fields together. When the Captain grew tired however, she’d go back to chasing the wind.
You’ll feel it all around.
Looking after Chica and their crew was slowly healing the Captain’s wounds. Accepting help and giving help was always rewarded with slow walks in the fields and kisses against their skin from a gentle breeze, wiping away their sweat from a busy day.
He’s here, he’s there, he’s everywhere.
It was a never soft day snuggled up with Chica under the night sky for the Captain. Staring up at the sky that had taken Mark away from them. It was so cruel. Yet so beautiful. It was so… Mark.
But you can’t catch him now.
They hoped wherever the universe had laid him to rest, that he was happy there. Maybe laid in a bed of flowers. Coated in a blanket of leaves to act as the coffin he’d never get.
No, you can’t catch him now.
He was something the Captain didn’t think they’d ever get over until the day they died. Their heart ached for him everyday. But it’d finally stopped hurting at least.
Bet you thought he’d never do it.
The pain had quelled so much that they opened Engineer Park with a fond smile on their face. A statue of their beloved, stood smiling in the centre announcing him as the beloved creator of the Invincible II. The man who’d achieved the impossible. And brought them all home.
Thought it’d go over my head.
They also headed and sorted through his belongings. A lot of it they’d keep. Some would be given to friends. The rest was gifted to colonists who needed it.
I bet you figured he’d pass with the winter.
With the statue in its prized position, every colonist and crew would remember Mark and his story. Children were given first and middle names matching the great head engineers, in hopes of inspiring the same charm and intelligence in them. The Captain was glad he was held so highly in their new home. It was what he deserved after everything.
Be something easy to forget.
The Captain would chuckle fondly, looking at the list of first generation children they’d mentor with M related names. The children’s eyes were filled with wonder that they were ready to nurture and enlighten. To help them find themselves in this new exciting world.
Oh, you think he’s gone cause he left,
There would still be hard days but the Captain would just walk out to the field with Chica, their old girl. And they’d always feel better.
But he’s in the trees, he’s in the breeze,
Time would have its ups and downs. Especially when Chica finally grew too old to play in the field, the two opting to just relax out there instead. It’s where she’d eventually be laid to rest. The Captain would find the wind up there a lot stronger after such, like there were now two breezes passing through instead of the usual one.
Our footsteps on the ground.
The Captain would follow their beloved dog and dear head engineer not long after, being buried alongside their furry friend, looking up at the sky where the love of their life rested. The three united together at last.
You’ll see their faces in every place.
If you sat out in that lonesome field, you’d feel anything but alone as three separate breezes passed by your face and amongst the flowers.
But you can’t catch them now.
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ironwoman359 · 2 years ago
The Secret History of the Invincible II
Chapter 1: Seams Pull Apart
Summary: “How much do you remember?” he asked suddenly. “About…you know.”
“About the wormhole,” you said, because one of you had to say it, and it may as well be you.
It's been months since the Invincible safely landed on a new planet to build humanity's first colony among the stars, and the Captain has been working very hard to ensure that the colony has everything it needs. But now that everyone's getting settled, it's time to sit down with the colony's official historian and give a report to send back to earth about the Invincible's voyage...and the Captain must choose how much to reveal about what really happened
Ships: Platonic the Captain and everyone, with an emphasis on the Captain & Mark.
Content Warnings: Just a lot of discussion of everything that went on in ISWM itself, and hurt/comfort as the characters try to process that and work through it. And guilt. SOOOOO much guilt. Fun!
Word Count: 2,857
A/N: I've had this idea in my head for a long time, of how the Captain and Mark would move on with their lives after everything they went through in the wormhole, and I'm excited to finally start posting it. Enjoy!
*If you like to read on AO3, check the notes for a link!
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With a sucking whoosh and a swirl of blue energy, you suddenly found yourself back in your cryopod. You looked around, heart sinking as the pod’s interface whirred to life in a painstakingly familiar sequence.  
*Software update complete*  
“Good morning, Captain! We are currently *error* years into our journey. Coffee is en route. Current ship status is absolutely catastrophic. In-in-initializing emergency wakey-wakey protocol.”  
The cryopod spat you out and you crumpled your hands and knees on the deck of the bridge. The alarm lights flashed an incessant red and the ship’s emergency klaxons blared in your ears, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You couldn’t even bring yourself to stand up. It wasn’t over. It would never be over. You’d thought that maybe this time, you’d actually done it, but who were you kidding? This would go on forever. 
“Reviving head engineer.”  
You looked up at Mark, who was stepping out of his pod with a frown on his face.  
“Does this feel-”  
The air warped around him and his form glitched between different versions of himself, settling briefly on one with a tattered uniform, skin marred by burns and his neck twisted at an unnatural angle. 
“You let us die, Captain,” he said, his voice low and distorted, before he glitched back into his normal self.  
“-familiar to you?”  
“Mark-” you staggered to your feet, but before you could speak, he glitched again, and Celci stood in his place. 
“It never ends, Captain,” she said, her face covered in frost and her goggles glowing blue. “No matter what you try, nothing can save us from this nightmare, and it’s your fault.”   
Her body warped and it was Burt now, digital rain running down his face.  
“I'll tell you what I know,” he said. “Storm clouds are gathering... the wind is gonna blow... the race of man is suffering .” 
“This is why we shouldn’t have trusted you,” Gunther’s voice said from behind, but when you turned, it was the alien from the Universal Stability Agency standing there, her clothes torn and blood pouring from her mangled eye socket.  
“It all comes down to bad leadership ,” the alien said in Gunther’s voice, then they continued in their own.  “All those worlds...all those people...gone. Because of you.”  
“Seeing things, Captain?” 
The voice was low in your ear and you whirled around, just in time for the bridge’s main control console to burst into flames. 
“Fire on the bridge! *Error* Life support systems failing. *Error* Automatic fire suppression system offline. *Error* Failsafes offline.”  
Instinctively, you turned towards the fire extinguisher, but found yourself stuck to the floor and unable to move, ice slowly creeping up your legs.  
“*Error* Captain offline.”   
A wall of fire and shrapnel barreled towards you as the console exploded, engulfing the bridge in flames. As the heat swarmed around you, you felt a deep despair settle in your heart, like a physical weight. It didn’t matter that the explosion would kill you. Nothing mattered anymore.  
Not even death could save you from your fate.  
--- --- ---
Your eyes flew open and you gasped, lurching upright to find yourself in your bedroom, safe and sound. Cool night air filled your lungs, a stark contrast to the blazing fumes from your dream.  
Dream? Or memory?  
You pushed the thought away and swung your legs over the side of the bed. You knew from an unfortunate amount of experience that there was no point in trying to get back to sleep after one of these dreams. You slid your feet into your slippers and made your way into the kitchen, overriding your coffee machine’s programmed start time to brew a pot right away.  
“Coffee always helps,” you muttered to yourself as you grabbed a mug from your cupboard.  
And it really did.  
True, coffee couldn’t keep the nightmares (or the memories) from rising up and plaguing your mind, but the strong scent and bitter taste was grounding, as was the gentle *drip drip drip* of the machine in the quiet hours of the morning. The caffeine boost didn’t hurt either, and throwing yourself into the next day’s work was typically enough to silence any lingering thoughts floating inside your head.  
Tonight, however, was anything but typical. 
Normally, you’d instruct your computer to read out tomorrow’s schedule for you, but there was no need; you already knew what it would say.  
*Senior Crew Meeting with Colony Historian – All Day* 
You cupped your mug in your hands, letting the warmth seep into your palms as you leaned against the counter.  
The historian had been nothing but cordial, assuring you that while they’d blocked out the full day for the interviews, it would most likely only take a few hours out of the morning, if that. You hadn’t argued the point, unsure of how to even explain why it might take longer to chronicle the Invincible’s journey than the historian expected. That was if you even decided to give the full, true account of what had happened.  
If, indeed, it had even happened at all.  
You shook yourself and rubbed your eyes. Suddenly, stuck within the confines of your apartment walls was the last place you wanted to be while you waited until it was socially acceptable to be out and about. Still holding your coffee in one hand, you grabbed a jacket from where you’d draped it over the back of a chair the day before and slipped out your front door.  
Your apartment building was one of the first permanent residences that had been built after the initial groundwork of the colony was laid. It stood near the center of the settlement and housed most of the Invincible’s crew, including her entire senior staff. As Captain, you’d been given a large unit on the top floor, which conveniently meant that you were only one flight of stairs away from the roof. 
The rooftop was little more than a barren expanse of concrete and loose gravel, though eventually there were plans to plant a garden, and you could see why. You’d only come here once or twice before, but the view of the colony below and the sweeping landscape of your new planet stretching out beyond it made it the perfect spot to create a cozy little gathering space. For now, though, it would be a decent enough place to wait out the rest of the night alone. 
Or at least, alone in theory. 
Illuminated by the dim glow of the streetlights below, a single figure sat on the edge of the rooftop, their legs dangling over the edge of the building. 
He turned, surprise written on his face.
“Captain? What are you doing up here?” 
“I could ask you the same thing,” you said as you approached. “It’s nearly four in the morning.”
“Is it?” He asked, and you nodded. “Huh. Didn’t realize it’d gotten that late. Or, early, I guess.” 
“How long have you been out here?” 
“Oh...who’s to say? It’s easy to lose track of time with a view like this.” He gestured, but not down at the colony or the dense woods surrounding it. His eyes were fixed upward, and when you followed his gaze it was easy to see why. 
Thousands upon thousands of stars dotted the night sky, with nary a cloud in sight to obstruct them from view. The largest of the planet’s three moons was also fully visible, and one of its smaller sisters was just beginning to poke over the horizon. 
“Wow,” you whispered. “They’re so much brighter here than on Earth.”
“No major cities here yet,” Mark responded. “No light pollution to obstruct our view. And it’s gonna stay that way, if I have anything to say about it. What’s the point of a new planet if we treat it just like the old one?” 
You hummed in agreement, before folding your legs beneath you and sitting beside him.
“Yeah...it would be a shame to waste this second chance,” you said quietly. 
Mark glanced over at you for a moment, something unreadable flashing in his eyes before he looked away again.
“You never did say what you were doing here, Captain.”
“You didn’t either,” you countered, and he pressed his lips together in a firm line. 
You were both quiet for a moment, one beat of silence that threatened to stretch on into infinity with barely an acknowledgement before Mark sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” he said with a shrug. “That’s all.”  He looked over at you again, and this time he let his gaze linger. “...could you?”
“Not really,” you admitted. “Too many…thoughts in my head, I suppose.” 
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” he said with a nod. “Have you…” he hesitated, then seemed to steel himself. “Have you been having that problem often, since we…since our voyage?” 
The unspoken question hung heavy in the air between you, and you swallowed down your nerves.
“Fairly often,” you said quietly. “You?” 
“Yeah,” Mark said, sighing again. “Same here.” 
You fidgeted beside him, unsure of how to proceed. It wasn’t like the two of you had been avoiding each other since you landed, you worked together nearly every day of course. But aside from Mark’s quiet “ thank you” when you’d first arrived here months ago, neither of you had even remotely acknowledged what had happened between you in the warp core. You weren’t even sure how much he remembered, and aside from that brief moment on the bridge, Mark had seemed completely fine, throwing himself fully into building the colony without a single sign of discomfort. 
Though maybe , you thought now as you took in the tension in his shoulders and the tightness at the corners of his eyes, he was just very good at hiding it. 
You knew you should say something, you needed to say something; not only were you Mark’s captain and therefore responsible for his well-being as a member of your crew, but you were his friend. Or at least, you hoped that after everything, you were still friends. 
“Mark, I-”
“How much do you remember?” he asked suddenly. “About…you know.” 
“About the wormhole,” you said, because one of you had to say it, and it may as well be you. Mark winced, and you took that as a sign to continue. “Everything.” 
“ Everything everything?” Mark asked, and you nodded. “So…you remember what I did then,” he said, pulling his legs up and leaning his arms on his knees. 
“What you did?” you repeated, and he rolled his eyes. 
“If you’re trying to spare my feelings then I appreciate it, but you don’t have to bother. We both know that I...I caused all of it.”
"Mark, it wasn't-"
"Don't you dare say that it wasn't my fault," he interrupted, shooting you a glare. " I went back in time, I sabotaged both ships, I built the warp core. It was my fault." He laughed, hollow and empty, and for a moment you were back on the Invincible II , watching him fall apart in front of you all over again.
"You were just doing what you thought was right," you said slowly. "That's all any of us were doing. You had no way of knowing-"
"I did though," he insisted. "You told me, remember? You told me not to use the warp core, not to go back. But did I listen? No. I lost faith in you, trusted the word of that alien lady over yours, and I nearly destroyed everything."
It’s not like I gave you a good reason to have faith in me in the first place, you wanted to say, but you thought better of it. As much as you wanted to stew in your own guilt, trying to shift the blame onto yourself wouldn’t help Mark feel any better about his part in it all. 
"Do you know why I told you not to go back?" you asked instead. "How I knew that you would even try? You told me not to let you. You said that you lost hope, but you never stopped trying to fix your mistakes, right up until the very end."
Mark opened his mouth to speak, but he froze, confusion written across his face.
"I...I told you?" he looked down at his hands and nodded carefully. "I…I did tell you."
"Mark…” You frowned. “How much do you remember?"
“Um…everything,” he said slowly. “Or at least, I assume it’s everything. It’s strange…sometimes I can’t pin the memories down quite right. Almost like I’m trying to remember a dream.” 
“I almost thought it was a dream,” you said, leaning back to look up at the sky. “When no one acknowledged it when we landed, I thought maybe it was some side effect of the cryosleep. I asked Celci though, and she said that the brain doesn’t enter REM in cryo. So I just figured I was the only one who remembered.” 
“That’s what I thought too,” Mark admitted. “And it’s not like I could tell someone about it without them thinking I was crazy.” 
“It’s not the easiest thing to explain,” you agreed. 
“ Right? ” he said, so loudly and suddenly that you jumped a little. “How would you even do that, like, ‘oh, guess what, I was transported through a wormhole across space and time and can remember living and dying over and over and have the memories from a dozen different universes all jacked up in my brain! Take me to the looney bin!’” 
He grew more and more animated as he spoke, arms waving around before he finally let them fall back to his sides with a huff, and you swallowed. 
“Mark…you’re not crazy. You know that, right?” 
He hesitated, for just a bit too long for your liking before he answered. 
“I know. It just…it feels crazy. I don’t even know how to begin sorting through everything in my head.”
“I understand,” you said quietly. “Believe me, I do. I’ve been trying not to think about it, but lately I can’t help but wonder…” you trailed off, your gaze slipping from Mark’s face down to the mug of coffee cooling in your hands. 
“Yes?” he prompted, and you sighed. 
“The historian interviews are tomorrow,” you said bluntly. “And I’m not sure whether to tell them the truth.” 
Mark let out a breath, and you glanced over at him just in time to see him rest his chin on his fist. 
“I’ve been wondering the same thing,” he admitted. “Until tonight, I wasn’t sure that it was worth the risk. I didn’t want to lose everything I’d worked so hard to build…not again.” 
You opened your mouth to reassure him that he wouldn’t, but you couldn’t quite make the words come out. After all, how many times had the two of you lost the ship, the crew, the colony? How many times had you lost each other? 
“But you know what I think now?” Mark continued, looking over at you. “I think that that’s exactly why we need to tell them what really happened. To try and stop it from happening again, to somebody else.” 
“To somebody else?” you asked.
“As far as command back on Earth is concerned, this mission has been one hundred percent successful,” he explained. “I mean, it sure looks like it on the outside. Everyone is alive and healthy, the ship made it here safely, the colony is thriving. And the Invincible herself was a prototype...if she was successful then there were plans to fully reverse engineer the warp core for other ships, other missions…” he trailed off as your eyes widened, the full impact of his words settling over your shoulders. 
“We can’t let that happen,” you whispered, and he nodded.
“We have to tell them. We can’t…. I can’t let my mistakes be repeated. No matter the consequences.” 
He wrapped his arms around his legs, shrinking in on himself, and you swallowed. Slowly, you reached out a hand and placed it on his shoulder. 
“Our mistakes,” you corrected quietly. Mark shot you a small smile, and you returned it as best as you could. “I’ll be there to back you up, one hundred percent,” you continued. “And…”
You paused, unsure if you should complete your thought, but Mark made the choice for you, reaching out to return your gesture, taking your arm in a steady grip. 
“And I’ll do the same for you,” he said. “I’m behind you all the way, Captain.” 
You looked at him, his face illuminated by starlight, and for a moment all you could think of was all the times you’d failed him, all the times he’d suffered because of you. But his gaze held none of that anger, that resentment that you’d seen from him before. And if you could trust him, after everything, was it really so inconceivable that he could still have faith in you? 
“We got into this mess together,” you finally said, squeezing his arm. “And we’re going to get through it the same way.” 
Mark nodded as the first rays of sunlight began to peek over the planet’s new horizon. 
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Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider reblogging, it means a lot to me <3
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franklyshipping · 2 years ago
In His Thoughts ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
This here fic comes from a delightful anon prompt involving Noir-Mark from ISWM, and our favourite detective boi Abe - I’m VERY exciting to be writing Noir-Mark for the first time, and throughout the fic I shall simply call him Noir! With that said LET’S DO THIS!
The Invincible II… was grounded. Don’t worry, it was neither in danger nor being punished like a badly behaved child. The ship was merely recuperating on Earth for repairs, and as a result every single land and sea-faring ego had descended, eager to see inside the great vessel. Of course, the crew were eager to oblige. The whole place was bustling as about twenty mini tours were going on at once, everyone chatting in their little groups or pairs. One pair, however, had managed to get away from the rabble, entering into the reality of black and white and finding themselves at a much quieter version of the ship’s bridge. What made them enter this reality? Well, Noir Mark was playing tour guide to Abe, and so naturally thought his reality was the only one worth showing off. Abe had been biting back a grin the whole time, because since they’d first shaken hands Abe had been privy to Noir’s excessive mental monologues.
‘And here is my bridge. Magnificent isn’t it?’
Noir said, and Abe bit the inside of his cheek as Noir’s following thoughts slipped into his head.
‘Obviously it’s magnificent, it is my design after all.’
Abe glanced around the space, and admittedly… it was pretty magnificent. Everything was sleek, completely pristine and clearly functioning to perfection. Abe trailed a few fingers over the gleaming console, and sent Noir a grin.
‘Very impressive, you design all this yourself?’
‘Indeed I did, how d’you guess?’
Abe replied, smiling innocently, and then he had to force down another laugh when Noir grinned, and his thoughts flared up loudly.
‘I knew he’d be impressed. Clearly he has a fine set of senses… come to think of it, he’s pretty damn fine all over.’
Noir’s eyes flicked over Abe’s profile, and the detective had to hope Noir wouldn’t notice the little blush appear on his face. However as time went by, amidst Noir showing Abe all the details of his bridge… it got harder for Abe to keep it together. Not only were Noir’s thought about him flustering, but every bit of self-praise and self-compliment revealed to Abe that this guy was used to people thinking he was the crème de la crème of men. As the pair of them looked out into space, Abe glanced at Noir and mused.
‘So ah, you ever get any insubordination from the rest of crew?’
‘Oh they would never dare! I know what makes them all tick, so they know better than to cross the line with me.’
Noir replied with pride lacing his voice, making Abe hum thoughtfully.
Abe turned to face him fully, crossing his arms casually as his eyes trailed up to lock with Noir’s. Needless to say, the locking of their eyes was nothing short of intimate.
‘And… what about you?’
Noir’s mouth curved into a subtle smile.
‘What about me?’
Abe smiled back, a hint of playfulness in his voice.
‘What makes you tick?’
Now, to anyone with a regular sense of perception, Noir would have seemed like his normal charming self, entirely unaffected by Abe’s little query. But Abe was a seasoned detective with the added talent of thought perception… he could see and hear every little detail of a person. So when Noir replied, Abe took note of the way his jaw briefly clenched.
‘Ah… nothing, hah, no weaknesses here!’
Noir said… but then his mind quivered, and expressed something far different.
‘Alright now Noir, just relax. Yes he’s an incredibly handsome detective, but there’s no way he could know… right?’
Abe bit back a smirk. So Noir was hiding a little weakness. He took a pointed step closer to Noir, so they were truly chest to chest. Abe tilted his head at Noir, his words coming out in an innocent, flirty fashion.
‘Nothing? Not one little thing that makes you weak at the knees?’
Noir’s breath hitched, but he covered it with a charming chuckle.
‘I’m afraid I must disappoint you, detective. Thanks to my extensive multiversal and quantum travels, I have developed immunity to a great many ills and vulnerabilities associated with the common man.’
Abe nodded along as he took a casual step closer to Noir, but in reality he was listening to the dialogue of Noir’s mind.
‘Oh lord he’s getting closer, relax Noir relax, he’s probably just doing some innocent flirting. Just because your crew has a habit of tickling doesn’t mean he does! Although, his expression does look rather mischievous… could he be about to tickle me?’
Abe had to use his willpower to not smirk as he realised what Noir was so flustered about. His weakness. He was ticklish. Abe had no hesitation in his head as he slowly smiled at Noir.
‘Y’know Noir… I like you.’
Noir smiled, but then he paled when Abe lowered his voice.
‘And to answer your question… yes. I am going to tickle you.’
Before Noir could even process Abe’s words, determined fingers reached out and dug into his abs. A howl of shocked laughter flew out of Noir’s mouth as he bent double, practically folding like a lawn chair, as the surge of ticklishness made him crumple to the ground. Abe let out a laugh of his own, finding his reaction to be the most adorable thing he had ever seen! Noir’s eyes were wide as he spluttered out laughter, wriggling on the ground as Abe straddled his legs and continued tickling him.
‘Whahahat the hehehehell?!’
Noir exclaimed as Abe’s fingers danced over his taut dress shirt, pinching at his muscles effectively as he chuckled.
‘You ought be more careful with your thoughts buddy.’
Noir’s eyes went wide as the realisation hit him through his mirth.
‘Yohohohou’re the thohohought reheheader!’
Noir had heard tell that one of the land-living egos had the ability to detect the thoughts of those in his proximity, but he hadn’t known precisely who it was.. until now. Now, Noir went beet red, realising that Abe would have heard all his thoughts about him being ticklish, all his self-brags, his comment about­–
‘About how you think I’m attractive? Oh yeah, I heard that one too. I gotta say, I’m pretty flattered.’
Abe chuckled, his eyes sparkling as he blatantly enjoyed the feeling of tickling all over Noir’s muscled abdomen, letting out a low, playful whistle as he did so.
‘Wow, strong and ticklish? I like you more and more every second.’
Noir, completely taking off guard by the flirting and compliments, accidently let out a stream of higher pitched giggles amidst his guffaws. Usually he was the charmer, the smooth-talker with liquor in hand and the gleam of intimacy in his eyes. He’d never really been the one on the receiving end before, and as a result he felt more flustered than he ever thought possible!
‘Ohohoho my gahahad stahap wihihith the teheheasing!’
Abe laughed warmly, taking some time to scratch at Noir’s stomach, drawing out more guffaws and high-pitched yelps as he replied.
‘Teasing? I’m just stating facts over here, not my fault if you get flustered.’
‘Ihihihi ahaham nahahat fluhuhustered!’
Noir retorted, making Abe raise an amused eyebrow. He let his fingers teasingly drag down Noir’s stomach and hips, until they drummed playfully atop Noir’s thighs.
‘Oh you’re not flustered? That’s interesting… because your mind’s kinda racing with how you feel more flustered than you ever thought possible.’
Abe winked, and let his fingers squeeze and pinch the flesh of Noir’s thighs mercilessly. Noir howled with laughter, trying to tug at his legs and bat at Abe’s hands, but he was too frantic to truly dislodge the detective in any way. Noir was used to getting sneaky tickles and jabs from his crewmates, but no-one ever dared to try and take him down like this! He’d actually forgotten just how deathly ticklish he was.
‘Ahahahalrihihight ahalrihihight I’m fluhuhustered! Stahahahahappit!’
On the tail-end of his reply Noir let out a snort, making him blush furiously as Abe laughed, finding it so damn endearing.
‘Aww, y’know you’re pretty cute like this. There’s somethin’ real special about a big strong guy bein’ so sensitive, don’t you think?’
Noir continued to laugh and snort, his heart racing as Abe’s teasy, flirtatious compliments made butterflies swarm in his stomach. Noir’s hands weakly held Abe’s arms, but at this point he wasn’t even trying to push him away… honestly, a big part of him didn’t want to.
‘Ihihihi’m gohohoing toho… gehehet yohohou fohohor thihis!’
Abe laughed warmly, and let his hands slide down playfully to Noir’s kneecaps as he leaned in closer to him, his face hovering close to Noir’s as he whispered.
‘Oh yeah? You wanna do it over dinner, or are you a long walk on a galactic beach kind of guy?’
Noir’s breath hitched, and before he could reply with anything remotely coherent, Abe squeezed his kneecaps. Noir let out an honest to God shriek of laughter, his whole body jolting as he babbled.
‘Ohh is that a good spot, you like it here?’
Abe teased as he kept squeezing his kneecaps, his nimble fingertips pressing in nice and deep as Noir writhed with truly hysterical laughter. Abe didn’t need to sense his thoughts to know that he’d found the absolute jackpot of tickle spots on Noir. Noir looked up at him pleadingly, a huge grin on his face.
Abe chuckled, raising a playful eyebrow down at him.
‘You sure you want me to stop? You kinda look like you’re enjoying yourself.’
Noir blushed even hotter, since it was true that he’d given up in his struggles and had completely stopped even trying to grab Abe’s hands. But Noir could also feel himself losing his energy the more he was tickled, so he gave Abe another pleading look.
Abe’s expression softened, and he sensed that Noir was being honest. Abe slowed his touch until the tickling stopped altogether, allowing Noir to calm down his laughter into residual chuckles as he got his breath back. After a few moments, Noir looked up at Abe and grinned with every ounce of his charm restored.
‘God… you’ve got to be the mohost villainous detective I’ve ever met. It’s attractive, by the way.’
Abe laughed, his eyes gleaming.
‘Oh yeah? Well you’ve gotta be the most pride-centred flirt I’ve ever met… and you’re pretty attractive too.
Noir’s grin grew as his eyes flicked over Abe’s face, taking in his worn, yet warm, features as his heartbeat got a tad faster. Then he cleared his throat softly, and spoke in a quieter voice.
‘What you said before… in case you’re interested, I’m more of a dinner kind of guy.’
Abe’s smile softened. He stood up and helped Noir to his feet, and their hands lingered on each other’s arms as the detective replied.
‘So am I.’
So, in a perhaps unexpected twist, all it took was a few teases and tickles to bring together the detective and the time-spliced engineer. A man hardened by his detective work who liked his liquor, and had an insatiable charm… combined with a man hardened by his space-faring exploits who liked his liquor, and who too had an insatiable charm. Thinking about it, perhaps such a pairing is not such a wild twist after all. Perhaps it’s simply two similar souls with two similar hearts… whose thoughts brought them together in the way they both deserved.
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fullmoonandstar · 2 years ago
Those are just Bad Dreams
Mack & The Captain (Reader) Fandom: In Space with Markiplier, markiplier connected universe Rating: T Word count: 1.1 k CW: Angst, Swearing Summary: You can't sleep and meet a fellow insomniac in the kitchen. Or Mack confronts you about the happenings on the Invincible II A/N: This is one of those stories that no one will read but I had to write 🙈
Back home you had taken a few camping trips but this was different. The vegetation was so dense that it was impossible to leave the clearing that you had made on this side of the river. On earth, you had never thought about how much humans had shaped the planet to suit their needs. Even the wilderness was not really wild, but just a less well-maintained part of a garden. While the plants here looked vaguely like something that grew on earth, with green leaves and familiar leaf patterns, they were not quite right and the biologists warned that anything in this world was potentially deadly. You, on the other hand, had different things to worry about. As captain, it was your responsibility to oversee the construction of the base camp, regardless of your qualification for this job. This would be hard enough even with proper sleep. 
You pushed the blanket to the side and slid out of bed. Your quarters were lit by dim lights that lined the floor and ceiling. Only they stood between you and the absolute darkness of the night. When the yellow G-class star sank under the horizon, the night devoured the world, until only the dim lights of the base camp remained. Back on earth, you had wondered how the people of the old times could believe in gods, but here in this bubble of light staring into the void beyond the clearing you understood. The gods of darkness were just outside, waiting for the lights to go out. 
You shook your head as if that could dispel the things, you saw in the darkness. 
Maybe a midnight snack could help, you thought.
To your surprise, the kitchen that the crew used was not dark and empty. The light strips washed the room in twilight, not bright enough to disperse your sleepiness but enough to avoid any obstacles. You knew all crew that was on board the Invincible II even by just their back and you immediately knew who slouched on the high stool at the center kitchen island. 
"What are you doing up so late," you asked and Mack jumped in his seat. He turned to see you standing at the door to the empty hallway. 
You raised an eyebrow and carefully stepped into the kitchen. Even in the low light, you could see all color had drained from his face as if he had seen a ghost. 
"You okay, Mack?" you asked while opening the refrigerator. "I haven't seen you around much."
He smoothed his wrinkled t-shirt and combed the stray hairs out of his face. 
"I’m fine," he said in a tone that was a good imitation of his usual smug way of speaking, but not quite right. "Just busy with ... work."
Mack always did his work with ease where others would struggle but this also made him notoriously difficult to work with. Even you had a hard time dealing with Mack’s superiority complex, especially when you also had to keep your Head engineer in check and prevent Gunter from blowing things up because he got bored. All in all, you let other people handle Mack and hoped that it would not blow up in your face. 
You grabbed an undefinable snack and a bottle of water from the fridge. 
"Well, good night then," you said and turned. "Don't stay up too late, Mack. You have to work tomorrow too."
The lights in the hallway flickered on as you moved toward the door. 
Mack’s voice made you pause and you looked over your shoulder. He was still standing by the center console in his loose pants and crumpled t-shirt, shoulders tight as if he was bracing himself and avoiding looking at you directly.
"Do you have strange dreams?"
His quiet voice send chills up your neck. Dreams. You licked your lips and asked:
"Did you have strange dreams?"
Mack looked at you without moving his head, gauging your counter-question. You clutched the bottle tighter and waited. A dark memory, that was not your own, rose from the depth of your subconscious. 
"Captain," he said in a sharp tone, "what happened on the invincible II?"
"I don’t know what you mean."
Playing dumb was not the right call. Mack locked eyes with you and took a few steps forward like a cat getting in position to pounce on an unsuspecting bird. 
"Oh, I think you do,  Captain ."
Don’t let him see that you are scared , you told yourself and faked a relaxed stance as convincingly as you could. Mack was only an arm's length away now and the bags under his eyes stood out from his ashen face. Your mouth was dry and you swallowed without breaking eye contact. 
"What do you dream about,  Mack,"  you ask again. 
He stares at you. The silence in the room is deafening. Even the hum of the refrigerator had faded. You only hear your breathing and the blood rushing in your ears as Mack’s dark eyes bore into yours.  Mack is dangerous, run!  your brain screamed but your feet stayed glued to the ground. 
"I dream," he whispered. "I dream about you."
Your whole body felt cold as if you had been submerged in the icy oceans of your former home world. 
"You’re in shackles."
You wanted to run but your body did not move. The skin on your wrists tingled with the ghost of unyielding metal and you were frozen in place under Mack’s stare.
"You’re a traitor," he continued. "You were executed."
You held your breath. You could almost see the weapons pointed at you, just a moment before it happened.
"And I made it happen," he whispered. A deep wrinkle appeared between his brows.
"Captain," his voice quivered and he swallowed audibly. "was that real?"
He sounded fragile as if he could break with one wrong move. You opened your mouth but no sound came out. Mack waited, his face frozen in a mask of despair, ready to flip at any moment.
"M-m-mack …" you stuttered. He exhaled and stumbled backward. 
"Fuck," he breathed. Mack sank to the floor; he had no longer the strength to stand. His hands covered his face and his rapid breathing sounded almost like he had trouble breathing. This was bad, you had to do something. 
"Mack, look, they are just dreams."
You sat down on the floor next to him and slowly reached out for his shoulder. 
"Just breath in deep."
When your hand made contact, he squirmed away. 
"No," he hissed. "You’re lying."
"Please ca-"
"Don’t fucking tell me to calm down!"
He sat up, shaking, his face with angry red swatches. 
"What the fuck happened out there, Captain? And Why -" he took a deep breath. "Why do I remember your death."
You swallowed hard. Under his burning stare, you caved. 
"I thought only Mark and I remember."
You told him. You told him everything.
A/N: I hope you liked it :)
Send me requests?
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vampiric-plays-games · 2 years ago
Mark nodded. “I-I’m okay, I’m okay,” he said. He took a deep breath and let it out.
“Human?” a rough voice inquired. “And ugly human?”
Chapter title is original.
This part is shorter than the others, but I just needed a little bit more to tie it all up nicely. I do not plan on continuing this (though that depends on what Markiplier's new movie is about and if I'm inspired).
I hope you all enjoyed this! I started writing this a year ago but then had taken a long break before I decided I wanted to finish it in earnest. Not sure what's next for me, but we'll see!
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ret1cent · 29 days ago
the space between (pt.1)
Tumblr media
josh dun x fem reader
WC: 3,000+
“you want me? fuckin’ well come on and find me”
a/n: hey everyone! this is my first fic on here and the first fanfic series i am dedicating myself to ever since a wattpad markiplier x reader fic i wrote in 6th grade LMAO.. so bear with me as i get used to writing consistently again.. just a heads up this fic will have heavy themes for some people so make sure you read the warnings <3 i also think it's worth mentioning that unless made obvious all new characters introduced are purely fictional.
warnings: angst, unhappy relationship, falling out, topics of mental abuse and manipulation, bad work environment, stress and depression, abandonment issues
pt.2 here
May 19th, 2016.
“On your right!” I hear the voice of a man coming from behind me.
I whip around, quickly swerving to the left, almost running into the wall of the hallway as a group of camera loaders haul a huge camera, wind rushing past me as they scurry past. I sigh as I look down and see that the sudden maneuver caused the coffee in my hand to splash onto the front of my cardigan. I closed my eyes, as if when I opened them again the overwhelming feeling of frustration building up in my chest would magically dissipate.
I was delivering coffee like an intern and my favorite cardigan is stained, today is going great. I continue down the hall and enter the studio, the overhead lights shining hot and nearly blinding. I stagger through the bustling set, unable to hear my own thoughts from the chaos amongst me. I walk until I find Frank, a big burly guy with dark facial hair who wore the same crusty hat every day. He’s my new boss and the head of our production department who ordered me to bring him a latte. Needless to say it was quite embarrassing to play out an intern movie trope in real life.
“Frank, I have your coffee.” I say, pulling his attention away from the set designers he was closely studying, most likely looking for any excuse to yell at them. He looks over at me in silent annoyance and takes the coffee without a word. I turn to start walking away but then turn back.
“You know I’m not an intern Frank, I’m a production assistant and I’ve been working with the actual equipment for years, you can give me more technical tasks.” I say bravely, trying to hide any obvious anxiety in my voice.
It was true, of course my job title wasn’t the most renowned, but I had become well known and appreciated on sets due to how well versed I was with technology, that of course was until Frank took over.
He looks up at me, as if offended. “Well last time I checked I’m your boss and I don’t give a shit.” He says with a curt laugh. “I think I know what I'm doing I don’t think I need you to be telling me how to do my job.” He says harshly.
“Ok, sorry.” I say with false sincerity, biting my tongue to hold back the many profanities I wished to inflict upon him. As I start walking away, he takes a sip of his coffee.
“Is this fucking whole milk?” He asks in disbelief, stopping me in my tracks.
You’re fucking kidding. I look at him over my shoulder, confused.
“You just said you wanted a latte sir you didn’t clarify anything about the kind of milk.” I say with a thin smile.
“I always have oat milk in my latte you should know this about me!” He says, aggravated and shoving the cup into the hand of a passing intern. “Throw this away.” He demands her and she nods quickly in compliance and then he turns his attention back to me.
“That’s ridiculous I have never gotten you coffee before how am I supposed to know what kind of-! Forget it.” I say turning away to keep walking as I knew that no matter how good of a defense I had, arguing with Frank was like arguing with a brick wall. He was a stubborn bitter man.
“Yeah, if you can’t even get a fucking latte right that’s probably why you’re not working behind the camera.” He says with a crude laugh, and I quickly blink away the hot tears stinging in my eyes. Crying when angry was probably one of my most embarrassing tendencies. I make my way back down the hall, coworkers staring at me with concern after my obviously distasteful interaction with Frank.
── ࣪˖ ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ── ── ࣪˖ ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ── ── ࣪˖ ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
I sat in my car with my head on my steering wheel, still in the parking lot of the set as I tried to regain myself after all the frustrations of the day before I left. I sit up and sigh, putting my car into reverse. It was a quiet drive home, the radio quickly silenced as every song playing only seemed to further my annoyance.
I pull into the driveway of my house, wishing I had other plans to prolong my arrival. The house itself wasn’t the issue, it was in a quiet neighborhood in North Hollywood, it was a humble yet comfortable rental home with a cream-colored exterior, a warm wooden interior, a short red brick staircase with bushes lined up by the entrance.
The issue was my fiancé, Logan. We’ve been dating for 2 years and just got engaged this year. Everything started great until I slowly started to see red flags, him lashing out over minuscule inconveniences, random negative comments about me that he plays off like jokes, and the way he always seems to victimize himself in every argument we have. His family has a history of mental health issues and every time I try to bring it up to him, he gets angry, claiming that he’s a not a “crazy person” whatever that’s supposed to mean, or he claims that it’s my fault he acts the way he does. But we’re engaged and I'm almost 30 and still not married, our families have the expectations of our marriage and he’s not awful all the time. I still love him. But these days it was just difficult to be around him sometimes.
I get out of the car and walk into the house, finding him sitting on the couch drinking a seltzer in the dark, the only light being the glow of the tv. I turn on the living room light and he looks at me with annoyance.
“Hi.” I say curtly, putting my bag on the ground and laying my boots next to it.
“Hey.” He replies, equally as unenthusiastic, taking another long sip of his drink. I looked at the coffee table to see about 5 other abandoned cans. He’s been drinking a lot more than usual recently, he used to barely drink at all. “What’s for dinner tonight?” He asks and I bite the inside of my cheek, frustrated.
“Logan you were supposed to make dinner tonight.” I remind him softly, trying not to lose my temper and start an argument.
“No, it’s your night.” He says in a bored tone, not providing any defense for his accusation and not turning his attention away from the screen.
I knew from the bottom of my heart it was his night, we had assigned tasks for the week. His job today because he gets off work before me was to get groceries and make dinner for us. I don't even bother trying to defend this, knowing it’ll get me nowhere. I walk to the kitchen. Fine, I'll just suck it up and make dinner. I need to be fed one way or another. I opened the fridge to see it was mostly empty besides fruits, drinks and condiments.
“Logan did you not go to the grocery store?” I ask from the kitchen.
“Forgot.” he replies dully.
I feel my eyes burning with tears again and rub them away. Work has been hell today and all I wanted was to sit down in peace and eat a hot meal. I walk into the living room and Logan looks up at me, seeing my fuming expression.
“Why don’t we just order something?” he asks with shrug and annoyed tilt of his head. “I’m hungry and I know you are too.” He says trying to reason with me.
We’re on a budget, rent here is expensive and although we both held decent jobs it still wasn’t enough for constant luxuries beyond rent and groceries. But at this point I'm so exhausted and just want to eat.
“Whatever, just order a pizza, something cheap please.” I beg and walk down the hall to our room that was adorned with house plants and my photography framed on the walls, flopping onto the bed looking up to the ceiling. In moments like these I just can’t help but wonder what I’m doing with my life. Of course I'm lucky to have a job in production, so many people dream of that. But from a young age my real dream has always been photography. But it’s such a competitive industry that I finally just gave up on the idea of it, I needed a job that would sustain me. But at this point with rent going up and my mental health spiraling, even that doesn’t even feel worth it anymore. But I don’t have a choice, the industry is oversaturated right now and I'm lucky to even be holding my current job. I feel my phone start to vibrate besides me and turn it over to see that it’s my friend Kass calling me.
“Hey dude, you ok? I saw Frank Fuckface was giving you a hard time earlier?” she asks gently.
I laugh softly at her nickname for him. “Yeah, you know Frank, he was just being a dick. Got mad I didn’t get oat milk for his latte when he didn’t even ask me for it.” I say with a scoff.
“Seriously oat milk? That’s a little fruity Franky.” Kass says and I laugh.
“Stop it!” I say and she laughs.
“I’m just saying unless you have an intolerance caring that much about what kind of milk is in your coffee is a little gay!” She says, both of us laughing.
Not that there would be anything wrong with him being gay, but he has not made his far right ideals and obvious homophobia very secret. He’s not the type to be careful about posting his opinions on social media.
“You know you can leave too... right?” Kass asks, turning serious and I sigh. Kass had recently put in her two weeks to leave the company. My work life was now going to be even more miserable without her. She has a new job lined up, but ironically enough it was to be a crew member for a tour of my ex best friend’s immensely successful band. I guess that’s just what happens when your friends have a web of attachments to each other.
“Kass...” I start with a sigh, already knowing where this was going.
“I’m serious (Y/n) I could easily hook you up. Or you could hook yourself up if you would just make up with Josh!” She argues. “Imagine how fun it could be. Us on the road escaping from all this bullshit, helping with these amazing shows! Their music is phenomenal, and you know it.” She points out.
She wasn’t wrong, I was happy for Josh in that aspect, I never had any wishes against his success, him and Tyler worked incredibly hard and deserved all of the success and adoration they got. “Of course I know that, they are talented. But I have a life here now, even if work sucks, I still have a fiancé and I'm getting married in a few months.” I say, hearing my own voice falter at the thought. “Plus, I just can’t be around Josh like that, I’m still hurt by everything.” I say softly.
“I know.” She says gently and there was a momentary silence. “But if you change your mind...” She says playfully, trying to lighten the mood.
“Nooo.” I groan.
“He’s back in LA right now!” She says in a singsong voice.
“Ok fine, dropping it.” She says laughing. “I just wish I could keep working with my bestie.”
“I know, me too.” I say sadly, my chest suddenly feeling heavy with emotion.
She changes the subject, and we talk for another half hour until she had to go. The happiness from talking to Kass quickly faded when I came back to my dull reality, the house was quiet besides the hum from the ceiling fan and the incoherent voices coming from the Tv in the living room.
Maybe it was crazy, but I couldn't help but feeling a sense of yearning for the life that Kass had described to me. I can imagine it now. Seeing new cities every week, exploring with Kass, being cramped but content in a tour bus with likeminded coworkers, late night gas station runs, bonding with Josh, Tyler and Mark again... My heart stings at the thought.
Josh and I were long term friends. We met in 2010 through a few mutual friends. Ever since that point the rest was history, we spent countless days lounging around each other’s places, going to gigs together, me going to his own band’s gigs, hanging out at each other's work places when things were slow...
We were inseparable. When Josh met Tyler, he quickly introduced me to him. I got along with him effortlessly, we all formed our own little group with the three of us and the boy’s other mutual friends. I helped Tyler and Josh with their creative ventures with the band, me and Mark often acting as their camera crew. I did photography for them and promoted the band around as much as possible. Those were the days. I didn’t know it, but things were just so much simpler, they were fresh, new and exciting. Josh and I fell out of contact in 2013. He had started dating a girl by the name Sophia the previous year. He was head over heels for her and I supported him in every way. He seemed happy with her. Josh even brought her to hang out with the group sometimes. I always tried to make her feel welcome and even create a bond with her, but she just never returned the same energy.
Over time Josh became less and less available to hang out. I understood, he had a girlfriend after all, it was normal for him to want to spend time with her. But it got to a ridiculous point where I finally confronted him about it. I look up at my ceiling reflecting on the memory.
January 12th, 2013.
I sat on a wide leather couch with Josh, his legs sprawled across it while I sat in the corner of it, my head leaning against the wall. Mark and Tyler in the other room filming a video Josh had already completed his part for. It was the first time he and I had been alone together for a prolonged amount of time in months. We had been chatting and laughing about random things, but I finally gained the courage to ask the question that had been pressing me for so long.
“Josh?” I ask softly, my voice holding an air of somberness.
“Yeah?” He lifts his head up, sitting up halfway and bracing himself back with his hands. His expression held slight concern, yet a strange look of expectancy. Like he knew what he was going to hear, or like there was something he wanted me to say.
“Why haven’t we hung out just the two of us in so long?”
His expression falters. “Well, you know with us releasing an album under a label for the first time and being with Sophia I don’t know things have just been... busy" He stutters slightly.
“I know I know.. I understand things have been hectic for you guys, I’ve been seeing it firsthand. It’s just that... It always used to be us... You know?” I let out a shaky breath. I was never good at any kind of confrontation. “I just... miss you man.” I say sadly.
Josh fully sits up, his hands on his knees as he looked at me. “I know I... I miss you too.” He says genuinely yet almost sounding guilty.
There was a silence.
“Can I be honest with you (Y/n)?”
“Of course.” I say, a nervous anticipation swirling in my stomach. I don’t even know what to expect.
“Sophia doesn’t want us to be friends anymore...” He says slowly.
There was a long pause.
“Why?” I ask, a blurry layer over my eyes as they welled up. I had a gut feeling ever since we stopped hanging out that this was probably the situation at hand. I was just hoping it wasn’t true.
“She thinks we’re too close. I-I don’t know she always freaks out about it. She thinks there’s something going on between us.” he says, rubbing his hand over his face.
I scoff. “Well, that’s ridiculous, have you tried to tell her nothing weird is going on? We’re just friends!” I say and he looks down at his shoes at this, not saying anything for a moment. He looks back up at me.
“I’ve told her that so many times she just won't believe me.”
“Well, she should trust you! You’re her boyfriend.”
“I know...”
“So... what do we do?” I ask, looking up at him and he looks to the side, biting the inside of his cheek nervously.
“I guess we’ll only be together when we're with the group... That’s what she asked me to do.” He says, avoiding eye contact and I laugh in disbelief.
“What so we’re forbidden from ever hanging out again?” I asked, standing up and wiping the tears that were dangerously close from rolling down my face.
“(Y/n) she's my girlfriend!” He pleads, also standing up.
“What so that means our friendship lost all value? You aren’t even trying to fix this!” I say, slightly raising my voice.
I hear the noise in the other room quiet and a few moments later Tyler and Mark are standing in the doorway, concerned expressions on both of their faces.
“Guys what’s-” Mark start’s but Josh speaks over him.
“I have been I’ve been trying so hard to fix everything, but I don’t know if I can!” Josh says his voice staggering.
I was silent, looking at the pleading expression in his eyes. “Well... I think you’ve made it abundantly clear where your values lie.” I say with my arms folded over my chest while I walk to the door.
“(Y/n) stop!” He pleads.
“Why should I?” I ask plainly, turning around with a humorless laugh.
“You’re my best friend.” He says softly.
“Then fucking prove it.” I say, turning back around and leaving the building.
That was the last time we had spoken.
Tyler and Mark reached out to me occasionally after the fight. They let it be known that their friendship to me still held despite me and Josh’s falling out, but I slowly fell away from their friendship as well. Not that their efforts didn’t go unappreciated by me, but being with them only when Josh wasn’t around would’ve felt wrong, it would have only remind me that everything had changed. So my relationship with Tyler and Mark held in the way a pair of old high school friend’s would, they’d text happy birthday and send holiday wishes, but we all had our own lives to move on with.
Of course me and Josh’s relationship equated to nothing after everything. We weren’t petty enough to unfollow each other on social media or block each others numbers, we just never talked. Josh would try to text me after the fight, apologizing and telling me he missed me. But I was hurt, his actions spoke louder than words. When I never responded he slowly stopped texting. I suspected this was the work of Sophia, or him just realizing it wasn’t getting him anywhere. I just wasn’t going to reply. Maybe this was petty of me, my stubbornness had never been one of my attractive traits.
But when you’ve had so many people who mean anything to you in your life leave, you just learn to let go. Holding on so hard only hurts more. But no matter how hard I tried to block out the pain of Josh’s absence in my life, it always lingered. It felt as if a part on my soul was missing ever since that day. I rub my hands over my face. Is it crazy to feel that way about an old friend?
“(Y/n) the pizzas here!” Logan’s voice shouts, snapping me out of my trance.
I get up slowly. Yes, it was crazy. I have a new life now, and I have to remain present. I can’t stay stuck in the past forever, it’s time to move on.
I walk down the hall, my socks padding against cold wooden floor. He looks at me, holding the pizza box with a smile. I look up and softly smile back.
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sweet-radio · 5 months ago
Hellooo to anyone who sees this!
‼️NOT Taking requests ‼️
Hi! I’m a new-ish writer. And i wanna practice writing more! i have a story im doing (that i’ll be posting here and ao3 eventually it’ll be awhile because it’s under heavy editing.)
But i wanted to get some writing under my belt!and get use to posting the writing, since ive never done that before! So if you have any requests let me know!! I’m super involved/know a lot about the following fandoms!! (this may be edited later on if/when i get into more fandoms. Or if my hyperfixations have changed)
Final space 🚀
Hazbin Hotel 😈
Helluva Boss 😈
I do wlw fics too not just straight (cough i’m in love with Verosika Mayday and carmilla carmine please any authors out there please write more wlw for my queens 😞cough)
If i don’t answer or anything for awhile it could be that my adhd brain thought i did,or honestly FORGOT to answer tbh.
OR it’s taking me awhile,or it could be that what you requested might not be up my alley personally! I might (probably) edit this later lol but yeah,if you have any requests (including human alastor btw ‼️‼️ because i love that man sm)
Thank you so much for reading! have a great day!
P.S I’m also gonna list some fandoms below that i’m in that i’m just into in general but don’t write for lol (obviously into the ones listed above)
Coryxkenshin,Caseoh,Markiplier,Disney,Starwars,Marvel,BTS,Lyn Lapid,DC,Poppy Playtime,FNAF,Hamilton,
(more to be added as i remember)
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 1 year ago
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quietly munching on the headcanon that they both have intensely bad nightmares and/or insomnia after the Wormhole Incident and are only at ease enough to get a good night's sleep when in each other's presence😭🤧
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boobookiss · 10 months ago
Is there a way to CREATE a fandom tag on ao3? Because GODDAMN it is so hard to find ego fics in these conditions. Some are tagged as heist with markiplier, some are tagged as rpf (even when they're not), some are tagged as mark fischbach or markiplier, some are tagged in space, it's like impossible to get a good read on how many fanfics there actually are on there for egos. Like it's telling me the first fanfic related to ahwm that was ever posted was posted in 2021, and I know that is not true.
If I look up "Baldurs gate 3" as a fandom tag it will show me every single fanfic in that fandom from the beggining of time, and then i can add other tags ontop of it to shrink the search. But with egos its nearly impossible to discover new stuff cause it's all hidden under 85 differemt tags!
Why is it so disorganized anyways?? I wish we could all just make one universal tag like "Markiplier ego universe" or something, and be done with it. That wouldn't solve all the old fics tags but at least it would make it organized from here going forward. I'm losing my mind.
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dcafanzine · 5 months ago
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Hi everyone! We’re super excited to start introducing our contributors! Let’s let them introduce themselves!
Hewwo, I’m Ren or @ren-054 on tumblr, and I’m a page artist for the Backstage Pass bonus zine. This is my first zine ever and I’m admittedly a bit nervous working among much more experienced people but I’m happy to be a part of it. I became a FNAF fan because I’ve watched Markiplier for years and I got hooked on the DCA because I read a really well written fic of them by chance and really liked their vibe. Even though I’ve moved on to other hyperfixations, I still care about them a lot! Being in this fandom was the first step to me coming out of my shell and doing more with my art and I’m forever thankful for that.
Heyo! I’m Piixel (@piixelpaint). I’m one of the merch artists for Glitches and Glitterglue! I was part of a previous DCA zine, where I got to be a spot artist and am super excited to now get to make some merch of the funky skrunklies for this one! Originally, I got invested in Security Breach for the familial dynamic between Freddy and Gregory, but then Sun and Moon stole us into the Daycare and it’s been very hard to leave since. The dramatics of Sun and creature nature of Moon just piqued my interest in a certain special way. And what’s more is just the sheer imaginative creativity and kindness of everyone I’ve met here that has made it such a joy to exist and create in this space ^^
Hi I’m Nova (@sulfadimethoxine), and I am a page artist for the backstage zine. This is the first zine I have worked on and I hope to be in many more! I have always been a huge fnaf fan since the first game and an even bigger fan of media with anything robotic. Originally got into the DCA when I first saw them in game for their voice and mannerisms. Then stayed for the awesome stuff other fans of the dca made!
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ironwoman359 · 1 year ago
trick or treat!
Have a sneak peek at the second chapter of The Secret History of the Invincible II, my ISWM post-canon fic!
Invincible crew interviews, session 1 - Recorded by Dr. Mariette Bennett. [Dr. Bennett sits in a meeting room at an oval conference table. Six officers of the Invincible’s crew sit around the table, each with a lav microphone clipped to their uniform.]  Dr. Bennett: Let’s start at the very beginning, shall we? Describe for me the process of getting the Invincible ready for her voyage across the stars!  [The crew members look around at each other, and Mark shifts his weight in his chair.] Mark: Well…if you want to start at the very beginning, it’d make more sense to start with the construction of the Invincible herself. Dr. Bennet: Ah, of course! You were the lead engineer and designer for the project, can you tell us a little bit about how the Invincible came to be? Mark: Well, her design is something I’d tinkered with on and off for most of my career. The idea of a human colony on another planet…that was always a dream of mine. But it was a dream that logistically was made very difficult by the sheer vastness of space.  Celci: Even with the advancements made in cryo technology that made journeying into deep space viable for humans, the closest habitable planet was still much too far for any ship to travel before running out of fuel.  Burt: The world is large, when its weary leagues two loving hearts divide.  Mark: For a long time, my designs for the Invincible were purely theoretical. Without faster than light travel, colonizing the stars was nothing more than a dream. But that all changed when…when we… Captain: When we discovered the warp core. 
trick or treat
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