#i headcanon mark and the Captain went to the same space academy
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Sometimes I think the Captain should’ve been way more angry at Peepaw Mark at the diner in part 2.
I mean sure there’s the obvious reasons, the whole trying to kill you, destroying the universe so badly it needed to reboot, sabotaging the ship in the first place-
But doesn’t that mean he staged for the glass in the front of the ship to break when the Captain was awakened from their cryo pod?? Wasn’t he the one that killed YOUR Mark- your universe, your Mark that will never ever be the same Mark again no matter what new universe you’re spawned into?
Sitting in that diner in the booth across from the man that killed my original universe’s Mark…idk I’m just saying the Captain should’ve lunged with their own knife hand for that one
#Captaineer#iswm#fic prompt#in space with Markiplier#iswm Captain#head engineer mark#like you killed the loml#you are the loml but you killed the loml#i love you peepaw but why did you kill my baby girl#i headcanon mark and the Captain went to the same space academy#they were roommates#did everything together#and no matter what in any future universe#mark wont have the same memories we the Captain do#showing and proving our mark is kinda just#gone#we have to learn and love a new mark with a bit of a different perspective of us#maybe he might have the same memories#but maybe not
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I just found your blog and your writing is super good! Could you do some headcanons for Sasuke falling in love with his best friend, who he's known pretty much all his life? Thank you :)
A/N: first off, thank you!! I did this head canon kinda in a time line type thing because it felt more.. ✨D R A M A T I C✨ that way, but it ended up really angsty and long.. we love a slow burn! anyways.. enjoy!
Also.. I needed to create a version of our wonderful y/n where they could relate to Sasukes pain. I don’t think he could have a best friend who didn’t experience that same feeling of losing people so close to you. Therefore, TW: death, parental death
LMAO AND BRUH I proofread this 20 times but I kept adding things so everytime I proofread I would have to re read again and it was a never ending cycle and I fininshed this at around 3 am so I can’t tell if it’s proofread well enough but I’m so tried please-
✎ Sasuke falling for his bestfriend
You’ve known Sasuke since he was young, before the the murder of his clan. You weren’t an Uchiha, but you met him through the academy. On your first day you were really nervous but also really excited because you had something to prove. You may have been the underdog in your very complicated family, but that stopped now. Both you and Sasuke could sense that same drive to prove your worth in eachother and so you instantly took a liking to one another. Through the passing weeks you two quickly became friends.
You lost your mom due to an illness and your dad was succumbing to the same disease as well. You weren’t the richest family, your mom left behind three kids; Yourself and your two older brothers. That’s quite a lot of mouths to feed. Thing is, one is in the Anbu and the other is a Chunin and they both don’t talk to you very much. Your dad being sick as well, he could not make you your meals or do your laundry. Those were all things you learned to do on your own. Your brothers ignored you for the most part and you could tell they thought of you as a nuisance, often having to clean up after your messes, but you believed that the day you would become a ninja is the day that would all change.
You remember telling Sasuke about that and he said he could relate to those things. The feeling of being the weaker kid, the one that fell behind sometimes. He experienced that himself too. This all just made you two a lot closer as the two of you knew you had someone to turn to when you felt like that.
After the murder of the Uchihas, he became very distant. Which you figured was natural, he needed some time alone. You remembered what you felt like when you lost your mom and so you gave him space. It took a while but a few months later he started to slowly join you for practice at the academy or sit by you at lunch time, but the second you tried to bring up his family and if he ever wanted to talk about it, he would shrug you off and completely shut the idea down, so you left it alone.
If ever he wanted company, to quell his loneliness - even if it was for a few brief moments, it seemed like you were always there to help. Even when he was in a sour mood and he would snap at you, you would give him this look, like you knew deep down knew that he didn’t mean it and he was just venting. That didn’t mean the words didn’t cut deep sometimes, in fact you’d cried in a few particularly nasty drawls he had. He would always end up apologizing, even if he didn’t say the exact three words, you could tell he was making a valiant effort to show you he cared about you.
And it felt nice. To have a friend like that, that could relieve some of your loneliness. You knew what it was like to be on your own at a very young age and so you offered him help in doing laundry and cooking and cleaning, until he started to figure it out more himself. You may never feel the pain that he has, but you had a glimpse of it before, and it comforted him to know that he wasn’t suffering alone.
The only person who could ever really crack a smile on his face was you, leading up to your graduation from the academy the two of you had grown to be closer than ever. It felt like you understood him. If he needed time alone you pulled back, if he wanted time with you, you would make the effort to make it happen. He didn’t want a clingy friendship and you respected that.
However, he did want to be on a squad with you. Once you both graduated from the academy both your goals seemed closer than before. You were going to be an amazing ninja, so amazing that your brothers would have no choice but to acknowledge you and Sasuke was going to be an avenger of his clan. You were going to help eachother grow to that point together. So it bummed you both out when you weren’t on the same squads. You felt a little jealous, knowing that he was with Sakura. She was a nice girl, for the most part, but you didn’t like how she always threw herself at Sasuke. You were the only girl in your squad and the boys you were with were pretty friendly, Sasuke didn’t like that either. You both never said anything about to eachother that of course.
After you would both train in your respective squads, you’d eat lunch together or walk around and talk about what transpired. He would always talk about Naruto, well complain more than talk, and it kind of made you feel sad. You could see right through him, Narutos felt his pain too. The two of them could try to deny it, but they admired eachother a lot. With all the missions you two had to go on, time with eachother became a very limited precious. Meanwhile, his bond with Naruto and Sakura became stronger. The same could be said for you and your team. You had actually grown to like one another and your skills complimented eachother perfectly.
So your hangouts kind of came to a stop for a while. He would hang out with his own team after missions and training and you would hang out with yours. Sometimes he would stop by your place and you would talk for a while, but then he’d be called off for a mission or dragged away by Naruto and Sakura. You were happy he was making friends and if that meant you didn’t have as much time with him, than that was okay. Afterall you weren’t completely alone anymore either.
It was when your dad finally succumbed to his disease that your ties to one another became almost completely severed. Your dad was the last family member that believed in you and spent time with you. You fed him and helped him more than any of your brothers and he was that last bit of encouragment in your life. That candle of hope in your heart began to flicker helplessly. It was holding onto the flame with weak and tired arms, there was only a bit of a glimmer of light left in your life.. and that light was your friend Sasuke.
Even if he was preoccupied with missions, when he heard the news that your dad passed away, he spent as much time as he could with you. Like him though, you tried to brush it off and would change the subject whenever he tried to get you to talk about it. You were bottling it all up just like he was and he was sad that he didn’t know how to help you. All he knew was that he had to be with you to help you get through this.
That didn’t really work though, the chunin exams began around the same time as your fathers passing. So once again you didn’t see Sasuke for long periods of time and honestly, you weren’t thinking about him. Your mind was still more than occupied with the loss of your father. Plus, your sensei didn’t nominate your squad for the Chunin exams and as much as you hated to admit it.. It had made you a little bitter to think that Sasuke would be taking that next step without you.
After the village was invaded by the Sound and Orochimaru, the two of you oddly enough became close again. It was strange that it was that event that brought you back together again. He filled you in with everything that was happening to him. He showed you the curse mark, (he didn’t even hesitate to show you.) Almost like he was asking for your help, but you didn’t know what you could do.. the mark worried you a lot. And this Orochimaru... you had never heard that name before, but little did you know how his name would be burnt into your mind later on.
You weren’t there when Sasuke left the village to join Orochimaru. That’s probably what made it so easy for him to go. If you had been there and asked him to stay instead of Sakura, he would have thought twice. But no, your squad was sent away on a really important mission at that time, it was a chance to prove yourself after missing out on missions due to the loss of your father. When you got back and heard the news from Sakura - a girl who you remembered was obsessed with him - you didn’t believe it at first. It took the Hokage to actually convince you.
Why would he leave? Weren’t you on a path together?
But when you got back to your own apartment — you had moved away from your brothers with the money you got from missions — there was a letter on your bed, it was from Sasuke. He had written to you about how he was still an avenger and would never manage to be one if he stayed here. You kept re reading his last sentence over and over again.
Don’t come looking for me, it’s no use, I won’t come back. This is the path I’ve chosen. It’s the path I need to take.
It basically felt like your heart was ripped out and that last flicker of light in your life went out. You tore up the letter and then cried with regret as you tried to put it back together. You were angry, but there was no way you were going to let him do this to himself. Damn the path he’s chosen, you won’t let him take it.
So from then on, you insisted to the hokage that you were sent in missions involving Orochimaru or retrieving Sasuke. That’s what lead you to a new team: Sai, Sakura and Naruto with Yamato as the captain. It also lead you right into Orochimarus hideout.
Originally you were just supposed to investigate a tip from Sasori about a spy working to gain information on Orochimaru, but that mission lead to a whole bigger thing, Orochimarus hideout.
Your team found Sasuke, only to have him try and kill Naruto and probably the rest of you if he had the chance. You tried to convince him to come back, but he wouldn’t have it, in fact, when you spoke it felt like it angered him even more. It made you want grab him and shake some sense into him. 3 years had gone by and he still didn’t want to come back, he wanted to be orochimarus vessel...
He was really harsh towards Naruto, but also towards you. He had snapped his attention to you when you had come running into the crater he had created. He would be lying if he said his breath didn’t hitch at the sight of you, but he hid his feelings well.
“Tch... Y/n, so this is how you’ve been spending your time.. After all these years?Trying to bring me back.. I guess your brothers were right about you, you really are pathetic.”
But then you hit him with that look, the one you used to give him when he would get harsh with you as kids, the one that knew he didn’t mean it and he suddenly had the urge to look away in shame. He was angered that he didn’t the reaction he wanted out of you, he wanted hurt you and push you away, but you refused to give into him. You’re born so stubborn. That was why you had always been such good friends.
When Orochimaru interfered and they escaped, the last thing he heard was you, “wake up, Sasuke. You’re not meant to be with these people and you know it.” He couldn’t tell if your voice was disappointed, hurt, disgusted or whatever it may be, but he didn’t like it.
Anyways, once they were gone he couldn’t stop thinking about you. So you were still thinking about him? After all this time... You even got yourself involved with Naruto and Sakura. He didn’t like that he cared about the fact that you didn’t forget about him. Truth is, he needed to forget about you. That’s if he was going to avenge his clan. You weren’t apart of his path anymore, you couldn’t be apart of his path anymore.
It’s not like he had stopped thinking about you for the past three years, in fact, you were frequently on his mind. He had managed to suppress it though, it only took him a good two years. The past year he had begun to flush away you and his old teammates. All that work was useless now because he had just seen you again in real life and you were grown up now, that made everything so much harder. What were you doing that very moment? Sleeping? Out with your team? Thinking of him? He wanted to rage everytime he let his mind wander like that.
After that encounter, the first one you two have had in three years, your face was burned into dreams and waking thoughts. You really grew up. You weren’t just some little kid with a dream anymore, you had started on your own path too. He noticed you were taller and you weren’t too awkward in your body like you used to be, with legs a little to long and feet a little too small. Despite those little quirks, he always had an attraction to you, but now there was more of a deeper feeling, a stronger admiration than before... and boy did it pissed him off.
He had been pushing those feelings away from him ever since the death of his clan. It was easier to do it when you were both still awkward little kids. But now that you were taller, you actually started caring for the way you looked and you were wearing more fitted clothes.... stop. You were more than determined too, your drive was strong and it felt like you were not only stronger physically now but also stronger emotionally.
It took him a while to actually accept it, but it was true, he had fallen for you. He realized it when he was laying down in his room in one of Orochimarus hideouts. He had loved you all along and now more than ever, he realized he wanted a future with you, even though it seemed virtually impossible at this point. That didn’t mean he wasn’t willing to fight for it. He felt like he was back at the academy again and all the feelings he had been trying to push away came crashing down on him at once. It was a few days before he was supposed to become Orochimarus vessel, and he knew then, if he became that vessel, he would never have that chance to be with you. To have a life with you. No matter how much he tried to suppress it and fight it, he couldn’t run from his feelings. You had been there for him through everything and you were still fighting for him now, even after all that he’s done.
So there, Alone in that dark room, He decided that he would not give himself up for Orochimaru, not while you were srstill cared for him.
So I decided to end it here on a cliff hanger bc I’m not about to write all of shonen Jump and shippuden into a head canon even though my brain wants me too... I will do a part 2 down the line all the way up to the end of shippuden if y'all want tho bc I thrive off that demanding shit and thats on period
#sasuke uchiha#Sasuke x reader#naruto#naruto headcanons#naruto imagine#naruto hc#naruto headcanon#sasuke headcanon#itach uchiha
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