#in real life it'd probably mess you up
vhstown · 10 months
cannot wait to learn about nucleic acids and genetics and finish my fat ass book about mitochondria so i can girlsplain about biology and disguise i5 as a spiderverse fanfic
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espercognitive · 6 months
She was a Seamstress, He was an actor.
Timothée Chalamet x Fem!Reader Pt1
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This is my first fic on here! I've been like hiding in the shadows but i have to force myself to write! so I'm just experimenting with fic writing. This is probably gonna be a series about theater! your character is theater technician so all the cool behind the scenes stuff is there. You work in costume and you are assigned to Timothée's character! The reader is fem presenting and has female pronouns! I'm going to include gender neutral readers in the future!(also should I put Timothee or Timothée?)
TW: Swearing, Mild mention nudity, Some sexual tension.
Word count: 1.18k
Show season had finally begun for your theater. After training in high school, you got picked to be a seamstress for a well known theater in New York. Your work was paying off and you could finally see your work being used to its full potential. Going from small local high school productions, you had now gotten the opportunity to work with real actors and actresses. People who you were going to help bring a character to life. Especially for the show 'Anything Goes'
But what you hadn't expected was being assigned to Timothée Chalamet.
Unfortunately, you knew who he was. He had been an actor when you were in high school, but even with the familiarity, you still couldn't help but be a bit frustrated. This wasn't the first time you had to work with him, it'd actually be the second time. The first time made you swear you'd never work with him again. Sophomore year had been going smoothly, that was until your theater department had decided to do Sweet Charity. After working with him that show, hearing the name Oscar Lindquist made you shudder. He had been a senior, and he had been popular in the theater department since his freshman year. You were excited to dress a popular actor, but it was the complete opposite of what you had imagined. Instead of a wonderful maybe even flirtatious encounter
Until you got the character assignments, and you see his name right next to yours.
'Oh fuck' you thought to yourself. You sighed as you walked into the costume shop. You had hope that he had grown out of his annoying behavior, but when he walked in to get measurements done, you figured that probably wasn't the case. He strutted into the costume shop, dopey smile on his face, and that same white boy swag he had in his senior year. You felt sophomore you cringe as he walked over to you.
"Y/N right?" he questioned.
"Yes." you mumbled.
You picked up the measuring tape and started to take his measurements. Typically this wouldn't be such a big deal, that was until you had to measure his waist and crotch area. Now back in high school, this wasn't such a big deal. They had the male costumers take those measurements for the actors and female costumers for the actresses. But this wasn't high school anymore, and you had a big girl job, in which you were responsible for getting this right. You crouched down, face to dick, trying to distract yourself from how close the two of you were when you heard him say,
"Do I know you from somewhere? I normally can recognize a cute face wherever I go, but i can't put a name on you."
"Yea we actually went to the same high school together."
"Really? Were you a seamstress then, or did you start now?"
You sighed and answered almost finished with the rest of his measurements.
"Uh yea I was. I was your costumer when we did Sweet Charity."
He jumped messing up your placement as you tried again.
"Hey can you not move so muc-" He cut you off before you could finish your request.
"OH! I remember you! You were that shy little sophomore. I remember how you never yelled no matter how many times I fucked up my costume" He smiled to himself as he finished bringing up that frustrating memory.
"Yea. I probably should've. Ok Stop moving I'm almost done."
"Ok Ok. Seems like you've gotten more a fire to you at least" He mumbled that last part, a little afraid to say it out loud. You gave him a look.
"Ok I finished. I'm gonna pull some stuff and then tomorrow I'll have you come and try some stuff on." You walked off refusing to look at him in the eyes, grabbing your paper with the measurements.
"Yea ok. Thats cool. See you tomorrow Y/N"
You figured this was going to be an interesting show. Only 2 more months till the show opened.
The next day
You had spent all day yesterday pulling close that would fit him. It was weird doing the same thing again. You thought about how frustrated you were in your sophomore year. But maybe he could be different. You would be lying if the crush you had on him still lingered around. Maybe you could get close this time the way you had wanted to in high school.
Nope. Don't start those thoughts. He's your coworker. Nothing more.
You laid out the pants and clothes you needed him to try. Of course as the character Billy, you'd need every one of his outfits to be different and unique. But you'd have to make a sailor costume from scratch. Which meant for the next few weeks, there'd be many fittings. But you just needed to focus on what you had right now, which was being delayed as Timothée was late.
After distracting and helping some other seamstresses, the man or the hour finally decided to make his appearance.
"Hey Y/N. Woah whats up with the face?" He questioned.
"Well your an hour late. I have to go in like an hour for a doctors appointment so we have to make this fast."
"Oh sorry. Well uh I got you a drink. You used to drink apple juice all the time during Sweet Charity so I figured you'd want this."
You look up into his eyes, he seemed genuine. You smiled as you took the bottle.
"Thank you Timothée. If you bring me an apple juice every time you're late, I'll make sure no one finds out." You smiled at him.
"Really? Thats a deal then."
"Ok. Its time to try on all of these outfits I have laid out. If they don't fit, don't worry about it. I can fix some of the sizes on the pants too."
"Ok, but small problem. Theres a lot of people in the dressing rooms, I don't know if we'll have room to do this."
"Oh fuck. Hmm. Crap I have to get this done."
"I can try and find somethin-" You cut him off with an idea.
"Actually, theres a couch room upstairs in the theater. It's pretty empty normally so you should have enough room to change in there." You smiled as you felt satisfied with that idea, until he said,
"Oh a couch room? You want to watch me undress in the couch room? You're definitely not that shy little sophomore anymore apple."
"Apple? Also thats not what I meant! I do not want to be apart of the reason the couches cannot be looked at under a black light."
He giggled as he grabbed the clothes.
"Yea apple. Like apple juice. I don't know, just thought I'd be cute for you."
you laughed as you responded "and I'm not the shy one anymore."
The two of you made it up the stairs and got into the couch room to just try on clothes. Definitely just try on clothes. Nothing else was going to happen...
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cera-writes · 4 months
I love all your fics and i read you wanted to write song fics, and I've been obsessed with TTPD and Gambit this past month, so I was thinking in a hiper angsty fic inspired on this album and other songs, where Gambit meets Avenger! Reader, who is in her twenties, and they have a secret relationship because it could be a disaster between their teams, and she doesn't know Remy and Rogue's history, so when they break up and he goes back to Rogue, the reader doesn't know if everything that they had was real to him, plot twist Remy was using her to get information all that time. And she's heartbroken, but at the same time, she has so much rage.
Some songs by taylor swift that give me the vibe of their relationship: "Gorgeous", "Suburban Legends", "willow", "Slut!" "august", "Guilty as sin?", "Florida!!!", "The smallest man who ever lived", "down bad", "my boy only breaks his favourite toys", "how did it end?", "Would've, could've, should've", "dear john"
plus: "Silver Springs" and "can't catch me now" because he'll always be tormented by her love
* Sorry if there's something you can't understand, English is not my first language!!! Also, I don't know if you like Taylor or if this is a long request for you, so I understand if you don't write this, but I hope it can help you when you need inspiration.
And thanks for feeding the Gambit nation, his fics are scarce and everything you write is amazing xoxoxo
A/N: hello fellow Swiftie~ I wrote these sectioned into mini parts! It'd probably take me a while to write a full length fic but I summarized their relationship according to each song you requested :) Pairing: Remy "Gambit" LeBeau x (Avenger) AFAB!Reader
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Tangled Threads (A Gambit/Avenger!Reader Songfic)
Part 1: Gorgeous (and secret trysts)
He sauntered in, that Cajun charm dripping like molasses, a smirk playing on his lips that could disarm a bomb squad. Gambit. Not exactly Avenger material, an X-Man, but here he was lounging in the small speakeasy, all roguish charisma and smoldering unusual eyes. The two of you had struck up a secret alliance, amidst a blossoming relationship.
"He's gorgeous," you thought, trying to focus on the holographic briefing flickering before you. "Gorgeous enough to be a criminal mastermind." The internal voice was probably right.
He caught your eye, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Mind if I join the party, cher? Looks like you could use some company."
You rolled your eyes, a reluctant smile tugging at your lips. *"This isn't a party, Gambit. Briefing. And besides. we're supposed to be secretive."
"Even briefings need a little spice, wouldn't you agree?" He leaned closer, his voice a low rumble. "Besides, I brought intel."
That piqued your interest. Intel was always welcome, especially from someone as questionable as Gambit. The next few hours were a blur of stolen glances, whispered strategies, and a thrill that sent shivers down your spine. This shouldn't feel so good, not with him on the other side of the line.
But there he was, effortlessly weaving himself into the fabric of your world, a secret melody in the symphony of my life. "And you're right here, right next to me," the T-Swift song echoed over the ambiance of the bar, perfectly capturing the forbidden electricity crackling between you.
Stolen moments turned into stolen nights. Rooftop rendezvous under the city lights, whispered secrets amidst the chaos. You were a tangled mess, a love story written in code, a secret waiting to be exposed.
"Deep down, I know this is delicate," the lyrics resonated with the fragile nature of your connection. "But I can't turn away." The danger was intoxicating, a forbidden fruit you couldn't resist. But the fear, a persistent whisper in the back of my mind, gnawed at you.
Was it real, or was it just a game? Were you just another pawn in Gambit's grand scheme? The thought sent a tremor through you. "Maybe we got something good," the song continued in your headphones, painting a hopeful picture despite the growing doubt.
But hope, like trust, was a fragile thing. One day, the melody would change, the chords turning discordant. And when it did, the fallout would be a symphony of heartbreak.
Part 2: Willow (and Whispers)
"We can't keep doing this," you whispered one starlit night, the weight of your double life heavy on your chest. "It's too risky. We're on opposite sides."
He pulled you closer, the familiar warmth a bittersweet comfort. "Love doesn't play by team rules, cher." You could never tell what he was thinking. He always had that damn poker face.
"If this was an open shut case, I never would've known from the look on your face, Rem," you replied, challenging his open statement.
"Heh," he smirked. "Daring though, non?"
"But it can get us both killed," you countered, the voice you used for briefings laced with unspoken fear.
"Maybe that's the thrill, yeah?" He winked, the playful facade a mask for something deeper. "You're a prize I'd cheat to win, chere."
A knot tightened in your stomach. Was it just a game to him? Was he another "august slip away into a moment in time," a fleeting fling he'd discard when the thrill faded? "Guilty as sin," you thought, a line from another song echoing your turmoil.
Part 3: Slut! (and Lies)
The news hit you like a psychic blast. Remy LeBeau, back with Rogue. Public declarations, lovey-dovey photos splashed across mutant newsfeeds. The air felt thick with betrayal, the stolen moments tainted with a sickening suspicion. "Slut! Oh, you're the only one who even tried." The song ripped through you, a cruel mirror reflecting your shattered trust.
Fury simmered, a storm brewing beneath the hurt. Were you just a pawn in some twisted game? "Down bad, down bad, but I won't cry." You wouldn't let him break you. Rage, a fiery ember, ignited alongside the heartbreak. Maybe this was for the best. Your reputation had never been worse. At least you could focus on your team and not Remy anymore. But who were you kidding? It hurt.
Part 4: The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived (and Doubts)
Days turned into a blur of training, a desperate attempt to drown the doubts. "Was he the smallest man who ever lived?" You questioned everything, replaying his words, searching for a crumb of truth. Had he ever loved you, or was it all an act? A cruel manipulation to infiltrate the Avengers?
Part 5: Dear John (and Deception)
You cornered him, the raw emotions a maelstrom in your eyes. "Did any of it mean anything, Remy?" The question hung heavy in the air.
His smile didn't reach his eyes. "Always cherish the memories, cher. But some things just can't last."
"Would've, could've, should've," you seethed. "Was it all a lie?" The words were a gut punch, a desperate plea for the truth.
He turned away, a flicker of regret in his eyes. "Maybe that's a story for another time."
Raw, unbridled anger burned through your veins.
"Right," you spat, the bitterness dripping from your tongue. "Just another girl you used and discarded." The weight of his betrayal settled on you, a heavy cloak.
Chapter 6: Can't Catch Me Now (and a Tangled Future)
The training room became your sanctuary. Sweat turned into tears, the pain fueling a relentless drive. Punches became declarations, each blow a defiant roar against his betrayal. "Flying like a jet stream, faster than the white cars can go." You wouldn't be some damsel in distress, a mere conquest in his web of lies. You'd become stronger, faster, a force to be reckoned with.
He might call himself Gambit, but the real gamble was his. He'd bet on manipulating you, using you for his own ends. But the tables had turned. You wouldn't be another forgotten pawn in his game.
One day, your paths would cross again. And when they did, you wouldn't be the naive hero he'd once known. He might slip through your fingers like charged cards, haunted by the ghost of a love he couldn't keep. But as you soared through the air, empowered by rage and renewed purpose, one thing was certain:
"You can't catch me now."
Hope this was okay! I tried to use most of the songs you listed! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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paintbrushnebula · 2 months
Could not sleep last night bc I was in a very thorough deep dive into Spot, like just. Everything about him, his past, his present, his future.
I like the idea of Spot being depicted as that very niche character trope where you have this character who is far more tragic than their goofy, eccentric personality lets on at face value, like they have this devastating backstory and the other characters around them realize it and are visibly very shocked and sorry for that person but said person doesn't even seem to register just how sad they are. Like yeah they probably know they're messed up, but not enough to dwell on it, yknow? Because they're like this eccentric, mildly problematic loser who annoys everyone because they're so very lonely.
Idk that's how I'd like him to be written, anyway, because that'd honestly be even sadder than if he was aware of how miserable he is.
I wanna know EVERYTHING about him. What family did he lose? Why did they cast him out after he transformed? Did they know it was him? Do you think they didn't believe it was him when he tried telling them? Do they think the *real* Jonathan Ohnn is dead? Does Spot consider Jonathan Ohnn "dead"?
How's Spot gonna live after he's redeemed?
Yes, I'd like him to be redeemed. And like, maybe somehow get off the hook in a way that is justifiable. It'd be way more interesting to see him have to find a way to readjust to life in a healthy way.
Where's he gonna live? Who will keep him company? How will he make a new living? How will he find new purpose? Is he gonna try to reconnect with his family again? What are his regrets? I'm sure he'll have many now that he's reflecting on his past choices that led him to the collider. I mean we know the history there a little bit don't we? The collider was his idea, his creation. And it was stolen from him by Olivia Octavius, who took all the credit. Spot got messed over hard, didn't he? Did he leave family behind to pursue a career at Alchemex? Is that why they pushed him away?
So so many questions!
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cream0fwheat1998 · 1 year
Of Mean & Mice (Dark! Rafe Cameron x Reader)
Summary: College student y/n is invited to a girls' night by classman Sarah Cameron. All is not what it seems when she assaulted by Sarah older brother, who just happens to be staying at their parents house at the same time.
AU. Everyone is College-aged or older. 18+ thank you.
Warning: NONCON, assault and dark Rafe.
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Rafe Cameron threw his empty beer can into the sand; the typically humid air has chilled as winter nears in the Outer Banks.
"Fuck you Sarah; you owe me." He tossed the "adult" photos of his sister into the bonfire. He didn't like her too much, regardless, he never wanted to see naked photos that her scorned ex had taken without her knowledge.
"I know, you asshole. I'm thinking." Sarah crossed her arms and sat into the sand with a defeated sigh.
"You could think faster; it wasnt easy to get Topper to give up those pics. My current supply of Coke - fucking gone." He said, pulling a pack of cigarettes & a lighter out of his pocket.
Sarah thought back to the moment the photos were taken. She had been waiting for that moment with John B. It was suppose to be special; and it was, until Topper had gotten sloppy with the flash of his camera. The heat of her and John B's skin, the longing in each others' eyes was replaced by panic and aggression for the pervert that ran from the bushes he had been hiding in.
Rafe noticed the single tear fall down Sarah's cheek. He didn't feel bad for her; but he was frustrated at the situation Topper had put all of them in. Kelce's poor taste in humor made the situation even more aggravating. The glance at the photos had him flustered but not because of his sister, that'd be disgusting. He could tell Sarah was distraught more than usual and felt that this was finally the time where he'd be owed something from someone else.
It had been a lifetime since he felt this powerful. Yeah, Rafe had money, drugs and Women whenever and wherever he wanted but as he has gown older; nearing 30, he knew he felt a loss for something that had never existed in his heart.
Real Love.
Rafe scoffed at the stupidest, fucking idea he ever had. It'd never be possible for him to find someone that would love him. But he could force someone; but who? Some of these whores were too willing & eager to share Rafe's bed. Only because of the weight of his families name and the weight of his bank account.
He shook his head; realistically, he knew he was no saint himself but he knew how to use his resources and powers to his favor. Above all, he loved to dangle it above others' heads.
"Find me a girl Sarah. Anyone. Not ugly, please. But someone who looks like shed be easy to tell what to do and say." He said, looking into the deep, dark sky.
Sarah shook her head and chuckled slightly, "You're fucking messed up but fine. I don't where to start though...." She glanced at her brother who was lighting a cigarette.
"Just fucking do it. Thats what you'll owe me. You have a week or I let Topper release the backup photos he probably has somewhere." Rafe looked back at his sister while taking a long inhale of his smoke.
Rafe felt good as the rush of nicotine hit him. He desired change.
Y/n sat at the instructor droned on about the class issue. Today she wasn't particularly attentive with the health of her father in mind. She and him didn't start off with a great relationship but since he's come back into her and her mothers life; both of them have made and effort to be civil.
When the past started to dissolve into nothing and the future seemed possible, all was lost when her dad went to the doctors for some stomach issues that have turned out to be a large problem than once believed.
On top of all that, she had noticed some stares from a girl in class. Sarah; Y/n thought. She was rather pretty but seemed kinda bitchy through her disinterested & entitled tone she typically spoke in. But the stares weren't mean; her eyes were bright and teeth as white as the moon shone at her from time to time. It was odd because this never happened before.
At the chime of the clock, the instructor put down his pointer and dismissed all of them. (Y/n) gathered her papers and stuffed them into an already full backpack.
The shame from falling behind her assignments felt heavy but Y/n couldnt bring herself to lift a pencil to a paper with the rest of the world on her shoulders.
A tap on her shoulder made her heart speed up as she twirled around to see 'Sarah' standing behind her with a wide smile.
Y/n glanced around the nearly empty classroom but it seemed she really was the one Sarah was waiting on.
When y/n didn't say anything Sarah rolled her eyes, "Hey i'm Sarah. Listen I'm having a girl only bonfire friday and I'm inviting alot of girls in my classes. I thought I might as well ask you so.....do you wanna go?" Sarah handed her flyer with an address and clip art on it.
Before y/n could answer as the Un-comfortability of being singled out dawned upon her; Sarah dismissed any possibility of a 'no'.
"Please come. It'll be fun and much better than whatever you already had planned. Think about it and text me by midnight." Sarah asked and hurried out of the room.
Multiple thoughts crossed y/n's mind as she head to her car in the parking lot. There were still 2 classes left but the overwhelming social possibilities along with the stuff that already had her mind in a headlock weighed against her. She had no mental capacity for anything new.
While her home was silent and dark; Y/n thought about the uncertainty of it all. Her parents were at the hospital for another check up and she offered to join but they wanted her to focus in school and asked her to stay away.
As the numbers on her phone changed and the sky got darker; y/n decided to take a once in a lifetime chance before she fully decided society was not worth participating in all-together.
Slowly, y/n practiced her text message before forcing herself to hit send. A rapid heartbeat cause the girl to down a bottle of water and look to the deep blue evening sky as she hoped that she'd get to feel better for atleast one night.
Sarah was painting her last toenail when her phone screen lit up. On the surface was a speech bubble by an unsaved number that read, "This is Y/n L/n from school. I'd like to go to your party."
Sarah felt giddy by the politeness of the message; she felt deeply that this goody-goody mouse that always sat in the back of the class and away from everyone would be perfect to fulfill the end of her bargain that she owed to her horny brother.
Sarah texted Rafe not a second later with the picture she snuck of Y/n in class. "This is her. Tomorrow night." Sarah typed. A sigh of relief as she plopped down the phone but still a bundle of nervous in her stomach as she waited her brothers approval.
Three dots appeared under her own speech bubble. Sarahs eyes tried to see into her brothers mind for some peace but was elated at his response.
He liked Y/n (rather the potential that she held) and Sarah had felt she had done something right for once.
Y/n was in a car with several other women she'd seen on campus a few times. Sarah had called her in the morning with an offer to have Y/n picked up by some other girls that were coming.
Y/n wasnt totally comfortable with idea but Sarah insisted.
When they reached Sarah's home; the large mansion was a beautiful sight to behold. And y/n had never felt smaller than she had now; but little did she know that the mysterious face in the upper window would force her to feel the smallest she's ever been in just a few hours.
Y/n had been instructed to carry in some of the girls bags; she agreed to be nice but not without noticing the mocking chuckles from the women slapping their flip flops into the house.
As she entered into the front room alone; y/n stopped to admire the beauty of the house. It was an elegance she had never seen in modern homes, realizing that the house was probably historic.
One of the bag feel from her overwhelmed arms and fell to the ground.
"Shit." Y/n said while trying to grab it but a hand reached out of nowhere and grabbed it from the ground.
She followed the hand to it's owner; a handsome young man with beautiful blue eyes and a strong jaw line greeted her with a half smile.
Y/n stared, not knowing what to say.
"You're welcome. Sarah's room is upstairs and I'll show you the way." The male said already heading up the stairs, silently expecting her to follow.
Y/n followed, unsure of what the next move should actually be.
The bags were thrown inside of Sarah's bedroom and the pair stood in silence.
"Are you special needs or what?" The male asked with impatient eyes.
Y/n shook her head, "No. Sorry I just....What's your name?" Y/n asked, still taken aback by the subtle beauty of the man before her.
The guy scoffed, "Rafe. Sarah's brother. I have my own apartment but I'm staying here for the holiday break." he said as he sounded offended Y/n didn't already know that.
"I'm Y/n....y/n" She said with a slight stutter; embarrassed that she, as a 22 year old woman was still nervous when talking to men, alone.
Rafe nodded and yawned. Without a word, he walked away and disappeared down the long corridor.
Y/n felt disappointed that she couldn't keep the conversation going but figured that it was all just a fluke. There was a big fire, food and loud music to have fun with and she'd try her best to blend in.
1am, everyone was in Sarah's room. It'd been so long since Y/n had been surrounded by girls her age that she was willing to go with almost anything to feel good and wanted just this one night.
Sarah challenged this saying that Y/n's modest pajamas wouldn't do and that she needed something "Sexier" which y/n thought was weird (to be honest) but she wanted to fit in so Sarah handed her a pile of clothing and had Y/n change.
It was bittersweet. Not what she expected in either direction. It was a large t-shirt that went to her mid thighs (nothing but pebbled nipples and her underwear underneath) and a pair of long, shin length white socks. Uncomfortably, it reminded her of the socks her father would wear to work years ago.
When she emerged out of the bathroom, the women smiled. "You look adorable!" Sarah said while grabbing Y/n's shoulder.
Y/n had noticed just how cat-like Sarah was up-close. Suspicious eyes and lithe reflexes. "I was wondering could you go get us something? Sofia spilled her chips on the ground and I need a cloth to get it out of the carpet?"
Without thinking, Y/n nodded. All eyes in the room were on her. Sarah squeezed the womans' shoulders and said thank you.
"Turn left, down the hallway and a few doors. The last one at the end is the linen closet." Sarah said, turning her back to Y/n.
Y/n tip toed into the dark hallway; thinking about how embarrassing if any of Sarah's family saw a girl with no pants or bra on, rummaging through their personal property.
Y/n opened the door she thought was the closet but instead opened to Rafe, the young man from earlier, sitting at his desk, typing at the computer.
He glanced up from his work and saw Y/n standing there in the exact outfit he told Sarah to make her wear. God. He never imagined such a fantasy actually get to play out.
Go time.
Y/n face felt white hot as she and the eldest Cameron stared at each-other. "I'm sorry!" Y/n said, not knowing where to look or how to act.
"I thought this was the linen closet." Y/n said, about to close the door before Rafe answered.
He chuckled and stood from his desk, "It's alright. You're exactly where you need to be." He said closing in on the innocent woman.
Before she could comprehend what was happening, Rafe pulled Y/n in by the wrist and shut the door with a slam. Turning the lock in place.
In her head, Y/n asked what was going on but for whatever reason she stayed silent. But her mind screamed for her to run.
Rafe shook his head and walked toward the girl; like a lion stalking his next food. "You really don't think Sarah Cameron just invited you, a nobody, to hang out with her. Did you?" His eyes narrowed as his body glistened in the bit of moonlight showing through the window.
It didnt take a rocket scientist to put 2 + 2 together. More than ever, Y/n felt stupid. The realization that this may have been a prank dawned upon her.
"Now listen. This is gonna go one two ways. You either lay on your back and let me do whatever I want or I hold you down while I do what I want. You should feel grateful you're getting a choice at all." Rafe said, proudly but soft. His eyes were soft but his demeanor held an aura of temptation and daring. It was obvious that he liked 100% control regardless of his mates' feelings.
Y/n weighed her options. She knew she couldn't over power that tall, slender but muscular man before her. However she did have a voice and opened her mouth to scream.
Rafe slapped his hand against the girls mouth with a rough pat. "You can scream but they're not gonna help you. They know why you'll be screaming have been instructed to mind their fucking business. I'd save your voice anyway. Youll be screaming my name plenty soon enough." He said, a stern and scary look on his face.
Y/n backed up with Rafe forcefully pushing her forward until she fell on her back; she reached down to make sure her shirt was covering her intimate parts.
"Awww, look at you. You do know that's my shirt right? Its obviously too big for Sarah but I guess you were too stupid to figure that out before now." He said, looking ready to consume her whole at any given second.
As more things made sense, so did Y/n's fears. She rarely had courage so how she managed to say, "Please, don't do this...." In a choppy, emotion sentence was a step farther than she ever had taken.
Rafe thought how pitiful she looked with a line of tears ready to spill and that small voice that squeaked out delicate pleas. Something about her meekness made him feel powerful. He was in charge and he'd decide what happens to her. Though, for the first time in a long time, he felt his heart beat differently. Deeper.
Not a second later, he dove down, planting kisses on any visible surface of skin. From her neck to her thighs; she'd be marked in love bites. His marks. Y/n made a valiant effort to push Rafe off her person but he was much stronger than her. As is she didnt already know that.
"You're amusing but you're no match for me, cutie. Why don't you just lay there and take what I have to give you, hmm?" He said, tilting his chin up like a king looking down at a peasant.
A tear slid down y/n's cheek as Rafe abused her body. He roughly grabbed everywhere he could; he bit, kissed and chewed on anything he wanted. Y/n thought back to her parents and what they'd say if they saw her on her back, letting a strange man use her this way. They had instilled certain morals in her and to some degree she felt guilty not following those morals.
In a feat of conjured strength, Y/n bit down hard on the skin of Rafe's cheek. Her moment of people a defensive lioness what cut short with a hard slap, nearly punch, to the face by her assailant.
He was livid at the audacity she had to reject his love-making and slapped even harder the second time. She had wanted to bruise him so he was make sure he left his mark on her skin.
"You stupid fucking bitch!" He slapped a third time at the girl streamed tears down her face.
"I'm sorry! Please stop!" Y/n tried to squeak out but her soft voice drowned in the violence Rafe forcing on her.
"No no no, it's too late for that. I gave you the option for this to be gentle both ways but you had to fucking ruin it. You get no say now." Rafe pointed down at her before sucking on her neck twice as hard, like a vampire trying to draw blood.
Rafe grabbed y/n and spun her around ,onto her stomach and lifted the shirt over her ass. He took his time caressing and smoothing his hands over every acre of skin and over every curve like she was a piece of pottery. He moan and voiced awe while feeling her.
Still wanting to be let out, Y/n pleaded once more. "I'm sorry! I really am!! I promise I won't tell anyone about this and I'll never bother you or your sister again!" She cried.
Rafe shushed the girl, "You were chosen for me and I'm gonna take the opportunity to see if you're a good fit princess. Sarah doesn't matter in this coupling. It's about me and you. And you're going to let me, your master, figure you out." He said, sliding his finger around her folds like he'd touch a garden flower.
Sounds of despair came from Y/n in an effort to mask the little pleasure she was receiving from this violation.
Rafe was transfixed on her pink, plump skin. Every freckle, piece of hair and patch of discoloration made this artwork special. The tight feeling in his crotch telling him to hurry his admiration up. The lion wanted out of his cage; he's hungry.
Rafe smacked the girls bottom before unzipping and shedding his pants and boxers. Rafe felt the inside of y/n's shirt, enjoying the curve of her breast and plumpness of her nipples while his penis stood at attention.
"You're fucking beautiful. I hope it's alright that tonights mostly about me. We'll have a night for you soon but this first date is all about my dick getting to know the inside of you." Rafe said while using the tip to touch the delicate folds and skin.
He purposely spread the small bits of pre-cum on her intimate area as the first sign of marking before handling his shaft before the tip entered her cunt.
Rafe was struck with the feeling of heaven, not all the way in and yet his insides were purring away. He didn't want to wait anymore. He shoved forward without consideration for the girl underneath him. Fully sheathed inside, it was a five star stay at an exotic hotel where he'd be the only customer for the rest of his life.
"God, you feel so fucking good. Where have you been hiding princess?" Rafe asked, his large hand holding her down but his thumb gently rubbed her cheek before switching his movement to fully on.
In an aggressive thrust, Rafe began to move like a panther after his meal. There was no mercy in any movement. His heat, her slickness; his size, her submissiveness felt like they were one with human nature. For the first time, Rafe carnal desire was met with a romantic twist. The desire for a connection that meets both ways. He didn't know this woman; maybe she wasn't worth the effort.
But the way her pussy clenched around his dick made him think she was really meant to be him and he'd have to give Sarah props. This would be his girl, and if she behaved properly; a wife and mother.
But for right now, Rafe focused on fucking the shit out of her. He purposefully banged and hit as hard as he could. He wanted to see pain and pleasure. He grabbed her waist and brought her down to the base of his dick with little to no mercy. He wanted her fully with no space left unexplored by him.
The girls meek voice brought him back to reality, "Are you wearing a condom?" She asked, as if not wanting to upset him.
His eyes softened on the creature below him. She already had a small bruise forming under her eye where he'd harmed her. There was a sick pleasure in knowing that is his mark on her but he wasnt entirely a demon and felt some guilt.
Back on topic, no he wasnt wearing a condom; he didn't want to wear one with her. Rafe never had to deal with consequences because Ward would throw money at it, and it disappear.
Rafe didn't answer her; the panic added to feeling. He didn't owe her an answer. He decided he practically owned her now. Women in the past were just bodies; pleasure givers, holes at best. He always saw them as something to be conquered but with Y/n he wanted to own her; mind, body and soul.
Rafe sped up causing her to scream in both pleasure and pain. It only made Rafe feel hotter. Once he knew he had reached his limit, he bottomed out hard as he could; staying attached to the woman as long as he could before his size fell limp once more.
Looking down was a tearful girl trying to pick herself up after being violated. Before Rafe could do anything, she pushed him aside and fled the scene. Rafe looked after her but didnt follow, still feeling the blissful aftermath the coupling. No matter where she went, what she said or who she hid behind; Rafe would be there to claim her again.
This was a new game to him and he just casted the first dice.
*Note from author: sorry for this abomination. A mix of alcohol, horny and an actual desire to write something for the first time in almost a year hit and I didn't want to waste it*
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acetone4veins · 6 months
Quotes + Mean Girls
associating angsty quotes (and some fluffy ones) to mean girls characters and dynamics, this is definitely longer than it should be and will probably be part 1 of many but anyways. lmk which were your favorites and which ones ruined you :) also shoutout to the cautionary tale discord who saw some of these already and ramble about these characters with me <3
posting under the cut so i don't clog anyone's feeds
"what a terrible thing to wound someone you really care for - and to do it so unconsciously."
Haruki Murakami
"and when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?"
Charles Bukowski
"i am changing. i am trying to be better. it is slow; it is rough; it is repetitive, but i swear i am."
Abdulsamad S. M.
"i did not like to be touched, but it was a strange dislike. i did not like to be touched because i craved it too much. i wanted to be held very tight so i would not break."
Marya Hornbacher
"i was not a loveable child, and i'd grown into a deeply unlovable adult. draw a picture of my soul, and it'd be a scribble with fangs."
Gillian Flynn
"if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is, maybe i could get over this."
Jessica Katoff
"i wasn't beautiful anymore. now i looked like what i was, a raw wound."
Janet Fitch
"i'm restless and harsh and despairing. although i do have love inside me. i just don't know how to use love. sometimes it tears at my flesh, like barbs."
Clarice Lispector
"i did not mean to be cruel. i swear i am good, i am good, i am kind. i have love inside me. some place far far away."
"how much can you change and get away with it, before you turn into someone else, before its some kind of murder?"
Richard Siken
"your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing."
Dyodor Dosteovsky
"what and how much had i lost by trying to do only what was expected of me instead of what i myself wished to do?"
Ralph Ellison
"my god, my god, whose performance am i watching? how many people am i? who am i? what is this space between myself and myself?"
Fernando Pessoa
"it was good for a while, being empty. i didn't hurt anymore. but as time went on, it was like i could hear myself from far away, begging for permission to come back."
Myra McEntire
"is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?"
Friedrich Nietzsche
"who's the real you? the person who did something awful, or the one who's horrified by the awful thing you did? is one part of you allowed to forgive the other?"
Rebecca Stead
"you're a mess of good intentions gone wrong. you strike a match on yourself to keep others warm, and now the whole goddamn world's on fire. you try to put it out, and you try so hard. the dam breaks, and the waters of your sorrow pour free. you are sorry; so very, very sorrow - and you will drown everyone to prove it."
"there are times when i am convinced i am unfit for any human relationship."
Franz Kafka
"i am eternally, devastatingly romantic, and i thought people would see it because 'romantic' doesn't mean 'sugary'. it's dark and tormented - the furor of passion, the despair of an idealism that you cannot attain."
Catherine Breillat
"but whatever came, she had resolved never again to belong to another than herself."
Kate Chopin
"there were two reasons i was scared to let people in; the damage they could do, and the damage they could find."
Chris McGeown
"perhaps its good for one to suffer. can an artist do anything if he's happy? would he ever want to do anything? what is art, after all, but a protest against the horrible inclemency of life?"
Aldous Huxley
"i want so obviously, so desperately to be loved, and to be capable of love."
Sylvia Plath
"she wanted to say 'don't leave me', but she couldn't do it, not again. she was so tired of begging people to love her."
Kristin Hannah
"he is charmingly telling me how much he does not love me...and i, - listening to him carefully, - am approving it."
Marina Tsvetaeva
"she's gonna forever say 'i got this' even with tears in her eyes."
"still there is this terrible desire to be loved. still, there is this horror at being left behind."
Michael Cunningham
"can you understand me? someone, somewhere, can you understand me a little, love me a little?"
Sylvia Plath
"i am trying to make myself digestible. i am trying to make myself easy to love."
I.B. Vyache
"do you think it is possible that some people are born to give more love than they will ever get back in return?"
Tyler Knott Gregson
"the sensitive suffer more; but they love more, and dream more."
Augusto Cury
"a lot of people tell me i'm a bit dreamy. but i like the idea of that. of being somewhere else."
"you cannot make everyone think and feel as deeply as you do. this is your tragedy, because you understand them but they do not understand you."
Daniel Saint
Regina and Janis
"the bear loved the deer, it was obvious. it ripped the deer's throat out, and then licked the dying deer with the most passionate affection. i thought of you and me."
David Cronenberg
"can you hate someone for what they have done, but still love them for whom they had been?"
Jodi Picoult
"love isn't soft, like those poets say. love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close."
Stephen King
"i love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul."
Pablo Neruda
"they will hook me up to a polygraph and ask me if i love you and i will say no but the needle will jump and sputter exactly how you laugh."
"there's a sickening feeling of familiarity, when the wrong person knows you too well and you know them too well. and they weren't always the wrong person."
"we don't mean to hurt each other, but we do. and perhaps no matter how right we are for each other, we'll always be a little wrong."
Beau Taplin
Regina and Cady
"i am intense darkness and you are a golden sunrise."
Arijit Singh and Pritam
"even before you touched me, i belonged to you; all you had to do was look at me."
"whether you come as a lover or an executioner, i am ready to receive you."
Agustin Gomez-Arcos
"for the longest time, i saw myself as a bad person. you don't know how much it meant to me when you looked at me and could see the good."
"but i have seen the best of you and the worst of you, and i choose both."
Sarah Kay
"i promised myself i would never fall in love with you. but it was 4 am, and we were laughing way too hard, and i felt happy for the first time in a long time, and i knew i was screwed."
Gretchen and Karen
"i would rather be with you - even the you that you seem to think is diminished - than with anyone else in the world."
Jojo Moyes
"it hurts, he realizes, to love someone who can't love themselves. like watching a work of art set itself on fire."
"how amazing it is to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head."
Nina LaCour
"come love, make me better than i was. come teach me a kinder way to say my own name."
Andrea Gibson
"i wanted you to see a mess and still find me worthy of love, to tell me that you could still love me anyway."
Georges Bataille
"sometimes, love is as simple as watching the moon and sometimes its as difficult as counting the stars. but i love doing both for you."
Janis and Damian
"you may be born into a family, but you walk into friendships. some you'll discover you should put behind you. others are worth every risk."
Adam Silvera
Regina and Gretchen
"but i am very homesick for arms that have never held me."
"i burned so long so quiet you must have wondered if i loved you back. i did, i did, i do."
Annelyse Gelman
"so i wait for you like a lonely house till you will see me again and live in me. till then my windows ache."
Pablo Neruda
"how do you tell someone that the reason you're sad is because you love them?"
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The Camaro
Neil was adamant: Billy had to get his own car if he wanted to go anywhere that wasn't school, and he had to pay for it himself.
Billy was equally adamant that he was going to get his hands on one.
So he worked his ass off, starting at the age of thirteen. He started small and local, mowing lawns, or offering to help elderly neighbors with grocery shopping- and bringing them in for them afterwards.
The latter got him far more pinched cheeks than he wanted, but when he laid on the charm, he was paid well.
To his delight, an elderly neighbor, Mister Grant, gifted him with a bike. His grandson never visited anymore now that he was in college, and Billy had been so helpful with the yard work, so he was happy to give it to him.
Billy kept the bike at Mister Grant's, afraid that Neil would take it away, or worse, destroy it or give it away- if Neil knew that he'd been given something like a bike, he'd accuse Billy of being weak by accepting charity.
The bike opened up entirely new venues of work, expanding his reach. More work offers, thanks to the bike, and his work ethic- which was talked about, spread by word of mouth.
All the while, he checked out car maintenance books from the library, rode his bike to the closest mechanic and volunteered to help, in exchange for the mechanics explaining what they were doing, so he could learn as much as he could about cars.
By the time he was sixteen, three years of working in the sun, doing manual labor, Billy was tanned, fit, and had plenty of money to start searching for something even better than a bike.
His first car.
Billy had never even dared to dream about getting a new car, even a relatively new used car. He'd saved up nearly 1,500 dollars, had it hidden in various places to keep it out of Neil's reach, going to the bank to swap out coins and singles for bigger bills so it'd be easier to hide.
He had finally brought the bike to the house. He told Neil he'd bought it used, to help him get more work, and Neil had almost been pleased at his work ethic- but as Billy had expected, it was taken away as punishment whenever Billy pissed him off.
He browsed the sale pages in the newspapers, kept his ear to the ground for deals, and finally, a few months after his birthday, Sid told him a cousin was selling his Camaro.
"It's kinda shitty," he drawled, exhaling clove cigarette smoke into the summer air. "He swiped a few cars and a mailbox with it, so it needs body work. He also didn't do a lot maintenance on it, and it's a 79, so... yeah. He's selling it for cheap."
"Does it run?" Billy asked. That was all that mattered, really.
"Yeah," Sid said, nodding. "It runs, it just... it's a mess. Real fixer upper."
Billy hadn't minded in the least. He'd wanted something with horsepower, something that would be loud, go fast, but he'd suspected he'd get something rusted and slow with the money he had.
"How much?"
Sid shrugged.
"I think he said 900 or so, but you know... you could probably haggle."
Billy did just that. He ignored the scratches and dents- they were all cosmetic. What he pointed out were all the mechanical issues- just like the guys at the mechanics had told him.
'College kids who have something like a Z28? They don't know shit about cars, just the model,' Bert had said, and had showed him what to look for, and told him what to say to bluff his way into a reduced price.
"I don't know," he said, putting the dusky blue car into park after a test drive. "That clunk? That's a CV joint- either I'd have to replace the boot, or the entire front axle."
He popped the hood and got out, peering into the guts of the car he already wanted more than anything in his life- save for freedom from Neil. He winced audibly, a sharp, hissing intake of air through his teeth.
"Yeah, I dunno," he said, folding his arms over his chest. "The serpentine belt is starting to look a little frayed. I'd have to replace that before disaster hit."
He pulled the dipstick out, examining it, making a show of sniffing the oil on it, and made an overly exaggerated face.
"When's the last time you changed the oil, man? It smells burnt."
Derek looked taken aback, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Honestly... idunno," he said helplessly.
Billy replaced the dipstick, closed the hood with a loud clang and dusted his hands off.
"Yeah I dunno," he repeated. "Nine hundred bucks can get me a car that isn't riddled with issues- mechanical OR body."
"It's a Z28, man," Sid's cousin said, scowling.
"Yeah, but she's nearly fifteen years old, and she's been poorly maintained- and I'm being generous," Billy retorted. "I'd be better off saving up for another three years for something better than getting this heap. It'd cost me nine hundred to fix all the shit that's wrong with her."
Derek was quiet for a bit, and Billy shrugged, moving to pick up his bike and head home.
"Eight hundred," Derek blurted.
Billy paused, making a show of consideration.
"Six hundred."
"Seven hundred."
"Six fifty, and you write the bill of sale as five hundred so I don't pay as much on the title fees."
Derek sighed, defeated.
Derek wrote out the bill of sale, and filled out the title. They both signed where appropriate, and Derek handed the title and keys over to Billy, who fought to keep his hands from shaking as he took them.
Registering the Camaro would have to wait- he couldn't take her home as she was. He took her to the shop, where Bert congratulated him on his haggling, and enthusiastically offered to help him fix her up.
By the time October came around, Billy pulled up at home in the Camaro, and Neil came outside, clearly surprised at the car his son had managed to find.
She was perfect.
He and Bert had changed out her fluids and filters, put new tires on her, replaced her old serpentine belt, put in a whole new front axle, and had hammered out and smoothed out the dents and scratches.
She looked good as new, gleaming in the driveway.
Billy handed him the title and bill of sale, showing him how much he'd paid, and Neil had immediately held out his hand for the keys.
"You may have paid for it, but legally, you can't own it until you're 18," he said. "When you turn 18, it's all yours, provided you don't do anything stupid."
Billy's heart sank, but he knew it was going to happen. He placed the keys in Neil's open palm, watching his father's fingers curl around them.
"I'm not going to ask how you got the money for a car that looks this good."
"She didn't," Billy blurted. "I worked on her. I fixed her up. She's been at Bert's. Bert helped me learn how to work on her, so I can maintain her upkeep without using my money for someone else to do it."
Neil glanced at the Camaro again, his look appraising, critical.
"And here I was worried that you'd learned nothing."
He turned to go back into the house.
"Glad to learn I was wrong."
Billy didn't dare read too much into it, but he could have sworn there was a note of pride in Neil's voice. It made the affection he felt for his new car swell in his chest.
Neil may have taken ownership of her for now, but he hadn't been mad. He hadn't punished Billy for taking initiative.
For once, he'd done something right, and the proof of it sat on four wheels, gleaming like a beacon of freedom in the driveway.
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yowyowyaoi · 4 months
Hidan's Daily Texts from the Akatsuki, Part Two
From Konan
Why would it gross you out? You basically deal with blood for a living!
Flattery might get you a hug but it won't get you out of your share of the food bill.
In all seriousness that's ridiculous.
Just pretend he’s Kakuzu. Problem solved.
You guys need to keep it down. I need my beauty sleep!
Sasori has a variety of things he could give you to ease the pain. But be warned he’ll likely give you a three hour lecture on “proper dental hygiene”.
I'm sure he just meant it as a joke. No need to eviscerate him.
I need that like I need a hole in my head.
Love is not about looks, it's about feelings and personality. He's the kindest, most gentle man I've ever known in my life.
If you're that curious, just transform into one and feel them yourself!
He doesn't take betrayal very well. I'd strongly reconsider if I were you.
Being immortal is a hell of a thing to have in common, isn't it?
I wish you and Dei would leave him be. Just because he *chooses* not to fight back doesn't mean he can't, or won't at some point. And I think that will be a scary day for the two of you.
Ladies don't curse but if you heard even half of what I was thinking it'd blow your mind, Hidan.
From Itachi
Looks mean very little to me.
If you're that interested in seeing them, then just ask him to pull down his pants for you the next time you see him. See what he says.
A compliment coming from you sounds very, very odd.
I would not just leave something like that to chance and never, ever to the two of you.
We're close. That's all you need to know.
I'll admit, the honey and ants in my bed was a clever, if sadistic, touch.
You've got ten minutes to return it to my door or I promise your eternity will be one long inescapable nightmare.
The last time I went with you guys you ate $1000 worth of food and then tried to stick me with the bill!
If you'd just admit it I'd be willing to go easy on you.
Of course he's an attractive man but I couldn't deal with that personality on a daily basis.
In that way I'm better than you, aren't I? You clearly fear death. I don't.
If my opinion counts for anything: hold on to Kakuzu. I don't believe there's a single other soul in this universe that would care for you the way he does.
I suppose not all the time. He does brush my hair out for me a lot. Very gentle.
From Tobi
If it isn't something that could work, why would it be the plot to SO MANY homoerotic stories??
You left it sitting there for three days! If I didn't eat it, it would have spoiled!
Just woke up not in the mood for your shit rn
If he thinks you're like a brother than one day me and you can be in-laws!
You didn't even spell "delusional" right.
Are you the one who left the jar of crickets on my bed?
Actually your hair would probably look good longer.
You're not going to lecture ME on something like that!
I think of him like a little cousin. So STOP messing with him!
If you think Kakuzu looks "sexy" without his mask you couldn't handle ME, man.
Come with us, the water should be fine by now.
The Hidden Leaf? Nope. Never heard of it.
Sharingan?? LOL
Be warned, Hidan. I'm not as stupid as you think I am.
Do YOU want to see my FIST? Okay then.
So is "Jashin" just looking the other way while you love Kakuzu, then?
From Nagato
I think of you all as my children. Some more problematic than others.
Yes it works! And even if it didn't, she wouldn't leave me!
I almost teamed you up with Deidara but I don't think I could have afforded that sort of damage.
Ultimately that would be Kakuzu's decision.
Tell your God to meet up with me and we'll see who's more "real", brat.
What. Did. You. DO?!
If I hear that you "accidentally" walked in while she was changing again, you'll wish to the heavens that you WERE able to die.
Yes but a mostly vegetarian diet is easier for my body to handle.
I did not form these teams with the intention of being a matchmaker.
I wish you would put as much effort and planning into your missions as you do to harassing your fellow Akatsuki teammates.
From Deidara
Yes I blew him up but I didn't rob him. Standards, man.
Me and Kisame going fishing, you in?
Come see me we gotta get our stories straight before Leader questions us.
He stepped on a beehive. Spent all day pulling stingers from his arms and legs. STILL wouldn't take off his mask.
I knoooooow. God you sound like Sasori.
I did but I don't think they can prove that it was me ...
You can't just sculp some little mouse and then call yourself an artist! It doesn't work like that!
I think the chicken was bad I can't stop puking and my ass is literally on fire!
If you won't listen to me talk about my REAL art, what makes you think I'm gonna listen to you talk about your FAKE God??
Me and you and Itachi. Yes he'll go if we drag him out.
Yeah but she's sooooooo pretty how can I help it?!
Why are you bragging? That just means you'll be old and ugly before me!
Honestly I just bring him a body and some tools and he stays distracted for like a week. Lets me do whatever without even questioning it lmao
He likes to carry me. Don't ask questions, I just enjoy not having to walk for a few hours.
I really, REALLY don't need to know what "gets you off". Pervert.
From Kisame
I have no idea how to answer something like that.
I don't know what's going on with you and Kakuzu but please stop "accidentally" sending me pics like that or I'm blocking you.
I'd die for him but all I really want is for him to live for me.
I think we're the only two who like it ultra-rare and dripping blood. Well, maybe Zetsu.
Yeah I have my suspicions as well but it's like that thing is glued to his face or something. Deidara is the only one who could get close enough to him to try it but he seems scared for some reason.
You can join us but no screaming in the water this time or you'll scare them all off.
I've got at least 11 years up on you so yes, you ARE a brat to me.
I don't think there are any decent shortcuts, we just have to walk straight through. Ask Kakuzu to lend you his tall boots.
There's doing our job and then there's crossing the line. Guess which one you did.
Yes it's warm but that doesn't mean we wish to see you sitting out there in the nude.
Itachi's not feeling well so I need a replacement weight for my other arm. Deidara is already helping, now I need you too.
In the old days they used leeches as a cure for everything. A few aren't gonna kill ya, kid. Don't be a baby.
He's literally perfect. And he's MINE. So onsen or not the next time I catch you looking like that I'll snatch your eyes out and eat them like grapes :)
From Sasori
Come see me before the infection spreads.
Mint, rosemary, and a tiny bit of thyme.
Unless you’re looking to get bent over, brat, how it works is none of your goddamned business.
You would likely be a terrible one.
No, he’s it for me. I’ll either marry him or kill him, haven’t decided yet.
I can imitate eating to fool enemies but the food will just stay in my throat until I manually remove it.
You kill humans nearly every day, you can handle a spider.
It would break my metaphorical heart.
I’m not “betting” you anything. I KNOW it won’t kill you. But the poison is both expensive and time-consuming to make and I’m not wasting it on you.
18 and 34.
Leave the ones that I’ve marked alone. They’re perfect specimens and I won’t have you ruin them with that heathen ritual of yours.
Yes but I’m slowly coming to accept that sexuality is a spectrum and nothing is black or white.
You and Tobi will be coming with. Pack extra food and warm clothes. No whining that you’re hungry or cold later on.
It won’t be as amusing when I nail your skull to the wall.
From Zetsu
He tasted so good. My many thanks.
I haven’t any idea why the others seem so perturbed by it, considering their *own* “atrocities".
Too loud. Sensitive ears.
Aren't you having relations with him? Surely you could convince him.
Unfortunately we need them alive and well, so please, none of your antics.
Couldn't hurt. But I doubt it would help, either.
Out of everyone here, you and your blood-scented skin smell the best.
I'm beginning to think your obsession with penises is more than a passing curiosity and an indication for serious concern.
Deidara is correct, everything is ephemeral. This world is temporary.
I wouldn't know the first thing about manipulating anyone. I'm just a plant.
From Kakuzu
Try me and see. I DARE you, brat.
Either help me or stay home and shut up about it.
You stimulate me, but not in all good ways.
If I wasn't "obsessed with money" this entire organization would be nothing, we'd be homeless and everyone would be starving.
Just wait until I get you alone.
Next time I suggest you think before you act.
Deidara will face Sasori but YOU will have to deal with ME. Consider that.
It's your turn to pay for dinner. I could go for either seafood or steak.
Call it gay if you wish but you won't change my mind.
I'm not sure if your body could handle multiple hearts, immortal or not.
Endurance training. My room. Ten minutes. Hydrate yourself beforehand.
You're going to eat something green if I have to pry open your mouth and shove it down your throat.
Because I CARE, asshole.
Why should I have to fight them off because you can't keep your hands to yourself??
I happen to like Itachi so watch your manners, if any exist.
Can't "believe" in someone I've never met. Which is why I don't understand why YOU do.
If I ever went, I'm taking you out with me. "'Til death" is inaccurate.
Sure, sure. While you're at it pray for money to drop out of the sky and into my lap.
Handcuffs aren't doing it for me anymore. Bring some rope and maybe some honey this time.
Get back here and clean this shit up before I come kill you.
Love you. <3. Delete this text immediately.
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ckret2 · 9 months
Here’s a thought experiment that could probably never reasonably happen for you. Let’s say the rest of the pines family was put in a similar position to ford: They have something they are attempting to do but cannot figure out on their own no matter how hard they try (For ford it was figuring out the weirdness magnetism). For the others, we could say that Dipper’s is functionally the same, Stan’s is trying to make a fortune so his family will take him back, and Mabel…I don’t really know what mabel would want.
For whatever reason, bill thinks that he can use this to get the portal made. Perhaps he thinks that if he basically holds their hand the whole time he can get them to do this.
Now my question is: Without knowledge of who he is beforehand, how easily could he manipulate them like he manipulated Ford? And for Stan specifically, would what Ford said about “seeing him for the scam artist he is” hold up when what is probably his biggest regret and fuck up prior to pushing Ford out to interdimensional sea is being dangled over his head?
Pretty damn easily.
He did manipulate Dipper and he did manipulate Mabel and they do know who he is. How much more easily could he have manipulated them if they'd only known him as a "muse" or as an "advanced alien life form, presenting as a triangle because his true form is incomprehensible to human eyes, because he's impressed by your potential" or as a "magical dream fairy, traveling through sleeping minds to help young girls' dreams come true!"
If they talked to each other, Dipper would probably be able to figure out Mabel's being conned ("if he's gonna make your dreams come true why do you have to do all this stuff for HIM? Has he SAID what he'll do to help you and why he can't just do it NOW?") and Mabel would probably be able to figure out Dipper's being conned ("bro, he's DROWNING you in flattery. If he really means it, why's he acting like you have to PROVE your smartness by doing this big dumb thing for him?"), but I don't think either would figure it out alone until it was too late. There's a reason Bill only targets them when they're isolated from each other.
Stan got suckered by a spider girl flirting with him after he knew she was a spider girl. We see him thinking that a lot of truly terrible ideas are gonna make him a fortune—searching for gold with a metal detector, becoming a door-to-door salesman, whatever terrible ideas he got roped into that landed him in prison... I think Stan would have the best odds of figuring Bill out, but I don't think he's immune to getting conned.
Stan's able to punch out Bill while Bill is trying to offer him power and fame and fortune because he already knows who Bill is and hates him for messing with his family. But if Bill had come to Stan at age 25, presented himself as something just sleazy enough to be believable—maybe not "divine muse" but something like "greed demon who helps promising but unlucky young entrepreneurs turn their luck around" ("Sure I'm the real deal, pal, why do you think my face is on every buck in your wallet?!"), and made the same fame and fortune offers, I think Stan's only hesitation would be "What's the catch? What's in it for YOU?" If Bill comes up with anything even SLIGHTLY plausible—"I feed on greed, kid, the more money you make the more power I get, and you don't even have to give me a cut of the profits"—then Stan's sold.
Even easier if he somehow identifies Stan's REAL priorities. "Your brother only turned his back on you because dear old ma and pa made him feel like the family's financial future rests on his shoulders. He's out there trying to make 'em millionaires and miserable about it. He hates it as much as you do. Come home with a fortune and he'd drop everything to go sailing with you in an instant. It'd be a relief, even. Don't you wanna be your brother's hero?"
While Ford put absolute blind faith in Bill up until the portal incident, I think Stan would start getting uneasy and suspicious before anything's wrong; even if Bill isn't waving any red flags yet, if everything is TOO easy it might worry Stan. But isn't easy GOOD? Didn't he always want a get-rich-quick scheme? He'd be worried, but he'd keep going—sunk cost fallacy—and tell himself it'll work out in the end. It has to.
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kwillow · 3 months
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I alluded to this fact in a previous question about Theo's preferences for companions: it really depends.
Someone could exist who could, in theory, get along with him perfectly and be his ideal man/woman (which again, he doesn't even really know what that would be, so he wouldn't know it when he saw it), and they could start off on the wrong foot with him, set off a tantrum spiral and never recover his esteem for the rest of his life.
Even if someone who could be compatible with him was able to pick their way through the bear traps of his mind and get close to him, that doesn't necessarily mean anything would come of it. He can get infatuated easily, experience flickers of attraction - but he would much rather ignore those feelings than act on them in any way beyond just trying to be a good and loyal friend and benefactor.
And then, even if someone got close to him, and he was infatuated with them AND recognized those emotions for what they are (a big ask in and of itself), he STILL would not want to enter a romance because that would change the nature of the relationship, he doesn't know what to do in a relationship, and he wouldn't want to entrap someone in a relationship with him (Gods, the horror) or suffer the travails and indignities of romance because all his experiences tell him that eros is a corrupting force and always ends really, really badly.
So one could ask him to start a relationship, and the absolute best result would probably be a polite and firm decline with some blathering about the nobility of "unrequited courtly devotion," with the more typical result being a meltdown.
Effectively, one would have to stay close to him for actual years in close proximity without leaving for greener pastures than him (which one should) and maybe, maaaaaybe if the right mental dominos fall he could conceivably think of entering a relationship. Except in Amaranthine, he'd only want to do that with a childbearing woman because he feels he needs to have children to continue his withered, hollow excuse of a family tree. AND THAT WOULD START A WHOLE OTHER SAGA. ALL THAT ABOVE WAS JUST GETTING TO FIRST BASE, LET'S NOT EVEN GET INTO WHAT IT'D TAKE TO GET ALL THE WAY TO FOURTH. Anyone not able to produce more Norths would have a whole 'nother endurance test to slog through to work through his issues about debt to his family and legacy and all that nonsense. And would either path be worth it to someone? Performing years worth of informal therapy (not real therapy, he hates doctors!) on a messed-up guy just to get him to maybe agree to go out with you? Probably not!
To bring it back to the beginning, despite all I've written here, it all depends. I don't think I can write a rulebook or point-by-point guide for "how to get Theo to agree to date another imaginary person" because in the end, he is a fictional character and he is more beholden to what would be interesting for my partner and I to write and draw versus anything else. And it would depend on the setting, the characters involved, the circumstances that befall them, myriad little factors that could influence what feels natural for him to do. Maybe there could be an interesting story we come up with where he falls irrationally head-over-heels for someone and proposes the same day. He could also spurn all companionship and focus his attention on other pursuits.
So... if anyone is expecting any sweet blossoming love stories to come to fruition within Theo’s story in Amaranthine… the odds aren't good. I don’t have much interest in writing “romance” as a genre, only incredibly dysfunctional relationships as a vehicle to cause strife and comedy in fucked-up weirdos' lives.
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yukidragon · 9 months
What if in Dragon AU Joseph/Jack decides, "you know what, being a king must be nice" and decides to take over the kingdom. Once he becomes king, he let's MC rule along side him and makes MC's love/close one's into higer classes and give them all a comfortable life for generations to come, if they want.
I'd say that is a good possibility. I mean, in the backstory I came up with, technically Joseph/Jack is of royal blood. He might even be able to claim he's more of a direct royal bloodline than the current rulers on the throne, depending on how Ian and his parents are related.
Quick aside, the content warnings for this post are probably going to be the same as the ones in the original Dragon Jack AU post.
Anyway, wouldn't it be interesting if Ian actually isn't related to Jack even though he's currently in line of succession? Joseph's family could have been usurped in the years since Jack was cursed into a dragon. In the power struggle that ensued afterwards, things eventually settled with Ian's parents on the throne.
Now here's the lost prince waltzing back in to throw everything into chaos. If the people were suffering from unrest while missing their former rulers and finding their current rulers unfit for the throne, well... I imagine there those loyal to the old royal bloodline would want to make things "right" and reinstate the "true" royal family. If the rest of Jack's family were wiped out in the power struggle, then only he would be left to be the rightful heir to the throne.
Of course, it all comes down to whether Jack would have reason to want the throne. He's already a powerful dragon, capable of incredible magic. No one could touch him. If his sunshine chooses to save him from the forest by binding him to them, well, he can be satisfied with just staying by their side forever~
That is... unless MC is having a hard time with the current regime. The queen doesn't care for them after all. The crown prince wants MC back. If Ian becomes king, he could pressure MC into marriage, whether they want it or not. They wouldn't have a choice due to the extreme power imbalance.
I mean... if Ian goes full yandere, wouldn't it be fine to marry MC, regardless if they agree or not? They know each other so well. MC is the only one who knows the real Ian. Yes, Ian messed up, letting the head in his pants lead him astray. He could justify MC being in love with Jack, Shaun, or Nick the same way. They've strayed like he did, so they're even, right?
As long as they're married, they'll have the rest of their lives to make things work. They belong together. There's no one else Ian can see either of them with.
A yandere can justify anything as long as they can keep the one they love after all.
If Jack is unable to use his dragon powers to stop Ian, somehow bound by politics and maybe even MC making sure that he can't harm anyone unless they permit it, well... then maybe gaining back the crown that people were afraid he would wear all those years ago is the only way to protect his sunshine and make sure they stay together forever.
On that note, it'd be hilarious if MC's alteration to the curse that allows Jack to be free of the dark woods was similar to the bead necklace that restricts InuYasha. One shout of "Sit boy!" and the unstoppable master of the dark woods bows down to them in submission.
Well... not as violently as in InuYasha of course. I know Alice wouldn't be happy to make Jack fall painfully hard to the ground every time she tried to calm him down. More like freezing him in place or just making him stop without hurting him. There's no reason to slam Jack into the ground on the flimsiest excuse. :\
Given how consent plays a huge factor in SDJ, particularly in the bond between Jack and MC, I'd like to think that would come into play in whatever bond is made between them when altering the curse.
Also, sending the love interest smashing into the ground violently every time you're annoyed is kiiiiiiiiinda abusive. Just a touch. At least in my humble opinion.
I just remembered a comment I got over on twitter that might offer the perfect solution. Now I have this image of every time MC pulls the reigns on Jack to hold him back, so to speak, he suddenly turns into a tiny baby dragon, cute and harmless.
This also gives me the image of baby dragon Jack nestled in Alice's shirt similar to this picture I drew a while back. Just have Alice wear fantasy barb and change Jack from a Tsum-Tsum into a colorful and cuddly little dragon.
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Alice might be protesting here, but only because she's flustered that someone might see. She doesn't actually mind the little nest Jack has made for himself. Actually, she'd love to cuddle a tiny Jack close to her heart, especially if he was an adorable little dragon baby.
Once Jack realizes just how Alice reacts to that cute form, he's going to use the belt to willingly transform just to be cuddled and gushed over how adorable he is. Alice just can't resist! She has to squish those cute cheeks and kiss his widdle forehead. Also, who can resist petting such a cute little dragon, especially when he purrs and snuggles up close?
Sure there's a bit of awkwardness from Alice, knowing that Jack's other forms are a giant adult dragon and a buff half-dragon man who sends her heart beating wildly out of control, but he's just so cute! How can she not cuddle him and give him kisses?
I think I got sidetracked by my OTP. I'd say I'm sorry about that, but that would be lying. It will happen again.
Anyway, back to Jack taking the crown. If MC has a means of keeping him from using his powers to simply snatch them up and take them away, then using the crown as a means to take control might be his best choice to not lose them. Hell, he could be tempted to take the crown just so that he'll never be forgotten again.
In a way, Ian and his family stole the role Jack should have had. Sure, Joseph was the spare of the spare and his family didn't want him to have the crown, but it's still his birthright, and it was stolen from him many times over. Even without MC being a factor, Jack might be tempted to take it back anyway after he lost so much already...
Jack is already so tempting with his love and sweet personality. Add to that his invincible powers as a dragon, the wealth he holds, and the political power of ruling an empire, I imagine there would be more than a few MCs who might decide he's too tempting to resist.
Alice wouldn't care if the one she loves is a king or a commoner though. She loved Ian for himself, regardless of his status, which was why he fell so hard for her... and is terrified of losing her.
So I am tempted that Ian starts going down the yandere route when he keeps trying to save Alice from the forest, only to be constantly thwarted. Then she suddenly comes back with Jack, someone who saved her instead of Ian. Jack got to be the hero that Ian felt he needed to be to make amends for the wrongs he committed. Worse, Alice is so friendly with Jack.
Too friendly.
Ian knows Alice well. He can see the love in her eyes when she looks at Jack... the same love that used to be only for him. Now when she looks at him, she's cold, nothing more than a loyal retainer. She's put a wall between them, and his every attempt to get closer again only pushes her further away.
Worst of all, Ian knows Alice well enough that he can see that cold front she's putting on is just a mask to hide the pain he inflicted upon her. His all his fault.
Ian, after descending down the yandere mindset, doesn't see how he's using his power to put Alice in unfair positions to try and force a reconciliation, making the target the queen has painted on her back ever more garish and easier to strike.
The politics of it all makes things worse. Jack has plenty of moments to sweep in and defend Alice, to be the hero that Ian wishes he could be for her. Jack rubs salt into Ian's wounds as well, talking to him when no one else is around to make sure the prince understands that he's unworthy of Alice's love. Jack's words to Ian cut him deep, emphasizing the wide gap between Ian and Alice that can never be bridged, especially after Ian himself did so much damage to her.
Ian can't let this strange man just waltz into Alice's life to steal her away. It was bad enough when he saw the knights she spent time with crushing on her. He saw the way Shaun looked at her, how Nick fumbled over her. He even worried about Barry taking advantage of his position over her! Far too many people see her charms and are love-struck, looking to be her hero and whisk her away.
Jack is worst of all, because he succeeded where they and Ian failed.
So Ian just is supposed to sit back and watch some arrogant, brutish, smiling fool sweep in to steal away the only person who ever saw the true Ian? The only person who didn't see his crown, but of a sad, crying boy who only wanted to be happy and loved?!
Alice still cares. Ian can see it. She tries to keep her distance, but she still bends to him, showing concern for him. She still loves him, he's sure of it. He knows he can still touch her heart, no matter what walls she tries to put between them to keep him out.
Ian held out hope that if he waited until he was king, things would turn out alright in the end. He would spend the rest of his life making amends for the way he hurt Alice, for betraying her despite everything she sacrificed for just a chance that they could be together.
What kind of king would Ian be if he let others tell him what to do? Why should he let his mother or any other member of the court who disapproved of his relationship with Alice order him around? The throne, the divine right to rule is his by right. Once he has that, well... he'll make sure everyone knows that he makes the rules. He's the king, and Alice will be his queen, just like he promised her when they were children, young and innocent of just how tangled up royal politics were.
A king would not let anyone get in his way. A king would crush all resistance and take what is his.
Jack and Ian have a lot of narrative parallels in SDJ, and I think they could both go down the path of a yandere king in order to keep MC forever. This, of course, puts them at direct odds with one another, and I imagine MC will be the tipping point of the battle if they can hold back Jack's immense power as a dragon.
After all, if MC has control over Jack due to the curse, similar to the control they have in the game, all he can do is convince them, even through deception, to let him have his way, and to secretly go behind their back when they're unaware of what he's doing.
Jack doesn't need to deceive Alice, but what about other MCs?
If Ian uses his power as king to back Alice into a corner, then Jack is going to rescue her once again.
After all, Alice has her family to look after. Some MCs might not have such ties to worry about, but she has people in her life who she loves and is willing to make sacrifices to protect. Naturally, Jack is going to be jealous of their closeness, but it's mollified by the two of them being close together, and how much she sincerely cares for him as well.
Ian could use that family against Alice. Coraline wants them to get back together in the regular universe, so perhaps in this AU, she could be a useful pawn...
Of course, you know me. I'd want to give my OTP a happy ending. So if Ian did go down the yandere path, Jack would ultimately take "back" the crown for himself. Alice becomes his queen, and they eventually have a bunch of half-dragon babies who are all loved and not one of them is treated like the spare of the spare of anyone. They're a family first, royals second. Love will always come first when it comes to Jack. None of his children will suffer the way he did. He'll love every single one of them no matter what.
Besides, Jack might be immortal at this point, so why would he need to pass on the crown when he can just be the eternal ruler? With his sunshine by his side of course. There's no fight for the crown if he's wearing it forever after all. If the curse can make him live indefinitely, he'll find a way to make sure Alice will as well so that he'll never lose his sunshine.
Or maybe Jack will let one of their kids take over once they're old enough so that he can enjoy retirement with Alice. Being king is busy work after all, and I can see it interfering with how often he can make love to his sunshine.
Power is nice and all, but it doesn't compare making Alice scream his name as Jack fills her up with every drop of his love, over and over again~
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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warnings: swearing
word count: around 1.3k
taglist: @awkwardgtace , @smolcomfycat , @just-a-tiny-bun , @tripodcat-gt
I sat at the end of the dock, feet dangling into the water as I took in the scenery once more in yet another unsuccessful attempt to calm my nerves.
Today was special.
Because today was the day Thad would finally be coming home from college. For good. And the last time we video called, he said we should do something to celebrate the occasion. And now I was here.
I squeezed my arms.
It'd been a while since I'd seen him in person and to say I was nervous was a huge understatement. What if I made things awkward? What if my voice didn't cooperate when he showed up? WHAT IF HE HATES ME?
I stared down at the water with a small frown, focusing on the reflection of the velki sized trees in the distance. If Thad didn't want to meet me then he wouldn't have asked, right? This was okay. Everything would be okay. Thad would get here and we'd probably have an awkward first exchange and then...eventually things would go back to normal (…hopefully).
But I knew it wasn't just the nerves that were causing my heart to flutter. I was excited to see him again. I missed the physical touch and the sound of his real voice and also when he...uh....when the...he…lips.
Thad was going to be here soon and I was excited to see him again. I really missed him. And I really hoped he’d missed me too.
Luckily, I didn't have to sit there much longer before I could finally feel the telltale tremors of velki footsteps vibrating through the wood below me. I squeezed my arms to prepare myself as best as I could when I heard the trees behind me start to rustle, my heart jumping with every snap of a branch. Finally, something broke through the treeline and with my heart now pounding with anticipation, I took a good few seconds to mentally prepare myself before finally turning around.
And my heart jumped at the sight.
Thaddeus. Thaddeus Kayne. In the flesh.
And he looked like a mess.
His hair was chaos (…more so than usual, anyway). His clothes were wrinkled. He had pine needles sticking out of his jacket and hair. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. But he had an absolutely massive grin on his face, his eyes softening slightly when mine met his.
He stood there for a long moment as we stared at each other, his bag sliding off his shoulder in the quiet.
And then his grin widened as he started walking towards me.
The dock was creaking under his weight and all at once he was right behind me (TOO FAST). This gave me just enough time to start rethinking my life choices before he bent down, his head hanging upside down in front of me. I had to lean back to make eye contact now.
Also his eyes were shining.
Oh no.
"Sy," he said simply.
I just nodded back at him, not exactly sure what I was supposed to be doing anymore.
"Would you say you have any electronics on you at this moment?"
I mean…I'd left all my stuff in a purse by the shore because I didn't want anything getting dirty. I shook my head.
"Anything you wouldn't want to get soaked?"
I shook my head.
There was silence in the air for a long moment and I almost considered asking what he meant by that but before I could even fully process what was happening, the ground below me disappeared and the next thing I knew, I found myself underwater, completely soaked in freezing cold water.
It took me a while to get my bearings but when I did finally managed to find the dock again while doggy paddling, I had to crane my neck to maintain eye contact with Thad’s still weirdly hunched over form, looking to him for some kind of explanation. In return, Thad only watched me as his expression started to change.
His grin turned sheepish.
The perpetrator.
I just frowned up at him and then stopped frowning when he suddenly straightened up and somehow even more surprisingly than pushing me into the lake, took a step forward into empty air and fell face first into the water too.
The resulting waves from his absolutely terrible dive sent me flying away from the dock and once I managed to resurface again, I looked around only to see no sign of Thad besides the ripples where he’d disappeared into the lake.
I waited for him to resurface but when nothing happened and nothing kept happening, dread started to fill me. I was out in a comparatively bottomless lake and my giant, currently evil boyfriend could be anywhere below me. I started to paddle back to shore as fast as my arms could carry me but almost as if he was waiting for it (which he probably was), something quickly surfaced below me and started lifting me out of the water. I felt the faint twitch of muscles and the slight warmth radiating under me and I recognized what it was almost instantly.
A hand lifted me out of the water and then slowly, Thaddeus’ head emerged from the lake like some kind of river monster. His bangs hung in his eyes and his eyeliner was now running freely down his cheeks but his eyes were still shining, coughing up water in between fits of giggles.
“Sorry,” he just managed to get out between his laughter and despite everything, I couldn’t help but start laughing too.
Eventually, we both calmed down enough for Thad to start swimming back to the shore. He set his hand down on the dock and waited for me to get off before he placed his arms down on either side of me and bent them until my back pressed against them.
For a second, he said nothing, watching me in silence as he bobbed slightly in the water before he started leaning towards me. He stopped once his head was mere meters from my own and I once again considered all the choices that had led me to this exact moment before his lips tilted into a small smile and I could literally feel the tension leave the air.
"Hey," he whispered giddily and I felt my cheeks start to heat up as a small smile wormed its way onto my face.
I tried to speak but found the words jammed in my throat. I cleared my throat silently and tried to feel out the words. Said a phrase in my head over and over before finally just reaching out and brushing a hand over his lips instead.
The gesture made him smile and he actually leaned into it, letting me run a hand over the soft surface for a while before I finally had the courage to lean in for a hug, kinda just…draping my arms over what I could reach before I felt what must have been his arms press into me as he returned the gesture.
"I really fucking missed you," he finally whispered, the sentiment making my heart flutter.
He hugged me for a while longer before finally pulling away, brushing some of the wet bangs out of my face with a finger before pulling himself out of the water. He scooped me up before starting to walk back up the dock.
“I had like, a whole romantic forest picnic thing planned out for us but seeing how we’re both soaked in lake water for…some reason…and to be honest I’m tired as hell and probably need like a shower or something, I think I’m gonna just head home for the day.”
My heart sunk slightly.
My heart stopped slightly.
“-you’re more than welcome to join me. …if you want to, of course.”
I nodded so frantically that Thad immediately burst out laughing again, stopping only to give me a small kiss on the top of my head before he picked up both of our stuff and started making the trek to his house, eventually launching into a monologue of what his last few days of college were like and how the trip back was as I leaned back into him and enjoyed the feeling of having him back.
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puppyguppy · 1 year
Everyone is always warned about villains.
And like, obviously, most aren't in the market of befriending any of them. Usually. Sure, some of those crazy circles might have that 'thicker than blood' mentality, and an 'until death do us part' kind of loyalty, which can be quite appealing. But, at the end of the day, most of them were still -- well. Crazy. Criminals, killers, or about to be.
No one is ever warned about heroes, though.
And just how dangerous, just how chaotic it can be to befriend any of them instead.
It's the heroes' fault, after all -- your friends' fault, that you are now in the mess that you're in. They're the reason you're standing, awkward and anxious and alone, in the middle of a rented room. In a love hotel, no less. At the very least, the room is...inconspicuous enough. Not that you've had a real look around yet; maybe a little afraid of what you might find. You've heard stories of places like this, of what some rooms comes with, complimentary, and what can furthermore be purchased. There's probably lube somewhere. Condoms. Aphrodisiacs. There's probably alcohol in the minifridge. And, you're not sure if all three remotes on the entertainment stand are for the television, or...
You never pictured yourself ending up in a place like this.
You never had a need. Or even a desire. Any curiosity of such establishments (and what went down in them) was always so fleeting, there was hardly a single solid thought to act upon. The metaphorical cat of your morals remained very much alive.
Until now.
The room has not one, but two beds. Which seems a bit much, but maybe not? What do you know? There's one on the first floor, a california king by the looks of it; but then there's a flight of stairs that lead up to a loft, where there's the second, smaller bed. That's all that's up there, though. The rest of the first floor has a fairly large television, surrounded by equally as large speakers, a coffee table, a sectional sofa...then there's that minifridge, a door that leads to what must be the bathroom, and a few other doors that are most likely closets. Cabinets. Which you definitely don't plan on checking.
Whatever might be in them, you're not here for.
No, you're here because you friends thought it'd be funny to - to all pitch in together and bid on some ridiculous experience. There's always charity auctions at the hero galas, and this year's had been no different. Normally, a couple of heroes would offer things like a date or a dance. Some of them would auction off limited edition merch, or maybe a day of training, etc. Wholesome, PR approved things - things that wouldn't embarrass whatever charity the money was going to.
This year though...had hosted a rather unique experience, and with a hero that hardly bothered to show his face during the day, let alone at a gala. A hero that you just so happen to have a huge, embarrassing crush on. Despite never having met him. It's not like you're a hero, you're just part of support -- granted, a very necessary part of support, but still.
Eraserhead only ever used his capture weapon and goggles.
And if he ever needed them repaired, he never came to you with them. Which, why would he? There was never a reason for him to. And, you were content with that. Content knowing there would never be a reason. That you'd never meet him, and he could stay a stupid little celebrity crush, and your friends could forever tease you a little bit about it, because that was life. That was normal, that was fine.
But then you'd seen his auction.
For 1,500,00 yen, Underground Pro-Hero Eraserhead will put his cigarette out anywhere on your body.
You'd been gobsmacked.
And caught staring, wide-eyed and flushed, up at the screen. You couldn't believe it -- couldn't believe that Eraserhead was even participating in this year's gala, and couldn't believe he'd offer something so - so -- you couldn't believe his PR team had even -- wait, did a hero like him even have a PR team? How had the charity even allowed that? A charity for...abused, sexually assaulted, and homeless children.
You still can't believe it.
Can't wrap your head around it. Or how your friends, several drinks into the night, had all snuck off at different intervals to drop money off at Eraserhead's designated auction booth, until that 1,500,000 yen was achieved. Or how they'd all smirked, cheered, and toasted after shoving a gold ticket into your sweaty, shaking hands. The ticket had your name on it. A date, a time, and an address. Which had led you to where you are now.
With the ticket still burning in your back pocket, where you're sure it'll leave the first of many welts on your skin.
Since that's the reason you're here.
Because your friends paid for you to be your dream guy's ashtray for the night.
You hope you aren't overdressed. Or underdressed. You weren't exactly sure what was appropriate to wear for an occasion such as...this. So, you'd settled on a black, form-fitting, and slightly sheer tank top, tucked into a pair of yellow, wide-legged slacks. It left most of your arms exposed, some of your shoulders, the nape of your neck and the top of your chest. And the pants were easy enough to pull up and expose your legs, because -- yes. You'd put a shameful amount of thought into the easy access of your flesh. And the colors that adorned it. His colors.
Which...might've been a touch too far, now that you're left with nothing to do but think about it.
And how you kind of hope you get stood up.
Like, maybe this was a prank. Or a scam. Or, maybe Eraserhead got caught up in some trouble. Some much more important hero work. If so, you could just stay until the room's time was up. You'd get comfortable enough eventually, with just yourself. Enough to sit down somewhere, at least. You could mess around on your phone, then head home and laugh it all of. You could pretend it was just some strange dream, though your friends would tease you even more, even harder -- that'd be fine.
As it should be.
A sudden but solid double-knock on the door startles you so hard that your knees almost buckle.
"Can I come in?"
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coralpolyp · 4 months
I'm not dead!
Hey look here's a redraw of the really terrible bit of digital art I did for last year's Mar13 day as proof! Apparently I didn't even finish the first one on time! Yikes!
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I'm well aware that it's been a minute or two since I last posted anything on here or on AO3 - to be more precise, it's been since Splatoon 1 died and I wrote that 8000 word depressing thing - I don't know why 8000 words always seems to be my sweet spot, but it's good to know that I have one. That being said, and with Side Order: Dark Side Mix currently MIA, I thought it'd be a good idea to to have what it is that I'm doing right now on-record in some capacity, for the one or two people who were wondering.
The next few weeks are exam season, so I don't think it's going to be smooth sailing per se, but Dark Side Mix will be completed. After running into a snag with the opening act - namely with the fact that it sucks - I started reworking the entire fic from top to bottom under a new name...and then I lost motivation to do that because perfectionism set in, and I haven't really touched it in a little while.
In the time that I've been away from it, I feel like I've become increasingly aware of how that perfectionism negatively effects me and my work - namely the fact that very little of it actually exists. I mean, sure, people seem to like the stuff that does exist, but there isn't much, and a lot of things are unfinished - usually because I placed too much value on the potential of "the idea", and spent so long labouring over the start of it that by the 10,000 word mark I had realised the flaws of the idea and lost interest in it.
I can't help thinking that's a bit lame. Every other writer has 100s and thousands of words of terrible amateur works they can go back to and laugh at, before they created the masterpieces they're known for now, and my story is that I just kinda show up every once in a while.
I think there's a real beauty to that - creating for the sake of creation, with no fucks given. Maybe this isn't the finest example, but I finally started listening to My Dad Wrote a Porno recently and...I mean... the sheer lack of fucks given is well and truly a gift that keeps on giving. Same goes for Philosophy of the World. Or SMG4 back in like 2014. Or old Eddsworld stuff. There's just a certain carefree joy (or existential dread in the case of the Shaggs) to it all that you never get anywhere else. It's like the difference between a 30 second gesture drawing and 6 hours of carefully-deliberated-over anatomy.
All that is to say - Dark Side Mix is a fundamentally flawed story. It is not high art, it never will be. I should probably just get it out there in it's entirety for the world to see in the time I have available to write, and then move on to the next "brilliant-idea"-that's-actually-just-ok. Nobody likes an "idea guy" - what good is it to spend one's entire life going around saying "I never finished this story, but it was great in my head, and the bit that you can actually read was alright too,"? Creativity should be about getting in there, making a mess, and having fun - let fanfiction be fanfiction, with that being addressed to nobody but myself, because nobody else needed to hear it.
Oh, also, another reason for my absence besides creative block and exams - I'm getting into comics! That, and practising my art fundamentals a whole bunch - I don't think my drawabox is particularly interesting to look at, so I haven't exactly been posting it. I've decided that I want to try giving an idea I had for what would've been another depressing Squid Sister 8000-worder the comic treatment, although you shouldn't expect to see that anytime soon, considering how long it's gonna take, and the fact that I would want to release something like that in no more than two parts.
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
I'm a newish follower and definitely new to obey me and I've got a lot of questions about Barbatos's tail
I've seen some art and fics depicting his tail as slimy and it seems weird for a really clean guy to have a tail that could potentially make the things around him dirty. Like wouldn't he be so embarrassed if his tail accidentally stained someone's dress when they walked by him or leaving a streak on the floor? just in shame
additionally what about it being like a lizards tail imagine how mortified he would be to get it lightly trapped in a door for it to pop off suddenly and start wiggling there on the floor
or is it like a snail tail and when you touch it, it retracts back up underneath his jacket
if it's hard and spiny like some kind of spike, could he kill with it?
i have a lot of questions about his tail and would like to know what you think
Welcome to the blog, anon! And welcome to the fandom!
We all have a lot of questions about Barbatos's tail. I like to think I'm a Barb expert, though half of that is headcanon at this point. Anyway, I will endeavor to answer the questions to the best of my ability!
Now it's funny you should bring up the slimy tail situation because this was a discussion we were having here on the blog not that long ago!
It took me a second to find it, but there's a daily chat where Satan says, "it's said to have a wonderful, glistening sheen."
There's also this issue of the RAD newspaper where it's described as "wet and glistening, but not slimy."
I suspect a lot of fics that make his tail slimy have more to do with him using his tail for nsfw lubrication purposes. But honestly I had mostly forgotten about this detail entirely. So in a lot of my Barb fics, where he's in demon form, he will wrap his tail around MC a lot. Because I was always thinking about it being dry. But then I did remember that it was supposed to be "slimy" though I misremembered and it is only "wet" (though what is the difference when it comes to a tail like his?) and then I adopted the headcanon that he can control how wet it is. That way my fics still make sense to me lol.
That also allowed me to consider that he wouldn't have the problem of leaving behind any kind of mess from it because he can control how messy it is. Though now this is officially my favorite idea for how he manages the tail wetness.
But yes, I suspect that he would not like having an appendage that has the potential to make things dirty when he himself is so clean. I highly doubt he would have spent the many years of his life with it without devising some way of preventing that from happening.
I tend to think of it as more of a salamander tail. A long time ago, an anon suggested this and so far it's the one that seems to fit his tail best in my mind. Anyway, I think salamander tails can pop off like some lizard tails do and grow back, so either way he's still gotta deal with that. I like the idea of it retracting, though, that sounds cute.
Though we are talking about a demon tail so maybe it has some different properties. I kind of think that a demon's tail, whether based on a real life animal or not, is going to be rather sturdy and maybe even powerful. Barb's tail is much larger than a standard lizard, I think, so I expect it's just stronger in general.
So while I don't think it's hard and spiny, I do think he could kill with it. Tails generally have bones and muscles in them (I think), so I just imagine Barbatos's tail being super strong. Like he could probably use it as a spike if he wanted to. But I also think it'd probably be easier to just wrap it around someone's throat, you know? I also think he could potentially use it more like a club and bash someone's head with it.
But this is all just conjecture on my part. I don't think he's ever used it like that in the game lol. I do believe it's canon that he doesn't like when people touch it, though. That being said in the daily chat following that one from Satan, if MC asks if they can touch it, he says he'll make an exception for them.
In the end, since we have very little canon information about his tail, you are free to imagine it however you like! I've obviously thought about it... probably too much. But there are also OC related reasons for why I have spent a lot of time thinking about demon tails in general lol.
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cranity · 1 year
hi hi! i love your art so much & specifically how you use shapes, especially when you’re drawing heads and faces. i was wondering if you have any tips about how to incorporate shapes this way! pls feel free to ignore if course!
Thank you! I was mulling over this trying to figure out an answer that makes sense. I usually go for what "feels right" which is not a great answer lol so come deconstruct my choices with me in real time--
When i'm drawing figures i'm never aiming particularly for realism when it comes to movement. I go for flashy, poster perfect-esque compositions, so if having Vash's coat-tails flit around him unnaturally don't make sense but it looks cool, then i'll go for it! I think i'm always looking for a solid silhouette so whatever pose the character is striking, you can tell what's going on. Finding the right balance between making a silhouette with too much vs not enough is not something I know how to explain, but something I believe is important! :']
I also tend to extend a characters "energy" outward:
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you can see in all these corners and edges everything points outward and even curves a slight bit away. I think this is one of the reasons people tend to call my art sharp/spikey! I don't tend to shade/render my work a terrible amount, preferring a flat graphic look most of the time or just playing with blacks (which is a whole shape language in itself) but when I do, all the shadows and highlights shapes tend to take on a spikey/lightning bolt shape even tho it wouldn't look like that in real life!
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It's just really pleasing to me and I like how it looks! The spikier something is for me, the better! If you couldn't guess at this point, starts/lightning bolts are my favorite shapes haha Another thing I tend to do is avoid is curved lines. They're definitely still there! But my flow is more jerky straight lines so that if I drew a circle in my style it'd look like a messed up pentagon with soft points, that basic rule in my art brings forth funky shapes that otherwise wouldn't be there if I was trying to stick to realistic shapes This probably didn't answer a lot ToT but I hope my rambles brought something to light, whatever that may be!
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