#in other fandoms I'm in quite as much or as easily girl help
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venacoeurva · 1 year ago
"Oh a new follower, I wonder what they--"
>H*rry P*tter fan
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axolotl4days · 3 months ago
Batfam au angst :) also leading into (platonic) yandere batfam
What if Jason wasn't the first kid to die :)
And what if Damian wasn't Bruce's only biological kid :)
Au idea I'm simple terms: what if Bruce had a daughter in his early years of batman, who went missing and dead, but then years later reappeared and was found again, Bruce and the others won't make the same mistake twice.
Author's note before reading: Please keep in mind I'm new to this fandom, so I don't know much about what's canon. I simply get creative ideas really easily and have decided to share them.
If anyone else likes this idea, feel free to rewrite or add onto the concept, if you do please tag me I'd love to see what others do with this concept
I'm picturing reader to be the same age as or potentially slightly younger than Damian, but no specific ages are mentioned
Damian POV:
It was a day like any other, awful, Damian had to go to school. He didn't hate school, just the people there, loud, annoying, nosy.
He went about his day the same as always, reading in class and working on his work, until suddenly the principle came to class abruptly saying they had a new student, which the teacher promptly assigned to sit next to Damian. Great.
The teacher also informed him that he would be the one to show this new student around. So Damian braced himself for the extra annoying questions about him and his family, after all that's what people always want to know.
But to his suprised? This girl didn't care about any of that, simply asking questions about the class and school. She didn't even ask if he was really a Wayne, she looked a bit suprised but it wasn't the usual suprise most people had, and she didn't ask him any questions about it so it didn't matter.
As he showed her around he found out that they had the same classes, he heard her sigh of relief, but when questioned she said she was glad because it ment she wouldn't be alone in any of her classes and she'd have someone to turn to.
As the day went on they would go to class and work on classwork, it seems his new classmate was a lot smarter than the rest of them and he didn't have to constantly help her with work.
At the end of the day he made a mental note of a new acquaintance.
Later that day
"Ah, Master Damian, welcome back. How was your day at school?" Alfred asked, greeting the young boy
"It was alright Pennyworth, we had a transfer student today, but she seemed to be quite intelligent unlike the rest of those peasants" Damian replied
"Oh? A transfer student? In the middle of the school year? How odd."
"Yeah, I'll keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior, but there wasn't anything out of the ordinary, her name is Y/n." Damian said, but after saying her name he noticed Alfred looked pale
"Pennyworth? Are you feeling ill? Do I need to inform father?" Damian asked
"No no, I'm quite alright, it's just, I... used to know someone with that name, so I was suprised to hear it. That's all." Alfred replied, but he still looked pale
"If you say so. I'm going to head to my room and work on schoolwork before it's time for patrol" Damian said, and he was gone without another word
Alfred's POV:
'Calm yourself Alfred. It's a normal name that anyone could have, besides, it's been 20 years. Even if it was her she wouldn't be part of the young masters class. Still... I should inform Master Bruce, incase he mentions this classmate' Alfred thinks to himself before heading to the batcave.
There he finds both Bruce and Tim, working on the computer, searching for sightings of criminal activity, recently rumors of a new villain with unknown powers had started to arise, so it was the batman's job to keep Gotham safe
"Ahem, apologies for interrupting, but I need to borrow Master Bruce for a moment" Alfred says
"Did something happen Alfred?" Bruce asks
"No, not necessarily, it's nothing serious but we need to talk" Alfred replies
Bruce gets up and follows Alfred out of the room
"What is it Alfred? You look like you've seen a ghost." Bruce states
"Apologies Sir, as I said, it's nothing serious, however Damian informed me of a new classmate at school today" Alfred starts
"In the middle of the year?" Bruce comments
"That's what I said, however that isn't the point, I simply wanted to let you know before hand, incase the young master mentions this classmate infront of you.." Alfred pauses
"That's it? Why would you need to inform me of that" Bruce asks confused
"Well you see. He said that her name was... Y/n" Alfred states, and Bruce becomes just as pale as he is
"I see.... did Damian tell you anything else about this.... classmate?" Bruce asks
"No, he did not. But simply stated he'd keep an eye out for anything suspicious." Alfred said
"I understand." Bruce said with a deep sigh
"Are you alright Master Bruce? I know it's been a long time but-"
"I'm fine Alfred. I just... I'm fine. I need to head back to work now, we still don't know what this new villain is capable of, or what they're after." Bruce says, turning away
"Alright sir, if you insist. Please take care of yourself."
Alfred says, but he knows how Bruce is
The patrol went on as normal, and so did school. Nothing particularly interesting happened it was a week like any other, Damian and y/n would work on schoolwork together during breaks, since y/n joined late she had a lot of work to catch up on but she didn't have much trouble and Damian helped her when she did. The two had even become friends, turns out they had a lot in common, and some classmates tried to joke about how they were like siblings, but the two didn't mind. The jokes did make Damian aware of how... familiar y/n looked. He pondered the idea of her being a child from a one night stand, but the timelines didn't match up so he brushed the thought away, thinking it was a coincidence that she looked so much like Bruce. But nothing out of the ordinary happened of note, not until one fateful patrol where Damian made a discovery
Y/n POV:
Y/n didn't know where to go after waking up again, it was clear so many things have changed, and her dad taught her well. She needed more information before she made any decisions.
Unfortunately this ment she had no place to stay. After all, she couldn't go to an orphanage, she wasn't an orphan and she didn't have any documents or a story on where she came from. She knew better than to go to the police, what would she even say to them? So here she was. Sitting under a bridge hoping she won't get sick. But she was strong, she'd do what she'd have to in order to understand the situation better. Even if that means sleeping under a bridge like a troll, even if it means only eating the food provided by the school, even if it means-
"Hello there. Are you alright?" A voice asked making her jump
She turns to see, some sort of vigilante. She had heard in passing about how her dad Batman wasn't the only vigilante in Gotham anymore, so she figured it was one of them
"Oh um, I'm alright" she replied, she hadn't planned to meet any of them, she knew she might meet batman, which she kind of hoped for because then she could get some answers, but this was new territory this was- wait a minute why does he kind of look like Damian?
"Are you sure? Your sitting underneath a bridge at night, kids shouldn't be out here like this you could get hurt. Or worse. Why aren't you with your parents?" The vigilante (Damian) said, after recognizing his classmate, assessing the situation
"It's... complicated" y/n replies, before wondering how much she should tell him "I... can't really talk about it, but I can't go back home.. not yet at least, and I don't have anywhere else to go, so I've just been here" she states, hoping she didn't say to much
The vigilante just stays there for a moment, not saying anything, and she wonders if she said to much or if he thinks she's a criminal
"I see. In any case, you shouldn't be out here alone, the streets of Gotham aren't safe, however if you insist on staying out here may I suggest somewhere that isn't so easily spotted? You wouldn't want to be attacked. I know a few places that are safer than.. this" The vigilante says offering a hand
"Oh, uhm" y/n thinks for a moment, weighing her options "I'll take you up on that offer, it's not great down here" y/n replies, taking his hand
The two go to a more remote, slightly cleaner area
"Here we are, even if it's temporary this would be a better place for a shelter than where you were before. I don't know what's going on, but if you need assistance, im willing to help" the vigilante replies
"Thank you, you've really been more than enough help and I appreciate it a lot. If I need anything il let you know....."
"... Robin. My name is Robin." Robin says, noticing her pause
"Robin... thank you for the help, good luck with the rest of your patrol" y/n says
"Of course, you be careful now, always keep an eye out." Robin says, before leaving
'Phew.... he's gone. That was definitely him, and he definitely recognized me. Now what. He didn't say anything so they're definitely still doing the secret identity thing. I guess I'll just have to play it cool and hope he doesn't say anything at school. If any of the teachers find out I'm definitely gonna get investigated and then my whole plan will be thrown out the window.' Y/n thinks to herself 'Maybe this is a good thing, if he's Robin, it's likely that dad's still Batman too, which means I might run into him. What if he doesn't recognized me? What if he does recognize me?? What if- what if he didn't miss me.... no, no! This is dad, of course he missed me but it's been... so long... what do I do if he doesn't want me back...' y/n starts to worry about before she falls to the floor and starts to cry
Which, unbeknownst to her, Damian saw, he doesn't know why she's crying or why it makes him feel so... protective but he knows somethings up, so he goes off and reports what he knows to Batman
Aaaaand cliffhanger! Mwahahahaha
I would have kept going, and I know exactly what's coming next, but I've been typing for awhile and I have no idea how long this post is, and I don't want it to be too long
So I'm stopping it there,
This wasn't supposed to be this much but my creative brain decided to run with this idea, so there's gonna be a part 2 soon
Also I've decided to call this au
Batman Dead Daughter Au
Because.... idk what else to call it and if I'm gonna make a part 2 and potentially more depending on how this goes, I'm gonna need something to refer to it with.
As I said before, I'm extremely new to the batman stuff
Pretty much all of my knowledge comes from youtube and tumblr, so bare with me if things are out of character
I've also never written fanfiction before, it's always just been in my head, so the writing is probably a bit funny
Yes I'm a writer in the making but I haven't actually gotten to the writing part
And fanfiction is a bit different
Hope yall like the concept tho
Again, feel free to write your own version of this if you want to, just tag me so I can read it too lol
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11queensupreme11 · 30 days ago
I’m forever thankful you didn’t make female Percy such a bum because usually if I read gender switch story’s about a funny, unserious, stupid man the girl version is just so serious and noting like the real character
(warning: i rambled here cuz while i'm okay with fem!percy fics like the ones you described since i can easily just leave the fic, i hate that it's soooooo fucking common now. especially in wattpad. it's a lot better written in ao3, but i wish someone just lets their fem!percy be silly and kind like the og. there's so many cold and mean fem!percys 😭😭)
this just goes back to the whole "ppl mistaking strong female character as physically strong and emotionless/mean and NOT well-written" because this sort of thing is soooooo common with male mcs switched to fem
i've read many gender switched fanfics (from other fandoms) over the years and one thing i noticed:
og percy: silly, a goofball, excellent strategist, tries his best, very kind, sacrificial, an overall GOOD and pure person, trying to live a normal life. fem!percy: serious, dark, mean, powerful, uncaring about others, a very black and white mindset with "all gods bad parents, luke bad, silena bad, bianca bad, sally(?) bad, chiron bad!" unlike og!percy's more nuanced and mature view, powerful, genius, etc. and yet still somehow being the savior of olympus and making the same wish as percy despite the differences in mindsets that just don't add up.
og harry potter: a gryffindor, brave and reckless, dork, not that bright, average academically at best, decent kid who just wants a normal life, loud, a bit rude, makes mistakes, emotional but understandable -> fem!harry: slytherin, dark, cunning, mean, cold, genius, arrogant but "not really", politically intelligent, advanced in academics and spell work, gets everything right
og ichigo kurasaki (bleach mc): rude, loud-mouthed, caring towards his friends, gets dragged into trouble, multi-ethnic (LMAO you get what i mean), reckless, brave, aggressive, strong af. fem!ichigo (yes i used to read fem!ichigo fics leave me alone 😭): pretty much the same, just smarter lol
og bakugo (yeah mha/bnha): LOUD, REALLY REALLY RUDE, SUPER AGGRESSIVE, MEAN, COCKY, BRAVE, STRONG, INTELLIGENT AF, HIGH BATTLE AND ACADEMIC IQ. fem!bakugo: the same even down to the hair LMAO
ppl have no issues keeping the female version of a character the same as their og counterpart if they're snarky, mean, and aggressive. but the second the og isn't that smart, not that serious, very kind, very caring, the female versions MUST be changed to be mean, cold, serious, genius, and op 💀💀💀💀
basically... the authors want their fem!character to have the glory of the original mc. they want the mc's powers, their abilities, their story, and their achievements.... but they don't really want the mc themself. not if it means making a kind and soft female mc, because apparently that's just a bad weak female. who cares about proper writing and character development. strong female character means giving them traditional "masculine" traits because anything less than that is bad 💀💀💀💀💀💀
honestly my biggest gripe with most fem!percy fics is that all the nuance is just taken away. it's so very black and white with no in-between. and the fem!percy is very inconsistent
chiron is bad because he trains kids to fight monsters, thus making them child soldiers and fem!percy completely forgets that this was initially a SURVIVAL camp prior to the war that chiron never wanted and that he quite literally needs to train the kids in order to help them stay alive. luke is bad and fem!percy hardly even thinks of his reasonings for the war, minor gods who? unclaimed kids who? mistreated demigods who? all the gods are bad and fem!percy never thinks of those stupid fucking ancient laws, always somehow believing that the gods could actually risk BREAKING them, never notices hermes' efforts or poseidon's efforts or hades' [most of the times, the ok gods are even written negatively], etc.
and yet, despite all of this, she makes the exact same wish as og!percy to ask for better treatment for ALL THE PEOPLE SHE NEVER EVEN CARED ABOUT in order to fix a systemic issue THAT SHE HAS IGNORED THE ENTIRE SERIES, and is hailed the savior of olympus. 💀💀💀 just completely inconsistent writing for her character
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happynowyo · 2 years ago
The deal
Fandom: Six of Crows
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem!Reader
Summary: You work in a brothel and all of the sudden Kaz Brekker becomes a frequent visitor who prefers to stay in the shadows until you come up to him first.
Warnings: soft Kaz, mentions of touch aversion
Word count: 2,7k
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— Let me guess. Are you going to use an excuse that you're looking for something again?
— No, this time I'm only looking for you.
Your mother once warned you about how cruel the world was and how important it was to be careful. Young girls often caught the attention of slavers and it would probably break your parents' hearts if they knew exactly how your life had turned out after their death. Your aunt was supposed to take you from Fjerda to Ravka, but your ship was attacked by pirates and instead you ended up in Ketterdam when you were fifteen.
In some way you were lucky. You got a place at the Rainforest, an extremely posh and expensive place. The guests were usually wealthy travelers, diplomats, or members of the Merchant Council, so you didn't have to worry about your safety. The girls had to keep the good mood of the clients, but everyone put a different meaning to the words. Some wanted only sex, some wanted company to talk to. They were all escaping loneliness, and you couldn't blame them for that.
But among the row of all the others, only one guest was special. The tapping of his cane on the wooden parquet was unmistakable. You had to have lived in Ketterdam as a complete hermit, blind and deaf, if you didn't know who Kaz Brekker was. Rumors about him flooded the streets, intimidating and exaggerating every little thing about him. But there was no doubt that this guy was very dangerous indeed. His cane broke a lot of bones, and his brilliant mind ruined a lot of lives.
It was not for you to judge how people preferred to rest in their spare time. Sometimes you spotted Jesper in his another funny hat at the playhouse across the street from your second-floor window. You two even talked a couple of times when you ran into each other on the street after the establishments were closed. But seeing Kaz Brekker at the Rainforest required a special occasion.
He seemed like a complete stranger in the place. His eyes were constantly scanning the room, his whole body was tense and looked more like a wax statue than a living person. He was clearly uncomfortable in the brothel, even if he tried to hide it, and his face remained a perfect blank sheet that could easily be given a slight interest. You might have believed it, but a few years at the Rainforest had taught you much better insight into men. Being able to read the slightest visible reaction was part of your job.
Anyone else came to a brothel for entertainment. People wanted to get some female attention and flirtation, to drink and spend a huge amount of money so they could leave at dawn with a smile and a sense of having had a good time. They came "from somewhere." But Kaz Brekker came "to somewhere." He was cautious, but at the same time quite determined, and he clearly had a purpose of some kind. You had seen him at the bar a few times, but then he disappeared faster than you could figure out what kind of drink he had in his glass.
It took a whole week before you realized exactly what was going on. Kaz carefully looked around the main hall, but never went any farther. You had to be a guest accompanied with a girl to go up to the second and third floor, where the girls' rooms for work and the office of the accountant and the club owner were located. You wondered what Kaz wanted to find that was so important that he didn't entrust the job to Jesper, who could pretend to be a client and sniff it out. From what you had heard, Kaz Brekker was probably the only man in Ketterdam who didn't use brothels for their intended purpose.
— Do you need any help or are you going to keep looking around every corner and memorizing what time the guards at the entrance change?
You walked up to him first, leaning innocently beside him on the bar, and glanced curiously at his glass. Vodka and ice? The club's shelves were stocked with liquor, but Kaz Brekker certainly had to stand out in this one, too. The simpler, the better, that's for sure.
— What makes you think I'm interested in security? — Kaz's husky voice carefully concealed his surprise, as if he'd been so caught up in his own thoughts that he hadn't noticed you approaching. And it was further confirmation of how different he was from the people around him. People didn't come to brothels to drink in silence and think about personal things.
— Well, I have eyes, and I can use my mouth to find out that you haven't been with any of the girls, even though it's the fourth time you've been here in a week, — you chirped, giving one of the clients a smile before you turned your attention back to Kaz, your tone changing to more businesslike. — The cane and gloves. This black suit. If you want to go somewhere incognito, I suggest you use a disguise in the future, Kaz Brekker. Everyone is capable of recognizing you in this town, as well as exactly what you're known for. Are you planning another heist here?
Kaz was ready to curse himself for how obvious it was. A foolish scheme had turned out to be an even more foolish finale. He had originally wanted to dig into the situation himself, after Inej had given him the details of the owner, the number of girls and the size of the rooms. But one look at the crowd was enough for him to spot you and that dark blue dress with the veil you wore that first night. Like the sky in the middle of the night. A mystery lying in plain sight. It wasn't until his third night that he was able to find you among the other girls in the hall, guided by the shade of hair he remembered, when he could finally see your face.
Perhaps all these years the Saints had shielded him from unnecessary sympathy and feelings for someone just to give him the illusion of invincibility. He loved nothing and nothing could be taken from him. Kaz believed this as if he really didn't have the ability to feel anything. And that's why he was so shaken by how much he remembered that image of you with the veil and how much he wanted to know more about you. He was so unrestrainedly crushing on you that he still hadn't moved forward with the plan. He needed the access to the second floor, but he didn't have the courage to come up to you and pretend to be your client. Kaz shook at the thought of touching you and the anxiety came along with nausea almost instantly.
— There will be no heist. I just need to look at a couple of documents. I won't even take them with me, — Kaz replied discreetly, forcing his appraising gaze to stop on your face. Too beautiful. Too distracting. He shouldn't have told you anything but he hoped his honesty would buy him a way out.
— I can help. In exchange for a favor, of course.
You leaned closer to him in a trusting manner, and your fingers gently touched Kaz's shoulder. Just for a second, so lightly that the touch seemed phantom and unreal. Whatever past Kaz held, it made him keep his distance from people in a literal sense. Your observation of the previous nights was enough to realize that Kaz was not a fan of touches, even casual ones. The gloves clearly served him as an extra layer of protection, though you were curious about what had happened to him that caused such a reaction. Many girls in brothels reacted similarly negatively to touching after a while, but Kaz didn't seem like the kind of person who would work in such an establishment.
— Okay, let's say I would agree to your terms. Hypothetically. What would you ask for? — it was hard for Kaz to imagine what a girl like you might need. Money? Freedom from your indenture? Or someone else's death? He knew how much brothels disfigured and perverted the psyche, no one remained a saint there.
— You will take your gloves off next to me. No touching. But you will take them off so we are equal.
You were absolutely unwavering in what you said. Some tension thickened between you, and the air seemed almost electrified. Kaz Brekker was a threat to everyone in Ketterdam, but something told you that he could show an unusual softness around you. You'd met guys like that before. They built themselves up to be important and confident, they controlled other people's lives, but when they were alone, they all wanted to give up some of their control. To give it to someone else, to breathe easier. You wondered if Kaz was really the same.
He threw a quick glance toward the exit, as if miscalculating his escape route, but finally nodded in silent agreement. A smile bloomed on your lips, and you wrapped your fingers lightly around Kaz's wrist over his jacket to lead him up the stairs. The guards let you through without any questions, and you wondered if they knew who the dark-haired guy with the cane next to you was. If they did, they would have preferred to kick him out in fear that he would pick all the locks and stashes in the brothel.
You led Kaz to the very last door and carefully looked around before nodding approvingly. Time was short, but you had no doubt that Kaz would manage to find what he needed.
— All of the owner's papers are here, so as all the accountant's reports. He'll be back in half an hour, after lunch, but if I were you, I'd hurry, — you warned him with a charming smile, without any guilt for taking a criminal to the brothel's main office. — Be a good boy and come see me afterwards. Second door on the left. I've heard you always stick to your part of the deal.
You didn't wait for his answer and went to your room. You had time to open a window and fix your hair before a polite knock reached your ears, and then Kaz came inside. Quite pleased, judging by the look on his face. Whatever he was looking for, he found it. The door closed behind him with a quiet click, though you knew no one would dare disturb you anyway.
— You could have told me. I wouldn't have wasted my time, — Kaz's voice, despite the accusation in his words, was filled with real amusement. His blue eyes twinkled with surprise, though he quickly returned to his usual reserved look.
— I wanted to watch you at work. How fast you can do it. Your fame runs far ahead of you.
You shrugged innocently, smiled softly, and then stepped back, resting your back against the windowsill. The light breeze from the open window played mischievously with your hair, and you threw your head back for a moment, closing your eyes to relax. When you looked up again, Kaz was already in front of you. His cane had been left next to a nearby chair, and his last step toward you was extremely neat, since Kaz was trying not to put pressure on his bad leg.
— I know a couple of Healers. They could have helped you with your leg. Your life would have been a lot easier, but I guess you thought about it and gave up that option. Do you use this pain to punish yourself? — you spoke more quietly, and everything inside you froze with a strange anticipation.
Tension rang in the air and only got stronger as Kaz slowly began to remove his gloves. When was the last time he'd done this in front of someone? Had it even happened once? He looked so vulnerable, so collected and soft at the same time, that you immediately wanted to praise him. It was clearly a huge step for him, and you were about to ask why he decided to do it after all, but Kaz beat you to it, breaking the long pause.
— To remember. Pain reminds me that I am alive. That I have some weaknesses. Given what I do, it's easy to believe in my own invincibility. I've seen it bring people down, — Kaz's voice lowered and literally vibrated.
What was happening seemed like a real obsession to him, but he was already here and this was his chance, so he cautiously took another step, standing quite close so that your chests almost touched. The stale smell of water crept up his nose as the first sign of future panic, but Kaz did his best to get rid of it. Some things have to be done the other way around, so even though all his instincts were screaming for him to step back, he shortened the distance between you and touched your hair unabashedly, tucking the strand behind your ear.
— It's a good strategy, but I feel sorry that you have to use it, always feeling pain with every move, — you didn't try to move away, nor did you comment on Kaz's actions. The attraction between you could be felt under your skin. Kaz was handsome as hell, and part of you wished he could have been a mere client. So you could flirt and touch him without any consequences, without making him uncomfortable.
— Your strategy is pretty good, too. In a few years you've made a great career move, from a usual servant to an accountant of one of the top brothels. Do you still work with clients?
— I'm a fast learner. And yes, I don't have to sleep with anyone anymore, but sometimes I still spend time around big clients to make sure there aren't any problems.
Kaz nodded, not really paying attention. He could hardly think about anything right now while his whole body was in a state of peak tension. For the first time in his life he was so attracted to someone, and it shook him to his core. Kaz wanted to go further, but his mind was frantically trying to figure out exactly what was going to happen. Was your attraction mutual? If he risked touching you for real, how quickly would panic overshadow desire? If you knew about who he was, did you realize the danger he brought with him?
It was literally written all over his face, all those difficult choices that plagued him so much that you made the decision for him, gently reaching forward with your palm. He could touch it or he could step back. During the healing process even the tiniest step was important. You kept your eyes on Kaz, studying his graceful facial features with pleasure, and you couldn't ignore how handsome he was. Kaz could have had any girl or guy at the snap of his fingers, but he was so uptight and so caught up in his work that he didn't notice anyone around him. Or he didn't want to notice because of his obvious problem with touching.
— What were you looking for in the papers?
You tried to distract him, continuing to watch as his fingers slowly came close to yours. There was barely a millimeter of space between you, but even that sent a wave of heat through your body. You could feel the touch even so, though it never really happened.
— The list of investors. And the guest list at the anniversary party. I was asked to find some compromising information on an official from the Merchant Council, — Kaz looked embarrassed and twitched his lips guiltily, taking a step back as panic reached his lungs and cut off his oxygen.
— I can get you an invitation. If you agree to visit me again. There's an old hotel in the west side of the town. I rent a room under its green roof, the biggest one. If you crack the lock before I get there, after midnight, I'll be especially pleased. Do you want me to be pleased, Kaz?
You returned the previous minimal distance between you and leaned into Kaz's ear with a charming whisper, casually running your palm along his shoulder and chest, leaving tiny millimeters to the actual touch. You wanted to test your guess and see if he wanted you the same way, or if you just made up the fact that there was a spark between you.
You got the best answer when Kaz nodded and briefly touched your palm with a light kiss, like a true gentleman.
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zabchan · 5 months ago
I JUST got into hooked wayfinder and wanna know, do you think anything for Maui and Moana’s relationship being romantic be confirmed in the movie?? Or do you think the new male character will be more “intended” to be a potential partner? Honestly I’m not sure what direction Disney is planning to go, but I love your fanfics. I also see there was a ton of stuff that came out in 2016/17 for hooked waydinder ships too, such a shame I’m so late
:D welcome new friend! Realistically I figure we won't get any kind of confirmation in movie for a mxm romance beyond some highly subjective lingering looks- part of it being that moana is so heavily set up as a modern non-romantic princess. And that's not a bad thing! I'm 100% behind representation of well rounded self actualized heroines for whom romance is not a priority. its important for current and future generations to have role models who don't define themselves by their partners or partner-having potential, especially girls of color, who have gotten the short end of the stick for the majority of media history.
i personally ship moana x maui of course, because im a hopeless romantic and bisexual disaster for these two- but if moana never gets a romance it wont make me stop loving her character and story.
The other reason I doubt we'll see much overt romance is that Dwayne Johnson identifies so heavily with Maui that I can't see him comfortable with 19ish year old Moana being his self insert's love interest. especially with him wanting to fully act Maui in the live action. its one thing to voice some slightly suggestive and tender flirtations, its another to stare a teenage co-actor in the eye and not see very nearly your own daughters. of which johnson has 3, the eldest of whom is 20. (ish?)
Disney is not about to piss off The Rock.
I could write another essay on how Dwayne Johnson =/= maui, and while Mr.Johnson is entitled to his interpretation of the character he helped bring to life; I am also allowed to have my own interpretation, especially here, in the pseudo private realm. but I digress.
That's not to say there's not gonna be plenty of shipper fuel! I mean, idk if you've seen my unhinged screaming posts lately but
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i can very easily see big dumb giant hints that at least moana has a crush on maui, and there is CLEARLY affection between them. at least in the promo material, the focus is on moana and maui teaming up again and we barely see her interact with our new storyteller apprentice & maui-fanboy Moni. he does hug her when he joins the crew, and we see Moni as the vehicle for several exposition dumps. I could see a possible romance, they have a shared interest in stories and on the surface he seems like a lovable cinnamon roll. (I'm projecting). i wouldn't hate that outcome. i also see him positioned next to Loni the ship-designer, our other near-moana's-age crewmate, fellow boat enthusiast and possible love interest *eyebrow wiggle*.
i headcanon moana as bi- altho thats not saying much, as i have a bad(?) habit of headcanoning EVERYone as bi
me, pointing at every character i remotely relate to: "youre all
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so i can see moana happy with any of the 3 (maui, moni and loto)- or hell, why not all three?
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i find it more probable that moni and loto get paired up as side characters, both of them seem enamored with the ideas of ocean-adventures; moni with his stories and loto with her boat designs, but not truly understanding the reality of seafaring. i can imagine actually going out and doing the things for real has quite a learning curve, and there's a built-in bonding experience. They start on a much more equal footing to one another than they do to Moana the chiefly hero, present and future legend.
as to being late to the fandom, heyyyy this is great timing!!! sequel hype is building, and im already feasting on the promo content- the actual movie release is gonna leave me feral for AT LEAST another year. if by November 2025 no one other than you ships moana x maui then I AM DEAD because aint no way they can squash my candle for this. even if the movie turns out shite i'll be there working on a fix it fic (that i will agonize over and probably never finish because of Who I Am As A Person but yeah know. #justadhdthings)
thank you for your kind words about my fanfictions, altho i read that & my brain immediately went "whoops i hope theyre messaging the right person, did they maybe mean to compliment @thehighpriestessofcuddles? or maybe @v8roadworrier?" because whohoo imposter syndrome. #justadhdthings
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gren-arlio · 10 months ago
So. Let me tell y'all about a guy named Camus. And a girl named Lala. And other folk. Welcome to Episode 14 of Waku Puyo Extras.
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(Ah, back at it again writing these things.)
Hey guys, Gren here, and welcome to Episode 14 of Waku Puyo Extras, a series where I cover basically random stuff about Puyo and Madou as a whole. The Waku part is just because my brand is a single game I translate.
As my free time gets smaller and smaller, the drive to show off cool stuff remains about the same. Thank goodness school is over soon. I'm still alive, don't worry.
Finals and AP Exams are very much happening, so I'm spending that time studying. I'm hoping I pass.
Now, you would expect me to write about PPPP (P⁴ as I call it, Puzzle Pop in other locations) since it released and has a ton of stuff, notably well written characters. But alas:
I'm an Android user. Can't play it.
Frankly, at the moment, I'm not too interested in it right now.
So, the last episode was about Draco, that famous lass. What about this time? Well, since 80% of my work here is Madou related, why not give a showcase of some of the lesser known characters as a whole? Manga and novel stuff included.
With that, hope you enjoy. Also I said a bigger post is coming soon and drop it a literal month later. Damn.
So, Who ARE These Guys?
If you're not familiar with these characters, I honestly don't blame you. These guys are considered kinda niche in the franchise, but are more well known than some guys. I could mention Hanzo and no one besides people who played the game he's from or read the wiki would know him. Oh, or maybe Skeleton-D if we wanted to.
For now, I'll just cover the people have at the very least some stuff about them.
We'll begin with Camus, easily the most recognizable one that we'll be covering today. I swear if he was in Puyo now, he'd be so damn popular.
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(From the manual of the Mega Drive release of Madou 1. Notable for being one of the very few times Camus is drawn with the teenage Arle and Lala, both 16, making Camus 18 in this.)
The man, or rather boy, in that photo is the fabled Camus of the Sable Ord- I mean Madou Monogatari 1, both on the SEGA Mega Drive and Game Gear. Since this is a game where Arle is in kindergarten, Camus is her senior. Yeah, senior is the word for this one. He's notable for being the only person to get a perfect score on his exams, that lucky bastard.
Oh yeah he's also like 8 years old for the record in that
In the game, he's both helps you and hinders you for different reasons. Sometimes he's very nice and teaches you things, and other times he's taking stuff from you for playing the game for longer than three hours.
However, at the end of the game (Where he also might help you depending on some stuff), it turns out he was an illusion all along, which is always...fun, you know? That one guy who's been helping you out turns out to not even be real, least in the Game Gear version of things.
Honestly? He's a pretty interesting guy in the game. Arle holds him with some respect, and Lala quite literally has a massive crush on the guy that she's willing to show. Unfortunately.
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(Things are really serious in the Kindergarten Exam Fandom...)
He can come off as rude but at the very least he means well. And my goodness, his theme in the game is good.
Underrated gem.
Now, up until a while ago, I kinda thought that'd be the only games he was in, a grand total of 2 whole games. However, by doing this for...a year now, turns out that there IS one more appearance of Camus, presumably to be 18 in the game because...Well, Arle is a teenager there.
Arle Man'Yuki. Or Arle's Travel Log.
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Now if I'll be honest, I STILL dunno all too much about the game, despite doing an entire episode on it. The game is super text-heavy, so I don't know EVERYTHING besides some of the Japanese history involved with it. (Crazy how the Heian Era is now some JJK meme. Time is a fun concept.)
Here, Camus has taken the role of the leader of the Shinsengumi, Kondo Isami. It's a long story, so... I'll just link my own work here. (I FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO PUT LINKS IN MY TEXT...)
I never covered Camus extensively in that game due to his admittedly small role in that game, but he's a fairly upstanding guy. Schezo works under him as the vice leader. Ain't that cool?
Check it out if you're curious about that, some basic Japanese history that may be a tad inaccurate, or JUMP HERO.
And err...that's every game he's from. Yeah, he's in a grand total of what, three games? It's not much but it's still something. He's a very cool lad.
Wait, who's Lala?
I'm glad you asked, me. Lalah is a character from Mobile Suit Gundam that works with Char after he...well, this is a Madou blog. If only I could talk to you about Gundam. But alas.
Lala is ACTUALLY a girl who's the same age as Arle, and the girl who's madly in love with Camus...as I've told before. But she does have a little more than just that, don't worry.
In the Game Gear version at least, she sneaks into the tower Arle went into to graduate, upset that she wasn't the one to take the exam, but rather Arle. And yes. She broke a brick wall to get to her.
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(A 6 year old is stronger than any of us. LMK if you can run into a brick wall just fine.)
Now if I had to describe her, it'd be "Arrogant but funny as hell". Because she's arrogant but funny as hell. Arle calls Lala her BFF, to which she doesn't take that reply nicely and says they ain't BFF'S, they ain't even friends. Straight hater energy. (She wasn't able to take the exam due to a cold.)
Camus appears to stop her from interfering, and she goes on this tangent about how wonderful he is, and how he always eluded her... and chases him, as shown more above.
Things start to get funky when you get deeper into the tower, as Lala makes a literal trap hole, and Arle falls down. However, Lala is mad that she fell and NOT Camus, leading him to appear in the floor above and basically say "Idiot. I'm not falling for that." and she continues to chase him.
Her reign of terror ends when Camus SEALS HER AWAY for the rest of the game. But she's okay after it all don't worry. Arle summed it up the best way I could. She ends up fine after the end of the game, however.
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Lala also appears in Chaotic Final Exam too, now 16, but honestly...it's one of the games where I know next to nothing about it. Apologies. Just know that she's there and not Camus. (Though with the style of how the game looks...probably for the better.)
She's just overall what we call in the industry... a girlfail. She tries her absolute best but fails so, so much that I can't help but laugh at her and pity her at the same time.
I have no cool segway into this section. Introducing... Rasp.
You might've seen them around if you've checked my blog here or there as a front page image for my works.
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And you'd be right. Rasp is from the Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Manga, a brand new character just made for the thing. They're basically a minion who mostly impede the way for Schezo and Rulue. I say "they" because, well, Rasp is genderless.
Fun fact: Their salary is unknown, but they apparently get paid more than a Manga artist, so take that as how you will.
Rasp does appear frequently throughout the volumes, and does indeed fight Schezo. While they do lose, at least they looked pretty cool while doing so.
Lightning Round:
Now these devilish goofballs are folks I want to show...but don't have much info on them just yet. Or there wasn't that much to begin with.
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(Creatura...La creature 98...)
Septem is another genderless character from the series, coming from Arle no Bouken, a game I know next to nothing about. All I know from it is them and that they cling to Arle like a sister. I love them.
This is absolutely one character I wish I knew more on, since she's much more developed as a character...I just don't know much about Arle no Bouken.
Dark Witch:
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(What is this, a doppelganger bargain sale?)
Now she has a little more to her that I DO know but it's nothing spectacular.
Planned to be in Puyo N but was scrapped due to the idea of her being too serious, which is quite the reason for Puyo, but appears in Comet Summoner anyways as a final boss.
You can even play as her, and fight Witch herself and beat her... and possessing her. Kinda, sorta.
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(Dweeb appeared in one game and changed a man)
Runelord is an odd case, because some of his lore is stuck onto True Madou Monogatari, which in of itself...is kinda iffy lore wise. And also really long.
In Madou S? Wants Schezo to be the next successor, he says no, fight happens, Schezo wins but is affected anyways. Apparently he was beaten by Lagnus, but that comes from True Madou, so the accuracy of the Canon can be very much debated. It all depends if you think it's Canon or not.
And honestly, that'll be all for this time around. Apologies this took so long. Life's been quite the journey. Graduation's happening soon, and finals are happening soon. The list goes on. I'm hoping I get by through the school year, but alas, I'm happy you read this.
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t3kandson · 10 months ago
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Make You My Bias
Wordcount; 3,854
Fandom; Ateez
Pairing; Reader X Jung Wooyoung
Characters; Jung Wooyoung, Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yeonho , Kang Yeosang, Choi San, Song Mingi & Choi Jongho
Warning; Angst, Alcohol Consumption, Smut, Oral (Giving) & Sex
You had seen millions if not billions of Atinys, and so many greeting you during Fanmeet’s. It was one of your favourite activity's. Getting to know them and often teasing them to make them blush. But this time it was the other way around. She had eyes that just melted you. Her lips which right now she was biting onto with nerves, was having your heart beat heavy in your chest. "Hello princess," you managed to choke out as your hands lifted to encourage hers. She smiled letting a beautiful crimson tone hit her cheeks as she interlocked her fingers with yours. You had done this with many Atiny’s. But this time, this one girl had your body tingle with the connection. "Hi Woo," she said, her voice so silky you felt your cock twitch. Coughing gently to break your predicament, you spun your usual lines. "Did you enjoy our recent comeback?” you asked letting your thumb roll the skin between her thumb and forefinger. She hummed her excitement which made your member harden. What the hell was wrong with you today. "What's your favourite part, or who?” you flirted with a wink that saw her blush further. "I think it was all great, you're all great," she said shifting silently. You had done enough of this to know that body language. It meant they have a favourite part and a person that was not you. But they don't want to upset you so they go neutral. You had the response many times and it never bothered you but this time it really stung. "Come on we know there's someone. Just spill the beans, I won't be offended. I will make it my job to encourage to lur you in”. You said with confidence this time you didn't quite feel. Her eyes brushed along the member line where everyone but Jongho was sitting. Your eyes falling to every single one of your members and watching to see if you were correct in where her eyes fell. But by the time your eye found hers she was smiling her perfect eyes your way. "You won't get it out of me," she said confidently. "Never say never," you said mirroring her confidence. "Trust me I can get anything from those," you said pressing a finger to her lips. Your heart beat watching her gulp as a sense of achievement washed over you. "I think I can guess really easily," you said his eyes widening. "Go ahead," you stuttered making yourself pleased with the flirting you were exposing her to. "Me," you said despite knowing you wasn't. She smiled warmly in an attempt to not answer to save your heart. You realised she had the most cutest of hearts trying to protect yours. You leaned across the table letting her hand go as you whispered into her ear. "Princess I will be if I'm not already," you said sitting back down watching her fidget in her seat. You couldn't help but feel the warmth hit your skin with the excitement of seeing her squirm. You might not be her bias but now meeting you, you had a desire to make you hers. Or rather make her yours. You never felt the need to date but your desire to own her in every way hit you. "Where are you from?" You asked wanting to know as much as possible about her. "Originally from Daegu, but I live in Ilsan," she said brushing a hair behind her ear. "Wow, that's where I'm from," you said not helping the excitement that you could pass each other once again. "Does that mean you travelled here today?" You asked hopeful that she would confirm she was staying locally. "I got a hotel not far from here," she confessed as your hands found hers once more, knowing time was slipping away. Before she could answer it was time to let her go. Your hands tightened with her like you didn't want to part. She blushed further as she looked your way. "Woo," Jongho whispered breaking your trance as you looked up to find Mingi’s previous company impatient to meet you. "I haven't signed this sorry what's your name," you asked looking sheepish at Jongho and the staff behind him. "Y/N," she said as you signed her album.
"To the most beautiful atiny ever, Y/N thanks for being my fan, love your future bias" he wrote squibbling his signature.
He couldn't help but occasionally steal glances at Jongho while he communicated with her. You tried your best to not allow your current fan be aware but you could tell from her annoyance that she knew your mind was on Y/N. -------------------🔺-------------------
"What is wrong with you," Seonghwa said gently slapping the back of your head breaking you from your trance. "Hyung have you ever found an Atiny that you feel such a strong connection from that you want to know more?” you asked with confusion on your thought process. Seonghwa looked at you like you was crazy before softening his gaze. "Sorry Wooyoung I haven't," he said as he patted you on your shoulder. "But you know just as much your probably not see her again," he added as that thought saddened you. "Woo if you see her again and again and again you know she's a sassang and no beautiful girl is worth that," San interrupted which irked you. "Y/N isn't one of those trust me," you replied annoyed with how he was placing a bad vibe upon your cherished memories. "He's right though, your either going to see her non stop or never again," Seonghwa added sympathetically. "Is that the one that held up the line," Hongjoong said walking into the conversation as you tensed sitting up. "Irresponsibly just like her bias," he said gulping down some water. "I'm not even her bias," you sulked remembering the feeling of a stung rejection. "Your getting melty over someone who probably likes me," San said cocky earning you to dead pan his way. "Sure she's probably blown your mind away, but I think everything's against you," San chuckled as he got up to leave you feeling a heaviness in your chest. ------------------🔺--------------------
Today wasn't how you expected it to be. You was so eagly excited and a little Delulu meeting Ateez. You had imagined losing your mind meeting your Bias, imagined your wreckers giving you sweaty palms and palpitations. Yet it was the one you felt cute but sibling like that gave you the biggest dose of Delulu. Jung Wooyoung was the crazy member that had your heart hurting from laughter. Though he was very attractive, his plump lips and strong dancing talent was a beauty to witness. He just had failed to grab you like the others. Your bias line had changed so many times as a atiny and Wooyoung hadn't climbed close to wrecker let alone bias line. So when his eyes fell upon yours like they were lost. It felt like a verge of electricity shock you. His fingers lacing you stole a breath away you never expected coming. You had encountered the fan servicing from the other members. But none of them could compare with the devotion that Jung Wooyoung gave you. He made you feel as if you were the only person who existed. Like you were more to him then a fan.
"To the most beautiful atiny ever. Y/N thanks for being my fan love your future bias Wooyoung," Your hands followed the writing to which he had been so engrossed with you he forgot almost to write. Your heart hurt a little that he had guessed he wasn't your bias. You knew he would hurt more that though your line had changed it had never been him. Your hand raking over the photo of your bias, his tall frame in your feature made your guilt feel worse. Yes his interaction was sweet, the blushes on his cheek when you exposed he was your bias. But Wooyoung just couldn't be removed from your mind. Feeling your stomach rumble you looked at the time and decided to leave the hotel for something to eat.
Hugging your full stomach you crawled back to the hotel. The scores of Atiny outside told you that Ateez was present here. You managed to squeeze through showing the security guard your hotel pass to prove you was also staying. The excitement filled through you that you could see them also here. But at the same time this was they're resting space. The screams behind you told you that they had arrived as you dashed as quick as you could to the lift.
Going to your room you reached into your pocket, the card to your room no longly present. Groaning with frustration you calmly sought your way through your belonging to no avail. When you realised you had to make your walk to the desk to solve the situation. Walking back towards the lift your breath almost hitched when you found Wooyoung making a beeline towards you. Was this really happening? Was Wooyoung following you? "I think this is yours, your bias didn't find it by the way, I did," he smirked as he handed it to you. The blush heating your face you bowed to thank him. "Its good I remembered your pretty face to know it was yours," he said folding his arm with a strong sense of confidence. "That and your room number engraved on it," he said as you felt your mind letting words fail you. Was being in Wooyoung’s company giving your bias gibberish fear vibe. "Do you want to drink with us in about a hour or two?" He said smiling your way. You brain struggling to fathom what he was suggesting. "You drinking with the fans?" You gasped out which had him chuckle. "Only our favourite fans," he winked. "They have to be beautiful, sweet, and well they have to be you," he said blushing as he spoke. "So I'm the only Atiny that will be there?" You asked still feeling like this was a dream. "Yes, as long as you don't eye ogle your bias, unless you plan on making me him," he winks as you let a laughter leave your lips. It's like the sound puts a shiver down his spine as he looks lost with lust filled eyes. "I promise," you said pulling your little finger his way. He smile's so excitedly entwining his little finger as he pressed his thumb to yours. "Pass me your phone," he said with his eyes gleaming when you obeyed. Letting it ring his, he smiled content watching his phone disclose your details. "See you in an hour or two," he said smiling as he dashed back from your view.
Your mind was swirling did you just exchange numbers with Jung Wooyoung from Ateez? Was this a dream? It had to be, you were going to wake soon and the fan meet hadn't been held yet. You hadn't even entered your hotel room when your phone blinged.
'Room 504 on level 6 Princess. Look forward to spending more time convincing you to make me your bias 😜' you looked at your phone amused with his words.
'Can't wait,' you replied feeling self conscious that you didn't want to sound like some crazy ssaseng.
Heart in your mouth you knocked on the hotel room. Your hands sweaty as you struggled to calm your wrecked nerves. Not knowing how many members you would encounter tonight made it feel just like the fan meet. But strangely the thought of Wooyoung calmed those nerves down. When his brown eyes met yours at the door sparkling it was like he dragged those fears away. "You came," he squealed in excitement. "I said I would," you said feeling the blush to your cheek return. "Come in," he said placing his arm around your shoulder bringing you to the suit that he was staying in. Seonghwa was lounging on his bed as you blushed his way. "Hello again," Seonghwa said with his flawless makeup less face. "Hi," you bit our nervously as he chuckled. "Shout help if you need it, I’ll help you escape," Sans said entering from the bathroom. Only you could be stuck in a room with two thirds of the demon line and Wooyoung. "Do you want a drink?" Wooyoung asked as you nodded words failing you. "You don't have to be so nervous you know," Wooyoung said nudging your shoulder. "Hard not to be when I'm in all your company," you said feeling a little overwhelmed. "Then take my hand let me calm those nerves," Wooyoung said as he reached out. Instantly your hand found his as you watched the grin spread across his face. "Yuk," Seonghwa said making puking sounds your way. "Get a room," he added sarcastically. "Have one, it's a shame I share it with you," Wooyoung spat out which has a chuckle leave your lips. "I don't know to be jealous having some girl put that smile on your face and not me," San said winking his way. The famous Woosan in your company was still amusing. Before Wooyoung could respond the door went as you got startled. "It's ok princess it's only the others," Wooyoung said pulling your hand to his mouth to press a kiss to. When Yunho, Jongho and Mingi appeared Wooyoung pressed himself as close to you as he could. His strong hold letting his confidence wash over you. "Ahhh the lovely Y/N," Yunho said smiling your way that made your heart melt slightly. "Wooyoung’s Bias challenge," Mingi winked that caused a blush. "Shut up hyung," Wooyoung said as he squeezed you tightly. "You cling to her much harder she’ll run for real," Jongho scoffed shaking his head at his slightly elder. "It's ok I won't run I promise," you said in a desperate need to reassure him. "You won't say that in time," San chuckled as Wooyoung flipped him off. Hoongjoong and Yeosang soon appeared completing the group. You sat there listening to their story's, mocking of each other and there teasing of Wooyoung. Shots of Soju making them all tipsy. But you held a strong reserve when it came to alcohol.
Wooyoung had been drinking slowly almost like he was getting drunk on you. His hold not wavering but you strangely didn't mind. His comfort made you feel like you was enjoying a evening with friends rather then a whole South Korean boy band. "So who’s going to ask her that very important question," San chuckles as Wooyoung stiffens beside you. "Who's your bias as Wooyoung's wingeing tells us it's not him," Yunho smirks as you inwardly rolled your eyes. "I like all of you, you're all special especially now I've met you all." You said shifting slightly. "It's ok you won't upset me princess I already know that eventually It be me," Wooyoung said his eyes intrigued like the others. Minus your actual bias who was looking amused at the possibility of being the cause of a Wooyoung meltdown. "You're all important," you reconfirmed. "We all know it's me she's just too scared to spill that," Mingi said nudging you. "You were at one point," you confessed as the group started laughing loudly. "Wait so you had more then one bias?" San said in shock. "My bias has changed three times already," you confessed looking towards Wooyoung worried. He clenched your hand smiling that made you mirror. "Seonghwa," Yeosang said as you smiled wildly. "He was my first, and he drives me crazy all the time even now," you said complementing him as he blushed brightly. "Has to be San's," Mingi spluttered his way as San gave the most beautiful eye smile your way. "Wrecker he really has tested me though," you said as Seonghwa elbowed him. "Well it has to be Hongjoong then he's the demon line, sounds like she has a thing for them," Jongho chuckled. "Sorry Hongjoong," you said scrunching your nose his way. "No issues here," he said reassuring you with his hands held high. "It's Yunho," Wooyoung said from beside you. Your eyes looked to his watching the hurt behind them. "Woah Yunho," you heard San squealed excited when you couldn't comment. "It's ok Princess," he said in attempt to reassure you but you knew the words didn't resonant with him truly. "Wow I'm truly honoured," Yunho said looking pleased at himself, adding a tongue to stick out towards his younger. You looked back at Wooyoung quiet within himself. Leaning toward him his eyes widened. "But I'm open to a fourth change," you whispered in his ear watching his eyes light up. "Right San toss me your room card," Wooyoung stands up. "What? Eww no your not using my room," San stood horrified. "Plus that's my room too surely you don't want to do it in her bias’s room," Yunho scoffed that made Wooyoung close his eyes. "Well everyone out, Seonghwa go share a bed with Hongjoong," he scoffed frustrated. "Fine, you owe me one," Seonghwa said huffing as he herded everyone out the room.
"You know I have a hotel room right," you chuckled once the room was cleared. "I didn't think that far advance," he said pulling you closer to him. "I just want to ravish you, give you a time to remember, and make you choose me as your bias," he said with desperation in his voice. "What would that entail?” you asked winking his way. Cupping your face he pressed his lips to yours as sweet soft kisses fall. Hands falling to your hair as he lets his tongue roam closer in your mouth. Lifting your lips from his, leaving you both panting you press them towards his mole under his left eye. The beautiful blemish which all of a sudden you just can't get enough of on his beautiful face. Pushing your top slightly down he presses his kisses to your collarbone. Gentle but he's enjoying admiring your skin. "I want to kiss everywhere." He groans confirming your suspicions. Lifting your T-shirt to remove it you let him view more. Your sure you felt him gulp as he took you in his eyes. "How about that for some more skin," you said feeling butterflies' attack. His hands cup your face as he gets lost in you once more. "Y/N your so perfect," he whispers smitten as you smile his way. Hands falling to your bra clasp he wastes no time letting your breast be shown to him. "Oh their so beautiful," he gasps as his hands fondle them. Kisses finding there way from your collar bone to your breasts he gets lost in you. Suckling around your nipple as his hand gently tweak the other. After he's enjoyed kissing them with every salvia his mouth could spare. He presses his lips back to yours as he walks you towards the bed. Removing his t'shirt he smirks when he hears the gasp he pulled from your throat. "Fuck Woo," you cry pressing your hand to his defined chest. "Do you like," he said more in seek of confirmation. "What's not to like," you smirk as you drag your finger down towards his navel.
Catching your hand as it reached towards his core. "If you just want to see him you only have to ask," he whispers with lust blown eyes. Falling to your knees your hand reaches his thighs as his breath hitches. "Please Woo," you say as he shivers to your plead. Removing his bottoms he let his dick slap his stomach as you hummed in satisfaction to cover the gulp. Hands falling to touch the silky skin as you pumped him slowly. Wooyoung's body tensed as he pushed his heel to the floor struggling to hold his own noises back. "Fuck Y/N," he whimpers as you set a pace as you pump him. Your mouth waters as you see his precum leak. Swirling your tongue around the tip his hands find your hair. The grip getting tighter as you place your mouth around his cock. Your tongue feeling the throb of his veins as you set your rhythm. "Shit Y/N we have to stop before I cum," he pleads as your pace goes up a notch. You hum against his member as he scrunches your hair in his struggle. The slight sting has you ready to make him beg for you to stop. "Y/N, Y/N," he whines as his grip pulls harsher. Thighs shaking and tears at the side of his eyes he managed to plop your mouth off him. "Fuck, are you trying to kill me before I can even kill you," he pants, his cock looking angry and desperate. "You want me to make you my bias, I want you to scream my name as I break you," you snigger as he chuckles eyes widened. "Oh the god truly sent me a devil today," he says with that gleam in his eyes. Tossing your jeans and pants to the floor you see his breathing slow when you show your wet gleaming pussy.
Sitting in his lap, your fold wrapping his cock as you lean in to kiss him. His hands brush against your back as you grind yourself. Moans being sucked down by your tongue his hands find your waist. Guiding himself he pushes you down his cock. The strength has you momentarily lost as your walls struggle around him. "Your pussy so tight, so warm," he hisses through his teeth. biting his lip you set your pace, his hands cupping your ass as he leaves loud moans in his wake. The passion deep between your bodies as your skin heats from the interaction. His groans becoming deep as he chases his high. Lifting himself to meet your thrusts his tip hits against your cervix. Strings of high pitch moans leave your lips as he momentarily makes you lose your rhythm. Lips falling to yours you both suckle each other's moans as his pace increases. Walls clenching around him you feel your thighs shake as your high nears. "Your mine," He whimpers muffled by your kiss. "I'm yours," you cry as your lips break. "Woo," you scream as your nails dig into his perfect skin. "Fuck Y/N," he whimpers undone as you feel him spill his seed in you. The warmth pushing you to your own.
Heavily panting you loll your head into his chest as he chuckles. "You tired princess?" he coos as he strokes your hair. "I feel like I'm going to wake from this dream soon," you reply as you can feel him smile against your crown. "Princess this is real trust me," he says as his cock twitch's resurrecting while embedded in you. "Am I your bias now?" He says cupping your face. "You're my boyfriend, but I may need more persuasion about the bias," you tease with a wink. Twisting you so you're laying on the bed underneath him. "I'm going to fuck you all night long till you make me your bias," he threatens as you smirk at him from beneath him.
Main Masterlist
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youatemylollipop · 2 years ago
Hello! I’m the one who had requested about Rindo with his dream girl today☺️ Whichever you prefer, as long as it’s about what the Tenjiku members thought of her when they first met. Also, I just wanted to say that I completely understand if you're currently very busy and can't fulfill the request right away. There's no pressure and you can take as much time as you need. If possible, could you also write a scenario or a short one shot about Mikey x the "dreamer" type and how they met? Thank you so much for considering my request!
A/N: Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that I have written a short one-shot for Mikey x the "dreamer" type, but I apologize as I wasn't able to come up with anything for Rindō just yet. I'm working on it though! Hope you enjoy this in the meantime!💘
Based on these headcanons: Dream Girl
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Synopsis: Mikey encounters a peculiar girl whom he can't help but feel intrigued by.
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Characters: Sano Manjirō X Female Reader
⚠️ WARNING: Reader gets harassed on her way home.
Word Count: 1.7K
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It was quite late in the evening as you were going back home after finishing your shift at a local café. Usually, you would have enough time to take the subway, but today your shift turned out to be a bit longer, due to a coworker suddenly falling ill. You didn’t mind though, as it meant extra cash for you.
As you walked down the unfamiliar streets, you could hear some distant noises. You didn't give them much thought, though, as they seemed far away from your current location—at least, that was your interpretation.
You were humming quietly to yourself, swaying your school bag back and forth in tandem with your slightly dancing footsteps. Against the night sky, dozens of bright stars illuminated the pathway back home, and the dazed part of your mind believed that some unnatural force was guiding you towards your soulmate.
Suddenly, you heard some whistles and realized that the sounds, which had seemed distant before, were now much closer. As you blinked in surprise, your gaze fell upon a group of boys who appeared to be a few years older than you. It was only then, as you broke eye contact with one of them, that you noticed he wasn't the only one whose gaze had been fixated on your lonely figure.
"What are you doing outside this late, sweetness?" One of the males slurred, making you visibly cringe at the action. A wave of nausea was beginning to rise within your body as the boys began to advance toward you.
They reminded you of a pack of hyenas, which was a parallel that you did not wish to draw since the species had always interested you. These boys, however, brought no other emotion than utter disgust, as you felt physically close to throwing up with each step that they took.
Instinctively, you took a step back and pursed your lips. A part of you wanted to scream, but you were afraid of the consequences that may follow. By appearing calm, you hoped to create an opportunity to escape. Perhaps, if they believed there was no danger, they would let their guard down at some point.
As they encircled you, you couldn’t help but continuously curse yourself out for using your phone so much during the day. Perhaps if you still had some battery, you could’ve easily made a run for it while trying to call for help.
Realizing that you had nothing to lose, you began to scream to the point that your lungs began hurting. However, this did not last long as one of the males lunged forward, pushing you painfully against the cold stone wall behind you.
While the group of boys carried you to a nearby alleyway, you continued to thrash around. The tallest one spoke in a low, menacing tone, his much larger hand still kept over your mouth. “Shut it, or else,” he warned. However, before he could pull his hand away, a loud scream pierced the empty streets as he felt a sharp pain from your harsh bite.
A second later, sudden pain resonated through your body as you landed harshly on the concrete. You groaned in response, attempting to sit up. Your left hand went up to rub your now sore cheek as a blooming pink hue slowly appeared on the surface.
You don't remember much of what happened during your momentary blackout. It's obvious that you didn't faint, but everything around you was too fuzzy to comprehend. Although you heard some noises, they seemed to be far away, and your vision was too blurry to make out what was going on.
You felt a much gentler tap on your shoulder, causing you to blink a few times as you tried to make out the silhouette of the person in front of you. "Am I dreaming?" You mumbled with a dazed expression, as the person's features became more prominent.
"Hmm, I don't know, are you?" The voice sounded smoky and seemed to belong to a young male. There was a slightly teasing lilt to it, but you found it soothing nonetheless.
You didn't answer straight away, finding yourself entranced by the pools of onyx that seemed to be staring right into your soul. They were black but bottomless, a stark contrast to the star-filled sky hanging above the two of you. And, the longer you held eye contact with the stranger, the more it felt as if they were sucking you into the void.
“This must be destiny,” you spoke, [e/c] hues watching him in amazement. He was just so beautiful.
The male tilted his head and interjected, "Oh?" An amused smile soon followed. You were still too dazed to realize how strange your words must have sounded, and the amusement in his gaze didn't deter you from asking, "Can I touch you?"
This elicited a chuckle from the boy, as he found your question utterly ridiculous. “Why?” He questioned, wondering what else your strange little mind would come up with this time.
"Because I need to make sure that you’re not just a fragment of my imagination," the blond looked at you with intrigue as he took in your words. An unidentifiable glint appeared in his eyes.
He took a step forward, inspecting you further in silence before voicing his thoughts. “Do you not trust your eyesight?”
“Not at all," came the breathless reply, causing the male’s onyx eyes to blink in confusion at your statement. Although everything you had said so far sounded strange, he couldn't help but wonder if you had just dropped your glasses while being harassed by those bastards.
As soon as the thought entered his mind, however, he quickly shook it off. He felt sure that if you really hadn't seen him, you would have acted slightly differently. “You must have a vivid imagination,” he mused, a small smile appearing on his face.
The boy leaned closer to you before stretching out his hand. He didn’t even need to say anything as your hand went up to connect with his, acknowledging the unspoken command that had been told through his eyes.
Hoisting you up, the boy asked curiously, “What’s your name?”
Crossing your arms in a form of fake haughtiness, you spoke in a condescending manner. "As my knight in shining armor, you ought to introduce yourself before asking for any personal information."
"The Invincible Mikey is what I go by," stated the boy with amusement as he bowed courteously to you. This caused a blush to spread across your cheeks, and you began to feel slightly flustered by his antics.
It wasn't the first time a boy had tried to play along with your shenanigans, but usually, they had a hard time keeping up with you. Quite often, you would quickly find them boring, perhaps because you realized that they didn't truly enjoy the play and were only trying to appease you.
You have always dreamed of meeting 'the one' - someone who would be happy to fulfill your desires and do anything to satisfy your needs. But you didn't want him to do so just because he found you pretty. Instead, you longed for a boy who would happily comply with your requests simply because he enjoys doing so and wants to see you happy.
However, not wanting to make things too easy for him, you continued to play around. "I believe that doesn't count as a formal introduction," you huffed, now facing the other side in mock annoyance.
“How am I ever to find you if you decide not to tell?” Now it was Mikey's turn to play pretend, puckering his lips into a childish pout as he tried to get your attention back. "Or do you believe that your parents are going to give a delinquent such as I, permission to taint their sweet little princess?"
After sparing the blond boy a small glance, you finally spoke, “Free me from the shackles that they have forced me to carry and we shall see who’ll be the one searching for me in the end.”
"Is the princess asking her knight to take her far away from this land to experience a life filled with adventures?" For the first time during this whole conversation, you felt utterly speechless. The young male, Mikey, took a step forward, his gaze completely fixated on your bewildered figure.
You've never been one to trust words alone. However, this boy spoke with such conviction that it was hard to deny the truthfulness behind them. Still, a part of you felt uncertain as to why he was so insistent on a stranger like yourself.
As you shot him a glare, he couldn't help but find your expression utterly adorable, a fact that you were completely oblivious to. Your tone became slightly harsher than before as you spoke, “If the knight is willing to sacrifice everything he has for their love, she’ll be happy to follow.”
Not feeling deterred in the slightest by the sudden change in your voice, Mikey took yet another step towards your figure as he spoke. “Unfortunately, fair lady, your knight does not possess a horse, but instead a black motor-driven machine, which he hopes will suffice for their journey together.” A grin stretched across his gorgeous—and cute—face.
You felt your blush deepen as you couldn't help but think his smile was very pretty. There was something about him that made you feel exposed, but in a good way. Never had you ever met someone who had managed to elicit such strong emotional responses from you, and the butterflies in your stomach were swarming chaotically, making you completely overwhelmed.
You loved the feeling, however, as it had made you feel much more alive than you had felt in your entire life. The smug grin that he was presenting did nothing to make the former annoyance return. Oh, who were you lying to? That annoyance had never been much more than self-fabrication.
“So this really is destiny,” you spoke up dazedly, taking a hold of his, once again, outstretched hand before following his figure out of the alleyway.
The boy led you quietly towards his bike, before turning around with a knowing glint in his coal-black eyes. "I'd like to believe it's fate," he said with a flirtatious wink, before turning back to face the road as the both of you disappeared into the darkness of the night.
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pharrell-the-formation · 2 years ago
The long-awaited (by me) “Underground Blossom” was released today. I played, enjoyed it and want to write down some of my thoughts regarding everything shown there.
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🔴 If it’s not already obvious, achtung: there are spoilers everywhere, so continue to read at our own risk! 🔴
🦜It seems that Harvey actually remained enlightened for much longer than people in fandom previously assumed. UB doesn’t shy away from metaphors, but the fact that Harvey actually replaced Laura’s parent and somehow successfully handled responsibilities of caring for a human child, as well as the fact that other, non-important children also saw the parrot precisely as an anthropomorphic bird in a suit, quite directly illustrates that this guy all this time, throughout the girl’s growing up, really was like that, and not just a normal pet parrot. I believe in this version of a story: Harvey the Hotel worker, Harvey the confidant of Mr. Owl, Harvey the Eilander family killer did not die and was not reborn, descending along the wheel of Samsara to the level of an animal. Enlightened ones simply know how to temporarily change their form to an animal-like one, and this is precisely what he did, perhaps in order to hide from the same embittered escaped corrupt souls or for some other reason. Mr Crow did something similar in “Cube Escape: Paradox,” if my memory serves me right, turning into the more familiar for us form of a crow. This would explain why Vanderboom depicted our anthropomorphic protagonist in one of her drawings as a pet parrot in a cage. And also the fact that he retains his completely human mind in animal form (demonstrated when solving puzzles in “Harvey’s box”) can be explained this way.
💧I still adhere to the idea, that Rose in this game was not really eager to resurrect Albert. This idea is rather based on my personal preferences, because Rose, who renounced her father, appeals to me as a character much more, so here I ask you not to treat this exact point as a full-fledged theory regarding canon events. Let's discard my old partially-hypothesis-partially-AU about “The past within” and “Underground blossom” being different timelines (like something similar that has already been shown before - in the Bob’s fate, where in some games he dies or commits suicide, and in “The White Door” forgets Laura and begins to live a normal life). It is clearly not the case; now it is more than clear that one game is directly connected to the other. However, here's what could happen: Miss Vanderboom receives a letter from recently deceased Albert, along with a mission to bring him back to life. Initially, she is interested in this and actively works on the task, but at some point something clicks in her and the understanding comes that it is better to leave a possibly dangerous person where he cannot harm anyone. Perhaps getting closer to her cousins ​​had an impact. So, Rose no longer wants to carry out this ritual, and this automatically calls everything into question, because even though she in the Past may have completed her part of the work, now, without her desire in the Present, she from the Future may not complete hers. A paradox. Albert's soul, of course, did not appreciate the joke and wants to make sure that his daughter does what she should, whether she wants it or not. When Harvey begins to visit to her, she already understands perfectly well that her father will not give up so easily. She understands that he will most likely try to harm her or her daughter. She understands that she may have to make very serious sacrifices so that Laura, the most precious thing she has left, does not suffer at the hands of her grandfather - and disappears from her life. Afterall, She will be better off with Harvey.
🌳 I'm still sticking to my Naraka theory. Rose somehow managed to preserve her humanity even in this form, and she thanks her old friend for all the help, and by giving her beloved daughter a piece of her soul - the petals - she helps her start living from scratch, now not suffering from psychological problems so much. I don’t know how literally the final level should be taken and how much the girl’s return to life depended on the mother (after all, in “Seasons” everything was presented kind of differently), but I think you can perceive it as you like.
To sum it up, I just want to say that “Undergroung Blossom” left me feeling incredibly warm and.. cozy? An impression that I honestly never expected from a game in this series, full of darkness, suffering and all sorts of devilry. Despite the fact that there are such things too, the theme of family and sincere care for someone dear to you runs like a red thread throughout the entire story. And all this is consolidated with such a bright ending, after which even Rose’s terrible posthumous fate is ultimately not viewed as critically as before, which... I can’t. It’s wholesome. As wholesome as Rusty lake game can be.
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The Case-Book {Masterlist}
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Hey, I'm Case! My blog was getting a little crowded, so here's a masterlist for the stuff I write.
And here's an {Updates Page} for when I finally make myself a schedule I think I can stick to in terms of posting & to "announce" upcoming work.
Some of this will be a liiiiiittle empty until I edit my work and decide to post it.
Organized by fandom!
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Your Favorite's Here {Masterlist} — Eddie Munson Eddie and his band bask in their success over a drink at a restaurant he's never been to before. But Eddie gets far more than he bargained for when he stepped through the front door.
1989 — Eddie Munson Returning to Hawkins after years of helping Eddie through English class (and specifically poetry assignments), you make Eddie watch a new film with you called Dead Poets Society.
Not Quite Dead — Eddie Munson You find yourself alone in Hawkins, a town ripped to shambles despite the sacrifices made to save it. Is it better or worse that Eddie doesn't live to see it? He'll tell you himself.
Like Another Tattoo — Eddie Munson Eddie learns to appreciate the scars he's covered in, one comment and show at a time. His friends also manage to make him cry.
A Kiss Kiss — Eddie Munson The Hellfire Club is one member short, but Eddie refuses to let the campaign slow down. That's where you come in, Eddie's "tutor" turned into his muse.
The Graduation Lineup — Steve Harrington Billy Hargrove comes between you and Steve at graduation—but only by last name. Additionally, you finally find out Steve's middle name (among other things).
Rain-Soaked Kisses — Steve Harrington Steve hates storms but loves the rain—just another oxymoron of his life, like the secret the kids are trying so very hard to dig up.
Bob Seger — Steve Harrington Is there a handbook for what to do when your crush walks into your store to buy a gift for his girlfriend? There should be!
Eddie's Girl — Steve Harrington Steve finds himself pining over the one girl he can't have, and he has no idea how to handle it. It's a good thing you notice before Eddie does, and, by God, is Steve's timing perfect.
The Only Tally Mark — Steve Harrington The 'You Suck' tallies are getting pretty high, but there's a girl in Scoops Ahoy who knows Robin in wrong. If she can just get the courage to open her mouth, Steve's luck is about to change.
steve harrington hcs (pt. 1) corroded coffin setlist detective harrington au idea
(more coming soon...)
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Burns Like Rum — Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3) Astarion's hunger worsens every day and you don't have any blood to spare—but that doesn't stop you from inadvertently tempting him at every turn. Luckily for both of you, you've both got the same idea to cure him of his hunger.
Sweet Like Wine — Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3) Your monthly bleed is over—just in time for you and Astarion to find yourselves with a bit of alone time. You might not be able to feed your vampire as easily, but there's another hunger for the two of you to satiate.
Crawl Home to Her — Astarion (Baldur’s Gate 3) As awful the feeling of blood on the skin is, sometimes it can be helpful, you have to admit. At least, when it comes to Astarion, blood is always helpful. You'll have to take his word for it—and that's oh so easy bathing with him.
Love Bites {Masterlist} — Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3) With your memory spotty, you gravitate toward the first person you see—an old friend from a very old past. But Astarion is keeping plenty of secrets...and he's never been the best liar. How long will it take before his deceptions unravel? And what will you do when you realize just how much damage he's done?
When Gods Listen — Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3) Astarion is hit by a memory spell mid-combat. You fear what will happen to him, but Astarion only knows he woke with the answer to his prayers looking down at him.
astarion ancunin hcs (pt. 1)
(more coming soon...)
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Kiss and Tell 'Em, Cutie — Rafayel Jealousy is a vicious whip—especially when you're dating an artist. Yet you have some ideas to make sure his admirers get the message. He…is…yours.
(more coming soon...)
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A Job Unfinished — Santiago "Pope" Garcia It's been days since you last saw Santiago, days after he promised he'd be back. One last (very illegal) mission in Colombia, and then he'd be yours forever. But Santiago is five days late.
(more coming soon...)
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Hmm... It's a ghost town in here.
(there's a multi-chaptered Poe Dameron fic currently sitting in drafts)
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Operatives One-O-Three — Barty Crouch Jr. Knowledge is a curse, and we know all. Lord Voldemort's regime grows stronger on the daily, and it's up to a ragtag group of teenagers and an undercover operation to stop him: Operatives 103, otherwise known as Operatives One-O-Three (one-oh-three in the official Ministry log books). But there's more trouble than Voldemort for the undercover spies, and the root of it starts in the home. (available on A03 or Wattpad)
(more coming soon...)
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Looks like this part of the museum isn't open yet...
(yes that's a hint at my current marvel wips)
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Well, uh, I think we'll be in purgatory for a bit, folks.
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These are probably hidden in a locked desk in Ketterdam.
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I, uh, hate all the old ones I wrote, so I won't be linking those, and I'm gonna sit in my mind palace for a few hours until I can come up with some better ones.
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No, no, don't panic! They're in here somewhere. I just have to remember which room...
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I need a section for my random stuff! This is it.
(Baldur's Gate 3 content is now under its own label, underneath Stranger Things. Go back up!)
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The Mindless Murder — BBC Sherlock x Marauders/HP Crossover Avalon Foster is the Head Auror working for the Ministry of Magic, working closely with Minister Mycroft Holmes. A series of murders has the entire department of Aurors in confusion. When two Hogwarts students are found dead on the Quidditch field, killed the same way as the other victims Foster has been investigating, the case starts to become dire. With students terrified for their lives, Avalon employs the help of the only person who truly can help her—the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Sherlock Holmes. Between the two of them, can they solve the case that even Mycroft Holmes can't quite grasp before time runs out? (available on AO3)
(more coming soon...)
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It's a bit empty in here, isn't it?
Check out the... ☟
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Have something you'd like to ask me to write? Don't hesitate! Here's what to do.
DM me to make your request and include the fandom & charcter(s) you'd like me to write for, as well as the general "premise" of the fic (such as a prompt). Answer any clarifying questions I send to you and wait for your fic to arrive! I won't be able to get to every request, of course, so please be patient with me! If I can't think of what to write or have no inspiration, I will let you know. Sometimes, the fic just doesn't come to me.
Additionally, chances are I can probably write for more fandoms than are currently on this list. There's a Miscellaneous section for a reason. If you're not sure, it doesn't hurt to ask!
If requests go over well, I'll start making some prompts to make requesting easier for you guys.
Happy reading & requesting!
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is-there-a-rt-sequel-yet · 10 months ago
Day #4338
for today's post, I was thinking I should update everyone on my activities concerning rhythm thief for the past two years. I'll be spilling my monster truck of an essay filled with my thoughts and concerns (embarrassing) so I'm putting it beneath the cut 🤧
I haven't been able to work on RT as much as I would like to as compared to two years ago. I got really depressed to the point I couldn't go outside for months, then I got a part-time job for two months last summer, and I also reinstalled a game so that fandom's been at the forefront of my brain for the past two years. also, I started graduate school, and I'm on track to graduate by the end of this year!!! so honestly I've been giving my all to a different fandom's wiki work and my studies... and thankfully I'm happier now!! and then at some point, I will have to get my first big girl job 😭😭😭 praying someone will hire me 🙏
and then as for my rhythm thief activities, I don't know, sometimes I feel like I should be releasing the content all properly and beautifully packaged, especially since I'm not halfway done with some things. I don't like showing off my incomplete work I guess? but then today I realized that I should probably share what I'm doing so y'all know I'm not purposefully gatekeeping things or... I don't know (paranoid)
that said, here's a non-exhaustive list of things I have been working on or plan to do:
datamining ET and PC. I've been working on and off since 2020 with nicole and zai, two of my besties who have also lent a hand in researching datamining methods for images, audio, video, text, and working with the 3D models in both games. I want to somehow have the paris model viewable on the RT wiki using the interactive map function
this is moreso nicole's hard work, but once in a while, we're slowly uncovering/recovering RT materials like magazine article scans and TV interviews. it's quite difficult to track down magazine scans since we'd most likely need to buy some off resellers, and they're 10-year-old content so it's hard to track down...
tangentially related, I connected with a programmer acquaintance of mine and they helped me decode the entire PC text in Japanese, and I'm super excited to read it. I have plans to make a sort of story viewer site where you can select if you want to read the official EN translation, my translation, and the original JP text, complete with sprites, backgrounds, and text boxes. I wanted a nicer alternative than on the RT wiki, where the official EN script is up currently
about translations, I've been working on subtitling the ~24-minute TV special. I have the JP script done (with help from a Japanese friend) and timing done, but I just need to actually finish translating. I think I have about 1/2 done. I'm currently considering finding a proofer so that hopefully I will feel more assured about my work when it's done. it's tough getting the motivation to translate, but I really want to put out my best work possible for RT through accurate translations. I've seen what inaccurate/machine translations have done to create misunderstandings/the spread of misinformation in other fandoms, and yet I've been taking so much time... I feel guilty for sitting on so much content I want to go through but I often can't go through with it unless I feel up for it (which is rare) and I'm also terribly picky on my work so I like to translate things by myself (and leave proofing to another person). I'm sorry for being so complicated about this 😭
I said it last year, but I've been wanting to update my blog's theme to more accurately match it as an RT info hub in addition to counting the days until the sequel releases gimmick. I want to make the RT translations I release easily accessible, but I think I've been slacking on this because I feel I don't have much (multiple large projects) to showcase just yet
finally, for the RT wiki. I have plans to get back into editing for the RT wiki and I'm currently collaborating with some other trusted editors in various standardization and appearance improvements. unfortunately, I don't think I have enough time to tackle writing content for all pages... if anyone seriously would like to help describe characters and their actions in the main plot, locations, or anything else you think should be improved, please!! by all means, edit the wiki!!
I plan to host an RT 15th anniversary project in 2027 where fan works will be displayed on the TSX billboard in times square. I also want to release another RT doujin/zine again, but my JP friend and I are too busy to plan something concrete
if you scrolled to the bottom for the tldr, I think I often try and perfect things on my own, which is why it takes me so long to work on things... (also I'm like super picky, I guess that's the perfectionist in me). I have so many plans like translating this, subtitling that, releasing this datamined content, updating the wiki, participating in RT fan projects... it's a lot to balance when my mind is elsewhere and I've been feeling guilty and ashamed to admit it 😭
the other fandom that's been occupying my mind has taken up much of my brain space, and I'm thinking it might be healthier to cut back and refocus on RT, my main beloved fandom again, but it's a bit difficult since I have made myself a reliable figure in that fandom's wiki team 🤧 tbh I think I might have au/adhd or something cause wow..... I sure sound like it with my strong fixations and difficulty finding motivation (even though RT's the thing I love the most in my life)
I want to draw!! translate!! wiki edit!! do anything and everything for RT!! it's been massively difficult for me for years and I'm sharing my frustrations with you all 😭 before I knew it, so many years have passed and I have barely released anything. I hope no one thinks of me any lesser, but I thought it would be good to share my thoughts, my goals, and my passion with my followers since I think I'm more than "just that one person who's been running an RT gimmick blog for over a decade" !!! that's all!!! thanks for reading!!! 🥹🥹🥹
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year ago
all four hedgehogs for the ask game
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My boy! I don't talk about him a lot, but I think Sonic is a great character. He is incredibly inspirational to me, and I think I'll always have a soft spot for him because it is through his games that I gained the level of English I have now. Sonic is tremendously powerful, and I like how he both just does whatever he wants, but that "whatever he wants" is helping other people. He's got far more layers to him than you would see at first glance, and that is why I think it's sometimes hard for fans (myself included! I tend to make him too idealistic imo) to get him right. So yeah, a highly intriguing character that I cherish deeply!
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Another cool character! This is interesting, because I was wayyyyy too young to play Sonic Heroes when it came out, but I do not disagree with the sentiment that reintroducing him one (1) game after SA2 was perhaps too quick. Especially considering the four storylines and twelve characters of Heroes, it feels a bit... odd? That Shadow just appeared again with amnesia and not that much attention brought to it, not at all helped by all the confusion of the Shadow Androids and whether or not he was the real one to begin with. Then add Battle making things more confusing with him allegedly having his memory back, and then StTH on top, haha. That being said, I think he's got a solid characterisation in '06, and I like his backstory and design a lot as well. I can certainly see why he is so popular in the fandom.
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Huh... I also like Amy, but none of these statements are really applicable, haha! I like Amy's optimism and her being the heart of the team, but also her occasional no-nonsense attitude and the fact she can be hot-tempered. She's not only a sweet innocent lil bby girl, but she's also not constantly angry and therefore unlikeable because of that. I would say that the early 2000s had WAY too much of the latter, what with her constant chasing after Sonic in just an unfun way to me (still thinking of her characterisations in Rush and Battle there), but she's gotten a lot better over the years, I feel like. She's sweet and kind but knows what she wants, and I quite like seeing her appear.
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My favourite character <3 <3
Usually I am not fond of the "So Literally Me" statements, but there's quite a few things in our personalities wherein Silver and I match. But what I like about him is that he's also got characteristics that I lack myself, such as his determination and his never-ending hope and just how far he is willing to go to make everyone happy. I find it incredibly inspiring! It did not take long for Silver to become my favourite (at first it was Blaze for a few months), and somehow he always finds his way back to the position. I really cannot think of anything about him personally I dislike: it's mostly just that it seems very difficult for fans and official/"official" media alike to see just what makes him who he is. He's not a weakass bby cinnamon roll 100, but he's also not a rage-driven idiot asshole (where my hot take of the day is that in the Rivals games, they actually manage to strike a balance between both these extremes as well!), and the only game wherein he was truly shown as naive and easily deceived was '06. There's a lot going on with his personality, and I love dissecting it all.
I would love to see more of him; I understand why Sega swiftly removed him from any large roles following '06 and its reception, but I also feel that Silver is becoming more popular again, at least on Tumblr. So maybe one day he'll get a game of his own, or be featured in a larger role than in prior instalments? Iizuka did say it is not impossible, in 2018. I do wonder how they'll make it work with his powers in a game series that focuses on speed first and foremost, but perhaps it'll be less of an issue if he's not presented alongside a speedier Sonic. Regardless, I'm (almost) always happy to see Silver appear!
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ambiguouscheese · 1 year ago
Hi!! Could I please get an aesthetic matchup?
I'm not sure if you're familiar with these fandoms but if you are I'd like one for stranger things OR marauders from Harry potter. I totally understand if you're not familiar with them, in that case, I'll go with six of crows please!
Personality description - It takes me a while to feel comfortable around new people but once I do, I become really talkative and outgoing. I love helping out and I'm the therapist friend, people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'm smart and ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do, but I'm deathly afraid of failure and disappointing the people I love. I'm quite the hopeless romantic and I love being in love! I adore big and small romantic gestures and I love domesticity sm!! I also daydream a lot and I can get lost in my own world for hours. I can be quite dramatic and stubborn and I tend to be withdrawn and distant at times. I get frustrated easily and I'm quietly competitive. My love languages are acts of service and quality time. I'm a ravenclaw, my mbti is infp and my enneagram is 4w3!
Hobbies/likes - I love reading, my favorite genres are poetry, Russian lit, and mysteries! I love learning about new things and knowing a little bit of everything. I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything! I adore all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I listen to a lot of modern/indie rock and I love watching films of all kinds.
Aesthetic - when it comes to clothing, I love a good blend of dark academia and downtown girl, I'm also a huge fan of the 90s! Otherwise, I'm really drawn to cottagecore or other softer aesthetics
I think a warm brown-y red would describe me well? Or a dark blue grey. The warm brown-red would be how people view me and the blue grey is how I view myself.
The music question is hard 😭. My favorite album of all time is melodrama by lorde, I'm really into the song Harvey by her's, I could listen to forever
Random things that describe me - red lips, a stack of books, messy notes, the ocean on a heavycast day, forget me nots
I'm not a fan of enemies to lovers, second chance lovers, right person - wrong time, basically anything that involves a lot of conflict and unnecessary drama
My preferred gender is male and I'd like an adult character please!
Thank you very much!! This is really exciting, I can't wait for the matchup! Please take all the time you need, I hope you have a lovely day ❤️
you have been matched with . . . regulus black !!
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✧ being as perfectionistic and secretly afraid of failure as you are, regulus couldn't help but notice how smart and good at everything you were because of how you were, well, beating him at everything. at first, it started as friendly competition, a joke sort of rival, but the two of you grew closer as you began to start studying with each other- the whole competition thing was just a small and fun motivation to keep the two of you on track. when you and regulus would study, there'd often be a lot of playful banter between the two of you (anyone around the two of you would not be able to deny the chemistry you had).
✧ the more regulus started making an effort to be with you, the more he took notice of all your traits. he grew to admire your ambition (ambition fit for a slytherin, rather surprising you managed to be in ravenclaw instead he thinks), he grew to admire the way that you would always jump to help any friend in need without hesitation, he grew to admire you and your entire self. the two of you are more similar than meets the eye, and he feels a sort of connection to you because of this. your occasional study sessions turned into weekly to daily late night talks about anything- art, literature, witty joking, life's unsolved mysteries. you were a kindred spirit to him.
✧ despite how smart both of you are, i think you'd be very good friends pining in unawareness for a very long time while everyone but the two of you knows how in love you are. though, regulus sucked it up one day, confessed to you, and now you two somehow managed to finally pass the idiot stage and move on to the lovers stage! as a relationship, i think there'd be a lot of comforting from both sides as the two of you both have an innate fear of disappointment, you also would easily know how the other feels. when you were frustrated over something, he'd listen to you and help you through it, and when he was scared of things spiralling out of control, you'd be there for him.
✧ as for dates, i think the best forms of quality time the two of you would have are late night talks about anything and everything, as i mentioned before! however, i could definitely see both of you going to art museums or just museums in general and have fun discussing the things you see. the two of you remind me of running through the rain together, discussing philosophy, picnics as the sun begins to set, and spending the rest of your life with your best friend.
✧ your trope -> idiots to lovers, hurt/comfort, academic rivals/equals (not rivals but like competitive academics in the way where you both better each other from friendly competition!),
✧ start playlist -> marcel - her's | birds dont sing - tv girl | the louvre -lorde | hard feelings/loveless - lorde | golden - harry styles | harvey | her's
✧ your relationship moodboard ->
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a/n: hi!! i used to dabble in the marauders hp fandom a few years back so i do apologize if this isn't accurate, i hope you enjoy <3
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semi-sketchy · 2 years ago
This is gonna be more personal than I usually get, but I've had some thoughts lately.
I was an awful person. Seriously.
Something recently made me go back and look through some old screenshots from when I was 14/15 and...yikes.
My emotions clouded a lot and I didn't remember how frankly vile I was. That's actually the reason I keep these screenshots. It's not so I have a laundry list of receipts I can whip out and use against others, it's so the facts of the situation are not lost. It doesn't matter that screenshots are easily edited because this is for my archive so I remember.
They say there's nothing scarier than a teenage girl and I can attest to that. I was angry with the world. While my intent in many of these fights was sticking up for friends, what I actually did was just plain bully people I thought "deserved it".
It's no secret I was with a group at that time which I can only describe now as a hate group. We were all young then and the people in it have grown up. I don't know where they are, but I'm sure they're better people now. I'm not really in much of a position to judge anyways, seeing as I was one of them.
It was only once I exited that group (which I also handled badly) and there was no one to laugh at my awful "jokes" anymore did I realize the person we attacked didn't actually "deserve it". My understanding of that harmful mentality was only starting at that time, but it was enough to know I was in the wrong and approach the person to try and make amends.
Was there more to the situation? Absolutely. Although at the end of the day, my actions are still my own. I don't like living with the knowledge that I might've damaged someone, but I can't change the past. There's not much more I can do than say I'm sorry.
My behavior shifted after that. While it wasn't perfect, I actively made an effort to not throw insults at people when having a disagreement. I picked my battles and didn't argue with everyone. My most valuable lesson though was to not to retaliate publicly and prolong the arguments, instead opting to vent privately.
While it took another situation to figure this out, I did eventually realize I shouldn't get involved in another friend's drama to try and help them. At that point, I realized I wasn't sticking up for them; I was just a tool.
Around that period, there was a lot of negativity and reoccurring trolls that kept making new accounts in my comments section. I was tired of the arguments, tired of people yelling at me over stuffed animals, starting fights with others, and no matter how many I blocked, they kept coming back. I was just tired so I disabled comments. It's a decision I still stand by today, even though I've since enabled comments again. The fandom has gotten more peaceful over the years and I'd like to believe I've learned how to foster a chill community.
People were quite vocal about the decision, some saying I had a god complex while others said I was violating free speech. Some made videos at me, I even found a hate quiz on Quotev.
People made up a title to call me then got mad at me over said title, even though I never used it. I got people accusing me of being stuck-up because while I was loud on camera, I wasn't talkative and often didn't respond unless I was asked a question. I tried so hard so many times to try and get people to understand I wasn't what they said I was and I never claimed myself the "queen" of anything. I rejected the idea that I was a "higher power" and tried to show that I was just another person. Of course, the videos I made for this purpose came off to many how I view them in hindsight: pretentious cringe.
All of it came crashing down when the news about the person I attacked got spread around like wildfire, someone from that hate group egging on my demise with their friends and posting stories about me.
I shut down. To this day, I still can't open that screenshot folder without shaking. Folks I always interacted with stopped talking to me, people I looked up to joined in, some even used the callout as an excuse to release my personal information.
People demanded a public apology, that I needed to make up with some of the very people perpetuating the drama, and I did nothing. I didn't think I owed the entire internet an apology over a situation that didn't involve them and I believed to be settled years ago. I knew anything I said would be used against me, so I said nothing.
To be fair, looking back at this stuff...yeah I had it coming. It was true. I did do (some) of the stuff I was being accused of. I should be held accountable. Perhaps I did deserve this treatment.
The part that made it feel unfair is I already learned from the mistakes. I tried to make it right and changed my behavior. I wasn't acting like that anymore and I figured out it was wrong without someone needing to tell me.
I was a horrible person, it's true. My actions and attitude hurt others. From this I became a people pleaser, dedicated years of my life to trying to be as nice as possible and share very little so I won't be a troublemaker. It shaped who I became and while it took awhile to realize my feelings matter too, I'm comfortable with who I am now. I'm weary of many people, but at the very least I know I'm not mean-spirited.
Say I'm dwelling on things and stuck in the past, I can't refute it. Every few months, something takes me back to 2016 and it plays out over and over again. Not long ago I watched season 1 of Oshi No Ko and episode 6, Egosurfing, was so accurate it triggered me so bad, I was lightheaded and in a confused panic. It took hours to drag myself out of my own head.
I don't want to carry my mistakes around with me forever. I want to forgive myself and move on, because while I was a little shit, I grew from that. It was a learning experience and something I think I needed to experience to understand.
I guess my purpose for posting all this is to help put it behind me. When something triggered me and I started going through the screenshots again, I had a serious feeling of "I should just quit, it's time". I know, it's been 7 years and I still haven't healed.
I'm not asking for patience or even forgiveness, just understanding. Hold me to this because I want to get better.
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edgessunflower · 2 years ago
Congrats!!! Can I get a ship please ⚓️ ?
Fandom: Harry Potter / DC (preferably batfam) / star wars
She/her, and I'd like a male ship please.
I'm slightly above average height for a girl (about 5'9) with brown wavy hair, but I'm always dying it bright colours/changing my haircut (much to mother's dismay lol). Style-wise, I tend to alternate between super preppy, if not a little too formal, to just completely grunge. Depends on my mood and who I'm hanging around with that day I guess. I am quite impartial to my combat boots though. And high-heels. Ideally both at once.
I'm an INTJ Slytherin Leo--fairly introverted and aloof by nature but after years of practice and forcing myself out there, I can be quite bubbly and chatty when necessary (super draining though and it still sometimes weirds out some of my oldest friends how quickly I can switch). I will not shut up about random nerdy/sciencey nonesense if I feel comfortable. Not too great with emotions though--it's a work in progress heh.
Currently a physics and maths double major with a minor in philosophy because that somehow seemed like a good idea at the time and no one told me I couldn't do it. Quite active around campus--super involved in leadership for some clubs and the student union, and compete in debate. I love it because it's all super interesting af but I'm not too great at math for someone doing a degree in it and I'm at a point where I'm surviving on irresponsible caffeine consumption and spite alone. I switch between hobbies and interests really often because i suppose i just get bored a little too easily, so I'm a bit of a jack of all trades--only things I've really stuck with for a long time are writing (that will never see the light of day) and just tinkering around with stuff to figure out how it works and seeing what I can do with it. Technically a classically trained pianist because parents expected it but uh I haven't practiced in a while so I'm a 'lil rusty--more into rock music these days anyway.
I'm trilingual--French, English, and Arabic (needs a lot of work though). Trying to learn Latin for the hell of it (also helps with Philosophy a bit). Fortunately got to travel a lot as a kid because of my parents' work so it's helped with getting some practice I suppose. I just love travelling and getting to know other cultures honestly, especially having lived in big cities and had friends from all over my whole life. And getting to visit all the museums and art galleries is a huge plus.
Sorry this if this way too long, but congrats again! Have a great day xx
Here ya go dear! And thank you! 🪷
First I ship you with Remus Lupin! 💙
He likes your passion for physics and philosophy always seeing how hard you work and never give up which makes him so proud of you for it
He is amazed at how talented you are with foreign languages speaking Latin around him as well as bits and pieces of Arabic and French mostly speaking English but he never fails to smile when you say I love you in a different language
He always makes sure if you've had more than 2 or 3 and a half cups of coffee to give you water or milk even if sometimes he has to sweet talk you to do it he just wants you to be healthy a little bit
He never minds when you're chatty or quiet always listening and talking smiling sweetly at you before laughing at your bubbly and lively actions
He likes to have your head in his lap while you both read to each other or in silence enjoying the other's company
He likes seeing you wear his sweaters whether to sleep in or just around the house he falls in love with you all over again just seeing you in a sweater
Next I ship you with Tim Drake! ♥️
He always helps you if you're having trouble with math or any work that you are getting frustrated and confused by ready to teach you a few tricks to help
He never lets you get sleep deprived or really out of control with caffeine always giving you water or milk to help you in between the consumption of caffeine
He likes how you go from the nice button up and skirt with your hair up in a bun to a loose fitting grunge shirt and jeans with a messy ponytail or braids always smiling at how good you look
He loves going to the park or museum with you he lives learning more of history or just enjoying the peacefulness of the park in the evening or night
He likes hearing stories of you traveling around with your parents when you're younger always having a good laugh or fond smile hearing of your childhood
He likes to just lay on your lap or stomach when he is tired and needs sleep always feeling his stress wipe away laying on you while you wear one of his hoodies
And finally I ship you with Anakin Skywalker! 🧡
He never judges anyone for their size or height but he will take a chance at least twice to get a joke about your short height just to make you pout at him
He likes listening to you play piano when the two of you are in Naboo visiting Padme or your family in your childhood home on Corusant
He likes knowing more of the cultures from you since he only knew a bit of naboo culture and some of Tatooine and corusant culture but learning more about them and if others made him love you more
He likes to teach you how to use a blaster and drive a speeder always smiling at you driving his speeder like he does but also mindful of how you drive and how fast reminding him of Obi wan
He loves how you treat his padawan like a sister, his best friend like a sister, and his master like a father loving them just as much maybe even more than he did
He gets tearful and emotional when he sees you place a flower on his mom's grave always going to tell her happy birthday, happy Thanksgiving, merry Christmas, happy New Year, and how much you wish you could have met her making him fall in love all over again
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onemillionbuttholes · 2 months ago
one million buttholes
and you know. no one really asked for this, I myself am not sure this is something i even want to be doing or maintaining. just like, stream of thoughts. I never really got into journaling in a capacity that could be helpful or meaningful, despite actually having the want to do so. and is that a pen to paper thing? is it a pen to hand thing, in the physical sense (if its not a bic .7 easy glide, don't even try it near me) or just a continuity thing of holding myself accountable. maybe all 3. irrelevant now, though. we're trying this.
since reading more books, and writing more with izzy, i've been playing around with the idea of writing more. more so train of though, journaling, but only because that seems more natural, easier to begin with what's already going on in your head. but im also playing w the idea of creative fiction. after the flood when I was helping my mom clean and save stuff from her basement, i stumbled across a lot of my old high school stories and papers. frankly, i did very well. Reminded me of the imaginative way i used to think about things (still think about things?) ive been mulling around the idea in my mind that i'm a romantic, creative person. sounds so cringe, actually vain to write that down. but if I force myself to listen to what great minds have been saying; that cringe is freedom, that cringe is the opposite to happiness, I can allow myself to sit with these grandiose thoughts. I can ask myself if i was that girl who was creative, more romantic and artsy; what would i be doing? would i be creating more? well, probably, easily. and actually, that aligns with the goals i already have for myself anyways. spend less time doom scrolling (rant about social media will be later, surely) and more time stimulating my hands and mind. to quote julia, and whoever said it first i guess; an idle mind is the devils playground. doom scrolling is the easiest solution, but too fucking addictive. and horrible for you in every way; I'm going to compare it to nicotine. (not opiods, everyone loooves to use opiods to example addiction. but they're expensive and very hard to buy pure, and considering the fentanyl crisis; i wouldn't exactly consider them "easy." so; doom scrolling: nicotine. feels great in the moment, you do way more than you mean to when you pick it up, and feel like shit the moment you stop, and for a few hours afterwards, up until you start to miss it. cycle repeats. yes, i am trying to stop vaping! thanks
anyways, back on track. someone once said 'do not destroy the part of you that's cringe, destroy the part that cringes.' that sentence quite frankly changed my life. accepting the cringe things about yourself is to accept things that make you happy despite overwhelming noise that you should feel shame or otherwise different. i would even argue 75% of that noise comes from your own self judgement! not that I should be talking about fandom at work, but you get what i mean. we are the ones holding ourselves ack from true, ecstatic happiness and freedom. i'm in a world right now (2025, canada, educated, financially stable) that uniquely i can do and be whatever i want. and i choose to feel shame about things that make me happy??? girlfriend actually wtf. that is shameful, to not take opportunities others would kill to have.
tdlr; i think i'm going to start writing. i want to start writing. im thinking maybe a rant like this a day, a week? just to get the energy out, stimulate the juices. depends how much i like typing on my phone within the tumblr app or else this is really never going to happen on work days. meh, never say never. and regarding the onemillionbuttholes; it's a url i saved actually 13 years ago, when i was really active on tumblr in high school and thought it was the funniest shit like, ever, and it would be my claim to tumblr fame. i tried this morning to make a new blog for writing purposes, but every url i tried out (nooneasked, actuallynooneasked, uselessrambling) was 1) already taken and 2) im realizing now, super self deprecating! huh. funny that. so, i already had this butthole blog, untouched since 2011. why not use what we already have? if its not broke don't fix it.
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