#in french it’s all about france ofc
srvphm · 2 years
not a doomer cause I think there’s no way to improve things somehow but a doomer cause the people sounding the alarm the loudest aren’t heard while the ones with enough privilege to boost them are holding group meetings about how small scale actions like protests are meaningless and we need to form a coalescent party but really they’re all waiting for “the revolution” like it’s gonna materialize out of thin air in the next few years and nothing is done
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stackslip · 1 year
lmao this clownish, hypocritical, farcical, vindicative mess of a country. this loony nation that will literally throw a whole tantrum, from government to media stations to randoes on the street, because it deeply believes that it is entitled to the spoils and fruits and suffering of the people it oppressed for centuries, as *thanks* for "civilizing" them. any backlash to that notion creates unprecedented fury and petty vindictiveness towards the nationals of said country. on one hand the new governments of niger and mali are "human rights abusing juntas", on the other any national from this country must be severely punished for their governments' refusal to bow down and lick the sole of france's boot like they're supposed to.
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aiceje · 2 years
could you please explain the joan of arc fascist thing?
so this article seems to summarize things fairly well. basically french far right catholics, monarchist, old school fascists (think: Mussolini-era), neo-fascists etc love Joan of Arc. You really see a lot of old facho French men cum in their unwashed underpants every time jeanne d'arc is mentioned on TV. Also fachos organize pseudo-Medieval festivals once a year because they heavily romanticize the middle ages (Philippe de Villiers, who created the Puy-du-Fou theme park, is a facho). What is the link between joan of arc and random theme parks in fuck-all, France, you may ask? well White supremacists basically think white French culture(s) is under attack and think the middle ages is the last time France was 'pure' and 'white.' And bc little Jeanne d'Arc's selling point was that she was a virgin, they probably kind of view her as an untouched white woman or something, idk! Honestly I am from a trotskyist and atheist family, i know nothing about catholicism or the middle ages, but there's just noxious vibes around jeanne d'arc in France. I didn't even know she was considered a feminist figure under I heard american and british friends mention her and it was a moment of cognitive dissonance.
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finsterwalds · 6 months
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Got a very inspired ask inquiring about the villains in my Better Call Saul french AU so here's Gus aka famous chef Gustavo Faure and his main waiter Léo haha. More info under the cut as always...
So at first I thought about making Gus a fast-food owner like his canon counterpart, but it just doesn't fit really well if you wanna frenchify it all with nuance. We have fast-foods ofc and we do enjoy fried chicken lol, but Los Pollos Hermanos has this very distinct "patriotic" feeling that wouldn't translate as well in France, as fast-foods are american in conception. I thought about making Gus the owner of some cheaper chain like Courtepaille lmao, but it feels too memey and doesn't have the prestige that his character has canonically. Gus assimilates perfectly into american society with his brand, and caters to the people locally, so I thought it would be fair for him to do the same in France. And if you wanna cater to lovers of chic, gastronomy and prestige, what's better than being the chef of some fancy restaurant, right? It felt cliché af and looses the "close to the people" part but it honestly fits his character well, imo...
He would be extremely respected locally but still friendly and approachable due to him crafting some kind of tragic backstory for himself and his restaurant. Basically he would play the "Chilean refugee that climbed to the top of foreign cuisine" card and everyone would buy it. French people love to eat and are fond of mixing their culture's meals with more international food, so yes: I think he would serve a fusion of french/Chilean food!
He'd also be an entrepreneur as famous french chefs often have side businesses like bakeries or published books, which I think respects his canon personality pretty well. Fancy french chefs also like to hang out outside their kitchen to greet their guests and I can totally imagine Gus do that. He'd still be able to conceal his shady side nicely. He's canonically seen to like fine wine, good products, and cooks Paila Marina for Walt, so congrats to Gus for already being french in conception and not making this idea feel like a stretch lol.
I have no idea about his exact role concerning drug traffic in Europe, as I said I'm pretty ignorant about that… But he'd use his business and image to form connections and launder his money. His backstory with Max stays the same in the AU aka Max was his business """"partner""" who died killed by the Salamancas.
I don't think changing his first name was necessary, but his last name sounding american I thought I would just frenchify it a bit lol. I don't know what the name of his restaurant would be, but definitely something short, spanish, and aesthetic/poetic. Maybe a reference to Max to allude to the Hermanos part.
Bonus : I know they don't canonically meet, but in my AU I think Chuck, as a rich lawyer, would eat at Gustavo's often. They'd be acquainted :) And maybe Jérôme aka Jimmy meets him thru his brother and later discovers Gus' shady side, when the events of BrBa start.
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Now i know that french people greet each other by kissing both of their cheeks, either just touching their cheeks together or straight up kissing each other's cheeks
Now, yandere stardust crusaders here. (Kakyoin, jotaro, joseph, avdol, aswell as polnareff)
I think polnareff will introduce these kind of greetings to reader, and now everytime reader sees polnareff they always have to kiss each other on the both of their cheek (50/50 that polnareff threatened/forces reader to do it lol)
I just know polnareff will use the excuse of it being only a greeting and nothing else to the others (other than to piss them off and make them jealous)
May we have a scenario or a headcanon about this please?, If you don't like it you ofc don't have to do it.
They will probably catch on and use the same greeting to reader, and now the whole group does it lol.
Take your time! ( Ily btw 💞💞)
Hey something I learned ages ago in a French class ages ago finally comes in handy! *this will probably be used in my fic later on too, I’ve had this concept in the back of my mind for a while* I figured a general answer would be nice though Did it matter he had to “twist” your arm a little to get you to do it?, Not in this man’s opinion as his heart swells with joy, from getting you to commit to an affectionate act from his country. So when you look at him all flustered he’s eating your reaction all up, and no he won’t let you live it down either. It was a first step to blossoming romance (at least in his head).
“Couldn’t you have just told me something about the food, or how people have casual conversation? This isn’t what I meant by an interesting cultural bit, Polnareff” You told him
“Oh but it is an interesting one, sharing affection is an important cultural aspect all over the world, and being French we do things a little differently” He gave you the widest, cheekiest grin that you’ve ever seen on his face. You had clumsily walked right into an opportunity for Polnareff to take advantage romantically.
“Next time you should be a little more specific” he winked
You had zero clue about the cheek/kiss thing, and honestly you should’ve been suspicious from the start. This was just the beginning of the insanity.
It ends up being worse when you and Polnareff go off to meet the rest of the crusaders for lunch. Taking a quick detour you went to the bathroom before meeting them all at the table Joseph spotted.
Of course Polnareff wasn’t sitting down, rather he was standing by his chair, leaning ever so slightly on the back of it. The others were sitting, but of course the twenty four year old decided to wave you over. There was the lingering thought in the back of your head to just turn around and march back to the hotel room. Though you resigned yourself to keep walking when you felt the pang of hunger arises from your stomach.
“Y/n you finally made it!” the Frenchman gestured you over
Your eyebrows furrowed as you broke the distance between the two of you, the male leaning closer as you felt the infamous warmth of contact on your cheeks, one after the other. Begrudgingly you did the same on return before the chair was slid out and you sat in it.
Immediately a chain reaction started,
“Polnareff, what the hell was that?” Joseph nearly slammed his fist down on the table.
“Right in front of us too, is this normal for you?” Kakyoin chimed in
You could see Jotaro was annoyed but not in the same fashion you were to your chagrin. He looked a bit…envious if that made any sense. Avdol on the other hand looked puzzled yet intrigued
Polnareff shrugged off their condemnation without hesitation. Oh he was enjoying this alright, getting technical first dibs at an affectionate action?
“Don’t worry, it’s just a little greeting we French do when meeting one another we care about” He said this nonchalantly
“I see, that’s completely unfamiliar to me, I haven’t spent much time in France so I never got to encounter such an interaction” Avdol piped up.
Oh you wanted to die right then and there, but you had to restrain yourself from clawing the table like a cat. There was an atmosphere you could feel slowly oppressing you, they were probably jealous. No, it was nearly certain they were based on their expressions. The French male was absolutely beaming with pride, and smugness to no one’s surprise.
“That sounds rather nice actually, not just a single peck on the cheek but both sides” Joseph pondered out loud. Of course he would like the sound of that.
“Can we please just order lunch?” You groaned
The whole debacle ended up sealing your doom with the other crusaders. All of them were interested in what you did with Polnareff, so whenever you met up with one or two of them (or even all of them) it was a disaster. When there was the smallest downtime you could possibly have, you did your best to dodge interaction when possible.
Yet there were times you had Jotaro nearby pointing to one of his cheeks, if he was wandering around where you were. Kakyoin managed to squeeze himself into wherever you were entertaining yourself at. Joseph you had to obviously rely on monetarily and boy did he play up the act when you needed to ask about something. Avdol himself mostly did his thing when he saw an opportunity (a risk) that you shouldn’t be alone.
Polnareff still has a goofy smile every time you did this while meeting up at meal times.
This was going to be a long trip…
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amphitriteswife · 5 months
Do more of ror school au hcs please 🙏🏻 💓 💕 💗
📝✂️Ror/ Snv characters as Students📝✂️
Also am I spotting a fellow Alien stage fan??? @miserable-homo-momo
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☠️He’s a top student. On top of most of his classes, and he’s a senior.
☠️ Mostly hangs out with Qin or his brothers. He doesn’t necessarily have friends but a lot of ppl want to be tho, only he focuses on being a big brother.
☠️ Listens to a lot of music tastes. Like his play list is full of mood swings. It contains: Classic music, Pop Music, HipHop, Heavy metal ect. It kinda depends on what he feels tbh. A few of his faves would be: Tupac, Beyonce, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B and Mozart.
☠️Drives a nice car which made him very popular. He used it to take his brothers everywhere but he ended up sharing it between his brothers and bought a motorbike of his own🤭
☠️ He had a lot of piercings: Ears, lip, Eyebrow…nipple…But he looks good and knows how to pull it off. Like just Imagine it. Gah dayum
☠️ He actually skipped class?? You wouldn’t expect it from him but he did skip class. It’s not often but once in a blue moon. Most of the times it’s cause he wants to hang out with his brothers.
☠️ goes to all the house parties. As good of a student he is, he also likes going out. So most of the time he gets invited to parties or hang outs.
☠️ most ppl thought he was a player but ended up being one of the ppl that married their high school sweetheart. He might have dated some ppl but they weren’t flings but actually legit relationships
☠️ probably the one person that brings snacks or drinks for the class if they have a field trip or just a hot school day y’know. Like just imagine it being a hot sunny day and you still have a lot of lessons to follow and boom, hades brings ice cream for the class?? Life safer fr🙏
☠️ He probably likes History, astronomy and psychology. He kind of has random subject but he just chose what he deems as interesting. He only likes the 🪐⭐️🌠🌌 and not the math in astronomy.
☠️ He cooks on field trips that last more days. Only if its’s necessary tho. Mainly because he’s rich enough to afford going to restaurants or the school handles it.
☠️ he’s the therapist friend fr. Genuinely knows when there’s something wrong and asks, not in public tho. He doesn’t judge but actually listens to you. He also offers comfort if you need it. What a goat
☠️ class president. Even though he didn’t want to be. Most ppl voted for him for the above stated reasons. And because he’s kind of a big brother type.
☠️ man could do anything and he wouldn’t get into trouble. Mostly because all the teachers love him as a student so shawty has a good reputation.
☠️ He’s bad at art yet has very nice cursive handwriting. Probably because he takes extra poetry lessons. Or he practiced it till he was satisfied.
☠️ Is in the chess club with Beelzebub and the birb. They often play and even have participate in Tournaments.
☠️ He’s the type that also chose languages as subjects, so like German, French, Italian, Chinese, Latin and ofc Greek. Probably because his ass has a photographic memory
☠️ doesn’t eat cafeteria food and actually goed off campus to buy food. If some of his lessons are canceled he just goes to restaurants or shopping streets to kill time
☠️ Actually doesn’t rly do his homework. He only does it in classes that check homework or give bonuses for it, otherwise he usually doesn’t do it. Besides he only studies like 2 weeks before the week where all the tests are. Unless he knows he needs more time for a certain subject. Then he catches up
☠️ Went to Spain, Germany and France because he choose those subjects and teased his younger brothers for it. He did buy them a requested item for each of em. Not Zeus cause he requested a Latina babe.
☠️ He has a place in school where he always sits when he aint off campus. So if ya eveer try to find him he’s probably there.
☠️ graduated w honors fr. Mosy of the teacher wrote nice things about them and held wonderful speeches for him since he was a good student. His quote in the year book was sum like ‘👍’.
☠️ He probably went on luxurious vacations and posted the pictures on his insta. He dont do snap or any other form of social media.
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🪷 the student that doesn’t really care about grades but does get good ones.
🪷 He’s usually eats in class. But for some reason the teachers allow it cause he ain’t causing a mess. Or because he’s actually a prince and could buy the school in a second.
🪷 Definitely choose a language as a subject and geography cause man knows a lot about different cultures. My goat
🪷 Definitely a music lover. You can always catch him with one AirPod in his ear. Probably has the latest phone too cause he richy rich.
🪷 Goes to on lot of vacations. Like every break he’s somewhere. Japan, Greece, Italy, Singapore, Canada, Brazil, he goes to many places. Brodie might start doing them travel vlogs atp
🪷 He has lots of Social Media’s. Tiktok, Tenten, insta, snap, Discord??🤨 , Be real ect. His tiktok is just goofy ahh videos while his insta is usually pics of his vacations. Like you know them influencers who have them nice ahh pics? He has that, but he just aint a influencer
🪷 Never takes notes in class. So you might wanne share em w him if you have em. In return he’ll let you munch on his snacks.
🪷 BIG supporter of Cultural day. Like he already sighed a petition and complained that every school should have one. He even offered to host them and buy stuff for it.
🪷 biggest class skipper together with Qin. He’s either off campus buying stuff, at home cause brodie didn’t wanne come or he just bailed mid way with the ‘can i use the restroom?’ Tactic. His ass almost got into trouble w the school cause of the many times he was absent.
🪷 If you have a presentation with him. Yall will score perfectly. Especially if it’s a subject he knows a lot about, brodie will carry you like how Eren carried that stone in Shiganshina (aot reference 🤨)
🪷 Deals candy in school. Like you know how some schools have the policy that their cafeteria doesn’t sell unhealthy stuff? And the stuff is overpriced asf. Yeah he broke that by buying a lot of different candies and letting ppl buy em for €1 no matter what the OG price was. He may or may not have gotten into trouble but man did not care
🪷 LOVESS LOVES LOVES school trips. He always buys snacks for em. He usually researches the place where yall is going so that he can divide the time and go see the whole place instead of just only doing the assignment.
🪷 He is friends w actually almost everyone. Almost. Except Loki. But it’s difficult. Loki HATES him. While Buddha is kinda like 😒. It got so bad that Loki had to switch classes fr. Now one may ask why? Buddha worked together Sigyn that’s why
🪷 house parties, pool parties, after school parties, just any party tbh. If he catches one he is going. And Believe me it makes it so much better. He has the music, the vibe, the photo’s everything. Man is so chill fr
🪷 lowkey good friends w Hades. Mainly because they both chose languages. They usually practice together if they have like a verbal test. They got each other’s back. And yeah Buddha’s a senior cause he skipped some grades
🪷 Ppl expected him to actually be single cause of how care free he is but they were wrong cause man was SMITTEN by Yasodharā. They were literally THE couple.
🪷 Got into a class fight with Loki. Imma leave room for yall to think how that went. Man CLEARED him. But he didn’t hit tho. He didn’t square up. He just dodged and threw chips in his face.
🪷 watched anime, reads manhwa and hd merch. But he the cool ones that keep it lowkey and dont rly act upon it
🪷 Man saved the ppl who graduated w him. He arranged that the ppl in the last year could have a week long vacation to Italy. Mainly to see art or just enjoy being free from school.
🪷 As much as he hated school. He’s the type that goes for a good time. He likes being w his friends or his glorious gf Yasodharā.
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🧿 Laid back student that barely passes but doesn’t really mind.
🧿 member of the party club! He hosts all the dances, plays, school events, parties, gala’s. Anything to do with the sort!
🧿 Also a big fan of house parties. Good music, good vibe, lots of ppl, drinks n a good home? He’s all in.
🧿 He 100% had music, art and religion as a subject. Dancing is included with art and he gives extra lessons to the youngsters. He might even have his own dance club on campus.
🧿 He’s also a fan of p.e. He 100% has a one sided rivalry with Hercules and Ares. But if it’s Ares and Hercules against each other he’s on Hercules’ side.
🧿 He hosted a Gala for the seniors and it was so goated, he even had a department for ppl who didn’t want to dance and put on game consoles on the big ahh boards.
🧿 He and Poseidon were playing Mario Kart and SSBU against each other. Half of the ppl there spectated on how the two were so focused and at each other’s throat. But after that Shiva went back to dancing.
🧿 A lot of ppl think that he’s poly but he’d monogamous and has a girlfriend. Aka Parvati. Who was his partner to homecoming. Which he hosted ofcourse.
🧿 Skips school so much that he once had to have a conversation with the school therapist to make sure there was nothing going on at home. (There isn’t) but he played it off cause he a smooth talker and got away with it.
🧿 He’s besties w Rudra. They’re the duo that everyone knows cause they’ve been going to the same school and usually have most classes together. Even if they don’t like the subject. Like you can see Shiva in some classes they don’t have together cause he just asks the teacher it its cool and most of the time it’s cool. Most.
🧿 They the duo that they meet each other in the halls cause they both got sent out of the classroom. Or they both have detention and never do any work in it there.
🧿 you can usually spot them outside going for a run or at the gym. They also share a playlist for of they go to the gym and its very intense. Or they’re goofing around and end up doing something else.
🧿 He’s also in Hades class as a senior but they aint rly close, no bad blood but they just have their own friends. Though If they were to be paired up they’d make a very good duo.
🧿 Also a big fan of Culture day. But the best part is that Parvati is in a beautiful sari, her make up done, mehendi on her hands and feet, churias on her arms, a veil on her head. Hmm perfect.
🧿 He lowkey beefs with Loki but does it in a goofy way y’know. Like he seems very intimidating cause of his physique and height but he’s lowkey chill and doesn’t bother ppl.
🧿 is lowkey a model together with Poseidon. He posts a lot of pictures on his insta, Indian weddings (they’re the best) pics of himself or if he went somewhere. Some of them are lowkey so aestheticly pleasing.
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Yuh that’s it. Might make a part 3 tho
Tagging: @mizz-sea-nymph @vilereign @tinyy-tea-cup @das-jaim3 @monstertreden @rukia-writes @snowmantita @brokensenseofhumor @itz-hel @nicasdreamer @imperfectbloodmoon @swallowtail-lotus @m3l-moony @riseofamoonycake @bumblebees-knees-threes @praisethesuuun @telvess @salmonpoki @aresarmyblog
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murfpersonalblog · 29 days
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - The Ep8 Script (Pt2)
Thanks to slitwrstsavior sharing the script and @memorian for digitizing it! <3
Had to do Pt1 in chunks, cuz of Tumblr's 30-pic limit.
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DANGIT. So this was INTENTIONALLY vague, not just some weird choppiness or cut footage.
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Ohhhh.... They added just a tiny extra line--
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But it's a SPICY line, cuz it implies that Les wasn't fully cooperating/on board with the rehearsal. BUT! Like I said, there's no effing mention/emphasis/indication that he was INJURED, either, which is an L.
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They changed it--Louis looks UP, into the middle distance.
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I'm fine with it either way--this scene had me and my bff SCREECHING.
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Pet peeve, but the crew really should've been spritzing these vampires with a spray bottle of red blood, so we'd SEE the BLOOD SWEAT. (I was thinking about this when that post was circulating about vampire sex in IWTV fanfiction, like, AMC didn't show visual vampiric cues like Blood Sweat or blood (ejaculate) stains on the coffin lining--Les' was WHITE, and we KNOW Loustat was going at it in the coffins, so were they just reupholstering CONSTANTLY?) The books mention Blood Sweat all the time, all over their clothes, but the show just focused on Blood Tears (and ofc Les' ear hemorrhages).
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OOOOOOOO.....!!! 👀 That highlighted bit was cut out! "You have grown warm again, filled with the love which you first came to Paris with." WUUUUT!?! So Armand's mind-wipe gaslighting BS against Louis was in the exact same vein as Claudia "finding her childlike wonder again"--which was IMPOSSIBLE, since ARMAND was the one that beat it out of her, Mr. 500 Performances, Mr. Sleep In Your Costume; Mr. They Gave Me A Choice; Mr. I Will Not Harm You.
I seriously suspect that every time Louis had an "outburst" like he said in 1x2, or "acted out," Armand would be like "Go back to your first night in Paris--forget all the bad stuff, just be warm & happy [with me];" but then Lou would FIGHT it (or rather: Daniel's constant prodding would PUSH Louis to fight it), and Armand would have to do it all over again. (My question's why didn't he just kill Daniel? Arrogance, I reckon--he severely underestimated just how good Daniel was; and "You can get lazy," like Lou said, cuz Armand didn't even bother to read Dan's thoughts to learn that the Talamasca was feeding Daniel all this extra information).
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They cut that line, too--was Louis parroting him (fighting hypnosis), asking him (for clarification), or challenging him (indignant)?
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That might also explain the new couches, LOL, if he wrecked them from the impact or bled on them or something.
(We already know Jacob improvised shaking Eric's hand.)
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MLS = LePere Schloop?
Too bad we didn't get this--I wanted to see the main door/lobby of the penthouse (certainly not for my The Sims Dubai penthouse layout, no sir~!) .
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They added extra lines about the hurricane being pre-July.
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Uhhh.... This might imply certain things. Cuz I've been saying that the post-Paris timeline makes no effing sense (X X), and now we have confirmation(?) that Louis' had an Amex membership since 1951.... Even though Amex credit cards were only started in 1958, as a competitor for the Diner's Card that started in 1950 -- so was Louis an INVESTOR who helped launch the Amex credit card!? XD STFU, AMC! I thought y'all said No Forrest Gumpness!? XD
Also: HOW does Louis qualify for all these credit cards? (We saw he had a regular Amex Green Card in 1973 SanFran). According to Amex application qualifications, you need a US SSN or ITIN; OR a foreign credit card to apply.
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And France isn't listed. (Unless anyone's French and has an Amex card who can correct me?)
SSNs have been issued since FDR (1936), so Louis SHOULD have one...but it would be from 1936-40 (pre-Mardi Gras), or after Paris () . Meaning on paper he'd be in his 80s in 2022, so I don't imagine he'd be a Black Card carrier for too much longer, unless he's got someone on the inside cooking the books for him.
Omfg AMC I hate y'all. got me out here overthinking effing PROPS.
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They added a few lines about the green "pearly gates" of 1132:
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And took out a few lines:
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And took out an interesting bit of tea:
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So the people of ~1940s NOLA thought Claudia was Louis' daughter (Claudia DPDL confirmed???) but the grapevine ALSO rumored that she was his child bride--OOF! 💀 (Which tracks with the AR pedo/incest stuff. Thank goodness they DON'T remember his name!)
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Rolin keeps mentioning this smashed piano, but I HAVE LOOKED, but I also have crap eyesight (curse you, midnight gaming sessions), and I just don't frikkin see any smashed piano. HELP.
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DEFINITELY not the Mayfair mansion though! XD DANG, I wish they'd included a few frames of gangs tryna rob the Garden District homes, coming up on the Mayfair house, and IMMEDIATELY booking past it like they'd seen a ghost. CROSSOVER, AMC, COME ONNNN.
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Drats, I wanted to see Millennial Fledgling try to square up against Lou, and get one of Lou's patented condescending smirks. XD
And Les looked dirty, but he didn't look malnourished, sadly; which I'm still mad about.
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In the FLOORBOARDS? OK, come through, BRUCE--I been saying this about Lestat, yet people wanna call me names!
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New rule, AMC: NEVER remove Loustat lines. We need ALL the angst. Les out here like: ain't no way a baddie like Lou is SINGLE! XD
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S3 BETTER show us Les watching the most vapid ish on Youtube, omg.
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Drats--it might have been cool to see him with those huge pupils he gets when he's mad/hungry, but ah well; he still looked like a gorgeous BAMF.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
gotta be you ! lance s. x ofc (socialite! kpop idol!ofc)
“내 사랑은 너로 시작해 너로 끝나”
(my love starts with you and ends with you.)
summary: they all said not to fall in love with the kid that you married back when you were five, and clearly neither of them got the memo. OR everyone thought that bora mckinnon and lance stroll acted as though the tracks were a rich people’s playground for skirting around their breakup too much, but gossip columns got a hold of their situation regardless of how tightlipped they are about it.
content warning: exes to lovers trope, brief backstory included, lalisa manoban plays the role of ofc polly berkshire, social media + news articles included, fans think that they should steal photocards from lance, mentions of nicholas latifi (best friend), logan sargeant + alex albon content, brief mention of ofc x logan sargeant, use of explicit language, reference to 2ne1's song gotta be you
note: i wanted to use sandara park as a face claim but she and lance honestly don't have the same vibes :( so jisoo it is!
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in a surprising turn of events, bora mckinnon, the talented member of the globally renowned k-pop group blackpink and future executive of mckinnon enterprises, made a highly anticipated appearance at the formula one french grand prix. the 23-year-old, who had been absent from social media for over a year, attended the prestigious event as a guest of williams racing, raising eyebrows and fueling speculation about her personal life.
bora, the only child of english-korean billionaires kyung-won and yun-seo mckinnon, arrived at the circuit paul ricard in le castellet, france, stunning fans and media alike. her sudden reappearance comes after a prolonged absence from the public eye, leaving many curious about her whereabouts and activities during her social media hiatus.
the reason behind bora's choice to attend the french gp as williams racing's guest, rather than aston martin's, has piqued the interest of fans and formula one enthusiasts. it has been revealed that her former flame, lance stroll, who drives for aston martin, ended their relationship midway through the 2022 season. this breakup, alongside her parents' investment on the junior driving team, seemingly influenced bora's decision to align herself with williams racing, where she immediately struck up a friendship with their new driver, logan sargeant.
the unexpected bond between bora and logan sargeant has caught the attention of fans and media, particularly due to the fact that he replaced bora's best friend, nicholas latifi, on the williams racing team. the duo was seen engaging in friendly conversations and mingling with the same group of people in the paddock, leading to speculation about a potential romantic reconciliation between bora and lance stroll.
as rumors swirl around the former couple, fans are eagerly awaiting any signs of a rekindled romance. observers have noted that bora and lance stroll appeared comfortable in each other's presence, sparking hopes that they may be on the path to reconciliation. however, both parties have remained tight-lipped about their current relationship status, leaving fans to speculate and draw their own conclusions.
bora mckinnon's surprise appearance at the formula one french gp has undoubtedly added an extra layer of excitement to the event. as the blackpink star continues to enjoy her time as williams racing's guest, fans and media will be closely watching for any further developments in her personal life, particularly regarding her relationship with lance stroll.
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tagged logansargeant, alex_albon, williamsracing
liked by nicholaslatifi, charles_leclerc, felipedrugovich
nicholaslatifi come back to london first 🙄🤚 liked by boamckinnon
boamckinnon no u :(
nicholaslatifi i've already seen you last canada day when you dragged me to a parade i hadn't even wanted to watch 🤬
boamckinnon don't be a loser you loved getting those free comics
user2 i love that she already made friends with logan even if latifi isn't there anymore
boamckinnon he's my replacement latifi ❤️‍🩹 jk i've known him since he was in f2- a mere child he was.
user2 she's really out here feeding off my delulu 😩
oscarpiastri oh so you hung out with the murrican but not with your favourite australian? smh liked by boamckinnon
boamckinnon don't be silly oscar. of course i went to the alpha tauri to see danielricciardo 🥰
user4 oscarpiastri rn: heart❤️ been broke💔🤕 so many times⏰ i don’t know❌🤷‍♀️ what to believe 🍃🙏 yeah👍 mama🤰say it’s my👧😣fault🥺😢 my fault😭😞 i wear my heart💝 on my sleeve👕
pollytaraberk shoot me last photo's @ pls 🤩
alex_albon oh hey 🙂😊
pollytaraberk oh hey :))
alex_albon wyd??? 😁
williamsracing too many rizz of arizzander albono 😍
boamckinnon throwing up rn 🤢
alex_albon "favourite murican and alex" ???? 😭 i took your photos liked by boamckinnon
boamckinnon i can't say favourite thai, polly might kill me 😥
pollytaraberk let that be a warning boamckinnon
alex_albon hi pollytaraberk 👋
pollytaraberk hello alex_albon 💋👋
logansargeant i'm your only american friend liked by boamckinnon
boamckinnon and there's a reason why sarge 🤩
user6 that's her saying you're from florida
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tagged boamckinnon
liked by lance_stroll, pierregasly, logansargeant
boamckinnon i got you some cd in exchange 💔 liked by alex_albon
alex_albon and you didn't need to bc have you seen how expensive that was? 🥲
boamckinnon meh it's a compensation for not being there for A YEAR 💗
logansargeant when she's wearing blue 💙
boamckinnon thx bestie! next time i'll wear the whole flag for you 🤩
logansargeant you have to stop with the usa jokes 😒
williamsracing bora in our area 💙 liked by alex_albon
user1 you probably would've gotten paid more anyway 😭 liked by alex_albon
user2 LMFAO ALEX 😩
nicholaslatifi how's it like replacing me for the job 😇 liked by alex_albon
alex_albon you can have it back. i had to take one too many photos of her
nicholaslatifi she doesn't tell you what your job entails until you're doing it soooo 🙂
user3 what is lance strulovitch doing in this post??? 🤨
user4 lancestroll don't be shy make a comment too
user5 what's he doing 😭
user6 he's somewhere in the paddock rn reminding himself how bad he fumbled as he looks through her photos 😁
user7 lesson learned: don't break up with your girlfriend of six years if you don't wanna see her glow like that w/o you
user8 idk why he'd choose that influencer over her, his literal friend for YEARS like bestie 😭
user9 no fr tho 😥 he and that influencer didn't even last four months
user10 lance and bora were literally magazine cover-level of couple 😭😭 i just want them back together
user11 the way i felt this ^^
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bora mckinnon, the charismatic blackpink member and social media sensation, recently celebrated her 24th birthday in true style. the week-long extravaganza saw the k-pop star hosting three extravagant parties, each one more glamorous than the last. however, it was the unexpected presence of formula one driver lance stroll that set tongues wagging and stole the spotlight at the star-studded events.
the first party, held at a luxurious beachfront villa in bali, indonesia, set the tone for bora's birthday celebrations. surrounded by her blackpink bandmates and close friends, the star enjoyed a night of laughter, music, and delectable cuisine. however, it was the arrival of lance stroll, the aston martin driver and bora's former flame, that sent fans and media into a frenzy. the unexpected reunion between the two sparked speculation about a potential rekindling of their romance.
as the birthday festivities continued, bora's second party in seoul, south korea, showcased her love for fashion and glamour. the event attracted a star-studded guest list, including fellow formula one drivers who were eager to join in the celebrations. lance stroll, looking dapper in a tailored suit, mingled effortlessly with the crowd, drawing attention from fans and media alike. the chemistry between bora and lance was palpable, leaving many wondering if their relationship was back on track.
the grand finale of bora's birthday week took place at an exclusive rooftop venue in los angeles, california. the party was a sight to behold, with a-list celebrities, renowned musicians, and, of course, the formula one fraternity in attendance. lance stroll's presence at the event caused a stir among fans and media, who closely observed their interactions throughout the night. the duo was seen engaged in deep conversations, sharing laughter, and even stealing a few intimate moments, fueling rumors of a romantic reconciliation.
while bora and lance have remained tight-lipped about the status of their relationship, their appearances together at all three parties have left fans buzzing with excitement. the attention garnered by lance's attendance has only added to the intrigue surrounding their connection. as fans eagerly await further updates, one thing is certain: bora mckinnon's 24th birthday celebrations will be remembered as a star-studded affair, with lance stroll's presence adding an unexpected twist to the festivities.
as the gossip columns continue to speculate about the nature of their relationship, fans and media will be keeping a close eye on bora and lance, eagerly awaiting any hints or confirmations about their romantic reunion. only time will tell if their love story will once again take center stage, captivating the hearts of fans worldwide.
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lance_stroll posted a story!!!
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boamckinnon posted a story !!!
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258 notes · View notes
So, I was wondering what if there was a language barrier between reader and the BSD Cast...what would the charecters do?
Like reader speaks a language that none of the charecters speak.. for example Korean, Chinese or like Malay ...
This isn't a request it is more like a question..
Also, is it ok to write fanfiction about this AU? With credits ofc .
Of course, it's okay to write fanfiction on this AU! I will be happy to read it. 😊
And to the languages
Self-Aware! BSD. World Building. Languages
I was planning to add this one even before I got the question.
Warning: English is my second language.
There are two types of languages, that characters can speak.
First - Cannon language.
Language, that character must speak, based on cannon information, or have a huge chance to know, despite not having any evidence in cannon.
What does it means?
Based on cannon information:
It means, that character from Japan will know Japanese (ADA, Port Mafia, Government, Hunting Dogs...)
Characters from America/England will know English (The Guild, Bram Stoker)
Characters from Russia will know Russian (Rats in the house of the dead, Nikolai Gogol /I will return to him in a moment/)
Japanese language is also 'universal' language, all characters knew Japanese.
Have a huge chance to know:
Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud knew French, because, canonically, they are from France.
Nikolai Gogol knew both Ukrainian and Russian, because real-life Gogol knew both of these languages and were raised, hearing these languages.
But! Languages, that real-life authors learned, aren't familiar to Characters.
RL! Nikolai Gogol could speak French, but BSD! Gogol can't, because it wasn't shown in canon.
To sum up, Characters can speak languages, that they spoke in manga/anime and their real-life prototypes learn since birth.
Second - 'Sponge' languages.
Languages, that Characters... 'absorbed'.
What does it mean?
It means, that characters will absorb the language you read manga/LN on, and dub/sub of the anime.
Also, BSD Mayoi are available in English/Japanese/Korean/Chinese.
So, if you watch anime on Japanese with Korean subs, read manga on Chinese and light novels on Malay, characters will know these four languages.
Doesn't matter, how official dub/sub or LN/Manga translations, characters will absorb the language.
And if there are no dub/sub or translation on Reader's language?
BSD Characters will find online lessons, when they gain access to Internet search.
And, they won't try to travel into the real world until they can speak Reader's language fluently.
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queenmorgawse · 2 years
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interested? check out gradalis.carrd.co to find out how to read this webtoon, even if you don’t speak one word of french.
SLIDE 1 : why you should read gradalis (like rn immediately seriously it's so good) (all art is official art) 
SLIDE 2 : girl wtf IS a gradalis - so glad you asked! - gradalis is a french webtoon by kochei, currently releasing on webtoon france! - "but it's in french?" worry not. (this is a surprise tool that will help us later) - QUEEN ARTHURIAN LEGEND RETELLING! LOOK AT THEM! - do i even need more arguments. ok - coming of age with a sprinkle of romance and mild horror, interpersonal drama galore, side characters you WILL cry over - complaining u like fantasy settings but they're too str8 and whyte? this is for u
SLIDE 3 : official summary by yours truly tho
When a fateful encounter whisks young Percival away from the lands he calls home, he has no idea what destiny has in store for him. As a new squire in the service of the knights of the Round Table, he's presented with an exceptional quest : that of the search for the Holy Grail. With magic, conflicts and new companions, Percival's story will see some rise to the occasion, while others fall to their doom.
SLIDE 4 : #1 : the story is a banger, objectively - my boy percy may be the mc but it's not all about him!! - friendship! romance! action! magic! you've got it all - compelling arc after compelling arc. every time you think you're going to breathe you are NOT - complicated family dynamics? we got u. wholesome ones? done. interesting younger AND older cast? ofc - everyone is so married, so divorced or both at once it's kind of wild - u want to cry? this is for u also - the jokes will cheer u up tho
SLIDE 5 : #2 beautiful art style AND interesting characters - started naming all my faves then realized it was everyone - each with their own fleshed out personalities and motivations wow!! - seriously the cast is so diverse. black and hijabi knights!! normalized non-cis and non-straight characters!! we've all been fed - showcasing other charas aside from the main lads here bc they deserve it - everyone looks so gorgeous. crying
SLIDE 6 : #3 by the gays for the gays ( pictures of dinadan, gawain and aglovale )
SLIDE 7 : in conclusion : please read this webtoon deserves more attention and on god i will not shut up about it
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fanficfish · 4 months
explaining Hetalia character badly: highschool edition
Honestly this is prob just gonna be "if Hetlaia was MHA" but bigger and mixed with some American archtypes lol....just imagine they're in some weird highschool anime!
this is the same format as my Family Reunion explaining post. i'm just make this a tag.
also not affiliated with W Academy!
Germany: Class Prez. Who you watched struggle with the milk carton from the cafeteria. And the vending machine dispenser.
N. Italy: The class idiot. Every good class has one, you don't know how they're here but OH GOSH WHEN DID HE LEARN TO USE A SCYTHE LIKE THAT-
S. Italy: The one in the back of the class that gets surprisingly decent grades but also has a potty mouth. You know who I'm talking about.
America: Thinks he's the main character.
Canada: Knows he's not the main character.
Estonia: Is the main character and doesn't realize it until he realizes he's in a love triangle, keeps adopting random animals off the street, has an archnemesis that actively tries to murder him, and somehow survives things he definitely shouldn't have survived.
Lithuania: The one with the highest GPA but everyone thought he was a delinquent.
Latvia: The one with the second-highest GPA that everyone knows is a delinquent. Mostly because he was selling test answers out of the janitor's closet.
Russia: The school bully every good school has.
Belarus: The popular girl every school has that can't decide if she likes the "main character" or not.
China: The guy that acts like he's actually 70 and not 17.
Japan: The quiet kid that knows everyone's dark secrets.
France: Of course he's the obligatory French dude in the Japanese anime. Actually what's up with that? Seriously, all the big amines have either a French guy or a super short person (the best ones have both)....
Lichenstein: She's the short one.
Switzerland: Aaaaaand there's the one in the corrner of the cafeteria scheming how to make the most out of the Job Fair.
Austria: That one weird kid that's got a full ride to Juliard and is the reason why your underfunded school has a MUSIC ROOM, HUH-
England: The guy that somehow got himself class monitor, and does a mostly decent job. Unless you ask him about That Clique.
The Clique: aka, the jocks who miiiight also bully the class monitor by flaunting popularity points a little. Just a little. -Denmark: Clique ringleader, acts friendly with everyone so he's popular but you KNOW you're not getting in on the real action unless he invites you to one of his legendary house parties.
-Norway: Clique leader's second in command who's some introvert the clique leader got attached to. Y'know, as extroverts are required to do. Usually has his face in his phone.
-Finland: Popular on his own, the one person in the clique who doesn't understand that in a clique you generally don't socialize outside the clique. Is the reason the main character gets character development through a house party halfway through the series.
-Sweden: That one jock in the group who looks like a jock, talks like a jock, sometimes acts like a jock, but has the highest GPA out of all of the jocks. He's the one that knows Genovia's official fruit but not the name of the fictional kingdom, if you've seen the meme.
-Iceland: Someone's brother who got absorbed into the clique.
Hungary: The girl campaigning that everyone should do the same kind of pushups, that girls can compete with guys and making presentations on the gender gaps in atheltics. Ofc she's the jock that falls in love with the nerd (Austria).
Ukraine: Bakes everyone treats
Netherlands: Bakes everyone treats but makes everyone pay for them
Luxenberg: Your obligatory rich kid., riding to school in Gucci glasses, a Mercedez-Benz, and a jacket with a high-end brand splashed across the pocket. Also has the latest iPhone.
Belgium: Student council rep, joined fifty clubs.
Greece: He shows up, but usually late, with Starbucks, and sleeps through class.
Romania: He shows up every other day, and bribes the class monitor to mark him present. Does show up for Halloween though.
Bulgaria: You show up?
Spain: Complains about the cafeteria food to anyone who will listen.
Australia: Resident jock #1
Cameron: Resident jock #2
Cuba: Resident jock #3
Portugal: Don't mind him he's in a goth phase. The skulls lining his locker will pass. Probably.
Seychelles: The one that secretly brought all the girls flowers from the fundraiser during Valentine's Week despite not knowing what the fundraiser was for.
Poland: The one on the student council who is the reason everyone is wearing couple outfits for School Spirit Week and the theatre club is doing Legally Blonde.
India: The guy who everyone asks to copy his homework because he sure isn't the most popular but damn does he actually know what's going on.
Turkey: The guy that tried to punch a guy, got punched, then turned around and punched the other guy's bullies. Basically he's That Kid That Got Detention For Trying To Be Helpful, though he did start the fight sooooooo
Egypt: Recorded the fight. For historic purposes of course.
idk i ran out of ideas i'm gonna sleep and fix this if i remember who i was gonna put where lol
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yourstrulyray · 5 months
short tbol break, I wanna talk about the musical that's got me in a chokehold — ride the cyclone !!!
so ermmm ive been thinking about female versions of the boys (mostly because i wanna play all of them even though im afab💔) but this can also serve as a guide for fem-presenting theatre kids who want to audition for them!!
noel / noelle gruber - like canon, noelle dreams to go to france!! she acts more masc (butch noelle real) and her alter ego is named Francois Gibeau. she hooks up w women in her french fantasiesb..,.... uuhh something like that it's all up to you
mischa / mascha bachinski - our tomboy queen 🙏🙏 during talia, she could remain unchanged or genderbent and their story wouldn't change either way tbh (ofc you can modify it to be queernorming or not!! I'd love to see your personal interpretations)
ricky / savannah potts - all i had in mind for her was rhat she had green eyes and she wanted to give her name to jane .thats it thats all yoy get from me
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krisstheidiot · 7 months
1-Character Intros 1.0
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A/N:- It's a lot but I thought this would be more of an effective background and context than in pics so yeah spare me guys I wrote this with half my usual braincell lol
@series directory
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Name: Y/N Holmes
Age: 18
Year: Freshmen (Fall Sem)
Major: Double major in Computer science and Film Studies with a minor in Fashion Design.
Extracurriculars: Student Rep in the student council, Tennis, Theatre, Writing.
Vibes: Chaotic Academia, Occasionally casual chic, Smiley, Crack most of the time, Spontaneous, Very Indecisive, Sarcasm goes undetected as jokes, Every word is laced with sarcasm so good luck, history is full of how to pull off crimes but its for research nothing much.
Background: Part French(Maternal) and part British-Korean(Paternal), Skipped two years when she was a kid but then took a gap before applying for college, met Seungmin and Han in 7th grade, Mom is a famous fashion designer, Dad a surgeon, during the gap she took she had gone on a trip around Europe with her mom and made friends in France during the month she stayed there.
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Name: Kim Seungmin
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Double major in Journalism and Media Arts.
Extracurriculars: Treasurer(Student Council), Runs the campus newsletter, Photography club, Baseball.
Vibes: Smart Casual look, Citycore, Straightforward, does not believe in delulu, Sarcastic mean but funny in a way, will sassy shit on people who bother the people he cares about, pretty smile, is very sentimental inside, book boyfriend coded to the T. (*Mom I want one*)
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Name: Han Jisung
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Double major in Audio Engineering and Music Technology
Extracurriculars: Extra curriculars head(student council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks"
Vibes: Grunge, graphic tees with blazers, Beatles, Chaos, Very shinchan coded lol, Sirius black outfits, Emo boy x Indie, funny but the stupid kind, Will snort at a funeral, under the surface he is very feeling like very, likes anime, will force you to watch silent voice and then proceed to cry like a baby though ofc you would too, Taps his knee to calm his anxiety.
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Name: Bang (Christopher) Chan
Age: 22
Year: Senior
Major: Double major in Music Production and Audio Engineering.
Extracurriculars: President(student council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks".
Vibes: Black, Casual Neat, Comfort is fashion core, Protective, Nice, sweet, Caring, will smile at you for no reason at all, Cry and the person who did it will be 6 feet under, Mans is a walking green flag y'all, Father of 7, Aussie Aussie Aussie, Kangaroo, Very huggable.
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Name: Lee Minho
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Major in Dance and Minor in Culinary Arts
Extracurriculars: Vice president(School council), Dance team, Volunteers at the animal shelter.
Vibes: Casual comfortable, does not like being extravagant, add cat fur on every piece of clothing, Convenient chic fashion, Sass in a very aggressive manner, Mans has evil written all over that attractive ass smirk on his face but in a good way ofc, Will not take anyone's shit, prefers cats to humans but honestly who doesn't, Cat butler to his three fur babies(we Stan).
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Name: Seo Changbin
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Music technology and Production
Extracurriculars: Secretary(Student Council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks".
Vibes: Black again, But make it more edgy, beanies, gym buddy, will fight someone for you, Mans is strong and fit, intimidating at first look but girl don't kid me he is the sweetest when you get to know him, Badtz Maru but slay, will bring you to eat with him because why the hell not.
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Name: Hwang Hyunjin
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Fine Arts and Dance.
Extracurriculars: Arts, Dance team, Soccer team.
Vibes: Artsy light academia, Fancy, luxury, part times as a model(flex), Sassy, Judgy sometimes, Side eye 10x, Fears Minho, Sad eater, Seungmin biased, Procrastinates too much, Laughs at every thing you say, Laughing while clapping 100x.
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Name: Lee Felix (Yongbok)
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Culinary arts.
Extracurriculars: Gaming club, Dance team, E-culture club.
Vibes: Fancy, colourful, pastels, bright, Deep voice baby face, So sunshiney all the time that you might melt from the warmth he radiates, mans is fixated on levelling up in his games, will help you build your pc, rgb went brr, streams a lot on twitch, shouting ensues whenever he is playing headphones recommended to protect your eardrums.
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Name: Yang Jeongin
Age: 19
Year: Freshmen(Spring Sem)
Major: Fashion Design
Extracurriculars: Soccer team, Theatre(Costume design), Campus volunteer for extra merits.
Vibes: Modern chic, very stylish, ootd's all the time, very confident somehow and will judge people just because, Sass king, Baby bread, is very much the maknae on top even if he isn't the youngest in a setting, also models part time yay!, this guy will bully you about your height ofc in association with Seungmin.
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Name: Simon Daneu
Age: 25
Occupation: CEO of a company specialising in Games and Software called Solyx.
Background: Y/N's Cousin brother but is closer to a real one because of their bond, Part French(Paternal) and part American-Korean(Maternal).
Vibes: Formal casual, Polo shirts, Button ups, corduroy pants, very chic, very overprotective as well, will spoil with no hesitation, still will bully as well with no hesitation whatsoever, likes mocking his younger sisters and brother, will pull out his card even you need the most trivial things because with him no one pays.
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Name: Noelle Daneu
Age: 20
Occupation: Famous chef/baker, Owns a line of cafes and bakery/patisseries called 'The Dusk' around that are viral for their desserts and specials, also a model.
Background: Simon's younger sister, Y/N's cousin sister but is closer to a real one because of their bond, Part French(Paternal) and part American-Korean(Maternal).
Vibes: Light academia, Boss girl look, Is very funny, will spoil her younger sibs, Y/N is her baby sister and will be spoiled to bits, besties, Is very sassy which is very much a family trait honestly.
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Name: Theo Holmes
Age: 9
Background: Y/N's lil brother, is a elementary student, lives in Seoul, very much rich kid but the good kind.
Vibes: Whatever mom buys lol, acts way too smug for his won good, will get bonked if he doesn't behave, finds it funny when y/n is annoyed and it makes his life a bit better to see her irritated, will tease y/n and then will whine when faced with retaliation, fights like they were enemies and then the very next minute will be giggling around like idiots.
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Name: Amelia Wallis
Age: 19
Background: Y/N's bestie from Paris(met when y/n was on the Europe trip)
Vibes: Confident, cool, fashionable, always looking out for y/n, will hit someone for her.
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Name: Mattheo Grey
Age: 20
Background: Y/N's bestie from Paris(met when y/n was on the Europe trip)
Vibes: Dark academia, poems, research papers, theatre kid, Hamilton.
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Name: Elliot Wesley
Age: 19
Background: Y/N's bestie from London(met when y/n was on the Europe trip and then proceeded to become friends with Mattheo and Amelia)
Vibes: Smug, confident, bold, proud, country club fashion, tennis partners with y/n when she was in London, is very annoying when he wants to be.
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Series Taglist:- @hyunverse , @nujeskz , @queen-in-the-shadows , @phtogravi , @authentic-65 , @rylea08 ,......
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deepdeanvsweston · 25 days
Sorry if this is an unwelcome ask, but would you tell us about ur new OC? (no pressure!!)
NOT an unwelcome ask!!! I love this ask!!! My previous post was literally just me shamelessly fishing for someone to ask me about her :)
I've thoughts lots about her!!! She's currently called Theodora Dupont, though liable to change because I am unsure about her surname and I can't decide between Theodora and Isadora (so uhhh. please weigh in team on what we like best)
I always thought it to have been hilarious for Beanie to have had a gf and just having a completely chill time while everyone else had a menty b about their sexuality. Daisy's on her third summer lez breakdown meanwhile Beanie's out here skinny dipping with her gorgeous French gf without a care in the world
She's been in my head for a while, and was originally called Elderflower. She lives in a manorhouse in Nice, France. Their families are old friends because their fathers know each other through their button business (I think that the Martineaus are in the button business? Anyway they are now). When Beanie was 4, they went to visit the Duponts' factory in France to trade, and set up a partnership. Beanie ofc was put with Theodora for the duration of the trip, with a nanny to look after them. They pretty much became best friends immediately.
Theodora was delighted to have a female friend because she has 3 older brothers, and so always felt slightly left out - especially being homeschooled. Beanie was just glad to have a friend at all.
Very slightly inspired by Irene in the Malory Towers series, and so is very scatterbrained and always forgetting where she put anything. When it's windy, her mother will say to her 'look! There goes your mind'. Often speaks to her mother, and has even rung Beanie up occasionally, to tell them she's going put something down and will ring to ask where she put it when she needs it for later. Her forgetfulness makes her upset sometimes because she can forget that she said she'd do a favour, or someone's birthday.
Theodora's generally pleasant, though can be very cynical about things she doesn't like, though at root of her cynicism she's simply fearful to try new things and get out her comfort zone. Exceptionally judgy about Kitty when Beanie talks about her (though it's very likely it's just jealousy 👀). Contradictorily, can be very idealistic and when she wants to do something (ie. convince Beanie to go swimming with her in the ocean at midnight) she will take an 'it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission' approach. Her idealism makes her very happy go lucky and optimistic as her plans do go right (most of the time).
Theodora used to be taller than Beanie (only by about an inch thought) but since Beanie's growth spurt, she's shorter. She has dark skin, and curly hair that reaches about a quarter of a way down her arms; Theodora doesn't like her hair in her face but enjoys having it down so will often be in a half up half down hairstyle.
Desperately desperately desperately wants to be a ballet dancer and dreams of being a prima ballerina, though her parents are trying to push her towards something they deem more realistic. Her governess has noticed she loves animals and is trying to get her to foster an interest in that. She'll grow up to be a vet and does like her job, though confesses to Beanie she still dreams of sparkly tutus and pirouettes and floating on air.
This turned out SO long,,, genuinely had no idea all this was stacked up in my mind about her. If you want to know anything else, please ask!!!
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep2 Musings - KING LDPDL 🤴🏾
WTF was going on with Louis this episode!? My guy was frikkin FERAL! Jacob! The ACTEURE that you are~! 🤌 Sir Anderson! Eff an Emmy--he's British, someone KNIGHT this man already! 👑
Louis was deflecting AND flexing on Daniel, I could not WITHSTAND the charisma uniqueness nerve and talent!
Daniel was LITERALLY shaking in his boots--call in Dr Fareed again; whatever "medication" y'all gave him is wearing off.
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Armand, are you gonna give Daniel a CHOICE my guy?
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The LOUMAND of it all--they were SERVIIIIIIING~~~~
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These two banter like an old married couple, it's SO GOOD! ^0^
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Jacob/Louis has unleashed yet ANOTHER persona(lity): this heinous bougie AF trophy wife wench whom I absolutely LOOOOOOOVE. 😭
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The pretentious snobbery of it all. <3
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Armand and Lestat should be fed to a BLENDER! Stop ragging on my sweet baby Louis for not wanting to lay around killing/sexing all night! Then y'all get mad at him when he sits around the house all depressed, not wanting to go out and do anything but read books!
But Armand confronting Louis was so adorable--thinking they were either insulting the coven, or toying with them/playing hard-to-get.
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And Louis talking about how much Armand looked like a BOY playing dressup (just like Claudia)--he's so condescending sometimes, this 33-y/o who had to grow up too soon; vs. an ancient vampire who'll forever look too young. U_U
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Oh how the tables have turned; but history still repeats itself!
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It's so wild how with Loustat, Les was the one pretending to be a regular human, in his awkward frumpy clothes; while Lou was struggling to hold on to his high class status during their bidding war over Miss Lily ("admiration and emasculation"). But with Loumand, Louis' the one tryna pass as a regular human in his layman clothes, while Armand "masquerades" as Gentleman Death.
Both times, Lou has to contend with the power imbalances of two overpowered vampires outclassing him over & over again. But while Lou was hostile & offended by Les; he's scared & meek with Armand.
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He's been humbled & broken down so much, and he knows firsthand what older/ancient vampires are capable of--
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--esp. since Armand confronted Louis intending to threaten him (b4 he realized how pretty Lou was and changed his mind, LOL).
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But I do wonder how Louis sensed his "ancient power" exactly? Other than Claudia he's only been around Les & Daciana; so how could he tell? (I bet Daciana's as old Armand.) This was something that always irked me in the books, cuz TWMBK weren't sensed by Lestat until Marius brought him right up to them. Is it cuz Les was too young, or TWMBK just didn't bother projecting their presence to anyone?
Cuz we know Armand was always sending out signals with his Mind Gift (but he's a pro at it, ofc).
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Sometimes it seems humans can sense the undead better than the undead can; they can just tell something's OFF.
But I'm just curious exactly what Louis was feeling from Arma--oh wait!
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Yeah, never mind, stupid question! XD
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Lou's REACTION, I cackled. Chile, you know how cute you are, stop acting coy! XD The man was so painfully gorgeous in this episode, like--
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He wears neck ties like the French in France, y'all! 🤣 LOUIS! You're KILLING me! 😍 The Village is waiting!
Santiago's 100% right--I am COMPLICIT in the misery of others; I just wanna see Louis break down and have a total fit (and kill Daniel while he's at it--UNWORTHY in SanFran, UNWORTHY in Dubai!).
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DRAG HIM, LOUIS! Pack this closeted geriatric butch queen TF up!
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I have no clue WTF is going on here, but if Daniel hates it, then I LOVE IT; keep pulling humor from HIS pain for a change, yeah!
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My guy is UNHINGED, and I'm here for it!
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Armand, why are you INTERRUPTINGGGGGG??????? 😩
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Nevermind me, Armand, put him in his PLACE, yaas!
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bonpocalypse · 1 year
can you please tell me your headcanons for the nationalities of the twst boys pretty pretty please 🥺 also any other headcanons you have!!!
I love love love nationality headcanons, they're so fun to think of!! A reminder that these are my headcanons, I'm not here to start arguments. If anything does come across as offensive/innapropriate please let me know! I'll gladly fix it :)
For the most part, I based the Twst Character's nationalities off of where their stories take place (I'm not all that skilled in headcanons, apologies!!)
Alright, going in dorm order here:
Riddle Rosehearts: Icelandic/Britsh
I have him as Icelandic purely because of LeafSheep's "Begin at the Beginning," the King Said!! Nordic Heartslabyul has my heart. and ofc since Heartslabyul is based on Alice in Wonderland, he's half-British in my headcanons
Ace Trappola: British
Alice in Wonderland :)
I don't have much to say about Ace, I kinda don't think about him all that much
Deuce Spade: Irish
In coming up with nationality headcanons, I wanted to explore more areas in the British Isles for the Heartslabyul students and eventually decided on Deuce being Irish! I had more reasonings but its 5 am and I cannot think for the love of me.
Cater Diamond: American with English/German heritage
I see myself in Cater. He's one of my highest kins, so he's 100% from West Coast USA. It also makes a lot of sense he'd be American looking at how similar some nations in the Twisted Wonderland universe are to nations in our own world! Pyroxene is really similar to the United States from what I've researched, and Cater's valley accent in the English version of the game really hits the mark :)
As for his heritage, he's English because of Alice in Wonderland and German because I feel it fits him very well
Trey Clover: British
I don't think about Trey often enough sorry :(((
I love him though he's so silly
Leona Kingscholar: Kenyan
The Lion King takes place in the Kenya area, and so I put him there!
Jack Howl: American with Kenyan/French heritage
Another Pyroxien!
Kenyan because Savanaclaw was based on the Lion King and that's set in Kenya
French because I have a sneaking suspicion Jack is based on the wolves from Beauty and the Beast
Ruggie: South African
Ruggie was hard to find a headcanon for, but I eventually just took someone else's headcanon that said he is South African
Azul Ashengrotto: Italian/French/Danish
All come from where the Little Mermaid is set in both the movie form and the Hans Christian Andersen form. The movie itself was set in the Mediterranean Sea, and I headcanon Azul's family to be from around the Nice, France area of the Mediterranean
Danish comes into play from the original source material for The Little Mermaid and the fact that the Coral Sea in Twst gets cold. Also to note, the Coral Sea on the map of Twisted Wonderland is close to the coast of the Queendom of Roses, which is pretty far north!
Jade and Floyd Leech: Danish
Putting these two together because twins
Pretty much the same reasonings as Azul, the book's settings and the Coral Sea :)
Kalim Al-Asim: Saudi Arabian
I'm going to be so honest, I don't think about Scarabia like... at all. So for Kalim, I'm going straight out of where Aladdin is supposed to be set
That also came as a problem, because the movie has a habit of mashing Middle Eastern cultures together. Though I did find that the movie takes place in the Arabian Desert which narrows where Aladdin was filmed to a myriad of countries, one of which is Saudi Arabia
I decided to go with Saudi Arabia since a majority of the desert does reside within that country.
Jamil Viper: Saudi Arabian/South Asian
Same thing as for my headcanons with Kalim, and I got the South Asian headcanon from a mutual on TikTok
Vil Schoenheit: American with German heritage
Hollywood star here, folks!
German heritage because of Snow White's setting :)
Epel Felmier: Finnish
Ok for this headcanon I went off of the Harveston event
(hey future Bon edit here when its not 5 am and running off of no sleep)
Rook Hunt: Australian
This headcanon is for shits and giggles
It's a running joke between me and my friend that Rook is not French and is faking the accent to sound more "beautiful"
I don't know why we chose Australia specifically but it came to fruition
He can't speak proper French he's literally calling Vil the King of Fish
Idia and Ortho Shroud: Greek
Hercules is set in Greece!
Malleus Draconia: French
For Diasomnia I went off of movie settings once again, and Sleeping Beauty is heavily implied to be set in France!
I really feel like I should explain more but that's really most of my headcanons for them, where their movies are set
Silver: French
Silver is tough to pin down since we don't know if he's even originally from the Briar Valley, but I went with French as well
Sebek Zigvolt: French/German
(Bon please please please come back to this)
Lilia Vanrouge: French
I actually have so many nationality headcanons on this dude its not even funny
I imagine him as French, Romanian, and Dutch
And for funnies:
Royal Sword (and Rollo) (excluding the dwarves)
Neige LeBlanche: American with German/Finnish Heritage
Che'nya: British/Russian
Rollo Flamm: French
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