#in conclusion: nathalie is bi
australet789 · 2 years
ML writers be like: "yes, Nathalie has been Gabriel's friend for years, she is/was in love with him, they were treasure hunters partners."
Also ML writers: "Nathalie has a safe with a special phone full of ONLY selfies of Emilie plus two videos, one of which starts with Emilie saying: "my beloved Nathalie..." And then make her cry over it".
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symphonic-scream · 4 years
Group dynamics in the feral jock au with crushes and classmates?
So some aspects are the usual offenders like Marinette likes Adrien but he just assumed everything is friendship and Mylene and Ivan are together
Marinette is less obsessive. Day one, instead of umbrella scene, Nino introduced Adrien to Marinette and Alya and they are friends. She's very shy around him so he just thinks she's like an introvert or something. This quad is very chaotic because Adrien and Alya actively chase every Akuma and Nino and Marinette chase them to keep their dumbass best friends from dying every other day
Nino lowkey likes Marinette, but it's more like a sister because they grew up together. Kim was also there, and the three of them combined are the disaster bi trio
Kim, Alix, Ivan, and now Adrien are the current "jocks" of the class until Kagami arrives, as they're on the lacrosse team. Ivan is trying to protect Adrien from the feral energy Alix and Kim keep trying to feed him. Gotta protect sunshine boy. Ivan is less feral than the other two but when no one's watching he gives in
Kim, Alix, and Max are the brains and braun trio. That meme of the woman holding the two kids on leashes? That's them. Max keeps them from destroying Paris and Kim and Alix are very protective of Max. Kim doesn't know he likes him yet, Max will come to the conclusion later and it's sorta like "oh, huh. Muscles. Didn't know I was into that"
Rich kid gang! Chloe and Adrien are founding members, the classic trouble duo at every party. Add Alix and suddenly acting babysitter Nathalie is going grey. Sabrina comes in during Alix's absence after losing her mom and Kagami joins when she moves to Paris. This group is pure chaos incarnate and they watch anime together. I think they play Doki Doki once or Danganronpa but the girls say "no this is too much for Adrien" but he was having a chill time lmao. Guest appearances by Max, Kim, Marinette, and Alya
There's the Colour Squad which premiers in Evillustrator starring Alix, Juleka and Nathaniel. These gays hang out and tease each other about who they like and also do dumb shit. Nath and Alix were extremely surprised to find out Julerose are just best friends (for now). When Juleka and Rose get together near the end of season one she holds it over the other two like "I'm queen gay now"
Rose, Max, Marinette, Mylene, and Alix get together a lot during lunch or on weekends as Short Gang. They have a running joke about borrowing some Tall™ from Ivan and Juleka. Marinette makes them all platforms one day and they show up to class feeling tall. Alix's are platform heeleys. Sabrina joins short gang after Evillustrator to "branch out from Chloe and Adrien" at Alix and Marinette's recommendation. She adds to the chaos Alix brings to the group
Alix, Ivan and Rose share their taste in music and go to concerts together. If they need someone older they ask Luka to go with them because he passes as an adult rather easily. Juleka tags along because gotta support the gf but she finds it too much sometimes
Chloe is getting better because she has people who tell her her mom is shit from the get go and she actually agrees. She realizes she likes Alix before Alix realizes she likes Chloe. Chloe also is in love with Chartreux Noire and this causes her to have a crisis when she eventually figures it all out (after she gets the Bee)
This went hella long but uh I hope that's what you were looking for? If not, let me know and I'll try again!
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heizerux · 5 years
AHHHHHH SNAP! Ya’ll Already Know What Time It Is. . .
That’s right. Another lengthy post no one asked for in which I both analyze and give thoughts on the recently released ML episode. . . This time it’s Miraculer (is in español castellano? Is that right? Idk I just know it’s the Spain Spanish and that Spanish LB just happens to be mi favorita!!! lol.)
Anywhoosies, let’s buzz right on!
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So we continue to see Chloe STILL trying to get Ladybug’s attention so she can become Queen Bee. NOTE: She hasn’t been causing akumas this time around, instead she’s been waiting (not patiently but alas she’s not being as bad in that department).
So it seems that it wasn’t just Chat Noir but the whole Miraculous Team that came to terms that it’s best they cut Chloe out.
I do wanna point out the GROWTH in Chat Noir here. You guys recall the Chat Noir that acted out because he couldn’t know Ladybug’s secrets and wanted to know her identity but couldn’t?
Well, I’m proud of my boy now because here he mentions clear understanding that being a superhero requires you keep secrets, which is why he is FULLY on board with dropping Chloe out if it’s in the best interest to keep them all safe. S1 Chat Noir wasn’t that mature.
*head pat for Chat* he’s a good kitty, that one.
Next up after Ladybug decides to put it off for after school (I’m assuming the first battle took place during their 2 hour lunch break), we catch up with Gabriel and Natalie’s plans.
(Btw Nathalie, you sure seem VERY consumed by the plan than before. . .
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You okay there?)
Note: To me this hints that the previous holder also became addicted to the use of the damaged miraculous and landed herself in a coma. Not implying that Emílie was evil although it would make for good drama but it is an interesting observation . . That’s my theory for now.
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We get to see just how Gabriel is working with Lila and it’s about as I expected it’d go. They secretly meet and Lila reports on the school’s happenings around Adrien to make it seem like Gabriel is looking out for his sins safety (I mean he kind of is. . but he truly isn’t :( ). Here she mentions Chloe’s “pathetic attempts” at trying to get Ladybugs attention which only confirms his plans are working. I’m still disgusted by Lila but what’s new, amiright?
Lunch breaks ends (I’m assuming) and Lila is dispatched to plant the seed of Hawkmoth’s plan. Adrien is still patient as ever and Marinette is an absolute GEM with her transparent feelings. I love it.
Enter The Queen
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If you had any questions about how Chloe feels about Lila, here are your answers to those questions: Chloe doesn’t care who Lila is. She isn’t relevant to her. Boom lol.
The only reason she bothered with her is because Lila told her the “secret call that will DEFINETLY get Ladybug to show up every time. It always works when I do it.” Marinette tries to tell her to steer clear of Lila but of course she’s too riled about Ladybug avoiding her that she storms away. So now leaves the pending task of telling Chloe the bad news.
“Marinette already spoke to Chloe. Now LADYBUG has to speak to her. Chloe only listens to Ladybug.” —Tikki
*Gabnath Evil shenanigans later*
Ladybug finally tries to find the time to talk to Chloe right after school, but of course the “sentimonster” (I’m still not with the term. It’s weird but whatever, it’s the official translation I guess.) happens.
The Queen and Her Dedicated “Knight”
So in this part Chloe tries again to call Ladybug so she can be Queen Bee and to sum it up: Chloe shoos Sabrina to grab the costumes, it doesn’t work, she tries Lila’s method only to prove LB still doesn’t show. Chloe is hurt, Sabrina tried to confort her resulting in Chloe lashing out with “You’re not my best friend! Only Ladybug is my best friend! You’re NOTHING compared to her!”
Hawkmoth attempts to akumatize Chloe only to fail.
CONFIRMED ML LORE: Akuma’s can indeed be fought off. You just can’t let your negativity overcome you.
So then he tries for Sabrina and turns her into Miraculer
Side Note: Okay, I’m giving a personal headcanon and you can try to change my mind but it’s pretty solid right now.
Sabrina is IN LOVE with Chloe. She would do anything to make her happy and when Chloe is hurt, so is she.
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Now if only Chloe realizes the amazing girl Sabrina is and cleans up her attitude, this friendship/relationship can be pure. Anyways, that’s that. Moving on.
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I really like Sabrina’s akuma this time around. The design is nice, the powers proved to be quite dangerous. . . Sabrina is getting the power she deserves.
CONFIRMED ML LORE: The use of Cataclysm on another person won’t “Thanos” them. . . But it does severely weaken your body. (my take is that it slowly deteriorates your body from the inside like a disease would Black Plague from within, anyone?. Which is why Chat is so vulnerable after being hit with it.)
If you’ve ever wondered WHY we keep catching Alya and Nino on the bridge after school so often this season, here’s your answer:
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Nino: We sure are getting better!
omg they’re couple goals. I can’t even rn. Andre probably thinks they picked up parkour for fun or something lol.
The rest of the episode plays out as a normal fight and let me sum it up for you:
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Ladybug rounds up the miraculous team while Chat Noir distracts Mayura and Miraculer, they get Chloe to work imo tricking Miraculer to return her powers, Mayura pulls a fast one and steals the Bee Miraculous, but Chat Noir is faster and takes it back. Queen Bee chases after Mayura only to be told “But if you join us, you could be Queen Bee for as long as you’d like.” Unfortunately for her, Queen Bee can’t be bought with bribery. Bb almost had her miraculous but Mayura slips out. The Dream Team helps LB contain Miraculer and Ladybug finally breaks the bad news to the Queen.
Ladybug: I’m afraid you can’t be Queen Bee anymore. Hawkmoth knows your real identity. It’s too dangerous.
Chloe was upset, but she still understands the consequences and gives her back “el prodigio”.
Chloe: I understand. But! I’m sure you’ll still need my help. I’m sure I’ll be Queen Bee again someday. I’ll always be Queen Bee. . .
Symbolism aside, Dream Team OUT and so leaves Sabrina and Chloe.
Sabrina: You won’t want to play with me anymore. . .
Chloe: Of course I still do. *stares down at picture* . . . But I just don’t want to be Ladybug anymore. Keep the costume if you want to.
The Queen is spreading her own wings. . .
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More Gabnath future shenanigans are implied and Chloe confronts Lila for being a liar.
Lila: But when you tried it, she was there . . . wasn’t she?
Oh Lila you sly lil bi—
Chloe walks off not being able to counter that and Marinette mentions she hopes she didn’t hurt her, since she’s been trying really hard, but Tikki ends the episode with “Its for her own good. That way you can also keep her as well as Ladybug and Chat Noir safe as superheroes. It’s what being a hero is all about.”
To do what you can to keep everyone safe. . .
Conclusion: This was definitely one of the good episodes in the season. It gave us some answers to lore questions we’ve had in fandom, showed us Chloe is indeed slightly changing for the better, insight on Hawkmoth and Mayura working together, have Sabrina justice as an akuma, and ended with an important message about what being a hero is really about and the sacrifices it requires.
I saw 9.5 of 10 was a rating given by @gale-of-the-nomads for this episode on their review post, and I agree. It was a solid 9.5 and it’s a rating I would also rate it.
It was a very good episode. THIS is the kind of stuff I’d like to see. Clear development into something bigger (but alas, patience is freaking key with this show 😞)
I’ll end this post on this note:
This episode may or may not set us up for what we’ll see in the season finale (in regards to Hawkmoth trying to use the Bourgeois against Ladybug). He is clearly targeting Chloe, and now we officially know why.
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Just a final observation.
(The keep reading feature needs to come to mobile)
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