#in both instances this is romance btw.
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thegeminisage · 1 year ago
i'm just going to go ahead and make this its own post. when kirk teases spock he is SO GENTLE. "why mister spock are you feeling emotion?" and he lets spock do the vulcan equivalent of giggling and kicking his feet and going "haha nooo silly i'm a VULCAN i don't do that!!" and kirk's like "oh my apologies mister spock of COURSE not" and then they make consensual loving eyecontact with one another while smiling. when BONES senses blood in the water (spock having an emotion) he will grab spock by the scruff of his fucking neck and shake until dead. like a dog with a squirrel.
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requiemforthestars · 18 days ago
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I wanted to do another Mass Effect run but then I remembered that in ME3 Liara sometimes has amnesia about the fact that we're in a committed relationship even though the last time I saw her I talked about us having children together??? So that won't do. So I'm modding the game because there was a mod that did that but no one ported that for MELE
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punmster · 10 months ago
Sorry if this ends up overwhelming you and if it does, feel free to ignore them. I’m just bored and curious. 👉👈😅
Which character do you think had the most potential in the Harry Potter series and do you plan on implementing any of your ideas into them?
If DSMSG Draco was locked in a room with Umbridge, Lockhart, and Voldemort and had a gun with two bullets, who would he choose to shoot?(totally not stolen from The Office)
I think you may or may have not mentioned this earlier and feel free to ignore this question if it’s a spoiler, but when does Harry begin having feelings for Draco/act on them?
no worries, i wanted a distraction from my work anyway lol
In terms of potential, I'm not quite sure. My first thought was Draco (Duh) mostly because I wish so badly that they kept the scene in the final movie where he threw his wand to Harry. That alone would probably do so much for his character, and I am very likely going to do something with it in the fic. Plus the whole really weird hug with Voldy thing, kinda seems like Voldy is trying to have a relationship with him that parallels Harry and Dumbledore's. Anyway, Draco's SO uncomfortable all the time in 7th, it makes me very excited to get to it :) I also think Narcissa is pretty interesting since she kinda parallels Lily, and the fact she lied to the Dark Lord TO HIS FACE and protected Harry...I know I make Narcissa out to be just a very overbearing mother (and bad cook) but I hope to make Draco see the other sides to her later on, when he gets his head out of his ass. For now, she's sort of just comic relief, but there are some things set up in the very first years that will come back in the later years.
(also i REALLY need to add neville in some more--thematically he's super important, but he just doesn't get that much screen time yet. I'll have to think more about how to integrate him, but definitely he will appear more in 3rd w/ other characters. Other characters I plan to include are Cedric, Luna, maybe Cho? Marietta, probably, for the whole traitor thing in the 5th book, and ofc Pansy and Zabini, though those two are the flattest in the books so I'm gonna have to make up a lot of stuff lol. gotta add in sirius obvs [he's actually my favorite, which was why he was not-malfoy's fave in the old version], and remus [also we gotta discuss the werewolf in the room, with the whole snape prank thing...])
Draco would probably blackmail Lockhart into taking the gun and shooting Umbridge twice. He isn't stupid enough to try to kill Voldemort with a gun (are the horcruxes around in this hypothetical?also Voldy lived in like. WWII? Although he's ignorant of love magic stuff, he is probably deeply aware of the dangers of Muggle weapons, which maybe relates to his desire to conquer them) but Draco would love Umbridge dead, and he'd want more blackmail on Lockhart lol. The man's main fear is losing his reputation so that's probably a better punishment than death. If it's sixth year Draco he might just shoot himself though
I have mentioned that Draco doesn't want to date as a minor or date minors even if physically the same age due to the weird age gap/time question thing (a really big issue in isekai/transmigration imo, and the bit of this fic that makes me want to just make it platonic--seriously. I read one where this grown man DATED A SEVEN YEAR OLD B/C HE WAS IN A CHILD'S BODY??) but Harry will obviously not be thinking about that since for all he knows, they're both normal kids. You can probably safely assume he starts thinking of romance at the same time as in the books, though obviously his friendship w/ Draco and the whole "it's the nineties and I think I'm gay?!" thing would make him not as proactive about it for a while
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This might be a bit of a hot take and is gonna sound weird out of context, but I don't really like how modern writers treat all LGBT+ identities as interchangeably representative of each other, like we're Lego pieces that can be swapped out.
Like, for an example of what I mean, i went to a comic book subreddit asking for superhero stories that were explicitly led by lesbians specifically, and more than half of them failed to live up to that standard at all. Practically every comment had a reply correcting them that one of the characters they recommended were bisexual. Which normally would be great, i like canonically queer characters of any identity, but as a lesbian I was looking for characters that I could see my specific identity represented within.
Just because a story has good bi representation does not necessarily mean it is going to have good lesbian representation. Just because it has good lesbian trans representation doesn't mean it will have good trans representation. Having good trans representation doesn't mean it will have good bisexual representation.
The L Word was a massive win for representation of cis lesbian women, but up until Gen Q it was horrifically transphobic in its handling of trans men and it still doesn't have an explicitly trans woman main character.
The romanceable cast of games like Dragon Age: Veilguard, Baldurs Gate 3, or Stardew Valley are all explicitly canonically bi/pan by default (since all potential romantic options are romanceable by the player character regardless of gender, barring the very rare exception), but if you want to see yourself in the game as a gay person you're limited entirely to just headcanoning your specific incarnation of the player character, unable to have your character ever explicitly voice their identity in any meaningful capacity. Same thing with Assassin's Creeds both Valhalla and Odyssey.
RWBY has a relationship between a bi woman (Blake) and a woman who is broadly generally known to be Sapphic but who's explicit canon sexuality is up for debate (Yang), and when you look at the explicitly undeniably canon lesbians we get...Ilia? A woman that only gets to be an actual character for a volume before getting written out entirely alongside Sun and Neptune. Maybe Jaune's moms, but they're more plot device than characters. Gay men get the Bury Your Gays in Clover and offensive stereotyping in Scarlett. Trans women get May Marigold the glorified background extra (who's VA was on the receiving end of horrific transmisogynistic abuse from fans and staff alike).
Side note: I hate the "Unlabeled Broadly Sapphic" type of rep for precisely this reason. Well, that, and the fact that any attempt at interpreting the supposedly unlabeled characters as anything other than bi/pan is loudly shouted down as Bi/Pan Erasure (which BTW, calling this out as Bi/Pan Erasure detracts from actual instances of Bi/Pan Erasure). I mean, we all saw the collective shit fit Comic Twitter threw when G. Willow Wilson called Poison Ivy a lesbian, right?
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year ago
「“ᴍʀ & ᴍʀꜱ”」
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Scenario :- “hmmm what about something like being kuni's housewife idk i just want him to come home and eat my meals” ( @diagonal-queen )
Pairing :- kunikida x wife!reader
Genre:- fluff!
Type:- headcannons!
TW:- mentions of sex but no actual nsfw!
A/N :- here’s a little something i did for @diagonal-queen!Hope y’all like it!
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Okayyy so you wanna be MRS kunikida huh?
Let’s see what it’ll be like!
First off if you actually make the cut? Congratulations!
You’ve effectively beat out 99.99% of the women population 😭
But no fr if u and Kunikida actually get hitched that means you are his perfect person.
No matter what flaws you have or you think you have,to him it’s all immaterial.
And if you ever get down,remember he chose you!
If you guys get hitched and you wanna be a housewife he’s all for it!
Its very classic, if u know what i mean.
And he kinda likes that at least this one thing could be simple(in his not-at-all-simple life)
Let’s go back to your wedding day shall we?
Okay imagine after a beautiful ceremony yall go back to your room and then have the most romantic night ever.
Just you and him in each other’s company~
After that you move into his apartment and settle down.
Kunikida is a hard working lad so he most probably won’t be around much after your honeymoon.
He goes to work everyday without fail and comes back home to you,also without fail. (Although sometimes he’s a little more scraped up and scarred than usual)
He texts you to see if you’re okay during his breaks and always lets you know when he’s goin on a mission and where.
If he needs to cut communications cos it could interfere with the mission,he tells you and reassures you that everything would be alright
And honestly youre only worried about his and his colleagues safety.
Cos like let’s be real, a relationship with Kunikida would be secure af! Because we all KNOW he would never cheat!
On days where he gets days off he still works at home🥲 (im sorry but buddy NEEDSS to have his stuff in order
But when he’s done he spends his time with you.
Whether it be baking,watching a movie or your favorite show,or just cuddling or vibing,yall are together.
And lemme tell you mans is talll
He’d be the big spoon when cuddling btw!
Oh and on days when he does work he looks forward to coming home to you and unwinding~
Oh and he LOVESS your cooking!
It reminds him of his childhood and it’s just that good.
One time you suggest packing him some lunch for work and he later got sooo much shit from dazai (that bandaged bugget was making kissy faces and shit and jusy not letting mans eat!)
One time dazai sneaks a bite and then he’s like “okay yeah no i get it now”
(buddy takes a bite and says, serious as ever, “Kunikida…this food is truly magnificent! Please tell y/n to make me some on the day before my suicide🥰. He gets promptly whacked on the head☺️)
Oh and this man can COOK
in any instance where youre tired or dont feel like cooking,mans has got it!
Makes a simple yet delicious meal and astounds you~
OH! And imagine for your anniversaries he gives you a card and as you open it he says “doppo poet!” And he turns it into a mini bouquet! (And when i say mini,i mean it.remember guys he can only summon stuff that are smaller than or the size of his notebook!)
Oh and he never forgets important dates😌
He’s a little new to romance but is surprisingly good!
And when it comes to more intimate times, he knows exactly what to do and how to make it enjoyable for the both of you
And in conclusion,
He’d literally be the best husband ever.all parents wish their daughters could marry him
And here you were! Doing just that!
I wish y’all the best frr♥️♥️
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Tagging: - @kemis-world @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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imthepunchlord · 4 months ago
Still on a Bugettes au kick, decided to dabble into ideas of the rainbow fairies (working off that for the Bugettes, they were known as fairies; which hey, if kwamis appear, this way the bugs can be their own thing). For the canon bugs, expect some slightly altered personalities, and changed up lore set up to work off this concept (like this is Europe's magical beings that make heroes).
Btw, all of these will work off Tikki's base concept art, as she's the easiest to do edits on.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Black, Gray, White
Rainbow Fairies: Clovrr the Green Grasshopper
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Clovrr is a happy go lucky sort, living life by whims and with optimistic faith. Tied to the color green, she lives with serenity and leisure, feeling lucky and hopeful. So relaxed and certain is she, that Clovrr is the laziest of the fairies, just having a belief that things will work out. She can spring into action as needed, but she doesn't live life in a rush.
As Clovrr is more the reactive sort than one who takes initiative, her easy going ways can drive Tikki and Pollen up the wall. And it's made worse that Clovrr knows how to be elusive, so she can be hard to pin down and give a talking to. Especially as what she preaches they feel is counter productive, as she likes to urge humans to not worry or over involve themselves. To work smarter, not harder. There actually was an instance where Clovrr's human tricked their humans to do all the work for them while they got to relax, and Tikki and Pollen never got over this. But Clovrr herself always has a good laugh about it.
In terms of views of romance, Clovrr is on the same level as Lucee. She is all for humans serenading their feelings out, but don't get too caught up in it. If meant to be, it'll work out as needed. Otherwise, move along and go with the flow.
Easy going as she is, Clovrr does like to urge humans to take that first shaky step forward to any big change in life. That it's all a leap of faith one must make, for one cannot fly until one falls. And once they seize that moment, they'll soar. This mentality just works off her faith that things will always work out. And that it'll be what it will be. Life is set to have it's highs and lows, but it'll never stay stagnant in either of them. All humans need to do is leap and soar with the highs, and endure the lows, for they will pass.
When picking a human, Clovrr works off what she's feeling that day. Sometimes, she wants a human that will chill with her. All the better if they have a good appreciation for music and they can both vibe. Sometimes she'll pick a human who is struggling and stressed, try to ease them into calming down, to learn to go with the flow, and/or how to make that first leap of faith that they're struggling with. Mindful, the latter choice doesn't always work out for her, as humans can be too high strung to accept her guidance, and she'll accept that she's just not a good fit and hop along, wishing them luck. By how she is, Clovrr can actually be the diciest fairy on whether she'll show up to help or not.
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martiwikiwi · 11 days ago
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Yeah, I didn't forget the cool Aro Week, it's just that after drawing so many kisses the previous week I had to organise an exhibition and yadda yadda. But anyway, I wanted to draw my aro queens. There is one left to the holy aro trinity but for the moment have CHORUS AND AMY!! Both female, both necromancers, both AWESOME. Let me talk about them and their fav people:
Chorus of the Death is half demon and half elf and she's the female mc in the DEMON HUNTER HAGAN duo. When I started to write her character, the main concept for her was enemy-to-bestie with Hagan, but I also wanted to write the BEST friend ever. She's caring, she remembers little details, she will wait for the proper moment to ask for delicate issues. And she's a very important for Hagan. The affection Hagan has for her is very tender and over-protective since he lost his best friend long ago (that's a story for another comic) and spent way too much time with this wound in his heart before befriending Chorus. Hagan is also very important for Chorus since she actually feels sexually attracted to him but will never confess this secret to anyone for the sake of their friendship.
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Then here we have the HAZELNUT-EYE CLERIC from FIGHTING NIGHTMARES AND FEARS aka Amy. She's THE ACTUAL QUEEN. When I wrote her character the concept was "worst-day-ever". In her story she's alone fighting against a beast devoted to eat her poisoned heart but her heart is poisoned with the fear of not being enough for the system for she's a cleric who can't cast any miracles. The reason for that is revealed when she actually summons a massive undead dragon, she was a necromancer all along! Only by embracing her true self she can defeat the beast and then she self-proclaims herself QUEEN OF THE NIGHTMARE. Because she's awesome and deserves the best. There are two male main characters in this story, the Pyromancer who has a crush on her but will keep it secret since the story is not only not a romance but also the boy understands this woman has more important stuff to deal with, and the Time-traveller, who in the end of the story joins her mission. They are fuck-friends now and the best of teams btw. AND THEY WILL BE APPEARING IN DEMON HUNTER HAGAN ARC 3.
Yep, did you like the big announcement? Hope so!
I have more aromantic OCs, Chorus' brother for instance, but since I draw him for the kissing week plenty of times, I wanted to give more attention to the arohet queens this time instead.
Now, you there, stay cool and arooooooooooooooooo!
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 1 year ago
Undead Unluck Theory
So I've been reading Undead Unluck since the beginning, but I haven't actually ever joined the fandom, (i.e., the contents of this blog may be Old News to everyone and/or everyone hates it and I just didn't realize...) but I was showing the anime to a friend and trying to explain my UU theory, so I googled and couldn't find anyone who had laid out something like this. If it already exists, apologies, but this is my version of what UU is all about.
Undead Unluck is a story about writing.
Spoilery things ahead!
The most important thing to know about Undead Unluck is that it's a story-within-a-story. An embedded narrative. Our characters are stock archetypes who are barely on the cusp of learning that they are in a story.
The main story outline stays the same as the author goes through various iterations and edits (aka Loops), testing out new ideas and often scrapping them. Characters evolve into different versions of themselves as the author edits. Our settings are varied as if the author were trying to fit all kinds of different genres into one story. AND THEY ARE!
Suggested listening, btw:
The Author, AKA God, adds variables to the story in the form of rules.
For example, a children's book about a goldfish has no need to mention that there is an entire galaxy of stars in the sky. The goldfish doesn't need to know. The readers don't care. It's irrelevant. That rule can be omitted from a story.
When the author changes the story, for instance, to make the story about a goldfish who goes into outer space, suddenly they need to add the concept of a galaxy, along with all the ancillary ideas (i.e., UFOs).
With their pencil eraser or backspace button, the author changes the reality for ALL of the characters in the work, so that the existence of outer space becomes a Known Thing in-universe. No biggie. It's always been that way, as far as they know. The instant the author changes something, it's done.
This Hand of God kind of author appears in other ways, like the way the Union members arrive via a crack in the sky. They literally fall from the sky like characters in the Barbie movie.
The crack in the sky is a wall-break, but it's not the fourth wall that's broken. It's the wall between the author and the characters!
Remember that cartoon where Daffy Duck argues with the animator's hand? Characters are just playthings for the author. They can be dressed up or imperiled just because.
When you begin to read UU from this perspective, some characters seem more sentient than others.
The characters are tired of being screwed over. They're tired of suffering. They're tired of being tested for no reason. Can't God just give them an easy life? Do all characters hate their authors this much?
Ragnarok is when the author effectively overturns the dollhouse and starts a new story with the same characters, settings, and themes, but adding the kind of slight variations that an author's idle mind might create. The basic "frame" of the dollhouse remains, but we can try out new scenarios like:
"What if X met Y in another time or place?"
"How would X be different if they'd grown up in a harsher or easier environment?"
"What if X was a villain?"
And so the author begins again, pitting their characters in new situations to observe and see how they react. Authors love that shit. Just look at all the ask blogs on tumblr!
Authors enjoy looking at their characters from new perspectives. Even the bad ones! Many times, an author has had a character (say...Victor) in their imagination for a long time, but the character evolves into a slightly different version of themselves (Andy). It's natural to want to keep both versions of this character. And since this is the author's dollhouse, they can do whatever they want, even if this confuses and disturbs Andy/Victor.
Victor and Juiz are, I think, God's starter OCs. Their story is one of seriousness, mystery, and a romance with unresolved tension. They want to be together; we want them to be together; but the author won't let them be happy because keeping that tension burning is what makes the story good. Of course they had a falling out! Of course they're eternally separated in a tragic and beautiful way. After all, they were the main characters for a long time.
You're probably saying, "This theory can't work because we've SEEN God! We've seen Luna!" My idea is that Luna and God are two aspects of the author.
God (Sun) as the author as a writer: Makes brutal changes, can delete everything, loves to start over and test the characters in different environments, never satisfied with the ending.
God wants to make things HARDER for the characters because they are trying to write an interesting shonen story.
God (Luna) as the author as a reader: Authors also like to sit back and read their own works. Sometimes they have a nice cup of tea with them. The tea signifies that Luna is acting as a reader.
Luna, as a reader, has gotten attached to the characters. They want them to succeed. They are trying to make things EASIER for the characters bc they're emotionally invested in the story. Luna also keeps the memories of past rough drafts in the form of artifacts that can be used to bring back discarded story elements.
I don't think either Sun nor Luna truly understand that our characters are capable of suffering, btw.
Luna and God are in a competition with themselves, just like the internal struggle of an author as they want to:
Create an interesting story that will be a success. To get the story "right" and fully explore all the possibilities
but also
2. Just have fun with the characters and help them reach the end of the story.
Killing God means finding a final end to the story so that the characters can have a stable existence. The characters can achieve this by resisting the author's attempts to rewrite.
So, that's the gist of my insanity. I have a bit more in the drafts if anyone is interested in hearing more. I would enjoy doing a read-through blog someday, but I thought I might test the waters with my theory first.
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dragonji · 7 months ago
having a mome
ever since talking about [redacted postcanon events] with charlie ive been musing on what jyt and qyz would call each other and well. tonight its just making me very ill in the head a bit and I shrimply need to get it written out somewhere apologies in advance♡
So to begin. JYT would start with calling QYZ Your Highness/Qi Ying bc ascension is a comparitively new situation for him on top of preexisting social uncomfortableness making him default to referring to people by their titles or ranks whenever appropriate. And QYZ obv doesnt really care about titles so even though he knows JYT has one (General Qing Liu btw) he'd just call them by full name. JYT tries very hard to not let on how happy that makes him and only mostly succeeds [smiles peacefully].
Now (as in later postcanons as of timeline of charlies work as well as beyond) I am rather stuck on how to make their forms of address more intimate without verging into ooc-ness for either of them.... Neither of them are much for overly-sweet petnames I would think. With QYZ I dont think he sees a point in using 'random' words to refer to someone he's affectionate towards; JYT just has a deeply thin face for romance and the aforementioned social anxieties. Despite that I do think JYT would start using nicknames first- hes more liable to playfully or exaggerately use a nickname to test out how QYZ reacts where QYZ would just charge ahead with whatever name he finds fitting if/when he wants to call someone something different.
Some handful of years after theyve been acquainted and have formed their sparring routine JYT would feel safe enough to risk calling QYZ by name too (for the first instance picture end of a sparring session both peacefully laying in the dust catching their breath staring at the sky. JYT gathering themself enough to recklessly give a quick nervous "Thanks for today, Quan Yizhen !" before Bolting. He has to go wander around a forest in the mortal realm for a bit after that one to recover meanwhile QYZ is sitting at the sparring grounds like I wonder what their deal is today?? before shrugging it off. They have a conversation about it the next day where JYT cant stop fidgeting before he apologies for not asking before dropping the title and QYZ tells him it literally doesnt matter he prefers when people use his name anyways. And thats That♡). Eventually (5-15 years later maybe?) they would drop to just given names and likely keep using those for a long time.
All that said the safest option to JYT would be smth along the lines of 阿真 (A-Zhen) esp at first when he's unsure of how it'll be received. But I am Also finding it more and more captivating to maybe have JYT call him 小狼 (Xiao Lang) once in a while mainly while theyre alone if that doesnt sound too unfounded..... JYT likes wolves already and its also personal fulfillment to me as (spoilers for my furry tgcfverse) I have also made QYZ a wolf in all my furry versions😌 (Maybe when QYZ asks why JYT chose to call him that they would respond along the lines of "wolves are pretty and strong and cool and loyal just like you... even if people dont understand them well! Plus theyre cute and fluffy *pauses to run his hands through QYZ's hair* so I just thought it might fit^^" and QYZ hums a pleased note in return and they go back to napping all cuddled around each other Ok Moving On we're getting too romantic!!-)
Ahem likewise I've been considering having QYZ call JYT 涛涛 (Taotao) on occassion bc it seems cute and also more likely for QYZ to just double the syllables for a straightforward nickname where applicable. I mean having him call JYT Yongtao is already close enough to a nickname seeing as no one else does but maybe just as extra flavor here n there...... Perhaps something involving JYT's association with rabbits or dragons would be possible too/instead? Or perhaps I am simply projecting my furryisms a bit too on-the-nose there... Honestly could just have it be Tao-xiong if I wanted to keep the subtle are they comrades or yknow comrades vibe lol... in the words of my friend nie huaisang I dont know, I really dont know!!!
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moncuries · 1 year ago
How does Cyrus feel about the rangers and Dr. Mortum?
i want to preface all of my answers with the fact that i went in completely blind on every book :P so sometimes i chose things that i didn't quite understand the consequences of.
for instance, Cyrus developed a romance in B1 with Mortum as his puppet, the sleek and beautiful Eden. In a way, this was escapism, a what-if that he could inhabit briefly. but by b2 the guilt had spiraled into something that made their business together painful for him -- and he'd seriously gotten in too deep with Ortega. So he cut the flirtation off and I (monty) was surprised at how gently that was handled :0 and they became very close friends.
then (spoilers abound btw), mortum showed cyrus Ace, and he happened to be inhabiting Eden at the time. this was a super painful conversation (wow the writing) esp because Cyrus came out to Mortum as trans while trying to explain why he'd let things get out of hand. there is a lot of pain in between them, even if they were able to continue to be friends. Cyrus entrusted Eden to mortum, too. As for the Rangers, Cyrus had a very careful relationship with Herald. A warm mentorship that made him feel just a little like he deserved something, like if this kid could see so much in him, maybe there was an ounce of it actually to be found. Angie, I think Cyrus relates to more than he lets on. Her slight wickedness, self above others, that sharpness. Or maybe its something he aspires to be, but isn't quite ready to leave everyone behind. They're friendly, mutual respect. Chen and Cyrus did not get along at all in B1. By B2, they understand each other and both hold a lot of regret. I think they both wish they could make things good and right, but aren't kind enough to themselves to pursue it :"]
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maskofenigma · 4 months ago
another fallen london essay ramble whoo boy (i dont plan these btw) (spoilers for firmament and light fingers in particular plus general spoilers)
ok so do yall remember that one line in Firmament Chapter three where Summer drinks moon milk and looks directly at the player character and nothing happens? if not i get it, that section was pretty hard to follow and it was ultimately inconsequential and also optional so here it is
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(from the fallen london wiki - Suggest Summer do it instead)
anyone whos played Light Fingers or is familiar with that plotline knows that this makes zero sense. even normal moon milk has extreme effect if ingested. and unless we're going to have some kind of toxic romance arc with Summer (which would be great but given the lack of foreshadowing and other aforementioned reasons is highly unlikely) we can chalk this up to sloppy writing and unfamiliarity with that ambition on whoever wrote this. such frustration seems to be the consensus on this chapter, at least on here
But! ive been following some liveblogging of early Light Fingers, reminiscing etc etc, when i remembered one other odd tie in to moon milk, in the cave of the nadir. now analyzing the nadir is similarly difficult to zenith because its very vauge and theres a lot of disconnected elements in there all in service of making a place thats confusing and dangerous and unknowable and whatever so take this with a grain of zalt. im sure theres some juicy deeplore in there but what i want to focus on is this
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(from the fallen london wiki - "It was the milk... it was the milk, wasn't it?")
this is a weird callout, right? afaik thats one of the very few connections to an ambition in the nadir, alongside whatever the frost moth does in nemesis (havent gotten there yet). so like what gives? its not an especially rewarding action, and it doesnt progress the ambition or anything. its possible, given this comes after the orphanage section, that these two are like escapees of the orphanage after the fire / riot, but it could also be some disconnected memory its all very difficult to discern. and even if that is the case it doesnt really tell us much except maybe foreshadowing for Hephesta's situation. the best i can say is that, taken in context with the other options on that card, maybe its a parallel to Clarabelle's situation, with the references to eggs? there has to be some reason behind this reference, and if there isnt one, than at least let me headcanon this
i think the two instances above tell us very little on their own, but taken in together have fascinating implications. irrigo and violant are thematically opposed colors, forgetting vs remembering, and zenith / the nadir are explicitly connected both textually and in their names (zenith means the highest point of a space or object, nadir means the lowest), so that they both reference moon milk is interesting to say the least. I think this could be telling us that moon milk has different effects when under these two neathbow colors. Moon milk induced obsession seems to be resistant to the psyche destroying affects of the nadir, persisting for the two people in a place where memory is actively unravelled. the woman, even as she tells her companion to forget her, still clearly recalls the affect of the moon milk and her newfound obsessions. maybe this is somehow due to the milk's affect of overwhelming the victims previous life, in essence forcing them to forget what was previously important to them. or maybe, given irrigo's connection with lack of perception and drawing inward, the idea is that when the victim has nothing else to cling to in the nadir, the love instilled by the moon milk persists as a sort of internal source of comfort. in zenith, the violant light seems to dull or entirely nullify the milk's effects if that moment with Summer is to be believed. its stated that the violant forces the player character to be aware of every detail at once, able to perceive even distant objects with total clarity, splitting your attention everywhere at once. the way moon milk works is just an extreme version of a classic love potion: a victim falls deeply in love specifically with the first thing they see. maybe, because one perceives everything at the same time, the moon milk cannot properly take effect. or maybe the violant is just too oppressive, preventing the milk from occupying a victims thoughts as they are overwhelmed by the light.
whatever the case may be this is a very odd pairing. for a section so filled with moon misers, firmament has very little by way of references to Light Fingers, odd given thats one of the main places one would encounter a moon miser. no comment. and that moment in the nadir has always struck me as peculiar, if only for it being seemingly out of nowhere and disconnected to everything else. but moon misers are linked to apocyanic light with some degree of regularity, so i dont think its too great a stretch to connect them to other neathbow colors as well. one wonders how everyones favorite roof beetles might be affected by the other colors of the neath. even if im totally off base and disproven by some text in the high sancta or sunless skies or whatever there has to be something here im sure of it. or maybe ive lost it who knows certainly not me okay bye
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eldritchmochi · 1 year ago
(i hope this doesn't come across as rude, i'm just genuinely confused) i saw your tags on a post you reblogged about how you like to jerk off to the thought of your work crush, and that you're aspec. but i thought the whole point of being aspec is that you *don't* feel sexual attraction? isn't thinking of someone to gain sexual pleasure also sexual attraction to that person? isn't wanting to have sex with someone sexual attraction to that person? i can't imagine jerking off to someone i'm not attracted to so maybe i'm just close-minded but what you said really doesn't sound aspec at all. again i'm not trying to be rude, i'm just not aspec so i really don't understand how *not* feeling sexual attraction can be a spectrum, but feeling sexual attraction apparently isn't a spectrum??
not rude imo! i am happy to play educator!!
so tldr, i have a particularly complicated relationship to.... relationships. i tend to label myself as broadly "aspec" as a whole as shorthand for expressing that i dont really experience attraction but it, like basically all the labels i use, isn't wholly accurate for my personal experience because labels--especially queer identity labels--are a broad stroke generalization for very individualized personal experiences of the same general gestures thing. not everyone who shares the labels i use for myself will agree with the way i use them or even the fact that i DO use them (hi, he/him bi lesbian here, eat me) and thats totally okay, as long as they mind their manners
i find "aspec" used as a specifically nonspecific umbrella micro label is convenient shorthand for the whole not really experiencing attraction thing because its more true than not. i really dont "really" experience attraction, either sexual or romantic..... except for when i do. those instances of attraction however are so incredibly rare that they're an exception, not the rule. i'm in my thirties and consider that tally to be two people i have legit thirsted after and possibly two??? people i am Romantically In Love With (as opposed to just In Love With, which is different for me, because i love all my friends in unique ways because they're unique people i have a unique relationship with, but i digress) (ftr i am not 100% sure on the romance bit because its *incredibly* hard for me to sus out the difference between my feelings for these particular people compared to everyone else i love because i just kinda go on vibes: if i'm happy with someone, i'm happy, and i dont really feel the need to Officially Label things)
btw, "aspec" as in asexual (and in my case aromantic) spectrum is very much a spectrum my dude, and that spectrum people generally report on does include occasional incidental attraction. other axis often involved in the spectrum are things like libido or even general willingness or interest in interactions that involve sex (or romance, or both!). some folks enjoy having sex and seek it out despite not experiencing sexual attraction, with or without a libido. some people are completely sex adverse when it comes to sexual situations involving themselves but will engage with sexual content, such as porn/erotica/virtual roleplay. some people want nothing do do with bumping uglies literally or figuratively. some people are absolutely baffled when it turns out no they just wanna bump uglies with this one particular person and they will DIE if they dont why are humans wired like this its SO INCONVENIENT (shhhhh dont ask me how i know). there are a ton of microlabels for any and all generalization of experience within the a-spec spectrum because there is just a HUGE variety of experiences but i personally dont like them for myself cos im a vague-as-possible kinda guy
so: complicated relationship with relationships and a complete disregard for the "rules" some people wanna insist on when it comes to identity labels. a buddy of mine has described me as her friend who is "all queer identities at once" which, yeah, i'm into that, its a good summation
i would also like to note for our viewers at home that you are totally allowed to stick yourself in whatever box feels right at the time, even if you change boxes a bazillion times or put a peet in a bunch of different boxes all at once, or play musical chairs with the boxes, or whatever. theyre made up and the points dont matter, what matters is having some facsimile of language to communicate an aspect of your experience to allow for communication and conversation about that experience, not that you tick off a check list of required traits to get your box assigned to you by The Committee. go forth, be weird, love freely, eat the rich, and fuck the (thought) police
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herotome · 1 year ago
Hello Wudge!!! I know working on such a beautiful and ambitious project must be incredibly tiring. I also know how encouraging it can be to know that people enjoy what you put out there, so I'm here to express my appreciation for Herotome and all the work you have put into it already!
I've been into visual novels for a couple of years now, and while I enjoy my occassional short and sweet dose of cheesy romance, most visual novels could never really satisfy my desire for a good narrative and a lot of time to get to know the love interests (As someone who really needs to know a person in order to get romantically involved with them, I've always found some love stories kind of rushed. That's just my preference tho). I know it's hard to develop a fully-fledged game, especially when you're an independent developer and mostly work for free, so I'm definitely not trying to undermine anyone's work!!!
However, this is why I was so stunned by how much Herotome's DEMO captivated me. Not even just the extended demo!!! The first time I came across this game was before the extended demo got released, and even then, I was so enamoured with the universe, the artstyle, the characters, the writing. EVERYTHING. I'm a bit ashamed to say I can be quite picky with my taste in visual novels, but Herotome literally ticked every single box for me. Visually appealing designs (both with the characters and with the UI!), a great mix of humour and sobriety, clear and skilled writing and awesome world building. All of this in A DEMO??? GOD DAMN, DUDE!
A literal demo unironically managed to put this visual novel among my absolute favourites simply because of how much work and care was put into it. I really hope it gains more attention even before it gets fully released, because you truly deserve the same level of support that games like Our Life (my #1 fav VN, can't wait for OL2) have. I know it'll probably be a while before Herotome gets released, but I'll try my best to wait patiently because I can't wait to see more of everyone! (especially Dart and Jade, I love them.)
I'm really sorry for the whole essay over here, but I just wanted to make my support clear!!! Unfortunately I don't have the possibility of financially supporting (yet) but I'm over here awaiting every update of this game with so much excitement you have no idea (⁠ᗒ⩊ᗕ ྀི) Good luck and stay healthy!
ksbfjsdb how did you know.. 😭😭😭 Thank you, sweet anon! No apology necessary, I love essays!!
Worldbuilding is a area where I've felt particularly lacking -- like, I make a point avoid thinking about it most of the time, so in the rare instances I actually do put in effort it feels like it's coming up short? Maybe not so much in the demos, but nowadays I'll be standing around thinking about how things work in the society of Rhineway and trying to plan out ideas of what's gonna come up in the routes and my brain will inevitably feels like television static by the end.
SO to be praised for worldbuilding gives me a bizarre yet flattered feeling (sort of like "I'm not sure I deserve this but I guess I've done something right"), thank you, and I'm continually touched that people enjoy the humor! I really try to put in a lot of throwaway jokes where it's like -- if you don't laugh, it's totally fine cuz it goes by pretty quick -- but it is nice to know I've made people laugh. Or at least have an sensible inward chuckle :')
It sounds like you're demisexual btw which - lol me too. 🤝 Eyyyy!
I'm not sure how to end this post so I'll just put in some preview of what I've been working on -
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Lots of eyebrow dances.
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mrs-monaghan · 2 years ago
Hey. How are you?
Well this is not really an ask but I just wanted to share something. If we're talking about jkk Or tkk then let's for once forget about romance and just focus on friendship.
IMO I believe that jk and tae are good friends but they are not really best friends. Meanwhile jkk are close and we all know that both jm and jk are very private, so just because they don't share it on SM doesn't mean they're not close. There were a lot of instances where if we wouldn't have got a picture then we would never know that it even happened.
Now what I wanted to share :
Okay so I have two college friends. And I have one best friend who isn't in the same college. So I am with my two college friends almost during the whole college time obviously, I hangout with them a lot too. But my best friend has been busy for the past few months but that's coz she's preparing for an entrance exam. Now I only hangout with my college friends and me and my best friend rarely hangout these days( we still talk obv)
But even though I hangout with those two friends, I still wouldn't say that they're my best friends. Everyone in our college thinks we're bsf but I know that we're not. It just doesn't feel like that, like I don't actually feel the connection with them but I still hangout with them because it's cool we don't have to be best of friends with everyone yk.
While my bsf, though we rarely hang out these days but whenever we meet it's like nothing has changed. We vibe perfectly well together. It's like she understands the real me and I understand her and the distance has done nothing to ruin our friendship. We don't meet regularly these days but when we do, it's just like old times.
And that's what I'm trying to say, let's keep the romantic ships aside for now. But we all have seen that jm and jk are very emotionally connected to each other and these types of bonds doesn't fade away that easily unless they had a huge fight which we can clearly see is not the case.
I'm not saying tkk are not close, they are. But imo their relationship is different from jkk. Like it's not even a comparison. Tkk are like those buddy friendships where they hangout, play games and all. But jkk has that deep emotional type of friendship where they can have those heart to hearts and a deeper conversation.
I think the reason why jikookers are insecure about tkk is not because they actually see something in them both but because of the way the whole fandom overhypes literally the smallest thing that tkk do. Tae and jk both have done much more things with other members but nobody even bat an eye but the moment tkk even stands next to each other everyone goes psycho like what's even the big deal?
Anyways everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I just wanted to share mine.
Btw love your blog. <333
Let's for once forget about romance and just focus on friendship.
Lets keep romantic ships aside for now.
Ngl anon... thats gonna be hard for me
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Forgive me anon but I wanna use your ask to say something then I'll go back to your ask. If you're new u will notice when I talk about Jikook, it sounds like their relationship has been confirmed. I, believe Jikook is real. They are a couple. They kiss, they fuck, they do everything under the sun that couples do. I, believe this to be fact. I, will not be using words like if Jikook are real when I talk about them. I, will not be saying things like; assuming Jikook are a couple bla bla bla. Nah, fam. I, believe they are a couple and have been a couple for a long long time. I, do not have a 1% doubt left for just incase. In my eyes Jikook are together 110%. No, ifs, no maybes, no buts. In future if they come out dating other people, I will read that as them having broken up (God forbid) not that they've never been together. I'm sorry but any other alternatives don't make sense to me. Not when they do shit like this. Alright? We together? Good ☺☺☺
Back to anon. I agree with every single thing that you said. 1000%
-Just because we don't see it, doesn't mean it ain't happening. Facts.
- Tkk are definitely not closer than Jkk. True.
-Jkk didn't see each other as often as they used to when Jimin was working on his album. But when they reunited it's like they were never apart. True
-Tkk is overrated. Agreed.
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Thanks for sharing Anon. I'm glad u like it here 😘
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zeico · 1 year ago
Long post request: how do you feel about BG3?
I didn't realize a new patch came out on final fantasy for about a week because Baldur Gate o Baldur Gate
currently in act 3 and trying to stock up on shit since I recently cleared out the bank. I'm TRYING to hold myself to not starting a new character until I finish this one but I see so many monk items and i want themmmmm (I have a half elf monk open in character creator right now)
Since I played a lotttt of dragon age origins, parts of the structure of bg3 felt very familiar to me like the camp itself and like how u interact with the companions. Like coming home in a way.
I'm also playing 5e a lot so that part of the structure of it was very easy to adapt to. I do still have trouble with like certain interface things like oh man gotta select the version of the spells BEFORE TARGETTING NO GALE WHY ARE YOU RUNNING TO THEM GET BACK HERE WHY ARE YOU HITTING THEM WITH YOUR 8 STRENGTH BACKED STICK
But its great and I do like the changes made to better facilitate it being a VIDEO GAME. Like I'm a Divination Wizard. My main Thing is portent dice. (There's also detect thoughtsing my way through all social encounters which is SO GREAT honestly scratches an itch I've always wanted to do but it would be such a pain in the ass for tabletop. Like first first ever dnd character I cooked up was an illiterate mind reading sorcerer that like got by through just that. But that would be so annoying to do with like.... PEOPLE AT THE TABLE of like 'so im just constantly getting ur surface thoughts...... i can't entirely control this... i'm sorry....' )
ANYWAY portent dice!!!!! in bg3 they have it at level 6 you fulfill little prophecies to get ur dice back to make the big boss miss their BIG attack or make SURE you hit (or my favorite, make the rogue crit on a sneak attack) instead of having it that when u cast a divination spell u get a spell slot back. since theres so few divination spells especially like using IN COMBAT so I understand the change.
I also like the variety of shit you can do. like my partner is one to summon 9 creatures btw the whole party so theres a small army of creatures following their main party. (also several buffed with mage armor and everyone has a higher level aid cast on them so they also have a decent amount of health its really funni to watch) I like wrote off the summon guys moves because I just dont like to have extra guys usually.
Something I wish I did on my first playthrough tho was simply long resting more I think I fucked myself out of a lot of social link scenes in act 1 bc I straight up didn't rest enough. The game is like 'oh no time is ticking' but things aren't REALLY like that (cept for like... 2 instances I can think of) bc its a videogame and thats fine.
It WANTS you to use all your abilities and not be dum like me and just cantrip my way through most the first act 'just in case i need my slots later' why am i like this. both short and lone rest more and just use all your moves its FINE
speaking of social links and companions theyre all great. I love them all. I DO wish some things weren't like... romance locked it feels??? well more like you HAVE to reject them???? idk I had a scene with gale when he's like 'but we're not THAT close tho' and i felt bad bc like... I want to be wizard friends with you. I'm SORRY I'm so weak to both vampires and elves.
heard some shit about astarion having like so much content compared to all the other companions and man imma feel so spoiled on my playthroughs where i dont smooch the vampire. I do wish everyone else had more scenes too its a shame.
something about bg3 thats HILARIOUS to me personally is that its all like 'recruit allies against the cult' and in another irl campaign im in thats been in hiatus for years but I still hope to come back its REALLY similiar. Oh no a huge looming death cult threat to the city. oh no the city has its own fuckmess of bullshit to deal with. OH NO a shapeshifting killer. Anytime theres strong parallels to that campaign it sparks joy.
A few technical problems I've had tho were around switching characters in and out of the party. like in a building and I wanna run back to camp to tag in someone. Wait why are they on the roof????
Or I tag in someone and WHY ARE YOU CLIPPING THROUGH THE FLOOR? Tbh the game is so enjoyable I just sigh and say "Video. Game." out loud and load a save. Like the last time that was REALLY frustrating is when it just would NOT let me out of a restricted area like please I persuaded u 3 times let me go I was on my way OUT.
Also why do all these 8 strength men have abs. This is Wrong. I'm bad with figuring out the technical shit of modding but holy shit I need them to not have abs.
Anyway I had this and the character creator open for like 2 hours now so Imma start that now.
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cto10121 · 2 years ago
Finished re-reading Eclipse (yeah, I’m going backward, sue me) and it truly is. Romance book logic at its finest. Some notes:
Antis whining and bitching about Edward’s overprotective behavior for 1/3rds of the book when 1) Bella does call him out on it and 2) Edward ends up apologizing and promising not to be so high-handed would be hilarious if people didn’t take that seriously. Granted, both Bella and Edward cannot stay angry with one another for one goshdarn minute (R&J: *glares, files a lawsuit*) without forgiving each other and making up. The most hilarious instance is Bella making her grizzly bears threat and then snuggling up to Edward when he returns (“I should infuriate you more often” he literally jokes). As for Edward, there is his agreement to miss out on the fight even when he clearly wants to go, but also at the end he was entirely willing to just give Bella the D!!! Without conditions!!! Too bad Bella finally realized it was best to make a proper farewell to her human life, she could have had a real happy time at their meadow.
Also re: “Edward isolates her, classic abusive behavior!!!” anti clown take…high-handed as Edward can be, he does not isolate Bella from her friends or cleave her from human life in general. On the contrary, he practically all but begs her to prolong her human life for a year or two or indefinitely, apply to and go to college, and spend more time with her human friends. He only has a problem with Jacob for obvious reasons re: treaty, romantic jealousy, etc. Hell, he doesn’t even want to her be a vampire. Edward’s chosen path is simply to be with Bella all throughout her human life. That is not the behavior of real-life abusers, btw. For better or worse, Bella’s becoming a vampire is driven chiefly by Bella herself. She decides whether it’s best to spend more time with friends or simply let those friendships go. She decides she wants to retain Jacob as a friend.
Jacob. My opinion is still the same: Fun character, still the worst as a love interest. I had more fun with him now than I did in my salad years (@my extremely salty teen self writing “DIE JACOB” for two whole pages, I know, bby, I get it), but thematically it does make sense. Eclipse is all about Bella realizing what she would give up re: her humanity, making her decision to become a vampire a truly informed one. That includes acknowledging Jacob as a potential love interest, Rosalie’s perspective, Jasper’s knowledge and history on newborn vampires and how truly violent the vampiric world is, seeing an example of a newborn vampire (Bree), and at least 1) human experience Bella does not want to miss out.
Speaking of which, Horny Bella!!! God I love this bitch!!! More seriously, I like the subversion of the virgin girl/bad boy trope by having Bella be the one to push for sex. And of course Bella agrees to marry Edward just so that she could have that sweet, sweet vampire D. I thoroughly approve.
The Edward and Jacob rivalry. 10/10, the best. I was eating mental popcorn throughout. Their stand-off at the school and Mike et al.’s subsequent bet, the male posturing, the tent scene…Edward’s jealousy especially was so entertaining. Edward’s reaction when Bella punched Jacob was sheer (romance novel) perfection. Charlie’s being blithely Team Jacob was the cherry on top of this social comedy sundae. And of course that tent scene was so iconic freakin’ Hunger Games copied it (and really badly. Why the hell did Collins even bother?).
On a related note: Those Wuthering Heights allusions were anvil-sized, but apropos, of course. I liked that Edward was the Heathcliff and saw himself in him, making Jacob the Linton. Fits into my personal theory of the Twilight Saga just being R&J, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights put into a blender.
Bella being the one to piece together the mystery once more. She really gets all the brains for the first 3 books. This time, though, I call bullshit on them not realizing Victoria’s obvious involvement once they realized the intruder and the newborns in Seattle were connected. It was very much obvious. The only real twist was the Volturi coming in.
Rosalie’s backstory was so realistic and is a great commentary on misogyny than it is given credit for. Bella’s reaction was underbaked, though. She does get (1) nightmare over it, but otherwise it’s Tanya’s interest in Edward that really sticks. (Honestly, I’m here for it. Jealous!Bella is second only to Horny!Bella. Again, romance book logic at its finest.) Bella had much more of a empathetic reaction to Leah’s dilemma than Rosalie, interestingly enough, considering Sam/Emily is drawn as an explicit parallel to her and Edward. Perhaps Leah being the Jacob of that particularly triangle did touch her…
Antis clutching their pearls over Jasper was a Confederate soldier…when Jasper mentions it once, expresses zero nostalgia for that period in his life, and doesn’t even explain why he enlisted in the first place. He wasn’t even fighting when he was turned, just evacuating the city. Either way, he wasn’t a soldier for long before he was conscripted into another vampiric war.
Cinderbella strikes again re: Charlie and Renée, both weak ass parental figures. Again, it gives rationale for Bella’s attraction to Edward (more mature, stable, educated) and to Jacob (happy-go-lucky, younger, more reckless, laissez-faire). Both devoted powerful protectors belonging to fantastical worlds. Yeah, that tracks
“I refuse to be affected by territorial disputes between mythical creatures.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This line is so underrated.
In Breaking Dawn, I wondered a bit how Edward could accept Vampire Bella so quickly re: his soul reservations, but Eclipse does provide an answer. Bella is worried Edward would prefer her as a human than a vampire, and Edward literally 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Nice to know this was no retcon and yeah, it tracks
Edward being so damn generous with Bella realizing she is in love with Jacob is really the core essence of Team Edward for me. Jacob would not have been so generous had Bella met Edward after she had Jacob. Edward does love her best. Honestly, I even think she and Edward are more alike than Bella and Jacob. Bella and Jacob clash more often than they agree. Jacob does read her and understand her a lot better, I’ll grant you that.
Book Bella: “But I want you to know something—when it comes to all this enemies nonsense, I’m out. I am neutral country. I am Switzerland.” Movie Bella: “i’MSWITZERLAND!!!1!” God, the movies did Bella so dirty.
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