#in a shocking turn of events that surprises absolutely no one
sleepyspudbrainrot · 2 days
Carry You Home (Pt. 3)
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Roman Reigns x Lale (OC) | 18+, NSFW, eventual smut, fluff | 2281 words
Pt. 3 of that fluff piece... hopefully y'all enjoy this part as much as the other two.
This is based off of the August 11, 2023 Episode of Smackdown (I absolutely had to go back and watch it recently in order to get my brain back together.)
And let me not forget to tag ... @southerngirl41 & @tshepisho❤️️
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“Deuces Uces!”
Lale’s hands clasped over her mouth, her shock not nearly as audible as the rest of the stadium that surrounded her.  A sea of signs that had once blocked out the led screens that encircled the stadium, were now crumpled at the feet of the frantic crowd.  Some frantic to reach their hands out to the departing Uso, other’s looking between themselves and the dazed form of Roman Reigns in the ring below.  Lale couldn’t figure out where to look.  At Jey Uso, a friend to her and cousin to Roman, or to the fallen man in the ring.  
The vibrating of her phone was nearly not enough to bring her out of her daze.  Even now, she still held one hand clasped over parted lips, her other hand thumbing open the screen.  A text scrolled across her screen from Kayla Braxton, the main backstage correspondent for Smackdown and one of her closest friends.  An invitation backstage, to get a feel for the chaos seemed to be spreading through the Scotiabank Saddledome.  It was almost as if someone else had control of her limbs.  She’d grabbed Cathy Kelley’s hand at some point, mumbling something about backstage.  Thankfully she didn’t seem to question it.
By the time they made it backstage, Kayla was nowhere to be found.  In her place stood the three people she’d least expected to find lingering in Gorilla.  Joe, Paul, and last but not least Sefa.  “I can’t believe those two.  This is what they’ve been hiding from us all week?”  The trio were deep in conversation, clearly just as thrown by the events that had unfolded in the stadium as the rest of the crowd was.  Lale hung back, fingers brushing the black curtains that marked the hallway that led out to the main stadium.  
“You’re not going to go say hi?”
Lale blinked over at Cathy, who stood beside her with a knowing grin.  “Kayla didn’t summon me back here to meet up with her did she…”  Cathy shrugged, not giving any indication one way or the other, which was an answer in and of itself.  “He looks busy… I don’t want to get in the middle of all - -” She gestured vaguely at the trio, who were now turned to look at her.  Joe’s face had quickly shifted from the storm of frustration, to something that could’ve been easily misconstrued as… amusement? Nope there was no misconstruing that. He was amused.
“Never knew you to be the type to crash backstage ma.”  
Lale rolled her eyes.  “I normally don’t unless invited and since you clearly weren’t about to, Kayla did.” She sighed softly, running a hand through her tousled hair.  “Thanks for the tickets by the way, you really didn’t need to send those.  I was half expecting another car to sweep me away for another private dinner.”  Cathy’s eyes widened beside her.  “Or was that supposed to be our secret?”
“Looks like you got your bite back… I’m surprised after tonight.  Thought your jaw would never come up off the floor after what Jey pulled…”
Lale blinked up at Joe, seeing a flash of the earlier frustration cloud his features.  “So I take it creative didn’t exactly - -” Sefa was quick to cut her off.  “They fuckin’ didn’t tell us anything.  All these last minute changes, it’d be nice to know about some of them so we’re not having to improv as much.”  Paul didn’t say much, but Joe’s features shifted.  “It makes for a better story, you and I both know that.  It wouldn’t make sense for the betrayal to have come from such… superficial reasons.  No one ever does anything just for the tribal chief.”
There it was, that flash of Roman Reigns who’d been out there on that stage.  The persona that filled rooms and turned the normally eloquent and put together Paul Heyman into a quivering mess.  “I’ll have to have a talk with creative.  I understand not telling you guys, so that the reactions are genuine but not telling me?” Paul clicked his tongue.  “Anyway, since it seems you guys have plans and I do not want to be the one to keep you from them.  So I’ll see you guys tomorrow? Hopefully I’ll have better news.”
Paul’s departure left a gap in the conversation, one that Sefa struggled to fill.  Thankfully Cathy seemed to pick up on that and offered to walk with him back towards the lockers in the hopes that she could track down Kayla.  Which then left Lale all alone with Joe.  While she’d been big talk when Cathy was beside her, something about not having back up had left her feeling vulnerable.  She’d been joking about the private dinners.  Joe and she hadn’t been truly alone in months.  They’d been texting consistently, the older man sending her food on days he knew were rough, but outside of that, their interactions had been limited to just that.
“So what was that about a private dinner?”
Lale settled into the plush leather of the Escalade beside Joe, a comfortable silence filling the luxurious blacked out vehicle that he’d summoned to take them away from the Scotiabank Saddledome and towards their destination for the night.  Somehow, even with last minute notice Joe had managed to get them a table at an upscale italian place downtown.  She’d had to resist the urge to check the menu, and honestly see what the actual hours were because she had a feeling that he’d called in a favor or two.
“Am I over or under dressed?”
Joe had been lost to his thoughts, blinking slowly at the woman beside him inquisitively.  “What?”
“Am I over or under dressed for where we’re going?”  Lale would’ve normally been annoyed at having to repeat herself, however given what had just went down at the stadium.  Regardless of the reality. She could almost sense the moments playing out in his head and knew he deserved a little bit of grace.
“You look perfect.  It’s after hours, so I can guarantee that they’re not going to give a fuck about a dress code.”
It was something that she herself should’ve realized.  The man beside her was clad in a pair of gym shorts and a tshirt that clung to his well defined muscles.  Compared to her crop top and jean shorts, they were about evenly match in terms of potentially violating a dress code.  Silence fell between them once more.  The smooth ride of the Escalade allowing to watch the world outside of them with very little interruption.
When they arrived at the restaurant, Lale was surprised to see a few cars sprinkled throughout the parking lot.  Joe seemed to sense her confusion, resting a casual hand on her back as they made their way inside.  “Couple of friends were already planning on joining us ma, nothing to worry about.  We’ll still have our privacy.”  A sly wink as he held the door open for her, her eyes wandering across the elegantly decorated space.  Tables with plenty of room between them, alcoves that seemed to hold a table for two, then others with tables that seemed to be able to accommodate a whole party. The floors beneath her feet were a deep mahogany, the walls adorned with very little to allow emphasis on the wall to wall floor to ceiling windows.  The same windows that allowed for a gorgeous view of the city as well as the stars that flickered in the night sky.
“Too much?”
Lale could only hope that her mouth hadn’t been hanging open for too long.  “It’s stunning Joe… and I absolutely feel under dressed.”  Too much skin exposed, not enough elegance, and yet somehow they weren’t looked at any differently than the few patrons who remained in suits and dresses.  
“Order anything you’d like, my treat.”
He’d been treating her so often lately and yet she still felt like she was taking advantage of his kindness.  Perhaps it was payment for all the times he’d teased her and given her a hard time.  Even tho… did he really owe her for any of that?  She sighed softly, settling into the chair across from Joe, smoothing the napkin on her lap.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about mama? I know that look.  You tend to get that look any time an interview doesn’t go your way.”
There it was, the jabs she’d been expecting.  Somehow that actually brought a sense of comfort, to a night that had absolutely thrown her for a loop.  “Trying to figure out what all this means?” It was out of her mouth before she could stop herself.  “Between Kayla texting me and meeting up with you instead.  This private dinner, when they’d really been limited to texting ever since that night a couple of months ago…
“You’re wondering why tonight.  Why after all the drama, why I’m not out with the boys, or giving the twins an earful.  And I’m instead out here with you, wining and dining you in a way that doesn’t quite line up with anything we’ve been doing.  Sound about right?”
“Please remove yourself from my brain, thanks.”
The laugh that escaped Joe shook his shoulders, his head shaking along with it and his hair falling into his face from where it had fallen from his hair tie.  “Have you ever considered that your thoughts are practically broadcast on your face ma? Or at the very least… I know what the texts and the food deliveries and everything else have felt like the last two months?  Friendly support and this…”  He gestured to the intimate setting, the alcove that protected them from prying eyes while still leaving them a perfect view of the floor to ceiling windows. “This is more.  Though I would’ve thought we crossed that more threshold that first night.  But again, that’s just me.”
His teasing wink sent color spreading across her cheeks.  “I honestly… I don’t know how to count that night.  It was appreciated and… unexpected… considering how much trouble you’d given me in the past.  I… thank you Joe.”  She realized as the words left her mouth, that this was the first time she’d properly thanked him for the emotional support he’d provided.  From saving her from herself that night.
“So this is something that’s been in the works for a while hasn’t it.”
Joe raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching upwards in what Lale could only assume was a smirk.  “Certainly cutting to the chase aren’t you.  Yes I’ve thought about this for a while, no it’s not exactly been in the works.  I didn’t want to put pressure on you with everything else that’s going on in your life.” He reached across the table to rest his hand on hers.  “But tonight wasn’t exactly in the cards.  I was just so frustrated with creative not sharing these last minute changes, with the improv that Sefa brought to the table… that seeing you…”  He shrugged, shifting in his chair, his gaze moving away from hers.  “Seeing you was exactly what I needed.  And I owe Kayla big time for getting you back there.”
Her suspicions confirmed, Lale released a breath she hadn’t intended on holding. “I think… I also owe her big time for this.”  She turned her hand under his, her fingers curling around his.  It was a gesture that Joe returned with a soft squeeze, his expression softening as they held on to one another across the table.  
A few hours later, the pair stumbled out of the restaurant.  Joe’s arm comfortably around Lale’s shoulder, her hand resting against his chest as they headed back towards the waiting Escalade.  The dinner had flown by with conversation, laughter, and at least a bottle and a half of wine between them.  Lale was lost in the warmth and presence of the man beside her and, if she was being honest with herself, didn’t want this night to end.
The car sat idling beside them and both were hesitant to open the door.  To start the journey back to their hotel that would signify the end to their night.  Joe was looking down at her now, large calloused palm brushing hair out of her face, grazing her cheek on it’s way by.  “Lale…” He leaned in close, strong arms framing her against the vehicle.  “Joe?” She looked up at him through her eyelashes, tongue wetting her lip, letting her hands rest comfortably against his chest.  
“Can I?”
She knew exactly what he was asking and nodded.  His lips descended upon hers.  A gentle gesture given the size of the man, as well as the character he played for the masses.  Her eyes drifted closed, arms wrapping around his shoulders.  His arms moved from the car, one arm wrapping around her waist, the other reaching up to cup her jaw and deepen the kiss.  Her lips parted eagerly, his tongue sliding between to claim hers.  Fireworks went off from somewhere. Or if she’d been paying attention, the light of a camera flash. Either way, she was too lost in the moment for any of it to matter.
He pulled away after a moment, resting his forehead against hers, his chest heaving.  “Come back to my room with me?”  
Lale was not quite that tipsy.  She looked up at him once more, an eyebrow raised as she met his gaze.  
“Okay, not like that… like that first night yeah? Just… this time don’t go hiding in the shower first?”
Lale snorted, teeth worrying at her bottom lip as she considered.  “Alright, as long as you’re good with stopping by my room first.  I would like to actually shower this time… deal?”
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wildsaltair · 3 days
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r3ynah · 8 months
Married in the past, married in the present
To think that the Amity Trio would get dragged by their children (Dan and Dani) into another universe as a form of vacation and to escape the annoying palace councils, was not something to be expected in the Fenton-Nightangle-Foley-Manson family. it was due for a vacation anyways.
But here's the catch, They decided they should atleast take a two month break with each other so they can explore this universe more, but they did agree that every 2 weeks they'll pass the custody of their kids with each other.
It was very eventful to say the least,
Tucker, got adopted. by the one and only Bruce Wayne how?? he doesn't know either, the only thing he can remember was Bruce Wayne shoving a couple of adoption papers in his face, and now he was suddenly a Wayne, he certainly was not complaining he gets to use their advance technologies without it getting corrupted by his partner Danny(he loved the guy, but he needed his daily screen time too.)
He finds out about their secret identities two days in, was not completely surprised to find a cave downstairs, "Every billionare has one, you're not unique." was his words before he went on and explore the cave leaving a very confused batfam. he agreed to help them but if its only for hacking and stuff connected to technology, and to only join them if it's really a life changing scenario.
He was the second one to have Dan and Dani, so when they found out they're dad got adopted by a rich billionaire they were equally disappointed, Tucker tried to defend himself for his poor decision, to say the batfam was shocked once again was an understatement, imagine finding that their new brother had two children and two partners was lnot part of their new years plan. Dan and Dani only took a couple of hours for them to fit in.
Sam, went on and became a vigilante, under Harley Quinn and poison ivy's care, with almost the same powers as Ivy and same humor as Harley the three of them certainly became close friends.
Sam definitely had fun blowing up factories, and proceed to prank cops and officials, she had a run with the infamous batfam a couple of times, mostly Robin, the first time they've met they had a spar with their own weapons ofcourse,but at the same time all Sam could think was: 'the hell's a kid doing vigilante work?'. Eventually they have bonded over different weapons and fighting styles, Batman had atleast tried to recruit Sam who goes by Foliahàrà at some point, but was turned down quite harshly.
She was the first one to take care of their children, Ivy loved Dan's brutality and Harley adored Dani's chaotic self. so they became the fun cool aunts of the two children, they have somepoint asked one peaceful breakfast who the other parents are, But the only thing Sam had said was they'll meet them someday.
Danny becomes a villain, a mad scientist to be exact wondering what'll happen if he follows in his parents footsteps, he also works alongside with Mr.Freeze, and they discuss a cure together for Mr.Freeze's wife,.
He doesn't use his ghost powers in villainy his explanation? Phantom was for the good and peace. While Fenton-Nightangle was for the bad and destruction. it certainly was a shitshow when he first debuted, lets just say Gotham had an early snow day, about 20 meters of snow covered Gotham for a week. The worst part is that the snow doesn't melt. so the only thing they could've do was to sit and watch as only Fenton was able to melt the snow.
Danny was the last to get his kids, so as a responsible parent he let them go crazy, for the whole two weeks as long they keep their identities a secret and to be back at lunch, dinner, curfew and family night. which led to a bunch of rogues getting hunted and tied up by a pair of ghost kids. It was a peaceful quiet two weeks for Gotham.
'this is absolutely hilarious' Tucker known as Codelith mentally chuckled as his bat family including Foliahàrà who was sitting across him also tied up, he knew it was Sam the first moment he laid his eyes on her. no one does eyeliner as thick as Sam. Speaking of Sam she was glaring at him from across the room.
from different audiences it may have look like the two was going to kill eachother, but in reality its just their love language. The batfam looked at them confused.
"Codelit." Sam greeted in a annoyed tone.
"Foliahàrà." Tucker greeted in a more joyful tone.
"You two know eachother?" Duke questioned, as he eyed the two. very confused on why the two of them almost have the same green toxic light surrounding them.
"Ofcourse we do, we're ma-" Sam was cut off, by the sound of someone maniacally laughing. fate seemed to be a bitch because in strolled Joker himself holding a bloodied crowbar.
Tucker can feel Red hood relive his trauma, from where his sitting, he didn't really focused on the Jokers dramatic speech, because all he can think was the safety of his new family he grew comfortable with. thank fuck Dan and Dani aren't here.
"What's this a new birdie? Batman.. you sure like taking in a lot of children, how generous of you." this finally caught tucker's attention when as he saw joker walking towards him, his family stayed quiet but kept watching Joker's movements they looked constipated Tucker almost let out a snort but kept it in.
"Codelith wasn't it, Very unique I wonder why you picked it."Joker asked with a chuckle that made tucker want to puke. "Not talkative ey? well that's alright.
"I don't need you to talk." Joker playfully picked up his crowbar, then placed it on Tucker's shoulder dangerously close to his head."I just need you to scream."
He saw Sam trying to use her powers in the background, which unfortunately wasn't working because she's too used making exaggerated movements when using her plant powers, he remembers her saying that it makes it more easy to manipulate the greens around her, so she definitely had trouble controlling it while tied up, after all there was so little wrist movement to work with.
He sent a warning gaze to his Family and wife. to not make any sudden moves, which made Sam hesitantly stop, It was different with the batfam though they were really trying to be free from the ropes.
He returned his attention to joker, who was still waiting for an answer. "He's coming." was all he said, this only made joker grin, and the Bats confused. While Sam immediately got it.
Joker laughed fucking ugly laugh if Tucker said so himself, the rogue pointed at his new family's direction 'Who's he? can't you see new birdie they're all here no one's going to get you!"
And then Joker lifted his crowbar then struck down at Codelith's head, a awful sound resonated across the building, Fuck that's going to leave a nasty concussion. he felt blood dripping from his nose, as he heard the shouts and screams of the Bats and Sam. Oh Sam, I'm alright, Everything's okay, He can feel Foliahàrà's panic and anger from here.
Its okay, he's okay, because he's here.
Tucker grinned fucking grinned, like a villain type of grin. he looked up at Joker's direction and said:"He's here."
And then the wall blew up, making everyone in the warehouse startled, Here comes in the man itself. Fenton fucking Nightangle. with a smile plastered on his face he strutted in with full confidence, damn that's attractive Sam and Tucker agreed with each other.
"Joker." was all Fenton said, as he looked at the man with no emotion, his gaze landed on Sam then landed on Tucker who's blood was dripping on the floor, the only thing that Danny saw was green.
"Mr. Fenton! are you also here to watch the show?"Joker grinned teeth showing and all. "It's such a pleasure for you to be her-"
Danny walked passed Joker, Never giving him a chance to finish, he focused his gaze infront of him and went towards Tucker and cupped his face making sure he wasn't hurt that much.
"Ah... ofcourse you would immediately go to them, so silly of me!"Joker laughed.
"What do you mean by that?" Batman asked suspicously, as he made sure the Fenton boy didn't hurt his new son.
"Don't tell me you don't know Batsy! gosh darn am I the one that'll say this so exciting." The irritating man chuckled. "Well if you didnt know Batman, Dr.Fenton, Foliahàrà, and Codelith are all married together!"
The Bats let out a gasp of surprise as they looked at the trio, who remained quiet.
"I know right! such a wonderful love story." Joker wiped a fake tear. "Too bad I have to kill you all, Dr. Fenton you might've taken the town in surprise by your so wonderful inventions, but you are nothing without your gadgets." Joker explained while twirling the crowbar in his hands.
Danny let out a chuckle, his back facing the green haired man. "I see that you've made some research about us Joker."
"Yes, you are quite right, I am married to Codelith and Foliahàrà, But there's something you've missed in your research." Fenton continued, he can hear Red robin in the background saying "I don't believe Codelith can pull two fine people." who was shushed by Nightwing.
"And what would that be? please entertain me Doctor." Joker grinned.
"My Hero name's Phantom." With that Danny made a slashing motion as he swiftly faced the Joker face to face, not even a second later half of the warehouse was engulfed by ice including Joker.
Hair white as now. skin pale as a paper, and eyes green as toxic radiation, he once again faced. The vigilantes with a smile and said:
"Well that was an eventful night, who wants Fudge?"
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ashwhowrites · 17 days
Hi beautiful! I just wanted you to know I absolutely love your work! You are a phenomenal writer! I’m so excited that your request are back open! I was a curious cat wondering if I could request a best friend eddie Munson x shy reader, where she loves Star Trek next generation and has tickets to a con but none of the group will dress up with her and Eddie surprises her and does, maybe a kiss or sneaky smut! Hehe! I’m sorry if this is awkward turtle! 🐢
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
⚠️ disclaimer - I've never seen Star Trek NG so I goggled characters and I'm sorry if this is not accurate at all
Tickets to Con
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Y/N had nerdy friends, she just tended to me a little more nerdy. Her friends enjoyed things but didn't like to dress up or do cosplay, but Y/N loved it. She found so much joy in putting together a costume and attending cons to show off and meet people just like her. The only thing she disliked was always going alone.
She hoped this year would be different. She got tickets to a Star Trek con and tickets only came in pairs. She did not want to waste her money and have no one join her. So she asked all her friends, even her best friend Eddie. And they all said no.
She was devastated but refused to let that ruin her experience. She enjoyed doing her thing, even if it was alone. She worked on her cosplay for days, creating the perfect Troi outfit. She had everything pinned down to perfection, her hair, makeup, and outfit.
Y/N felt excitement fill her once she walked into the building. She took in everyone's costumes, everyone seemed to be with someone and she felt a little sad none of her friends came with her. She walked around, running to her favorite tables for signed autographs and pictures.
She was having so much fun that she barely noticed an hour passed. From all the running around, she felt like she was sweating through her costume, so she stepped outside for fresh air.
"Sir, I've already told you, you cannot go in without a ticket!" The sound of security was the first thing she heard when she stepped out. She didn't want to be caught up in the mess so she turned her back.
"Well, SIR, I already told you my friend has it and she's inside!"
That voice sounded really familiar. She scrunched her eyebrows as she turned around. She swore she felt her jaw smack the concrete.
Her best friend was standing there fighting with security in a perfect Riker cosplay matching her.
"Eddie?" she called out in shock
He looked to see where her voice came from and smiled when she came into view.
"SEE THAT'S HER!" he yelled
The guy turned around, "Is he with you?" the poor guard looked over it
"Yes," Y/N laughed, handing the guy the ticket. Eddie stuck out his tongue at him as he made it into the building.
"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked, excitedly throwing the boy into a bone-crushing hug.
"I couldn't let my favorite girl be here all alone," he said, accepting her hug.
She pulled away and Eddie swore he had never seen her smile so big. She shrugged off the way his words made her face burn. She always had a crush on Eddie but figured she was way too geeky for his taste.
"Well you are the best Riker I've seen here," Y/N said
"Yeah well, I am the best looking," Eddie shrugged with a teasing smirk
Y/N tried not to melt into the floor
"I did some research and apparently our two characters are sorta into each other, do we play as our characters or just dress as them? Because I am ready to fully commit to the romance," Eddie joked. Y/N hoped he couldn't hear how hard her heart was beating.
"PLAY!" she shouted, embarrassed as he laughed, "We definitely have to be into each other," she lied.
She felt like squeaking when his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"Let's do this, baby"
The event went amazing with Eddie by her side. They even won Best Couple cosplay and got a small trophy then their picture was taken. Y/N happily carried the trophy to her car, placing it gently in the backseat.
"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but damn that was fun!" Eddie said, chuckling as he leaned against her car. She laughed as she shut the backdoor and moved to her driver's door.
"Can I count on you for next time?" she asked, Eddie couldn't help but smile as she smiled.
"Yes," he said with no hesitation
"Thank you for coming. I know it's not your thing but it means a lot," she said, giving him another hug. But this one was more soft and close.
Eddie didn't say anything but hugged her back. He slowly pulled away but kept his arms wrapped around. She felt nervous under his stare and shivered at how close they were.
She watched as he leaned in, his eyes flicking from her eyes to her lips. She held her breath as his lips drew closer to hers, and then his lips landed on hers.
She gladly kissed him back, trying not to show how eager she was that this was finally happening. She imagined this almost every night and it was never as good as this. His lips were soft and warm, and the way he had control over her made her stomach flutter.
She stared as he pulled away, he gave one last small kiss to her lips before he removed his arms from her.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he said with a smile
"Goodnight," she breathed out in awe, watching as he walked away
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt@ineedmentalhelp123
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icyminghao · 3 months
a little sweet
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pairing: minghao x gn!reader genre: fluff, drabble, established relationship warning(s): mentions of drinking (alcohol) word count: 1.1k
summary: minghao learns of you challenging seungkwan and seokmin to a karaoke battle, only to find you singing an unexpected song.
a/n: the lyrics of the song featured (see title) have been translated to english (though i think it sounds more aesthetic in chinese, so reading this in tandem with listening to the song would enhance your experience <3)
from the universe of i don’t understand (but i love you) and (pretty) hungry, but can be read as a standalone!
based on this request by an anon!
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“Myungho, Jun and your partner are about to own Seungkwan and Seokmin at the karaoke machine! You should go watch,” Soonyoung interrupts your boyfriend’s tea session with Wonwoo, poking his head through the tiny gap between the sliding balcony door and the wall as he giggles uncontrollably.
Minghao raises his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised.
You and Minghao had come over to Mingyu and Wonwoo’s shared apartment to hang out with all twelve of his best friends, and he was slightly worried you’d feel out of place here despite your insistence for him to go enjoy his “tea party” with Wonwoo at the balcony.
Processing the new information given to him by Soonyoung, Minghao can’t help but smile. There was nothing to worry about.
Getting up from his seat, Minghao sets his tea cup down on the patio table as he walks through the balcony door, now opened wider thanks to a very excited Soonyoung, only to be greeted with raucous cheers from Seungkwan and Seokmin as they hype you and Junhui up.
The rest of the boys surround the living room, all eyes focused on you and Junhui standing on either side of the television.
Minghao smiles, utterly endeared by the sight before him, and the determined look in your eyes as you face the crowd. You haven’t noticed him yet, seemingly focused on the melody that’s starting to play over the speakers.
A melody that’s oddly familiar to Minghao, belonging to a song he didn’t expect you to know.
“I’ll pick an apple and wait for you to pass by this door,” Junhui starts off the song as Minghao is left reeling at this series of events, “Give it to you to quench your thirst.”
You and Junhui are currently singing a song that’s relatively popular in Minghao’s country. One might even go so far as to say it’s a classic, and Minghao is shocked yet impressed that you know this song.
“Like a Coke in summer or hot cocoa in the winter, you’re the right character at the right time,” it’s now your turn to sing, and you’re absolutely on point with the lyrics and pronunciation, much to Minghao’s surprise. The corner of his lips turn up gradually as he looks on the situation with nothing but the softest eyes, and it’s then that you notice him as Junhui is singing his lines.
Your eyes light up upon meeting Minghao’s endeared ones, and you beam at him. Minghao’s breath hitches, and he suddenly feels as if the two of you are the only ones in this room.
“I also don’t know why, my wounds haven’t fully healed,” you sing into the microphone, eyes never leaving his, “Yet you’ve barged into my heart.”
“You have helped me see a flower blossom in the desert,” the both of you are none the wiser, but the boys around you have stopped their cheers and hollers, and have turned to sending you and Minghao disgusted looks. Even Junhui has stopped his singing, instead walking over to your boyfriend to pass him the microphone.
“You have inspired me to write you a love song every day,” Minghao takes over the duet, cutting through the couches to stand beside you.
“Using the most romantic chorus, you also quietly sang along,” the both of you sing in unison, eyes boring into each other’s as the whole world fades into insignificance.
“Our eyes confirm our decision.”
The music abruptly cuts off, and you look toward the commotion to find Seol, Wonwoo’s puppy, standing on the television remote. The boys around you all cheer at the cessation of your public display of affection, and you simply laugh as Minghao continues staring at you like nothing happened.
“Well,” Seungkwan interrupts the cheering and hollering, “you certainly owned us at karaoke, just not in the way we expected you to.”
The boys all laugh, some coming up to smack Minghao on the back, while most of them resume what they were doing prior to the duet.
You turn to Minghao, who’s still looking at you much like you’d hung all the stars in the sky. You grab his microphone and put it down on the coffee table along with yours, then reach out to take both his hands in yours.
“How do you know that song?” Minghao asks, the softest of smiles resting on his face.
You grin back at him. “I heard it on TikTok, so I asked Junhui to teach me the lyrics so I could sing it to you.”
Minghao chuckles. “And he did it? Willingly?”
“Well, no, of course not,” you shake your head, and Minghao smiles wider. “He made me sing it with him here so he could beat Seungkwan and Seokmin at karaoke.”
“He also told me to call you…” you pause, seemingly trying to recall what your mutual friend had said. Minghao nods, waiting patiently for you to gather your thoughts. “Laogong!”
Minghao freezes. His body heats up, and he just knows the tips of his ears are turning red. Thankfully, no one around the both of you are paying any attention to your conversation, or Minghao would have been teased to no end already. You tilt your head in confusion at Minghao’s lack of response.
Minghao clears his throat. “Did… did Junhui tell you what that means?”
“Nope!” you chirp, completely clueless, and your expression gradually morphs into one of worry. “Why? Does it mean something bad?”
“No!” Minghao dismisses your worries immediately, unintentionally raising his voice before wincing and muttering a small apology. “No, love*, it doesn’t mean anything bad, don’t worry.”
You nod, relieved, before looking at him with a glint of curiosity in your eyes. “Well, what does it mean, then?”
“It’s…” Minghao attempts to explain, still giddy from the fact that you’d used the term on him, “it’s a term of endearment, but typically used for someone who’s your husband.”
Your eyes widen upon hearing Minghao’s explanation, mouth opening and closing like a fish. Minghao chuckles at the sight, removing one of his hands from yours to pat your head. “I like it.”
“Really?” you grin, squeezing the hand that’s still in yours, “Should I call you Laogong more often, then?”
“You can call me anything you want, love,” Minghao squeezes your hands back, pinching your cheek with the hand that was resting on your head.
“Well, Laogong, we should probably join the boys at the dining table, don’t you think?” you grin, removing your hands from his to motion towards the dining area, where the boys have gathered to begin their drinking games.
Minghao hums, pretending to think, when in reality you both know his answer is as clear as day. “I don’t want to. Let’s get out of here?”
You laugh, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend’s shoulder.
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*: love — supposed to be a translation of the word in the reader’s native language, but can also be taken as the English term of endearment (if that makes sense)
a/n 2: i guess i’m starting to write based on requests again >< saw this one and couldn’t help but think of my lovely idubily couple so i just had to i love them sm </3
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @slytherinshua @weird-bookworm @viscade @pepperonidk @belladaises @tastymintchocolate @dahliatopia @kwantaro-deactivated20240614 @chanceonceli @hrts4hanniehae @leehanascent @nonononranghaee
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vettelsvee · 26 days
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f1 masterlist | ask me anything or let's talk! driver x oc version available on wattpad on august 30th
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george russell x female lawyer!reader | based on 2022 season
for more information to the reader: ❥ reader in this series is sisters in law with seb (as her sister is married to him) ❥ it contains fake dating, enemies to lovers and grumpy (her) x sunshine (him) trope. ❥ some parts might include sensitive content. pay attention to trigger warnings at the beginning of each part. ❥ english is not my first language so apologies for any mistakes that you can read here!
started: AUGUST 25TH 2024 currently status: on going | last updated: august 25th masterlist under the cut !
taglist: [feel free to tell me so i can tag you and you don't miss anything!]
a/n: as i told you a few days ago the doctor recommended me absolute rest for my ankle injury and i promised: new series coming! you guys are gonna love this (i hope so at least!).
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To everyone's eyes, Y/N Y/L/N's life seemed perfect. To her, however, it was quite the opposite.
Although her relationship with her family had not been the best since some of her canon events, including her father's death and her older sister's quite messy and controversial public life, things took a turn for the worse when she met Daniel during her university years. What began as just stopping by her aunt and uncle's house to spend the night gradually turned into sporadic visits, eventually ending up with her immediately moving in with her boyfriend after finishing university. This led to a growing distance between her, her sisters, and her aunt and uncle. Despite pleas and attempts to keep the family together from them, their communication was limited to occasional birthday greetings, important holiday calls and, years later, the surprising announcement of a wedding that caught both the Müller-Y/L/N and the Vettel households off guard.
After spending a year and a half planning what she believed would be the best day of her life with the man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with, Y/N realizes she's not ready at all to say "I do," leading her to run away from her own wedding and leaving all the guests in shock.
Desperate, confused, and unsure whether she had made the right decision or what to do with her life from that moment on, the middle Y/L/N sister was determined to leave everything behind to regain what she had lost with the help of her family and, particularly, a British man with whom she must fake a relationship after drunkenly telling her ex-fiancé that he wasn't the only one who found someone better.
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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part 1: after planning her wedding for more time that she'd like, y/n realizes talking to her older sister, diana, that she's not reading to get married (coming soon!)
part 2: after running away from her own wedding, y/n doesn't know what to do until, once again, her big sister gives her some help, this time offering her to go with her and seb to every single race on formula 1 2022 season (coming soon!)
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etheries1015 · 8 months
Malleus X (Flirty and almost shameless) Reader - A...confession? Kind of?
warning: not really proof read, gender neutral reader
tw: None, maybe some second hand embarrassment BUAHA
"Prefect... I... I like you! I admire you, and I think you're so attractive and kind and you're always helping others-"
"I'm gonna stop you there. I'm flattered, I really am, and it takes a lot of courage to face your feelings like that. however I will let you know I am in fact in love with someone already, so I'm going to have to say no."
Malleus felt his heart drop into his stomach, he hadn't felt this way from such small words spoken by another person before. Before he knew it he found himself holding his breath, continuing to listen, hoping to hear you speak more in depth of this love you spoke fondly of. He continued to listen closely to the events transpiring before him, almost yearning for you to comfort his doubts.
"I-I see..." The other males voice said, cracking slightly, "well..I hope whoever they are...you're h-happy.." Another voice crack. He was defintently crying at this point. Foot steps scurried away from the dorm, as you let out a deep sigh and turned in the direction of the eavesdropper.
"Malleus, I can see your horns poking through the top of that pillar you 're attempting to hide behind. You're not very slick," you chuckled, to which Malleus revealed himself embarssingly from behind the pillar of the worn down building.
"...Apologies for eavesdropping, that's incredibly unbecoming of me. However, Who, might I ask, were you speaking about when you said you have someone else in your affections?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before looking up at him with a tilted head, a look of pure confusion before you said,
"Who else? Of course it's you, Tsunotaro."
Malleus could not hide the obvious shock at this revelation, green eyes wide and jaw slacked open as if he was trying to find the words to reply yet nothing was coming out for nothing felt right to say in this moment. You were so brazen to confess your affections were for the draconic prince of Briar Valley in such an uncouth and 'improper' way? Malleus almost laughed out loud at this.
You must have felt that something was off with your confession in the way Malleus reacted, and quickly tried to remedy yourself.
"Oh, but i'll make sure to show that my feelings are true! I just wanted you to know right away that nobody else has my sights, yeah?" You giggled nervously, "Okay, how about this, we pretend that absolutely none of this happened, and you meet me at ramshackle! I have a suprise for you!"
"...Shall I consider this an official invite?"
"Of course!" You smiled brightly, "I, (y/n), prefect of Ramshackle dorm hereby officially invite you, Malleus Draconia, to a date located tonight at 8PM in the Ramshackle garden. Got it?" The bell rang signifying it was time for classes to begin, you had walked away from the fae waving and calling out;
"Don't be late! Tonight, at 8PM! I'll be sad if you're not there!!"
Malleus watched as your lively figure skipped away, smiling to himself he couldn't help but burst out in laughter.
"How shameless of them!" He snickered to himself, "I shall indeed look forward to how tonight's events unfold."
Although incredibly straight forward and unable to hide yourself, it was truly one of the biggest charms Malleus was attracted to. You always knew how to surprise him, and he was certain you would be the one for him, blunt or otherwise.
slowly but surely getting through my 20+ drafts...some are in here from over a year ago bro...
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cynarisgayass · 2 months
Sorry for lack of post, work has been absolutely kicking my ass, so I'll drop these little low effort headcannons I came up with after doing the newest genshin event. GN fairy reader. Slight spoilers??
Also to the person who sent in your Zzz request I promise I will work on it soon. Forgive me.
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He's very much the type of guy who even though he thinks of you as the gorgeous forest fairy, he's not gonna say it to your face. He will show up when you need help and act all reluctant about doing things for you even though he enjoys them. Then one day out of nowhere he will be staring at you and just accidentally blurt out what he's feeling like, "You're beautiful sunshine."
Then we all die.
Girl literally calls you her partner and would die for you, so to say she'd be the type to compliment you with no shame is a understatement. The two of you would be walking through the paper woods and she would just go, "By the way, I just thought I'd tell you how much I appreciate you and all you have done for me. You truly have my heart, partner." And then she'd wink at you as your face turned bright red.
Why's he here? Cause I like him shush. Anyways, forest fairies are a great source of inspiration for poems yeah, but he'd also want to draw you as well. Combine both his word building of your powers and beauty along with a image that he says could never truly capture the wonder that you are, but give those who look at it a glimpse. Then he'd ask if you wanted to sit under a paper tree and share bulle fruits with the flying squirrels.
Lets be honest, he wouldn't believe you at first. Forest fairy? Not real. Then he'd look around him, see the paper forest and probably have a little mini panic attack without moving a single muscle or looking any different on the outside. He'd eventually loosen up after you explain things and I don't know why, but I totally see him dancing with a fairy reader. If it helps the forest...he will oblige, albeit reluctantly.
Wouldn't be fazed in the slightest. Couldn't actually care less that he's in a different world, he's read fairytales before, he's seen what visions can do so it's no shock to him. You however, kinda surprise him. Normally he's always nonchalant about others, but you...he doesn't mind letting you sit with him while he reads. He doesn't even mind helping you when you need him too, his ways of romancing are subtle, but sweet.
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Damn, actually wrote alot of these. I wanna do this again with more time and I'm also hungering to write some smut too so whenever I'm not struggling to stay awake after work I'll be posting more~
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ sorry, they're already taken ♡
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-> someone confesses to you, his dear lover, in front of him, how would he react?
lyneira's 1.2k milestone event
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Watches from afar
Cater, Jack, Silver, Neige, Jamil, Kalim, Che'nya
He trusts that you'll turn them down and he knows that you know how to handle the situation, so he doesn't see the need to step in. They're just expressing their feelings and there isn't any real harm done from it, after all. It would also be a funny story to recall later in the future.
Though, don't be fooled by this calm nature of his. If they dare try to touch you or make any physical advances towards you, he will be on the perpetrator in an instant and will ensure that they regret it.
Epel, Floyd, Leona, Ace, Riddle, Sebek
When he sees them confessing to you, he'd scoff, absolutely astounded. Has he not made it clear enough to everyone that you two were together? He's always had his arm around you, always talked about you, and was almost always by your side, so to say that he was shocked that a person had the audacity to confess to you even after all that was an understatement. So he'll confront them immediately, telling them to back off since you two are already together. And if they don't, he won't hesitate to get physical
Don't worry though, if you tell him to calm down, he'll listen to you. As long as they understand that you're already taken- by him specifically- he'll be able to cool his jets.
After they leave, he'll huff while grabbing you and hugging you protectively, muttering to himself that he should make it more clear to others that you two are together. Maybe he'll find more ways of doing so, whether it's giving you one of his belongings to wear, or giving you love bites in places for everyone to see 😏 he'll find a way so that something like this doesn't happen again, as much as he can help it
Finds it 'funny'
Malleus, Jade, Rollo, Azul, Lilia, Rook, Vil
He'd be amused by the situation. (Not a funny "haha" type of "amused", but a rather one of intrigue and surprise) Look, he understands why they hold adoration for you. He understands it himself all too well, so he can't find himself blaming them. At the same time, just because he understands doesn't mean he's willing to let you go or share you. It seems that it must be reiterated that you're his and he's yours.
He'll be "kind" enough to let them finish their confession before standing his ground by approaching you, pulling you close to him by the waist and giving an ever so subtle threatening smile to the confessor, "I understand your sentiments towards my lover, truly...and we would appreciate if you'd take your leave now"
Basically, he'd act possessive asf in this situation, just like in the previous category, except with a different and less explosive demeanor
Awkwardly steps in
Ruggie, Idia, Deuce, Trey
He'll step in if he sees that you're feeling awkward about the situation (otherwise he'll let you handle it if he sees you have no problem dealing with it)
But tbh he'd definitely feel just as awkward in attempting to explain it to the confessor. It could be a possible misunderstanding or that they didn't know that you were already taken, so he'll set things right, albeit sheepishly.
It's not until the confessor underestimates him and tells you to ditch him does a surge of confidence suddenly flow within him and he'll become more forward and direct in proving that they won't be able go break you two up.
He might be awkward in certain situations, but when it comes to defending you and the love that you two share, he won't hesitate to fiercely protect it.
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a/n: tbh I felt "meh" about this one, but just wanted to have something out there and check if my posts are finally showing up again in the tags aaaa
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monster-disaster · 14 days
Big fan of your work.Can I please 🥺🙏 request you do a fix about introducing your male naga boyfriend to your family.His big and intimidating but the family are shocked S/O is dating a monster.
naga!boyfriend x human!Reader Good to know: no warnings
The bright summer sun blazes on the top of the cloudless sky as you and your boyfriend approach your parents' house. The cheerful sounds of laughter, sizzling barbecue, and clinking glasses drift over from behind the familiar building towering behind the white fence you helped to paint down several years ago.
You take a deep breath, feeling the flutter of anxiety in your stomach as you get closer and closer to the open entrance. The scent of grilled meats and vegetables fills the air, mingling with the floral notes from the garden. The family barbecue is always a big event, but this year, instead of excitement, you feel nervous and overwhelmed. There is too big of a chance for everything to go wrong.
"Remember," your boyfriend is the one who breaks the silence, "no matter what they think of me, you and I are a sure thing. We've got this."
You look up at him, meeting his steady gaze and gentle smile. His confidence is contagious, and you feel a bit of the tension in your chest ease. He is right. Maybe your family will have their opinion about the fact that you fell in love with a naga, but it doesn't have to do anything with your relationship.
"I know," you tell him with a deep breath. "It’s just… I don’t want them to make you feel uncomfortable."
The male chuckles softly, slipping his long fingers through yours to squeeze your hand comfortingly. "I appreciate that, but you’ve seen me handle tougher situations. Your family will come around. And if not, well, it’s their loss."
He is right, you remind yourself, yet, for a moment, you hesitate at the front door, taking in the familiar picket fence and the well-tended, colorful flower beds.
“Ready?” You ask, trying to keep your voice steady. The question is unnecessary and more about you than the male waiting beside you patiently.
“Absolutely,” he replies with a confident smile. His eyes sparkle with an easygoing warmth, and his fingers around yours tighten, trying to ease the stress stretching across your chest and belly.
With a deep inhale, you push the front door open, leading him inside. The hallway is lined with family photos, and the faint sound of music mixed with the hum of conversations reaches your ears from the garden in the back. You guide him through the living room, giving him enough time to look around the wooden furniture, dark green couch, and tall bookshelf next to the TV.
"I see where your style comes from," he says, amused. The house is dominated by warm colors and earthy tones. It's comfortable and inviting, and you can't help but relax in the familiar environment.
Finally, you reach the glass door leading to the backyard. The garden is bustling and loud with your family: children run around, laughter rings out from the adults, and the grill crackles with sizzling food. The familiar mix of your father's spices is heavy and mouthwatering in the warm summer air.
Your dad is at the grill, flipping burgers and hot dogs with your uncles surrounding him while your mom is busy with others from your family. Nearby, your grandparents sat in lawn chairs, enjoying the warmth of the day with cool drinks in their hands and keeping one eye on the kids playing around them.
As you and your boyfriend step onto the patio, the lively chatter and laughter of the garden party fall abruptly into silence. The vibrant hum of conversations quiets down, leaving an almost tangible pause in the air. Every head turns toward you and your boyfriend, with expressions shifting from curiosity to surprise. You try to maintain a confident smile, but it feels more like a grimace. The silence stretches, growing heavier with each passing second you stand under their gaze. You can feel the weight of a hundred unspoken questions and unvoiced opinions pressing down on you.
Your boyfriend's squeeze on your hand shakes you up from your stalling.
Clearing your throat, you break the silence finally. “Hey everyone, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend." Your voice wavers slightly as you introduce him.
The male next to you offers a polite smile, his tail shifting slightly behind him. He is nervous too, even though he tries to be calm for you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
The garden remains eerily quiet, and you can feel the muscles of your face twitch as you try to keep smiling.
No one speaks. The awkwardness grows, making the seconds feel like minutes. Long, long minutes.
The garden’s tense silence hangs in the air as you and your boyfriend still stand at the edge of the patio. The sizzling of the barbecue and the distant noises of the neighborhood seem far off in the background. Someone just arrives a few houses away, their car rumbles through the street. Someone else is busy mowing the grass. You bet all of them have a better time than you.
Just as you begin to worry that the awkwardness might never lift, a sudden burst of squeals pierces through the quiet.
With a small jump at the sudden sound, you look down to see your youngest cousin with tousled hair and chubby cheeks waddling closer and closer to your pair. Her face is flushed from playing and laughing around. Her eyes are wide and shine with wonder as she stares intently at the naga beside you.
The sunlight catches your boyfriend's scales again when he shifts, curling his long tail around himself, casting a dazzling array of colors that shimmered like a living prism. The toddler’s eyes widen even further, and she lets out an enthusiastic squeal. “Oh, pweddy!” She exclaims. Her tiny hands reach out as if to touch the light dancing on the otherwise bluish scales.
Your boyfriend, noticing her delight, crouches down to her level with a gentle smile. His scales shift and sparkle in the sunlight, reflecting a spectrum of vibrant hues. “Hello there,” he says softly, his voice warm and friendly. You can see his expression and posture relax now that he can busy himself with a curious little girl instead of your family's shocked silence. “Do you like the colors?”
Your cousin nods vigorously, her face breaking into a wide grin. She claps her hands and giggles, clearly entranced by the play of light on the long tail. “Magic!” She shouts with glee. Her ponytail bounces on the top of her head and the decor on the tie glitters as she moves.
The sound of her laughter is like a breath of fresh air, breaking the lingering tension. Your family watches with a mix of amusement and relief as the toddler continues to marvel at the spectacle with excited 'ohs' and "ahs' every few seconds. Her chubby fingers slide up and down on your boyfriend's scales while he explains a few things about nagas that may interest the small girl.
"Pretty, huh?" You ask her with a relieved smile on your face.
Your cousin nods, still grinning. "Pink," she points out a few colors that catch her eyes as the rays of the sun dance on the smooth scales.
"Yes," your love nods. "And what is this?" He points at another color.
"That's right!"
"Oh," your mom gasps, adjusting her shirt as if she is just waking up. "Don't just stand there! Come! The food is almost ready!"
And with that, something melts around your family. The silent awkwardness eases until it entirely disappears, and your family starts talking and moving again. A few of them continue their previous conversation while the other come closer to introduce themselves.
"Wanna play?" Your cousin asks, not caring about the adults gathering around her and her new friend. Her small hand is already gripping your boyfriend's finger to pull him with herself.
"I think he will be busy for a while," you tell your mom, smiling at the sight of your male and the little girl as they make their way to the blanket spread out on the grass with toys all over it.
"That's fine," your aunt replies with a wave of her hand. "She ate not long ago. I don't give ten minutes, and she will fall asleep."
She is right. The next time you see your boyfriend, he is next to your father, talking about something with your cousin soundly asleep in his arms.
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reccyls · 27 days
Don't Look at Anything Except for Me (Victor story)
My translation of Victor's story for this collection event
Standing in the otherwise empty lounge was a tall box with a handle.
(It looks big enough to fit an entire person inside. I wonder what it's for.)
Just as I was going to open it...
Victor: Looks like you found it.
Surprised, I let go of the handle, and and approached the wryly smiling Victor.
Kate: What's this for?
Victor: A prop for my next magic trick!
He enthusiastically pulled open the box, revealing nothing inside. Just darkness.
Kate: It looks like just a normal box to me... What kind of magic trick can you do with this?
Victor: I'm very glad you asked! A trick where you can escape after being shut within a perfectly ordinary box.
Kate: Ooh, I've seen a magic trick like that before!
Victor: Since Vogel has arrived, I've been thinking about welcoming them with a little magic show. Victor: And I might as well take the chance to add a new trick to my repertoire.
Kate: Vogel did say that they want to build a closer relationship with us. Kate: I should also be talking more to the three of them!
(I am concerned about Harrison's warning, but it's important to know people, too.)
I suddenly realized Victor was staring at me...
Kate: What's wrong?
Victor: You're very kind. Always extending grace to anyone you meet, no matter who they may be. Victor: But... I want you to know more about Crown, as well.
Victor turned his gaze downwards, and his shoulders fell slightly. He looked lonely.
Victor: And of course, more about me, as well.
He gave me a playful wink, as if to say not to mind what he just said.
Victor: And now, to make sure I don't lose your attention, allow me to monopolize your time! Victor: I've never done this trick before, so I'd like your help to practice. How does that sound?
Ecstatic that he wanted to practice with me, I nodded vigorously.
Kate: Absolutely!
I stepped into the box, finding it wide enough to fit me comfortably.
Victor: There's a switch on the inside. If you flip it, the back panel should slide out so you can escape.
But inside the box, I couldn't find the switch.
Victor: The manual said it should be in there. Let me see...
Victor stepped forward, half his body leaning into the box. I watched him intently search for the switch, and then-
Kate: Ah, is that it?
Victor: ! Yes, that's the one!
Finding the slight knob, Victor met my eyes and smiled as he pushed it. And just then--
Victor: Eh?
Kate: Aah!
The door slammed shut, and trapped the two of us inside the box.
Victor: That was a shock... Kate, are you all right?
Kate: Yes, I'm fine...
(What do we do? He's way too close...!)
Our bodies were so close that I could hear the sound of his breathing clear as day. He had his hands pressed up against the back wall, so there was a bit of a gap. Perhaps it was due to the darkness, but I felt as though any slight movement in any direction would lead to us being pressed flush against one another.
Kate: Y-you know how to escape from the inside, right?
I tried to hide my nervousness with a question.
Victor: .......Unfortunately, I don't.
His answer was exactly what I didn't want to hear.
Victor: I thought that switch was supposed to be for that exact purpose. Victor: We may have no other choice but to wait until someone lets us out.
Kate: No way...
(Maybe if we press that switch again?)
Kate: Let's try pressing the switch again! I'm pretty sure it was somewhere around here...
Victor: Ahhh!
My finger poked into Victor's side, and he let out a yelp I'd never heard from him before.
Kate: S-sorry!
Victor: It's fine. I was just surprised, that's all.
Perhaps the cramped conditions were getting to be a bit too much for Victor, because he bent an arm. I stifled a gasp at how close we had become. A lock of his silky hair brushed across my cheek. His voice carried the soft texture of a cool night's air. For some reason, my face felt hot where his hair had fallen across it.
(If we don't get out right now... My heart isn't going to be able to take any more of this.)
I ran my hand along the wall again, in the hopes that I'd find something that could hasten our escape by even a single second.
Victor: Kate?
Kate: Maybe I can find the switch by touch.
Victor: That's a good idea, I'll try too-- !!
Kate: Ack!
Because of our movements, the box began to wobble, throwing me off balance. In a panic, I tried to stand, but only ended up with my legs around Victor's, almost as if straddling him.
Victor: Sorry for this. I'm going to try to get us out of here, but I'll need to move a little.
Kate: W-wait a second-- mm....
I tried to scramble for a better position, but there wasn't any space inside the cramped box. Victor's knee pressed between between my legs, digging right into where I was most sensitive...
(Oh no, I can feel my body start to respond--)
My toes curled as Victor's movements caushed his knee to continue to rub in between my legs. I gripped his shirt, trying to endure the sensations.
Kate: It's fine. Please stop moving.
Victor: !
I heard his breath catch, before his knee pushed me back.
Victor: ...I'm sorry.
As I looked up, there was an apologetic expression on his face. And then with a crash and a hard impact, throwing my face upwards. My lips brushed right against the mole at his lips.
Kate: --The door's open...?
Beyond Victor, I could see the familiar sights of the castle's lounge. Unsteadily, I made my way out of the box and collapsed on the spot out of pure relief.
Victor: Are you hurt?
I looked up at Victor's worried expression, his hand extended to me to help me up.
(Right at the very end, I almost kissed Victor...)
Embarrassed and uncomfortable, I couldn't meet his eyes as I took his hand.
Kate: ...I'm okay.
Victor: If we'd been stuck in there any longer, my heart might have exploded.
His tone was light as he turned to look back at the box. That was when I noticed.
Amidst his flowing black hair, his ears had turned faintly red.
(Maybe I'm wrong? But, if he realized what happened too...)
Victor: Kate?
The voice that called my name carried just a hint of seductiveness. And I could feel the heat we shared while trapped in the box stlil lingering.
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kerrikins · 20 days
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So I wrote about this a little on twitter but I thought I'd expand on it a little here...
I think many watchers had been suspecting the turn that this episode took so in a lot of ways it wasn't surprising, though there were ways in which it was probably a little shocking, a bit worse than even what we were steeling ourselves for.
It's really made me think about the contrast over the last few hours, though, and what it might mean... And I think the main thought I've come away with here is this:
Great wishes that he were different, and I don't mean just his recent decisions, but fundamentally who he is as a person.
Consider the Great we met in the first five episodes. He's a little spoiled, right? A little bit of a bratty rich kid.
But beneath that he's naive and sweet. Inexperienced but well-meaning. Soft and open once Tyme gets him to talk to him, and honest about how incredibly unhappy he is.
Then in episode six we meet the real Great and about the only thing we get to keep is his unhappiness. In reality he's bratty, cynical and jaded, a world-weary rich kid who doesn't care about anything and drinks and has sex to pass the time and distract him from his reality.
I think it's *very* interesting to compare who Great imagines himself to be, versus who he actually is.
Which brings me to my next thought:
2. Great isn't irredeemable.
He's made some absolutely terrible choices, of course. That can't be disputed. He caused the death of the woman, he contributed/didn't stop the death of Dome, and he watched Nan die as well. He's been a coward many times over.
But isn't it interesting what his dying mind chooses to do?
If you were dying and you had the choice to go back and redo everything, what do you think your focus would be?
I think if many of us are honest, that focus would be 'saving ourselves'.
Yet that's not what Great's dying mind is grappling with. Instead it's focused on other things - things like saving all the lives that he didn't save the first time around. Choosing freedom and happiness. Choosing love by getting closer to Tyme.
And then at the end, as his mind grapples with the fact that he's dying, is the focus on saving himself?
Instead the focus is on saving his mother, putting himself in the path of danger.
Some people have asked why we spent so long in the other timeline and I think it's been for two reasons - one, to establish the course of events, but also to establish who Great wishes to be. Who he might have been if his life had been a little different, if he was raised by different people or made different choices.
But there's another person in the equation, isn't there? And that's got me thinking about what Great's father said... Because it could be a lie, but what if it isn't?
What will Tyme regret and want to change if he finds out that his revenge was for all the wrong reasons?
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sturnioloskyline · 7 months
hockey player!chris x figure skater!reader headcanons
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sfw and nsfw section!
you and chris met in high school during the holiday season, when an ice skating rink was set up in the city park. chris went with his brothers, and you went with your best friends. both of you loved to show off your skating skills, swiftly and confidently gliding across the ice. so when you and chris were both in the rink, you ended up bumping into each other at full speed. when you looked into each other's eyes, lying on the cold ice, you immediately broke into smiles, and the rest was history.
after a few dates, chris invited you to watch one of his games. you immediately accepted, and chose to surprise him by wearing one of his spare jerseys. his teammates immediately noticed, and gave him shit for it the whole game. he didn't care though, he had a grin plastered on his face the whole time.
eventually, chris advanced in the hockey world and made it to a professional team. the team would occasionally organize these social events where the players brought their partners. fortunately, one of the first ones you were invited to was at an ice skating rink. you shocked his teammates, their partners, and his coach with your skills on the ice. you didn't think it was that big of a deal, but it ended up leading to you being offered a position as a hockey cheerleader for chris's team. you accepted the offer, and you and chris had been working side by side ever since.
nsfw(minors dni):
chris would LOVE fucking you in his jersey. something about the way his number bounced up and down with your body as he fucked you always ended up making him pound into you relentlessly until you couldn't speak.
after rough losses, chris would release his tension by having sex with you after. although you would never admit it, you found that having sex with chris after he lost a game drove you insane. the way he manhandled you, gripping your body harshly enough to leave faint bruises. he'd rock his hips in to yours hard and fast, shutting his eyes and letting loud moans fall from his mouth, fully giving into pleasure. and afterwards he would cuddle you and thank you for being by his side 🤍.
chris absolutely worshipped the way your body moved as you skated, and he showed his appreciation for your flexibility whenever he was having sex with you. he was always open to experimenting with positions, twisting and bending both of your bodies until he found the perfect way to hit the spot inside of you that made your brain go foggy.
crhis definitely snuck you into his team's locker room after everyone's left for the night just so that he could hear your moans echo around the tiled walls. you acted like you were oblivious every time he lured you into the locker room, but you knew exactly what he was doing, you just couldn't help but get turned on by it as well.
author’s note: let me know if u guys want more headcanons like this! also i’ve never read icebreaker but can someone tell me if it’s good bc i kinda want to now….
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kuamiru · 2 years
The Golden Child Part III
SAGAU & Impostor AU where the reader is the child of the actual creator.
Warnings: Blood, talks of kidnapping, mention of suicide.
If you haven't read part 2 yet, you can find it here.
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Deep down, a dozen meters below the ground, a wounded man awake with a jolt.
The ground below him was wet, undoubtedly thanks to the pool his blood had made. Every inch of his body hurt like hell. There was a gaping wound on his side, his left arm was twisted in an uncomfortable way, and his head felt like it wasn't really attached to the rest of his body, the migraine making a simple job like opening his eyes fill him with absolute pain. Downsides of having a mortal body, he supposed.
Upon glancing upwards, he found that he couldn't see the top of the cave. It was just a large hole that went on and on, but he guessed he must've been deep into the earth for not even being able to see the light of the day. That, or it was nighttime already.
It took him a couple of minutes to stop feeling dizzy. He just concentrated on breathing, trying his best to ignore the sting of his wound every time he inhaled. Once the world stopped spinning, he got up.
First, he tried to sit up, but having the strength of only one arm only made things more difficult. He failed two times but managed to succeed on the third. Now he could see the area better and found that his guess of a cave wasn't entirely wrong. It was just rock, water, and gravel everywhere; with a couple of passages that went beyond what he could see thanks to the dim light his vision offered. What surprised him, though, was to find a lonely patch of grass and flowers below him. The grass was thick and soft, that was what undoubtedly cushioned his fall. The flowers were below his arm and head, so they were supporting his wounded extremities in an attempt to not aggravate his existing wounds.
A groan alerted him, and turning his head quickly, he was able to see another figure with him, laying down unconscious on the ground and doing considerably worse than him. Still feeling a bit dazed, he was able to reconstruct the events that led him to his point.
He fought in The Chasm! Then lightning struck and both him and the other man fell down. So this is where they ended up, huh? He had no idea how to get out or if it even was possible to find an exit.
But he still needed to try. He had to get to you.
He could sense a wall nearby. His only good arm waved all around, trying to find something hard to land on and help him stand. All this darkness was doing nothing to help his migraine.
What he found, though, was not a rocky wall but instead a firm torso of a person. The shock made him recoil with a yelp, trying to get away but failing to do so thanks to the pain in his legs and waist. So, sitting on the floor, he could only look up to try to see who was in front of him. For a second dread took over him, thinking that the other man had woken up and was ready to strike him again; however, he could still hear him breathing heavily right where he found him. So, who was this?
A flicker of light emanated from his vision, and the slight glow was enough to let him stare into the deep, blue eyes of blond man. He wished there was more light to see him, for all he could distinguish was a suit adorned with a cape and a mask covering the right side of his face but letting his eye visible. He didn't know what to make of him. Why would such a man be right there, deep into the underground of The Chasm?
"You..." He heard the stranger say, but couldn't really discern what was said next. It was as if all the blood rushed right to his head, making it impossible to hear anything but muffled words.
His vision blurred once again. And, even though the stranger moved to support him, he still fell down as the world was spinning around him.
And, in just that instant, he lost consciousness once more.
It was only nighttime... It hurt to think that it was only this morning the moment where you lost everything you held dear to your heart.
Your eyes were fixated on the bonfire in front of you, simply watching the flames dance as you tried to avoid having any type of thoughts that could make you break down in front of this group of mercenaries. To anyone who saw you, it would give an eerie feeling. But this was the only way you had to remain strong. If you didn't think about what happened, it would be the same as if it never happened, right?
The party that previously raided Gandharva Ville was strong in numbers; however, the group that you were in now roughly had six people in it. It was just you, the man that carried you in his shoulder throughout the forest, three more guys and two women. It seemed like this was the main group, and everyone else you saw in the ville was just a reinforcement.
Contrary to what anyone could've thought, the atmosphere in the improvised camp was pretty lively. One girl and one guy stood relatively far to keep watch, but the four remaining members were keeping you company around the fire, telling jokes and sharing some pretty interesting stories between them.
Even though you weren't really in the mood to laugh, you still pretended to listen to them. Some of the jokes even made you smile, but it was pretty evident you were feeling a little down.
And so, one of the men sat down beside you, looking down at you with a warm smile. Thanks to the little time you spent with them, you saw him as the most friendly of all.
"Hey there, little one." He said. "Do you feel tired yet?"
It was pretty late. But still, you shook your head.
"I see..." He took a look at the empty tent. "Do you feel cold in there?"
You shook your head once again. "No, it's okay. I just don't feel tired."
"If I were you, I'd be dying to get some rest!" The woman laughed, managing to capture the attention of the group. "When I joined the Eremites, the worst part was getting used to three hours of sleep a day!"
The guy in front of her nodded, agreeing with her.
"Yet you survived. How I wish you didn't."
She threw a rock at him while the rest of the team laughed at them it even managed to make you chuckle. Your companion seemed to light up at this.
"We are just worried about you. I know that we were paid to escort you, but even then we know better than to let a kid be uncomfortable during the night." He ruffled your hair.
"Yes, the original plan was to retrieve you sooner to get you to Lord Sangemah Bay before nightfall. Alas, things happened but now we can deliver you as early as dawn."
You knew that this group of people was more than capable of traveling during the night. However, things were more difficult with you joining them. Part of the deal was delivering you safe and sound, so the best course of action was camping for the night to avoid any confrontation with other possible ruffians or running into some forest watchers.
You hugged your knees to your chest, glancing once again into the fire.
"Who is... Lord Sangemah Bay?" You asked timidly. Your father was the one to say that name, so you guessed that they were somewhat close if he trusted him with you. "What are they like?"
"We don't really know." Said the woman. "We were hired through a third person. We thought this was a simple kidnapped at first, but that butler was really adamant about letting us know that you would willingly come with us once we said that Lord's name."
"But everyone know they are disgustingly wealthy." Hummed one of the men.
"And they love to work, too." She interjected. "They have all that money, a handful of servants, even a big mansion! And yet they're never home. People hang around their house all day long just to catch a glimpse of them."
How could your father even know such a person?
Every new fact you learned about this mysterious lord did nothing to calm your anxiety down.
"But don't worry. Even if they're known for being pretty selfish when it comes to money, you wouldn't know how much they paid to ensure your safety... For someone so frugal, you sure mean a lot to them."
Now you were really curious to see who this Lord was.
For now, it was getting late. And even though you wanted to stay awake, in just a few minutes you were already sound asleep in the arms of the eremite, right in the middle of his explanation of the rules of Genius Invokation.
They didn't have the heart to let you sleep in the tent alone. So, they kept you company all night long, filling the atmosphere with joy and laughter, even at the expense of those who lost on the card game.
Morning soon arrived.
The group was used to spending the night camping, for the moment you woke up everything was already packed and everyone wad ready to depart. They even prepared a little breakfast for you, something light that you could eat along the way.
As you walked alongside the eremite, your final destination drew near.
'The Palace of Alcazarzaray' was how they called it. And surely, the word 'palace' wasn't enough to describe the magnitude and majesty of the construction. You've never seen such a beautiful home before... Your eyes shone like stars, completely entranced by the scenery.
As expected, there were already people gathered in front of the bridge leading to the manor, trying to bribe or persuade the servant there to let them pass. He stood there emotionless, as if this was a sight he was accustomed to see every day.
When your group approached the entrance, the other guests seemed to notice you, for every one of them gasped in shock and fear and moved out the way swiftly. The servant also recognized you and immediately stood aside to let you through.
"W-welcome back!" He said. "The butler is already waiting for you!"
The leader nodded and signaled for you all to keep walking. The passersby now were pretty curious. Why would the mysterious Lord associate themselves with the Eremites? It wouldn't make sense unless... the Lord was using them for some illegal activities.
One of the people present seemed pretty suspicious about this. Red eyes took a long look at the group of mercenaries entering the palace that he himself designed, silently worrying about the whole ordeal. Was this worthy enough to be reported? He didn't have any proof of any possible accusation against the Lord; for all he knew these Eremites were only simple guests (Yes, the Lord doesn't have guests, but there's a first time for everything) or were here to make business regarding trade and commerce.
While debating what to do, he caught a glimpse of another person between them. More than a person, it was a child. They were walking in the middle of the group, the grown bodies of the Eremites shielding the kid from any prying eyes. As if no one was supposed to know that there was a child traveling with them.
If they weren't suspicious enough, now they had all his attention. There was a kid in the middle of everything...
Were they in danger? Kidnapped? Sold to a foreign rich guy? A hundred scenarios ran through his head, maxing him more and more anxious.
In the end, he wasted no time in turning around and starting to run in the direction of his -temporary- house. He had to get there, fast.
The Palace was as beautiful on the inside as it was from the outside. As you all entered, the big reception hall welcomed you, followed by a few servants that immediately started asking about you, if you were feeling uncomfortable, if you were thirsty, hungry, and a large number of etcetera. It got overwhelming pretty fast, so you hurried to find cover behind the lady eremite you spent the night with. She only laughed and ruffled your hair, telling you that these people just were concerned about you.
The butler approached the group and bowed to them. "The Lord is on the way here. We sent the message that you were coming as soon as it arrived here, but the Lord—"
"Insisted on also go looking for you herself!"
The grand doors opened with a loud thump. You looked expecting to find this mysterious and mighty Lord that everyone was talking about...
Only to find a colorful, petite woman standing there and smiling.
"Lord Sangemah Bay, the Eremites you hired have returned. It seems that they were successful." The butler said.
"Of course they were!" She laughed. "After all the money I paid them, that was the less they could do."
The leader of the group approached her and crossed his arms. "Well then, I guess our job here is done. It was a pleasure doing business with you."
The little woman waved at him, as if that was her way of saying goodbye. The Eremites hesitated for a second. So, was this the end? Were they supposed to leave you here and go on with their lives? She raised a brow, inquiring them silently. This alerted the butler who promptly ushered the mercenaries to get out of the house. It took a few seconds, but now you were alone with the Lord and all her servants.
The lady turned to look at you, and before you knew it, she was gripping your cheeks with such force that even the skin was starting to turn red.
"Look at you now!" She exclaimed. "It was such a long time since I last saw you!"
She didn't lessen her grip. It was starting to hurt.
"My Lord, I think that's too much..." The butler advised.
She soon realized that he was right. Your cheeks were set free, at the expense of being drowned in a tight hug. "But I've missed them so much! I deserve to touch them a little!"
Those words were pretty confusing, as you were sure you didn't know this woman.
You raised your head slightly, as she was barely a few centimeters taller than you, and looked into her eyes.
"Excuse me, Lord..." Your voice came out quite shy. "But I don't think I know you."
You thought she would get angry. But instead, she laughed.
"Of course you wouldn't remember! I'm your aunty Dori. You were just a baby when I held you in my arms."
Aunt? Was she a family member? But your father had no remaining relatives, and your parent...
"Of course, not related by blood. I'm just a close friend of your father, we've known each other since we both started our life as merchants." She explained. "I got to know you some time after you were born when I went on a trip to Liyue. You were so cute back then! Of course, you're still adorable now. You big eyes shine with a glow that even the glimmer of mora pales in comparison to them."
Dori rambled on and on. She still held you close to her, telling the story about how she met your father in a business trade and started to exchange letters with him weekly. It was your dad who told her that he was getting married, and even the moment you were born... It sure felt like she was a silent aunt watching over you without your knowing.
During her monologue, the butler and some servants guided you to the living room, where tea and refreshments were served for you to eat.
"... And then I found out what happened yesterday in Liyue."
Ah, those were the words that made your heart drop to your stomach. You were still not ready to assimilate what happened.
"When you have eyes and ears everywhere like me, news like these arrive fast." She shrugged. "I always knew your father was reserved about his partner's origin... Though now I suppose it was all to protect them from those people who labeled them an 'impostor'."
So, Dori thankfully also thought that having the same face as the Creator is not a sin. It helped you ease your heart a little.
"That's why you two fled here. Your dad knew I would help him." She looked into your eyes, frowning. "Word reached me that you entered Sumeru alone, that's why I also hired those Eremites to help me look for you. So tell me, what happened? Where is your father?"
The tea got stuck in your throat.
Tears filled your eyes. A choked sob escaped from your lips, and Dori felt a tug in her own heart at the sight of your small form start to cry.
She scooped you into her arms and tried to soothe you, gently caressing your hair as you couldn't retain your tears anymore and let them fall freely, holding onto the clothes of the woman as tight as you could, hoping to find some comfort.
You didn't have to say anything for her to understand what happened. She wanted to tell you that everything would be okay; those people wouldn't be able to find you here, and she'll be sure to protect you from those that captured your parent and now seemed adamant on capturing you.
However, she remained silent. Amidst the grief and mourning, she couldn't help but feel warm at the touch of your body. She was sure she only felt like this once before, when back in Liyue your father brought you along to meet her and she had the chance to hold you in her arms.
She had no words to console you, for all she could think of was this strange sensation... And if this all had anything to do with your parent and his title of 'impostor'.
A green figure searched through all of The Chasm.
Xiao, though he would not admit it out loud, was worried about the whereabouts of Zhongli.
After the... execution of their beloved and caring Holiness, every inhabitant present was struck by grief. After all, who would want to live knowing they took part in their Creator's death? Were not for the words of Lady Ningguang, he was sure more than one one person would've ended their life.
The fact that the Geo Archon faked his death was completely overshadowed by the main event that transpired. No one cared about Rex Lapis at the moment, they just wanted the child of their beloved Holiness to be back where they belong, to atone for the sins they've committed...
And for that, Morax was the first to chase them.
Xiao and the rest of the adepti were not as fast as him, when they finally managed to reach his location all they could find was a large, bottomless hole and remnant signs of a previous battle all over the place. In a hurry to find him they decided to split up.
Each one took a different route and started searching. For an entire day, they weren't able to find him or sense his aura. They still hoped for the best, though. The Chasm was a tricky place, they could not even feel the aura of their fellow adepti and they were all alive and well not far from each other. So, he had to be alive.
It was during the morning of the next day that Xiao managed to find him, clothes soaked in blood and resting his body in some ‐now- red colored rocks. In an instant, he was at his side checking his injuries and calling for his fellow companions in distress.
Zhongli tried to breathe normally. He was badly injured, his left arm broken from the fall and the wound on his side was still open and bleeding, staining the nature and the arms of Xiao.
"Please resist, master." Pleaded the Yaksha. "We will treat you soon."
"Huf. Huf. No— No..." Zhongli took the wrist of the boy in his hand. "Sumeru..."
His master's breathing became more irregular and labored. "Sumeru— They're in Sumeru...!"
He didn't care if he lived or died after this; he knew his people would do anything to retrieve you safely from that nation, so he at least needed to let someone one know your whereabouts before darkness took over him.
And so, he let himself fall unconscious in the hands of his acolyte with peace on his mind.
You were going to return home soon.
Due to the overwhelming support you've given me, I fear I might have forgotten some people who kindly asked to be tagged. If you do not find yourself here, please do tell me. I've saved every username but there's a possibility that I've missed yours when I made the list.
Hello! This is a taglist. Should you wish for me to add or remove you, you can ask for it.
I can only tag up to 50 people in each post, so the rest will be tagged in the reblog!
However, I don't know why I can't tag some blogs. I hope this reaches you well.
@cryastre • @someone-with-wild-imagination • @esthelily • @ursinaw • @shizunxie • @meep13r • @clayallor • @yuyuzi-ling • @atsukawolfcat • @yandere-city • @teethmunchertimes • @shinydrakeon15 • @d4ff0d1l14 • @thelonelyarchon • @shadowfoxey • @lunarianillusion • @sarah-saystuff • @scarletttcroww • @insomniackae • @mochicurls21 • @him3ru • @elernity • @d3sperate-enuf • @devils-blackrose • @heather-hutchcroft • @internet-4ngel • @crueldinasty • @yourlocaldrugdealerbutfancy • @almighty-raiden-shogunate • @itz-luna • @kaveh-is-pretty • @yuumaofc • @ratorose • @justlostintheinternet • @angelkazusstuff • @jellidecoffee • @deadflycomputerlogs • @valeriele3 • @no-regrets-just-confusion • @chidouna • @hikaru-exe • @leafanonsforest • @formacoon • @chuuya-brainrot • @fantsyland • @red1sg0n3 • @m3q3kic • @toodledoodl3 • @juuuuuj101010 • @fancyhawk45 •
@yuus3n • @bre99 • @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff • @nervouseaglelover • @kaoyamamegami • @nightmare-taco • @penguinbabeez • @tartarsaucechi1de • @fandomnatics • @artwitchh • @deemayaz
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mamirhodessxox · 6 months
hello, i hope ur having a good day/evening/night when you get this!❤️
so i was hoping to request something for dashing or undashing Cody where he keeps hanging out with other female wrestlers in hopes of getting fem reader jealous or something, but reader has never had people like Cody be interested in them in any kind of way, so she doesnt realize what hes doing until Cody drags them into a closet or something and is basically like ‘why arent you paying attention to me?🥺’ and reader is basically shocked and surprised that Cody likes her back.
anyway, i hope this wasnt too long🥺 and i loved the cody one you just posted based off of him calling out the rock; absolute perfection 👌
Dummies In Love
Dashing!Cody Rhodes x Innocent Fem!Reader
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Desc: Y/N had been close friends with Cody since his very debut in the wwe, She always thought they had a super close bond because of how good of friends they were until she realized she likes him & becomes distant and jealous when she sees him around another woman.
Contents: Cussing, Fluff, Angst, Smut, Innocence kink, very light size kink, P in V (wrap it before you tap it), Cockwarming, Jealousy, Daddy kink, Tummy Buldge.
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Cody & Y/N always had a close bond especially since the two of them met, they clicked almost instantly, at the time Y/N was working at a little Cafe down the street of Cody’s apartment so he would visit almost everyday and each day they always talked while she worked.
Eventually she started going to his events to be the supportive bestfriend she loved being & then they got even closer, Holding hands, hugging on each other while standing making multiple girls interested in him think she was his girlfriend, he would kiss the top of her head often, even sleepover at Y/N’s apartment or ..
Y/N sleeping over at his, either way the duo was inseparable, and then things got confusing for Y/N…She started feeling a certain way towards Cody especially because how he would give her special treatment that the average bestfriend wouldn’t receive, Just like the character he had played as in the ring he was just as Dashing, his aurora leaked of charisma, She was so scared of these feelings but things got worse, Cody was known for “messing around” with some girls so he definitely hooked up many times to keep himself entertained for awhile and also distract him from his own feelings. Y/N would be fuming every single time another woman was with Cody. But then it turned into a game for Cody, he knew she was jealous and wanted her to be jealous.
Y/N stood aside in backstage with her arms crossed a glare on her face as she watched Cody flirt with yet another girl laughing way to hard at his jokes that were never THAT funny, eventually the girl walked off with a smile on her face while Cody grinned to himself before turning towards Y/N and smiled approaching her for a hug but she held up a hand to stop him & coming up with an excuse “I feel a little under the weather Codes’ good luck on your promo, I don’t wanna get you sick or something.” She smiled meekly while fiddling with the skirt she just put on just for him an hour ago before going over to the stadium they were hosting raw at.
“You sure? I can get you something to ea-“. “Nonono I’m fine just need rest, Good luck tonight Cody, I’ll be watching from home.” She smiled while Cody stared at her in suspicion & decided once he was done with his work of entertaining tens of thousands of fans for the night that he would give Y/N a visit because he does not fall for that shit whatso ever.
Y/N sat in her car as she waited in traffic with her two fingers pressed against the left temple of her head as her mind betrayed her on thoughts she didn’t particularly want to think about. The reminder that her chances of being with Cody are low, extremely low. At least that’s what she made herself think, once she finally fought through the traffic & made her way to her apartment she locked her front door after snagging her extra key from under her “welcome home” rug that laid in-front of the door. She slammed the key on her table & sighed as she put on her most comfy pajamas before lying down on her bed & sulking over s man who feels things for her just as much as she does for him without even realizing it.
After a few hours she was already asleep & Cody just made his way up the stairs in her apartment complex & stood by her doorstep as he tried to grab the spare key from under her rug only to see that it’s vanished. He tried knocking but go no response.
The next day Y/N stood behind the counter training a new barista & felt nervous as Cody walked into the cafe waiting for her to give him his undivided attention, but instead she had the trainee handle his order & she just stood back observing her new fellow employee & helping her work the register while Cody stared at her in confusion as to why she wasn’t paying attention to him. If this meant staying until she closes up the shop then so be it. He had the free time today.
So he sat there, for hours watching and observing her while he waited for her to clock out and go home. She saw him in the corner of her eyes the entire day and felt his stare burn right past her skin. Y/N began closing down the cafe & hang up her apron before going outside which had Cody follow along while she locked the doors & begin speed walking off “I know your not sick Y/N.” He called out to her as he followed from behind but she still gave no response to him. “Doll I really hope you don’t take me for a fucking dumbass because I know what game you’re trying to play & I don’t like it.” He shouted out once more but she shook her head as she walked even faster and so did he. She forgets he has the energy to chase after him no matter where she was going.
They soon ended up at her apartment building and he still followed her up the stairs and eventually pressed her up against the door she was about to unlock “Why aren’t you paying attention to me sweetheart? You know I don’t like it so why are you doing this to me?” She frowned and attempted to respond but she didn’t have the words to reply “I know you’re not sick either, you were perfectly fine last night and today.” She nervously shrugged “I— well you seemed busy with a few girls so I’m assuming I was interrupting something.” He sighed with a smile spreading across his face “I get it now, you’re jealous aren’t you baby?” She widened her eyes and shook her head “What?! Me?! Noo! I- well- you-“ Cody interrupted her defensive blabbering and pressed his lips against hers very gently before entangling his fingers into her hair. Her eyelids fluttered down and began kissing him back after letting the shock take over her body for just a split second.
Cody slipped his tongue right past her swollen lips & eventually pulled away wiping off her mouth while she whined softly “You talk to much baby.” He chuckled out before taking her keys & unlocking her door and immediately shoving his mouth back against hers as they stumbled into Y/N’s humble abode. He pressed her against the couch & bit slightly down against her bottom lip while she whimpered into his mouth as he wrapped her legs around his hips as he started grinding into her, she let out a low moan the moment his clothed hard on pressed against her. “Feel that sweet girl? You make me so fucking hard baby.” He groaned into her ear while she rolled her eyes back once he started grinding into her even more which made her feel a sudden wetness in her panties that left her a little alarmed since she was so unfamiliar with sex due to her having a shitty hookup once a blue moon “C-Cody ‘m all w-wet down there..” she sighed out while he grinned & started pulling down her leggings marveling over her laced panties. He pressed his thumb against her clothed clit and smirked to himself once he saw her squirm and lift her hips up forth even more.
“Oh i know angel, your not used to having someone who actually knows what he’s doing with your pretty pussy huh?” He grinned as she meekly nodded & gasped when she heard a loud tear & looked down seeing him quite literally rip off her panties “C-Cody! I just boug- ffuckk..” she moaned once she felt him slowly push his fingers inside her cunt while he sat up while pumping them in and out of her leaving the room to echo the noises of him finger fucking her. Y/N cried softly while he nipped at the shell of her ear “Feels good? Yeah? Of course you to baby, y’just needed daddy to touch your pretty cunt properly huh baby?” She nodded vigorously while she clenched around his finger the moment his started curling his finger inside of her & teasing her clit with his thumb. “O-Oh my god Cody!!” She squealed kicking her legs a little bit but he didn’t budge on whatever she was trying to do, his fingers fucked into her faster while she clenched around them like a vice & started cumming & making a mess of herself making the brunette male chuckle and kiss her temple before pulling his fingers out tapping then against her already fucked out cunt before licking off her juices from his fingers.
He immediately started taking of his pants & pulling his cock out from his boxers giving himself a few strokes smearing his pre cum around the head of his cock & pulled her onto his lap while grabbing her jaw gently and making her hover over his lap forcing Y/N to look at him in the eye “You’re gonna sit on my fuckin’ dick, take it all like a good girl & not move a fucking muscle until I tell you understand?” She nodded quickly and wrapped her arms around him before kissing him in an impatient manner before moaning against his mouth when he started seething himself inside of her. She felt him leave a slight bulge in her stomach as her cunt tightened around his cock immediately feeling him throbbing inside of her “gonna take my dick like a big girl? Hm?” He almost felt guilty for being slightly rough with a girl who was so innocent & needy but then again he was going to prove her he can fuck her 10x better than her past hookups.
He enjoyed the fact she would let him man handle her & hold her small figure against him while his cock was sunken inside of her, Y/N moaned softly when his dick started twitching, her face was all covered up in the crook of his neck while his large hands ran down her entire body, groping her breasts & rubbing against her tummy before he started slowly thrusting up into her “Fuck..” he groaned into her ear while she leaned her head back and started bouncing on his dick in the same rhythm he was in making her gasp & scratch his chest a little bit “Yeah? You feel good don’t you baby? Taking daddy’s cock like the good girl you are.” He grunted and scratched her hips the more he thrusted himself into her swollen pussy while she nodded continuously before flopping her head onto his shoulder as he started letting out moans himself and wrapping his arm around her even tighter “c’mon s-sweet girl cum for me, cum for daddy.” She cried out in pleasure against his skin before lifting her head and kissing him the moment he made her cum “i-i’m cumming!” She cried out as his thrusts got sloppier while the apartment was surrounded with skin slapping, heavy breathing & the two mumbling to eachother. “Daddy ‘m cumming!!” She moaned into her ears as she came around his dick & eventually him quickly pulling out & cumming against his & Y/N’s stomach.
He held her as close to him as possible breathing heavily while she giggled in his ear followed him his chuckling & grabbing her face to get another kiss out of her before getting off of the couch & carrying her into the bathroom setting up a bubble bath. While they waited her stood in-between her legs & hugged onto her “I think it’s safe to say you’re my girlfriend now right?” Y/N laughed with him and nodded her head tiredly before he finally set her in the tub & washed off her body. “I promise next week I’ll give you a proper date.” He joked but he was also serious. Y/N smiled in exhaustion “I’m sure y’will Codes.” He grinned and kissed her cheek.
he continued catering to her for the night & giving her the aftercare she deserved and spending the night after realizing she’s loved him for as long as he’s loved her.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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bonefall · 3 months
I love the new retool of Stormpaw's Demon because it so neatly slots into what happens later on. Of COURSE Hailstar made Crookedjaw deputy. Even ignoring the fact of Crookedjaw being a great warrior, he's got the ghosts of Volestar and Darkstar by extension breathing down his neck. Of COURSE Mapleshade gets Silverstream later on. After the way Rainflower treated him, Crookedjaw would want to break the cycle of abuse any way he could. Going through his daughter is the best way to punish him. I could sit down and think about it for a few minutes and come up with ways that the consequences of all this echo through Riverclan to this very day. (They still seem to not be super great at believing young cats standing up to abuse, if the whole Frostpaw debacle is any indication)
ASC is ALMOST done we're ALMOST there, the idiot plot's life ENDS on November 5th. I'm holding a VERY large mallet and waiting patiently
I've always seen RiverClan as the Clan that does the most gossip. ThunderClan might be famous for their group-wide arguments, but that's just because the people aren't aware of the absolute psychological warfare that's going on in every RiverClan meeting. Mousefur's Bigotry Ballyhoo has absolutely NOTHING on the Long Island Housewives Tier bullshit that can kill a grandma on the stump where she stands.
So when it comes to how I handle RiverClan's political drama, I approach it with a vibe that their culture is very "cliquey." I won't be completely removing the way that a lot of RiverClan took Splashstar's side, but I will be dividing the social groups into actual alliances. Not EVERYONE in RiverClan turned on Frostpaw.
Just like how here, in Stormpaw's Demon, not all of the Clan felt any one way.
There's cats who are more inclined to take Rainflower's side. There's a growing clique of cats who made a stand with Shellheart. Because Rainflower was the deputy, which comes with a lot of social capital, many warriors don't quite know how to feel because they don't want to update their mental image of a cat they greatly respected.
You might say that compared to ThunderClan, RiverClan is more individualist. When the tide turns on an idea in ThunderClan, cats are a lot more likely to "get on board" with popular opinion without examining it. Especially if they're shocked by something (like Tigerclaw's reveal), they can shift pretty quickly if they're rallied by a cat with enough passion, like Firestar and Goldenflower managed to do. That's not the case in RiverClan, if they're surprised by something, they'll gather into their clique and talk about it.
BB!Splashstar, for as much as an edgelord as he is, has an idea of how this works. He's no master manipulator, just clever.
Anyway. Glad to see it's noticed that everything's connected in BB. I ALWAYS try to make sure that history and culture trickles down to the current events!
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