#in a few weeks im going to get to scripting..... exciting.......
inkats · 3 months
hi jsyk your art is so expressive and cute!! :D your ocs seem delightful, are you working on a story about them? youve gained a new fan in any case...! and thank you for all the nice tags youve left on my enstars art, youre very kind ;_;
ahhh thank you so much !!! actually when i first saw your art it really pushed me to start learning to draw more expressive characters, so it's really nice to hear that ;^;
well... actually im working on a comic about this guy vv
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I don't talk too much about it rn bc I'm still in the early stages and if i talk about it I'll stop working on it ^-^ but i really would like to make a comic about my boys too one day! It would just be a really insane workload to take on rn ... oTL
thank you sm for being interested in my guys though!! i really love them... it's nice knowing other people have any interest in them... and its hard not to leave some sort of tags on ur art its all so good... you draw them so well....
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munamania · 2 years
ok i wish any of u could have been there in my class today sorry to wish that upon u ok i take it back im just mad i had to suffer i havent been that angry in a class and esp on behalf of my own work like maybe ever like. last semester i’d get annoyed but then id just go to my other prof or whatever and i was also distracted by film girl so like w/e but im really happy with my series idea and ive been having fun developing the characters and trying to figure out what i want to do yk but admittedly would’ve loved some feedback/ideas about how it’s working and etc (yk. the purpose of a fucking student writer’s room) and like. no one engaged with it at all. and yeah that sucks and the dramatic part of me is like well maybe i just suck but it’s like.. they didnt even try like they do with everyone else’s stories? i got pointless fucking questions some of which. litchrally had answers in the outline i provided. you know the whole central idea of class today. when i complained to my prof later on even he was like yeah who cares... (abt their questions. cause they did not matter to my story.) idk i was frustrated to the point that i was holding back tears lol so that was embarrassing. got told to my face that it seemed like i had like 20 minutes worth of content which just. isnt true i just didnt write word for word ‘and then she said this and she said that and he said this and then she did that’ like everybody fucking else did. use your goddamn imagination it’s a film class for god’s sake. and it’s not like anyone asked about what WAS there. oh also every single person that contributed was like yeah whatever this character’s name is haha forgot um yeah like whichever this one was. can you like pretend to care like you did with everyone else’s. it’s not even a 3 page outline u could like. look. youre gonna give more engagement and attention to the 9/11 self insert guy. yeah ok just say u hate women. that’s presumptuous of me i guess sorry. it was just sooooo annoying and i loved that class prior to this but obviously this stomped on my ego and im angry at like everyone who participated and yk. a few of them were ppl i liked before that so. bummer i guess
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reiashiftsrealities · 5 months
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shifting storytime <3
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So sorry for the wait but IM FINALLY POSTING IT LETS GOOOO. So excited to share this experience with you all and I actually am tweaking from how much I want to go back. Also this is NOT proofread I apologize for any mistakes 🫶
DR: Hunger Games
How long was the shift: A week, give or take.
Method: Gaslighting Method (my own)
So in this DR, my name is Loralei Walker, and I’m from District 3. I think I said at least the district already but I’m reiterating. I’m going to be dating Peeta eventually but I didn’t meet him this shift. Finnick, Johanna, and Evangeline (friend I scripted in) are the people i’m closest to.
OH MY GOD okay so when I shifted, I woke up in my room with Chewy curled up in my lap. It like actually scared the living shit out of me so I shot straight up which caused him to nip my leg (granted I did like throw him upwards).
He’s so adorable ☹️☹️. He follows me around EVERYWHERE. He even followed me to the reaping ☹️. I scripted that I can take him to the Capitol cause he’s an emotional support animal, but it’s kind of sad to think that when I actually go to the Arena he can’t follow me :(
Now onto District 3: I didn’t expect this, but D3 is COLDDDD. It is FREEZING. It is FROSTBITE inducing. And blankets are a luxury, ironically. Like ice cubes in D12. Thankfully since I live in the Victor’s Village I have a couple of them but you literally can’t escape the cold.
Another thing; In D3, kids start learning about their district career at like 4 years old. School is from 5 am to 5 pm, kids 4-18. At 16, you have the option to take a test about 16-18 curriculum, and if you pass you get to graduate. If not, you stay until you’re 18. No do-overs. Not going to school is punishable by death. There are only a few careers you can choose from, which are: Technical Engineering, Technology Advancement, Robotics, and Computer Science. Being a Victor automatically exempts you from school + choosing a career.
D3 is very desolate and dark, considering we’re a tech district. There isn’t much wildlife or wilderness as big buildings completely take over the land.
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District 3, except it’s a bit smaller.
Okay so onto the Reaping: That shit can only be described as ominous. Like watching it on TV really cannot compare to how it felt IRL. Hearing my name being called was like chilling almost, and I expected it! Literally can’t even think about how it must feel for the people who didn’t. My District partner was Beetee, which was so sad cause he was my mentor during my Games. After we left, he told me he’d do everything to make sure I was safe. I started crying he’s so sweet.
The train ride to the Capitol was SOOO AMAZING. I couldn’t even think about the fact that I was going to the Captiol. Seeing the Districts was so crazy, the Captiol really can’t compare to the beauty of them. I can’t remember which District it was, but we passed by a huge sunflower field. It was so pretty. And the sky was like a purple/pink. I wanted that sky tattooed on my body it was so pretty.
When we pulled up to the Capitol I was like IMMEDIATELY greeted by my prep team. I couldn’t remember their names and my stylist couldn’t either so we just called them Hughie, Dughie, and Lewie.
OH MY GOD I LOVE MY STYLIST SOOOOO BAD. Her name is Xotia and she’s a literal goddess oh my god she slayed so bad. Hold on I’ll show you the getup she had me in.
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My outfit as a mood board. Didn’t wanna put that many photos.
SEE????? She ate so bad holy shit. Had me down bad for myself anyways
Slight deviation; My first impression upon meeting Finnick was “this mf crazy.” The aura on that man is INSANE. He’s such a natural flirt despite being enamored with Evangeline. I didn’t really meet anyone else besides Johanna, and she is actually insane. Her and Finnick are really good friends and they complement each-other well. Also, Johanna is a major lesbian. Like major. Yes I scripted she was but I’m considering it canon ☹️
I shifted back around the time we got to the training centre so I didn’t get to meet my man BUT I will definitely next time I shift 🫶 so I’m not upset about that. Besides I could’ve stayed longer but I didn’t want to.
All in all I am SOSOSOSOSOSOSO in love with this DR and actually can’t wait to be back I’m literally tweaking oh my god i canMt do this
Edit: IM SO DAMN SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG IVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE FOR LIKE TWO WEEKS PLS ☹️☹️☹️. Not an excuse really but it’s finally here so yay!!!
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olivia091108 · 11 months
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For the film
Summary:y/n and Johnny are doing a film together and are fake dating to promote the film
Word count:1.6k
Pairing:Johnny Knoxville x reader
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Getting a call from the director is never good so I walk into his office to see what’s wrong. When I see that Johnny is there I’m not as worried it’s probably something about a script change. I take a seat next to Johnny and ask what’s going on
The movies coming out in 4 months and we’re trying to find a way to promote it.
“Cant you just put out billboards like everyone else?” Johnny asks
“That’s what everyone does I want to do something exciting so me and the team came up with you two pretend to date”
“What?! What do you mean”
“Just going out on dates and being seen together then the paparazzi will put out the pictures and in interviews you can say how you fell in love and once the films out your done easy”
“No one’s gonna believe that”
“Your actors just act. Speaking of we’ve wrapped for the day since we’re trying to find locations”
Me and Johnny leave his office and it’s a bit awkward to be honest because I know that we kiss for the movie but this is different it’s actually real
“Wanna come round mine and we can figure this out” Johnny’s voice snaps me out my thoughts and I nod
“I’ll be round in an hour”
“Alright see you then”
Johnny’s house was really nice it was the right size for him and inside is decorated and it’s quite clean for Johnny. He just finished getting us a takeaway from burger king and he comes back in holding two beers and hands one to me.
“Ok so i was thinking if were going to be doing interviews they will obviously ask how it happened so we should figure that out any ideas.”
“We has mind blowing sec and you couldn’t get enough of me” he says it so seriously i could barley tell if he was joking.
“No how about we were flirting on set a lot i like you you like me and we kiss and then go out on a date.”
“Boring we should go out to a club or bar and then we come outside kiss make sure paparazzi get the shot then you come back to mine.”
“What so its like a one night stand then we fall in love. I don’t think so that would only be talked about for 3 weeks tops.”
After 10 minutes the food got here and we still hadn��t decided on anything and with a couple of empty beers next to me i was getting a but tipsy
“Ok ok ok how about we get seen together doing normal co star things but it gets more girlfriend boyfriendy until like a month and a half before the films released where we confess to dating”
“Thats actually a pretty good idea fir someone whos drunk” taking extreme offence to that i start denying profusely.
“Your too drunk to drive stay here tonight”
“Thanks johnny”
“its fine doll”and he shows me to the guest bedroom and i get straight into bed with my clothes on and fall asleep straight away.
When we get to set i have a hangover its not too bad but it will be a long day. I go to the makeup department and then go to wardrobe and get into costume.
After filming a few scenes me and johnny are just hanging out by my trailer sitting on the steps to it when i see Claire trying to hide behind one of the other trailers
“You ok claire?”
“Oh yeah im great you too just keep doing that ill just be back here”shes obviously hiding something
“Claire what are you doing?”
“I got sent here to take photos of you two”
“You could have just said” i chuckle at her and turn to johnny and put hi hand on my thigh and just tell him to keel talking while i smile.we hear a few clicks of claires camrea
“You got it?”johnny asks. “Yeah thanks guys”
It was like that the rest of the week and by Friday we were front page
Johnny Knoxville and co-star y/n y/l/n are seen canoodling on set of new movie
The following week me and Johnny are seen going to eatchothers apartments and seen with eatchothers friends. It’s honestly quite funny because me and and Johnny already do this stuff.
After a month of that sort of things happening we are actually going to Hawaii to film the rest of the movie. It was about 5:45 am when i got to the airport and i was dressed in practically pjs but as soon as i got there my eyes got blinded by paparazzi and Johnny came over to me and held my hand to get me inside.
It didn’t stop there though on the plane even our director was taking photos and telling us how to pose saying things like “put your arm round her johnny” “y/n lean on him” “now pretend to fall asleep on eatchother”
Once we got to Hawaii I immediately wanted to look around ad spend time in the beach but first I had to work. We were shooting a. Scene where the whole cast was going on a tour in the rainforest but Johnnys character gets us lost from the group
It was great there were so many animals and this one monkey kept clinging onto me and during on of the takes he jumps down onto me and starts wrapping itself round me and I wanted to keep it ad once we had finished filming i didnt want to say goodbye
By the time we got back to the hotel the sun was about to set so I wanted to head to the beach and watch the sunset and go for a swim.
The sunset was beautiful and the water wasn’t too cold and I began to float on my back and swim to the bottom picking up one of those shells that you can hear the beach in
Once i resurface I see Johnny watching me and I swim over and get out the water heading over to him.
“Look what I found isnt it gorgeous”i proudly show off the shell but as the wind picks up I shiver and Johnny pulls me into his chest not even caring that I’m drenched. I look up at him and he smiles before looking back at the sunset and I wrap mr arms round his waist and lean in even more to try and warm myself up and we watch the sunset.
“I was thinking we’ve finished the film and soon we will have to show everyone that we’re dating so we should kiss” I tell him
“Why not it’s not like we haven’t before and anyway I see Claire hiding over there.”
I wrap my arms round his neck and lean up to kiss him slow at first and I feel his hands glide down my back to grab at my ass wich makes me smile against the kiss.
My feelings for Johnny changed after that its like every time I saw him i didn’t want to pretend ro date him I wanted to actually date him so now in every situation I foul I would convince him that we need to kiss or ho on a fare fir the paparazzi.
Me and Johnny have a collection of magazines. Every time we were published we would buy the magazine and go round one of our houses and laugh about the things they would say.
“Omg that photo is awful why would they choose that” I would complain
“You look gorgeous doll”I immediately felt butterfly’s swarm my stomach
“Your ass looks better than mine in those jeans” i point at him on the front cover
“Your tits look great” I grab the magazine and stare at the photo of us on the beach. “Omg they look huge”
But now every tine a magazine would say stuff about the two of us I wanted it to be real like him for real taking me to dinner and fur real spending the night at eatchothers houses not just as friends and fir real him kissing me.
Tonight is the premier of our movie and by next week we will break up but im just going to enjoy it while it lasts. Im wearing a black dress with a snake going down my spine and deep cut to show off my cleavage.
While in the taxi I want to confess my feelings to him before we break up so now’s the time
“Johnny I have something I have to say. I like you like more than s friend I have for a while now and I know that we were only pretending to promote the movie but the pat 4 months have been the best of my life snd I know that you probably dont care bu-
He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss and it gets cut off as the driver announces that we are here.
I walk onto the red carpet Johnny with his arm round my waist and we pose together and do some interviews before he kisses me and ive never seen more flashes in my life and I know this will make front page.
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I feel like its rushed but it literally took me 4 hours so I hope you like it
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thelittolpinkstudent · 5 months
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hello, hello! happy last day of april! i have one week left until i finish school for the semester. i’m really aiming to push myself forward and finish the semester strong 💪
here’s what i’ve been doing recently:
✅ studying for my german quiz tomorrow
✅ finishing up my final guided readings
✅ revising my fiction writing pieces
✅ write feedback for others’ fiction pieces
and here’s what i still need to get done:
⬜️ anthropology study guide/studying
⬜️ revise my german script
⬜️ make my german presentation
⬜️ edit my fiction writing portfolio
⬜️ ballet self assessment
i’m so happy with my progress! i worked really hard last weekend to get to this point. tomorrow, i’m going to start on revising for german and creating my study guide for anthropology while i do my laundry. probably one of my last loads of the semester, which is a silly thing to get excited about, but i can’t help myself!
on friday, i have performance day for my ballet class, and then i have a performance on saturday for my tap club. then, monday begins finals! i have my anthropology exam, and hopefully, i’ll finish a majority of german work so i can relax tuesday and wednesday before my thursday presentation. i’ll also be packing friday and saturday, since my family is visiting this weekend and they’ll be able to take a lot home before i actually finish, and i’ll mainly just have the essentials with me during finals week.
it’s been so beautiful out, which has been making it a little hard to focus on work, but i’m ready to lock in! i believe in myself! and if you too are struggling with this final stretch, i believe in you too!
i’ve been really enjoying this playlist on spotify that i rediscovered recently called dreamy forest music. it’s so calming and nature-grounding, and it’s really helped me focus more while i’m working.
another good thing that happened was i won a round of bingo! i got a weighted sleep mask and a textured tumbler :) another another good thing was im getting off the waitlist for two classes in the fall! i got moved to position 1 on the waitlist for one that still has a few spots that were reserved but not taken and i got permission to overbook a class i’ve had my eye on since last fall. currently, i’m just waiting for further instruction from the registrar to register for the classes. they’re very busy now with a million other people and classes, so im trying to be patient 😌 i’m rubbing my lucky energies onto all of you in hopes that you all benefit 🍀
enjoy the ending of your semesters! you got this! have a great day! 💕
d-9 until end of freshman year
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yanfeiimain · 3 months
hey rin <3 ive never asked for something before so im not sure how to format it, but can i ask you to write a Kafka x Stelle where they meet regularly on the express in secret ??
Eeeek hello anon!! Ofc you can :D sorry it took me a while, hope u like it!
c/w: none <3 fluffy <3
words: 740
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Stelle hurried through the parlor cars of the Astral Express, she wanted to reach a certain one at the far back.
Her face was flushed, partly due to the running and partly because she couldn't wait to see Kafka again. She started meeting with the Stellaron Hunter just a few weeks ago.
After the occurrences on the Xianzhou Loufu, they got closer and Kafka admitted that Stelle caught her eye. Stelle wasn't opposed to the confession and suggested that they could spend time on the Express in secret.
So that was what she was doing now, heading to their hidden hangout. Stelle arrived in the car and silently opened the sliding door to the middle room. She was excited to see Kafka again.
The slightly taller woman was sitting on a pillow on the floor, her legs crossed and her usually suggestive smile was soft and so was her expression.
"Kafka!" Stelle exclaimed happily, her chest was heaving and her heart was racing. "Stelle my dear" Kafka greeted her, not as cheery but equally as happy. Stelle swiftly entered the room, carefully sliding the door shut.
She approached the purple-haired woman and proceeded to sit down and laid her head onto Kafka's lap. "I missed you" Stelle mumbled and turned her head to face Kafka. "Sweet thing, it has only been a few days since I last visited." She chuckled and gently caressed Stelle's cheek.
Her gaze was soft, cherishing the time with her lover. "But still…" Stelle pouted and then smiled, "I'm glad you're here Kafka".
They stayed like that until Kafka complained about her legs falling asleep. Unwilling to stand up, Stelle groaned as she tried to shift her legs. "Stelle, could you please move? I'm afraid my legs fell asleep…" she tried to convince the younger woman gently. "While we're at it, we could put a record on… Oh! And I brought some pastries for us to enjoy."
Stelle sighed, hiding her smile, and sat down properly beside Kafka. Of course that did the trick. Kafka knew her too well by now. She got up and placed the box with the pastries on a low table next to their pillows.
She proceeded to put on one of the classical music records 'borrowed' from the parlor car on a spare gramophone they found while cleaning up the room. The two went on to spend the afternoon chatting, cuddling, and eating the pastries Kafka brought. They were lovingly decorated with pink and white candy hearts. (Kafka denied that she actually made them but Stelle knew.)
Before they knew it, it got late. Stelle didn't want Kafka to leave, who knew when they could meet again after all? So she just tightly hugged her, hoping she would stay a little longer. Kafka patted Stelle's head, her other arm wrapped around her waist. She didn't want to leave either, however, she also didn't want to cross the Astral Express crew or mess up Elio's script (if that was even possible).
"I would love to stay, you know how much I love to be with you, right? But you also know that I have a responsibility to get back to." Kafka spoke gently, not wanting to upset her girlfriend by leaving again so soon.
"I know… I know, but just a little longer? Two minutes…" Stelle mumbled, her face pressed against the nape of Kafka's neck. And so they stayed like that for two more minutes. two became five and soon five turned into ten.
"I have to go sweet thing," Kafka whispered against Stelled hair. "Right…"
So they bid goodbye once more, hoping the wait wouldn't be too long. "I love you Kafka, be safe," Stelle said, a soft smile on her face. She cupped Kafka's face and kissed her gently and the taller woman kissed her back, hands at the back of her neck and her waist.
Kafka pulled back first and replied, "I love you too, Stelle. See you soon." It was a promise.
With that, Kafka departed and Stelle turned off the lights and went back to her room. She stopped when she entered the room with a surprised and nervous look on her face.
March 7th was waiting there for her.
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fipindustries · 7 months
my personal version of the trinity
im talking about the dc super heroes, batman superman and wonder woman, not the son the father and the holy spirit.
i've always had my own version of these characters is my head and i would like to put it here for you guys to see. im sure a lot of this is going to overlap what a lot of what's already been done, that is inevitable give these characters longevity.
in a general sense, before we get into specifics, the way i think of these three, and of dc heroes in general, is that wherever they are they are the adults in the room. they are the conception that a kid has of an adult. professional, mature, always in control, always knows what to do in any situation, nearly omnipotent capacity to make all problems go away.
for these three i think of them as first responders, as firemen or paramedics. they are the people who come into a diaster, assess the situation and have a plan and a script to tackle it in the appropiate manner.
they know how to evacuate civilians, how to administer first aid, what is the order of priorities, etc. when they come in to save the day they are doing a job and they are good at it, they are the best at it, they are the people you want handling whatever it is that is happening.
all of this implies a certain level of maturity and professionalism that i expect from them. im not a fan of whenever these heroes are shown as super emotional, wether it be driven by rage or brooding, we have marvel for that. like yes, things can obviously get to them and enemies can deploy psychological attacks but generally they are emotionally mature enough to handle most things thrown their way.
i also like to think of them as mainly problem solvers rather than fighters or combatants (with the exception perhaps of wonder woman, more on that later). them simply going with raw fists to punch problems away is an absolute last resort if there is no other way to solve the problem. otherwise they toolset is wide enough that they can find clever, efficient, practical ways to deal with threats. im sure there are few threats superman cant solve without making judicious and calculated use of his super speed and his laser. double and triple goes for batman.
also, if i were to have absolute dictatorial control over DC i would make it so that they are not necessarily fighting a monster of the week style threat but rather that they have overarching goals and every mission is a step closer to that goal. and once their respective cities are stable enough they are free to establish the justice league to protect the world of overzised threats like alien invasions or pandimentional attacks.
without further ado here we go
honestly not much new, the guy has been done flawlessly plenty of times. i am particularly fond of the superman from My adventures with superman. perhaps i would write him a lot less childish but otherwise it seems there are plenty of writers that get the guy. he is a decent, truly kind man from kansas, who was well raised by a loving family and who grew up in a stable enviroment surrounded by friends. probably one of the healthiest persons out there, also one of the most resilient, in more ways than one. a guy who is willing to lend his surplus of strength, both physical and personal for the sake of others since he understands not everyone can handle things all on their own and so he is happy to help wherever he can.
he is perhaps a little corny, a little too straight laced, almost to the point of coming off as naive. if you didnt know him well you'd think he is just a boring goodie two shoes boy scout, but once you get to know him you realize he is just disarmingly earnest and sincere in all he does. he is such a dad, too. he makes bad jokes and gets overly excited for big sales and wears shorts with socks and sandals and he insist that you get horrible matching sweaters on christmas. his clak kent persona is not a mask, he is genuenly a dork. also he is a true journalist, he actually cares a lot about his job at the daily planet and takes super seriously whenever he has to do investigative journalism or an interview of a high profile figure.
i dont think he hates lex luthor, he is just really frustrated that a man that brilliant would waste his gift in such petty sillyness. his biggest flaw is that he can be overcome by self doubts, maybe its is wrong that he shoud be having all this power, maybe he is becoming too authoritarian by trying to fix all the worlds problems, how does he know what the most responsible way to use his powers is? is it his right to interfere in affairs of humanity when he is technically an alien? oh god maybe luthor has a point, maybe he shouldnt be here, he doesnt know what he is doing! he is just a farmer from kansas!
his ultimate mission, his overall, overarching goal, would be to take lex luthor down, the main source of most villainy and evil happening in metropolis. but he insists on doing it the right way, getting proper evidence, writing actual news articles, showing through all legitimate channels that lex is a crook and a criminal, which is the reason it takes so long. of course he could capture luthor in ten seconds flat but then he would have to deal with attacking a private citizen, with the criminal system, with the trials and with the terrible hit that it would signify for superman's reputation.
he thinks bruce needs to relax a little, and honestly the whole bat thing is a little silly. but also he deeply profoundly respects the fact that bruce is doing all of it on his own, no kriptonian powers gifted from on high, and he genuenly thinks of him as a true friend. he sometimes even feels a little inadecuate next to bruce because bruce is obviously the smarter of the two and the guy who always seems to be most in control of the situation and who always has a plan, making clark feel like he is just making it up as he goes along and he is just wasting his time picking cats from trees and stopping petty theft.
as for diana he is downright intimidated by her and he is a bit put off by the fact that she is clearly way more comfortable with violence than the other two guys. but again, he can sense she has a kind heart and is also a true hero.
clark secretly feels like the lamest of the three because he is just a guy trying to help around and the other two are like parangons of righteousness and borderline demigods, he doesnt realize the other two basically idolize him.
he is a really intense dude.
again, im not interested in a batman that is too tortured. the batman from the 70's-80's hit a pretty good balance in my mind. he is still a person. a very obsessive, intense, dedicated and disciplined person but a person at the end of the day, none of that "there is only batman" nonesense here, at least not early on. yes he is a guy haunted by his demons and carrying a terrible turmoil on the inside, but he is generally good at keeping in check. this does manifest in issues on the long term though, on a macro level. on the way he keeps cycling robins, the way that as the years go by he never seems to be able to move on to something better and specially in the way that he ends up by the end of it all. batman of the future did this perfectly, a bitter lonely old man who pushed most people away.
but on a day to day basis, on a mission to mission rythm, he is well adjusted. he is a team player, he doesnt push his sidekicks or collaborators too far (but he does go out of his way to carry most of the weight of the mission, which makes many of his robins think he underestimates them or doesnt take them seriously, when in reality he is just trying to protect them) he knows how to dial down the whole dark knight persona when dealing with civilians, he keeps his strength firmly in check so as to never unnecesarily brutalize the criminals he fights against. he puts way more priority in stealth and trickery than face to face confrontations.
he is stoic and he is overtly serious and formal, but when its just him and clark and diana he does allow himself to make more casual commentary or maybe ever crack and incredibly wry, dry as pavement joke. whilst around most civilians he comes off as intense and brooding clark and diana can tell he is just a little awkward (and possibly autistic?) and his rigid behavior is just a shield he uses.
bruce wayne is just him masking, we all know his playboy millionaire persona and im not going to go too deep into that. he can be "normal", he can relax when he is at the manor with alphred and dick or todd or tim or damian. he is generally a quiet guy, very introspective. very ocassionally he will let out his more impish side (there is still inside of him a child who never got a chance to be a child) he is an adult who chose to dress up as a bat and build himself a bat cave and a batmobil. he is a little whimsical, and he will pull little pranks on robin or alphred or whatever. but when the cowl is on he is back to strictly bussiness
he doesnt hate the joker, honestly he has bigger problems in his plate, but he does find him incredibly annoying and aggravating, that someone would cause so much evil for basically no reason. his biggest flaw is that he can be a bit too cold and calculating and he has a tendency to be self destructive in how he insists carrying all the problems of the world and push himself too far
his overall cause would be to try and fix the fundamental rot in gotham that is making it so that it keeps producing nothing but corrupt politicians, brutal cops and deranged lunatics, where any attempt at reform or to inject money into the system to fix things keeps getting absorbed and redirected into the city's criminal underbelly. batman is there as a shock to the system, trying to surgically unclog and fix a broken machine so that the actual proper channels and institutions start doing their goddamn job and set the city on a better path. honestly the colorful supervillains are almost a distraction of his day to day work, they are just the symptoms of a deeper problem and not the disease he is desperatly trying to cure.
he doesnt for even a second think that clark is lame or naive or silly. bruce almost idolizes clark because he sees in him a shining resplandescent example of a healthy, kind, pure good man, something bruce is convinced he could never be due to his "inner darkness" (this is just bruce being silly). to bruce superman is what a hero should be and batman is what he has no option but to become since he is only a man. in time he will come to see clark as a person rather than an idol in a pedestal and finally as the one friend he can truly trust on and even be vulnerable around.
diana he also deeply respects because he sees in her a disciplined warrior ready to do whatever needs to be done in the name of justice. and again, his more whimsical side cant help but find it a bit cool that she is a true mythological figure who came from a mystical lost island. whever he is on a mission he feels she is the only person who speaks his language, except when they butt heads over her wanting to confront a problem head on and him trying to do more sneaky meanuvers.
wonder woman.
she is a woman of the world.
in my head she would be the most cosmopolitan of the trio, also she can be a bit of and outsider given that bruce and clark are ultimatly americans and she is a foreigner from a wildly different culture. but she finds enough things in common with the other two that she can make it work out.
in my head she is primarily a warrior from a warrior culture. she is a paladin, righteous, devoted, and perhaps a little single minded. but she is not just a fighter, she comes from themyschira as a diplomat, she is after all a princess, she is adroit at politics, at diplomacy, at negotiation, although she does tend to prefer to negotiate mainly by projecting strength. she is above all things honorable. she makes oaths and she will give her life for those oaths.
she is also incredibly kind and warm. of the three she is the one that loves humanity and all of its children with the most warmth. whereas superman can come off as too nice and batman too correct she is the one that can be genuenly comforting when she needs to. she loves to learn and interact with new cultures, after all there is a whole world out there to explore. she speaks like 30 languages, is very well verse in world history and she is familiar with world politics. she has shaken the hand of multiple kings, queens and presidents. of the three she is the easiest to talk to, even if she does come off as a bit old fashioned at times.
but once again, she is a warrior. of the three she is the fastest to go to the sword and the one who has the least issues with killing if necessary. superman absolutely never does it unless its like a kaiju or an eldritch abomination or an army of robots. batman doesnt do it *directly* but he is not going to go too out of his way to stop a villain from getting hoisted by his own petard. diana will just do it, with her own hands if she has to. she doesnt take glee on it and she doesnt rush to do it but she wont hesitate either.
she can be a little brusque and a little strongheaded. once she makes a desition is incredibly hard to make her change her mind or slow down. batman has learn to work with it and try his best to make plans that accomodate that. clark will protest a little and then throw his arm in the air and follow her in whatever she decided has to be done.
her overall mission is of a larger scope than the other two. again, she is a woman of themischyra but more than that she is a woman of the world. the threats she faces, gods, demigods and other mythological beings, tend to operate on a world stage and so she is flying to multiple countries trying to contain the capricious whims of the gods and protect mortals from their dangerous games.
she barely sees her enemies as people. to be fair most of her enemies are manticores, minotaurs, plagues, or gods. but also when she comes across people like max lord she just sees evil that has to be vanquished and that is the end of it. her biggest flaw is that she has a tendency towards black and white thinking.
she is the tallest of the three, by like a full head. also the bulkiest. batman is musuclar but lean, fibrous, he puts emphasis on stealth and cleverness than raw strength. superman is muscular but in a very sculptural way. his big muscles are more a battery of the power he absorbs from our sun. his strength doesnt come from how big his muscles actually are. diana is a tank, she has a big frame and is built like a lumberjack. she is not perfectly cut and shredded, she has body fat, she is beefy.
she sees clack as basically a god since is the primary frame of reference that she has for someone whit the kinds of powers he has. she doesnt have the highest opinion of gods given her greek upbringing, so she sees clark a bit as "one of the good ones". she finds his boy scout routine adorable and his refusal to kill a little childish, and sometimes she is a little patronizing with him, but ultimatly she loves him like a brother. she's so proud of him.
she sort of doesnt know what to make of bruce. he is obviously a formidable warrior, and for a mortal man, the things he can do are truly impressive, also he lives by a code of honor and has a higher calling, and she respects that a lot, but sometimes she doesnt get why he wastes so much time sneaking around and playing with his little toys. that is not the way a warrior is supposed to fight. but, well, he does get results, so ultimatly she trusts him
at the end of the day, they are friends. maybe coworkers at first but after a few years of putting their lives on the line for each other they have true loyalty. driven closer for their work but also for the fact that they are truly at the top of the hero game and it can be pretty lonely at the top and sometimes all they have is each other.
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okay so I weirdly got unfollowed from you even though Tumblr lied and claimed I was still following you (like when I looked at the blog the only thing it said was 'get notifications' but you were not in the list of people I was following) so I hope that that's not indicative of some kind of weird fuckery that's going to keep this ask from going through
the original reason I went to send you an ask
did you know the author of Iron Widow is on Tumblr? and has apparently been here since 2013? cause I did not and I'm like. idk I think it's really cool (I also don't know why I didn't think to check before lmao so this may not be news to you but I'm kinda excited by one of my favorite authors being on the site and I know you like Iron Widow so I had to share)
-shark anon
a few weeks ago tumblr has me flagged as a spam blog so maybe thats why?? idk its the only thing i could think of
and yes, i know! i've followed them for a while cause i rlly liked their youtube videos, and they're actually the reason i wanted to read the book, i lowkey had a huge crush on them for a while and the script for their videos was so good plus they did an amazing job pitching iron widow tbh, so even tho i havent read much scifi i just knew i wanted it and im glad i got it cause i love it so much!!!!
for anyone curious the author is Xiran Jay Zhao, p sure they use their name for every social media. on the rare occasion i check instagram i rlly like their shorts there as well sklahdla
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peaky-shelby · 2 years
still buzzing from the amazing chapters u fed us with!!
can I ask you something? What software do u use to write? Word?
Also, I know its probably easier to find motivation to write bc u are getting so much support (as u should) but honestly how do u get yourself into writing mode? And are productive at it?
Im also a writer and am struggling with finding motivation. And the blank page sometimes is scary even though I know want I want to write. Ughhh I hope u understand!
Anyway, I literally just vibe with you alot! Of course I don't know you but you pass a very lovely vibe through your replies and interactions!
Have a great weekend <3
first of all as i always say thank you for taking your time to read my stories. Means a lot.
Nooowww about the softwares, yess i use WORD unless I'm writing for my scripts, in which case i use FADE IN, if you wanna look into other writing methods.
I have some tips for writing mode so here we goo:
The most cliche one is have a certain time of day you'll write every day no matter what. Tell yourself that everyday at 6pm, you'll sit and write for 10 minutes. Start writing. Some days you'll only write for 10 minutes because your brain is dry and it's just one of those days. Other days you'll start writing and you're never gonna stop because everything is gonna flow and you'll feel content.
It's best when you have a specific time everyday but If you can't , then whenever you have the time just do that. Sit down, set a 10 minute timer and begin. When the timer goes off, set another 10 minutes and by then chances are you're so into the story and writing you'll keep going.
Music also helps to get your mind working, especially if you have made a playlist that is based on your fic. It distracts you from the real world, gets you inside the world you are creating and motivates you to start writing.
Rereading the previous chapter you've written to get on the spirit also helps. By the time you finish reading you wanna keep going and continue the story.
People motivating you is amazing. But you have to learn to motivate yourself in these situations. That can happen with deadlines. Set deadlines for yourself and if you make it give yourself a present. The goals don't have to be huge. It could be one chapter per week. Or to have finish a 100 pages in two weeks. They can be anything as long as you allow yourself to see progress. I've been in the business of professional screenwriting for a few months now but as I've already said I'm still incredibly insecure when it comes to writing my personal stuff and I'm not following other people's plots. Sometimes my insecurities alone stop me from writing. Setting deadlines and rewarding yourself helps stop those insecurities from growing because you can see there is progress and that motivates you to continue writing.
White pages are the most terrifying thing in the world, trust me I know. And they never get friendlier unless you change your mindset. Some times a blank page will be a monster, other days they are endless possibilities. I like to compare blank pages to space. You can go anywhere, do anything and 50 minutes later you realize you're just floating in darkness. There's only one way out and it is to write. Start writing, even if it's the worst first line, even if it's a line you stolr from somewhere else. Look at your keyboard, face down and say fuck it. Start from any part of the story you want. If you don't want to write a scene now, write the next one.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, write about things you are obsessed with. Don't push yourself to write a story that doesn't make you feel like you are high, screaming, crying, throwing up. Write about what you love. I haven't felt as much excitement as i have for New Romantics in YEARS. I picked a plot that I knew interested me enough to think about it before i go to sleep, a topic that i knew interested me to research and could get me obsessed even.
In conclusion writing is a sneaky hobby. Because a lot of times it takes a lot of an energy and you gotta start from nothing. It's all about setting an environment for yourself that awakens your soul and your heart every time to open up. For me music does that. And sometimes when i don't wanna write i create playlists, edits, aesthetics, mood boards, presentations about my fics. Anything to get me in the story. It's all about creating, if you start you can't stop.
I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to text me or send another anon ask. I'm here to make friends and meet people. I love creating blogs that i can interact with others in a safe environment. That's why you'll never see any toxic shit here. I'm a bit of a crackhead, yelling all the time and freaking out but i promise I'm harmless. 💞
I love you to the moon & back xx
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justicecaballer · 2 years
game log day 2 (3)
things i already had set up:
third person shooter system
ui mockup
the third person shooting is pretty janky and the camera bothers me So Much so i am probably going to redo this but i do, technically, have this in place. right now it's just hitscan because i don't anticipate putting any projectile weapons in for this pass. could be wrong though, we'll see how things proceed
heres an image of the ui i mocked up in illustrator:
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it is not in any great way different from the ui in re2 remake, because that is the template i'm going with. i'm glad i decided to do this because pulling the individual parts from the file is very easy and i love not having to create new assets as i go
things i set up yesterday:
script to generate thumbnails for the inventory within unity
it works... fine? i have exactly three items so far and i'm definitely not using it optimally but also i don't care because i have exactly three items so far. its ok
things i am in the process of setting up:
rudimentary item examination system
inventory system
the inventory system is currently pretty bare bones: collide with an item and it gets put into your inventory. working on updating the inventory screen in real time just to make sure that functions as it should -- right now for some reason the item icons get a bit scrambled, but # of items are displayed and i did make it so that if an item isn't stackable it won't show a number. functionally, this is useless. but im preparing for the little differences in how things will eventually display. also, setting up items as scriptable objects is pretty cool.
the item examination is also very bare bones. you can zoom. you can move the item up and down, left and right. i haven't got the rotation in yet, because that was giving me trouble. i still need to actually link the inventory screen With the item examination screen + controls. everything is still pretty independent of each other.
resources consulted:
inventory as well (mostly just the thumb generator script)
video tutorials are great but also frustrating because an issue i run into quite often is that the person demonstrating the concepts will say and show one thing, which winds up having issues, and then fix it offscreen without mentioning what they did. so i wind up sitting there looking at errors that, to my knowledge, shouldn't be there, except they are, because op didn't clarify The Final Result is not actually what was depicted. SUCKS. its ok tho. we continue to press on
i am Very rusty with unity but i do feel that as i keep at it i'm settling back into the swing of things. which is nice. hopefully after a few days of consistent work i won't feel like i'm fighting with basic concepts i Used to know anymore, and instead will feel like i'm actually problem solving. hoping i can get the basic mechanics down relatively quickly so i can end up with something simple but fairly polished.
i don't have any grand ideas of making "a game" more than just a level that will have essential gameplay. i DO have an outline for an opening scenario based on some stuff i've been working on off and on for a few weeks (which i'm excited to share once i feel i have enough content to do so) so depending on how things wind up going it could feel more gamey than i'm scoping for? which would be nice. but i'm not gonna press my luck
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1d1195 · 2 months
I'm glad your weekend wasn’t horrible! Though please take some time to recharge! While nothing too bad may have happened, it can still be a lot of being around people! Cleaning is oddly relaxing for me too lol. What are you most excited to cook on your list of recipes?
I used to LOVE project runway when i was younger! Tbh I think I just loved any show that involved creating something like baking,cooking, and even home renovation stuff lol But ngl reality tv shows about dating/love stuff  is something that I can’t get into lol But I can see how you are more drawn towards scripted stuff though and I get it!
Kids are crazy! Sometimes it is wild how they cannot simply be kind or even understanding of others. I didn’t personally suffer from bullying but that doesn’t mean literally interacting with kids my age was easy. Anyways I'm sure giving them reminders is helping even if they may not appreciate it at the moment! Though I get that it can be so annoying because you're kind and it comes naturally to you!
That’s so sweet! And you’re so right about nicknames! Though I am never bold enough to give someone a nickname or use one unless they tell me too lol and yeah I dislike the brand for more reasons other than that obviously but my inner child loves holding grudge lol 
I LOVE when people give context or just share details lol im the same way too! Once I get on a topic I feel strongly for and/or once I'm comfortable with someone I YAP AWAY! But lowkey I miss silly little filler chapters in general! They remind me a lot of my early wattpad days when I was 12 HAHA But yes I do agree filler episodes are so underappreciated now! Especially how most shows don’t even go beyond 10 episodes per season now which I find kind of sad! 
Both of my classes meet twice a week, but both are 3 hours long :( And they both are live zoom sessions so that means that there is no recording happening. Which I totally get but 3 hours is alot 😭But you're right it is so much info 😭 Yeah lowkey my therapist said it wasn’t a good idea to do two summer sessions back to back but I need to graduate on time lol Also how is teaching summer classes goin? Are you almost done?
Hope you can get some rest and have a very calm rest of the week! You don’t have to thank me! Seriously talking to you is never a bother and I enjoy it so much! THANK YOU for constantly giving such thoughtful responses to not only me but everyone you interact with💗Wishing you to have the BEST week bestie!! Love you lots!-💜
My dumb son invited his friend over to stay with us for a couple days so now I'm hiding in my room. I have to pretend to be social and shit and it's the worst. I've barely recovered from my fam. I just want to be quiet and alone by myself 😭😭 No but tbh it's fine. I'm just dramatic. Cleaning was REALLY good actually. I've been trying to do some much needed stuff (like washing walls and baseboards. Very adult stuff lol) Maybe I'll do some more organizing and shit while his friend is here so I can hide and whatnot.
I made this ravioli dish that was really good. It was sort of alfredo-y and had spinach and sundried tomatoes. Honestly? I'm most excited to make these roasted veggies lol. Potatoes, carrots, zucchini hehehe
I liked the first few seasons of project runway but the premise got away from me (and the writers I think). I wish I got more into cooking shows. I do have a serious soft spot for Cake Boss tho 😂
I have this one student who said to me "she never gives up on me" and it honestly kind of melted my heart. She's a TOUGH kid. Like I'm lowkey afraid of her 😭😭 I'm glad she likes me because she's kinda cuckoo 🤣🤣 She has these massive angry blowups, not necessarily her fault because of mental health and undiagnosed ADHD but she doesn't always make the best decisions either. For some reason she listens to me. So I keep trying to help her even though she makes me INSANE. But the point of that was she's a mean girl tbh she struggles to stay out of drama (sometimes not her fault, but many times it is) anyway. She's a lot, can't wait for her to graduate.
An inner child grudge is like no other. I love it tbh. I have a grudge. My mom told me at like age 6 we hate Bank of America and I refuse to set foot in there lol so I totally get disliking the brand.
I can't say I'm surprised, we do send each other lengthy messages 😭 it would be a TIME if we met in person hahahahahaha we wouldn't stop talking for ages. It's CRAZY how there are no filler episodes and the seasons are SO short. So so so crazy.
OMG T W E L V E HOURS of zoom a week. That's so so long. I hope they give breaks. Honestly, this is going to sound super weird, but I think it's pretty cool that you didn't listen to your therapist about this. It's fairly low-stake and it's a lot but you have really good intentions of getting your classes done on time so you can be DONE and graduate. One of the things I'm worried about starting therapy is that I'll want to do it perfectly and I'll want my therapist to think I'm the best lol (can you tell I need it?) so I feel like I would be obligated to do EVERYTHING she tells me to (I want a she because I hate men most of the time lol) and I would overwhelm myself with that if that makes sense. So it's refreshing to know you don't have to listen to her; at least in this instant. Hopefully that all makes sense
One more week of summer school. They're going well. I'm worried some kids aren't going to pass. We offer some classes online and I'm concerned they aren't going to finish/pass. Which is so irritating. Because like, why show up for a month if you're not going to pass? I know there's deeper issues and more to it, but still. We make it PRETTY easy to pass...
Hope your week gets easier too LOVE YOU
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sunsetshifting · 1 year
OMG HIHI! AHHHH I really missed seeing u active on ur page since u grew to be my fav shifting acc 😭 DONT APOLOGIZE IM JUST GLAD UR OKAY, how’ve you been? 🫶🏼
KSDFJJLKDN I didn't think anyone would notice me dropping off omg (Also i'm bumping this one to the top ahead of the other asks real fast just so I can assuage any worries!! Promise the rest of the asks will still be answered <33)
I'm so happy you like my account so much!!! /gen 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Things could definitely be better;; got some really bad medical news for my grandpa :( so we're all spending as much time with him as we can. (Hence why I've been gone the last 2-3 weeks, real stressed abt it.) Gonna see him later today, actually, before I go and see my other grandparents^^
Plus all the struggle with finding a job (sooo many places want you to be 21+ or able to regularly lift 50+ pounds, neither of which I can fulfil. I've got money saved up, though, and a reliable and safe place to live, so dw about me!!)
Other than that, I've been scripting like crazy. I just scripted my 39th desired reality 😭😭which is a little nutty to think about, but super fun, regardless! I scripted all sorts of goofy DRs (including a cowboy au of Obey Me), and managed to get pretty close to shifting on a few different nights! I'm still relying on the lucid dream method, so I'm trying to boost my dream recall as well (bc I heard that helps^^.)
I'm glad there's still interest in my blog~ I've never had people notice my absence before haha!
I'll be answering all my other asks here soon, as well as posting some more stuff related to shifting (maybe some scenario ideas or another template? Both are pretty fun!) so hopefully everyone can enjoy those! <3
Blblblbl sorry for rambling a bit, but TLDR, I'm stressed but mostly happy! I've got a lot of good things to keep my mood up^^ (Not to mention the exciting changes being on testosterone is bringing!)
Thank you for asking how I am <33 I hope you're doing well, too!!
<3 Happy Shifting, you silly geese /pos <3
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So uh.... played legends and now I can’t escape
#Started a rewrite/reboot of my old Pokémon comic with my friend and now it’s taken all my brain spsce#Space*#The reboot is very good so far me and holo have been working on it non stop for the past few weeks it’s been stupidly fun#I’m sad to see a!au gone but I’m more happy that Pokémon/my old comic was what look it’s place#Plus a!au isn’t going away it’s just gonna be on a bit of a break#I think of it like it’s getting put on the bench in sports so Pokémon comic gets some time to shine again#Y’all don’t know but this comic originally WAS my old a!au it was my comic that was my big passion project n stuff it was a big deal#But the main difference is a!au has much better written#And my Pokémon comic was only known by a few of my friends whereas a!au has a much larger audience#And the old comic was one of my real early stories so rebooting and rewriting it has been amazing#I’m not revealing much other then me and holo plan to start script/actual work on the comic in summer Bc we’ve written it surprisingly fast#And we’ve made a blog prepared for it where we will both mod it#It’s my comic yes but holo has attributed SO much good writing and characters for it#They are a lot better at capturing the feel of the Pokémon series so they’ve been a huge help#So yeah that was a basic update on where I’ve been I’ve just been spending the last three or so weeks working on Pokémon au concept art#I’m excited for y’all to see it when we start posting it!#I originally planned to finish a!au first then do Pokémon comic buuuut I’ve decided to start work on it now while the hyperfixation is here#Rather then do it later when I’m potentially burnt out from Pokémon youknow?#Plus the timing of summer coming soon will be good too#BUT IM VERY EXCITED TO WORK ON IT BC NOW IGOT MORE COMIC WRITING EXPERIENCE FROM A#-A!AU AND IM HYPED YALL WILL GET TO SEE SOME OF MY OG BLORBOS
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mybiasisexo · 2 years
Entangled - Part 1
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Language | Alcohol Consumption
Word Count: 4.2k
Author Notes: Hello! This is my first series!!!! Idkw I'm so excited, but I am. Nervous too aha. For the past 2 years this has been my damn baby, and tbh its taken me this long because I just love editing it so much haha. But its time to let this baby walk!
If you have read The Wedding, the first 2 chaps are p much the same, but i implore you to give these a read! I've changed quite a few things!
Pls enjoy :)
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“You’ve been staring at that sheet of paper for days now,” Kang Seulgi, your best friend, and roommate, points out. She sits across from you at your pale wooden dining table, hands curling around the warmth of a chipped mug to press against the pout of her mouth. The elegant announcement currently clutched in your hands has your full attention, so you miss the judging lift of her eyebrow.
That being said, you do catch the amusement in her tone.
Biting your lip, you run a finger gently over the thick white parchment. In a dazzling gold script reads, “because you have shared in our lives and supported our love. We, Im Nayeon & Kim Junmyeon, invite you to our wedding….” Above the words is a picture of the two mentioned, smilingly sickeningly sweet at one another as their noses touch, arms wound around each other like the expensive ring around Nayeon’s finger.
You think you are going to be sick. 
“Have you RSVP’d yet?” Seulgi asks, oblivious to your inner turmoil. She swirls her spoon around her drink, the metal drags agonizingly against the bottom of her glass.
Her words yank you out of your dark haze, away from the invite that has been haunting you for days now.
“I will,” you answer simply.
She scoffs, eyes rolling in a dramatic flair. Leaning forward, she places her cursed cup down, focusing on you. “Honey, the wedding is in a couple weeks. You need to RSVP now before he starts harassing you. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t yet.”
You wince. You know Junmyeon well enough to know it’s only a matter of time before he does just that.
“Do you want me to do it for you?” She gently asks. She hums and tilts her head questioningly. Reaching for your hand, she pats it comfortingly and it works in its purpose.
“Please?” You reply timidly. The relief is still evident in your voice, if her pretty laugh is any indication. You pout, rude of her to be getting a kick out of your evident distress.
“Who knew you hated weddings so much.” She shakes her head before pulling out her phone, typing away to Junmyeon no doubt.
You release a slow breath through your flared nostrils and give into the nagging temptation to peek at the invite now laying haphazardly on the table. 
No, you don’t hate weddings.
You just hate that yours wasn’t first.
You wouldn’t label yourself as a bitter person.
But ever since you received the rather abrupt news of the wedding, you have been consumed with bitterness.
Three years ago, you were planning your wedding.
You had a wonderful man in your life who you were mere months away from calling your husband. It was a relationship those around you envied, one that left little doubt for failure. Forever was inevitable. 
Unfortunately, forever was a lot shorter than anyone could have imagined.
Three years later and you now watch as one of your friends takes that dream of yours and makes it their own.
You’re happy for Junmyeon, really truly are, but his wedding is a grim reminder of your failure, only leaving you with this unanswered question:
Where did you go wrong?
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“All packed?” Seulgi asks weeks later.
You nod, dragging your unreasonably overpacked suitcase into the living room.
“Thank god we’re not that close to Nayeon,” Seulgi muses. “We get to wear our own dresses.”
“And get to spend more time on the beach.” 
The both of you cackle.
Neither one of you dislike the bride-to-be, although in the five years you have known her due to her connection to Junmyeon, you haven’t really formed a bond any stronger than being acquainted. You always assumed she was probably intimidated by the fact you both were female and close to her boyfriend, bringing out that strange sense of competition, or boundaries, keeping you all from growing closer despite efforts made. She has a particular distaste for Seulgi, what with her being Junmyeon’s ex and all.
The term “ex” didn’t really fit what she is to him. More like a routine fling throughout college that fizzled out the moment he met Nayeon. The two were never official–although, you are sure, she wouldn’t have minded had they been.
“Speaking of people being in the wedding….” You begin. Seulgi, who is leaning against her suitcase that’s just as overstuffed as yours, stiffens at your tone. Her eyes widen, expectantly waiting for you to reveal the one thought that has been eating you alive since you received the invitation. You take a deep breath, here goes nothing. “Chanyeol will probably be there, huh?”
The color drains out of your best friend’s face.
“I didn’t even think of that!” She yells. Her hands cover her face in shock and she’s walking over to you in a hurry, pulling your hands into her now clammy ones, gripping them for dear life. “It won’t be a big deal, right? It’s been years! Plus, I heard he gained a lot of weight since his time abroad–you know how they like their greasy food there. Nothing to worry about! You look fantastic!”
Tears prick at your eyes as you swallow down the growing lump in your throat. Three years… and now you will have to confront the biggest regret of your life.
“You’re right,” you push through the ball of tears, feigning positivity. “We’ve had time to move on. We can totally be adults about this. I’m fine!”
You clear your throat as the crack in your voice echoes off the walls, it doesn’t ease the burning sensation.
“You’re more than fine!” Seulgi is quick to reassure, swaying your connected hands. “You’re successful and sexy and rich! He’s not worthy of the bottom of your heels.”
You hug her tightly, laughing at her attempt to cheer you up.
Once separated, you take a calming breath and try to smile. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
Your taxi arrives shortly after and the both of you wobble your luggage into the vehicle. Seulgi gives the driver the address to the ferry and you throw her a quizzical look. Her little sister is supposed to be joining you both as your shared plus one. Seulgi mentions something about her finding another way there and will be joining you later, much to your dismay.
The closer you get to your destination, the more your apprehension dims as excitement takes its place.
The wedding is going to be held at one of Junmyeon’s father’s swanky hotels on a beach in Jeju Island. You all had spent a spring break there your junior year of college and it was magical, for many reasons.
Despite the bittersweet memories, you are looking forward to being around beautiful scenery and old friends. Life, as always, gets in the way, and it has been a while since the whole gang has been able to spend some quality time together.
You all missed each other so much that you turned the wedding into an excuse to have a reunion vacation with the old gang. Well, minus Junmyeon who will be on his honeymoon. He did go out of his way to pull some strings to cheapen your rooms so that you all could stay longer, bless him. 
That’s all Seulgi and you can talk about on the ferry as you enjoy the cool early autumn breeze on your face, chilly from the stinging spray of water.
Finally, you arrive at the island and hail another taxi, bringing you to the vaguely familiar hotel.
Whistling slowly, you crane your neck, blocking the sun with your hand as you take in the hovering Greek inspired hotel.
“It’s bigger than I remember.”
“That’s what she said,” Seulgi mutters instantly, almost robotically as she squints up at your new home for the next few days.
Her words make you shake your head. “We’re not even with the guys yet and they’re already rubbing off on you.”
She winces, realizing what she just said. “Old habits?”
You both laugh and head inside, checking in easily. You can’t help but glance around every few minutes. One, because, holy hell this place is magnificent, all whites and golds and pillars and painted angelic sceneries on the high ceilings, seriously something straight from a fairytale. Two, because you’re keeping an eye out for familiar faces.
Your suite is on the sixth floor and your jaw drops at the luxuriousness that is your shared room.
“This is bigger than our apartment.” Seulgi states in awe. You agree with a nod, taking in the gentle fabrics of your bed and the rainforest showerheads–yes, heads, plural. There’s three to be exact–and the floor-to-ceiling windows that open up the back wall of the living quarters, revealing the tranquil scene of the beach you are going to undoubtedly be spending the majority of this trip at, hopefully intoxicated. 
You both don’t have too much time to gander, dinner is at seven and it’s already past four.
Junmyeon is a character for sure, so it comes as no surprise that his wedding will be running a little differently than the typical. That being said, the first of Junmyeon’s three day event is what has been deemed a ‘pre-ception’ party, where all the guests will be having dinner and saying hello to the lovely couple. 
Tomorrow, for those involved, will be the rehearsal, as well as the bachelor and bachelorette parties, with the following day being D-day. Both Junmyeon and Nayeon wanted to have a more western type of wedding, so they would be having a ring bearer, a reception, bridesmaids and groomsmen.
You got all of this information from your other best friend, who just so happens to be the best man to the groom, Oh Sehun. He has been texting you nonstop the past couple days, keeping you informed on Junmyeon’s big day. He didn’t want to outwardly lead it on, but you can gather just how happy he is for his other best friend, and takes great pride in having such an important role.
Making this a reunion trip is also his idea.
You are nearly a hundred percent positive Chanyeol is going to be in that group, but have been trying to ignore it and remain optimistic for Sehun’s sake.
After getting ready, you head down to the ballroom where the dinner is being held. It’s just as beautiful as the rest of the hotel. Wide, with gold and tan walls. The back wall has arched windows carved out to show the glowing sunset ahead. A string quartet sits in the far left corner. In that same area, against the far wall, is lined with rectangular tables piled high with different kinds of food, filling the room with a mouth watering aroma. Twenty or so round tables, each one with ten chairs, dot the rest of the floor. One more rectangle table sits at the front of the room where the future bride and groom sit with their close families. 
At least thirty people have already arrived, and you’re glad you decided on the olive-green floor-length silk dress that fell off your shoulders elegantly. Everyone in the room is of higher class and you know ‘cheap’ is a word none of them have heard in decades, if ever.
“We should quickly get our food and grab a table before they all fill up,” you strategize. You both bolt for the food, getting a bit of everything. Once content, Seulgi runs for the closest empty table, while you snatch two enormous unopened bottles of red wine, ignoring the way the server hesitantly tries to stop you, lord knows you’re going to need them.
Junmyeon and Nayeon stand at the front of the table at the head of the room. Junmyeon is glowing, it’s the only way to describe the smile on his face as he embraces everyone that approaches him. As you watch, his gaze is drawn over to you, locking eyes. You jump, startled, and he chuckles before motioning for the both of you to come over.
“Junmyeon spotted us,” you inform Seulgi, who is slurping down an oyster. She nearly chokes. You pat her back a few times as she drains her glass of wine in seconds.
“Alright, let’s go,” she coughs, rushing over to the star couple.
Junmyeon practically cheers your names as you approach. “Thank you for showing! I know it’s quite a distance from Seoul.”
“It’s no trouble at all,” Seulgi dismisses as he pulls her in first. You try not to study Nayeon’s reaction. You do catch her smile faltering briefly before they separate. Junmyeon goes after you next, arms wrapping tightly around your shoulders, swaying you both before letting go. 
“It’s so good to see you guys!” He continues in that gentle voice of his.
“Likewise,” you answer earnestly. It has been a long while since you last saw him.  “Congrats on taking the plunge.”
“Thank you.” Nayeon is the one to answer, wrapping an arm around Junmyeon’s waist. He tucks her under his arm and kisses her hair. You realize then that neither one of you had acknowledged her.
“Can you believe it?” Junmyeon asks in awe. “I’m getting married!”
“You are!” Seulgi cheers, a bit too excitedly. 
“You were probably the most against it amongst us all,” you say, nudging his free arm and you both share a laugh.
“Yeah, but love can change your mind on a lot of things.”
You smile at his words, trying, as always, to not make this moment about you. 
“So, where is the rest of the gang?” You ask, needing to change the subject. “I was sure Sehun would be here by now?”
“He’s here somewhere. I know that most of them just checked in, so they’ll be coming down a bit later.”
“Alright, well, if you see them let them know we’re here! We won’t keep you any longer.”
“Thanks for coming,” Nayeon says to your retreating backs.
You pause once you see a broad figure at your table, right beside the seat that you claimed.
“I knew it was your table because who else would have that much food on one plate? Not to mention the wine….”
You scowl and fold your arms. “Don’t be jealous we have fast metabolisms, Sehun.”
He laughs drily and meets your gaze through the dark strands of his overgrown bangs with mocking eyes.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Dear. You’re not as young as you used to be.”
You scoff and he breaks, laughing his signature laugh that can only be compared to a monkey. He at least tries to cover his mouth with a hand as his shoulders shake. You fight the urge to throw something at him. 
“Are you going to insult me all night or are you going to give me a hug, asshole?”
He swiftly gets up from his seat, his long lanky body hovering over you as he draws you into a much-needed comforting hug.
“God, it feels so good to see you,” he gushes quietly into your hair before pulling away. He’s only ever nice to you in private.
“I miss you every day,” you reply, not needing to say anything else for him to know what you mean.
Sehun moved outside of Seoul for his job two years ago, and since then you have only seen him twice in person. It has been hard on the both of you, since he’s like the big brother you’ve always wanted, and you the little sister he feels the need to protect. 
Sehun is a very stoic individual, not one to show emotion openly, but despite that, there was something about you that allowed him to let his guard down and open up to you rather quickly. Allowing you in during a time in his life when that wasn’t so easy for him to do. You did the same, and it brought one of the most meaningful friendships you’ve ever had.
He goes to greet Seulgi before heading over to the buffet with you trailing after him like an imprinted duckling. You refuse to let up, teasing him until you return to the table, with you sitting between your bestest friends in the world..
“Can you believe he’s actually getting married?” Sehun asks, voice light in mild disbelief.
“It was definitely unexpected,” Seulgi chimes in.
“He’s growing up,” Sehun, who is three years younger than the groom, sniffs. You rub his back comfortingly.
“He looks so happy,” Seulgi continues, attention given to the man of the hour. “I hope to one day be that in love.”
“Goals!” Sehun cheers sarcastically, causing Seulgi to cut her eyes at him.
“Shut up! I’m being serious!”
“I know you are.” He takes a bite and chews it thoughtfully. Once he swallows, he leans back into his seat. “But you’re right. He’s, like, the happiest a person can get.”
“It makes me want to throw up,” you mutter, tasting that familiar sour sting of bitterness on your breath. Sehun glances over at, concern painting his face. He catches your words despite yourself. He doesn’t make any move to get you to elaborate, instead taking another bite of his food.
A loud raucous gains the attention of all the attendees and you watch three guys collide into a server carrying a full tray of flutes of champagne. Everyone and thing goes crashing to the floor in a not so subtle entrance.
“I don’t know them,” Seulgi declares, shielding her face from the trainwreck unfolding to save herself the second-hand embarrassment. The boys try to get back to their feet, but it takes time as they slip on the expensive liquid, legs tangling together as they try to save face.
Now is the perfect time to take pleasure in your friends’ mortification.
“Byun Baekhyun!” Junmyeon hisses. “Kim Jongdae! Kim Jongin! What are you doing?”
The three finally pull themselves off the ground and are bowing profusely to everyone around them when Junmyeon’s stern voice fills the silence, causing them to all wince. Their faces turn beet red as they approach him with tails tucked between their legs. 
Your laughing only intensifies. Baekhyun hears it and immediately turns his head to glare at you. You’re mildly impressed by how easily he finds you, but then realize that’s pretty hilarious as well and double over, stomach knotting almost painfully.
Junmyeon pulls them to the side and reprimands them quietly for a moment before sending them off. They trudge over to your table, inhabiting the majority of the empty seats.
“Well, that’s one way to make an entrance,” Sehun says. Jongdae throws his upper body onto the table, arms sprawled out. His fingers nearly touch your food and you pull your plate protectively to yourself as he groans.
“Jongdae stopped suddenly and we were too close behind him,” Jongin explains with a pout on his little lips and you’re instantly filled with pity towards the man. Jongin out of all people doesn’t deserve this.
Sehun shakes his head. “I would say something, but it seems Junmyeon beat me to the punch.”
“He told us not to embarrass him further, or we’re out of the wedding,” Jongdae informs as he sits up. The same time Baekhyun orders Sehun to ‘respect his hyungs’ before going for Seulgi’s bottle of wine, pouring himself a glass. Seulgi watches in dismay, not enjoying the fact that she’s now apparently sharing. 
As surprising as it sounds, both Baekhyun and Jongdae are the eldest friends you had in college, alongside Junmyeon and one other. Despite their age, they often acted like the children, getting you guys kicked out of many places with their loud shenanigans. Jongin is the same age as you, Seulgi, and Sehun. How he ended up with those two crackheads this day is beyond you, though you’re sending your regards.
“Are you hungry?” You ask him. He sits on Sehun’s right, but that doesn’t stop you from stretching out some noodles from your plate, drawing it to his face before he can even answer your question. He smiles gratefully and takes a bite, humming in gratitude, and you have to resist the urge to coo at him. It’s actually hilarious because he’s a whole ass model! His nickname in school was Adonis because, well, he’s beautiful. When you first met him, not going to lie, you had a crush on him, but the more you got to know the gentle, soft, teddy bear, the more your maternal side came out. Now, he’s just a very well sculpted baby in your eyes.
“Where’s my bite?” Jongdae asks. Jongdae is an interesting character, to say the least. As previously stated, Jongdae, Baekhyun, and--fine, no need beating around the bush--Chanyeol were wild and free in college. Yet, despite him being loud and always down for a good time, he was brilliant, one of your smartest friends, and observant. He loves fiercely and is always aware of his surroundings. 
You shrug. “Make your own plate.”
“You’re mean!” He whines.
“You’ll give me a bite, won’t you, sweetheart?” Baekhyun tries his luck, tilting his head flirtatiously. Baekhyun is the mood setter. He has such a magnetic personality and can become friends with a tree, you swear to god. He was on a first name basis with all the professors--including the ones that didn’t even have him as a student. He’s so funny, can leave you in stitches with a simple facial expression, and gets off on making others happy. Despite being a social butterfly, he kept you all close, and there was no denying you were all the ones he chose to be his found family. 
You don’t even spare him a look as you point in the direction of the buffet. You hear him suck his teeth before Jongdae is smacking his shoulder, pulling him up so that the two of them can follow your instructions. Jongin scrambles after them once realizing they didn’t invite him and you chuckle to yourself as they try to shove him away, claiming that you can just feed him.
Nearly instantly, the seat Baekhyun previously occupied on Seulgi’s other side is taken.
“Yerim!” Seulgi shrieks, throwing her arms around her little sister.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” you huff, narrowing your eyes at her accusingly.
She has the gull to blush and grow shy. “I know, I know. We were supposed to come together.”
“Yeah, but then I get the news that you found someone else to come with? And some boy, no less!” You place a hand over your chest. “I’m hurt.”
“He’s not ‘some boy’.” She rolls her eyes before perking up. “He’s a man.”
“Oh, you look absolutely smitten,” Seulgi purrs. Yerim’s cheeks flare once more and you realize that she does, indeed, seem to like this dude, despite this being the first time you’ve ever heard of him.
Yerim is four years younger than you and Seulgi, and despite knowing Seulgi throughout all four years of college and meeting her family a few times during that time, you didn’t really grow close to Yerim until her sister became your roommate. She spends an awful amount of time in your condo, and you now consider her a sister of your own. She isn’t very familiar with your college friends, because once she was introduced you all had gone your separate ways, but you and Seulgi thought it would be nice for her to come to Jeju Island and  meet the boys. That is one reason why you are kind of confused as to how she was not only able to come here without you, but bring a date as well. Though, to be honest, it is very on brand for the wild girl.
“Well,” you begin, voice higher than normal. There are too many successful relationships going on around you lately. “Where is he?”
“He should be coming down soon. Have you all said hello to Junmyeon yet?”
“Yeah. Still in shock this is actually happening,” Sehun says.
You pinch the skin below his elbow, only accessible because he has the sleeves of his black button-down rolled up to his bicep, and he yelps. “Nope. It’s real, bro.”
He ruffles your hair in retaliation and you allow it because he’s letting you off easy.
He gives his attention back to the newcomer as the three stooges rejoin. “I’m Sehun, by the way. You’re Seulgi’s sister?”
“Yerim.” She smiles politely and shakes his hand. “I’m the prettier sister I know. You can tell her.”
He’s visibly taken aback by her words, not expecting them. Seulgi would never say something like that. But it’s only a second before he’s smirking, nodding appreciatively. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
She introduces herself to the other guys who do the same in return and you’re all chatting when a familiar voice chills your blood. “There you are!”
The body that belongs to the voice easily slides into the seat next to Yerim, using her shoulder to steady himself. “You saved me a seat.”
“Of course, I did, Honey.” She rests her much smaller hand over his that still cups her bare shoulder and you think you might’ve blacked out for a second. 
The whole table goes silent as the newcomer finally checks out who he’s sat with.
Once you lock eyes, the color drains completely out of his face and the fear you feel reflects deep within his irises.
It is him.
Park Chanyeol.
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paunchsalazar · 2 years
I like writing my journal and my class notes by hand. I don't have preferences for paper as long as it's not that overly smooth paper that is hard to write in. My favorite pen is the Pilot G-Tec-C4 (i swear this is not sponsored) because it's a perfect mix of looking smooth and not taking too long to dry and it generally feels good to write with.
I tend to go for thin pens (and mechanical pencils). 0.5mm is what i usually use, but once i got a very cheap 0.2mm mechanical pencil and i figured i would break the lead really often. Luckily once i got the hang of it, it was harder to break the lead of that one than of my 0.5mm mechanical pencil. I'm still trying to find more leads for it because once i ran out of them turns out 0.2mm leads are hard to find!
When i write fic though i write it all in the computer because i like the feel and the sound of the keys when i get really into it and type fast. I like changing up my fonts once in a while to help bring variety to my writing. I like using templates for books and go through pinterest to search photos for the cover that no one else will see.
My process for writing fic is very messy. I usually begin with a skeleton of excerpts i want to include. I add ideas as they occur to me, and i try to place them in the timeline of the fic as it makes best sense to me in the moment. I begin writing in chronological order once i have a few ideas in the skeleton, and i might continue to add to the skeleton as i write out the first parts.
Once i'm done (if i'm ever done) i begin editing, which is the overwhelming part. I usually realize that i need to rewrite some parts, edit out scenes and write in new ones. But often i also realize that it would be better if i rearranged the order of my scenes, so i often feel like i'm pulling out scissors from my pocket and cutting fabric into pieces only to try to sew it together again. Sometimes i picture myself sitting on the floor with mismatched pieces of fabric around me and i can't make sense of anything as i think 'what have i done'. But it usually works.
(Sorry this is too long, i just got excited about the questions. Also thank you for introducing me to kyokao, i had never thought about it before but once i did. Once i did i cannot unthink it. They make so much sense. It's been living in my mind for weeks. Might end up writing for them at this rate)
omg thank you so much for answering!!!! im sorry it took a bit to reply!
love favorite pens heehee I always have the same Uniball rollerballs for writing and Pentel sign pen for sketching. Such a difference in feel between the tiniest change in size!!!
yes yes!!! I love to know people’s thoughts on fonts! Personally I always use Garamond for the like intended-to-be-used prose, dialogue or a passage etc. and some other font (usually a sans serif) for notes and like - SETTING - beat - should do this - or action notes like (she sits, opens to the page) kinda script style.
I loved the way you describe putting together pieces of fabric!!! also this was not too long at all please I love to hear (read) it all!!! thank you!
(also oh my goodness… welcome to our ranks. I was blind but now I see and somehow it makes so much sense to me… I’m so so glad anyone out there agrees though of course no one is ever obligated to!
there’s all the business during the sports festival and later volumes but I think it especially could work looking back at the scene where they look at the others having fun after the Karuizawa mess and Kyoya asks about Kaoru’s strategy, paraphrasing but: “what your plan worked worked too well and they actually fell in love?” “Oh, it’s too soon for that.”
potential energy… I think it doesn’t have to happen but it could!! perhaps it’s too soon! maybe it’ll take a while!! but who knows… they said it themselves their club is full of dummies!
I have a crazy bullet point into chronological order beat list doc that could be a fic or them if I was smart enough to fully realize it….. maybe!! maybe.. but to do it right would take sooooooo long! slow burns can be magic but they take so much work! and in proper Ouran fashion I think every small thing is an epiphany for these guys lol)
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aropride · 3 years
not a question, but rather a command.
Hand over the goddamn c!Ranboo and c!Beeduo headcanons.
ok . ok. ok. *cracks my knuckles* *stretching like im abt to play a Sport Game*
c!ranboo . he/they or no pronouns depending on the Vibes. doesnt label his sexuality. not a fan of using words to describe himself at all actually and uses pronouns just bc he knows it makes things easier for other ppl
c!tubbo he/they exact opposite LOVES labels. demiromantic + gay. (fuck u *arospecs ur characters*)
both of them r neurodivergent bc i say so (im writing (/thinking really hard about writing) a fic rn abt them being nd and learning 2 accept themselves n each other Btw im so excited) here r my ideas for their nd traits
ranboo is autistic. tubbo is also autistic. i think we should have more autistic rep in media
ranboo ocd. u will know about this head canon if u followed me last week bc my url was ocdranboo, which is a banger.
tubbo adhd. tubbo SO adhd. someone help him
tubbo also dyslexic. cc!tubbo is so it would feel wrong for c!tubbo not to be fhsjhdf
c!ranboo repeats words a lot to try to say them "right," can get stuck saying certain words / sentences again and again until it's perfect. he hates eye contact.
hes very texture sensitive n only likes certain foods for that reason, altho he cant always remember which foods he likes n which ones he doesnt. hes also very sensitive to bright light, both due to sensory issues + from being from the end which is darker than the overworld.
he also sees person to person interaction sort of like a video game and relies on trial and error to figure out how to do conversations "right" (right by nt standards).
in terms of ocd he has more intrusive thoughts n repetition n checking compulsions than anything else, no cleanliness ocd im tired of that being the only symptom thats talked abt. he always goes back n checks things n u can often find him doing things in 3s or 7s.
hes very prone to overworking himself and trying too hard to do things the way he sees as correct which exhausts him and he often works far too long at things like mining because he wants to do them right and he wants to get as many resources as possible (to prove himself to be a worthy partner :') )
c!tubbo is about the exact opposite in terms of getting things done in that he Doesnt. he gets overwhelmed very easily n it's only gotten worse as he's gotten older. he frequently has complete shutdowns bc of executive functioning issues n will just Do Nothing and hate himself about it.
however hes also very hyperactive and hyper focuses easily. any topic that is even slightly enjoyable he will spend hours researching, leading to headaches from sitting in the library trying to read and inhaling dust all day.
he masks a lot due to anxiety n tries to appear as "normal" as possible which is often a train right straight to dissociation.
he scripts out conversations with everyone but close friends and will go blank when someone goes off script- like if he goes to buy two lemonades and they say theyre out of lemonade it takes him quite a few seconds to process it, and longer to try to create a new script with the new decision, which leads to very stressful situations when talking to new ppl
he doesnt understand sarcasm at all, but ranboo, who uses sarcasm a lot as a way to blend in more with neurotypicals, is almost always able to explain what's meant when tubbo misses sarcasm
he also hates bright lights. he and ranboo have dim torches in their mansion with the only exception being the library, where there's much more light to make reading easier
he hates asking for help. hates it, he thinks it makes him weak, but it doesn't, and thats something he's still trying to internalize. he sometimes watches tommy for an example of a friend he looks up to ( :') anon u did not say "sprinkle in c!clingyduo" but I Am Anyway) who is trying to get help for his mental health to prove to himself its ok to do so as well
thinking about ranboo crying and tubbo trying to wipe his tears away so they dont burn him. also thinking about tubbo crying and ranboo wiping his tears and not flinching even though it stings.
ranboo listens to lemon demon constantly because he's cool. tubbo grows to love it even tho normally hearing the same few songs on repeat for ages would drive him mad
tubbo n ranboo keep michael inside to keep him safe but sometimes on snowy nights when theres nobody in sight and hasn't been in days theyll go outside and make snow angels and ranboo always makes sure to wear extra layers so he doesn't get hurt by the snow so he can spend as much time as possible with his son and husband
ranboos special interest was boats for YEARS and then it was mining and the probability of getting different types of materials while mining. tubbos special interest is nukes.
michael autistic + nonverbal. not technically a c!beeduo head canon but he is their son so close enough
ranboo favourite food apple pie. this is very important
ok ive been at it for like half an hour i could keep going but i Wont because this is already quite a bit fjhfks
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