#in a bowler hat just staring at me!
chiropterancreed · 4 months
you guys ever have dreams about ghosts and then look up the deceased person on findagrave.com and actually find them? or is that just me?
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suzukiblu · 10 months
👉👈 do you have any more of the dubcon ( ;3c dubKON lol) tim//kon thing with the pining kon?
. . . I actually am not even sure what fic you're referencing so maaaaaybe I have written too many fics, lol.
But like, here's an excerpt from something that at least fits that definition?
Superboy fucking hates Gotham.
Well, not necessarily Gotham, but definitely the Riddler and probably Poison Ivy and, like . . . whoever the fuck else decided to set up a goddamn murder-box puzzle room and lock him in it with a drugged-out-of-his-mind Robin and the worst set of instructions ever.
And especially he hates the fact that apparently the whole damn mess was fucking livestreamed.
"This sucks," he mutters under his breath. Robin stares at him from the other side of the briefing table in the middle of the Batcave, because of course Superboy's first time in the Batcave would only happen because he'd fucked up. Like–of course it would.
"I sexually assaulted you in a supervillain deathtrap in front of the entire internet," Robin says very, very carefully. "And we only survived the experience because said deathtrap had faulty wiring. And that . . . 'sucks'?"
"I mean, very much so, yes," Superboy says. Honestly he's more annoyed about the deathtrap than anything else. Like, he tried really hard to solve that stupid puzzle of Riddler's and it's really annoying that he apparently got it wrong. Which–okay, he was pretty distracted at the time because drugged-up Robin had refused to settle for a handy and had basically bullied him into going down on him, but still. That asshole Riddler and his lame-ass bowler hat had been very fucking clear about how said drugs weren't gonna wear off without Robin getting off and how they'd had very limited time to solve his stupid puzzle in, so Superboy had just kinda tried to . . . multitask it, basically. He'd let out-of-his-mind Robin shove him down and fuck his mouth and just kept his hands on the floor so he could use his TTK a little easier and tried to solve the stupid puzzle with it, just in case Robin wasn't gonna snap out of it fast enough.
It'd very literally been a puzzle, for whatever reason–like one of those weird abstract-looking 3D ones–and probably would've been a lot easier to figure out if he'd actually been able to see it as opposed to having to rely on his TTK feeling it out while the whole thing was all wired up to the table on the opposite side of the deathtrap room, but apparently it hadn't even fucking mattered anyway because of whatever that one fucked up bit in the wiring had been. So like . . . Superboy basically violated a guy he barely knows and already had weird feelings about for no fucking reason whatsoever.
So yeah. This definitely sucks.
"I called you a whore," Robin says, his face absolutely expressionless. Superboy makes a face at him more to be contrary than anything else. "Multiple times. You asked me to stop yanking your hair so hard and I called you a mouthy bitch. And then I yanked your hair harder."
"I mean, I know, I was there," Superboy says, raising an eyebrow at him. And also, like, those are accurate assessments of his character, so . . .
"I made you get down on your knees and shoved my dick in your mouth," Robin stresses, his jaw going tight. "Which was livestreamed and is now on the internet. Where it will never go away. Ever. And anyone who feels like it can just go and google it."
"They probably shouldn't, I'm assuming that'd count as underage porn," Superboy says with a shrug. "At least, I'm not eighteen yet, dunno about you. Actually I'm like . . . two, max. Probably not even that. Although I dunno, I was sixteen-ish when I got out of Cadmus, maybe I do count as eighteen by now? Technically?"
Robin gets up and goes over to the trash can by the computer and throws up in it. Superboy . . . blinks.
"Uh," he says. "You okay, man?"
"No," Robin says. Then he throws up in the trash can again.
Awkward, Superboy thinks, trying not to wince.
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joanquill · 4 months
"This reminded me of you,"
24. Albert Moriarty Romantic relationships Fluff
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Albert James Moriarty
Tag/s: Fluff, Established Relationship
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'All right... I have the chocolate, red wine...' you listed in your head as you checked your shopping bags, checking you had everything to make homemade chocolate wine for Albert.
'...sugar... and-huh?' you stopped mid-way as you looked up from your bag, staring at a doll shop's window display.
You gasped as you stared at a cute chocolate brown tuxedo cat stuffed toy.
It also had emerald green eyes, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Albert.
"Would you like to take a closer look?" an older voice perked up, snapping you out of your trance as you turned around, seeing the shop owner offering you a warm smile.
"O-Oh, sorry..." you sheepishly apologized, not realizing you'd been caught staring.
"You can also customize the dolls if you wish," he added, perking your ears.
"Customize how?"
"You can put them in outfits you desire and add accessories," he answered, pulling out a tiny outfit and bowler hat.
"How much?" you pulled out your wallet, your eyes burning with resolve.
'Worth it...!' you silently cheered as you waited for the shop owner to pack your new stuffed toy cat in a gift box, its fur resembling Albert's hair color while its eyes matched his emerald green ones.
Even the suit and top hat resembled your lover's wardrobe.
"Thank you for your patronage," the shop owner smiled as he gave you the box.
"Thank you...!" you happily took the box; your delight could be seen from miles away.
As you were about to leave the shop, an idea struck in your mind.
"Excuse me," you hurried back to the shop owner, making him look at you curiously.
"You don't happen to do commissions, do you?"
'Just four weeks... I can't wait!' you happily thought as you stirred the chocolate wine, glancing over to the gift box.
As you prepared the chocolate wine, you didn't notice Albert entering the kitchen.
"Well, don't you look merry," Albert teased as he hugged you from behind, kissing your head.
"Albert!" you excitedly greeted as you hugged him back, kissing him on the cheek.
"Welcome home," you grinned, making Albert raise a brow with a smile.
"Did something good happen?" he asked, making you freeze.
"I-Is it that obvious?" you questioned, touching your face and feeling your aching cheeks.
Albert breathed out a smile as he looked over your shoulder, seeing the chocolate wine and gift box.
"Chocolate?" he questioned, making you nod.
"Happy Valentine's!" you beamed, giving him the better-looking drink and taking the other, clinking them together as you took a sip.
"I will be honest... This gift is more for me than it is for you, but this reminded me of you," you admitted as you pulled the gift box closer, making Albert chuckle.
He gently opened the gift and saw the customized toy cat, surprising him.
"Where did you...?"
"I saw it in a doll shop," you smiled, taking out the toy cat in a suit, "It's even customizable," you grinned, showing off the suit.
"It's cute, right?" you asked as you hugged the toy lovingly, almost making its top hat topple off its head.
Albert was about to agree, finding it adorable and funny how you customized the toy to look like him... If only you wouldn't cuddle it with so much affection in front of him.
As much as he loves to see you smile, he can't help but feel a tinge of jealousy over how elated you looked over a toy cat that resembled him.
"Yes," Albert replied flatly, grabbing the toy by its head and pulling it out of your grasp,
"It is," he agreed as he hugged you tightly, kissing your forehead.
"But I would prefer if you showed me the same level of affection, dearest," he smiled, throwing the toy out of the kitchen.
You bit the inside of your cheeks as you stifled a laugh, not expecting to see him grow jealous over a toy.
"Very well," you smiled, hugging him tightly as you peppered his face with kisses, making him relax as he kept holding you close.
You managed to find the toy again and bring it to bed, cuddling it to sleep.
Albert quickly saw you and almost threw the toy into the fireplace... but he settled to hiding it from you in the basement as he cuddled with you instead.
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slowlypalefire · 5 months
Harrison vs Victor
Event Story
Part 2
*The translation are not guaranteed to be entirely accurate,so expected some errors
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Victor took me and Harrison to provided me with a selection of high-quality "men's" suits.
Wear a jacket, pants, and shoes. My hair is tied up and hidden inside a fedora hat.
Kate: "I can’t believe that the condition for joining a social club is to be a man."
Victor: "I'm sorry. You're adorable and pretty, but I'm sealing you up for a while."
Harrison: ".....Anyway."
Victor: "Huh?"
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Harrison: "Kuk..ku"
Kate: "Why are you both smiling?"
Harrison: "No? I'm not used to wearing a suit, and it looks like a child is wearing their parents clothes as a prank."
Kate: "Well, that can’t be helped."
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Victor: "Ahaha, it's okay. Just straighten your back and see, you're a nice British gentleman."
Harrison: “Kukuku, nice and honorable British gentleman.
Shall I hold your hand so you don't fall?"
Victor:"Then can I hold your free hand while we go?"
Harry holds her right hand, and Victor holds her left.
The strange sight of three men walking hand in hand,had been attracting the attention of the people around them for a while now.
Kate: "Stop already! Please don't make fun of me . Come on, let's go"
Harrison: "Yes, yes, your so brave."
Victor: "Hehe, let's follow Mr. Kate
The Brown family mansion is located by the lake. It was a big mansion.
As soon as you enter the front door, you will be asked to confirm your invitation card and if you have a spouse or significant other.
(I've visited places like this several times on missions, but this is the first time I've been asked a question like this.)
(Spouses and lovers are the people you have the closest relationship with, and there is a possibility that they may reveal important secrets.)
(What exactly is Daniel-san's purpose?)
I was safely guided into the mansion and opened the door.
I couldn't help but stare at the sight that awaited me on the other side.
(The scent of chocolate everywhere!)
Various types of chocolate are lined up on the table, and what is being distributed is high-quality hot chocolate.
Victor: "This isn't a social club, it's a rate chocolate's club."
Harrison: " ... seems so"
Admist the choking scent of chocolate, only men are gathered here.
As the name of the social club suggests, everyone seemed to be enjoying the conversation while enjoying the chocolate.
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Bow tie men: "I agree with women's suffering. I can’t wait."
Bowler hat men: "I have the opposite opinion. Having women in the mix makes it more multifaceted."
We also joined in the conversation and listen quietly.
(Hmm...I can't find anything suspicious from the conversation though.)
Victor: "…the man in the white suit over there it’s brown."
There was a beautiful white-skinned young man with blond hair and slicked back.
Brown: "Please eat and talk as much as you like."
"We have mountains of chocolate and cacao in our warehouse."
Kate: "...After all, he had the chocolate. But for what purpose?"
"Harry, are Mr. Brown and the others lying to you?"
Harrison:"No, there's nothing." [iya,nani mo]
Kate: "Then,they don't have anything suspicious about them at all?"
Harrison: "Being able to tell when a person is lying is not the same as knowing everything about that person."
"Therefore, be careful not to disrespect others.I have to watch it carefully."
Victor:"You remembered."
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Harrison: "... It's nothing, it's not because it's your words. I just think it's a valid point."
In the eyes of the two of people, a color that reminds them of the past comes to mind.
Kate: "Um, Harry."
Harrison: "I thought you'd want to know. Moreover, when you have those eyes, you will never back down."
Kate: "Yes, please let me know."
Victor: "You're so honest.Harrison, why don't you tell her?"
Harrison: "... It was on the way back from Victor and I's first mission."
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Victor: "Harrison Gray"
Harrison: "What? Do you have any complaints about my work performance today?"
Victor: "No, you have good gun skills or quick judgement. What's more it was flashing."
"I'm glad I let you join the Crown, and I'm grateful for my chance to meet you and for my decision."
"Harrison, you have a habit of underestimate others."
Harrison: "...."
Victor: "I think it's because of your ability to tell lies..."
"Being able to tell a lie doesn't mean knowing everything about that person."
"The proof is that I lied to you today."
Harrison: "...What?"
Victor: "Actually, the mission you completed earlier was a fake request that I made."
Harrison: "...." *shocked face*
".....Damn it"
Victor:"Ahaha, are you angry?" Sorry, sorry"
Harrison: "Don't cross your shoulders, you liar."
Victor: "Hey, Harrison. That's what I think."
"People are unknown and free. That’s why it’s beautiful."
"With those eyes, you can see through lies.Please stay."
End of flash back
Kate: "There was so much to it..."
Harrison and Victor's first mission When I heard his story, I was struck by the idea.
Victor: "Hmm, I've always been good-looking. Isn’t it too bad?"
Harrison: "If I let you speak for yourself and enjoy yourself, I don't care."
Victor: However,it seems like this incident is the opposite than then."
"We overestimated the situation a little bit.It seems like it was gone."
Harrison: "...It's seems like that. That brown I don't feel the malice characteristic of bad people from him."
"All I feel is loneliness and jealousy,also,vanity."
Kate: “Huh, Do you maybe found out something?."
Victor: "90% of the time. I want that last 10% certainty."
Harrison: "Kate, I need your help with something."
What they asked me to do was act in a way that makes it obvious that you are a woman in a place where people can see you in front of Brown.
And he said it was good to make 'some kind of contact.'
That's why i approach Brown-san, who is happily chatting with someone,
and "deliberately" took off the fedora hat i was wearing.
The long hair that I had been hiding fell out, Mr. Brown's eyes widen when he sees this.
Brown: "W-why is there a woman in my mansion!?"
Mr. Brown was shocked when he saw me take off my disguise and return to my female form.
Brown: "W-why is there a woman in my mansion!?"
(A cat hater panics like he just found a cat.)
Kate: "I’m sorry, but there are circumstances. Let’s talk over there."
Brown: "What...!"
When I try to touch him, Mr. Brown face turned red and he backed away.
While the people around us were murmured, Harry and Victor approaches and calls out.
Victor: "Can I talk to you in a separate room?"
We headed to the room that had emptied, and there was no people . Then, Mr. Brown opened his mouth.
Brown: "Who the hell are you guys?
Could you please clarify?"
Harrison: "We're the police. We were given an undercover investigation."
Victor: "Recently, I heard a rumor that your company has stopped distribution of a certain product and is monopolizing the product."
Harrison: "And there are a lot of those products in this mansion. It was there. Here,look at this."
Harrison took out the box of chocolates from his pocket.
(Since when!)
Brown: "..."
Harrison & Victor: "Now, let's go check the answers."
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weirdowithaquill · 8 months
Traintober 2023: Day 27 - Record-Breaker
Mallard Broke the World Speed Record; It Broke Her:
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4468 Mallard broke the world steam speed record in 1938, changing her life forever…
The quiet, almost timid engine sat in the works, listening to the workers. “You hear? That engine there is fastest in the world!” one said, pointing to the famous engine. Mallard blinked, amazed. She’d never been told if she’d actually broken the record – but to hear that she had, and to hear that it was major news! It was incredible.
There was no one better than her in that moment – she was the greatest!
“Ah, the engine of the hour!” cheered a voice. Mallard gazed down, spotting Sir Nigel Gresley himself walking over. Mallard gasped in amazement. The Chief Mechanical Engineer almost never visited his engines. “I came to congratulate you again, Mallard. I am proud of you – you are truly a credit to this railway. The poster child for what every Northeaster engine should strive for. Well done, and keep up the good work, Mallard.”
Mallard beamed, thanking her designer. Then, she turned to the gossiping workers. “Well? You heard him – I need to be back in service now! Hurry it up!”
“So, which of us is to be preserved?” asked Silver Link, staring down apprehensively at the members of the British Railways board. The men had come to decide on a Gresley Pacific to save from the scrapper’s torch.
“Who do you think?” snorted one of the men in the bowler hats. “We must choose the locomotive that achieved the greatest feat of a steam locomotive – 60022 Mallard, you are to be restored to your LNER looks and sent to the Museum of British Transport Museum. The rest of you… hope someone purchases you.”
Silver Link just stared in shock as several diesels sniggered in the background. “But I… but… She didn’t even make it back to London! I am the first! I reached 114—” “Stop speaking 60014, there is no reason for you to complain. You are already withdrawn, and shall be sent away once we have the time.” “Mallard… are you going to allow this?” asked Silver Link, eyes wide in horror. “Well, elder sister, some of us are just… more important than others. I represent our class, and I am the best at such an honour.” Silver Link went red in the face, but Mallard was already steaming away, blowing smoke at her elder sister.
Behind Silver Link, Flying Scotsman and Silver King shared a nervous look.
Flying Scotsman sat on the points outside the brand new York National Railway Museum, Green Arrow on one side and Gordon on the other. It was the first time that the four had seen each other – the fourth being an indignant Mallard sat opposite them.
“What do you mean, he’s worthy of being the same level as me?” sniffed Mallard. “He’s a mixed traffic engine!” “Green Arrow is an LNER engine, same as us,” reminded Scott crossly, facing down his cousin. “And there are only nine LNER Pacifics left, so your levels are completely worthless! We need to end this… this… this…” “Elitist garbage!” Gordon snapped. “We are long past this, cousin. What’s stopping you from accepting Green Arrow?” “Green Arrow is a simple mixed traffic engine,” hissed Mallard. “I am the greatest steam engine to have ever been built! No one has ever, or will ever, beat my record. There’s a reason that I am in this museum, and you are out slaving away to keep in steam.”
“Slaving away?!” Gordon let off steam furiously. Scott just clenched his jaw. “There’s no point arguing with her,” he sighed. “We’re better off just getting the rest on side.” The three steamed away, leaving Mallard to be pushed gently back into the grand museum by a timid diesel shunter.
None of the other engines in the museum spoke to her as she was shunted into place. Not Evening Star, not Aerolite, not Coppernob. They all just shot her dark glances.
Mallard sped along the line, feeling the wind rush past her face. “I forgot what this was like,” she huffed, finally arriving back at Doncaster after crossing the country to reach Scarborough and back. Several relatives of her crew from back when she’d broken the world record sat in her coaches – but they were inconsequential. After all, any crew could have gotten her up to her record-breaking speed.
“So, how was the run?” asked Gordon politely, sitting in the next platform over. Mallard ignored him. Gordon rolled his eyes. Green Arrow and Spencer shared a look.
“I’m impressed,” hummed Spencer. “Though I’ve heard that the East Germans have built a steam locomotive that’s almost able to match Mallard’s speed.” Mallard’s eye twitched. “No they haven’t!” she suddenly snarled, spooking several of the passengers on the platform. “I am the fastest. That’s my role! Don’t talk such drivel around me.”
Spencer sighed. As the only one of Mallard’s siblings willing to speak to her, and one of only four engines that had spoken to Mallard (he’d checked with Duchess of Hamilton) in the last ten years, he was uniquely able to see just how much his younger sister had changed.
Where Mallard had once been a healthy pale, her pallor had grown almost dangerously blue – while her formerly vibrant eyes had gone dull, with just a hint of something… unsettling in them. And yet her paintwork was spotless, her brass polished until it glistened in the sun, even after a full run with passengers.
“Are you alright?” asked Spencer quietly. Gordon and Green Arrow pretended not to hear. “I beg your pardon?!” roared Mallard, spooking yet more passengers. “Are you insinuating something?! That such a simple run would tire me out? I am the fastest steam engine in the world – I am more than competent, thank you.” “I just wanted to ch—” “Well don’t!” sneered Mallard. “I am fine.”
Spencer’s tentative frown turned downwards into a scowl, and the great silver engine hissed steam as he started away. Gordon watched him go, knowing deep in the pit of his boiler that the silver engine wouldn’t be back.
Silver King had never truly forgiven his younger sister for the way she’d spoken to Silver Link, even if his name had changed, as had his owners and his lifestyle.
Spencer, Bittern, Dominion of Canada, Dwight D Eisenhower, Union of South Africa, and Sir Nigel Gresley all stood in awkward silence. Their sister – Mallard – was being wheeled out of the museum for a photoshoot. “So… did you hear her last night?” asked Dwight quietly. “She was screaming at the shunting diesels again.” “I can’t believe they made me agree to his,” hissed Spencer. “I promised myself after 1988 – never again. And yet here I am. At least Scott gets to hide in the workshops.” “It cannot be that bad?” tried Woodcock – only the humans called her Dominion of Canada, “I mean… she has to have made some friends in there, right?” “Unlikely,” snorted Osprey – the humans had given her that name in the 1980s, and she much preferred it to ‘Union of South Africa’, “she spends most of her days just glaring at everyone. Last I heard, it’s a real treat for them when she gets brought out here to be gawked at.”
“Shh! Shh! She’s coming,” warned Bittern. The six all went silent as Mallard was dragged off the turntable and over to the line of engines.
“Ah, good, you all made it,” Mallard said haughtily. “It’s what I deserve, getting the humans to bring you all here to celebrate our class’s greatest achievement.” “What you—” Osprey cut off, indignant. Beyond her, Dwight gawked in shock while Spencer just rolled his eyes. The shunter braked the famous engine to a stop, jolting slightly.
“Did you just jolt me?” hissed Mallard, voice deathly quiet. The shunter gulped. “Don’t you dare!” snapped Spencer, speaking to the world-record holder for the first time in nearly thirty years. “You cannot deride these hard-working engines, I refuse to allow it!” “Oh? As if you are any better, Mr Private Engine,” sneered Mallard. “Silver King, the weird runt of the class who galivants off to that backwards island where our Crewe-rebuilt cousin lives.” “Gordon still pulls his express!” roared Spencer, letting off steam furiously. “Gordon treats everyone with respect! He’s a far better representative of our railway than you are – he’s out there, pulling passengers and acting as the ambassador for Gresley’s work. He holds a record for the longest-serving express engine in the world!”
“He has Midland parts,” snarled Mallard. “He’s a mongrel of parts, and I can’t stand him! I can’t stand him and his righteousness! This is my celebration, my record, my museum! He can talk when he has a proper record of his own. Let’s see him try and beat me – oh wait, didn’t he lose his dome last time he attempted that?”
None of the other A4s spoke, and the moment the photoshoot was over, all four in steam left, taking Dwight and Woodcock with them, leaving Mallard alone.
Flying Scotsman sat outside the NRM, steam wafting from his funnel. He was the last one left. Spencer had permanently relocated to Sodor after 2013, the other A4s steered clear of York Museum, Gordon had his own work, and Green Arrow had moved to Shildon. So, it was only him left to talk to her.
“Oh, it’s the money pit.” “Mallard. I came to say goodbye.” “Goodbye? Where are you going, Gresley Disgrace?” “I’m going to run mainline excursions,” Flying Scotsman replied evenly. “I’m not going to have to listen to you anymore when you scream abuse at the others or rant about the new PRR engine.” “Rant? Abuse? 4472, you don’t understand! I am Gresley’s pride and joy! I am the greatest – he would roll over in his grave if he saw you now. It’s my destiny to be the greatest – and everyone needs to accept that!” “Sir Nigel Gresley loved us all equally,” snapped Flying Scotsman. “And don’t you forget, any one of your class—”
“I did it!” roared Mallard. “Me! Not any of you! I am the world record breaker – I am the greatest steam engine of all time! You’re nothing compared to me! I am Sir Nigel’s triumph! I am the legacy of the Northeasters! Me! How dare you speed to me like that?! Learn your place!”
Flying Scotsman stared evenly back at the shrieking engine. “I have,” he said simply. “And it’s not here. The other engines can survive listening to your abuse, but I don’t have to. You’re nothing, Mallard. Not anymore. You sit here, on this siding, in this shed, and you cling to the past because that’s all you’ll ever have.”
Flying Scotsman puffed out of the shed, the wrecked screams of his cousin following him through the sliding shed doors. They transformed from howls of rage into a hail of screeching tears, as Mallard’s entire self-worth crashed down on her. The former icon of steam and speed finally lost it, all the rage and anger and simmering hatred growing inside her frames boiling over as she cursed her cousin.
Flying Scotsman couldn’t help but feel sorry for the engine – but all the same, she had spent decades wrecking their designer’s good name with her attitude. Her stardom had placed her up on a pedestal – one where the loneliness of fame had engulfed her.
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caesariawritesstuff · 2 months
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Summary: It's tough being on opposite sides of the law when it comes to Edward Nigma.
Content Warning: Fluff & Angst
Word Count: 1.3k
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● Ao3 ● X ● Retrospring ● Read on Ao3 ●
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There’s a beep in your ear as Oracle’s voice comes over your comm, “I think I finally tracked Nigma’s location. But he’s bouncing it off several cell towers. I’ve got Robin checking out the first, can you get to the second?”
You sighed. Not this again. With a shake of your head, you replied, “Yes. Give me the address.”
She spouted it off to you, but you were just barely registering her voice. Because instead, you felt a deep disappointment growing within you.
You’re not sure how it started, exactly. This strange frenemy-type of thing you had going on with Edward Nigma. Probably a year ago, when you were the first to arrive on the scene of one of his schemes. Back then, you’d been new to vigilantism, new to the role of Batgirl, which Oracle had honorarily given to you. You were still new to your training and not as on guard as you should’ve been – and that’s how you found yourself in the clutches of the Riddler.
He'd mocked you, forcing you to solve his riddles, using as bait until Batman arrived. But to his surprise, you’d managed to solve every single one. You’d watched as his smug smirk twisted into a sneer of humiliation and outrage. He’d thrown one of his usual tantrums, claiming you were cheating or getting outside help. You assured him you weren’t.
And maybe, deep down, you think he believed you.
With another heavy sigh, you grappled across Gotham’s rooftops as quickly as you could. The roar of sirens and alarm bells and nightlife rang throughout, a symphony of criminal chaos. Within minutes, you found yourself out of what appeared to be an abandon apartment building: the shudders were boarded shut, rust covered the metal doors. It looked as though it happened been lived in in quite some time, but you knew better; it was exactly the perfect hideout for the Riddler to hole up in. Inconspicuous and unnoticed. You quietly searched the windows and doors, looking for the perfect way in – but you finally found it: a small, electronic box that appeared to be an old power box. But instead, you flipped it open to reveal a screen. Staring back at you were the bright, green words: When you don't have me, you want me, but when you do have me, you want to give me away. What am I?
You smiled; that’s an easy one. Quickly you punched in the answer: Secret.
As expected, a hidden compartment within brick walls slid forward, revealing a secret passageway inside. You held your breath, keeping your guard up, as you followed the path in. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling and smell of dank mold clung to the air. Scrunching up your nose, you tried not to breathe as you followed the passage for several yards until you finally came to his hideout.
You spotted him sitting before an array of vast monitors and computers, all glowing bright green, enveloping him in their emerald glow. The top of his bowler hat peeked over the back of the chair he was in.
With a sigh, he spun around and faced you. “I should’ve expected you,” he said, annoyance lacing his tone. He leaned forward, resting his weight on his hands, which were rested on the top of his cane.
“Hoping I was someone else?” you asked.
The corner of his mouth quirked upward in a smirk, and you grinned back. It was strange, how this was what had become of your relationship. After all these months, time and time again, you’d somehow found yourself in this position with him. And even though you were on other sides of the law, you couldn’t help but find some enjoyment in your small interactions with him.
And there’d been plenty more than you expected.
He turned away, his focus back on the screens. “Go away, little Bat. You’re going to ruin my plans before they’ve even begun.”
You laughed lightly, wandering into the rest of the hideout. Your gaze focused on the screens, on each camera which was pointed somewhere important in Gotham. On one screen, you noticed Batman procuring himself one of Riddler’s trophies out of little green cage.
Edward snickered. “He got lucky with that one,” he said, but it was more to himself than to you.
“So,” you sighed. “What exactly are you planning this time? A giant robot? Hostages aboard a runaway train? Children dangling above a vat of acid?”
He paused his typing, glancing at you. “Perhaps.”
You snorted. “Come on Edward, don’t be in such a mood. I’m sorry I’ve ruined your plans.”
“Come back later, then. I have more important things to deal with.”
“Like outsmarting Batman? You know he’s going to come here and kick the crap out of you, like usual.” It wasn’t the first time you’d watched as Edward got his shit kicked in and dragged out a broken, beaten mess.
Sure, you were trained in hand-to-hand combat yourself. But Batman had a particular brand of violence that you didn’t follow through with.
Edward was quiet for a longer moment that usual. Perhaps he was ruminating over your words. You put your hands on your hips and waited for his reply. Admittedly, you weren’t ready to walk out. For some strange reason you couldn’t explain it…he fascinated you. Despite his criminal crusade, he was incredibly smart, and you valued that.
And that was how you found yourself in this strange predicament with him – somehow always enjoying each other’s company. At least, you thought he must’ve come to tolerate you, because he wasn’t kicking you out anymore.
Your gaze strayed back to the monitors, studying their placement, before you shifted your attention to the dozens of blueprints and plans laid out in a scattered mess across his desk, several which were stained with a neat ring of coffee. His hand immediately shot out, arms covering what he could.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he tutted with a click of his tongue. “These aren’t for your eyes, little Bat. It looks like you’re cheating to me. I knew your brain was the size of a peanut.” He rolled his eyes.
You barked out a laugh. “Right. Whatever you say.” A small smirk formed at the corner of your mouth, and you turned your attention back to the monitors. In one, Robin was just leaving the location Oracle had mentioned – which appeared to be booby-trapped, which he just narrowly escaped. Batman himself was solving another puzzle – also just missing a trap Riddler had programed to kill him as soon as he snatched up a trophy.
You held your breath as a chill crept down your spine. The sudden realization that you were sitting here with the Riddler, chatting with him as if you were friends – like always, it seemed fun at first. Harmless. Until the reality of the situation set in. That he was trying to kill the people you’d come to know and love.
Edward’s attention on the monitors, the scowl on his face as Batman continued to solve his riddles, didn’t budge. But unlike Batman, you weren’t about to go throwing fists.
“Ten minutes,” you said quietly. “I’m giving you a ten-minute head start.”
He paused, slowly turning to you. “Do you really think that’s wise?”
“Probably not.”
“See? I knew you were an idiot.” He chuckled lowly to himself, turning his attention back to the monitors, his fingers racing across the keyboard.
You walked out of the hideout and grappled onto a nearby rooftop, keeping a close eye. And within minutes, you watched him sneak out the hidden entrance. He smirked and tipped his hat to you, before sneaking away into the shadows. You reached down to your toolbelt and pushed a small tracking device, alerting the GCPD to your location. The minutes counted down like an eternity as you kept your eyes trained on the splash of green amongst the darkness.
And when those ten minutes were up, you followed.
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Evil Love Blooming In The Dark Part 1 Jude Jazza ~ Premium END
The man wearing a bowler hat recognized Mr. Jude.
With his arm around my neck and restraining me, he pressed something hard against my temple.
(.......Is that a pistol?)
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Jude: "Ha, enjoying there, Kate?"
(If Mr. Jude says.....'I don't care about her, I'm not going to negotiate with you')
(At this moment, I'm will be----)
My whole body almost shakes with fear.
Mr. Jude looked at me like happily.
Jude: "......Haha. That's a nice face. Is it scary? Are you scared?"
Jude: "You want my help?"
(Isn't it obvious....!)
I was too desperate to be able to speak.
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Jude: "Okay, bye then."
(........Hey!? Are you not going to help me!? Wait!?)
Man wearing a bowler hat: "I'll let the sweet reunion drama between lovers end here."
Jude: "What a pity. I won't mind if you watch us a little longer."
Mr. Jude shifted his gaze from me to the man, and his amethyst eyes squinted.
Jude: "Looks like you're doing a fine business using our rental warehouse, huh?"
Jude: "If it's just buying and selling guns and other shady stuff that's fine."
Jude: "But didn't we me a contract that you wouldn't buy and sell humans?"
(....Buying and selling humans.....)
Man wearing a bowler hat: "I was hoping you'll let me off the hook there."
Man wearing a bowler hat: "Poor people can be sold for a good price."
Man wearing a bowler hat: "It's good for your pockets and also cleans the dumps from London Harbor, don't you think?"
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Jude: ".............."
Man wearing a bowler hat: "You love watching other people's misfortune, right? And you also love money. You'll have no other options other than letting me go, right?"
Man wearing a bowler hat: "If you agree, I'll return your lover unharmed."
(.....In other words, this person was doing human trafficking in the warehouse, he rented from Mr. Jude and thus breaking their contract)
(And now he's threatening Mr. Jude to let it slide)
The arm around my neck, suddenly felt----uncomfortable.
(I don't want to die. But...)
(But that will lead to this person getting away instead of paying for his sins....)
(I absolutely do not want.....that bad aftertaste)
I bite my lips to hold back my fear and looked at Mr. Jude.
I strained my throat to keep my voice from shaking.
Kate: "Mr. Jude. I'll correct...what I said earlier."
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Jude: ".........."
Jude: "........Seriously, you're hopeless."
Despite pitying and dismissing me, somehow, the kind smile he was making right now made my heart jump for a moment.
(W-What is...this feeling?)
Jude: "I don't need you telling me what to do, so shut the fuck up."
The smile quickly faded and Mr. Jude stared at the man with cold eyes.
Jude: "Even so, you're negotiating from a very high place."
Jude: "I see you have some misconceptions about me, so I'm correcting them."
Jude: "First. You're right about the fact that I love others' misfortune and money......but you know what I like the best?"
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Jude: "I like making rich people like you, who are sitting on thrones and thinking we're the only ones who are safe, fall in despair."
Man wearing a bowler hat: ".....Ha?"
Immediately after that, gunshots and screams tore through the air in the warehouse.
(W-What the!?)
The guards surrounding the man wearing a bowler hat flop down in the darkness.
Man wearing a bowler hat: "W-What the hell!?"
Taking advantage of the upset man, Mr. Jude closes the distance at once and twists up the hand holding the gun.
Jude: "Second. No matter what weakness I may have, when it comes to making contracts, I will not forgive any defaulter."
Man wearing a bowler hat: "Nn....!"
Jude: "Third."
Kate: ".....!?"
He roughly pulls me away from the man and hugged me tightly.
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Jude: "No matter what decision I make, she will be leaving this place unharmed."
Mr. Jude's knee dug deep into the man's abdomen and the man crumpled to the ground.
(....He saved me again)
He was still holding me close to his chest, and I was trying my best to soothe my raging heartbeat.
(This......This is different. Not because he is saving me or hugging me)
(I'm just nervous because I was scared....yeah, t-that's why)
While I was making excuses that I don't intent to tell anyone, Mr. Jude pointed the gun at the man.
Jude: "Don't worry. I'm not going to turn you in."
Jude: "Instead, you will be part taking in a rather 'dangerous' research."
Jude: "You will soon get to know the joys of physical labor. Aren't you excited?"
The man, bubbling and convulsing, groaned in agony and fainted.
Jude: "Ellis, take him."
When called out, Ellis emerges from the darkness.
(It was Ellis who shot the guards earlier.....?)
His large hand held a pistol like it was a toy.
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Ellis: ".....So, Jude? You are happy, right?"
Jude: "Do I look like I'm happy? You know what, after you send him to the lab, go get your eyes checked as well."
Ellis: "Okay."
Looking a little sad, Ellis drags the man out of the warehouse.
Kate: "....Y-You didn't kill him?"
Jude: "' I accepted this 'mission' on the condition that if I could bring down the organization, I would be responsible for whether the target lives or dies."
Jude: "I don't think bastards like him who look down on and exploit people from a safe place should be easily punished by death."
Jude: "If you commit a crime, you must be punished for it. That's how the world works. But what's the point in simply killing him if he doesn't suffer the same hell as those he harassed?"
Kate: "Wait! Wait a second!.....This was a mission!?"
Jude: "Be quiet, you're too loud. So what if this was a mission, huh?"
Kate: "So then that means, you didn't coincidently come here to rescue me when I was accidentally kidnapped........"
Jude: "It wasn't accidental. They knew I was sniffing out their business...."
Jude: "I also knew they'd try something like this if they had a chance."
Jude: "And you were hanging out with me. How can you not be a target?"
Kate: "You knew that.....and still left me alone there...?"
Jude: "Do you have to ask me every time you want to know what I'm talking about?"
Kate: "I could've died you know....!"
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Jude: "Don't be silly. I wouldn't let the person, I baited, get killed at least."
(And he calls me a 'bait'....!)
Kate: "You're the worst...."
Jude: "Yes yes and I take great pride in that. Thank you very much."
Mr. Jude lights up a cigarette and leaves the warehouse as if his work here is over.
Not to forget, kicking Mr. Jack away, who was lying on the ground, moaning in pain like the rest of the guards.
Kate: ".......Since my task is to understand you better, may I ask something?"
Kate: "You said you were sending that man to be a subject of research, right? .....What kind of research is it?"
Jude: "You don't have to know about that."
(He said 'dangerous'.....so it could be life-threatening)
(I wonder if the aftereffects of being there will make that man hate Mr. Jude enough to want to kill him again)
(....I frown every time I remember the look in that man's eyes....when he pointed a knife at us in the alley during the day)
(I wouldn't be able to live with that kind of killing intent from.....so many people at all hours of the day)
Kate: "The more you harass people, the more they'll hate you..."
Kate: "Isn't it tormenting to live like that?"
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Jude: "Well, that's the price I have to pay for a fun hobby."
Kate: "Is it so much fun that you're willing to risk your own life to make it worth it.....?"
Jude: "......."
Mr. Jude. who was walking in front of me, stopped and turned around at my question.
His face comes closer and the tips of our noses almost touch.
Jude: "Can I harass you till you hate me so much you want to kill me, and then we'll see?"
Kate: *gulps*
Jude: "......Hah, just kidding. Did you actually think I would be serious?"
Mr. Jude looked at me with a satisfied smile as I looked back at him in horror. He then took another puff of his cigarette.
Jude: "Seriously though, I don't get you, diligent princess."
(I don't know.....I don't even wanna know him)
(This man is arrogant, ruthless, sadist....)
(But......even though it was Mr. Jude who put me in danger today, he also did protect me)
I really had made a promise to him, without thinking about the malice that would come after....
I would not have made it through the day unscathed if it were not for him.
Jude: "Don't make promises so easily, princess. I'll teach you that slowly over the course of a day."
I guess he was, as the saying goes, teaching me the rules of the dark night world I had stepped into.
Perhaps it is because he knows the weight of making promises.
(....I'm extremely reluctant to thank you, but)
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Kate: ".........So.......thank you.......for everything....."
Jude: "What's with that discontented 'thank you'? Can't you smile more?"
(This man....!)
Kate: "I have learned the dangers of making promises. Next time, I will be more careful."
He smiles but it was a disciplinary one.
Jude: "Glad to hear."
Laughing coldly, he grabbed my chin roughly.
Kate: "W-What....!?"
Jude: "You were smart enough to keep your promise to Victor and your promise to me."
Jude: "But I saved your life twice today."
Jude: "You owe me twice."
The ruthless amethyst eyes glinted at me bewitchingly.
Like a cunning predator who gifts his prey and also plays with it.
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Jude: " I wonder how my cute girlfriend....is going to repay me?"
Story // Bitter End // Epilogue
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
hello finnie i am very kindly asking for kissing as a distraction with btas edward thank you
Take A Break
BTAS!Riddler x GN!Reader, word count: 650 i am being so brave right now because this is the first thing i've properly written for this absolute sweetheart SO I HOPE IT'S OK!! 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: really just fluff, and some kissing, and a tiny bit of teasing
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Eddie removed his deep green bowler hat and tossed it to the side, letting his gloved fingers run through his soft, red hair. Leaning back on the chair he let out a deep exhale, staring, unblinking, at the screen in front of him. The screeds of code, line upon line, made your head hurt to look at, and you could tell he was getting the same way. As he dragged his hands down his face, he settled one on his chin, scratching at it as he looked at the monitors.
Coming from behind him, you draped your arms around his shoulders, laying your palms flat on his chest and feeling him lean further back into you. He tilted his head up and offered you a weak smile.
“Please, my dear. No distractions. If I’m to finish this project on time, then I need to reserve all of my focus for it.”
Not one to take no for an answer, you sighed dramatically as you circled him, perching on the desk between him and the screens. Avoiding any eye contact, you brushed at the lapels of his suit jacket, straightening them out and smoothing them down as you used the pretence to make lingering physical contact with him. He watched you intensely, savouring each soft brush of your fingers against him, biting the inside of his cheek in a bid to keep himself from losing focus on what was important.
But he could feel himself coming undone regardless as he watched your fingertips take hold of the end of his tie, untucking it from his buttoned jacket and playing with it as you leaned closer. You ran the toe of your shoe up the front of his leg, a slight movement, almost imperceptible but outrageously flirtatious nonetheless. That kind of understated, almost innocent kind of teasing drove him wild, and you could tell it was working now. His cheeks flushed a soft pink and his eyes lingered on your hands.
Just as quickly as you had him under your spell, however, he shook himself out of it, placing his hands over yours and pushing them away gently. He cupped them for a moment longer, smiling warmly, if not exasperated.
“My sweet, I appreciate the sentiments, but I really must get this finished.”
Shuffling past you, he tucked himself back under the desk, continuing to type out the code for his videogame, furrowing his brow and closing his eyes tight each time a wave of pain from the developing headache crossed him.
“You’re a stubborn man, Mister Nygma.”
He chuckled softly, neither confirming nor denying it. You stood up from the desk and let your hand find his face, caressing it softly as you walked behind him again. Leaning into his ear, you spoke quieter.
“And you’re very lucky that you’re so adorable.”
A soft kiss was placed on his cheek, before you moved to the other side of his head.
“Otherwise, I might not put up with you.”
Another kiss on this cheek now, lingering longer as you let your hands fall down his front once more, slowly toying with the buttons on his shirt before loosening one completely. At your insistence, Eddie finally got up from his seat, turning to you, grabbing your elbows and pulling you into an embrace as his lips found yours.
He held you to him, warm and firm, as he let a soft sigh out against your mouth, his hand reaching to the back of your head to keep you still, not wanting you to pull away before he was satisfied. As soon as he eased off you moved back, taking in a deep breath and watching a smile curl up on the corners of his mouth.
“Perhaps a distraction was necessary.”
“Hm… has it cured your headache?”
“Not completely, but I think I know what would.”
A mischievous grin brought out your own smile as he took your hand and led you out of the room.
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js-a-writer · 1 year
Tewksbury x fem!Reader I honestly dont mind if this is an angst oneshot, its completely up to you. If you want some more structure lmk and ill come up with some💜
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Summary : *the request*
Warnings : just pure fluff
*not proofread*
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Tewksbury was taking a walk through the park he always go through, today he wasn't in any rush, as he had nothing iportnat he needed to do. He was sitting on a bench, just enjoying the scenery, when he noticed a girl, she had an easle in front of her and it appeared that she was painting something.
He saw other pieces of art scattered around her when he looked back at her, she quickly snapped her head back to the painting. He was curious but decided just to ignore it, seeing as he was a Lord now, and she might just be surprised so see him in the park around this time of day.
About an hour goes by, and Tewksbury noticed the girl staring at him more and more. She thought she was being sneeky, but much to her avail, she was not. He got suspicious, thinking 'what if she's going to kill me... maybe she's like the man in the brown bowler hat!' His suspicions were proved wrong when he snuck up behind the girl to see her painting him, sitting on the park bench.
She went to look over to the bench again, to see him not there. She looked at her surroundings, trying to find the young lord. Her long hair flowingas she did so. Tewksbury took notice of this and the way her face contorted into one of frustration and confusion as her eyes kept searching for him.
He hid behind he easle as she stood up to see if maybe he was coming back. But when she saw nothing, she sat back down and looked up to her easle, flinching and falling backwards off of her stool, as she screamed out in shock.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I was just curious as to what you were painting." he said in a calming tone, trying to seem less intimidating. He truly didn't mean to scare her he just wanted to see how far she would go to find him again.
"No, it's fine. It's my fault honestly." she spoke softly, almost like a whisper, as he saw her cheeks heat up in embarrasment. "Don't be embarrassed, it looks really good, it's almost like staringat a refelction of myself." he spoke trying to reassure her everything was fine.
"It's not finshed, I haven't finished the face." she said softly. Tewksbury could see the panic fade from her features but saw it twist up into somthing he though tto be sadness? HE couldn't make her sad, not on their first encounter. He wanted to see eachother more, and if he made her sad there was no way she would want to see him again.
So he ran, all the way back to the bench he had previouslybeen sitting at, in the same position he was sat in just before he had terrifieed the poor girl. "What are you doing?" sh easked curious as to why he would run all the way over there and pose the same. "Letting you finish your painting, you said you didn't finish the face, so finish it. You can't leave a portrait undone now can you?" he told her, wantnig to make her happy again.
So she did, she finsihed the painting, only about 25 minutes later, she was finally done and called him over. "So, what do you think?" she asked quite giddily he noticed. "It's wonderful, I must have this hung up in my castle, if I can take it." he sent a quizical look her way. "I think I quite like this one, maybe I want to keep it..... I'm only joking ofcourse you can have it." she said teasing him. "Great, how much do I owe you for it?" he asked ready to pay full of whatever price you named. "It's free, you can have it. It is a painting of you ofcourse, and I didn't really ask befoe starting it." she told him. "Nonsense, I must pay you.... Well atleast let me take you somewhere, I would like to spend more time with you if you would like that too?" he said when she shook her head, as to say, 'you don't have to pay for it'.
Sh eofcourse said yes, and he helped pack up her painting supplies so they could go somehwre else, somewhere more private. They ended up going to a meadow and her drawing more sketches of him and the field, as he wathed her with admiration in his eyes. They asked questions about eachother trying to learn different things about one another.
"Well I live in a cottage with my mother,, we live right down that pathway," she stated as she pointed to a pathway leading out of the meadow. "we're not very rich, but we make the most of it. It's just my mother and I, it always has been, and she works at the bakery she owns in town."
A few minutes go by and she stops talking to draw the daisies in the field again, as he once again admires her and her beauty. "Can I see your sketch book?" he asked. She handed it to him, he flips through the pages seeing pictures of him from today, and scenery from all over London. He was astonished. He saw mor epictures of things like flowers, and what he guessed was her mother.
"These are extraordinary, you have to publish these somewhere.You could make a fortune off of these." he suggested fasinated by her artwork. "They're not that good. I probably wouldn't sell anything, and even if I did, I have no where to sell and no way to get the word out." she tried dissmissing the suggestion convinsing herslef it would never work.
"You could sell them in the park, I could help. Not with the painting ofcourse but everything else." she obliged sayikng sh ecould try in a few days.
He looked at her again, admiring her beauty and everything else about her. He thought of how much he liked her, possibly even loved her! That couldn't be he's only known her but less than 24 hours, but it feels right, he loves her!
Meanwhile she thinks about how she's gotten to know more about him these past few hours,she had a feeling towards him but she couldn't quite label it just yet. They were both admiring eachother for a few moments longer before he blurted out, "Can I kiss you?" in the softest most love-sick tone he could have mustered.
He hesitated before going to appologise. But before he could she responded, not with words but with a chaste kiss, full of love and admiration. That's what that feeling love, she finally figured out what it was, it was love!
"I love you!" they both said in unison, giggling and sealing it with another kiss, more passionate this time. Knowing how they both had felt.
I guess you could say, this was love at first sight.
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Thank you so kuch for this request @nix-rose I loved writing it and hope you love it just as kuch as I do.
Make sure to keep leaving requests and voting on polls. ⤵️
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siooin · 7 months
About Natsume and Ranpo
//spoil about the end of light novel 4
“Good work on finding the place.” Fukuzawa lightly bowed before showing the cane in his hand. “Oh, why, if it isn’t the cane I lost some time ago. You came all this way to return it to me? How commendable.” “Your reputation precedes you, sir. If you would pardon my intrusion, I came to ask a favor.” “Don’t be so formal. Come, have a seat.” Fukuzawa bowed before taking a seat in the nearby chair. Ranpo, on the other hand, quietly stared at the man before him without even moving. “No way… I didn’t notice before, but he’s—”“I owe you my gratitude for saving me that day, my dear boy.” The man cackled. He wasn’t wearing a suit this time, but he still had on a bowler hat. “Oh, okay,” Ranpo mumbled as if he were standing on pins and needles. His voice was hoarse. “You saw through that trap at the theater from the beginning. You noticed the rug’s adhesive, and yet, you allowed yourself to fall into the trap. Why? Was it to lure out the enemy—? No, there were plenty of ways you could have done that—” “Whether I did or not, I owe your father.” He smiled faintly. Ranpo stood absolutely still as if he were struck by lightning. “Don’t tell me… From the very start, you—***” “I came with a request,” Fukuzawa abruptly said, cutting him off. it wasnt in the fantranslate version,but in my physical copy he said “Don't tell me...from the very start,you want to lend me a helping hand—”
In their conversation,it's heavily implied that Natsume purposely got caught because he want to "help" Ranpo.Because he own Ranpo's father(Clairvoyant) some favor.I assumed the "help" here means let him and Fukuzawa meet n cooperate thus deepen their bonds.
It's about building up the agency too,but I believe it's mainly about helping Ranpo.
Makes me wonder if part of the reason Clairvoyant asked Ranpo to go to Yokohama is because of Natsume?Just how cool Ranpo’s dad was that even THE strongest ability user owes him some favor?Maybe we can get some flashbacks of Clairvoyant and Natsume if Asagiri ever wants to develop that part of Natsume's character.though the chance is low since Clairvoyant didn't even get mentioned in anime.
My question is,how much did he do or know to help Ranpo?Did he originally not plan to get kidnapped,but recognized Ranpo in the theater and decided to help him?
Or did he set up Fukuzawa and Ranpo to meet?Isn't it too convenient that V's plan of kidnapping happened the same day they met?Actually everything is a little bit too convenient.Natsume can easily leak his whereabouts to make it happen.
theory about Natsume's pov with Ranpo
Now here's a little theory explaining why he didn't help him himself before,even let him live on the street for a few months.
1.he's busy he's powerful he probably has to save the world once a month or something He couldn't always keep his eyes on him.
2.He didn't know Clairvoyant died and Ranpo's in Yokohama until like idk months later,we don't know when exactly Ranpo's parents gone.
3.Ranpo's father.Ranpo didn't know ability exists until Fukuzawa told him.His parents probably planned to tell when he grow up.Again his parents are very protective.
so Clairvoyant perhaps told Natsume something like"if something happened to me,please make sure my son is okay,but dont drag him into the dangerous world of you ability users"
Natsume didn't interfere at first because Ranpo seemed "fine".Sure he's lonely and unfit,but at least he's safe,he's smart he'll pull it through and find a way to fit into society right?
But he didn’t,things had been getting worse and worse,Ranpo's desperate and helpless.he's homeless,so lonely so close to having a breakdown.HE NEEDS HELP.
Like i said,he couldn't have always kept an eye on him.but i'd like to imagine when he realized how desperate Ranpo actually was,he started to take action,aka finding someone who can help him aka Fukuzawa.
He didn't take him himself because he gotta keep his mysterious vibe and has a loud smart brat would ruin that isn't the best choice when Fukuzawa is right there.Even if Fukuzawa wasn’t there he’ll find someone else for him(not Mori though,that guy is not allowed near children),if there's no other choices ultimately i think he would take care of Ranpo himself.
cannibalism arc
Another theory,Ranpo knew Natsume would interfere in the cannibalism arc.He knew he would be trapped in the book for a few days and there’s no way he thought Ada would successfully murder mori.But he still did it.Why?Because Chuuya is too powerful,his existence would simply change the situation,so to make sure Natsume’s plan won’t mess up,Ranpo had to take Chuuya out of the picture.Fukuzawa will be ok as long as the plan worked.
I'm curious what their relationship is like?In untold origins,Ranpo seemed neutral,mostly because he was shocked by Natsume’s words and therefore didn’t have many other expressions.Even after that they’re having a serious conversation so yeah really can’t see much.i think he did respect Natsume to some degree,not so much like Fukuzawa,but still.
Now that he knows Natsume had a connection with his father and mayhaps knows him personally.(yk Natsume didn't have to keep his promise since no one else would know but he still did,either he’s just that loyal or him and Clairvoyant r good friends).He’ll be glad someone else remembers his dad not as “Clairvoyant” but his own person. I think they would have a good relationship.
Actually if they were really that close,do you think Natsume ever told Ranpo how proud his dad would be at him if he’s still alive,or or telling him stories of his father to keep the memories alive.
Ranpo&Natsume AU idea
I'm too deep in this rabbit hole but hear me out.We often talk about what would happen if Ranpo didn’t meet Fukuzawa like instead Mori or Fyodor got him.But what if is Natsume who adopted take in ranpo.Wouldn't it be cool?
If he can’t find someone to help him and eventually he had to take him himself.He can’t let Clairvoyant's son keep roaming on the street like that right?Imagine he thought it’s just temporary babysitting until he found somebody else.But no,Ranpo has clinged onto him and actually is slowly growing on him too.then BANG new father n son duo unlock.
ok but based on how the narrative describes Natsume,he’s very intelligent too.I think Ranpo would be happy around someone who is also smart too.Reminds him of his parents.He can help Ranpo adapt(?.Heck he may even help Ranpo without telling him he's an ability user.
idk what would yhe plotline go.Maybe the ada still somehow establish.Maybe Ranpo become a solo detective that's known for carrying a cat with him when solving crimes.Maybe Ranpo becomes some little assistant of Natsume,appears here and there,mysterious just like him.
ok i remember seeing a fic like that,but it's not focus on Natsume.basically it's just young Ranpo running around with Natsume on him and messed with skk.
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elizabethrobertajones · 7 months
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going to be honest, I have been staring at Frog's RDM glam and wondering if I do indeed own a bowler hat of my own and while I can't remember, the fact I can even be uncertain about that might be too revealing.
Also I've been wondering if all the frills sticking out the bottom are remotely historically accurate to any era of fancy coat and shirt combo like this, or if her shirt is definitely untucked, which makes the leggings feel somehow more like being caught in her underwear than I intended, and if I am the only person who'd look at this get up and say 'she is clearly undressed like a clown' or if that's rational. I can't remember what the trousers look like for this set tbh. I only have the boots and coat. TRYING not to talk myself out of it because the ahistorical nature of all clothing in this game is getting to me, and just give her a pair of jeans :P
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roseianxiety · 1 year
Janus cant cook shit
Roceit Week 2023, Day 4: Comfort
Content Warning: Food mention
Author's Note: Ngl, i just recycled this lil thing. Idk if it relates to the prompt but meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Hope y'all like it though!
He was almost done writing his script, now all he had to do was proofread and revise and he will be done with it in no time. Roman just needed to add some extra dialogue and other details so it would be perfectly perfect. But it seems that destiny wouldn't let him do so when he suddenly heard a loud thud and clattering coming from the kitchen followed by a foul smell... was something burning!? Well, this is not good… he thought. He immediately got up from his chair and rushed to the kitchen to check out the situation there, but what greeted him on the other side made him stop dead on his track. He froze like a statue and just stared at the scene before him. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Roman asked incredulously as he watched his lover, Janus gingerly trying to put out a small fire that was raging in the pan on top of the stove, dumping a glass of water on it and completely extinguishing the fire before looking at Roman. And Roman had just noticed what Janus' current state was. He didn't have his bowler hat on and his hair was a mess, half covered with what looked like flour. The apron he was wearing was stained and dirtied and so were his clothes for some reason. 
"... hi. I was just, cooking you something, darling." Janus said nonchalantly, leaning close on the counter and batting their eyelashes at their boyfriend. "I might have made a slight mess in the kitchen though". They added sheepishly. 
" Jan... You almost burned down our kitchen." Roman sighed exasperatedly, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose between his index finger and thumb. "And how did you even get that butter up the ceiling!?" He wondered aloud and pointed at the ceiling, where said butter was.
Janus blinked owlishly for a moment at him, "Magic?—".
Roman sighs again and approached his beloved, " Why are you even cooking? Not gonna lie, you suck at it.". That made Janus pause for a bit and he pouted at Roman, "Well, duh. Cooking isn't my thing... I was trying to do something for you." He says and Roman has to bite his lip to keep from smiling. It seemed like Janus did try to do something for him, but it seemed like they did not succeed at that. 
“You didn’t need to cook me anything," They said coyly fluttered their eyelashes once more, making Roman smile fondly. "You can, but next time, don't burn down the kitchen." He says as he gently places his hands on Janus' hips.
"You're starting to sound like Logan–"
"Oh shut up, bananaconda."
"But actually though, what were you trying to cook?" Roman added curiously, looking at Janus intently, his gaze softening a little. Janus looked away and blushed, hiding behind his hair.
"Oh... it's something you like," Janus replied with an almost shy smile. "I was trying to cook your favorite pasta. Had to ask Patton for the recipe."  They admitted sheepishly and Roman felt like melting on the spot. Janus wanted to cook him his favorite dish.  Well, he didn't know if he deserved this kind of treatment after everything. But then again, he couldn't help but think about it. Maybe Janus does care about him. 
"Goddamn, I love you." Roman blurts out as he stared lovingly at Janus who looked away again, embarrassed at Roman's sudden outburst but also happy. Roman leaned forward and kissed their cheek, "Come here, let's clean the kitchen then I can help you cook the pasta.". He murmured softly. 
The aroma of marinara sauce filled the kitchen as it was heated up in a pan, Roman was stirring it carefully while Janus watched him like a lovestruck fool (which he indeed is). Roman hummed happily as he stirred the sauce while Janus stood right beside him. Roman glanced sideways at his beloved, "Are you just going to stand there and be pretty instead of giving me a hand?" Roman asked playfully. 
"Why yes~" Janus purred and wrapped his arm around Roman's waist to pull him closer, resting his chin on Roman's shoulder. "I love a man who can cook. And I absolutely adore seeing this side of you where you're not being loud and obnoxious, it feels surreal." He added with a teasing smile. Roman rolled his eyes but smiled anyway. 
"Are you trying to insult me, Janus?" Roman asks amused and turns off the burner before he turns towards Janus, placing their foreheads together, "If that's the case then I'm afraid you're going to have to pay a price for it." Roman threatened as his hands slowly moved upwards to cup their face tenderly, caressing it with a soft touch. Janus leaned closer to try and kiss Roman but the other suddenly pulled away. 
"Anyway, why don't you get the pasta for me, mi amor?" Roman suggested with a cheeky smile on his lips. Janus huffed in slight annoyance after being left hanging but complied, walking over to the counter where they left aside the pasta and handing it over to Roman.  Roman took it and thanked him before continuing to prepare the marinara pasta. 
"I, for one, didn't even think you had the ability to cook," Janus commented as he hopped onto the counter while they continue to admire each other. 
Roman hums in response, getting some plates from the cupboards. "How so". He questioned and Janus shrugged nonchalantly before replying. “I don't know… I thought you're too much of a dumbass to know how to cook.”. Janus snickered at the end and Roman turned to glare at them softly. "Hey!" He protested softly and Janus giggled. "Stop laughing at me." He grumbled, causing Janus to burst out in laughter. Roman was quick to follow, joining Janus in laughter.
When their laughter subsided, Roman spoke again. "Anyway, I'm done with the pasta, why don't you try it?" He says, setting a plate of marinara pasta beside Janus before handing him a fork. Janus takes the offered utensil and dug into the food, making a noise of delight when they tasted it. Roman grinned as he watched Janus eat. 
"Is it good?"
"No, it sucks." Janus chirps but continued to eat the pasta. Roman looked at him unimpressed by his answer. 
Janus smirked, waving the other off. "Of-fucking-course, it tastes good. It's delicious, like the cook." He teased him playfully. "Mmhm… sure…" Roman scoffed and rolled his eyes as Janus giggled. He then took the fork from Janus' hand (earning him a complaint from the other) and tasted the pasta. 
"It is indeed, delicious. I'm such a great cook, unlike a certain snek boi." Roman grins proudly while side-eyeing the deceitful façet who let out a gasp at his statement. "Excuse you! How dare you accuse me of being a terrible cook!" Janus whined with mock offense. "I still haven't shown my hidden cooking skill yet!". 
"Oh yeah?" Roman raised an eyebrow challengingly at them, crossing his arms across his chest. "Almost burning down the kitchen is definitely a cooking skill." he points out with amusement and Janus let out another whine pouting playfully. "Oh, you wound me, Roman! How could you!" He exclaimed dramatically, causing Roman to laugh again.
Janus jumped off the counter and wrapped his arms around the other's neck. "But I guess I can't deny the fact that you are an amazing cook," Janus admits, looking up at Roman with a soft smile. Roman chuckled and wrapped his arms around Janus' waist.
"Good, because I plan on cooking for you more often," Roman said with a grin. "And maybe teach you too, heh.". Janus leaned in and placed a kiss on Roman's lips, causing the other to blush.
"I would love that," Janus said, pressing a feather-light kiss on the other's jaw. They pulled away from each other after a moment and went to eat the pasta they cooked then clean up the kitchen, the two of them working in comfortable silence.
As they finished up, Janus leaned against the counter and watched as Roman washed the dishes. "You know, I'm glad we did this," Janus said, breaking the silence. "It was nice to spend time with you like this.". Roman looked up at him and smiled. "I'm glad too, Janus. I always have a good time with you."
Janus smiled back and walked over to Roman, wrapping his arms around the other's waist. "I love you," Janus whispered, resting his head against Roman's shoulder.
Roman wrapped his arms around Janus and leaned into him. "I love you too," he replied, pressing a kiss to Janus' forehead. The two of them stayed like that for a moment, enjoying each other's company before finally pulling away and finishing up the last of the dishes.
Writing Taglist: @cutebisexualmess @extraintrovertedalien (please tell me if you want to be added or removed in the tag list)
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muddyorbsblr · 8 months
It’s technically my Friday so happy Friday to me👀👀
i finally got back to my laptop after 2 days of just eating and sleeping bc i ate too much then rinse & repeat bc of my dad's birthday 😂
omg bestie wait i'm--
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he had no business pulling those faces while wearing a goddamn bowler hat 🥴🫠
after the absolute insanity that was this week, can we just have the green cape and horns getup next? please? i think we deserve it after the shit they just put my mind through i was just staring at a blank screen for five minutes after the ep finished 🙃
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aberfaeth · 2 years
hi everyone idk if im going to write more of this so. sixth house enola holmes au be upon ye
Camilla settles into the side compartment with a low huff, letting the door slide shut behind her. She takes a single moment to rest her head against the soft red cushion of the seatback, and breathe, letting the light from the small windows glance across her face as the train speeds by. Her chest is tight with worry and her neck is sweating something fierce, but for now, she’s free. Adjusting the newsboy cap more firmly over her piled-up hair, she settles into the bench, and prepares for the long ride ahead.
Something shifts.
She stiffens, presses the balls of her too-large shoes against the wooden floor. Looks around. But there’s no one in the cart, and nothing to be moving. It’s just her, the benches, the windows, and one piece of luggage in the overhead compartment, a red and blue and white Persian geometric patterned bag. Camilla waits, and watches, still as a fencepost in the dead of night. And then—
With a muffled rrip, a pocket knife juts through the surface of the Persian bag. It jutters to and fro, until a small tear is created, large enough for a thin brown hand to reach through. Camilla watches in muffled horror as this hand undoes the latch on the bag, and pulls at the zipper, and a boy pokes his head out.
He’s sharp, is the first thing she notices—a mess of angles and bones and incongruously wavy hair, all wrapped in a well-tailored gray suit. Grunting softly, he struggles to further unzip the bag—makes surprised eye-contact with her over thin-rimmed glasses—and promptly tips out of the overhead compartment, crashing to the floor in a cloud of dust and paisley. 
“Please get out of this car,” Camilla says to the lump on the floor, for lack of any better alternative.
The boy blinks up at her, untangling himself from the bag. “I can’t,” he says, simply. “I’m in hiding.” He folds the pocketknife, tucks it in an inner pocket of his suit, and—horribly—goes to sit down opposite her. “Did you happen to spot any—”
“Brown bowler hat, six foot four,” Camilla says. “He’s on this train, searching for you.”
The boy blinks. “Well, fuck,” he says.
“And if he finds you in here, he will find me, and I shall be sent back somewhere I do not want to go,” Camilla continues, barely tamping down on her agitation. “So, again, I ask you to get out of this car.”
“You won’t be sent anywhere,” the boy says, removing his glasses to clean them with the corner of his jacket. “He’ll likely kill you. He was sent to kill me.”
For one long, full moment, Camilla stares flatly at this utter impossibility of a creature, presumably crafted in Hell and dropped from the sky with the sole purpose of ruining her entire day, and possibly her life. “He was sent to kill you,” she repeats.
The boy nods. His eyes, when he meets her gaze, are the clearest gray she has ever seen, a pool of still moonwater. “It’s a long story,” he says.
“I’m Master Warden Palamedes Sextus,” he says, holding a perfunctory hand out for her to shake. “The Marquess of Basilwether.”
She does not take his bird-boned hand. Instead, she leans on her side, peering through glass-paned walls out into the corridor, at the end of which she can see the aforementioned bowler hatted-man. He moves carriage by carriage, approaching swift as death, swinging his cane like a scythe. Sighing, she gathers her coat, folding it over her arms. “I refuse to die on a train,” she says, standing. “So—good day, Warden.”
Master Warden Palamedes Sextus, Marquess of Basilwether gives her a smile that is half resignation and half familiarly-insatiable curiosity. “Do I have the privilege of learning your name in return?”
“If you’re about to be killed,” Camilla says, “you will have no use for it.” And with that, she slides open the carriage door, and steps out into the corridor. 
She makes it about thirty seconds down the hallway before what Kiana calls her overdeveloped sense of justice (and what she privately thinks of as her perfectly normal sense of justice) kicks in, and she spins around, racing back towards the Master Warden Palamedes Sextus’s train carriage. Just in time—when she skids to a halt in the doorway, the man in the brown bowler hat has a fistful of the Warden’s gray lapels, and is holding him rather precariously through the now-opened side door of the train. 
Camilla shoves her way back into the carriage, but the man in the bowler hat doesn’t even spare a look at her. In fact, he looks—different, than when she’d seen him at the station— both the shoulders of his coat and his hat are damp with something wet, and vaguely smoking. He smells like acid and burnt rubber. Master Warden Palamedes Sextus, from his position half-outside of the train and dangling above the fast-moving ground beneath, meets her gaze. He’s not screaming, which surprises her, but his chest is heaving violently, and his arm steadying him against the open door is trembling.
Without sparing a moment, Camilla flips the discarded cane into her hand, and whacks the man in the brown bowler hat across the back of the head. He slumps onto the cushioned bench, knees cracking loudly against the floor.
Removed from his leverage, the Warden swings outwards on his door-perch, finally letting out a yell of alarm. He slams against the outer wall of the train. Camilla hurries over, wraps both hands around his arm, and pulls. She’s going against the wind, and all its drag force—her arms scream—she plants her feet and grits her teeth and yanks, and they both fly back into the relative safety of the carriage. 
“I had that handled,” Master Warden Palamedes Sextus says, pleasantly. He’s got a hand on her shoulder, and she thinks it might be all that’s still holding him up.
“Seemed like it,” Camilla says, eyeing his wind-whipped mess of hair. And then, glancing down at the stirring man on the ground, “we should run.”
“Probably,” the Warden agrees.
They take off down the corridor. It’s hard to move quickly through a thin train hallway, but they manage, Camilla pulling the Warden through throngs of people when his polite request that they move out of the way is taken too slowly. His wrist is thin. She can feel the bones shift under her grip. His pulse is—unsurprisingly, given the murder attempt—rumbling like an engine.
“Where are we going?” he asks, after a minute.
Camilla says nothing, because she really doesn’t know—only that the further they are away from the man with the bowler hat, the less likely they are to be dead. She tugs him all the way to the front of the train, until they open the farthest carriage door and come face to face with the side of a coal car.
Outside, the wind is bitingly vicious, whipping strands of hair from the sides of her face into her eyes. Camilla squints out at the curve of track she can see before them, the rolling green hills of the countryside, and ahead, the bridge that crosses over the ravine, worn like a gash into the ground. An idea begins to form.
She looks back at the Warden, who seems to have come to a similar conclusion—or else that look of grim determination is something he came out of the womb wearing. “Do you trust me?” she asks, healthily sardonic—not expecting anything in the universe of the affirmative, really.
But Master Warden Palamedes Sextus, Marquess of Basilwether looks at her, those opalescent eyes shining bright behind the twisted frames of his glasses, and an odd little smile crosses his thin mouth. “I think so,” he says, and it doesn’t sound grave at all—it sounds like a fact.
Camilla grits her teeth, and grabs his hand. When the man with the brown bowler hat crashes into the carriage—when the coal cart ahead of them just begins to edge onto the bridge over the fathomless ravine—she jumps. And he jumps with her.
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fruity-phrog · 2 years
Chapter Three - Nancy Here is the post that started it all off, and chapters 1 and 2.
(Yes I know this is the second chapter in a row set in the mall, fight me)
“Hey Nancy, I think I’m gonna go with this.”
I examine the outfit Erica’s found - a wide belt with a shining buckle, a pink short skirt and a off-the-shoulder pink tee. I squeeze her shoulders as we look in the mirror together. “You would look so badass.” I say, and Erica smiles slightly. I know she pretends like she doesn’t care about other opinions, but she does. Luckily, this girl can actually pull off any outfit. 
“Bitchin’.” Eleven confirms from a different aisle, as Max takes another shot at landing a hat on her head - she misses, and it hits another customer. The woman in question stutters indignantly, looking down at Max and her wheelchair with obvious distaste. Max and El watch, stifling giggles.
“Move along, lady.” Robin says, bracing her elbows against the back of the wheelchair, “Just because Max here is infinitely cooler than you doesn’t mean you get to gawk.”
“Yeah, never seen a zombie before?” Max adds, and Eleven sticks her tounge out. The woman turns heel, aghast.
I watch as Robin sticks two middle fingers up to the woman’s retreating back, drawing laughter from the girls. She ruffles Max’s hair.
“You ok, Max?” she asks. Max shrugs.
“I’ve had worse,” she says, “and you were awesome.”
“Why thank you. Now let's get back to what’s important.”
Robin grabs a bowler hat from a nearby shelf and sends it flying like a frisbee, landing nowhere near Eleven’s head. She shrugs and mouths no coordination at me. I chuckle.
“Oh my god,” Erica says from somewhere below me - I’d completely forgotten she was there, “Just kiss her. We wouldn’t care. In fact, I’m praying for it so the mutual pining would stop.”
I flush a deep red, very noticeable in the mirror, as I gape at the girl, “I-We-You-We’re not dating!”
Erica rolls her eyes, adjusting the buckle on her choice belt, “Not yet. But please start soon, this is painful.”
My eyes widen even further, “I-I don’t like Robin, Erica!”
She looks up at me, not impressed, “Who are you trying to convince? I’m not a kid.”
“I know that, but-”
“Nancy, everyone likes the same gender every now and again.”
“Erica, you-”
“Please stop. You’re bad at lying.”
“I’m not gay, Sinclair!”
I wince the second the words leave my mouth. Erica stares, a slight hurt evident in her eyes. What the hell, Wheeler?
“Erica, I-”
“What’s happening?”
Robin bounds over, slinging an arm over my shoulders. I glance at my girlfriend, then at Erica, then back at Robin, then back at Erica. Erica raises a single eyebrow and addresses Robin only when she says, “I’m gonna buy this outfit.”
“Yeah, you’d look great!” Robin encourages as the girl stalks off. Then she looks at me. “What happened?”
“Hang on,” I mutter, then direct my voice to Max and El, goofing off in the Shoe aisle, “Guys?”
They look up.
“Me and Robin are going to the bathroom, ok?” I say, “Don’t hurt anyone, no matter how annoying they are…that’s aimed at both of you, because I don’t know which one is scarier.” Eleven and Max laugh and as I turn, I hear Robin whisper, “Just don’t do any lasting damage, ok?”
Robin leans against a sink, arms crossed but face simply inquisitive. I lean against an opposite cubicle.
“I messed up, Rob.” I say, “It’s just - Erica knows I like you.”
Robin stands up straighter, “As in, she knows we’re dating?”
“Well…no.” I say, “But she’s been watching me watch you for a while now, I think, and she thinks I have a secret crush on you. Apparently, it’s painful watching me pine over you so much.”
Robin laughs, “And that’s with us actually dating? God forbid she was around when you actually had a secret crush on me.” she says.
I don’t laugh, “Yeah, but she pressured me. I lashed out. I kinda snapped, and said I wasn’t gay. And I called her Sinclair instead of Erica, and I hurt her, and she’s only twelve, she was just trying to help in her Erica way, and now she thinks I’m just some homophobic piece of shit-”
“Hey, hey.” Robin tips my head up so I’m looking her in the eyes, “Don’t you dare beat yourself up about this. People do stupid things when they’re threatened. And someone trying to out you? Pretty damn threatening.”
“But she wasn’t trying to out me, Rob.” I moan, “She actually said she wouldn’t care and that everyone likes the same gender every now and again. Robin, I think she’s gay too and now I’ve scared her and she won’t feel safe around me anymore!”
Robin stays silent for a moment, contemplating this. “Nance, I-”
The door opens with a bang, A woman with a platinum perm enters, carrying a neon blue purse. She looks around the same age as my mom, and she watches us with pity. “Break up, sweetheart?”
I smile exasperatedly at her, and she tutts pitifully. The woman walks over to a mirror and, styling her lashes, tells me, “Boys are so horrible these days. But I promise you, you’ll find your guy one day, hun. Don’t lose hope.”
Despite the motherly woman having completely the wrong idea, my heart actually warms that she seems to care about a stranger’s happiness. Robin smiles in a half-disbelieving, half-humbled way.
The woman leaves, muttering about how nice it is, how “that lovely girl’s there for her”, and the knot in my belly resumes its gnawing at my brain. 
“So,” Robin resumes, “you’re scared that Erica was only trying to help and, accidentally or on purpose, outed herself in the process, and you made her feel hurt and that she won’t trust you again?”
“Right on the money with that, Robbie.” I mutter.
“Well…I don’t know how to help you with that.”
I look up in shock, “But you’re my girlfriend!” I whine, “That is not how you’re meant to act!”
Robin shrugs, “You could, A) come out to her, B) let her hate you and feel unsafe around you, or C) implement some awesome Nancy scheme. I suggest you try option C, because I don’t have a Nancy brain and therefore can’t implement a Nancy scheme.”
I sigh, fiddling with the rings on Robin’s fingers, “This is why I love you.” I tell her. She stares at me for a few seconds, in which I realize what I said and gasp.
“I-I-” I stutter, but Robin silences me with a quick kiss.
“I love you too, Nance.” she says, and I forget how crap I’m feeling for a second.
Max tilts slightly as Eleven props up her wheelchair, using her powers to get rid of some gum that’s been sticking up her wheels and slowing her down.
“Ew, gross.” Max laughs, handing El a napkin for the thin trickle of blood reaching her lip. I obsessively stir my drink, staring into the icy contents. Robin sits next to me.
“Talk to her,” she whispers, “Awesome Nancy scheme?”
I sigh and stand up. Erica is sitting alone by the window, staring into space. I sit next to her.
“Hey, Erica.”
The anger is palpable. I gulp slightly.
“I never meant to snap at you,” I start, “I just felt…put on the spot.”
“Yeah?” Erica says icily, “Well I’m sorry if being gay is so much of an issue for you.” God I hate myself.
“Look, I’m so, so sorry. Ok?”
Silence elapses, but I cough, forcing myself to fill it. “Erica, I need you to know I’m not homophobic. I-” I turn to look her in the eye, but I’m thrown when I see they’re tearful. I forget anything else and hug the girl tightly. To my surprise, she reciprocates. We stay like this for a few moments, but I think I need to do this.
“Erica, I snapped because…” I sigh. Honestly, I’ve known I have to say this since Robin first mentioned it, but that doesn’t make it any less terrifying. Even if it is just for a woke twelve year old girl. “I snapped because it’s true. I do like Robin, I-I’m bisexual, and I’ve gotten so used to hiding it from everyone I forgot that not everyone will take it negatively. I’m really sorry that you got caught in the crossfire.”
Erica sits up, staring into my eyes, hazel to blue. “It’s ok.” she says quietly, “I was being super pushy.”
“That’s just your way.” I say kindly, “The Erica way.” Erica looks down at her hands and I go to stand up, but stay where I am for the time being and place my hand on hers.
“And, Erica?” I say, and she looks up at me, “I’m in no place to put anything on you, but not everyone likes the same gender every now and again.” 
Erica wipes her tears, nodding and smiling slightly. “I know…” she whispers.
“And I’m here.” I tell her, “No matter what. And so is Robin. And Max and Eleven. Us girls need to stick together, right?”
Erica nods. 
“Wanna rejoin the group?”
She shakes her head, “Nah, I’ll…I’ll stay and collect my thoughts for a moment.”
“Got it.”
When I get back to Robin, she takes my hand. “How’d it go?” she asks, and I’m filled with happiness at the simple gesture that she didn’t eavesdrop. I made the right decision loving her. “Yeah, she’s…she’s ok.” I say, still kind of shell-shocked at coming out to someone that wasn’t my girlfriend, “But she still doesn’t know we’re dating. I just said that I have a crush on you.”
Robin beams in a slightly bemused manner, “You didn’t out me? Just yourself?”
“Yeah, that’s the only decent thing to do!” Honestly, I’m surprised she’d expect anything else.
Robin hums for a moment, thinking only thoughts she knows, and examines the cafe. The waiter’s gone to the back and Max and El are preoccupied playing tic-tac-toe. Robin smiles and dips low, kissing me. It’s only for a second and I’m still shocked when I come back up, hair slightly messed up. Robin beams at someone over my shoulder, and I turn to see Erica watching us, her signature eyebrow raised and a large grin cracking across her face.
Tagging @bvleraddict @middle--fingering @remarkablelightening @rel312 @dasnagon @uwujinniee @bethhiraeth @canarygecko. I’ve had “don’t forget to post new chapter” written on my hand for three days, so enjoy.
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Rating: Mature
Love the Darkest Parts of You - kitorion
Author: kitorion Word Count: 3219 (oneshot) Rating: Mature Era: Hogwarts (sixth or seventh year) Summary: “I thought- I don’t know… I knew it had been really bad and, when I stood up and I saw you lying there, I thought- I mean I don’t know what I thought. But I remember thinking, y’know, I have to tell him. But then Pomfrey came and I had to hide and I never got to and I didn’t know if I’d ever get to and-”
After Remus is badly injured on a full moon, Sirius realises he needs to tell him how he truly feels.
My Only Sunshine - Loua29xx
Author: Loua29xx Word Count: 28973 (10 Chapters) Rating: Mature Alternate Universe: Muggle Summary: Standing trial for the murder of the man he loves most in the world, Sirius can’t help but look back on his time with the light of his life. His sunshine.
Forever is Definitley Punk Rock - orphaned fic
Author: none Word Count: 9,233 (1 Chapter + Epilogue)Rating: Mature Alterate Universe: Muggle, Modern, University SettingSummary: When Remus Lupin met Sirius Black for the first time, he very nearly killed him. Now, it wasn’t entirely his fault, something he would maintain for the rest of his life, and Sirius being as dramatic as he was would often remind the taller, tawny-haired man of his very harrowing near-death experience at the front bumper of his car.
The truth of it was, Sirius Black was perched on the kerb wearing a bowler hat, poufy shirt-sleeves, a vest, a monocle which actually worked and was the reason his vision was blurred in the one eye, skin-tight leather trousers, and he had a skateboard under his arm. Remus Lupin was behind the wheel of his car which was held together by prayer and twist-ties, and was cruising along at a reasonable speed considering London traffic, when the strange steampunk-themed man dropped the skateboard to the pavement and rolled into traffic.
One Fish [+Podfic] - @xinasvoice
Author: xinasvoice Word Count: 5,016 (oneshot) Rating: Mature Alternate Universe: Muggle, Modern Summary: Inspired by this tweet: "Just watched a man bringing home a goldfish on the train accidentally pop the bag- fish flops on the floor. 3 people swarm to save him (the fish not the man). Guy chugs the last of his coffee and throws the fish in his cup. Lady next to him empties in her bottle of water."
So this is that, only wolfstar.
What's up star boy - @weird-fangirling-persona
Author: WeirdFangirlingPersona Word Count: 13,024 (10 Chapters) Rating: Mature Alternate Universe: Coffee Shops & Cafes, Modern, Muggle Summary: Remus is forced to attend a mixer blind date and he is not amused.
Until he meets a certain witty, long-haired star boy.
Inappropriate innuendos ensue.
Nothing without you - @tracingpatternswrites
Author: TracingPatterns Word Count: 6,413 (oneshot) Rating: Mature Era: First War Summary: Sirius, he thinks again, the only word that seems to catch in his mind as he stares at the bed. It’s Sirius, there, body stretched out and eyes closed and black hair spilling over the pillow and blood. So much blood. He looks like he’s sleeping, only not, because Sirius doesn’t sleep like that, on his back, still and quiet.
Billet-Doux en Noir et Blanc - @mooncat457writing
Author: MoonCat457 Word Count: 29,186 (8 Chapters) Rating: Mature Alternate Universe: Muggle, Modern, FWB, Holiday Summary: Remus Lupin has a secret. Well, two actually. One, he’s been hooking up with Sirius Black—his best friend of eleven years and now roommate—on and off for six years, and two, he’s deeply and irrevocably in love with Sirius, has been for those six years. He thinks that those feelings will never be returned, which he’s alright with. Really, he is, or at least tries to be. But when Sirius asks him to be his last-minute date to his cousin’s wedding in Paris, Remus finds out that everything he’s thought to be true about his arrangement with Sirius is anything but.
let me tell you a secret - thecatslullaby
Author: thecatslullaby Word Count: 4,079 (oneshot) Rating: Mature Era: Hogwarts (Sixth or Seventh Year) Summary: One day Remus and Sirius decide to play a dangerous game and start flirting with each other. Boundaries are blurred, feelings are uncovered (and other things are discovered).
These hills have eyes (and I got paranoia) - CasualMaraudering
Author: CasualMaraudering Word Count: 3,839 (Oneshot) Rating: Mature Alternate Universe: Modern, Muggle, Established Relationship Summary: Remus feels his stomach twist uncomfortably. In an instant, he turns away and walks out the door, not caring whether Sirius hears it closing.
He feels his eyes sting as his brain screams at him; it all makes sense, in the worst of ways. But he refuses to say it to himself, even if all the dots slowly connect. Sirius wouldn’t. He’d never do that.
Not his Sirius, no.
Far Away the Stars - orphaned fic
Author: None Word Count: 36,705 (2 Chapters) Rating: Mature Alternate Universe: Modern, Muggle, Getting Together, Raising Teddy Summary: “Oh hell, what a pair we make,” Remus said, and Sirius threw his head back and laughed.
“Truest statement I’ve heard in a long time.” Sirius bowed his head. “I don’t care about people easily. But you’re like a fucking tidal wave, Moony. You just short of showed up and swept me away and I gave up trying to fight it.”
Remus fought back the urge to grab him and pull him down and just have him right there because they hadn’t got that far yet. “And here I thought you just didn’t like me. Who knew?”
The Player's Secret - WrappedUp
Author: WrappedUp Word Count: 51,568 (9 Chapters) Rating: Mature Alternate Universe: Modern, Muggle, Getting Together, Celebrity Summary: “So what’s he like? Full of it? Arrogant?”
“Yes,” he says, because he thinks that is a fair assessment. Sirius Black is full of it. He is arrogant. He’s also entitled and needy and smug. He’s talented, reckless, moody, selfish, childish, charming and sweet, and a million different other things Remus is trying to wrap his head around.
Sirius Black is hard work.
Remus Lupin is a successful documentary filmmaker who is assigned to make a fly-on-the-wall documentary featuring Sirius Black - one of the world's most brilliant footballers - as he competes in the European Championship.
All does not go smoothly.
Of Memories, Bitter and Sweet - @msalexwp
Author: MsAlexWP Word Count: 9,473 (Oneshot) Rating: Mature Alternate Universe: Modern, Muggle, Amnesia Summary: Remus loses his memory, but there are some things that can't be destroyed.
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