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robfrid · 2 years ago
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So we did a little #morning of #luxury in #paris #yesterday @lecafedeflore @ritzparis #friends #classe #whynot #treatingourselves #imworthit #breakfast #tea https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZyM8iNprJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stochastique-blog · 25 days ago
Love is all
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Truth. No Love Lost💖 Sometimes life just takes you in different directions…I think it’s important to embrace the seasons people are placed in your life and not hold on, because you don’t want to let go.
Sometimes the hardest, but most necessary, thing to do is to let go. Just because someone’s been in your life for years or they’ve played a major role in it, doesn’t mean they need or deserve to remain in your life. Especially if the negatives far outweigh the positives in terms of what you’re receiving from them. It’s hard, but necessary in order to grow and move forward. You have to know when enough is enough and be courageous enough to cut ties.
I don’t dislike the people I’ve had to let go of, in fact, I’ll always be thankful for the role they played in my life and some I still very much carry in my heart, but I also am wise enough to know when to step away, move on and not look back. After all, I’m not headed that way again. You can’t see where you’re headed if you don’t look forward instead of back. Am I right? People are in your life for a season, a reason or a lifetime. Discern who is meant to be in which position and don’t let a seasonal person take the place meant for a lifetime person.
#RespectYourself #ImWorthIt #EvenWhenItHurts #IfItsNotBeneficialAndEdifyingLetItGo #Seasons #Life #Love #LessonsLearned #LetThemGo #DontConfuseTemporaryWithLongTerm #DontLookBack #OpenTheDoorWalkThroughItAndCloseIt #FightForward #KeepMovingForward #SingleMom #SingleMomLife #RGPTribe #Influencer https://www.instagram.com/p/B20Xi1Wgri8/?igshid=pnl7xy98396i
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mortimer · 7 months ago
I don't need a job I need to be paid $5000 for every day I don't hit someone in the head with a hammer and $100,000 for every day I don't kill myself. #ImWorthIt
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empathhealingmybrokenheart · 8 months ago
And when old words die out on the tongue, new melodies break forth from the heart; and where the old tracks are lost, new country is revealed with its wonders.
#heartbroken #relationships #moving on #imworthit
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debale101 · 2 years ago
they will never choose you,
you're no longer new, 
you're no longer shiny, 
they need someone else,
someone who doesn't know how they truly are.
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laurafrayz · 4 years ago
I type the words "I love..."
And my phone suggests the next word I want is "you"
Yes, if only.
I think it regularly. And I mean it
I feel it like a calm, simple truth, grown deep inside me
But I can't say it, or write it, or send it to you
It sits heavy on my tongue, locked in the steel vault with all the other things I cannot, will not say
I love you, I want you, I miss you, please stay
You're so cute, you're so perfect, I think you'll never stop seeming lovely to me
You make me wish I still believed in forever
I wish that you would believe in it too
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zahizahir · 3 years ago
I guess I'm doing this because i know no one will read. It's easier to write when you know no one will read , just like it's easier to rant knowing no one will listen.
I was in love for 5 years... I still am in a way I guess... and I also guess that's the reason why everything has been so hard... Having to sepparate yourself from someone whom you're not ready to be emotionally sepparated from... but knowing you have to because if not you will cease to exist, and not in the physical way, in the psychological one, in the emotional one...
I guess that's the thing about being in a toxic relationship... why it's toxic in the first place... because it poisons you inside in a way that you believe that it's normal... you believe that that's where you belong... and when you finally leave, if you leave, you're left with this void that you didn't expect...
You're left empty and longing...
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cera-williams · 4 years ago
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#fuckeveryoneelse #fuckothersopinions #iamwhoiam #immore #imworthit https://www.instagram.com/p/CPO88F1sEhB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gingerconfessionals · 3 years ago
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More pictures of "feeling goof days". Hopefully more are on the way. #beautifulwoman #beautiful #selflove #selflovejourney #myjourneytoselflove #yourlossnotmine #yourloss #imworthit #imworthy https://www.instagram.com/p/CUBUjQMrlU1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ingridhodel · 4 years ago
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What I was telling myself 👉 I don’t have enough time, and it’s too expensive for me to eat healthy and workout.⁣
What I was REALLY telling myself 👉 I would rather not make my present and future health a priority right now⁣
Hmmm…ouch. 😩⁣
Ever catch yourself making excuses for why you can’t afford to take control of your health? ⁣
Too expensive, not worth the money, might not work…⁣
Lies we keep telling ourself because you’re afraid to take a chance on yourself and fail..⁣
But on the flip side, we don’t bat an eye when we go through the coffee shop drive through for that $5 coffee or hit up our favorite restaurant for Friday night takeout. ⁣
🌟 What you tell yourself becomes your truth. 🌟⁣
So instead of telling yourself you’re not WORTH IT, look at it this way…⁣
For less than $200, you can get:⁣
✅ Access to a BRAND NEW PROGRAM and 1,400+ workouts for the ENTIRE YEAR.⁣
✅ 2 COMPLETE nutrition courses.⁣
✅ 30 MEALS and servings of your daily vitamins in one delish shake.⁣
✅ 2 HEALTHY cooking shows.⁣
✅ Access to a COACH (meee!!) + SUPPORT for the entire year.⁣
Now, you do the math on how fast you’ll spend that $200 on coffees, cocktails, and retail therapy…⁣
Need some more of this 🔥 under your booty?? ⁣
My community and I have all decided that we are WORTH IT, and we’d love to help you take control of your thoughts too! ⁣
Drop an emoji below if you want an invite into our Fit Community! 💪
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cabingoddess · 4 years ago
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Dealing with my reality and taking care of me! It’s #fearlessfriday and I’m owning my stuff and sporting my beautiful #paparazziaccessories as I prove to myself #imworthit #CleanLiving #lovingme #fivedollarbling #womanownedbusiness -#smallbusiness (at Vanderburgh County Courts Building) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLwqkfXgflW/?igshid=gmvm7opiaqcw
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cocobrown95 · 5 years ago
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gingerconfessionals · 3 years ago
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Some picture editing and outfit fun. Trying to feel better a little more each day. Learning to love myself even when nobody else thinks I'm good enough. #beautiful #beautifulwomen #selflovejourney #yourloss #imworthit https://www.instagram.com/p/CUBCJcKhLYA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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die-realistin · 5 years ago
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gay-redhead · 5 years ago
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Sometimes you have to choose your own mental health over someone else's..... You are worth it....
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sixtodate · 5 years ago
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#holidays #nowork #metime #imworthit https://www.instagram.com/p/CCNZs99DOlz-IZbAGesGYRYV9asR8brqEiEmbM0/?igshid=1omfj1o9zbhyc
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