#imvu confessions
imvuconfessions · 9 months
https://badbloggersbadchoices.tumblr.com/ all the bloggers posted on that blog HAVE IMVU ACCOUNTS
why are u still sending posts and blogs with no context to an inactive imvu blog
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cyb3rrat · 2 years
when i was 12 years old I became a stripper on imvu and my go to song was E.T. by Katy Perry
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bunnyboilewd · 1 year
Sometimes it hurts when I remember I will never know you like I once did. It hurts to remember how our souls used to be so deeply connected that I couldn't have survived without you. Now I don't even know where you are or how you're doing. I never got to tell you I love you too and I think about you to this day.
Thoughts on an old Internet friend who once confessed to me but I didn't know what "ILY" stood for and when I figured it out I wasn't brave enough to say it back.
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luvrrgirl444 · 2 years
chapter 13: reading ur confessions
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a month later
“hi, my stars!” you said to the camera. you were sitting in your pink and black gaming chair, with your ipad in hand.
“big momma is back again, and today i’m gonna be reading your-” you pointed to the camera. “-confessions.”
“i made a google form and told you guys to send your crazy confessions. so, let’s read some confessions.”
you opened the google form on your ipad. “kinda excited to see the shit y’all sent me.” you said with a smile. you went to the responses and scrolled to a random one.
“alright, first one.”
“when i was 14 i met a guy on imvu, i’ll call him bob.” you paused. “first mistake. girl, why were you playing imvu at 14? speaking from experience, that app is a crazy place to be on. anyways, on with the story.”
“bob told me that he was 15 and that he lived in the same state as me. we talked for a while and then he suggested that we met up. me, being young and dumb said yes and we decided to meet up at a nearby mall.”
“you met up with a guy you met on imvu.” you said, looking at the camera with an ‘are you serious?’ look. “let’s think about that for a second.” the jeopardy music started to play.
the music played for a couple seconds before it stopped. “at least you were smart enough not to go to his house or something. a round of applause for you.” you started clapping, and soon sound effects of cheers and claps joined you.
“alright. alright.”
“when i went to the meeting spot, i met with ‘bob’. but apparently bob actually lived in another country and used his younger friend’s pictures to catfish me. me and the guy both decided to report and block bob and we later started dating. im 17 now and me and the guy are still dating.”
“i was not expecting that ending at all. glad you guys are still going strong and i hope that weird ass bitch bob goes behind bars because that man deserves JAIL.” you looked at the camera while police sirens played. you took a deep breath before saying,
“anyways, onto the next.”
“when i was 6 years old i really hated my neighbor. one day at school she beat me in a race and i was so angry i pissed in a cup and gave it to her to drink.”
“girl.” you said, staring at the camera once again.
“you gave that poor girl pee to drink because she beat you in a race? now, thats some next level hating.”
“she told me it tasted funny but proceeded to drink all of it. she didn’t come to school for the next two weeks. i asked my mom what happened to her and she told me that the girl got an infection and was so serious that she had to go to the hospital. 11 years later and nobody knows it was me. i still hate that bitch.”
“i have so many questions. did she die? are you guys still neighbors? what the fuck?”
you read a few more confessions. some asking you for advice, others admitting crazy shit that they’ve done.
“so i’m gonna end the video here. definitely a little bit scared of you guys, but i had fun reading your confessions! thank you for watching and i love you to the moon and back!” you finished, blowing a kiss to the camera.
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- finally wrote another yt video
taglist !! : @greeniegreengreen @hahaimnotdeadyet @bakuhoes-bxtch @itzgabz22 @princess-jaeger @marsandsaturn @violenthots @urlovemaze @conniesbbymama @llovergirlll @iheartamajiki @444yeager @liliorsstuff-blog @hoohoohope @akvrae @rinslutz @kokxm1
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I'll be gone soon
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It's not like he'll notice, anyway.
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ratastic-remade · 6 years
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thenightling · 4 years
The one disappointing thing about drifting from the Lucifer fandom to The Sandman...
I am a Lucifer show fan who accidentally got obsessed with Sandman when reading The Sandman to research the Lucifer show character’s origin back in 2017.
And since that drift over, I have to say only one thing truly disappoints me about the Lucifer show’s fan base.  ...How few Lucifer show fans want to give The Sandman comics a fair chance.  
It’s like they’re either discouraged because they’re told The Sandman is very different from the show and so they dismiss it by taking that as code to mean “It’s bad.” or they act like there’s some sort of invisible rivalry between the upcoming Netflix adaptation of The Sandman and the Lucifer TV series. 
 There’s even the very stupid rumor that The Sandman is why the show Lucifer is ending.  That rumor existed back when Lucifer was canceled the first time, by Fox, at the end of season three, by the way.  Somehow (this was before the Netflix Sandman show was even announced) a rumor had started that an upcoming adaptation of The Sandman was why Lucifer was being canceled and so the majority of the “Save Lucifer” Facebook groups got flooded with “BOYCOTT THE SANDMAN!!!” sort of messages. 
There are Lucifer show fans who genuinely don’t know that the story where Lucifer quits ruling Hell, and he and Mazikeen both go to Earth, where he opens Lux, and takes up piano, is in The Sandman comics.  Some of them know there are Lucifer comics by Mike Carey but don’t know that Lucifer is a spin-off of The Sandman by Neil Gaiman and that the story where Lucifer quits Hell is in The Sandman.  
I have nothing against these fans.  They just haven’t done the research but there are others that actively and aggressively avoid The Sandman like it’s some sacred duty or like The Sandman is their enemy.
Some even act disgusted by The Sandman because they have this misconception of comic books being lowbrow.  When I was in one of those Save Lucifer Facebook groups I remember being very annoyed by someone who kept calling The Sandman comics a “comic strip.”   A comic “strip” is specifically a row of comic panels in a newspaper.  A very different thing entirely.   And even one person saying “Lucifer show fans would NEVER like the comics.  It’s far too different of an audience.”  But... that’s how I fell in love with The Sandman, because I had liked The Lucifer TV show and then read The Sandman comics...
In 2017 I had been asked to play Lucifer for a DC comics Role Playing game on IMVU and was only familiar with the show.  But I did know that he originated in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman and that was where I’d find the story where he quits ruling Hell.  I learned he quits ruling Hell in the fourth volume of The Sandman but I figured if I started there I might be confused so I started at the beginning. The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes.   To my surprise it felt like a Gothic fantasy story or old Gothic Horror novel, at least in the first two issues (chapters  if you’re listening to the audible audio drama version).  It did not feel like a comic.
And by the time I got to issue 4 of The Sandman, “A hope in Hell” where we first meet Lucifer of this continuity, I realized I was hooked and reading something truly special.  I realized I cared more about the story’s protagonist at this point than I did about finding out comic Lucifer’s backstory.    
I’ll confess when I first read The Sandman I fully anticipated skimming the drawn outfight scenes or explosions because I find those boring, only to be very surprised that those... don’t exist in The Sandman at all.  Morpheus never even throws a punch.
The Sandman is not taking away Lucifer, nor is it in direct competition with Lucifer.  Resenting it and avoiding it does no good.  The Sandman is what gave you the version of Lucifer that you love so much. It is not your enemy.   
Remember those conversations with Linda and later Amenadiel where Lucifer talks about how he doesn’t buy souls, and how there are masochists in Hell who only go there because deep down inside they feel they deserve it and they’re just giving them the punishment they want?  That’s all dialogue originally from The Sandman, from a conversation between Lucifer and Morpheus when Lucifer was explaining why he was shutting down Hell.
Another example of how some Lucifer show fans have reacted negatively to The Sandman is in one of those Save Lucifer groups, back when season three had just ended on Fox, I recall one person even saying “I like the angel of Death on Lucifer better than the one from The Sandman because Goths are mean, jaded, cynical, and cold.  I like our friendly, nerdy, Azriel, the Angel of Death, a lot more than some bitch Goth.”  And I was like “...You didn’t even try to read The Sandman, did you?  You just saw a picture of the character somewhere and jumped to conclusions by appearances.”  
Death in The Sandman is a perky Goth girl who loves and quotes Mary Poppins.  She tries to be friendly with everyone.  She’s just as (if not more) friendly as Azriel from the Lucifer TV show.  The biggest difference (besides her Goth fashion) is she says “Be seeing you.” instead of that “Smell ya later” they gave her in the Lucifer show.  She even helped save the domestic relationship of a lesbian rock singer she liked.  She likes Disney films and happy endings.  She has pet goldfish.  And she hits her younger brother with a loaf of bread when he’s being annoying.  She’s generally supposed to be seen as sweet.  Being a Goth doesn’t make you a bad person or “mean’ by default.  I was a bit taken aback someone had said something like that.
The Lucifer show fans who have gone out of their way to avoid The Sandman or make up excuses to not read it are doing themselves a disservice. They’re also missing out on a glorious opportunity to ship Lucifer and Dream (AKA Morpheus)...
TL:DR:  Lucifer show fans need to stop making excuses to avoid The Sandman or resenting it (even on a subconscious level) and need to give The Sandman a fair chance.   
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missmamibee · 4 years
in 2007 on IMVU when i met someone on a naruhina forum and talked to them everyday and eventually confessed my love to them and they immediately changed their page to narusaku and blocked me ... still not recovered 
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imvu-fashionista · 7 years
Today was probably one of the toughest I’ve had yet.  About half way through the day, my long time best friend called me unexpectedly and told me some crushing news. Her and who I thought was an amazing boy friend (literally thought he was goals) ended things because he just couldn’t keep it in his pants.  She was nothing but loyal to him, but he still chooses to go behind her back and sleep with another woman.  And the funny thing is, he had been worried that she would do just that, because shes an amazing woman who knows just how truly gorgeous she is.  Of, having been through quite a few nasty break ups myself, i knew just what she needed: a pint of super chocolate-y ice cream and a night filled with cheesy chic flicks.  Its not a perfect cure, but it certainly helps get the mind off of the current pain.  
But like I said before, I used to think of this guy as a god.  He treated her so well and seemed to always be there for her.  This only makes me wonder now how its possible to truly know who loves you? And how you know who to put your trust in? I’ve had many different relationships but never this serious, and honestly it worries me that some day I might think I find the one I love only to watch them turn me away in the blink of an eye.
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Sent by @borasblackbob
'When we tap Ride or Die the loading page looks like an ad for the IMVU game lmao'
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imvuconfessions · 2 years
Putting a name on a blog dont mean that they own it. The accounts the person mentioned are made this year which im sure are more alt accounts. Would you believe when I say my account is DOLLB4BY? Lol
nah, bc DOLLB4BY would most likely rather eat her own shit than willingly converse with me, the local loud and proud f4g of pulse LMAOOO
anon, u rly are dense, huh? are u that desperate for attention and horny for drama that ur willing to lie straight thru ur damn teeth?
ah… but ur saying this all on anon… maybe bc u know ur wrong..? perhaps??
get over urself. nobody named kaitlyn or kai or whatever the fuck else u can come up with owns bozos. i know the person who owns it, and they’re someone i trust. i know they wouldn’t sit here and lie to me when they have already been so vulnerable. that’s a healthy acquaintanceship.
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alciell-blog · 5 years
There are a few things that need clearing up- Other people have talked out and I have been encouraged to make my side known too so here goes.
I was dating this guy called Elijah. I had known him a while and things were going pretty good...Until I was warned about this guy my ex. Him and Elijah hated (still do as far as I'm aware) each other. I was warned to stay away from him but I am not the kind of person that listens to others opinions and I like to form my own (I even told this to him). We got to speaking and became very close friends. Ollie was dating this guy called Travis at the time. I was told by Elijah that he seemed a lot like our friend, Damon. After extensively looking into it I managed to catch the guy out and confess to being the other guy. I was trying to be a good friend, I personally know what dating an alter/person that doesn't exist is like and didn't want that for him. The truth came out and they carried on dating after.
My relationship got kind of toxic, I was broken up with for reasons I don't even remember and I wasn't even allowed to say I love you to the guy despite us just being on a break and stuff... My ex came in and told me that the relationship was toxic and I didn't deserve that and saying all these really nice things. His relationship with Damon had lost its trust and Killian was crying all the time... So when he asked me if he should end it, of course, I advised him it's not healthy. We had spent 2 days straight on the phone, he didn't seem to wanna hang up and neither did I. Time passed by so quick before we even noticed. After some time had passed him and Damon had broken up and me and him were still close, he suggested that we should get married on imvu and so I bought a marriage package, then he said we were getting married in real too.
After I asked what this made us he said we were dating and we got into a discussion about how long we had liked each other, I know if I like someone from when I start talking to them, I knew I would like him so I admitted to that. He said he liked me from when he first time we spoke but he didn't figure it out back then. We were together and things were going great, we had a fun time. Irl he had a lot going on... he was living with roommates, he wanted to go to bar tending school and he also wanted to attend university. I tried my best to support him through that. He came to me crying 1 day saying he was going to be kicked out of his home, he didn't have the money to pay his rent to his roommate and she was grinding him for it hard. I sent him the money, I didn't want my boyfriend homeless when I could clearly help prevent that... Occasionally he would not have money for food, bills, data to message me... I sent it all as best as I could to help him...
He never asked for that (and has reminded me ALOT that he hasn't) but when someone repeats how hungry they are 9 times...You start to look for ways you can help. I accumulated a lot of debt to try and clear up the money I was getting to help keep My ex on his feet and to keep going...He literally told me many times that I saved his life. There were times that I even went without food (I was in university and fending for myself) to keep him fed and homed. I wanted to keep him happy as he meant the world to me. One day he came to me and started talking about an ex of his, I got highly insecure but tried to brush it off... Most of the time when someone came into a room on IMVU he would tell me that they were an ex or him and them had a history so I heard a lot of stuff. I can't quite remember the deal with this girl but I just remember she played a big part in what’s to come. He needed money to go drinking, he had been working so hard at Bartending that I thought he deserved a little fun and he was so desperately wanting to go so I sent him money to.
Minding my own business, I get a call later in the night from him, randomly telling me he loves me and stuff part drunk and then hanging up. *Later he confessed that his reason for this was because some girl at the club (she was the owner of a hotel or something) started to chat him up, flirting and shit so he brushed her off and called me to show some love.* It was weird behaviour and sparked up massive insecurity in me, so I wanted to talk it out. My ex was busy and most of the time when I say I'm insecure he would tell me there was no reason to be... That doesn't help someone not be insecure... So I went to talk to a close friend of mine about it to see what I should do because I needed to talk it out to someone... I was in tears, I talked it out to the guy and his boyfriend... 1 went batshit crazy and started cussing out my ex, I told him its just me being insecure and I just need assurance, the other understood and told me to calm down and wait to talk it out with him. He was right of course... so I waited.
My ex got home, drunk af and called me because he needed me to confirm to him that he was actually in his room and not someone strangers, it was a funny convo and made me laugh so hard, we had a good night and I left the convo of my insecurities until the morning because I didn't want to ruin the good vibe for not only him but myself too. But when I woke up I was bombarded by messages saying I needed to fix stuff and that I needed to clear it up. Turns out they had a bust up with him about it all... I was pissed and upset, my day was ruined before it began and he was yelling at me to fix it or else he’s gone...I fixed it and he blocked me anyway.
After a while of being blocked I changed relationship status to single, he came back and yelled at me that he'd never actually broken up with me but now he was...and left again. I think all in all this guy has blocked me AT LEAST 20 times. The thing that I hate... is its always my fault. I'm blamed for everything and even when I'm supposed to be his "best friend" he still holds shit over me saying "well Alex you do, do some stupid things sometimes". But Even when others were chatting about him in a bad way...I would still defend the fuck out of this man. I ended up losing SO many friends because of him. He made me block some, he'd scare some away, he'd fight with them which meant I couldn't say anything in return... He’s called me a pathetic cunt, a piece of shit, told me he hopes I rot, a bitch, a twat, useless, heartless bitch, a tart (he meant it as food but in my country its still an insult so I'm posting it.), annoying, attention seeker... A lot of things and worse...
We bounced in and out of dating a while, then 1 day he broke up with me for a pathetic reason... I was confused at the time but the next day he confessed to being in love with someone he had previously blocked me for insinuating he loved (he did this like 3 times...). Then another time he started dating this guy called Zach. I was happy for him. Until I was told by a close friend of mine that Zach was currently still ERP'ing with him whilst dating my ex. I told him. He claims I did it to "wreck his relationship" but if I hadn't have said anything what would that make me? And no doubt he would have yelled at me for not telling him something "so important". I was being a good friend and not letting him get fucked over. But to him I was apparently "ruining a good thing".
In total- me and said close friend worked it out (it was a method for me to get over him...) I had spent over $2,000 on him... And there were times when the money I provided wasn't spent on what it was meant to be for... His blog made me cry HARD because of how it made me come across... Anyone that knows me knows that I am NOT an obsessive person. When I love someone I put my all in but that’s just what I expect a relationship to be like... As you can see, there was freedom unlike he claimed. He claims that I trapped him in calls and shit when in reality I waited for HIM to call ME because I’m TERRIFIED of seeming like a bother. I ALWAYS ask before I call someone unless I'm emotional, crying, anxious, having an attack or we scheduled previously to call at that time. I have every conversation I have had with this man so if any "proof" is needed...I got you.
After all this bullshit, me and him were Best Friends (he uses the term loosely because he uses it against me. “You’re supposed to be my BEST FRIEND” and “some BEST FRIEND you are” and shit when he’s mad). Being friends with him was good. Except when anyone showed me attention. Friends couldn’t hug me or sit close to me without being growled at. If I got a head pat he would growl at them, say “My Alciell” and cling to me. I started seeing another man to see how it would go and he said “how could you do this to me” saying I betrayed him and blocked me...then he scared the guy away for good...)
I'm going to be posting a separate story about @imortii and him after this post so stay tuned-
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thesirenofhel · 5 years
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A Flower By Any Other Name
After an exhausting but fun night of the Rose Garden Party, Thel and Alastor decided to spend the rest of the evening at her place. Thel actually insisted he could stay at her place instead of just driving to hers and then going to his. That was a tiring drive and she wanted to return the favor of when he let her stayed at his when he was sick. The two stripped off enough to be comfortable. As They sat together on her bed, cuddling and talking Thel decides to tell something.
"Hey, Al?"
"Now that we're closer...There's been something I wanted to tell you..." Thel confessed slightly nervous in her tone.
Alastor noticed the nervousness a little bit but held her sweetly and warmly to comfort her. In a comforting and encouraging tone asked "Yes, what is it, dear?"
"I want to tell you...My real name." Thel replied. "See, Thelxiepeia was a name I gave to myself when I became a pirate in my life. I wanted to separate my old identity with the one I chose. I never let anyone know my real name, not even Doris. So it's only a name that you know and I want you to promise to only call me by it when we're in private together."
"Ah, I see..." Alastor was now intrigued more than ever and touched by the request. That she trusted him with something so personal to her. "Well, I am honored by it and I shall promise never even breath your name outloud without your permission. "
"I knew you would..." Thel replied with a smile. She took a deep breath and with a soft sigh...
"My name is...Azalea.”
Art and Thel/Azalea belongs to me. Background from Imvu.
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sepsis-and-sparkles · 2 years
hi I randomly saw you in my notes and since you’re the first person I saw with anon on I decided to confess something in here. anyways when I was in middle school I was essentially a fujo (recovered now) and for every single daily writing assignment in english for the entire 2 years I had to do them at my catholic middle school I would steal and slightly alter plots from yaois to be just appropriate enough to get me a grade if my teacher glanced it over. This continued until one day I was drawing yaoi in my religion notebook and my friend asked what I was doing and I explained what yaoi was and he thought it was a hilarious word so he said it regularly to annoy me. He was already losing the gay allegations at that point and after graduating highschool yesterday he still hasn’t despite not being gay but that’s besides the point. Anyways eventually I they made me stop drawing in my notebooks so often because I drew a demon girl with cleavage which was less ok then “my” short story about two guys meeting at a coffee shop late at night and going home together. Also I had e-sex on IMVU but everyone’s done that
Thats...A lot but kinda clever? Altering yaoi plots? Thanks for sharing X]
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vuisburning · 7 years
I love veldts@imvu what do I do to confess my love for him ?😔
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thenightling · 5 years
Re: Castlevania drama
So apparently Confessavia decided to block me because they “looked through” my blog and saw “anti-SJW content” (SJW = Social Justice Warriors, for the handful who don’t know what that means)  and the recent (and ironically 90% joking) feud with Cisphobia and I. 
Edit: You know, if you’re going to block someone without just cause, you probably should check to make sure the incidents you reference weren’t from an event from twelve hours after the blocking.  I and Cisphobia didn’t interact until after you blocked me and it ultimately ended in the meme equivalent of a playful dance off.  But nice effort in seeking reason to justify mistreating someone who never wronged you.  
The blocker also claimed that my response to their post was dramatic (that was the idea... It wasn’t an attack on them, it was just meant to be a little segway into a rant because of other crap I’ve dealt with here on Tumblr...) and they also said that there is... no one on Tumblr who calls Dracula Problematic.
There are Once upon a Time blogs that call Rumplestiltskin problematic, even now, even though the series finale literally had him ascend to Heaven! 
There are people on here who call The Shape of Water problematic.  And at least two people who called Daredevil problematic / Ableist (A blind character) for calling another character (who wanted to kill people) “Crazy.”  
This is Tumblr!  Don’t you know EVERYTHING is problematic on here?!
Ironic.  Funny how someone who doesn’t even know me leapt to such incredible conclusions about me as a person and was so swift to judge and condemn me...
My response to this:
Um….  okay….
Before you leap to conclusions about a person’s personality, you probably should have noticed Cisphobia and I were mostly just f–king around with each other and joking by the end of the “argument” and responding to each other with anime memes.   And I never actually disagreed with their intent.
However if you had searched my blog and searched under “Fred Saberhagen” or “The Dracula Tape” “Dracula” or even “Castlevania” there are most certainly conversations from people who called Dracula, and depictions of Dracula problematic.
How the Hell do you search my blog and NOT find me defending depictions of Dracula against people who bashed the character?!
Here is a response I was forced to give after someone went on a long rant against The Dracula tape (a novel by the late Fred Saberhagen) and The Dracula series by the late Fred Saberhagen.  This has happened at least three times but this was the first.
(And that was immediately after the late Fred Saberhagen’s widow joined Tumblr so she had to read people bashing her husband’s book series because the narrator was “problematic.”)
There’s another post (which I can’t seem to find right now) where someone bitched about how it must contain the “Sexism of the seventies” in Saberhagen’s The Dracula Tape (because it was published in 1976.  As if people forget when Interview with the vampire was first published...)
And at least one post talking about how “Creepy” it is he watches a teenage girl sleep in An Old Friend of the Family (also by Fred Saberhagen).  Umm...  He’s Dracula, it’s kind of supposed to be a little creepy.  Even if he is narrating and trying to make it sound romantic, you’re supposed to read between the lines because he’s most the most honest of narrators.
Also check out this Casltevania post where this poor person who wanted a fan fic of Dracula and Lisa reunited in the afterlife was told by other “fans’ that he is damned and it’s never gonna happen- they can never be reunited, ever.   They were bullied about it so I stepped in.
There are other Castlevania fans who were asked to mark their Dracula posts with “Child abuse” . There are people who headcanon that Dracula was a very abusive dad in Castlevania because there are some Alucard fans as protective of their cinnamon roll as Marvel Loki fans. (Yes, I once got a request to tag an Odin post as “child abuse... just for mentioning Odin...).    
Here’s my rant response I wrote in regard to some Youtube comments upset that Dracula in Marvel comics “is no longer straight.”
There’s a Mina RPer on here who bashes anyone who happens to like the 1992 film Bram Stoker’s Dracula because she hates the idea of Dracula and Mina as a couple and tries to shame everyone who likes it, even if they know it’s not in the novel.
There was also someone who joined my Gothic horror group on Facebook (A man I’ll call a white knight) who was very protective of Winona Ryder’s Mina to the point of diminishing the character’s agency to “protect” her and insisted the Gary Oldman version of Dracula “took advantage” of Mina and in his protective / defense of Mina went on rants that made her sound like an idiot and damsel who didn’t know what she was doing or under a spell for most of the film and needed a “Good” man to tell her what to do and think, it was offensive in its sexism disguised as feminism. 
Check out how many people comment on clips from the 1992 film or write essays about Dracula and how he’s going to Hell, completely ignoring the DVD commentary...
But sure, no one calls him problematic... ever... that never happens.  Nope.  (Sarcasm intended.) 
And back in 2011 I started to do online RP depictions of Dracula on IMVU and I, myself, dealt with people coming into the RP room with characters who can “sense who is damned and who is saved.”  Not only did I deal with people certain he would burn in eternal Hellfire but when I’d tell them that sort of power to sense eternal damnation or salvation was too extreme I’d get responses of “lol, he’s Dracula!  It’s not like Dracula can be saved.” Arguing with me when I mention that the idea of his soul being saved / him ascending to Heaven was actually an aspect of Stoker’s original novel as Mina talked about saving his soul which brought the other heroes to tears. And so they were relieved by the look of peace on his face when they killed him (in the novel).    
But okay…
Again, all this happened because I made the mistake of agreeing with the post on Confessionvania’s blog and going on a rant in my agreeing with them... Somehow they (and another person) drastically misunderstood I was being supportive in their stance.  There was ...nothing to disagree with...
You (person who blocked me) made a lot of false and wrongful judgements about me but I don’t have the will right now to defend myself. So have a good day.
PS, let it be known I am pro-Trans rights and am a member of the LGBT community (Pan romantic demi).  I’m a woman. I believe in true equality of the sexes as intended by Mary Wollstonecraft.  I’m somewhere between buddhist and Wiccan in my spiritual beliefs. I am what is considered legally blind (poor eyesight) and have no clue what my paternal racial background is.  But I really shouldn’t require a checklist to be considered a human being here on Tumblr. And yet here we are... again...
Funny how someone can read through my blog, decide I’m a bad person, and the reason for my rant was imaginary and miss all of that, as well as several posts that were in defense of Dracula...
Ah, well.  I don’t like defending myself against strangers but I also loathe misinformation.  So here’s the truth as I perceive it, for better or worse.  Take it or leave it. 
Edit: Note.  I just checked the time stamps.  The Castlevania Confessions blog blocked me BEFORE Cisphobia and I played our little trollish game.  So nice try in attempting to use that as the excuse for blocking someone who never wronged you...   I guess you searched my blog for justifications after the fact and didn’t check to see when things were posted when attempting to use them as righteous reasons to mistreat others.
That’s all right.  I have no interest in liars.  And now the world knows you to be one.  That’s justice enough.  
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