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lady-harrowhark · 6 months ago
scrolling through your tlt meta tag trying not to spam but also you have such good juicy stuff!!! im excited to see your megatheorem doc if you haven’t released it yet!
ahhhh i'm glad you're enjoying! never be afraid to spam - [squidward voice] this is tumblr, we spam here.
i have not released the megatheorem doc mainly because my hyperfixation waned a bit (also because i was largely working on it when i didn't want to pay attention in class and now i'm not in classes anymore lmao) but i really need to get back to it! i've seen a handful of posts that are brushing up against my theories that i have laid out in the megatheorem doc and there's a tiny competitive part of me that wants to get it out there before anyone else can come to those conclusions lol. like 99% of me just wants everyone to have a good time talking about the books, but there's that 1% of me that's gonna be very annoyed at myself if i've had the same thoughts sitting in a google doc for two years and someone else posts it lmao. but that's on me to get my shit together and finish it up!
i've been trying to get back into doing more of what i think of as my "fun academics", by which i mean like, my hobby stuff that i still take a bit of an academic lens to, e.g., the megatheorem doc. i think my quality of life is just overall better when i can stretch that particular muscle Just For Fun, but i also have a hard time walking the line of like, engaging in it but not tipping over into being consumed by it and ignoring all my other responsibilities in life, oops.
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exhausted-archivist · 2 years ago
all of the lore you have reblogged on here, or written yourself, is making me feel like i’m losing my MIND. there’s so many good lore dumps and headcanons and just canonically stuff that i don’t know about cause i’m not as well-versed in the lore and i love it.
i love your blog a lot, i’ve been scrolling and reading through it for several hours now
Can't tell you how much it made my day to read this!
It's been a little slower than I would like to put out lore stuff that I scrape together. (I currently sit at 123 drafts lol) But I hope you'll continue to find things in the lore that you enjoy. I still find things I didn't know canonically or totally missed in my playthroughs, and the excitement of finding something new or having a new layer added to the lore is just the best.
Let me know if you're ever looking for anything specific in lore. At the moment aside from my projects on the foods, plants, and animals of Thedas, I'm also creating an overview doc of all dwarven lore. From across the games, novels, and other additional media. I'm more than happy to look into anything you might want to know more about.
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royjohnson1971 · 5 years ago
📽️ @goalmaker_ 🖤🖤 @cluboven 💥🔥 #hilarioalicante #revenge #vocals #djpippi #impressme https://www.instagram.com/p/B6FujxaFCHM/?igshid=suw9hfxvkw1a
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ezak89 · 6 years ago
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Inbox 😉 😂😂 #sendnudes #sendnudesmeme #changemymind #dareyou #memes #meme #impressme https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv_1YdQHxGU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=133rj0j0tpfdx
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dadnotes · 3 years ago
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. • You do not have to impress me to love you, you just have to be yourself • . #daughternote #love #loveyou #impressme #beyourself #shegetsitfromherdaddy https://www.instagram.com/p/CbxU4vDrwWF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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smgmusicmedia · 4 years ago
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New heat from @norrisj1 Bro been through a lot in the past year but he’s back on the mic with a new track. If you know what’s been up, you know how dope this cover art is. I can’t tell his story like he can, so look out for him on the show, soon!! #ImpressMe #Mama onTheRecord #iNJ #SPRadio #CHH #MothersDay https://www.instagram.com/p/COTCW6ujaaT/?igshid=1pj8o5cavatos
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dswaney · 4 years ago
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#impressme #vehicle #foodtruck #imafatty #fatass #foodmakesmehappy #singlelesbian #lezbehonest #lesbian #lesbiansofmichigan #lesbiansofinstgram #lesbiansofig #singlelesbiansofinstagram #singlelesbiansofmichigan #girlswholikegirls #girlswhokissgirls #gaypride #michigan #michigander #mittenstate #puremichigan https://www.instagram.com/p/CLxtZyKBq-C/?igshid=1s0kc6v6xz34z
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junoleggings · 4 years ago
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Have. A. Plan. Homie. * * * * * * #date #dating #movies #restaurant #reservations #trips #activities #dinner #makeaplan #dontbelame #lame #yuck #turnoff #surpriseme #impressme #idea #ideas #welikesurprises #eww #exhausting #boring #indecisive https://www.instagram.com/p/CK65bw-JsOV/?igshid=5tta1mdy78hq
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simplyjessyca · 5 years ago
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Just sayin’ 👍👍👍 #impressme ❤️️ if that’s you too! 🖤 #thesimplicityinbalance https://www.instagram.com/p/CCyxEJwp05z/?igshid=420aco77rulb
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medievalartmeme-blog · 8 years ago
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jacarooster813 · 5 years ago
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Hey all it’s time for feature of the week from Perfectly Posh. Get our Impress Me Probiotic face and neck moisturizer it’s a Intensive Hydration Pressed Serum, look at the other graphics in this post to read all about this product and how it’s beneficial to our skin. This stuff is regularly $26 but right now it’s on sale for $22, great deal! We have sold this product for a good 2 years and I have never seen it at this price, so hurry grab it while you can, you won’t regret it. To buy this or any of our Perfectly Posh items just click the link in our bio and then from there you will see a list of all the sites Roos Treasures is a part of, in the list look for Roos Treasures Perfectly Posh, click that and it will bring you right to our Posh site where you can order Impress Me, or any other Posh faves. Or you can always just comment below👇or Dm us and we will hook you up. Also right now Posh has a great sale on our Cann I Be Extra, Drop the Beat 1,000 Mg Full Spectrum CBD Oil. This stuff is only $90 right now, it’s regularly $109, such a great deal, so if your interested in either of these great offers let me know. #perfectlyposhconsultant #perfectlyposhproducts #perfectlyposhinfluencer #perfectlyposhevents #perfectlyposhlife #posh #perks #pamperyourself #pamperingproducts #skincareproducts #skincare #impressme #cbdoils #cbdoil #cbdoilforsale #fullspectrumcbd #fullspectrumhempoil #organicskincareproducts #organicskincare #facemask #bodymask #serums #lotion (at Little Italy, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-e_x07Fp0Q/?igshid=sjkw192cyvvd
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preciousari · 5 years ago
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IMPRESS Me !!! I AM the Prize !! #AllSmiles #SmileAlways #MovingForward #ImpressME #IAmThePRIZE #IAmGodsChosenDaughter (at Columbia, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5xviv0FJ24tGJwbLocBIfToEa84hHC-jNcpHU0/?igshid=13ycsjuhgqb1w
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poshgirlstl · 5 years ago
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Https://funtimespampering.po.sh #poshingwithcathie #poshbiotics #november #birthday #impressme #freshcreamymilk #pamper #metime #youdeserveit #momlife #milkingit https://www.instagram.com/p/B4yBlKpj3mC/?igshid=1kia5btlfzcns
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hsw-runway-event · 5 years ago
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READ ALL ABOUT. Yes the icon of fashion is coming to Chicago this Sunday for another model search for unforgettable Fashion Event. #readallthebooks #magazine #mediatakeout #dream #chicago #believeinyourself #iconic #fashionevent #runwayshows #family #sisters #brothers #careergoals #needajobasap #startingmodeling #learningtomodel #chicagomodels #slaythestage #impressme #liveinthemoment #modelcastings #openmodelcall #runwaymodels #runwaymodelsearch #realfashionshow #getthescoop #listentoyourmind #showup #talentedmodel #modeltryouts (at Chicago Downtown) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Edu5JpH4H/?igshid=1a1lcsluo91x6
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itsariehill · 6 years ago
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I'm just saying, even Van Halen sang about being my Ice Cream Man. Clearly, they knew what it took to impress the ladies. #thedailies #ariehillbooks #vanhalen #icecreamman #foodtruck #impressme #hilarious #hungry #beepbeep #knowyouraudience #truelove #keepitreal #feedme #feedmenow #romance #thewaytomyheart https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sN-N8BY_5/?igshid=118jade653mh0
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dmitriidonskoy · 6 years ago
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Москва. Красная площадь. В ГУМе как обычно всё скромно и без пафоса. Мелоновый родник🍉 Ноги мыть нельзя, арбузы можно. Китайцы в шоке🙈😂На Новый год наверное будут русалки в шубах плавать в майонезе🧜🏼‍♀️ #россия #москва #фонтан #арбузный #гум #russia #moscow #watermelon #fountain #impressme (at ГУМ Красная Площадь) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Y8OU5ogaD/?igshid=pedll0494xto
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