#implied mclennon
just-wanna-draw-em · 2 months
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He’s over there hissing like a feral cat and making sure you know he’s handling the situation he cornered himself into extremely well, thank you.
Tell him how extremely well he is handling it.
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icriedforthemoon · 1 month
Honestly, one of the main things that got me into the Beatles was a random dream I had:
i was new to the fandom and I knew nothing except some sus things of John and Paul (like the beat the meatles sessions).
Well, I go to sleep, and I dream of me being Paul. I was with John in some city, don't know what it was honestly. Then he grabs me by the arm and looks at me super worried, like, nervous as hell. He avoids eye contact with me (Paul) but then he looks at me straight in the eyes and tells me: "I have to tell you something."
Then he pushes me, almost running, into a Café.
Then the dream ends because my alarm went off.
The thing that stuck with me was that it was SO REAL. one of those dreams you remember for a lifetime, y'know? I was literally Paul in the dream.
I then learned later about the "cafe on the left bank" business, but at the time of the dream, i knew NOTHING.
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beatlesmenrock · 2 months
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That’s Not Paul…
a ‘Paul is Dead’ short comic by meee
some notes under the cut
i wanna preface by saying i don’t believe in the whole theory… i just like to indulge in it in an alternate universe sort of way ( not taking it seriously lol )
i realized drawing halfway in that i drew them in the sgt. pepper’s release day outfits ( which you can see here ) so it might not be accurate in terms of ‘replacing’ Paul ☠️
the boys’ speech bubbles are the color of their sgt. pepper’s uniforms ( hopefully it’s easy to read ! )
as for how i see the whole theory: i think george is suspicious of ‘Paul’ ( Billy ) and obvious doesn’t want to call him that or accept him. John’s just happy he has ‘Paul’ back with him but does has his moments where he gets paranoid about the situation. And Ringo’s just happy to be there HELP
i might make more stuff regarding the theory in the future just cause it’s fun but we’ll seeee thank you for listening
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celestialdandy · 21 days
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the duality of the beatles...
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dizzzyondreams · 3 months
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undying-love · 16 days
"I don't have any friends!" John reminded me. "Friendship is a romantic illusion!" He said that he had learned this the hard way after the breakup of his relationship with Paul McCartney, whom he had once regarded as his close friend. Using his relationship with Paul as an example, John asserted that most "so-called friendships" were based on a symbiotic exchange of services. "The basis of our friendship was an intuitive understanding we had as musicians," he said. John explained that when he and Paul first started working together, he needed Paul more than Paul needed him, because in addition to being a well-rounded musician who could help John translate rough ideas into songs, Paul had a secure family background. "Being around Paul gave me a sense of stability," John said. "When I met Yoko, I knew it was time to cut myself loose. Paul hated me for turning my back on him and did everything he could to turn the others against me. He saw that he couldn't compete with Yoko, so he tried to stab us in the back. He was absolutely vicious, and it shattered whatever illusions I had about our so-called friendship."
-Fred Seaman, The Last Days of John Lennon
WTF John
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unvolver · 11 days
mid sloppy toppy but paul is looking up with his big ass eyes THIS IS SO FREAKY I APOLOGIZE [cry]
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face begging for
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riddledem0n · 4 months
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idk yesterday night I felt super inspired by the conflicting seeming relationship between the whole Yoko vs Paul/the beatles thing and what not so I drew this super meaningful art I guess HAHDHAHS
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kayingmyess · 10 days
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i wanted to make a post with just this drawing, i really like it hegegsgedf
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paulmcutiecutie · 8 months
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Teenage Paul McCartney cuz hes so girl
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I’m sorry but that boomer woman commenting on Georgia Tennant’s Staged post with powerful thirst is living rent free in my head
The entire British press: Wow look how cute Michael Sheen and David Tennant’s friendship is!! Wow, they’re such close friends, look at their bromance, they have such ✨ chemistry (no homo,) they’re totes obsessed with each other in an super heterosexual platonic way!!1! ^_^
Irene: Lol they fuckin can I watch
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david-watts · 4 months
I'll admit that I think that it could've been far worse solely because they're barely in the goddamn episode but that's still not the beatles. I'm not convinced that's the beatles. I think with an episode like that it's important that you're convinced
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joshus-lobster · 1 year
You can tell Miles wrote it because of tbe accurate liverpool slang and obscure beatles references nobody should know, but the typos are glaringly obvious and yet they remain.
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econhomework · 2 years
Posting this again because I forgot the link, rip
Happy Belated Christmas 💕
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with-eyes-closed · 2 years
Beatles Fic snippet
“You got the paper?” Paul asks, and George nods, scruffing about in the pockets of his school blazer for the folded up back page of The Liverpool Echo, the bit with the ads for odds and ends, because sometimes there’s somethin’ worthwhile in there – whole (although usually broken) instruments and catgut strings and old radios and records for bands they’ve never even heard of (and often that’s better, because it’s half the way he and Ian and George have learnt new chords).
Paul plucks the paper from George’s hands, snapping it open and holding it out so Ivan can read it over his shoulder too, even though he knows they won’t be looking for the same thing. Vaguely, he can see George’s friend lean in to whisper something in his ear, and Paul ignores him, gaze skimming over an ad for a typewriter and another seeking factory labourers, when he hears George say:
“Thought I’d see you lot at Garston on the weekend.”
The stretch of coast along the Mersey between Speke and Garston is a regular haunt for most of the kids on the estates, at least during the day before night fell and it becomes a home for the one-legged drunks spending their war pensions on prozzies, and it’s a game of sorts. To go down there on the weekends and look for salt-crusted bullet shells washed up on the shore or beer bottles to break against the coastal rocks. They’d found a girl’s knickers once, twisted up with hogweed and newspaper near translucent from chip shop oil, and taken turns playin’ their keeper until Willie Dreck’s mam had found them in his room and beat him for the crime of it.
Paul hasn’t gone lately though, not since his recent growth spurt left him able to slip into pubs and clubs alongside Ivan and Ian. Left him able to brush up against real girls with soft skin and wool skirts and smiles that were more knowing than Paul ever thought a girl’s could be.
“I was busy,” Paul offers, still distracted, but he feels both George and Ivan’s gaze on him, not heavy exactly, but present as he finds an ad for a pianola with a missing pedal. Briefly, he wonders if John could play it, then, just as quick, if he could play it better. The thought licks like a cat tongue, rough and real, and he folds the paper in half to centre the ad, to hold it one handed and use the other to push the last inch of his cigarette into his mouth.
There must be something in the moment of it – a look on George’s face or maybe one on his, because Ivan huffs out a breath, turns to George and gives him the answer Paul hasn’t:
“I took him to see that band I play in sometimes at Woolton. The Quarrymen. You heard of them?”
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