#immortal Cavendish
smudged-kaleidoscope · 2 months
I want a dakavendish au where cav is literally immortal and respawns after he dies but because Dakota keeps going back and saving him he never finds that out.
So Cavendish actually dies all the time because he knows he'll just come back (not in a suicidal way, but in a "if it happens it happens" way (unless the author wants to take it that way ig)) ans not completely because he's oblivious (he's still kinda oblivious)
And why doesn't he just tell Vinnie you ask?
Well they've been together for so long that Cav just assumes he's died before and forgets that he does still need to tell him.
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crepesuzette2023 · 10 months
Hi! Because someone just asked me, I'd love you hear your Top 5 favourite McLennon fics!
You made my day! Nothing could have made me happier than this ask.
I'm not going to evade your question. I will post my top-five, even though it hurts to choose. But you inspired me to finally write a longer (okay: very long) post about some (not nearly all!) of my favorites, which will be under the cut.
(Sorry for not knowing every writer's tumblr, by the way. Please feel free to let me know, so I can tag authors where appropriate. Thank you!)
My Top 5:
MIRACLE WORKER by @scurator. What can I say. Every time I need my heart broken and to feel an inkling of what grace truly means, I go to this masterpiece about Paul and Robert Fraser finding each other again at Cavendish in 1981.
COAST STARLIGHT by bookofapril is "Miracle Worker's" cosmic twin. The sun to its night. Paul and Robert Fraser on Fire Island in 1974. Nothing I can say will do it justice, so I won't try. This is the "other world" conjured in "Tug of War," so powerfully and joyfully imagined, it's real. (I'm always thinking of this story, but I did so extra hard when I came across a prompt recently: 'They aren't each other's first love, but they're each other's true love'.)
SAME AS IT EVER WAS by RedheadAmongWolves. My favorite Outsider's POV. An ageing newsstand owner from Liverpool remembers John and Paul as boys and young men. There's something magical about the relationship coming alive in these glimpses. A story filled with tenderness that reminds me to always look closely.
AN ORGASM OF SOUND by @pauls1967moustache. The insanity of John and Paul in 1967 got the tribute it deserves. I sleep easier since I read this story. It feels cosmically right that it exists.
PLANT A SEED by @eveepe. Paul in his slutty sailor outfit in Miami. He and John are into each other, and happy, and fuck slowly. Afterwards, Paul has an idea for a new song. That's it. Tender, glorious, hot perfection. Apply at least once a week for best results.
For more thoughts about some of my favorite stories, sorted into very much defined-ad-hoc categories, read under the cut.
Young Love:
I love the myth of their first meeting, and stories that speculate about the sexually loaded creative fireworks/gritty jealousies/tentative hand-holding/topping and tailing during the first years. Here are some faves:
Paul finds music, and John, and his life is changing. In STREETS OF OUR TOWN (@with-eyes-closed) you can taste the upheaval and promise of first love and growing up. Deeply sensual, even without on-page sex. The shaky, sweet, and all-consuming fire of John and Paul’s first kiss is immortalized in ALL I KNOW SINCE YESTERDAY (RedheadAmongWolves). In NON NOBIS SOLUM (@downtothe-lastdrop), art student John simply has to know how far grammar school boy Paul will go to please him. But Paul matches him play-by-play. In THE CAST IRON SHORE (@m1ssunderstanding) Paul earns extra money through music and sex. John finds out. They fall in love, and hide their mutual pining behind transactions—but in the end, they man up to pair up, and get their band back on track. (The first part is finished; I can’t wait for part 2.) John and Paul’s ’61 trip to Paris has been honored in fiction many times; WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG THEY ASSUME YOU KNOW NOTHING (@lilypadd23) is a slow-burning, blessedly long story that blossoms sweetly. DON’T THINK ABOUT IT is the concept by which Paul measures both his pining for John and their deeply satisfying (but surely not really queer?!) sex life. Perfectly realized Paul POV by @merseydreams. Finally: I NEED YOU DARLIN’ (verse) (by @beatlessideblog) would have fit many categories, but I put it here, because in the end, it’s about young John and Paul becoming friends, making music, having sex, and falling in love. No more, no less. Embedded in a late 50’s/early 60's Liverpool omegaverse in which there's a place for their bond. But, surprise (?!): It’s still complicated. I can’t overstate how charming and satisfying and funny and hot this work is.
Old John and Paul:
Is there anything as lovely as imagining John and Paul growing old together?
In HERE TODAY (@herspecialagent), John and Paul found happiness with each other in Scotland. On 8th December 1980, they invite friends for a party, and fight an inexplicable sense of doom. A reminder that our other lives can be closer than we think, and to keep our loved ones even closer.
GROW OLD WITH ME (@inherownwr1te): Old farmers and husbands John and Paul enjoy domestic bliss, deal with a broken arm, and make sweet love.
HAVING COFFEE (@feathersandblue): John Lennon and Paul McCartney, “one of the most iconic gay couples in history,” look back on their early love, the Beatles, and being outed in the 80’s, in this oh-so-glamourous, well-written 2020 portrait…
Magical re-tellings of J/P and/or the Beatles Story:
No matter where you come down on the blessed vs. cursed continuum—they were living through something magical.
In KISSING THE BLARNEY (@zilabee) the Beatles draw love and music from kissing Paul, and each other, until the stupid world interferes. But fear not, all ends well. How to tell the truth through whimsy: this story demonstrates it.
In WE ARE ALL TOGETHER (also by @zilabee), John and Paul switch bodies. It helps.
I WAS A YOUNGER MAN NOW (THEN) (POST HOC) BY @fingersfallingupwards: Paul is a time traveler and braids his life together with John’s, out of order, through the years. And yes, they do grow old together—but not without losing each other first. I’m in awe of this story.
A darker time-traveling story is A MATTER OF TIME (D12Fan), in which John and Paul love each other, over and over, and never manage to make it work—but Paul won’t give up.
FOR THOUGH THEY MAY BE PARTED (@downtothe-lastdrop): The misery of the 'Get Back' sessions and memory-stunting technology imported from “Severance” are not enough to kill off John and Paul’s attraction and longing for each other. Again, this is basically what happened, so.
John and Paul without the Beatles?
Yes, please! Sometimes, the best way to dissect and celebrate (and fix?) this mesmerizing and exasperating partnership is to lift it from its context and drop it elsewhere. Anything goes.
WHATEVER FATE DECREES by @dailyhowl: A gorgeous, finely spun, securely handled, self-contained vision of how John and Paul could have worked as artists in love, without a band to 'legitimize' and constrain their bond. I love this homage to their deep and complicated love that needed trust and breathing room.
1967 by @walkuntilthedaylight: What if John and Paul had gone to Spain together and not come back? This story not only explores their relationship layer by layer, it also dives into the the feelings of those who knew them 'before' and who now meet them again, as a couple. A fascinating alternate history. Not a fluffy one.
TOMORROW I'LL MISS YOU (@pauls1967moustache): Paul abandons John in Hamburg—or John stays behind without bothering to write, depending on who you ask. This "Before Sunset"—AU reunites them, years later. They ride a bus and write a song, and the love and tension are sweet and painful.
DOUBLE FANTASY (by @javelinbk): Modern AU in which John and Paul meet at John's flower shop and manage to ignore and creatively re-interpret their feelings for one another for a surprising amount of time, before fate has mercy. I love how their sweet, well-matched eccentricity makes the world a warmer place for both of them.
WE ARE STARDUST (Unchained_Daisychain): AU. John and Paul meet at Woodstock, fall hard and fast for each other, and have to decide what to do with it: Paul's life is back home in England...except...
Angst, darkness, and courage:
Pain, fear, grief, and other dark emotions are part of the real J/P story, so it makes sense to honor and harvest them in fiction. One of my favorite brands of McLennon angst is the one triggered by their feelings for each other, and the thing they become once they're together™. When they're scared of how much they need each other, and of what will happen next.
ONE AND ONE AND ONE IS THREE and MANAGING EXPECTATIONS (both by @pauls1967moustache), for instance. The first is a terrifying threesome with Yoko (at John's instigation, of course), in which trust is never rewarded and sex resolves nothing. The second is Paul wondering, in thoughts both messy and crystal clear, whether he exists independently of John. He turns to Brian for answers. They fuck. It feels like a human thing compared to what is going on in Paul's mind. Just astounding.
SUNDAY DRIVER (@boshemians) dives into the theme of Paul and John being afraid of themselves in the aftermath of Paul's accident (moped, sexual) with Tara Browne. This one, like "Managing Expectations," ends on a lovely grace note.
MACABRE (@dovetailjoints). Lennon and McCartney go too far.
OPEN HEART (@paisanas). Paul drinks John's blood. John lets him. But Paul starts to hate himself for how much he needs John, which John feels as rejection. I love how this story ends on Paul embracing his need. You can see the painful, bare bones of their malnourished love under the lush sensuality of the vampire sex. Raw and rich.
SILENCE (@ohjohnnysblog). Short and piercing. If there is someone you love—tell them. Don't wait.
THE LATE, GREAT JOHNNY ACE (@midchelle). Reeling with grief, Paul is recording an album in 1981. George and Ringo are there. John is not. But in the end—he is. And they touch. I've always admired Paul's resilience in the face of having to perform or "prove" his love of John in public, and this story showed me, without sugar-coating, where this resilience comes from.
Light, hope, and fixing things:
There is also much lightness and brightness in McLennon, because John and Paul were ridiculous, and horny, and weird. And also: they deserve a laugh. They deserve the fluffiest of happy endings. They deserve high-quality, life-affirming smut. They deserve silly, because silly is what they were. You know their names, look up their number.
1980. John is in BERMUDA (@scurator), Paul visits. Paul comes prepared, John just comes. Sometimes, it can be this simple. This story always leaves me in such a good mood. Paul is the (more) experienced one, and it...really works for me.
GOT TO GET DOWN (@eveepe): In praise of John's obsession with Paul's...precious. His small and perfect prick.
ADVENTURES IN TOTAL HONESTY (@merseydreams). Pithy and sexy, and, I quote from the tags: #Excessive Margarita Mixing.
ANINUT (@pauls1967moustache): The Beatles heal, together and separately, after Brian's death. Once more, I quote the writer: "The Beatles did not follow any of the Jewish mourning traditions, and frankly, they should have."
The unhinged weirdness of the Mad Day Out, with John and Paul escaping and Francie, Yoko and Mal not missing them...much, is rightfully celebrated in one of the insaner stories I read: JOHN, I'M ONLY DANCING (@skylikeaflame)
FAIR'S FAIR (@javelinbk): John and Paul are being silly during a press conference, resulting in acute arousal requiring John's skilled intervention. I love the unexpected care and tenderness in this one!
WHERE THE POETS WENT (RedheadAmongWolves): Tender and enchanted story in which Paul and John go to a bookstore, where they're not as famous as everywhere else. As delicate as the chiming doorbells and the pages murmuring around them.
TAKEN AWAY (@crumblingcookies) Extraterrestrial Intelligence intervenes to reunite John and Paul.
CAN I TAKE MY FRIEND TO BED? (manhattanvalleys). Paul fucks the band in sequence and gets off in the end, as is his due. This is a story like Prince's KISS. No filler, all effect.
THEY SAY IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY (@ohjohnnysblog). Warm and nostalgic phone sex in the 70's.
KEEP THE LIGHT WE'RE GIVEN (@backbenttulips). Amidst the rise of Beatlemania, Paul and John expect their first child. This is Paul's 1962 diary.
More Outsider POV's:
STILL MATES (@pauls1967moustache): in 1968, Peter Asher takes the leap to act on his feelings for his sister's spiraling ex fiancé. This isn't about Paul as much as about Peter, and who he wants to be. Gutting character study. It made me love Peter.
ANOTHER GIRL (@boshemians): Astrid reunites with the Beatles during the making of AHDN and registers their words and deeds with the same stark objectivity as her camera. I love how she seeks the shelter of obscurity while they are being dragged into the limelight. But she sees them, wherever they are. J/P in this story feels incredibly real to me.
WHY BUY THE COW (RedheadAmongWolves). The milkman sees everything on his early morning rounds: the arrival of a nice new family, the McCartneys, the mother's illness, the sadness after her death...and the arrival of a new love in the older son's life. He shouldn't approve—should say something, in fact. But a small inner voice holds him back.
SLEEPLESS IN WALES (thinkpink20). Mike overhears Paul and John whisper in bed. He doesn't understand everything they say. I do. Adorable.
Not each other's first love, but each other's true love
THIS YEAR'S FOR ME AND YOU (@skylikeaflame): After a long life, after deep and loving partnerships with other people, John and Paul, encouraged by their grown-up children, finally meet their mutual love head on. A festive story about waiting the perfect amount of time.
THERE ARE ALWAYS FLOWERS (tarenas): The Beatles are in the past; John and Paul's love is in ashes. Paul, who is fragile and bereft, lives with George, who is content. The four ex-Beatles unite for the second wedding of Mike McCartney. At times, the aching grief in this story is almost unbearable. But the love between George and Paul is unusual and real. This is unfinished. I'll keep waiting for the final chapter.
Beyond J/P
WANT ME WHEN I'M NOT THERE (@backbenttulips): Linda catches Paul cheating on her with John. She divorces him. Finally: a story that puts her most likely reaction front and center, with no mercy for the messed-up geniuses.
In the Rebecca-AU LOVE LIKE GHOSTS (@backbenttulips), Yoko becomes Mrs. Lennon. Soon, she discovers that her husband is haunted by the ghost of his first love. It's pleasing how well this re-telling matches the events as they (alas) (almost) happened. The ending is chilling. Genuinely horrifying. I love seeing Yoko as the sensible one and as the focus of empathy.
THE BASS LESSON (@aquarianshift). Paul and Stu fool around without letting go of their mutual resentment for even a moment. And it works. "Let's never do this again." I don't think so.
TELL ME ALL MY LOVE'S IN VAIN (@midchelle). Forget about quote unquote platonically obsessed male rock stars: This about about Maureen and Patti through the years. The web weaving continues.
SPOTLIGHT ON JOHN AND STU (@dailyhowl) A love story in letters—too brief, like Stu's life, but sounding as if the writer transcribed their dictation. Some of the best descriptions of what it must have been like to play on stage with the Beatles during the mania are in NO I IN THREESOME (@with-eyes-closed). George finds himself in the beam of attention between John and Paul, and nearly loses his mind. But he's determined to stay and become part of them. Paul is daddy and "fucks like music" as seen through George's eyes. The whole story is vicious and hot and uncomfortable—until there's the love and quiet at the eye of the storm.
Not for the faint of heart! WHAT THE CIGGIE CARTON SAW (@waveofhand): Paul McCartney having his way with cigarettes.
This is getting out of hand...but I'll stop here. There are so many more stories I love. And I can think of many other categories that would deserve their own post.
So, who knows: To be continued?
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tmarshconnors · 4 months
Cardinal Wolsey: A Life In 9 Artworks
I won't lie I love history and I have been re-watching a lot of the Tudors which brought on the inspiration for this blog.
So Cardinal Wolsey’s life, marked by immense power and ultimate downfall, has inspired numerous artworks.
These pieces offer a visual chronicle of his journey from glory to despair, allowing modern viewers to witness pivotal moments of his life.
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This artwork marks Wolsey’s early rise, depicting his procession to Westminster Hall in 1515 when he became a cardinal. Gilbert, fascinated by Wolsey, frequently revisited his life in art, capturing significant moments. In this piece, Wolsey holds a pomander, reflecting his historical concern with disease prevention.
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This painting highlights the close relationship between Wolsey and King Henry VIII. The Cardinal appears focused and diligent beside a relaxed and trusting Henry, illustrating their bond during Wolsey's height of influence.
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This detailed artwork portrays the grand summit between England and France in 1520, organized by Wolsey. Though the scene is a composite, it captures the event’s opulence. Wolsey, depicted modestly beside King Henry, orchestrated this massive and ultimately politically futile event.
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This piece illustrates the intense rivalry between Wolsey and Buckingham, culminating in the Duke’s execution in 1521. Gilbert captures their mutual animosity in a chance encounter, with expressive faces revealing their deep-seated hatred.
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Lucas’s painting reflects Wolsey’s fall from grace. Depicted with King Henry and Thomas Cramner, Wolsey’s sorrow is palpable as he faces his downfall, highlighted by the ominous presence of a raven, symbolizing his imminent demise.
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A satirical take on Wolsey’s forced resignation in 1529, this drawing shows him tearfully handing over the Great Seal. Originally intended for humour, it underscores the poignancy of his loss of power and favour with the King.
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Depicting Wolsey’s final moments in 1530, this engraving shows him surrounded by loyal companions at Leicester Abbey. Cavendish, his faithful servant, is depicted weeping at his side, highlighting the Cardinal’s tragic end.
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This simple sketch from Wolsey’s biography captures his solemn burial at Leicester Abbey. Despite the crude execution, it serves as a historical record of his final resting place, though its exact location remains a mystery.
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In this compilation of eminent British figures, Wolsey is honoured alongside historical greats. Created 150 years after his death, this miniature portrayal underscores his lasting significance in English history.
These nine artworks encapsulate Cardinal Wolsey’s dramatic life, from his meteoric rise to his tragic fall, immortalizing his legacy in vivid detail. I honestly find him a fascinating character of history.
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Cardinal Wolsey Statue Historical landmark in Ipswich, England.
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Meet the Contestants for the Multicolor Hair Swag Tournament!
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64 characters will fight to see who is the best at having hair that is more than one color at the same time! (WHOA!)
There were not many repeat submissions overall, so almost half the characters here qualified with only 2 submissions.
I will post 4 polls at a time, so round 1 will have 8 parts in total. Don't forget to vote for your fave multicolored blorbos!
bracket template by @mad-scientist-showdown
Round 1 Matchup List
Part 1
Yugi Muto & Yami Yugi (YuGiOh) VS Michiru Kagemori (BNA) - Yugi Muto & Yami Yugi
Sigma VS Yumeno Kyusaku (Bungo Stray Dogs) - Sigma
Akutagawa Ryunosuke (Bungo Stray Dogs VS Lucy/Wyldstyle (The LEGO Movie) - Lucy/Wyldstyle
Draculaura (Monster High) VS Glimmer (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) - Draculaura
Part 2
Yamato (One Piece) VS Aoyagi Toya (Project SEKAI) - Yamato
Gwen (Total Drama) VS Creepella "Creepie" Creecher (Growing Up Creepie) - Gwen
Cure Summer (Tropical-Rouge! Precure) VS Alice Yabusame (Your Turn to Die) - Cure Summer
Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer) VS Yuu Nishinoya (Haikyuu!!) - Mitsuri Kanroji
Part 3
Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) VS Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians) - Cruella de Vil
PAREO/Nyubara Reona (BanG Dream!) VS Cure Sky (Hirogaru Sky! Precure) - Cure Sky
Kamishiro Rui (Project SEKAI) VS Amanita Caplan (Sense8) - Amanita Caplan
Stocking Anarchy (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt) VS Madeline Hatter (Ever After High) - Madeline Hatter
Part 4
Harley Quinn (DCU) VS Peri (Fire Emblem) - Harley Quinn
Enid Sinclair (Wednesday) VS Tenma Saki (Project SEKAI) - Saki Tenma
Natsume Sakasaki (Ensemble Stars) VS Alear (Fire Emblem) - Natsume Sakasaki
Penny (Pokémon) VS Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia) - Diana Cavendish
Part 5
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) VS Lemmy Koopa (Super Mario Bros.) - Rainbow Dash
Jason Todd (DC comics) VS Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill) - Ryuko Matoi
Princess Celestia VS Princess Cadance (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) - Princess Celestia
Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Marina Ida (Splatoon) - Marina Ida
Part 6
Kozume Kenma (Haikyuu!) VS Sadie Kane (The Kane Chronicles) - Sadie Kane
Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal) VS Ruby Rose (RWBY) - Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
Nendo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Gyorik "York" Rogdul (Drawtectives) - Gyorik "York" Rogdul
Cure La Mer (Tropical-Rouge! Precure) VS Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) - Cure La Mer
Part 7
Ibuki Mioda (Danganronpa) VS Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) - Ibuki Mioda
Death the Kid (Soul Eater) VS Rem (Death Note) - Death the Kid
Lucy Kushinada (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners) VS Hibiki Morishima (Healer Girl) - Lucy Kushinada
Amanda O'Neill (Little Witch Academia) VS Kayla Knowles (Percy Jackson) - Amanda O'Neill
Part 8
Iono (Pokémon) VS MAYU ( VOCALOID) - Iono
Yuusuke Makishima (Yowamushi Pedal) VS Senkuu Ishigami (Dr. Stone) - Yuusuke Makishima
Frankie Stein (Monster High) VS Saki Nikaido (Zombieland Saga) - Frankie Stein
Piers (Pokémon) VS Simon Blackquill (Ace Attorney) - technically Simon won but we teamed them up because they were so close. This is my bracket I do what I want LOL
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magicaloctopus333 · 7 months
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Febuwhump 2024!
I was so close to having it be something written everyday, but alas day 29 I had a long day at work and slept past posting.
Links below, some days are connected with a plus because they're part of the same fic BUT are different chapters. Chapters are still in order of when they sequentially happen. Ao3 links, warnings and such with each work on ao3.
DAY 1: helpless + DAY 18: too weak to move
= Helpless in the jungle- Pinky and the brain
DAY 2: solitary confinement =
=Ernie in Solitary Confinement- Sesame Street
DAY 3: "bite down on this"
= Alcoholic blood- What we do in the Shadows (wwdits)
DAY 4: obedience
=Total Obedience- WWDITS
DAY 5: rope burns
=Rope Burns- WWDITS
DAY 6: "you lied to me" + DAY 8: "why won't it stop?"
=Too much of a good thing- WWDITS
DAY 7: suffering in silence
= Suffering in Silence- Saiki K
DAY 9: bees
= Friendship bracelets belong in shoe boxes- Sam and Max
DAY 10: killing in self defense+DAY 11: time loop
= Rain and Bloodied Knuckles- Saiki K
DAY 12: semi-conscious
= After the night market- WWDITS
DAY 13: "you weren't supposed to get hurt"
= you weren't supposed to get hurt- Lazytown
DAY 14: blood-stained tiles+DAY 19: "please don't"+DAY 22: "you weren't meant to be there"+DAY 24: "i'm doing this because i care about you"
= I Might Kill My Ex- WWDITS
DAY 15: "who did this to you?"
= Missing teeth- WWDITS
DAY 16: came back wrong
=The child is gone - WWDITS
DAY 17: hostage situation
=Baby's first hostage situation- Sam and Max
DAY 20: truth serum
=paper balls and foolish thoughts- Pinky and the Brain
DAY 21: unresponsive
=As Cavendish Sleeps- Milo Murphy's Law
DAY 23: presumed dead
=Presumed Dead- WWDITS
DAY 25: waterboarding
=As the centuries past- WWDITS
DAY 26: "help them"
= Tangled Hair and Feelings- WWDITS
DAY 27: left for dead
= Left for Dead- Milo Murphy's Law
DAY 28: "no... not like this"
= Keep Trying- Sam and Max
DAY 29: not allowed to die
= Not them- WWDITS
BONUS (to make brain happy)
Immortality- WWDITS
Human shield- Milo Murphy's Law
Human weapon- WWDITS
Killing game - WWDITS
any Last words- WWDITS
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dd122004dd · 7 months
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Originally posted by weak-hero
Little Witch - 1 & 2  (Completed)
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Witch!Reader
Genre: Angst with eventual fluff and a happy ending.
Summary: Ryan Clarke finally met someone to love him, a place of solace in his turbulent world. But what will happen when Malivore finds out about his son’s love? Will they ever get to be together or will they wither away apart? (Set in pre-puddle Malivore time + modern era)
Painting a New Beginning
Pairing: Human!Ryan Clarke x Painter!Reader
Genre: Pure fluff with a happy ending
Summary: After Ryan Clarke turned human, he began re-building his life in the human world. But, what do humans do when they get bored? They join a painting class!
“I Won’t Forget You.” (Requested)
Paring: Ryan Clarke x Sister!Reader
Genre: Angst with character death
Summary:  Ryan Clarke has grown to be more defiant of Malivore, so as punishment he takes away something precious from him, forever.
Soulmate One-shot Series:
A Soulmate for Christmas
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Heretic!Reader
Genre: Pure angst, no happy ending. (Real tear-jerker if I do say so myself.)
Bond: You’re born with your soulmate’s name on your wrist
Summary: Y/N was a particularly rebellious heretic with a penchant for getting into trouble with Malivore’s monsters. So, what is a girl to do when Hope warns her about a monster in the dungeon? Disregard the warning and visit it, of course!
Bleeding Gold
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Fairy!Reader
Genre: Angst with eventual fluff and a happy ending.
Bond: Eye contact for the first time.
Summary: A soulmate is one of the most revered bonds in the supernatural world, but what happens when your soulmate rejects you? Will you survive? Will he regret his decision? Well, you’ll just have to read and find out.
‘Calm, little one’
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Vampire!Reader
Genre: Fluff with a hint of action (Not THAT kind of action, I meant fighting, get your mind out of the gutter)
Bond: A mark showing the place where your soulmate first touches you
Summary: What happens when you’re an immortal vampire and practically Hope Mikaelson’s foster mother and mated to Ryan Clarke, her enemy? And what happens when you find out he’s your mate right when he’s about to stab Hope with a magical artifact? Chaos ensues, of course.
Rings of Fate
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Human!Reader
Genre: Angst with fluff and a happy ending.
Bond: You’re born with a ring on your finger that changes colors with your soulmate’s mood and turns gold when you meet your soulmate. (Also, IF YOU LIKE A THING YOU SHOULD’A PUT A RING ON IT!)
Summary: What happens when your soul-ring dissipates, signifying your soulmate died, then a few months later your soul-ring re-materializes. Did you get a second soulmate or is resurrection real? Maybe you should’ve paid more attention in Bible class.
The Moon and the Star
Paring: Ryan Clarke x Reader (Medieval Au)
Genre: Slight angst and fluff with a happy ending.
Bond: Eye contact for the first time.
Summary:  Y/N Cavendish is a member of nobility while her soulmate Ryan Clarke is a commoner. Will they ever be able to be together or will their different stations keep them apart?
“Paint me like one of your French Boys.”
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Reader (Rennaisance Au)
Genre: Slight angst and fluff with a happy ending.
Bond: Body swapping.
Summary: Ryan Clarke is on a mission to track down a monster but what  he doesn’t expect to find is his soulmate. He meets her in such circumstances that would leave you clutching your pearls.
The Goddess of my Heart
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Greek Goddess!Reader
Genre: Pain, torture, punishment and revenge
Bond: Soulmate Bond 
Summary:  Hope Mikaelson tore apart the earth looking for Ryan Clarke but she was in for a big surprise when she finally found him.
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mea-gloria-fides · 2 years
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“The Immortal Seven”: William Cavendish, 1st Duke of Devonshire.
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cipherinator · 2 years
I know I have way to much spare time on my hands but...
Cavendish is British, right? He’s a British time traveler from the future. And he and Dakota get sent to live in like 2016, just 6 years before the queen dies.
So what I’m saying is...
Would he dread it? Would he try to prevent it or have to work through mourning it or...
Would he be excited? Would he be so happy to be alive during a historical event like this and gush about it to Dakota and be WAY to happy to witness it.
In the dwampyverse is the queen just immortal? Is she still alive up to 2175, the year Cav and Dak comes from? Is she immortal BECAUSE of someone Cavendish and Dakota did? Or is she just God?
I am so sorry to curse you with this but I thought of it in the shower and I’m so tired and there’s no going back, my life will never be the same after thinking of this.
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Heya guys! I’m back with another post! But this one is about Fedora Perry! If you guys wanna ask Perry and his siblings questions, I’m deciding to make posts about Perry and Sibs so you could get to know them before asking them questions! Next we have the cute fedora tipping platypus herself, Fedora Perry the Female Fedora Tipping Platypus aka Agent FP!
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Name: Fedora Perry
Gender: Female She/her
Age: 15(currently in 2023)
Physical Appearance: Fedora Perry is a greenish-teal female platypus with yellow fingered tangerine webbing only on her back feet. She has tiny black hairs on her head, long low salmon-orange beaver tail, shining cute brownish black eyes in an unnatural walleyed position making her look mindlessly stupid and derpy as a pet, cute black eyelashes, a duck bill that matches her webbing color, and she mainly wears a 1940's fedora on her head as a pet and as Agent FP. Under her fur, she has a siren pendant, and wears a greenish-teal bra that blends in her fur to make her more feminine cuz she’s a female. Around her neck, she wears a cyan/sky blue mouse necklace and on her fedora she wears 2 cyan ladybug earrings which are her miraculouses in camouflage mode.
Height: 2 feet (60.96 cm)
Nemesis/Enemies: Dr Doofenshimirtz(formerly) Rodney, Drill Sergeant, L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., Dennis the Bunny, and Professor Parenthesis
Friends/Allies: Doof, Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Major Monogram, Carl, Monty Monogram, Lyla Lolliberry, Stacey Hirano, Milo Murphy, Diogee, Balthazar Cavendish, Vinnie Dakota, Melissa Chase, Zack Underwood, Ortan Mahlson, Pinky the Chihuahua, the other agents, Perry, Groucho Perry, Female Perry, Bunka da Bunkaquan, Parable the Dragon-pus, Master Perry, Fez Perry, Rebel Perry the Rebel-pus, Perry the Platyborg, Sweary the Swan, Perry 2(cousin), Peggy, Ricardo, Agent Kelly, Penny/Phyllian, Whitney, Mishti, Dairry, Emily, Rose, Amy, Nelson(evil cousin), Pansy(mom), Percy(dad), Lilith(lover), Maria the Energy Monster, Cozy Glow, Little Bits(best friend), and Tikki and Mullo(kwamis)
Family: Perry(big brother), Groucho Perry(big brother), Female Perry(sister), Agent Kelly(sister), Bunka da Bunkaquan(brother), Parable the Dragon-pus(brother), Master Perry(brother), Fez Perry(brother), Rebel Perry the Rebel-pus(brother), Perry the Platyborg(brother), Sweary the Swan(brother), Perry 2(cousin), Peggy(cousin), Ricardo(cousin), Penny/Phyllian(sister), Whitney(sister), Mishti(sister), Dairry(sister), Emily(sister), Rose(sister), Amy(sister), Nelson(evil cousin), Pansy(mom), and Percy(dad)
Nationality/Species: Australian(native to) American(domesticated in) , Female Platypus, half dream demon, and half siren
Born: March 12th 2008
Occupation: Top Secret agent of The OWCA, Household pet, Top watchdog spy of the Hater Empire, Leader of the Watchdog Spies, Lieutenant General of the Hater Empire, Fedora tipper, and holder of the ladybug and mouse miraculouses
Affiliations: The O.W.C.A.(Organization Without A Cool Acronym), Flynn Fletcher Family, and the Hater Empire
Hometown: Danville
Boss: Major Monogram
Owners: Phineas and Ferb
First Appearance: Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!
Alinement: Good(in PaF) and Evil(Only as Queen Of Mean and LadyFedoraMisfortune and In WOY)
Likes: Tipping my fedora, hanging out with my brothers and sisters, music, fedoras, and making dramatic entrances, Favorite Songs: Feeling So Blue by Michael Mind Project feat. Dante Thomas(main), Queen Of Mean by Sarah Jeffrey, Animals by Maroon 5, Immortals by Fall Out Boy, One Kiss by Sofia Carson, Dove Cameron, and China Anne McClain, Welcome Home by SquigglyDigg and GabeCastro, Other Friends by Steven Universe and Centuries by Fall Out Boy
Dislikes: Someone finding out my secret which is tipping my fedora, the evil tip(evil version of her signature normal tip), herself when shes evil as her evil personas, and seeing my brothers fight
Miraculous: Ladybug and Mouse Miraculouses
Kwamis: Tikki and Mullo
Hero Persona: FedoraBug(when using Ladybug Miraculous main), MultiFedoraMouse(when using Mouse Miraculous temporarily), and MultiFedoraBugMouse(when unifying both Ladybug and Mouse Miraculouses temporarily)
Villain Persona: FedoraQueenOfMeanPerry(formerly) and LadyFedoraMisFortune(when using Ladybug miraculous for evil)
Powers/Abilities: Multiplication and Multitude(as MultiFedoraMouse), Lucky Charm and FedoraBug’s Yo-yo (as FedoraBug), Expose the truth, Anti Charm, Antibug Sword, and LadyFedoraMisfortune’s yo-yo(as LadyFedoraMisfortune), Apportion, Clairvoyance, Cross-Dimension Awareness, Illusion manipulation, Intangibility, Innate Capability, Nigh Omnipotence, Laser Manipulation, Levitation, Molecular Manipulation, Nightmare/Dream Manipulation, Nightmare/Dream Inducement, Possession, Pyrokinesis, Size Shifting, Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Mind Reading(as half dream demon) enchanted singing voice which allows to manipulate or control others’ actions with its compelling tones. The more of the negative energy she consumes, the stronger her voices becomes, and the farther she could spread her good magic for everyone to enjoy(as half siren but uses it for good)
What her speaking voice sounds like: Cool, calm, collected, and high pitched to sound cute cuz she’s the cute one the Perry Family and she has a high pitched chatter just like her big bro Perry when he was a baby
Voiced by/Speaking and Chattering Voice: Tiffany Westfall/Tiffany Hefflinger(when speaking. She’s the actress who played Perry in Phineas and Ferb: The Best Live Tour Ever in 2011 to 2012)Dee Bradley Baker(when chattering)
Singing Voice: Christina Vee
Personality: Fedora Perry can be best defined as “The Dramatic Cute Entertainment" younger sister of Perry. She is very dramatic when she makes dramatic entrances and can very cute while she’s tipping her fedora. She loves tipping her fedora while smiling cutely shaking her fedora with her hands as she’s saying “Helloooooo!”. When she is tipping her fedora, it represents she is very positive and very happy. When she is not on secret missions with her siblings, she is usually hanging with her older brothers, Perry and Groucho Perry. She can be reassuring to her siblings when they are feeling sad and she gives really good advice. While she's on secret missions with her siblings, she's very serious and very determined. She loves spending time with her siblings and she doesn’t like it when she sees them fighting. As Agent FP, she is proud of her abilities as a fedora tipper and wants to prove herself to Perry that she can be a good secret agent for the O.W.C.A. As a dream demon, she gets nervous about making a mistake when using her dream demon powers but she’s always determined to get herself together. Whenever she’s making a deal with someone, her greenish teal hand starts burning with cyan flames. As a siren, she’s really excited to show everybody her singing and feeds on the negativity around her. When she turned evil as the Queen Of Mean out of jealousy with her wielding the staff of the OWCA(a powerful staff that gives a person infinite power and grants them to do anything but can also be used for evil), she was mean and harsh wanting to take over the entire Tri-State-Area for herself only. As LadyFedoraMisFortune, she uses her ability to make people tell the truth and nothing but the truth and to get her hands on the miraculouses.
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 years
Y'know what, screw it, more of Polaris since they most likely won't get a part 4 and I'm sad about that thought.
They have an ancestor who was (also) a powerful mage. His name was Star Cavendish, and they were feared and respected. The mf was respected for his magical power and knowledge, and feared for their chaotic nature and unpredictability.
Star created a few spells that affect his bloodline and his alone. 1, where the caster could turn themself immortal called the "Immortal Cavendish Spell". And 2, anyone who chooses to not cast that spell would become one with the stars, refered to as "Star guardians", who (often, not always) help out the younger generations.
E.g. Polaris' dad always heals them when they get really injured/close to death.
Enjoy reading this one :3
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bsaka7 · 2 years
would you mind some director's commentary on scenes of an american artist'? maybe the rhode island scene especially? it's one of the most beautiful things i've ever read, and that part is so perfect to me, i think about it a lot. :)
I'll do the end bit of the Rhode Island scene (around the quote!). and thank you for the job app luck!! i just finished my draft of some responses...so here is an answer for you under the cut! Also I'm so glad you enjoy 😭😭
Sebastian pretended he was engrossed in his book, though he had mostly been watching Charles, thinking thoughts that he did not believe he should have in public [1959 baby!]. He believed that his feelings for Charles should be kept in a lock box, only to come out when it was just the two of them. Still, he found his mind drifting when he was at work, on his walk home. He would eat a fresh banana and remember how Charles delighted the first time he had a truly good one [I was thinking about the extinction of the Cavendish banana here lmao]. He would hear a phrase in the break room and remember how Charles said it. He could not escape, and in truth, he did not want to [Charles haunts him!].
Charles laid out on the sand next to Sebastian [Realized recently beach scenes are very common for me -- I think it's the way of being together, separate but near other people, and the awe of the ocean in front of you]. “Read to me,” he demanded, his voice soft and firm [This fic was intentionally referential between art, media, etc. so I knew it was only a matter of time til we get closer to what I'm actually trying to capture (literature!). East of Eden is one of my all-time favorite books so. It also I think helps me play with American identity as I do a bit in this fic]. Sebastian loved how Charles got with him, how the layers of shyness had slowly been carved out over the year the three of them had spent in their small house. With Hanna, Charles still had the awkwardness of a man who did not grow up around women, but he was kind to her and she to him [This fic was a balancing act to me. I try to be -- fairly respectful? of real life relationships. which led to this dual presence/silence of Hanna in the text].
Sebastian acquiesced, because how could he not? [I do like when Seb is helpless to Charles in a way he doesn't quite understand. He likes him against himself. In this case, against his marriage, as opposed to racing.] He began from where his eyes had last landed.
He did not realize how much his voice thickened with truth as he read. The words came out lilted and true, as though they had come straight from Sebastian himself. They ran off his tongue as if they had been written just for the two of them [Confession! Also, I really struggled with this transition. I still feel it's a bit clunky and wish I could have done it in a little bit more of a subtle way, but it says what I want].
“In uncertainty I am certain that underneath their topmost layers of frailty men want to be good and want to be loved. Indeed, most of their vices are attempted short cuts to love. When a man comes to die, no matter what his talents and influence of genius, if he dies unloved his life must be a failure to him and his dying a cold horror. It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try to live that our death brings no pleasure to the world.
We have only one story. All novels, all poetry, are built on the never-ending contest in ourselves of good and evil. And it occurs to me that evil must constantly respawn, while good, while virtue, is immortal. Vice has always a new fresh young face, while virtue is venerable as nothing else in the world is.” [This was actually a huge pain to decide what to put in here. At the time of writing this fic I didn't even have cell service in my house so I knew I had to pick something from a book I owned that was reasonably popular and came out before 1959. As you may imagine, I didn't have a huge number of options. I knew Steinbeck had some commentary on love so this is what I ended up pulling, which in turn shaped the next couple of paragraphs. I really like the opening "want to be good and want to be loved." For Sebastian, this is almost a confession. They never say they love each other, but of course, they do. This is the best way that I could figure to show it. I also think there was a slight play with vice/virtue charles/sebastian in terms of their relative positions to Hanna/the family unit in the house, which I also liked. I'm actually not that into literary analysis which is why this is probably a week explanation but I just wanted to add to that real interplay between medias in this piece and in how Sebastian can say something without saying it.]
Charles blinked up at him from where he lay. “So, which am I?” he asked with a cheeky smile. “Vice or virtue?” He tried to wink, and it crunched up his face so delightfully that Sebastian wished he could take a picture, tuck it in his wallet, hold it with him forever [I assume I was also thinking about the variety of Charles interpretations in fic, some of which show him as extremely...tempting? and others as like. nearly angelic. So this is also slightly in reference to that w/in fandom. Of course, he's also just teasing Seb because he knows what Seb will say].
“Virtue,” Sebastian said. He could not keep the sincerity out of his voice. He looked away, out to the deep blue expanse. There was a container ship on the horizon, a dark blob in the distance [He's in LOVEEEE. And I want to remember that even the seascape here is an industrial landscape.].
Sebastian had never said the words before and perhaps he never would, but he loved Charles, truly, and desired that love in return. But in that moment, under the sunlight, he felt as though perhaps he must, but he did not. He did not look at Charles for a long moment and Charles did not ask him to [Can't handle the truth of our own emotion etc]. That summer was the middle of things [The middle is nearly the end]. Neither of them would ever escape the memory, nor would they be able to capture it, the soles of their feet warm from the race on the beach, their faces red with sunlight [The capture it is in reference to Charles' art. Chasing a feeling. That's all we're doing with art, isn't it? I try but can't ever show you what's in my head]. Charles’ hands were cold from the sea, and he wanted nothing more to reach out and take Sebastian’s in his own, but he did not for there was a family down the way, laughing [period-typical homophobia etc. I actually did almost no research for this fic in terms of...anything. which is rare for me. Charles' cold hands for some reason is a common descriptor for me though. Huh!].
Charles held the words with him, though he said nothing himself. He wanted to tell Sebastian that he would not die unloved, but he could not find it in him [Seb in this is.......he is who he is. There was originally supposed to be a scene of him like. getting introduced to Columbia University gay culture at the time when he was like...18 but it didn't fit with the format of the fic. I think when I was writing this, I was thinking about how Seb and Hanna were good companions but not truly lovers. I maybe think about it as a different kind of love, now]. His heart bloomed as he watched Sebastian in profile, and he knew neither of them would ever be the same again [Every relationship changes you. So be it.].
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the-vale-of-creatures · 8 months
The government doesn't want you to know this but modern bananas aren't naturally occurring because they're actually a fruit stolen from the fae realms.
They grow in magical forests and groves guarded by the immortal warriors of the Tuatha Dé Banann.
If I stop posting after this assume a cavendish hitman has struck me down with a cold iron spear
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dklem · 4 years
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the rest of last year’s inktober i haven’t posted here until now (3/3)
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bloodydreamcatcher · 3 years
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Round 2 begins!
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Round 2 of the contest about VERY COOL MULTICOLORED HAIR has arrived!
Round 2 will be divided into 4 parts, with 4 polls per day once again.
Round 2 Matchup List
Part 1
Yugi Muto & Yami Yugi (YuGiOh) VS Sigma (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Wyldstyle (The LEGO Movie) VS Draculaura (Monster High)
Yamato (One Piece) VS Gwen (Total Drama)
Cure Summer (Tropical Rouge! Precure) VS Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Part 2
Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians) VS Cure Sky (Hirogaru Sky! Precure)
Amanita Caplan (Sense8) VS Madeline Hatter (Ever After High)
Harley Quinn (DC Comics) VS Saki Tenma (Project SEKAI)
Natsume Sakasaki (Ensemble Stars!) VS Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia)
Part 3
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) VS Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
Princess Celestia (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) VS Marina Ida (Splatoon)
Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal) VS Sadie Kane (The Kane Chronicles)
Cure La Mer (Tropical Rouge! Precure) VS Gyorik "York" Rogdul (Drawtectives)
Part 4
Ibuki Mioda (Danganropa) VS Death the Kid (Soul Eater)
Lucy Kushinada (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners) VS Amanda O'Neill (Little Witch Academia)
Iono (Pokémon) VS Yuusuke Makishima (Yowamushi Pedal)
Frankie Stein (Monster High) VS emo boy team
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endless-immortals · 4 years
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Fjor, Birkan, Salvator Riley, Mel y Georgiana han comenzado su aventura en una ruta repleta de fantasmas y flores que no son tan inocentes como lo aparentan. 
¿Podrán un vikingo, una supergirl, una oficial científica de la flota estelar y tres aristócratas llegar al otro lado?
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