#immigration cases
tearsofrefugees · 1 month
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dnareferencelabinc · 1 month
Forensic DNA testing is an indispensable tool in the criminal justice system, providing clarity and accuracy in investigations. Forensic DNA testing in Houston, Texas, offers detailed analysis crucial for solving crimes and securing justice. By analyzing biological samples, forensic DNA testing can link suspects to crime scenes or exclude innocent parties, thereby playing a vital role in criminal investigations and legal proceedings.
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wildeslaw · 5 months
Dive into the intricate world of immigration law with our latest blog! Explore how top law firms navigate complex cases, offering tailored strategies, leveraging technology, and prioritizing client support. For expert insights and guidance, read more now!
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johnnicelli · 6 months
Top Tips: Finding An Immigration Attorney In Manhattan
Finding the right immigration attorney in Manhattan, New York, can be a crucial step towards achieving your immigration goals. With the diverse array of legal professionals available, it's essential to know how to identify the best fit for your needs. In this guide, we'll provide you with top tips on finding the perfect immigration attorney in Manhattan to guide you through the intricate maze of immigration laws and procedures. Read our full blog - https://www.behance.net/gallery/193943981/Top-Tips-Finding-An-Immigration-Attorney-In-Manhattan
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jabberwockprince · 3 months
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my blorbo now, he has melanin so i'm giving him more and some earrings <3
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river-of-wine · 1 year
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A long way from home
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milkbreadtoast · 7 months
(random) ngl before i started learning korean i felt like the worst failure of a korean but now i feel like the best failure of a korean (/j) HAHA
like im struggling to speak but least im speaking..!! I feel like I've restored an essential piece of myself that was missing...
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ossifer · 2 months
one of life's finest absurdities is when someone you think of as ostensibly kind and principled utters one of the most singlehandedly vile & self-concerned sentences you've ever heard, and the reality sets in that the only reason they've ever extended you kindness is because they consider you part of their in-group, because you possess the traits necessary for them to recognise you as human. citizens of the united states am i right
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talktonytome · 7 months
just curious 👀 reblog for a bigger sample size
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menalez · 3 months
Hey did you see the post on ovarit about middle east men beating up a lesbian couple in Canada? Is the news true? How do you find out if it's true or not? The comments on there are something else...
The article:
The ovarit post:
yeah the story is true, tho that source i find quite iffy bc i know hate crimes by white men wouldn't start with the headline "white men beat lesbian" for example, it would just say "gang of men" instead bc race isn't considered note-worthy if its a white person
i hope they receive justice. theres some absolutely deranged men out there who don't know how to act normally and get violent when theyre barely provoked
also the fact that in no part of any of the articles was these men's religion mentioned, yet ppl in the comments in ovarit made it about muslims and how dangerous muslims r... this is why i keep saying that ppl just use muslim as a way to disguise their racism. even tho clearly, on ovarit, theres no need to disguise any of it and u can openly talk about how wrong it is to support refugees escaping their countries
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blattella · 3 months
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mimsytheborogove · 1 year
Had a convo with a somewhat friend recently about Everything Everywhere All at Once (EEAO), aka the best movie, and they told me that “anyone can put philosophy over anything if you try hard enough” when we disagreed about the message of the film.
Please!!! No!!! Also spoilers under the cut.
The movie very deliberately referenced Albert Camus’ Myth of Sisyphus in its themes.
Sisyphus is a Greek king who is cursed with rolling a boulder up a hill for all eternity, only for the boulder to roll back down once it nears the top (also the he tried to live forever by trapping Death and getting Persephone to let him out to do his funeral rites…Sisyphus was a bad guy). The point of his punishment is that trying to escape Death is ultimately futile.
Camus takes this conceit and uses it as a metaphor for life as well — life is also, ultimately, futile. We get up everyday to roll the rock up the hill, but it always rolls back down. There’s no divine purpose to the rock rolling except to emphasize how meaningless it all is. Life, similarly, has no purpose (since Camus came after the existentialists).
Why, then, do we bother? Why don’t we all just lay down and die? Camus offers the following: we must imagine Sisyphus happy. If Sisyphus finds happiness in the act of rolling the rock, it ceases to be a punishment. Similarly, we must find happiness in the act of living. Get a Starbucks once in a while and hug a furry animal, you’ll understand. These small moments of joy which we eke out are things which we must choose to continue living for, every single day despite the pain we endure, because for most people it’s worth it.
EEAO has this exact theme. When Evelyn and Joy are beginning a reconciliation of sorts in the parking lot, they talk about the pointlessness of living, where all there is are these little moments of happiness and the rest is meaningless. And Evelyn makes it clear that yes, there’s a lot of pain in life and her relationship with Joy. They fundamentally do not understand one another, in part because of the generational divide and the immigrant/ABC perpetual foreigner division between them. It causes them pain, it hurts, it’s frustrating and annoying because they can’t seem to quite make the other understand. But Evelyn states that she essentially believes that loving Joy and having her as a daughter is WORTH IT ALL. And, when Jobu Toppacky chooses not to enter the all-consuming bagel of nothingness (which is definitely a metaphor for Joy’s suicidal ideation), this is symbolic of her ALSO choosing the sparks of joy over nothingness. We must imagine Sisyphus happy.
THATS WHAT THE MESSAGE IS. Sometimes, choosing those sparks of joy is worth it. Some people might not think it’s worth it — think of Gong Gong and his decision to basically disown his daughter for not obeying him — and they choose nothingness over any scrap of happiness, because the pain is too much. Sometimes, that’s what’s necessary. But the point of life is the pain and the happiness (like how Jobu Toppacky says, she knows the joy and pain of having Evelyn as her mother), and we choose every day to wake up and try again and again for that scrap of happiness.
And it’s not perfect! Obviously! My somewhat friend was caught up in Evelyn fat shaming her daughter (something I felt so close to my heart because whew, growing up Asian). She said that Evelyn still throwing out a “you look fat” comment at the end made it seem like the movie “tripped and fell at the finish line.” THE FATSHAMING IS BAD BUT ITS NOT THE POINT OF THE MOVIE, OBVIOUSLY.
Of course the fatshaming is bad!! Joy treats it like an act of affection (which it basically is — in my family at least, it’s meant in a “I care about your well-being, and I pay attention to you because indifference is tantamount to disdain”) but it’s still not good. It’s very bad, actually, and it highlights the way that Evelyn has grown up in a very different culture than Joy and still, even at the end of the movie, does not completely understand her daughter.
And that’s GREAT! Because in real life, there is no perfect communication. We are casually cruel to people for no reason because we just don’t understand them, or they don’t understand us, or both. You may not realize it, but you’ve probably hurt someone you care about because you’ve said something in a way that was interpreted poorly. Evelyn hasn’t learned to understand her daughter or even accept her daughter completely; she’s learned to keep trying, to keep “tripping at the finish line” and getting up again, because her daughter is WORTH IT to her. And Joy, similarly, is going to keep trying despite the mutual pain, because her mother is WORTH IT to her. How that trying turns out is ambiguous at the end of the movie — maybe Joy, like Gong Gong before her, doesn’t find it worth it in the end and cuts off her mother entirely. But for now, she finds fulfillment in the small moments, enough to choose to continue on. We must imagine Sisyphus happy.
This is NOT a movie about “family is more important than anything, even when your family is sucky.” It’s about the fact that Evelyn and Joy CHOSE EACH OTHER out of their own volition. Because those little moments mattered enough. That’s why Evelyn is so devastated at Gong Gong for abandoning her, asking him how he could let her go. She can’t imagine not enduring this suffering (she legit gets beat up by like five million guys and hops dimensions for fuck’s sake) for her daughter. She loves Joy, and she will keep choosing her. And Joy, ultimately, shows she loves Evelyn and will keep choosing her as well.
Waymond is the perfect foil for Evelyn because he is the embodiment of the “kindness and love just because it makes it all a bit more bearable” sentiment. He’s played off as an idiot, and he kind of is, but his glowing sense of sheer goodness radiates throughout the film. Why not put googly eyes everywhere? It’s hilarious! Why not give cookies to people? Cookies are good! The mundanity of life sucks ASS, and it keeps going and going (not unlike the cycling of the machines in the laundromat), why not have some enjoyment? Life is fucking meaningless but guess what? These cookies are bomb af.
In the world where Evelyn is a celebrity, Waymond appears to have found success elsewhere, whatever that looks like. Evelyn is undoubtably successful since she’s a superstar. And yet, Waymond says that, in another life, he would have also found fulfillment in just running a failing laundromat with her. Evelyn is heartbroken that Waymond doesn’t love her in the way she remembers from her version of Waymond — but why? She’s a superstar! She’s more successful than she ever dreamed! But she had chosen Waymond in the past, and she found that choice fulfilling enough that, faced with its loss, she is devastated. Waymond said that his love for Evelyn would have made the laundromat worth it, and Evelyn seems to agree here. We must imagine Sisyphus happy.
Anyway, that’s why EEAO is great, don’t @ me.
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derpinette · 4 months
that chilling feeling when you find out that words from your language are being used abroad casually as slang in strange ways o_0
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johnnicelli · 6 months
Get US Citizenship & Immigration Lawyer in Manhattan, NY
Looking for expert legal assistance with US citizenship and immigration services in Manhattan, NY? Look no further than John Nicelli & Associates. Our experienced team of lawyers is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of immigration law with precision and care. Whether you're seeking citizenship or need assistance with visa applications, trust us to provide comprehensive support tailored to your needs. Visit us - https://johnnicelli.com/immigration-law-in-manhattan-ny/citizenship-lawyer-in-manhattan-ny/
CALL US TODAY : 212-227-8020
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on-stolen-sunbeams · 1 month
doomscrolling through rate my prof and either multivariable's gonna suck or it's gonna feel a lot like learning from my dad.
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boneswizard · 3 months
I hate having to block people because they post anti-voting rhetoric :/
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