#imma still keep on trying
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toshiitea · 4 months ago
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His ass is mad!!! He thought the hunt would only last one rotation🤣🤣🤣🤣
Also if anyone (no one) is wondering how his goggles stay on, it’s attached by magnets in his head dress!
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peppermint-moss · 6 months ago
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Warrior cat oc design commissions from August/September!
commission info || ko-fi (tip jar)
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nayiitopia · 2 months ago
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Siblings! 🩷💖💜🩵
More of Nayla's family bc why not? Always make me happy to draw them so yee!
(Peeb, JayJay and Sky design belong to my bestie @soundleer)!
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akabloom · 3 months ago
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interrupting loquat week w shinobu 😇
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stinkybrowndogs · 5 months ago
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I dropped my phone and took two blinding photos of my own face before i was able to capture this interaction
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imaginarycyberpunk2023 · 2 years ago
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OC: Vinnie Gallo
Questions you might not have about this picture under the cut.
Does he have nipple piercings now? Yes, he ran out of space on his face!
Do you wish they were more visible? Of course!
Is this your new fav light color combo? Apparently so bc I use it a ton. Is there a random glass wall, just so he leans on something? Of course! Does he have that goofy expression on purpose? Yes, I needed something to go along with the glasses. Does he need glasses now? No, silly, he has Kiroshis. But he's also silly like you, so he wears them just as accesory.
Why do you post this picture for thirsty thursday? Because he looks sexy just leaning like this. That's why I neede to spawn the random glass wall. It's all very logical really. My VP is serious, artistic and full of meaning. Yes, I'm still here doing actual Cyberpunk 2077 VP. And I'm not even thinking about that OTHER GAME (TM).
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theallianceofcelestials · 2 months ago
Sigma Anon here, I was wondering how you’re doing today (or whenever you see this lol). I’m here for moral + emotional support so yap to me bbg
Good to see you again, Sigma Anon! :D
It is currently night for me (roughly around 6 PM as I write this)
Today was nice actually! (aside from waking up around 6 AM after being unable to sleep up until like a bit before 2 in the morning, haha!)
Your moral and emotional support is greatly appreciated :>
Bbg is the weirdest thing I have ever been called, to be honest with you. Followed by Cupcake, hahah
Also, Sigma Anon, you do not know what doom you just brought upon yourself. Both Moongleam and myself are certified yappers. And since you so kindly offered, we'll both be taking advantage of it 人( ๑`⩊´๑)ᵐʷᵉʰᵉʰᵉʰᵉ
So, completely unrelated to TSAMS, there's this musical called Epic, right? Earth likes singing parts of it. Both me and Moongleam are big fans of it. Have been since the Thunder Saga, which yeah, pretty recent, but who cares? It's fun!
For those, who don't know what it's about, it's a retelling of the epic poem Odyssey, inspired by both video games and anime. And its songs are so catchy! Totally understand Earth why she sings it on occasion, because I do it too. So does Moongleam! I also listen to the musical whenever I travel somewhere, haha!
The problem is is that neither me or Moongleam can get the songs out of our heads (⊙▽⊙)''
Either of us will just be minding their own business, or even while playing together, and all of a sudden, and completely unintentionally, one of us starts singing - most often, than not in a silly voice, cause why not? It's fun! - and the other joins in, unable to stop themselves. And it's starting to get ridicuolus and a little bit annoying!
Like, shut up, brain! Let me be for five hecking minutes without singing one specific line from one of the songs! P l e a s e And that fandom is also full of so many talented artists. Like, dam.
Other than the really fun and catchy songs, I also love the musical, cause I adore mythology :}
This next part of the yap session will be all about Moongleam's oldest TSAMS fic (that is still very much in the work in progress phase, because it is a very complex AU, because in has so many things going on). I have permission to talk about it.
The fic's title is For You, and has been mentioned already once or twice by both me and Moongleam herself.
The very base of it is a canon divergence, fix-it AU involving certain shenanigans. Some of those shenanigans very much include interacting with other dimensions, helping them with something and in return asking for help aswell. Scratch my back, I scratch yours type. Kinda.
And because like 95% of the cast is called the same things (Sun, Moon, Eclipse ect.) we had to come up with code names/aliases/nicknames, which the characters also use to refer to one another, because otherwise it would be chaos/would take too much time to figure out who is who.
These codenames are what I wanna talk about now, because I find them greatly amusing. As I mentioned, the people have codenames, but so do their dimensions, to further help tell who is who. It also helps us with talking about certain characters, who do not have codenames yet, or places.
One of these dimensions I already mentioned in an old post, back in June, talking about how its situation is highly amusingly similar to that of the dimension in canon, which appeared in the video "A Place Where It NEVER HAPPENED!!! in VRChat". The major difference being with this dimension compared to the one in the video, is that Earth is there, and her codename is Meadow, her Sun and Moon being called Daffodil and Waterfall respectively. Their dimension's name is Touch Grass, because we thought it would be funny, and it fit with their nature inspired names.
Sometimes it's the people's codenames that we think of first, like in the case of Meadow and her family. But some times it's the dimension's name we get. Like in the case of a dimension called Ghostbusters.
Sometimes we only have the people's codenames to refer to them by, like in case of The Big Baby and his family, and other times it's the dimension's name we come up wwith first, like in the case of the Fugitives, wo are now quite an old dimension, yet STILL lack codenames, while other much newer ones already have everything.
Most often the dimension's name is related to its people's names, like in the case of The Field, where its inhabitants are called Scarecrow, Crop, Raven, Crow, Farmer, Farmhand, Lamb, Shepherd and Magpie.
Other times, the dimensions get their names based off of their inhabitants' personalities, like in the case of Don't KYS PLS and Please Don't Steal Our Children. Or based off of their people's situation, like Survival Horror with its lovely people Nomad, Hunter, Tamagotchi, Mirage, Patient 0 and The Virus, or the Why Do The Gods Hate You? dimension :)
Most often the codenames are short and easy, like Peanut Butter, Jelly and Grape, and other times it's a bit more complicated of a word, like in the case of Parhelion, Paraselene and Capo Dei Capi.
At the beginning we did try to give people codenames, that fit with what they are different in compared to the main dimension, like in the case of Glam and Rock, wo are glamrock versions of Sun and Moon, Judgement and Punishment, who are responsible for judging and punishing (who would'a thought) people. Or based off of their personality, like Mischief and Trickery. But nowadays it's mostly random things, that still go together, so the dimension is cohesive, like Connector, Outlet, Electricity, Wire and Transmitter.
But most often the random words are food or food related things, like in the case of the Jam (/Berry) Gang, who're all called Something-Something-berry (Mulberry for example, because i love them.), or in the case of Butter and Milkshake who both come from the Insert South Park Reference dimension.
But enough yapping from me, cause it's already long enough, I'll give the Yapper's Microphone to Moongleam now
Holy shit he's actually done. Sunray writes like a goddamned grandpa I swear to god. How can someone who grew up with computers write so slow? Yeah sure, my stuff is riddled with typos, but still. Need to work on that one my guy As to my day today, I embarrassed myself at 3 AM and then couldn't even fall asleep for an hour, and I also woke up at 6 AM, seein as what Sunray failed to mention from what I saw was how we were expecting a package. So yeah, all I'm sayin is Jackie and KC arrived! Otherwise I got reminded about what I fucking hate the most when one makes bread at home, went shopping and got handed a shopping list which's first item was orange the colour, so I had to figure out what in the fuck that mean, I bought my first pair of high heels ever which I can use to ruin even more of my joints, Fantasized about writing, had even more joking insults thrown at me because of my height, and I didn't even do any of the stuff I was supposed to. Procrastination is real great! And I just wanna clarify on the orange one, I mentioned a couple times and from my grammar being pretty shitty it's clear I ain't a native english speaker, you have no idea how surreal it is to just look at what you need to buy and see orange. Like what am I supposed to do? But don't get me wrong, my day was okay I'm just a professional complainer. I can't exist without it. It's like air to me. So yeah, I was chillin today and thinking about writing. Because I was occupied for almost the entirety of the day, so I couldn't sit down, and I ain't sure anythin that was quality could have come out of it anyway. I'm still not at 100%. Like I'll just finish this here, give Sunray back their post, then I may watch 1 video and fall asleep to some fps game. COD is surprisingly good as a lullaby. Also just to put it into perspective, Sunray started writing this a little over 18. It's currently half-past 21. By this point I was maybe writing for 5 minutes. I love this dude honestly. I'm so damn happy he exists. Today was just nice with some minor elements of amusement. One of which is my first ever fic idea being talked about up there. Didn't expect them to talk of it so openly even if it's okay by me. Wish I had the time and joints for all the fics I wanna write. Would be great. I'm not even that old, why are my joints already like this? I advise caution while reading my segment, which is a real banger to put at the end. I do apologise for it! If you wanna yap back at us, feel free, we're happy to listen! Even if we're both rather socially awkward. Have a good night everyone! Or a good morning depending on your time!
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that-was-anticlimactic · 11 months ago
one of the worst feelings ever is wanting to write but your hands hurt too much or the words just don’t want to work so you just sit there staring at a half finished doc with tears in your eyes bc you want to write and you need to write but everything is telling you that you can’t
#and that you’re a terrible writer and that no one cares aaaaaaand imposter syndrome kicks in and you just feel like crap#bc all your friends have been wriying recejtky so why can’t you??? cause they’re bETTER THAN YOU#lol idk why my head is so bad today#the feelings of inferiority and emptiness and idk worthlessness are strong and i hate it but i can’t stop it#i just wanna write!!! and like what i write!!!#but i Can’t and i haven’t liked anything i’ve written in Months and ugh i hate not being able to d something i wanna do#oh and now i’m crying??? why the frick am i cRYING litetally why is typing this making me Worse#sorry guys needed to rant#the inadequacy was strong today#something something students keep telling me how much they dislike me or how i’m whiny for asking them to be respectful and like#i Know i shouldn’t compare myself to my friends but gosh it’s hard when they’re all like. so much better than me.#and i don’t have a lot of time to be on tumblr bc of work so i just feel like i’m watching everything from afar and it’s no one’s fault but#my brain’s like no one is Doing anything it’s just my brain being dumb and i can’t stand it and I want to stop feeling empty and like i’m#missing a part of myself and like the words i write don’t matter gOD why can’t i just feel happy with where i am and not care what the kids#who hate me say or realize that no one cares that i’m not on much like i’m still Here and trying to interact it’s not like everyone hates me#for being busy or for liking side characters more than the main characters and just—#sorry#that felt good actually#idk what came over me#imma just. imma shower. then maybe delete my tags#sorry if anyone got this far aT ALL grace is either asleep or trying to sleep so i don’t wanna bother them since they slept poorly last nigh#okay done now for real sorry delete tags later sorry if you saw this and how freaking messed up ky freaking brain is
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tourniqitty · 3 days ago
you know sometimes i think of just quitting at being a writer or an artist but its like, its all i want to be in this life, i want to be an artist and maybe this is way pretentious of me, but fuck everything else, art is my purpose
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just-a-hooman64 · 2 years ago
i saw some people comparing their fan Glam bonnie designs to the newly released one and though i'd throw my hat into the ring
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(Guys its ok the reason Glam bonnie is Light blue is because he's trying to tap into his great great great grandfather (Toy bonnie)'s pure gay energy)
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queengmine2crayon · 6 months ago
Guys, I think why I’m drawing and writing more than ever before in my life is because my dysphoria is striking and that I drown myself in it to forget about it. But we survive 🫡 (not)
Honestly, I’ve never had dysphoria before in my life and this fucking sucks wtf
Okay imma sleep now bye
Take care 💚
(Talking about sleep and coffee and smoothie in the tags lol)
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gojowh0rcs · 2 years ago
i love the headcanons that are like “male so and so is v drunk and wants to fuck like rabbits and is gonna make u bust 5 times in a night” but its like do yall know abt whiskey dick??? where are THOSE headcanons??? do you know how disappointing a drunken sex night can really be??? its not that amazing i promise u 
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call-me-pup2 · 6 months ago
Can't wait for you to announce you're back on OF. I'll happily pay the full price too, this pup and her holes are worth every penny
It is time! *some sort of grand music starts playing
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magratpudifoot · 9 months ago
Hi, uh, yeah. Just...just checking in? Do we...do we think calling two actors who aren't romantically involved with one another and lead separate domestic lives "husbands" because of a ship name for two of their many dozens of characters is, like, maybe not a great move?
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real-life-cloud · 8 months ago
U know I'm deciding rn. If I'm still single at 30 then I am just Having a goddamn baby
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tzufcallsmeshomps · 1 year ago
Listening to kh piano has given me a much needed reprieve
…And now I want to draw, all over again
((umm I’ll take some prompts too if you feel like it!))
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