#imma start calling everyone “bat”
syunkiss · 5 months
Good morning bats
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tesalicious2 · 2 years
Gothamites are just a different breed of people. They literally could not give a single f*ck about anything. There attitude is ‘eh, not impressed’ mixed with ‘been there don that’ and ‘try harder’.
It’s bad but no one knows how bad until they move there. I’m convinced everyone who lives in Crime Alley has had there parents/grandparents live there, while the less dangerous parts of Gotham see more new faces. They don’t stay long but they pop up.
Batman doesn’t let the Justice League to Gotham and I think that’s fair. They are all to bright and happy. Everyone is so angsty it’s amazing. He doesnt let them in for their own protection. Mostly since they all thinks he’s dramatic. But he knows that that relaxed manner is going to get them hurt.
The only vigilante that has zero haters (besides criminals) is Red Hood. Like, he control the most dangerous part of Gotham every night, walks kids/girls/teens/anyone-who-asks home, regularly buys food for the homeless, reads to kids at the library at night/near closing, stops robberies, sometimes teaches people self defense, and tries to be really quiet bc the walls are thin.
Either him or Signal bc he’s a daytime hero and everyone loves him. Nice, new, and will help out work the mundane stuff.
That being said, the rest are liked too but so have their haters. Despite this, there are websites and videos of them all doing cute and funny stuff or the gothamites doing nice stuff for them.
There is a video of someone giving Spoiler an umbrella, she returned it the next day. Someone managed to find everyone and give them their own hand sewn plushies, and their reaction.
Mostly starting with them on a rooftop of a building, a person calls out. “Yo! (Insert name)! Come here real quick!”
They go over and the person pulls out the plushie.
Batman: *stares for a moment* thank you. Did you make this? The workman ship is amazing.
Nightwing: awwwww! This is so nice, thank you!
Red hood: imma admit it, this is the greatest moment of my entire life. Now, you are in a very bad part of Gotham and need to get to bed. I’ll walk you.
Red Robin: i adore this. I will keep it with me till I die.
Robin: *brain cannot compute* Umm…Thank you very much. Honestly, no idea what to say right now
Spoiler: AWWWW, my first fan anything! I love this! Do you have an Instagram or something? I have to follow you! Let me buy you food!
Black Bat: *squished it once, looks up, Higgs it to her, then motions to hug the creator, they hug*
Signal: ummm, thank you? ive never had to deal with this before. I love it so much! Thank you!
(Can’t believe o forgot Batgirl)
Batgirl: This is so sweet! Thank you! *gives the biggest hug known to man*
8K notes · View notes
trippinsorrows · 3 months
with me + part fifteen
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authors note: i hope everyone has recovered from the last chapter! just remember, there's, typically, light at the end of the tunnel!
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: violence, angst, language, suggestive themes
song inspo: with me by destiny’s child
words: 7k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @southerngirl41 @wanderingreigns
Alexis is going to jail.
She’s accepted as such and doesn't really care about that as much as she's curious about what the charges will be. Aggravated assault. Attempted murder. Actual murder. It’s all up in the air, each a very much real possibility. 
Truth be told, she’s wanted to put the paws on Mariah for years. And not even because Mariah has done anything outright, not close to this level anyways. It was just something about her that screamed fake and inauthentic. However, she recognized what friendship and loyalty meant to you, and while you’d mentioned a few arguments over the years, nothing was major enough for her to act on her violent urges.
Now though? 
Now, she’s ready to rain fire. 
She doesn’t give a flying fuck about traffic laws, well exceeding every speed limit she zooms through in order to make it to Mariah’s house. It’s an address that wasn’t too hard to find. Google is such a wonderful thing. She would have asked you for that information, but she also wants you as separate from what she’s about to do as possible. Especially with DCFS in the midst of an active investigation.
Just thinking about it pisses her off even more. It’s one thing to call DCFS on someone who’s arguably one of the best parents on this fucking earth, but it’s another to accuse said parents of the things Mariah accused you. 
It’s unforgivable. 
It’s also why Alexis won’t feel somewhat content until she spills Mariah’s blood. Pulling up into the driveway behind the parked Camry, Alexis shuts off the car, reaches for the bat in the passenger seat and slams the door behind her as she marches up the three steps to the front door. Her fists immediately start banging on the door. “Open the door, hoe!” More banging. “I know you in there! Come outside so I can crack ya’ fucking head open!”
Alexis isn’t stupid. She knows no one with common sense would open the door to anyone yelling such things. Cue: the bat. 
Moving across the porch, Alexis doesn’t hesitate to give a solid swing to the window, effectively cracking it. The second blow is the one, however, that shatters it. She kicks through the remnants and proceeds to climb in. 
With a possible element of surprise, Alexis opts to remain quiet, looking around the living room. She’s tempted to smash the TV but decides against it, as she’d much rather save her strength for blows against Mariah’s body.
Moving throughout the house, she’s lucky enough for the first door she kicks open to reveal her victim. 
But Mariah isn’t alone.
In a pleasant surprise. Alexis just so happens to walk in on Mariah receiving backshots from a man who quickly stumbles and looks back over his shoulder at her entrance. Alexis immediately recognizes him. 
“Now ain’t this about a bitch!” Alexis' smile is wild and crazed as she watches Amir stumble to cover himself, Mariah’s eyes also wide with horror and shock as she holds the sheet to her chest. “A two for one special. My lucky fucking day.”
“What the hell?” Amir has managed to pull his boxers on and is standing near the bed, close to Mariah in an almost protective manner. Like that’ll keep her safe from Alexis' wrath. “Alexis? What the fuck are you doing?”
“I would ask ya’ll niggas the same thing, but ain’t no sense in stating the obvious.” She motions between the two of them with her steel bat. “How long?”
Mariah screams, the fear in her voice and eyes music to Alexis soul. “Get out of my house!”
“Oh, Imma leave, but not until you’re unconscious.” She looks toward Amir. “And if you try to get in my way, Imma knock your ass out too.” Alexis' hands are rated E for everyone. She fights females and males with equal smoke. “Now, I’m not gon’ ask again, how long have ya’ll been fucking behind Y/N’s back?”
Truth be told, Alexis wouldn’t trust a single word out of either of their mouths, but she’s curious. The answer regardless will aid in the intensity of her beating. 
Amir is the first to ‘answer’. “I don’t owe Y/N shit. She’s not my girl.” As if he has a right to be upset, he continues, anger painting his face. “I tried, but she chose to be with that nigga.” 
“And will every single mother fucking time because unlike you, he’s actually worth something and deserves her. Not like you two snakes.” It’s the fact that Amir thinks that he’s been done wrong in some way that blows her mind. He might be as delusional as the bitch he was just fucking. “I’m tired of talking. Get the fuck out my way, so I can knock this hoe’s head off.”
It’s when Alexis takes a step toward the bed that Amir extends his arm out, “wait, before you do this—”
“Do you even know what she did?” Alexis demands, grip on the bat tightening as she remembers holding you as you cried into her over having your child ripped away from you. The fear in Callie’s eyes. It enrages her all over again. “Ask the bitch! Go on, ask her!”
Amir is still understandably cautious and pissed at this intrusion, but his gaze still falls on Mariah. “What is she talking about?”
Mariah pauses and shakes her head, stuttering. “I–I don’t know. She’s–she’s crazy.”
“She’s a liar!” Alexis shouts, explaining to Amir. “She called DCFS on Y/N and made up all kind of lies!” She juggs the bat in the direction of that slime. “They took Callie away from Y/N because of her!”
It seems like there’s a sudden shift that Alexis recognizes as the tide gradually turning. She still thinks Amir is a piece of shit, but it does count for a tiny something that he looks absolutely disgusted by this revelation. His eyes narrow at Mariah. “You did what?” Mariah’s face gives away her guilt as he demands, “what the hell is wrong with you? Why would you do that!”
Clearly adept at deviating, Mariah attempts to redirect the focus. “You really gon’ believe this bitch over me!” 
Alexis laughs, throwing her head back. She’s really going to enjoy breaking this bitch jaw.
Amir seems heated now. Again, not that Alexis really cares. He’s not much better than this hoe in her book. “You got her child taken away from her, Mariah! What part of that do you not understand is fucked up! You’ve gone too fucking far!”
“If Callie got taken away, then she should have been doing a better job making sure her kid was straight instead of chasing a married around like a desperate who—”
Alexis lunges, literally lunges, across the room before Mariah can even finish her sentence. There’s a sickening crack that enters the air when her fist collides with Mariah’s nose. Mariah’s cry is sounded out by Alexis snatching her by her hair and banging her head into the headboard. “Say it, bitch! Say it so I can knock ya fucking teeth out your mouth.”
“Get off me!” Mariah screams, but it’s no use, Alexis blows are powerful and focused, knuckles burning from the impact with bone, not that it makes a difference to her. She’s only seeing and hearing red.
“I been wanted to stomp your hoe ass!” And Alexis does just that, dragging and tossing Mariah onto the floor and stomping her feet into Mariah’s side. 
Mariah is crying like a little bitch, screaming, “help me!” 
But Amir does nothing, just stands there watching as Alexis rains blow on top of blow, kick on top of kick to the broad he was just balls deep in minutes ago. It speaks volumes of his character, not that that was much to behold anyway.
However, it’s when she cries out again, “we got a fucking son together, Amir!”
This actually takes Alexis by surprise as she realizes what Mariah just said. She knows the bitch has a son, but she also knows this woman is married. Though estranged, still married. Is…..is Amir the biological father of her son? Has she really been messing with Amir long enough for him to possibly father her baby?
Is that why she’s estranged from her husband?
That’s a whole other layer that adds to the betrayal. Alexis starts mixing on Mariah again, ignoring the splatter of blood on her fists and the possibility that her child might be just a room or two away.
At least she still has her kid. 
“That’s enough.” Amir’s voice finally sounds from behind her, but Alexis is in the zone. She’s not letting up off this hoe. “Alexis, that’s enough!” And then he makes the cardinal mistake of trying to interfere, reaching to pull her off Mariah. Instantly, Alexis reaches behind and lands her fist against his face.
“Fuck!” He calls out. Alexis grabs the bat, swinging it across his knee. Amir cries out and falls on his back, cradling his knee. “You crazy bitch!”
“That’s right, I’m the crazy bitch that’s gon come back and fuck both ya’ll asses up again if you ever in your life try Y/N!” Alexis realizes Mariah is on the verge of losing consciousness, so she ensures she grabs her by her raggedy tracks. “You stay the hell away from her, you hear me? You even so much as utter her name, utter Callie’s name, and I’mma put you six feet under!” A final stomp to Mariah’s jaw is the last thing she sees before being knocked unconscious. 
Breathing heavy, Alexis looks around, pleased with her carnage only to see Amir starting to stand up, knee obviously fucked up. “I didn’t—I didn’t know.”
Alexis marches over to him and punches him square in his nose, satisfied with the crunch sound that follows. He curses loudly, hands over his nose that’s started to spurt out blood. 
“Bitch ass nigga,” she mutters, taking one final survey of the room and walking out, pleased with the results. She suddenly feels so much better, hungry but deeply satisfied. Curious, she asks a groaning Amir.
“Ya’ll got a McDonald’s in this town?”
The knock on the door is probably the first thing to make you feel anything in hours. You’ve just laid on the bed all day, staring at the empty wall across the room. The apartment is quiet. It’s never quiet. 
Not since you first brought Callie home from the hospital. You miss her giggles, her loud singing, the patterning of her feet as she runs into your room, jumping on the bed, rambling about the most random of things.
You wished that her being with your mom and not some random family would provide more comfort than it does, but as soon as you try to find some relief in that, your mind goes towards why she’s with your mom and the fact that you are legally barred from speaking to and interacting with the child you birthed and have raised since she first entered this world.
That’s when the tears come. You’re not sure there’s many left to be honest.
So, a knock on the door is the closest thing you have to hope, hope that someway, somehow, someone with enough pull was able to make all of this go away, make this nightmare of a reality a thing of fiction. 
Running to the front door, that hope is both dashed yet sustained when you rip it open. 
Turns out you’re wrong, there are definitely more tears left.
You’re not sure who makes the move first, probably him, because the moment his eyes land on you, his expression softens into something sympathetic. 
He’s holding the back of your head as you cry into his chest, comforting you. And then it hits you. You pull away, holding onto his shirt, “did you see her? H-how is she?”
You made sure to emphasize that Joe needed to check in on Callie before coming to see you, not that it was something he needed to be told. You’re certain his first and foremost priority was checking in on Callie. 
He wipes at your eyes. “She’s okay.” It’s a safe answer, one that’s probably both partially and impartially true. How okay can she be in a situation like this? His response is more for your comfort than anything, you’re sure. “I got her down for bed before I left.” His eyes give you a one over. “When’s the last time you ate something?”
You’re certain you must look a mess. You also don’t care about that. You don’t really care about much to be honest. 
Still, it’s a valid question that takes you a second to contemplate. “I–I don’t know.” And before he can say something further, you inform, “I’m not hungry.”
“You need to eat something.”
“No, I–what I need is to start getting this place together.” Pulling away from him, sniffling and wiping at your eyes, you motion around your apartment. “They’re doing the home inspection tomorrow.”
In between tears and depression, you’d received formal notice regarding the home visit where they’d evaluate the environment to ensure its appropriateness for a child as well as your emergency court date. 
Joe’s gaze is on you and lazily scans the room that’s more or less spotless. “It looks fine, Y/N.”
“Fine isn’t good enough, Joe,” your voice is firmer, a hint of irritation. “It has to be perfect so they can—” Without even realizing what’s happening, another unexpected set of tears arrives, your voice cracking. “—so they can give my baby back to me.”
He guides you back into his chest, comforting you as the next set of waterworks overcomes you. You’ve always hated crying, always found it irritating because it was hard to control, even harder to stop. This is all of those things. 
“I can’t believe she would—would do this to me.” That’s the part you still can’t wrap around. How could you not see what kind of person Mariah was? You’ve always thought you were a good judge of character. This was Callie’s legal godmother for fucks sake. “Do you know what she said about me? What she said I was going to do—” Your mouth watering and stomach twisting alerts you to what’s about to come, and you dash away from him to the bathroom where you fall to your knees, vomiting into the toilet. 
Joe is behind you not even minutes later, hand on the small of your back as you cry over that same toilet. There’s a level of appreciation for him being here with you in this moment, but it still doesn’t wholly ease that dull ache in your chest. 
Getting cleaned up, Joe doesn’t take no for an answer when he says that he’s going to make you something to eat and you’re going to eat. Deep down, you know he’s right. Not only are you teetering on sleep deprivation, but the lack of food in your system is eventually going to take a toll. And you need to be at your absolute best the next few days. 
However, even with his delicious cooking and emotional support, it’s not enough to keep your emotions at bay because you end up right back at that toilet, depositing everything you just tried to consume.
You just feel so off, so incomplete, because you are. 
Because you don’t know you’re supposed to proceed without your child. How you’re supposed to proceed and act like your world hasn’t been turned upside down, like you’re not in a position where you have to prove that you’re a fit parent. 
Something you could have never imagined you’d be having to prove. This whole situation, nightmare, has pushed you so much farther in the direction of wanting to move.
Mariah’s play has stolen your sense of security in this town, the place you’ve always called home. It feels like you’ll never be able to feel comfortable again so long as she’s also a resident. Blocking her on all platforms isn’t enough. You don’t want her to have any access to you or Callie whatsoever.
And that can only be done with moving. 
A small part of you considers talking with Joe about you and Callie staying at his place in Florida for the time being until you find a house. And you hate that, the idea of uprooting your and Callie’s life so suddenly. Not even being able to stay until the end of the school year, not being able to give your students the proper time to transition and adjust to your departure.
But you have to think about your family, your child, and what’s best for her.
It's starting to become more and more clear that the best thing you can do at this point is leave.
If not the only thing. ________
“She finally sleep?”
After treating herself to McDonalds, Alexis casually reached out to her legal team to let them know she could be facing a couple of charges and to be ready to bail her out once the warrant was issued. They were already fast ahead in working towards a plan to get said charges dismissed, so she's honestly not concerned at all.
And even if they aren’t dismissed, she doesn't mind. 
She’d do it all over again if she had to. 
So, after getting cleaned up and settling her affairs, she headed back over to the apartment to check on you. Alexis wasn’t surprised to find you still heavily upset, but the physical sickness was hard to watch. She’s so grateful that you listened to her and called Joe. She can’t imagine you going through this without his support.
“I got her to agree to take Benadryl.” Joe’s eyes are focused on the island as he sits down at the barstool and leans back. Alexis hasn’t been around Joe a ton, but that’s not needed to tell he’s a myriad of emotions right now, primarily anger. He adds, clearly concerned, “she can’t keep anything down.”
“She’s a wreck,” Alexis says as kindly as she can, because it’s the ugly truth. She’s always known you to be so calm and composed. This is anything but. Yes, there were a couple moments where you lost your temper. But post Callie? You’ve been the textbook definition of what it looks like to be a picture of calmness in a storm. 
Now….now you’re just a disaster.
Not that a single soul could blame you.
“How is Callie? Like, really?” Alexis isn’t sure if asking him this right now is the right move, but she’s genuinely curious. She’d take a bet that he played it down for the sake of your current mental state.
“Confused. Sad as hell. Doesn’t know why the fuck she’s just been ripped from her mother for no reason.” His anger is palpable and completely understandable. 
Alexis listens, working to control her own anger. Mariah’s beating wasn’t good enough. “It’s fucked up. That’s for sure.”
His jaw is clenched as she states, boldly, “I’ve gotta get them out of this damn town.” 
Alexis looks at him, partially not following his statement. “Aren’t they already moving to live with you?
“Yes, at the end of the summer, but that’s not soon enough.” She hears what he’s saying, but she isn’t quite sure about the realistic aspect of what he clearly wants at this point. “I need them out of here now.”
Alexis takes a second before responding, not wanting to further upset him. Typically, she doesn’t give two shits about how her words are perceived, but this is an entirely different situation. “You’re not wrong, Joe, but Y/N can’t just up and leave—”
“We don’t have much of a fucking choice, Alexis.” His tone, if not for the current circumstances, would be completely unacceptable. He’s talking to her like she’s a child, but Alexis knows emotions are high, so she sets aside her pride. “I don’t want that bitch anywhere near them.” 
Careful with her words, she counters calmly, “you know there’s a chance Y/N's not going to like that.” 
Alexis knows you, and knows that you like order. You’d want to properly close out the year, have time to say goodbye. Then again, after something like this, she’s not actually 100% sure where you’d stand on moving sooner than initially planned.
Joe then brings up a valid point. “It’s not about what she likes and doesn’t like. It’s about Calista and what’s best for her.” He’s not wrong, Alexis won’t deny him that. “Mariah is fucking psychotic, and I’m not taking any more chances with her pulling anymore shit like this. I’ve already contacted my lawyers to see what options we have there.”
Joe lawyering up makes all the sense in the world. It’s probably the smartest decision for him and Y/N, which is why she’s so grateful she stopped you from catching an unnecessary charge. “I can beat her ass again once she gets released from the hospital. It was quite therapeutic actually.” Alexis is slightly pleased to hear Joe chuckle at her words, even if she’s being completely honest. “I’ll tell you this, but don’t tell Y/N. She’s got enough she’s dealing with.” 
Joe is quick to assert. “I don’t like keeping things from her.”
Ignoring his counter, Alexis supplies, “Mariah was fucking Amir when I got there. Like, I literally caught them in bed.” 
As expected, Joe looks taken back, “what?”
She nods and adds, “but that’s not it. When the stupid bitch was begging for him to help her, she said they have a son together.” Lowering her voice in case you somehow fought the powers of Benadryl, she concludes, “I think Amir is the biological father of her kid,”
“Son of a bitch,” he mutters. Joe is suddenly wishing he acted upon impulse instead of logic and beat the shit out of Amir that night he had the chance. That bastard really was a scumbag. He’s also partially wishing he’d tagged along with Mariah. Joe would never put his hands on a woman, but Amir? He’d be laid out in the hospital just like Mariah is. “Just how long have they been messing around?”
“Long enough for her to get knocked up by him.” She shakes her head, trying to settle the growing anger. “God, I hate her ass. Him too, but definitely her. How do you just fuck your best friend’s ex like that? When you know she’s fucking him too? Fuckin nasty ass hoe.” 
He won’t disagree, sharing, “you probably already know this, but Mariah used to mess with Randy Orton, and he'd said she ended up being clingy and crazy when he broke it off.” 
“Really?” Alexis remembers you mentioning to her that Mariah was sleeping with a wrestler around the same time you first got with Joe but nothing about how it ended. “That lines up.”
“I never really paid much attention to it, because she wasn’t relevant to me, and Orton was an ass back in the day, so I took it with a grain of salt.” A heavy frown appears on his handsome face. “Clearly, that was a mistake.”
Realizing what’s happening, she shakes her head. “Oh my god. Not you too.” She jumps into her therapist mode, nearly repeating exactly what she’d said to you this morning. “This is no one’s fault except for Mariah. Not yours. Not Y/N’s, just that raggedy hoe.” 
Joe tries his best to heed to Alexis’s advice. “You’ve never liked her, right?” Alexis nods aggressively. “Why?” 
“I always felt like she was jealous of Y/N. Like….she benefited way more from her friendship with Y/N than Y/N did. When we were in college, Y/N was popular and well liked, and I get the sense that that’s always been the case. Mariah clearly benefited from that, so the jealousy wasn’t as bad, not enough for Y/N to notice it anyway.” Alexis starts to speculate, though she feels it’s more fact than hypothesis. “But then you come back in the picture, and the tide turns. Y/N gets the guy, the kid, the happy family. And then on top of all that, homegirl finally gets exposed, so Y/N, rightfully, cuts her off. But psycho-riah wasn’t having that.”
Laying it all out like that makes sense to both Joe and Alexis. It’s obvious Mariah is disturbed, because only a person not right in the head would do what she’s done. All of the things she’s done. But maybe it never got this bad because she and Y/N were always around the same level, both living in this small ass town, just raising their kids. 
Then he came in the picture, and she got jealous. 
It makes sense.
It also pisses him the fuck off. 
“This probably isn’t the right time to ask this, but I’m gonna do it anyway, because you never know when my warrant is gonna become active.” There’s such a casualness and nonchalant manner regarding how Alexis refers to her pending arrest, like it’s not that big a deal. And for her, it really isn’t. She knows her lawyers will most likely have her out on bond and charges dropped or dismissed by the end of the week. Hence her prying. “But just when in the hell do you plan to propose to Y/N?”
It’s definitely a 180 in topics that Joe wasn’t expecting, especially when she continues.
“I know it’s gotta be coming soon, because it’s obvious you love the mess out of her and want to be with her forever, but when, sir? Don’t be having my girl out here as a glorified girlfriend for too long, cause I don’t care how big you are, you can catch that Mariah Edition beating right along with her.” Joe smiles, shaking his head. It’s a much needed break from all the heaviness of the day. “And you best not get her knocked up again before it happens.” She considers her words and retracts. “Then again, ya’ll both freaky as hell and fuck like rabbits, so maybe that one is a stretch.”
With a casual shrug, Joe goes for his response. “Who says I don’t al—”
“Wait. Don’t say anything.” She interrupts, hands up as if remembering something. “I suck at keeping secrets, and I’m sure you’re gonna go all out for the proposal, so don’t tell me shit.” She nods, as if trying to convince herself that this is the safest and best route. “Just make sure I get an invite to the wedding. Then again, I’ll just show up anyway regardless.”
He has zero doubt she won’t.
But while Alexis' random tangent brings about brief relief, his mind easily switches back to the major issue at hand. 
“You know I’m right, Lex.” He looks at her, again reiterating, “they can’t stay here.” It’s in expressing her theory about Mariah aloud that helps Alexis realize Joe’s even more valid in his stance than she thought. “I can’t have this happen again. Y/N and Callie can’t have this happen again especially. They’re both a mess.” He looks down, jaw clenching. “I can’t see them go through this again.” 
There’s no desire or basis to argue. Alexis can’t imagine how difficult this must be for him as well. To see all this happening, to see the two people he loves the most be in pain and not be able to do anything about it. 
It’s gotta be torture.
She finally settles on a simple, basic answer. “You’re right.”
Joe is quiet for a few moments, expression indicating he’s searching and trying to navigate something. Alexis watches as he suddenly pulls out his phone, typing hurriedly. She figures he's sending a text to someone when he finally says, “I need you to do something for me.”
There’s not a second of hesitation. “Consider it done.”
“Good.” He doesn’t waste any time, recognizing every moment that passes is precious. “How quickly can you get a flight out to Florida?”
Before agreeing to take the tiny pink pill of sleep damnation, you made Joe promise to wake you up at 7am sharp. The home inspection was scheduled for 3pm, but you have something you need to do before then.
And Joe is true to his word, stirring you awake not a minute past 7.
Despite his protest and disagreement, you skip breakfast. It’s going on two days since you’ve actually had and retained a meal, but you can’t bring yourself to do so, your abs already sore from all the contractions that come with vomiting.
So, you settle on coffee and get to cleaning. Joe helps you, though there’s not much to be done, just little things that the average person wouldn’t pay much attention to. But, you’re not taking any risks. Your place needs to be as spotless as humanly possible. 
And you need to look as good as you can, so you spend much more time than necessary in the shower, scrubbing your body clean, shaving every piece of hair that doesn’t need to be there. All very much over the top, but you don’t care. You need to feel prepared. 
You even take on the daunting task of laying your mass of curls into a slick top bun. In your opinion, it’s always made you look ten times more professional. Even if it does take ten times as long to accomplish because of all your hair. 
Still, worth it. Everything is worth it if it means having your daughter back in your custody. 
It’s why you dig through your closet for the nicest set of business professional attire that you own, some nice dress pants and a white blouse that beautifully compliments your complexion. 
The top has always been a little snug around your chest, which is expected, even if feeling a little tighter than usual.
What you don’t expect or need is to slide on said pants only to find out you can’t get them to snap. Even the jump and wiggle to better adjust it over your ass and thighs isn’t enough to secure the button.
You stand there for a moment, only briefly stumped. You’re realizing that one of your earlier assumptions before this whole mess was correct.
You’ve put on weight.
It was something you first started to notice when you looked again at the post Alexis made of you on your Instagram. You could see it a little in your face, but mostly your ass and thighs. Thankfully, you’ve always typically carried your weight in all the right places. And it isn’t anything too crazy, maybe something only you notice because you know your body better than anyone.
But, it’s enough to where your go-to pants no longer fit. 
It’s not too concerning, especially with everything else you have going on. You’ve always yo-yo’d a bit with your weight and interestingly enough, the same happened in the months after your first meeting with Joe all those years ago.
“Happy weight,” you’re sure Alexis would call it. 
Sliding them off, you settle on another pair, close to your favorites and a size bigger. They snap closed, and that little thing makes you feel instantly relieved.
It’s another thirty minutes before you finally exit the bedroom, face beat in neutral yet professional makeup. Joe moves from where he was texting on the sofa and approaches you.
Concern is etched in the crinkles around his eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”
“No. I—I got this. Go—go spend the day with Callie.” Because I’d do anything to be able to do just that. “You probably shouldn’t even be here around me.”
It’s partially true. Joe isn’t even on Callie’s birth certificate, so as far as the law is concerned, you’re the only parent under investigation. Still, the irrational fear is strong that they’ll find some reason to add him to the investigation if they find out he’s been interacting with both you and Callie.
You can’t even think about what hell it would be if Joe was also barred from having any engagement with Callie.
You couldn’t handle it. Callie couldn’t handle it. And Joe wouldn’t stand for it. You know that for certain. He wouldn’t give a damn what the law stated.
“Yeah, that’s not fucking happening.” His dismissal is swift and firm. You have a feeling there isn’t a force on earth that could keep him from being with you right now. From being around Callie. “Are you sure you don’t want to try to eat something?”
Shaking your head, you explain. “No. I can’t risk vomiting again. I drank some Gatorade. I’ll be fine.” You don’t have a choice. Voice softening, you apologize again. “I’m so sorry about all of this. I had no idea she could ever—“
He stops you before you can get choked up. Joe's hands are on your face, comforting, “none of this is your fault, and I don’t blame you for anything. None of it.” His thumb brushes softly against your cheek. “But….but I do think we need to discuss moving up the move date for you and Callie.”
“I know.” You're certain he expected more of a push back from you, some level of argument, but he won’t find it. Mariah has taken that right away from you. “We—we can talk about it more later, okay?”
Understandably, he’s pleased and brings his hand to your hip, giving a gentle squeeze. “You should get going.” He’s right. The sooner you tackle this, the sooner you can focus on nailing this visitation. 
He kisses your forehead, lips lingering as he murmurs, “I love you.”
You’ll never get tired of hearing those words leave his mouth, needing to hear them now more than ever. You’re so grateful for him and all he does. “I love you too.”
You’re grabbing your purse and keys off the key holder on the wall when he calls out your name. 
“Mariah didn’t say anything to you before this, right? Outside of the exchange that day you told me about?” His question takes you by surprise, and he adds, probably not wanting you to feel like you’re on the witness stand. “My lawyers want to know if we can establish a paper trail.”
He’d mentioned reaching out to his legal team to see what recourse was available, but it isn’t something you’re overtly thrilled about. You understand where he’s coming from, but that’s not a route you’re sure you want to go down. Legal battles, from what you know, can get really ugly. And there’s a massive fear that somehow Callie will get dragged into the mess, forced to answer to lawyers and judges.
Your baby’s been traumatized enough already.
It’s why you decide on an answer that’s not the truth, but what you feel is best for your daughter. Once this is all said and done, you just want to put this all behind you and focus on your family.
Besides, there’s nothing else Mariah can do at this point, no lower she can stoop.
“No.” Even as it leaves your mouth, there’s a deep, nagging feeling that you’ve made the wrong decision not being honest with him. “She never said anything.”
“Is Dr. Sawyer available?”
Your voice is strong, firm, the exact opposite of everything you’ve felt over the past 48 hours. It’s a great display of fake confidence. 
The receptionist looks up with a surprisingly friendly smile. “I’m sorry, do you have an appointment or—”
“I’m an old friend. I really need to talk to him. It’s, uhh, it’s an emergency.” It may be a bit of a stretch to call your desire to get some questions answered an emergency, but you’ll say and do whatever it takes to get Kai’s attention. “Tell him it’s Y/N.”
She asks you to give her a few minutes, and you decide to take a seat in the waiting area. Pulling out your phone, you text Joe to let him know you’ve made it here and ready to text your mom when you suddenly remember.
That’s been the other hard part of this debacle. Going through one of the hardest things you’ve ever endured and not being able to talk to your mom about it. If you had to choose between her guidance and your daughter being put under her care, you’d go with the latter every single time.
But that doesn’t take way the sadness you have at not being able to talk to your own mother. 
Lifting your attention form your phone, you’re met with Kai Sawyer’s signature smile. 
He looks both surprised and relieved to see you.
“Hi. I’m sorry to bother you—”
“No. Not a bother at all.” He sits down on the seat opposite of you, and given the only couple people in the ER are on the other side of the waiting room, you decide this is a safe place to talk. “I’m actually happy to see you Y/N.”
There’s something wary about his tone of voice, like he’s hinting at something he won’t outright say. That’s when you remember the sole reason Kai was even inserted into your life again, and it hits you. “DCFS spoke to you, didn’t they?”
It makes all the sense. Callie was rushed to the emergency room and had to undergo emergency surgery. You’re certain her medical records are also being reviewed, that kind of incident standing out to investigators.
Kai might be aware of the anxiety that’s starting to grow and proceeds to explain. “Yes, and I told them it was absolute bullshit.” His face takes on a look of disgust and irritation. “That it’s been years since I’ve seen a child so deeply connected and bonded with a parent like I saw with you and Callie. Her appendicitis and subsequent surgery was completely happenstance, and you did everything right.”
His words bring tears to your eyes. You know you’re a good mom and did the best you could that night, but it means a lot that Kai would defend you so staunchly who are trying to determine just that. “Thank you, Kai.”
“I didn’t say anything that was a lie.” His expression is sympathetic. “I’m really sorry this is happening to you, Y/N. Do you have any idea who made the call?”
“That’s actually why I’m here.” You blot at your eyes, not wanting to test the hold of this waterproof mascara. “Do you remember when you told me you were happy I got away from Mariah and Amir?”
“Yeah, why?” His eyes widen with shock. “Wait, did they—“
“It was Mariah.” Swallowing, there’s a bit of an edge in your voice as you explain. “That’s why I’m here. I need to know just who the hell I’ve called a best friend all these years, so much so that I made her Callie’s legal godmother.”
“Whoa, I thought—-you were still friends with her after all these years?” You shake your head yes, and he looks truly apologetic. “I’m sorry, I just thought—”
“That I’d been smarter? Yeah, me too.” Aside from depression and apathy, you’re struggling with beating yourself up for not recognizing sooner what kind of person Mariah truly is. How your oblivion could be strong. “Please, tell me what you know.”
He blows out a deep breath and leans back into the chair. “Well, I mean there’s no easy way to say this, but Mariah and Amir have been messing around since we were in high school.”
Your stomach drops. 
That’s…..that’s not what you were expecting to hear.
In a whispered, pained voice, you ask, “what?”
He sighs and runs his hand over his face. “I don’t mean to get too personal, but I know it started around the time Amir was trying to pressure you into sleeping with him.” If not for the nature of the conversation, you’d find it a little adorable how he’s obviously trying his best to remain respectful. Kai has always been a genuinely decent guy. “He would constantly complain about you not ‘putting out’ around the locker room and during practice. And once he started hooking up with Mariah, he’d always brag about sleeping with the both of you.”
There’s so much to digest here. You’d figured Mariah and Amir were messing around after his slip around Christmas, but you figured it was a recent development. Now, you’re hearing that the girl you’ve considered a sister almost your whole life has been sleeping with the boy you once thought you loved from the very beginning?
“The times you couldn’t make it to parties, they’d be all over each other, but no one said anything because—”
“Because it was Amir,” you finish for him with a whisper. “He was the king of the school. No one would snitch on him, especially not his teammates.” You’re very familiar with the hierarchy and patriarchy of high school. You were the queen, just as much as he was the king, and everyone knew that you and Amir were always back and forth. They probably figured that you knew, or maybe they didn’t. You’re not so worried or stunned by just how many people knew and didn’t say anything. It doesn’t matter at this point.
What matters is that Mariah has always been a snake, a snake you brought around your child.
The child she got taken from you.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t say anything either—”
“No, don’t. You didn’t owe me anything.” It’s the two people who claimed to love and care about you who should have been honest. “I should apologize to you for dragging you into that bullshit. I’m really sorry, Kai. You didn’t deserve that.”
“We were kids, Y/N. Didn’t know any better.” Kai is clearly as uninterested in an apology from you as you are from him. “I’m sorry if this is too personal, but are you and Amir still….”
“No.” Just the thought alone nearly has you back to retching into the nearest toilet. “We were on and off friends with benefits since, well, high school. Outside of when I was with Callie’s dad for three years, but now Joe and I are back together. Have been for months.” There’s a small hint of excitement, the first non-sad emotion you’ve experienced in the past two days as you inform, “Callie and I will be moving to Florida to live with him.”
“Good.” Kai seems genuinely happy and pleased to hear this. “Hell, as a man, I can imagine he’d get you both on a plane out of here today if he could.” A small, sad chuckle leaves your mouth at his words. He’s probably not wrong. “You should have been left this place, Y/N. You deserve better. Always did. Get out of here and have a fresh start.”
The encouragement isn’t required but deeply appreciated. His openness and honesty provide you with a slither of relief. The information shared is something you’ll have to process at a later date and time, but it does answer some necessary questions you needed answered.
There’s no doubt in your mind at this point that leaving is absolutely what you need to do.
You just need to get through this nightmare first.
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ohbabydollie · 8 months
omg the schlatt x masc fem s/o headcanons make me go absolutely insane ckksjfksjdkskskksk please please please do more
LMAO i’m glad u liked them
Tumblr media
everyone asks you what to get him for his birthday since you know him best and ted took you on a mini shopping spree which you were excited for!!
as soon as you guys were walking through the mall you stopped at a victoria secret, looking at all the lacy panties and bras before picking up a thong
“i think he would like this, it’s not his size though” you say before asking a worker for their biggest size
a bunch of stupid shirts with saying like “i ❤️ getting pegged” “must be on estrogen from the way my rack keeps growing” etc.
the biggest monster dildo you can find at spencer’s with a tube of flavored lube
of course while you got him a few stupid gag gifts you got him shirts and things he would genuinely enjoy
getting mad at him and saying you’ll shove things up his ass and nicknames getting more insulting
“fisting your ass tonight, no prep” “i’ll stick my foot up your ass, bitch” “shut up, that’s why your hole is fucking gaping” “move broad”
schlatt laughs at it sometimes, kissing you on the forehead as you call him a broad and wrapping an arm around your waist
when he asks for your food you feed it to him, airplane and all
if he’s struggling to open a bottle or something and getting frustrated you’ll calmly grab it and open it before handing it to him with a wink and kiss
yk how he was pretending to eat pussy in that one chuckle sandwich vid? you pretend to part open and eat his ass
when you two walk off together you kick his ass and/or the back of his knees because you think it’s funny
yk those videos that are like “when the 5’2 homie finally agrees to cross dressing (he’s definitely getting it tonight)”
yeah you send those to jay all the time and tell him that the height is slowly going up so you’re just waiting until it’s 6’2
along with other memes like that
if anyone tries to defeminize you he’s on their ass IMMEDIATELY!!
“she might as well be your boyfriend with tits and in a dress” some girl says laughing slightly “well she’s my girlfriend with tits and more femininity than you could ever dream of” schlatt says crossing his arms “not ran through either”
doesn’t like it when men flirt with you but finds it funny once you get tired of them talking about fucking you and get started talking about fingering their asshole and they grimace in disgust before he appears
“hey sweetheart” he says wrapping his arm around your shoulders “thanks for keepin’ her fingers warm for me champ” he says to the guy jokingly as you giggle
posting him with songs like eating by CP hollywood & suki
“fuck is this?” he asks showing you your latest instagram story “an appreciation post for you” you say innocently smiling
Silly costumes for bits or for halloween parties!!
schlatt dressed as jessica rabbit n u as roger rabbit!! you as a prim and proper doctor n schlatt as a sexy nurse, complete with the fishnets and fake syringe
u get the silly costumes n he gets the sexy slutty ones
your behavior gets so normalized schlatt doesn’t even bat an eyelash at it anymore
“pegging session tonight?” you ask him, grinning as he rolls his eyes “only if you’re in leather”
groping at his man boobs, ass and thighs
“goo goo ga ga, i want milk” you say groping at his chest as schlatt pushes your face away, annoyed
if he’s ever walking in front of of you, checking out his ass and whistling at him
drunkenly going up to schlatt at a costume party and saying “you look so pretty in your costume princess, imma eat you out when we get home” before schlatt pulls you into his lap and telling you “we’ll 69 it” as he undoes your tie and you go red in the face
making out with him at a party, parting with your face flushed and a string of saliva connecting the both of you
the first thing you say, looking up at him with hazy eyes, “no homo” schlatt looks at you confused before yelling “ITS NOT FUCKING GAY”
likes watching you walk around in flowy dresses and skirts knowing the second you both are alone he’s gonna be lifting them up and having you sobbing for him
he loves taking you into a bathroom, lifting your skirt snd fucking you into oblivion
“where’s the big strong girl huh? the one that said she was gonna peg me, huh?” he asks with your knees over his forearms (full nelson) and making you look in the mirror, completely weak to his touches and unable to escape
“look at my girl when she’s all cute and submissive” he says grinning and forcing you to look into the mirror
“where’s that bratty mouth you had earlier, hm?” he asks while he has you bent over on a counter as he goes in and out of your cunt, making you tighten up on his length
is mean to you in bed but there are times where he’s soft with you, calling himself lucky for having you, calling you his pretty wife, etc.
aftercare is top tier, will clean you up and get you food or drinks, whatever you want
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bestjeanistmonster · 10 months
How did dc au sonic and shadow meet? Was it like Harley Quinn where they met while sonic was Nicky in Arkham? Where Harley was one of the only nice people there to ivy . Or was it like animated series where they just knew of each other due to reputation?
It was a mix of both!
Sonic and Shadow met like they did in the original batman animated series
Sonic had screwed up and gotten kicked out by Eggy onto the streets, leaving him to fend for himself so out of spite he goes on a solo heist to steal the ‘harlequin diamond’ from a museum
Telling himself that he’s doing it for himself and no one else but he’s doing it to like prove himself to Eggy (even though he technically ‘out’ he’s still very much brainwashed and doesn’t really have a purpose or sense of self besides serving Eggy in, so even though he was kicked out Eggman knows that when he calls he’ll just come running back)
Sonic was real stealthy, dodging laser sensors, security cameras and then using as tool to carve a circle in the glass case that had the diamond in it and he’s so close-
Then the alarm starts blaring like crazy and a black and red hedgehog slides into the room holding onto something and runs through all the laser sensors
And Sonic’s like wtf????
Then he's just like, "fuck it", breaks the glass steals the diamond and runs in the same direction as the guy with the security guards after them and he hears police sirens already from outside
He finds a hiding place and then he's face to face with the guy that tripped the alarm
"Nice job tripping the alarm, why don't ya turn on the bat-signal while you're at it?!"
"You think i wanted to get caught?!!"
"Coulda fooled me!"
They have a mini fight before security show up and they’re forced to work together to evade capture, they escape off into the night on Shadow bike (the only reason Shadow didn’t leave him behind was cuz he didn’t want this guy tattling on him if he got arrested)
They get to a temp base of shadow’s and catch their breath, Shadow recognises Sonic as Eggman's right hand and is immediately on edge but Sonic is like, "me and the Doc are kinda having a rough time at the moment, so im kinda on my own rn, im sure it’ll blow over though.” He said with a nervous smile
Now when they had physically fought earlier Shadow was surprised to see that this clown actually posed a bit of a challenge for him. Shadow usually didn’t care what people thought about themselves or others, but with Sonic being the only person he’s met to actually give him a good fight and to hear him talk so low of himself actually came off as an indirect insult towards Shadow and he would not stand for slander
So Shadow ends up saying smthn like, "Look imma be honest but you’re a bit of a doormat and squandering your potential so much that it's pissing me off a lil bit." Then takes him with him on a city wide rampage to kinda build up that self esteem and give the guy a bit of independence
And from there the rest is history
Nicky and Shadow met during the internship
The first was when Nicky had to ask him some questions about eggman cuz he was in group therapy with Eggman until Eggy killed the psychiatrist and wanted to know if there was something, anything that he could further ask Eggman about so he could use it to get Eggman open up more during their interviews
To get him to go away Shadow told him the little he knew
Then Nicky returned a week and a half later thank him
Nicky: Dr Eggman fessed up, thanks to you
Shadow: I didn’t do anything.
Nicky: (raises eyebrow) you told me about his grandfather
Shadow: that was barely information. I wouldn’t have even told you about it if you were going to be so smug about it
Nicky: (shrugs) eh like it or not you helped me (slips plant cutting into the food delivery box) everyone needs help sometime, and since you wanna wipe humans from the face of the earth…
Shadow: (picks up clipping) so what? You cut a *plant* for me? I could kill you with this.
Nicky: (smiles and walks away from cell) yeah. I guess you could.
Nicky had read his file before talking to him and in the notes it said that Shadow felt more comfortable around plants due to the nature of his biology and abilities
Shadow has a cell in Arkham with zero plants around just in case he got out of that power restricting collar they made all of the inmates wear and raised hell
So Nicky giving Shadow that plant cutting was him doing Shadow a solid for helping him out with this even though there is a risk of that collar coming off and him breaking out, cuz if he didn’t manage to get it off Nicky supposed that he’d still feel more at ease in his cell with a plant around
Shadow didn’t realise they were the same person till prison roll call
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forest-reblogs · 1 year
Trigger Warning: mentions suicide
For those of you who aren't in the right frame of mind to read this, I will be giving a summary at the end of this part.
Batman: Explain.
Red Robin: So I found him standing at the edge of a roof a couple of weeks ago and thought he was going to jump. I wasn't busy at the moment, so I decided to talk to him and convince him not to jump. But he heard me and was surprised and fell off, and I wasn't able to catch him in time. I didn't find a pulse, but then he spoke to me. I thought he was a Talon but after spying on him and talking to him, I have concluded that he is a regular civilian who just happens to be a ghost.
Batman: You should have told me. Talon activity is on the rise.
Batman: I'm benching you for two weeks.
Red Robin: That's not fair!
Batman: Those are the consequences for not sharing important information. *turns to Danny* I have some questions to ask you.
Danny: Yeah no Imma take a rain check on that.
Danny: *grabs Red Robin, turns intangible and invisible and escapes*
Batman: Red Robin!
Oracle: I'll go through the cameras and try to find them.
Batman: Everyone, I want you to be on the lookout for this man. He has kidnapped Red Robin, is a meta and may be working for the Court of Owls. It is as of yet unclear whether or not he is a Talon.
Summary: Tim explains to Batman what's been happening for the past few weeks, and is benched for two weeks for not sharing relevant information. Batman then attempts to interrogate Danny, who kidnaps Tim and runs away. Batman informs the other Bats about this and basically Danny now has an army of Bats gunning for him.
Parts 1-6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Masterlist
Since the tag list is getting pretty long, I will stop tagging people starting from the next update. However, don't worry! For those of you who haven't noticed, I always use a very specific tag for this fic. It is called 'tim's talon diaries' and all you have to do is follow it to get updates. I will also be creating a masterlist for this fic, so all you have to do is click the notification bell in the notes for that post and you will receive notifications whenever I update it.
[Tag List Under The Cut]
@mur-ururu @heirxofxtime @kisatamao @gin2212 @robinmedea @meira-3919 @idfk-man10 @dannyphantomphan @aveInfear @amercurio @i-always-say-yea @thegatorsgoose @bianca-hooks123 @lady-time-lord- @sjrose1216 @akikkobara @pheonixdemonqueen @oddessy @rosecinnamonbun @observethevoid @awkwardmaiden @thenerdycupcake @bun-fish @ambiguouslyominous @smilingfox22-blog @andsatisfactionbroughtmeback @seraphinedemort @yodeler12 @liandrin @basementloser @onlyhereforthechaos @terzatheunderscorerima @kittenline @numbuh-7-knd @joseph557 @chaos-n-kindness @vythika96 @starlightcat04 @thatonegirl10 @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @mynameisdoofthelizardandamlesbi @greenmuffinofdoom @mj-arts-n-stuff @stargirl1331 @my-nameis-apollo-kid-number7 @gender-theif @oterion @derpxp @lyra689 @bruh-incoming @ramdonmess @m0re-pan-than-peter @yjfk @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @omgnectarina @sailor-goddess @blackrabbitt3t @rangerhorsetug @countessdragon @why-must-i-be-like-this @markus209 @spoopyspoony @edgyboi10000 @cat-in-a-fedora @space-dreams-world @mossy-bonez @anonymousf28 @v-inari @joyfulcollectordreamland @littlecameron @treepainting @adorablechaos @idkmrpianoman @amyheart19 @we-ezer @everest-nightshade @succ-my-coke @itsnekocanada3 @fandomwanderer @pyscoaces21 @kjoboo91 @nappinginhwll @redhoneysugarorange @asrielstars @undead-essence @willakk @love-has-no-labels @catostrofiqu @teeth-taste-nice @michikoy-yuki @09shell-sea09 @56thingsinaname @aph-mable
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rottencoreflesh101 · 1 year
This could either go for Genya or Sanemi but imma go with Genya. This was based irl when I was around the ages of 14-ish???
Everyone here are kids including Y/N. Im just putting a personal event of my life onto a fic.
You’re at your local park, its a good sunny day, why let it go to waste? You put your bag inside an abandoned metal batting cage which was conveniently was under a bunch of trees, so you could enjoy some shade. Then you quickly rushed to the greenery of the park and start picking up a few flowers to craft a flower crown, ya been wanting to do one for awhile and well now was your chance.
As you finish collecting wild flowers, you set a blanket down inside the cage you decided to waste your stay and sit down placing the flowers in front of you. After some time you noticed you’re not alone in the abandoned baseball park, a family came to visit the park but thankfully they were at the other side of the park, far away from you and you thanked the heavens for it, you wanted some peace anyways.
Suddenly you started to feel a pair of eyes stare at you and when you looked around, a boy with a mullet would quickly look away once your eyes met for about 3 seconds. You shrug it off and continue your craft then in about 15 minutes, you hear the cage’s door open, you snap at the direction of the cage’s entrance to see who had the audacity to come bother your peace.
It was the boy with the mullet, he held a bouquet of wild flowers at your direction, he didn’t even spare you a look but he would glance his eyes at you to make sure you noticed he was trying to give you the flowers. You were surprised, nobody has ever given you flowers but as you focus on the flowers, you noticed they were carefully picked, no scratches, no bad petals and no sign of brutality on them.
He glanced at you once again since you were taking awhile to react to his action, his face turns red after seeing you stare at the flowers in awe and held a growl back but you could slightly hear it.
“What’s the matter?! You don’t like them?! They’re for you, you stupid idiot.” The boy barked but you didn’t even mind, you were just too much in awe to even care, did this punk really gave you gently picked flowers? You slowly reach out for the flowers but the boy was too flustered and nervous and just pushed them onto you and ran off.
You were standing in the cage flabbergasted with a bouquet of flowers. “What you happened?” You tell yourself as you watch him run off to what appears are his siblings. You slowly sit back down on your spot and decided to make another flower crown, as you were about to finish, the boy who gave you the flowers was getting drag by one of his siblings, he had white hair and he looked just as intimidating. They both are now in the cage with you as his other siblings are watching from a far giggling to themselves.
“Genya! Tell them you’re sorry! Right fucking now. I never teach you such manners!” The white hair boy barked but Genya just gave him a side eye(like yes you did).
“I’m sorry… for calling you an idiot…” Genya mutter not daring to make eye contact. You giggle as you get up and place the flower crown you made with the flower he gave you on him. “Genya huh? That’s a pretty name. Im Y/N, Y/N L/N.”
Genya’s face once again turned red as everyone could hear his younger siblings laughing in the distance.
“Well? Tell them your whole name you idiot.” The white hair boy let out giving him a death stare as he was still holding Genya from the back of his shirt’s collar”
Genya was becoming more shy and nervous but slowly but surely got to look at you in the eyes. “G-Genya…. Genya S-Shinazugawa…”
Sanemi gave up on him and gave you Genya’s phone number with a sigh.
“Here’s his number if you ever want to talk to this loser.” Genya glares at him with embarrassment while biting his own lip to hold back a fight in front of you.
“I will” you assure.
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greetings-humans · 1 year
introductory post (includes some interaction boundaries, more details on me (ao3 acc, etc) & a dni under the cut)
yeah it's about time I made one of those ig (disclaimer: I'll edit this, if/when the need comes)
hello there! im deelay! you can call me dee, if you want! [btw if you know my irl name, not here you don't unless we're DM-ing]
gender is so weird and I'm okay with any and all pronouns (barring it/its)!
for details on what to use when talking to me or about me (like pronouns and gendered terms etc) you can go here
-im a young adult and that's like all imma say age-wise. however please take that into account when interacting with my blog! some of the reblogs/posts here might not be what I'd have been okay with seeing when I was like under 14 or something. so yknow. exercise some modicum of caution please.
-currently in uni, studying to get an english degree (every new thing I learn about teaching makes me want to yell at some of the teachers I've known/had, did they even study in uni? did they even keep in touch with pedagogical studies?? definitely not, form what I can tell)
-I'm technically a writer? like I write,,, supposedly lmao. like all the greats, the one thing I never seem to do is yknow write-
I write sometimes, let's say. and I'm also really interested in writing my own crime fiction novel one day. but that's for some day in the future lmao
-definitely a reader tho (yes ao3 and i are in a committed relationship)
-im also very very aroace, so like, blanket disclaimer, even if you might think I'm thirsting over a character, im really not and it makes me uncomfortable when others think so (and tell me that) so yeah lol
my interests and fandoms are. a lot. for example (and in no particular order):
merlin (bbc): im watchin s2 rn(August 2024)! i finally decided to pick this up again and properly watch it! esp since i really wanna read The Once and Future Kings by tjmcharg & And like the cycle of the year, we begin again by katherynefromphilly and i can't do that if i watched the show lmao
the magnus archives: my first podcast! as of September 2024 I've started s4 and all I want is to relisten to really see how much everyone has changed in the span of 4 seasons🥺🥺 mind your spoilers, I don't always tag! and if you're in s1 frankly just persevere until halfway through s1 or s2 at least before interacting, there's a lot of spoilers for the setting going around because the actual explanation doesn't come until quite later even if u kinda figure some things out on your own
DC (the bats, mostly)
windbreaker (satoru nii): im constantly reading the new manga chapters as they come out so beware spoilers! the anime is really cool too<33 talk to me about my children (sakura, tsubakino, umemiya, kaji, hiragi, suo) and all of the other children ofc anytime!
riordanverse (pjo, hoo, magnus chase, a little bit toa, pjo show [which was def better than the movies but needs more screen time to fix up the pacing and add more depth in the appropriate moments])
fullmetal alchemist brotherhood! (i used to have roy on my pfp, he's my favorite character! i also wanna write a huge character analysis essay on him but uni responsibilities mean that's very slow going). im collecting the hardcover editions of the manga slowly, and i plan on reading the manga properly as i buy them!
star wars (prequels, kotor, clone wars)
criminal minds: (im at early s14 as of July 2024, so mind your spoilers humans)
jujutsu kaisen! (I'm just about to finish s2 as of April 2024 but I know what's happening by the end of s2 and I've given up on the storyline so spoil away, I'll just ignore you and live my life in my fanfic sandbox:] )
yuri on ice is an old love of mine (ice adolescence😭😭 one day😭😭 oh one day😭😭 so that was a fucking joke, mappa count your days and also im stealing viktor you can't have him, im gonna write iceado WITHOUT YOU) (well imma write it with a friend but like most importantly WITHOUT MAPPA and I urge all creative yoi fans that think they wanna try doing their own version of iceado to go ahead and give it a go!)
haikyuu!!: I'm all caught up, manga and anime-wise! also patiently waiting for the last (😭) movie that should've been a season but anyways they better not fuck this up too much- (update: battle of the garbage dumpster was wonderful even if they couldn't animate everything... it was just so short)
bungo stray dogs is also an old but semi-revived interest of mine (im pretty much up to date with the manga, just haven't read the light novels)
tian guan ci fu / heaven official's blessing (as of June 2024, I've finished s2 and tgcf is amazing it's wonderful, I've started book 1 and am currently procrastinating on reading it)
there's like. so much more
sooo muuuuch moooreeee
so I'll just let you figure the rest of it out
If you wanna see some of my thoughts without infinite scrolling, you can also search for the tag "deelay words".
Another tag of mine is "deelay's tbr" (which stands for "to be referenced") which you'll find at posts that really make me Think™ and that I want to keep in mind when I do anything creative with the characters involved.
When interacting with my blog, if you want to avoid spoilers at all costs, I suggest blocking the fandom tag because what you consider spoilers might not be what I consider spoilers if we're at different arcs of whatever that media is.
That said, I'd also appreciate it if you gave me a heads up on spoilers in any asks.
if you're here for any of my fics then well.
if you're here for pjo, um. those fics are truly discontinued/on indefinite hiatus. that hasn't changed. I watched the show and I'm actually reading pjo fics again from time to time so if I get inspired enough and manage to plan out a decent fic out of Percy Jackson Revealed,,,, then maybe there shall be a fic. But!!! I have no idea what the ending is gonna be, and without an ending I'm doing nothing because the chances of me dropping the fic (again) would be higher than my anxiety during exam season (aka very very high)
if you're here for the man behind neal caffrey tho!! hi, there. I am working on that sequel, don't worry. it's just long (im at like 7k or so iirc? and im not even halfway through yet) and I'm also working on uni and this other writing project I have going on. feel free to send me an ask with any questions or comments or whatever. august 2024 update: this project is very slow going tbh! i think i need to recalibrate some of my plans because it's so tiring to keep writing some of the stuff I've planned for. white collar crime cases are more tedious than expected. im also like on and off working on a double homicide case fic for criminal minds (that I think I'll rework to become an original thing) and it's coming out much more easily😭
unnamed grishaverse project: yeah so, I have a project going with my friend noel @fifteenth-entity, we're fixing the darkling! this fic will take place like around 50-100 years pre-alina, and will feature the darkling doing darkling things while that generation's most prominent grisha (aka a bunch of queers) also do things that may or may not affect the darkling. and his views. and personality. there may or may not be character development in the works. (there is, he gets better). this fic is canon divergent before canon even happens. the entire plot of shadow and bone will be eventually reworked. (also, no darklina, no darkling romance, in general, this boy needs to get mentally healthy first and foremost and I'm also writing him as aroace sooo) [for more info on this just search "unnamed grishaverse project", it's the tag I've used in like the only post about this. do feel free to send me an ask about this tho!!]
ice adolescence-esque fic: mappa fucked up majorly with canceling iceado and im supremely annoyed, mad, and upset. it just so happens that I was in the middle of my yoi renaissance era when the news came out so with my obsession going strong, I really wanted to try doing something with iceado. and then @athenov got roped in a la "be my coach co-conspirator/co-writer, viktor(ia)!". this is not going to be a very linear story, we're going around and about in different points in time. the first narrative follows viktor at 17ish deciding to try to ratify the quad flip and it includes some insight on his friends and family (who are OCs, im not sorry, his backstory is so barren, we had to!) and on how he ended up so alone by the time yoi was happening. the second narrative is post-yoi viktor coming back to russia ft yuuri, yuri & yakov. this is not a russian gov-positive fic. russian culture is very interesting and some russians are wonderful people —diversity is a thing, after all— but to be perfectly clear, fuck the russian government and everyone supporting their actions. what they're doing is inhumane. [posts about this project will be tagged as "dee & athenov's yoi fic"!]
Another thing: If you have a genuine, not malicious or mean-spirited, question, feel free to send me an ask. Keep it chill, though! if you try to pick a fight i will delete the ask for the first time, but on strike 2, you're blocked.
i like to think that I'm open to discourse on some topics but not if you're starting out all aggressively cause if you're aggressive, I will be defensive (while privately having a panic attack) and we're not gonna get anywhere. Not that I can't get aggressive sometimes when I'm annoyed/offended or sth, like I'm not perfect but this is a general rule of a thumb yknow. Try not to be aggressive. or prepare for an aggressive conversation if you are.
so. once again for the people in the back
If you're here to pick a fight with me then gtfo please.
I don't like fighting, it makes me anxious, so save us both the trouble and be as civil as you can be if you have a disagreement with me. don't forget to check my dni tho. I'm not gonna sit around having basic arguments about my rights to queerness as an aroace person or some stupid shit like that.
that said, unless I'm literally at your post saying shit you disagree with. don't come at me. literally block me. it's fine. I quite literally do not mind or care. like, if you saw my post or reblog and decided I suck then just block me will you?
Moreover, if you ever want fic recs for a fandom I'm in, you're definitely welcome to send me an ask! but if you don't feel like talking, anything I will ever tell you is straight from my ao3 bookmarks. sooo, feel free to hunt around those! [in case the link isn't working for you, my ao3 username is Justice_not_Revenge]
ao3 disclaimer: anything before 2021 is not necessarily something I claim. So like don't think I'm into this thing or that I'm passionate about this ship just because in 2019 I bookmarked 100 fics with it, people tend to grow and change so yeah.
some generic DNIs
if you're anti-lgbtq+ in any way (cmon im queer myself this one should be obvious)
if you support AI art or AIs stealing fic content (if you're the type to use other people's OCs in character.ai with no permission, then like go away and don't you dare touch my OCs without talking to me and getting my explicit permission first)
literally anyone who thinks violating someone's concent is nice and fun and quirky
racists, ableists, sexists/misogynists, incest shippers, pro-shippers, etc
okay that's all! thank youuu-
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
Spooky Month Sona? FR this time?!?
so uh yeah here,, take him,, bc if i dont i realize im not gonna post him and it’ll get to a point where im self conscious about him fnjkdljkfdl things are always subject to change with my sona after i get stories n shit started so yeye but here’s CC
| Name: Chase Crawford (I literally have to give any sonas a last name to differentiate them)
| Nicknames: CC, likes to be called Cryptid as well
| Gender: Trans FTM (He/Him)
| Age: N/A but an adult
| Height: 5’5”
| Species/Race: Human
| Occupation: Works wherever he can tbh
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (Spiky quiff)
| Eye Color: Gunmetal Blue
| Skin Color/Body Type: Extremely pale and also he’s fat
| Appearance: His main outfit is an oversized dark purple hoodie with a design of a single lavender dahlia on the front of it (the sleeves are lil bat-like wings when spread out) (the flower- okay ONE of the flower’s meanings is literally it means ‘Good taste’ no I’m not sorry for this one hah but also aside from the joke.
Dahlias symbolize beauty, commitment, and kindness), he has black pants that match with three chains hanging down and they look distressed and a lil ripped up, some of the way bigger holes are patched up with purple patches (all he had on hand and he loved the aesthetic of it)
And finally purple sneakers to match with his hoodie n such as that, he has some black gauges in his ears (they are magnetic ones lmao), he has dark circles under his eyes but he promises its fine, his eyes are just like that- Other than that he has a black binder he usually wears underneath and forgets to take off a LOT, he also has a circle beard.
| Personality: CC is very sweet, kind, caring, he loves to help others out and sometimes pushes himself to the limit with it but w-we don’t need to get into that, he’s got anxieties n shit like that, basically got whatever the fuck is wrong with me buried deep in him I mean he IS a sona after all.
He can be very oblivious until something is directly in his face essentially so he can get put in some particularly troubling situations, he really needs to pay more attention and read the room from time to time imma be honest, tries to see the good in everyone but he does have his limits, very protective of the ones he cares about, hates his parents which is a given bc they are horrible. He’s very chill most of the time, just overall sleepy and tired looking.
I’m not lying when I say oblivious btw, like it legit- he has to s e e it with his own eyes because most of the time he’s dumb,, just like- he could see a fucking wanted poster of someone and be like …Oh, maybe they just look similar (v much not like my deltarune sona, this one is just a big ol dummy)
…He DOES have dumb luck on his side though thankfully, so even with troubling situations, the universe just be saving his ass one step at a time. Which its funny because you’d think with all the horror movies n media he’s consumed it’d teach him a thing or to but it really doesn’t, he just out here living life, blissfully unaware of the danger he’s been in multiple times.
He can also be a chaotic feral lil gremlin once you get past the social anxiety.
| Side Facts: He’s REALLY into horror, he calls himself a ‘horror junkie’ even, has lots of horror merch in his home, movies, books, figures, etc- He’s just big into horror lmao, he loves to write a lot, you can find him on his computer a lot just writing some fics here and there (dw it’s not all horror …Although he has a LOT of horror fics he’s posted)
When he’s not working he’s usually chilling at home, playing video games, writing, or listening to music, or hell just watching movies even. He does like to stay at home a lot as he’s very introverted but when he does go out it’s usually at night, he just prefers the night air, does he know its dangerous? Eh, who knows- He’ll usually have headphones on and playing music while he takes a fun lil stroll, blissfully unaware of his surroundings.
Despite liking horror n shit like that, genuinely super sweet and friendly, is very much a pacifist unless you hurt his friends and then he can get pretty aggressive, a ray of sunshine if you will unless provoked.
Cryptid lives in the middle of the town, his house is nothing too fancy really, just what he could afford, it’s painted purple and black though to match his aesthetic.
Likewise, back to how I said he goes out at night completely unarmed and unprepared in general, headphones on so he couldn’t hear if someone was sneaking up on him, and you already know who the three I’m selfshipping him with are (ooh bold of me to mention selfshipping on my main, im getting more confident everyday) with but bc I wanna write their interaction later, none of them have met yet.
Also usually listens to a lot of hard rock/heavy metal lmao, and sometimes just,, boom, goat simulator music.
Plays the acoustic guitar in his spare time but seems self conscious when playing around others.
Has three dogs, a brown Chihuahua named Tootsie Roll, a black and white Shih Tzu named Cash, and then finally he has a Chinese Crested he rescued off the street named ‘Winnie the Pooch’ calls him ‘Win/Winnie/Win-Win’ for short though, also sometimes calls Cash ‘Cashy’
And calls the Chihuahua ‘my little tootsie roll’ he loves all of them, aside from being overprotective of his friends n such like that, honestly he WILL get violent to protect his lil babies especially, you try to hurt them or anything he WILL fuck you up.
Also refers to the trio as ‘My little stinkers’ calls them stinky, crusty, etc a lot but it's very clear he loves and cherishes them, Tootsie is 4 years old, Winnie is 13 or that’s what the vet told him he looked to be about, and then finally Cash is 1 year old.
I think one of the biggest differences in him is like,, despite being oblivious unlike my DR sona who knows like oof yikes this is dangerous,, i needa get the fuck outta here- this one is just a dumbass,, he looks at these three bastards and goes …oh shit they’re hot- im gay like BITCH THEY ARE MURDERERS, KIDNAPPERS, AND OR CANNIBALS- …as long as they don’t hurt his frens OR his dogs tho its aight
Also,, CC’s Pansexual for the final tidbit.
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OH MY GOSH can I maybe possibly request Steve x Eddie’s sister/sibling!reader I’m so excited you wrote for him like- love u byeeee
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*One of the gayest photos ive seen but we'll talk abt that another time*
*Nother lil side note: I went to get water and when I came back this gif was on my screen AND I SQUEALED AND GIGGLED. THATS WHAT KINDA HOLD THIS MAN HAS OVER ME. ok imma stfu and let you get to reading* *LAST ONE I SWEAR: Listened to this while writing:) .... and this :)))*
~Yall actually met before the Vecna stuff
~You're in your senior year for the FIRST time unlike your idiot brother Eddie
~You're not in hellfire but you do spend A LOT of time with them
~Literally the mom of the group
~You have other friends that you'd gladly hang out with but you stay with them because the minute you leave one of them is gonna end up somehow missing a finger
~They need adult supervision at all times and youre the best they got even though Eddie is literally a year older than you
~You were the one who convinced Eddie to invite Mike, Dustin, and Lucas to Hellfire (He didn't wanna at first cause they were "shrimpy freshmen" his words not mine)
~Dustin excitedly ranting to Steve about the group when he first joined
~"He's so cool! He gets on the table n shit and doesnt give a shit about what people say"
~"Dude I don't wanna hear about Eddie 'The Freak' Munson"
~"He has a sister y'know... she's 18. She's pretty awesome too. And single"
~"Well that's great for her" (mf started zoning dustin out at this point poor dustybun)
~Dustin thinks you'd be so fucking perfect for Steve so whenever he sees him he always always always finds some way to work your name into the conversation
~He starts doing the same to you poor boy is set on this ship and will not give up till it sails
~Eddie gets so pissed whenever Dustin brings up Steve. His mood noticeably changes but Dustin, being Dustin, can't take the hint
~You cant be mean to Dustin cause you find him so sweet and adorable so you just endure it even though you have really no intention of talking to Steve 'The Hair' Harrington
~Literally 3-4 months had passed and Dustin was still talking you up to Steve and vice versa even though the two of you still hadn't met
~The Hellfire club was hanging out at the trailer park and when everyone was leaving you heard Dustin say he was gonna go to the video store so you decided to drive him cause you borrowed Robin's history notes cause you ditched class
~You took Eddies keys while he was using the restroom and made sure to leave before he could yell at you for stealing his car again
~You went inside with Dustin and he introduced you and Steve
~"Steve! This is Y/n"
~He gave you a small nod, unaware of what to do. You tried to match his awkward energy so you just gave him a small wave
`"I'm Steve"
~"I know. Little Dustin over here doesn't shut up about you"
~Dustin has the widest smile on his face seeing the two of you meet for the first time but it immediately drops when he hears you call him "little"
~"Hey what the hell"
~"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it 'Dustybun'" you said as you messed with his hair
~"I've told you already! Only Suzie calls me that!"
~You start laughing at Dustins face cause he looks so pissed and oml when Steve hears you laugh his heart MELTS
~He loves the way you treat Dustin
~Its hasn't even been a minute but mans is already down bad for you
~"Anyways, is Robin here? I borrowed her history notes and I'm just here to drop off little dustybun and give her her notes back"
~"Stop calling me Dustybun!"
~"Uh she's not here yet but she should be in about 15 minutes"
~"Oh alright. Can you give these to her when she gets here then?"
~"I mean or you could stay? Y'know, make sure she gets the notes safely. Plus it'd give me a chance to get to know you better..."
~You stand there for a second contemplating it. You were curious to get to know more about Steve Harrington, especially since Dustin was constantly talking about him. Eddie will kill you if you have his car for too long without asking though, which was even more of a reason to stay. God you love pissing your brother off.
~"Well what do you wanna know Harrington?"
~The two hit it off surprisingly well
~So well in fact that even after you give Robin her notes, you stay longer
~The moment you leave Steve's decided that he's in love. Like thats that. His search for the right woman is over. He's found you and he's gonna try his damnedest to win your heart
~When you got back to your trailer Eddie was fuming
~He was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and his leg bouncing up and down while staring at the door
~"My my, what ever is wrong dear brother?"
~"What have I told you about taking my car without permission?!?"
~"Relax I was only gone for 30 minutes"
~"YOU WERE GONE FOR 2 HOURS! What were you even doing?! I thought you were just dropping off Henderson!"
~"I stayed a bit longer to talk to Steve"
~"No Eddie, fucking Steven Spielberg"
~Steve constantly bugging Dustin about you and asking him random ass questions about you
~Dustin deciding to be his wing-man for once, he's always asking you to drive him to the video store
~Constantly stealing Eddies car to take Dustin
~Every time you drop him off, you always stay for an extra hour just talking with Steve
~He tries to flirt with you but he gets so nervous when you're around he becomes Scoops Ahoy Steve again
~Dustin and Robin literally face palming whenever he says something stupid but you finding his failed flirting attempts absolutely adorable
~Eddie constantly asking you what's up with you and Harrington
~Telling him you're just friends but him continuing to nag you
~Eventually having enough with your brother bs so you throw a pillow in his face
~Him throwing one back
~Munson sibling pillow fights>>>>>>
~3 months of you and Steve talking at the video store and he still hasn't asked you out
~Robin and Dustin taking bets on when he'll finally confess
~You constantly go to the video store to talk with Steve, with or without Dustin
~One day you were sitting on the counter reading your book while Steve worked and all of a sudden he just kinda blurted the words "movie theater"
~You looked up from your book to see him looking at you
~"I, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me"
~"Only on one condition"
~"You let me pick the movie"
~Steve regained his confidence and the two of you started going back and forth as you always did, laughing and talking
~The two of you decided that Steve would pick you up at 7 and you would surprise him with the movie
~"Wait so let me get this straight. Steve 'The Hair' Harrington... asked you out on a date?"
~"Jeez don't sound so surprised. Your little sister is a very desirable woman"
~"Yeah, sure" Eddie said as he scoffed and rolled his eyes
~"Anyways, it's not a date. At least I don't think it is"
~"You've been hanging out with Steve Harrington every day for the past 3 months. It's a date."
~"Go away and let me finish getting ready please"
~"Sure. Meanwhile I can dust off my 'Protective Older Brother' speech"
~"I will hurt you. Get out. Now."
~"What exactly are your intentions with my little sister, Harrington?" Eddie said, mockingly
~"Out!" You said as you threw a pillow with him and he ran out cackling
~At almost 7 exactly, you saw Steve's car pull up to the trailer and you checked yourself really quickly in the mirror before going to meet him at the door, but much to your dismay, Eddie opened the door before you could get there
~"Hey, uh, is Y/n ready?"
~You could HEAR the nervousness in his voice
~"Depends, who's asking?"
~"Eddie, don't be an ass"
~"Sorry Y/n/n, it's habit by now" (God I can just picture his cocky ass smile)
~You roll your eyes before greeting Steve
~"Hey Harrington"
~"H-hey. You ready, gorgeous?"
~Meanwhile Eddie is gagging his soul out behind you after hearing that
~Idk bout yall but I would just combust right then and there... anyways :)
~Steve holds out his hand to help you down the steps and you gladly take it
~As the two of you walk towards his car you turn around to see Eddie still standing in the doorway and you silently jump up and down to show him your excitement
~Has the cutest big brother smile on his face after seeing how excited you are
~Steve opens the door for you and Eddie shouts to the two of you
~"Hey! You better keep your hands to yourself Harrington!"
~You flip him off through the open car window
~No cause why can I picture Steve almost FALLING when trying to walk around the front of the car to get to the drivers seat. You can't tell me you don't see it. Argue with the wall. I do every day... lets not get into my psychological issues and get back to the story :D
~As the two of you are driving there you sing along to the songs on the radio together
~"So what movie are we watching?"
~"You'll see when we get there"
~You guys finally get there and walk up to the ticket booth
~"Two tickets for Clue please"
~"Really?! Clue?! Haven't you seen that movie 4 times already?"
~"5 times actually. Plus you've never seen it! You cant go through your life never having watched Clue!"
~You reach into your pocket to pull out your wallet and Steve sees
~"Put that away. I'm paying"
~"No you're not. I chose the movie, I pay"
"You may have chosen the movie, but I'm the one who asked you out"
~"You barely asked me! All you said was 'movie theaters'"
"I'm paying!"
~"No you're not!"
~As you tried to pull your money out, Steve snatched your wallet out of you hand and you stared at him in disbelief
~"Uh! Gimme my wallet back Harrington!"
~"No! You'll get it back after our date."
~"Oh so this is a date?" you asked teasingly
"Oh, uh, I mean if you want it to be"
~The way his vibe quickly deteriorated after realizing what he said
~"Okay fine. I'll get my wallet back after our date"
~Ion wanna be cheesy, but imma be cheesy cause its Steve motherfucking Harrington
~The classic both hands in the popcorn bucket thing happened (if you dont know what that is, its this thing in movies and shows when the love interests go to the movies and reach for popcorn and there hands touch and they get all awkward and flustered)
~Steve did the stupid thing where he slowly inched his hand closer to yours so he could eventually hold it but you could clearly see what he was trying to do, so you moved his drink onto the ground, lifted the arm rest, and lifted his arm around your shoulder and laid against his chest
~He was flustered as hell. He was not expecting you to do that
~After the movie he drove you home and you could tell he was nervous the entire way
~He walked you to the door but you dragged him to the back of the trailer where there was no window cause you knew Eddie would watch if you guys said goodbye in front of the door
~Before he could comprehend what you were doing, you put your hands around his neck and pulled him down and kissed him
~He was shocked at first but eventually gave into the kiss and wrapped his hands around your waist as he pulled you a lot closer to him (rail me rn like pretty please)
~Once you guys broke apart for air, he rested his forehead against yours
~"I've wanted to do that since the moment I laid eyes on you"
~The two of you stayed there like that for about a minute or two
~You kissed him one more time, this time reaching into his pocket and taking your wallet back
~You gave him one last peck on the lips before running inside
~When he got to his car he was fist-bumping the air and freaking out stop he was so excited
~You walked into the trailer and it was pitch black
~When you turned the lights on you saw Eddie and your uncle sitting on the couch with their arms crossed as they stared at you, which obviously made you jump
~"What the hell are you guys doing?! Why are you sitting there like a couple of weirdos?! God!"
~"We're the ones asking the questions here missy!" Eddie yelled
~Clearly they were both fucking with you since they loved to poke fun at you all the time
"Did he try anything?" Your uncle asked looking more serious that Eddie did
~You sighed and rolled your eyes
~"No he didn't try anything Uncle Wayne"
~"Woooow! So what, does he think you're not good enough?!" Eddie yelled once again
~"What?! No! I mean we kissed a few time but-"
~"You what?! You shouldn't be kissing anyone till your at least 30!" Eddie screamed as he stood up
~"I'm going to sleep. You two make me wanna off myself"
~Your uncle laughed and Eddie walked over to you before you could walk away and he pulled you into a hug
~"You seem happier since he came around. I'm happy for you"
~You wrapped your arms around him, smiling at your older brothers kind words when all of a sudden his grip tightened
~"Let him know that I said if he ever hurts you there is not a place on earth he can hide. I will hunt him down for the rest of my life if I have to and I will make sure he suffers."
~"Alright get off me" you said as you shoved him away in disgust and your uncle laughed in the background
~"Night baby sis!"
~You didn't say anything and just flipped him off as you walked to go to bed
~The next day you walked into the video store and the minute Steve saw you he ran towards you and pulled you into a kiss
~Robin and Dustin hadn't known about your guys date so they were very surprised
~"Fork it over Robin" Dustin said as he stuck his hand out
~"You guys couldn't wait one more month?!" Robin said as she gave Dustin 10 bucks
~Steve driving you to and from school
~You and Robin bullying him in the car
~Friday night date nights
~Lots and lots of cuddles
~Trying so hard to get Eddie and Steve to get along but they just won't budge
~Steve meeting your uncle and winning him over
~Steves parents absolutely adoring you
~Steves mom thinks you're "a nice break from all those trashy girls he used to date"
~Going on late night drives cause why not
~Hellfire going crazy when Dustin brags about the fact that you and Steve are dating
~"You're actually dating Steve Harrington?!"
~Eddie yelling shut up the way he did in episode 1 when everyone gets rowdy
~He hates hearing about your relationship mainly because your his baby sister, but the fact that he doesn't like Steve is a factor
~P D A he is all about PDA
~You guys never actually had the whole Bf/gf talk
~It just kinda slipped out on accident and he didn't even notice
~Your first "I love you" was when he got attacked in the upside down and you jumped in after him
~Nancy getting a bit weird with you because youre dating her ex, but she sees how good you are for him and the two of you actually hit it off
~Dance parties with him are a must
~He takes you to skull rock but its all cute n stuff he like laid blankets down and had snacks and you guys just laid there cuddling while staring at the stars and talking
~Thats actually when he let "girlfriend" slip out
~"You're the best girlfriend anyone could every ask for, y'know that right?"
~Ended up accidentally falling asleep there and Eddie freaking out when you got home cause he was worried
~I cannot stress this enough but I'll try. Public Display of Affection !!!!
~On your guys night drives you sit on his lap in the backseat and you guys have fallen asleep there multiple times
~One time you guys even fell asleep after you were parked in front of the trailer and you didnt feel like going in yet
~Basically hes just one of the best boyfriends you could ever have and now i wanna cry cause I know I'll never have this
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oh-no-a-whovian · 3 years
Two more lonely people Part 1
NSFW 18+
Summary: “should we fight this?” “Si.” “I don’t know if I can” “neither do I”
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x fem werewolf! reader
Warnings: age gap (Y/N is 24 and Bruno is 50) thinking nsfw later on idk yet but imma tag it as such. Trigger warning at the start. Abuse, threats. Any others let me know please.
Word count: 3975
Masterlist next
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Red blood, black fur and sharpened teeth. A beast follows you and you try desperately to escape. Its growls shake you to your core as your little legs beat against the pavement. Walking home from your friend’s house was a bad idea after all. Should have just asked them to call for you. Why did you think you could do this?
You scream for help as you pass house after house but no one seems to acknowledge you. Can they even hear you? Or do they just not care?
The beast leaps, sharp canines sinking into your arm with searing pain and claws scratching your legs as it pushes you to the ground. You scream in fear and agony but in a blink it’s all gone.
“That thing in there is not our daughter!” your father screams, throwing something at the basement door where they locked you up for each full moon. “Three months! We’ve put up with that, thing! For three months, Jen. Our daughter died the day that monster bit her!” you can’t help but whine quietly as you listen to your parents fighting, your own body now covered in fur, a normal wolf puppy who those who don’t know any better. You’re fully conscious of everything, fully in control of this form that was forced upon you. You’re still you, the six year old little girl that was attacked by a werewolf in the middle of a suburban street
“She’s our daughter, Liam and I will not let you hurt her!” your mother yells at him, her shadow now moving around under the door, blocking the way of your father’s wrath.
“Jen, I swear, if you don’t move… I tried to help her!” he says. “I killed the bastard that did that to her, hoping one of those stupid myths was true. It didn’t work! Some day we will lose control of her and she’ll be a monster just like he was!”
“You’re not gonna lay a finger on my little girl!” you mother screams.
“I’m just trying to do what’s right.” A heavy slap fills the air and you hear your mum collapse to the ground sobbing as your father fumbles to find the key to the door. You whimper and race to the far corner, trying your best to seem small, to become invisible. There’s nowhere to hide though, the room bare of all objects bar a mattress for you to sleep.
Light beams down the stairs and into the space, lighting you up like a beacon and your father’s silhouette sends shivers down your spine as he descends the steps, raising the tiny hackles upon your back. He approaches slowly as you try desperately to push yourself into the wall wishing that you could phase through the wall like in a sci-fi movie.
“It’s ok baby” your father says with a shaky voice, pretending to be comforting as he raises his shotgun toward you. “It will all be over soon” he’s about to pull the trigger, about to kill you, his only daughter. You shut your eyes and wait, you’re sure it will be quick. Your father had been to war and he never missed a shot, more than one Nazi falling fast to his gunfire. You’re sure he’d make it painless for you.
Confusion fills you as your small body is lifted from the corner. You whine and yelp, wriggling to get free, afraid of what’s about to happen until you hear your mother’s voice.
“It’s ok, sweetheart, he’s not gonna hurt you.” your mother whispers, holding you close as she carries you back up the steps. “We’re gonna go, far away to a place that I’m sure you’ll be accepted. Daddy won’t find us, I promise.” You look back down the steps to see your father laying on the ground, a baseball bat by his head.
“Please! Everyone in town says you see the future and I need to know if we’ll ever be able to find a cure for her.” You hear your mother beg as you watch from a distance, swinging your legs back and forth against the stone wall you’re sitting on. You see the older man in the green poncho glance in your direction and you wave at him like nothing in the world bothers you.
“Ok.” He nods, a sorrowful look in his eyes.
Green eyes and swirling sand cloud your eyes and you can’t see anything beyond the glow.
You breathe out an irritated sigh when you finally open your eyes to the sun light beaming through your bedroom window. Another night of shitty dreams. Bird song and the sound of people starting their days fills the air alongside the smells of fresh pastries. It’s hard to sleep in when living so close to the market, the hustle of people’s everyday life only stopping once the sun sets.
“[Y/N]!” your mother calls from the kitchen and you growl, wrapping the pillow around your head to cover your ears. Just once you’d like to sleep in, wrapped in blankets maybe even covered in fur with four legs instead of two. “You need to have something to eat before you start work.” She says, standing in the door way with a smirk on her lips. You sigh, peaking at her with one eye. You just ‘love’ that she calls it a job.
When your mother moved you both to the little town in Colombia the people accepted you with open arms but only because of a lie. The Madrigals had told all that you were given a gift just like them. That when your mother brought you to Alma Madrigal, ‘sick and dying’ she offered to see if you could receive a gift from casita that may save your life. So that they may accept you and love you as their own, rather than treat you like a monster.
The thing your mother calls a job though is really ‘guard dog for a farmer’s herd’. Alma had asked that in exchange for their lie, you use your abilities to help the people of the town and the only real way to do that is help farmers with their sheep, goats and stubborn ass llamas. You were practically raised to do it, like a sheep dog, how demeaning.
“I wanna sleep in” you groan at your mum, pulling the blanket over your face to block out the sun. You know you can’t, given that you can hear nearly as well as Dolores and there’s people everywhere, but it’s nice to pretend. You hear your mother’s footsteps and feel the bed dip as she sits beside you, tugging the blanket down so she can see your face.
“What’s wrong?” she asks as she brushes loose hairs away from your face.
“Nothing mama. I’m not actually working today, I’m spending the day with Isabela and Dolores.” You sigh. “They wanna talk about boys and dresses or something like that. Apparently the Madrigals are having some important dinner and they want my input or something I don’t even know…”
“And what? You don’t want to spend time with your friends?”
“Of course I do. I’m being honest, mama, I really did just want a bit more sleep. I was out late last night, trying to find a missing lamb” you chuckle, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes. “Silly thing was caught in a thorn bush and its mum didn’t stay by it.” It’s not a lie but it’s not entirely the truth either. Really it’s cause you’re not looking forward to talking about boys. You love boys and fuck even girls but deep down you feel like you can’t have a boyfriend. They’d be believing that your powers are from the house which is a lie and deep down you know what you have will be passed down. You don’t know what to do about it and the thought kind of breaks your heart. You’re going to be alone forever. You don’t want to saddle a human with werewolf babies.
“That explains why I didn’t hear you get home.”
“Uh yeah, you were snoring as loud as La Llorona’s wail, can’t hear anything over that shit” you joke, giggling when she smacks you with a pillow.
“I see how it is” she laughs. “Get up hija, I made you breakfast and you’re not gonna waste it. I’m not yanking your blankets off, I know how you sleep.” Your mama says as she gets up and moves to the door “not making that mistake again” she mumbles and you laugh as she leaves the room. Although she’s full blooded American she adopted a lot of Española, you have to when some of the people in the town don’t actually speak English.
You stare for a moment at your dress hanging over your chair nearby, the skirt is made of vibrant greens, mostly your favourite shades of mint and forest, and the top is white with green lace and tiny golden highlights. Your mama had it made for your twenty fourth birthday just a few months ago and if it wasn’t for the fact it gets dirty you’d wear it every day for the rest of your life. She said that she wanted you to always have the forest you run through with you and it melted your heart. Your mama truly loves and understands you like no one else can.
You pull on your dress and feel the layers flow around you as you open your curtains to let the morning sun beam in through the window, filling your room with a golden glow.
“Good morning Mirabel” you greet the young girl as she wanders through the markets, a group of children asking what her power is. “Having fun I see” you laugh as she tries to avoid their questions. You were wandering around the market stalls, collecting snacks for your time with the girls at casita when you’d run into her.
“Here! [Y/N]’s power is to turn into a massive wolf and she’s not even a part of the family” she tells them, trying to pawn them off onto you. Yet they are still locked on, begging for her to tell them what power was gifted to her.
“If you want me to save you, you just have to ask, no need to try and force them off onto me.” you laugh, as the children practically surround her. You were there when she was supposed to get her powers, saw her family’s hearts break as her door vanished. She was so scared that she’d done something wrong somehow and you were one of the many to tell her that wasn’t the case. Even though you were barely a teenager at the time.
“Yes please” the fifteen year old girl begs, no idea how to get herself out of the situation. You place your basket filled with treats on the ground and smile.
Your eyes glow bright cyan and white fur sprouts from your body, within a blink of an eye you stand on four legs instead of two. Your shoulders the height of a full grown man. You lean down and lift your basket with your teeth, trying not to bare them too much so as not to scare the children now staring at you in awe. You gesture for Mirabel to climb onto your back, offering to give her a lift back up to casita and she climbs aboard gladly. The children try to follow as you race toward the casita but eventually they give up, unable to keep up with a massive wolf.
You spent most of your childhood playing with the children of her family, learning to switch between forms at will. When Mirabel was a baby she always preferred your wolf form, used to love riding on your back and tugging at your fur, giggling as her family smiled at her joy and shouting puppy as loud as she could. They were cautious at first, worried that you would hurt her in that form. After all a wolf can’t be tamed right? Eventually they calmed down though, especially once you were able to tell them clearly that no matter what form you’re in, you’re still you.
Part of you hates that knowledge though… if you’re still you not matter what… then so was the one that attacked tiny six year old you.
The doors of casita open before you, welcoming you in with open arms as if it has them, and you enter without hesitation. Your claws click on the tiles as you step through the entrance, stretching your front limbs out to allow Mirabel to climb off. She seems to breathe out a sigh of relief as her feet land on the tile and the door shuts behind you, finally free from the prying children.
“It’s getting really hard avoiding telling them.” Mirabel says as you shift back.
“You could always make one up.” You point out, as you lift your basket back into your hands. “Like something super mediocre that can never be witnessed. Like you can tell the difference between every single colour including the ones most humans can’t see.” You muse.
“I don’t like lying to them” she frowns, looking down as she fiddles with her dress.
“It’s not much different to what you already do but whatever you feel is right.” You tell her. “After all we both know I didn’t get my ‘abilities’ from here.”
“[Y/N]!” Dolores squeals racing down the steps and wrapping you in a hug, nearly making you drop your basket of treats and fall onto your ass. It had been a few weeks since you got to spend time with her and Isabela and clearly she missed you. “I wish you lived with us so I could see you every day!” she says, squeezing you a little too hard.
“You’d get annoyed with the wet dog smell eventually.” You joke with a bright smile. “Oh and the fur is excessive, I shed a lot.”
“I can live with that!” she exclaims, pulling you up the stairs, barely giving you a chance to wave goodbye to Mirabel before she drags you into Isabella’s room.
“Everyone else can just put up with it huh?” you ask her, barely containing your smile. The smell of flowers floods your senses as the door closes and you sneeze, violently and several times.
“I forgot” Dolores grimaces, fighting her amusement as you squint at her, your nose itching as the dusty pollen from hundreds of flowers floats about. “Isabela! [Y/N] is here, can you calm down the pollen?” the girl calls out, hoping her cousin can hear her.
“[Y/N]!” you hear the other girl call out amongst her forest of a room, the pollen dust falling from the air instantly. A vine swings down and arms are wrapped around you in a blink, her flower scented hair smacking you in the face.
“Hey, Isabela” you smile, squeezing her tight. “I brought pastries” you tell the girls and they squeal in delight, trying to grab the basket from your hands. Using her powers, Isabela clears the space in her room, making a blanket and cushions out of soft moss and flowers for the three of your to lay on. “I think they’d be great with some coffee, what do you two think?” you ask, smiling at the soft space as you move to place the basket down.
“That’s a great idea! You two go get it and I’ll make the space more comfy” Isabela says, eyeing the basket of treats as if it is prey. To her surprise though, you lift the basket back up, taking it with you as you follow Dolores.
“Good idea.” The girl laughs, seeing the basket in your hand.
“Half of them would have disappeared before we got back.”
“Would have happened if it was just me too, to be honest” she says as she leads you into the kitchen.
“I’m aware” you huff, shaking your head at your friends. Since your mother brought you to this town, you’ve spent hours by their sides practically every day. It’s been an amazing life so far and even if you never find love, you know you’ll have them.
You place the basket down and lean on the counter as Dolores sets up the kettle, taking a deep breath of the fresh air flowing in through the window, pausing when you smell something new.
“Can you smell that?” you ask as you try to keep it in your nose.
“I can’t smell anything.” She says, looking at you quizzically as you sniff at the air. “What does it smell like?”
“It’s weird… like… there’s rat and something else… I feel like I know it but I can’t remember...” You tell her, racking your brain to try and remember where you’ve smelt it before. It’s pleasant and you kinda like it but you just can’t place it. “Probably just an animal or something…”
“Does your little wolf brain wanna go fetch?” she teases, breaking out into laughter at your mock glare.
“Wow, just wow.” You laugh, smacking her arm. For a moment she pauses, glancing at the wall opposite you. “You ok?” you ask her, concerned about her sudden change.
“Uh ye-yes! Guess I just heard that rat you could smell.” She smiles, busying herself with the coffees.
You watch her for a moment, glancing between her and the section of wall she was staring at noticing the smell dissipate slowly.
“Come on” Dolores smiles, handing you a cup and carrying the other two out of the room. You shake your head and grab the basket, following her back up to Isabela’s room. Excited for your day to properly begin.
“We should ask abuela if [Y/N] can come to the dinner!” Isabela exclaims. They’d been talking about the dinner for some time, Dolores seeming less enthused than Isabella.
“And have Camilo stare at me the whole dinner? What a great idea.” You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes as you fall back into the plush surface.
“Did you know, he’s been saying that when he’s old enough he’s gonna propose? Apparently ‘shapeshifters should stay together’” Dolores says making her voice deeper and giggling at her brother’s antics.
“Seriously?” you laugh “no offence but that’s not gonna happen.”
“Well do you have someone you’re interested in?” Isabela asks, leaning over to grab a piece of fruit from a bush she made, taking a massive bite.
“Yeah! You’ve said no to every boy who’s tried to get your attention for years and it’s been a lot.”
“I just haven’t found the right one.” You tell them, hiding your face by drinking some water and looking up at the flowers far to your right. This is the third time in the last several hours they’ve tried swerving that topic to you. The first one they accepted your detour willingly the second not so much and it sounds like they’re locked in for the third.
“OR! Maybe you’re worried they’ll find out the truth about you and won’t accept it.” Isabela says, grabbing a piece of your hair to braid.
“I didn’t realise you were my psychologist, Isabela. Please, allow me to place upon you all of my childhood trauma.”
“All the more reason to accept Camilo… when he’s old enough!” Dolores grins as if she’s come to some great conclusion.
“You just want me as your sister so you can keep me around twenty four seven” you huff, trying not to move as Isabela tugs at your hair, placing flowers into the braid. “Sorry Doll but…” you breathe “I’m just not into younger guys.”
“He could be older for you”
“Gross” you and Isabela say in unison, a grimace on both your faces as you stare at the girl.
“Let’s just not think about that ok? He’s your kid brother and honestly he’s like a brother to me too. It’s just not gonna happen.” You tell her, finality to your tone.
“Sorry” Dolores deflates, so hopeful at the idea of having you as her sister. You’d never be opposed to being a part of the family, you love them all to bits, but the only option isn’t one you’re willing to accept. And would Alma even want you as part of the family? You’re pretty much guaranteed to have kids that are just like you. Werewolves. You doubt she’d want that in her blood line.
“Still gonna ask Abuela about you coming to the dinner.” Isabela declares after a few minutes of awkward silence, getting up and dragging you and Dolores to your feet. “It’ll be great!”
“Fine!” you say rolling your eyes in amusement but letting her pull you along to fine their abuela.
You watch from a distance as the girls wander up to their abuela. She’s preparing to give the gift to her next grandchild, Antonio, making sure everything is perfect for the youngest in the family.
You breathe deep as you wait for them, leaning against the railing looking over the courtyard. You’re confused and interested as the smell from earlier returns, a little bit stronger than before, drifting from somewhere close. You sniff at the air, following to the source. Why do I like it? You think to yourself as you approach a massive painting with a tilted head. You wonder if the smell has always been around the house. But if it has, why haven’t you noticed it until now? Why is the smell coming from here? You reach out, the tips of your fingers so close to the frame.
“[Y/N]” a voice behind you snaps you from your trance and you spin, an ‘I wasn’t doing anything’ smile on your face. You hadn’t even noticed her approaching. Usually you notice immediately but that amazing scent had you locked in.
“Si.” You reply.
“Mis nietas have requested that you come to the dinner tomorrow night” Alma says, an eyebrow raised.
“Si abuela. It was their idea.” You tell her, keeping your smile as you glance past her to them as they look on hopeful of her answer. She’d always asked you to use that term as well, acting like you’re part of the family, though usually you don’t. It doesn’t feel right for some reason.
“I think it a great idea.” She says wrapping one of your hands in hers. “It’s a special occasion, of course you are welcome.”
“Gracias abuela” you grin, bowing your head slightly but watching as the girls behind her celebrate.
The woman shakes her head at her grandchildren’s antics, probably giving them a stern look going by the way the girls settle instantly. With one last glance at the painting, the girls drag you away back to Isabela’s room.
Bruno’s POV
He was sure you almost found him. He was checking if the coast was clear, normally no one is there at that time and he really wanted some food, but the moment he approached the peep hole he’d made, you’d locked on. You were sniffing the air, following whatever you could smell back to him.
He could see you so clearly, your eyes were dark where he remembered them as an amazing shade of [Y/E/C] and you were so close, reaching toward the only thing keeping him hidden. A part of him wanted to be found, he’s been so damn lonely in the walls. His rats are amazing but unfortunately don’t compensate for human interaction for being with his family. He was relieved though that his mama had interrupted you, snapping you out of what had pulled you in.
Your hair and dress had spun beautifully as you’d turned, the shades of green and flecks of gold reminding him of being among trees on a windy day, the sun shining through the canopy. He simply shook his head of the thoughts and waited for the coast to be clear.
A/N: y/n is twenty four cause I am and I’m a simp ok! This is pure self-indulgence! I wanted to be a werewolf and I wanted to simp, don’t shame me! LIKE AND REBLOG TO SHARE THE LOVE!!!! I only just got un shadow banned and i need it :(
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graceful-starker · 2 years
My Mafia AU Insert
Summary: Just a small little look into the AU. I had this idea and I couldn’t get it out of my head! So here’s the crew at one of Tony’s clubs
Warnings: everything that comes with a mafia AU, minor violence, mentions of domestic violence,
Notes: I will be adding more plot parts to this AU, but I couldn’t get this out of my head! Also I’m very sick so I’m sorry if this makes no sense lol
Peter grins happily, taking a sip of his drink and dancing with a friend from college. They been here for an hour, and while MJ is not a fan of clubbing, Peter is.
MJ pulls away after the song ends, chugging the rest of her beer and placing it on a random table. “Imma head out Peter, but it was fun!”
Peter grins and fist bumps her, taking another sip of his own drink. “I’m glad you came!” He yells back, trying to be heard over the music. “I’ll see you in chem Tuesday?”
MJ nods and starts walking towards the door, grabbing her coat and making her way outside. Peter knows their other friend, Ned, will be waiting for her with a car. He hates clubbing even more than MJ does.
Peter watches her go, but then decides to go to the bar. He sees Bucky watching him from a table a bit away, and Steve is sitting with him but talking and nursing a drink himself. He’s off duty right now, but Bucky isn’t.
He also knows there’s more people here watching, and his daddy is in the back, dealing with the manager about money.
He smiles at the bartender as he puts his drink down. “Another sex on the beach, please,” he says, and watches her nod and get on it.
Everyone who works here knows not to charge Peter.
A man he doesn’t know slots himself into the seat next to Peter, but the boy ignores him. He’s probably just new, probably doesn’t know the rules.
Peter smiles as the new drink is passed to him, and he starts to leave when the new man stops him. “Hey darling. That’s a pretty drink you got there.”
Peter blinks. Darling? “Uh…yeah. The bartender sure knows her stuff.” He hops off the stool, making it clear he’s done with this conversation.
But the man doesn’t relent. He simply stands as well, leaning against the bar and smirking at Peter. “A pretty drink for a pretty boy.”
Peter makes a face. “Nice meeting you,” he says, starting to walk away.
But then the man grabs Peter’s wrist to stop him from leaving. “I’m not done talking to you yet, sweetheart.”
Peter looks up and locks eyes with Bucky, who’s hand has gone to his gun on his hip. Steve is staring now too, hand to his earpiece to notify Tony. Once the boy is sure he has back up, he grins and turns to the man. He bats his eyelashes, holding his drink with both hands and giving a little giggle. “Oh I’m sorry sir, I didn’t realize! Was there something else you wanted to say?”
The man grins in a self-satisfied way, leaning back against the bar and sipping his whisky. “You’re being awfully avoidant, you know that? You should smile more, it’s much prettier.”
Peter giggles again, a fire lighting in his eyes. “Do you know who I am, by any chance?”
The man groans and rolls his eyes. “Are you some kid of some famous billionaire? ‘Cause I don’t care, I don’t read Forbes. I just want to get to know you is all sugar, not who your daddy is.”
Peter grins evilly, which the man mistakes for flirting. “I think you should care who my daddy is,” Peter purrs, putting a palm on the man’s arm. “But you can meet him later. What’s your name?”
The man licks his lips, believing he’s getting what he wants. “Call me Skip. Why don’t you give me your number baby?”
Peter sees Tony standing at the end of the bar, arms crossed. Peter grins at him, before turning back to Skip. “Oh, I have a boyfriend Skip. Didn’t I tell you already?”
Skip’s smile fades, and he suddenly gets more aggressive. “No, you didn’t. But I don’t care sugar, I don’t mind taking what belongs to other people.” He reaches out, taking Peter’s wrist in his hand. “Why don’t you give me your number anyway?”
Peter stares at the hand on his wrist, smile gone. He better not leave a mark. “Daddy would be mad,” Peter says, looking back at the man’s eyes. “I said no.”
“I don’t take no for an answer, doll,” he says, voice low and deep.
That’s when Tony comes up behind Peter, placing a hand on Peter’s hip and squeezing softly. “Is there a problem here, baby?”
Skip drops Peter’s wrist, and Peter grins at the way he looks more pissed off than scared. “Yes daddy, he wants my number. He said he doesn’t take no for an answer.” He pretends to pout up at Tony.
Tony hums, squeezing a bit harder and putting his tumbler down on the bar. “Well that isn’t very nice, is it?”
Skip scoffs. “Hey why don’t you fuck off, pal? I think your son can make his own decisions.”
Peter giggles at that, leaning back into Tony. “Oh daddy, he’s funny!”
Tony nods, pulling Peter closer by the hip so his entire front is flush with Peter’s back, and uses his other hand to cup Peter’s crotch. Peter gasps and moans softly, cheeks heating in slight embarrassment. “He isn’t my son, pal.”
Skip shift’s uncomfortably, taking a step back. “Whatever. I could’ve fucked you better than this pathetic nobody ever has. You just lost out.”
Tony let’s go of Peter’s hip, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a gun. He points it at Skip, who raises his hands in the air in fear.
“Hey man, calm down. I didn’t mean anything by it.” Skip says.
Peter grins and grinds his ass back into Tony’s crotch. “Daddy, I don’t think he knows you own this place!” Peter giggles. “Don’t you know who Tony Stark is?”
Skip shakes his head, backing up. The club has gotten much quieter. The only people who continue as if nothing is happening are the staff and the people who knew this was a mafia hang out. “I don’t know, I don’t know anything! I’m not from here, I’m visiting, I-“
Tony cocks the gun, and it shuts the man up. “You touched my boy,” he states calmly.
“I’m sorry,” Skip says, and his voice shakes.
“Do you want to keep him as a new toy, pet, or do you want Winter to get rid of him?” Tony squeezes Peter’s cock a bit harder, and the younger man shivers with want.
“I want to dance Daddy, just let Winter take care of it,” he whines.
The man shakes his head, starting to back up but Bucky is already there, hand on the back of the man’s neck. “Come on, I’ll escort you off the premises.”
Peter turns to Tony, watching as his daddy stares the man down. “Come on Daddy, I wanna dance!” He begs again, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
Tony hums and holsters the gun again, nodding at Steve who nods back. “Okay baby, let’s dance. Did he hurt you?”
Peter grins and grabs Tony’s hand to lead him. “Nope! I’m okay,” he promises. He relaxes as they start to dance, enjoying how his daddy fondles him every once in a while.
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istansamwilsonbish · 3 years
If I read one more fanfiction like this...Or get another Role partner who wants to play out this storyline, I will lose my fucking shit. I swear for god.
I hate the whole Storyline with SamSteve(Or SamBucky) where Steve and Bucky were together originally but something happens. (Bucky or Steve 'dies'. Or Maybe They break up or something.) Then while the other is gone, They met Sam and start a healthy relationship. Then somewhere down the line, the other one comes back, and it's just drama.
I'm so sick of it. Like I hate this plotline so fucking much.
Mostly because it leads to some very unneeded drama and strange resolution. Just to make it simpler for myself to explain, Imma use SamSteve as the main ship for my explanation. But everything I mention Steve doing can apply to Bucky as well.
EXAMPLE 1: Steve tries to force Bucky into both his and Sam's lives. Which Sam is just okay with. There is very little pushback from Sam.
Okay This is just.....unrealistic. Yes, Sam was willing to go to bat for Steve and Bucky in Winter Soldier and Civil War canonly. But within Canon, None of these men are in a romantic relationship. It doesn't have the same rules in my opinion. I don't think any lover would be okay with their Boyfriend/Husband bringing their Ex into their home. Or at least not originally.
But it is So often that I see Sam just.....going along with it. Like Steve is very clearly holding onto Feelings for Bucky. But Sam doesn't care or leaves it alone. Not saying I want Sam to flip out and act a fool. Just saying that it's a very weird thing that he never calls out Steve's very obvious attraction. Or at least display some level of discomfort.
EXAMPLE #2: Steve doesn't explain the full story/Lies about it
Another thing I see happen is Steve leaves out important details about his and Bucky's relationship. Mostly that they were Lovers and not just friends. Somewhere down the line, Sam finds out the whole truth. Normally from Bucky after something happens to Steve.
This one just makes me hate Steve. Cause.....why you gotta lie for? Just tell the whole truth babe.
But I think I'm much more annoyed by how Sam reacts. Again. Sam normally gets mad but that's doesn't amount to anything. Like every time. Sam gets mad at Steve but something forces him to put that on the back burner. Then when they do discuss it, Steve gives a sob story and Sam just kinda lets it go.
Like.....Bitch what? Y'all want drama? So play out the drama realistic. Yes, Sam is calm and very chill. But that's doesn't mean Sam will take that from Steve. He is an honest man who respects himself. So maybe he's not gonna yell and curse everyone out, but he's not gonna allow Steve to treat him this way. Also, Steve LIED or at least withheld information from his boyfriend to get his way. Don't let him cry to Sam and be forgiven like that.
EXAMPLE #3 Steve is VERY close to Bucky and it makes Sam uncomfortable.
For one yes it is okay to have friends you are just very close to. I have friends that I cuddle with and tell everything to. But in a relationship, you have to be mindful that sometimes things aren't okay with your partner. And they have to understand your point of view as well. You have to come to a middle ground.
The problem is, That doesn't happen a lot of the time. Let's say, it's normal for Steve and Bucky to Cuddle together. They did it in the 40s. To them it's fine. But Sam isn't very comfortable with that. Sam voices this to Steve but Steve pushes back. They get into a fight over it and everything is tense.
Couples fight. That's fine. It's normal. But every time I see a resolution for these plot lines, It's always Sam apologizes and Sam is always in the wrong. He needs to get over it, That's how Steve and Bucky are. It's never Both of them being wrong and they need to compromise. It's never Steve coming to understand Sam's discomfort.
Also, God forbid Sam gets actually angry. Not just a mild disagreement. Like Sam actually sticks to his guns and it is a screaming match. Sam is always treated as the aggressive one and the main asshole. Even if Steve started the situation or Bucky instigated it. Sam is always wrong, Sam always gets kicked out of the house or whatever.
EXAMPLE #4 Bucky is overprotective/Jealous
This one isn't that much of an issue. Cause it's normally written okay. Bucky is Jealous and he's mean to Sam. Sam and Bucky don't get along. Cool.
But if someone acts like it's Okay for Steve to just ignore the overly aggressive behavior from Bucky one more fucking time......I swear to god. Cause it is not like Steve doesn't see it or Bucky is nicer around Steve, It's very clear. Steve just doesn't defend his current boyfriend on purpose and makes excuses.
And when Sam notices and confronts Steve, it is always a sob story excuse and they are all cool again. The FUCK is that?!
Also if you have Bucky be Racist and Bigoted to Sam just cause he is jealous of Sam.....Go fuck yourself.
EXAMPLE #5 SamSteveBucky
Ugh...I actually like This ship. And it annoys me when writers use it horribly.
If You bring Bucky back and you push Sam to the side just to act like that's a normal thing in a ploy ship. And its not for the plot, Sam is just ignored just because.....go fuck yourself. Thats not how poly works.
I can be here for days on this rant alone so Imma saves that one for another post.
My Conclusion.......Well for one I can go into the whole Racial part of things. But that's will take me years so Imma save that for another post too. Imma just keep to the shipping side of shit.
I've come to notice that most people who Roleplay these plots or write these fictions with the issues I've listed, Primarily Ship Stucky or are Steve/Bucky stans. Which is fine! We will not be hating on Stucky here even though I don't like the ship. But I will say this, it is becoming a trend. A trend where people who fall into those categories write Sam to be more of a prop in the spotlight rather than the main character. Like Sam is either there to break up with one of the 40s Boys and help them get together or he's there to basically be the drama starter cause the 40s boys can do no wrong. Sam's emotions are ignored very often in favor of Steve's or Bucky's. Even though he is half of the ship that yall are writing.
Don't get me wrong, You can have Steve/Bucky Centric fiction if Sam is the other half of the ship. But you don't have to degrade/Downgrade Sam to do it.
And if you don't know how to do so? Ask for help. The SamBucky fandom is very Sam positive. They will help you even if you are writing SamSteve(for the most part. I am aware there are bad apples.) Read Sam Centric fanfictions. Bonus points if the writer is a POC. Ask for feedback. There are so many people who will get you some positive ideas and help.
Stop writing Sam to be a passive man who just follows everything even if it makes him uncomfortable. Stop writing Sam to be the classic angry Black man when you need drama in your story.
Hell even if you do write the things that I straight up said I disliked, Make it good. Make a point, make a statement. Do something new and creative with it. Make each character in the ship shine in their own ways and make the drama mean something. This isn't only for Sam. This is for every character that gets mistreated for a different ship.
And if you can't do that......maybe stick to your main ship. I've said it once, I'll say it again. If you wanna write Stucky. And just Stucky. Do that.
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volleychumps · 4 years
Hello dear!!! imma make a tooth rotting fluff imagine request in which kenma, sakusa, wakatoshi and kageyama(you can add others if you want uwu) have a secret relationship with reader chan and somehow their team finds out and they start to freak out since their relationship is a secret? lol this is too long but im just craving fluff. thankk youuu!!!!
I saw your requests, goregous- sorry it took so long!! I love you, hope you guys enjoy!! 
Thank you for 2.5k followers-you guys make me want to combust (in a good way)!!!
Getting Found Out in a Secret Relationship  (Kenma, Sakusa, Wakatoshi, and Kageyama)
“Experiencing the Unexpected” 
“...You’re positive no one’s going to come in?” 
“Relax. Kuroo left the clubroom keys with me, and everyone knows I skip today’s practice.” Kenma responds quietly, leaning his head on yours as you stop looking nervously at the door, your boyfriend swiping his thumb over your conjoined hands to calm you down. You fiddle with the pastry in your hand as Kenma chews the other half, content with finally getting some private time with you. Avoiding you or at least pretending to care less about you was more straining than he thought. 
“Why don’t we just tell him? Kuroo and the team wouldn’t bother you forever-”
“Then you clearly don’t know them well enough.” The setter huffs as you bite back an amused grin, planting a small peck on Kenma’s cheek as the setter’s eyes widen mid-chew, glancing down at you smiling a cute smile to yourself. 
“Then whatever you’re comfortable with, love. I won’t rush you.” 
“Can I say something?” Kenma mumbles shyly, finishing off his half of the pastry and basking in the quiet of your environment as you lick some frosting off your thumb, turning towards him with an arched brow. 
“I really really like you, Y/N.” Kenma says quietly, and your eyes widen a fraction before a huge smile breaks out onto your face- he only ever had to say the most heart-wrenching things at the randomest moments. Your smile only grew when a timid hand cups your cheek, your own hand running through Kenma’s long hair affectionately as he shyly peppers kisses across your cheek- 
your giggles apparently loud enough for both of you to fail to hear the fiddling of the lock. 
“Kenma, you bastard! How many times-?” 
You shove Kenma off right away, a red hue to your cheeks as you catch sight of the rest of the team standing behind their captain wide-eyed and bewildered at seeing their anti-social setter in a locked clubroom kissing a girl- 
Through your blushing haze, your mouth hangs agape at Kuroo not even reacting, winking at you once with a grin in greeting before grabbing Kenma by the collar.
“You’re skipping practice again?!” 
Yaku sweatdrops. “Oh. So we’re pretending like Y/N wasn’t locked in a room with Kenma voluntarily?” 
“Were they...cuddling?” 
“Lev, I’m sorry I didn’t shield your eyes on time-” 
“...you knew?” Kenma ignores his idiotic teammates, more focused on the fact that Kuroo hadn’t even batted an eyelash before the captain simply shrugs, spinning his own set of keys on his finger. 
“I have my ways.” 
“That means you stalked him.” 
“I prefer the terms, quietly followed-” 
“Can we please focus on the fact that Kenma was showing genuine human emotion to a girl out of his league-” 
You turn to your boyfriend amongst the bickering teammates, lopsided grin on your face as Kenma groans into his hands. With your own red hue on your cheeks, you hug him, observing the chaos before kissing his cheek- sending the team into another gasp of shock as Kenma sighs, looking at you with a why? expression on his blushing features. 
“Cat’s out of the bag then, huh?” 
“...a pun. We just got found out and your first reaction’s a pun.” 
“You didn’t have to wait up for me.” 
“I know! I did because I want to.” You shoulder your bag with a small greeting smile on your face- one that had the stiff boy’s chest tighten just a little bit as Sakusa merely nods once. You arch a brow at the high rise of his chest, coy grin tugging at your lips-
“Did you run here?” 
“Of course I didn’t.” 
You laugh a little, taking note of his still-wet hair and sloppily shoved gym bag, walking up to him to straighten his mask for him. “You’re teammates aren’t the least bit suspicious?” 
“Ha. Those idiots don’t know how to be suspicious.” Sakusa says, thankful they had all gone home already as you sit down on the nearby bench to help re-pack his gym bag that you knew was obviously bothering him. You laugh a little, knowing where to put what in the way Sakusa liked- and a rare tender feeling spread across his chest as he tugged his mask down before he could convince himself otherwise. 
“Hm?” You question, not looking up from sorting his towel from his shoes before pale fingers gently tilt your head upwards- taking you off-guard as Sakusa makes an exception and plants a chaste kiss on your forehead, clearing his throat and tugging his mask back up quickly. You smile, cherishing the rarity of the moment before-
“Bokuto-san, he might hear us!” 
“...He definitely heard you, are you slow?” 
Sakusa hangs his head, a slow burn on his cheeks as he tugs you behind him from your seat on the bench, glowering at the floor as his three annoying teammates pop their heads timidly around the corner of the practice gym. 
“Oh heeeeeey Sakusa.” Atsumu laughs a little too loudly as Bokuto follows in suit, looking around as if he were lost as Hinata mimicks him, and you peek over your boyfriend’s shoulder to muffle a laugh into the back of his jacket. Sakusa glances at you, eyes softening a little at your actions. 
“Fancy seeing you here!” Hinata waves to you mostly as Sakusa sighs, eyes looking up darkly. 
“You’re all vermin.” 
“What, it’s not like we followed you because we were suspicious of your secret rendezvous with Y/N even though I totally called dibs first-” 
Atsumu clamps his mouth shut at the glower in his friend’s eyes before clearing his throat. “A joke. It was a joke.” 
“Waaaa Y/N, we’re your friends too! Why keep it a secret?” Bokuto whines, suddenly next to you as Sakusa wonders just when the excited ace made his way over, holding you by the shoulders as Hinata clenches his fists, orange eyes asking in the same fashion. Atsumu blinks, suddenly all alone as you stutter- attacked at all angles at once. 
“You would mess with Kiyoomi at practice if you knew.” You scold, and all three take on an offended expression that had you giggling. “What? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t.” 
“No use, Y/N.” Sakusa tugs you out of the herd, finally reaching his limit for the day. “Let’s just go home while we can still count our braincells-” 
“Wait. You two live together?!” 
“Show us your place! Show us your place!” Bokuto and Hinata chant as Atsumu crosses his arms with a winning smirk as you put a hand on your boyfriend’s chest, pouting all the while before Sakusa facepalms. 
“Fine. Bring your germ-infested pets into the flat, Y/N.” 
“You’re tense.” 
“Yeah? Wouldn’t you be?” You look at the entrance to the gym a second time before Ushijima shrugs, holding you a little closer as he nuzzles his face into his shoulder. He hadn’t meant to keep you a secret, but it was crucial that no press ever found out and harassed you about the details of the intimate life he wished to keep hidden. 
“Practice doesn’t start until another hour. They have no reason to come in here yet.” 
“Still, it’s risky- we can just...” 
“Y/N.” You stop fidgeting at the authoritative tone of your boyfriend’s words as Ushijima’s arms tighten around you a little more, and you blush at the position. Your back was pressed up against the broad boy’s chest, sitting in between his legs comfortably as he simply soaked in your presence while mumbling into your hair.  
“I haven’t seen you in awhile. Did I miss you more than me? Is that why you’re more focused on my team walking in on us than this time we have together?” 
You groan at the tug of your heart, pouting up at your boyfriend as you turn a little to do so. “Come on, don’t guilt trip me like that!” 
“Stop.” You whine, and the corners of Ushijima’s lips tug a little before he gently cups your jaw upwards, brushing your nose with his as you gulp at the proximity. 
“You missed me, didn’t you?” 
“S-Stop stating the obvious.” You blush, agitated look in your eyes as Ushijima simply allows a small smirk onto his lips- your cute response prompting him to close the distance. You smile into the kiss, feeling his arms hold you a little closer as you basked in the rare affection you ever got to share away from prying eyes- 
The sliding of the door had you shoving out of your boyfriend’s hold as your now-widened eyes caught sight of a head of red hair. A familiar one, at that- as you hide your face into Ushijima’s neck. 
“Tendou. I saw you.” Your boyfriend’s voice wasn’t even embarrassed as you hear the door creak open again, his friend’s voice filling the gym in a slightly teasing tone. 
“I didn’t want to interrupt, carry on!” 
To your horror, a second voice sounds as Semi Eita kicks the redhead out of the way. “You’re perverted and annoying? The good traits just keep coming, huh?” 
“S-Semi-senpai, is that not assault?” 
“It’s only assault in any other case that isn’t Tendou.” Shirabu responds to Goshiki as the team all file in, and you blink at the fact that your boyfriend didn’t look the least preturbed at the situation- merely sighing as if this were a minor inconvenience as he rubs your thigh, attempting to calm you down but simply making the situation worse. 
Shirabu takes a purposeful step in front of Goshiki with a sigh as Tendou over-dramatically gasps, prompting you to shove Ushijima’s hand away as Semi crosses his arms, the only one still seemingly sane. 
“Y/N L/N’s your girlfriend, Ushijima?” 
You feel his head nod. 
“Cool.” Semi shrugs before going to set up the net as Ushijima finally releases you, and you stand before bowing deeply in apology- for what at the time, you didn’t know. 
“Why would you say that in a disbelieving tone, Tendou-” 
“I...I need to get a girlfriend to become the best ace...!” 
“I’d appreciate it if you all don’t let the public find out.” Ushijima ignores the strange antics of his team as they all shrug and nod, and their captain glances down at your still shocked figure before turning you to face him seriously. 
“...They know about us.” 
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell.” 
“Tobio! You did so well-!” 
Your eyes widen a little when the blue-eyed boy picks up the pace towards your waving figure in the halls of the tournament, sighing as he leans his forehead on your shoulder, hands still shoved in his pockets as the upper half of his torso is now parallel to the floor. His gym back drooped with his movement as you still in shock at the public display- when your whole relationship had ever happened behind closed doors. 
“Someone might see...” You say softly, and Kageyama grunts in reply, basking in the feel of you as you blush, running your hand softly through his raven hair. 
“You have no idea. When I saw some asshole talking to you in the stands during my game and I couldn’t-” 
“Breathe.” You laugh a little as Kageyama lifts his forehead off your shoulder to stare at you seriously. “Where’s your team?” 
“In the stands over-eating.” He shrugs, hands snaking around your waist, causing you to yelp a little as the blue-eyed boy buries his face in your neck. “God, I missed you.” 
“You can miss me in a more private place, you know.” Your eyes dart everywhere before smiling into Kageyama’s hair, relaxing the slightest bit as Kageyama brushes his lips against your cheek as he pulls back. 
“I want to show you off. Why do I want to keep this secret again?” 
You blush at the affectionate words, wondering if the time you had to avoid each other was taking a toll on him, before cupping his cheek carefully- 
“That’s what we’d like to know, Romeo.” 
“Ooh, that rhymed Ryuu.” 
You watch as your boyfriend’s face slowly melts into one of realization, his head slowly turning to see all of the Karasuno volleyball club staring with some sort of food in their hands- watching as if this were the most interesting film of the year. 
Kageyama’s soul seems to slowly leave his body, and you offer a wave of your hand a bit awkwardly as Tsukishima nudges Hinata with his shoulder, chewing on a granola bar snarkily. 
“I told you so. Cough up five bucks.” 
“How does Kageyama-Kun have a girlfriend?! Does she even know him?!!” 
“Is...is that a legitimate question, Hinata?” Yamaguchi, mostly dragged along in the plan of following a suspicious escaping setter after they won their match, scratches the back of his neck. 
“Now, now- Don’t crowd.” Suga laughs, walking up to you and slinging a friendly arm over your shoulder before lowering his voice. 
“But in all seriousness, you’re not in danger or anything- right?” 
“Suga!” Daichi tugs his friend back as Kageyama puts his face in his hands before taking a deep breath, and for a second you think he’s really going to handle the situation really well- 
You blink when he grabs your hand.
“Tobio, we don’t have to-” 
General works: @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles @takemetovalhalla @yams046
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yourstarvic · 3 years
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Walking into the venue, you took a deep breath, talking all your willpower not to try and cover the exposed skin. Looking around, you saw the many tables for the silent auction and many people groups together as they had their own conversation. Scanning the area, your eyes landed on Atsumu and the others, all giving you an encouraging nod and smile. Giving them a wide smile, you looked back at the crowd and spotted Haru and Rieko acting way too close. With a deep breath, you started to walk where they were with your head held hair.
“Atta girl,” Atsumu smirked as he watched you walked over to them. His smirked widen when heads were turned in your direction, especially Haru and Rieko, who did a double-take when they saw you.
“Sorry I’m late,” You smiled at them, enjoying the shocked looks on your face.
“Your dress,” Rieko eyed you, not hiding the sneer and her anger. “What happened to the dress you were supposed to wear?”
“It seems that you are wearing it,” You smiled innocently at Rieko, batting your eyelashes at her.
Haru, stepped away from Rieko, making her let out a loud whine in protest as he grabbed your hand and bring it up to his lips. It took everything in you to not cringe at his touch as he kissed your knuckles. “You look amazing,” Haru breathed out, moving his hand to pull you by the waist.
Taking a deep breath through your teeth, you tried not to falter your smile. “You think so?”
“I know so,” Haru kissed your forehead, making you tense. Luckily for you, Haru didn’t seem to notice, only caring how beautiful you looked.
Breaking away from Haru, you looked at Rieko with a smile that hides your smirk, “Are you okay? You look a bit upset?”
“Haru,” Rieko turned to look at him, talking through her gritted teeth, “I need to speak to (Y/n) alone.”
“What’s wrong with my dress?” You gave her a small pout, before smirking softly, “Haru seems to like it.”
“What’s wrong with my dress?” You gave her a small pout, before smirking softly, “Haru seems to like it.”
“What’s wrong with my dress?” You gave her a small pout, before smirking softly, “Haru seems to like it.”
“Haru likes a lot of things,” She rolled her eyes. “And honestly, that dress doesn’t look good on you. Red looks terrible on you. Why did you change your dress? We could have matched or at least let me help you. Honestly (Y/n) as your best friend-”
“You look beautiful,” A deep voice interrupted Rieko.
Thinking the man was talking to her, she instantly put on a sweet facade. Turning to look at him, she giggled as she tucked a small piece behind her hair, “Thank you so much.”
“I wasn’t talking to you,” Sakusa glared at her, “I don’t talk to trash.”
“W-What?” Rieko gasped out. A few people around who heard him started to whisper, looking at her as they gossip about what just happened. Feel overwhelmed with embarrassment, Rieko choked out a huff as she glared at you, before walking off to Haru, “We’ll talk later.”
As she walked off with a huff, you turned to Sakusa who was furring his eyebrows together. “Are you okay?” You asked slowly, seeing Sakusa look uneasy.
Patted your arm with his hand awkwardly, Sakusa nodded his head, fueling the gossips around them, “You look…Very… Nice…”
“A-Are you flirting with me?” You asked him, looking at him questionably. Sakusa nodded as he looked down his hand with a frown. Smiling at him, you chuckled, “You can go wash your hands if you want.”
“Thank you,” Sakusa said quickly, walking away to where the restrooms were.
You shooked your head at him with a small chuckle, making your way to the bar that was on this floor. As you were walking, many people turned and smiled at you. You smiled back respectfully, not liking how you felt everyone's eyes were on you. Arriving at the bar you asked the bartender to get you a glass of champagne. The bartender was quick to fulfill your order, sliding the flute towards you. Thanking him, you turned around and took a sip of your drink, eyes darting around the room. “You know,” you heard a familiar deep voice said as they were coming up next to you, looking out on the crowd. “I never liked them.”
You hide your smile behind your glass, turning around and place the flute on the bar table, and placed your hands on the edge. Taking a deep breath as your eyes roamed the vanity of drinks behind the bar, “How come you never told me?”
“You loved them so much I didn’t want to say anything,” He stared at Haru and Rieko, his eyes narrowed at them with disgust. “Say the word and I can fire them on the spot. Have you thought about the offer?”
“I have…And…As much as I want that,” You chuckled, “there’s a plan.”
“Plan?” He muttered, “As in revenge?”
“Yeah,” You sighed, “but I have an idea when and where they should be exposed. If I do things correctly and get to approve of them it could work.”
“Approved?” He looked at you in confusion, “What are you-”
“Hey,” You heard a familiar smug voice coming to the other side of you said. “Seem’s that my tie matched yer dress.”
Rolling your eyes and chuckling at the voice, you turned to look at the blonde, seeing him lean on the bar counter, “What a coincidence.”
“I like to think it was fate,” Atsumu winked at you.
You giggled at him as he signals the bartender for a drink, smiling at you. Hearing the man who you were talking to earlier cleared his throat. With a knowing smile you turned to the man, introducing him, “(L/n)-San, this is Miya Atsumu. Atsumu, this is (L/n)-San, CEO of (L/n) Cooperation.”
“It’s nice to meet ya, sir,” Atsumu greeted the man politely. “Please call me Atsumu.”
“It is nice to meet you as well,” Your father greeted him. “How do you know (Y/n)?”
“We actually just met,” You smiled at him.
“But you knew his name?” He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t hear him introduced himself.”
“I-I just recognize him from his volleyball matches?” You said hesitantly.
“I see…” (L/n) nodded his head. “Well, please enjoy the party. Downstairs is where the ballroom is and where dinner would be served.”
You and Atsumu thanked him as he walked off, making you release the breath you were holding. Atsumu started to snicker at you, grabbing his drink as he took a few sips. “What’s so funny?” You pouted at him, turning your body to face him.
“I-I just recognize him f-from his-” Atsumu mocked you with a smirk.
Hitting his arm playfully with an offended smile, you rolled your eyes, “Shut it.”
“Why were ya so nervous?” Atsumu chuckled, bring his cup up to take a sip. “He’s just some random dude. Who cares?”
“Well, that dude,” You grabbed your drink, giving him a stern look, “is my fa-Haru’s boss. And he’s the one hosting this gala.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Atsumu waved off, making you roll your eyes. Moving his body towards the crowd, he offered his arm to you, “What do ya say? Want to bid on some stuff and hope for the best?”
“Well...The money will go to charity,” You smiled, linking your arm through his. “So let’s bid a lot.”
The two of you walked around, occasionally stopping at a few to write down a bid. As the two of you walked around, Atsumu leaned his head down and whispered in your ear, “He’s been starin’.”
“Oh?” You felt goosebumps appeared as his breath tickled your ear.
“And not just him,” Atsumu smirked, standing back up. “Ya got all these scums lookin’ at ya doll. ‘M startin’ to get dirty looks just haven’ ya next to me.”
“Should I let go of you?” You hummed, looking at him.
“Nah,” Atsumu winked, “love the attention too much.”
Giggling at him, you rolled your eyes and looked in the corner of your eye where Haru was. Seeing how Haru was glaring daggers at Atsumu, who purposely looked at him with a smug innocent smile. You chuckled when you noticed Rieko desperately trying to gain Haru’s attention, giving you a look of hatred and annoyance. “You really are terrible,” You smiled at Atsumu with amusements.
After a few moments, Atsumu unhooked his arms with your, tilting his head towards the bar, “Imma go get another drink, want me to get you something?”
Handing him his glass, you gave him a thankful smile, “A scotch, please.”
“On it doll,” Atsumu winked, leaving you to yourself as he went to the bar. Right as Atsumu left, you were instantly surrounded. You would smile politely at them and had a small conversation with each of them before walking off.
As you were walking and having a small conversation, a pair of eyes were glaring intensely at out of envy while another pair of eyes glared at the blonde to who you were clinging. “Haru!” Rieko whined, tugging on his arm, “Why is everyone swarming her? They have supposed to be around me and telling me how pretty I am! She doesn’t even look good! What a bitch making it all about herself! This is for charity and everyone is caring about her!”
“Who is he?” Haru ignored her, looking at Atsumu. Feeling someone look at him, he turned around and saw Haru glaring at him. Sending him a wide-open smile and a small wave, Haru felt his blood boil, “That little bastard.”
“Who cares about him?” Rieko scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “We are supposed to be the center of the attention. (Y/n) needs to know her place.”
“She’s my fiancé,” Haru continues to glare at Atsumu who made his way towards you and handed you a drink. “It’s normal for her to get attention.”
“She never gets attention,” Rieko rolled her eyes as she muttered. Slapping his arm to get his attention, she huffed, “When are you leaving her?”
“I’m not leaving her Rieko,” Haru muttered through his teeth harshly, “now is not the time to talk about it.”
“We have to talk about it,” She eyed him sternly, “especially after what you said last night to me.”
“I was drunk,” His eyes narrowed, “I didn’t mean anything.”
“But you still said it,” Rieko smirked at him, soothing his suit. Haru tensed under her touch, his eyes scanning around to make sure no one was paying attention to them. Grabbing her wrist, he started to tug her somewhere private.
“What are you doing?” Sakusa asked Hana as he raised an eyebrow at her intense gaze.
“Trying to figure out where I’ve seen her,” She muttered, her eyes followed Haru and Rieko as they sneaked away.
“You didn’t ask (Y/n)?” Sakusa hummed.
“No…” Hana pouted, “I didn’t want to bother her with it.”
Sakusa shrugged his shoulders, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he frowns at how many people were here, “Maybe she was a model at your company or audition.”
“That’s impossible,” Hana shook her head, “I remember everyone-”
Looking at the spiker with wide eyes and mouth dropped open, she started to pat his arm, “I remember! I can’t believe I forgot!” Sakusa rubbing his arm and pouted down at him, feeling a slight sting with how hard she patted it as she started to talk. “She auditions at my company! She was so terrible! Oh! Oh! And she talked about how her friend and how rich she was and how she always gets everything she wants and she was-oh…Oh…She was talking about (Y/n)…”
“We have to tell her,” Sakusa said seriously.
“Yeah I know,” Hana nodded, looking at you as you laughed at what Atsumu said to you. “But not now…We’ll tell her tomorrow…She’s having fun right now.”
Nodded at her, he turned and look at you and Atsumu, seeing how easy it was for the two of you to go along with each other. It seemed you were talking about something that was on auction and Atsumu soaked up all your words, looking at what it was and at you, blinking his eyes repeatedly in wonder. “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Sakusa sighed. “But they would make a good couple.”
“I can’t believe it either,” Hana sighed, looking at the two of you with a happy smile. “But they would make a good couple…”
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“It’s one of the rarest gems in the world Atsumu,” You explained to him, looking at the necklace in the display. “And this-this necklace is THE item of tonight. Everyone wants it and will pay for anything for it.”
“Why is it call The Eye of the Night Sky?” Atsumu tilts his head as he read the name of the necklace.
“Because when you look into the gem,” You said excitedly, “it looks like you’re looking at the night sky!”
“I don’t see it,” Atsumu shrugged his shoulder, stop caring about the necklace.
“Well, I see it,” You pouted with a small frown. With a deep sigh, you bit your lip as you eyed it, “I really want it… But I’m not sure my bid would outbid everyone else…especially if everyone overbids...”
Atsumu's ears perked at what you said, giving the necklace a final glance. “Let’s go look at what else they have to offer,” You smiled at him.
Before the two of you took a step, someone called out you and Atsumu’s name. Looking to your side, you saw Bokuto waving at you as he walked towards both of you with Hinata and someone else behind him. “(Y/n)! ‘Tsumu!” Bokuto laughed, standing in front of you. “Been looking for you! I want you to meet Keiji, my husband!
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” The handsome male greeted you. “I’m Akaashi Keiji. Kotaro talks about you.”
“Good things I hope,” You smiled at him. “It’s so good to finally meet you! Bokuto always talks about you.”
“Good things I hope,” Akaashi smiled at you.
“Of course they're good things!” Bokuto puffed his chest out. “You’re so amazing! I love you so much Keiji!”
“I love you too,” Akaashi smiled at him as Bokuto started to list all the reasons he loves him. You smiled fondly at the two, seeing how much in love they were.
“Nice of you all to have a conversation without us,” Hana joined the group with a teasing smile with Sakusa falling close behind her. All of you started to have a conversation and joking around, enjoying what the night had to offer. Moments later it was time for dinner. Everyone was told to come to the first floor where the ballroom was. Everyone went to their assigned seats, ready to eat.
“This is my table,” You stopped behind your chair.
“We’re a few tables away!” Hinata noted, looking where his table was.
“If anything happened just wink,” Hana smiled, waving goodbye as they walked towards their table.
Taking your seat at the round table with a few business partners of (L/n) Cooperation, Haru and Rieko then joined. Rieko gave you a smug smile as she took a seat next to you while Haru avoided your eyes, taking his seat on the other side of you. Looking straight in front of you, you noticed Atsumu was a few tables away, straight in your eyesight. Seeing you staring at him, he sent you a wink, making you roll his eyes. Hana noticed you were right in the Atsumu line of sight, leaning a bit over, and waved at you. You smiled when Atsumu shooed her away, seeing his lips moved, “Stop hogging her attention!”
Taking your attention away from them, you focus on the conversation happening at the table. You listened intently at their conversation, occasionally telling your opinion on the matters. Throughout the conversation, waiters came by and filled your cups with wine and/or water. Moments later they started to serve the main entrees of what you decided on the invitations. You thanked the waiter as they placed the plate in front of you, picking up your fork and knife.
You noticed a certain vegetable that was on your plate. Stabbing it with your fork, you raise it up, your eyes looking straight at Atsumu who did the same as you did. Atsumu’s eyes nudged towards a certain figure next to you as he tried not to burst out laughing. You try not to snicker as you looked at the baby carrot that was on the end of your fork, remembering Atsumu’s word a few days ago.
“Is something wrong?” Haru asked you, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as he sees you trying to hold back a burst of laughter at the veggie.
“No,” You smiled, trying to not let the burst of giggles escape from you, “not at all.”
Taking the bite of the vegetable, your eyes went back to Atsumu who was pointing at the carrot and looking in your direction. When Atsumu was done talking, everyone slowly moved in their seat to look at you, raising an eyebrow in question. Knowing what Atsumu told them and waiting for you to agree with what he said, you nodded your head once slowly, affirming what Atsumu said was true.
Many faces were made. Few nodded their head with a tight lip, slowly accepting the new information they heard. Others had a face of pity as they heard the information, while others had a look of disbelief. Leaning a bit to your side, you were able to see Bokuto looking at the baby carrot on his fork and down to his crotch as if he was measuring something in his head.
I think Atsumu over-exaggerated a bit…
Once dinner was over, many people stayed in their seats or went to the bar instead of dancing in the open space in the middle of the room. The small band that was playing played a nice tune allowing people to sway to the music in their seats but no one got up to dance.
Sighing softly as you looked longingly at the dance floor, you were broken out of your train of thought when a hand appeared on your face as a voice asked, “May I have this dance?”
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NOTES: Hey guys! I hope ya’ll like (Y/n)’s dress! (Also the pic is only for the outfit) but I wonder what baby carrot told Rieko? Also (m/n) is suppose to be your mothers’s madam name :)
TAGLIST: @girlyluke @reina-de-tay @bloody-bella @gothkaoru @freaksnque @kayleighbeccaa @itoshibaby @missalienqueen @90s-belladonna @ntimacy @persyhange @loser-keiji @lilith412426 @fandomatakeover18 @bbdaydreams @sillyanimedream @noya-kinnie @itzlally @fayeimara @izmeaweeboo @zukoslosthishonor @camcam1617 @karlitaburrito @sakusaakiyoomii @strcwberrieswine @sunavf @tanakasimpcorner @sakusasimpbot @random-fandom-girl-24​ @rintarovibes​ @matsunshine​ @plump-peach @marifujioka @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @criesinpisces
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danepopfrippery · 3 years
My WWDIS 4 Predictions
Ok thank u Paul Simms Imma make a list...lets see how many I get:
*Either Nadja comes out to try and fool around and finds Guillermo, or Guillermo gets out and wakes her up. Either way rampage and they try to turn the boat around ending in the suez canal blockage. That was like a month in real life but either Nadja will bat outta there or they will both find a way off to continue rampaging.
*As everyone descends on the house to murder Laszlo they all are stopped by the weird fuckery of watching him bottle feed colin robinson or watching teletubbies with him or some shit
*Nandor stews for like 40 mins on the train before deciding maybe he should go check, finds the bag, is enraged, returns to the house where Laszlo tries his damndest to hide why Guillermo isnt there. Vampires can only call those they hypnotized (apparently) or other vamps thru the ether. I think the guide or Nandor will be ringing Nadja like umm wtf? U just know Laszlo is gonna lie his ass off.
*The guide prbly comes back to pick up this or that, finds Laszlo, hears Nadja didnt make it in time, starts putting out feelers. Almost certainly helps Nandor look for Guillermo
*Guillermo and Nadja spend the entire season trying to not murder Laszlo. Guillermo probably forgives sooner cuz gay shenanigans but Nadja will prbly be salty to the end. Laszlo almost certainly asks Nandor and Guillermo to babysit at some point so he can try and win his lady love. It doesnt work she’s so god damned mad.
*Whatever shenanigans go on in the first ep or so I bet Nandor and Guillermo are reunited by ep 3 absolute latest...prbly end of 1. They’ve both realized they love each other thru Laszlo’s dickishness. If ep 4 has the de la Cruz family I’m betting either Guillermo goes home to announce he is gay and/or he’s a vampire (or will be one). Could see Nandor being like u better go tell ur family before i turn u (cuz they have so much catholic shit in his moms apt it’d burn). If they do me the vampires they keep accidentally almost killing them.
*Colin is a teen by the end of the season. Like 12-13. Not so much a prediction as i’m hoping Sean and his wife see Laszlo with this ugly baby and Nadja’s missing and shenanigans ensue. I could very well see Laszlo asking them a question for help with a baby and they just like take pity on him and do all the work willingly. He’s prbly brought shit tons of casseroles that promptly rot.
*I could see them dragging out Nandor and Guillermo’s like...first time til the finale. At some point Nadja is going to catch wind of this and she prbly respects Guillermo more after the ship but I think she’ll still be like fucking ur familiar is worse than fucking a werewolf. I could see Guillermo not being turned til the finale as well.
*Others have mentioned when he is turned some shit may go down. Apparently in van helsing lore turning him could human the vampire. Wesley Snipes was a day walker who had a vampire killer as half his blood. Probably at the least thats whats going to go down. Guillermo will constantly be left with kid Colin because of this.
*At one point Laszlo asks the Baron and Girlyjim to babysit. The hell hound scares Colin and he goes all full dad. They do too cuz thats their kid damn bro.
*Being pissed at Laszlo, Nadja spends time with ghost Jesk. Eventually this leads her to realize she loves the idiot despite himself. Poor ghost jesk incarnates for revenge.
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