#imbi thoughts
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mareimbriumsketches · 2 days ago
Very cool, but I have to admit my first thought was
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Testing out the new tumblr photoset feature. 
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mareimbriumsketches · 14 days ago
How can my brain be so full, but the page so empty?
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 1 year ago
🍂🐢🍁 Risetober 2023 🍁🐢🍂
--- Day 13/21: Witch + Ghost ---
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Day 13 (and 21) of @sariphantom's Risetober prompts! With the Witch of the Depths making her appearance in the latest chapter of @dandylovesturtles's IMBI, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to draw more of this incredible fic! Cue the boss music that Leo is surely hearing right now.
Risetober 2023 Masterpost
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blubun0309 · 8 months ago
I was thinking about Dandy's 'IMBI' fanfic suddenly, when a thought hit me: Why are the brother's given the senses that they are? Why is Mikey sight, Raph hearing, and Donnie touch?
I think it's subjective, and you can interpret it in any way you deem right, I just wanna put my two cents in. Of course, there's no way of me knowing if this is accurate to Dandy's vision or not, but let me know your own thoughts!
Let's go in order, shall we?
I think Mikey may have been the most difficult to crack, simply because I had no idea what it could represent for his and Leo's relationship. But then I realized, it's not about him and Leo, it's about him and everyone else.
Mikey's the youngest, he's the "baby", the little one, the happy go lucky 'everything's gonna be okay!' guy. His personality paired with his age makes his family baby him or chalk up his reactions to certain situations as him being naive.
But not Leo. Leo treated him like an equal, he's the annoying older brother Mikey looks up to and admires and wants to be like. To Mikey, Leo is his badass, awesome big brother, the only one who he feels doesn't baby him.
So with Leo out of the picture, who's gonna believe him when he says he's seeing the ghost of his presumably dead brother? No one. Because he's "naive".
And they don't believe him, so he and Leo have to PROVE that Leo's alive. And only THEN do they believe it. And, as happy as he is that they can now work on fixing Leo, it still hurts. Because they don't trust him, even though he's so strong as so capable and always razzes his tazz in the coolest ways, they don't trust him, because he's young and "in denial".
Also, Mikey and Leo are probably the most chaotic duo, so them being together so much due to everything previously stated is SO fun. Their interactions are immaculate.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Raph and Donnie are fully at fault here. Considering Leo's circumstances, Mikey was very reckless during the car chase scene, and it made Leo's situation get worse a bit. However, they need Mikey. And Mikey and Leo have an undeniable advantage with Leo being able to walk through walls and warn them for any danger through Mikey. They want a second chance, to make things right, but Donnie and Raph still said no.
I don't blame anyone though, because it's more that their circumstance is difficult and no one knows what to do, what is right or wrong.
Mikey was given that second chance, though. His brother's recognized they needed him. They wanted to bench only Leo, but that blue boy wasn't staying behind no matter what lmao. Which leads us to...
Raph's was a bit tricky but also incredibly obvious (I don't know how that works, just roll with it).
Raph and Leo aren't the best at communicating. They end up yelling at each other most of the time. Even with the curse, they still argued through Mikey.
And Leo breaking his promise to Raph on staying behind made Raph even MORE upset. Leo could have dissapeared, he could've been GONE forever, all because he was reckless and followed them despite promising he wouldn't.
But, Raph has to admit, without Leo, they would've been SO lost in that cave, and it was ultimately a good thing that he joined them, but it was still so scary. Who knows what could have gone wrong. He isn't mad at Leo, per se, he's just mad at the circumstances. He wants to keep Leo safe, because Leo is his brother. He's almost lost Leo TWICE, he wasn't going to risk actually losing him again. He didn't WANT to risk it. It's hard to keep Leo, hell, all his brother's safe when what's safe and what's right don't align.
As the eldest, he has to make that call, and it scares him. Leo keeps putting his own well-being down, he keeps putting himself in danger for them, and it scares Raph. It scares all of them.
Raph is frustrated, he lashes out, he hurts his brother's feelings when he only wants to keep him safe. He cares so much for Leo, and he wants what's best for him more than anything, but when Leo doesn't cooperate, it frustrates him.
They have a well needed talk about it, though, and it's very beautiful. Because Leo had just had a talk with Mikey about the exact same thing, about putting oneself in danger without thinking of the consequences, and he understands how Raph feels about it now. Regardless, Raph says he's proud of him, for doing the right thing, and he is.
Raph wants Leo to understand his perspective, how he feels, and once Leo does, it makes things so much easier.
Donnie's is pretty straight forward and DEFINITELY the easiest to understand (at least for me) but, basically...yeah it's because Donnie doesn't like touch, but I have more!
But yes, Donnie is touch repulsed. The best indicator of such is in the movie when Raph has to make it clear that he wasn't giving a hug, it was a rescue. There's more examples but you get the gist. However, there are plenty of times in the show when Donnie is shown being physically affectionate, which leads me to believe it's something that depends on his feelings during any given moment. If he feels like it, he'll be affectionate. And, you know, having his brother almost die and now be a ghost of sorts...yeah, he's not feeling great. Which is why I LOVE him being given touch. Throughout this whole fic, Leo is HEAVILY touch-starved. Bro's a GHOST, of course he is. And now Donnie is placed in a position in which he is quite literally his touch-starved brother's ONLY source of physical affection.
He and Leo had been very distant up until that point due to being unable to, you know, interact at all, and adding the fact that Donnie, in an emotionally bad state, doesn’t like physical affection when it's sudden or in general, it's incredibly interesting to give Donnie the one sense that he's uncomfortable with. He feels bad, because Leo wants to FEEL him and hug him, but he's not in a mental state to reciprocate. He shuts down when he's stressed. That scene where he shakes off Leo's hand after threatening the fire element. Augh, chills, literal chills.
Also. I dunno, but if my ghost brother who I've only known is a ghost for a little while, was suddenly able to touch me without me being able to see it coming...yeah I would be pretty freaked out too.
Also, I think the scene where Raph hugs Donnie is very interesting, because to Leo, it means that Donnie is okay with physical touch, as long as it's not HIM. Now, both feel bad. Donnie for not being able to reciprocate Leo's...(I don't want to say 'adances' because it sound weird but I've got nothing else), and Leo for, in his mind, being 'selfish' for wanting Donnie's affection.
This whole time, Leo was gone for Donnie. Mikey could see him, Raph could hear him, but him and Leo had no way of communicating by themselves.
Which makes that scene where they finally communicate and hug SO much more impactful. When Leo hugs him first, it showed Donnie that Leo wasn't gone, he was here, with him, and he wasn't mad at him. And then Leo got a hug back, he finally, FINALLY got one after two weeks of not being able to touch anything or anyone.
And now, Donnie isn't uncomfortable with Leo's touch. Because now he not only understands that Leo desperately needs affection and he's his only way of getting it, but also Leo isn't gone. He's here, and Donnie will hold him if it means he won't dissapear again. Gosh, I love me some Disaster Twins.
I think IMBI does an incredible job at really laying out all the brother's feelings and relationships with each other in such a beautiful way. Oh my god I love fanfiction.
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landsailorsky · 10 months ago
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dandylovesturtles · 2 years ago
oh yeah ty you guys just picked my next bad things happen bingo square
something bad was always going to happen to Leo but now I know which one to do first
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mewling-central · 10 months ago
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Sorry for disappearing, was busy working on next language in the Seraphic family, Ireturish! I had a lot of fun with this one, got to do a lot of new stuff with this like vowel harmony and formality registers. It uses a modified version of the shorthand Seraphic script which (mostly) lacks the segmenting and puts each syllable in a new block. Here's a translation of the UDHR, more info below:
/ˈeʔ.ner eʔˈsʰeˌræh eːˈs'ʰäh gu s'ʰem in æːˈtʰem im.bi æzˈzæ.ʝen bi ˈlexen im.bi ˈlen.zerˌhæh | ˈeʔ.ner reˈʎɯː.änˌnä inˈs'ʰæ ˈsʰe.ræh eːˈs'ʰäh ni ˌli.zænˈnim ɯːʔˈrɯm ˌɯː.ʎäˈwɯm im.bi s'äɲ ˌrø.søˈʝø eːˈs'ʰäh in lesˈs'ʰæ ɯːˌlɯ.zänˈnä sʰæh sʰeː eːˈs'ʰäh eːˈnɯː/
E’ner e’sherah ees”äh gu s”em in aathem imbi azzaźen bi lexen imbi lenzer-hah. E’ner reýüüännä ins”a sherah ees”äh bi lizannim üü’rüm üüýäwüm, imbi s’äñ rësëźë ees”äh in less”a üülüzännä shah shee ees”äh eenüü.
GNO PRE.MTL-seraph ANADJ-everyone out.of egg as ADJ-free and ADJ-equal with dignity and rights(COL) || GNO PRE.ACTN-help for seraph ANADJ-everyone with thought-PL INADJ-reasonable-PL INADJ-ethic-PL | and OBLG PRE.ACTN-3S ANADJ-everyone as reason INADJ-friendship between person ANADJ-everyone ANADJ-other
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
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fire-lizard-ro · 2 years ago
Jing Yuan
CW: angst with some fluff to soften the blow, mention of death, SPOILERS FOR 1.2, discussion of mortality, discussion of identity, maybe OOC?, Jing Yuan being a sad old man
GN reader
(This is Jing Yuan-centric, however, so the reader isn't in there all too much. Sort of.)
Perhaps the violence of his early years was what made him the way he is now. Seemingly lazy, napping away his afternoons like a cat in the sun. But this was merely a beast hiding its claws; tucking its teeth behind a languid smile. Now the only battles he fought were the piles of paperwork he often found himself whittling away at or the starchess matches he regularly had with Yanqing. It seemed worth it when his seemingly harmless facade managed to lure his pretty bird right into his arms. You. But make no mistake. A predator is still a predator. You put your trust in him so easily. So easily when he'd felled droves of creatures who were once human like he and you were. So easily when he could break you without even trying. And yet... And yet... Something about it helped heal the hole in his chest that often still felt like a gaping, bleeding wound despite all the time that had passed since he lost all the people he cared about.
Jing Yuan is the kind of man to have a quiet sort of sadness to him that he hides behind that charming smile and commanding presence. It's always present somewhere in the back of his mind, just beneath the surface of the carefully crafted mask and persona.
Yet in the privacy of only your company it feels as though he sheds the layers of armor around his heart, the bone-deep weariness sliding off his form along with it. He swears you must have some kind of magic healing touch because his worries seem to melt away with every stroke of your hand on his head, fingers carding through his hair. He always enjoys the times you spend together in the garden, allowing him to rest his head in your lap. Or when his little bird friends fly down to visit and you look at them with those sparkles in your eyes and he helps you gently hold one.
There are nights where he lays awake and reminisces days long gone. Sometimes he wished that time could have frozen. That he could bottle up these moments to keep forever. But unfortunately those were the hopes of a child who had stars in his eyes. Any memories he could have kept bottled up like the jar of paper cranes you made for him were shattered, contents spilling out. Unable to be regathered.
Sometimes he would listen to the sound of the rain and it would remind him of the times he would stand in it because it felt nice. He would try to convince the others to join him, but they would just shake their heads with fond smiles on their faces. Faces he hadn't seen in hundreds of years. When was it that they stopped smiling? One by one they disappeared from his life like a photo slowly burning at the edges until there was nothing left.
Yet on those nights, you'd stay awake with him and talk about everything and nothing to distract him from his thoughts. Yet on those rainy days, you would pull him to dance in the rain with you. You looked beautiful even with the rain plastering your hair to your face and soaking through your clothes.
But it was inevitable. Unavoidable.
You cannot hide the smell of blood with flowers.
Yingxing- ...Blade... was back on the Luofu. The house of cards he took his time building piece by piece was beginning to wobble- tilt just a bit. For what reason did someone who may as well be dead have to be back here? In the once broken home they'd shared? The one he was left behind to pick up the pieces of?
Dan Feng- ... Imbi- ...no. Dan Heng was also here. A man he didn't know. Shouldn't know. Yet he couldn't separate the man he once knew, the man he once called friend, from the visage of the man before him. It was him. And yet it also was not.
The cards had long since fallen, now showing his hand that he'd been hiding. As much as he wished for his old friends to return, he knew they never would.
Looking at the black hair and burning red eyes that greeted him alongside green scales and sea colored eyes, he couldn't help but think about the once white hair, the spark of recognition, the smiles- All things that disappeared when his friend died for the first time while the other was reborn as a new person. Both equally people he could no longer say he knew. Could no longer say were his old friends. For he was almost certain they shared no such sentiment.
A selfish part of him said that it was at least better than seeing blood streaking Blade’s body or the vessel that contained his once friend, the man who was now Dan Heng. At least they were alive in some capacity.
Even if he'd never again call the names of Yingxing and Dan Feng.
(He could quietly admit to himself in the dark of his room in the middle of the night, laying next to you, that at least this way he was less conflicted on what he must do. The hands of time stop for none and the past cannot be changed. Both a comfort and a disappointment.)
Some of this was in the hands of fate itself. But most of it? Most of the results were from his meticulous planning.
The Divine Foresight. Always thinking 10 steps ahead to triumph over his adversaries and seize victory.
But at what cost? Nights of sleep? Peace of mind? His life?
As the Emanator of Destruction made her move, lifted him into the air and prepared to turn him into a beast unable to control himself beyond vying for the destruction of all things, he thought, 'Ah. Maybe this is where it ends.' He always assumed he'd die on the battlefield. It would only be fitting for him, he would think to himself. As a long life species, he wasn't all too sure of dying peacefully. The mara could strike him at any time. Or a battle against a foe of insurmountable power would bring about the curtain call on his long story. He planned for this. And yet he knew he may never live to see the fruits of his labor. (Of his sacrifice, if things didn't go well.)
As he fell from the grasp of Phantylia's power while her stolen body perished, felt the heaviness of his body and the pain that lanced through him, he knew that he was still alive. Still able to go home to you.
As he blacked out...
Well he didn't think anything.
He was awake and speaking one moment and then in the next moment, things had quickly become blurry. He thought he could hear someone speaking before his eyes slid shut.
When he awoke, he found himself staring at a familiar ceiling. Taking stock of his body, he felt the burn of his wounds and the soreness of an intense battle. It was then that he noticed the feeling of a hand in his. Moving only his eyes, he found you sleeping in a chair, slumped onto the side of the bed while holding his hand in yours.
Gently, ever so gently so as to not wake-to not startle his precious little bird, he squeezed his hand around yours to make sure you were there. That you were real. That he was alive and awake and not in a dream or perhaps the afterlife. The familiar warmth and feel of your hand in his was very real and he felt a small warmth bloom in his chest.
He had thwarted a threat to the Xianzhou and protected the the Alliance once again. He had kept you safe. And that made it all the more worth it.
This is the first time I've written creatively like this in a while. So apologies if I'm a bit rusty.
I should probably write something with the reader in there more, but I really wanted to get this one out. I suddenly had the idea and inspiration to, so I just let it flow.
So maybe next I'll do a part 2 to this or just another Jing Yuan writing with the reader being more present.
I think I wrote just enough fluff to make the angst not so bad. Good job me!
I'll edit any typos or confusing things that may still be in there tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed! <333
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dandywonderous · 1 year ago
Little... crossover thing between I May Be Invisible But I Still Look Good and little kid with a big death wish by @remedyturtles because uhhhhh yeah
massive spoilers for both IMBI and death wish (especially the most recent chapter (29)).
I'm putting this on my main blog because... it feels a little heavy for the turtle blog haha. it's also under the cut.
cw: suicidal ideation and discussion of suicide
They sit with their feet dangling over the edge.
Leo can see the third rail. It's pretty close; it would be trivial to hop onto the tracks and touch it, exactly what you aren't supposed to do. Of course, in his current state, he could stand on it all day and never get shocked.
Next to him, the one-armed Leo shifts for the first time. His voice is quiet and raspy when he speaks.
"So... you're on the other side of this."
He means recovery from the Krang, or at least, Leo is pretty sure he does. He turns to look, even though the other Leo is pointedly not meeting his eyes.
"I had it a little easier than you." He wiggles his shoulders. "Both arms, no dissociation... the hallucinations were a bitch, though."
The other Leo doesn't pull his eyes away from the tracks. "But then something else bad happened."
"...Yeah. Yeah it did."
His face twists into a deep frown. "So then what's the point?" he asks, voice hollow. "Even if I make it through this... it's just more pain. Just more misery. What do you get out of that?"
"Mm... being alive, I guess."
Leo can tell by the set of the other Leo's shoulders that this isn't a satisfying answer. Which is the whole issue, really.
"...Did you ever think about just... letting go?" the other Leo asks him, and his voice sounds even more worn down.
"...Yeah. Yeah, I did." Leo pulls his feet up onto the platform, shifting around to face the other Leo fully. "I could just let the time run out, be cursed forever. I'd never feel pain or get tired or hungry ever again. I wouldn't be afraid. I wouldn't feel... like I'm failing everyone's expectations. I'd just be done."
"Sounds nice," says the other Leo softly, and he nods.
"Yeah. Can't deny that." He shrugs. "But then I wouldn't get to be with our family, either. And that would be worse than anything."
The other Leo doesn't agree, but he doesn't disagree, either. Leo knows himself, and he can guess that the question is: would it be worse for his family without him?
"Have you told them? That you thought about it," the other Leo asks after a minute or two.
"No. But I'm going to."
"That's gonna suck."
"Oh yeah it is. It's gonna suck massively." He shifts around again, leans back on his arms so his face is more visible in the other Leo's sightline. "But I think it'll be okay afterward."
"They may be mad."
"They could yell at you."
"Yeah, but I'm kinda hopin' for hugs instead."
"Something else bad could happen."
"Something good could happen."
The other Leo doesn't answer him. He keeps his eyes on the rails.
Far off, Leo hears a train.
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callmehere-iwillappear · 2 years ago
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soooo i know i said i'd draw hugs if cmh won round 1 of the au competition and it did not win BUT it was a lot closer than i thought it was gonna be (and also. i just wanted to draw hugs) sooooooooo leo post getting his body momence
+ bonus because i am genuinely so soft for them being able to see/interact w each other and being buds. i love them
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(IMBI by @dandylovesturtles)
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mareimbriumsketches · 2 months ago
Do you ever just get slapped in the face with a quote while reading?
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roughentumble · 1 year ago
wait, hilarious au concept: witcher xmas AU where the profession of witchering is instead the profession of. santa-ing. like an AU where santa isnt one single guy, it's a whole troop of guys magically imbied to bring cheer to children across the globe. but people are starting to lose that belief in xmas goodness, and it's causing santas to die out, so that in their region all that's left to deliver presents are geralt, eskel, lambert, and vesemir. which causes a vicious cycle where there's less santas to spread cheer, so there's less belief, so there's less the santas can do. "how does santa deliver all those presents in one night" well magic and hard work but also there's at least 150 of them-- or were, when their numbers were high.
obviously jaskier becomes their mrs. claus somehow and brings xmas joy back to the children and whatever. i havent thought that far ahead but you know how these xmas stories go. and also how porn works
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solreix · 1 year ago
shoko ieiri as yn's peace.
minsan nakakasawa na lang talagang magkaro'n ng paulit-ulit na ginagawa. gigising, papasok, mag-aaral, uuwi. buti sana kung ganoon kadali, pero sa pagitan no'n ay mayroong katakot-takot at nakakapagod na commute.
minsan, payapa rin sa pakiramdam na maupo sa bus, mag-isa, katabi ng bintana sa tuwing rush hour dahil oo pagod ka, pero alam mo ring pagod ang mga kasama mong pasahero. as if you share the similar, but also different struggles which makes you feel you're not alone.
since she reached college, yn had felt that. exhaustion. loneliness. in the middle of exhausted crowd. hustle lang nang hustle kahit pagod kasi wala namang choice.
she thought she already got accustomed to that life style, and it's okay. she's gonna grow old to that.
not until shoko ieri entered the picture. at ang dating mag-isang si yn sa tabi ng bintana ng bus, pinipilit na magising dahil alam niyang delikadong makatulog—ngayon ay may katabi na, at handang maging sandalan niya.
"okay ka lang?" bulong ni shoko. "sleep, love. mahaba pa."
napanguso siya sa sarili, isinandal ang ulo sa balikat nito bago sumagot, "sorry. imbis na naka-motor ka."
kaya niya namang nagcommute mag-isa. shoko might have insisted on sending her home through her motorcycle, but she refused. trauma sa kaniya ang motor, so she insisted on going home alone.
shoko chuckled. "pinili ko 'to ano ba. isa pa kapag naka-motor tayo, we wouldn't have moments like this," sagot nito.
pero makulit si shoko. mabuti na lang at halos pareho naman sila ng destinasyon kaya hindi na ito mahihirapan nan sobra.
"maghihirap magcommute para sa landi?" biro niya."
mas lalo itong natawa. pabiro nitong pinitik ang noo niya. "oo, para sa landi."
natawa rin siya. never did she imagine she would have someone by her side as she reach for her goals. sanay na sanay siyang mag-isa, being the only child, yet still not the favorite that she is.
but when she met shoko, she realized how it feels be taken care of—and to take care of someone not because she feels obligated to do so. she wants to take care of her too, every waking moment.
"how's your day, by the way?" tanong niya. ayaw niyang matulog as yn wants to enjoy this.
"ayon. ang sarap sakalin ni gojo, sinasadyang galitin si utahime." naramdaman niya ang mahina nitong pagtawa na parang may naalala. "lintik na 'yon, college na nanlalagay pa rin ng bato sa bag."
nanlaki ang mata niya. "umuusok na naman si utahime niyan." miski siya ay natawa. hindi pa man siya ganoon pamilyar noon sa magkakaibigan, ang dalas niyang marinig ang galit ni utahime kay gojo at geto dahil pare-parehas naman sila ng org.
"oo, bukas alam ko lalagyan niya ng palaka sa bag 'yung dalawa eh. nagpapatulong kila mai maghanap."
ganito ang bonding nilang dalawa sa bus. pag-usapan ang buhay ng iba. ng iba equals to kalokohan ni gojo at geto.
"mga freshmen sa isa pa niyang org," shoko replied. "tulog ka na," dagdag nito.
umiling siya. "ayaw. marami ka pang chika."
at nagtuloy lang sila sa pag-uusap tungkol sa nga tropa nito. comedy talaga kapag si gojo ang bida kaya halos nawawala ang antok niya sa bus.
sinusulit niya na, dahil panigurado, realidad ang sasalubong sa kaniya pag-uwi ng bahay. few months left, and she could already feel freedom, pero ngayon—suck it up. basta gigising siyang alam na one day, pareho na sila ng uuwian ni shoko.
"thank you, love," she suddenly whispered as she felt her eyes getting heavy.
"hmm?" shoko seemed to peek at her face, only to see yn fighting sleep. "no. thank you," she whispered back, and finally, yn drifted to sleep.
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 1 year ago
have you ever thought of doing an original ROTTMNT animated short, not based on anything(I didn’t mean anything bad by my last question for the IMBI fic, I’m sorry)? I just really like your style lol
Oh, no need to apologise -- there's no harm in asking a question! I'm sure some authors are fine with adaptations, but some would rather maintain more creative control over their own work. That's why it's just best to ask for permission for something like that first :)
As far as an original Rise animated short, I'd be open to it! It would definitely be a long process, though, and I feel like I'd need to work my way up to that. I've been working on drawing the turtles into some short Ducktales clips, and that's giving me some good practice with syncing movements to audio. I'd also like to do some more animatics in the future as well, since I had a lot of fun with the IMBI one! So, who knows? If an idea for a short pops into my head, maybe I'll give it a shot!
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year ago
Have you considered doing a dtiys kind of thing with a snippet from one of your fics? Like, have a bunch of people draw their interpretation of the same scene? Idk I just think that would be fun!
That sounds like it could be fun! I don't want to feel like I'm just fishing for fanart though haha
I have thought before that it might be fun to do an event where you give, like, a bit of dialogue, or a general broad scenario, and then see what people do with it (both artists and writers). Kinda like when people do fic weeks or like the risetober prompts (with a one word prompt for each day) except with a bit longer prompt.
I guess if there's interest we could do an IMBI themed one? Maybe it would just be fun to see people's interpretations of like, what if a different brother got cursed, or a different character entirely (ghost April?)
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farewellforevr · 1 year ago
4 am thoughts 💭
I'm speechlessssss and tirreeeeddd and sleeeppyyyy..... being a sister and a mother is tiring. you need to be okay, para hindi ka na makadagdag sa iba. Masakit ngipin nya, tas yung isa may sakit... im thankful na wala akong sakit kasi pag meron, hindi ako makakakilos and if kikilos ako ng sobra habang may sakit edi hindi mawawala sakit ko diba 🤷‍♀️. Lalo na kung wala si papa and si anabelle, ako ang maasahan ni mama so kailangan kong kumilos. Hindi me pwede mag reklamo katulad ng ginagawa ni Tim sa "boss baby" buti nga nung nag reklamo sya na hindi makatulog dahil sa baby hindi sha pinagalitan eh... pag sinabi ko yan, for sure papagalitan ako and alangan naman yung baby mag adjusg diba? sucks lang na paputol-putol tulog ko imbis na sunod-sunod. Binabago ko na nga sleeping schedule ko sana kaso naman.... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA eto pagising gising naman. So ang hirap maging panganay at nanay. Wow rhyme pa talaga ang panganay at nanay, sinadya... panganay kasangga ng nanay? ganon?
Nilalamig ako rn, gusto kong humiga, matulog. Ang heartless ko naman kung ganun. Gusto ko lang naman maging masunurin and mabuting anak, ganito siguro yung kakaharapin bago ko masabi na naging mabuti nga akong anak... You need to sacrifice some things when you're a panganay. Masyado na akong matanda para alagaan, right? Kaya ko na sarili ko, it's the end so sila naman... tanggap ko na, hindi ko tanggap dati kasi ewan ko. Kailangan kong mag adjust kasi syempre, ako yung nakakatanda, nakakaintindi, ako yung 'PANGANAY', so dapat ako talaga. Hindi naman ako nagagalit or what, sadyang pagod lang and drained. Kasi almost everyday, paulit ulit lang ginagawa ko and yung tulungan si mama...
#/a pov of a sister
1-18-24 (wow, kaka start pa lang ng year ang dami ko nang say watdahek)
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