#imbi rottmnt
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blubun0309 · 7 months ago
I was thinking about Dandy's 'IMBI' fanfic suddenly, when a thought hit me: Why are the brother's given the senses that they are? Why is Mikey sight, Raph hearing, and Donnie touch?
I think it's subjective, and you can interpret it in any way you deem right, I just wanna put my two cents in. Of course, there's no way of me knowing if this is accurate to Dandy's vision or not, but let me know your own thoughts!
Let's go in order, shall we?
I think Mikey may have been the most difficult to crack, simply because I had no idea what it could represent for his and Leo's relationship. But then I realized, it's not about him and Leo, it's about him and everyone else.
Mikey's the youngest, he's the "baby", the little one, the happy go lucky 'everything's gonna be okay!' guy. His personality paired with his age makes his family baby him or chalk up his reactions to certain situations as him being naive.
But not Leo. Leo treated him like an equal, he's the annoying older brother Mikey looks up to and admires and wants to be like. To Mikey, Leo is his badass, awesome big brother, the only one who he feels doesn't baby him.
So with Leo out of the picture, who's gonna believe him when he says he's seeing the ghost of his presumably dead brother? No one. Because he's "naive".
And they don't believe him, so he and Leo have to PROVE that Leo's alive. And only THEN do they believe it. And, as happy as he is that they can now work on fixing Leo, it still hurts. Because they don't trust him, even though he's so strong as so capable and always razzes his tazz in the coolest ways, they don't trust him, because he's young and "in denial".
Also, Mikey and Leo are probably the most chaotic duo, so them being together so much due to everything previously stated is SO fun. Their interactions are immaculate.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Raph and Donnie are fully at fault here. Considering Leo's circumstances, Mikey was very reckless during the car chase scene, and it made Leo's situation get worse a bit. However, they need Mikey. And Mikey and Leo have an undeniable advantage with Leo being able to walk through walls and warn them for any danger through Mikey. They want a second chance, to make things right, but Donnie and Raph still said no.
I don't blame anyone though, because it's more that their circumstance is difficult and no one knows what to do, what is right or wrong.
Mikey was given that second chance, though. His brother's recognized they needed him. They wanted to bench only Leo, but that blue boy wasn't staying behind no matter what lmao. Which leads us to...
Raph's was a bit tricky but also incredibly obvious (I don't know how that works, just roll with it).
Raph and Leo aren't the best at communicating. They end up yelling at each other most of the time. Even with the curse, they still argued through Mikey.
And Leo breaking his promise to Raph on staying behind made Raph even MORE upset. Leo could have dissapeared, he could've been GONE forever, all because he was reckless and followed them despite promising he wouldn't.
But, Raph has to admit, without Leo, they would've been SO lost in that cave, and it was ultimately a good thing that he joined them, but it was still so scary. Who knows what could have gone wrong. He isn't mad at Leo, per se, he's just mad at the circumstances. He wants to keep Leo safe, because Leo is his brother. He's almost lost Leo TWICE, he wasn't going to risk actually losing him again. He didn't WANT to risk it. It's hard to keep Leo, hell, all his brother's safe when what's safe and what's right don't align.
As the eldest, he has to make that call, and it scares him. Leo keeps putting his own well-being down, he keeps putting himself in danger for them, and it scares Raph. It scares all of them.
Raph is frustrated, he lashes out, he hurts his brother's feelings when he only wants to keep him safe. He cares so much for Leo, and he wants what's best for him more than anything, but when Leo doesn't cooperate, it frustrates him.
They have a well needed talk about it, though, and it's very beautiful. Because Leo had just had a talk with Mikey about the exact same thing, about putting oneself in danger without thinking of the consequences, and he understands how Raph feels about it now. Regardless, Raph says he's proud of him, for doing the right thing, and he is.
Raph wants Leo to understand his perspective, how he feels, and once Leo does, it makes things so much easier.
Donnie's is pretty straight forward and DEFINITELY the easiest to understand (at least for me) but, basically...yeah it's because Donnie doesn't like touch, but I have more!
But yes, Donnie is touch repulsed. The best indicator of such is in the movie when Raph has to make it clear that he wasn't giving a hug, it was a rescue. There's more examples but you get the gist. However, there are plenty of times in the show when Donnie is shown being physically affectionate, which leads me to believe it's something that depends on his feelings during any given moment. If he feels like it, he'll be affectionate. And, you know, having his brother almost die and now be a ghost of sorts...yeah, he's not feeling great. Which is why I LOVE him being given touch. Throughout this whole fic, Leo is HEAVILY touch-starved. Bro's a GHOST, of course he is. And now Donnie is placed in a position in which he is quite literally his touch-starved brother's ONLY source of physical affection.
He and Leo had been very distant up until that point due to being unable to, you know, interact at all, and adding the fact that Donnie, in an emotionally bad state, doesn’t like physical affection when it's sudden or in general, it's incredibly interesting to give Donnie the one sense that he's uncomfortable with. He feels bad, because Leo wants to FEEL him and hug him, but he's not in a mental state to reciprocate. He shuts down when he's stressed. That scene where he shakes off Leo's hand after threatening the fire element. Augh, chills, literal chills.
Also. I dunno, but if my ghost brother who I've only known is a ghost for a little while, was suddenly able to touch me without me being able to see it coming...yeah I would be pretty freaked out too.
Also, I think the scene where Raph hugs Donnie is very interesting, because to Leo, it means that Donnie is okay with physical touch, as long as it's not HIM. Now, both feel bad. Donnie for not being able to reciprocate Leo's...(I don't want to say 'adances' because it sound weird but I've got nothing else), and Leo for, in his mind, being 'selfish' for wanting Donnie's affection.
This whole time, Leo was gone for Donnie. Mikey could see him, Raph could hear him, but him and Leo had no way of communicating by themselves.
Which makes that scene where they finally communicate and hug SO much more impactful. When Leo hugs him first, it showed Donnie that Leo wasn't gone, he was here, with him, and he wasn't mad at him. And then Leo got a hug back, he finally, FINALLY got one after two weeks of not being able to touch anything or anyone.
And now, Donnie isn't uncomfortable with Leo's touch. Because now he not only understands that Leo desperately needs affection and he's his only way of getting it, but also Leo isn't gone. He's here, and Donnie will hold him if it means he won't dissapear again. Gosh, I love me some Disaster Twins.
I think IMBI does an incredible job at really laying out all the brother's feelings and relationships with each other in such a beautiful way. Oh my god I love fanfiction.
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v-albion · 1 year ago
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Risetober day 21: Ghost
Never more to be felt
Never more to be seen
Never more to be heard
I really do need to catch up with I May Be Invisible by @dandylovesturtles
Prev | Day 20: Mutant
Next | Day 22: Portal Chopped
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spectra-bear · 2 years ago
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another poster experiment because this fic rocks
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e-turn · 2 years ago
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I’m not putting him down.
I was devastated the moment I read it... Donnie's probably planning his vegneance... On someone who doesn't have a tangible body... but well what does it matter for a genuis like himself, right!?
@dandylovesturtles you shattered my heart. again. thank you so much for this amazing fanfic again!
перевод этой главы!
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 2 years ago
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(Tap for better quality! Tumblr makes my GIFs all fuzzy)
Still absolutely in love with IMBI by @dandylovesturtles, so I had to put together a little something for Chapter 14!
I imagine they were all pretty worried on that drive out of the desert, in their (totally not stolen) truck. It's not stealing as long as you return it (proceeds to ditch the truck).
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sad-leon · 2 years ago
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I am way over due for some IMBI fanart
I absolutely love this fic and will be rereading it as soon as I finish GITS
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frosteaart · 1 year ago
risetober 2023 day 4: Amulet
and of course i had to draw some art of IMBI by @dandylovesturtles
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intotheelliwoods · 2 years ago
This comic is a direct follow up to this drabble by @dandylovesturtles!! Please give it a read first!
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Hello. I thought sending Dandy Poptart would be funny. I was wrong, very wrong. Take this comic so I can atone for my crimes <3
I do hope people remember the Pepper nickname he had, haha
WMAS peepaw stolen from @chiangyorange dont worry the shove in the face didnt hurt <3 (physically)
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far-future · 2 years ago
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@intotheelliwoods @dandylovesturtles I love both of your AUs so much and I’m so excited that they get to team up for the next round!! 
(they have achieved the perfect dynamic of “Desperately Needs Hugs” and “Incredibly Huggable”. I’m not sure anything can stop them now)
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rbtlvr · 2 years ago
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on it boss o7 is this close enough
(2al by @intotheelliwoods / imbi by @dandylovesturtles)
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callmehere-iwillappear · 1 year ago
not sure if it really counts as propaganda for @tmntaucompetition since neither au is actually participating this year but i loved cmh and imbi leos being friends last year so i wanted to write a little something for them again. uuhh enjoy (also imbi is by @dandylovesturtles go read it if you haven't!!)
“Can’t believe they forgot about me,” Leo complains overdramatically, as he and his brothers walk into the venue for this year’s competition. “I mean, just because I’m invisible –”
“I highly doubt that’s the reason you weren’t invited to participate this year,” Donnie says, rolling his eyes. “There was something about getting your name submitted, I think?”
“Awww,” Leo says, despite not really caring that much. This year’s theme is based on the different decades – something about a singing and dance competition? And while they've established he can sing if there's a crystal in the microphone, nobody else can see him dance, so. He wouldn't be able to participate in half the event anyway. He's still going to be dramatic about it, though. Duh. “Can’t believe none of my loyal fans stepped up, in that case.” 
He stops just inside the door and looks around, taking everything in. It looks… very different from last year – there’s no basketball court to be seen, for one thing. Lots of new faces, too – and a few familiar ones. No one who seems to notice him, at least not yet. Maybe one or two of the new guys will be able to see him, if he’s lucky. But that can wait – he has someone else he needs to find. 
After several minutes of scanning the crowds of competitors, though, he doesn’t see the particular turtle he’s looking for, and he sighs in disappointment. 
“Is he not here?” Raph asks, and Leo shakes his head.
“Nope,” he says, glum. “He was probably just busy this time with the whole – curse thing. Or he didn’t get invited either.”
“That's too bad,” Mikey says, sympathetic. “Do you still wanna stick around, or should we head home early?”
Leo shakes his head. It's… nice of Mikey to offer, but he knows they (especially Donnie) are excited about this whole thing. Getting to meet the friends they made last year, who can actually see them. Getting to make new ones. Getting to exchange more notes about the multiverse, in Donnie's case. He doesn't want to take that from them. 
Besides, like he said – there's no way of knowing one of the new guys won't be able to see him, right? Who knows, maybe he'll be able to make some new friends too. A guy can dream. 
“Nah,” he says, not voicing any of that. “It'll still be fun to watch, and I can always cheer for you guys’ friends.”
There's a moment of awkward silence while the other three look at each other, before Raph sighs and nods. “Okay, but let us know if you do want to leave, alright?”
“Of course.” Leo flashes a grin, then gestures towards the stands. “C’mon, we should go find some seats before all the good ones fill up.”
They make their way over to the bleachers and start looking for a good place to sit. It's already started filling up, but Raph manages to spot a row with enough space for all four of them (if they set something down in Leo's spot so no one else takes it), and they start heading up to it. 
There's a lot of chatter from various groups of turtles they pass by, so there's no reason for any one thing in particular to stand out. And yet –
“I dunno, guys, I don't think this is enough blankets,” comes a familiar voice from a row over. And, okay, they're all variations of the same people, so technically all their voices would be ‘familiar’ – but. But. Even if they're the same people originally, there are still those variations. Someone's voice might be a little higher. A little lower. A little rougher, like maybe they're not used to using it again quite yet. 
Or maybe it's something a bit harder to put a finger on. Whatever it is, it has Leo snapping his head around, stopping in his tracks halfway to their seats. Someone calls his name, waves a hand through him, but he ignores them, too focused on finding where that voice came from. 
It doesn't take more than a few seconds to spot the only Leo bundled up in blankets, his brothers hovering over him worriedly, and – 
Leo's knees go weak. He manages to keep himself standing, just barely, but honestly that's the last thing on his mind right now because that's –
That's his friend. Back in his body, visible, tangible. A little banged up, maybe, but – alive. Alive. 
Leo doesn't even realize he's crying until Donnie gets in front of him, waving a blurry hand in front of his face to get his attention. 
“Nardo?” he asks, concerned. “Is everything okay?”
Leo shakes his head, only realizing when Donnie's expression tightens that ah, okay, bad idea – rushing to reassure him. 
“Yeah,” he says, sniffling. “Yeah, sorry, just – you can see him, right?”
He points, and Donnie turns to look, scanning over the stands until his eyes land on the other Leo. And Leo can see the moment he realizes, his whole body tensing as he turns back to ask, “Is that – is that him?”
Leo nods, and Donnie glances over once again, studying the other turtles for a moment. 
“... Are you gonna go say hi?” he asks then, and Leo – Leo freezes.
He… he probably should, right? Like – okay, it's not that he doesn't want to talk to his friend. He does! He wants to so bad, he wants to tell him how glad he is that everything worked out okay, that he got his body back, except –
What if he can't?
Logically, he knows that worst case scenario, other-Leo can't see him and Donnie just lends him his goggles. Easy fix. And yet – he can't… really explain why the thought of other-Leo not being able to see him on his own anymore fills him with so much dread. Just that it does. Just that the thought of having to find out – of walking up to his friend and not being seen, of saying something and not being heard – locks his knees up and freezes him where he stands. 
“Leo…?” Donnie says, expression softening in worry. “What's –”
“What if he can't see me anymore?” Leo blurts out before he can talk himself out of it, and immediately winces, backpedaling. “I mean – I guess then you could let him borrow your goggles, duh, not a big deal, so it's –”
Donnie's turn to cut him off, eyes narrowing through the goggles. “Is that what you're worried about? He'll just be happy to see you, even if he has to use the goggles to do it.”
“How do you know?” Leo asks, and Donnie freezes up, caught. 
“I – I know everything, obviously,” he says, looking away. There's definitely something there, but Donnie looks uncomfortable enough as it is, and he – he has a point, as much as Leo doesn't want to admit it. 
“Fine,” he sighs, moving around Donnie, stomach churning with nerves that get worse with each step. “But if this goes bad, I'm blaming you.”
“Wh –” Donnie yelps, freezing for a moment before scrambling to catch up to Leo. “How is that fair?!”
“It just is,” Leo throws over his shoulder, before coming to a stop a few feet away from his friend. He feels kind of like he might be sick, if he had an actual stomach to be sick with. But still – he swallows hard and steps forward, metaphorical heart jolting in his chest when other-Leo perks up like he heard something. 
Time feels agonizingly slow as other-Leo raises his head and looks around, before his eyes finally land on Leo. Looking at him, not through him, and Leo might cry again if he wasn't trying very hard to keep his image intact. 
Other-Leo's eyes light up, and Leo can't keep the smile off his face when he asks –
“What's a ghost's favorite makeup?”
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blubun0309 · 1 year ago
TW // *Slight* Eyestrain (I think)
Risetober Day 21: Ghost
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Yes yes another fic fanart BUT this time is IMBI fanart :D
If you can't tell, fanfics fuel me
Non-glitch ver:
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princesskkfish · 1 year ago
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Day 4: amulet
I know a bunch of people have been doing this for the prompt but hey it’s an amazing fic so sue me
“I May be Invisible but I still Look Good” by @dandylovesturtles
day 1 day 2 day 3
I totally fell asleep before I did the prompt yesterday so let’s pretend it’s still yesterday shhh
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minkschasijasi · 2 years ago
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Yays, i’ve done it ! I’ve completed the fanart!! I love this scene so much idrk why I do, but when i read it i got instant motivation to make this >:)
(The scene is in one of the first 3-5 chapts i believe ,, micheal revisiting some old graffiti tags him and his brothers made , leo joining him.)
Ughggh these two are my life— all of the boys are aaeussnssfsfsf. At that point i was desperate for leo cause they all were seriously down in the dumps.
Also, i know the fic stated/implied that he was not at all transparent to both mikey and himself, but i didn’t know how to convey the fact he’s just kinda a spirit rn. So he’a just a taaaad bit transparent.
Also, theres paint splatter on the floor of when leon made a mess back when, everyone’s colors are there,, you might have to look hard to find it tho :p
@dandylovesturtles <- Ao3 author’s tumblr! Go check them out :d
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good <- Fic name!! It’s on Ao3, I recommend this fic it’s just so good !!
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e-turn · 2 years ago
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Leo felt the panic rise to a crescendo. He reached out wildly for Mikey, trying to grab his face, his hands, his arms, anything, anything he could to make him stop.
“Mikey, you don’t have to do this! I’m right here, I never left, you don’t have to go back, I’m here!”
I find it a really good idea that Leo doesn’t have any body fluids in this state. A detail that can be a blessing for someone but turns out as another part of torture for someone else. 
@dandylovesturtles, you are amazing :)
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 2 years ago
Words cannot describe how much I love this fic, so maybe three months worth of drawings can!
Fic: I May Be Invisible, but I Still Look Good by @dandylovesturtles
(If it defaults to a lower video quality, please change it to 1080p so it's actually watchable! Clearly, I don't know how uploading videos works)
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