frost-queen · 6 years
Mirror of Erised ( Reader x Harry Potter)
Requested by: @lovegovd, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
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It shows us nothing than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts.
You met Harry on the Hogwarts express as you were going for the first time to Hogwarts. All the other cabinets were full, so you walked almost to the end of the train where you noticed a boy with round glasses sitting down. You opened the doors as he turned his head from the window to the door opening. – “May I sit with you; all the others are full?” – he nodded for you to sit down as you walked inside and closed the doors behind you.
You placed yourself down as the boy looked curious at you, you noticed it and smiled soft. – “My name is Y/n Y/L/n and you are?” – you noticed that he moved around a bit nervous in his seat before he spoke. – “Harry… Harry Potter…” – he said after a long pause, he immediately ducked down as he was ready to receive some questions from you.
“Harry Potter?” – you repeated as he turned his head away from your gaze as he didn’t like the attention around his name. Everyone around him seemed to know more about his life than him and it bothered him. – “Nice to meet you.” – you said as you extended your hand to him, he blinked a few times as he didn’t expect that. – “oh, … nice … nice to meet you as well, Y/n…” – he stuttered as he shook your hand.
The rest of the ride you talked about your parents and how it was to grow up in a wizard family, Harry told you on his turn about his life with the Dursleys as he was glad to be away from them. The closer you got to Hogwarts the more familiar the two of you got, Harry started to consider you as his first friend as you felt the same. You heard the train whistle loud as big clouds filled the blue skies, you looked out of the window and noticed you had arrived.
You and Harry got up at the same time as he paused a bit to let you step out as first. You thanked him and jumped out of the train as Harry followed you on foot, he heard a loud voice as he recognised it and without thinking took your arm and ran with you to the loud voice. – “Hagrid!” – he called out as the big man laughed deep, - “Harry Potter so good to see you…” – he had bowed down a bit to speak closer to Harry as his eyes glided from Harry to you.
“Is this a friend of yours?” – he asked him as he straightened himself again and waved to some children of your age to come closer to him. – “yes, this is Y/n!” – Harry told him happy as he smiled bright at you, - “Nice to meet you Y/n” – Hagrid spoke as he shook your hand, his hand was so big that your hand was lost in his palm.
“Nice to meet you as well” – you replied as Hagrid didn’t listen anymore he was calling for the first years to follow him. You and Harry followed him to the boats as both of you talked about in which house you would end up. You stopped talking as you saw the castle at the other end of the lake, you pinched Harry in his arm as you were excited to attend to Hogwarts. You shared a boat with Harry, a boy with ginger hair and a girl with glasses, you frequently looked excited at Harry as he kept gazing at the immense castle in front of him.
You were awaited by an elderly lady who wore a green robe and a black pointy hat, she explained to you what was going to happen at the sorting ceremony and what everyone had to do. You and Harry gave each other a look as you wished you got sorted in the same house. The immense doors opened, and you walked inside the great hall were several students were sitting at large tables. At the end of the hall was a large table standing on a platform as you recognised them as teachers.
Everyone stopped in front of a chair with an old, dusty pointy hat on it, it was sitting in a sloppy way as it looked like it could rip at any moment. Professor McGonagall walked to the front and unfolded a large piece of parchment, she cleared her throat as she started to read out loud everyone’s name. You and Harry ended up with Gryffindor as the both of you were glad that you were together and at such a mighty house as Gryffindor.
The first semester was new and nerve wrecking as you had to remember at what floor your classes where and that the switching stairs didn’t lead you to a wrong floor. You loved most of the classes except for Potions as the Professor who gave it seemed to hate every Gryffindor and especially Harry. Professor Snape would give Harry critic for everything he did, if he even breathed Snape would already scold at him.
Harry and you had grown as tick as thieves as the two of you were inseparably. The more time you spent with him, the more your feelings started to grow for him. You were developing love feelings for him, but you never told him as you were happy with the relationship you had with him now. You were also afraid of what he might think of you and if he didn’t feel the same than you would have ruined your friendship.
Soon it was the stressing period of exams but also winter and snow fun. You sometimes went with Harry outside to let Hedwig; his owl stretches her wings. His snow owl loved to fly around the castle and always came back to him whenever he needed him. Your cat on the other hand mostly slept on your bed as it purred soft. Whenever you and Harry are ever talking on your bed, he would always pet her as she purred loud on his lap.
You had promised Harry that you would stay at Hogwarts during the winter break as you didn’t want him to be alone. You had already filled in the paper as Professor McGonagall noted your name that you would stay here. Harry was very grateful that he could celebrate Christmas with you and his other classmates. You knew Christmas was coming soon so, you wrote a letter to your parents asking them to buy Harry a gift from you and send it to you.
It was Christmas eve as you and Harry were sitting in the common room near the fire place, covered in blankets. – “I can’t wait to celebrate Christmas with you, Y/n!” – Harry called out as he smiled bright at you. It was the first time that Harry got to celebrate something, and he was overexcited to share it with you. – “Me too, I’m so glad we get to spent Christmas together…” – you replied as your cat sprung on your lap, asking you for attention.
You breathed out a soft laugh as you started to pet your snow-white cat, Harry laughed soft as she moved her tail to his side showing him to pet her tail. Harry let his hand slide over her tail repeatedly as she purred satisfied. You and Harry kept petting your cat as you gazed at the fire before you, dreaming of a perfect Christmas. As it was close to midnight the two of you said goodbye as you walked to the girl’s side with your cat in your arms. – “Goodnight Y/n…” – Harry said as he paused for a moment standing on a few steps. – “Good night, Harry…” – you replied as you looked back at him, he chuckled soft before he made his way over to his room.
The next morning you were awake early as your cat kept tickling you with her fluffy tail, - “Juniper… not now…” – you said half-asleep as you waved her tail out of your face. She meowed loud as she tried to get your attention, you got up and rubbed your eyes as she placed herself down on your lap. You shook your head soft as you laughed at her behaviour, it only then occurred to you that it was Christmas day. You threw the covers from you and Juniper growled annoyed at you for moving, you putted on your robe and slippers as you rushed down the stairs.
You ran straight to the boy’s section as you knew Harry was the only boy in his room. – “Harry!” – you called out between your breaths as you swung the door open. – “Harry wake up, wake up!” – you climbed in his bed and started to shake him awake as he growled soft, - “It’s Christmas day!” – you shouted as he abruptly got up, making you fall to the end of his bed. – “It’s Christmas!” – he repeated as you nodded excited, he threw the covers off him as he putted on his slippers and robe. You rolled out of his bed as you followed him downstairs, downstairs there was a big tree standing in the corner of the common room as Juniper had already come downstairs and placed herself in front of the warm fireplace.
“Presents!” – you shouted as you ran over to the tree and kneeled in front of it, Harry stood waiting as he knew he wouldn’t get any presents. He only moved when he heard you call out that he had also some presents. He quickly kneeled beside you as he was excited, he never got any presents and now he got four. – “I ... I never get any presents…?” – he said confused as you handed him the first one, - “it’s from Hagrid!” – you called out and Harry recognised the bad hand writing of Hagrid.
He ripped the paper off as you grabbed a present of yours. You had opened it and saw that your grandmother had made you a sweater with a lion on it, representing your house. Harry laughed hard as he was you held the sweater against your chest to see if it would fit. – “Don’t laugh at me as you got also one!” – he frowned soft as he placed Hagrid’s gift aside, you threw him a present wrapped in the same paper as yours.
You were the one to laugh now as he opened the present and presented you the same sweater. He looked at the note and read that your grandmother had made one for him as well. – “I wrote a letter to my parents, asking them to buy you a gift and I think my grandmother wanted to make you it.” – you said as he frowned again at you, he then gave you a friendly hug as he was glad with the gift even though it wasn’t such a pretty sweater but he appreciated the gesture.
You and Harry had unpacked everything as he noticed a strange wrapped present, he reached out for it as you enjoyed some chocolates that your mother had sent you. You frowned as Harry admired the ugly wrapped gift, - “Who’s it from?” – you asked him curious as he looked at the note that came with it. – “I don’t know… it just says, use wisely?” – Harry spoke as he placed the note slowly next to him.
You moved closer to him as you watched him unwrap the gift, you gasped as he pulled out some sort of cloak. – “Try it on!” – you called out to him as Harry got up and held the cloak in front of him, he putted it around him and you dropped your box of sweets as you were shocked. – “Ha…Harry… Harry your body is gone!” – you stuttered shocked as you pointed at an empty spot underneath his head. Harry frowned and looked down as he was shocked by his own appearance.
“My body… it’s gone!” – he panicked as he twirled around to search for his body. – “I think that’s an invisibility cloak!” – you called out as Harry removed the cloak from him and his body appeared again. – “Who would send me this?” – he asked you confused as he placed the cloak over a sofa, you shrugged your shoulders as Juniper had come closer to explore the unknown piece of fabric. – “Imagine the things we could do with it…” – a smirk appeared on your face as you imagined yourself teasing Draco Malfoy with it, he would never know what hit him.
Harry shook his head as he knew exactly what you were up to, - “Y/n don’t even try! Malfoy is not worth it!” – you pouted your lips as Harry laughed soft at your begging face, - “Why don’t you pass me some chocolates?” – he asked you to change the subject, you puffed annoyed that he ignored you and threw some chocolates to him. The two of you kept enjoying the Christmas morning as it started to snow outside.
The rest of the day, you and Harry had spent playing wizards chess and searching the library for more information about Nicolas Flamel. You and Harry had heard that name and knew it had to do something with the strange things that were happening at Hogwarts. First that Troll that was released in the dungeon but ended up in the girl’s bathroom, then the mysterious warning about the third floor. Harry had an uneasy feeling as his scar sometimes started to hurt, you knew it might have something to do with ‘you know who’ as it was impossible for him to be alive but still you were worried for him.
You and Harry never found anything about him in the library as you returned to the common room. That night as Harry was laying in his bed he had an idea to search for information in the forbidden section. He got up and walked downstairs on the tips of his toes and he held the cloak in his hand. He putted on the cloak and walked silently out of the common room toward the forbidden section of the library.
He didn’t find any answers but was almost caught by Filch as he had to ran. He ran to a section he has never been as he encounter Professor Snape and Quirrell around the corner. He covered up his mouth with his hand as he watched Snape threaten him. Harry tried to walk past them as quiet as he could, there was a door next to them at the end of the hall as he made his way over to there.
He opened it slowly as he hoped no one would see it, he closed it again and removed the cloak from him as he was standing in a large room with only a mirror in it. He walked closer to the mirror as it was covered in gold and strange letters, he froze for a moment as he tried to read the words on it. Something was pulling his attention to the mirror as he moved closer to it, seeing himself in it.
Suddenly two figures appeared next to him and he held his breath as he had a feeling he knew them without ever meeting them. He looked from person to person as he started to breath out slow, - “Mother?” – he said soft as the lady with ginger hair nodded soft, - “Father?” – he spoke to the man that was standing on the right side of him. He nodded at him and Harry had to hold back his tears as he was finally seeing his parents for the first time, His mother moved her hand to his shoulder.
Harry placed his hand on hers but only felt his own shoulder, he looked behind him and saw nothing. He looked back in the mirror as his parents were smiling proud at him, Harry moved his hand to the mirror to touch it. He wanted to feel them or just let them know that he wanted to touch them, feel them. He took the cloak again as he knew he had to tell you about this, he wanted you to meet his parents.
Harry rushed outside with the cloak over him as he ran straight to the Gryffindor common room. He rushed to your bedroom as he opened the door and threw your curtains open, - “Y/n! wake up!” – he shout-whispered as you moved restless your head. – “Y/n! wake up! I have to show you something!” – he shout-whispered again as he showed his head from underneath the cloak and pulled the covers from you. You shot awake as you felt the cold in seconds, you looked to where the sound came as you rubbed sleepy your eyes.
“Y/n!” – Harry called out again as you jumped back as you only saw his head, you wanted to scream but Harry quickly covered up your mouth so, you wouldn’t wake up your roommates. – “Y/n! it’s me Harry!” – Harry pulled the cloak more from him, to show you his body as you stared at him confused. – “What are you doing here Harry?” – he shushed you and grabbed your hand as he dragged you out of your bed.
You grabbed your sweater in seconds as he kept pulling you out of your room, - “Harry!” – you shout-whispered as he leaded you downstairs, - “I saw my parents!” – he called out, you wanted to tell him that it was impossible for him to see them but he never gave you any room to speak. – “I saw them in a mirror and I want you to meet them!” – he paused before the passage way out as he threw the cloak over you and him.
You and Harry shuffled next to each other as Harry leaded you to the room you were earlier. On your way you encountered misses Norx and you gasped soft as Harry covered up your mouth to keep you quiet. Harry took your hand under the cloak as he kept covering up your mouth, he eye signalled to you to keep quiet. Misses Norx walked past them back to Filch as Harry removed his hand from your mouth, - “Come on…” – he whispered as he kept holding your hand, you started to blush at his touch as you let him lead you to the mystery mirror he was talking about.
Harry threw the cloak from you as you entered the room and threw it on the ground. He took your hand again as he rushed with you to the mirror, - “Look! Look there are my parents!” – he called out as he placed you in front of the mirror. – “Harry…” – you started but he cut you off, - “Do you see them my parents? Their right there?” – you shook your head soft as Harry wrapped his arms around your body and placed you in a better position in front of the mirror.
“Look, Y/n!” – he called out as he pointed at the mirror, he took again a step aside as he kept looking at you. – “Harry… I don’t see them …” – you said soft as you thought it was your fault that you didn’t see them, you suddenly gasped as you saw yourself in the mirror with Harry. You looked a few years older and you were holding hands. You were confused to what you were seeing, and Harry noticed it.
“What…what are you seeing Y/n?” – he asked you curious as he tried to look in the mirror, you kept gazing at yourself in the mirror as your reflection suddenly turned her body to face Harry. Your reflection moved her hand to his cheek as reflection Harry moved his to your waist, suddenly the two of you kissed each other and you started to blush in seconds.
“What? Y/n what are you seeing?” – Harry asked you again as you didn’t reply the first time, - “I … I … see …us?” – you said soft as your eyes were fixed on your reflection kissing Harry. – “What?” – Harry pushed you a bit aside trying to see it as he only saw you and him as you were now. – “What do you see then?” – you widened your eyes as you couldn’t tell him about what you were seeing. – “You know… just us…”
Harry scratched the back of his hair as he was totally confused to why he would see his parents and you would see them. – “How can you see me when I wasn’t standing in front of the mirror?” – he asked you confused as you were afraid to look at him. – “It’s us but … older…” – you replied as he frowned again” – What are we doing?” – he asked you as you swallowed deep, - “… Kissing…” – you replied nervous as you felt your face burn up from blushing.
“Kissing?” – Harry repeated as he looked from the mirror at you, - “Are you sure?” – you nodded soft as he scratched the back of his hair shy. – “Are you really seeing this, Y/n?” – he replied nervous as he started to move from feet to feet. You nodded again as you felt shy and nervous, Harry bit his lip soft as he gazed at your hand that was hanging next to your body. Without thinking he moved closer to you and placed his hand in yours.
You looked from your hand to him as both of you started to blush like fools, - “Harry…” – you said soft as he held his hand in yours, he turned his body more to you as he suddenly placed a piece of your hair behind your ear. – “Why wait …?” – he said soft as he looked shy at the mirror, you widened your eyes again as you couldn’t believe your ears.
You pulled him closer and without thinking you presses your lips against his, Harry was surprised for a moment but soon enjoyed your kiss. You pulled away after some moments and the both of you laughed sheepishly, Harry than leaded you hand in hand to the invisibility cloak and putted it again around you, leading you back to the common room.
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frost-queen · 6 years
Madly in love (Reader x Young! Remus)
Summary: Imagine Remus being secretly in love with you and James, Sirius and Lily help him to confess his feelings for you.
Word count: 1915
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Remus had been thinking about you all day. Your image haunted him for months now.
Remus was sitting in the great hall with a potion book in his hand.
He wasn’t really reading it. He was just holding it to hide the fact that he kept thinking of you.
He was awoken from his thoughts by a nod on the shoulder.
“Hey Remus”.
He looked up to see it was Lily, one of his best friends and James’s girlfriend.
“Hey Lils” – he said a bit dozy.
Lily sat next to him and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.
“What are you reading?” – she asked taking a bite.
Remus looked at the cover of the book before answering “Most Potent Potions” – he replied as if he had no idea what he was reading.
“you have no idea what your reading, am I right?” – Lily asked curious.
Remus laughed a bit and saw James and Sirius coming his way.
“Remus good to see you, you to Lils” – James said sitting next to Lily and wrapping his arm around her.
“Remus, Lily” – Sirius saluted and sitting across from Remus.
“If you guys see Filch run through these hallways in a few moments. We had nothing to do with it.” – Sirius said winking at Lily and Remus.
“What did you two do?” – Lily asked curious.
“Just a little prank, that’s all” – James replied laughing and holding Lily tighter.
“When are you going to stop pranking Filch?” – Lily asked.
James and Sirius shared a look and both replied “Never!”.
Lily sighed and took another bite from her apple.
Moments later Mister Filch ran through the corridor of the great hall with his face covered in pimples.
He ran straight to Professor McGonagall who was supervising the students.
You were sitting on a table on the other side of the hall. Seeing Mister Filch run fast with his face covered in pimples made you laugh hard.
“Mister Finch” – Professor McGonagall asked direct “What on earth happened to you?”
He tried to speak but was out of breath from running. He had to recover for a moment before he answered.
“Speak up” – Professor McGonagall asked again losing her patients.
As he tried to speak a few pimples exploded right in her face.
Everyone was shocked for a moment.
Filch tried to apologize but Professor McGonagall cleaned her face and shouted, “Silence everyone”.
“I will take Mister Filch away” – she started to walk towards the door and before she was halfway she said, “There will be consequences for whoever did this”. And left the room.
You couldn’t hold your laughter and started to laugh so hard, you almost fell out of your seat.
Your friends and you were done so you packed your things to head back to your common room.
As you reached the middle of the great hall, you locked eyes with Remus.
You gave him a smile and he replied your action with a goofy smile.
Lily noticed that Remus looked like a fool and pocked him in the chest.
Remus looked annoyed at her and she asked, “Who is she?”.
Once she said that James and Sirius looked over at you.
You noticed them looking at you, immediately you blushed and covered your face behind a book.
Remus couldn’t have been more nervous than ever.
“uhm … I …I have no idea who you’re talking about Lils” – Remus said stuttering.
“Please Remus, I can look right through you, that one over there” – She added pointing at you.
“Y/n are you coming?” – your friend asked.
You quickly turned around and replied “Of course”.
“So, who is she?” – James asked.
Remus refused to answer so he took his book again to pretend he was reading.
“You like her, don’t you?” – Sirius asked pulling the book down, to show Remus his face.
“What?” – Remus said acting surprised “No I don’t”.
“I think you do” – Sirius said with a devious smile on his face.
“Come on Remus, just tell us who she is?” – Lily asked making a pouty face.
Remus sighed “Alright, her name is Y/n”
“You mean that girl from (your Hogwarts house)? – James asked.
“Way the go Remus” – James replied by patting him on the back.
“I knew you had it in you” – Sirius added.
“Remus have you told her already?” – Lily asked.
“Told her what?” – he said confused
“That you like her of course” – she said smiling
Remus his face turned red and he tried to hide it “I …. I don’t like her”
“Well I think you won’t mind then if I asked her, would you?” – Sirius said.
“Sirius!” – Lily almost shouted “Don’t you dare”.
Remus tried to ignore Sirius his comment but It kept bothering him.
Sirius winked at James and he knew Sirius was just playing a game to make him confess.
“I mean Y/n is hot, you’d think she’d go for a bad boy?” – he kept bragging.
It was getting harder for Remus to control his anger.
“I wonder what kind of a kisser Y/n is?” – James added.
Lily shoved James and gave Sirius a mean glare.
“I can already see it before me” – Sirius started to fantasies. “We are laying in the field at night, looking at the stars. I hear her giggle. once she did that I look at her like this”. – Sirius said imitating the face he would make.
Remus was almost losing it.
“And then I kiss her, gently and then rougher” – he added.
“I almost feel her soft lips” – placing his fingers on his lips and smiling like a fool.
That was the drop for Remus. He smashed his hand on the table.
“If you even dare to touch her”.
“Calm down Remus” – James said quick “He was just messing with you”.
Remus grabbed Sirius by his tie “You think this is funny?”.
“No … No, I don’t Remus, it was just a joke” – he said trying to save his own skin.
“Remus let go!” – Lily yelled and pulling him away.
Remus let go of Sirius and left without anything.
“You had to cross the line, didn’t you?” – James said shocked by Remus his action.
“I didn’t know he was going to act like that?” – Sirius replied straightening his tie.
“Good job Sirius, you’ve really done it this time” – Lily sighed.
“I wasn’t thinking”
“Clearly!” – Lily said.
She sighed “I’m going to find Remus and talk to him”.
“Is there anything we could do?” – James asked cautious.
“Yes, keep your distance from him for a while” Lily got up and before she took off she turned around and said, “Oh and don’t do anything stupid in the meantime”.
Lily found Remus quick. He was sitting on the stairs.
Lily saw you walk towards Remus so she waited for you to leave.
“Remus?” – you asked concerned “Are you alright?”.
Once he heard your voice he faced you immediately “Y/n?”.
You seated yourself next to him “Did something happen?”.
He sighed “nothing for you to worry about Y/n”.
“Remus, are you sure you are alright?” – you asked placing your hand on his knee.
He looked at your hand for a second and then he spotted Lily standing behind a pillar.
He immediately pushed your hand of him and turned away from you.
You were surprised by his sudden action.
“Remus?” – you said soft.
“Just leave Y/n” – he snapped at you.
“But…?” – you asked confused.
“I said leave”
You wanted to place your hand on his shoulder but you stopped in mid-air “If that’s what you want”.
You stood up and looked at him one more time before you walked away.
You walked past Lily and she could see you wipe away your tears.
Once you’d left Lily walked over to Remus.
“Was that necessary?” – she shouted.
“What do you want Lily, didn’t you already had your fun on me” – he snapped at her.
“Remus Lupin” – she yelled, startling him “You listen to me right now”.
“You do not get to talk to her like that?”
Remus kept staring at Lily as she kept yelling.
“Obviously she likes you but you just acted like a stone cold dementor towards her”.
“Just let it go Lils”.
“No” – she shouted, “not before you make it up to her”.
“Remus, she was crying”
“She was?” – he answered ashamed of his behaviour.
“yes, so you better tell her that your sorry”.
“and while you’re at it, just tell her you like her” – Lily kept talking “you’ll feel better, trust me” – She said placing a hand on his shoulder.
Remus took a deep breath and got up “your right, I have to apologize to Y/n.”
“And tell her you like her?” – Lily added with a smile.
“Yes, I will tell her that to”.
Remus walked away and started to look for you.
He found you after a while at the courtyard.
You were sitting on a bench sobbing.
Remus approached you and once you noticed him you wiped away your tears.
“Why are you here? Remus” – you snapped at him.
“Y/n, can we please talk?” – he asked cautious.
“Why would I, you literally pushed me away”
“I know … I know” – he said getting closer to you “I was … I am a fool” – he corrected himself.
“Damn right you are” – you replied hiding away your smile.
Remus cracked a little smile and gestured to the seat next to you “Can I?”.
You nodded and he sat down.
Before he started to talk he took a deep breath “I’m sorry Y/n, I never meant to hurt your feelings”.
“But you did anyway” – you answered.
“I know and I could never forgive myself for that” – you looked over at him as he continued.
“I was angry because my friends kept taunting me and I never should have acted it out on you, you’re the last person I want to hurt”.
“Why did they taunt you?” – you asked playing with your skirt.
“Because …” – he started. He didn’t finish his sentence and just stared at the courtyard.
You placed your hand on his knee “You can tell me Remus”.
“Because of this…” and before you knew it Remus pressed his lips against yours.
He quickly pulled away and regretted doing that.
“I’m sorry” – he muttered.
You took him by his shirt and pulled him close to you that your noises almost touched, feeling his breath against your skin.
He was surprised by your action and didn’t really know what to do.
“Remus” – you said soft “If you are going to kiss me, you better do it properly.
And with that said you placed your lips onto his and you kissed him like never before.
The world stood still for a moment and all you could feel was this warm feeling running through your body.
You pulled away after a few moments and both of you couldn’t help but laugh.
You then placed your head against his shoulders, holding his hand.
“your friends didn’t taunt you to harsh, did they?” – you asked.
“let’s just say, they brought out a certain strength in me I didn’t knew I had” – he said laughing the memory away.
“but that’s in the past now” – he continued playing with your hand.
You lifted your head to look at him and smiled “I love you Remus”
“I love you to Y/n” – he said placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
Requests are open
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frost-queen · 6 years
Yule Ball ( Reader x Young!Remus)
A/n: requests are open! - check out my masterlist for idea’s 
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The Yule ball was only weeks away and every student was excited about it.
Everyone was rushing around to find a perfect partner or to finally ask that one person out.
It was obvious for James that he would go with Lily since they were dating. Sirius would just wing a girl he fancies at the time.
At the tables of the great hall the marauders were gathered around. James was sitting next to Lily with his arm around her on the opposite of them sat Remus and Sirius.
“So, who are you taking to the yule ball?” – Lily asked Sirius.
He shrugged his shoulders “I guess Cecilia”
Everyone frowned “I thought you fancied Georgina?” – Remus asked him confused.
Sirius laughed “That was last week, keep up Remus” – he added patting him on the back.
You entered the great hall with your friends. Sirius nudged him and he looked straight at you.
You waved at him and he waved awkward back.
“So, when are you going to ask Y/n out?” – Lily asked Remus when she noticed his behaviour.
“What …” – He asked confused turning his attention to her.
Lily rolled her eyes and the others laughed.
“Just ask her to the Yule ball” – Lily said again.
“I …I can’t” – Remus stuttered.
“Why not?” – James asked pulling Lily closer to him.
“Because I’m scared” – he said soft, lowering his head.
“Remus, ask her out before someone else does” – Sirius said furious.
“Alright … Alright” – he said laughing “I’ll ask her but it has to be special”.
the next class was Potions. You stood diagonal from Remus and his friends.
You were preparing your potion when a note landed on your desk. You frowned and looked quick around to see from who it was.
No one seemed to give you attention so you grabbed the note and read on the front “open when your alone”.
You pressed the note against your chest and smiled, finding it sweet that someone gave you a note.
After class your friends asked you to come with them to their common room.
“You can go without me” – you said luring them away “I … I have something to do first.”
They all giggled and left you alone.
You sat yourself down at the bottom of the stairs and took the note from your pocket.
Remus had followed you from class and was now hiding behind a pole to see your reaction.
You took a deep breath and quickly looked one more time around to see if you could spot someone.
You opened the note and immediately little hearts sparked out of it. You were amazed and a huge smile appeared on your face when the hearts surrounded you.
Remus was smiling from afar and watched your reaction closely.
You then looked down and read the note “You are the most beautiful and talented witch I ever met”
An even bigger smile appeared on your face and you quickly kept reading.
“Y/n do you want to go to the Yule ball with me, signed Remus Lupin”.
You almost cried of joy, and pressed the note against your chest, holding it close to your heart.
Remus came out of his hiding place and walked over to you.
You were surprised you didn’t expected him to be here “Remus” – you said quickly standing up.
He gave you a goofy smile and you wiped some tears away.
“Y/n” – he said soft “Did you like the note” – he asked cautious.
“I loved it Remus” – you said still holding it close to your heart.
“I loved every single bit of it” – you said smiling “but how did you make those hearts?”
He smiled at you and wiggled a bit with his head “That’s a secret”.
You smiled proud at him back.
“So…” – he started “what do you say Y/n?”.
You wanted to react but he responded again “It’s okay if you don’t want to, I understand but I hope you say yes but I understand if you are already going with …” – Remus kept babbling.
You tried to interfere but it was useless so you placed a soft kiss on his cheek and he immediately stopped talking.
“I love to go with you to the Yule ball” – you said smiling.
Remus was a bit shocked by the kiss “Alright … “– he said.
“I will see you then Y/n” – he said placing his fists calmly against the wall.
“I mean not like I’m not going to see you in the days between … but you know what I mean”.
“I understand” – you said trying to control your laughter.
 He turned around almost bumping into a pole, and you couldn’t control your laughter.
“Wow, a pole…” – he said smiling like a fool, you covered your mouth with your hand to stop yourself from laughing.
“Has this always been here?” – he asked trying not to be awkward.
“I believe it did”- you said trying to control your laughter.
He patted the pole slow and before he left he turned around to look at you one more time.
Once he entered his common room his friends surrounded him.
“What did she say?” – Lily said almost jumping out of her skin.
“Tell us some details” – Sirius said sitting backwards on a chair, leaning against the back.
“Oh no she said no didn’t she” – James said coming out of the bed.
Remus tried to speak but everyone wouldn’t let him.
“Oh no Remus I’m so sorry” – Lily said.
“Lily …” – he tried to say but Sirius already said another thing “I knew it (your Hogwarts house) girls are always like that.”
“Sirius …” – he tried to speak again but James already got in defence mode “I will have to have a serious word with Y/n for hurting you like that” – he said angry, walking towards the door.
“No!” – Remus said stopping James from leaving “guys listen to me she said yes”.
“Oh” – James said surprised “well in that case, good job Mooney” – he added by patting him on the back.
“I’m so happy for you” – Lily said wrapping her arms around him.
“Way to go Moons” – Sirius said winking over to him.
Just like everyone else Remus couldn’t wait for the Yule ball.
Today was the day and you were getting ready with your friends.
Your friends and you were having a blast while putting on lipstick, you all told each other who your dates were and how thrilled you all were for tonight’s dance.
You wore a strapless dress in (your favourite colour) that fell wide open. It gave you a princess feeling.
Everyone was waiting downstairs and you took a deep breath before walking down the stairs.
As you walked down you could see Remus gaping at your beauty.
“Remus” – you said as you stood in front of him.
“You … You look beautiful Y/n” – he stammered, still gazing at you.
“Thank you” – you said shy, looking down for a moment at your dress “You look handsome yourself”.
Remus smiled shy back at you and offered you his arm “May I?”.
You placed your arm around his and walked with him towards the ball.
As you entered you were amazed by the beauty, snowflakes were falling slowly down and the ball had a wintery feeling.
Remus lead you to his friends for a moment “Everyone I want you to meet Y/n properly”.
“Y/n these are my friends: Lily, James and Sirius” – he said pointing at each of them.
“Lovely to meet you all” – you said smiling.
“Likewise,”- James replied and kissed Lily on the cheek.
“Oh” – Lily said out of the blue “James can we dance on this song?”
James didn’t really had a say in this because Lily was already dragging him towards the dancefloor.
Remus took a small bow “May I have this dance Y/n?”
“You may certainly have” – you replied with a small curtsy.
He then leads you to the dancefloor.
He placed his one hand on your hip and his other fitted perfectly into yours.
You placed your free hand on his back and he waltzed with you perfectly.
Both of you let yourself be consumed by the music and the dance. For a moment it fell as if you were the only two dancing.
Feeling soft snowflakes fall on your skin you looked deep into his eyes.
Remus his hair had caught a few snowflakes by now, “Y/n” – he started.
He stopped dancing for a moment and gazed at your beauty.
Snowflakes kept falling and Remus tilted your chin, Looking at your lips for a moment.
You closed your eyes and Remus leaned closer to kiss you.
His touch was soft and felt familiar, his kiss was passionate.
Both of you had waited for this moment, the music kept playing on the background as you moved your hands to his neck.
Remus pulled you closer to him, moving his hand towards your cheek.
As you pulled away, both of you smiled like a fool.
“I … I love you Y/n” – He said shy.
“I love you too Remus” – you said soft back, holding his cheek.
He quickly kissed you again and twirled you around for a few times.
You placed your head against his chest while slowly dancing around.
Madly in love - (Reader x Young Remus)
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