marauderimagine · 6 years
Not all Slytherins are snakes
“As if dating wasn’t hard enough.“ , Remus thought as his friends stared to ask him out. Yes he was going out with a girl. And yes he really liked her. And yes he was sure he would be dating her for a while. But he was quite sure if he told his friends to much, they wouldn`t be as happy as they seemed to be now. “So when do we meet her?”, Sirius asked wiggling his eyebrows. “Don`t know.”, Remus answered and tried to hide behind his text book of “Fantastic Beasts and where to find them”. “So, is she ugly?”, James laughed and took the book from Remus hands. “No!”, he said, beginning to blush. “She is beautiful. Perfect!”, he said, his face becoming more and more red.  “She has to have a catch. You seem so happy with her. So why don`t you want to introduce us to her?”, James said with a soft voice. Remus was looking at his feet. “Because she is (Y/N) /Y/L/N).” And there it was. The silence Remus had feared so much. He did not even look up. He knew what his friends felt. He probably would have felt the same. But she was different! She really was! She wasn’t mean and just teasing everyone. She wasn’t whit these strange guys that wanted to be death eaters. She was just a normal, clever girl. But how should his friends know? “Honestly Moony?”, Sirius asked raising his eyebrow  “I mean we all know you are a though guy. But honestly? That girl from Slytherin? She is a bitch!”. With this words Sirius just went a step to far. He only recognized it, when Remus was on his feet, pointing his wand directly to Sirius’ face. “Don’t you dare!”, he growled in a voice that nearly sounded like the one he used to have in all the full moon nights. “Don’t you dare to talk about her like that!”, he whispered. Sirius became quite nervous, pushing Remus’ wand down. “Whow. Ok. Relax. I’m sorry.”, he said. “So we maybe should meet her.”, James said, softly pushing Remus away from Sirius. “Maybe we then see what you see.”, he said, Remus was shaking his head. “I shouldn’t have told you! Not a damn word!”, he shouted before leaving the common room.
“You look sad.”, (Y/N) said softly when Remus showed up. They had a special place, a hiding place, where they would meet whenever they wanted to see each other. Just an owl for the other one and they would meet up. Just like this night. Remus needed to talk to her. He was nervous, he was down and he was still angry about what Sirius said in the common room. Because every time he looked at her he did not see the Slytherin girl. He saw someone who cared. She was focused on what she was doing and she really was fighting for her goals, but never did she hurt anyone. She wasn’t a snake. Softly she stroked his hair, as he sat next to her. “So why are you sad?”, she asked, he breathed deeply “I told my friends about you.”, he whispered. She smiled sadly “They didn’t like the thought of their best fried dating a Slytherin. Right?”, she said, pulling her hand back. “Not really.”, he said, taking her hand in his own. She knew how much his friends meant to him. She knew they were got to him. Even though they were kind of douche bags.  It was them teasing other students, like poor Severus, not her. But sure it was the cliché of the mean Slytherins and the brave and strong Gryffindors. She hated it since her first year in Hogwarts and she always tried to show everyone that she wasn’t like that. But what was all this worth when Remus’ friends still thought she was just like everyone thought the Slytherins were. She sighed and stroked his hand. “So you want to break up with me?”, she asked holding back the tears that slowly made their way up in her eyes. “No!”, he said, gasping for air. “Not in any way!”, he said, looking at her fiercely. “But what are you going to do than? They are your friends and they hate me!”, she sobbed. “I know how important they are to you and I don’t want you to fight with them about me.”, she whispered, slowly pulling her hand from his. “I don’t think this is going to work as long as they don’t understand that not all Slytherins are bad people.”, Remus felt like his heart was shattering. That was not what he wanted. He wanted to be happy with her. And he wanted his friends to like her. But he had no clue how to make them see… “Don’t say that.”, he whispered, he bagged. He didn’t want to lose her. He felt like the day since they started dating, he was a better person. She made him more outgoing. She made him more confident about himself. She made him feel protected and as if he was her protector at the same time! “I don’t know how, but I will make them see!”, he said, looking into her eyes. All he saw was a broken heart. Not the joy he used to see there. “You don’t need to convince us.”, a voice said. It was Sirius coming from the shadows, followed by James and Peter. “I guess we will need a little time to adjust to your new girlfriend…”, Sirius said “But we would have needed that with every girl. Like honestly? You never dated anyone since we got here six years ago.”, James laughed. Remus smiled slightly and looked to (Y/N). She didn’t really seem convinced. “I guess you are ok. If Rems likes you. We will too.”, Sirius said, shrugging his shoulders. “But be carefull. We will have an eye on you.”, he said “Good.”, (Y/N) said. She seemed more confident now, Remus even noticed a witty smile on her lips. “But believe me, Potter, I am not gonna spear you on Quidditch just because I am dating your friend.”, she said “Wouldn’t have thought so.”, James answered “And Black, your cousins will not like this. So we maybe can have a little fun teasing them?”, Sirius smiled “You don’t like them?” “Narcissa was quite a bitch running around in our common room like the queen. I know they are not here any longer, but, they will hear. Believe me.”, (Y/N) smiled widely, Sirius joining her smile. “I like her Rems! She may be a good adding to our group.”, Sirius said. And this were the words that started a friendship between a Slytherin and  Gryffindors that was never seen again.
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frost-queen · 6 years
Yule Ball ( Reader x Young!Remus)
A/n: requests are open! - check out my masterlist for idea’s 
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The Yule ball was only weeks away and every student was excited about it.
Everyone was rushing around to find a perfect partner or to finally ask that one person out.
It was obvious for James that he would go with Lily since they were dating. Sirius would just wing a girl he fancies at the time.
At the tables of the great hall the marauders were gathered around. James was sitting next to Lily with his arm around her on the opposite of them sat Remus and Sirius.
“So, who are you taking to the yule ball?” – Lily asked Sirius.
He shrugged his shoulders “I guess Cecilia”
Everyone frowned “I thought you fancied Georgina?” – Remus asked him confused.
Sirius laughed “That was last week, keep up Remus” – he added patting him on the back.
You entered the great hall with your friends. Sirius nudged him and he looked straight at you.
You waved at him and he waved awkward back.
“So, when are you going to ask Y/n out?” – Lily asked Remus when she noticed his behaviour.
“What …” – He asked confused turning his attention to her.
Lily rolled her eyes and the others laughed.
“Just ask her to the Yule ball” – Lily said again.
“I …I can’t” – Remus stuttered.
“Why not?” – James asked pulling Lily closer to him.
“Because I’m scared” – he said soft, lowering his head.
“Remus, ask her out before someone else does” – Sirius said furious.
“Alright … Alright” – he said laughing “I’ll ask her but it has to be special”.
the next class was Potions. You stood diagonal from Remus and his friends.
You were preparing your potion when a note landed on your desk. You frowned and looked quick around to see from who it was.
No one seemed to give you attention so you grabbed the note and read on the front “open when your alone”.
You pressed the note against your chest and smiled, finding it sweet that someone gave you a note.
After class your friends asked you to come with them to their common room.
“You can go without me” – you said luring them away “I … I have something to do first.”
They all giggled and left you alone.
You sat yourself down at the bottom of the stairs and took the note from your pocket.
Remus had followed you from class and was now hiding behind a pole to see your reaction.
You took a deep breath and quickly looked one more time around to see if you could spot someone.
You opened the note and immediately little hearts sparked out of it. You were amazed and a huge smile appeared on your face when the hearts surrounded you.
Remus was smiling from afar and watched your reaction closely.
You then looked down and read the note “You are the most beautiful and talented witch I ever met”
An even bigger smile appeared on your face and you quickly kept reading.
“Y/n do you want to go to the Yule ball with me, signed Remus Lupin”.
You almost cried of joy, and pressed the note against your chest, holding it close to your heart.
Remus came out of his hiding place and walked over to you.
You were surprised you didn’t expected him to be here “Remus” – you said quickly standing up.
He gave you a goofy smile and you wiped some tears away.
“Y/n” – he said soft “Did you like the note” – he asked cautious.
“I loved it Remus” – you said still holding it close to your heart.
“I loved every single bit of it” – you said smiling “but how did you make those hearts?”
He smiled at you and wiggled a bit with his head “That’s a secret”.
You smiled proud at him back.
“So…” – he started “what do you say Y/n?”.
You wanted to react but he responded again “It’s okay if you don’t want to, I understand but I hope you say yes but I understand if you are already going with …” – Remus kept babbling.
You tried to interfere but it was useless so you placed a soft kiss on his cheek and he immediately stopped talking.
“I love to go with you to the Yule ball” – you said smiling.
Remus was a bit shocked by the kiss “Alright … “– he said.
“I will see you then Y/n” – he said placing his fists calmly against the wall.
“I mean not like I’m not going to see you in the days between … but you know what I mean”.
“I understand” – you said trying to control your laughter.
 He turned around almost bumping into a pole, and you couldn’t control your laughter.
“Wow, a pole…” – he said smiling like a fool, you covered your mouth with your hand to stop yourself from laughing.
“Has this always been here?” – he asked trying not to be awkward.
“I believe it did”- you said trying to control your laughter.
He patted the pole slow and before he left he turned around to look at you one more time.
Once he entered his common room his friends surrounded him.
“What did she say?” – Lily said almost jumping out of her skin.
“Tell us some details” – Sirius said sitting backwards on a chair, leaning against the back.
“Oh no she said no didn’t she” – James said coming out of the bed.
Remus tried to speak but everyone wouldn’t let him.
“Oh no Remus I’m so sorry” – Lily said.
“Lily …” – he tried to say but Sirius already said another thing “I knew it (your Hogwarts house) girls are always like that.”
“Sirius …” – he tried to speak again but James already got in defence mode “I will have to have a serious word with Y/n for hurting you like that” – he said angry, walking towards the door.
“No!” – Remus said stopping James from leaving “guys listen to me she said yes”.
“Oh” – James said surprised “well in that case, good job Mooney” – he added by patting him on the back.
“I’m so happy for you” – Lily said wrapping her arms around him.
“Way to go Moons” – Sirius said winking over to him.
Just like everyone else Remus couldn’t wait for the Yule ball.
Today was the day and you were getting ready with your friends.
Your friends and you were having a blast while putting on lipstick, you all told each other who your dates were and how thrilled you all were for tonight’s dance.
You wore a strapless dress in (your favourite colour) that fell wide open. It gave you a princess feeling.
Everyone was waiting downstairs and you took a deep breath before walking down the stairs.
As you walked down you could see Remus gaping at your beauty.
“Remus” – you said as you stood in front of him.
“You … You look beautiful Y/n” – he stammered, still gazing at you.
“Thank you” – you said shy, looking down for a moment at your dress “You look handsome yourself”.
Remus smiled shy back at you and offered you his arm “May I?”.
You placed your arm around his and walked with him towards the ball.
As you entered you were amazed by the beauty, snowflakes were falling slowly down and the ball had a wintery feeling.
Remus lead you to his friends for a moment “Everyone I want you to meet Y/n properly”.
“Y/n these are my friends: Lily, James and Sirius” – he said pointing at each of them.
“Lovely to meet you all” – you said smiling.
“Likewise,”- James replied and kissed Lily on the cheek.
“Oh” – Lily said out of the blue “James can we dance on this song?”
James didn’t really had a say in this because Lily was already dragging him towards the dancefloor.
Remus took a small bow “May I have this dance Y/n?”
“You may certainly have” – you replied with a small curtsy.
He then leads you to the dancefloor.
He placed his one hand on your hip and his other fitted perfectly into yours.
You placed your free hand on his back and he waltzed with you perfectly.
Both of you let yourself be consumed by the music and the dance. For a moment it fell as if you were the only two dancing.
Feeling soft snowflakes fall on your skin you looked deep into his eyes.
Remus his hair had caught a few snowflakes by now, “Y/n” – he started.
He stopped dancing for a moment and gazed at your beauty.
Snowflakes kept falling and Remus tilted your chin, Looking at your lips for a moment.
You closed your eyes and Remus leaned closer to kiss you.
His touch was soft and felt familiar, his kiss was passionate.
Both of you had waited for this moment, the music kept playing on the background as you moved your hands to his neck.
Remus pulled you closer to him, moving his hand towards your cheek.
As you pulled away, both of you smiled like a fool.
“I … I love you Y/n” – He said shy.
“I love you too Remus” – you said soft back, holding his cheek.
He quickly kissed you again and twirled you around for a few times.
You placed your head against his chest while slowly dancing around.
Madly in love - (Reader x Young Remus)
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