#imagine this shit xD
spacebubblehomebase · 6 months
Shit post!
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Don't take this too seriously, but LMAO XD. -Bubbly💙
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gothpersy · 2 years
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Me *slapping together several different art styles*: HARDCORE
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dootznbootz · 8 months
Menelaus rambles a lot about not only Helen, but also Hermione. About how she used to say Olive like "Olifs". How she lost her first tooth running too fast and running into a low branch while out with Helen. How he'd sometimes wake up to Hermione leaning over him and poking his face to say, "Dad, can we go see the horses?" even though it was barely daylight. How she was much nicer waking Helen and how he thinks Hermione did that on purpose because she found "dad's face funny". How her favorite color was every color.
And Odysseus listens.
And he thinks about how his son only had a few teeth coming in when he left, teething on everything. How he could only say one syllable with his babbles. How his son needed balance to stand but Odysseus was so proud that Telemachus was very good at rolling over. How his son loved pulling at his and Penelope's hair.
How his son would be talking, walking, maybe even lost his first tooth by now. And he doesn't even know if he'll ever know his son's favorite color.
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funforahermit · 4 months
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please tell me once and for all if i'm imagining this, because every time i look at this scene i'm convinced i can see rhys struggling not to react to taika's side glance
it's like, he's starting off with a normal "happy for pete and lucius" face but it becomes an "oop someone can't wait to marry me, eh? 😎✌️" face at the end
or is that just me??
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*the newest heroes campaign about safe seggs just dropped, a catchline says ‘now we can protect you even in your own bedroom’ and from now on every condom pack has a pro hero face on it*
*meanwhile the league (with hawks obviously) is chilling in their hideout*
toga: *throws all the heroes condoms at the table* guys! look what i bought!
hawks: oh no...
twice: i’d rather get hiv. THIS IS SO FUN!
shigaraki: do you have any with eraserhead? ...i’m asking for a friend
spinner: *looking at shigaraki* wtf dude?
dabi: *snatches a couple of packs from the table* lemme take a look at this shit...
dabi: *he picks the one with hawks’ face on it and shows it to his birb* nice babe, what’s the catchphrase? ‘too fast for your own good’?
hawks: *his cheeks burning* dabs, stop that
dabi: *still making fun of the whole thing* protect me hero hawks!
hawks: daaabiiii
shigaraki: you guys are disgusting...
dabi: *laughing* no, no, that’s fun! but when you told me you wanted to protect people, i imagined it a little bit differently, birdy
hawks: you know, it’s not like i had a choice. besides maybe it is fun. look, we should try out this one *he shows dabi a condom with endeavor’s face on the pack*
dabi: ...now all my desire for you is gone forever. that’s not funny. i don’t like it.
hawks: *laughs getting his hand with endeavor condoms closer to dabi* no? come ooon
dabi: ewwww! stop or i will throw up!
hawks: what? you don’t like it? endeavor is SO HOT tho
dabi: GROSS!!!
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thestormthatrises · 2 years
Y'all, you ever just get assaulted by the idea of how devasting it would be for the rest of the world if SQH actually took care of himself, three meals a day and 8 hours of sleep sorta deal? How minds would be blown?
Because like, I have this headcanon that every peak lord has a different kind of beauty, yeah? Like SQQ has this very cold, ethereal beauty. And LQG has this very sharp, intimidating beauty. YQY has this very warm, confident beauty, beautiful big bro beauty. WQW has this rugged and debonair sort of beauty and so on and so forth.
And SQH, underneath all of the stress and sleepless nights, is the most adorable, endearing, cute person in the world. He's that cute that makes people go feral, like honest to God cute aggression.
So can you guys imagine like, let's say that SQH has a minor but very acute qi deviation because of how hard he works, yeah? It's not SJ level but enough for MQF to put his foot down and whisk his shixiong away to his peak and very politely forcing him to be taken care of So SQH can't do anything but rest, eat well, take some sun for that good vitamin d for his depression and chill.
(MQF has some close calls with SQH, of course. Some disciples that need their Shizun back. Some demons that don't understand they can't just teleport in and Try to steal his shixiong away. But because MQF has had plenty of training with SQQ and LBH, he perseveres)
Queue a couple of weeks later and SQH is getting some weird ass looks and doesn't understand why! Is there something on his face? He looks at his reflection more often His cheeks are rounder and pinkish but they look clean enough. Was it because he put on weight? His clothes aren't hanging off of him anymore... But MQF said it was a good thing.
Was it his hair? He thought it looked good. With nothing to do for all those weeks, he had thought That he had managed the bird's nest he had been saddled with. MQF and his head disciple had said it looked nice... Were they lying?
Look as he might, he can't find stuff that's too wrong with his face. So why are people staring at him like that?
And not just staring. They're acting weird too!
Like! Like! He went to talk to LQG about his peak going over the budget and the man looked like he would kill him. And then! When he finally managed to get his shidi to agree in keeping the costs down, he smiled, thankfully And LQG punched the table between them, breaking it in half! Like WTF, bro!
He thought they were cool now, after SQQ married Bīnghé!
Guess he was wrong...
Speaking of his son! He was weird too!
SQH'S body had decided to betray him after so many years. Just because he had shown weakness.
He couldn't go three hours without food anymore. Real food too! His adored melon seeds did nothing for the growling beast in his stomach.
Such a traitor! Didn't his body know he had a job to do? Aiya!
So imagine his embarrassment! His shame! When waiting for a weird acting Cucumber bro, his stomach growled noisely near LBH! WTF!
SQH looked down, apologetic, cheeks red with shame, and askes to be forgiven by Junshang.
The look LBH gave him was so deadly that he thought his days were numbered. But when Airplane thought LBH was going to give him the final strike, he merely got up and left his Shishu to wait alone.
Normal right?!
But then! When he was talking to SQQ, who was a lot More bitchy than usual, LBH brought snacks for his beloved. Usual, right?! NO!
For the first time in his life, LBH placed some of the plates in front of SQH! And two cups for the same pot of tea! Bīnghé usually made two pots of tea for them, one with the really good stuff for SQQ and one so and so for SQH!
And people might think he was insane! I mean, maybe the table was small, right? He had to place the snacks for Shizun near the other peak lord because there was no room but NO! There was so much room!
And to top it all off, after. While of just drinking tea, LBH asked why wasn't he eating??? WTF!!
He looked helplessly to SQQ but the traitor just arched a brow at him. Was this some sort of game? Was the food poison??
"Eat, shidi"
SQH had lived a... Life, right?
It wasn't the best life but it had been a life. Who knew it would end like this?
SQH ate the food. It was delicious. The soft exterior of the bun melted in his mouth giving way to the savory meat inside. It was the best food he ever had. It was heaven.
He could die for this.
But as he happily ate, he must've done something! Because SQQ struck his head with the guard of his fan, waking him up from his bliss.
"What was that for?" He asked, heartbroken.
But Cucumber didn't answer. He merely grumbled about his stupid face and to just eat and shut up.
Weird, right??
And then he had been getting these-- things! They looked like gifts from his martial siblings but-- but that did not make any sense! They never, ever given him anything but work.
And at first he thought they were normal, yeah? He thought, for example, when WQW had given him a Very beautiful and blessed dagger that he wanted more of the ore that made it and told him he would see what he could do. When he managed to find the budget for it and purchase the ore,his shixiong had the nerve to ask him why he bought it!
SQH showed him the dagger and WQW had the gall to laugh at him and told him to keep it. Like it was a gift or something??
But worst of all! Worst than all this weird crazy nonsense, was his king!
If MBJ had been needy, demanding, and spoiled before, it was nothing compared to now.
Now, MBJ demanded his full attention when they talked, looking him dead in the eye like he was trying to pick out a lie. Or when they sat, he pulled SQH to his lap like he was going to run away. Or get made when those weird not-gifts started to pile up in his house.
He had the sneaking suspicion that his king broke some of them too.
And because SQH'S body was a traitor now, not only did it need food like all of the time, it needed sleep too! He was now falling asleep on his king's lap all the time. So rude!
He tried to get MQF to deal with this weirdness but his shidi only said that it was normal.
And then patted his head! Like... Like--like he was a kitten or something!
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bleue-flora · 6 months
If I wrote a multi fandom fanfic it would literally just be Arrow’s Oliver Queen, Supernatural’s Dean Winchester, MCU’s Loki and Bucky Barns, and c!Dream imprisoned in Minecraft’s favorite torture box, Pandora’s Vault, with c!Quackity and his bag of tools… what does that say about me?…
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teecupangel · 5 months
*gets through the fireplace* Bonjour! Desmond in the Uncharted games! Because I find it funny if he would meet Nathan, thanks to them having the same VA. Adios! *uses the smoke bomb and runs*
So, for this one, we’re going for the Uncharted series is part of the AC series because plot bunny just hit me right at the face.
And yes.
Nathan Drake is absolutely a descendant of the Auditore-Kenway line. (Spoilers to the Uncharted series), it’s heavily implied Nate isn’t really related to Francis Drake and we’ll make use of that setup.
The church Nate grew up in was actually a front of the Brotherhood. His family doesn’t have ties with the Brotherhood, not really, but Sam did learn of the Brotherhood during his stay in the orphanage and is recruited.
Now, Sam isn’t exactly loyal to the Creed. More often than not, he was more in it to get the skills necessary to survive. He kept it a secret from Nate though because he didn’t want him dealing with anything related to the Templars and the Assassins. To keep Nate away from the Templars and the Assassins, Sam tells Nate that they’re last name is Drake.
Samuel Morgan was an Assassin.
Sam Drake was Nathan Drake’s older brother.
So things happened…
Nate meets Sully while Sam was in prison (an undercover mission for the Brotherhood).
Later on, Nate joins Sam in adventuring but Sam keeps any thing connected to the Assassins and the Brotherhood away from Nate.
Sam is an Assassin who is only known by very few other Assassins but Nate has some inkling that something fishy was going on, he just wasn’t sure what it was.
There were specific artifacts that Sam wanted and was okay parting with more lucrative stuff just to get it.
But then…
They teamed up with Rafe…
Sam supposedly died…
Even in the eyes of the Brotherhood.
And that is how Samuel Morgan died and Sam Drake survived the Great Purge that would happen two years from his apparent death.
So we have different points in Uncharted that we can catapult Desmond to.
2008 – A 21 year old Desmond is employed by Elena Fisher as her cameraman as they join Nathan Drake in finding Francis Drake’s coffin. This ends with them being part of the whole quest for El Dorado (the corpse of which is an Isu that contracted some kind of deadly virus that is severely dangerous to humans but Desmond and Nate have immunity due to their Isu genes). In this one, Nate actually acts more like an older big brother to Desmond and Elena joked about how they sound a lot alike.
2010 – A 23 year old Desmond gets roped into Chloe and Harry’s plan with Nate because he’s been fired from Bad Weather due to an altercation and has been sidelining as a thief using the training he received from the Farm. He also may or may not have had a fling with Harry Flynn (according to Chloe) and Nate is absolutely questioning Desmond’s taste.
2012 – Desmond escaped Abstergo before the Assassins got him and he is absolutely suffering from Altaïr’s Bleeding Effect. It’s by chance that he is in Yemen at the same time Nate and Sully are there to meet up with Elena. Maybe you can even add in that Desmond used to be Elena’s cameraman for a bit. Anyway, he joins the group because he feels like he knows the Atlantis of Sands that they are looking for. To be more exact… his Bleed of Altaïr knows of it.
2015 – Desmond survived the Solar Flare and has been working for the Brotherhood. He’s tasked with looking into a man named Sam Drake because he sounded a lot like the late Samuel Morgan and they needed to check if he is (1) alive and (2) faked his own death because he was a Templar mole like Daniel Cross. He gets roped into the search of Avery’s treasure and ends up Bleeding as Edward more than once because Edward knows a bit about this supposed treasure.
And, just to be clear, Nate does not have the exact same ancestors as Desmond. He’s Haytham Kenway’s descendant from a fling he had in England so they have the same ancestors from the Auditore-Kenway line until Haytham Kenway.
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
After learning about the video game "CONTROL" and watching Julia LePetit-Drawfee play it, I have amended my views on brutalist architecture.
I used to think that brutalist architecture was a completely miserable and hideous style of architecture to expect human beings to exist in or around, with absolutely no acceptable applications.
But NOW I think that brutalist architecture is a completely miserable and hideous style of architecture to expect human beings to exist in or around, which is actually quite suitable for a visually striking video game about a living building that fucking hates you and is actively trying to kill you and everyone in it. ✅ ✅ ✅
I'm being silly but tbh anyone who disagrees with me can go ahead and spend 10 years commuting in the dingy gray concrete brutalist dimness of the DC metro system and then fucking get back to me.
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andreabaideas · 18 days
This post IS for people at Daisy Jones and the Six fandom who disliked, hate or , like me, are at least critical with parts of the writing ( I loved and disliked It all at once, just like with The hunger games and Twilight, XD) Lover but also critic, its me, i say that in my pinned presentation post... Anyway moving on XD.
@porkchop200324 @mzannthropy @humorously-yours and many others (I also tag @jesstasticvoyage I think you may find It interesting)
I was surfing imdb, seeing if there was any updated for Sam's filmography apart of Bagman (nope 😭🥺😱) and I continued seeing the many nominations Djats didn't won :( and the ones they did :) when...
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They got nominated, seriously !!! Like...No words.... XD
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plamglam · 7 months
Clem and Vi are out scavenging and Clem finds a posture stabiliser and makes Violet wear it despite her unwillingness
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metaldevilll · 1 month
i like pretending like vivilly is literally just vivilly dweller but he tries to stay like a normal guy and every once in a while he goes full dweller mode and cant control it and the only guy that can calm him down (and that he doesnt hurt) when hes dweller mode is palpers coz hes the only guy hes ever had to call a friend that doesnt just see him as a monster. my bad i should've said hi first
HELLO THAT'S SO FUCKING GOOD WHAT THE HWLL. thank you for blessing me with this idea it's beautiful. THE ANGST POTENTIAL... THE ANGST... TRULY DELICIOUS :D
vivilly lashing out uncontrollably and palpers tries to calm him down but gets hurt in the process ?!!!!!!!!!??????😭 He tries to hide it from vivilly when he's back to normal, but when he's comforting him n shit blood gets on viv's shirt and hes like. "what the hell dude". and palper's is like "ohhhh hahahah uhh that was just a bread dweller man. haha nothin happened"
"then where the hell was the blood 10 seconds ago if it got you before this happened💀"
"in my body"
"okay man."
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abubblyboo · 2 months
me and my f/o aren’t the most traditional of couples.
we’re both warriors who fight a lot of injustice. our date nights are spent patching up each other’s wounds and taking turns in snow baths. we can go weeks without seeing each other. a lot of times, our very lives are on the line.
but we have our little moments. brushing knuckles as we pass each other. leaning on each other as we stumble back to safety. cleaning each other’s armor and weapons.
moments like those keep us together through anything.
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meat-loving-meat · 4 months
Medren and Stefen using a little bit of insufferable gen z slang when they talk to each other hurts somehow
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linkswife · 1 year
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I was looking at my amalgamation of screenies and this made me laugh so hard. This is too memeable...
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anthurak · 2 hours
As someone who never got into the Yugioh Arc-V anime, seeing the whole ‘Action Duel’ gimmick play out is really funny to me. Because when you get past all the vague and convoluted justifications (ludicrously advanced hard-light holograms), rules (you can kinda dodge attacks, among other things) and mechanics (we parkour now) and look at what was clearly the underlying concept/goal of all this: The monsters are effectively real now and you can interact with/ride them and do wacky stuff with that,
And I think what you’re left with is what the SHADOW GAMES should have been. Or at least what they should have ultimately developed into.
I mean just ditch the super convoluted ‘solid vision system’ justification and just use fucking MAGIC. This is just the shit that HAPPENS when a player has a millennium item or an Egyptian God or is partnered with some other exceptionally powerful monster spirit(s).
And instead of trying to make up actual rules and mechanics for all this, just go with how OG Duel Monsters handled all the other Shadow Games:
When fucking MAGIC gets involved, the actual ‘rules’ just start going out the fucking window.
Like that was exactly what MADE the Shadow Games so fun, creepy and interesting. The whole idea was that Duel Monsters was this modern ‘safe’ recreation of this ancient, dangerous game played with dark magic.
So when that same dark magic gets invoked into one of these games, suddenly the normal ‘rules’ just start not mattering so much. Suddenly you’re effectively in an old-school wizard’s duel and all kinds of weird and wacky shit can start happening.
And if that ends up being super one-sided because one player is doing wacky shit like jumping out of the way of attacks, using spells that aren’t even in their hand because they know the original incantations to cast them or coordinate strategies with their now fully-sentient and tangible monsters to combo effects that normally don’t work like that or just generally fuck with the opponent? All while said opponent has no fucking idea what is going on?
Well no shit, that’s always what was SUPPOSED to happen whenever some hapless regular person got roped into a Shadow Game.
And of course it’s what makes it all the more FUN when both players can invoke the old magic and we get a real old-school wizard’s duel.
In conclusion, take the concept of Action Duels with all their off-the-wall ‘ride your dragon into battle’ and ‘sucker punch your opponent with random direct attacks’ craziness, and combine it with the wacky ‘anything goes if I can justify it’ insanity from Duelist Kingdom, and boom, there’s the TRUE Shadow Games XD
Also, in hindsight it is REALLY disappointing that Yugioh basically immediately pivoted away from magic/fantasy after the manga/DM and started using generic sci-fi justifications for everything.
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