#imagine this is the only way to save their lives!!!
f0point5 · 4 hours
Now im imagining Emilia gifting Max a cardbord cutout of himself as a gag gift.. I mean, he got a pillow of himself it's not that far fetched (god I'm so starved of them)
I wanted to write this ages ago and then I totally spaced on it but @nearlynadin brought back the cardboard cut out lore and I just had to!!
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(You) didn’t know it at (nineteen)
“And I was thinking-“
“I’m home,” Max’s voice calls from the hallway, bringing an instant smile to your face.
He’s only been gone for the day, back to the factory to root around that tractor looking for the pace of last year, but you’ve missed him.
You smile one last time at your day’s companion before you skip out to the hallway to meet Max.
He’s slipping off his rucksack by the door, sighing heavily. He shrugs off his jacket next, accompanied by another sigh as he starts toeing off his shoes.
“Hey, champ,” you grin, making your way over to him. Max rolls his eyes at you and you roll yours right back. He doesn’t like being reminded of his title much these days, but you feel like it’s your job to make sure he knows that he’ll always be champion to you.
“You’re back early,”
He shrugs, squeezing the back of your neck as you press a kiss to his lips.
“Is someone here?” He asks, looking past you towards the living room.
“I heard you talking,” Max counters, his eyes narrowing slightly. There’s an uncharacteristic amount of suspicion in his voice, and his gaze doesn’t hide the fact that he doesn’t believe you.
“Oh,” you smile, deciding it’s not wise to tease him today. “Well, I did a thing,”
Your sheepish smile softens Max instantly, his shoulders sagging in what seems like relief as he looks down at you.
“A thing?”
“I bought you something,” you clarify, taking him by the wrist and pulling him after you down the hallway.
“I thought we agreed no more cats,”
“It’s not a cat. Although it has been said that he has a very feline energy,” you tell him, flashing him a smirk over your shoulder.
“He?” Max almost looks nervous.
“Max,” you drawl, pulling him into the lounge and pointing him in the right direction. “Meet Verstappen 3.0,”
Max gives you a small frown for half a second before he clocks it. The almost-life-size cardboard cutout of him standing by his shelf of trophies. His 2017 self stares back at him with a goofy, trained smile, hands on his hips, a challenge in his eyes.
“What the fuck?“ Real Max says through a wheezing laugh, pointing at it helplessly. “Why?”
“Partly because I got wine drunk one night a couple of weeks ago while you were in MK,” you say with a shrug, “But mostly because of this,” you nod at him, your smile widening as you take in his.
He rarely smiles on factory days anymore. When you talk to him on race weekends, there’s an exhaustion in his voice that you are only starting to get used to. He’s happier at home, but the mere mention of F1 deflates him in a way that reminds you that it’s his job where once it only ever seemed like a passion.
“This what?”
“You,” you say, “smiling,”
This makes him blush. You’re not sure if it’s because of the way you’re looking at him, or because he’s a little embarrassed that you can see how much work has been weighing on him. Even in these bonus years, he still cares so much.
“Plus, I can never resist a sale,” you say, saving him from burning a hole in the floor staring so hard.
“Maybe I was on sale because I have no calves,” Max scoffs now, eyeing the cardboard print. He’s right, the website said life-size but it isn’t, it’s about 10cm short, which is neither here nor there, except all the height is lost in the calves. There’s only a few inches between his knees and his ankles. It makes the whole thing even funnier, as does the look of offence on Max’s face. “I look like I’m in the movie with the short guys and the one with the walking stick,”
“Gandalf has a staff,” you correct, looking over at the cutout. “But yeah, they did you dirty on the height,”
Max scoffs at the gross understatement. “You wouldn’t even go out with me if I was this tall,” he points out, wrinkling his nose as he looks at his younger self.
“True,” you concede, looking him up and down. “You’re kind of pushing it now,”
Max rolls his eyes. “Yes, I know the rule. Five foot ten or over,” he looks back at Baby Max and you wonder idly how the hell he even knows about the 5’10 rule, never mind remembers it. It was something you’d come with before you’d even stopped growing.
You turn to Real Max and slide your arms up around his neck as you step closer to him.
“If it makes you feel any better, you’re still kind of short for me,” you say, tilting your head to look up at him. “I broke all my rules for you,”
The words are whispered as you pull him closer, but right as you mean in Max balks.
“I can’t kiss you with that thing watching me,” Max groans, pulling away from you as he keeps one eye on…himself.
“Well, darn, I only got him because I figured you’d finally agree to a threesome if it was with yourself,” you say, winking at him. He squeezes your hip in response.
“Me at that age couldn’t handle you,” he says with a wry smile.
“Oh, you think you have me handled now?”
“Definitely not,” he huffs, letting go of you. He puts his hands on his hips, mirroring the cut-out’s pose, and you fight the urge to laugh at how little he’s changed. “So, where shall we put him?”
“I know the perfect place,”
You grab the cut-out and shuffle along the floor around the couch and over to his sim corner. You place Baby Max behind his set up, between his right side screen and the centre one, so that he’s peeping over the top of it and the unfortunate leg situation is hiding behind the tech.
Pleased with yourself, you turn to Real Max. “Where would a 19 year old Max Verstappen rather be than near a simulator?”
“I can tell you where 26 year old Max Verstappen would rather be,” Real Max says, his voice low, eyes looking strangely dark despite their clear blue colour.
“Do not scandalise Baby Max,” you say in mock indignation, reaching over to cover Baby Max’s ears.
Real Max scoffs. “You have no idea the things he used to think about back then,” he says pointedly as he rounds the couch and comes towards you.
“I’m sure you had a wild imagination,” you tease, “because you were definitely not getting any,”
“Hey,” Max chides, close enough to reach forward and pinch at your exposed thigh. “Don’t be mean,”
“Okay, okay,” you concede. “I know all your fantasies were about me anyway,”
“They were not,”
Max shrugs. “You were less possible than a world championship,”
“And yet, you won both. Baby Max would be proud,” you say, glancing over at the cut-out. It’s starting to creep you out now, how the expression never changes. You take Real Max’s hand and start to pull him out of the room. “Come on, let’s go do all the stuff 19 year old you would be jealous of,”
You hear a laugh behind you. “I won’t argue with that.”
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eeb-rody · 3 days
Tfone spoilers
Okay but imagine IMAGINE you're d-16 and your (boyfriend) best friend routinely drags you both into extreme danger even when you explicitly state you want no part in it (to prove a point? For fun? Both?? It's unclear) and on one of these occasions you find out that the authority figure you trusted most mutilated you (and everyone you love) at birth in an effort to create a servile underclass and secure power. Oh and you now have guns for hands sometimes.
As soon as you express anger at this intense betrayal, the One Guy who's supposed to be on your side (the guy responsible for this whole excursion by the way) starts looking at you like you're crazy. It's fine. Not like you've given this guy leeway for every insane stunt he's pulled for the last however long. Whatever.
You're captured by some guys playing commando in a rotting fortress of some kind, they won't help you but they seem to respect strength, lucky for you your body was recently turned into a weapon. You beat the shit out of the guy in charge (he's into it???) because you're angry and he's an asshole and maybe a display of strength will get these freaks to respect you enough to hear you out. Whatever your friend was thinking about you earlier just solidified.
You get kidnapped by a big spider.
Next you're handcuffed On Your Knees in front of the worst guy on the planet. He mocks you, he tortures you, he admits to all of his crimes and laughs in your face about it. You've gotta fucking kill this guy.
The building you're in gets hit by a flying train.
Finally FINALLY you've got this shithead on the run, everyone knows what he did, they probably want him dead just as bad as you do. He's cowering, he's begging, but earlier he was carving graffiti into your chest in front of a live audience so you're not feeling particularly receptive.
And then your impulsive shithead Best Friend shows up and starts talking about building a better world and how killing this evil motherfucker sets a bad precedent. You have thus far shown your friend infinite patience even in the face of severe consequences, his actions have resulted in you being hurt and changed and hurt again and now he wants to talk about the merits of reigning yourself in???
Nuh uh, you're killing this guy, your friend will be mad at you for a while but hopefully he'll understand that you ARE making the world better by killing a dictator who stunts the growth of his own people in order to make slaves of them.
Your best friend in the world sacrifices his life to save this evil piece of shit.
That's what was most important to him in the end. You realize that apparently being morally pure was his priority, nevermind you, nevermind the crimes done against your people, nevermind his "better world". You're fucking done. If he can't just trust you on this after everything he put you through- You let him fall into a big hole.
Only that's not the end of it. After you tear the "king" in half and start blasting at his tacky art deco statues, your friend rises from the pit he just fell into. He's Jesus now I guess and he uses his god powers to kick the shit out of you. He compares you to the man who mutilated you both as children and betrayed your people. Apparently God agrees with him.
My point is, this movie is just Megatron's terrible horrible no good very bad day and I think killing sentinel prime was good and made sense to do.
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fandoms-x-reader · 2 days
Replay - Alternate Ending
Requested By: Multiple Users! Thank you for the support <3
Summary: No matter how hard you try to save your friends, death is unavoidable and in order to save you friends, you make the ultimate sacrifice. The Seven Demon Brothers x Reader Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon & Solomon Luke (platonically), Mephisto, Raphael & Thirteen Word Count: 4,094
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^Inspiration for this oneshot! Shoutout to @olivia-willo-w for sending it to me <3^
Time after time you watched everyone you loved pass.
Time after time they promised you they would survive.
Time after time you tried to protect them and failed.
You had lost hope that things would ever be different.
You loved everyone, but you didn’t want to live through this again. You couldn’t live through this again. 
You had all put up a valiant effort. You had fought harder than you ever had before.
Not a single person there was unscathed. You were all bloody and in pain. You were exhausted, but it wasn’t over.
And you were beginning to think it would never be over. You had to do something - anything - to end the war you had been fighting for so long now.
You took a moment on the battlefield to pause and look around.
That’s when you saw your chance. An opening to end things once and for all.
It would surely result in your death. After all, you were only a human and what you were about to do was something that no one would be able to survive.
But, as you looked at your friends, memories began flashing through your mind.
You remembered the first time you danced with Lucifer - how tightly he held your hand as he all but threatened you. You and he had come such a long way from that. Now, your time together was filled with his favorite tea and long and loving talks. 
You remembered how Mammon hated the fact that he had to babysit you when you first got to the Devildom. Now, he never wanted to be away from you. The two of you were partners in crime, like Bonnie and Clyde.
Levi never even opened the door to his bedroom for you at first. He hated normies and you were sure you would never be able to change his mind. And when you did, you had a true friend that you knew that you could always depend on. 
And Satan had been so angry all of the time before he met you. He didn’t give you the time of day at first until your trip up to the human world. Now, you’re the only one who can get through to him and the only one he’s ever felt so connected to.
Asmo was so shallow when you first met him. You were so positive the only thing he cared about was his appearance. But, after making a pact with him you could see how beautiful he was underneath it all and he always made sure you felt loved.
Beel had never had any problem with you - except for that one time you ate his food and he destroyed the kitchen. But, the two of you had grown so much closer nonetheless. He was your number-one supporter and always gave the best hugs.
And let’s not even mention what happened between you and Belphie. The two of you had come a very long way from that time. He was your cuddle buddy now and someone who was surprisingly good at being able to comfort you.
Then there was the future King of the Devildom. At first, you were simply a way for him to achieve his goal. He never thought he would have fallen for you as hard as he did and you never would have thought there was such a kind and caring personality behind the ruler of Hell.
You and Barbatos hadn’t grown closer until later, but he was just as important to you as the others. He was always there to offer you advice and if you ever needed any help you knew that he was only a phone call away.
Then there were the angels. Sweet and innocent Luke who only wanted to protect you and Simeon would give up his life for you in an instant. They were the nicest creatures you had ever met and you couldn’t imagine your life without them.
Lastly, there was Solomon. Your fellow human who had been with you since the start of this journey. He did everything he could to emotionally support and connect with you in a way only humans could and he was the reason you knew how to do any magic at all.
Even Mephisto, Raphael, and Thirteen held a special place in your heart. They were such amazing and unique people. You hated losing them just as much as you hated losing any of the others.
They all had equal pieces of your heart and you knew that if you did this - even if it killed you - it would be worth it. Because you would be saving them. The ones you held so close to you.
And it was that thought alone that pushed your legs to move on their own.
Your mind blanked out any fear as you kept your friends at the forefront of your mind.
You heard an array of protests being thrown your way as fifteen hearts simultaneously stopped beating, watching the scene in front of them unfold. 
They were all busy fighting their own enemies, doing what they could to stay alive.
So, none of them noticed what you were doing until it was too late for them to reach you.
He was saying something but you couldn’t hear it.
In a matter of moments, you felt the most intense pain you had ever felt, and then you felt nothing.
You were numb. You wouldn’t have even known you were still alive if it hadn’t been for Mammon coming into your view.
He was crying and you wanted to reach up and wipe his tears away, but you couldn’t move.
And as your vision started to fade you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he looked even when he was crying.
That was the last thing you saw before everything went black.
Lucifer was doing everything in his power to protect everyone. His eyes were looking a million places at once, determined not to lose any of his siblings or friends.
That’s when he saw you running. His eyebrows knitted in confusion as he tried to figure out where you were going.
When he saw where you were headed, he felt like he couldn’t breathe as all of his senses went numb. What were you thinking?!
Lucifer let out a shout of protest that grabbed everyone’s attention and he quickly took care of his current problem before making his way to you.
But he was too late and as he saw your body falling to the ground, he felt his world falling down with you. 
His body stopped moving on its own, frozen in shock and pain as he watched the one he loved get struck down.
And before he could register what was happening, tears began streaming down his face and it felt harder and harder to breathe.
His hands moved to hold his head as the tears began pouring out harder and he bit his lip to hold back a sob that was threatening to escape.
 This couldn’t be real. You couldn’t leave him.
Mammon was fighting just as valiantly as his older brother. He was doing everything he could to stay focused and not put himself in danger - for your sake.
But when he heard Lucifer yell, every inch of his body shifted its focus to you. And when he saw what you were doing, he immediately ran to you to stop you.
He was the fastest so of course he would be the first one to reach you. But, even he was too late.
He got there only in time to catch your body and as he looked into your eyes and saw the life draining out of them, the tears naturally began pouring down his cheeks.
He laid you down on the ground and pleaded with you to stay with him but he could tell that you couldn’t hear him and it was all the more heartbreaking. 
Mammon’s body went into panic mode as he was doing everything he could to help you yet nothing at the same time. Because you were already gone. 
He felt like hyperventilating as the harsh reality came crashing down on him. You were gone. 
He suddenly found himself standing back up, taking a few steps backward as he tried to breathe, but the only thing he could do was sob.
His hands rested on his knees and he did everything he could to support himself as he mourned your loss. 
You were his partner in crime. There is no him if there is no you. 
This was the first time Levi had a chance to use his power in its full glory since his days in the Celestial Realm. And, he was the third-most powerful for a reason.
He was fighting with everything he had, finally getting a chance to prove to everyone that he wasn’t a waste.
And for the first time in a long time, he was feeling really good about himself - until he saw what you were doing.
Levi let out a loud gasp as suddenly every ounce of confidence he was getting back fled his body.
He froze, unable to say or do anything as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. This couldn’t be happening.
When you fell to the ground, the sobs broke from Levi’s lips as the tears streamed down his face with no sign of stopping.
One of his hands raised to his forehead as the pain he felt in his chest only grew worse and worse.
He wanted to blame himself for being good enough. He wanted to apologize to everyone for not being able to save you. 
But, all he could do was mourn.
When the Avatar of Wrath goes into a frenzy, it was hard to pull him out of it. And that was exactly what Satan was in right now.
In order to achieve the level he needed to make sure he survived, he had to block everything out except for his anger. For once, he let his sin take over and run rampant. 
He would survive - for you.
But, his brother's cries pulled him out of the state he was in and as he started seeing clearly, he wished he couldn’t see at all.
He saw the tears falling down his brothers’ cheeks and then he saw your body lying on the ground and his blood ran cold.
He immediately ran over to you. He studied everything he could about humans, so surely there was something he could do to help. 
When he finally reached you, his hands reached everywhere he could attempting to help but not knowing where to start. 
Finally, he decided to start with the most obvious place - checking your pulse. 
His world stopped as he realized he couldn’t feel it. 
The tears began pouring just as heavily down his cheeks as his brothers and his hand moved to his mouth to cover the sobs that he couldn’t keep in as he looked at your dead body.
You were gone.
For once, Asmo had thrown all worries about his beauty out the window because he knew that if he was worried about chipping a nail or ruining his hair, he wouldn’t make it.
And he couldn’t do that to you. He had so much more love to give you. He had so many more ways to show you that love.
He was going to make sure that he got that chance. All he had to do was survive like he promised you.
Everything changed when he saw you get struck down. 
He immediately let out a cry of heartbreak and pain as he watched it happen.
One of his hands raised to his cheek while the other rose to his mouth, as his body was overcome with sobs.
And that’s when he realized - you didn’t promise him.
He told you that you were everything he had ever wanted. He told you that he wasn’t done loving you.
So, why didn’t you promise him that you would survive too?
Going into this, Beel had been so scared that he wouldn’t be able to fulfill his role as the protector of the family.
He had been so scared that he was going to lose one of his siblings like in the last war that they fought together.
But, everyone was still alive and it sent a wave of relief through Beel. He knew that they still had a long fight ahead of them, but seeing everyone still alive gave him hope.
And then you went and sacrificed yourself for them.
Beel felt his heart rip apart as he saw you get struck.
He ran to you as fast as he could but stopped before he reached you, seeing you lying lifeless on the ground. 
His body felt like it was going into shock as he realized his worst fear was coming true and his head fell to his hand as the tears flooded down his cheeks.
The night that the two of you spent together, he told you that he would always protect you. And he failed.
You were gone and he couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault. Like he should have done more.
He was so, so sorry for not protecting you.
For the most part, Belphie was following the others’ lead on the battlefield.
It wasn’t because he needed help. He was doing an excellent job of holding his own.
He just wanted to make sure that he didn’t mess up. He wanted to make sure everyone made it out of there.
He thought they had done it this time. He thought he did a good job. And then he saw you.
Seeing you on the ground gave Belphie a panic attack as memories of the time he hurt you overwhelmed him. He would take it all back if he could.
He had already apologized for it and you had already forgiven him. But seeing you die made him feel guilty all over again.
One of his hands raised to cover his face as he freely cried, expressing all of his pain.
He didn’t have a chance to really make things up to you yet. He didn’t have a chance to show you how much he loved you yet.
And the realization that he wouldn’t get that chance broke him.
Diavolo was the type of person where if he was going to go out - he was going to out swinging. And he was fully prepared to lay down his life for everyone else if it got to that point.
What he was not prepared for was for you to do that for everyone. 
He knew you loved them all but he never would have thought that your feelings were strong enough to compel you to do this.
If you had told him that he would have felt this much pain at your loss when he first met you, Diavolo would have never believed it.
But he had fallen so hard for you and now the idea of living without you was too much to bear. 
He was supposed to stay strong under any circumstances, but losing the one he loved was too much.
He turned his back to the others as he crumbled, not wanting them to see him fall apart.
As the tears poured down his cheeks and he silently sobbed, he kept asking himself why you did it.
Couldn’t you see how much they all needed you?
Barbatos had refused to use his powers to look into the future. He knew that it didn’t always end well and he was afraid of the consequences.
He had never regretted a decision so much in his entire life.
If he had looked ahead, he would have seen this. He would have been able to stop you from doing this. 
And you would be standing next to them, giving them the smile that melted all of their hearts instead of lying lifeless on the ground.
He was a demon with unparalleled power and he was so angry with himself because he could have done something. He could have prevented this outcome.
Tears silently poured down his cheeks as he looked at you - the result of his failure.
But it wouldn’t be this way for long. He was going to find a way to fix this mistake. 
He was going to find a way to bring you back.
Luke was mourning the loss of the closest thing he had to a best friend. You had defended him and protected him in the Devildom even though he was an angel and you were only a human. 
Simeon and Luke were mourning together but for two very different reasons.
You always brought a smile to his face and you always included him and it was something he would always appreciate. There weren’t enough words to show his appreciation and adoration for you.
Simeon was mourning the loss of the love of his life. You were the only person who had ever elicited such strong feelings from him. You had shown him what love was and he had every intention of showing you his love in return.
You made him feel alive - you made him feel free. And all he wanted was an opportunity to express how deeply he was in love with you.
He wanted to love you until the end of his days.
He never thought this was how it would end.
He would have laid down his life for you - if only he had gotten to you sooner. He could saved you. 
Both angels wished with all their hearts that they could bring you back to life. But if they couldn’t do that then they would scour all three worlds for a way to see you again.
You would not be gone from them forever.
Solomon was too stunned to move. He felt lost, unsure of how you all reached this point.
One second you were fighting alongside him and the next second you were lying dead on the ground.
When you first told Solomon that he had died, he realized that of all the things he had done in his long life, he had never had a true love. 
You were supposed to be that love. 
He had told you that he would love you forever and he meant it.
He made a plan for if things didn’t go his way. He had a plan if he ended up dying.
But he didn’t have a plan for if you died. He didn’t even think it was a possibility.
And yet here he was, standing over your lifeless body as tears ran down his cheeks.
He would not stand for this. This was not going to be permanent. 
He didn’t care if he had to sell his soul.
He would bring you back.
Mephisto wasn’t nearly as close to you as the others. He didn’t have as much time to spend with you and didn’t get a chance to know on as deep a level.
And yet, he still found tears falling down his cheeks at your loss.
He was a proud demon, always looking the best and being the best.
But, right now, his pride was the furthest thing from his mind, replaced with grief.
He never thought he would feel this way, but as he saw you lying lifeless on the ground, he couldn’t help but feel sad - because he was going to miss you. 
He wanted to laugh at the word. There was no way that you - a mere human - had grabbed such a strong hold over his heart.
But as he felt the pain of losing you, he knew it was true. 
He had fallen for you just as hard as the others had.
Raphael was unsure what he was supposed to do.
He had stopped moving just as the others had when you were struck down and his heart stopped beating just like theirs did.
He was just starting to really get to know you. He was just starting to understand why you had everyone wrapped around your finger.
And now you were leaving them? 
As everyone broke down around him, the strong and stoic archangel began to break down as well, feeling the pain of everyone else and his own pain of losing a friend.
He had come to the Devildom to fight alongside everyone else because he didn’t want anyone to die.
But he never believed he would feel so strongly about losing you.
There had to be something he could do.
Thirteen didn’t make friends.
And yet the people surrounding her were the closest she had ever come to caring. The closest she had ever come to having friends.
And you were the reason. You were so kind and accepting of her. You were so inclusive and you made her want to be there.
You had brought her into the group and now that you were gone, Thirteen felt the pain of what it meant to have people you cared about. 
Part of her wanted to cry and fall apart like everyone else was. 
But, she had a job to do. She was a reaper and you were dead. 
She hated the idea of it. She wished she didn’t have to do it.
She wished you weren’t gone.
Thirteen took a few steps forward to do her job when she felt a strong hand wrap around her wrist.
She turned to see who it was and saw that it was Solomon. He kept his hand in place as he looked at her through his tears, giving her a stern look.
Solomon was the first one she had met, and seeing him so broken sparked sympathy she didn’t know she had.
“You’re not reaping their soul,” Solomon stated, his eyes locked with hers.
“Solomon,” Thirteen tried to argued, but he cut her off.
“You’re not reaping their soul,” he repeated, not backing down.
The others watched the intense stare between the two as the thought of Thirteen reaping your soul only made them sadder.
Thirteen was trying to be nice because she knew how much Solomon cared for you - how much everyone cared for you. But it needed to happen.
“Solomon is right,” Barbatos said, stepping closer to your body, his heartbreaking all over again when he looked at you once more.
Thirteen let out a small sigh, ready to argue her point when she saw the look in Barbatos’ eyes.
He was done playing safe with his powers. He didn’t care what the consequences were. He just knew he needed you. 
They all needed you.
“What are you doing?” Lucifer asked, taking a step forward.
“I’m restarting the timeline,” Barbatos replied. It wasn’t a suggestion - it was a statement.
You had done it so many times to save them and now he was going to do it to save you.
He didn’t care what anyone else’s opinion on the matter was. Though everyone was in agreeance.
This was the way to save you. This was the way to bring you back to them.
They didn’t care if they were stuck in an endless time loop as long as you were there with them.
This time they would have their memories. This time they would make a plan to prevent this war from even happening. 
Barbatos restarted the timeline without a second thought and as their surroundings began to change, your corpse was the last thing to fade from view.
And when things stabilized they realized that they were in the Assembly Hall with a human standing in front of them.
They wanted to run to you. They wanted to hold you in their arms and never let you go.
The smiles they got when they saw you would have melted your heart - if you knew who they were.
“Where am I?” you asked, looking scared and confused. 
It hurt to hold so much love for you and have you not reciprocate an ounce of it. But they knew you had been through this so many times with them and you never gave up. And they wouldn’t either.
They would fall in love with you a hundred times over and make you fall in love with them a hundred times over.
They didn’t care how long it took or how many times they had to relive the same memories. 
You were their human. You were the one they loved. You were everything they needed.
And that would never change whether it be this timeline, the next, or a hundred timelines from now.
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yuujiheart · 9 hours
honestly it kinda reminded me of the gojo megumi relationship. As I feel sukuna must have saved uraume from somewhat a similar situation to his own ig.. like gojo saved megumi . But uraume decided to dedicate their life to sukuna and accepted them as their master. ( more than benefactor)
I am seeing many interpretations of this page but what i believe is sukuna had the opportunities to change himself before too, one was through a shrine maiden girl and second uraume but instead of caring for them as a family or as a guardian he chose to include them in his endless journey for revenge.
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Basically he rejected both choices since he couldn't forgive those who cursed him...must be a wound too deep..But after coexisting with yuji and fighting him he lost and changed, was able to recognize his flaws and faults.. See the smile on his face. He feels so relaxed.. Yuji really freed him from his curse...
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He realized he could have lived too but chose to curse them.... And now he wishes that if a chance comes again he would go for a different path... Here he decides for uraume too that they too will go North since he was the one who put them on this " Throw away the humanity" path so it's his responsibility to guide them to their new life too.
Now about that shrine maiden girl. I don't think it's his mother or yorozu... And the reason is this
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Here Yorozu thinks sukuna already knows love and i don't think she was referring to motherly love here..
Moreover it feels like he was an active curse user and was mature when these choices came before him . So naturally it can't be her mother. Another thing is miko is supposed to be a young virgin girl and that's visible in the panel..
I personally believe if what he's imagining is his mother then she wouldn't look that young. .. If gege wanted us to think it's his mother he would have drawn her a little old Ig.. Maybe like maki's mother...
Now that we know sukuna was not truly honest to himself, this actually made me question why he decided to become a cursed object and cross ages... . Was it only just to fight?? Was there something else too... Did kenjaku know and that's why they forced him to coexist with yuji?? Did they know yuji is capable of handling sukuna emotionally.? And the way he dodged kashimo's question also didn't help ..
So i would like to play safe and wait for gege's confirmation.. Because I don't think he brought that up only to not address it again..
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qatheauthoress74 · 7 hours
Transformers One Spoiler Review
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There are so many spoliers in this review. I am not kidding when I saw go watch the film (five times at least) before reading this. Okay? Good.
I’m gonna be honest here. Growing up I wasn’t all that invested in the Transformers franchise as other kids were. I ocasionally watched a random episode of Transformers Animated or Prime whenever they were on TV back in the day but I wasn’t what you’d call a fan. All that changed after I watched Bumblebee (2018) on a whim and it changed my brain chemistry in the best way. Seriously, that film is still one of my comfort movies and I love it so much that I even began to write fanfiction again with several TF fics, including my Riding A Sunset story (https://archiveofourown.org/works/17648414/chapters/41617823).
But before Bumblebee, theatrical Live Action Transformer films had the infamous status of being bad to downright terrible for overusing bland human characters over the Autobots or Decepticons as well as being very inconsistent with their own established continuity. Not to mention making some characters act very out of character. Seeing a film like Bumblebee helped me believe that filmmakers are capable of telling a story that not only respects the lore but also genuinely cares about substance over spectacle outside of the well-made fight scenes. That was why I wanted to give Rise of the Beasts a chance when it came out but I was sadly a little underwhelmed. It is still better than any of the Transformer films Micheal Bay directed, but personally, that’s like saying the Eukrea 7 film “Pocket Full of Rainbows” is better than E7: Ao and the follow-up film trilogy, which isn’t saying much. Again, that’s just me and my biased opinion. Which is the whole point of this review.
But believe me when I say I did want to give Transformers One a chance. I was hopeful after learning it was going to be fully animated and would actually focus on the Transformers instead of some random humans. So, what kind of plot would the film be about it’s a prequel set on Cybertron?
Plot: The premise is the origin of the mighty leaders of the Autobots and Decepticons, Optimus Prime and Megatron, and how the two factions would eventually fight over control of their home planet, Cybertron. Both started as lowly miners unable to transform into vehicles like the other half of their race can and so are forced to work day in and day out in their underground home of Iacon City to collect the fuel source known as Energon. The reason they need to do so is because 50 cycles before the events of the story the leaders of Cybertron, The Primes, died in a war against an alien race called the Quintessons. After they were killed an important relic known as the Matrix of Leadership disappeared and it led to the Energon dwindling until it could only be found deep under the planet’s surface. Without Energon, the Cybertronians would perish, which is why Orion Pax (Optimus Prime’s identity before he became a Prime) wants to find out what happened to the Matrix of Leadership. The current leader of the Cybertronians, Sentinel Prime, is trying to find it out on the surface but has been unable to do so. D-16 (Megatron’s original name) would rather keep his head down but constantly gets dragged into whatever zany scheme Orion has come up with at the moment. Thanks to unintentionally antagonizing a Cybertronian named Darkwing the two get dumped into the lowest place imaginable and meet an overly talkative but friendly bot called B-127 (aka Bumblebee). There they discover a warped message from one of the fallen Primes, Alpha Trion, calling for aid. Orion sees this as an opportunity to find a clue to where the Matrix might be and convinces D and Bee to help him reach the surface and inadvertently brings along Elita-1, Pax and D’s former boss, who recently lost her job thanks to them breaking protocol to save another miner’s life. The four bots end up discovering Alpha Trion’s unconscious body and manage to wake him up. He reveals to them that Sentinel is not what he seems and tells them a horrible truth:
Sentinel was never a Prime and was the one responsible for killing the original Primes with help from the Quintessons.
And all of the Energon the Cybertronians have been mining was being given to the Quintessons by Sentinel as a form of hush money to keep them from revealing his true colors to the Cybertronians. The heroes later learn that he was also the one responsible for taking their cogs as newborns so they could never have the freedom to be anything else but miners. The story then goes to show how Orion, Elita, and Bee want to bring Sentinel to justice while D (who gets slowly consumed by his deeply suppressed anger) wants to seek vengeance against Sentinel for what he has done and kill him for his crimes. The story gradually unfolds as lines are drawn, and tragically, the beautiful friendship between Orion and D ends with them becoming bitter enemies under their new personas, Optimus and Megatron. The story ends bittersweetly with Optimus inspiring his former fellow miners into becoming Autobots and bringing Energon back to the planet as soon as he was given the Matrix after he sacrificed himself trying to save Sentinel from D/Megatron’s wrath. He also gave the miners their T-Cogs back, restoring their freedom and autonomy in the process. The story ends with Optimus sending out a message to the Quintessons, telling them he and the Autobots will be ready to face them when they return. Meanwhile, Megatron forms a new faction consisting of the previous members of the dead Prime’s honor guard and calls them Decepticons to remind themselves to never be deceived by anyone again.
Characters/Voices: The film even leans heavily on established lore from pretty much all of the comics, the Aligned Continuity, some Live Action stuff, and Transformers Animated. I wasn’t even that bothered by the celebrity voice cast. Don’t get me wrong, I will always choose professional VAs over celebrities anytime, but I genuinely thought everyone did a great job, especially Chris Hemsworth as Orion/Optimus and Brian Tyree Henry as D-16/Megatron. Henry said in interviews he was using his experience as an activist in college as inspiration for how resentful and angry D-16/Megatron sounded in wanting to change things and I say he succeeded. Hemsworth had done his homework by consulting with THE Optimus Prime himself, Peter Cullen. I personally like to believe Cullen shared his “how I became Optimus Prime story” which is summed up by how Optimus should “Be Strong Enough To Be Gentle.” I The reason I think that is because I felt it in Hemsworth’s performance, especially at the end of the film. I loved how they gradually sounded more like Optimus and Megatron as the story progressed. Which is both amazing and heartbreaking at the same time because you could see from the start how close Orion and D-16 were to each other before learning about the truth.
Other standouts include Laurence Fishburne as Alpha Trion. He gave the Prime a grand presence that almost reminds me of James Earl Jones as Mufasa from The Lion King. RIP.
Scarlett Johansen was great as Elita-1, but I already had zero doubts since she had experienced voice acting before this film.
Vanessa Liguori did a great job of giving Airachnid a sinister personality. And I have no idea who this “Jon Bailey” is, but he certainly gave Soundwave an “Epic” voice that I liked. ;)
Steven Buscemi as Starscream was a delightful surprise, even if I learned way more about Starscream’s kinks in this film than I would like, but hey, if he likes getting hit and choked, I won’t kink shame him.
Jon Hamm made me hate Sentinel so much. Give him an Oscar, please.
Now, the one actor who I was a bit wary of was Keegan-Michael Key as B-127/Bee. Bee has quickly become one of my favorite Transformers thanks to Bumblebee (2018), and I was worried Key would make him unbearable to sit through. But as I said earlier, the script (and possibly the voice director) made Bee come off as annoying in a “doesn’t know better” kind of way that almost leans to obnoxious but more akin to a hyperactive young adult who’s happy to have friends. Heck, the film even knows his voice could get annoying and made several funny jokes surrounding it. Also, the film knew to only have Bee talk too much during scenes that were supposed to be funny. When it came to the more quiet moments Bee was about to take things seriously as well as the rest of the characters. And yes, I noticed Steve Blum was the racer announcer and archive guard. He did amazing as per usual. No notes.
Animation: I can’t stress enough how beautiful the animation for this film is. Industrial Light & Magic did an excellent job with the animation and I hope to see them do another Transformers film like this again. I loved the way Iacon City was designed.
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The director, Josh Cooley, said the filmmakers were inspired by the Art Deco movement and you can see it from how the buildings look. It gives off a Metropolis meets Blade Runner in the best way. I also liked the way the roads and rail tracks would “magically” appear when someone was driving on them. And the way the planet’s mountains moved was also nice to look at.
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And this is something that my mom liked while she watched the film was how Alpha Trion used sand to show the past and what happened to the Primes. (Who knew Alpha Trion was an Earthbender? XD)
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One touch that I really like was when after the quartet learns of Sentinel’s alliance when the Quintessons you can see D-16 is sitting further away from the others and has his back facing them. A subtle sign showing the growing distance between him and the heroes. And the way his optics gradually changed from gold, orange, and finally to red was done very well. Also, when Orion reunited with the miners he made sure to kneel so he wasn’t towering over them. It’s a nice way that show how humble he truly is compared to Sentinel and later Megatron. And I didn’t expect this film to get violent, but the shot of Megatron killing Sentinel by pulling him apart was brutal. The film did not kid around with its PG rating.
If I could complain about a few things I would say that I wished the film had a slightly longer runtime. At least 10-15 more minutes in the third act. I would’ve loved to see more of the final battle with the miners fighting Sentinel’s soldiers and Optimus vs. Megatron. I did mean it when I said Hemsworth and Henry killed it as Optimus and Megatron. But hey, if their performances were that good it definitely convinced me to go see the next film with them in it.
I would’ve liked to have seen other animals on Cybertron’s surface besides those metal deer but that’s just me.
Also, this is just a me thing again, but I kinda wished the miner characters (or minors XD) had more distinct voices. It’s just that since the Generation 1 cartoon, all of the Autobots were known for having unique accents like Ironhide’s southern drawl, Wheeljack’s Brooklyn accent, or Jazz’s smooth way of speaking. I mean, if the High Guard/Decepticons were allowed to have voices based on their original counterparts the Autobots should’ve had the same thing, ya know?
And how dare they tease me with namedropping “Medic Ratchet” but not actually have him appear in the film. I want my grumpy doc-bot. And Drift. I don’t think I saw Deadlock with the High Guard. Did anyone? I think I mostly just saw Seekers and Coneheads in the crowd shots.
The reason mining Energon was so dangerous had to do with Primus himself deliberately trying to halt it as much as possible. Think about it, Primus sent the Matrix of Leadership away before Sentinel could use it. I bet Primus didn’t want Sentinel to give Energon to the Quintessons which Sentinel ended up doing by making Cybertronians mine for it. Primus also probably made the mountains move while the group was on the train because we later learn it was full of Energon and not waste like Elita initially thought. Primus has been trying to undermine Sentinel’s plans all this time but probably couldn’t do too much damage as he didn’t want to hurt innocent Cybertronians in the process. And another thing to add is the fact that it looks like the planet itself is moving after Orion was dropped by D-16/Megatron so that Primus himself would bring him to the planet’s core and bring him to life as Optimus Prime because he knew the young miner was worthy of the Matrix.
I’m pretty sure Jazz became one of the first Autobots because he wanted to show his appreciation to Optimus for saving his life earlier in the film.
I like to think the reason why B talked so much in One was probably to make up for the fact that he barely talked at all in previous TF films. Though, there is another theory going around that in the next movie, the filmmakers are planning to make him mute which is why he talks alot in One. I seriously hope that WON’T happen because I’m sick and tired of Bee losing his voice so often. I know some later shows have avoided this, namely Robots in Disguise (2015) and EarthSpark, but I would seriously love the films to follow the same example.
Overall: I love this movie a lot. I’m pretty sure if this was my first time seeing it instead of Bumblebee (2018) I think this would’ve altered my brain chemistry as much as that film did. If you haven’t seen this movie go watch it and if you have, go see it again. I WANT this movie to do well in theaters and not be a failure. The fact that it took us this long to get a film that captures the Spark of Transformers and be something both fans and newcomers can enjoy is nothing short of a miracle. We need Hasbro and Paramount to know this and Bumblebee are the kind of content we want to keep seeing and not the same movie with “Bayhem” over and over again.
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Thank you. I’m already writing another blog about this movie soon. It’s going to be about why TF: One is a better Wish movie than Wish (2023). Trust me, it’ll make sense once I post it. XD
Keep on Writin’ and Rockin’
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evilgoosegoose · 2 days
Reset Time Jim AU but a bit different
Please excuse my horrendous writing skills it's been years since I wrote a real story with characters, even as short as this
He had done it, after hundreds of resets, after carefully studying, carefully changing each detail one by one, he had given everyone a good ending, only those completely necessary died, like the Tarron's parents.
Jim had finally been able to tell them what he did, and while they had lectured him about pulling a batman and purposefully retraumatizing himself multiple times in the process of saving them, they all eventually just started laughing and crying.
He had even managed to stop the titans entirely, catching them early and foiling their plans, saving those three days that would have been used tracking the Titans and stopping them, so instead, they celebrated, they had sleepovers, parties, and worked to rebuild the town better and friendly towards every species living in their town
the old belltower was one of the first things they had rebuilt, adding on a large canopy to provide more shade over the town square and it chimed every day right on time at 3:00 PM, Jim thought back on all those other timelines, erased from existence around this time, on this day, he had come to memorize when he would reset it all, exactly 3:42 PM, finally he could forget that time once and for all. Jim took a nice deep breath and went back to work painting the walls of the new school, much more colorful and much more variety, with enchanted paint that would change patterns daily, to add a little excitement.
He had finished the wall he had been working on a little after 3:20 and went to go eat lunch with the rest of the trollhunters, though that title wasn't entirely needed anymore. They chatted idly about things that have become mundane for them, seeing a particularly small goblin paint a little ">:(" with finger paints onto a wall, joking about imagining Jim being short and Toby being tall, like that'll ever happen, or Claire accidentally burning the cookies she was making because Nari started growing the Nunez's houseplants all over the walls and floors. Until all conversation suddenly ceased, causing Jim to look around for a second, what happened?
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Jim shot up in his bed, and looked around, what? Had he fallen asleep painting and got taken to his room? Yeah, that had to be it, He got up, made some breakfast for him and Toby, and headed out. Huh, the trashcans had gotten knocked over, must've been a stray goblin or something. He started to make his way over to Toby's house, opting to walk, but Toby was way ahead of him and was already biking towards him. And then he said they were going to be late for school, Jim felt a bit of panic before realizing Toby was messing with him, Ha Ha very funny Tobes, "oH wE'rE gOnNa Be LaTe FoR sChOoL".
But Toby just stared at him, confused, before asking if he had hit his head when he was getting up this morning, now Jim was confused too, what? Wait. Jim frantically pulled out his phone and.
the time line had reset. No. It was never a time line reset, it was a time loop. And just like a gun, the trigger had been pulled, there is no taking the bullet back, the world is doomed to infinitely loop every two years, those same, horrendous, traumatizing, mind breaking, two years
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ruporas · 1 year
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[ID: A limited palette of green and pink, Vashwood comic. The first page serves as a prologue. The first panel shows Vash speaking to someone off screen while Wolfwood is lingering behind him. A black arrow is drawn pointing at him. In the second panel, Vash is buying donuts in the distance while Wolfwood is once again in view, lingering. and the black arrow is drawn pointing at him. In the third panel, Vash is leaving a cubicle and turning towards his right with a slightly peeved expression. He sees Wolfwood, leaning against the cubicle, waiting for him, and with the black arrow drawn, pointing at him, implicating the consistent hovering of Wolfwood’s presence during Vash’s everyday. At the bottom of the page, they’re drawn out of panel with Vash turning to Wolfwood and saying with an irritated expression, “You’re really following me everywhere, huh?” Wolfwood responds, “What, you got a problem?” Vash responds without hesitation, “Yeah, kinda...”
The second page starts with a new day. In the first panel, Vash is seen alone, weighing apples in his hands at a mart, with crowds passing behind him. In the second panel, he turns to his right and starts to say, “Hey, Wolfwood...” In the third panel, he’s startled from seeing a stranger, whom he’d accidentally called out to when he was expecting to see Wolfwood. He says, “Oh, you’re not him. Sorry!” In the fourth panel, the stranger walks off and Vash muses, “Right, he said he had something to do today...”
The third page begins with a close up of Vash's miffed expression, the continuation of Vash's thoughts, "Now that he's not here, this is just like how I used to be, but... It feels lonely somehow. Oh well, I'll see him again tonight, like always." In the second panel, it shows Vash walking through the marketplace crowd, alone. In the third panel, the door panel is a close up of the door opening with a peek of Vash's head. He says, "Wolfwood!" In the fourth panel, Vash is holding a bag of food with a bright smile and says, "Are you hungry? I got you something to eat today!"
The fourth page begins with a shot of the room, two beds being highlighted, one of them being made properly with the blanket draped over the bed and the other with the blanket folded and pillow sitting on top of it. There's no sign of Wolfwood. The second panel shows Vash with a disappointed look as he thinks, "He's still not here?" The third panel shows Vash putting the bag of food on the table. Stapled to the paper bag is the receipt with a written note "For Wolfwood." Vash's thoughts continue "He does like to stay out so, I guess there's no reason to worry..." The fourth panel shows Vash sitting his bed somberly with his thoughts continued, "It's not any of my business anyway..."
The fifth page starts with a close up his blank expression as he looks downwards, thinking, "Even if he left completely... That'd be understandable and better for him. I'll just travel alone again... like before... Huh?" The next panel shows Vash's composure break, tears welling up in his eyes suddenly, as he didn't expect to cry. He starts to sob, putting his hands to his face to quiet himself and wipe at his tears, as he says, "Ugh... Dammit... I miss h..." The last panel shows Vash leaning over into his hands, still crying, and in the back, the door swings wide open with a bam as Wolfwood walks through with the punisher swung behind him. He shouts, "SPIKEY! You in here?!"
The sixth page starts with Wolfwood confused, looking at Vash and Vash looks back, just as confused, with tears in his eyes and snot out of his nose. Wolfwood starts saying, "Ah? You..." No longer in panels, at the bottom of the page, Wolfwood takes the Punisher off of himself and starts to walk towards Vash, continuing with slight concern, "What's wrong with you? Did something happen?" Vash, hurriedly begins to wipe at his tears, denying immediately, "No! No, I'm fine! Nothing happened!"
The seventh page, Vash points towards the table, with a hand still wiping at his tears and he smiles as he says, "I uh got you food. On the table." Wolfwood looks towards to the table and responds, "Oh. I was getting hungry, thanks." He turns his head back to Vash immediately after with an uncertain expression, knowing the other wasn't responding to his concern, and says, "But, I know you're an idiot with this stuff, so I'm reminding you again. Don't brush it off if it's an issue, alright?"
The eight page, Vash's tears have dried and he looks to Wolfwood with a soft smile and responds, "Yeah. It's okay though..." A panel at the center shows a side view of Vash approaching Wolfwood. At the bottom of the page, with no panel, is a close up shot of Vash's hand, holding onto the edge of Wolfwood's jacket sleeve, as he says, "Because you're here now. Wolfwood."
The final page is a back shot of both of them standing next to each other, Wolfwood's head tilted slightly to the left, not fully believing Vash as he says, "That doesn't answer anything, Spikey." Vash responds, "There's no need to talk about it! You should enjoy your food. Let's have a drink too?" Wolfwood responds, "Tsk, tsk. Fine, yeah. I could use one." END ID]
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#trigun maximum#but onto this comic... i think and talk a LOT about vash's loneliness bc trigun is just. kind of central on that for a good while! esp in#the original manga he was alone for a good portion of it and he tends to keep others away like how he ran away from meryl and milly when#they tried to tag along. and he was kind of bothered when he realized ww was following him around Too. at the core even though he loves#humans and he loves deeply the people he does know -- he isnt really much of a people person and i think thats been the case since he was#young considering his initial doubts towards humans... with the exception of kids bc kids dont give him moral conflicts. so suddenly#here comes wolfwood!!! his guide. someone TRULY affixed to him until he has to get to knives. someone who isnt budging and someone whos#really good at following him around and even seems like he goes like 5 steps ahead to make sure vash doesnt run on him#in one way its - i don't want you to follow me bc i don't want to burden you and i don't want you to kill the people i want to save.#in another way its - i like this companionship. i like waking up to you and i like ending the way with you. i like talking to someone who#knows my world. i like being in your space and sometimes i enjoy talking about our day#theyre just living together. like. roadtrip buddies or theyre also under the same roof because they're going everywhere together.#trimax they mainly spend their mornings together and if they had personal business attend the other person would usually know and itd only#be during the midday. anyway bc of this kind of companionship i figure that vash eventually grew accustom to it and he really. cant go back#to the kind of loneliness from before. it's harder to imagine and it'd be harder to withstand. esp after 2 years with lina and her grandma.#ruporas art
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welcometogrouchland · 5 months
It's mostly the fault of poor editorial practices that B&R is so heavily misaligned continuity-wise w/ the main batman book. But walk with me for a minute:
You are Damian Wayne. You are 14 years old and have had one of the worst years of your life last year. Which is saying a lot.
Your brother, one of the people you were closest to, got shot in the head and forgot who you were. Your best friend went to space for a week and came back 3/4 years older than you, taking away your previously established dynamic and leaving you to have to bond all over again w/ a new one. You may or may not have gone wayyy too far with your new superhero team, who now all hate you, because you fucked up big time*
And worst of all, when you do try to do the right thing, you end up forced to watch Alfred, a father figure to you, the only one at your birthday that year, the person who has been so patient, loving and trusting with you, even when you probably didnt deserve it...die. you watch him die, and feel it's all your fault.
And your dad never corrects you on that last point. So you run away.
First to your mom who can tell something's up with you, she knows you don't give up that easy, you decide not to stay with her because you remembered how actually, neither of your parents are good at communicating with you despite their best efforts, so now you're 14 and flying solo.
And you do fly solo. For a while. Make new friends, new enemies. You think you're better off for it. You've got your best friend and your brother back. They're not around as much. It's fine.
And eventually your dad tells you that it's not your fault that Alfred died. Bit late but it's appreciated. Really. There's a bit of a hiccup where you get possessed by a demon and wage war against your father but after that, all in all, you two are...together again.
You start to think maybe you want to give him another chance, for the two of you to be father and son.
And in a change of pace, it works out! It's going good, mostly. He insists you go to highschool, you resist, feel like he wants you to be something that you're not (wants you to be normal), but eventually you acquiesce for your own reasons. He cheers you on at soccer and nosies around at your fundraising events with the other parents and gives you a stern talking to about your choice of girlfriend. Because he cares.
Except all the while this is going on, your dad is currently having his brain slowly taken over by an evil version of himself that he created and every time you look away he's slowly tearing your family apart (your brothers are just barely keeping it together. The ones who didn't get lobotmized that is Jesus Christ). You keep taking his side in these conflicts, for whatever reason. Maybe because he promised it would be different this time, and it isn't** and you're going to stick with him until he keeps his word for once.
But at the end of the day?
It's like your brother says. You're not the one who saves him. Broadly speaking, you've made things worse and needed others to come save you. And what else is Robin really for? You thought it was about redemption and teamwork but guess you're wrong. It's about saving your self destructive, apparently two-faced and erratic father. And you can't even do that right.
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* TT (2016) by Adam Glass is a racist ooc mess, but unfortunately it's still canon so I'm referencing here, though like a lot of works authors clearly wish weren't canon but are, it's been subsequently glossed over. Win? Maybe? Or not?
** again Zdarky's characterization of Damian is so outdated as to be ooc, and considering the way he constantly and explicitly uses it to illustrate Tim's strengths as robin, I'd argue there's. Also implications there. But the batshit insanity of the main batbook compared to B&R rn is crucial for this post, so I'm attempting to justify it. This time..
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
i do love canon amy & rory but god, does some part of me wish they really had gone with the idea of the doctor picking up a child as a companion (and then later, that child’s best friend with a huge crush on her.) with the rest of the season really not changing at all, except now it’s amelia pond with an angel in her head killing her and lost alone in the woods. it’s little rory who dies and is forgotten and becomes a toy soldier. if this is going to be a fairy tale, then let it be one. children have never been safe in fairy tales.
#it wouldn’t have to change any of the actual plot of the season. except MAYBE amy’s choice but even then i think amy’s choice would be the#one episode where they should be adults. if only for the half where they live in a village in that dream.#because that’s the kind of future that children would dream up. they live in a little cottage and nothing ever goes wrong and their best#friend visits them all the time even though they’ve grown up.#they aren’t actually adults there just children with an idea of what they should be as adults and acting accordingly#and it would still end the same way.#but idk its just. rory’s 2000 years waiting for amy inside the pandorica is already tragic. yes.#now imagine its a kid. a kid in a little roman soldier helmet who will never grow up. who will not leave his best friend.#he loves her and she’s more important than the whole universe and that sort of love is supposed to MEAN something in a fairy tale!#its supposed to melt the ice out of hearts and transform people from stone.#and what that love means here. is that he will have to wait 2000 years. a child and a box.#little rory and the amelia who followed the doctor’s letters to the pandorica. and she doesn’t recognize him again.#and amelia in the pandorica… 2000 years a child trapped in a small box waiting to be rescued.#s5 is already fucked for them but it could be worse. it could be so much worse.#and it would make the doctor choosing to take her place in the pandorica to save the universe later even better.#because who else but the doctor would put the fate of the universe on the shoulders of two children and realize much too late what a#monstrous thing he’d done. and still have to hope. have to hope. that amelia would remember him fondly enough to bring him back to reality.#the logistics of all of this would have been a pain lmao. child labor laws in acting and all that.#BUT. hypothetically. it would have slapped.#doctor who#amy pond#rory williams#<- also this entire time ive been referring to him in my head as rory pond so much that i fuckin. forgot his actual last name.#and then like if you want them to be adults in s6 or whatever you can just timeskip to them getting married and still have amelia remember#the doctor there. it would work. it would.#amelia pond au
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pkmoth · 13 days
having swap au thoughts. *slaps roof of claus* there's so much mental illness in this guy. im gonna blow up everyone in the room and then myself
#what if you felt unbearable guilt because your brother went missing in the two seconds you were separated#and you feel like there mustve been Something you couldve done to prevent it#if only you had stuck together. if only you hadnt let him tag along on your basically-a-suicide-mission in the first place#but none of those things happened so you go through three years blaming yourself#continuing to search for him because maybe hes still out there. and maybe exhausting yourself on an aimless search is a way you can atone#and then you're pulled into this big destiny adventure so your searching is put on the back burner#you're so busy doing important things and meeting new friends and there are points in your adventure where your heart feels lighter#and maybe you open up just a little about the crushing guilt you feel. and your new friends say it wasnt your fault#maybe you start accepting that your brother is really gone but you have to keep living your life#saving your brother was a far out dream but saving the world is something you have the power to do#so you try your best. so you dont fuck up this time#your guilt becomes the fuel keeping you going#and then at the end of your journey#you find out one of the biggest obstacles on your journey#the human chimera that you felt kinda horrified at and a little bad for even as you fought them#is your brother you've been mourning and agonizing over not being able to save#so um. The Guilt is even worse now#now he doesnt just feel responsible for his death. he Now feels responsible for him becoming this Creature Thing under porkys control#and in a lucas dies scenario. hoogh i cant imagine how claus would feel after that.......#however the thing that spurred this post was thinking about the lucas lives postgame scenario (it just got a bit out of hand lol) so.#your brother is alive and back home again and youre so unbelievably glad#but the guilt still creeps up every time you see how much hes Changed. physically and mentally#you had just started to accept the fact youd have to live without your brother but somehow having him back is almost just as painful#things cant just go back to how they were before. youll never be the exact same happy family as you used to be#its strange adjusting to having lucas back and its strange trying not to step on each others toes with their trauma#you cant help but be clingy because you couldnt bear it if he disappeared again under your watch#but nobody wants to be watched all the time especially when youre recovering from your brainwashed identity as an army commander#FUCK I REACHED THE TAG LIMIT I WANTED TO RAMBLE MORE AUGH. THEY MAKE ME SO ILL. i swear its not all angst theres some lightheartedness in it#mother 3 swap au#mothfics
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only just processed that luca added the flames to the colander helmet...implicitly b/c of alberto’s “also i added flames” dream vespa design alteration...
#like evidence afterwards that someone was paying real attention even when at the time the other party felt ignored / tuned out....So sweet.#which also my audhd life experiences like. if i learn anyone ever absorbed anything i said it's like oh whoa living large lmao#anyways the point is it only occurred to me the other day lol. like i'd noticed the flames but just didn't piece anything else together#i Love how many like. threads & details you Can piece together like that but are just kind of quietly in the bg otherwise#and fun how everything luca needs for the race is definitely like Somewhere Underwater...colander fell in the sea...bike by the sunken boat#god knows what color situation i fumbled my way into here. so the classic spin of just like Also there's more stripped down versions#who knows if i'll like do more of a full color approach version. they can't stop you. nor stop you from just posting lineart#or stop me from going off the walls w/their tail lengths lol#luca#luberto#lucalberto#😚😚😚#fish freckles you are everything to me...#eta not me forgetting to save the [solid bg color]less pngs as transparent....i was up all night#didn't help w/the color selecting that i'm bad at anytime lol#ok hopefully now they're actually transparent#smhhh now i've realized i forgot a little line to indicate webbing betwixt alberto's fingers there#not as big a deal as how i ALMOST forgot to include any of their arm/leg fins. i'll fix it if i do the [full coloring] deal lol. imagine it#yet another eta: occurs to me i could've made alberto purpler & the bg blue. well;
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bookofmac · 4 months
my most gonzo tlt theory is that one of the Tridentarii is gonna get twa sister'd into an instrument by the end of it and the only way they get to talk is by one playing the other
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hubrishazard · 3 months
When the sand started spreading across the entire globe we all *knew* the doctor was gonna figure out a way to bring everyone back. But can you imagine if a season finale big bad killed every single person on earth and then the doctor *couldn't* save the world? At this point it would be so funny, I'd love it. It would force the show to drastically change, at least until another showrunner brought the earth back. The Doctor would either have to only visit earth in the past prior to the destruction, or would have to have alien companions for once instead. I'd watch the hell out of that
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lovepotionnumber5 · 7 months
had myself an ugly time rereading some good ol' 80s comics, which feature imho some of the most devastating pages in dc comics history. tl;dr, its after '85 crisis, meaning kara has died (dick giorlando you live up to your name) and has also been pretty much wiped from existence in very comics fashion. she doesn't appear in continuity from '85 crisis until 2001, i dont think--with one exception. christmas with the super-heros #2 (1989). my babygirl.
its not super complicated--each hero gets their own little story on how they spend their holiday, helping others (superman), feeling sad about robin (batman), let some rich guy pretend to be santa (hal and barry), and deadman possess a repo man to make him give money to the people he's hurt. he also sends some wine and presents to his old friends.
and he's lonely. no one can see him. what's the point? is misery the reward for his acts of good?
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and if they were going to do crisis.......
why the FUCK didnt they at least give us something like this.
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bunnihearted · 2 months
hmm i like actually wanna kms
#big oof 🥴#if i try to talk im dramatic and emotional and only met with judgement ....#if i try to push it all down and pretend everythings fine i feel like im slowly dying#if i try to ask for help ppl only slap my hand away and dismiss me#if i complain im a negative pos who everyone hates#if i stfu and dont talk i feel miserable and like i have this big lump in my throat and i cant breathe#im never right or ok or valid or anything. im always wrong.....#im sad and lonely bc all i want is for someone to really truly love me and hold me#but truth is nobody cares that much if i would actually kms#but then im pathetic and whiny for crying in pain since i feel so alone and worthless#like honestlyyyy u can never win in life and esp if you're mentally ill and disordered and traumatized#and also just extremely sensitive even if u could choose u would choose to feel nothing#but ppl always complain no matter what i do :// im always doing smth wrong smth bad#like i didnt ask for everything that happened to me to happend and i didnt ask for it to shape me#and i dont want this or be like this bc my life is nothing but a miserable worthless waste of space#but im trying but im all alone in a dark hole like 12ft underground#and people who might see me wont do anything to help or just walk on their merry way#they will take a shovel and shovel even more dirt on top of me and make it even harder for me to crawl out of this hole#and like idek what im talking abt but this world is insane and people are fucking insane#and all everyone has is judgement and cruelness and calousness and like#ppl are just mean and they get personally attacked and angry if you dont live according to their standards and views and idk#ppl are insane and i feel so alone and im lying here knowing that my life is absolutely nothing#and im tired and i just wanna not exist. but really all i want is for someone to look me in the eyes and tell me i matter bc ive never#wanted to be saved. i've only ever wanted to be seen and known and like idfk.... i just dont#feel good but as always... i have to lie here alone and try not to kms bc i dont have anyone to ask to just talk to me for a little moment#like i cant even imagine... asking someone like hey i wanna kms pls talk to me for a moment#and have them reply immediately and idk i wouldnt even need long just like 10 minutes.#sigh idek what im rambling on abt im just so sick and tired and exhausted and i dont wanna die not really#but im so exhausted bc i have to carry this pain every day and people are so fucking awful but i dont wanna be alone and i just dont know
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megumi 🤝🏽 yuuji
dying even if it’s only for a good minute only to be brought back to life bc fate realizes if they died for real then they would need to find someone else to fuck over. those two are like fates favorite barbie dolls.
apologies if this post is going to seem all over the place, just bear with me. i don’t even know if you’re going to see this BUT it’s okay bc i need to get this out my system 😭.
starting off — god, imagine the chaos that will ensue when megumi tells nobara & yuuji about his very tragic history with the zenins. but like he wouldn’t even tell them straight up, he’ll just make a little deadpan joke (my sarcastic, sassy son) & the others would look at him like : ??? wtf do you mean by that sea urchin head???
like imagine itafushikugi going shopping for like traditional japanese clothes for a little festival or some shit (megumi was dragged by his spikes to come along) & nobara is having the time of her life finding outfits for her & the boys. like it got to the point where she’s dressing them herself & she shows megumi an outfit that looked similar to the robe he was forced to wear bc of the zenin (it’s obviously not the same) & megumi just refuses to wear a robe with similar color patterns to the zenin robe.
megumi: that looks like the outfit the zenin forced me to wear. i wonder what happened to it, cause the last thing i know, i got blood all over it. so as the second member of the zenin hate club, im not wearing that….
megumi: wait that blue one looks decent. i’m going to try it on.
nobara: …did he really leave without giving us the “ getting blood on a zenin’s robe” story?
imagine maki complaining about naoya in front of the first years, & maki just brings up naoya’s onesided beef with megumi & her stories of how naoya was so petty back in his childhood made him remember who tf naoya is (megs have selective memory, it’s okay)
megumi: ugh, he was so annoying. i remember when he came to my middle school back when gojo was busy dealing with the aftermath of his evil ex boyfriend evil plan & he basically kidnapped me. i was stuck in a car with that man for 40 minutes..you would hate him nobara.
maki: yeah you would hate him nobara.
yuuji: i’m sorry he kidnapped you??? why did you say that so casually?
nobara: fuck that. megumi is a disney princess, we know this already. BUT we’re just gonna gloss over gojo had an evil boyfriend?
& imagine when megumi finally tells his friends about the zenin clan was when yuuji just came back from the dead & they were asking how tf that’s possible. & somewhere in that conversation megumi just let it slip that his heart stopped beating once & itakugi looks at him in silence:
megumi: yeah the zenin clan basically forced me to exorcise some curses & complete a ritual to get a snake — that snake fucking bit me. it was my least favorite. but yeah i basically died. then yuuta brought me back. then i was blind for a good minute.
nobara, yuuji, & even sukuna:
megumi: it was a terrible time for me. gojo was even more clingier & protective. it got to a point where he started treating me like i was 6 again… reading me bedtime stories, singing me lullabies & describing the pictures in the stories since i was…yknow blind.
cue itakugi & even sukuna wanting to burn down the zenin but ofc they can’t do that…so they settle for pulling pranks on the members & traumatizing them ofc.
IM ALSO imagining how funny it would be for yuuji to be jealous of yuuta. like bro is basically living yuuji’s fantasy world. i’m giggling at the idea of yuuji fighting for his life to be either megumi favorite or nanami’s favorite.
you also opened my eye to the potential of maki & tsumiki… like i also like to imagine that in a happier world, they would understand each other on such a deep level. but they would also find parts of the other that they wished they had. but on a happier note i like to imagine that megumi would suffer whenever it was brought up that his aunt is basically dating his step sister. like maki would be a menace to megumi. every little thing he do? maki is texting tsumiki in a corner.
maki watching itafushi cook together in the kitchen: i can’t believe megumi has a boyfriend. it’s so cute that he thinks that he can hide this from me. lemme go snitch to tsumiki.
maki listening to megumi describe his fight with sukuna, a cursed spirit who apparently has a stripping problem: oh my god. megumi is truly yuuta’s boy. they both got cursed spirits obsessed with them…i need to tell tsumiki.
maki to megumi after witnessing his suicidal tendencies: don’t make me tell tsumiki.
i honestly love your story. the way you added so much more to megumi childhood is beautiful. it just make soooo much sense. but also your characterization of gojo is so precious to me. i’m waiting for gojo to go apeshit on the zenin. i’m also giggling in anticipation at gojo finding out about yuuta attachment to megumi. i like to imagine him to be kind of worried about it actually, bc that’s not fucking healthy. but i imagine him getting used to it since megumi will have a protector in the form of yuuta & his power of love.
i’m also curious to see mai’s role in this story since.
*sighs in disappointment at gege writing choices*
since she had a crush on megumi…yeah. but imma just interpret that as she wants to be his family. it keeps me sane
i also wanted to ask if there’s a chance that you would write a megumi POV of what happened in the zenin clan? ofc i would understand if you wouldn’t since it leaves a much more ominous feeling to the events. plus yuuta running commentary is a good mix of angst & humor so ofc i understand.
Yuuji: man fushiguro almost checks the boxes for a Disney princess. except he was never kidnapped or enslaved
Megumi, sold to the Zenin clan, who later kidnapped him: *sweating*
Nobara and Yuuji would be the co-vice presidents of the "fuck the Zenin clan" club if they knew what happened. They would be the presidents but yuuta and maki are already in a death match for the position and they're trying to avoid the bloodshed. they are not allowed to be treasurer because neither of them know how money works.
megumi is unaware that a formal club has been formed.
Megumi is suffering SO HARD in any world where maki and tsumiki are together. they won't stop ganging up on him when it comes to his love life and general wellbeing and holding hands where he has to see it. maki lectures him about his suicidal tendencies in the field, holds up one finger, calls tsumiki, and lets her pick up where she left off. maki tries to talk to him about relationships one (1) time and he tries to drown himself.
see i'm pretty open to writing a megumi POV but it, like most of my stories, falls in this nebulous category of "if i have the time." like, i've thought about writing megumi's pov before, there's a lot of stuff that happened that exists as like, background knowledge for me that will never make it through yuuta's pov because it doesn't make sense for yuuta to find out about it. It would be very tonally different, but if i did write it, it would be a different work entirely and i'd be making sea glass gardens into a series.
i'm eternally tempted by the siren call of making my works into a series. If i did it with sea glass gardens, i would want to add a one shot of Megumi's pov during the time leading up to sea glass gardens and a short multi-chapter of the gojo, nanami, shoko teen parenting trio. If I have the time, it will exist; if i don't, it won't.
#ironically the one thing that WOULD endear yuuta to yuuji is finding out about all of this#yuuji would instantly love him for all he did for Their Boy. it's the only way i see megumi actually fessing up to what happened#i think megumi's just someone who's really private and uncomfortable with people knowing a lot about him and he would try to hide this from#itakugi for as long as he could. it probably eats at him that the second years all saw him like this. i think he just hates feeling vulnera#megumi gives him the /extremely/ abridged version of events to get yuuji and nobara to chill about yuuta and how he acts (yuuji is convince#that there's no one who could be that perfect nobara keeps looking for homosexual explanations) and they instantly veer hard into finding#out everything there is to know about the zenin and how to hurt them and also yuuta's like. beloved in their eyes. megumi is their boy.#they love their boy. yuuta saved their boy. ergo they love yuuta now. it's simple math.#tonal shift is a huge sort of struggle with me as a writer just because i change my styles with every narrator#which is why it's kind of hard to flip between works if the tone is too different. i was trying to juggle sea glass gardens and toy rosarie#and i was just internally screaming b/c yuuta and jack could NOT be more different with narration styles and i was like 'fuckkkkkkkkk'#with yuuta i structure sentences with a lot of 'space' in them. i don't have a better word for it i'm not actually trained in writing so#it's all just whatever shit i made up along the way i have no officially terms. anyway. Yuuta's sentences are structured to have this sort#of detached distance between the actual message and the start of the sentence. So we end up with a lot of sentences that start w/ structure#like “yuuta thinks” and Yuuta feels“ b/c I think of yuuta as a very detached person because of how he lived. it's a survival mechanism.#a lot of the meat of what he feels has to come in almost absentmindedly. So you end up with Yuuta's suicide scene and losing the knife and#him having a line like “He swears he never meant any of the bad things he did” and the fact that he thinks his own survival is a bad thing#/he's/ to blame for is almost backdoor'd in as a given premise. it's assumed. it's not even the point of the sentence. he's been living wit#jack murdock meanwhile is an intensively retrospective character that's meant to make you almost feel claustrophobic from how “close” his#narration style is. a lot of the actual message is conveyed through imagined scenarios and emotional recollection. he's a character steeped#in regret who has been torturing himself with it for years. yuuta's survival mechanism is isolation but jacks been yearning to get back wha#he lost for so long and dreaming of it that he's steeped in really vivid internal imaginings.#with jack you have multipage lamentations remembering his son buying cereal with him but yuuta drops the fact that his parents stopped#loving him at some point and it's not even the most important thing in the sentence. it's included as a qualifier because yuuta has accepte#so much of the bad things that happened to him when he shouldn't have whereas jack hasn't accepted ANYTHING that happened.#Yuuta uses a lot of very clean cut grammatically correct narration and jacks is riddled with a bunch of “ain't's” and grammatical errors.#he has an accent for lack of a better term. so you end up w/ two characters who convey information in different ways prioritize different#info in their sentences use different sentence structures etc. so megumi would have a /very different/ style and tone from yuutas that woul#sort of shape any fic that came through him because all of my fics are primarily shaped through the narrator's voice. it's also why I set#kind of hard lines about whether a fic can have any narrator or just specific narrators b/c it determines the whole tone.
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