#imagine if she caught it though...
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RIP Will Campos the only person who was murdered this episode.
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axoqiii · 3 months
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☕️🥞 sketch dump
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fisherrprince · 8 months
wait are elezen tails not part of their spine? or is it like a lizard tail situation? or was alisaie's tail just yanked really REALLY hard
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To clarify, no! They are not like lizards or some kinds of au ra, they are just fragile. Strong enough to withstand tugging and stepping on, not strong enough to withstand warmachina ripping the skin or a very heavy door breaking one of the bones. The bones don’t even extend all the way to the tip of the tail, so tailtip injuries are easier to fix, but blunt or shear trauma, not so much. The only reason Sharlayan has so many tailed elezen is because they’re stuffy academics. Ishgard has hardly any.
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k0rnfl4ke · 1 year
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Day 2: Jealousy
(I am not caught up with QSMP so if anything is inaccurate I apologize)
I feel Jaiden must have felt a sorta of jealousy or resentment after she lost Bobby and I’ve been wanting to draw Leo sooo this is my excuse to draw them both :D
Also I’m not the best at backgrounds but I tried my best! I like it for the most part^^
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bayofwolves · 2 months
i've been thinking ab abeke x worthy for the last 12 hours... do y'all feel me. could i convince y'all to get on board this ship
#listen to me LISTEN TO ME#in arc 3 worthy feels safe enough around abeke that he always takes his mask off when they're alone#she's the only member of the group he does this with#the others have all caught glimpses of what's underneath the mask but abeke knows his changed appearance better than any of them#and around most people worthy feels a need to act as human as possible -- tucking his tail away‚ standing upright‚#curbing some of his more feline habits -- but with abeke he doesn't hide a thing#doesn't feel ashamed#he's comfortable enough to be his real self around her#abeke thinks he's obnoxious at the best of times but finds herself seeking his company out more and more bc as odd as it is‚#it's as though she's found a kindred spirit in him. i mean you have to agree they have unreasonable chemistry#and their height difference is the cherry on the cake. in my canon worthy is 5'5 and abeke is 6'0#abeke has to tilt her chin down to look him in the eye. good shit#ofc there's the very real likelihood of abeke seeing worthy as shane and projecting her unresolved feelings onto him#which might ruin the ship for you if you're WEAK (not me)#i think it could be a very interesting layer to their relationship (that could be worked through with time and therapy. or not. up to you)#and can you imagine the guilt worthy might feel if he were to be with abeke#knowing that his former leader had loved her first#goddd they make me think.#in a world without shane this is the next best thing#if they were gonna kill him they could have at least given me this unlikely strangely cute potentially toxic pairing as compensation#text#spirit animals#spirit animals books#spirit animals series#abeke#worthy#shane#wortheke#shaneke#this is not the first time i have posted ab them nor will it be the last
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bumblingbabooshka · 5 months
Dark Frontier should have had an ending scene where after Seven returned to the ship and she's self-conscious about having 'betrayed' Voyager and whether or not the crew trust her (they retrieved her on Janeway's orders but her orders don't always match the feelings of the crew itself), thinking of Tom's comment, thinking of what she was a part of, she stumbles upon B'Elanna. They're both working well past the time to do so. Seven tenses up because B'Elanna looks irritated but she just goes into business as usual about mistakes in Seven's work (probably because she needs to regenerate!) and how much time and energy it took to find her and Seven apologizes for the inconvenience (sarcastically) and B'Elanna accepts her apology then she smirks, staring at Seven. Seven looks unsure about what this means. B'Elanna reaches up and clasps her shoulder. "Good to have you back, Seven." she says. Upon Seven's nod of acknowledgement, she leaves, calling over her shoulder "Get some rest!" threatening that she'll be back in the morning with more corrections if she doesn't. Seven stares after her for a moment. She continues to work. She pauses. She turns around and gets onto her alcove, beginning to regenerate.
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musubiki · 1 year
ok but imagine. lime goes up against the witch king and he fails!!! for one of the first times in his life he fails at something!!!!! but then mochi is able to defeat the witch king and for a sec lime is relieved and he’s so proud of her. he loves her so much. but then he sees a bright light and mochi falls. hes panicking slightly and calls her name quietly then louder as he runs over. the whole battlefield is so quiet bc everyone is like “was that…? did she —“ and once lime reaches her he pulls her body into his lap and takes one look at her face and just SCREAMS. the girl he loves is gone. her eyes are vacant. maybe if he were a little bit stronger he could’ve at the very least helped her defeat him. maybe land the final blow so she’d still be alive and she’d be smiling at him. maybe he’d get to tell her he loved her. but he has to settle for sobbing those words into her hair as he holds her to his chest — to feel her warmth one final time before its gone for good.
btw can totally imagine lime looking up and seeing sulluvan looming over him and lime has a full meltdown saying he won’t let him take mochi
especially since that was the optimum plan.....let lime or taffy kill the witch king so they dont have to worry about if the wrath of the stars is even real or not
imagine if no one even realizes or registers what happened until they hear lime screaming and THEN it starts to settle in that oh god, please no, not mochi, are you fucking kidding me.,..
and as for sulluvan.......100% lime would lash out at him. get the fuck away from her. but i think the way sulluvan operates is a bit two-fold in the sense that he has a presence in the land of the living and the land of the dead at the same time. so yes hes standing near them, watching lime sob and cry and scream and beg over mochis corpse, but he is ALSO in the land of the dead watching mochi (or her soul anyway) doubled over and crying, not ready to face him, and not ready to leave yet,..
sulluvan calls out to her spirit and she says she knows. she knows she has to go. and asks him just give her a few moments before she has to leave
(anyway all that to say that lime couldnt stop sulluvan from taking her soul if he tried. its already happening)
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monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
Bonnie being angry and disappointed at Freddy when Cassie helps bring him back only for him to see the destruction and decay of his family and home that Freddy allowed to happen because of Gregory, and breaks up with him.
Bonnie later slowly starts falling in love with Proto Freddy (maybe a bit of it is Bonnie projecting but he's def falling) instead.
And Freddy can see it happening from where he is.
Gay drama~
(Long post. I went off on one lmao and can't use read mores on my phone, sorry mobile users)
Ohhh that's a fun one! Bonnie rebounding onto Protobear and after a while those feelings become real... he deserves it honestly. He deserves a happy ending after everything, and so does Protobear! Bet that's an emotional rollercoaster to get through though... That party doesn't sound fun... For them anyway. Very fun for us though! Sucks to be them!
You know what else is fun for this? Bonnie falling for whoever Freddy believed deactivated him. Freddy treating someone differently before the events of SB, and side eying them all the time, not trusting them at all because of what the must have done to Bonnie... It must have been them! They're the only one the makes sense! They're the one that made him disappear and is trying to act like everything's normal! They must be to blame! They took his Bonnie from him and won't tell him what they did or where he is! Whether he's right or not is irrelevant, if he believes it's true, he's going to want nothing to do with them! They need to stay away from Bonnie!
And now here he is. Watching Bonnie flirt with that person. Be it Monty, Roxy, Moon, Chica, whoever. Freddy finally saying out loud what he's felt he's known for a long time now, that this animatronic killed him, how could Bonnie possibly even still look at them, never mind fall in love with them after that?!
Bonnie's face falls flat. He turns to Freddy and stares him right in the eyes. "They didn't do it, Freddy." or even, "They did it to save me, Freddy. What did you do?"
Absolutely devastating. The gay drama is so good
On another note, this is making me think of Protobear and Roxy being fucking hilarious. "Hey, you wanna really freak him out?" one of them asks and they start fake dating in front of Freddy to piss him off. Like they're the most over the top, mushy couple with the most insufferable nicknames, trying so hard not to laugh their asses off, and the first one to crack loses. Everyone gets in on it. Whaaaaat?? Roxy and Protobear?? Oh they're sooooo in love so so so in love, they're not pretending, they would never pretend!!
Jskdndk they get Cassie in on it and she starts calling them mum and dad 2 and Freddy is pointedly trying to leave the room as quickly as possible, but as usual, the fucking doors aren't letting him out again. They're always on the blink now, it's absolutely never Roxy using her security clearance to play Musical Doors with him. Nope. Never. Look at their fake mushy romance boy, you can't escape.
Freddy has never been more confused and sickened in his life. He's always hated Roxy and Roxy's always hated him, this is the worst thing to have to watch ever. He's even more upset if Bonnie pretends to be their partner as well, and even more so if Roxy was who he assumed deactivated him. This is a nightmare scenario and he's being so brave about it.
Sat there trying so hard not to say a word. He's so fine. Not glaring at all. No no no, he's not staring listlessly at them, he's just trying to contact maintenance via the network, obviously. He's not resisting the urge to grimace and not wishing the floor would swallow him up right now. Absolutely not. He would never. He's so so so happy for them. Yup. So so happy. Could not be happier. Why won't these fucking doors open?!
You could apply the fake dating to Protobear and Bonnie specifically too. Bonnie's going through a rebound, and he knows it, so he stays away from Protobear for a while. He tries to take care of himself and the others are right there to help him out the best they can. When he's feeling better, he starts gradually spending more time with Protobear (who has had the situation of Bonnie and Freddy explained to him and is very understanding about it) and the two start slowly building a friendship. Slowly, so as to not rush Bonnie through anything. Protobear himself has walked away from several hangouts because he can tell that Bonnie is struggling, even if he won't admit it, they're handling this with the utmost care...
But then Bonnie, Roxy, Monty and Chica, the four that should never be trusted without supervision, get talking. Bonnie is laughing at these three clowns telling him all about how they're fucking with Freddy for fun, and let him in on some of their schemes. They're hilarious, and he would have thought so before everything happened too, even if he did think they were a bit mean at times. I mean, rallying a bunch of kids to gang up on Freddy in their Fazerblast game as a 'super secret mission' is a touch mean, right? Not anymore. He deserves it.
But then they get to thinking. Bonnie wants to try messing with him too. They bring him in on some of their dastardly plans, and come up with several new ones for him, and believe me, at this time, not a single one of them has the braincell, so you can imagine the bullshit they come up with lmao. He finds this weirdly cathartic. The ability to moderately inconvenience Freddy in funny ways is more fun than he thought it'd be. He was worried it would hurt, worried it would make him think about things too much, and while it does hurt to look at him sometimes... Well his heart is more with his friends than ever now. He feels no desire to be nice to him, or to go back to how things were anymore. He's okay now and this is what makes that real to him...
Then one day it hits him. His own plan to mess with Freddy. Completely his own, the three stooges had nothing to do with this one. It hit him when he was hanging out with Protobear and DJ. What if they were fake dating in front of Freddy? Bonnie and Protobear! Madly in love, with the most sickeningly sweet pet names and the worst pick up lines you've ever heard in your life! DJ thinks that would be pretty mean... But would get him so good, he's a surprisingly petty guy sometimes. Protobear agrees and is completely up for this, it sounds hilarious, but... is Bonnie sure he's ready for that? Is he sure he can handle that?
They think on it a bit and talk to the others about it, who think that's fucking genius but have the same concerns as Protobear. Sunny thinks it's a bit much (and he's probably right) but is very excited to play along with this. He loves playing pretend, he's where Cassie gets it from. When they decide they're gonna do it, they set a few boundaries just in case, make a safe word for if they feel they start going too far with it, and swear to eachother to call it off if it all starts getting too much... Or maybe too real.
Oh my god they have so much fucking fun with it. Protobear has never laughed so hard in his life. The others joining in, helping them pull this off, and building on the joke too make it even more fun! They're having a blast and Freddy is suffering greatly! Customer service mode can't save him now!
But after a while, things start to change. Some of the flirting becomes a little too heartfelt. The insistence that they're not actually a thing becomes less frequent. The act starts to spill over into their everyday lives. Suddenly, they're not so sure this is still a joke anymore. Suddenly, the overdramatic cuddles last until long after Freddy has left the room. Suddenly, they're starting to wonder what it be like to be together for real.
Realisation hits and oh god oh no oh fuck this was NOT the PLAN god DAMN IT
So much fun to be had here!
One more funny one: instead of just Roxy or Bonnie pretending to be with Protobear, what if it's everyone? Protobear has one giant polycule going on where everyone apparently adores him and he dotes on everyone cause he loves them all so so so much. Freddy is staring in disbelief at the 'romantic' cuddle pile Protobear is right in the centre of like this is the most normal thing in the world. It's a Plex wide competition to see who can be the most insufferable in a fake relationship and whoever cracks first loses. It's a team effort! A coordinated attack! And sometimes they actually do fluster Protobear and eachother they're all having fun!
I'd like to call this plan the Protocule :)
(Also, hi jellycreamjammedart! This is the first post I've made today so you may wanna check I've not reblogged with more additions later on. I know you get online kinda late in my timezone, or at least that's when I tend to see you around, so saying this is just in case!)
#comedically torturing freddy is my favourite thing to do it's so funny#he has this massive grip on what emotions he displays it's like he's in permanent customer service mode sometimes#watching him struggle so hard is Roxy's favourite pass time lmao#long post#pop rox answers#OH GOD I'LL REBLOG WITH THIS ADDITION LATER TO MAKE SURE IT'S SEEN#BUT BONNIE ACCIDENTALLY USING THE PET NAME HE HAD FOR FREDDY IN PROTOBEAR#AND PROTOBEAR DOESN'T KNOW SO BONNIE FLINCHES EVER SO SLIGHTLY#WHILE PROTOBEAR TURNS TO LOOK AT HIM A BUT FLUSTERED BY THE NAME AND SMILES SO SWEETLY#BUT SO UNLIKE FREDDY AND BONNIE IS MELTING ABD OH GOD OH NO WAIT A SEC IS HE FALLING OH GOD OH NO#wait is this bullying? i feel like roxy would bully him but hmm. I'll have to think on that...#maybe it's the doors specifically that's suddenly bugging me#hmmmm i dunno. anyway#i love waking up to things that give me ideas dnjdjd#now imagine proto is zags the old freddy and the confusion is rising djdnjd#to be clear freddy is unaware most of this is just them fucking around#he's suspicious of a few things but not everything#they're all very sneaky about their crimes and the vast majority are harmless and just inconveniencing#very few of them actually want to hurt him but will mess with him a little from a distance if it's funny#they would all mess with eachother before hand they just weren't sneaky about it so the whole 'getting caught' thing is all that's really-#-changed. not for roxy though. she's always fucked around with freddy specifically as sneaky as possible#was just less often before now...#I'm wondering what the scenario is here btw. how did we get to a presumably open plex that freddy is a part of?#i feel like certain animatronics wouldn't let him through the fucking door again#hmmm anyway
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vernahateclub · 5 months
SOBBING my oldest child aged up during the Duvos siege and Owen was still held hostage in the temple 😭😭
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fazcinatingblog · 10 months
One night was washed out with heavy rain, the next night was too dangerous, and now the hurricanes decide to just pack it all in for not much???? Big bash is dead.
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bsdwherearethedogs · 2 years
going insane thinking about higugin feeling very lesbian about it
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salsflore · 1 year
been almost 3 yrs and i am still struggling with the whole mikachi first meeting thing. bye
#for zl its something simple. i just saw cute fanart of it with another ship [ p sure it was someones 2 ocs ] and enjoyed the idea#i lost my black umbrella irl but tbf it doesnt really matter because i always fucking forget to bring it anyways. so sometimes i get caught#in the rain. so idk zl lends me his umbrella bc. fuck! heading in the same direction and is like hey loser . . let me help you . .#cue immediate heart eyes bc handsome stranger helped her. like Wow Yuo Are So Cool... ♡#afterwards she mentions this interaction to her friend [ yun jin or hu tao .. unsure but they are both so silly so its hard 2 decide ] and#then they are like wait i know that grandpa you're talking about! let me set you up lalala theres this whole thing i'm lazy#i'll write about it Maybe bc i do want to write for my platonic f/os. and also cover all the [ firsts ] in my self ships#its just: i don't like feeling obligated to stick to things (like a series or theme or whatever) so maybe not. would be nice though..#nobody in this world is allowed to laugh at me i'll die#as for childe my plan was he breaks into her house and then shes like wtf who r u?!! they make eye contact and kiss + get married asap#no actually i truly dont know. zl's is slightly easier because he lives a mortal life. just chills#has connections with a lot of the liyue chars. literally just enjoying his retirement era now#ajax doesn't have many connections ( other harbingers but they dgaf about each other i think x ) and i just cant imagine that. idk#just fucking. bumping into him would lead to anything. maybe i should turn into a fish and have him fish me up and then i transform into a#girl and then we fall in love what do you guys think (losing my grip on humanity)#💭#mika ♡ ajax#mika ♡ zhongli
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furyisms · 1 year
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   ⬐ @hopegained ⬎
" get down! "
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They were supposed to be infiltrating a party, of all things; those were the last two words that Alisa wanted to hear. The next thing she knew, she was pinned against the wall in a dark corner, mind racing a mile a minute. Crap… had someone figured out that they weren’t exactly who they said they were? Was that why he was hissing at her to duck down, out of sight?
God, why had she even agreed to this? She should have questioned the plan and she damn well knew it. An arms dealer like this, opening his home to guests like this? Well, granted, they were tracking his drug shipments more than anything, and Alisa had managed to pass very easily as someone looking for biotic-enhancing drugs, but… She’d never expected this to be as convoluted as it was.
She could hear footsteps coming their direction, and they definitely weren’t where they ought to be. They had to think fast, and that meant coming up with some kind of cover story. Alisa knew what was easy, but whether he’d play along or not… Now that was the difficult part.
“Okay, okay. Quick thinking. We—snuck up here for some privacy, and if we get caught, that’s that. Just—I don’t know, push me against the wall and kiss me, or—something.” That made sense, right? And if they kept it convincing enough, they’d be able to play it off. “And make it convincing,” she opted to add.
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This one’s somewhat of a comic but uh—
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#Nottie thinks his tails are fun to play with.#She’s so kitty kitty and he’s so cat toy.#Cyrmic’s also surprisingly easy to fluster but he’ll totally try to mask it#he’ll also totally fail at masking it cause his face blushes like a motherfucker#he can take compliments all day but eventually he’s gonna crash into a “oh good heavens!” type of mindset#he will literally burry his face into his fluff and fur boa like 😳😵‍💫#with the last comic?? I don’t even know man#Rupert saw a random man lifting his daughter up like “OY!!!!”#imagine the sounds of smacking someone and pillow fighting at the same time#that’s what it would sound like if Rupert fought Cyrmic#((spoilers: Cyrmic would actually get his ass kicked lol))#I think Cyrmic honestly does surprisingly well with children??#he kinda has mixed opinions on them though#he thinks they’re cute when they’re actually sweet and well mannered#but he can’t stand it when they act out or have temper tantrums or scream and cry#drives this man absolutely insane#but at least he’s good at keeping his composure shoukd he ever be caught in the midst of something like that#also I’m not misjudging the size of Cyrmic’s hands when drawing them#he just. kinda has big hands y’know#tbh I gave him those hands cause I wanted another character with Nottie’s hand type because I actually love drawing her hands a lot#needed more reasons to draw hands like those tee hee#Cyrmic Danderdilly#Rupert Snapdragon#Forget-Me-Not#Nottie#Bliss#ocs#original characters#original stories#The Kiwi Draws
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vaugarde · 1 year
kinda want to attempt a psuedo rt rewrite like @/084392 or milos from home but idk how or when i could do that
#ive had the idea of azalea/leopold being parallels to gengar/gardevoir for a while#where leopold is sort of blindly kind to a fault and azalea takes a while to actually like him bc shes a bit selfish#(but ofc both would improve throughout the story and form a genuine unbreakable bond)#and gengar like. projects on both of them HARD#hes similar to azalea in personality in that theyre both pretty self serving but at first the difference between them is respect#azalea actually likes being a pokemon more than she’d like to admit bc shes been closer to them than humans her whole life#so has no problem integrating into their society and treating them as equals#while gengar still sees himself as superior to pokemon for being a human and views his teammates as pokemon hes ‘’caught’’#even though that dynamic no longer exists properly in this world. he doesnt view medicham and ekans as his equals in any way#and though he cared about gardevoir a large part of her sacrifice was him not thinking she was ‘’worth’’ saving??? idk#but he gets turned into a pokemon in like a brother bear way bc#of that and he has to learn to treat pokemon better#this is also a broad hc but i imagine the attitude towards humans is different in each game#and in rt there are still some around but the pokemon generally dont trust them#which is part of the fugitive arc. i think the ninetales myth is not really a prophecy#but like a story that got twisted into a myth to justify why humans cant be trusted and scapegoating them for the disasters#which is why everyone turns on azalea so easily. theyre all paranoid and on edge and that broke the dam#echoed voice
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selkies-world · 9 months
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