beepbeepthebeep · 3 months
it's kind of crazy how alive the dumb hick hillbilly stereotype still is in hollywood
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beepbeepthebeep · 3 months
if the world was a just place, George Abud would have the same smallish but rabid fandom that Raúl Esparza (rightfully) has. and there would be a high quality boot of him doing “Paris will always be Paris” from Lempicka. and I would watch it every day.
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beepbeepthebeep · 3 months
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@asiandramanet creator bingo - parallels
Chen Jin & Wang Ziwen as senior & young YE WENJIE, and Zhang Luyi as WANG MIAO in Tencent's THREE-BODY | 三体 (2023) (Kun's 78/∞ Three-Body gifsets)
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
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*this is especially important: these days on Tumblr there’s a wonderful atmosphere of being able to talk openly about your mental illness or your struggle. And that’s great! But there’s a difference between sharing in order to help yourself and other people and sharing just because you have no other coping mechanisms. As much as you’re able, try to work on developing a different outlet. People aren’t qualified to be your therapist because they’re nice to you a couple of times. Please remember that they have lives too, and their job is not to make you feel better or pity you, no matter how difficult your life is. 
And last but not least: 
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I really don’t have a way to better this. 
Your interests are your own. I can’t advise anyone to change their interests to fit in with a certain group of people - that’s stupid, and actually quite damaging to your sense of self. 
Instead, I would recommend that, maybe if you feel like your topics of conversation are falling flat with this group of people, you move on to other, greener pastures. There are bound to be places where your ideas mesh better with an audience. 
And of course - try to be considerate about what you say and how you say it. 
Sometimes, what might seem like a harmless comment to you might be a very discomforting thought to another person. I recently had a conversation on a forum with a guy who was telling me that his headcanon was that Pearl (from SU) would soon get a male love interest who loved mechanics and weapons next, and that would be her best arc, because she would finally get a ‘healthy’ love interest. 
His intentions were good, but he was entirely unaware of how cringey this kind of thing was to a bunch of (probably queer) people, who have spent their entire lives being told that the only ‘good’ character development for them would be to get a ‘male love interest’. No one wanted to be the jerk to say “fuck off, we don’t want that to happen” but everyone was answering him in a flat way, trying to discourage the discussion further. Instead of picking up on the hint, he bulldozed on, thinking he was having a ‘lively conversation’ which was, in fact, in its late stages of death. 
I know I’ll probably get a few messages to this saying: What about people on the Autistic Spectrum? Sometimes, people can’t pick up social cues or ‘hints’. And if that’s the case, it’s incredibly difficult to understand why you’re not having any luck communicating despite your best efforts. 
I feel that on a person level, please believe me. I made this infograph for THAT VERY REASON. Because I WAS that awkward kid who didn’t pick up on hints well. In fact, I still have trouble talking to people. If any of you have had the misfortune of being my conversational partner, you’ll know that I tend to be overly blunt and come off as very unfriendly. It’s something that I, myself, am working on currently in order to grow into a better person. It’s a struggle in progress, but I am aiming towards the progress side, and I just wanted to help out others while I was at it. 
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
probably the only person whose parents are always like "i wish you would quit your practical line of work and become an artist"
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
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@gameofthronesdaily's: COUNTDOWN TO SEASON TWO Day 11 – Favorite scene
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
do you ever think about how small frodo is standing at the edge of mount doom’s abyss with the weight of the world literally on his shoulders and just freak out a little???
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
jack black wasn't kidding. the legend of the rent *is* way hard core
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
Children's oppression and lack of humanization is one topic that makes my insides feel like they're rotting and I'll die on the hill of defending them and pointing out how fucking gross it is every single time people act like it's cool actually to hate a group of people who are the least able to defend themselves in any terrible situation
Y'all will scream "protect queer kids" "protect trans kids" "protect kids of color" then forget all that and proudly stand behind "well kids are fucking annoying in public actually so it's fine when I talk about wanting to have grocery stores and planes that are child free :)" individualism has killed humanity so deeply
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
insane women are a vibe. and also on an unrelated note i have not slept normal in more than 1 calendaer year
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
solea breaking my heart into a thousand little pieces within 13 seconds
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
it is genuinely bewildering to me that adult human beings do not know this but if you are mean to people they will not like you. like tbh they are probably also not going to like you if you are mean to other people but they are definitely not going to like you if you are mean to them. it doesn’t matter if you are funny or if you can use r/aita rules to prove that you are in the right. people simply so not enjoy being treated like shit.
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
Happy Halloween y'all don't forget to pull your lover down from their white horse and then hold them tight and fear them not as The Queen of Fairies turns them into all manner of beasts
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
saving each other from death, and life.
I think that of all the musical adaptations of “tam lin,” my favorite is the arrangement that anais mitchell sings because it gives such insight into janet’s character.  she is so often portrayed as reckless, bold, heedless in tam lin adaptations, a headstrong eowyn or a britomart who swoops off to fearlessly rescue her love from the faeries’ tithe, but not in this version: here, janet does all that she does because she is so terribly, terribly desperate.
and it’s that haunting sense of desperation and silent despair that drive the narrative, from the very first stanza with the desription of janet alone in her bower, looking out on carterhaugh.  that description really gives a sense of isolation to janet’s character – she’s elaine locked in the tower, she’s rapunzel trapped by the witch, she’s kept apart and isolated from all other living things – how then could anyone blame her for running off to somewhere where the roses bloom green, or for allowing tam lin to take her by the sleeve and lay her down among the roses red?  
and when janet returns to carterhaugh, she does so not out of fear of rebuke or rejection from her father, or fear of entrapment in a marriage to a man of her father’s choosing – but because she cannot face her own life, the future that now must come to pass.  she does not want a life, even one spent raising their child, if it is spent alone.  and tam lin cannot be her husband, because he is no earthly thing.
but, janet says, if my child was to a gentleman, and not a wild shade, then I would rock him all the winter’s night, and all the summer’s days.
and so tam lin tells her how to win his life, and thereby saves hers.  
janet has nothing to live for, even before she returns to carterhaugh pregnant and husbandless; it’s why she dares goes to such a haunted location in the first place.  carterhaugh is a place of the dead, and for the dying.   
janet always goes to carterhaugh to pick the roses.  
and in carterhaugh, the roses are always poison.  
but tam lin stops her from plucking the poison rose, both times janet visits this graveyard of thorns.  he takes her by the hand, and doesn’t that mean something?  tam lin gives janet something to live for.  and janet gives him a reason in return.  as thomas lane tells janet carter in pamela dean’s adaptation, it’s a story about saving each other from death, and from life.  
and it’s not so very strange for a fairy tale to be about saving the one you love from death, but saving them from life, when it’s life that you need rescue from – if your life is what you need rescuing from, when your life, your own future is the horror you cannot face, that’s a story that doesn’t get told so often.  but sometimes, that is the kind of story that keeps its readers holding on.  
and I feel like that’s why so many people are drawn to adaptations of tam lin, particuarly the ones that don’t turn away from that sense of desperation that haunts the original ballad.   it comes up in certain moments in fire and hemlock, like when polly stands wavering on the bristol bridge, about to let herself fall, or in pamela dean’s version, when peg says she’ll imitate the lady of shallot should her lover spurn her.  
and that, i think, is why when i first read the ballad of tam lin, the hair on the back of my neck stood up with recognition.  because if you have ever been ready to pick a poison rose, then you know that sense of desperation.  you don’t forget it.  you can’t.  and you can recognize it in others just as surely as if you’d splashed your eyes with fairy ointment.
there was a time when i needed to learn how to save myself.  tam lin was one of the stories that showed me how.  
because at its heart, tam lin is a story about learning how to survive, when the person you are in most danger from is yourself.  janet saves tam lin, and in doing so, she saves herself.  
and when you save each other from death, and life, you are bound together as surely as any marriage vow.  and that – that connection they have forged between themselves – that is the true magic.  because connection is the antidote of despair.
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
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The San Francisco Examiner, California, February 25, 1935
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beepbeepthebeep · 4 months
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Stowaway Jim - Ship's Cat of HMS Prince Regent, early 20th century
Came on board at Halifax N.S. November 1914 and passed for O.C. He has since been promoted, and is now C. in.C. of the P.R. Cats. He is an old wardog and bears his battle honours " Dogger Banks" and "Jutland" unostentatiously. O.C. = Ordinary Cat
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