#imagine being fatherless
zpxz · 4 months
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Womp womp L bozo
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doloneia · 1 month
speaking as a fatherless son here i think both telemachus and diomedes got fatherless son behavior but its in different ways. like diomedes is old enough to remember his fathers death he probably wandered his household and fields looking for him because he knew something was missing but telemachus. telemachus always had that missing yknow? there was never a time from his childhood where he remembers his fathers voice or embrace and so its both less noticable and more isolating if that makes sense. diomedes could remember tydeus as a larger-than-life, blurry figure faded in his memory but telemachus had to rely on stories and himself to cobble an imagined man out of scraps. he literally does this in book one. do you think he tried to find odysseus in his face? in himself? and always coming up short?
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unfairguy · 7 days
I'm genuinely surprised that I was successfully dragged into Max Design Pro lmao.
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I was 18 hours into the fandom when I started IRLing that fucker.
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I feel like if you hate Haley, you simply lack either comprehension skills, or you genuinely watched the show with eyes and ears covered, cause aint no way.
Was it a shitty situation? Yeah. Was she right for the divorce? Yeah, actually, if they couldn't come to a compromise. That's what happens with relationships, people change, goals change, life changes. That's natural. Is it unfair to make Hotch leave a job he obviously loves? Yes. Is it unfair to assume your family is going to feel ok when you work a dangerous job that makes you absent a lot? Also yes. These realities can and DO coexist!!! The saddest part abt all of this is jack.
Could Hotch maybe trust his team a bit more to pick up some paperwork so he can have more time with his family and not spend extra hours not home? Yes!! But he wouldn't, cuz hes the leader, the protector, the parent, and he would NEVER make his team do work thats his. He'll take the sacrifice of not seeing his family as much. Because it is a sacrifice. He just also didn't want Haley to know how much it truly hurt to be away, cuz then SHE would be in pain for him n would want him to leave more, and then jack would ALSO feel the pain of both his parents.
Its a shitty situation, its sad, its complicated, its full of love, and its so REAL, and it is NOT Haleys fault. Why would y'all blame a mother for wanting the father around more often? Why would y'all blame a wife who doesn't want her husband to go away and never, ever come back?
Its what comes with the job. And sadly, Haley realised she could not do it, she could not be with jack knowing hotch could just be DEAD. Thats CRAZY. Its HORRIFYING. And it is the job.
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mbat · 6 months
wait so where did this anti and proship shit even come from lol
like its yet another form of nuanceless "us vs them'ing"... its honestly immature and i feel like it really shuts down actual diacussions that could be had, but instead we just label ourselves and others and ignore and hate on those who are on the "other side"
not to mention how frankly beyond obsessed weve become as a culture with whether people are morally good or bad/if people are good or bad people (which imo feels like a deeply christian thing to worry about but thats a different topic for another day)
i think its just healthy that we as people spot when were doing things like making meaningless dichotomies that do nothing but separate us, and instead try and think of the nuance of the situation, or at the very least smudge the line drawn in the middle. to create an "other" is not only to hurt those you deem as other, but to begin to hurt those you deem as the "us", and especially the one you deem as yourself.
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months
the mental image of din suing yoda for not paying child support is hilarious bc i am now envisioning a series of misunderstandings that eventually lead to people thinking yoda had a child with din and now the baby is eating frogs. space twitter is going crazy w the "this is what being fatherless does to a mf"
im just imagining the court battle
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diejager · 8 months
Hiiii!!! Could I please get more non-con stepdad!König and dbf!Horangi?? No specific prompt just that. Tysm!!
Cw: DUB-CON/NON-CON, STEPCEST, DARKFIC, smut, anal sex, choking, rough sex, tell me if I missed any.
“He’s so hot!” Your friend gushed on and on about how she found your stepdad and his friend hot.
Honestly, you would see the appeal if they weren’t so… hands with you, constantly touching you and bending you on every surface in the house when your mother wasn’t home. You would see the appeal your friend had for the retired veterans if they didn’t force themselves on you, pressing your face into the couch, ass arched up and your skirt rucked up, taking everything he had to give you. You took his frustration, his anger, his stress and his lust, every emotion your stepdad felt was pushed onto you, ploughed open by his thick shaft without a moment of respite.
You were uncomfortable with the current subject, listening to your friend squeal about how she wouldn’t mind being fucked by König or Horangi as if they weren’t related to you. You knew your friend had always been on the oblivious side, but never this disregarding or forthcoming of her inner most thought about the big, broad men that made themselves at home in your house for the past few months. You truly wondered if your friend was blind or just apathetic to your obvious discomfort, smiling so wildly at your grimace. You wanted to voice your discomfort, but you doubted she’d understand, shrugging you off with something dumbfoundingly stupid —she wasn’t the smartest, but she wasn’t an idiot, she just grew up fatherless and confused of social cues, her sexual drive much higher than yours.
“Have you seen his eyes? They’r so blue!” She giggled, clapping her hands as she expressed her feelings of admiration, “Oh! Or Kim’s scars, he looks so badass.”
König’s blue eyes were something you feared, his pale, almost ghostly, blues that stared you down when he gripped you by the neck, folding you in half as he rammed in, pushing the air out of your lungs with every thrust. You swore they glowed in the dark, like a beacon in darkness, a light to damnation, a broken man with perverted intentions. Kim, Horangi’s name that she uttered with such reverence, had scars on his face that reminded you of a gruff tiger, glaringly dangerous and sly, the face you saw in the bathroom mirror when he held you against the sink, his arm wrapped around your throat like a chokehold. Your naked and shivering body pressed against the cold porcelain of the sink while you took every snap of his hips, driving his girth into your tight ass.
“I’m jealous your mom got to marry someone so fucking hot!” She whined, throwing her head back in a dramatic gesture.
“Hey, could we change subjects?” You could already imagine her pout, lower lip pulled up and brows tensed to show her displeasure, but you knew her enough to get her to stop talking about the bastards that clung to you like parasites, “I already see them everyday, I came out to be away from them.”
She let out a sound of agreement, nodding her head zealously before her eyes wandered to the little display outside the coffee shop.
“Those look delicious, especially that strawberry cake thing.”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 4 months
Before he and Odysseus make up, Astyanax must undergo some character development, so here it is
Astyanax closed his eyes to sleep at Calypso's island, far from the greek man and the goddess, and when he opened again, he found himself at an unknown place.
It was clearly divine intervention, even if he didn't know which god was playing with him, caution was more than necessary. His weapon was next to him in the dry soil and dust that covered everything that his eyes could see.
Ruins were everywhere, but that didn't stopped him from imagining what was there before. In the wholes of the ruin his mind was able to rebuild an image of a past era of prosperity. Giant destroyed walls talked about years of siege and the doors, crooked and rotten in their place, of what was once the city, spoke about days of glory long gone.
Then there it was, a pile of a structure which shape can't be recalled, but the dirt and the moss were no obstacle for Astyanax's mind.
"This is Troy." He said, to the ghosts of those who died there.
"This is where Troy were once", a thundering voice corrected him, condescending. "I want to show you something, come."
Disobedience and a snarky reply crossed briefly by Astyanax's mind, but in the last second he kept those to himself, opting for following the Thunder Bringer. Broken stairs and rooms which once had colour and life greeted him as he ascended, testimonies of a time that was no longer his.
"Why did you bring me here?" He asked.
"I have a mission for you."
"I'm not interested in being your champion, Zeus."
Then the thunder God used the dusty cloud of his sandals to take form and looked him in the eye. His expression was of amusement.
"No one is talking of champions here, boy. I have a mission for you, that's all."
"Still not interested."
"But you are so filled with rage! Wouldn't you like a chance to unwind?"
"I'll pass, thanks for the offer."
A long, patronizing laugh came from Zeus.
"First, take a look at what I have to show, and then decide."
The room, looted and ruined, changed to depict a scene from the past. Sounds of slaughter came from the balcony, and there, in the corner, there was a cradle.
An echo of man entered the room, and something tightened in Astyanax's chest when he recognized the man as none other than Odysseus, a young version of him, old, yes, but younger, and maybe tired, but Astyanax could still see some hope in his eyes.
The scene developed in front of him as Odysseus had told him, which only reassure him that the man had been telling him the truth that dreadful night in the beach.
Astyanax could only watch, as a young Odysseus disobeyed Zeus, faked a baby Astyanax's death, and took the child version of him to safety.
""Come on, little ghost," the young Odysseus mumbled softly, even covered in blood, "where are the clothes for your diapers stored? We must go."
Astyanax blinked away some tears while the illusion faded away.
"I would like you to kill him." Said the king of gods. "That's my mission for you."
"As you have seen, he disobeyed me."
"Well, tough, I said no."
"This is your chance to avenge your home, your father! Troy's legacy lives runs through your veins..."
"Is this what the Trojan Legacy is??!?!?" Astyanax exclaimed with fury. "A meaningless death after another! Sonless fathers killing fatherless sons!! Bloodshed that never dries! Ruthlessness, and the greediness of the gods turning everything they touch into ruins."
"Careful, boy, shut your mouth before is too late."
"Or what? You will kill me? You have wanted me death since I was a baby! And now you want me to kill the only man I have called father and for what? Because you are bored??"
"Hector, crown prince of Troy, was your father..."
Astyanax coughed after yelling so much, he even turned red, so lost in his self righteous fury that he forgot to breath for a second.
"Are you done?"
"Not even close." Astyanax muttered with a dangerous edge in his voice.
"You will kill Odysseus of Ithaca because, I, Zeus, God of Thunder, has told you so."
"Eat me, asshole."
Then Astyanax turned around and started his journey downstairs, to see if the greek army left something valuable behind. Something useful. At least he hoped not everything was at the bottom of the sea with the Ithacan fleet.
Zeus didn't stop pestering him, the dusty cloud following Astyanax.
"Where are you going? I did not finish saying my piece!"
"But I did, now fuck off, I need to get back to Calypso's."
"To kill Odysseus, I assume."
"Your assumption is wrong." The characteristic hint of sass was back in the boy's voice, as he took a long wooden stick from the ground, maybe it could be useful...
"I am Zeus, God of Thunder..."
"And I'm Scamandrius of Troy, son of Hector and Andramoche, Ghost of Troy, the Infant from that night, I'm the 601st man, I'm the One you wasn't expecting...and last but not least, I'm Astyanax the cynic, son of Odysseus...and I'm going to let him go and that's final."
"Why? It's an order, kill him!"
"No. He is not my enemy. You are."
"Are you threatening me, boy?"
"No, I'm stating facts. He's not my enemy and even if I kill him, that won't bring Troy back."
"Merciness is not a valuable skill."
"And that's the difference between men and gods. The need for mercy." Luckily for Astyanax, the curtains were still in place, so he took them down.
"That's naïve."
"Is it? It's because of an act of mercy that I am alive. Mercy is a weakness, yes, but is a strength too. Civilizations raise and fall because of it"
"He is still a threat."
"To whom? He tried to kill me because you ordered it, he is a mere puppet in your scheme. There's nothing personal in that. He's dangerous to you, and you want to toy with him by making me kill him. My answer is still no, by the way."
"And you are letting him go, out of mercy."
"And out of love." Astyanax looked at him with something that was tinted with sadness. "You know, I feel sorry for you, so many sons and daughters and none of them has called you dad...and it shows."
"You know nothing about me, mortal."
"Neither do you about me, puny god. As I was saying, I choose to let him go, because I'm also Astyanax the merciful, but I'm no idiot. He is a nobody, but you, in the other hand, have much to explain. What would you tell the other gods? Would you return home and tell them that you challenged a child? That you were so scared that you just couldn't stand the thought of me being alive? Go, go and tell them who defeated you, tell them about me, tell them that a boy with no beard beat you in your game. Tell them that your ego blinded you and a boy outsmarted you."
"Do you think is wise to talk like that to a god?"
"No, but is it fair to me to chase me like this? I was a baby, not a threat, back in the Trojan war, yet you wanted me dead. Troy was a beautiful place, without the gods' interferance, yet today is all dust and ashes. And now, you just ordered my death, again, because that's what all the 'kill Odysseus' nonsense is, you just want him to kill me. Is this what you want your legacy to be? A capricius whimsical god with no sense of morality! I just want to live in peace, is that too much to ask? Of course you choose not to speak. If your choice is to tell the other gods...Tell them where to find me. Tell them I'll be in Ithaca, and so will my father."
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sea-owl · 5 months
This was inspired by @aprill-99
Here's the post here
So imagine years down the road, Lord Ledger is now a widower, and while they never officially married, he and Agatha were together. It's on the down low, but if you pay attention, you know they're together. (Hush now. I don't want to hear about age and dying. Anthony lived to his 90s damn it! Grandpa Ledger can do the same, plus we don't have his canonical age, and the actor himself was late 30s early 40s when he player Lord Ledger so shush!) But really who's gonna try and mess with the lioness Lady Danbury and the beloved grandfather of the Bridgertons?
One day while having tea with his daughter and unofficial wife, Lord Ledger hears Lady Danbury say to Violet. "I would like great grandchildren and more grandchildren."
Looking up from his newspaper, Lord Ledger saw both Agatha and Violet going over different miniatures of eligible gentlemen and debutants, four lists being created for his oldest four grandkids, the names of each list being copied onto another longer piece of parchment. Four question mark lists followed for the younger four grandkids, potential names he suppsed.
Was that Simon and young Penelope? He didn't know Simon was returning soon, nor that the girl was debuting this year. If he remembers correctly from the conversations at White's, this Stirling boy just joined the army. How Agatha got minatures of the boys in university he'll never know, oh this Crane boy is studying botany. Wait, is that Gareth?
"Isn't he already our grandson? And still in Eton?" Lord Ledger asked.
"We're getting an early start," Agatha replied. "He shall not be in Eton forever and will give us great grandchildren eventually too."
Agatha handed him the paper. "Here, make some inquires about these families. We must have the best."
"Of course dear," Lord Ledger said as he took the paper. He
Cue Lady Danbury and Violet running matchmaking schemes with Lord Ledger's support in the background. Also cue Lord Ledger becoming the grandfather figure to all these fatherless children.
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
Y'all since we already know that Gwen can and probably does look at Peter B being happy now and think how her Peter never got a chance for a better life cuz he died so young because she accidentally killed him now imagine she goes to Earth-42 and finds Miles-42 fatherless and she knows that she almost let that happen to this Miles. I get that we assume Miles will understand that she had her own problems and was forced to be in Spider Society and he would eventually forgive her but I'm saying that I don't think she will forgive herself, ever.
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ramonag-if · 5 months
Oh, now I kinda imagine the hypothetical Dawn's Triumph AU situation where Irus comes in the MC's room for whatever reason and finds them packing their stuff.
"Hey, Beloved, I was wond... Erm... What are you doing?"
"Your father has sent me away from the palace to some coastal village... Temporarily... I guess? Kinda?"
"Oh... Okay, I need to grab my clothes real quick."
"Irus, I don't think this is what your father meant... I think the whole idea was to kinda bring us apart?"
"What an absurd concept, Beloved! Why would you even- No! That won't do. Wait here, I'll saddle Crown, and we could set out."
I just love the image of Irus being sincerely confused with the idea of the MC leaving without him. Because it just isn't the way it works! Him and the MC still have those energy of two stray puppies, who just bonded almost instantly. Even in this AU, where they are not exactly fatherless and abandoned (well, emotionally abandoned to some extend still, probably...). But they just can't be separated!
Aw this is very cute 🥰 Irus would definitely saddle up Crown and insert himself in Ahlf and MC's journey, regardless of what Erlan says. He might even bring a few guards with him because the roads can be dangerous and why stop there? Instead of a coastal village, they can just stay in one of the royal estates by the coast 😆
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brattylikestoeat · 2 months
A grown man on TikTok calling girls whores because of their back to school outfit. 😭 meanwhile the boys showing boxers and rolling up weed in class.
And when folks came for him he basically said a bunch of hoes are raising whores.
Now you can critique what they are wearing (not really you a big grown man why you in teenagers business??) without calling a child out their name.
And they never really say it about the boys. Can I call the boys thugs or homeless because of what they wear to class? Can I say a bunch of fatherless boys sagging their pants?
People just refuse to leave girls alone. Imagine being 30 with no kids in the school system talking about kids? Do you not have a life?
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caramellcandy · 12 days
How do you think Ctimene and Odysseus relationship Was like after his Return to Ithaca? like I know they are siblings. But like I wish There was more focus on His relationship with Other characters in his family instead of Penelope and Telemachus
Also I can imagine Odysseus having a Niece. Imagine him coming home from Ithaca trying to explain to Ctimene about what happened to Eurylochus only To see He also not only made Ctimene A widow but made his Own niece Fatherless. 😭🤚
It could just be me being petty because of how I don't like the fact that Odysseus was the only one who survived or the fact that I just Really want him to be a Uncle.
I love giving Odysseus even more consequences for his actions so this is great, I don't know much about Ctimene but she would be absolutely pissed at Odysseus and probably their relationship would be very affected by it.
It breaks my heart that this would mean that Eurylochus probably never knew he was going to be a father.
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mariariley · 1 year
i’m thinking abt dad!könig omg. i came across this video last year where this girl was showing text messages with her european dad—his english wasn’t the best and that’s what made them so funny! i can’t find the video but imagine könig being like that with his daughter, their text messages would look something like this:
🧔🏻‍♂️: Do not bring that boy back in the house.
read at 12:37 pm.
🧔🏻‍♂️: Come eat
read at 3:45 pm, august 6th.
🧔🏻‍♂️: Come eat
read at 10:30 am, august 8th.
🧔🏻‍♂️: Clean
read at 7:41 pm, august 21st.
🧔🏻‍♂️: What did you spend on apple card
🧔🏻‍♂️: What is $76.89!????
read at 7:41 pm, august 21st.
masterlist || have a request/ask? Here are the rules <3
Considering he's in his 40s (from what I've heard- or late 30s?), this is so good hahahaha he would probably be a single dad too
And when you come back home he starts scolding you, mixing Austrian and English, telling you how you spend money on stupid stuff.
When you show him you bought a nice pair of shoes or idk a piece of jewelry he'd be like:
"...ah. Oke. Zhis is... Zhis is nice actually. Ja." and then he'd admire the expensive thing you bought and apologize and call you his beautiful princess and tell you you deserve the world hahahaha
Definitely overprotective and HATES boys. Would scare all of them off, tell you how all of them are stupid, how you need a soldier boyfriend, how he's gonna find you one from his unit and blahblahblahblah hahahaha
And yes, definitely bossy. Will spoil you but will also teach you discipline and manners.
Don't be surprised if you inherit his short fuse lmao
We love dad König <3
cries in fatherless
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miniminttea · 2 months
Was thinking about my Morro in DR au so I’m gonna throw out some fun things I thought about.
Morro being the assistant keeper of the monastery instead of Froyo frog. Maybe he can still be a cleaner tho cus I love him.
Going to find Egalt and Rontu would actually have been hell for Morro. It’s like that stuff was designed to traumatise him specifically with the weird tentacles, dark cave and then being shown their greatest fear. For morro it’s probably the girlboss realm herself.
When they meet the dragons you just know Morro is gonna be like “duh, dragons can be ninja, Dad and Lloyd are great ninja” (que the children staring at Lloyd like “wtf is morro saying?”)
Also imagine how funny it would be for Arin and Sora to meet Morro.
Arin is like “AH ITS MORRO!” And sora just like “damn I like your hair”
Lloyd has so much explaining to do. (Meanwhile morro is just eating pizza like Garmadon in crystallised)
Arin spends a good few days convinced that Lloyd is somehow under duress until he sees Morro use the last of the tea and Lloyd steal the cup. “Oh, they’re just very petty cousins”
Morro slowly but surely finds it less and less funny how much destiny hates Lloyd. At least Lloyd can be smug about his trauma now.
“Holy shit, Lloyd. A god gave you anxiety! I can’t believe I wanted to be the green ninja!”
“Heh, yeah, bet you feel pretty stupid now” proceeds to pass out due to exhaustion.
Morro uses old fashioned slang with modern slang. “Wow, he’s got groovy rizz” “what’s your damage? Because that’s fatherless behaviour” “her drip is fly”
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darlingbabyboo · 1 year
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(He's beautiful 😍) love my boy so much, I needed to make this post about him because he exists rent free in my head ❤️‍🔥
Warning: overwhelming love and me inserting some ship opinions (but actually, I mention suicide briefly
First off, let me say that I wholeheartedly choose to believe that Hanma has heterochromia. The only reason that the anime doesn't show it because they're cowards
Starting with the entirety of his life
Because the manga severely deprived us of a backstory, I'll never forgive you Wakui it is up to me to conjure up something that makes sense
I'm saying it with all the love in my heart, Hanma has such strong fatherless and motherless energy
It's probably from neglect, I don't think he was physically abused, I just think he didn't have a lot of love in his life
He probably got his tattoos when he was insanely young because his family just, like didn't care
Also, I don't remember where, but there's a headcanon saying that Hanma's dad is a police chief and I'm deeply obsessed with that idea and I think that it actually makes a lot of sense
Like his dad pushed him away even further because he didn't want his rep ruined because of his delinquent son
Also makes sense that Hanma wasn't caught when he was a fugitive (I don't believe that he could have run from the law for that long, I mean, have you seen this man??? This clown attracts attention everywhere he goes)
It would also add up if Hanma gets bored so easily because he's a rich kid and his life's so predictable. He wants something: he'll just get it. It's absolutely horrible
If I had to guess what his mom was, I would say she either left him when he was young or she was an actress/singer (I don't know why it feels like it would fit)
Hanma probably didn't have a lot of friends growing up (pretty sure that's canonical) and the reason that he's so strange and weird is because he had a wild imagination to occupy himself when he was growing up
Got into fights because he was very possessive as a kid (he probably didn't drop that trait when growing up, let's be honest), so when he saw some other kids try to play on the playground, he immediately went into fight mode
He was born really strong, so other kids kinda stopped messing with him and they treated him really well (where he got his dream of wanting to be treated like a king and having 100 servants)
He got bored so he moved on to seeking out fights, lo and behold
He got his Reaper title
Was of course really bored until some light came into life
He met Kisaki!
I think he loved Kisaki so much because 1) Kisaki was nefarious and he couldn't really guess what he was going to do next and 2) he's literally never had a friend before in his entire life and Kisaki quickly became his best one
Like, y'all can talk as much as you want about Kisaki, but he and Hanma had something
Their sleepovers might have consisted of Hanma playing video games while Kisaki's playing with people's lives but if that'snot friendship then what is
If y'all aren't planning the downfall of your enemies with your bestie then can you even consider yourself friends???
100% believe that Hanma has called Kisaki the light of his life
Or something weird like, you're the torch in my circus act or some shit
Kisaki probably hated the nicknames but it probably just fueled Hanma even more
Lives to annoy people
Completely random but I have to insert because I will forever ship Hanmai but I choose to believe that Hanma fell more Mikey after he tried to kick his ass and then when Mikey actually did kick his ass
It just seems so Hanma to fall for someone who hates him and has beaten the crap out of him
Kisaki would make fun of him for it, I know he would
On how much Hanma knows about Kisaki's plan, I think he chooses to know very little because he enjoys being shocked
I think that Kisaki would probably tell Hanma if he asked, who would Hanma tell?
Og Timeline:
Honestly, at this point what does that even mean?
But anyways, I honestly think that Hanma would have committed suicide
He doesn't really have anyone in his life and he's going to get bored one day
It's either that or jail
Just very depressing for me to think about
Bad Toman timeline:
Hanma probably uses his connections to the police, has a lot of fun because he has a friend and can do whatever he wants, breaks lots of teeth and enjoys everyone else's suffering
Bonten timeline:
Probably just trying to survive right? Like, Kisaki was dead in this timeline (god, there are so many timelines that I might be losing track or getting them confused with each other) so it's not like he had anyone to care about him
He was also on the run
Maybe he would have gotten recruited in another gang
I think he would have gone on living in order to keep Kisaki's legacy going on like wearing some of his old clothes, wearing his glasses, stuff like that
I don't know, this one is also pretty depressing
Final timeline:
He's actually very good at photography but I think the troll in him chose to take shoddy pictures of Takemichi's wedding
It's just so him
He either overcharges or undercharges, he's just that great
I don't remember if there are any other timelines so moving on
Random stuff (will be inserting ship opinions, lol)
Probably copied Takemichi's hatred of Kisaki, doesn't know why they hate him, but okay best bud!
Will obliterate anyone who bad talks Kisaki
Low empathy and sympathy for people and he enjoys other people in pain but that's more because the world is cruel and he decided to be crueler
Shameless flirt
Would flirt with someone in a relationship, if you destroy your relationship, that's not his problem
It's not his fault that he's so irresistible
I don't think that he has trust issues because he's very perceptive (way more then people give him credit for)
Don't need trust issues when you already know what everyone has planned
Makes his birthday a really big deal (if you're with him, be prepared to get him an extravagant present because he has no filter and will tell you when he thinks a present is ass)
But also, I think he forgets if his birthday is, like, the next day
Knows that Ran and Kakucho don't like/trust him but he literally could not give a fuck
He has also grown up with people not really liking him so he doesn't care
Spends as much time as he can with them because he adores pissing people off
He would probably try to sleep with them tbh to make them hate themselves (I don't know but my baby lowkey gives off whore vibes and he already likes fucking with people so two birds one stone)
Cares very little for people's opinions
Unless those people like him, then his opinions flip completely
Him and Draken would lowkey make a lot of sense guys, like forgetting the fact that in one of the timelines he aided in killing Emma, the love of Draken's life
Think about the fact that Draken sees the best in people and Hanma definitely appreciates Draken if you know what I mean
All Hanma needs is a little love and he's good guys (don't wanna call him easy, I mean, look at him, but throughout the manga he only has one person and that breaks my heart)
Mitsuya is also in a similar position as Draken
I will not let go of Hanma having a crush on Hanma and a relationship Hanma and Mikey could be possible!!!
I'm not delusional, please guys
I think Hanma would enjoy Mikey when he's good or bad because he pretty much subverts expectations
He's small but he gives off such intense vibes
He's a serious person when he needs to be but he's also incredibly childish
He's super strong but you wouldn't expect it from someone of Mikey's build
The darkness that lies underneath those blonde locks would appeal to Hanma soo much
And I think Mikey would like someone like Hanma who's carefree, silly, and strong and has also done some crappy things and won't judge Mikey for his darker thoughts (though he may encourage him to indulge in them, but every relationship has flaws! )
I mean, c'mon guys, join me, ship them!!!!
They both crave unconditional love and I think they would give it to each other
Would do shit like name a snake cat and ask people if they want to see his pet cat (can you imagine him doing that to Chifuyu, it's gold)
Was probably an only child but if he had siblings they were probably like golden children who are 20 years older then him
Hanma gives off accident baby vibes
Judgmentally unjudgmental
If you killed someone, he wouldn't judge you for killing someone, would probably have a few comments on how bad you are at killing people and ask if you need tips
One things that's stated with his character is that he likes/admires seniors and I'm going two ways with that
He either respects that they've lived for so long
Or he had a grandpa or some other old person treat him well when he was younger (probably a teacher or something)
Fan of cartoons and childish sorta shows/movies
Finds all the murders and bloody in adult stuff unrealistic (and he would know)
Can't cook but can bake
Unlike Chifuyu, who I think can cook not bake
You guys could be a power couple, all you need to do is accept the fact that he manipulated your friend into killing your other friend
Everyone makes mistakes
That's actually so sad, these headcanons make me wish that I could be his childhood friend or something and shower him with all the love he deserves
Kazutora probably forgave Hanma because of self-hatred stuff idk
They would make each other the worst friendship bracelets ever and unironically never take them off
Then they would kiss softly on the lips
This could be a thing. Someone please make it a thing.
Second friend Hanma makes in his entire life
Hates reading but has read an astonishing number of classic books (like guys, he gets bored quickly, I wholeheartedly believe that he has tried everything)
Has lots of domestic thoughts because he craves for that familial connection
Would not advertise that though
Probably would openly mock it
Good with kids (because he had the mind of one)
Can also see him using his free time to scare kids at the playground
Loves being spoiled, not because he likes things but because he likes the care and love received from someone
Randomly spoils those he loves with things
Horribly touch starved
Would actually be so good in a relationship because he's very devout and loyal to the people he cares about
Hanma deserves good things, and I need to give it to him
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