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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year ago
Inspired by THIS.
Was I hoping for bullet #3? Yes.
But most importantly, #1.
But like Imagine tho:
Kit Fisto jokingly biting his lip all suggestively, squinting and Plo be like 'wtf is wrong with your face'? And Kit just taking his sweet time only to respond with charming wink all "the fact that you're not sitting on it'.
I just want Kit to be like vs Plo:
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So I can and heal trauma, yanno?
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Sparring session between Plo and Kit where Plo says 'prepare yourself, Master Fisto' and Kit starts to strip and Plo either panics or just shakes his head while rubbing his temples.
Plo having an existential crisis on buying a really nice tunic for Kit but remembers, green fish boii likes to go shirtless half the goddamn time.
Kit getting hit on by men and women alike with a very unimpressed Plo Koon walking beside him. Kit remedies the situation by politely redirecting interested applicants and their incident proposals to Plo Koon, all the while introducing him as his sugar daddy. Mind you, it works — in spite of how conflicted this makes Plo Koon feels.
Kit swooning over Plo for no apparent reason. Plo lowkey loving the shit out of it.
Kit defending Plo with, "just because Master Plo is old it does not mean... blah blah, right Master Plo?" And Plo's just, "Or you could say it's because I... *insert even more valid reason not concerning his age here".
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Plo just casually falling asleep on dates or holovid nights.
Plo constructively criticizing Kit for not eating his greens because it feels like I'm eating myself — all the while Kit also mumbling and mimicking Plo to say 'or I could eat you, Kit' — to which Plo would repeat in a calm, convincing way "Or I could indeed eat you if you finish your greens, Kit." — in which is always effective and Kit eats his greens.
The banter would be so golden, I'm probably gonna cry each time they speak like, sirs pls. Plo and his dad humor plus Kit and his charms? GOLD.
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And no. I cannot write a PloKit fic because my stupid lil heart can't handle it. All thoughts just ksljdlsakjdlakdj all over.
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chyarui · 7 months ago
Commander Wolffe, no introduction needed.
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I had so much fun with his tattoos, if you couldn’t tell. After Fox’s depressing ones and Cody’s cute but simple one, I needed to go all out with Wolfy boy’s tat. Honestly, this man deserves a cool tattoo after having to deal with the torture of interacting with C-3PO. I could FEEL his annoyance through the screen (that sassy fucking eyeroll I swear you could feel it though his helmet)
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year ago
Momma Shaak and Poppa Plo file a marriage certificate on coruscant so they can legally adopt the clones. An investigative reporter finds out about the certificate and does an exposé on marriage in the Order. The 37 times obi-wan has accidentally gotten married on various planets come to light, among others.
This leads to a Debate for the Council. Shaak and Plo vote in favor of marriage so they can keep their clones. Obi-Wan does because he wants to stay a Jedi. Ki-Adi Mundi is canonically married and votes yes. Yoda votes yes to be a troll. Mace votes yes bc he has a headache of the shatterpoints. The rest of the Council votes no and it’s left to Anakin to break the tie. He votes to legalize his own marriage, thus foiling palpatine’s plots.
Of course, there’s an outbreak of marriages after this edict goes through. From Jedi falling for their clone commanders, or an unlikely nightsister ally, to all sorts of likely and unlikely pairings!
im obsessed w this. mainly just the first paragraph but im literally obsessed. it's like a green card marriage but instead of getting a green card its to get your 5 million children human rights
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kateii · 8 months ago
somebody is still writing plo koon fanfictions?:(
i miss him so much and i feel like we forget about him
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dreadfuldevotee · 9 months ago
Alright, burning question for the class: Reading this excerpt from Ahsoka (2016),
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This isn't a question of who you ship with who, just who do you think Ahsoka views as parental figures
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seeking-elsewhither · 3 months ago
Commander Wolffe in @margindoodles2407 HFSW AU playing the Hurdy Gurdy was something I never knew I always wanted.
I have a mighty need.
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every time i check wookieepedia for more kel dor lore I get annoyed at the bit that says the Baran Do became irrelevant after the Jedi started coming around bc like.
a) there is no way the Jedi wouldn't want to like. team up with them instead lmfao
b) the numbers also don't add up. The Jedi have like ten thousand members in Prequel times, from species across the whole galaxy. Even if you scour the wiki, there's only like three, possibly four kel dor Jedi active at that time. Even if we accept the idea that these few are the absolute most powerful force-sensitive kel dor out there, there's no fuckin way a planet/species that can support its own extensive indigenous Force tradition just abandons that tradition, just bc a literal handful of kids in every generation goes offworld to learn from a different Force tradition.
c) the Baran Do also do a slightly different thing than the Jedi - it's basically Force-aided disaster risk/resilience/management shit. The Jedi can't make them obsolete just by existing; they're filling a different need with diplomacy and averting wars and shit. Sometimes their work crosses over, but that's not enough to put them in competition.
So, my headcanon—
The Baran Do don't have the same restriction on 'must be a child to join' as the Jedi do, so they're happy to allow children who get scouted to go off and join the Jedi, on the condition that that child gets the opportunity to come back and train with the Baran Do later on if they so wish. The Jedi are perfectly happy to allow this, both in a spirit of Interfaith Cooperation and also making sure their kids get the chance to connect with their ancestral cultures. So the relationship between Baran Do and Jedi is pretty relaxed and friendly overall.
...At this point, most of the kel dor children who are given to the Jedi were actually brought to the Jedi's attention by the Baran Do, because the Force metaphorically tapped on some Sage's shoulder and went like "hey. This one would do well with the Jedi." And that Sage phoned up the Jedi Temple like "hey could u guys send someone out, there might be a baby Jedi here for u." It's treated like a celebration for both parties, there's a festival and everything. XD
Plo happened to be the Jedi sent out to collect Sha; he didn't know the kid was his niece at that point, but then the moment he stepped off the ship he was Engulfed in a surprise family reunion. His mother, Sha's grandma, is a Baran Do Sage, and she'd requested Plo directly but then kept it to herself, so the rest of the family was equally surprised and delighted lmao.
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sinvulkt · 10 months ago
Pre-OT - Cursed Noodle Vaderkin
Summary: After another reckless stunt, the Force is tired of Vader's antics and transforms him into a small dragon. It then put him on Ahsoka's path.
Era: At some point after RotS and Twilight of the Apprentice  
Characters: Darth Vader, Ahsoka Tano
Main tropes: Non consensual animal transformation (listen, i love that one), Kidnapping your fallen jedi master, Force shenanigans
Vader blinked. Or tried to. His current form did not seem to possess eyelids.
It did possess a passable set of lungs as well as six working limbs, which most people would have called an improvement. Vader did not. The sudden assault of smells, colors and heat confused his senses. Every few seconds he had to remind himself to breathe, the habit long lost in profit of going along the suit ventilator.
He had been walking in circles trying to get back to Coruscant after his last mission, only for the universe to try to stop him. First, his life support had broken under his opponent’s lightsaber blow. Then, the Jedi he had been chasing had escaped, helped by some rebels Vader had made sure would not come back. To top it all, as Vader wondered if he would die, the ventilator unable to provide crucial oxygen to his lungs, the Force had bent and twisted until it made him into this.
His reflection in water had not been much help determining his species. A porg-sized lizard of some kind, although it seemed to have wings. Vader barely attempted to move them. The additional limbs felt foreign in his mind.
Vader made another step, snarling at the branch who tripped him.
This place was filled with nothing but rats and porgs and banthas. That, and the ship he had seen landing in the distance. Vader was certain he could slither in and steal it. His current form may not have a thumb, but it would not be the first time he used the Force to pilote.
A convor dove at him, its claws scratching at Vader’s armor-scales. His wings raised by instinct as he hissed. The bird should have known better than to challenge a Sith Lord. Vader threw the Dark at it, intending to crush the impudent bird, only for his control to slip and the blow to overshoot. As it happened, all the convor felt was a breeze slightly disturbing its flight. It dove again.
Vader cursed as he slipped under a crevice. Something was wrong with the Force. He could feel it just fine, but his control was barely better than a youngling. It was as if all the midichlorians in his body had shifted. Which, looking at the paws clawing at the sandy earth of the crevice, wasn’t that far away from the truth.
“Morai?” a humanoid called.
Vader perked up. He knew that voice.
“Is anyone here?”
Memories of a young togruta laughing flashed in his mind.
Could it be…?
The convor dove again as soon as it saw Vader muzzle out of his hidhole. Vader scrambled back. That person was dead. It must have been his imagination.
Vader focused on the arrogant creature that dared make him his prey. It felt rather weird for a convor, the Light bending too unnaturally around the bird’s presence for it to not be Force Sensitive. Whenever Vader Force-pushed it, the blow dissipated before it ever reached the convor. His low control wasn’t enough to explain it.
Several seconds passed without the bird diving back at Vader’s crevice. Perhaps the accursed being had finally given up and chosen an easier meal. Tentatively, Vader dared one paw out. Boots blocked his way.
“Morai. What did you find?”
Vader scrambled back, only for fiery skin to descend on him. He definitely did not yelp as warm fingers slid beneath his belly to lift him up in the air. He bit the offending arm, but the stranger's hands held him strong.
“Ouch. You are quite a wild little one, aren’t you?” Ahsoka chuckled.
Vader stilled. His scales flattened as he bared his teeth against the truth. This sight should not be possible.
 Anakin Skywalker’s Apprentice was dead.
And yet, the buzzing bond between them whispered another true as two tattered threads reached for each other to mend. He hurried to pull back his side of the bond, but it slipped away from his grasp. Worse, their skin touching only strengthens the bond’s mending. Vader felt the moment they connected. A shiver ran down his skin as Light burned his inside. Simultaneously, Ahsoka’s eyes widened in recognition.
She held him up to her face level, lekkus twitching as she stared into what he knew must be golden eyes.
Plot Description:
The Force did not wish for its Son to suffer. It waited and waited, but Anakin stayed miserable under the Emperor’s thumb, barely attempting to escape. After Vader brushes with death, borderline voluntarily, the Force has enough. It calls to the rather Eldritch part within Anakin to transform him. Dragon-Vader is on the rather small side. He can be easily lifted and put on shoulders. As a Force-being, Vaderkin is very young, almost a baby. The dragon’s shape reflects that. Would it have been billions of years later, he would have been huge enough to wrap around a planet.
As per the Force terms, Vader cannot go back into human shape until he touches the light side or learns to balance properly the multiple facets of the Force. Dark and Light. Even then, he will never fully be human again, keeping draconic traits such as scales and wings. This might be of great interest to various pirates and slavers, or even to Palpatine whose apprentice suddenly became quite a bit more useful. 
Ahsoka is all too happy to see the crucial blow to the Empire through Vader’s disappearance, as well as to maybe, maybe get her Jedi-Master-turned-Sith-turned-small-dragon back. Now if only she can coax him onto the road of balance.
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starplusfourletters · 2 years ago
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okay okay there’s maybe been some power creep in star wars
do not put the quarter in the Clone Wars Has An Unreliable Narrator machine
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year ago
Imagine Plo Koon ♥
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bitronic · 1 year ago
i KNOW its pronounced ki-frey but
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m00ntunaart · 1 month ago
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3rd Star Wars daemon AU post!
Here by popular demand: The Jedi Council and their daemons!
Depa Billaba - Hooked Billed Kite (Taryz)
Mace Windu - Bald Eagle (Maisha)
Yoda - Ostrich (Kieachkta)
Shaak Ti - Hyacinth Macaw (Thevren)
(Commander Colt - Anatolian Shepherd (Pistol))
Plo Koon - Osprey (Averyl)
Ki-Adi Mundi - Great Blue Heron (Czirda)
Kit Fisto - Blue Footed Booby (Krios)
Now onto my random AU lore and thoughts:
JEDI LORE TIME: So, as I’ve said in my last daemon AU post, the Jedi generally have bird daemons. This is by nurture, not nature. The way the Jedi teach young force-users to interact with the Force usually ends up directing their daemons to settle into a bird species of some kind. Which conveniently is around the time a Jedi Initiate is either chosen to be a Jedi Knight or be sent to the Jedi Corps. While it is not a rule that a Jedi Knight has to have a bird daemon, there are stigmas in the Jedi culture that lead to Jedi Knights and Masters not wanting to pick Padawans with not-bird daemons. This was one of the reasons the Council was hesitant to take in Anakin originally. He was already past the age of being nurtured to have his daemon settle as a bird, as he was raised outside the Temple.
(If you’re wondering why Obi-Wan doesn’t have a bird daemon, look at my last post. But to summarize his daemon settled while on Melida/Daan. So not ideal circumstances) (Also Qui-Gon Jinn cares not for cultural taboos, so he did not care much that Obi-Wan’s daemon ended up not being a bird lol)
The exceptions to this bird-daemon rule is generally Jedi in the Corps and Jedi Shadows (I will be making a Quinlan Vos post at some point that goes into that more).
DEPA BILLABA and her daemon, Taryz, who is a Hooked Billed Kite.
Okay for the life of me I cannot remember the reason I picked Depa’s daemon 😅, but it was probably just: ‘I like how Hooked Billed Kites look’. So a good reason obv.
I inserted some silly interactions between Obi-Wan and Depa, and Kee-Ayt and Taryz. I headcanon that since they are the two youngest council members, they will go out of their way to act like children in front of the older council members. Just to make the others role their eyes and say ‘kids 🙄’. Despite the fact that both of them are like in their mid 30s-40s. But besides them acting like two siblings alone in the back seat of a car, they are close with each other. Taryz is the daemon most comfortable being casually around Kee-Ayt, out of the other daemons in the Council. (I imagine that since most Jedi daemons are birds, sometimes other Jedi don’t know how to interact with Kee-Ayt)
MACE WINDU and his daemon, Maisha, who is a Bald Eagle. 
In the Temple there runs a rumor amongst the Padawans about which came first: Mace being bald? Or Mace’s daemon settling as a Bald Eagle? A real ‘chicken or the egg’ question lol.
But more seriously, I really did just end up picking a Bald Eagle daemon because I wanted to make bald jokes hahaha. That and Bald Eagles just naturally look pissed all the time, which matches well with Mace’s ‘resting bitch face’.
YODA and his daemon, Kieachkta, who is an Ostrich.
My whole concept for Yoda was just: ‘if Yoda is a small species, then he should get a big ass daemon to balance it out’. And yes, Yoda rides around on Kieachkta because of course he does. And when he can’t hit your ankles with his stick, he’ll get Kieachkta to peck the back of your head (which hurts ow).
(If you’re wondering, all of Yoda’s species have bigger daemons. Like Yaddle has an Emu daemon).
SHAAK TI and her daemon, Thevren, who is a Hyacinth Macaw.
My only thoughts for Shaak’s daemon was I wanted it to be big and colorful. 1. Because she’s just this tall figure with long montrals. She just needed a big bird species to go with her impressive figure. 2. She just has always had a fun color scheme, so I thought a colorful bird of some kind would be fun. SO A HYACINTH MACAW. They’re huge and a beautiful blue color (that matches her montral stripes). I also just wanted her to have a fun, friendly looking daemon. Since she’s on Kamino most of The Clone Wars, and interacting with Tubies and Cadets. I think her having a big, loving, approachable looking daemon was just right. (Which is why in this AU, she was chosen to be the one working with the younger clones). Hence why I have so many doodles of her daemon with young clones’ daemons. 
Plus I added an extra doodle of Commander Colts’ daemon, Pistol, who is a breed of Livestock Guardian Dog. Since Colt is also on Kamino, he often is ‘herding’, ‘protecting’ and ‘training’ the young clones. So a herding/guardian  dog daemon felt right for him. (Pistol is the bad cop to Thevren’s good cop lol)
PLO KOON and his daemon, Averyl, who is an Osprey.
Tbh I didn’t have any idea what bird I wanted Plo to have. So I ended up googling ‘bird species that are good parents’ lol. And Osprey were on that list! Idk how true that is, but IN STARWARS IT IS NOW TRUE.
 Plo is just The Jedi Dad Of All Time (*cough cough* Ahsoka *cough cough* Wolffe *cough cough* Wolf Pack), so he got a Parent Of All Time bird lol. 
And yes Averyl spends all her free time trying to preen EVERY member of The Wolf Pack. Is that physically possible? I don’t know, but don’t even try to tell Averyl she can’t do it. All her furry dog children WILL feel her affection.
KIT FISTO and his daemon, Krios, who is a Blue Footed Booby.
All I can say is I knew I wanted Kit to have a sea bird, because he’s The Swimming Jedi^TM. And I love Blue Footed Boobies. 
Also Kit is a silly guy who deserves a silly bird, with silly blue feet and a silly name.
KI-ADI MUNDI and his daemon, Czirda, who is a Great Blue Heron.
Ki-Adi is a long, lanky looking dude so he gets a long, lanky bird. 
I have spoken.
(Also I see a lot of Blue Herons around where I live, so they’re a favorite of mine).
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astheforcewillsit · 5 months ago
thinking of the Jedi's self sufficiency , and specifically about how they sew their own clothes. And I have ideas floating in my head of Anakin using Padme's dress patterns to sew something for Sister, or during the war Obi-Wan making clothes for Cody when he's on shore leave.
Quinlan sewing fox toys for Fox.
Ahsoka's dresses making more sense as she gets older because she made them herself. And as ridiculous as it was, a tube top & skirt was the easiest combo a 14 year old could make.
(In a happier world, thinking about the Jedi teaching their clones how to sew after the war, because while the clones can sew it wasn't for aesthetic purposes. Just for survival. The Kaminoans never really taught them how.
And when the clones are eventually do make their own money, and are granted their rights, refusing gifts from the Jedi when they can and actually buying their work. Because it's good fucking work.)
Imagining hours where the Jedi will sit in silence and just sew and embroidery their work. Sew together, alone.
Sew blankets, sew clothes, sew dolls, sew every and anything. Embroidery when they're done.
Teach sewing as stress relief. Teach their troopers sewing as stress relief. Do it themselves.
And years after the Fall of the Jedi, their embroidery and clothing being put in museums, respected. years of handmade and handsewn art and clothing displayed for all to see.
"Jedi Cloak by Jedi Master Shaak-Ti" "Obi-Wan Kenobi's thimble" "Stuffed Animal for a youngling by Yoda" "Mace Windu's portable sewing kit" "Gift to a trooper by Plo Koon"
etc, things that make me sad
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year ago
You know my n iece? Who thinks Plo Koon is the "Scary Orange Guy"? He thinks Garrus and Castis are very 'handsome birdies'.
She knows what cockatoos are and is wondering if the things at the back of they head "go up like birds do since they're just birds with guns."
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brightsunsmeanshello · 10 months ago
If Jedi had TikTok
So I was imagining a TikTok trend that would basically just be the Jedi/Padawans looking all presentable and perfectly Jedi perfect ™ saying “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” and then immediately cutting to whatever chaos they are currently engaged in, for example:
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Qui Gon says, immediately before being shown adopting another ‘pathetic life form’ that may will cause them trouble later
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Obi Wan says, before decapitating a battle droid behind him without even looking at it
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Anakin says, as he replaces all of Windu’s regular caff with decaf
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Ashoka says, as she helps Fives and Hardcase balance a bucket of glitter above Rex’s doorway
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Plo says, as he forces encourages C3-PO to tell Wolffe his latest tales of woe™ and R2 drama
• “Jedi, we are; keepers of the peace, our responsibility is.” Yoda says, before telling several younglings that if they keep copying the Temple Guards they’ll freeze and get stuck that way
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Quinlan says, then just… you know, exists how he does
• “We’re Jedi, we’re impartial peacekeepers” Plo Koon says, sprinkling ‘How to Unionize’ pamphlets around the barracks like confetti
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Obi Wan says, before arguing politely engaging with every political figure in the room just for the heck of it
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Leia says, before teasing the man breaking her out of a literal cell in the middle of space about his height
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Luke says, before replacing Han’s hair gel with glue
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Kanan says, calmly to the camera, before proceeding to promptly turn around and scream “SHUT THE KRIFF UP I SWEAR TO FORCE I WILL MURDER YOU ALL IF YOU DONT GO TO SLEEP RIGHT NOW”
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Ezra says, as he sprints away from Zeb who is quite suddenly and mysteriously COVERED in hair dye (thanks, Sabine!)
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corrieguards · 2 years ago
Yesyesyesyesyes. Please, you don't know just how much I love Plo!! 1000/10 fav jedi. He's just so-
I don't even have the words for it. He's simply the best <33
No one will ever understand how much love I hold for Plo Koon. My space dad means everything to me
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