#image of dead dove
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jester-of-fools · 2 years ago
Been seeing a lot of confusion on what the tag “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat” is supposed to mean, so I made a fic in honor of a clearer explanation for those who may still have some confusion.
Dead Dove
Rating: Not Rated
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: Other
Fandoms: Original Work, No Fandom, Arrested Development
Character: Dove
Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, image
Language: English
Summary: There is a dead dove inside a bag. This fic is the bag. Open the fic to look inside the bag.
Open for suggestions on how to make this any clearer and more understandable for those who may still need a helping hand :)
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idolkilling · 5 months ago
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Kinktober No.5 — Voyeurism
live footage of Reis Cordis getting drugged up and gangbanged coutesy of Santo Lecce, who only has Tarou’s best interests in mind (that’s what family’s for, right?)
this one is particularly evil, so feel free to block #dead dove if you don’t wanna see stuff like it!!
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dreamerdrop · 2 months ago
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Imperiled // Julian Bashir/Holosuite Characters, Julian Bashir/Elim Garak // Rated E
Of course, Garak would break in when Julian has his program set for the most humiliatingly explicit ending he could fathom. Of course, his coworkers would somehow end up with their physical patterns stored in the characters participating in said ending. Of course, he wouldn’t be allowed to freeze or end or alter the program without killing all of them. Of course, this would happen to him, why wouldn’t it?
Or: Julian’s spy program has a villainous gangbang option and the universe has a really sadistic sense of humour.
Archive Warnings: Noncon, Graphic Depictions of Violence. (Really graphic, not quite gore levels but definitely described in too much detail—)
Additional Warnings: Absolutely Zero Comfort, Gun Fellatio, Every Sex Act is Forced and Uncomfortable, Rectal Tearing, Anal Bleeding, Intestinal Peforation, Strongly Implied CSA Survivor Julian Bashir, Whump, Whump, and more Whump. (<- Also strongly implied Garak trauma of varying kinds but most of that is just canon anyway.)
Literally just 8k of “Garak is forced to watch as Julian is torturted to the brink of death by his own holosuite program” as a fun little traumatic horror what-if based on Our Man Bashir.
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voidcxltist · 21 days ago
Narinder just needed a break from being broke. He needed a break from being judged. He needed to rest. But the world couldn't let him take a breather.
On Darkwood City, everything happens quick, and now. Jobs fly, Not even a soul can be put to rest in peace by death.
Narinder, kicked out of his house four years ago for being an appasionated fashion designer, now finds himself with that life isn't easy, at least not with the different.
When our feline thinks he had overcome successfully a problem, life throws another, and when he thought his life couldn't have a 180° turn, it does.
Now, he meets a difficult decision after being dragged to a new world where motorbikes and races will become a spoonful of sand in a motor: To be a god of asphalt or to become a roadkill, sinking deep into the darkness of his own mind.
It won't be easy, because enemies and empires rise and fall. And soon, maybe something may do a difference.
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Read it now! :3
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Running into Sp/ikeB/uffy shippers (I am censoring out of courtesy so that it doesn’t show up in their tag) hating on people who romanticize Nosferatu has been a real I’m going to become the joker moment, like what is this, my abusive vampire is better than your abusive vampire? I’m not saying to not enjoy a dead dove ship, I like dead dove ships myself as a horror fan, but I am saying to stop being hypocrites.
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malifiquemakes · 22 days ago
Can you imagine Toji's reaction if he comes home and sees Megumi wearing that white oversized sweater? (The one he used on Shibuya)
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But just that oversized sweater and nothing else.
On Gumi it probably looks like a dress.
The sleeves hanging off Megumi's twink wrists, the hem brushing over his bare knees. Megumi knows exactly what he's doing <3
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prxship · 9 months ago
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reactionimagecollection · 3 months ago
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cupiosanctumhq · 7 months ago
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Cupio Sanctum is a capeless DC/Marvel/Image cross over rp set in a massive dark academia inspired boarding school.
+18 ship friendly, may include dead dove topics.
Official soft launch is here. Reserve your character via ask.
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maladaptiveobsession · 1 year ago
yandere valentino headcanons
contains: nsfw themes, noncon, heavy abuse (manipulation, physical violence, sexual exploitation), dehumanization, orgasm control, mind break, dacryphilia, fellatio, sadomasochism, rough sex
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yandere valentino
who’s affections are destructive and suffocating; to this egomaniacal mack, you’re no better than his contracted whores. from his hands that paint your skin deep purples and blues to his lips that steal your breath, nothing about val is gentle. yet, even when he sharply pulls your hair and degrades you, you find yourself entranced by him.
who’s malicious and cruel; you’re an object, his personal toy—a fact he won’t let you forget. you eat, sleep, and fuck on his command. he’ll remind you of your place if you so much as blink without his permission. perhaps he’ll have you roughed up a bit by his patrons. they’re sure to fuck some sense into you.
who rewards good behavior with praise and affection. you know you’ve done well when he guides you to your knees, lascivious grin encouraging you to open wide. your stomach twisting in knots when he calls you his good girl while roughly pulling you closer by the hair. dance around his cock with your tongue like he trained you and he may even feel generous enough to return the favor. be careful though, no good deed goes unpunished. he’ll push you to your breaking point, tease you till you’re begging for release only to force climax after climax out of you.
who’s unpredictable; his temper has you feeling unsteady, as if you’re walking on eggshells and broken glass. one moment you’re his treasured toy and the next he has you on the ground, begging for forgiveness as his boots violently meet your sides. you’ll scramble to keep his affections, never having felt so worthless without them. though you are his treasured toy, he’ll never let you forget that toys are replaceable—something that can be broken or thrown away at his discretion. of course, what makes yandere val unique compared to his normal counterpart is that he would never give you away or damage you beyond what can be repaired. his words are empty threats to keep you in line; you’re far more precious than he lets on.
who is vehemenemously possessive; you’re his, don’t forget it. keep your eyes on him unless you want a reminder of what he does to disobedient brats.
who’s merciless; this man relishes in your torment and gets off on your fear. nothing gets him harder than your pained tears as he fucks you too roughly. he delights in your cracked pleas for him to slow down and your fearful shudder as he traces your skin with his teeth. he especially loves provoking you to act out and then punishing you for it. eventually, the pain will become a familiar constant, it may even grow into a guilty pleasure. broken down and reshaped into the perfect toy, he’ll never grow bored of you; you’re stuck as his beloved stress toy for all of eternity.
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mikerickson · 2 years ago
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Saw this symbol for the first time recently and apparently it's the "Red Crystal", a non-denominational symbol that can be displayed on medical vehicle and personnel in warzones. The Geneva Convention was amended in 2006 to give this icon the same protections/recognition as the Red Cross or the Red Crescent without the religious connotation. Have I just been living under a rock, or is this kind of an obscure icon that isn't used very often?
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hydor-soa · 8 months ago
(in Barney voice) I found yoouuuuu //ref
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once again i want to be passive aggressive SO BAD
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ohwhoopsok · 2 years ago
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Woah there, friend! This sign is to let you that there’s a circus coming up ahead! What fun! 🎪
There are lots of different kinds of circuses with all different sorts of clowns! 🤡
Some circuses are silly and want you to laugh! 😂 Some circus are scary and want you to squirm and scream!! 😱 Some circuses have yummy treats 😋 but others have icky worms and things you’re allergic to!! 🤢
🚩 Be sure to check the billboards and tags on every circus before you go inside to see if it’s the kind of show you want a ticket to. 🎫
Remember, friendo: it’s always okay to turn around if you don’t want to clown! ↩
Of course, if you see a circus that you think nobody should be allowed to attend, because the clowns are too evil and the circus is too problematic, you can alert the proper authorities using the resources below the cut! ⬇⬇⬇
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No, but seriously-- If you see something on the tin of a fic that you don’t like, don’t open it. If you open it and feel the need to complain about the state of the doves inside, tell Mr. Stink Finger the Cock-Biting Clown up there all about it and he’ll help you out. 👍🏾
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aria0fgold · 1 year ago
Wai, wait, wai. An additional thing before I fr fr sleep. Like, my aim is really bad. But it was especially bad when I was using Childe to shoot things and for the longest time I thought it was a me problem. Then later on, someone posted a comparison pic of Childe during aiming with Diona and Fischl and turns out his posture was horrible and the crosshair is off center.
So I was like: Wait, is that why my aim is even worse nowadays? And then i switched to Fischl for aiming, and I can actuallu aim decently. Childe really just made my aim worse.
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prxship · 10 months ago
on my “pure as a lamb is tenzin x kotoki coded” propaganda
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